Sex in the Cabin in the Woods

The plan was simple. The two of them would take a six-hour drive up to the mountains together where Mark had rented a quaint cabin nestled deep into the Aspen trees. Not another cabin for at least half a mile. Total seclusion. What a wonderful thought. Once in the mountains, they would be free to do any of the available hikes in the area and of course…photography. There was beauty all around up there. Mountains, trees of all kinds, lakes and rivers, wildlife galore, beautiful sunsets. Yes, the photography would be amazing.

Grandpa Mark was a wise man beyond his years. 70 years to be exact. Yet he was still fit, and in better shape than most 50-year-old men. He was excited to get the adventure started as the car traveled up an incline nearing the destination.

His granddaughter, Emma. had blossomed into a beautiful 20-year-old woman. Emma’s blue eyes stood out beneath her coffee-colored brown hair, and she definitely got many looks from the boys. She was on the taller side, about 5’9″ and petite. She had a long-distance runner’s body, with smaller boobs, and a nice round little ass. She also was smart as hell and adored her Grandpa Mark and their excursions.

Photography was one of their personal favorites together. The two had always been close and had an inseparable bond towards each other. They loved partaking in adventures of all kinds, but outdoors adventures were their absolute favorites.

As the car rounded another bend the scenery changed, and the canopy of trees became thicker. “Almost there” Mark said with a slight smile from the driver’s seat. “Wait ’til you see the cabin we got.” Emma could not wait, she was thrilled, and she needed this trip.

“So where did you find this place anyway?” Emma asked.

“One of my friends just finished building this property up here and hasn’t even had a chance to fully enjoy it yet. I mentioned I wanted to take you up here and he suggested we stay for a couple nights” Mark stated.

Emma smiled at the thought, “That was very nice of him.” Very nice indeed.

The car crept around another series of twists and bends and then the asphalt magically turned into neatly packed dirt. Mark slowed his speed and began maneuvering over the dirt. The path now veered northwest through a clearing and then deeper still into the tree cover. Packed dirt turned to looser dirt, which turned to gravel and finally to no path at all.

“He said once we get here, we look for a bright green sign nailed to a tree and about 200 yards west of that.”

Emma’s eyes scanned — “BAM! There it is.” Grandpa Mark smiled as he spotted the sign too and turned slightly west through a small clearing.

The cabin finally revealed itself in between the Aspen trees. Beautiful shades of yellow, orange, red and varying greens were popping all over the Aspen trees. The cabin itself was small and quaint but looked brand new.

“Oh my, it’s so perfect grandpa!” Emma said with delight as she bounced up and down excitedly in the passenger seat. Mark loved when she showed her elation like this. Emma patted Mark’s thigh in excitement and Mark glanced over at her to see her bright blue eyes scanning her new surroundings.

They parked next to the porch and finally after hours of driving, the two of them exited the car and stood up to stretch their legs. Emma’s eyes were all over the place, scanning up and down, left to right. Mark just stood there and admired her without saying a word. She was so beautiful with her slender tight body and inquisitive mind. Emma’s giddy nature always turned Mark on.

She ran around the rear of the car and threw her arms around Grandpa Mark. “Whoa honey,” Mark laughed, “so I guess I did alright then?”

“Oh grandpa, I love it!”

Mark reveled in Emma’s touch, and he returned the affection with a squeeze of his own. He loved feeling her body against his. Always gave him a warm feeling and made him feel young again.

Mark tossed the keys to Emma, “why don’t you go inside and take a look around, I will unload the car.” Without missing a beat, Emma trotted up the steps and disappeared into the cabin. What a lovely girl she was.

Mark joined Emma in the cabin after unloading the car. “Grandpa it’s so nice in here, tell your friend I say thank you!”

“Anything for my beautiful granddaughter.”

Emma’s nose wrinkled up and she smiled deeply, “You are the best!” and she leaned up and kissed her grandpa on the cheek.

“Anything for you sweetie.” And it was true. Mark adored her. He loved their playful nature together and he could have sworn a few times during the car drive she was reciprocating his flirtatious affections as well. Maybe it was just his wishful thinking though. After all, Emma was sweet-natured by heart and it was possible her caring side was just shining through naturally.

After lunch, the two of them went outside and explored nature. It was serene up there. You did not have to go far to find what you were looking for. Around every corner, incline, tree and clearing there seemed to be endless photo opportunities.

Emma was having a blast, snapping pictures every few steps it seemed. “Grandpa, stand right there next to the tree so I can get a picture of you.” Mark stood and leaned against a large colorful tree as Emma snapped a few pictures. “Just as handsome as ever if I do say so myself grandpa!”

“Oh, you are too kind sweetie.”

Emma smirked, “no I really mean it.”

And it was comments like those Mark picked up on from time to time that made him wonder if his granddaughter found him attractive or if she was interested in him. He had always had that affection towards her and always wondered of course but did not want to risk trying anything for obvious fear.

She looked so adorable. Tiny form fitting jean shorts which hugged her cute little back side, a sky-blue tank top that creased directly under her firm and perky breasts. And her brown hair tied back into a neat ponytail which revealed her shoulders and neck. Ah, she was such a sight.

Mark always imagined what she looked like out of clothes. Completely and utterly naked. He could only imagine and fantasize. And he had before. Plenty of times, after their photography dates, he had gone home and fantasized about sweet Emma while Mark was in bed, touching himself.

Over the years, Mark had problems at times maintaining an erection, I guess it came with age. However, during those fantasies about Emma, his erection was always full bore and rock solid. He could not help himself. He would close his eyes, lay his head back and stroke his cock to his beautiful, sweet granddaughter. He always had the most powerful orgasms with her on his mind and he sometimes wondered if she touched herself thinking of him too.

Grilled chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner. Emma’s favorite. And Mark knew exactly how to make it to her liking too. Emma devoured the food and retired to the bathroom to take a shower. Mark cleared the table and tidied up the counters as he heard the shower turn on and the curtain pull shut. Mark grabbed Emma’s phone and walked to the room she claimed as hers when they first got to the cabin. Mark placed her phone on her nightstand and as he was walking out, he caught a glimpse of the clothes Emma slipped out of before hopping in the shower.

They were crumpled in a small pile on the floor. Her blue tank top, and jean shorts from earlier were right there. As he picked them up to place them in the hamper, something fell to the floor. Mark picked it up and saw it was a worn black lace thong. Mark instantly became excited. He was holding the thong that had just moments before been covering Emma’s most intimate part. Mark held it closer and smelled a faint sweet scent. There was a slight damp spot where Emma’s vagina was pressed into moments before, and this turned Mark on to no end.

Mark could instantly feel his cock become engorged. Mark’s hand traveled down to his crotch where he squeezed and rubbed it and took a sniff of Emma’s thong. The sweet scent was undoubtedly there. My, what a woman she was. Just then the shower shut off and the curtain opened from within the bathroom. Mark dropped the clothes back to where they were and quickly retreated from Emma’s room.

The bathroom was warm and steamy. Emma stepped out carefully and used one hand to wipe a large streak into the mirror. Her damp hair was dropping beads of water down her back. The beads traveled in a slalom course to her plump bare butt. Emma’s nude breasts were sitting firm upon her chest and her nipples were standing at attention in front of her. Emma always got compliments from her girlfriends on her perky tits. They were a thing of perfection. Not too large and bulky, not too small and nondescript. Perfectly sized, perfectly shaped and they fit her body exactly right. A thing of beauty. Every boy that had ever gotten a chance with them fell in love instantly. Emma smiled at the thought.

She leaned over and toweled herself off, slowly drying her inner thighs and lower stomach. Emma’s vagina was a work of art. Tiny, neat, and tucked in. Emma usually kept it completely shaved smooth and bald, the boys sure did love that. Emma had just shaved down there yesterday. Only the slightest hint of stubble was starting to sprout back along the delicate folds of her V shape. She admired herself in the mirror and smiled again. She knew she had a petite little body that the boys all loved. She had even noticed the fathers of her girlfriends admiring her body.

And what about grandpa? Emma swore more than a few times in the last year she had caught her own grandpa admiring her body. Just today in the woods, while taking pictures she bent over to pick up a pinecone and as she stood up, out of the corner of her eye she saw grandpa standing there staring at her. He was not just staring at her though, his eyes were locked onto her ass.

Emma liked the thought. She felt close to her grandpa. They had a great connection. And he was a handsome man. She found him attractive even though she would never tell her friends any of this. She sometimes wondered what it would be like to be with a man that much older than her. It was a thought that was taboo in nature, she knew this. But that was exactly what made it exciting for her as well. Hmm, the possibilities.

Emma wrapped the towel tightly around her and changed into her nighttime cotton pajama pants and t-shirt. Grandpa was in the living room looking at the pictures he had taken earlier. Emma plopped down on the couch and immediately snuggled up with him. Mark could smell the flowery lingering scent of soap and body spray. “How was the shower sweetie?” Mark said.

“It was amazing. I feel so squeaky clean now,” as she stared into his eyes and smiled again. “I am so exhausted though, I kind of want to go to bed.”

Mark chuckled, “that’s ok sweetie, I’m tired too and dozing off quickly.” Mark leaned down and kissed Emma on her nose.

Emma reached her delicate hand up and rubbed the side of Mark’s cheek as she stared longingly into his eyes. Emma tilted her head up and kissed Mark on his cheek. Only this was not a quick peck. This was a longer-lasting kiss with full lips. She pulled away slowly and Mark felt the love behind that kiss. Emma leaned up again and kissed her grandpa, this time closer to the lips but not quite there. Mark nuzzled his face into Emma’s kiss and the two shared a moment. Mark stroked his fingers through Emma’s damp hair, and she leaned her head back on his shoulder.

Emma’s legs came up onto the couch and draped over Mark’s lap as she fully snuggled against her grandpa like the protector he was. Mark was feeling excited and warm all over. He did not know what was happening. But something was definitely going on here. This couldn’t just be his imagination. He felt it. Emma was giving him hints, he was sure. Mark grabbed Emma’s chin lightly and leaned down and kissed her on the lips quickly. He wasn’t sure what to expect. But as he went to pull away Emma held the kiss, and he could feel her warm full lips kissing him right back. Mark’s cock grew hard as a rock in that instant.

Her body was so tight, draped over him and he loved it. He wanted to take care of her and make her feel everything he had been feeling the last few years. The two of them leaned in at the same time and their lips met. This time Emma put more purpose behind it, both her hands traveled to his cheeks and pulled his face closer as she pressed her lips into his. This time, there was no mistaking it, Mark could feel Emma’s warm wet tongue glide just barely into his mouth. She flicked it around as she continued kissing him deeply.

Emma sighed ever so softly, and she squeezed his thigh affectionately. Emma pulled away slowly and sighed sheepishly, “Grandpa, I think I’m going to go to bed, I’m so tired.” Mark was holding her hand and he let it go as she retired to her bedroom and gently shut the door.

Mark could not believe what just happened. He and his granddaughter just shared an intimate make out session on the couch. Mark’s cheeks were warm and hot, his heart was beating out of his chest and his cock was rock hard pressed against the inner seam of his pants. Mark went to his bedroom and pulled his pants off which unleashed his cock. Within a minute of rubbing his big fleshy cock, Mark came, and boy did he cum hard.

The next morning the two of them ate breakfast almost as if nothing had happened. Emma smiled at her grandpa and after breakfast they went outside and took more pictures. Throughout the afternoon they went on a hike, discussed life and upcoming college for Emma. They discussed some of her boy troubles and Mark gave her some grandfatherly advice. Mark couldn’t stop thinking about what transpired the night before and he wondered if Emma was thinking the same thing.

Later that night after dinner and part of a movie, Emma showered again. They were leaving tomorrow morning, so Mark decided to go to his room and hop in the shower too. Mark finished first and put on some pajama pants. Mark was hoping something like the night before would happen again tonight, but he wasn’t holding his breath on it. He wasn’t sure what to think. Was it a fluke? A momentary lapse of judgement by Emma. Would she think it was a mistake and never let it happen again? He was not sure, but he sat in bed reading a book and thinking.

Mark could hear rustling around in the kitchen and knew Emma must have been finished with her shower and was now getting a drink in the kitchen. Mark’s thoughts were wild. He wanted badly for something to happen but didn’t want to risk anything. He decided he would chalk last night up to a “freak occurrence” that would not happen again and he would retire for the night and get some sleep before their long drive tomorrow.

“Grandpa, are you still awake?” he heard Emma call from the kitchen.

Clearing his throat, a bit startled, “yes sweetie I’m in here, about to get some sleep.”

“Do you want some water?” Emma asked.

“Sure, I do,” and a moment later Emma poked into Mark’s room with a robe on and a glass of water.

Emma handed the water to Mark, and he took a long sip. As Mark placed the glass onto the nightstand he looked up and Emma was standing there in her cotton panties and bra. The robe had mysteriously slipped off and laid in a heap around her ankles. Emma looked shy with her cheeks still rosy from the hot shower. But Emma also stood there and smiled at Mark with a purpose.

For the first time, Mark could see his granddaughter’s nipples poking through her white bra. His eyes traveled down her slim stomach to her white cotton panties which were clutching to her round ass cheeks for dear life. The cotton was twerked around and molded beautifully to her little slit hidden beneath. The feelings came back in full force and flooded Mark’s mind.

“Wow, sweetie you are just downright beautiful.” Emma smiled again and walked towards her grandfather. Emma hopped up onto bed and straddled Mark’s lap. Mark immediately embraced Emma and pulled her closer into his arms. He wanted her and this was his chance. He was going to have her.

Mark kissed Emma deeply and slid his tongue into her mouth. Emma had the same thought and their tongues met in the middle. Her tongue sliding all over his in an erotic dance of affection. Emma sighed again. Mark decided now or never. He reached his hands out and grabbed Emma by her tiny hips and pulled her into his crotch. Emma giggled ever so slightly. This drove Mark wild and the two dove into a full and complete make out session like they were both teenagers kissing for the first time.

Mark’s hands wrapped around Emma’s firm ass and squeezed both cheeks tightly. Emma reciprocated and began kissing Mark’s neck and chin while she began to moan softly. Emma reached behind her and unsnapped her bra, letting it fall to her lap. Her 20-year-old perky tits were firm and directly in front of Mark’s mouth. He took her glorious nipples in his mouth, one at a time, and worked his tongue and lips all over them. His granddaughter’s nipples were soft and firm all at the same time and he could tell they were sensitive because every time he sucked on them, she moaned softly in his ear.

Emma’s hand traveled down and started working at the waistband of Mark’s pants. Mark laid down, and Emma, without missing a beat, tugged at her grandpa’s pants. Mark lifted his butt up and allowed his granddaughter to remove his pants. Emma tossed them aside as they hit the floor and Emma stared in awe at her grandfather’s thick squishy cock directly in front of her for the taking. No one was there to stand between them. Emma and Mark were both in need of the most sensual love session and they both wanted to fulfill it together. Without missing a beat, Emma flipped her hair behind her, gently wrapped her small hand around her grandfather’s thick mature cock and brought her head and face down to his groin.

Mark couldn’t believe what was about to happen. But there was no doubting it, as he stared at his granddaughter as she parted her lips and slowly took her grandpa’s fat cock into her warm wet waiting mouth. Emma’s lips wrapped around Mark’s cock as she started sucking him slowly. Emma worked his cock head like only a granddaughter could do, with so much love and affection. Mark groaned deeply like the man he was. It felt so fucking good, he couldn’t believe it. Emma, feeding off her grandpa’s excitement, began sucking every inch of his dick deeper into her mouth.

Emma fell into a rhythm, up and down, up and down. Sucking and slurping all over her grandpa’s big dick. She didn’t want to stop, not even for a second, so she started breathing through her nose so she didn’t have to take his dick out of her mouth. Emma was absolutely amazed. She knew her grandpa was 70 years old. She wasn’t sure at that age if his dick could still work, but boy was she set straight right now. His dick was standing at attention, firm as a rock. And she could tell he enjoyed every second of his granddaughter sucking his cock.

Emma pulled it out of her mouth, and it flopped back and smacked against Mark’s stomach. Emma stroked it with her petite hand while she tongued her grandpa’s big heavy hairy balls. One ball at a time, she took into her mouth and swirled her tongue all over it. Licking and tonguing all over her grandpa’s nut sack, Emma continued sucking. Emma kissed Mark’s big manly balls all over and this drove him wild. She could feel her grandpa’s big hands cupping and pawing all over her body. He couldn’t get enough of her in this moment. She loved the attention he gave her, and she loved it even more now. His hands were all over her bare creamy breasts.

Her grandpa sat up and grabbed Emma by the hips, pulling her up and then pushing her down on her back. Her tits stayed firm in the middle of her chest and Mark took her nipples in his mouth. Emma twisted her hips left to right and Mark realized she was removing her cotton panties. Mark groaned in excitement and Emma smiled up at her grandfather as he manhandled her. Mark reached out and tossed her panties aside and then used his hands to spread his granddaughter’s thighs wide open.

Mark straightened up on his knees and took in Emma’s completely nude body for the first time in his life. Emma was laying there smiling sheepishly at Mark, her blue eyes staring at him. Emma’s nipples were wet with Mark’s saliva and her thighs were parted open revealing her tiny little love mound in between her legs. Mark couldn’t believe what was happening. His granddaughter was laying in bed, beneath Mark’s body, and her tight little pussy was exposed to him. Emma wanted it. Mark needed it.

Mark kissed Emma’s tits, and stomach and moved down to her hips. Emma moaned softly in her little girly voice and ran her fingers through Mark’s hair. Emma spread her legs even wider as Mark got closer, an open invitation for her grandpa to do whatever he wished at that moment.

Mark brushed his lips against Emma’s freshly showered pussy, and she squirmed beneath him like a school girl getting touched for the first time. Mark extended his tongue and trailed it along his granddaughter’s pussy lips. From bottom to top Mark took long slow strides with his tongue and tasted Emma’s sweet pussy juices. She tasted like an absolute goddess. A forbidden piece of fruit that Mark was now given permission to taste in the secrecy of their cabin. Emma tightened her thighs around her grandpa’s head as he slid his tongue deep inside her pussy mound.

“Oh my god, please don’t stop grandpa” Emma moaned between gritted teeth. Her eyes closed tightly. Mark obliged her and continued licking Emma’s sweet hole, tasting the juices as they flowed freely from her pussy. Emma was now grinding her small hips in unison with Mark’s tongue and her pussy was quivering. Mark felt Emma tighten up every muscle of her body and get quiet, as she began to shudder and then let out a loud moan from deep within her chest. Emma released a high pitched muffled moan from deep within her body. “Uhhh!!!!” Mark realized he had just made his granddaughter cum by eating her tight little pussy like a champ.

Emma’s eyes opened and then rolled to the back of her head in ecstasy. “Grandpa, I want you inside me.” Emma opened her legs wider and invited Mark into her sacred baby maker. Mark got onto his knees, cock rock hard and Emma reached out to guide his rod into her most sacred love hole. Mark’s tip invaded Emma’s pussy lips and popped through the hole for the first time.

Mark’s cock was immediately enveloped in the warmest silky folds he had ever felt as Emma’s warm pink pussy took her grandfather’s cock inside her. Mark groaned loudly and Emma smiled as she kissed her grandpa on the lips. Emma wrapped her arms around him and pulled Mark into her tightly. Mark slid every inch of his thick cock into his granddaughter. The most amazing pussy he had ever felt in his lifetime.

Mark began sliding in and out, in and out, deeper and deeper until his cock head hit Emma’s cervix deep within. Mark could feel his balls filling with semen. Emma could feel it too. Mark kissed his granddaughter deeply as he fucked her nice and hard. Mark couldn’t take it anymore. The excitement of the situation got the best of him, and he could feel himself about to blow. Emma could feel it too and she squirmed up until Mark’s dick flopped out of her soaking wet pussy.

Emma knelt down and took Mark’s cock into her mouth. Emma sucked it fast as she was staring up at her grandfather. Her deep blue eyes piercing his eyes as she sucked his dick for all her worth. Mark’s cock exploded like a fire hydrant. Directly down Emma’s throat. Mark could feel his cock throbbing after every spurt of semen shot out. Emma could feel it too. Rope after rope of her grandpa’s thick cum spurting out of his mature cock and down her tongue, down her throat and into her belly.

Mark collapsed onto his back as the last drop of cum exited his tip. Emma swallowed every drop like the loving granddaughter she was. Then she smacked her lips and hummed “Mmmm.” Emma smiled down at Mark.

Emma licked Mark’s cock up the shaft. It was still hard and worthy of a good fuck. Emma climbed on top and straddled Mark. Emma lowered herself onto her grandpa’s thick cock, still creamy with smeared cum, and began riding up and down his shaft. Emma’s ponytail flopped around on her back behind her and her perky tits bounced up and down. Mark grabbed her hips and started thrusting hard into his granddaughter’s love mound.

Emma grinded her hips back and forth as her ass cheeks pressed into her grandpa’s thighs. Emma could feel every inch of grandpa’s big fat dick inside her, and she adored it. She adored him too. Emma couldn’t get enough of him, especially at this very moment.

Emma’s thighs tensed up and she knew this feeling too well. Within seconds, Emma came again. She let out a shudder of ecstasy and creamed all over her grandpa’s cock impaled deep inside her. “Oh fuck!” Emma couldn’t control herself. She was shuddering and quivering, and her grandpa wasn’t letting her off the hook that easy. He lifted her off him with ease and tossed her on the bed. Grandpa spun her over and motioned for her to get on her hands and knees. Emma did as Mark wanted her.

Emma rested on her forearms and her knees and arched her back, with her ass sticking straight in the air. She felt her grandpa nestle right in behind her and knew she was about to get fucked from behind on all fours. Without missing a beat, Mark spread Emma’s ass cheeks apart revealing the most delicate depths of her pussy folds. Mark inserted his cock into Emma’s tight young pussy and began fucking her harder than ever.

Emma felt her grandpa grip her hips tight and could feel the force behind him fucking the shit out of her from behind. Mark’s stomach was smacking into Emma’s ass every time he pounded his cock inside her. Emma couldn’t stop herself. For the third time, she felt herself orgasm all over her grandfather’s cock. Quivering and shaking, Emma had never been fucked like this before. She was absolutely spent but stayed on all fours as Mark kept pounding her pussy.

Emma knew Mark was close to cumming again because she could hear his breathing become more labored. Mark grabbed her hips tighter than before and pounded Emma’s pussy with everything in him.

Mark was leaning over kissing all over Emma’s slender back and Emma had her face buried into the mattress. Just then she heard her grandpa groan from deep within his throat, she felt his entire body tense up as he unleashed his thick warm creamy cum load deep inside Emma’s tight little pussy from behind. Emma could feel it spurting out and spraying against her pussy walls and it felt amazing.

Mark’s cock was throbbing and he felt his balls completely deflate after unleashing their entire serving of semen into their target. Mark and Emma moaned together as Emma collapsed onto her stomach with Mark collapsing right on top of her, with his cock still buried deep inside her creamy hole. Mark kissed Emma on her sweet cheeks and lips and Emma smiled and returned the favor.

Mark gently pulled out and rolled over as his cock came free of Emma’s tight pussy grip with a sucking sound. A thick gob of Mark’s cum came oozing out of Emma’s pussy and slowly trickled down her thigh and dropped onto the bed. Emma reached down and softly stroked grandpa’s cock, then brought her hand to her lips and sucked her fingers clean. Emma turned into her grandpa and nuzzled him as she wrapped her legs and arms around him and burrowed her face into his chest.

Emma fell asleep in her grandfather’s arms.

The next morning, they both awoke at the same time, still snuggled together. Emma smiled and kissed Mark on his lips. Emma gently pulled her panties back onto her bottom and sat up as she secured her bra around her perky little tits. She kissed her grandpa again and smiled at him as she playfully kissed his neck and chin.

Mark smiled back at Emma and returned a loving kiss right on her lips. Emma then stood up and walked to her bedroom where she began gathering her items. The two left the cabin as if no one had ever been in it and started their long drive home.

Emma got comfortable in the passenger seat and drifted off to sleep. Mark focused on driving but let his mind wander about the previous night. This promised to be the start of something special between Mark and Emma.