‘Tis the Season

This is my entry for the Christmas story contest. I hope that some of you might enjoy it.

‘Tis the Season…

I love Christmas. Everyone is always so happy and jolly. There always seems to be endless supply of parties, that are filled with gift giving, eating and drinking. The holiday season is time of the year, when the American dream of overindulgence, at its absolute very best.

Working in the financial district of NYC offers me plenty of perks this time of the year, offer upon offer of work get togethers, social gatherings and parties in general. Not having that much knowledge or experience of the social calendar within the company that I work for, I tend to follow the lead of Suraj, an older gentleman that has become my self-proclaimed, “mentor”. Suraj will enlighten me as to which parties will have the best booze, the best food and as he so eloquently puts it, the best “trim”. Suraj has steered me down the correct path on numerous occasions so, more often, than not, I will pay attention to his directions.

“I guarantee it. You will be having your balls licked by Trini or one of her hot little bitch friends within an hour of arrival. Trini’s parties are always the bomb Maxwell. I’ll tell that for free.”

“Trini doesn’t even know who I am. What am I supposed to do, just show up at her door with a bottle of wine in hand?”

“Fuck that shit. I know her address. I’ll give it to you and you just walk in like you own the mother fuckin place, throw down the hottest bitch you can see and fuck her, then wipe your dick on one of Trini’s $2000 duvets. I’ll live vicariously through you for of the rest of my time on this god forsaken earth.”

“Settle down Raj, you know that’s never going to happen. She’d have me escorted from the building before I made it in the door.”

“You know what your problem is Max? You’re a fucking under achiever when it comes to pussy. There is so much poon walking around in this place, just waiting for you to slip a dick into it, but no, you are too fucking busy working like a little company bitch.”

“Hey buddy, if there’s so much of it, why don’t I notice you chasing after it?”

“I won’t get any more pussy in this place. Not since that old cunt Judith told everybody that I was a premature ejaculator. Ruined my street cred, that’s for sure, but you, you can live in the fast lane. Just show your skinny white ass up at that party. Show those bitches some of that muscle from the gym and you’ll be drowning in pussy juice. Mark my fucking words.”

“Um hum, excuse me gentlemen, but if you have completed sorting out your social calendar, I have some business to tend to. Perfect. Well then, Maxwell this is from Mr. Williams, he would like you to RSVP no later than 4:30pm today, understood?”

“Yes indeed. Thank you, Vanessa.” And with that Mr. William’s assistant Vanessa, departed our area. Suraj and I savored the view of her fine ass in a pencil skirt, as she walked away.

“That bitch is like a cat, she sneaks around this office waiting to pounce on all us mice. I’ll tell you something else for free Maxi, she’d ride you like a rented mule.”

I opened the envelope and it contained a Christmas invitation. “You are cordially invited to attend the 23rd annual Tri Bank’s Seasonal Celebration on December 7th, 2019. This event will be given at the home of Benjamin Williams III. Cocktails will be at 6:00pm. Dinner 8:00pm sharp, please RSVP no later than 4:00pm November 22nd.”

This was followed by an address on Park Ave and request for the name of the spouse or date that would be attending with you.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“That depends Raj, what do you think it is?”

“Don’t be coy Max. It doesn’t look good on a little cunt like you.”

“It’s an invitation to the company Christmas party.”

“Fuuuuuck off, you got invited to “The Party”, who’s dick did you suck for that?”

“Fuck you Raj, but it doesn’t matter, I’m not going anyway. I don’t have a date.”

“Hire a hooker you daft prick. Don’t you be a fucking asshole. Do you know what happens at those parties? You get promoted, that’s what. Not one of those cunts make under 7 figures a year. When is it?”

“The 7th.”

“Fuck buddy, that’s the same night as Trini’s party. If you show up there after being at the Big Man’s party, all those bitches at Trini’s will be puppy humping your leg as soon as you get in the door, there’ll be pussy stains on your pants for sure.”

“You’re a piece of work Raj.”

“I’m telling you man. You play your cards right at that ”paartee” and you will be Managing Director of this department by January. You have my word.”

“Hey guys.” Trini said when she snuck up behind us. Caught bullshitting twice in one day, Raj and I were definitely off our game.

“So Max, Vanessa tells me that you are planning on crashing my party. Well, just so you know, you are always welcome at any of my events, crashing isn’t necessary. Here’s the address, come any time after 8:00pm. K.”

“What about me Trini baby?” Raj just couldn’t resist throwing in a dig.

“Fuck you “Quick Draw”, it’s only a party for real men and not sewer rats like you.” And with that Trini disappeared.

“See Maxwell, Judith fucked me for life. It’s like I have some kind of STD or the plague and all I do is come a little fast. Fucking cunts, all of them.”

I couldn’t help but smile at Raj’s problem and frown about my own. So, I sent Vanessa an e-mail stating that I would unfortunately have to decline the invitation and my phone rang almost immediately after I’d hit the send key.

“Mr. Cole, I am not sure that you understand what you are saying. This is a little more than a “request”, it is more of a polite way of saying that your attendance is required.”

“I know Vanessa, but it’s just that I…I well, I don’t have a plus one.”

“An escort is not necessarily required Mr. Cole. Ladies and gentlemen have attended the Christmas party stag, many times in the past.” After a long pause Vanessa asked if she could send my acceptance along to the coordinator of the party.

“Yes, please do.”

“Very well Mr. Cole, good choice by the way. Also should I forward you Trini’s address in the case that you would like to show up after the company event?”

“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.”

“Very well, good day.”

The following 2 weeks were an onslaught of questions from everyone that I associated with at work, each giving their personal opinion of what was to be expected at the event, what I should wear, what I should drink, how much I should drink, who I should talk with, who I “should not” to talk with and so on. It was like a crazy scene from Mean Girls. Some employees told stories of wild orgies, some told stories it being a religious cult, but none of them had ever been invited so I decided that my best option would be going there with an open mind and a clear head.

I opted for something new from Hugo Boss, when Vanessa told that the attire would be business casual, I thought that I really couldn’t go wrong with that choice.

On the day of the fateful event, a company car picked me up in front of my building at exactly 5:15pm. and it dropped me off on Park Ave 40 minutes later. After being greeted by the doorman, I rode the elevator in complete silence with other couples from Tri Bank, that would be attending the party. Looking at their attire and the way that they looked at mine, I guessed with almost certainty, that I would be under dressed and out of my intellectual league.

I was greeted by a maid who took my overcoat and my entrance was announced by the William’s butler. Mr. Williams and his wife were busy glad handing all of the guests as they entered into the Grand Room.

“Maxwell, so glad you could make it. This lovely creature is my wife Beth. Honey, this young gentleman is Maxwell Cole. He is an up and comer at the bank. Maxwell, please help yourself to something to drink. I’m sure that you will find an agreeable whiskey of your choosing. Also, there is a box of 10 year old, Trinidad Fundadores. Grab yourself one of those and we gentlemen will gather in the billiard room in 30 minutes.”

“Thank you, Mr. Williams. It was very nice to meet you Mrs. Williams.”

“Dear, call me Beth, please.” She said with a smile.

The Williams home was beautifully decorated with extravagant Christmas decorations and they had a quartet softly playing a medley of seasonal tunes. It was the kind of Christmas party that I’ve only ever seen in the movies. The white, silver and gold colors burst joy all over the room. I made my way over toward a make shift bar, while keeping an eye out for anything that might resemble a billiard room. After ordering two fingers of Balvenie Caribbean Cask Scotch I turned to scope out the room.

I wasn’t very hard to notice that I was probably the youngest person in the house by a good 15 – 20 years, that was until I noticed a woman that was roughly around my age, somewhere between 23 -25 years old, if I’d have had to guess. As she walked around the room, I noticed her beauty. She overflowed with elegant and gracefulness. The black dress she was wearing complimented her deep red hair and her pale white skin. The strapless gown with its high running slit showed off her cleavage and her shapely legs. This girl was stunning, and I wanted to approach her in the worst way, but there was something about her that I just couldn’t put my finger on.

Then it came to me in a flood, you know when you get that feeling, the one where you think that you are about to puke in your mouth just a little bit. When a memory or the memories come racing back to you from years gone by. Holy fucking shit!

Headed directly toward me, it was her, it was “Little Becky Rotten Crotch” or so was her nickname throughout grade school and for my first 2 years of high school. Although I never called her by that nickname, I had also never had the nerve or courage to defend her honor either. I just couldn’t remember why that was.

“Well if it isn’t Axe Cole. How are you these days Axe?” Now I remembered. Because, although I didn’t call Becky by her nickname, she had been the person that gave me mine. When said fast enough, the name Axe Cole, sounded an awful lot like “asshole” and Becky loved to call me that. She said it was just too similar to, Max Cole, for her not to call me Axe. So, there we stood after a not having saw one another for a little over 6 years.

“Becky, how nice it is to see you. What brings you here?”

“I prefer Rebecca and I live here. What in god’s name brings you, of all people, here?”

“Well Becky, I was invited.”

“Why is that Axe? Are you on the clean-up committee?”

“Becky, you said that you live here? Does that mean that you’re like a live-in maid?” This wasn’t going well. Becky motioned for the actual live-in maid, that had earlier taken my coat to come over. Becky whispered something into her ear and the maid disappeared.

“So, Axe, are you another of my father’s snotty nose ass kissers?”

“Your father, nice, well fuck my life. No Becky, to be completely honest with you, we had never spoken, until tonight, so no, not a lot of ass kissing on my part.”

“Then why the fuck, are you here, Axe?”

“Not really sure. Your guess would surely be as good as mine, but at this point, with the warm greeting I have received from you, I feel like I should be running my ass home with my tail tucked securely between my legs.”

“That might be the right call. But, let me tell you Axe, if I had to guess, knowing my father like I do, you have a fairly impressive portfolio, am I correct?”

I ordered another scotch, and a refill for Becky’s empty wine glass and replied.

“Some might say that. But when you say, “impressive portfolio”, you do mean a work related portfolio and not something different, correct. Just so we are on the same page, because sometimes a sexual double entendre will go right over my head.”

“Fuck you Axe and there is very little doubt that lots of shit goes right over your head.”

Mr. Williams gave the wave and we “gentlemen” adjourned to the billiard room. Saved by the bell. Almost everyone in the room smoked a fine cigar and drank fine whiskey, while listening to Mr. Williams give an glowing overview of the company’s fiscal year. There was plenty of back patting and thanks given out, along with bonus cheques. My cheque was larger than my yearly salary and it came with a letter of an offer for a promotion. Fucking Suraj, the old prick was right. Hopefully he’s correct about what will happen if I do go to Trini’s party later. At precisely 7:50pm Mr. Williams said that it was time to eat and that we should probably find our seats.

Entering the dining hall, there were 6 round tables of ten. Most of the spouses had found their seats earlier so I was at a disadvantage, until the maid touched my elbow and asked me to follow her.

As we approached a table, Becky gestured me to be seated next to her.

“Are you sure this is my seat?”

“Sit your ass down Axe. Other than me, you’re the only one under 60 in this whole goddamn room and I really don’t feel like talking to the “old” bullshit artists all night, so I thought I’d talk to the new blood.”

“Thanks. I accept.”

“You accept? Enlighten me as to what your other options were big shot.” When we agreed on the seating arrangements and I had taken my “so called” assigned seat, Becky asked, “So, how’d that go? Any of those old fuckers try to get a look at your “big portfolio”?”

“Impressive portfolio, not once did I say big.” Becky smiled and chuckled.

“So, Axe, where did you disappear to in high school? You didn’t feel like sticking around the final 2 years to torture me some more?”

“We couldn’t afford it, so I moved to a public school. But it worked out for me. It made me stronger and a little money hungry. As far as torturing you, not once did I call you that name. So what about you, what did you do?”

“I finished high school and spent 3 years travelling the globe. Never had a hunger for money, living in this opulence, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I can see that it must have been a great hardship for you.”

“It was. Being the richest kid at school isn’t cool sometimes. And being a ginger to boot helped me get that god awful nickname and it stuck with me until I left school. It was so bad that I never many friends, didn’t date much or even had a steady boyfriend.”

“If you can remember correctly, I never called you that name once and I think you are bullshitting about dating and the boyfriend part, because even though you were a bitch, you were still a stone-cold fox and guys would have been lined up around the corner to take you out. Rotten crotch and all.”

“Fuck you Axe, just when I thought you were being a nice guy, your dick comes flying out.”

When Becky said that, I looked down at my own crotch with a surprised look on my face. We both had a laugh and enjoyed the rest of our meal. The Christmas feast was over the top, with all of the traditional fair, it was a meal that was truly fit for king. With a round of applause for the chef, we rose and headed off to the ballroom. The ballroom was a winter themed wonderland. Drinks flowed and laughter filled the air. One could certainly get used to this, because it was not a bad life style at all.

“Dance with me Axe.” And we were off. When the tempo of the music slowed, I touched Becky for the first time. I placed a hand on her lower back just above her buttocks and held her dainty hand in my mine. Becky and I talked and danced until midnight. I found that she was pleasant and witty. I kicked myself for not noticing this about her when we went to school together, not that it would have made any difference. On more than one occasion I noticed one or both of her parents watching us dance. This made me a little nervous I must admit.

“Well Axe, I think that I’m going to call it a night. Interested in walking me home?”

“I thought that you said you lived here?”

“I do.”

Becky grabbed my handed and lead me down one corridor after another, until we finally reached her closed door.

“Interested in a nightcap Axe?”


Becky opened the huge door to her “so called” room, was not a room after all, it was a self-contained apartment. It was huge and very well appointed. Becky gave me the grand tour, humbly showing me around the massive palace. Her living room area was larger than my whole apartment. When she opened the French doors to her bedroom my chin hit the floor. The king-sized bed was raised two steps up off the main floor up so that you had a view out over the city and not a view of a brick wall like at my apartment. The ensuite bath had a 2 person solid granite bathtub that also had a view of Central Park.

“Your place is spectacular. How often do you just lay back and soak in that tub?”

“Unfortunately, not often enough.”

“That’s a shame. I even can’t remember the last time I had a bath.”

“Well that would explain everything. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew I smelled something foul.”

“Very funny. Listen if you ever need someone to wash your back while your soaking in here, I’m your guy.”

“Very smooth. Is that the best pick-up line you have?”

“Maybe. I’m a little rusty. I don’t get out lots, if you know what I mean.”

“Why is that? Does daddy over work you, you, poor baby”

“You might say that.”

“I’ll tell you what. You go get me a glass of wine from my bar and make yourself another drink and I’ll run a bath for you, stinky boy.”

Well you could have knocked me over with a feather. I must have been standing there with my mouth open because Becky just grinned while turning on the water in the tub and asked, “bubbles or no bubbles?”

“I’m good either way.”

I made a hasty retreat to the living room, found the bar and poured some liquid courage into a glass. Am I really going to do this? My fucking boss is right down the hall. Getting caught with his daughter would definitely be detrimental to my employment. I couldn’t help but think of a hundred reasons to leave, but not one of them was good enough. I opened the bar fridge and found a nice bottle of white wine and poured Becky a glass full. After having a healthy swallow of my scotch, I topped it up and headed back toward Becky’s bathroom. I guess Trini’s party is out of the question now.

The room smelled of vanilla and lavender. Soft Christmas music was playing in the background and Becky was already in the tub. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her sexy body was covered almost to her neck in bubbles. I handed her the wine and bent to give her what would be our first kiss. Sweet and tasteful, if I do say so myself.

“Do you plan on joining me any time soon?”

“I’m at a slight disadvantage here. You’re already in the tub and I am assuming that you have removed all of your clothing, so, if you want me to join you, you will have to promise to close your eyes while I get undressed and get into the tub.”

Becky smiled like a temptress and said, “Sorry Axe, that’s a promise I just can’t keep and remember the number one rule is no peeing in the tub.”

“Well maybe that’s a promise that I can’t keep.”

I was hesitant, but I removed my jacket and tie. My shirt came off next followed by my pants. Standing in my socks and underwear, my thoughts were that I should run for the door, but I remained. When left with just my boxers, I turned my back to the tub and pulled them down. Becky gave a sarcastic round of applause and said “it’s about time.”

When I turned around to step into the tub, Becky smiled said, “Really? Looks like somebody lied about not having a “big” portfolio.”

“Stop, you’ll make me blush.”

“Did you say blush or gush?”

“I’m sorry to ask, but does your father ever come in here and if he does, does he own a gun?”

“Well Axe, he owns many firearms, but luckily for you, he never comes in here, nor is he overly interested in my affairs, besides at 24 years old, I believe that we are old enough to do what I think we are about to do.”

“Fair enough. The water is the perfect temperature, and this view is incredible, both inside and outside of the tub.”

“So, you actually do have a few smooth lines.”

“Very few.”

We sat talking and enjoyed the spectacular view of the city that never sleeps, talking about our lives and loves until Becky turned so that her back was exposed to me and handed me a cloth was a bar of girlie smelling soap. I washed her back and gently caressed her sides while doing so. As I ran my fingers up from her hips to her stomach, I brushed the sides of her breasts in what I would remember as the first sexual contact with this goddess. After rinsing Becky’s back, she pushed herself back into my chest and turned to kiss me. I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around her in a hug and took a hold of her breast. We sat like this for a few minutes until Becky asked what was poking her in the back.

“I think that it’s a rubber ducky.”

“Well it feels more like the Loch Ness Monster, from where I’m sitting.”

Becky spun around and got up on her knees and for the first time I was able to view her glorious breasts that I had been holding only moments before. They were perfect, with light pink areolas and nipples. There was no stopping me from attacking them with my mouth. I sucked and nibbled like a madman, but Becky had other plans for me.

“Sit on the edge of the tub.”

When I did so, I was rewarded with what turned out to be the best blow job of my life. Becky took me into her mouth and inch by inch swallowed my cock. After bottoming out she applied a vacuum like pressure that I have never before experienced. This woman’s level was expertise was unmatched. She moved up and down while swirling her tongue around the head of my penis and the bottom side of my shaft. At times, I couldn’t resist the urge to thrust forward which caused Becky to gag slightly, but she took it like a champ and never complained once. This was not your run of the mill soft gentle blow job, it was load aggressive and wet. Lot’s of slobber. Thank god we were in the tub. I felt Becky’s tiny hand wrap around the base of my cock, and she began to rapidly stroke me while sucking the top half of my cock. I knew that there was no way I would last at this pace and I could tell that Becky sensed my impending eruption.

When I told Becky that I was really close, she just looked me in the eyes and sucked harder. It was only a few seconds later that I exploded into her mouth. No coughing, spitting or overflow, Becky swallowed every single drop. When she released my cock, I eased back into the warm water and Becky leaned back into my waiting arms.

“Oh…my…god, that was fucking incredible, thank you so much.”

“I don’t want you to thank me Max, I want you to try and top it when it’s your turn.”

“Oh, you can rest assured that I will try my best.”

We stayed like that for a while longer, kissing, touching and caressing each other. Becky spun a little to her right so that she was sitting almost sideways on my lap and lifted her right leg up on to the side of the stone tub so that I had better access to her vagina. My hand and fingers found her slit and clitoris exactly where they were supposed to be. Becky’s labia felt warm and soft while her clit felt as hard as a stone pebble. We couldn’t seem to get enough of each other Becky kissed me with an over enthusiastic passion, our tongues entwined, moaning into my mouth while I eagerly worked her most sensitive areas with my thumb and fingers. Becky nuzzled her mouth into my neck and bit down as she clenched her thighs together in her first orgasm of the evening.

“Hey, no leaving marks.”

“Maybe I’m trying to mark you up, so that none of those little sluts at my daddy’s office try to claim you as their own, it’s for your own safety.”

“I bet it is. If you bit me that hard with me just using my hand on you, then I’m in a shit load of trouble later.”

“Oh really, why exactly is that?”

“Because, I have never really been that good when it comes to working with my hands, but I can captivate an audience with my mouth, so you might say that I am gifted orally, a true craftsman with my tongue.”

“That’s awfully big talk, are you willing to back it up?”

“Anything for the lady.”

Becky set a timer on the tub to keep the water at a warm temperature, in the case that we decided to return after our other adventures. Standing in front of me, I had my first look at her fully naked body, and I was surely not disappointed. One couldn’t help but admire her beauty from head to toe. That long red hair pulled up into a sexy ponytail, was enough to make me hard all alone, but Becky’s assets extended well beyond her hair. She had true model beauty and a body that was softly toned but not athletic, square solid shoulders, perfect C cup breasts, a smooth flat stomach, very nice shapely hips, with a nice hard firm ass, a cute protruding clitoris with a meaty labia and long lean legs. This girl is definitely, a 10. When I stood, Becky looked down at my rock hard penis and said, “I’ll take that as a compliment.” I replied that she absolutely should.

I helped Becky into a plush white robe that had been draped over the end of the tub and helped her pat herself dry. In turn, Becky gave me a towel to use and we headed toward her bed. I was not surprised to find that when I climbed into her bed, the sheets were the softest things that have ever touched my naked body.

“So Mr. Cole, are you ready to captivate your audience or are you just full of hot air?”

“Oh no Ms. Williams, I am fully prepared to complete the task at hand, but you must be fore warned that upon completion of said task, you may be compelled to ask for repeat performances of my oral presentations.”

“Prove it.”

For the first time this evening I actually felt somewhat in control of the situation. Becky was laying back waiting on my next move, so I was in no hurry. I traced my tongue down her neck, licking and nibbling as I went. Softly clutching her nipples between my teeth, she let out a small squeal, but didn’t resist my love bites. Moving back and forth, from right to left, I licked and sucked her beautiful tits, but Becky is a girl with a mind of her own and I understood what she wanted when she placed both of her hands on my head and softly pushed me south. I received a small slap when I stopped to tickle her belly button with my tongue, so I continued my journey. When my chin touched the top of her small short red landing strip, I knew that heaven and its pearly gates were awaiting my arrival.

My tongue pushed its way into her vagina, opening it like an early Christmas present and it was greeted with a flood of her sticky juices. The subtle sweet nectar was the best thing that I can remember tasting in my life. My actions of sucking her pussy lips and flicking her clit made Becky purr, so I used my thumb and index finger to part her meaty lips so that I could probe her soft hole, I placed a finger at the opening of her wet vagina and slipped it in with ease, alongside of my tongue. I used a piston like motion to keep Becky fully engaged. Her purring became more like softer moaning as she grabbed hands full of the sheets and dug her heels into the mattress as if doing some frog like swimming motion. I knew I had Becky on the ropes so, going for broke, I removed my finger from her pussy and placed at her anus. Becky tensed up but did not try to stop me as I pressed forward. Once I had pushed my finger all the way into her sweet asshole, I doubled my speed and contact on her clit. The soft tugging on my hair pulling my face closer to her honey pot informed me that Becky was almost at the end of her rope. My full-frontal attack continued until Becky went stiff, belting out a semi scream along with an “gaaaaah” like sound. But not one quit before the job is done, I sucked her clit into my mouth and circled it with my tongue. Becky’s body shook with mini convulsions, until she grabbed my head and said “enough”. The Grinch. How dare she stop me? I was just getting started.

Breathing heavily, pulling me up to her face for a kiss, she was definitely not afraid to taste herself, Becky told me that she needed some more wine and a short time-out, before moving on to the main event.

I filled up her glass and mine and returned to the sanctuary of her warm bed.

“Well Axe, I’m impressed. You didn’t lie when you told me that you were orally gifted, you must get lots of practice?”

“Not really. I haven’t had a girlfriend for over 6 months or so and I haven’t really been with anyone since she broke up with me, but I don’t think it’s a skill that you easily forget.”

“You’re telling me that had a girlfriend and she broke up with you? You obviously never did that to her, because only a fucking idiot would let a tongue like that get away. I’m actually thinking about making you my sex slave Axe.”

“You don’t notice me complaining or trying to run away, do you? besides, I am looking forward to our 10 year, high school reunion, because I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s face when I tell them that I went down on Little Becky Rotten Crotch.”

“Fuck you, it’s Rebecca.” Becky said with a smile. “and I’ll tell everyone that you have a small dick and you don’t even know how to use it.”

“Well that may not even be a lie. You might be right, maybe I don’t know how to use it.

“I highly doubt it, but I am eager to find out whenever you’re ready.”

“When I’m ready? Are you kidding? Have you have seen yourself in a mirror? You are absolutely the most beautiful creature that I have ever had the pleasure of seeing and I’ve been painfully hard ever since I first laid eyes on you this evening, so if you’re ever wondering if I’m ready, the answer will always be yes.”

Becky laughed and flung her leg over me so that she was sitting astride my waist. I could feel the heat radiating from her inferno as she started to grind up against me. I reached up to play with Becky’s tits and she moved herself down so that she pinned my penis between her pussy and my stomach and began to slowly slide back and forth so that the head almost pushed into her opening. Her love juices made a mess as they flowed freely down my dick and onto my balls, I couldn’t have been happier.

“Becky, you keep doing that to me and I WILL be your sex slave.”

“Like you have any choice in the matter Axe.”

With Becky’s next slide forward, I put my hands on her hips and pulled them just a couple inches closer to me. This motion allowed my cock to spring free and gave it the freedom that it needed to get aimed at its target. My lover knew exactly what my intention was and beat me to the punch when she reached between her legs, wrapped her hand around my cock and guided the head to her opening. I pushed up, Becky pushed down and in an instant, we joined as one. My penis welcomed the velvety warm embrace of her vagina. Becky looked down at me with wide eyes and leaned forward. We kissed with passion and love. I tried to move but Becky pinned me to the bed.

“Oh my god, not yet. Let me feel it in me for a while.”

Not a problem with me. I could live like this forever. Becky had excellent control over her muscles and used them to squeeze my shaft, almost like a milking sensation. I’m quite certain that she could make me cum just like this, with zero movement. I cupped my hands, on Becky’s ass cheeks and pulled her closed to me, this caused my cock to penetrate further into her, releasing a grunt. Becky lowered her face to the side of my face and placed one hand behind my neck, one hand on my chest and not so gently pulled on all the hair that she could grab and slowly she started to gyrate her hips. I moved just slightly not wanting to over step the boundary’s that had been established. Together we chugged forward like a locomotive pulling a very long train, slow, slow, slow, faster, faster, faster, in and out, in and out, in and out, holy shit we are making love.

There would be no slowing down from here on in, we had the perfect steady rhythm going. Becky slammed down onto me with all the force that she could. I could feel her juices running down the crack of my ass, I reached down to touch the lips of her pussy so that I could wet my fingers in her frosh. When I brought my moist fingers to my mouth, Becky called me a “Naughty Boy” and kissed me so that she could once again taste her own love juices. The sensation of her velvet glove was almost more than I could handle, but I focused on not finishing too quickly.

Becky raised her body up off mine and rolled over onto her hands and knees. No invitation necessary here, I quickly assumed the position behind her. Her magnificent ass was pointed directly at me with its puckered hole and the beautiful lips of her pussy were inviting me in. What a view. I lined myself up and ease back into her wetness. With my hands on her hips I continued from where I had left off earlier, pumping in and out of her tight pussy. I felt Becky’s soft hand reach between her legs and cup and squeeze my balls. She then moved her fingers to her clit, for a little bit of self-pleasure.

“Axe, I’m really close.”

“That’s fine.” I told her and moved my hands to her breasts as I continued my mission.

Becky arched her back like a stretching cat and completely stopped moving when she came. The sounds that Becky made would almost enough for me to consider stopping, but I kept on thrusting into her tightness, holding on so that she could not pull away, but pull away she did. Becky lowered herself to the bed and rolled onto her back, with a curled index finger, she gave me a come hither sign and once again we were joined as one.

Missionary position, while very vanilla to some people, can actually be a very loving, there is a lot to be said about facing your partner while engaged in intercourse, the eye contact can be very sensual. Becky at this moment seemed to favor being just like this, her arms wrapped around my head and neck, her legs wrapped around my back, pulling me deeper into her with each thrust and our tongues entwined, we were lovers.

I could feel Becky beneath me, tensing once again, so with the pressure building to its breaking point in my balls, I knew that I was would not be very far behind her.

“Can I come in you?”

“Not unless you want to be a daddy.”

Wow. Now there’s something I had never given much thought to. With Becky’s orgasm well on its way and my impending climax building, I started thrusting at a feverous pace. Becky pushed up off the bed and made a gurgling noise and it was all over for me. I stopped pushing and tried to pull out, but my princess had other ideas, she pushed her lips to mine and tightened her grip with her arms, legs and vagina, there would be no escape. Relenting I pushed deeply into her cervix and released a load of my very fertile seed.

We stayed coupled together until my soft spent penis, not so gracefully plopped out of Becky’s oozing vagina. Still entwined, we cuddled, kissed and talked, I never wanted this night to end.

“Max, I’m so sorry but you tired me out, I need to get some sleep.”

“Oh, okay. I’ll get stuff and head out.”

“NO!!! Stay with me, sleep here with me.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, but didn’t get an answer, instead Becky just pulled the luxurious blankets up over our naked bodies and kissed me goodnight. She was the most beautiful looking angel while she slept.

The warm winter sunlight cascaded through the huge windows, letting us know that morning was upon us. We spooned until nature called. Becky the first to leave the comfort of her bed and told me that she would return shortly. In Becky’s absents, I took the opportunity to relieve myself and jump in the shower. A shower filled with nothing but very expensive girlie products. At least I would smell pretty when I was done.

Becky returned with a breakfast tray filled with pastries, juice, coffee and a bag containing a man’s robe.

“I thought that you could wear this for a while, and we can lounge around and hang out if you don’t have any plans for today.”

“I’d like that, a lot. I don’t have anything going on until work tomorrow. But if you have plans, it’s no problem I can jet away, having said that, what’s for breakfast?”

“Whatever’s on the tray is fair game and if you play your cards right, maybe me after I have my shower.” And with that she was gone. Becky returned sometime later wearing a fresh robe that tried, but failed, to hide the curves of her body. Becky was looking more radiant than I could have ever imagined, with her long red hair brushed back over her ears, falling down the center of her back and not wearing even a little bit of make-up. This woman was even more beautiful to me today.

Well as luck would have it, I must have played my cards right, because shortly after breakfast, I once again feasted on my favorite meal, Becky. Our matinee performance of our love making was a repeat of the past night with a few variables thrown in for fun. As morning turned into noon and noon turned into night, we continued to enjoy each other, conversation and sex alike. I shared things with Becky that I had never spoke of with anyone and she blushed when telling me of her past. I was more than a little surprised that she had only had two boyfriends.

When the time came for me to depart I simply asked Becky if she felt like coming back to my apartment with me, but she told me that she couldn’t because of an early Monday morning meeting. I was invited to stay over again but, I didn’t think showing up to the office in the same clothes I had worn on Saturday night was I good plan.

“When can I see you again?”

“I don’t know Axe. I really don’t know if I’ll have any free time, with my upcoming schedule, I’m usually super busy over the holidays, but I will call you if anything becomes available.”

My heart sank and I stood there, I was being swept to the curb with hat in hand, but I was too stupid to just leave. Fuck my life.

“Well Becky, sorry Rebecca, thanks for the great night, it was one of the better ones in my life, and if I don’t happen to see you any time soon, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”

Becky smiled, and almost dismissively kissed me on the cheek and opened her door.

I left the apartment feeling sad, but that feeling dissipated rapidly when I turned a corner and realized that I had no fucking idea how to get out of her daddy’s house. Really? Is this really fucking happening? Every turn seemed to be a dead end. Stopping before every open doorway to listen, just in case anyone was in a room that might see me and think that I was burglar and call the cops. How the fuck do I get out of here? I couldn’t backtrack to Becky’s because every huge door looked the same. After 10 minutes of wandering aimlessly, I heard a noise behind me. I was the same maid that had taken my jacket overcoat the evening before. She smiled at me, shook her head and motion for me to follow her. Thank fucking Christ. Seconds later, I was in the elevator, I was home free.

That evening, throughout my restless night and into the morning I continually checked my phone, looking for, hoping for, fuck even praying for a text from Becky, but nothing would come.

I arrived at office at the usual time, surrounded by the usual groaning from the masses, but as grumpy as everyone seemed to be this Monday morning it was overshadowed by the irony of Burl Ives belting out “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” in the background. I couldn’t help but smile and I resigned myself to the fact that even if I had had the best sex of my life over the weekend, it just wasn’t meant to be.

“Details Maxwell, I want fucking details. How was the party at the old man’s? Were there whores? Was it an orgy? What man, what, out with it for fuck sake, you’re killing me you little cunt.”

“Easy Raj, there was none of that shit. It was a great time. Top shelf booze and cigars, here, I pocketed this for you, it’s 10 years old and a Cuban.”

“That’s why I love you Max, you’re my bitch.”

“Like fuck I am. I’m not into dudes and I’m not telling you again, I’m not into brown guys.”

“The hell you’re not, everybody’s into brown guys. Just ask anyone, we own the world. Anyway, fuck that shit, tell me more.”

“Not that much to tell brother. We had a state of the union meeting, some cash was tossed around, everyone got a pat on the ass and the back and then we eat supper.”

“The fuck you say, any hot bitches?”

“Not really. I escaped pretty early and when I left the William’s, I went straight home.”, which really wasn’t a lie.

“How was Trini’s.”

“I didn’t go. I told you once I left Mr. William’s place I headed home and that’s the truth, believe or not.” What I neglected to tell him was that it wasn’t until the following evening.

“You goddamn homo. How can I put a story in the spank bank if you don’t deposit one? Now I gotta go talk to that little fucker Smith, so I can smell his fingers. I know he went to Trini’s party. You know how I know that? It’s because he’s not a goddamn homo pussy, that’s how.” And with that I was finally left in silence.

The rest of the week, the next Monday and the 2 days following that, were fairly quiet for me, nose to the grindstone. You see lots of people tend to move money around at this time of the year. So beside Trini telling me how disappointed that she was in me because I didn’t show up to her place and the constant ravings of my lunatic brown friend, it was actually fairly dull. I swear that I could hear Bill Withers singing, “Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone.” Every time I thought of Rebecca.

Just as I was preparing for lunch on Thursday, my extension rang. It was Vanessa and I never enjoy these conversations much.

“Hello Vanessa.”

“Mr. Cole, Mr. Williams will see you in his office immediately, if Susan is not there, you have been instructed to please let yourself in.” And she hung up.

What the fuck? Are you kidding? Here it is, I was going to get fired one week before Christmas. Great timing, at least I had been smart enough to deposit the bonus check into my account before they could place a stop payment on it.

I knocked on the door to Mr. William’s office and entered. To my surprise, Benjamin was not at his desk, instead Rebecca was sitting on the edge of that very same desk, naked, with the exception, of my overcoat.

“I believe that you left this behind and I thought you might need it returned to you.”

“Well thank you for being so kind, but it definitely looks far better on you than it does on me, so you may as well keep it.”

“Lock the door and come here Axe.”

With a click of the tumbler I tried not to race toward the desk, but the anticipation must have shown in my eyes and my pants, because Becky grinned and said, “Looks like somebody missed me.”

Really? What’s not to miss? I dropped to my knees in front of the goddess sitting on the desk and started my attack on her pussy. My tongue found her hard love button and her wet gash, but Becky pulled me up by my ears until we were standing face to face.

“As much as I want you to continue what you were doing, we only have a short time, mom took my father out for lunch and they will be back in 30, so I want you in me. Got it?”


Without bothering to undress or even remove my shoes, I just dropped my pants and underwear. Becky rubbed my rock hard cock against her opening a few times to lube it up and away we went. Becky being naked was at a disadvantage for her, but a definite advantage for me, I was able grope, touch and suckle all of the bare skin in front me, while she was relegated to only being able to touch my clothing. The grip of Becky’s vagina felt as good, or better than I remembered from our weekend tryst. Her tight, wet pussy was causing a puddle to form on the desk and my coat, by the time we finished, I’m sure that both would require a good cleaning.

Becky leaned back on her extended arms, exposing her ample breasts and neck to me for my nibbling pleasure. I took full advantage while continuing my pumping action. It didn’t take long before Becky’s breathing became more rapid as her climax neared.

“Cum in me Max.”

You did not have to ask me twice. One thing you should know about me is that I’m a sure thing and I’ve never faked an orgasm. So, with lips clamped on to my favorite nipple and my penis pressed up against Becky’s cervix, we exploded in unison.

“Well Ms. Williams, I’d have to say that this is the best lunch meeting that I’ve ever had since starting at Tri Banks.”

“I am so glad that you enjoyed it Mr. Cole. Now if you’d be so kind as to let me up, your cum is dripping on to daddy’s desk blotter.”

I kissed Becky hard before pulling her toward me and up onto her feet. We hugged briefly and she rushed off to the washroom with her thighs clamped tightly together.

Becky reappeared fully dressed in business attire, “I missed you Axe.”

“You must not have missed me that much, I haven’t heard from you since you made me do the walk of shame out of your house. If it wasn’t for your maid, I may still be roaming around aimlessly.”

“Stop being a drama queen. Stella told me that she got you out safe and sound, I also told you that this is a busy time of the year for me. I flew to Miami for work last Monday and didn’t get back in town, until late last night. Did you want me to call you at 2:00am for a booty call?”

“Yes, but this seems to have worked out just fine. Thanks by the way for the heart attack. When I was summoned to your fathers office, I thought he seen me sneaking out of his home and was terminating me.” I couldn’t help but smile when I said it.

“Daddy’s a good guy at heart and he would never do that. He wants me to have a boyfriend and I think that you are the perfect candidate. What do you think, are you up to the task of being the boss’s daughter’s lover?”

“Oh, I think that I can fill that void rather well Ms. Williams, that is if you’re asking me to be ”said” boyfriend.”

“Good. Because I believe that I may have fallen in love with you Mr. Cole. I will see you over the weekend and don’t make any plans for Christmas Eve, it’s our family tradition to get together, are you available? Just so you know, you will be introduced as my boyfriend.”

“I am available and I’m also nervous.”

“Don’t be, they’ll love you. Let’s get out of here before they get back, it smells like sex in here and daddy’s going to think that it was Vanessa.”

We kissed in an alcove by the elevators and Becky told me that she loved me. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” as the song goes.

“Where’d you go cum breath? You missed lunch. That little fucker Smith put some spiced rum in the eggnog. All these bitches are pretending that they couldn’t taste it, but they all had seconds and thirds. They’ll all be drunk as skunks in a few minutes. Where the hell were you by the way?”

“Should I keep calling you Raj or should I start calling you mom? I went up the H.R. to ask about my benefits package, if you must know.”

“The fuck you did. It may have had something to do with “benefits” or maybe even your “package”, but let me tell you this for free, you smell like pussy and you’re smiling like a nutcracker that just fucked the Sugar Plum Fairy. You goddamn white people, fucking on your lunch break, who was it, was it that one with the big jugs, Cindy?”

“Shut the fuck up Raj. I wasn’t “fucking” anyone. What I was doing, was work related.”

“Oh, sure it was, you lying, little bastard.”

“Uh hum, gentlemen. So, Maxwell, how did your meeting go with Mr. Williams?” Goddamn it, Vanessa snuck up on us again.

“It was fine. I let myself into his office.”

“Very well and gentlemen, if I may, it has been noted that your use of expletives is horrendous behavior.” Vanessa raised her eyebrow at Suraj and left.

“Maxwell, give me $20. You and I are buying that sneaky cunt a cat bell for Christmas. It will be the last time she’s able eaves drop on us, the bitch. Oh yeah, by the way…what were you doing in the old man’s office?”

I hate to lie but there was no other option. “We went over some numbers and it seems that a few of our offshore accounts might be fraudulent companies”.

“Not good brother, not good at all. You’ll be a busy boy all weekend, fucked your holidays up good” he had no idea how right he was.

Catching a cab home after work I received my first ever text from Rebecca. There was a sad face emoji and the text read, “your goop, leaked through my panties & dress. I’m at a meeting, walking around in cum stain clothes, thank you very much!!!”

Man, I couldn’t wait for the weekend and when Becky arrived at my apartment Friday evening, wearing jeans and a sweater, my expectations were at the very least, met. Rebecca and I spent all of our weekend as a couple. We went to restaurants and pubs, we shopped for Christmas presents together and we made love, lots and lots. We were in love. We told each other of all our dreams and aspirations, leaving no details out. We were a couple and what surprised me the most, is that Rebecca never once looked out of place in my humble surroundings. Unlike me, Becky did stay until Monday morning. We had coffee and bagels and as Becky put it, “the best way to start our week off is by fucking on the kitchen table.”

December 24th arrived with all the Christmas splendor that people dream of, a light dusting of snow fell on the city, music and carolers could be heard for blocks, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year. When I arrived at Park Ave, I was shaking, not from the cold but from nerves. I was uncertain how I would be received, but I came bearing gifts so it shouldn’t be too bad, at least that’s what I hoped for.

So for the second time in a few weeks, I was invited into the Williams home. Stella the maid took my coat and chuckled, “try not to leave this behind again sir”. I thanked her and was once again announced by the butler and was told, “sir they are expecting you in the grand room”.

Becky was first to greet me, she hugged me hard and kissed my cheek, then she grabbed the gift bags I was toting. Mrs. Williams shocked me when she also hugged me and thanked me for coming. Mr. Williams looked at me through squinted eyes, but he extended his hand to me and said, “Maxwell”.

At the very least, I was in the door. The rest of the family was introduced, and the festivities began. It was a far more intimate gathering than the company function. More upbeat Christmas tunes played, everyone was very casually dressed, the kids were in their Christmas pyjamas, and the drinks and food flowed freely.

Becky stayed very close to my side, she would not let go of my arm, we were attached at the hip, as if she was not wanting anyone else to be near me, the only time we were apart is when I used the restroom or got up to get her another glass of punch. Shortly after dinner, Becky’s older sister told me how nice it was that I was joining them for the evening, apparently, I was the first “beau” that Rebecca has ever introduced to the family.

Santa, who happened to be Becky’s brother in law Phil, showed up bearing gifts for everyone including me. The kids were overjoyed and squealed with excitement. Ribbons, bows, and paper flew in all directions. It was a scene that I had not witnessed in many years, I missed it.

When the gifts I had brought were handed out, everyone, including Becky was a little surprised. I had put some thought and research in what kids the ages of her nieces and nephews might want and I knew exactly what her parents might want. I had got her mother an over the top bottle of French white wine and for her father a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 23 year old, family reserve bourbon. These gifts got me a under the breath “brown noser” comment from Phil and a huge smile and thumbs up from Mr. Williams. For Becky I purchased I simple tennis bracelet from Tiffany’s.

“I kept the receipt, in case you would like to return it for something different.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Axe, it’s beautiful and I love you, I mean, love it.” Rebecca blushed when her family looked at her as she was brushing tears out of her eyes.

Becky’s niece overheard her aunt call me Axe and asked why. Becky proceeded to tell the whole story about how my nickname came to be. This got a huge laugh from everyone and embarrassed me a little, but it all seemed to be in good family fun.

When the gift giving was complete, Mr. Williams announced that he was going to the billiard room for a smoke and the other gentlemen should join him. Benjamin handed out cigars and offered us something to drink, but he did not offer any of the Pappy Van Winkle, even when he poured himself one.

Phil and Becky’s brother Robert racked the balls for a game of pool while Benjamin and I enjoyed our smoke.

“Max, this is a very fine bourbon, thank you so much for the gift.”

“Glad that you are enjoying it sir.”

“Listen Max, I know that we haven’t really had many opportunities to speak at work or if we even have spoken before the company party, but now that you have been invited into my home twice, I feel very comfortable discussing a few things with. Let me start by saying that Beth and I are concerned with how smitten our Rebecca seems to be with you. You see, we are more than a little surprised because you are the first gentleman caller that she has had since her college days. Rebecca is the baby of our family and she always will be. Max, I am a very loyal man and I have a place in my heart for all of my children, but with Rebecca it’s a special place. She has always been here with us and she is not even close to being as worldly as some other girls might be at her age, so she may hurt a little easier than another might. Living in New York City one would assume that she was “street wise”, but she is not. Do you understand what I’m saying Max?”

I nodded that I did, so Becky’s father continued, “So, what I need from you Max, no I guess what I’m asking you for Max is your word and we all know that in this bankrupt society in which we live, the only currency of any true value, is a man’s word, because if you have absolutely nothing at all to give, you can still give your word. It is a very valuable commodity. So Max, I need your word that you won’t hurt our Rebecca in any way, because her pain is my pain. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir, I do. My feelings for Rebecca can’t be explained. We knew each other briefly in school, but when we met here at your party a couple of weeks ago, I fell head over heels in love with her and I’m not even remotely ashamed to say so. So, the answer is, no, I will not, nor do I ever plan hurt your daughter in any way, shape or form, so on that sir, you do have my word.”

“Good, very good, indeed, now let’s see if we can beat that asshole Phil at pool.” And Benjamin shook my hand.

Later, as the family sat telling stories of Christmas’s past, the party wound down, the kids were excited to get to bed so they could receive more gifts from Santa in the morning, our hosts bid us a good evening and headed to bed. Becky also announced that she was tired and wished everyone a good evening, taking my hand she led me down the hall to her apartment.

“Feel like tucking me in Axe?”

“My pleasure, Ms. Williams, it would truly be my pleasure.”

“Axe you are such an ass kisser.”

“Only if you’re lucky baby.”

Becky told me to make myself a drink and meet her in the shower. I offered to pour her a glass of wine, but she declined and with a smile, told me that I had better not to keep her waiting.

Watching Becky shower might not be the highlight of some people’s day, but to actually be able to shower with this lovely creature and have the ability to touch her while pretending to be using soap to clean her was definitely mine. Watching the hot water following the cervices of her naked body, was enough to weaken my knees and harden my groin. In the end we did indeed clean ourselves, then we wrapped up those luxurious bathrobes and headed to bed.

“Max, can you stay with me tonight?”

“Of course, I would love to, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your Christmas plans.” Becky had a quietness about her that made me feel as though something wasn’t just quite right. “What’s the matter, you seem a little distant tonight, like you’re thinking about something else or you’re in another dimension.”

“I just have so many things going through my head. Max, you are my Christmas plans, I can’t believe how much I love you, I want to be with you, I want to sit cuddled up in front of a fire with you all day and drink eggnog. My parents love you by the way. You were the hit of the party, Mr. Gift Giver and I absolutely love my present.”

“I love you too, but tell me what’s going on in your head, share it with me, I can feel that something is worrying you.”

Becky reached to her night table and with tears in her eyes, handed me a small package wrapped in shiny silver paper with a red ribbon and bow adorning it. I opened my gift and was surprised to find an EPT pen with a blue strip in the indicator box.

I dropped the box and hugged Becky into my body. I held her tightly as we kissed, melting into one. I eased my lover slowly back onto the pillows and opened her robe, I kissed my way from her forehead to her belly. I put my hand and ear on her stomach and smiled. Becky gently twirled my hair and sobbed, we made slow passionate love. Nothing else in the world mattered at that moment, but us. The post coital glow of the world spun around above and beneath us, as we lay motionless in a sea of tranquility. Rebecca was and is the woman of my dreams, the woman I wanted to spend an eternity with.

Trying to suppress tears, Rebecca said, “Max, it was never my intention to try and trap you, I didn’t want to surprise you like this, are you sure that this is something that you are okay with?”

“Okay with it? Rebecca, are you kidding me? I love you, I want you to be my wife. I want kids. I want a family. I want it all. But I don’t want any of it, if it’s not with you. This gift that is growing inside you will be by far, the very best Christmas present of my life.”