My Maddie

People look at me and think there’s a guy that has his shit together. A big house, a luxury sedan in the garage, a hot wife. I have all of those things thanks to a successful career in finance. And up until recently I, too, thought I had my shit together.

Having just turned 50 I was exactly where I wanted to be in life. Money was no longer a worry like it had been for so long. My “hot” wife and I were still together and strong after nearly 30 of marriage. We had two kids who had both grown into fine young adults. Our son, Tyler following in my footsteps and pursuing his degree in Finance from one of the best business schools in the country. Our youngest, Madelyn, we call her Maddie, is finishing her freshman year of college and hoping to become a nurse.

As for most people, the last year or so has been rough for both myself and my family. The pandemic, and the lockdown it caused wreaked havoc on the balance we had in our lives. And it was during lockdown that my troubles truly started.

In March of 2020, my wife, Anne who is a successful business woman in her own right, was in London for work. She was attempting to close a deal with a client there that she had been working on for over a year. Tyler was away at school, and Maddie who had just turned 18 the month prior was heading down the final stretch of her Senior year of high school.

It wasn’t a new thing for it to just be Maddie and me at home for stretches of time, and it had never been a problem. But this particular time, right on the cusp of the pandemic and lockdown things got interesting.

Ever since I was young I have had a thing for college aged girls. Which was fine, especially when I was in college myself. But as I aged my taste stayed the same, and I very quickly found myself encroaching on dirty old man territory. It was never really a problem though. I would, maybe take a second glance if I saw a pretty young woman on the street or in the mall. But who doesn’t? I never acted on anything and had always remained faithful to Anne.

It only started to become a problem when Maddie hit that sweet spot age. I had never really thought about it, before. She was my daughter, my flesh and blood so I just kind of assumed me predilection for 18-22 year olds would just kind of skip her. I was very wrong.

Maddie, had always been cute and I’m not just saying that because I’m her father. But as she got older the cuteness turned to beauty. She only stood about 5’5, and maybe she was a little, what some people would call thick, around her middle but she carried it well. She had been letting her thick black hair grow out for most of her senior year of high school so by March it was down to her mid back. Her wavy hair perfectly framed her still innocent face with her freckled nose and cheeks.

It was the first Friday night of March when I first noticed something different. I had just gotten home from work, and was looking forward to unwinding with a nice glass of Scotch in my favorite chair, after a long week. When I got into the house, I found Maddie in the kitchen totally lost in something on her phone as she stood in front of the refrigerator with the door open.

“Is it too hot in here for you?” I asked, jokingly as I passed her by on my way to where we keep the liquor.

“Wha? Oh, sorry,” she said, softly as she barely escaped the trance transmitted by the phone long enough to shut the door to the refrigerator.

“Interesting article?” I asked, already knowing that whatever she had been looking at was nothing of much value.

“Tommy’s such a jerk,” she said in a huff. “He asked Amber to Prom last week, and today he dumped her because Brittany said she would go with him.”

I know a lot of parents complain about having to pry information about their teenagers lives out of them. I’ve heard from others how they have to battle with their teens just to get the slightest sliver of news from them. I have never had that problem with Maddie. She has always been an open book, ready to prattle off the latest goings on even when nobody asked.

“Who’s Tommy? And are you even friends with an Amber?”

“Tommy is the quarterback of the football team, and no, I’m friends with Brittany. She’s in my Calculus class and we study together sometimes.”

“So you’re mad because your friend gets to go to prom with the quarterback instead of some girl you don’t know?”

“Well yeah, you don’t treat people like that…”

I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. Maddie had always had a strong moral compass and the older she got the more it showed.

“You’re a good girl, Maddie. Don’t let the world change that,” I advised as I poured myself a much needed glass of my favorite Scotch.

“I won’t, Daddy,” Maddy said, before turning to go back to her room.

It was then, that I sensed the first hint of trouble waft across my cock. Maddie hardly called me Daddy anymore. Usually I was just Dad, but occasionally she would slip. Normally I just found it cute, even comforting. I would take it as a sign that I wasn’t completely losing my baby girl. But that night in the kitchen hearing her sweet, now more mature sounding voice, climb a register to call me Daddy. There was something innocently lewd about it (if that can even be a thing), and how much it turned me on, surprised me.

I tried not to think too much of it. Anne had been gone for almost three weeks by that point. I was horny, and lonely, anything would have gotten me aroused. Right?

The night progressed as usual, Maddie hanging out in her room doing God knows what, while I lost myself in an old movie on television while nursing my drink before finally turning in for the night.

The next morning I awoke to my cell phone ringing. It was Anne, and she wasn’t happy.

“What do you mean another two weeks?” I asked, after she had explained her situation. “I thought you were supposed to be done on Wednesday?”

“I thought so too. But Bradshaw is being so stubborn,” Anne replied, anger evident in her usually calm voice. “He said we can’t leave until the deal is finalized, and the Peterson’s seem to be having fun making a circus out of the process.”

“Well I guess you have to do what you have to do,” I said, resolutely. “I miss you babe, but you’ll be back before we know it.”

“I miss you too hun,” she said sadly. “But when I get back please have…”

“The biggest bottle of White Wine known to man chilled for you.”

“You know me like a book,” Anne said.

“Call me tomorrow?”


Damn, I missed her. If I knew then what those two extra weeks would have meant I would have gotten on a plane and been in London with her the next morning. But that’s hindsight for you.

After the phone call I couldn’t go back to sleep. I looked at the time and sighed as I saw it was only 7:00AM. I hated that I couldn’t sleep in, even on my days off. I knew Maddie wouldn’t be up for hours, lucky her with her ability to sleep late into the morning. The realization that Anne being away for two additional weeks meant no sex for that long soon dawned on me. I sighed again, and I swore that my cock gave a sad twitch in my boxers.

My mind quickly drifted to thoughts of sex. The blowjob Anne had given me the night before she left. The blonde 20 something barista at Starbucks, with the cute little ass and perky tits. Before long, my hand wandered down to my cock, and I began idly stroking it. I began to picture that barista, Tiffany, I think her name is, naked sprawled out on the bed in front of me. I bet her pussy feels wonderful!

My cock rose to full mast, as I pictured what I would do to the young, lithe body given the chance. Soon, I was so sexually worked up that random pictures started running through my mind. Like one of those horrible compilation porn videos you see on free sites. Visions of Tiffany sucking my cock soon turned to memories of Anne in college. How her hour glass figure had looked when I would fuck her doggy style. The feel of her taught white ass cheeks in my hands as I wildly fucked her drenched pussy.

Without warning, visions of Maddie flashed through my head. Her innocent freckled face, and long dark hair that reminded me so much of Anne’s when she was that age. The way her breasts filled out the tight tank tops she loved to wear so much. They always looked so firm and supple. I should have released my cock right then. I should shaken those pictures out of my disgusting mind. But they were turning me on so much. I felt my cock twitching, I couldn’t help but just roll with it.

“Oh baby,” I whispered softly in the empty room.

I pictured Maddie topless, standing in front of me. The pair of tight jean shorts she had on the night before, hugging her hips and ass. I imagined what it would feel like to run my hands down her sides, and free her from the tight confines of those shorts. I remembered the way she had called me Daddy the night before. I imagined her repeating that word as I teased her skin with my fingertips and lips.

That was all it took. I came fast and I came hard, the entire time picturing my 18 year old daughter naked, calling me Daddy. My body shuddered, and eyes clinched tight as one of the most powerful orgasms I had ever had over took me.

But just as quickly as it had started the sexual high passed. And I was left with knowledge that visions of my daughter had just brought me such sexual pleasure that I could have passed out.

I should have felt guilty, but I didn’t. Thinking of Maddie in that way had always been off limits. But there was something about it that made me feel more alive. And besides, nothing actually happened, it was all in my head. Nobody besides me would ever even know.

I went about the rest of that day like nothing had happened. When Maddie came downstairs for breakfast about 11, she gave me the usual morning peck on my cheek as I sat at the kitchen table paying bills on my tablet.

“Good morning, princess,” I said, as I looked up at her. “How did you sleep?”

“Fine,” she said, casually as she got a cereal bowl out from the cabinet.

I looked at her for a moment. She was wearing one of those spaghetti strapped tank tops again. This time it was a light blue, and ended just under her large breasts, leaving her stomach and lower back totally exposed. Her black shorts hugged her supple ass, and were short enough to show off her long, smooth legs. She really was quite sexy.

“Have any plans for today?” I asked, trying to keep a conversation going.

“No, Brittany has to do some family thing, and Lauren is hanging out with her boyfriend, again,” Maddie sighed in frustration as she poured her cereal into the bowl.

“So Brittany has Tommy, Lauren has a boyfriend. Any boys on your radar?”

I didn’t usually pry into my daughter’s personal life. Anne and I had raised her to be strong, and she had a good head on her shoulders. I trusted her, and she never did anything to make me doubt that trust. If she had something to share, I knew she would. But this particular day I was feeling frisky.

“Eh,” she said. “Boys my age are stupid.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” I said with a little chuckle.

“Did you talk to Mom this morning?” she asked, obviously changing the subject.

“Yes I did, and she’s…”

“I know, stuck,” Maddie said, some frustration obvious in her voice.

“I know it sucks, Princess but you…”

“Have to do what you have to do to get the job done,” Maddie said, repeating the mantra I’ve been telling her since she was a very little girl.

“Right,” I said, confidently.

“Is it okay if I eat breakfast in my room?” she asked, as she starred down at the cereal she had just poured herself.

“Sure,” I said. “You’re a big girl now you don’t need to ask my permission for stuff like that.”

“Ok,” Maddie said quietly as she collected her bowl and headed upstairs.

I went about the rest of my day, venturing out of the house for a couple of hours to run some typical weekend errands. I called Maddie on my way home to see if she needed anything but just got her voicemail. That wasn’t unusual for someone who looked at their phone so much she sure didn’t answer it very often.

When I returned home it was late afternoon and it appeared as though Maddie was still in her room. I put the things I had bought away and then headed upstairs to check on Maddie. She had seemed a little depressed that morning about Anne not being able to come home as planned and I wanted to make sure she wasn’t too upset by it.

The door to Maddie’s room was closed, it was always closed. I knocked lightly on the door, no response. I knocked a little harder, still nothing. Feeling somewhat concerned that something was wrong, I opened the door just a crack as to avoid any embarrassment incase she had just gotten out of the shower or was getting dressed. As soon as the door cracked open I heard very distinct moaning. The type of moaning that only means one thing. Maddie was being pleasured, either by herself or someone else.

This is where some father’s would probably shut the door, and duck down the hall with their tail between their legs praying that they hadn’t been noticed. Other father’s might take a quick peek to make sure their “little girl” isn’t being violated by some rotten teenage punk. But it would be a protective peek, nothing sexually charged about it.

For me there was nothing protective in what I did next. It was completely sexually charged. That morning I had, in my mind, sexualized my daughter for the first time and it was in that moment standing just outside her door, hearing her soft moans that I knew there was no going back.

As quietly as I could I peeked around the slightly ajar door and peered into the room. The site in front of me was something I will never forget. Maddie was laying on her bed, on top of the covers. The shorts she had been wearing that morning were gone. Her legs were spread open, she was wearing nothing but little white panties with pink hearts on them. Her right hand was inside of her panties, as she clearly fingered herself. My eyes scanned the scene in front of me, not wanting to miss any detail. I searched further up her body, seeing the blue tank top was also gone, her two large, supple breasts on full display pointed straight up at the ceiling, her left hand dutifully playing with her left nipple. Her neck was arched as her head was thrown back over one of her pillows.

To say that I was turned on by the scene in front of me would be a gross understatement. I was in pretty good shape for my age, and could still get hard with the best of them. But seeing my 18 year old daughter in nothing but her panties, masturbating, gave me a type of erection I hadn’t had in years. I felt as though I could have came without ever touching myself. I wasn’t scared of being caught I was too turned on to fear consequences.

Soon, Maddie began to move her hips slowly, sensually, as though she was making love to an invisible cock. Her legs splayed out even further, and I could see the bulge created in her panties by her fingers moving in and out as she fingered herself. I scanned her body again, her neck was strained now has she tilted her head even further back, the fingers of her left hand grabbing and twisting her engorged nipple. She began to buck her hips, her toes curled, her moans got louder.

“Ahhh, I’m cumming, Daddyyyy!!!” she panted.

I can’t say for sure what happened immediately after that. My brain seemed to stop processing for a moment. Could it be? Could Maddie be wanting me, as much as I want her? Was the only thing that my brain could think.

“Oh shit!” I heard suddenly, my mind snapping back to attention. Maddie had sat up, and we were looking directly at each other. “Dad! How long were you…DId you hear…Were you watching me?” her voice sounded more embarrassed than angry. She was desperately trying to cover her breasts by folding her arms over them, and even from the doorway I could see her face turning a dark shade of red.

“Um..I just…I’m…” I didn’t know what to say. I had been caught read handed. I could have lied, and tried to pretend that I had only opened the door in that very second. But I had just heard my daughter crying out for me as she orgasmed. My cock saw opportunity, where my brain saw trouble. And as what would happen to most guys, my cock won the tug of war. “I just got home, I was just coming to check on you,” I finally sputtered out.

“But were you watching me?” she asked again. This time I couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed or angry.

“I was just surprised,” I said, quickly. “Why did you say Daddy?” now it was her turn to struggle with an explanation.

“I…um…I just…I’m.”

“It’s okay,” I ventured. “You can tell me. What were you thinking about?”

“Can I tell you after I put on clothes?” Maddie asked.

“Sweetie, I just saw almost everything there is to see. And I loved it,” I was being bold, and it could have backfired. But I was banking on my intuition being right. If Maddie hadn’t been picturing me she would have been angrier than an Evangelical at a Pride parade. But there was no screaming, nothing thrown in my direction. There was awkwardness, there was embarrassment maybe even a little shame. Which there wouldn’t have been if she hadn’t been caught having a fantasy about me! “It’s okay if you were thinking about me.”

“No, it’s really not,” Maddie said, tears coming to her eyes. “It’s wrong! But I can’t…” she stopped herself.

“You can’t what?” I asked as I took an even larger gamble and fully stepped into her room.

“Sometimes, it’s just better if I picture something I shouldn’t,” she said. “And I know I really shouldn’t be thinking about you when I do that. But it’s…It makes me…”

“The orgasm is insanely better?” I asked, as I sat down on the end of her bed. I was going all in by this point.

“Yeah,” she said, giving the weakest of smiles. “How did you know?”

“Let’s just say I recently found that out myself,” I said, hoping she would connect the dots.

“You’ve thought of me?”

“Only recently,” I said quickly as though it was okay to fantasize about my daughter now because she was 18. “You’re beautiful, Sweetheart. And with your Mom gone for a while I get lonely and horny and well I’m human.”

“You think I’m beautiful?” Maddie asked, her arms wrapping tighter around her breasts.

“Are you kidding? You’re gorgeous,” I said with a chuckle.

Maddie smiled, an embarrassed smile. Her cheeks going red again at my compliment. With a deep breath I inched closer to where she sat in the middle of the bed, Indian style. I had hit the point of no return. I wanted my daughter, I wanted her body, I needed to feel her, and I was going to take her.

“Maddie, look at me,” I said softly as I put a hand on her bent knee. “You are one of the sexiest girls I have ever seen,” I said as I used my free hand to brush her thick black hair back and away from her face. She looked at me, her blue eyes peering into my soul, searching me. I knew she was conflicted, if I hadn’t just seen what I did I would have been conflicted too. But there was no way, after seeing my daughter make herself cum, and cry out for me as she did it that I was going to pass up that kind of opportunity. “And maybe a lot of people would think that the two of us, doing anything sexual together would be would be horribly wrong. But how much pleasure did thinking about it just give you?”

“A lot,” she replied her eyes getting big and a sheepish grin coming to her face.

“It gave me a lot too,” I said. “So, this is the way I think of it. When I thought it was just me wanting this, I would have never acted on it. But now that I know you want it too. Why deprive ourselves of the chance of something really special?”

“What are you saying, Daddy?” she bit her lip, she was choosing to say Daddy on purpose.

“I’m saying I want to make love to my sweet baby girl,” I said after taking a long deep breath. “I want to touch you, and kiss you and explore…”

Before I could finish my laundry list of the things it was that I wanted to do, Maddie unfolded her arms, put them around my neck and put her face to mine.

“Then stop talking, and start acting,” she whispered before pressing her lips to mine.

Oh how soft her lips were, how sweet her breath tasted as our mouths met. I ran my fingers gently through her hair. Shocks of adrenaline coursed through my body as my daughter inched her way closer to being my lover. I parted her lips with my tongue. There was no way I could get enough of her but I needed to explore her as much as I could. Our tongues met, she was an amazing kisser, clearly this wasn’t her first rodeo. What else had she done before? I wondered to myself as our tongues danced first in her mouth then in mine. My hands began roaming over her shoulders, and down her back. I needed her closer to me. She broke the kiss momentarily, got up and then sat on my lap. Her legs pointed towards the door, her torso turned towards me, and her bubbly panty covered ass planted right on my lap.

We started kissing again, with even more urgency. My hands immediately started exploring her legs. Feeling the softness of her inner thighs, she moaned into my mouth as my pinky finger ever so slightly brushed against her pussy. I could feel the wetness from her arousal I could feel her heat. It fueled me even more.

“Daddy,” Maddie said, breathlessly as she suddenly broke the kiss.

“Yes, sweetie,” I said as I began kissing her neck.

“I need to tell you something.”

“What’s that?” I asked, as I transitioned from neck to shoulder.

“I’m still….Ooooh,” she paused as I started lightly biting my way back up her neck. “I’m…still a virgin.”

“Ok,” I said, pausing my devouring her. “Are you ok with me being…”

“Yes, I am very ok with you being my first, but maybe we can just take it kind of slow? I’m scared of it hurting.”

“Don’t worry honey, Daddy won’t hurt you.”

With that, I stood up cradling her in my arms before playfully dropping her onto her back on the bed. She propped herself up on her elbows and watched me as I undressed down to my boxer-briefs.

“It’s only fair, that we both have the same amount of clothing on,” I said with a smile, as I finished taking off my jeans.

“Oh, in that case,” Maddie said, a big smile coming to her face. She then let her shoulders fall back to the bed, hooked her fingers underneath her panties, lifted her ass off the bed and began to slide her last piece of clothing down her shapely legs, letting the small garment fall to floor before laying back flat on her back, her legs spread just enough to give me a glimpse of her treasure.

I felt my heart skipping a beat. My daughter was laying on her bed, in front of me completely naked. Just waiting for me to join her. I don’t think my cock had ever been so hard in my life. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, if I didn’t act soon I was convinced I would explode.

Without saying a word I grabbed Maddie by the ankles and slid her until her ass was on the very edge of her bed. I got on my knees on the floor, spread her legs wide apart and took a deep breath of her sex. She smelled absolutely perfect! I couldn’t resist any longer, I had to taste my baby.

I spread her virgin lips with my thumbs, exposing the little button that is her clit. Maddie gasped loudly when my tongue first made contact her sensitive little nub. I licked up and down, then in a circle, slowly. Teasing her, making sure that she could feel exactly what her Daddy’s tongue was doing to her previously untouched clit.

“Oh Daddy, that feels… Ohhhh!” Maddie started but stopped when she felt my index finger start to press against her virgin hole. “Oh fuck!” she groaned as my digit entered where hers had been only moments before. “It feels so different when you do it!” she gasped as I began to finger her while continuing to lick and suck on her clit.

I was lost in my daughter’s sex. I simply wanted all of her at once. I no longer cared what the rest of the world might think if they saw me there, going down on my own flesh and blood. Preparing my daughter’s virgin vagina for her Daddy’s cock. I needed this, she needed this.

I stayed there, my tongue driving Maddie to the edge, for a good fifteen minutes. I loved the way she smelled, a little musty from sweat, but mainly sweet and fruity from her soap. She tasted even better, and the heat emanating from her core, made my cock throb.

“Oh Daddy, if you keep that up you’re going to make me cum again,” Maddie said, finally breaking the continuous groans and moans she had been making.

“You’re just going to have to wait for that, baby,” I said as I reluctantly pulled my face away from her sex. I didn’t want to stop but I feared cumming twice in such a short period of time might be too much for her.

Maddie gave a grunt of frustration, which didn’t last long. I very quickly worked my way up her body, kissing the soft skin of her pelvis. Her pubic area was completely smooth, as she obviously took great care to keep it shaved. I used this to my advantage as I kissed and licked my way up to the soft skin of her stomach. Maddie is not fat by any means, but she isn’t rail thin either. I think she has the perfect amount of weight in all of the right places. I tickled her belly button with my tongue as I continued my journey north.

When I reached her breasts, it was my turn to groan. I knew they were a healthy size from the way they almost obscenely stretched the material of the tiny tank tops she loved to wear so much. But any guess as to how firm they were paled in comparison to the real things. As she lay on her back, her breasts stood firm and proud her dime sized pink nipples which were still hard from her arousal pointed straight to the ceiling. And that is where I started, her left nipple entered my mouth mid groan. Maddie gasped and pushed her chest out towards me as I sucked and nibbled on her sensitive nipple. With the hand that wasn’t supporting my weight I began to tease and caress her right breast. Reveling in just how firm, how perfect it was. After alternating which breast I was sucking and which breast I was groping a couple of times I continued up Maddie’s neck before finally reaching her mouth.

I kissed her hard and deep, plunging my tongue into her mouth. The thought of making her taste herself on my breath made me shudder with arousal. She moaned into my mouth, apparently she liked tasting herself.

I rolled us over on the bed, so I was laying on my back and Maddie straddled my waist, her ass resting on my still underwear clad cock. We continued our tongue duel as my hands explored the fleshy yet firm cheeks of Maddie’s ass. She very quickly began to grind her hips against me, rubbing her sex over my cock. It was my turn to moan into her mouth as I could feel her heat again, this time on my sex, making me yearn to be inside of her even more.

I suppose, taking her cue from me Maddie broke our kiss and started to work her way down my chest. Kissing tentatively at first, but by the time she got to the waistband of my underwear she had started to figure out how to kiss and suck on my skin in a way to make me squirm.

When she reached my waist she very slowly, almost painfully so, hooked her fingers in the waistband of my underwear and pulled the front down revealing my pulsing seven inch cock for the first time. She circled the shaft with her free hand, I could have sworn stars as she she began to slowly stroke me. Her hand was so soft, and the pace she was going was the perfect tease. I looked down, watching her, as she explored the very cock that helped create her.

Feeling my eyes on her, she looked up at me. Her face soft yet serious. She looked so hot, my cock in her hand her eyes looking straight at me as she continued jacking me. I gave her a faint smile which she returned. Then without saying a word she looked down at my cock for a second, then opened her mouth and licked the head as though it were an ice cream cone, her blue eyes looking at me the entire time. Soon she stopped licking and just put the whole head in her mouth and began giving me the best blow job I had, had in years.

She was clearly new to it, and far from perfect, but the vision of my daughter with my cock in her mouth her long dark hair splattered on my leg and pelvis as she started to bob her head ever so slowly up and down, her pink lips massaging my cock was by far the most erotic thing I had seen to that point.

“Oh that’s it baby girl, suck Daddy’s cock,” I encouraged as I got lost in the feel of her hot mouth. “Get it nice and wet so I can slide it right into you!”

This made Maddie moan. She wanted it as badly as I did, but we were both enjoying the build up. I reached down and my fingers through her hair, as I enjoyed the feel of her warm, wet mouth around my sex. The longer she did it, the better she got, building up a rhythm of sucking and swirling her tongue around the the head. I could feel the beginnings of an orgasm starting to build in my balls. And as much as I would have loved to cum in Maddie’s mouth, I needed more before I let myself find release.

“Baby, come up here, I don’t want to cum just yet,” I said, reluctantly.

Maddie crawled up next to me on the bed and laid on her side, facing me. I turned towards her. She was smiling, but I could tell she was nervous. I ran my hand over her cheek and looked into her eyes.

“If it gets to be too much, we’ll stop. You only have to say one word,” I told her. “You trust me right?”

“Of coarse I trust you,” she said quickly.

“Then just relax, let me take care of you,” I said as I turned to face her.

We kissed again, this time entangling our bodies too. Maddie lifted her top leg over my waist, pushing my cock, still slick with her saliva against her we slit. She groaned at the new sensation. I groaned too, as my hand ran down her back and came to rest on her ass.

No more words needed to be said, soon Maddie turned to lay on her back and I followed getting on top her. Her legs were spread wide open for me. And even in our shifting my cock stayed right on her slit. It had to be fate. I broke our kiss and looked into her eyes, as my cock slipped between her lips. Her eyes got big as she felt me throbbing against her clit. I slid down more and finally I was at her entrance.

One more deep kiss and a gentle push of my hips and I had my daughter’s virginity. She groaned into my mouth as she felt a cock enter her for the first time. I went slow, only advancing when I saw that she could take more. As much as I wanted to just pound her, I didn’t want to scare her off, I didn’t want to hurt her. I wanted that time to be the first of many for us. The pounding could come later.

Soon I felt my balls pressing against her ass. Her pussy felt like a hot wet vice around cock. It was by far the best pussy I’ve had. Still not wanting to hurt her I began to very slowly retreat then push back in. The look on Maddie’s face slowly changed from tense and worried to more relaxed. She looked up at me the entire time, watching me as I began making love to her.

The more relaxed I saw her face get the harder I fucked. Pretty soon, she was moaning, I was grunting and the bed was creaking. I bent my head down and took her right nipple into my mouth suckling it like I had before. I loved watching her breasts bounce as I fucked her, but I need more, I needed to taste them again.

“Oh Daddy,” she started to moan, as my cock sent new sensations through her body.

“You like this baby girl?” I asked as I pulled away from her breast. “You like Daddy’s cock fucking your tight pussy?”

The more turned on I get the dirtier I talk. I’ve always been that way and a lot of times I don’t think about what I”m saying before I say it. Anne has learned this and I don’t have to worry about it with her. But I wasn’t sure how Maddie would respond.

“I do, Daddy,” she responded. “Please keep fucking me!”

“Oh I’m going to keep fucking you!” I said as I began to pick up the pace even more. “You’re pussy is so hot ahh fuck you feel good!”

I knew I couldn’t hold it much longer. The build up, the knowledge that I was fucking my own daughter was too much for me.

“Oh baby girl, I’m going to cum!” I said. “You want your Daddy to cum inside you?

“Yes Daddy.” Maddie said, looking up at me.

The way her hair framed her face, the way her breasts pointed up at me and were bouncing with the movement of our bodies. The way Maddie’s pussy clenched to my cock. How taboo the thing we were doing was. I took it all in and with one last powerful thrust I unloaded into my own flesh and blood. What had to be three long jets of cum exploded from my cock and flooded Maddie’s hole.

Her eyes got big when she felt me explode inside of her, obviously surprised by the new sensations in her body.

As my orgasm subsided, I collapsed on top of Maddie, letting my cock go soft inside of her before pulling out and rolling to her side.

“Oh baby girl, you are amazing!”

“That was fun!” Maddie said.

“Oh we’re not done,” I chuckled. “There’s plenty more where that came from.”

To Be Continued…