My Uncle Dan

Uncle Dan

My deadbeat father abandoned my mother when I was two years old, leaving her with a pile of bills, a ten-year old car with 170,000 miles on it, and a daughter that he never wanted. My mother was already working as a server in a restaurant, but took a second job working in a bar to try and cover the rent of a crappy little one-bedroom apartment and raise her daughter alone. After six months, we were evicted and she ended up moving back to the small farmhouse where she grew up with her older brother Dan and younger sister, Meryl.

Uncle Dan was a confirmed, lifelong bachelor who did construction and general contracting work while living out of a camper that he towed around with his work truck to go from job to job. He was three years older than my mother and a huge bear of a man. He was 6’5″ tall with a deep, low voice and a bellowing laugh. I used to think he was a giant when I was little. Underneath his rough exterior was a man with a heart of gold who cared about everyone, especially his younger sisters. As I grew older, I envied his nomadic lifestyle.

Aunt Meryl was married, but didn’t have any children. From what I heard when no one knew I was listening, she married her husband for his money and a ticket out of the small-town life she grew up in and hated. We never saw her very much, but when we did, she was always so well-dressed and manicured, that I thought she was a movie star or something. When I was old enough to notice, I saw that her well-coiffed exterior was just a poor cover for the snobbish, icy person underneath.

My mother was a tall, quiet, tired-looking woman who worked her ass off to give everything to her only child. Her own childhood wasn’t easy, but she learned the value of hard work at an early age and never felt comfortable just sitting around. Despite a diet consisting primarily of fried food and cheap carbohydrates from the restaurants and bars where she worked, she remained wiry and strong. When I saw pictures of her in her younger days, I couldn’t help but admire how beautiful she was. In middle age, she was still attractive and had a nice figure, but her eyes and face made her look years older. She was kind and generous to a fault, even though she had almost nothing to her name. I seldom heard her complain about anything or disparage anyone, not even my absent father. My mother carried herself with an elegant grace that made me think of how a princess would move about. When I got older, I would describe her as “classy”. She was my idol.

When my grandparents died, the old family home passed to their three children, none of whom wanted to be saddled with fixing it up. It was a small, simple wood frame house that had been slowly falling apart. It had three bedrooms and one bath, limited electrical distribution and no central air-conditioning or heating. Heat in the winter was provided by the large fireplace in the living room and a pot-bellied stove that was moved from the kitchen to my grandparents bedroom at some point in the distant past.

The structure was generally sound, but still needed some serious repairs, including replacing the sagging roof and repairing or replacing most of the wood plank floors. After our eviction from the apartment, my mother had nowhere else to go and Uncle Dan suggested moving into their old home. He had been trying to fix things up when he had time and had just finished reinforcing the roof and replacing the shingles to keep the rain and weather out. Mom and I moved in with her meager possessions and she started sprucing the place up as best she could while working days at a small department store and nights at a local bar and grill.

Over the next year, Uncle Dan brought his small team of framers to tear down the interior walls and redesign the house to provide more usable and comfortable rooms. He did all the finish trim work and I marveled at the intricate woodwork he created. He combined spaces to go from three bedrooms to two, and he added a half-bath in addition to replacing the electrical panel and putting in a lot more electrical outlets and ceiling lights throughout the house. Mom showed me pictures of what the place looked like in those early days, including several of me as a three and four-year old girl wearing my uncle’s hard hat and carrying around a small hammer or some other tool as I “helped” the grown-ups.

After getting the house into a more livable condition for Mom and me, Uncle Dan went back on the road to work and showed up sporadically to fix anything that was broken or to resume the long-term rehab of their parents home. Without a mortgage or rent to pay and almost non-existent utility bills, Mom was able to scrape by at a level somewhere between abject poverty and almost comfortable. I thought it was the best life ever.

Growing up, I had few friends in school. This was due, in part, because I was rough around the edges and viewed as “white trash” by the kids who lived in more modern, suburbia with pretty houses, nicely landscaped and manicured lawns, white picket fences, and all the electronics that their parents could buy. Our home didn’t even have a TV because cable service didn’t extend out to our part of the county and over-the-air broadcasts contained few programs of interest. I spent most of my time outside and went to school dressed in clothes more suitable for working in a warehouse or farm. I never thought about using make-up except for a brief Gothic phase I went through, and even then, my make-up was sparse and stark.

I was never very socially out-going, but did develop a few close friendships with other girls who were similarly ostracized in school. Most of my life, I grew up with only my mother around and intermittent visits by Uncle Dan, when his work allowed or a crisis at home called. I had few social skills and somehow ended up with more of Uncle Dan’s gruff attitude than my mother’s more engaging demeanor.

In middle school, I “bloomed” early, which captured the immediate attention of several pimple-faced boys trying to cope with their own raging hormones. For the first time, boys started paying attention to me, but I quickly found out that they were more interested in whether I would “put out” or not. Since I steadfastly refused their physical advances, my extracurricular social life quickly tapered out, reinforcing my earlier solitude except for my few girlfriends.

Starting high school, I was a tall, spindly girl with long dark hair that was usually in a ponytail. I dressed more like a tomboy than a girl and hung out with three or four other outcast girls. They, like me, were viewed as coming from the wrong side of the tracks. By the time I was a sophomore, I had filled out some missing curves and sported a pair of very firm and perky 36C boobs that looked even bigger on my thin frame. To the irritation of some, my tits were the envy of most of the girls in my gym class who saw me changing or in the shower. Out of spite or her own inadequacy, one of my detractors even accused me of having a boob job. I was so naive, I had no idea what she was talking about, but took offense anyway and was ready to punch her out before a friend stopped me.

When I was eighteen, I came home from school one day to find Mom’s car and Dan’s truck and camper in the side yard. We hadn’t seen Dan in several months, so I ran over to the camper and knocked on the door. When no one answered, I opened it and looked inside to find that nobody was there. I went into the house wondering why Mom wasn’t at work and found Uncle Dan laying in her bed in obvious pain while Mom flitted around to get him comfortable.

As it turned out, he fell and broke his back on a job site. The break wasn’t severe, but it put painful pressure on his spine. He was wearing a hard plastic shell around his torso to stabilize his back and keep him from moving while the inflammation slowly subsided and the cracked vertebrae healed. He wasn’t supposed to get up or move around for three months, so he came to stay with us until he recovered.

Mom put him in her bed and said she would sleep on the couch. Whenever Dan visited us, he would usually stay in his camper, but more and more often, opted for our couch because it was more comfortable than the thin, narrow mattress in his trailer. Dan wanted to argue, but given the size of the house, there weren’t many options. I told Mom she could use my bed and I’d sleep on the couch, but she wouldn’t hear of it, so the matter was unilaterally settled by her.

School was almost over when he arrived for his recuperative stay and I tried to spend as much time at home as I could to look after my uncle so that Mom didn’t have to miss work. There was a small ray of light from my uncle’s extended visit. He essentially paid rent to Mom to offset any loss of pay from her having to reduce her work hours to take care of him. Once the new schedule settled out, she was home about four hours more each day. When school finally did end, I was pretty much his full-time caretaker, but didn’t mind a bit. It gave Mom more time to actually rest at home herself and Uncle Dan’s care didn’t really take that much time. By then, he had settled into a routine that consisted mostly of reading books, doing crossword puzzles, and running his business from his cell phone. A couple times I surprised him, when I showed up at his doorway and he would hurriedly shut down whatever he was doing on his phone.

One day I heard slight sounds coming from his room and crept up to listen more carefully. After a half-minute, I surmised that he was watching porn videos on his smartphone and bit my tongue to keep from laughing. I never would have imagined my uncle watching porn and wondered what he did to “relieve” himself after getting aroused. I didn’t let him see me and kept his porn activities to myself. After those incidents, I made sure to make enough noise coming down the hallway that he would have plenty of notice before I knocked on the door and came inside.

One of the duties Mom and I had was changing out Dan’s bedpan. Pretty gross stuff, from my perspective, but it had to be done. The first time I lifted the sheet to take out the pan, I saw his thick, flaccid dick hanging down and my eyes went wide. I had never seen a man’s penis before, either in pictures or live, but heard plenty of girls talking about them. Uncle Dan’s face grew flush from my reaction to seeing his cock, but he didn’t say anything. I think he was trying not to draw more attention to our mutual discomfort than there already was.

Now, I did know about how babies were conceived; Mom gave me that talk when puberty started. I knew all the clinical stuff and girl-talk added more color to the various ways to have sex, especially oral. Staring at my uncle’s soft little dick, I didn’t think it was long enough to rdo much and wondered how big it would have to grow to impregnate a woman. I finally broke out of the sideshow going on in my head to get back to work on removing and cleaning the bedpan. When I returned, I gingerly lifted up his limp penis by the foreskin to lower it into the opening of the clean pan. I failed to see the grimace on my uncle’s face from the way I pitched and held a fairly sensitive part of his anatomy.

After that initial experience, I quickly became accustomed to viewing and handling his private parts, and was able to act more or less normal in the process. One time, as I was hoisting up his dick to arrange the bedpan, I felt it twitch and move in my fingers and almost yelled out loud in surprise as I let go of it. My uncle barely stifled a chuckle at my reaction, but he also turned red from his own involuntary response to his niece’s hand.

“Sorry about that. Sometimes, it has a mind of its own, but don’t worry, it won’t bite,” he joked, trying to defuse the situation with levity. I just looked at him for a few moments in disbelief before turning back to cover his privates with the bed sheet and then leaving the room.

Almost a week into his visit, I stopped in a little early in the morning to take care of him while Mom was in the shower, getting ready for her first job. I pulled the sheet back and stared down at my first real, no-shit, hard-on. He was huge and my earlier question about how much would it grow to be able to impregnate a woman was fully answered. Uncle Dan was half-asleep when I came in, but immediately woke up when he felt the sheet being removed. “Shit!” he cried out as he tried to pull the sheet back over himself. “Can you come back later?” he asked with embarrassment.

By then, I was comfortable enough with seeing his privates that I just laughed and said, “Okay.” However, after that incident, I would intentionally stop by to take care of him a little early in the morning just so I could catch another glimpse of his rather impressive hard-on. The first couple of times, he seemed embarrassed, but I think he caught on to what I was doing and after that, he didn’t ask me to leave.

In addition to dumping and cleaning his bedpan, I also gave him sponge baths, helped him change the t-shirt he wore as his only clothing, and even wiped his ass when that was needed. It was during one of his sponge baths that I inadvertently got him aroused with my hand. I was using a warm, wet washcloth to clean his crotch area and as soon as I saw him growing, I stopped and withdrew.

“Don’t stop now,” he spoke up. “It was just starting to feel good.” I saw him grinning at me.

“You and I both know that wouldn’t be right,” I snapped. In the back of my mind, though, I was already imagining what it would be like to get him hard and even make him cum. I had heard all kinds of tales from girls in school about their boyfriends cumming all over the place, but

“Who says? Your Mom does it all the time,” he whined. “Besides, if it’s not exercised regularly, the plumbing could get all backed up and cause more problems. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”

I snorted. “That’s a bunch of bullshit and you know. If you want to exercise that thing, take care of it yourself!” I retorted. I stared at him, trying to keep a serious look on my face, but it was hard.

I went back to cleaning him and once more, his cock started swelling and moving around next to my hand.

“Really?” I said in exasperation.

“I told you, it hasn’t been used in a while and needs exercise,” he complained. I took his comment as my excuse for what happened next.

I took his soft, but heavy cock in my hand and started stroking it. The reaction was immediate and dramatic. He quickly grew fully erect and I found that my fingers were barely able to encircle his shaft. His cut foreskin was pulled back taut to expose his glans and he moaned softly under his breath as my hand moved up and down over it. At that point, I didn’t want to stop, so I continued masturbating his meaty cock with the intention of making him ejaculate.

Up to this point in my life, I had never seen, much less touched an actual erect penis and I had no idea what to expect when it ejaculated. I also had no idea how long it would take, but I became more determined to keep going until he did. As my hand moved up and down, he asked me to go a little faster. I did and within a minute or so, I saw a growing drop of translucent liquid oozing from the tip of his cock.

“Are you cumming now?” I asked in a hushed tone.

“Ah… no, sweetie… ahhh…,” he moaned softly. “His eyes looked down to see why I was asking. “That’s just some pre-cum. Kind of like an appetizer, if you will.” He gave me a warm smile as I continued jacking him off.

After several more minutes, I wondered if I was doing something wrong since nothing else happened.

“You’re doing great, Josie,” he assured me. “I usually don’t cum right away.”

I sped up my movements to see if that helped and my uncle’s only comment was to not squeeze it so hard. “It’s dry, so it can chafe and get sore pretty easily,” he explained.

Finally, I heard him make a strange groaning sound and then he gasped out, “I’m gonna cum now, Baby!” A couple seconds later, a small rope of thick, white gooey liquid erupted out of his cock and fell over my hand and his crotch. It was quickly followed by two smaller eruptions before subsiding to an oozing flow that lasted a few more seconds and covered the head of his cock before running down over my fingers.

“Oh God!” he cried out in a breathless voice. “Oh, God! That feels so good!”

I stopped stroking his cock and shifted to cleaning up the mess on my hand and around his genitals.

As I wiped things down with a fresh, warm washcloth, my uncle looked up at me.

“Thank you, Josie,” he said weakly. “You have no idea how good that felt.”

I gave him a smile in return. “I’m glad you liked it, but don’t count on me doing that on a regular basis.” He just smiled and nodded in agreement. As it turned out, I never did give him another handjob while he was bedridden.

Other than dealing with his bedpan, the thing I hated most about cleaning him was taking off his plastic back brace to clean it and the skin it kept covered up. At first, Mom and I would help take it off and clean it every two to three days, but we soon discovered that it needed to be done almost daily. The inside of the plastic shell he wore around his body would get incredibly slimy and ripe smelling from the sweat that pooled in it in-between daily sponge baths and the lack of air-conditioning in his room didn’t help matters. Each time I removed it, my nose was assaulted by the stench. Cleaning bedpans, taking care of patients personal hygiene; I couldn’t believe that some hospital nurses spent all day doing that stuff and more. I vowed there was no way I would ever be a nurse or professional caregiver. Too much gross stuff to deal with.

Strangely, despite being grossed out by cleaning up his sweat, defecation and pee every day, I found myself starting to enjoy the pungent smells as I cleaned his ass, dumped the bedpan, removed the plastic brace, and then washed them out. This turned out to be the beginning of my growing interest (some might say fetish) with foul odors.

One night, I woke up and got out of bed to get a drink of ice water from the kitchen. I quietly crept through the house so as not to wake my mother on the couch after she got home from her job at the bar a couple hours earlier. Glancing at the couch as I passed by, I was surprised to see the bedding disheveled, but my mother wasn’t there. I didn’t think much about it as I continued on to get my water. “She’s probably in the bathroom peeing,” I thought.

Returning to my bedroom, I heard muffled sounds from Mom’s bedroom across the hall. Peeking in through the door that was cracked open, my eyes adjusted to the dim light and I saw Mom leaning over the bed doing something with her brother. It took me a few moments to realize that she was giving him a blowjob!

“Holy shit!” I thought. I pulled back from the doorway to recover my thoughts and slow down my breathing. “Holy shit!” I thought again. At first, I thought I made a mistake, so I peered back in and very clearly saw her mouth over his hard cock and her hand slowly stroking in unison with her head bobbing up and down.

I continued watching in fascination at the surprising act going on just 15 feet away. For several more minutes, Mom continued her movements with minor adjustments along the way. I heard Uncle Dan fighting to keep his moans quiet so that they wouldn’t escape the room, but he was clearly struggling. Mom’s head lifted up briefly to look at his face while her hand continued to jack him off. When Dan said something to her in a raspy whisper that I couldn’t make out, her head dropped back down over his rigid pole and barely a second later, he ejaculated in her mouth.

Mom continued sucking and stroking his dick for several more seconds until his orgasm was complete, and then she let go of his dick and straightened up. They whispered some more before she kissed his lips and started to turn back towards the door. I quickly pulled back and managed to get inside my room with the door almost shut before she quietly exited her room.

I laid in bed almost panting at what I witnessed and felt myself wet between my legs. I reached down and quickly masturbated myself to climax while thinking back on my mother and uncle having sex in her room. After experiencing the most intense orgasm I ever had, I fell back on my pillow to let my body relax and my breathing settle. My heart was still pounding rapidly in my chest as I tried to decide if this was a recent development between the two of them. I eventually fell asleep in the early morning hours without ever coming to a conclusion.

The next couple of days were strange for me. I tried to act normal, but I think my uncle sensed there was something off with me. I found myself listening carefully each night to see if Mom went back to take care of him again, and discovered that it was a near nightly activity. I managed to stop obsessing over my mother having oral sex with her brother, especially after I checked online to see if it was illegal. It wasn’t.

After my uncle’s back healed and he was cleared by his doctor to return to work, life at home with just Mom and I got back to normal. I finished my senior year without any significant incidents, and even had an enjoyable prom date. I had been seeing one boy for a month or so before prom and we got along okay. He was funny and treated me nicely, but I wasn’t in love or anything. I ended up giving him a blowjob at the end of our date before he brought me home. It was my first and I’m sure I didn’t perform very well, but he seemed happy. I also let him suck my tits and enjoyed that experience as well, but I drew the line at letting him reach under my panties.

The small group of girls I hung out with would get together once a week or so during the summer to smoke some weed and talk shit about the other kids, especially the boys. It was harmless and fun, and I enjoyed the social interaction. One evening, three of us were high and talking about sex when we somehow ended up flashing our boobs to each other. We all laughed and I felt good because they all voted mine “Best Tits”. After passing around another joint, we got sillier and the next thing I knew, the other two girls were sucking on my tits. It felt great and we all laughed and giggled together as we took turns sharing our boobs with the other girls.

The first time I sucked a woman’s tit, it didn’t do anything special for me, but my friend really enjoyed it. Of course, that was probably just the weed talking. Soon, kissing and licking boobs gave way to French kissing, which did start to excite me. One girl pulled down her jeans and said she wanted us to lick her pussy because she was feeling so horny. I watched the third girl dive in and after bringing the first to climax, they switched places to return the favor. After both girls climaxed, they looked at me breathlessly, their eyes bright and shining with excitement.

“C’mon, Josie. You gotta try it!” they urged. “At least let one of us eat your pussy out so you can feel what it’s like.”

I politely declined they growing calls to engage in more lesbian sex, but that wouldn’t be the end of it. Over the next few weeks, the two of them became increasingly sexually active with each other, and I was often an accidental observer of their behavior. I had to admit that it looked enticing to me after seeing how much they enjoyed it and how intense their orgasms were. They finally coerced me into joining in and soon, I was naked and on my back with one girl between my legs and the other moving between my tits and my mouth.

I climaxed quickly, but they weren’t satisfied. They switched places and despite my protestations, commenced to excite me again. The second orgasm was less intense, but by then, I had given in to relaxing while they demonstrated what they had learned from playing with each other in the preceding weeks. They made it their personal mission to teach me all they knew, so the three of us planned a regular time to get together each week to have an all-female threesome. At some point in the following months, I began to think I was in love with both of them.

Out of high school, I took a couple weeks off before looking for a job to help out around the house. Even though my grades were excellent, I didn’t really want to go to college and definitely couldn’t afford to pay for it. I also didn’t want to leave my mother alone. She had always been the most important person in my life and by then, I realized how much she sacrificed for me. I wanted to pay her back and try to let her have a break from the constant strain of working just to scrape by.

Uncle Dan returned in the fall when the housing market hit a slump and work was scarce. He knew it was a cyclical business and always saved everything he could to cover the lean periods. Living at home with us was a good way for him to conserve his funds and also spend time with his sister and “favorite niece” as he would call me. He contributed money to help with household bills which allowed Mom to cut back on some of her hours at the bar. In turn, that let her spend time in the evening at home with me and Dan. When we were all awake and doing things together, it felt like my conception of a “normal” family.

I still kept an ear out in the late night hours to see if my uncle ever left the couch to visit Mom and discovered they were getting together almost every night. However, I couldn’t do much more than try to listen through her closed bedroom door to guess what they were doing. From the creaking bed and muffled, indistinct vocal sounds, I strongly suspected that Dan was doing more than getting a blowjob.

Finally, one night, Mom’s door was left ajar and I was able to peek in on them. By then, I was hardly surprised to see the two of them fucking in her bed. He was between her legs as she laid on her back with her knees up and spread. I watched him thrust into her with a slow, gentle rhythm, barely making a squeak from the bed for several minutes before pausing while they changed positions. She sat over him for a while rising and falling over his cock while his hands fondled and played with Mom’s small 34B breasts. The next change had Mom on her knees with her head and chest on the mattress and her butt held up high. Dan carefully stood over her and started drilling into her cunt from a near vertical position until he climaxed with a muffled series of grunts and groans.

When he was done, he carefully dismounted and both of them rolled together on the bed whispering and caressing one another. Even though I had known about their furtive activities, I still found it difficult to wrap my head around them having sex together. I didn’t necessarily disapprove or think they were perverted. I think my real problem was I never thought of Mom having sex. I had never known her to have a man in her life, other than my father, so I never thought about her having a libido that needed attention. Seeing how they acted in bed afterwards made me realize that it was more than just satisfying sexual urges. They really loved one another and sex was just a way to express their mutual love.

I quietly crept back into my room and shut the door without alerting them that I was awake. I laid in bed, unable to fall asleep quickly and reviewed my feelings about Uncle Dan and Mom. Part of me was glad that Mom was finding some happiness in her life, but another part was jealous. It had been a while since Uncle Dan and I wrestled around together. I think he decided that since I was older, more physically mature, and sexually aware, that our grappling and rolling around together might have resulted in inappropriate touching and serious issues between the two of us as well as him and Mom.

I never heard my uncle leave Mom’s room that night, but in the morning, he was back on the couch gently snoring when I got up to make the coffee. I tried to stay quiet and enjoy my morning coffee before Mom got ready to leave for work, but he woke up anyway. I heard him moving around and then he appeared in the kitchen wearing just a pair of boxers and rubbing his eyes.

“Smells good,” he commented as he headed to the coffeemaker. “Hope you saved me some,” he joked.

After pouring his coffee, he sat down next to me on the back porch where the sun was already well over the horizon and promised another hot day. We didn’t talk much. Mornings were usually spent sipping our coffees in silent reflection. When the weather was nice like it was that morning, everyone liked to sit on the back porch to watch the sun rise through the grove of tall trees well behind the house. In the summer months, we usually had about an hour after getting up to enjoy the relative coolness of the air before it rose above the trees and started making the porch uncomfortably hot.

Uncle Dan leaned back with a loud sigh and crossed one ankle over the other knee, which presented me with a close up view of his meaty soft dick poking out from the leg opening of his shorts along with his balls a little further up. I smiled to myself and waited a minute before finally saying something.

“Say, Uncle Dan, your twig and berries are getting a bit too much sun,” I kidded with a nod towards his crotch.

He barely reacted. Looking down, he said, “Damn! I’ve been wondering how those things keep getting sunburned.” He tried rearranging his package, but in the end, nothing changed and I was still left looking at his cock hanging out with both balls not far behind.

“Not helping,” I commented dryly. I took another sip of my coffee and continued to stare at the display. “Maybe you need to wear something more?”

“Hmm,” he said as he sipped his own coffee. “Am I offending your sensibilities?” he asked. His tone was joking, but his intent was serious.

“Me? Not at all. I’ve seen it more times than I can count, and there’s nothing special about it” I replied in mock derision.

He snorted.. “Then you’re the exception. Most women practically swoon when they see it.”

“Oh, really? You go around with that thing hanging out trying to attract women? I’ve got a news flash – it isn’t working,” I countered with a short laugh. He grinned back at me, but didn’t reply.

We both sat in silence for a minute or so, getting back to our coffee and enjoying the quiet sunny morning. Fortunately, Mom came out to join us before we resumed our discussion about his “southern exposure”.

“Good morning!” she announced in a cheery voice as she pulled up a chair next to me. I looked over to return the greeting just in time to see her eyes drop down to her brother’s underwear and note his “display”. She looked up to catch his eyes and then frowned with a quick downward glance to convey her disapproval. Dan didn’t say anything, but after a few moments, he quietly excused himself.

“Guess I better get in the shower now before all the hot water gets used up,” he commented as he headed back inside. Mom and I watched him head inside and she just shook her head slowly as we turned back to look out over the warm sun just peeking over the tree tops.

“Sometimes I have to wonder if that man and I are really related,” she said with exasperation and then a quick smile to me.

I just gave her a big smile in return as I continued sipping my coffee with both hands around the cup. “Yeah, he was trying to convince me that he walks around like that to troll for women,” I replied. Mom wasn’t amused.

“Did he really say that to you?” she asked. She tried to sound like it was no big deal, but I could tell it bothered her.

“Naw, I’m just kidding, Mom. He was trying to keep it covered before you came out but I guess he’s a bit too big for a normal pair of shorts,” I said to change her mood.

“Mmm.” She took another sip from her cup. “He always was more of a plus-size kind of guy, even as a kid.” Her voice sounded lighter and I waited to see if she was going to expand on her statement, but she never did.

We were both quiet for a few minutes before I suddenly asked, “Mom? Why don’t you ever go out on a date or have a boyfriend?”

She continued looking out at the rising sun.”Mmmm, I don’t know.” she said reflectively. “Guess I was always too busy working to have time to go out, and it’s not like I’ve met many guys who were interested in me and that I even thought might be nice to date. Most of the guys who try to come on to me are real losers, or married, or both.” She gave a short chuckle and then we returned to our own thoughts.

“It’s too bad Uncle Dan is your brother, otherwise you guys could get married and he could be my dad,” I finally said, breaking the stillness again.

“What?” Mom said with a start. She looked over at me as if trying to figure out what prompted my remark. “Where in the world did you come up with something like that?”

I remained casual and didn’t give any indication that I knew about their nocturnal activities.

“Oh, I was just thinking how well you two get along and how Uncle Dan’s been more like a real father to me than my biological father.” I almost said “sperm donor”. “You guys seem like a perfect match for one another. Maybe you’re so used to him being around you don’t find any other men interesting?”

Mom was no longer smiling, but watched me closely to try and discern any ulterior motives I might have for talking about her and her brother being together as a “couple”. Not seeing anything in my face or voice, she relaxed a bit.

“Yeah, it certainly would be nice to be with someone just like him,” she agreed. “But we’ve been close since we were little kids. We would hang out and play after school, ride bikes, explore in the woods, and even help with the few farm animals we had. Meryl always felt like an outsider when the three of us were together. She just had different interests than Dan and me, and tended to stay inside with our mother.”

“Mom, I want to say something serious and I don’t want you to take it the wrong way or get upset, okay?”

She looked at me with concern. “Is everything alright?” she asked with alarm.

“I think so. Well, mostly okay.” I took a deep breath. “Mom, you know that incest isn’t illegal, right?”

“W-what?” she stammered. Her face drained of color as she stared at me trying to figure out exactly who I was talking about.

“I-uh, I know that you and Uncle Dan are um…., ‘getting together’ at night.” I felt my face grow hot as it flushed. Mom’s face was already pale from my previous comment and this time, I was afraid she was going to faint.

“I just want you to know that you two don’t need to sneak around because of me. I love you both and think it’s great that you have someone who makes you happy. I also think that he’s never had a serious relationship in his life outside of you because nobody else could ever compete with you. When Uncle Dan is here with us, I feel like we have a real family and I really do think of him as my Dad sometimes. I want him to always be with us and he shouldn’t have to sleep on the couch and pretend like nothing’s going on just because I’m around.” There. I finally got my feelings off my chest.

Mom looked frozen. It took her some time to collect herself after my bombshell announcement. Her mind must have been reeling.

“I-I don’t know how to respond to that,” she finally managed to say as she continued to struggle with my comments and knowledge of her incestuous relationship with her brother.

“Just say ‘okay’ and then talk to Uncle Dan about it. I can be there if you want, but I’m guessing that you two will want some privacy,” I offered. I didn’t want to make it sound like what we were talking about was no big deal – it definitely was one with significant ramifications either way.

“I can’t really talk about this anymore right now,” she answered. Her color was slowly returning, but I could almost hear her heart pounding out of her chest.

“I understand, and there’s no rush to say or do anything. I just wanted to let you know that I’m fine with the two of you together like a husband and wife. I think it’s a shame that you have to limit your time together and sneak around to keep it a secret from me. You both deserve a happy life.” I reached out to hold her hand and tried to give her a reassuring smile, but I’m not sure that I was successful.

We sat in the still, warm morning with only the sounds of birds in the trees and the faint, far off sounds of traffic on the highway three or four miles away. Mom suddenly stood up.

“I need to go inside and get dressed for work,” she said in a strained voice, and then she left without looking at me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Why did I open my big mouth? What if I screwed everything up and my uncle decided to move out or leave because of me butting into their private affair? The remaining coffee in my cup grew cold while I continued to second guess myself and my self-doubts grew. What started as a nice quiet, beautiful morning turned into a shit-show because of my meddling and I felt miserable. I dumped my coffee on the ground and headed inside to get cleaned up and dressed for work.

Late that afternoon when I came home from work, Uncle Dan was still at his latest construction site and Mom wasn’t due back from her job at the department store for another 30 minutes. When she did get home, neither one of us said much and returning to the morning conversation was definitely off-limits. She was unusually reserved and quiet, even by her own standards, and when she did talk, her comments were short and involved safe, neutral topics.

Dinner was ready when Uncle Dan showed up and from the look he gave me when he came through the door, Mom had shared at least part of our morning discussion with him. He took a quick shower and joined us at the kitchen table with wet hair and smelling of fresh soap. He tried to sound normal, but neither Mom nor I responded to his attempt to ease the tension that filled the room. About half-way through our meal, everyone lost their appetite and we sat in agony while trying to converse normally about everything but the huge elephant in the room.

Uncle Dan decided he was tired of everyone pretending to ignore the strained mealtime.

“Jo, I understand that you had a conversation with your mother this morning that we all need to finish together,” he said as preamble. “It seems that you’ve found out about your mother and I, uh…, getting intimate and you have some thoughts on the matter.” He gave me a questioning look that invited me to speak up.

“Yeah, well, like you said, I know about you and Mom being intimate and I think it’s great. You’ve always been the father I never had and I love you for that. You make Mom happy and I think she does the same thing for you. I just wanted to let you both know that you don’t need to sneak around to be together, at least not around me. In fact, I would prefer to see you two able to spend more time together without having to hide your feelings just because I’m around. I get that you can’t really get married or let the rest of the world know about your love affair, but you should still be able to be yourselves in the privacy of OUR home.” I couldn’t help emphasizing the “our” part of my last statement.

Uncle Dan listened without reaction while Mom had a hard time looking up from the table at either of us.

“I see,” he mused. “Is that all?”

“It’s a good start,” I replied with a twinkle in my eye.

“Denise, are you still okay with what we talked about?” he asked my mother. She met his eyes and nodded with a hint of a smile before looking over to me.

“Well, then, I guess the most noticeable change is that I won’t be sleeping on the sofa anymore,” Uncle Dan said with a wide grin.

“Give me a break, Uncle Dan! You haven’t slept on that thing except by accident,” I teased. “And I’m not sure you did much sleeping in Mom’s bed, either!”

Both he and Mom laughed at that.

“Now, I know you like to think of me as your Dad, but I’ll have to ask you not to call me that or anything else other than your uncle,” he continued. He was still smiling, but his voice was serious.

“No problem. It would sound weird calling you anything else,” I replied.

“And of course, it goes without saying that we can’t tell anyone else about the arrangement between your mother and me,” he concluded.

Why do people always say that “it goes without saying…” and then they immediately say it anyway? I just nodded my agreement. I felt good inside and when Dan reached over and took Mom’s delicate hand in his meaty paw, the look between the two of them almost made me cry with joy.

Everyone’s appetite returned and we finished what was left of our cold dinner before relaxing together over a board game. Everyone was giddy with relief and excitement over Mom and Uncle Dan “coming out of the closet”, so to speak and bedtime seemed to come a lot earlier.

I watched them both head into the master bedroom holding hands like a couple of teenagers and wanted to rush over to hug them both. As my uncle started to close the door behind them, I called over from my room, “You can leave it open. You’re not hiding anything from me anymore, remember?”

He grinned at me and closed the door anyway. I left my door slightly open as I headed to undress and get ready for bed. As I stood in just my panties looking for a t-shirt to wear for the night, I was startled when my door opened without warning. Fortunately, it was just my Mom and she quietly closed it behind her.

“Honey,” said as she came up to me and took me in her arms. “Thank you so much for making Dan and I so happy,” she whispered. She gave my cheek a quick kiss and then squeezed me against her in another brief hug before stepping back.

I didn’t know what to say after that, so I just smiled back at her with a goofy grin before finally saying, “I love you, Mom.”

She left as quietly as she came and returned to her room to rejoin her lover in bed. Later, I was sure that I heard the sounds of the two of them having very unrestrained and enjoyable sex together and I rubbed myself to climax as I imagined what they were doing. Afterwards, the house became still and I fell asleep still smiling.

Two weeks later, everything was still going wonderfully. Both Mom and Uncle Dan seemed much happier and relaxed when they were home together and I tried not to overdo teasing them about their sex life. Mom got used to my sexual talk and innuendos and soon started joining in with Dan as they gave it right back. Dan had never been bashful in front of anyone when it came to sexual dialog and showed me that he was more Sailor than Choirboy with his language. It made our times together so much more fun.

Mom came outside to join me for coffee one Saturday morning on the back porch

“Hi Mom!” I called out as she came out through the sliding glass door to the back porch.

“Hi, Baby!” she replied with a happy voice. She pulled up a chair next to me and sat down with her hot coffee to relax. She was wearing a long t-shirt that she used as a nightgown; it covered her completely, yet was very sexy and left little to the imagination. For a woman in her mid-40’s who had a hard life, she still looked pretty damn good, I thought. When she sat down, I caught a flash of her pussy, letting me know that she wasn’t wearing the panties she normally wore to bed. That reminded me that she had become less concerned about her modesty around Uncle Dan than she used to be, and was behaving like she used to when it was just her and I alone together in the house..

We remained lost in our own thoughts for a while as we enjoyed our coffee and listened to the sounds of morning. I thought about that past few months and wondered when Mom and Uncle Dan started having sex together. The more I thought about it, the stronger my desire became to know the answer. Not knowing another way, I just asked my mother.

“Mom, when did you and Uncle Dan first start, umm… I guess ‘sleeping together’ would be the best term to use?”

She turned to give me a slightly startled look. ‘What brought that up?” she asked.

“I just wondered, is all. I mean, I know it’s been going on a while,” I replied. I felt my face growing warm from embarrassment. The truth is, I had no idea how long they had been having sex, other than at least the past few months.

She sipped her coffee slowly as she considered what to tell me. Finally, she said, “It’s been something that’s gone on a long time,” she said. Wow! That was kinda vague. I kept waiting for her to say more, but she didn’t, so I followed up with another question.

“A long time? Did it have anything to do with my father leaving us?” I asked. I don’t know where that thought came from. Until that moment, I never considered that her “affair” with her brother might have lasted almost 20 years.

Her eyes went wide. “No! Of course not! Your father was a self-centered asshole and as soon as we were married he lost all interest in what I was doing unless it involved taking care of him.” Her tone became heated and I could see that her resentment towards my father was still strong. “If it wasn’t for Dan, I don’t know how I would have made it as long as I did. He’s the one who stepped in to help take care of you and me when your father wouldn’t.”

“Mom, what are you not telling me?” I asked pointedly.

Her eyes flashed briefly and then her facial expression changed from one of anger and irritation to one that was more downcast and tired. I kept my own expression neutral as our eyes remained locked for a few more seconds.

She looked away first and gave a big sigh before turning her head back towards me. “You’re bound to find out someday anyway, so I’ll just tell you now.” She took a deep breath. “Your Uncle Dan and I have been together for a long time. It was something that was part of our family history and had been going on for generations on both sides. My father took me to his bed shortly after I turned 18 and Mom did the same thing with Dan. After that, Dan and I used to sleep together regularly until I started dating your father. When your father left, Dan and I resumed our previous relationship. Your father never knew anything about our family’s ‘unusual’ attitude towards incest, mainly because he never cared about anyone but himself.” She went silent, waiting for my reaction.

Wow! Mom’s admission was a lot more than I ever expected and it took me several moments to try and sort through what she had just told me. My mind was reeling, but I felt like I had to say something.

“So…, did you and grandpa ever have sex again after the first time?” Geez! I suddenly felt like some kind of pervert for asking my mother about details of her sex life.

Mom looked a little uncomfortable, but she responded without much pause. “We did, quite a bit actually.”

“What about Grandma? She didn’t get jealous of Grandpa having sex with you?” I asked. “What about Aunt Meryl? Di he have sex with her, too?”

“My mother didn’t seem to mind. I think that since she was raised in that environment with her parents, she didn’t see it as a threat to her marriage. Besides, she was able to be with Dan whenever the two of them wanted to be together, and your uncle was a pretty randy character in his youth. As for your aunt, she used to sleep with our father as well, but never with Dan. She stopped altogether when she started dating and then got married. I think part of the reason we are so distant these days is because she ultimately rejected our family’s history of incest. There’s nothing wrong with her decision and I support her choice, but just wish that she didn’t reject her family as well. No one that I know of has ever tried to make her change her views.”

I didn’t say anything more while I mulled over these revelations. They were definitely unexpected, but I found myself strangely at ease with what my mother shared of her family life before getting married. Maybe that was because I had already accepted her relationship with Uncle Dan and incest as a practice was no longer something strange and foreign to me. I suddenly had another earth-shaking thought.

“Did you and Uncle Dan ever talk about him having sex with me?” I asked. I tried to keep my voice calm, but from Mom’s look, I wasn’t successful at all.

She actually flushed red before answering. “Well, we did talk about that a few times, but more along the lines of whether we were going to continue the practices of our parents and grandparents or not. Just so that you understand, no one ever had sexual relations with other family members until that person was old enough to decide for him or herself that it was something they wanted to do. After we talked, Dan and I decided not to bring up the practice with you and to keep our own relationship a secret. Obviously, the last part didn’t exactly work out as we planned.” She gave a wry smile and returned to her now cold coffee.

Before I could say anything more, Uncle Dan came out in his customary boxer shorts that did little to hide what must have recently been a rather large erection. At least an inch of his soft dick was visible below the hem of his right leg.

“Are you trolling for women, Uncle Dan?” I asked, with a nod towards his partially exposed cock.

A week ago, Mom would have been completely flustered and embarrassed by my comment. Instead, she ignored it and instead chastised him.

“Dan, I’ve asked you before to please keep yourself covered around Josie,” she said with irritation. I’m sure that the conversation we were having before his interruption also had a lot to do with her mood and response.

“Damn! I tell you, it can be a real burden sometimes to have a cock this big!” Uncle Dan said in mock frustration. “Maybe I’ll have to start wrapping it around my waist again,” he joked with a deep laugh.

“Oh my God! TMI!” I interjected with a laugh.

“Dan, Please! I’m being very serious,” Mom said, throwing a damper on things.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a minute,” he said apologetically. He kissed my mother’s forehead and went back inside to get dressed.

“So, getting back to what we were talking about, if I did want to sleep with Uncle Dan, would you be okay with that? Would he even want to?” I asked.

Mom didn’t answer right away. “Are you telling me that you want to sleep with him? Why?”

Now it was my turn to be uncomfortable. I went through the thoughts that had been swirling around inside my head and tried to put them into something that sounded reasonable. However, everything I came up with sounded completely lame.

“Well, I don’t know. I mean, I’ve fantasized about it in the past, but of course never thought it was possible. After I found out that the two of you were in love, that just made it seem even more weird and out of reach.” I shrugged my shoulders as if to say, “so there”.

Mom continued staring at me, but then Uncle Dan reemerged from the house wearing a T-shirt advertising some kind of tequila and some loose fitting shorts that went almost to his knees. “Barely long enough to cover his cock,” That thought made me smile for no apparent reason, which only seemed to bother my mother even more.

“We’ll finish this discussion later,” she told me curtly.


Late that afternoon when Mom returned home from work and after she had time to change and relax, she called me to join her for a drink in the shade of the back porch. She had a glass of white wine and came out with a cold beer. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but throughout the day, I could help but think about all the possible responses she might have to my comments earlier that morning. She gave me a welcoming smile and we chit-chatted for a few minutes about nothing important before she returned to this morning’s topic.

“So, have you given any thought to why you think you want to sleep with your uncle, other than you’ve fantasized about it in the past?” she asked pleasantly.

I had actually thought through several reasons earlier, but none of them seemed to make much sense when I first considered them and at that moment on the porch, I couldn’t remember any of them anyway.

Seeing me at a loss for how to reply, Mom asked, “Do you want to do it just for the fun of it?”

“No!” I said forcefully. I was suddenly feeling pissed off. “Why would you think that about me? I’m still a virgin because I didn’t want to have sex just for the fun of it!” I snapped.

Mom sat back with a small smile. “I’m very glad to hear that, Jo,” she said with quiet sincerity. “I really am.” She waited a few seconds.

“Are you nervous about having sex for the first time and looking for someone who can help guide you through everything without embarrassing you?” she asked.

I hadn’t really thought about all of that before and paused before replying and telling her as much. “Well, I am nervous about my first time. Who wouldn’t be? I never really considered having Uncle Dan or even you as my sex mentor. How would that even go?”

Mom smiled. “We’re just trying to understand what you have been thinking and why you expressed an interest in having relations with Dan. We don’t need to talk in detail about hypotheticals. Do you think it would be a one-time thing or what?”

“I have no idea. I can’t even imagine what it would feel like. What if I can’t please him or even worse, don’t enjoy it myself?” I answered as some of the doubts that came up in my mind earlier came spilling out into the open.

“I wouldn’t worry about either of those things,” Mom reassured. “Dan is a very good and kind lover and he would be much more interested in making your first experience a pleasant one.”

“Wait a minute! Are you saying it’s okay for him and me to…?” I exclaimed in shock.

She held me in her firm gaze. “What I’m saying is that if you and Dan were to sleep together, your worries would be unfounded.”

My heart was still racing from her previous comments and I took a moment to calm myself. “Okay, I understand,” I replied.

“So back to my previous question. Would this be a one-time thing or what?” she pressed.

“I dunno. I would hope it would be more than once or twice. I don’t know how many times I would want to be with him. I know I don’t want to cause any problems between the two of you, though.”

“Thank you for that,” Mom replied. “I don’t think things would ever get to that point, but I am happy to hear that you are concerned about us.”

“Of course I’m concerned, Mom! I love both of you more than anything!” I said, my voice full of emotion.

Mom reached over and took my hand. “Okay, no more questions for you. Do you have any for me?”

“No. Wait, yes I do. What do I do about birth control?” I asked.

Mom smiled. “If you want to become sexually active, we can get you a prescription for the Pill, otherwise, condoms are still a good choice. Anything else on your mind?”

I thought for a moment and shook my head.

“Okay, I’ll talk to your uncle this evening and we’ll let you know what we decide. Now, let’s get back to our drinks!” she said cheerfully.

That night as I was in bed under the covers and getting ready to shut the light and go to sleep, there was a soft knock on my door. “Jo? Are you still up?” my mother’s quiet voice called through the closed door.

“Yeah, Mom!” I called out. The door opened and she stepped in with Uncle Dan behind her looking a bit sheepish. I sat up in bed wearing my nightshirt and nothing else, but my legs remained under the covers.

“I just wanted to let you know that Dan and I discussed what you and I talked about this afternoon and we’ve decided to go ahead and allow it,” Mom said as she sat down on the bed next to me and put her hand on my leg. Uncle Dan remained standing next to her as he looked down at me. They were both dressed for bed, meaning that Mom was wearing just a long t-shirt that reached mid-thigh and Uncle Dan was wearing his boxer shorts.

“So, my question to you is, how do you want to go about this?” Mom asked gently.

I was at a loss. “I-I don’t know. We never really talked about the details and I just figured that since you two had experience already, I would just follow along.”

“What I mean, dear, is did you want him to spend the night in here with you, or would you prefer to use our room and I’d just stay in here tonight?” she asked. That was a tough question. I had a full-size bed and given my uncle’s size, I don’t think either one of us would be very comfortable crammed into it. On the other hand, Mom had a queen-size bed, but it might seem weird having sex with her brother/lover in her bed. In the end, bed size won out.

“I think we would be more comfortable in your bed,” I admitted. “But could this wait until tomorrow night? I just need some time to get myself used to the idea.”

Mom laughed and Uncle Dan grinned. “Oh honey! I didn’t mean tonight!” She laughed again. “No, I think that the two of you will want to sit down together some time and talk things over before sharing a bed for the first time. Don’t you agree?”

I felt my whole body relax and I returned her smile. “Of course I do. Whew! You had me all flustered for a minute!”

Mom got up and before leaving, she and Uncle Dan both kissed me goodnight, making me feel like I was a little girl again. I slipped back under the covers and thought about the upcoming conversation with my uncle before drifting off to sleep.


My talk with Uncle Dan went a lot better than I expected. He basically wanted to know about my sexual experiences up to that point and if there was anything in particular that I was expecting or wanted to avoid. It was a little awkward for the first few minutes, but once I started talking, it became easier for me to open up. I told him about having sex with my two girlfriends and how I did give one boy a blow job on our prom night.

“He didn’t warn me before cumming in my mouth, which kinda pissed me off. I might have taken it in my mouth anyway if he at least gave me a choice, but like a minute after I started, his stuff starts pumping out into my mouth without warning. I was so pissed! I almost got up and spit it out all over him, but when I looked up, he was so embarrassed, I felt sorry for him. I think that was the first time he ever climaxed with a girl,” I related. Uncle Dan smiled at the story, but didn’t say anything other than to ask if I liked the taste of a man’s cum and is that something I would want to do again.

“It was okay, I guess. I didn’t really pay much attention to the taste, though. As for doing it again, yeah, I probably would, but I wouldn’t want to be surprised again like that.”

The biggest concern my uncle had was inadvertently hurting me. Mom had already told me that I would probably feel a little pain at first, especially if my hymen was still intact or partially intact. She cautioned me that my uncle had a large cock and it would definitely stretch my vagina, but he would take things slow and stop if I said anything. Uncle Dan reaffirmed what my mother told me and we planned for my first experience with him to be the following night.

After he and I talked, I felt really strange around him or Mom. I had a hard time sleeping that night and the next day, my uncle was working until around dinner time while Mom and I were both off for the day. I think she was waiting for me to approach her about the upcoming evening I had with Dan, but I was too nervous and uneasy about talking about it with her. She reminded me that she was always available to me if I wanted to talk about anything at all, but after that, she gave me space, which I appreciated.

Dinner was a strained affair, mostly because of me, I suppose. Mom tried to stay quiet and match my mood, but Dan was his normal exuberant self and tried to entertain us by relating some of the more humorous things that had happened at work over recent years. Under different circumstances, I’m sure I would have been rolling on the ground with laughter, but the best I could manage that night was a couple of unforced giggles.

After dinner, I helped Mom clean up the kitchen before she shooed me away. “Honey, I know you’re nervous about tonight and that’s normal. Why don’t you go take a shower and get yourself ready for an early bedtime?” It was a little after eight o’clock in the evening and we all normally stayed up until at least ten o’clock, but the anticipation was killing me.

“Get whatever you plan to wear tonight and anything else you need from your room and go inside to use my room. I’ve already got what I need in your room,” she said in a quiet, calm voice.

I left to do as she suggested. All I needed from my room was my nightshirt and then I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I had been standing in the tub with the shower running over me for a few minutes when I heard the bathroom door open.

“Mind if I come in and join you?” I heard my uncle call out over the sound of the splashing water. I stuck my head out from the side of the curtain as if I had to actually see Uncle Dan to know it was really him asking. He was standing with just his head poking past the slightly open door.

“Uh, sure. Okay, I guess,” was all I could think to say. We neve talked about taking a shower together, but the idea, while a little scary, was also very intriguing. I heard him come inside and close the door. After the sounds of clothes rustling, I saw one side of the shower curtain draw back as he looked in.

“Here I come,” he warned with a smile. After he closed the curtain behind him and then faced me, I suddenly felt very small next to his huge frame. We awkwardly rearranged ourselves so that we both were getting wet from the spray, but we were also standing right up against one another.He was a head taller than me and my boobs kept bumping into his midsection as we struggled to find a comfortable arrangement.

“Hold on a minute and let’s try something else,” my uncle said. He moved me between him and the shower with me facing into the water spray. He moved up behind me and I felt his massive arms lightly encircle my body.

“Just try and relax a bit while we get to know each other’s body a little better,” he whispered in my ear. His hands slowly caressed my tummy, moving up to my chest where they cupped and fondled my firm boobs. He took my small nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand and gently twisted and tugged on them to gauge my response. It felt good and I called back for him to do it harder. Moments later, he was pulling my tits out by the nipples as far as they would go and held them like that while twisting the nipples more. It was heavenly!

I felt his cock stirring up against the crack of my ass and reached back with one hand to try and grab it. When I succeeded in that, I tried stroking it to full erection, but my arm was at an uncomfortable angle and my movements were short and choppy. Nevertheless, I felt him growing quickly in my hand.

One of his hands left my boobs and slid down my flat tummy, over my full bush, and stopped just shy of going between my legs. His other hand moved back and forth as it continued to squeeze and fondle my firm little titties, one at a time. I tried raising and lowering myself over the fingers that rested just over my pussy, but he successfully kept them from entering me. I also found myself rubbing back against his body and enjoying the feeling of his hairy chest moving over my back.

“Try to relax a minute,” he whispered. His lower hand began moving and I felt a finger trying to work in between my outer lips. As soon as it did, he carefully explored my slit and managed to make me gasp each time he touched my clit. His finger then moved lower and under me to find my cunt hole and when he first pushed up into me, I sucked in a deep breath and felt my knees weaken.

“Oh, God!” I cried out softly. His arm tightened around me a little more as he made sure I wasn’t going to slip or fall. His movements inside my pussy were surprisingly gentle and restrained compared to how my girlfriends had played with it. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the feeling of his hard body pressing against my back, his strong arms holding me snugly, and his hand expertly exploring and exciting my cunt.

“Okay, that’s enough!” I called out in a loud whisper. “Please, let’s go to bed now!” I found myself begging. He held me a few more moments before cautiously releasing me and making sure that I was okay to stand by myself. I turned to face him and felt his cock poking into me and trying to rise up between my legs. Even though I had seen him hard on more than one occasion, he seemed bigger than I remembered and I wondered how he would ever fit inside me. I reached up and pulled my uncle down to me so I could kiss him lightly in the lips. He smiled and after shutting off the water, he helped me out of the tub to dry off before grabbing a towel for himself and drying off in the bathtub.

“I guess I should have made the bathroom bigger when I had the place torn apart,” he observed with a crooked grin. I saw his eyes watching me as I dried and I’m sure that he was enjoying the sight of me boobs jiggling as I moved around.I started to get my nightshirt, but he said, “If you want, just go inside like you are. I’m not going to be wearing anything.”

“What about Mom?” I asked.

He shrugged. “She knows what we look like and won’t be embarrassed,” he offered with little concern.

I hung my towel up to dry and opened the door to step out in the hallway. Mom was nowhere in sight and I managed the five-foot walk to the master bedroom door without seeing her. Uncle Dan came right behind me seconds later and we were both quickly in bed together. As we discussed, he took charge of things.

He guided me to lay in the middle of the bed on my back and then he proceeded to work his way up one of my legs with his hands and mouth. As he neared my pussy, I felt a twinge of excitement, but he moved back down to the other leg and repeated the slow teasing route up to my pussy all over again. The second time he reached the apex of my legs, he didn’t shy away, but instead, used his fingers to carefully open my lips wide before dipping his tongue between for a brief taste.

My whole body shuddered when his tongue grazed over my hard clit. I found his entire touch to be much more gentle than my girlfriends and far more exciting. He blew softly across my wet, open slit a few times before licking me once again from the very bottom to the very top of my pussy, but never actually entering my hole. When I felt his body moving up higher over me, I groaned in disappointment.

He looked up at me with a huge smile. “Relax, Jo. We have all night together. Think of this as a marathon, not a sprint.” I inwardly groaned again at the thought of being kept waiting any longer.

His mouth’s next target was my left boob. He initially just sucked and nibbled around my nipple, but eventually almost sucked the entire boob inside his mouth. I felt the most incredible pressure surrounding my boob along with the hard suction pulling on it. I reached down and started rubbing and lightly scratching his back with my fingernails, which elicited muffled sounds of pleasure from my uncle as he feasted on my tit.

When Uncle Dan finished with my left boob, he shifted his attention to the right side and by the time he was finished, both nipples were hard and extremely sensitive to the slightest touch. My pussy was wet and I told him over and over that I needed to feel him inside me. He finally relented, but first had me suck his large, heavy cock back to fullness.

As I started to take the head of his semi-erect cock between my lips, I was once again amazed at how big it seemed. My prom date’s cock had been less than half my uncle’s size and I wondered which of the two was closer to “normal” or average. He made a few constructive comments to help my technique and it wasn’t long before he was moaning softly and gently stroking my long, dark hair as my head bobbed up and down slowly over his pole. I don’t think I was able to get more than three of four inches inside my mouth, in large part because he was so wide. He let me continue for a minute or two after getting him fully aroused before he tenderly lifted my mouth off of his throbbing shaft.

He guided me over on my back and then reached over to his nightstand to get a condom and tube of KY gel. I watched with interest as he opened the foil package and rolled the rubber down over his stiff dick and how the rubber seemed to be stretched as far as it could be without breaking. After that, he applied a good amount of the lubricating gel over his rubber-encased pole. “This should help a lot, too,” he commented before putting the tube away and moving between my open thighs. I still couldn’t get over how smoothly he moved his large frame around me. Once in place, he held himself up with one arm and looked down at my expectant face. “I’ll be going in slowly, so Let me know if it starts to hurt,” he reminded me. I smiled and nodded, and then reached up to hold his broad shoulders.

He reached down with his other hand and guided the tip of his cock to my pussy’s small entrance. I felt the pressure as he worked to get it properly centered and then the feeling of my cunt opening being stretched as he carefully entered me. I found myself holding my breath in anticipation of the sharp pain I had been warned about, and my uncle noticed.

“Breathe normally. Don’t hold your breath. It will just make you more tense,” he explained. I let out a deep breath and focused on slow, deep breathing.

I have no idea how deep inside me he was when I felt some initial pain from my pussy being stretched out so far and so quickly. He saw me flinch and paused. “I’ll just stay like this for a bit. Let me know when you’re ready to keep going,” he said quietly. I nodded and after perhaps another 30 seconds, I told him to keep going. After that, I continued to feel what I would consider more discomfort than pain as he continued to ease into me. When he was about halfway in, he started to withdraw, surprising me.

“That’s it?” I asked in something between dismay and alarm.

He laughed. “No, it’s just going to be easier for both of us if I take my time to get the first part of your pussy used to me before moving a little deeper.”

As he continued, I found out what he meant. I was still very tight around the first four inches or so of his cock for a minute and then he pushed in a little further before repeating his previous actions. He essentially started with a series of short, slow thrusts that gradually went deeper as my pussy relaxed and dilated to accommodate his girth. I don’t know how long it really took before I felt his cock pressing into my cervix, but that’s when I told him to stop.

He seemed to be expecting it and when I looked down, it looked like he still had a couple more inches to go before getting his entire cock inside me. I felt disappointed, but as if reading my mind, he said, “Don’t worry about it. I can almost never get completely inside a woman without hitting something.” His smile was contagious and I was enjoying the odd fullness in my abdomen from his motionless cock. He resumed his thrusting, but this time, each stroke was a full one that always stopped just short of hitting my cervix again.

He made a slight adjustment to his body position and I felt his shaft rubbing over my clit with almost every movement. God, it felt so incredibly good! I started raising my hips up into him and he let me continue for a little bit, but then cautioned me against trying to push him too deep inside me. I relaxed and let him continue to do most of the work while I languished in bliss and only thrust my hips up into him just a few inches every so often.

I felt my orgasm building, but then I climaxed so rapidly that I barely had time to let him know. I suddenly started pushing my hips up into him at a rapid cadence as my whole body felt electric, It was the most intense and enjoyable sensation I ever experienced and I didn’t want it to ever end. As my orgasm began to subside, Uncle Dan leaned down and gently bit on one of my nipples at the same time that his shaft was rubbing over my clit again. That caused an almost immediate second climax and when it was over, I felt physically and emotionally drained.

Uncle Dan re-started his thrusting, but at a much slower pace and I could see his eyes watching me closely. I met his gaze and gave him a tired smile. “I can’t believe how good that felt,” I told him. He smiled. “I’m glad it was a good experience for you,” he replied, never slowing or missing a stroke.

“What about you? I want you to cum, too,” I said with concern.

“Don’t worry about me,” he answered. “I usually take a while and wearing a condom reduces the sensation so much that I can almost never cum while wearing one.” He sounded very matter-of-fact about everything, but it bothered me. I wanted to pleasure him as much as he pleasured me.

“What can I do then to help you?” I asked earnestly.

He chuckled. “Who said I was done with you already?” My eyes went wide.


He was still enjoying himself. “This is just the appetizer, young woman.” With that, he carefully removed himself from my pussy and had me roll over and get up on my hands and knees.

“One nice thing about making love,” she said as he shifted himself around behind me. “There’s almost no limit to the things you can try and the positions you can attempt. This is till pretty basic, but you’ll feel a significant difference when I take you doggy-style.”

Of course, I knew what doggy-style sex was, even though I had never been with a man before. I waited for his penetration and this time, he slipped in easily, despite my tight pussy. He was right. His cock definitely felt different inside me, but the downside was that it was no longer at an angle to rub against my clit. However, given its over-stimulated condition at the moment, that probably wasn’t a bad thing. Just as those thoughts went through my mind, he bent over my back and reached up under me with one of his hands to find and play with my tits as they swayed below me from his slow, tender thrusting.

I had to hand it to him. My uncle knew exactly how to please a woman, or at the very least, how to pleasure me. Everything he did seemed perfectly designed to provide me with an unforgettable first time experience and I was already wondering about how often I would be able to sleep with him in the future. I also could see why my mother was so much more relaxed and happy in the days since her brother came to stay with us. If she was getting treated like this every night, it’s a wonder she ever wanted to get out of bed!

Uncle Dan fucked me doggy-style for about 5 minutes before removing his cock from my pussy and having me lay on my side. He moved up behind me and with a little more effort than before, he slipped his cock up between my legs and found my pussy one more time. We laid together spooning like that until I eventually fell asleep. Before I nodded off, he managed to give me one more climax and then wrapped his arm and leg over me in a protective cocoon. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so happy and peaceful in my life, and I hung onto his arm, pulling it against my chest and thinking how much I loved him.

Sometime in the night, Uncle Dan managed to slip out of my pussy and remove his condom before snuggling against me again. I woke up around 3 a.m. to his low, rumbling snoring and smiled at the memory of a few hours before. I slipped quietly out from under his arm and went to the bathroom. When I left the bathroom, I was so intent on being quiet that I almost ran into my mother, who was coming out of my room and headed to the bathroom. I almost yelped in surprise.

She didn’t look as startled as me, but wasn’t expecting to see anyone else up at that early hour, either. We both giggled as our hearts started to calm down and that’s when I realized that I was still naked.

Mom stepped closer and whispered, “Are you okay?”

I nodded while trying to figure out what to do with my hands. My first reaction was to try and cover myself, but that seemed a bit silly. Mom and I had seen each other naked plenty of times and it was never a big deal. Why did I suddenly feel like it was?

She smiled and gave me a hug, which I returned. After wrapping my arms around her in a soft embrace, I squeezed her tightly against me and held her like that with my head on her shoulder. My mind was suddenly swirling with confused thoughts and I felt an overwhelming love for her. Mom didn’t say anything. She just held me and caressed my bare back with one of her hands. When I got myself collected, I released my tight grip and stepped back.

“I can’t even describe how good I feel,” I whispered. My eyes began welling up with tears, but I don’t think she saw them in the dark hallway.

“Shhh, we can talk about it later,” she replied just as quietly. “Go back to bed now and try to get some rest.” She kissed my cheek and disappeared into the bathroom as I carefully let myself back into the master bedroom to join my sleeping uncle in his bed.

We made love one more time when we woke up that morning. He led me through a slow, comfortable fucking in a basic Missionary position until I climaxed. Afterwards, I was able to suck his cock to climax. I not only expected his ejaculation, I had fully intended to cause it and enjoy the results. I was hardly surprised at the large amount of cum he deposited in my mouth and I had to swallow some right away before my mouth began to overflow. I then savored the rest and paid a lot of attention to how it felt and tasted. It was warm, thick, and a little salty, but certainly not bad tasting. I could see how a lot of women enjoyed eating a man’s cum.

We finally got out of bed around seven o’clock, but it seemed like much later. We took quick, separate showers to rinse off and then went to the kitchen to get our coffee. I was wearing just a pair of very skimpy panties, while my uncle donned his usual boxer shorts. When Mom joined us a short time later, her eyes widened in surprise at my appearance. She went over to kiss Uncle Dan affectionately and he patted her cute butt as she returned her attention to me.

“I guess you lost your modesty along with your virginity last night,” she commented with a wry smile. I could tell she wasn’t upset, but just messing with me.

“Yeah, and Uncle Dan and I were talking this morning about making the house a clothing optional zone, to help save on laundry,” I replied with a grin.

“Hmmm,” she said a little disapprovingly. “Since when have you been concerned about the laundry?” She looked at her brother. “Was this your idea as a way to see more T&A around here?” Uncle Dan looked at her.

“Who? Me? Nope, this was all her idea, but I could hardly object. What normal man would not want to be surrounded by beautiful naked women, anyway?” he said defensively.

Mom paused before breaking out in a short laugh. “I guess I’m just the stick-in-the-mud here.” With that, she pulled off her nightshirt to reveal her completely nude body. “Is this better?” she teased him.

Her brother gave her a wide grin. “At this rate, there’s definitely going to be another stick around here!” I could see his thick cock under his shorts and expected it to start poking out the bottom alongside one of his legs at any minute.

“Settle down there, stud,” Mom cautioned. “No one said anything about a full-blown orgy here.” Our conversation became more ribald before we ended up moving into the family room and all of us sitting on the couch together, with Dan in the middle. His cock was half-erect and we could see the small tent in his lap that he tried to ignore.

“Mmmm,” Mom said as she reached inside the fly hole and pulled his large soft cock out. “Did you save anything for me?” she asked with her eyes fixed on mine.

“Mom, you know a good girl never kisses and tells,” I teased back.

“Is that right?” Mom looked at her brother. “Was she good?” she asked pointedly.

Uncle Dan may have been mildly embarrassed, but he answered, “No, she was very good! Like mother, like daughter.”

“Really?” Mom said with interest. Her hand was slowly stroking her brother’s massive cock and getting it hard. “I bet she can’t do this.” With that, Mom’s head dropped down over Uncle Dan’s cock and she began giving him a blowjob right in front of me! Her hand continued stroking the shaft while her mouth enveloped the head of his cock. I had no idea exactly what she was doing to him inside her mouth, but in seconds, he was writhing around underneath her and groaning with delight.

I watched his dick become completely rigid under her tutelage and estimated the length to be around 9 to 10 inches long. Her head continued to slowly descend over his erect pole and I saw her lips stretched wide to fit around his wide girth. She paused with about four inches of cock inside her mouth and I watched her catch her breath as she worked to relax her throat. Over the next minute, Mom slowly took almost all of her brother’s huge cock down her throat and only stopped when she had about another inch to go.

She stayed like that for several seconds and then rose up, leaving a trail of her saliva covering Uncle Dan’s pole.I thought she was done, but when she reached the head of his dick, she moved down over it again. This time, she didn’t stop until her lips were pressing against the base of his cock. I couldn’t believe she was able to take his entire length inside her mouth and down her throat! This time when she rose up, she let his cock fall from her lips as she looked up at me and then her brother with a smile. I couldn’t help but notice the drool of saliva from both corners of her mouth.

“Holy shit!” was all I could say. Mom’s smile grew larger.

She looked back at her brother. “Remember how Mom used to give Dad a blowjob almost every morning? He wasn’t as big as you, even back then, but he was still pretty impressive. Mom could take his cock down to the root without even pausing and then stay like that. Sometimes, he even came like that and I never once saw her choke or gag on him,” she said to him.

“Yeah, Mom was really something. She used to do something with her tongue on my dick that had me begging for her to stop. I guess she must have taught you the same trick as well,” he grinned back.

Mom giggled. “She showed me a few thighs,” she admitted.

“Uh, I’m still here,” I reminded them.

Mom looked over at me. “Of course you are, dear. We’re not ignoring you, are we Dan?” She looked back at her brother.

“Nope,” was all he said.

“But, since I’m sure you got to enjoy your uncle’s cream either this morning or last night, I’d like to claim my share now,” she said unabashedly. With that, Mom’s head dropped back over Dan’s cock and her hand resumed pumping it in synch with her head movements. My uncle leaned his head back with a loud sigh of satisfaction while his sister worked diligently to make his cum.

I was fascinated by this new dynamic in our house and thought back to how much different things were just three weeks ago when Mom and her brother met at night in secret and pretended the rest of the time that there was nothing notable between them. Then the revelation that they were raised in a family setting where incest was accepted and practiced openly, at least within the household. This led to the start of my own incestuous relationship with my uncle, and hours later, my mothe is performing sexual acts on him in front of me as if it’s an everyday occurrence. From her earlier comment about Grandma and Grandpa, it sounds like they were just as open in their sexual behavior around their children.

I watched my mother intently, and tried to take mental notes so that I could do better the next time I was with my uncle. There was no doubt in anybody’s mind at this point that I would be enjoying him (and vice versa) a lot more often. My mother paused sucking on his cock for a couple minutes to suck on his balls instead, but her hand continued stroking his cock and building his arousal. I watched her suck one of his balls inside her mouth and after a little bit, she pulled back without letting go of it. His nut sack stretched out until his groaned in discomfort and that’s when she let his testicle pull free from her mouth. She dove down on the other one and repeated the procedure before going back to sucking his dick.

It took her a good ten minutes to bring him to orgasm and just before he came, his hand went to the back of her head and held her down in place. Mom must have taken that as his signal, because she didn’t resist and seconds later, I watched his cock spasm several times as he shot a load of fresh cum into her waiting mouth. Mom sucked his dick clean with gusto, but looked like she had not swallowed his spermy cream, yet.

That suspicion was confirmed when she moved off of his cock and engaged his mouth in a deep, French Kiss. Small trails of cum and saliva dribbled from their joined mouths as she shared his cum with him. Dan wasn’t bothered in the least by this act, which told me that it wasn’t new to either one of them. I watched as they both swallowed their portion of the spermy mixture and their mouths separated. Mom’s eyes were alight with desire and the best way to describe the look in my uncle’s eyes was pure love for Mom.

Mom was breathing hard, but quickly regained her composure. “Whew! I really needed that!” she exclaimed. When she looked over and saw me staring at the two of them, she burst out giggling. “Whaaat?” she asked with a hint of embarrassment.

“I can’t believe you got that whole thing in your mouth!” I exclaimed in awe. “And then that kiss…” I slowly shook my head. “Who would have guessed that my mother is a sex beast!” I laughed.

“Oh, come on now…,” she said with obvious embarrassment.

“I’ve got an idea,” Uncle Dan spoke up. He waited until both Mom and I looked at him expectantly. He looked at mom and resumed. “Jo told me about some of her other experiences and I was just thinking it might be nice to do something special for you now that everything is pretty much out in the open.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Mom asked. Her eyes narrowed.

“I’m just thinking that we have you lay down here and let Jo and I enjoy pleasuring you for a while,” he answered. Mom and I both stared at him like he had lost his mind. Was he suggesting that I have sex with my Mom?

“Exactly how would you plan on going about that?” Mom asked in a measured tone.

“I was planning to go down between your legs while Jo, here,” he glanced at me, “enjoys your nice little titties. Maybe after a while, we swap positions or try something else. Either way, you’re definitely gonna cum for us, Baby.”

Mom looked over at me; she already knew about me and my girlfriends fooling around. “Is this something you two have talked over?” she asked. She was still looking at me, but I wasn’t sure if the question was really for her brother or maybe both of us. I remained silent.

“Nope, the idea just now came to me,” Dan stated.

“What if Jo isn’t comfortable with that kind of thing with me. I mean it’s one thing to go to bed with you…,” her voice trailed off.

“No, I’m fine with it,” I chimed in. “I don’t know how much more I might feel like doing, but kissing and sucking your boobs would be fun. You can even try mine out, if you are okay with being with another woman.”

“Of course I am!” Mom snapped. Seeing the look on my face, she explained. “I may have forgotten to mention that Meryl and I used to play in bed together when we were little and I even made love to my mother a few times. It was definitely a new and eye-opening experience for me.”

“Good, then let’s get at it!” Dan said as he stood up and then reached down to help me off the sofa. I took his offered hand and smoothly rose up beside him. Mom remained in place staring up at the two of us. Undeterred, Uncle Dan gently helped lay down on her back with one leg propped up over the back of the couch and the other hanging over the front edge of the seat and resting on the floor. He put a couple small pillows under her head to hold it up at a comfortable angle and then without saying anything more, He knelt down to start licking her open pussy.

Mom closed her eyes part way and I could imagine that she was drifting off into a state of bliss. I made up my mind and knelt down beside my uncle so that I could have unfettered access to Mom’s small boobs. As I took one in my hand and mouth for the first time, it seemed bigger and firmer than I expected. Her nipple was already hard and as I quickly found out, it was extremely sensitive. It took me a few false starts to figure out exactly how much suction I could put on it and how hard I could play with it before it started to hurt.

When I latched on to her nipple for the first time and began suckling like a baby, her hand went to the back of my head and she stroked my head and hair slowly.

“That feels heavenly,dear,” she said to no one in particular.

Uncle Dan was taking his time and I followed suit. I alternated between Mom’s breasts while he gradually brought her close to climax with his tongue and mouth on her clit. Perhaps his mouth was getting tired, but he paused and asked quietly if I wanted to switch places. At that point, I didn’t care. I was all in with my mother, so I nodded. We quickly shifted positions while Mom watched through half-closed eyes and smiled.

Her pussy was incredibly wet when I first tasted it, and from what I could tell, it was all her juice. I lapped it as dry as I could before probing around for her clit. Having a fair amount of experience with my girlfriends, I quickly found that Mom responded to the same kinds of things. Within a couple minutes, her hips were bucking up into my face and I found myself trying to hold her down so I could keep her clit in my lips or teeth. When I glanced up, I saw that she and Uncle Dan were sharing a very deep, passionate kiss while he fondled one of her boobs.

When Mom started breathing fast and her body became harder to control, I knew that she was close to cumming. I’m sure that Uncle Dan knew it too, but he just held her head firmly in one hand as he kissed her hard and his other hand started pulling and twisting her nipple so hard that I thought she might cry out in pain, but she didn’t. Instead, she fought to catch her breath at the same time her body arched up off the couch.

“Ohh, God!…,” came her muffled cry and then her pussy juice practically came out in a small flood. I focused on getting all of it, but made frequent debtors back to lick or nip her clit with my teeth. Each time I did, she had another convulsion and released a smaller flow of her cum juices. When her orgasm subsided for good,her chest was heaving and her hands were trying to push me away from her cunt.

“That’s enough,” Mom gasped. “Oh God! That’s enough!” Dan moved over to kiss her nipples softly and then kissed her lips equally softly before moving back on his haunches and holding her hand in between both of his.

“Oh God! That was so wonderful,” Mom said breathlessly. Her chest had stopped heaving and she seemed to be breathing nearly normal again. I sat back on my heels and looked at her laying open and exposed in front of me as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Dan continued to look down on her, smiling like an idiot and I couldn’t resist feeling the same way.

Mom looked down at me and then over to her brother. “I couldn’t imagine waking up to start every day like this!” she said in something like admiration. Neither Uncle Dan nor I said anything back, but I did see him briefly squeeze her hand as he continued to smile. We eventually got up and managed to make our way back into the kitchen to get refills on our cold cups of coffee and then went outside to sit in the warm sun. Uncle Dan took his shorts off and I removed my tiny, delicate panties so that we were all nude sunbathing while we enjoyed our coffee and talked about our future life together as a family.

Finally, Mom dropped the bombshell she had been hiding for almost 20 years.

“Josie, I do have one more thing to tell you,” she began in a suddenly serious voice. My heart dropped. After all the wonderful things we had just experienced together and all the plans we talked about for our lives together, she was going to say something that would make it all disappear forever and leave me feeling crushed.

“And you too, Dan.” She immediately had our full attention. From the look on Uncle Dan’s face, I was sure that he was sensing the worst as well.

Mom took a deep breath. “I’ve been keeping a secret from both of you that affects all of us, but I can’t keep holding it any longer. Josie,” she said, turning towards me. “Uncle Dan is your real, biological father.”

I sat in stunned silence staring at her and then looking at Uncle Dan, who was just as surprised and stunned.

“Your father, or more accurately, my ex-husband, never wanted children and frankly, I couldn’t stand the thought of having his child, but I desperately did want a family. So, I came off the pill and met with Dan a few times when I believed I was fertile enough to conceive. Once I was pretty sure I was pregnant, I told your father, but let him believe the baby was his. He went crazy. He accused me of trying to trap him into a shitty marriage and stormed out. Two days later, he came back long enough to pack anything he cared about and then left for good.”

“It was hard being left like that, but I had my baby on the way and as hard as things got, I never regretted getting pregnant. When you were born, I knew I had done the right thing.” She smiled weakly at me. Turning to her brother, she continued.

“Dan, I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to tie you down or make you feel responsible for taking care of Josie and me. When I watched you with her growing up, I got so much joy from seeing the two of you having such a beautiful relationship, but you still had your own life to live on the road and I felt that taking that away from you would have been selfish and wrong. Never mind the fact that we could never tell anyone else about our relationships. It seemed to be working out for the best without telling you everything, so I kept quiet.” Mom sighed and took another deep breath.

“The past few months with you deciding to stay here with us told me that you were finally tiring of the road and enjoying something of a family life with Josie and me. We decided to share our family secret with her and she’s embraced it just as you and I did when we were her age. Now, I can’t see any good reason to keep the truth from either of you. I hope you’ll forgive me.” Mom sounded completely defeated, yet there was still some optimism in her voice.

Uncle Dan stared at her and then stood up. He was still naked, but that was the last thing on anyone’s mind. “Denise…,” he started. “I…,” his mouth froze open as he tried to get the words out. He suddenly reached down to take her hand and pull her up in front of him. I started to rise up from my seat in alarm, but my brain kicked in and told me that he would never hurt her, so I slowly sat back down.

“I can’t believe you kept this from me,” he said in a voice choked with emotion. “All these years and I never knew that I actually had exactly what I had always wanted. A family with the one woman I loved above everyone else.” He choked up on the emotions flooding through his mind.

“I would have gladly given up everything I was doing to be here to take care of both of you, like a real husband and father would. The biggest reason I stayed away as much as I did was I couldn’t bear feeling like a father inside, but knowing that it was all an illusion I made up in my own head. A fantasy that would never happen. I always feared that one day, you’d come home with a boyfriend who you really cared about and who cared for you, and then I would go back to living alone all the time.” He took a deep breath and let it out.

“I love you both and while I’m still in shock over the news, I can’t imagine anything more joyous in my life!” He pulled Mom into a large bear hug and they both kissed and cried on each other for a bit before I finally interrupted.

“Hey, don’t forget me,” I said. I felt just like Uncle Dan. I was completely shocked by Mom’s jaw-dropping revelation, but I was also happier than I had ever been before. I had been living with my real parents after all and I couldn’t imagine a happier childhood than when the three of us were together.

Mom and Dan broke apart from their hug and opened the arms to invite me in. The three of us shared a group hug full of smiles, tears of joy, and tenderness as the full import of our newly announced relationship set in. That will always be a hard morning in my life to top.

I still call Dan “Uncle Dan”, mostly out of a lifetime of habit, but also because I would hate to accidentally call him “Dad” in front of anybody else. He and I still enjoy a very full and loving sex life together, but our lovemaking has become less frequent as I’ve started to meet men on my own, some of which show a lot of interest and promise for a longer term relationship with me.

I also sleep with my mother on occasion and our love-making, while physically much different than being with my Dad, is no less intimate or intense. About once a month, all three of us get together for a full night of passion that got a lot more comfortable when Mom and Uncle Dan bought a king-size bed to replace her old queen-size. The clothing optional joke that I made years ago actually became a reality shortly afterward, at least on the weekends, and we’ve all become closet nudists.

I’ve also built more of a relationship with my Aunt Meryl. Now that I know more of the family history, I’ve become more accepting of her coldness towards my Mom and Uncle Dan. However, she remains unaware of my actual parentage or incestuous activity with her sister and brother. That said, she’s actually warmed up towards me and I’ve found her to be a very kind and quiet person and despite her public appearance, she is much more down to earth and in that regard, she is much like her sibling.