Tybalt and Juliet

Jake’s POV

I enjoyed being back at work; the Campsite provided a good distraction. I forced myself to be as active as possible, although I still couldn’t carry anything with my left arm. I’d been conscious that for the first few weeks of my recovery, I’d eaten very little and had lost a fair bit of weight. I wasn’t skeletal by any means, but my chest was certainly less well defined, and I’d lost any trace of a six pack.

Amy was still finding things tough. I was aware that she was attending counselling sessions a couple of times a week, but I never felt confident to ask about them. She wasn’t miserable by any means, but her mischievous sense of excitement was gone and her eyes no longer sparkled as they had. We did laugh and joke, but the atmosphere between us seemed stilted and even at times, forced.

I feared that Amy felt trapped in our relationship, staying with me out of a misplaced sense of loyalty or guilt, when splitting up might have helped in banishing the bad memories. I felt I was making progress, but my girlfriend was still a long way from being herself.

It was the second week of August when the bombshell dropped. Ritchie had celebrated the removal of the cast from his wrist, by attacking a student in a club in the neighbouring town. He’d broken her nose and she’d been badly bruised, but she’d screamed the place down and had managed to fend him off until help arrived. He’d been arrested again, this time without the possibility of bail.

Ritchie’s was a life that had spiralled out of control, doomed by his own hubris.

Amy and I had, with the exception of our families, our work colleagues and maybe half a dozen very close friends, blocked all contacts on social media. But news of that magnitude was always going to find its way through.

Although the circumstances were harrowing, news of Ritchie’s second arrest brought, to my shame, a feeling of modest relief. He would now be behind bars until his trial and, if convicted of the two attacks, would be unable to come face to face with either Amy or me for at least three years, quite possibly longer. I hoped she felt the same way too.

Working at the Stables was Amy’s escape. When we were together, it was virtually the only thing she talked about. Jackie, her boss, had been understanding and accommodating beyond the call of duty, and it was clear that the two of them got along very well. Amy was taking on more responsibility as the summer season boomed, giving riding lessons and leading hacks out cross-country. I’d been concerned that she’d find the daily commute from home a drag, but she’d arrive early and stay late. At times it seemed to be the only thing in her life that could make her happy.

Our work schedules meant that we saw less and less of each other as the holiday season became busier. Our shift patterns allowed us to eat lunch together two or three times a week and enjoy half a day at the weekends, but we were always keeping an eye on the clock and, if we were alone, it was never in a place where we could be intimate.

As August progressed, the spectre of exam results day loomed ever larger. Amy and I avoided talking about it, but I was certainly growing more nervous and I was sure that it was adding to the pressure on her too. Our places at university were dependent on getting the right grades. I’d been raised a good Christian boy at the village church, but in my late teens my faith had all but disappeared. Nevertheless, I prayed every night through August that Amy would get the results she wanted. Our relationship was hanging by a thread and I dreaded the prospect of another blow to her confidence.

Exam results day dawned, a bright Thursday morning. I’d arranged to meet James, Danny and the rest of the gang at school. Amy had been a little non-committal about joining us and, to be honest, I was bracing myself for her to break up with me within a week. I texted her first thing to ask about her plans, but no reply came.

I still wasn’t allowed to drive, so Lauren took us to school. The plan was to collect our envelopes, hopefully celebrate and pose for a few photos and then go off to a nearby café for a full English breakfast. Across the country, many thousands of students our age would be doing the same thing.

We met Danny at the school gates and we climbed the steps up to the main entrance.

“Fuck man, I’m nervous,” he said. “I haven’t been this nervous since GCSEs.”

Lauren held his hand reassuringly. “Don’t worry,” she said. “It’ll be fine.”

Inside I was a torrent of emotions. I hadn’t really slept the previous night, but it wasn’t the results that had kept me awake.

Danny had forced me into a pact – the person who received their envelope first, would wait for the other to get theirs, so that we could open them together. As ‘Hardwick’ came after ‘Curran’ in the alphabet, I’d expected him to have to wait for me, but in fact I was the one left clutching my fate in my hands as he stood in the queue.

‘Schrödinger’s cat all over again,’ I mused.

“Ready?” shouted two voices behind me.

I spun round.

“1… 2… 3…” Danny, Lauren and I ripped open our envelopes.

I unfolded the thin sheet of paper inside, my fingers shaking a little.

‘Biology – A*,’ it read, ‘Chemistry – A*, Mathematics – A, Physics – A*.’

I gasped. I read it again to make sure it was true. A wave of relief swept through me: I’d done it. I was going to Cambridge!

A shriek of delight sounded next to me. Lauren had thrown her arms around Danny and was jumping up and down in excitement.

“Wow,” she said. “Three Bs!”

“And two As and a B for me,” Danny replied.

“Congratulations,” I said, throwing my arm round them both, “that’s excellent news!”

It was. Danny had been predicted three Bs and Lauren far worse. The two of them had done it, despite my cynicism they’d done it!

“Hey, what about you?” Danny asked breathlessly.

“Three A*s and an A,” I replied, still feeling a little light-headed. “I’m going to Cambridge, I can hardly believe it!”

We milled around for a quarter of an hour or so, congratulating the other students, posing for pictures. A photographer from the local paper was there ready to capture the celebrations and, needless to say, he made a beeline for me; I knew what story would be on the front page the following week. I gave him an anodyne quote, thanking all my teachers, my parents and everyone who’d supported me and said I was really excited about my university course.

But my mind wasn’t really in the moment; I was looking nervously around for Amy, but she hadn’t shown or answered my texts. The crowd of jubilant students was beginning to thin out. I tried to call her, but her phone was switched off. The envelope bearing her name remained unopened on the desk in front of the exams coordinator.

About a dozen of us headed off for brunch at one of the local cafés, all with the grades that we wanted. Nervousness had given way to joy and relief, and our talk was of the future and the exciting possibilities that it would bring.

Looking round the table, I was aware that this would be one of the last times, if not the last time, that we’d all be together in the same place. In a matter of weeks, we’d be scattered across the country from Newcastle to Exeter. Friends I’d seen every day at school for the past seven or more years, would shortly be living hundreds of miles apart.

There were two elephants in the room. The first was the attack and I’d indicated to Lauren and Danny that I didn’t want to be reminded of it, on that day of all days. The second was, of course, Amy. No one mentioned her either, but I felt somewhat self-conscious, surrounded on both sides by couples.

We joked around and dug into our fried breakfasts; there was the usual fare of sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns and baked beans, a combination that I’d normally have wolfed down, but I made heavy going of things. On a day when I should have been celebrating ecstatically, Amy’s no show had given me a knot in the stomach. I ate quietly letting the conversation, banter and joking flow over me.

My meal eaten, I got up and went out to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and glared at myself in the mirror.

‘Get a grip, man,’ I thought to myself. ‘She’s gone, there’s nothing you can do about it. Stop moping and celebrate with the others.’

The door opened and Danny walked in.

“You OK?” he asked, putting an arm across my shoulder.

“Yeah, just need some fresh air,” I said, pressing a ten-pound note into his hand. “I’m going to go for a bit of a walk. Can you pay my bill for me? I’ll call you if you’re not here when I get back.”

Danny nodded and I slipped quietly out of the side door to the café. It was a baking hot day, but somehow I felt cold. I shivered. I’d vaguely planned to walk round the shopping centre a couple of times, but instead I found myself turning in the opposite direction, back towards the school.

I peered through the tennis court netting. Even in the sunshine, the main building had a gloomy air about it, but now it had taken on a more sinister silhouette. I no longer belonged there. I couldn’t honestly say that I’d ever enjoyed my time at school, Ritchie and Billy had made sure of that, but any respect I might have had for the place was now gone. The school that should have been a place of safety, had hidden dark secrets behind its walls for too long.

There were still a few teachers’ cars in the car park, but the students had all dispersed. I looked at my watch; it was eleven thirty. Anyone who hadn’t collected their results by now would receive them through the post the next day.

I was about to turn to head back to the café, when I saw her. A small figure with dark black hair, darting across the car park and in through the main doors. Amy, unmistakably Amy!

I hesitated. Should I follow her, try to catch up with her? Why was she here now? Why hadn’t she come earlier? Why hadn’t she replied to my texts?

Nervous yet intrigued, I walked along the pavement towards the school gates, telling myself that I had every right to walk down a public road, especially one in my home town. I sat on the wall outside, waiting, my heart thumping in my chest. Then my phone started to ring.

‘Probably Danny or James telling me they’re leaving the café,’ I thought.

I turned the phone over in my hand and looked at the screen.

‘Amy’ it read.

“Hello,” I said.

“Jake, Jake, it’s me, I did it!” she cried breathlessly. “I did it, I got two A*s and two As! I got my grades for London!”

I turned to face the school entrance; one of the main doors was opening.

“Wow, that’s fantastic,” I said. “Congratulations!”

Amy appeared through the door, phone against her ear, walking down the steps.

“I’m so happy Jake! Where are you? Can I come and meet you?”

“I’m right here!” I said, now standing between the school gates. I waved to her.

She looked up and saw me. She took the phone from her ear and ran towards me, into my open arms. We hugged each other tightly, then we kissed. A genuine, loving, uninhibited kiss, maybe the first time we’d kissed like that in over a month.

“Congratulations,” I said. “That’s really excellent news!”

“But that’s not all,” she said breathlessly. “Look, the letter!” She thrust a sheet of paper with the exam board’s logo into my hand. “I got one of the top three marks in the country for History. There’s a ceremony in London in December and I’m going to be given a prize!”

“Wow!” I said. “That’s amazing, that’s really brilliant! Well done, I’m so pleased for you! That’s fantastic news.”

She paused.

“What about you?” she asked, a flicker of concern sweeping across her face.

“Three A*s and an A,” I said. “I’m going to Cambridge!”

“Oh Jake!” she said. “I’m so pleased, so proud!” We hugged and kissed each other again.

“Thank you,” she said. “Thank you so much. I couldn’t have done this without you!”

I looked at her baffled and confused. “But I didn’t do anything. This is your achievement, and yours alone. Nothing to do with me!”

“Jake, you made me believe in myself! You picked me up when I was at such a low ebb. You’re amazing and I love you so much.”

I hugged her tightly.

“I need to phone my mum,” she said. She stood a little away from me, while she told her mother the good news.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out to see a message from Danny. They were going to the pub. ‘A beautiful day like today, and they want to sit inside drinking!’ I thought.

I turned my attention back to Amy.

“Yes, he did really well too,” she was saying. “Three A*s and an A, he’s definitely going to Cambridge… Yes, he’s here now… I’ll tell him… OK, yes I’ll ask him.”

Amy said goodbye to her mother and turned to face me. “Would you like to come to my house tonight for a barbecue to celebrate?” she asked. “My mum has a bottle of champagne she wants to open!”

“Yes,” I said, “that would be great! I’ll need to tell my Mum that I won’t be home for supper. I’m not supposed to have alcohol though, not until I get the final scan next week.”

Amy texted a short reply to her mother and then turned to face me. “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?” she asked.

“Well,” I said, “everyone else has gone to the pub, but I’d like to spend some time with you, just the two of us, if that’s OK?”

“I’d really like that too,” she said, giving me a beaming smile.

“What do you want to do?” I asked.

“Are you OK to ride?” she asked.

“I think so,” I said. I pointed at my left arm. “I’ll need a bit of help to get in the saddle, but I should be OK once I’m actually on a horse.”

“I’ll phone Jackie and ask if we can go for a hack this afternoon!” she said. “There’s somewhere I’ve wanted to take you for a long time!”

“OK,” I said. “Let’s get going.”

I knew exactly where Amy was taking me, but I bit my tongue and played along as we rode up the steep bridle path. Lauren and I had been up there many times as children, although not for a few years. We’d crossed the small river that marked the northern boundary of our farm and were working our way up the far side of the valley, to the hills beyond. Beneath the horses’ hooves, the ground was becoming lighter as we moved from clay to chalk and the tree cover thinned above our heads as we neared the top.

We dismounted and tied the horses to a couple of fence posts. Then we walked a few paces uphill to the great oak tree that marked the exact summit. I sat down, with my back against the trunk; Amy sat between my legs, leaning against me.

I kissed the back of her head gently.

“I’ve wanted to bring you up here for a long time,” she said. “Ever since I first came here. I always imagined being here with you. You holding me in your arms like this, being together on our own.”

I looked out at the panorama below us; it really was an amazing view. When you’re used to seeing something so often, particularly a place you’ve known since childhood, you kinda take it for granted, but when you’re there for the first time with someone different, you somehow have a different perspective on it. It’s almost as if you’re experiencing it anew, through their eyes as well.

The first eighteen years of my life lay before me – the farm and its fields, the river and the millpond, the village with the church and the railway to the town beyond. A world of happy memories laid out in miniature across the landscape. This was the place where my parents had raised me, my family had nurtured me and where I’d grown with the love and support of all around me. Now a new life awaited in Cambridge – new friends, new experiences, new challenges. My adult life was dawning, my childhood at an end – the boy was becoming a man.

Amy noticed the tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

“Jake,” she said alarmed, “what’s up, are you OK? I’ve never seen you cry before!”

I nodded. “I’m just very happy, really happy to be with you.”

We kissed. Then she laid her head on my shoulder. “I love you so much Jake, I really do,” she said.

“I love you too,” I replied.

I held her. I loved her.

Amy’s POV

Jake’s tears didn’t exactly shock me – shock was the wrong word. There’d been so many shocking events and revelations that summer, that I suppose I’d become unshockable. But I was moved by them, deeply moved.

I’d cried so many times over the preceding six weeks, but Jake never had. As I’d sob into his chest, he’d surround me with his arms, a rock to shelter me against the storm. He drew his strength from the support of his family and friends, his belief in himself and his determination not to let Ritchie’s actions beat him.

I’d always worried that I wasn’t good enough for Jake. He’d been accepted by Cambridge at the same time that I’d been rejected – that been a hammer blow to my self-esteem. As our relationship had developed and my love for him deepened, I feared him finding someone better at university. Then, as my confidence had collapsed after the attack, I’d worried that he was only staying with me out of a sense of duty, obligated to support me as I came to terms with the events of that night.

But Jake cried that day because he was happy. Happy, because he was in love – in love with me.

Finally, with my place at university secured and with Ritchie behind bars on remand, the clouds that had darkened my thoughts for so long had lifted. I could see the way ahead with Jake by my side. I loved him too.

I leant back against him and my lips found his. I slid my tongue into his mouth and we kissed passionately. His arms tightened around my waist and my heart began to beat faster. I slipped my hands over his and led them under the hem of my top, gasping as he brushed lightly across my breasts. I felt him stiffening against me, as my own arousal flickered into life.

It had been so long, it had been too long.

I led Jake up the stairs to his bedroom. To be honest I was a little nervous. The last time we’d been intimate with one another had been almost two months previously, down at my uncle’s cottage in Dorset. That was when I’d had the cheek to tell Jake that our relationship was unbalanced and that I wanted to be able to support him more. I was so ashamed of those words – I’d relied on him so much since then – and given nothing in return.

We stood at the foot of the bed, embracing, fully clothed. He was nervous too, I could tell – that slightly awkward way of standing – I’d spotted it first during the play and again at James’ party. It was almost as if we were starting again, he didn’t know what I wanted, what my boundaries were. Now it was my turn to take the lead.

I reached up to hold his cheeks, pulling his head down. We kissed tenderly, our tongues searching deep into each other’s mouths. I felt him cradling the back of my head and I ran my hands over his chest and down his slides to his bottom. I squeezed gently, mewing in pleasure into his mouth. His buttocks were so firm, so muscular and his thighs so sturdy. I had a vision of him thrusting powerfully into me as I surrendered to his passion. I shivered in anticipation.

We broke apart as I gripped the globes of his buttocks more firmly.

“Ah Jake,” I gasped. “You’ve got such an amazing bottom. It’s so pert and so firm and ohhh,” I shook again in delight.

“Amy?” he asked tentatively. “Would you mind if I took my top off? You don’t have to take yours off if you don’t want to. Is that OK?”

I looked up at him, a broad smile breaking out over my face. I nodded.

He smiled, then gripped the sides of his polo shirt and pulled swiftly upwards. I fell against his chest, frantically covering his cool skin with kisses, running my fingertips over the swell of his pecs. He gasped as I took one of his nipples gently between my teeth and pulled lightly. His eyes closed as he savoured the sensation.
I looked up at him, begging him with my eyes, silently imploring him to rip my riding top off. I wanted to feel his power, for him to be rough with me – to throw me on the bed and to release the tension that I’d bottled inside for so long.

He kissed me again, then spun me round half a turn, so that I faced away from him.

He ran his fingers along the base of my buttocks, feeling my curves through my jodhpurs. I moaned – that was such a turn on, he knew that – just the way to tantalise me.

I shimmied against him, trying to rub my bottom against his willie as he pressed against me.

“Please Jake,” I murmured, “can you take off my top? Please?”

He reached around to my front and pulled the half-zip down as far as it would go, brushing gently over my breasts as he did so. I braced myself for him to pull the shirt up, but instead I felt him pulling the corner of my collar down and his warm breath on the side of my neck as he began to kiss me again.

“Please Jake, please!” I begged. “Please take my top off.”

I felt his fingers slip down my side, following the curve of my hip. Then he grasped the hem and lifted gently. When my top was clear I made to turn to face him again, but he held me tight as he planted a row of light kisses across my collar bone to my shoulder.

“Amy,” he said quietly, sincerely, “you’re so beautiful.”

His hands brushed lightly over my sports bra, feeling the firmness of my breasts imprisoned behind the fabric.

I turned my head to look deep into his sparking blue eyes. I nodded, pleading again.

Cautiously he began to pull my bra upwards, maintaining eye contact as he did so, reassuring himself at every stage that this was what I wanted. Then his cool hands cupped my breasts, gently caressing them for the first time in months. I leant back against him, closing my eyes, letting the sensation wash over me.

I felt him stepping to my side. Then he reached down and swept me off my feet, carrying me carefully to the bed and laying me down on top of the duvet. I’d wished for a handsome prince to do that for as long as I could remember; now Jake, my Jake, had made those dreams come true.

I watched him, watching me. Watching as he drank in the sight of my naked breasts for the first time in so long. My eyes slipped lower. I could see the outline of his hardness running diagonally to his hip, imprisoned by his jodhpurs. How I yearned to release him from his torment.

He lay beside me on the bed and our mouths met again as he brushed my hair away from my face. Our tongues searched each other out as I stroked my hand across his naked chest, feeling the wispy hairs beneath my fingers. Then he moved lower, placing delicate, loving kisses on the side of my neck.

Jake looked up at me again, imploring me silently with his deep blue eyes.

I nodded, mute, unable to speak.

He bowed his head again and took one of my nipples into his mouth. I felt him surround it with his tongue, swirling his wetness around it. I remembered the first time he’d done that to me – he’d made me cum. I hoped he’d do it again. I ached for him to do it again.

My nipples throbbed, as he caressed them gently with his tongue. I felt the warmth of his mouth closing over each one in turn as he worshipped my body, a gasp emanating from my lips at his touch. He placed soft kisses between my breasts, nuzzling their gentle swell, before lavishing his attention again on my proud buds.

Pleasure crackled through me as he flicked his tongue across my nipples, the sparks building in intensity until finally a bolt of lightning flashed through me, arching my back, forcing the air from my lungs in a soundless scream. Stars flashed past me as my orgasm flung me across the galaxy. I clung to Jake as I flew – to Jake, my rock, my certainty.

I fought to regain my breath. We were still in his bedroom. Jake was lying beside me, our foreheads touching, his deep blue eyes gazing lovingly into mine.

We kissed again as he lightly stroked my hair and guided me back to solid ground.

“Jake,” I whispered, “will you lie on top of me? Please?”

He kissed me again and then moved across me as I guided him between my legs. I felt his hardness press gently against me then he bent forwards, taking his weight on his forearms.

I sighed deeply as I felt my nipples making contact with his chest, gently cushioned against the fine blond hairs.

I lay beneath him, secure in his strong embrace. He was so beautiful – so handsome.

What did a man like Jake see in a girl like me?

“Amy,” he whispered. “I love you so much, I really do.”

He kissed me, lightly at first, then more passionately. I hooked my legs around his bottom, pulling his crotch against mine, grinding against him.

I could hear my breathing becoming more frantic as I felt another orgasm beginning to build. I pushed him upwards, away from me. I wasn’t ready to cum again – I wanted us both naked. I wanted to hold him.

“Jake, please,” I panted. “Please take my jodhpurs off.”

He shook his head, a glint in his eye. Frustration was building in me; why was he denying me?

He lifted my hips and began to twist me. I complied and rolled over onto my front, beneath him. Again I felt those fingertips, gently raking over my bottom, then his strong hands sliding securely up my back to my shoulders, lifting my hair to one side.

He kissed my neck tenderly.

I gasped in delight as his powerful chest made contact with my back.

Then I felt it, the lightest touch of his erection, pressing softly against my butt. He moved to slide it across me and I felt him rock his hips gently. Another shiver of pleasure ran through me. He felt so good.

“Do you like that?” he whispered quietly into my ear.

I nodded and whimpered as he temporarily lost contact.

“Do you like that Amy?” he asked again, hunkering down a little, his chest making skin-to-skin contact with my shoulders once more. I felt his hardness pressing into the cleft between my buttocks.

“Yes Jake,” I whispered back. “I really like that.”

“Does that feel good?” he growled softly, nibbling gently at my earlobe.

I gave a strangulated murmur as I began to grind my own crotch into the bed. I closed my eyes to focus.

“Tell me how good it feels,” he whispered.

“Mmmm, so good,” I groaned.

“Do you like my big, hard cock?” he asked in a low growl.

I nodded.

“Go on, let me hear you say it, tell me you like my big, hard cock,” he growled again.

My eyes flashed open. “Yes Jake, I fucking love it. I love your big hard fucking cock!” I cried.

Jake flinched, pushing himself up and away from me. “Amy,” he stammered in surprise. “I’ve never heard you swear before!”

“Get over it Jake,” I countered. “I’ll swear at you again unless you turn me over and get these fucking jodhpurs off me!”

He pushed himself up off me and spun me again – a little roughly – I liked that. Then he began to slowly kiss his way down my body again. Jake would never rush me, he wanted to treat me gently and lovingly. I roared in frustration, balling my fists against the duvet. We’d done romance that afternoon at the top of the hill, now I had six weeks of pent up sexual urges and I needed immediate release.

“Get them off Jake!” I ordered, pushing his head away. He undid the zip, but struggled a little to slide the jodhpurs down my legs. They were a tight fit now; I’d bulked up a bit with all the riding over the summer.

He stood at the bottom of the bed, brandishing my freed jodhpurs in his right hand like a trophy, an expectant look in his eyes, like a dog that had retrieved a ball and was awaiting its owner’s next throw.

I sat up, then crawled forwards, placing a kiss on the trail of little hairs leading upwards towards his belly button. His scent was so manly, so masculine. He stank of horses and sex – intoxicating. I shuddered.

I ran my hand wantonly over the bulge in his trousers. He was hard, rock hard.

I looked up at him, flashing a smile. Jake was so handsome. I loved the way he blushed as he smiled back at me. He stooped down to kiss me again, brushing his thumbs lovingly over my cheek bones. I mewed into his mouth as his tongue explored mine.

He straightened up again and I pulled him towards me. I fumbled a little with the button on his trousers before yanking them from his hips, revealing his white boxer briefs. I smiled up at him – I liked it when he wore the white ones – he knew I did!

Tentatively I walked my fingertips along his erection, feeling the heat and hardness beneath the cloth. I pulled him closer still, nuzzling against him, I was giddy with love and drunk with lust.

I heard Jake’s breath quickening as I placed a light kiss halfway along his shaft, then felt his hand gently cupping the back of my head.

“Oh Jake,” I sighed. “I love your willie so much. He’s magnificent.”

“I think he likes you too,” he murmured.

I placed another kiss on his shaft, then gently stretched the fabric around him, so I could see the outline more clearly. A little drop of his pre-cum had darkened the cloth at the tip. I smiled to myself, feeling the wetness of my own arousal. How I wanted him, how I needed him inside me!

How big was he? He looked huge – so thick, so long. I stretched out my hand to his fullest extent. I couldn’t quite span an octave with my thumb and little finger on the piano at home – that was about six and a half inches. Jake was bigger than that, maybe another inch or so. He’d feel so good sliding into me – he would, I just knew it.

I shuddered again with anticipated pleasure.

But I was getting ahead of myself. I wanted Jake to take my virginity, that would be soon, but not yet, not today. I wanted to my first time with him to be special, not rushed. I glanced at the clock behind him above his desk. It was ten to five. His mum would be home in maybe half an hour at most. I had to get on with things.

His cock sprang upwards as I released him from his boxer briefs. My – he was mighty fine! A graceful column of turned ivory, jutting proudly from the dirty-blond curls at its root. I’d always imagined a boner would be cold and hornlike, but he wasn’t – the hardness of his core was sheathed in the soft smoothness of his pale skin, a warm, polished velvet cloak to slide over the reddened steel beneath.

I held him gently in my delicate fingers, pulling him away from his body a little. I admired the darkened head, glistening from the liquid that had seeped from the eye. I placed another kiss midway down the shaft and looked up at him again. His face implored me to continue. I knew what he wanted – I wanted it too – to take him inside my mouth and to caress him with my tongue. I fought my desire. He wasn’t going to have it all his own way – not today. He’d have to wait; I’d make him wait.

I placed my hands on the bare globes of his bottom, feeling once again the powerful muscles beneath. I nuzzled against the hairs at the base of his shaft, letting the graceful curve of his hardness run across my cheek.

“Oh Amy,” Jake gasped, “that feels amazing!”

I kissed him on the trail of hairs leading upwards to his navel.

‘Nice try, Jake,’ I thought, ‘but no blow-job today.’

I felt cruel and a little selfish. He deserved it, he deserved far more than that. But denying myself and denying him gave me that sense of control that I needed in that moment.

I stood and embraced him, stretching upwards to meet his lips with mine, kissing him deeply. I felt my breasts crushing once more against his chest and his glorious cock, harder than ever before, pressing impatiently, insistently against my stomach.

Wordlessly I manoeuvred him into a sitting position on the bed, then stripped him purposefully of his jodhpurs and underwear. He sat before me, in naked anticipation, a glazed look of lust painted across his face.

I straddled him, placing my knees either side of his hips as I offered my breasts for him to worship. He sighed with delight.

“Fuck Amy,” he cried. “I love you so fucking much!”

I placed a kiss on the top of his head then guided his mouth to my nipples, purring with pleasure as he began to swirl his tongue against each one.

I ground against him, letting my mons brush firmly against his length, my heat separated from him only by the thin cotton of my panties. I was wet, dripping wet, he could feel it through the material – that made my arousal all the greater.

He groaned in frustration as I stood, snatching myself away from him again. I took a pace back away from the bed, then hooked my fingers into the elastic of my knickers, then slipped them seductively down my legs. Jake’s eyes widened as I straightened up, fully revealing myself to him. I raised both arms above my head, swaying my hips as I displayed my body to him.

“Fuck!” he whispered in ecstatic astonishment. He was speechless – entranced, ensnared.

A vision of the Amy of six months before, flashed through my mind. She’d be horrified that I’d gyrate like this before a naked man. I pushed her puritanical disapproval away – that Amy didn’t have Jake as a boyfriend. She didn’t understand love. She didn’t understand lust.

Jake stretched out his arms to pull me towards him, but I dismissed him with a flick of my hand, directing him to retreat up the bed, to rest his head on the pillow. I watched him as he scrambled backwards, anxious and eager to do my bidding. Again, that sense of power surged through me – he’d do anything to please me – he was mine to command.

Then I began to crawl forwards on the bed, placing small kisses on the inside of his thighs as I moved up his body. I nuzzled against his balls, feeling their soft furriness against my cheek. I inhaled his scent, that musky, masculine smell again – I shuddered with pleasure.

I felt his hand gently cupping the back of my head. I looked up at him once more, his eyes imploring me to move up his body to take him in my mouth. I could read his mind like a book.

‘Not today, Jake,’ I thought to myself again, ‘but I will tease you just a little more!’

I kissed each of his balls in turn, then extended my tongue and licked from the base of his shaft to the head. He closed his eyes to savour the sensation.

More pre-cum was leaking from his tip. I had an urge to play with it between my fingers, but I couldn’t – we didn’t have time.

I licked his length once more, then straddled him, my legs either side of his hips.

I looked down. His cock jutted proudly from between us. I could feel the ridge that ran down his length, held in a perfect kiss by the lips of my sex. For a split second I considered throwing caution to the wind and simply going for it – impaling myself in one swift movement. But no, I’d planned how I’d lose my virginity for so long – I wasn’t going to throw those dreams out the window now. Jake wouldn’t want me to do that either.

I leant down to kiss him again, closing my eyes as my mouth surrendered to the probing of his tongue. I pushed myself up again, looking down to the weapon that lay between us.

I gasped. “You have such an amazing willie!” I smiled.

I collected some spittle in my hand and began to stroke him gently, watching him as I gripped him tightly.

“Fuck Amy, that’s so hot!” he groaned, placing his palms over the soft globes of my breasts, and working my nipples with his fingers. That felt so good.

“Fuck Jake! You’re so hard!” I cried. “You’re so fucking sexy, you turn me on so much!”

I felt him pushing his hips up against me, increasing the pressure on my lips. I ground back down against him, feeling the heat rising in my sex.

“You like that, Amy, you like that?” he teased.

“Fuck yeah, I love it!”

“You like my cock? You like my big, hard fucking cock?” he growled.

I nodded, fighting for breath, my right hand just a blur. Sweat poured from me as he urged me on.

“Yeah I fucking love it. I fucking love your big hard cock!”

I bent down towards him, searching sightlessly for his mouth with mine. We kissed savagely. I bucked my hips as I ripped away from him, straightening up again, gazing down at my man as I drove us together to orgasm.

“Cum for me Jake!” I demanded. “I want you to cum for me! I want to see you cum! Fucking cum for me!”

“Fuck Amy, yeah, I’m close,” he cried as I redoubled my efforts, gripping his shaft even more tightly and stroking faster than ever before.

“Fuck!” Jake roared.

His cock exploded, flooding his chest with cum.

I screamed, overwhelmed. My orgasm crashed over me as I arched my back and ground down one final time against the base of his cock.

Then, spent, I collapsed onto his chest, crushing my breasts against him, feeling his warm seed on my nipples as he held me securely in his arms.

We lay on his bed in the afterglow of our orgasms, my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head lovingly as I played with the lake of semen in the valley between his pecs. Jake had an amazing body – I was so lucky. I shuddered as an aftershock surged through me.

“Wow Jake,” I said. “You came everywhere, I’ve never seen you cum so much!”

I looked up at him and smiled. He’d shot a little drop onto his chin. I had a sudden urge to kiss him there, to taste him. He was salty, that I expected, but strangely sweet as well – I I’d expected to be repulsed by the flavour, but I wasn’t.

I moved higher and kissed him on the lips. He smiled – he could taste himself as well.

“Jake?” I asked, suddenly worried that his mum might catch us naked together in bed. “What time are your parents due back?”

“Er, well,” he said, sounding a little embarrassed. “I texted them earlier. I said the two of us needed a long talk and asked them to stay out until we’d finished. I need to message them again.”

I looked at him, surprised. I hadn’t expected him to do that, to lie to his parents in that way, for me. But maybe we had time for a little more fun!

“Mmm,” I murmured, moving my hand down his body to grasp his cock. “It certainly was long. And very hard. Maybe we can talk some more?”

Jake pushed me away. “No Amy,” he said gently. “Be fair. I’ve spent all afternoon with you, we’re going to your home this evening, now my parents want a chance to congratulate us.”

He could see the disappointment in my eyes.

“Mum and Dad want to see you,” he said, kissing me gently again. “It’s not every day their son’s girlfriend comes top of the country in History!”

“Cumming on top of you though,” I said thoughtfully. “Now that does sound like something I could do every day.”