
Author’s note –

Welcome back to the world of Ru, Kat, and Neil as they come to grips with changes in their world. I hope you enjoy the ride along the back roads.

This story is not a stroke story; of course, there are some sexy scenes, this being Lit.

All characters are over eighteen years of age and are found only in my imagination. While some places may be geographically correct, what takes place is fictional. Let me restate a plea if you have an interest in helping out on this series. I do need an editor and beta readers. Would that be you? If so, please reach out to me.


“Baby? Wake up; the Shelburn is just around the corner.”

“UHHH, what? Are we there already?” A long slow stretch topped off with a yawn that might have consumed our bus followed as Kat tried to move. “Neil, nope, I’m going back to my dreams, later baby.” With that, my imp closed her eyes and released a huge snore. “Tell everybody I said hi, but I don’t want to play now.”

“Besides, Mister Neil Terrell, you are still on my shit list along with all your other evil friends. None of you shitheads are nice people. But, being with you in the park yesterday was great. So? Maybe I might forgive you. Neil? You know that you are the captain of my boat and that I do love you. Now, old man, drive around the block again! I don’t want to play with those other nasty evil people. Niters.”

“Baby? We’re here.”

“I’m not; I’m still asleep. Go away” Ru bolted to the door as the bus rolled to stop, so he would be the first off so he could go outside to explore. He dashed around the bus and marked all four corners telling his world that he was here and this is his space. After finishing with that bit of serious business, he dashed over to greet my fellow evil conspirators with friendly barks as his tail wagged madly. “Hi, folks. It seems that we are on the Princess’s shit list. A special place she has for people who she sees as having entered into conspiracies against her.”

That greeting was met with a chuckle from Uncle Herman and Carl, who called out. “Welcome to my world, bro. Ya know the good thing about being on the shit list? You don’t have to worry about getting on the list. Your there; you made it to the top. So tell ya what, park this beast and meet my new best friend and me in the bar, my buddy Herman and we will get a bottle or two of wine.” While I thought that was an excellent idea and the expression on Herman’s face showed his agreement, the ladies seemed to voice a different opinion. The ladies had a suggestion for us, that if we ventured into the bar. We might be sleeping on either the floor, the bottom of the river, or with a dog. Damm, these women didn’t have a sense of humor.

Something I didn’t know until that instant was that Kat had gotten up and was now standing behind me. Note to self, always check your six. Kat blew past me as she left the bus and went over to join Cathy and her aunt. Seeing my girl with them, two of the women who meant the world to me. Again got me to see what a different world I lived in now. When Ru and I began this trip, my idea was to slip quietly along back forgotten roads. Today, my steady navigator has her eyes fixed on the North Star.

I had to laugh as Ru danced merrily under the ladies feet as he greeted his girlfriends. Then, looking over at Carl and Herman, I muttered, “ya know, guys, maybe we should learn a lesson from Ru. The three of us are once again on the shit list. While Ru there gets all the love and attention from all three of our women.”

Then it happened, “Herman! Come here! You need to see what the prime shit head has done!” With that invitation in hand, he slinked over to his wife, who was holding Kat’s hand. “Can you believe that Neil did this to Kat?” Flo showed Herman Kat’s engagement ring, and well, the best thing to say was that it is what it is.

Two bellmen, fortunately, appeared prepared to help get whatever up to our rooms. “Kat? Would you please? Please break away and select what you want upstairs? Then I’ll go and park the beast.”

“OK, but when you get this land yacht parked, don’t even think about going with the other shitheads and hiding out in the bar. Cathy has warned me about what happens when you and our little brother get together in one of those places. And Uncle Herman, you haven’t found a glass of cold beer that you could resist. You clowns know where you’ll be sleeping if you fail.”

Carl and I were left standing together when we heard Kat, “Mom? Dad? There has never been a man in my life like him.” With that, Carl gave me a serious look as if to say, man, you are toasted.

Eventually, we all got settled in our rooms. The three women were like birds sitting on a wire, twittering back and forth about the plans for the non-surprise surprise birthday party the next day. The party had gone from a simple gathering of a few friends into a serious dog and pony show. Now it was by invitation only, and the attendees had to be on the guestlist. My only fear was that folks who heard about the party would show up and not be on the list. With that possibility in mind, I decided to park myself close to the door to be sure friends were welcomed when the inevitable happened. Someone wasn’t on the list. The only thing I didn’t want intruding on the day were photographers. Then again, I’m not a fan of some members of the fourth estate.

After dinner with the seven of us, the Ladies left us, the old grumps, with warnings that we not to consume more than one and only one brandy. And that single glass has better not be an oversize glass. Damm, those women were buzzkills.

Carl looked over at Uncle Herman and asked what he knew about the Shelburn. Herman looked about, then began. “Well, back in the day, this was the social center in our part of the state. But time marches on, and today it’s a seasonal place, and truth be told, the Inn is showing its age. The Inn will be like many of the other grand hotels that once lined the river. It will become a distant memory as it falls under a wrecking ball. And that will be a shame. The word on the street is the place could be for sale. Anyway, why do you ask Carl?”

“Herman, cards on the table. I have a close personal connection with the city. I played ball here and grew to love the city and the people. When Cathy and I wanted to get away from all the noise in town, we would come out here and have dinner. Hell, often as not, we would get a room here. Didn’t they use to have a golf course behind here? Whatever happened with that, Herman?”

“You have a good memory. Yeah, there was a golf course behind the Inn. Hell, I can remember when I was a kid, they had two courses outback. But today, those are faded distant memory.”

“Herman? Do you know who owns the place?”

“Sure do. Do you see the older chap sitting over at the end of the bar? He’s Tom Shelburn, and his family put this place up almost a century ago. I heard his kids have no interest in running the Inn. Hell, both his kids left town years ago. With his wife having passed a couple of years ago, Tom’s almost treading water. Why? What’s your interest?”

“Neil and I have been talking. It seems that we both have a similar interest. Me for reasons my and Neil for his reasons, but we both want a touchstone here. I want to repay the city and the people for all the kindest they showed me and, most importantly, Cathy likes this place. Neil has different reasons, his reasons. I’ll let him explain.”

“Herman, when I called you and Aunt Flo, the only concern I heard voiced was that Kat would be off somewhere distant and you two wouldn’t be able to see her often. Initially, I planned to build a house on some property I have near the gulf coast. Well, Kat has lovingly turned all my plans around. I believe she has an affinity, a love of this part of the world, and I can see why. I planned that I would become less involved with the firm; I’d be semi-retired. Thanks to one client and Carl, who was indirectly responsible for me picking up another new major client along with the business that’s there. And in large part Kat. All my plans have changed. With Kat’s blessing, agreement and consent, I plan on staying in the midwest for the foreseeable future. We will build a house somewhere outside of Chicago. Where? Kat hasn’t told me yet. Then again, I’m not sure she knows all these details.”

“Carl, you ready to see if this will roll?”

“Yeah, I’m open to a conversation even though I haven’t said anything to Cathy on this.”

“Well, brother, neither have I said anything about my thinking to Kat yet. Bet you that the both of us are going have some interesting pillow talk tonite.”

“Ya think, it will be just interesting, eh?” Tossed in Uncle Herman. “You boys, just wait until Flo finds out what you two are thinking. Oh shit.”

I looked over at Herman and asked if he could introduce us to Tom.

The three of us walked across the bar, and Herman introduced Carl and myself to Tom. Tom almost immediately recognized Carl, as he was something of a local legend. He knew of Tom. Hell, everyone in the restaurant business knows each other. But he didn’t know me.

Tom, being an innkeeper, was very gracious and invited us to join him at a table near the end of the bar where here was sitting. No sooner had we sat down than a waiter appeared with four new glasses and a bottle of brandy. At first, the conversation around the table was, as expected, very polite while we all felt each other out. After the first glass of brandy that we shared, Neil let the cat out of the bag, and the conversation changed. Yes, Tom was very interested in discussing the idea of selling the Inn. But he wanted to sell it to someone local who could bring the place back to its former glory. Herman explained my connection to the city, and of course, and everyone in town knew Carl. These facts resolved Tom’s concerns about new owners having a local relationship. Carl explained that his degree was in hotel management. He had wanted to find a place that he could renovate and make into a destination for the area. At first blush, the Shelburn fit the bill.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw our ladies had come into the bar. Knowing both Cathy and Kat, and I’d guess Flo as well, they were on a mission. A mission to remind the three of us of our one drink limit.

In a few moments, Tom excused himself after asking who his attorney should contact. I gave him my business card and asked his attorney to call Sally, who would get him the people he needed to talk with my firm and get the ball rolling.

As the three of us finished our brandy, our three lovely ladies made their way over to us. The expressions in their eyes made it clear that we had again returned to our usual place of residence, the shitlist. And likely as not, we would not be sharing our respective Lady’s bed that evening.

When they arrived at the table, we stood to greet them as the waiter brought over an additional chair and new glasses. To say we met frosty glares might be a bit of an understatement. But they were willing to sit with us at least. So maybe all is not lost.

I began, “Kat, as you may recall, Aunt Flo had a concern with us getting married. She was worried that we would be off on the other side of the country, and well, she wanted to be able to see you often. Cathy, you and Carl wanted a touchstone here in town.” Picking up my glass and taking a small sip of brandy, that earned me a set of frosty glares from all three ladies. I went on. “Well, it seems that we may have a solution, or at least a potential solution, to these problems. Kat? Cathy? Flo? How would you like to be wives of the new owners of the Shelburn Inn?” Given the expression on our Lady’s faces. At a minimum, the three of us were out of the dog house. At least for the moment.

“Neil, you may have one last glass of brandy, and then you are going to our rooms.”

“You too, Herman. One and only one, then upstairs with you.”

Neil tossed his arms in the air, “Cathy, don’t even say it. I got the message. One, then upstairs.”

Eventually, we all made it safely to our rooms. As the door closed, Kat stood in the middle of the room, looking at me almost quizzically. “Neil! You are simply amazing, that’s all. Do you have any other little surprises that you haven’t shared with me yet?”

“Well? Kinda yeah. What do you think of this idea? I had planned to transition into semi-retirement, then go here and there on the bus. In time, build a house on the property I have off the gulf coast. Hell baby, I have preliminary plans drawn for that new house. Life has a funny way of changing things around. Kat, you have totally changed my world since we met. I can’t say how grateful I am for all you have done for me.

“Anyway, what do you think of these changes? Lady, while I may be the captain, you, my dear, are the navigator. You are the one who tells me where to go. As I believe you know, I will need to be in the office more and more with the case I am involved in moves forward. On top of that, it looks like I have gotten another new major client. And on the business side, a few other things are hanging out there as well. All of which leads me to seriously reconsider my plan to step back from the firm.”

“That doesn’t begin to talk about us. Kat? You and I are of like minds with what we want. We both want a house full of kids running around chasing a pack of dogs. Simply said, the condo isn’t where our dreams will happen. We are going to need a house that we will call our home. A home that you and I will fill with our dreams, our kids, and our dogs. In addition to that, if we buy the Inn, I’m sure you’ll want to add some touches there. As will both Cathy and Flo.”

“Honey, that’s what I see as our immediate future together. How does that work for you?”

“Neil, do I want a passel of kids and a pack of dogs running about, leaving nothing but chaos and noise in their wake? Hell yes. But Neil, I am scared that I have gotten lost in this fairytale. Where’s Kat Floyd, the little girl abandoned by the world. The little girl who never knew her parents and ended up on the doorstep of some family members. The girl who fell under the wing of an art teacher. From that safe place who found a path for her life. The girl whose dream is still to teach kids about the world’s beauty and how to draw? Neil that is who I am. I am not a fairytale princess dashing around with her knight and his shaggy brown dog with the big pointy ears. I’m Kathleen Floyd, a simple girl who has been swept away into a fairytale. NEIL, I AM SCARED!”

“Now tomorrow, in front of hundreds of people, most of whom I don’t know, you want to tell them that we are getting married. Neil, this isn’t the world I ever dreamed that would be where I lived. I’m a simple girl who dreamed of being a simple teacher. That’s who I am, Neil. Where does that girl fit into the world you are creating and the dreams you are spinning so lovingly?”

“Neil, where am I going? Who am I? What became of Kathleen Floyd? I am a simple art teacher. That is who I am, Neil. Not a princess.”

“My Lady, I’ve been there too. But, before we make any decisions, will you talk with the wife of an old friend of mine? She might be able to help you find some answers to your questions. Sandy Willamson and her husband Charlie are close old friends, likely closer to me than Cathy and Carl are.”

“Yes, Neil, I’ll talk with her. But I don’t see where this can go.”

“Kat? In no way do I want you to feel like this is set up or stage-managed. This conversation will be between two women who don’t know each other but surprisingly share lots in common..”

“Let me make a phone call and see if Sandy might be able to come here in the morning. But for now, you and I won’t be going to Uncle Herman’s party tomorrow afternoon. As unfortunately, I have gotten a 24-hour bug and can’t move. What happens next or where we go, well, is open. I will defer to your wishes; Kat, I want you to be happy regardless. If being happy means we go on different roads, then that is what it is to be. That is not what I want, but I will accept your decision.”

I slept on the sofa in the suite’s living room that night while Kat slept in the bedroom. That felt so strange not being able to reach out and find her next to me. Dawn found Ru and me in the living room. Quietly I got up and dressed and went outside with Ru to take in the new day. We walked around, at last, finding a bench in front of the Inn. Parking ourselves there, looking out into the morning, while I sat there contemplating a world without her. Not wanting to go back to Chicago or to keep on this endless trip. Maybe I’ll go to Bird’s Nest and watch the creek flow behind the house.

I knew I must go Chicago and wrap things up and cut those ties. Then get on the bus with Ru and go to Bird’s Nest. Funny name for a town that’s to become my hiding place. I can live on the bus while they build my refuge. Who knows, maybe I can set up a little tax practice there to keep me busy.

Into this morose dawn, a hand softly rested on my shoulder. “Excuse me, sir, but is a cup of coffee to be found at this place of gloom and doom?”

“SANDY! Thank you, thank you for coming!”

“Neil, you know that neither Charlie nor I can say no to you even though you are a total blockhead. You are an excellent attorney, an amazing deal maker, but you are also, like Charlie, a social disaster; but, most of all, you are a friend. Now tell the short story of what is going on.” I told Sandy the highlights of our history together. “Neil! Good for her. You are a total clodhopper. You and your friend stay here, and don’t either of you two idiots move an inch.”

Three, no four hours later, my phone rang, it was Kat. To say I was scared shitless to answer the phone was an understate. “Neil, get Mrs. Willamson a room.” Which, of course, I did, then I returned to my vigil on the bench. Now and then, I reached down softly, scratched Ru’s ear, or patted him on the head, which resulted in him nuzzling my foot. The funny thing was that Ru had hardly left me all morning; usually, he would run around here and there exploring but not this morning. An hour and a half later, my phone rang, and again it was Kat calling. She told me that Cathy, Aunt Flo, and Sandy were about to leave for the party together. And that I had fifteen minutes to get my fat ass upstairs, get in and out of the shower and also run a razor over my face, get dressed, and meet Carl and the birthday boy downstairs in the bar. She instructed me that just because I was going into the bar did not mean I could have a drink either here or at the party. Then the three of us men with Ru would go to the party together.

I had walked into meetings many times before when I had no idea what was going to happen. But this, this was totally new to me. I felt like I was trying to feel my way away around a maze blindfolded.

When I hooked up with Carl and Uncle Herman, they didn’t know what was going on either. But for damm sure, we did not have anything to drink, not even a glass of water.

When we got to Flo and Herman’s place, Ru almost immediately went on alert. He was always edgy when we had been around many people he didn’t know, and hundreds of people were here. Finally, our ladies and Sandy came over and politely acknowledged us briefly. When Ru saw Kat, he relaxed a bit. In a few moments, both Carl and Herman went off together to speak with folks they knew. I found a folding chair and sat down while Ru curled up next to me. The two of us were very much outside of the social swirl taking place on the patio. Kat, Aunt Flo, Cathy, and Sandra were all surrounded by a gaggle of women. I guessed that many of the women were either folk’s Kat had known in school or women Cathy knew from the Player’s Association, or women Flo knew. Carl found a microphone and introduced Herman and Flo as Kat walked over to Ru and me. “Old man, are you going to sit there like a stick in the mud. While you suck your thumb for the rest of the afternoon! Or are you and your damm fuzzy friend there going to get up off your asses. Do you think you might have a few words you might consider saying to these people that would be of interest? Like we are getting married. But I am here to tell you, Mister Neil, you and I need to have a real talk. Now, are you sitting on your ass, or are you getting up? You have about ten seconds to make your mind up.”

As I sprang to my feet and started to pull Kat into a hug, she pulled back and took my hand. Then the three of us, with Ru in the middle, made our way over to Carl. He looked over at me with an arched eyebrow as if to ask you sure you ready. To which I nodded. Then he went on to say that he had one other announcement to make, that the old goat of the player’s association had fallen to a sweet little kat. This announcement encountered a wall of laughs from many of the men. At the same time, the women screamed, why I have no idea.

We stood there next to Carl, arm in arm as I tried to smile. This should have been the happiest moment in my life, but I was on edge. Relieved, yes, but still scared by what I feared had almost happened. Looking over at Sandra, I saw a twinkle in her eyes. I knew that expression. I had seen it before when she changed her husband’s, Charlie’s, mind. I knew that trying to change my old friend’s mind was like reversing the course of a river. There will be a cost for this moment, a cost I will happily pay for the rest of my life so long as Ms. Floyd is with me.

In time Kat, Ru, and I were put in a car and sent back to the Inn. When we got there, I was given my marching orders. I was ordered to change into something casual, and that our dinner was ordered from room service. We, Kat, Sandra, and I, would be having a half-broiled chicken and steamed fresh vegetables for dinner. All right then, that was certainly my choice but OK. As I came back into the living room, Kat hung up her phone and walked into the bedroom. As she did, she firmly closed the door. I could hear Kat on the phone again while she was in the bedroom.

She walked out of the bedroom wearing a pair of her old jeans and knit top. There was a knock on the door. Kat rushed to open the door, greeted Sandra, who was standing outside and welcomed her. Until this moment, every time I had seen Sandra before, it was evident that Maddie Cohn had selected her clothes. Now Sandra was, wearing a paint-spattered pair of jeans and some old ratty sweatshirt. The woman standing in front of me is not the Sandra I knew. All right then, let’s simply go with the flow.

Dinner arrived a few moments later, and we sat down to a quiet meal. Not quite strained, but for sure, there was no warm sparkling conversation going on. After dinner, Sandra and Kat moved to the sofa and sat together while I found an old armchair.

“Neil?” Sandra began. “What do you of my background. I think you only me as Charlie’s wife. Is that right?” I nodded my agreement with what she just said.

“Kat and I had a long talk this morning. You and my husband are extraordinary businessmen and very successful in your own rights. But, the both of you are social buffoons! An elephant has more social graces than the two of you put together.” That comment got a little smile from Kat.

“You both are micro-focused on your little worlds and rarely see anything outside of your that. Neil, let me tell you how Charlie and I got together. Charlie was just starting to make a name for himself when he got dragged off to a gallery show in Chicago. Well, my buffoon, with his usual outstanding grace, literally backed into me as was I standing there enjoying a drawing. Neil? Do you know the drawing with all the balloons in the foyer of our condo? That’s the drawing. Anyway, I turned around and glared at him. Mister Clutz! I told him, you owe me an apology for being so unaware of people around you. I have to believe that I was the first person to have publicly dressed him down in ages. The upshot was to make amends he invited me to dinner, which I reluctantly accepted. The funny thing was we discovered we had a lot in common and had a great time at dinner. Hell, we enjoyed each other’s company.”

“Fast forward, and things had become serious between Charlie and me. This, in turn, led to an unsettling discovery. I found myself pulled into a vortex changing everything around me, and my world was in turmoil. Hell, I was and still am Sandy Abbott from a little no-name town out on the back end of the prairies who loved graphic arts and liked to show folks that world. About this time, Charlie made a foolish decision. He asked me to marry him. I told him I would marry him. But, I would always be Sandy Abbott from out on the prairie.

Charlie has always liked graphic arts. How he got that bug, who knows, I doubt he does. Regardless, Charlie and his wingman, aka Neil Terrell, set up the Willamson Foundation to do something or another in the world that Charlie and I loved, graphic arts. In my heart, I was and always will be an artist. Does that sound like anyone you two might know?”

“Today, the foundation does lots of clinics for artists, and I attend many of them. That and the foundation also sponsors educational outreach programs in conjunction with a few museums and schools. When I go to these clinics, museums, or schools, I go as Sandy Abbott from the back end of the prairie. No one knows me as Ms. Sandra Williamson, the president of the foundation. I always wear jeans like this and a sweatshirt like this. Oh, Neil? Do you know the Glass Museum over in near Corning?”

I nodded yes, being sure to keep my mouth firmly shut.

“Good. Now next question, do you know that the museum has an outreach program?”

“Honestly, no.”

“Take my word for it, Neil, they do. Can you guess how I know? Or are you smart enough to figure it out for yourself?”

“Kat’s scared she’ll fall into the vortex of your life. Just like I was terrified that I would no longer be who I am. As much I liked being with Charlie, I feared I would become his arm candy, and in time I’d be tossed aside for some younger piece of arm candy. You know me, Neil; I am a powerful and determined woman. You know my Charlie. He always gets his way.”

“Neil, let me tell you a couple of things about this woman sitting next to me. Kat loves you. Period, but you also scare the shit out of her. She is scared that being with you will mean she will disappear. That her dreams will fade away as she becomes your wife as she becomes your arm candy. Neil, I don’t think that is what either of you wants.”

“Let me leave you guys with this tidbit. The name of the educational outreach center at the Glass Museum is the Willamson Center. There are two other centers; the oldest one is near where I am from and the second on the gulf coast, where Charlie has some ties. Anyway, let me let you kids enjoy your evening as I have to fly out early in the morning.”

After Sandy left us, we both sat there, lost in our own worlds’ waiting for the other to say something. For sure, I had no idea what to say and doubt Kat did either. Hell, I was scared that Kat would get up and tell me that she would be going where Sandy was going in the morning.

“Neil Terrell, in case you have not heard this lately. Kathleen Floyd loves you very much. But Neil Terrell, you scare the shit out of me, and you piss me off. Everything we talked about until yesterday centered on you. I felt like, well, I was an afterthought. Sandy has her own life that neatly meshes together her husband’s world. Cathy runs a program for women’s self-defense. While I will never be as proficient as Cathy is, I am taking those classes after that incident near Albany. No matter where we live, I will be doing something in art education. That is my dream, a dream I will fulfill. You have not asked about another dream I have, but then again, you have never asked me about my goals, Neil. You have lovingly pulled me into your world. But it seems that my world and my dreams aren’t in the mix. You have shown me things I did not know. The trip to the Glass Museum showed me a world I did not know existed. Neil, thank you for taking me there and opening that world to me.”

“Neil, I have my state teaching license even national certification as an art teacher. I will get an MFA in graphic arts. I have my own dreams, Neil. Dreams you have no idea about, as you never asked. Am I pissed? Bet your skinny little ass I am. You have been so self-centered you haven’t asked me anything at all. You haven’t taken the time to ask. You just assumed. Neil? What happens when you assume?” With that, once again, Kat when to the bedroom and closed the door.

I sat in the chair, scared shitless, while I stared at the closed door. I saw all my dreams evaporating into the air. Ru nudged my knee with his nose as he whined at me. Then he looked at me with those expressive eyes. In his way, it was like he was saying to me. Old man, you need to find the path to get that woman to want to be with you. Open your eyes, clodhopper.

I got up very slowly, unsteadily I made my over to the door that walled off, separating us. Standing there, scared out of my mind, “Kat? You are correct. I can be very focused on what I see in front of me. In all my adult life, Kat, I have never had a serious girlfriend. You are the first. Yes, you are correct when you think that I only think of myself and haven’t asked you. I have only known my world until you came along. You are the first person who I wanted to bring into my world. But you’re right; I never thought that you, too, have your own world and your own dreams. I see you as an extraordinary woman who came to me from a special place. Almost from the start, you bedazzled me, and I wanted to draw you into my world. I can see now, belatedly, doing that puts you in a place where you felt your dreams would be lost and you wouldn’t be you. Rather you would become someone else. Kathleen Floyd, simply said I love you for who you are. And, and well, I’m not sure where we go, but I pray that we go together. Kat, I shall respect any desire you have.” After that, I went back to the sofa and lay down. I hoped that I would find a little sleep. As I knew that I had a meeting with a real estate agent in the morning, I should take. Then I had a long eight-hour drive back to Chicago.

Shortly before dawn, Ru came over and stuck his nose against my hand, and stirred me. Ru? Walk? With that, he went to the door and sat down as he looked back towards me hopefully. As I tossed off the lap blanket and slipped on a pair of sandals, and made my over to him. On the way, I placed a kiss on the closed door to the bedroom, then left with Ru. The two of us walked along the river bank, looking across at the distant shore, the shore of another country.

On the way back to our rooms at the Inn, I stopped in the lobby and got a cup of coffee, then went upstairs. When Ru and I walked into the suite, we found Kat tightly wrapped up inside a fluffy robe that the Inn supplied. She was standing looking out the windows. She was looking out towards the trees behind the Inn. “Once again, Neil, you set in motion things that could impact me without you thinking to ask me what I thought. Take your meeting, then we can ride to Chicago, and we will talk along the way.”

After what turned out to be a very brief meeting, a meeting that might be helpful if the purchase of the Inn went ahead. I went back to our suite to find that Kat had already gotten everything on the bus, and she was ready to go. So wordlessly, we both got on the bus and headed out towards Chicago. What was it that Carl Sandberg called Chicago? The city of big shoulders? I pray my shoulders are big enough for this task.

After topping off the fuel tanks, we got on the bus and headed out along I-90 to take us to Chicago in eight hours. I guess for the first hour, maybe two hours, we sat there looking out the windows, not saying a word.

“Neil, as much I as I want to your wife. I can’t be. I am not a woman who can live inside her husband’s orbit. And Neil, that is what you want for a wife, for me.” With that, she dropped her engagement ring on the center console. Then she went to the back of the bus and closed the door to the bedroom there. Fortunately, a rest area was a few miles up the road where I pulled into and parked the bus. I sat there. I was lost in the tears that ran down my face.

In time I went to the back of the bus and tapped on the door, “Kat, can we talk?”

“Yes, I suppose so. If you want, but know this, Neil, I am not changing. I will never give up on my dreams.”

I slowly made my way back to the front of the bus and sat down. A few moments later, Kat came up front and sat down as well. When she did, Ru came over to her and nuzzled her hand, as if he saying hello or was he saying goodby?

“Kat, no matter what happens, I will support your dreams. You are totally correct when you say or think I have no idea what an MFA means. That is outside of my world Kat. Do I have an appreciation of what lies in your world? Yes, I think so to some degree. Do I have intimate knowledge of your world? No. I don’t. I have participated in workshops at one time or another in Rochester at the Eastman Museum. I’m a better average amateur photographer. I enjoy seeing how glass can take on many different shapes and forms. That’s why I wanted to go to Corning. I had no idea beforehand how you might or might not enjoy it. Honestly, Kat, if you want to say that was all about me. Well, maybe you’re right. Going to Corning and seeing the museum there was, to be honest, doing that was something on my bucket list. The Glass Museum was a place I had wanted to visit and see for ages. I had no idea how going there might affect you; we hadn’t spoken about that at all beforehand.”

“Kat, I love you. There are no strings attached. My desire is for you to be a happy woman who enjoys a full, happy life. I had thought that you and I would make a life together. But, that doesn’t look like what will be.”

“I have no idea what it will take for you to get your MFA. However, Kathleen, simply said I will help you make it happen. You have been sitting there uncharacteristically silent. Now, let’s go to Chicago, to where we will seemingly move on our own paths. I suppose you’ll find a position teaching in Chicago. Perhaps, Sandy might be able to help you with that.”

I sat there for a few moments, then reached over to start the bus and continue this trip. “Neil Terrell! Are you a fucking blockhead, monumental blind to everything around you, or just stupid? Hell! You damm well maybe all three of them!”

That was certainly an attention-getter. “Neil, both Cathy, and Sandy, women who have known you for ages, told me that you have gone throughout your life so far wearing a pair of blinders. Hell, Ru is your seeing-eye guide dog. Hell, if it weren’t for Ru when we first met, you wouldn’t have noticed me at all! Since you are clearly at least blind, Aunt Flo damm near kicked my ass when I first saw you and your buddy sitting out on the patio together.”

“You were blind then by how much you attracted me, and you haven’t changed one fucking bit. Open your eyes, and maybe, you might see a woman who happens to love you. God knows why she does. But she seems to love you. Now take me to Chicago where I can find a job doing what I love, teaching art.”

“Kat? Do you think you might be able to do two things at once? First of all, teach and at the same time help a blind old man and his fuzzy guide dog fumble their way along?”

Once again, I reached over to start the bus then; Kat said, “don’t you see, there you go again, making decisions for me without asking what I might want. You know Sandy told me stories about the hell she went through teaching Charlie not to be inconsiderate. Damm it, Neil Terrell. I do love you with all your flaws and faults. But mister, know this, I will find myself a pair of steel toe work boots that will be hot pink. Either that or a pair of stiletto heels with a pointy toe. I bet that either one will make a hell of an impression on your ass. Neil, you like Charlie, will be a long-term project. You understand?

“Yes, ma’am. I understand. Oh? Excuse me, ma’am; there’s a ring here on the console. I think that ring belongs to you. Isn’t that correct?”

“Could I see the ring, please?”

I handed her the ring with a very shaky hand.

“Funny thing about this bus, it would seem rings have a habit of getting lost here. Thank you, yes that is my engagement. It is a piece of jewelry that means the world to me. An extraordinary man gave that ring to me a short while ago. He is a man who means the world to me even though he is handicapped and blind, and he is no saint. He is my man, and I am his woman.

“Well, he must be a lucky man to have a woman like you in his world.” With that, the two of us sat in our seats, looking at each other and the world around us.

“Hun? Do you want to sit here until they kick us out, or do you want to head down the road and go home? Lady, you call the ball?”

“Home, James. But you need to tell me about this den of seduction and iniquity I heard about from my dear and close friends Cathy and Sandy.”

“Kat? I’ve told before that in many ways, you are the first girlfriend I have had since forever. Guess what?”

“OK, I’ll bite. What?”

“Kat, you will be the very first individual who will share my bed in this supposed den of seduction and iniquity. Sorry to have popped your girlfriend’s balloons, but, well, the truth is a lot more boring.”

That got a chuckle, “so? So you’re telling me this a virgin bed?”

“Whatever, sure if that’s what you want to call it. Woman, you are a nut case!!”

“You know Neil, every once in a while, I’d jump in my car and go for a long ride. I wasn’t going to some predetermined destination, just going down the road. Along the way, I’d have uninterrupted conversations with myself. Hell, sometimes I used to get into an argument with myself. Those were always fun; at least I didn’t lose the argument. We need to do this every once in a while. Get on the bus, and go off to explore BFE.”

“Kat? Where? Is it you’d liked to go?”

“BFE? Bum Fuck Eygpt.”

“Another thing you need to be aware of; I am an incredibly impatient person. Hell, Aunt Flo often threatened to fire me because I wanted to rush the customers out the door. My attitude was eat up, drink up and shut up, get up, pay your bill and get your ass on down the road. You need to ask her more about that. The short story is she felt I had a shitty attitude, was a lousy waitress, and needed to shut up.”

“But Neil, there is a kernel of truth in the story. I am very impatient. I hate to have to wait for anything. Neil, I love you. You crazy old man. I know you love me too. I and know we will get married. But, Neil, I don’t want a long engagement. If I had my way, we’d do the deed tomorrow.” With that, she fell back into her seat and started playing with her ring as we rolled down the road to home. Soon my ears were greeted with sounds of her light soft snores.

“Hey Sleeping Beauty, we are in Chicago a few minutes from our new home will await us.”

Pulling the bus around to the loading area behind the building and we were welcomed home by one of the utility staffers who offered to unload the bus and get everything upstairs for us. Ru, of course, had done his usual walk around and found things to his satisfaction. Then he said his usual hello to the utility man before proceeding to the freight elevator where he waited for us. Very quickly, we got to the seventeenth floor, where the condo was. Kat looked around the elevator lobby and the short halls in a daze as if she was confused. When we got to the condo’s door, I swiped the keycard and opened the door for Kat, then stepped aside so she could enter. The apartment was dark when we walked in. What greeted our eyes were the headlights of the cars driving along South Shore. And the running lights of the boats out on the lake. Of course, I had seen this countless times, but it was new and surprising for Kat. “Neil? This condo perched above the lake is where you live? This place isn’t another hotel room?”

“Well, yeah, I do. But a minor correction, my Lady, this is where we, you and I, live. By the way, Sandy and her husband have the top two floors here.”

Kat walked over to the window that looked out to the lake and just stood there. Ru walked up beside her and slipped his head under her hand like he was saying hi, welcome home. “What can I get you, Kat?” I asked.

“A glass of wine and none of that cheap shit either.” With that, she went over to a long sofa where you could sit and watch the lake. Ru followed behind her: when she was seated, he put his head in her lap and pushed his nose into her tummy. Hey! I need my ears scratched, he was saying. You need to get to work. After handing Kat her wine, I went over and slipped into my old favorite wing-back chair with my wine. Together we watched the lights pass by.


“Yeah, honey?”

“I heard a rumor a while ago that there is supposed to be a virgin bed somewhere around here. Might you know if there is any truth to that rumor and where this supposedly virgin is?”

“I can’t speak to all that, but I do know where is a big old bed where some grumpy old blind guy used to sleep in. Let me show you.”

“Neil, this is spectacular.”

“A lot of times, I will wake up just as the sunrises in the morning so I can take in nature’s show before moving an inch. Then I go and hit the coffee pot and dash in out of the bathroom and start the day.”

“Will we do that in the morning, together?”

“Lady, make you a promise. So long as we are here, that is the way each day will start together.”

With that, she pulled her bag from my hand and disappeared into the bathroom. A few moments later, she reappeared dressed for bed and looked at me, “Neil! You don’t have a shower in there; you have a fucking car wash. Were you planning an orgy in the shower?”

I had to start laughing after that comment. “Kat, you are the first woman who has ever seen that. So, I might have dreamed of an orgy or two. But that never happened. Now, if you want to get a few of your girlfriends over here, maybe we could still do that. And don’t you dare think about going and poking those elbows of yours in my ribs.”

“Honey? I promise I wasn’t going to poke my elbows in your ribs. However, I was going to kick your balls so that everyone would start calling you four eyes.”

“Neil, I am a one-man woman, and I want a one-woman man. So you can look all you want but don’t touch.”

“Kat, if you want a truly crazy hilarious story. Get Cathy to tell about the night she, Carl, and I went all together to one of the worst sleazy titty clubs around near school. You will laugh your ass off and likely lose control of your bladder and piss yourself. When it happens, don’t blame me. You’ve been warned. With that warning, I am going to go to the bathroom and do my things, then get in my bed and go drift off into the clouds; tomorrow promises to be a busy day.”

As I slipped into bed and put a pile of pillows behind my head and back, Kat moved over and took her usual place atop my shoulder. The very last thing I heard was, “Good night, my dear loving man.”

Dawn Tuesday showed no clouds in the sky, and the lake’s surface was as smooth as glass or maybe Kat’s ass. She still had her pillow tucked under her while my nose breathed in the sensuous perfume of her hair. Waking up like this always gave me an immediate hardon.

Slowly Kat stirred about in my arms, then reached up and softly kissed my neck as she whispered, “looks like my man is awake too.” As she captured my morning wood in her hands and slowly began to pet her toy.

“Baby? Today is going to be a hectic day for both of us. And, I want breakfast in bed.” With that, I leaned over and swiped my tongue across the tips of her nipples. Softly drawing one nipple in my mouth, then biting the other nipple. I knew exactly the reaction I’d get from my woman to this. A series of loud howls as she pressed her head back into the pillows and called out, “morrreeeeee.”

Sitting upon an elbow as l ran my fingertips slowly across her chin, “damm woman, you are a greedy little thing first thing in the morning.”

My hands ran across her stomach and over the gentle rise of her mound. Slowly through the landing strip and down the swollen dampness of that sweet pussy. That brought out another loud series of cries as Kat moved her legs apart, giving me complete access to make my early morning explorations easier. “God, my woman, I have never seen anything more lovely than this before.” With that, I leaned forward and ran my tongue the length of Kat’s dewy pussy as I drank in all the liquor I could find there. One hand opened the lips and exposed her clit, which I quickly captured. Two fingers from my other hand dived into steamy pussy and searched out her g-spot. All of this lead to more and more cries.

“NEIL!! I surrender. I am yours. All of me is yours, my man. Take me as you wish. As you have claimed, my soul.” For a moment, I stopped torturing her clit. And as I pushed her legs wider apart, I began to bite and suck on the inside of her thigh just below that her wet pussy. “Neil? What are you doing to me now?”

“Baby? Do you remember getting a hickey in high school?” Kat answered my question with a series of groans as she nodded her head in agreement. “I am going to give you a hickey right here on your thigh, so you know you belong to me. That you are taken, and yes Kat, you belong only to me.” With that, I bit down even harder, which resulted in yet another series of impassioned cries. Then, after looking at my handiwork, I returned to my original target. As my tongue once more ran over her lips, and I found her clit again. And once more began to swallow her clit as fingers continued to search out that elusive g-spot. Kat kept her fingers and hands on the back of my head. Pushing me into her harder and harder as she surrendered, letting lose a gale-force set of screams

In time we recovered, as Kat mumbled something about the bed not being a virgin anymore. It was more like an altar that guided her to new places. Places where she surrendered again and again to her man. “Good morning, darling.”

“Neil, no one ever has called me that before. I so love having you think of me and call me ‘darling.’ As yes, my man, I do belong to you.” With that, once more, I was engulfed in the most amazing hug. It seemed that we were lost, lying on top of some fluffy cloud.

Someway or another, we managed to get our feet under ourselves and headed toward the bathroom and shower. For sure, that was a sign of progress. “OMG, Neil!! Is that a bidet? Really? I just have to try that.” With that, she plopped down, and in time there was the sound of a stream of water. Followed by another scream, “Neil, that’s amazing. Now? About this car wash.” Slowly she ran her impish eyes over me. “Yeah, I think you need a full detail job and not a quickie in and out.” The showerheads came to life as we entered the car wash. Kat, seeing this lead to yet another scream, “my hair is soaked you, you snot. I guess I wear it down until I can get back in the salon. Besides, when I get back in the salon, I’ll need a little touch-up down below. Both in the front and the back.” With that, the two of us danced about under the showerheads. She looked over towards the sidewall where the control faucets were and eyed the handheld shower wand suspiciously. “Neil, that thing could be wicked.”

“You think so, eh?” Slowly I backed my girl into the corner and pushed her feet apart as I picked up the shower wand.

“Neil, what the fuck do you think you are doing???” I turned on the showerhead, and the spray raked over her sensitive lips. “NEIL!! YOU ARE A BASTARD!! AND OH, THAT IS INCREDIBLE. That was something else I have never dreamed of that my nasty old horn dog giving me.”

In time we got out of the carwash and even managed to get dried off. The next step was to get the coffee pot going. When I came back to the closet, I saw the carts from the bus sitting there. While Kat was standing in the middle of the closet looking lost. “Don’t you think this closet is just a little big?”

“Darling, ages ago when I bought this apartment. I had it built for two. Ya know, the apartment is like the ring I gave you. It took me a while to find the right Lady to share things with. And you, Kathleen Floyd, are most definitely, the right Lady for me.”

I grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and put them on, leaving Kat to toss her hair about in her fingers as she stood there in the closet. As I was pouring our coffee. My redheaded vixen calmly strolls into the kitchen barefooted. Then looks toward me so sweetly and innocently; as she says, “so Neil, how do you like my new robe?”

I looked over towards Kat. Then gently smiling as I realized that she found yet another thing to claim and make hers. The first thing she took was my lonely, empty heart that she has filled with her love. Then she took my dog in hand and made him a lapdog that he undoubtedly was all along. Then she despoiled my virgin bed. Now, she has taken my used to be favorite robe and taken it as hers. What’s next? This woman is akin to the Huns running about a taking everything in sight as there’s. “Kat, that robe has never looked better than it does right now.”

That got an immense sigh from her, “honey, it reminds me of you.” She was camped on a kitchen stool as I stood on the other side of the counter while we became lost in each other’s eyes. “I need to share this with you, my darling. I love the beautiful mark, the hickey on my leg that you gave me this morning. It does speak to me, and oh yes, I know how much I belong to you, dearest. Thank you for it. I hope that you will replace your mark often as hickeys have a habit of fading away. And I want to always carry your mark on me.”

This woman, this woman of mine, is amazing. She takes my heart in her hands and molds me into a new man. As I finish a cup of coffee, before filling my cup again, I offer to fill her’s first. My offer was met with a shake of her head. That resulted in her mane flying around as those eyes danced. “Lady? Would you like a couple of eggs for breakfast?”

“Yes, dear, please.”

“And how would you like them fixed?”

“Whatever is easiest for you is fine.”

“Do you want your eggs with or without the shell?”

“What do you mean, baby?”

“Well, the easiest way is raw. I just wanted to know if you wanted the eggs cracked open or not?”

“Neil! You are a complete buzz-killing asshole! But I love you anyway, shithead!”

With that, we both rolled about in laughter.

“Baby, I know that at one time or another, you are going to get pissed off at me because I didn’t ask about something beforehand. Kat? I do hope you will forgive me when I do that. Let’s talk about what needs to happen today and the rest of the week. OK?”

“Will you get all the stuff from the bus unpacked and put away? There’s plenty of space in the closet, I think? Then the bus can go, get fully serviced and cleaned up, so it’s ready for whatever or whenever our next trip might be. OH! Before I forget, you need to call Maddie Cohn and get with her. Also, give Sandy a call and see what she tell you about the MFA programs in town. Maybe??? The UC has something. For sure, she will know.”

“While you are doing that, I need to talk to Sally and get things lined up for my conferences tomorrow. Also, see what she has heard from any of the other partners and what they are thinking. And I need to get the dog walker and his trainer to get Ru back together regularly. Also, we need to call Cathy and Carl tonight to see what they have heard about the Inn. I want to pass on to them what the real estate said, as well.”

“And we need to get you a card key for the building. That way, you have access to everything in the building. Please know this is a high-security building; as a result, there are protocols for non-residents to get in.

“Then we need to head out. I guess the first stop is to get you the boots you wanted.”


“Oh yes, yes, you are getting those boots, my sweetheart. If not for you, then for me.”

“Oh? You’ll need to find an art supply you can use, and you need to figure out where you would like to create a studio space here for you. Also, we need to stop by the Clerk of Court’s office. And I need to get you with Jack too. Oh, and the bank too. So, we will have an active full day with lots going on.”

“You ready to head out?”

“First stop, the office downstairs, and your key card.”

“Good morning, Charlie. I need to get this young Lady a full access key card.”

“Is she going to be living here full or part-time?”

As he looked at Kat and the ring she is wearing, “don’t tell me!! At last, at long last, the old goat has fallen. Holy shit, what’s next somebody putting up a tiki bar across the street in February?”

“Young Lady, welcome to our humble little manor house on the lake. Let me get your photo, please. Great, that was easy. We have you in the system. All you need to do is slide your card in any of the card readers to get in.”

“Kat, let’s walk around the lobby so you can see what’s here and what you might want to use. Over in the corner of the lobby is a nice cafe that will run upstairs a sandwich or even a full dinner when you call. They do catering for the residents as well. So when we have a group in, that’s the easy way to set up anything food or liquor-wise you want. As you can see, all the shops that line the exterior of the building have outside entrances. You can use your key card to have the charges put on the unit’s account, and you can use the shop’s interior door to get back in the lobby. Next to the restaurant is a small grocery store; as a matter of fact, it is the restaurant’s storeroom, but you can get groceries there. Just call them, and if they have it in stock, they will deliver your order in an hour or so. If they don’t stock what you want, they will order it for you and have it dropped off the next day. On the other side of the lobby is a salon that almost everyone here uses. There’s a wine and cheese shop, a small bakery and a florist too. OH! On the lower level, there’s a full fitness center as well as an indoor swimming pool. And on the roof, there is a heliport as well.”

“Neil, I get the feeling that if you wanted to, you could almost stay here and never leave.”

“You are not far from wrong, Kat. Hell, the people here don’t want random encounters with strangers. Many others who live here, myself included, value our privacy. Honey, you saw the ugly underbelly of my world in Albany. I do not want that repeated at my front door.”

“Ah, good, the car is outside. So let’s go and find your boots.” That caused Kat’s eyebrow to go up, asking all kinds of questions. “Baby, in town when I go out without Ru. I use a car service. Actually, the driver is a highly trained professional bodyguard. And yes, he is carrying a pistol of some type. But, then again, so do the doormen as well.”

“Good morning, Mr. Wallace. How are your lovely wife and those kids of yours? As you may or may not have heard, the old goat has fallen to this lovely Lady, Ms. Kathleen. Why she wanted to take me on, well, you know there is no accounting for personal tastes.”

“Good morning, Ms. Kathleen. Sally already gave me your contact info, and your phone is updated with my info as well. So guys, where are we going?”

“Mr. Wallace, a few things. If you will, can we work a tour of the city as we go around today? First, I’d like to stop at a Redwing store to see about getting some work boots. And I need to stop in and see Jack for a while and go by the Clerk of Court’s office. Finally, I would like to stop into the Alexander Trust office across the street from the office on the way home. Kat? Did you talk with Sandy about an art supply store?”

“I didn’t find her, sorry.”

“Hey guys, no problem. I know where Sandy goes for all her art supplies. Since that’s closest, we’ll stop there first. Does that work?”

Watching Kat ramble around the store was like watching a tike in a toy store. Her eyes were exploding. After a while, she came back to where I was standing and took hold of my hand, “Neil, this place is amazing. I love to do pen and ink drawings, but finding the things I want and need is, at best, difficult. This place has everything and more that I might need. I could spend days in here and never come out.”

“Honey, you can come back whenever you need to. Do this, please, get whatever you need to do pen and ink drawings then we can head out. Are you good with that? OH! Be sure you get an application to open an account too.” As she nodded, her smile almost pushed her ears to the back of her head. The store wrapped everything up that she wanted, and we headed out to the car.

When Mr. Wallace saw us, he pulled the car up to the front of the store and got out as the trunk opened. Then he took the bags from Kat, put them in the car’s trunk, and opened the car door for her. All the time, he was looking around to see what was out there.

“Kids, I suppose the Redwing store should be next, then we can run out to Jack’s. Along the way, I’ll swing through the Loop and up Lakeshore.” In five minutes, we pulled up in front of the Redwing store.

“Neil, I can not believe you are doing this, old man.” With that, we went into a shoe store unlike any in the world that Kat had seen before. All they had are heavy industrial footwear and only in one color, black. In less than ten minutes, the two of us were back in the car as Kat sat there marveling at her new footwear.

“You know, I am completely put out with the lack of color selection from the store. I had my heart set on Hot Pink, and all they had was this uckky black. How do you expect a girl to wear something in that color?”

“Hey Miss Katty, I know some guy who can die them for you. We can swing by there and drop them off there, no problems.” So, hot pink work boots are going to be the new fashion statement; what’s next?

We went back through the Loop and along Lakeshore on our way out to Jack’s. Watching Kat drink in the city that would be our home for the foreseeable future was a pleasure. She looked comfortable here.

“Neil? Why are we here? This a Mercedes dealer. Who is Jack?”

“Good questions. Jack works for the Mercedes dealer, and he handles special orders. You know, hell you saw, the shitty underbelly of my life there in Albany. Having something like that happen is not my worst nightmare. My greatest fear is someone decides that going after me is too high a mountain to climb, so you get attacked. I need to know that you are always safe. Otherwise, I will go nuts. The car we are riding around is not a stock car. It is highly modified to provide maximum security and safety for people in the car. Unless somebody looks very carefully, no one will see anything different. You’ll be getting a car like mine. Jack wants to know what you’d like on the inside. That’s why we are here. When I am in town, Mr. Wallace almost always drives me in this car. Now, when you go out, you will need to have Ru with you at all times. OK? Can you do that?”

“Neil! Isn’t this a bit excessive?”

“Baby? Talk to Sandy and have her tell you her experiences. She has the same kind of bubble. Ask her why? You know, my feelings are no different than what your uncle has for Flo. Or how Carl feels for Cathy. Our wives are the most important and precious things in our world. We will do anything and go to the end of the earth to be sure you are safe. That, my dear, is the way it is. I live this daily, it sucks, but it is. Anyway, let’s go in and talk with Jack.”

“The car that Jack showed me is insane, and Ru even has his custom safety harness. WTF.”

“Honey, look carefully at the right front seat here, and what do you see?”

“Ru’s harness. All right. Anyway, what’s next on this Magical Mystery Tour? Excuse me, Mr. Wallace, didn’t I hear a rumor that Chicago was supposed to have decent pizza?”

With that, he began laughing. “Woman, that’s fighting words. Chicago has the pizza in the world. Just wait until you have a Chicago beef sandwich, but you must wear a raincoat for that. Oh? Do you like hot dogs? Cause the best in the world is here? So woman, what’s your pleasure?”

“Maybe a simple hot dog? And french fries and a Coke?

“On the way.” Once again, Mr. Wallace demonstrated his skills in moving, weaving the car in and out of traffic. A few moments later, we arrived at Superdawg. Mr. Wallace flew out of the car. As he was getting out, Kat asked if she could just get just ketchup of hers. “No, not just no. But hell NO! Woman, you is at Superdawg, and they don’t allow that red stuff on their superdawgs. The only way to get your superdawg is dragged through the garden.” Explained my old buddy and lifelong resident of Chicago.

In a few moments, he returned, with three Superdawgs and Cokes, as he got back in the car. He explained that his wife had put him on a diet, so no fried foods. “Ummm? Guys?? What’s this neon green stuff on top? And why the pickle spear?”

“Babydoll, welcome to Chicago. That’s the way roll here.” Thank you, Mister Wallace.

You guys ready to head out now, the Clerk of Court’s office is next on the agenda, correct?

“Neil? Why are we here?”

“I listen to my woman. My woman told me that she did not want a long engagement. The Clerk’s office is where you get a marriage license. A license is valid for 21 days from the date of issue. The clock is ticking, baby. Oh, FYI, Sally is a notary and will do everything that needs doing.”

“Nei!! You are fucking nuts!”

“No, I am most certainly not. However, I am fucking you regularly.”

Well, we had one more stop, then home. Along the way, my fiancee slowly twirled her engagement about on her finger. She looked lost in her thoughts. “Baby? We are here at the bank. Shall we get this taken care of, then we can go home?” As we walked into the bank, Kat looked in a daze as we approached a new receptionist. “Excuse me, ma’am. I’d like to speak to Jack Alexander, please.”

“Sir, I believe Mr. Alexander is in a meeting. Can someone else help you?”

I reached into my pocket, took out my card case, and handed the woman one of my business cards. “Ask him if I can have five minutes of his time, please?”

“Yes, sir, one moment, please.”

As she got back to her desk, a booming voice bellowed out. “Security, be sure the value is locked; there’s a shyster in the lobby. Hi Neil, how are you, my old friend?”

“Kat, this, this here con artist is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Charlie, Jack, and I go back to the age of dinosaurs. Hey Jack? Have you guys stopped using papyrus yet and gotten that new stuff called paper? Anyway, Jack, I need you to make a couple of things happen, like now. Forgive me, since I know you have your head in the sand all the time, you haven’t heard. But the Old Goat has fallen, and this charming lovely Lady has taken me off the market.”

“What!! You know, I figured sooner or later you might get taken in as some kind soul as a pity case. But? A beautiful woman like this, you kidding me. Why are you playing games like this, Neil?”

“Kat, you need to forgive Jack. He’s somewhat slow. The word out there is his mom, a good and saintly woman, dropped him on his head a few times too often when he was a baby. Well, honey, you see what happened? Jack, I need you to get my Lady an ATM card linked to my primary checking account, so when she needs cash, she can easily access it. Also, she needs a card tied to my Visa card; can you handle that?.”

“Sure, give me five minutes, please. Excuse me, miss, but that is one of the more spectacular rings I have seen. It’s about time the old goat did something right. Oh? When did you say the wedding will happen?”

“Ask her; she knows I don’t. That party is all hers. The only thing I have to do is show up at the right time in the right place, wearing the right clothes, and then say I do. After that, sign my name. You know, I look forward to seeing Cindy, but you? Hell NO! I know the crazies you are capable of doing. Kat, you legitimately need to stay away from this man. I heard once upon a time his picture was up in the local post office.”

“Kat, it is a pleasure meeting you, ma’am. I just wish you had better luck in finding a good and upright man to be your husband and not some old stinky goat that forgets to bathe all the time.” With that, Jack handed Kat the new cards she needed, and once more, we headed out.

“Neil, why is it all of you, Carl, I bet Charlie, my Uncle Herman, and now Jack all of you love bust each other’s chops? Why don’t you guys say something nice?”

“Honey, it’s our way of saying that we like each other, hell love each other. But don’t you dare tell Carl I said that, please don’t, or my life will become a living hell. Anyway, let’s get home. Have you talked with Sandy yet?”

“No, I haven’t. I tried calling earlier today, but the call kept getting dropped.”

“Sandy, Hi, it’s Kat. Have you got a few minutes? A lot of things are going on. Earlier today, we left the Clerk of Court’s office with a wedding license in hand. So that will happen in the next three weeks and your one of the first to know. Hey? What do you know about getting an MFA here?”

“Well, I graduated last spring with both a teaching certificate in art education from New York as well as the national teaching certificate.”

“My facility advisor was Jack Wallace, do you know him? And I took Ali Grimes classes in theory and Wallace ACK; what his last name?”

“Yes, that’s it, do you know them? And no, I don’t have my portfolio here yet. OK, I’ll talk with you in a few.”

“Neil, she has something in mind. What I have no idea at all.”

“Hi, Sandy. WHAT! OK, well, I guess we’ll see each other then.”

“Let me ask the Old Goat. Hey? OG, yeah you. Sandy and Charlie want to have dinner with us tonight in the cafe downstairs at six. Are you good with that, or do you have a hot date lined up?”