A Sordid Arrangement

Author’s Note: This is a straight cheating story. No direct cuckolding, as the boyfriend remains oblivious to her actions throughout and she totally gets away with it. There’s a lot of build-up, but also a lot of sex (when it starts!). Enjoy.

A Sordid Arrangement

(Or How Erin Got Her Freak On)

“The guy’s an asshole!”

“Oh Sweetie… he can’t be that bad,” Erin Winters said to her boyfriend.

As expected Peter stared at her in disbelief. “Erin, I’m serious: he’s THAT bad!”

They had been sitting on the green bench by the lake for over an hour now, and almost all of that she had spent patiently listening to her boyfriend, Peter Follett, complain about his university dormitory roommate. What had begun as a pleasant walk across campus, both of them looking to enjoy an unusually warm October day (unusual as far as an Eroshire autumn could be), was now swiftly becoming irritating for Erin.

It seemed Kyle Matthews was all that her dear boyfriend wanted to talk about.

“So he’s a little full of himself,” she said, shrugging.

“A little? He’s a little more than that!” Peter replied. “He’s constantly taking the piss. Makes me do all the work in the dorm – I’m always cleaning up after him – and whenever his friend’s are around, and they’re around ALL the time, he makes fun of me. They all do. Constantly.” Folding his arms, Peter stared out over the campus lake and sighed. “I feel like I’m back at school.”

“Oh Sweetie…” Erin wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed. “Just ignore him.”

She wished she could ignore Peter when he got like this. At first she had been sympathetic to his problem with his roommate, but that had been a month ago. By now this rant was becoming a regular fixture of their time together, and Erin was struggling to keep from growing annoyed.

For as long as she had known him, since they were children, Peter had always been the nerdy kid. So was Erin, and she would be the first to admit it, for she was proud of who she was, but in the years since school she had changed what she didn’t like about herself, and it wasn’t due to the name-calling and taunts hurled at her when she was young. Yes, she had been a chubby girl when she was younger, and yes she had been the brunt of many fat jokes, but here she sat, at just a few months shy of twenty, with a body she worked hard to maintain at the gym.

A body that turned heads when she wore the right clothes, and Erin knew it.

Watching her boyfriend continue to complain, Erin just wished Peter knew how lucky he was, and what she was willing to put up with for that sweet kid still inside him. Yet in many ways he was also still that scared kid who used to hide behind her in junior school whenever anyone made fun of his bright red hair. She thought it was cute; he hated it and had shaved it off when they moved to their university digs.

Perhaps Peter had thought shaving his head would make him look tougher. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that with his expanding waistline, pudgy limbs and freckled face, he was not going to strike fear in the hearts of anyone.

“It’s worse when he brings girls back,” Peter continued to say. “Kyle loves to joke he’s going to rope me into a threesome, and then laughs when they look like they’re going to throw up.”

“Fuck those skanks,” Erin said. “I think you’re sexy.” She kissed him on the cheek.

He smiled at her, and Erin remembered why she loved him. Peter had such a sweet smile, it reminded her of simpler days when they would play games round each others’ houses. Sitting on their beds playing their consoles until the early hours of the morning, or when their parents popped in to remind them that they had school tomorrow, and that they should get some sleep.

It was a smile that reminded Erin that Peter was her oldest, and dearest friend. She had been the one to ask him out, aged fourteen, when they had known each other for over ten years, and they had been dating since. Fate had seen them both accepted into Eroshire University, and for that Erin was grateful: she wasn’t sure she could have handled a long distance relationship with Peter. She needed him by her side; he was her rock, and Erin knew she was his.

“Thanks, Erin,” he said, kissing her on the lips.

For a moment they sat there, tenderly kissing, and Erin didn’t know what she enjoyed most; the change of topic or the attention of her loving boyfriend.

Breaking the kiss Peter looked at her, his face suddenly serious, and said “promise me you’ll stay away from him.”

Taken aback, Erin could only frown in confusion. “Who? Kyle?” she laughed. “Jesus, Peter. He sounds like a serial killer.”

“More like a serial adulterer,” he muttered.

“Oh really?” she regarded him with both offence and genuine amusement. “And why would he be a threat to us? Is he going to snap his fingers and make me drop my panties for him?”

“I’m serious,” Peter said. “In the month since we started term he’s had a different girl round the flat almost every night.” Seeing her sceptical expression he added: “I would know. He’s make a point to introduce me to every single one of them. It’s like he’s rubbing it in my face.”

“Rubbing what, Peter?” Erin raised an eyebrow.

“Erm…” Peter began to turn bright red. She loved how easily he was embarrassed. “I didn’t… I mean what I meant was…”

“What you meant was he’s having to settle for mere mortals, while you have a goddess.”

“Yeah. I know,” he said. Visibly relieved that she had decided to mercifully bail him out.

Having enjoyed Peter’s moment of clumsy verbal hole-digging, Erin decided to probe him on his apparent favourite subject. “So… what type of girls does Kyle bring back?”

“All different types, and ages,” Peter said. “One night he brought back this woman – she had to have been one of the lecturers, I swear I’ve seen her on campus heading to the Blue Theatre – and the next night this much younger girl turns up – looks almost EXACTLY like the previous, to the point I’m sure the second girl was the first’s daughter.”

“Impressive,” Erin said, raising her eyebrows in exaggeration.

“He’s had the personal trainers at the gym, the barmaids at the bar, even the girls at the cafe,” Peter said. “But he’s had many who can’t be students. Most of them had rings on their fingers.”

“Wow… what a bunch of sluts,” Erin said. “Imagine cheating on your other half with a student.” She couldn’t imagine cheating, full stop: she would never do that to her Peter. “And you’ve met all of them?”

“No joke. He likes to parade them in front of me. I wonder if he thinks I’m a virgin.”

“Well you’re definitely not!” Erin smiled at him; she could still remember the night that they had lost their virginities to each other. He had been so sweet, so very shy. She hadn’t been anything different. It must have been funny to watch: these two teens clumsily slapping their bodies, but in the moment it had been something special, and they had only gotten better at sex since then.

“God, wish he wasn’t so fucking loud with them, though.”

Peter’s comment brought her crashing back to reality, and for a moment she quickly reminded herself of what her boyfriend had been talking about before she had started daydreaming about their sex life.

“Oh? Are they screamers?” She asked, a wicked grin on her face. The thought of being loud while having sex was an amusing one to her: with Peter she never screamed or moaned as loud as some of the girls in her dorm had done since term began. Especially her own roommate, Angie, who had a boyfriend, not on campus but living close by, and he paid her frequent nightly visits. Some of the things Erin had heard them say through the walls! It was like a bad porn film!

“Not just them,” Peter said. “It’s him too. All night sometimes.”

“Not ALL night, really?” she asked, incredulous. Who had that kind of stamina?

Peter nodded. “I’m not joking. Sometimes he’s fucking them for six hours or more. How could anyone have that kind of stamina?”

A curious fleeing began in the depths of Erin’s groin as she listened to Peter. Fuck, six hours? As much as she enjoyed sex with Peter, he rarely lasted more than a half-hour, often leaving her wanting more, and she would frequently sneak off to the bathroom when he had gone to sleep (sex always tired him out) to finish herself off. Sometimes she would masturbate for ages in an effort to satiate her cravings. She had never mentioned any of this to Peter; she doubted he was aware of it.

“That sounds ridiculous!” Erin said, trying to ignore her slowly waking libido. “I doubt anyone could have sex for that long!”

“Yeah, you’re right. They must be keeping me awake with enthusiastic yoga.”

She gave him a look; she didn’t appreciate it when Peter was sarcastic with her.

He noticed: “I’m sorry. As you can tell I haven’t been getting much sleep lately.”

Erin gave him a squeeze. “I’m sorry, Sweetie. Maybe we should get you some ear plugs.”

“Tried that. Can still hear them,” he said. “I’m surprised no one else has complained.”

Maybe they were all getting laid too, she mused. “Sleeping pills?”

“There’s an idea.” Peter sighed, then looked at her and smiled. “I’m so glad I have you. I don’t think I could compete with a guy like Kyle.”

“Why must everything be a competition?” Erin asked. “Who has the biggest? Who can last the longest? Who cares! Relationships are built on more than sex.” Although having good sex was a bonus in a relationship, she thought as she held his hand in hers, looking him in the eye. “I love you, Peter Follett. Don’t worry about anything that cunt says or does. You are the luckiest man alive, because you have me.”

He smiled back, squeezing her hand. “You’re right as always,” he said.

His smile was so genuine; Erin found herself remembering why she had fallen in love with him in the first place.

“Hey, I’m sorry if I’ve been boring you with my complaining.”

“Don’t worry. Can’t all have roommates like mine,” Erin said. Even if Angie was a bit of a slut, she was sweet and kind; not all like how Peter painted this Kyle. Angie and she would often go out, tasting cocktails in each bar in town, and if Angie made fun of Erin’s commitment to Peter, it was all good-natured with no ill-intent. Erin suspected Angie just liked seeing her friend happy.

“What’s the time?” Peter rhetorically asked as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “Shit! I’m gonna be late for class.” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “Sorry for bitching.”

“No worries, Sweetie,” she said, smiling. “Are we still on for tomorrow?” She would have loved it to have been tonight, but Peter always said he had mountains of work to do in the labs. It was like pulling teeth to get him to agree to go out, even on a Friday.

“Course. After class,” he said, gathering his satchel and swinging it over a shoulder. “Say six? Or too early?”

“Six is fine. See you then.”

Erin watched her sweet and loving boyfriend hurry off for his class. She was done for the day – the benefit of front-loading classes in the morning – and with nothing better to do Erin figured she would head to the campus gym. Couldn’t hurt to get some cardio in, or some core work either.


She decided to work on her core. For the last few months she had been working on her abs now that she had met her long-term goal of a flat stomach. It was starting to pay off; as she lay on the mat, lifting her thighs and feeling the strong resistance of the band around them, Erin saw the definition of her muscles glistening beneath the sweat of a good forty or so minutes of work.

Rise and fall. Working her hips like… Erin stopped, frowning at her own imagination, as it had been about to dive into something quite explicit. Stop it, she told herself. She should cut back on the porn; another side-effect of Peter’s continuing disappointment in the bedroom. It was a rabbit hole she had fallen down that one time she searched on her phone, and now every other day she was jerking off to a new upload.

It really wasn’t healthy. She should cut back.

Part of her felt like her masturbatory habits were a betrayal to Peter, like it was a silent way of saying he wasn’t enough, that he didn’t satisfy her.

But good God, she was becoming horny. As loving and as caring as Peter was, his dick just wasn’t scratching that itch for her. Feeling embarrassed at her thoughts, Erin looked around, despite telling herself that no one in the gym had telepathy, nor was she obviously turned on, just sweaty with exercise.

Which described everyone else in the small, yet versatile gym on campus.

At this time in the afternoon there weren’t many students, or lecturers, around. Most would still be at afternoon class, or catching some sleep before a big night out (it didn’t matter that it was a Thursday – every night was a big night out on campus). There were the usual on the treadmills, getting their steps in while going nowhere, while one large chap was furiously peddling all on his own; the other five machines curiously unoccupied despite the popularity of the cycles for some easy cardio.

Looking over at the bench press Erin sighed when she saw the usual crowd; those three were the reason she wished Peter would come with her to the gym.

They were also the reason Erin was glad he didn’t.

At almost six feet Erin was tall for a woman, and almost two full inches taller than Peter. These guys were easily six-two, six-three; the tanned one, with the hot smile and love of never wearing a fucking shirt, was the tallest, but not by much. The other two, while considerate enough to wear t-shirts at least, were visibly just as muscular beneath their clothing.

She didn’t know their names, and didn’t care to. Erin referred to them as Curls, Buzzcut and Mop, after the ways their hair were styled. Mop was the one doing the bench presses, his brown arms glistening with sweat as he lifted, while Buzzcut leaned on the bars laughing at something Curls was saying.

Thankfully none of them had noticed her. She was in no mood for their aggressive flirtations. It bordered on sexual harassment, and on several occasions she had been tempted to report their banter to the campus head of Equality and Diversity, who, Erin had heard, had led a #MeToo cull of the faculty a few years ago. Several lecturers with a lecherous history had been fired, and it was agreed the campus was a whole lot safer for women thanks to Mrs Rothfuss.

Then Erin had found out, via Angie, that Buzzcut (she vaguely recalled Angie mentioning his name was Bradley, or something) was sleeping with her. So Erin had decided not to bother ever reporting those three to that cheating slut. She had two kids and a husband of twenty years!

Some women…

Surprised at how irritated she was, whether with those three guys or how sexually frustrated she was feeling today, Erin wasn’t sure, so she began her exercise again with renewed vigour.

Staring out of the wide windows that took up a whole wall of the gym, offering an unparalleled view of campus from the second floor of the building furthest up the valley. It was why Erin loved coming here; a gorgeous view of the Eroshire valley, campus digs, fields, lake, and the distant city of Coytoss. Capital of the county and fourth largest city in the UK, apparently.

It was a view to take her mind off things. Like an unfair irritation with her boyfriend. Whether it was Peter’s constant bemoaning of his roommate, or how he wasn’t satisfying her sexually, she felt guilty about how she was letting herself get irritated by such trivial things! She should support her boyfriend if he were having problems, not roll her eyes and make jokes about it!

And as for sex? There was more to a relationship!

“Hey there, Sexy!”

Tearing her eyes from the gorgeous view Erin looked up at the infuriatingly gorgeous face of the one she called Curls, for how his head of dirty blonde hair curled up at the ends in a way that screamed ‘I just got out of bed and couldn’t be bothered to comb’. He was infuriatingly gorgeous, and Erin couldn’t help but admit he was sexy as fuck, with tanned skin, chiselled jawline, eyes a deep blue that you could get lost in if you weren’t careful, and a fantastic body; all defined abs, pecs, and limbs that were muscular, but not too big that she would fear for her life if he wrapped his arms around her.

Not that she would want him to. Wrap his arms around… her… fuck…

This was one reason why she hated these three guys: they awoke urges in her. Urges that her dear, darling, wonderful, sweet, caring, beautiful Peter did not seem to be able to satisfy, and he seemed blissfully unaware of it. Erin knew that some time tonight she was going to rub one out, and this fucker’s face was going to be what would tip her over the edge…


Another reason not to give up porn.

“What do you want?” she muttered.

“Just saying hello!” he replied. She hated his smile: so smug and patronising. Like he knew he was hot, and knew how it was affecting her. “Thought I’d do some sit-ups here.”

She looked at the mat he was standing on, right next to hers, then looked at the eight others all spread out in front of the window. All of them were unoccupied. “Do you have to?” she asked, looking back up at him. Try as she might, her eyes kept wandering down his chest, taking in his six pack abs, his defined waistline, that bulge in his tight-fitting shorts…

“Free country,” he said, settling down on the mat beside her. “You happen to be in my spot.”

That was the second reason why she hated these guys: they were all assholes.

“Free country,” she countered. “I was here first.”

“Got a nice set growing there,” he said. Then slapped his own abs to make the point.

“Thanks…” Erin muttered. She began to work her hips again, ignoring how she could feel his eyes take in the way her slim, toned body moved as she strained against the band. She wasn’t going to let this lecherous creep spoil her work-out session. She was almost at her goal. Just a few more and she could escape feeling like she hadn’t been run out of the gym again by these three dickholes.

Erin heard him making soft grunting sounds, as well as the squeak of the mat. “Doing anything tonight?” he asked.

“What?” she stopped and looked at him. He was doing sit-ups.

“Doing anything tonight?” he asked, not pausing. “Any plans? Anything important?”

“I have a boyfriend.”

“You didn’t answer my question,” he said. He paused, resting on the mat, and winked at her.

“I did.”

“So what are you two doing? Date night? Dinner? Takeaway? Sex?”

“I… none of your fucking business.”

“So no plans, then.” He resumed his sit-ups. “I’m wondering if you have a boyfriend, Sexy, or if you’re just making him up.”

“No I’m not,” Erin said, resuming her own work-out. Her irritation with this guy was showing, as she bucked her hips faster, clenching her fists as her aching muscles protested. “He’s real.”

“Doubt that.”

“Why?” She was beginning to get annoyed now. What was this guy insinuating? That no one could be interested in her? Erin felt insulted; she had put a lot of hard word into shaping herself, and she was fucking proud of the results. She was hot. Smoking hot. With a body that was, to put it bluntly, totally fuckable. She was tall, with a gym-toned slim body, long, dark – almost pitch black – hair, and tits that hadn’t lost the weight she had. It made bra shopping annoying, as most she liked were in sizes designed for much larger women. They were also the reason she preferred to keep to the gym, and not go out running despite the beautiful park near to campus.

And this smug shit was staring right at them, held fast in one of the few sports bras she liked that fit her; a bright pink affair with lime green stripes. It went with the bright pink shorts she had found, that hugged her incredible ass (if she would be so humble as to say).

“Hey,” she said. “Eyes up here.”

“I know,” he replied, moving his eyes to hers so casually she wanted to reach over and slap that smug, arrogant, sexy face of his.

“Why is it so hard to imagine me with a boyfriend?” she asked. Why was this annoying her so much? Why did she care what this guy thought?

“What man wouldn’t want to fuck you every night?”

It was the way he said it, so matter-of-fact, and Erin realised a part of her agreed. Why didn’t Peter want to fuck her every night? She wanted to be fucked every night. God, did she want to be fucked every night… She wished Peter had a body like this guy. She wished Peter was up for a good, lusty, hard fuck like in all the porn she watched.

She was staring at that bulge. That area of the guy’s tight shorts where it covered what had to be a cock so much bigger than Peter’s. Her boyfriend was small compared to the dicks she had seen in the porn she watched. Those studs had massive dicks, and Erin had masturbated with fury as she watched those dicks pound squealing women again and again…

That bulge looked like it hid a dick as big as the ones she had seen in porn.

Maybe even… bigger?

Springing to her feet, Erin made a point not to look at him, though she could imagine the smug smile on his face. Like he knew what he had sparked inside her. Like he knew how wet she was down there right now.

Fuck, she hated him so much!


After that frustrating encounter at the gym, and realising that her planned work-out had been cut annoyingly short, Erin decided to head back to her dorm and unwind. Have a shower (there was no way she was going to use the ones at the gym). Read. Watch something. Jerk off.

Her dorms were in the Persephone Block, and like most dorms on campus were shared; two rooms with en suites divided by a common area; one corner given over to the kitchen, with the rest a free-form lounge. You had to provide your own TV, if you wanted one, which Erin and her roommate, Angie, had decided not to bother with as they preferred to hang out at the bar instead when they wanted to enjoy each other’s company.

Angie was studying psychology, and Erin was certain that the department’s timetable was a secret plot to drive their students insane; Angie’s lectures were never at the same time, the same place, nor were they ever the same length! It was always a surprise finding Angie at their dorms, and Erin had barely made it over the threshold, closing the door behind her, when her roommate burst out from her own room.

“Guess what just happened?” Angie said. Curly blonde hair swaying with her energy as the girl bounced on the balls of her feet. Of average height – some five inches shorter than Erin – Angie had huge, brilliant green eyes, almost too large for her head. Making her seem as if she had just stepped out of an anime. She was wearing a figure-hugging top that exposed her tight midriff, as well as baggy sweatpants that announced she had settled in for the evening.

Giving her friend a bemused smile, Erin strode over to the single small table by the one counter that served as their shared kitchen area and dropped her heavy bag on the surface. “You’ve had an epiphany and realise that psychology is a waste of your talents,” she said.

“Yeah, like that’s gonna happen,” Angie laughed. “Guess again!”

“You won the lottery?”


“You’re pregnant?”

Angie made a face. “God, I hope not!” Laughing, she handed Erin her phone. “Daryl just sent me this.”

Erin looked at the screen, and the message on it, and shared Angie’s smile. “About time,” she said. “So does this mean you two are back together?” Daryl had been Angie’s boyfriend for the last few years. They were a sweet couple, if a little loud in the sack, as a few sleepless nights for Erin could testify, but he seemed good for her, and Erin got on well with him whenever Angie had him over.

They had broken up a week ago, when Angie had discovered Daryl had cheated on her with a gorgeous psychology professor, Dr Haliwell, who had a reputation, apparently, for only sleeping with taken men. She apparently wrote papers on the psychology of affairs, and enjoyed seeing her research up close and personal. It helped that she was an Amazonian stunner lusted after by every straight man (and gay woman) on campus. That she still had a job might be due to her husband being on the faculty board, and (allegedly) having a major cuckold fetish.

“Yeah,” Angie said. “We’re back on.”

“I’m happy for you two,” Erin said. “Surprised you forgive him though.”

Angie looked at her with a sly smile. “Well… can’t hold it against him…”

It took a moment for Erin to realise what Angie was insinuating, and when she did her eyes widened in shock. “What? You cheated as well?” she asked, torn between feeling disgusted, and scandalous excitement for her friend. “Who?”

Angie leaned closer. “Tell no one.”

“Of course.”

“Kyle Matthews”

Wait… what? Her boyfriend’s roommate? The guy who Peter said had slept with seemingly half of the campus by now after only a month of term? Who could fuck for hours and make girls scream so loud Peter needed to wear headphones to drown out the noise and get some sleep?

THAT Kyle Matthews?

Had to be; how many Kyle Matthews were on campus that could have a chance with a sexy little minx like Angie Green?

Angie was still leaning close, hands on the table between then and a mischievous grin on her face. “You’ve heard what they say, right?”

Erin nodded. Her heart was beating so fast. Why was she feeling like this? Was it because of this itch that was not being scratched by her dear boyfriend, her dear vibrator, or the fucking shower-head? That masturbating to the sounds of Angie fucking her boyfriend Daryl had been one of the few ways Erin could get off? Thank god ‘Dangie’ was back on…

She realised she was living vicariously through her roommate’s sex life, and this new chapter was no exception.

“Oh my god! He’s so good!” Angie seemed to be relieving the moment by the look of pure bliss on her face, and when she bit her lip as she spoke Erin felt a jolt of excitement spread from down below. “We were at it for hours! I’ve never cum so much in my life!”

“But Daryl-”

“Is the love of my life,” Angie said, “and sex with him is so good, but Kyle made me cum so hard I couldn’t see! God, Erin! Have you ever felt like that?”

Erin thought about sex with Peter. Her boyfriend was loving, and tried hard to make her feel good, but his efforts were always… safe. Like he didn’t want to take charge. Like he didn’t want to offend her.

Like he wasn’t there. He was just going through the motions, because it was always Erin that initiated sex. That wanted him to fuck her. But Peter didn’t fuck, he made love. Now Erin loved making love, but sometimes…

…sometimes she just wanted to get fucked.

“Oh my god,” Angie leaned even further over the table. Her top was cut so low Erin could see down between her perky little boobs. “Erin, sweetie… take my advice: cheat a little…”

“Angie!” Erin was horrified. How could her friend suggest that? It was one thing for a girl like Angie to cheat… but Erin? She was a good girl. Yes, she currently had a bit of a porn addiction, and yes, when she masturbated occasionally the face of that smug, blonde asshole from the gym crept in to tip her over the edge and give her an amazing orgasm, one so good she often wondered-

-no! She wouldn’t even entertain that thought. Peter was a sweet, darling man and the love of her life and she would never cheat on him! She wasn’t Angie. There was no way she could look Peter in the eye knowing she had sex with another man.

Erin Winters wasn’t a cheat. She just wasn’t.

“Come on girl! Live a little!” Angie finally stood straight – Erin was beginning to think she was going to lean all the way over until their faces touched! “You don’t want to be an old spinster regretting all the hot sex you missed!”

“I am quite happy with sex with Peter,” Erin lied. “If Kyle satisfies you more than Daryl, then why not just date Kyle?” That was cruel, and she immediately regretted it. Flustered more with herself than with Angie’s suggestion.

Thankfully Angie didn’t seem to take it personally. “Oh… Kyle’s not that type of guy,” Angie said. “He’s the hot guy who gives you a night to remember, but not the type to stick around.” She sighed. “Or that you would want to stick around.”

“Bit of a cunt?”

“Oh my god, yes!” Angie said. “With a guy like Kyle you kick him out the moment he goes soft on you! And I mean his dick, not his temperament.” That grin appeared again, as if Angie was replaying events in her mind and getting really turned on by it. “Course with Kyle that takes a while… for him to go soft, I mean… if he does… I didn’t find out.”

“OK, enough about Kyle!” Erin sighed. “I’ve had Peter talk about him for an hour. I don’t need you adding to the legend of Kyle-fucking-Matthews!”

“Yeah… Guess it must be distracting to share a dorm with Kyle.”

“What? He didn’t take you back to his place?”

“No,” Angie said. “We did it in the library… and the lecture hall… the gym… by the lake… but never his dorm.”

“Angie, how many times did you cheat on Daryl?”

“Now how are we counting this?” Angie said. “Time spent with Kyle, or individual acts of sex? Because if it’s the latter that number’s pretty high.”

Erin sighed. “Don’t… don’t answer that. Let me continue to live in blissful ignorance,” she said, ignoring her vagina that was crying out for more information. More fodder for the many nights to come spent alone in her dorm, with her vibrator shoved up her pussy, watching other people’s vaginas getting invaded by big, thick cocks.

“Your loss,” Angie said with a shrug as she made her way to the counter and began to open cupboards in search of something. “I’m just saying a good cheating fuck might do you good.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“I mean you’ve been a wee bit tense lately,” Angie said. She turned and frowned. “Hey, have you seen my mug?”

Erin pointed to the dishrack, where a bright pink mug sat after she had washed it last night.


“I’m sorry if I’ve been a little tense lately,” Erin said while she watched Angie make herself a herbal tea. “It’s just that studies have been hard. I didn’t expect to hit the ground running with my course in the first year.”

“That’s why you should have something hard between your legs,” Angie said. “Something that isn’t run on batteries.”

“I have a boyfriend!” Erin said in exasperation.

“And is Peter scratching that itch?”

Erin threw up her hands as she walked away. “I’m done with this conversation!”

“See! That just proves my point!”

“What point?”

“You need to unwind,” Angie said, dipping the tea bag several times. “Sex with Peter isn’t doing it for you. It makes sense.”

“How?” Erin eyes Angie wearily. What had this woman noticed about Peter? That he was gay, or asexual? Both of which had crossed her mind recently.

It was neither: “Relationships carry a lot of emotions. Those emotions can add weight to sex,” Angie said. “When you cheat it’s just sex. Pure physical release. You don’t need to worry about how the guy thinks, or feels, or what his interests are, or what his plans for the future are, or whatever. He’s just a fleshy vibrator with a pulse.”

“I feel you’re setting feminism back a few decades.”

“Oh, contraire,” Angie said. “I’m empowering myself as a woman by feeding my vagina.”

“And on that note I need a shower…”

Leaving Angie in the kitchen Erin made her way into her own room, a small affair with a bed just large enough for herself, and definitely not large enough for both Peter AND herself. Yet Peter had always insisted on going back to her place for sex, and after hearing so many stories about his roommate Erin understood why. Any excuse to get out of the dorm and away from Kyle, which seemed to be the main reason why she had never met the man. Now, after hearing about him from Angie (or rather, she suspected, Angie’s vagina instead) Erin found herself actually intrigued as to what this Kyle Matthews was like.

It was then she decided to surprise Peter at his dorm later.

In hindsight it was the best mistake she ever made.


Pausing in front of the mirror, Erin took a moment to appreciate her hard work doing herself up for her surprise visit. The black dress hugged her figure, with a low plunge showing off her large breasts and the assorted beads she wore around her neck. A present from Peter many years ago, and she had worn them religiously since then. She didn’t even take them off for sex.

After consideration she had decided to leave her long, black hair loose, and it flowed down her neck and shoulders, disappearing behind her to end somewhere halfway down her back. Dark eyeshadow gave definition to her large brown eyes, which Peter always said were beautiful.

All in all, she was fucking hot, and Erin smiled at how good she looked. Hopefully Peter would appreciate all the effort she put into her appearance, but a part of her wondered if he would even notice if she didn’t shave for a month.

Feeling that she was the best girlfriend in the world for putting up with her boyfriend’s shit, Erin made her way across campus to Venus Block, the dorm where Peter tried his best to rarely be, often coming up with excuses to spend his time with her instead. At this time he would definitely be there; classes would have finished and Peter, being a creature of habit, would have headed back to his dorm to cook himself something to eat. After cleaning up whatever mess Kyle had left in the kitchen, of course.

Walking up to the dorm room door and giving it a knock, Erin hoped to surprise him.

And surprise him she did: “What are you doing here?” he asked when he opened the door and saw that it was her.

“It’s me?” Erin said, momentarily taken aback by his tone. “Your darling girlfriend? The love of your life?” The woman who puts up with your shit? She mentally added.

Peter opened his mouth to speak, but a voice from inside the dorm cut him off before he could say anything. “You have a girlfriend, gingernuts?”

Rolling his eyes Peter half-turned his head and said to the figure out of her sight. “Can you not, Kyle?”

Between Peter and the doorframe Erin could see much of the left-hand side of the common room, and it was then Kyle Matthews strode into view. Naked save for a towel wrapped around his waist. Dirty blonde hair still wet and sticking to a disgustingly familiar face.

“Oh my god! It’s you!” Erin blurted out, shocked.

That revoltingly gorgeous face erupted into an infuriatingly smug grin. “Why hello there, Sexy! Fancy you being here!” He then frowned, then pointed at Peter. “Wait… THIS is your boyfriend? You mean to tell me this tub of lard is the one too busy to fuck you this evening? Peter man; what the fuck are you doing with your life? Why aren’t you giving Sexy your tiny ginger dick?”

“I…” Peter began to speak, and Erin could see her boyfriend’s face turning red. The way it did when he was too angry to speak. She hadn’t seen him do this since they were kids, and he was being teased in the playground. “Kyle…”

“Oh, I have so many questions right now,” Kyle said, obviously ignoring Peter’s discomfort. Not taking his eyes off of Erin he walked forward. Sculpted muscular torso glistening with water. Had he literally just stepped out of the shower? “How did a fat cunt like you, Peter, pull a stunner like this?”

“Perhaps by not being an ACTUAL cunt?” Erin heard herself snap back.

That only made Kyle smile more. “I think you’re the one with the cunt, darling,” he said, “which begs the question why you’re not currently balls deep in there giving this tall drink of water the fucking she deserves.” He clapped Peter on the shoulder. “Eh, Peter? I mean if Sexy here was my girl I’ll be fucking her twenty-four-seven.”

“You wouldn’t last,” Erin snarled, which only made that grin widen.

“I… guys…” Peter lamely tried to interject.

Kyle leaned closer, putting his face almost between Peter and herself. “Be honest: what the fuck does he have on you? Bribery? Coercion? Blink twice if he’s holding you against your will.”

“Kyle…” Peter mumbled.

She leaned closer. Her face was only inches from his sexy, Hollywood looks, and those lips that looked so inviting. Not like Peter’s thin lips… “He has nothing but fucking decency. He’s a good fucking man!”

“You’ve got a strange definition of ‘man’ there, Sexy.”

“Call me that one more time-”

She never finished: perhaps mercifully the heated exchange between her and Kyle, laced with growing undertones of something that made her feel disgusted with herself, was interrupted as a stunning woman wandered out from Kyle’s room. Like Kyle she wore a towel around her waist, leaving her large breasts bare on a torso that, like Erin’s, had seen regular workouts. Her dark brown skin also glistened with water, and her hair was hidden underneath a second towel.

“Are we finished with the shower, Kyle?” she called out. “Hey there,” she added to Erin.

Erin smiled back. Glad to have an excuse not to look at Kyle, even if it meant looking at a half naked woman who had obviously been fucking Kyle in his shower.

“Sure, we can move to the bed,” Kyle said. Much to Erin’s annoyance he caught her eye, and gave her a wink that made her want to slap him. “Catch you later, Sexy, and for god’s sake Pete grow a pair and give her your dick.” Slapping Peter on the upper arm, Kyle turned and followed the woman back into his room.

Erin watched the door close behind them.

“How do you know him?” Peter asked.

“What?” Erin felt flustered, and she didn’t know why. She was angry, frustrated, insulted, and a little bit horny as well. The cocktail of emotions churning within her was frightening. It took her a few moments to sort her head out and realise what Peter had asked. “Oh, from the gym. He’s always there with his friends.”

“Brad and Ali.”

“Oh you know them?”

Peter nodded, rolling his eyes. From deeper inside the dorm, behind Kyle’s closed door, loud moaning began. A woman’s voice called out: “OH GOD! YES! THERE! OH FUCK! OH…! OH MY GOD! YES! THERE! YES!”

“Jesus,” Erin muttered. “You put up with that every night?”

“Almost. Occasionally he’s round some other poor bastard’s place,” Peter said. “But he likes to bring them back here.” He glanced back, then looked at her. Visibly pained. “Look, Erin, it was sweet of you to visit but I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

“You don’t want to go for a walk?” Erin said.

He looked back again. “I’ve-”

“Just round the lake,” she persisted. “Half hour. Tops. He might be finished when we get back.”

He stared at her.

“Or maybe quieter.”

Still staring.

“At least you’ll get some peace and quiet for a bit,” she said. “Please Peter?”

Finally he nodded, and actually cracked a smile. “Sure,” he said, stepping out and closing the door behind him. Somehow that managed to mask most of the sounds, answering a question Erin had about Kyle’s nocturnal habits and the rest of the dorm.

“I’m guessing your door isn’t that good?” she asked, gesturing at the closed, heavy door with a thumb.

“No, the doors inside the dorms are thinner,” Peter said as they started to walk. “Probably a health and safety thing. Don’t want heavy doors with drunk students.”

“But you can hear everything,” she said.

“So much!” Peter exclaimed, then sighed. “So… why did you come here?”

“I just wanted to surprise you,” she said, surprised at the question. Couldn’t she come and see Peter whenever she wanted? Were they not boyfriend/girlfriend? “I thought…” She thought it would be romantic.

“Yeah… well I’m surprised…” Peter said, not looking at her as they walked down the corridor of these dorms to the front door.

God, what was wrong with him?

“Look,” she said, “sorry for turning up unannounced. It’s just that I feel you and I… we’ve been a little distant lately.”

They had reached the end of the dorms. Pushing open the main doors the evening air was a cool breeze. It was still bright enough to see.

“I’m sorry… I’m just so tired all the time,” Peter said. “Can’t get sleep with that guy. It’s all right for him: he can snooze during the day. The rest of us have lessons we need to attend.”

“Oh Sweetie…” Erin sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realise it was that bad.” She felt almost guilty for dismissing his complaints. Maybe she needed to try harder.

So they walked together to the lake and back, and Erin made an effort to listen to Peter. All of his worries, of which there were plenty. She wanted to invite him back to hers, but knew that he had already mentioned he had a tonne of work, and the sex would, as always, be mostly for her. So she mentioned nothing, and walked him back to his dorm, where the sounds of sex from the room next to his were still continuing.

“They’ll be at it all night,” Peter sighed, giving her a quick kiss. “Love you, Sweetie.”

“Love you too,” she replied as the door closed.

That silenced the sounds of sex but had no effect on her growing libedo. Inspired by the lusty moans that she heard coming from Kyle’s room, Erin wasted little time in retrieving her vibrator when she got back to her own dorm. Sure enough she came quickly, and in the moment it was not Peter she thought of, but a tanned, gorgeous man with dirty blonde hair and a smug smile.

As she lay on the bed, coming down from her orgasm, Erin groaned.



Ordinarily Friday morning would be gym time for Erin; it was a convenient space before class and Friday evenings seemed to be the only time she could wrestle Peter away from his studies. This morning, however, Erin gave the gym a wide berth. After her first orgasm Erin had taken the vibrator to her pussy again, trying to relieve the horniness she still felt, and after over an hour of masturbating she had felt thoroughly disgusted with herself. Oh sure, she had cum a dozen times, but every time, despite forcing herself to think of Peter, and only her beloved boyfriend, a certain other guy’s face had kept creeping in, spicing things up and tipping her over the edge into such delicious pleasure.

There was no way she was going to chance bumping into Kyle after that.

It wasn’t going to solve the problem, she knew. She was only avoiding it. But avoidance would have to do for now, at least until she spent a night with her boyfriend. That should cleanse the palate.

The day passed slowly for Erin – too slowly. She found she couldn’t concentrate in class. Her focus kept slipping every time she tried to listen to the lecturer, Dr Singh, who stood so distant (and this was her own fault for preferring to sit at the back of lecture halls) from where she sat. Furiously scribbling what she thought she heard, only to then read her notes after class and discover ineligible gibberish.

Thankfully she only had three classes today, although those were six hours of her life that she would have to research and discover what she had missed. Angry with herself for losing focus through not one, but three of her lectures, Erin dumped her stuff on the bed and refused to look at any of her research texts; she would deal with all of that tomorrow.

Tonight would be a sweet meal out in town with her loving boyfriend. She hoped Peter would bring something different to the table other than another fucking complaint about his roommate. Erin didn’t need any encouragement to think about Kyle Matthews, especially as his face kept popping up in her mind anytime she allowed it to wander.

Looking at her phone Erin groaned when she realised it would be at least an hour before she would need to leave to meet Peter at the bus stop. There would be no point in heading over his place beforehand; Peter wouldn’t be ready to receive her, and would probably just get into one of his moods before the night had even started, and there was the small chance that Kyle might be there as well.

He was the last person Erin wanted to see right now, not with how she was feeling. God damn; she needed sex tonight. She could already hear Peter’s lame excuses – he was tired, today had been a long day, he had work to do tomorrow – and knew she would have to persuade him back to her dorms for sex. What girlfriend had to practically BEG for sex from her boyfriend?

Angry at the thought of that, Erin lay on her bed and realised her hand had slipped beneath her jeans. Oh well, she thought. It would pass the time, and perhaps take the edge off this torrent of horniness she was feeling before she saw Peter. She didn’t want to practically leap on the guy, after all. Not until they’ve eaten.

Working her fingers against her clit, dipping them into a vagina that surprised her with how wet it was – how turned on was she? – Erin closed her eyes and decided to remember some hot as hell porn she had watched. The ones with the hot guys with huge dicks. Slamming them into hot girls that bore a passing resemblance to Erin – easier to imagine herself in their positions. All of their positions…

Only the faces of those big-dicked studs kept changing. Again and again, no matter how much she tried to recall what they originally looked like, they ended up looking like Kyle. Always Kyle, until Erin decided not to bother fighting it anymore.

It was just fantasy, after all. A little masturbatory fantasy.

So she lay there on her bed, furiously working herself into orgasm, thinking of Kyle holding her against the walls of the fake house set. Thinking of Kyle ploughing her into that table. Thinking of her bouncing on Kyle’s cock as he held her in his arms. She thought of her tits pressed against that muscular chest. Thought of his lips on hers. Their tongues entwined as she thrust herself harder, harder against his big, thick-

“Hey Erin!”

Blinking, Erin realised Angie had called to her. “Er… yeah?”

“Look, I know you’re having fun in there, but could you keep it down a little?”

Oh god… “Yeah… sorry…”

“No worries,” Angie said. She sounded more amused than angry, but that didn’t stop Erin from feeling warm shame flush across her face. Retracting her hand from beneath her jeans she saw how much fluid was coating her fingers before she felt how damp her panties had become.

And her jeans, she realised.

She needed to change.


Despite her fears, dinner with Peter ended up being a comfortable experience, reminding her of why she fell in love with this man in the first place. Thankfully he didn’t bring up Kyle once, and her session on the bed, despite being embarrassing (what with the looks Angie gave her when Erin passed her in the common room), seemed to have purged Kyle from her mind.

She didn’t think of her boyfriend’s roommate once during the whole dinner.

Leaving the cosy little Italian restaurant in the centre of the city, they were making their way back from the bus stop, having caught the last ride onto campus, when Erin decided to try her luck: “So… I was thinking. It’s really warm this evening.” Although she had taken a light jacket with her, Erin carried it under her bare arms. It really was pleasantly warm this evening. Although it was only eight, she was sure it wouldn’t get much colder.

“Yeah… it’s like summer never ended,” Peter said.

“Want to take a walk round the lake?”

“This late?”

“There’s still plenty of daylight left!” she laughed. “It could be fun… we could… have fun…”

Finally it dawned on Peter, as he gave a smile. “Oh… I see… that sounds good. Sure.”

Shaking her head at how much of a dork he was, Erin took his hand and together they walked into the park, arm-in-arm.

At this hour almost all classes had ended, and the park already had several students milling about on the grass, enjoying the warm air and the setting sun. Erin smiled at the thought of all the areas off the paths, hidden by the voluminous foliage, where horny students were getting it on. She hoped they had left a spot for Peter and her.

“Hey,” Peter said as they walked the circular path that followed the bank of the lake. “I’m sorry I snapped at you yesterday.”

“No worries, Sweetie,” she said, although a part of her was worried. It wasn’t like Peter to get so upset, what was eating him? It wasn’t just troubled sleep; was Peter genuinely intimidated by Kyle? Sure he was handsome and muscular, and if he kept scoring with all the girls, like Angie and that gorgeous beauty she saw yesterday, then Kyle must be incredible at sex, but her heart belonged to Peter. He had been her best friend for years, surely he could see that?

“I love you, you know that?” he said.

She looked at him. He looked so worried. About what? “Of course I love you,” she said. They paused to share a kiss by the lakefront. His lips were soft, and as normal he didn’t dare use his tongue. That wouldn’t be Peter. He was so sweet sometimes. “What brought this on?”

“I…” he looked embarrassed.

“What is it, Sweetie?”

“God, this is embarrassing…”

“Sweetie, you can tell me anything,” she said. Gently stroking the stubble of his cheek.

“I…” Peter sighed, then said “I didn’t want you to come round mine because I didn’t want Kyle to see how beautiful you are. I don’t want him to steal you from me.”

She laughed. That was it? That was what Peter had been concerned about? “OK, first of all, Sweetie; I’m not property. No one can ‘steal’ me. Secondly, Kyle is far, far, FAR from the type of man I like. I like you. I love you. So stop worrying, OK?”

“OK,” he said, nodding with a smile. Leaning forward Peter held her tightly and kissed her with more force than she had ever remembered him doing. It lit a spark in her that had been dormant since her masturbatory session a few hours earlier.

Breaking their kiss she looked around and saw a perfect spot, where large bushes provided a natural seclusion from the few people still hanging around the lake.

Leading Peter by the hand, Erin took him round. She kissed him again when she was certain they were hidden from prying eyes. Longer this time. More passionate. She thought of using her tongue but knew Peter didn’t like that. Keep to the lips, smacking loudly as their breathing grew quicker. Her hands reached down between his trousers, beneath his boxers to find his cock. It was already growing hard.

“Here?” Peter asked, breathlessly.

“Yes,” Erin said. She was taking command, giving Peter no chance to pussy out. She needed some risk, some spice to their sex, rather than that cosy feeling their lovemaking gave them. She needed a little extra something to scratch the itch that had been irritating her.

Peter was growing harder, and she helped him by stroking his shaft until he was erect. At six inches Peter wasn’t the biggest, when compared to the big seven to eight inch monsters she had seen in porn, but she reminded herself that didn’t matter.

She loved him. That was all that mattered.

Peter kept his hands around her. He never seemed to reciprocate when she jerked him off. It was like he was afraid of her vagina sometimes. Erin tried to remind herself that was why she loved him – his sweet shyness – but she grew frustrated with it. That itch that Angie had started with her stories about all night sex needed to be scratched, and if Peter wasn’t going to use his hands she might as well use his cock. Fuck knows he was never going to use his tongue, was he?

Breaking off she unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her large breasts held by a black lace bra. He got the hint and pulled his own shirt over his head, revealing a body beginning to lose a battle with weight. Erin felt bad for feeling disappointed in the way her boyfriend was letting himself go; a part of her couldn’t help but compare Peter’s growing man tits with Kyle’s sculpted abs.

Fuck! Don’t think about Kyle! Don’t…

“Lie down,” she said, forcing herself to sound as sexy as possible, despite a growing disgust with her boyfriend’s body that Erin felt ashamed to even feel. This was Peter! How many times had she had sex with him before? She always enjoyed it!


Yet here she was straddling Peter as he lay on the ground, his leans half-down his legs, and hers in a pile beside them with her black lace panties atop. Here she was guiding his dick into her wet, needy pussy. Here she was having sex with her loving boyfriend, and it was taking all of her effort not to close her eyes and picture someone else beneath her instead.

“Erin!” Peter suddenly said, his voice high with panic. “What about a condom?”

Oh god; she had forgotten in her rush to fuck him. They always used protection, but Erin was too horny, and she knew Peter hadn’t brought any with him, and she had run out of her supply a while ago. Refusing to purchase any more because it was always her buying the bloody things in the first place!

Fuck it. “It’ll be fine,” she said. “I just had my period.”


“Shhh…” she said, placing a finger on his lips. “It’ll be fine… Just relax,” and let me fuck you, she mentally added.

Peter’s cock pushed its way into her, and Erin sighed as she felt his warm shaft slide up into her pussy. But when her ass felt his thighs, and she knew she had taken him to the base, Erin found herself disappointed. It was too soon. She wasn’t satisfied.

No, it wasn’t Peter’s fault. It wasn’t his fault he wasn’t big enough. This wasn’t porn; she was fucking a normal man. Be satisfied with what you have, she told herself.

Resting her hands on his chest Erin began to move her hips. Rising, feeling his shaft move out of her, then gently lowering herself until her ass touched his thighs again, and her pussy had taken his cock all the way to his small, cum-filled balls.

“Oh fuck…” she moaned softly. “Is this good for you?”

“Yeah,” Peter gasped. “Oh, Erin… I love you!”

“I love you too, Sweetie!”

At first she moved slowly, how Peter liked it, but the itch was barely scratched. Fucking Angie and her story! Afterwards Erin had imagined the great sex her roommate had enjoyed. She had pictured Angie on the dorm table, with Kyle straddling her. His gorgeous, muscular torso above her roommate’s naked body. In her sordid imagination he had pounded her into that table until they both thought it was going to break, and she had thrusted her hips up to meet him. Meeting his strength with her own. Both were so eager to cum, and cum they had. Her all over his cock and him deep inside her. Just like in porn.

As she slowly made love to Peter behind the bushes Erin remembered how Angie had said she had fucked for hours, and Erin’s vivid imagination saw them try so many positions; with him on top, thrusting deep and hard, and with her on top, bouncing on his cock as she held onto his legs for support. Erin imagined that Angie had sat on his lap as he held her tightly, pressing her smaller tits against his toned body, as she bounced on his cock, taking him faster and faster.

She saw them now, fucking in missionary, with Kyle pounding her into the sofa, before blasting her insides with his cum; for why would a guy like Kyle ever use a condom? He had probably filled her with his thick seed again and again, after they had fucked against the walls, against the door, on her bed, on the floor… God, they had probably fucked everywhere!

“Erin!” she heard Peter gasp. “Erin, slow down!”

The image of it was so hot! Kyle gripping her hips and pounding her with such fury she thought he would split her in half. Fucking her so hard, so fast, stopping only to plunge his cock balls deep into her, plastering her cervix with huge loads of what had to be potent cum. Fucking her in missionary, ploughing into her as he held himself above…

Oh fuck…

Angie had gone. Erin was imagining herself in her roommate’s place. Having sex with Kyle!

“Erin! Slow down!”

Oh god! She needed this! She needed to get fucked! She needed a beast of a man to-

“ERIN! I’m gonna-”

Peter gripped her waist and gasped, as she felt his cock expand and shoot small ropes of his cum over her cervix. Erin barely felt it, and she regarded her boyfriend as he came down from his orgasm, aware that she had barely been anywhere near cuming herself.

It had barely been five minutes.

“God, Erin!” Peter gasped when his orgasm had finished – only a half dozen splurts. “What was that? You were so hard and rough!”

Erin didn’t know what to say; she hadn’t been riding him that hard. Surely…

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I guess I got a little carried away…”

“Carried away? Jesus, Erin: where did that all come from?”

Erin felt growing embarrassment. She had never had sex with Peter like that! What had gotten into her? Why was she so obsessed about what Angie had told her? Why did she care?

“I’m sorry, Sweetie,” she said again. “I just…” Just what? Had been thinking about having sex with his roommate? “I was… I was enjoying our sex… I got a little carried away…”

“Oh?” his eyes narrowed and he looked at her with a suspicion she didn’t like. “Erin, when you were riding me you had your eyes closed. What were you thinking about?”

“What?” Her mind raced; how did he know? Then she realised it was just a suspicion, nothing more. “Peter, what are you saying?”

“Were you thinking of anyone?”

Jesus Christ! She never expected him to be so direct. “Peter! Don’t be so stupid!”

“Stupid?” Peter shifted himself up, and Erin pulled herself off of him as he did so. “You were thinking of him, weren’t you!”

“Jesus Christ, Peter…” Erin glared at him as she pulled up her panties. “You know you have a problem.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“Kyle, Peter.” She looked at him and sighed, buttoning her jeans. “He’s all you ever talk about. Kyle this, Kyle that. You have a problem! You’re jealous!”

“And what am I jealous of, Erin?”

“I’m not even going to dignify that ridiculous question with an answer!”

This wasn’t turning out how she had wanted it to.

Fucking Kyle. Fucking ruining everything even when he wasn’t here!

He stared at her, his face almost as red as his hair would have been, if he had just allowed it to grow out. Then he pulled up his jeans. “I’m going back to my dorm,” he said.

“Go on! Fucking sulk then!” Erin snapped. “Jesus Christ, Peter; you’re still a fucking child!”

“Says the girl riding me like a fucking-” he stopped, almost choking on his words.

“Like WHAT?” She snarled. “LIKE A FUCKING WHAT?”

For a long, horribly uncomfortable moment, Erin was afraid he was actually going to say what he had so obviously been thinking, but thankfully Peter realised he still had a chance to make it out of this. Turning away he said “nothing. I’m going back to my dorm, Erin.”

She watched him walk away, too angry to speak.

Pausing, he half-turned towards her. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, before resuming his slow walk away from her.

“See you tomorrow,” Erin muttered, unable to look at him. She clutched herself, hating all that had just transpired, both spoken aloud and what had passed in her sordid imagination.

After a minute she was alone; standing there, naked from the waist down. A small trickle of his cum working its way down the inside of her thigh.



Despite the hour there were still a few people in the campus gym when Erin entered, eager to work up a sweat and sweat off the anger boiling inside her. Whether she was angry at herself, or with Peter, Erin wasn’t sure, but she knew she needed to do something about it all. Aggressively attacking the treadmill seemed like a good idea.

She had changed into her pink sports bra with the neon green stripes. The same wear from the other day; it had been lying on top of her washing pile, and she had been in no mood to find out where her other sports gear had gone. Erin didn’t care if the clothes still had an odour from her last visit here; she was planning on sweating like a pig by the time she was finished this evening. At least the green jogging shorts were fresh.

With only a few others working out (keeping their distance from her, as if sensing that she was in no mood to talk) it seemed most people had done their cardio for the day, and were either at the bar on campus or in town. Or maybe had travelled to the city for a great Friday night out. Either way their night would probably be better than the one Erin was having right now.

There was one guy on the treadmills, and a woman on weights. Otherwise the place seemed deserted. It couldn’t have been better for some time alone with her thoughts.

Erin started running and, after switching to an aggressive setting, quickly worked up a sweat.

After ten minutes she was glistening in the LED light stips, but still no less annoyed with Peter. He clearly had issues with Kyle Matthews; this other guy seemed to tap into Peter’s natural insecurities, and just a single month of living together was taking its toll on her boyfriend. Peter needed to let it go and not let Kyle get to him. He needed to remember Erin loved him despite his limitations. She didn’t care if he wasn’t some big-dicked, alpha male stud or whatever…

She loved him. She loved Peter. She-

“Hey there, Sexy.”

Slamming her hand on the panel, the machine stopped instantly and Erin almost lost balance with the sudden halt in motion. As she tightly gripped the handles, Erin made an effort not to look at him. “Erin,” she snapped. “My name’s Erin.” She was in no mood for this guy’s bullshit.

“OK,” Kyle said. She heard the treadmill next to her begin to work. “So where’s the boyfriend?”

“Really?” Erin said, finally looking at him. The way he was casually jogging beside her pissed her off so much she wanted to punch him. “That one? None of all these others are good enough for you?” She asked, sweeping her hand to gesture at the two rows of mostly empty machines; that one other guy had disappeared while she had been occupied with her thoughts.

“None of the others have got the view,” he said, smiling at her.

That was it. She reached over and slapped the panel of his machine, stopping it. “Fuck off!”

“Wow,” Kyle said, leaning on the panel and grinning at her. “Bad night? What’s up, Sexy? That time of the month? Wait… no…” He stroked his chin, then pointed. “Boyfriend troubles.”

Glaring at him, Erin said nothing. She turned his machine back on and increased the speed.

“It’s Friday, Erin,” Kyle said, grinning as he began matching the speed she set. His powerful and toned legs hitting the treadmill. Once again he wasn’t wearing a shirt, and Erin tried not to get distracted by the way all the muscles in his chest were moving, the way his shoulders were flexing as he ran, keeping pace with her as she cranked the treadmill up to max. “Why are you all alone at the gym? Why aren’t you working up a sweat in bed with that ginger sack of soy you call your boyfriend?”

“None of your fucking concern,” Erin said.

By now Kyle was sprinting, and after a few seconds allowed the machine to carry him off. Kyle hopped backwards onto the floor and let out a whistle, his chest breathing deeply and regularly. “Wow! Erin!” he said. “You know how to get a guy’s heart racing!”

“Seriously, just fuck off, Kyle!” she snarled. “I’m not in a mood for your bullshit tonight!”

“He’s dumped you, hasn’t he?”

“I said FUCK OFF!”

“Then he’s a bigger fucking idiot than I thought,” Kyle said. “You deserve better.”

“Like what? You?” Erin hopped off the machine and stood in front of him. Being a tall drink of water she was almost looking him in the eye. This close she could smell the deodorant he had used. It wasn’t too bad, she was loath to admit.

“Now you mention it…” Placing his hands on his hips, Kyle frowned as if giving that idea some thought.

Erin scoffed, rolling her eyes.

“At least I keep care of myself,” Kyle said. “How’s that extra chin Peter’s growing?”

Ignoring him she walked to the end of the row. Starting up another machine she resumed her quick pace, angry with herself for forgetting her headphones. Some decent metal would be just what she needed to drown out the voice of her boyfriend’s annoying roommate.

Thankfully Kyle didn’t pursue her, and he kept to the machine he had chosen. “Just saying,” he called out. “How a man treats himself says a lot about how he’ll treat others.”

“Fucking rich coming from you!” she snarled.

“I just say it like it is, Sexy.”

Erin tried to ignore him, focusing on pounding out another mile, then another, but as she ran his face kept appearing in her thoughts, despite her persistence in staring straight ahead, avoiding looking aside to where she knew he was still running.

That smug smile… If Peter had to put up with that every day no wonder he was losing it. Fuck, Erin figured she was starting to loose it as well; the way Kyle was apparently now living rent-free in her head…. Fuck, how she hated that arrogant, handsome cunt.

Turning the speed up Erin began to run, and run.

How she hated people like Kyle: their smugness, their assuredness, their confidence. Born to a world of natural good looks without any doubt in themselves. He probably coasted through his early years leeching off the adoration of others. Never had to work to improve himself, because he was already physically perfect. Never had to work hard, full stop.

Fuck! She was still thinking about Kyle!

She continued to run. Hoping to clear her mind of him, and yet, no matter how hard she tried, her thoughts kept drifting back to how much she hated him.

She ran, and ran. Her heart was pounding. Her breathing was almost painful.

It wasn’t fair…

It just wasn’t fair.

She had to stop: she was killing herself! Resting on the machine she breathed deeply, allowing her heart to thud inside her chest as she cooled down.

Looking at the clock on the gym wall, Erin realised she had been running for forty minutes now. It was almost ten. “I need to go home,” she muttered, then looked around to see if anyone had heard her talk to herself. Luckily the gym was empty; she was the last one left. Even Kyle had gone.

Thank god…

Heading off she gave thought to a quick shower in the women’s changing rooms, but the need to go back to her dorm, collapse on her bed, and just pretend today hadn’t happened (at least until tomorrow) was too strong. Sighing, Erin continued heading out of the gym…

…until a chance glance through the open archway into the men’s changing rooms stopped her.

And drastically changed the course of her night.

Erin should have carried on walking. She should have ignored Kyle, standing there at the end of the benches in nothing but a towel, grinning at something on his phone like he had no care in the world, like he had no idea of what effect he had on people…

…or maybe he did, and just didn’t care.

Fuck… she hated him. She hated what he had done to her and Peter. Hated how she couldn’t stop thinking about him, his smile, his looks, his gorgeous body. Hated…


“Just so we’ve got one thing clear,” she said, striding into the men’s changing rooms with no care if anyone else was present. “You have no fucking right to talk about Peter that way!”

Kyle looked up from his phone. “Oh hey, Erin. Did you get lost? The women’s changing rooms are that way,” he said, pointing to his left.

Erin glanced around her to confirm her suspicions that they were alone. The men’s room was no larger than the women’s. A single bench ran the length between multiple lockers, and at the other end were the open showers; cubicles large enough for one person. A strong presence of steam in the room told her Kyle had only just finished with one.

“Shut the fuck up,” Erin snapped. Coming to stand right in front of him she tried to ignore how tempted she was to glance down at the loose towel around his waist (just a peak!) “Why are you such a piece of shit?”

Kyle seemed amused, which irritated her further. “Excuse me? I’ve done nothing to you.”

“Really? ‘Hello Sexy’?”

“Just stating the truth, love,” he said. “Or are you one of those feminists that don’t like people reminding them they have physical characteristics some might find attractive?”

“Keep your eyes off my ‘physical characteristics’!”

“That might sound more authentic if you were saying it to my face rather than my chest.”

Erin forced her eyes up and glared at him. She hated seeing that smug smile of his. Taking a breath she changed back to her original topic: “You’ve been making Peter’s life miserable.”

“And how have I managed to do that?” Kyle said. “We barely talk.”

After mouthing ‘how’ in shock, Erin spluttered “you call him names!”

“Then he needs to grow a spine,” Kyle said, then frowned. “Come on: surely a guy like Peter got called all kinds of names at school! How did he make it through puberty if words wind him up so bad? Of course… assuming he did make it through puberty… have his balls dropped?”

“See? This is what I mean by you being a piece of shit!”

“I’m building character,” Kyle said. “You should be thanking me.”

“What? Why?”

“Making him more of a man, of course,” Kyle said, smirking. “Figured you would appreciate a little more masculinity in your boyfriend.”

“Fuck you. How dare you talk about him like that!”

“It’s the truth and you know it,” Kyle tossed his phone on the bench and placed his hands on his perfectly sculpted hips. “Tell me: if Peter’s such a fucking bull – if he’s such a fucking pinnacle of a man – why is it every time we meet you’re practically eye-fucking me.”

“What? No I’m not.” This was not turning out the way she had wanted..

…but then what had she wanted?

“Jesus, Erin. You’re almost giving yourself an injury trying to keep eye contact. You can give it a look; I won’t feel objectified.”

She folded her arms, stubbornly holding eye contact.

“I’d take it as a compliment: I work hard on my looks,” he said. “As do you.”

“Don’t compare us.”

“You make more of an effort than Peter,” he said. “What do you see in him? Honestly? Don’t give me that ‘nice guy’ crap. Let’s be honest here: does he make you cum? I bet he’s got a tiny dick. Do you even feel anything?”

She didn’t even realise she slapped him until she felt the stinging aftersensation on the palm of her right hand. She was breathing harder than when she came off the treadmill earlier! “Peter’s a good man,” she said. “Better than you.”

Despite the growing red patch on his left cheek, Kyle didn’t seem to have felt anything. Maybe he was used to it. “I noticed you didn’t answer my question,” he said. “Must be real tiny.”

“What did he ever do to you?” Erin asked. “He’s just a sweet, kind, caring-”

“He’s a spineless cuck,” Kyle said. “Guys like him piss me off.”

“Fuck you.”

“So, what’s it like?” Kyle asked. “How long does he last? Ten minutes? Five?” As he spoke he stepped closer. “Thirty seconds?”

Erin refused to be intimidated and stood her ground. “If you really must know,” she said, “he makes me cum every time. Dozens of times! He’s a fucking sex GOD!”

Kyle stood right in front of her. This close she could see how fucking perfect his tanned skin was. Her tits were almost touching his chiselled pecs, and she became aware at how deeply she was breathing by how they rose and fell so obviously.

“I doubt that,” he said. “You don’t have to defend him. It’s just you and me here. No one else needs to know. Does he satisfy you?”

“I told you,” she said, her voice slow and measured, “he makes me CUM. HARD.”

“You deserve so much better, Sexy,” he said. “You deserve someone who can satisfy you.”

“And we’re back here again!” Placing her hands on her hips she smirked. “God, it’s so fucking obvious you want to fuck me! You hate Peter because HE’S fucking me and not you! You can’t stand that a guy like Peter, a GOOD man, a KIND, CARING man, gets to fuck me and not you!”

He gripped her waist with both hands. His touch was so gentle it was surprise that held her in place, rather than his strength. Stunned by his brazen behaviour she watched as he moved his own hips towards her until the bulge in his towel touched her. So close in height were they that the pressure of his cock through the towel pressed just above her crotch. “He may get to fuck you, but I doubt he makes you cum,” he said, smiling smugly.

She was so taken by his confidence that Erin made no attempt to resist him.She could feel his erection against her; hardening with the obvious tension between them. Pressing against her so close to her vagina. Her breathing was so deep – was she actually getting turned on?

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

She hadn’t expected this, and the sudden close proximity to Kyle was making that itch grow. It was growing into a raging, lusty urge. This was insane: she loved Peter. She had loved him for years, and she was faithful to him. She wasn’t Angie, she was a faithful, good girlfriend…

Yet Kyle felt so hard beneath the towel, and that bulge was so BIG…

“You say that,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady and not betray how turned on she was right now, “but it’s easy to claim you’re great in bed. It’s easy to make fun of a guy if no one can see your dick’s smaller…”

Erin was shocked by her own words; what was she thinking? Was she trying to goad him? Into what? She had come in here to berate him, and now she was asking for a peek at his cock?

Yet a peek couldn’t hurt… right?

“Smaller? All you needed to do was ask, Sexy, if you wanted to see the goods,” Kyle said with a smirk, making Erin wonder if he could read her mind, as he reached behind and unfolded his towel.

It dropped to the ground by their feet, giving Erin full view of what she had felt.

She couldn’t help but stare – Kyle was hung! He was easily a good three, maybe four inches longer than Peter, and his shaft was twice as thick! Possibly three times! Fuck, she had never seen a cock as thick and big as Kyle’s – and all the cocks Erin had seen (with the sole exception being her loving boyfriend, of course) had been from watching porn! None of those guys had dicks as big as Kyle’s! The skin of his cock was smooth and tanned and fucking perfect just like the rest of him. Even Kyle’s balls were so much bigger than Peter’s.

With a cock like that Erin wasn’t surprised Kyle kept scoring with girls on campus, regardless of whether they were single, or married, or engaged…

Hell, if she didn’t have her Peter she would-

-…what was she thinking?

Erin was horrified: for a brief moment she had thought about having sex with another man! She had actually – for one tiniest of moments – considered cheating on Peter! Yet she couldn’t take her eyes off Kyle’s huge dick. It was just so much bigger than Peter’s; she couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have a cock that big inside her.

Kyle had noticed her gaze. It was just where he wanted it to be. He knew he had a great cock; one that girls had loved time and time again. He loved seeing women’s reactions when they first saw his dick, and Erin’s was exceptional. The hunger in her eyes was obvious: she wanted his dick inside her. She might claim to be faithful to that fat loser boyfriend of hers, but Kyle knew that if he played his cards right she would discover that not only was he much bigger and thicker than Peter, but that Kyle was also much, much better.

“Like what you see?” he asked, smugly.

His comment snapped Erin out of staring at his dick, and she took her eyes off it to see his expression, much to her relief: there was no telling what she might do if she kept looking at that huge, inviting organ of his. “I’ve seen bigger,” she said, feigning apathy.

“Doubt it.”

“What would you know?” Erin smiled. “You said it yourself; you’ve never seen Peter’s.”

“Still doubt it,” he said. “Though tell you what. When I get back I’ll take a look and snap you a few pics. Put them on my OnlyFans with a few shots of mine for comparison.”

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Erin said, her anger flaring, although it was mixing with her lust in a way she didn’t like. “You leave him alone!”

“And so we come full circle,” Kyle said. “See the issue is I quite like taking the piss out of that ginger sack of soy you call a boyfriend. You’re right: I do want to fuck you. I want to fuck every hot woman I see – call it a character flaw, if you must. I look at you and I think ‘there’s a hot girl who deserves to know what true pleasure feels like’, and it annoys me that you just ain’t getting it. It pains me, Sexy. Pains me.”

“My heart bleeds,” Erin said dryly. “For the record I enjoy having sex with Peter.”

“But does he make you cum?”

Erin made to reply, but hesitated. Did Peter make her cum? Sure, sex with him felt good, but had she actually…?

“Oh, Sexy… I’m so sorry…”

How did this man know what she was thinking?

“Fuck you.” Erin sighed. “I don’t care. I love Peter. I love having sex with him, and I will never have sex with you. So stop with this petty jealousy bullshit and act like a fucking man!”

His smile only widened with her words. Kyle was actually beginning to like this woman; at first sight it had been simply lust, and after a month of constant rejections that lust had only grown, but now he was seeing what lay underneath that gorgeous exterior of hers, and he liked what he was seeing. This woman had fire! There was an inferno buried beneath that disguise of being a good girl that only great sex would unleash.

He HAD to get his cock in this stunner, by any means necessary!

“Now, when I hear a demand I think to myself ‘what’s in it for me?’ What do I get out of this? So, Sexy… what’s in it for me? If I’m nice to Peter, what do I get in return?”

Erin stared at him, unable to figure out if she was disgusted or aroused. “Fuck you.”

She turned to leave. Her heart was beating so fast, and that ache was threatening to take control and she didn’t like what a small, but increasingly loud part of her wanted to do with that huge naked cock behind her. She needed to leave before she-

-Kyle couldn’t let her go. This stunner had fought him every time and it had only made him lust for her even more. It pained him to admit but Kyle had never felt so desperate to fuck a girl in his life, and he had never felt desperate before! Women came to him – begged him to fuck them! No one had said no for so long, despite all his charm. He had to get this girl to have sex with him, and if it meant resorting to a little-

“I can make his life a lot worse.”

She stopped. Turned. Her eyes were wide with a fury that made Kyle even harder.

Kyle shrugged. “I’ve been mostly ambivalent to him,” he said. “But you seem to think I’ve got it out for your boy. Now if I REALLY wanted to mess with him…”

“What would it take?” she asked. “For you to leave him alone?” There was a part of her that was terrified of where this was going, but another part that was excited, and so turned on she could practically feel her panties growing moist. She was doing this for Peter, she told herself. She always said she would do anything for him…


Kyle smiled, regarding her with that knowing look of his, and for a long moment he didn’t say a thing. Then: “how about a blowjob?”

There was an even longer pause. Erin stared back. Her face locked while her emotions spun inside her like a whirlwind. She would do anything for Peter.


“And you’ll leave him alone?” she asked, carefully. Each word felt like a step towards a future she was both absolutely terrified of, and wanted so passionately it hurt.

“I will leave him alone,” Kyle said, his smile gone.

It was the sudden seriousness of his tone that made Erin take a step forward. Closer to him, to this gorgeous naked stud and that huge, inviting dick… “Just the one?”

“Just the one.”

“And you’ll leave him alone?” She was practically back where she had been moments before: standing in front of him. Their eyes locked. Her breathing fast.

“I’ll leave him alone.”

“Just the one,” she said again, slowly lowering herself to her knees, never taking her eyes off of him as her head came closer to that huge dick. “Then you leave him alone, deal?”

For a moment Kyle couldn’t speak. He was stunned: he didn’t think that would actually work! This girl must either really love that fat ginger cunt or…

…or his instincts were right, and she really was into him. Despite all that resistance.

This was all too good, but Kyle knew he couldn’t rush it. He had to take this slowly. Sure, all of his instincts told him that she was desperate for a good fuck, but she wasn’t going to hop on his cock without a little coercion. He hated to blackmail the girl, but it had worked, and he was sure after tonight she’d forgive him. “Sure,” he said, “just the one.”

Of course Kyle had no intention ending this with just a blowjob…

Erin was blissfully unaware of what was running through Kyle’s head. In this moment all she was focused on was the huge cock in her hand, and how much she wanted to give this sexy, annoyingly arrogant cunt the blowjob of his life, although the only cock she had ever sucked was of course Peter’s, and he had made it clear quickly into their relationship that he wasn’t a fan of oral sex (receiving or, unfortunately, giving).

Kyle, however, was so much bigger than Peter. Was she even going to fit his massive cock in her mouth? Slowly she pulled his foreskin back, exposing the huge, bulbous head of his cock.

Was she really doing this? Was she really going to take another guy’s dick in her mouth? A dick that didn’t belong to her loving boyfriend of some five years?

Fuck… she was.

But it was for Peter. It was all for him.

Gingerly she leant forward until her lips touched the tip. Erin was conscious of how heavy her breathing had become, of her chest rising and falling more quickly now. Kyle must have noticed as well, for his dick twitched in her hand. Placing her lips on his cock Erin felt the heat spread into her.

Fuck… what would it feel like to have this cock inside her?

No! This was just a blowjob. That was the deal. So she’d suck him off and spend the rest of the night washing her mouth with every mouthwash product she could find in the campus shop (which, thank God, was open twenty-four seven). She’d feel like shit for a few days, but, if Kyle kept his end of the bargain (and would he?), it would be worth it to get her old Peter back…

Anything for Peter…

Moving her head forward she stretched her mouth open as his slick cock head was exposed within her mouth. She could feel her heart beating so fast; Erin couldn’t believe she was actually going to do this! She was taking another guy’s cock in her mouth! Not her boyfriend’s dick, but the dick of his asshole roommate.

This wasn’t cheating, she told herself. She was doing this for Peter. He would never find out, of course, for he wouldn’t understand. This would be her dirty little secret, but if Kyle meant what he said then it would be worth it. She’d get her old Peter back. Everything will be as it was.

She didn’t think he could fit but somehow she could open her mouth just wide enough for his thick head. Tentatively lifting her tongue, Erin caressed his sensitive tip, stroking the entrance to his urethra as she looked up at Kyle.

Kyle was as smug as she had ever seen him – and for good reason! Here she was – Peter’s loving girlfriend – on her knees in front of him with her hand around his cock, and her mouth covering the head. After almost a month of pursuing her, Kyle had finally got what he wanted.

Erin felt dirty, and strangely aroused. Which made her feel even dirtier.

“Looking good down there, Sexy,” Kyle said.

Taking her mouth away from his dick, Erin glared up at him. “You’re a cunt,” she said. “I can’t believe you got me doing this.”

“You can walk away anytime.”

“And what will you do to Peter?”

The smile on his lips turned slightly vicious. “Not my fault your boyfriend’s a snowflake.”

“Fuck you,” she snarled. Turning her attention back to his dick (anything over that expression on his face) Erin decided to play with his head some more. She didn’t think a guy like Kyle would blow his load easily, so she needed to play smart. Stimulate him more. Get him worked up. The sooner he came the sooner she could leave.

Her tongue gently stroked the tip of his dick, spreading saliva all over his warm flesh, but from the feel he was already slick with a fair amount of pre-cum. It tasted surprisingly good, and Erin felt immediate shame over the faint embers of enjoyment.

This wasn’t a good thing. She was not doing a good thing.

But it wasn’t cheating. It was for Peter.

Her tongue quickened its work. Stroking. Caressing. Saliva dripped over his bulbous head.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Kyle said. “Yeah… that’s it…” Fuck it felt good to have his cock in her mouth! He couldn’t believe this was actually happening! After all this time! From the moment he had first seen her at the gym he had wanted to see this hot brunette with her lips around his dick, and it was finally happening! He hated that he had to blackmail this stunner, but Kyle was not sorry as he watched her savour the taste of his dick. “Hmm… that feels good… I think you’ve done this before, Sexy. Can’t be with Peter…”

Pulling her head back again Erin felt his dick pop from her mouth, as well as the thin strands of saliva still connecting her lips to his flesh. “Is it so hard to believe?” she said as she moved her right hand swiftly up and down the length of his thick shaft while her left reached beneath to squeeze and stroke his large balls. “Peter’s been the only man in my life. Did you think I’ve not ever given him a blowjob?”

“Now that’s an image,” Kyle said, smirking. “Bet he doesn’t last long.”

“Fuck you,” Erin said, although the venom in her voice was tempered by the truth in his words; Peter never lasted long when she gave him head, on the occasions when he allowed her. Sliding her mouth back over the head of Kyle’s cock, she used her teeth to gently toy with his shaft. Her tongue slathered the head of his cock. Her head moved slowly back and forth, moving his cock slowly deeper.

“Oh… fuck, Sexy,” Kyle gasped. “Yeah, like that. Fuck… how’d you get skills like this with that loser?l”

Erin didn’t answer; she didn’t have one. She was already doing things with Kyle’s dick that she had never done with Peter. That Kyle was just so much thicker than her boyfriend played a part in it, of course; she was having to adapt her normal methods, but then she found herself adding techniques she had never tried before. Only seen in the porn she watched.

She licked and caressed the head of his cock. Moving her lips repeatedly over the ridge. As she did so she heard soft moaning and at first wondered how Kyle was making the sound, then she realised it was coming from her own throat!

Shit… it was bad enough that she had agreed to this in the first place, but five minutes in and it felt like she was enjoying it!

This wasn’t a good thing! This was…

…for Peter…

Was it?

Erin realised that she no longer felt bad. Was she… enjoying this?

Fuck… she was! She was enjoying giving this man a blowjob.

As if reading her mind: “You like that, don’t you, Sexy?”

Erin popped him out of her mouth. As she worked his shaft with her hand she flashed an irate smile up at him. “Don’t get too cozy with the view from up there,” she said. “One blowjob only, I believe we agreed.”

“Yeah… just the one…” Kyle smirked.

She didn’t like the look in his eyes. Yet perhaps… he may be right. There was a growing part of her that wanted more… and suddenly Erin was afraid that she also wouldn’t be satisfied with just a blowjob. His cock tasted so good, and it filled her mouth like Peter’s smaller dick never could. What would he feel like inside her?

“It better be…” she muttered and forced her head forward.

Kyle gasped as he felt the head of his dick push past her tonsils. Her mouth was so warm and moist! And so fucking tight! God! It felt better than he had imagined, and Kyle had wondered how good this girl would feel around his cock from the moment he had first seen her, and finding out she was Peter’s girl had only made his imagination more vivid.

The reality though… oh! This chick was shaping up to be something good…

Slowly, unused as she was to his superior thickness (when compared to her boyfriend’s much smaller dick), Erin worked his cock down her throat. Inch by inch she felt his hot dick slide past her tongue.

“Oh god!” Kyle gasped. He had never felt anything like it – her throat was so fucking tight! “Erin don’t… don’t stop!”

She didn’t. Inch by inch she worked her lips further down his shaft, sending more of his huge cock deeper down her throat. Four inches… five. Fuck! He just kept going! Breathing steadily through her nose Erin pushed forward; six inches… seven… Jesus Christ! This boy just kept going with his massive cock! Eight inches… nine… until she felt her lips touch the base of his cock, and the top of his huge, cum-filled balls.

“Fuck! That feels so good! You’ve got some skills, Sexy!” Kyle was delirious with pleasure. Her throat was so tight he feared he would lose it and blow his load right there and then! He had wanted this blowjob to last, but she had caught him off-guard with how good she was; he had been expecting an oral virgin, but Erin had shown a confidence and technique that had caught him by surprise with how good it felt, and now she had surprised him again by taking him balls-deep into her mouth. In one smooth, tight motion. She hadn’t choked once! “Oh god! That feels so good!”

Looking up at him Erin caught his eyes and held them as, with a smirk, she began to bob her head back and forth along his length. Slowly at first, getting used to his incredible length and girth. The way he felt inside her throat was totally unlike how Peter felt; he more than filled her mouth and throat with his thick dick. He was so warm, as well! Erin could feel the warmth of his shaft spread throughout her throat. She could feel his wide head slide up her throat as she pulled back. Never with Peter would she get this feeling! Kyle was on another level!

Back and forth, feeling his shaft slide out, then in. Felt the head of his dick plunge deep into her throat, then slide out as she pulled her head back. Slowly, at first, until she began to move faster as she grew confident that she could handle his size.

“Fuck!” Kyle gasped. His blue eyes held her brown as her head worked back and forth, getting faster and faster until his cock was pumping back and forth along the length of her tight throat.

Oh, she was definitely better than he thought, and she was so good Kyle found himself holding back from cuming. It had barely been ten minutes! He had wanted to enjoy this blowjob from Peter’s knockout girlfriend, but holy shit was she good at giving head!

“Fuck, Sexy!” he gasped as he struggled to hold back his orgasm. “How are you so good?”

Erin was loving that she had surprised him. Even if it was by sucking his cock better than he had expected: she would take any win over this asshole! Her head moved back and forth, taking his whole length, all nine inches. She fucked his dick with her mouth and throat. Taking him deep until her lips touched the base of his cock; plunging his wide cock head nine inches deep in her warm, tight throat.

“Yeah, that’s it!” Kyle gasped. “Oh fuck! You’re good! You’re really good!”

Spurred by his words Erin bobbed her head faster. His cock sliding back and forth inside her tight throat. The sound of his thick shaft sliding inside her was almost as loud as Kyle’s groans (and hers! Good god was she getting turned on by all of this!). Flesh sliding against flesh. Slick with saliva and pre-cum.

“Yeah… that’s it… fuck your face on my cock!” Kyle groaned. “Hmm… Sexy… you’re so hot! So damn hot! How did Peter get a girl like you?”

With sudden, swift motion, Erin pulled her head back – and Kyle gasped as he almost came – and she looked up at him as she resumed jerking him off, a wide smile with lips soaked in his fluids. “You think I’m hot, Kyle?”

“Oh yeah…” he said. “I don’t call you ‘Sexy’ for the irony.”

“No, that would require some smarts,” she said.

Kyle smirked. God, it was so hot when she insulted him. He loved this woman’s fire!

“So you think I’m too good for Peter?”

“Yeah. You’re too good for that loser!” Kyle watched her move her hand up and down his shaft, while her other reached down to cup and squeeze his balls. Kneading them while his shaft was worked with vigour.

“You think I should be with someone more of a man?” Erin smirked. “Like you?”

“Like me.” Kyle said. “You need someone appreciative of your talents, Sexy.”

“Too bad you won’t ever get me, then,” Erin said, giving him a smug look before she plunged his cock back into her mouth and fucked it furiously with her warm, tight throat. Her head moving back and forth so fast Kyle could only clench his fists and hold back from cuming as his cock was pumped deep over and over again.

Fuck… if her throat felt this good… what would her pussy feel like?

The sound of this hot blowjob echoed loudly off the lockers and tiled walls; as loud as Kyle’s moans and groans as the stunning girlfriend of his roommate fucked his cock with her throat. A display of skill that continued to surprise the hung stud. How did this girl develop such a talent for sucking dick with that soyboy of hers? There was no way a guy like Peter could last as long as Kyle was against a throat this tight and a mouth so superb at working a dick! Peter must blow his load after five minutes of this; Kyle had endured three times that, with no desire to let this girl taste his cum just yet!

Back and forth Erin bobbed her head. His shaft pumping deep into her throat before sliding out almost to the point of popping out. Her tongue caressed his sensitive tip before she pushed her head forward and plunged his cock deep inside her tight, warm, moist throat.

“Jesus, Sexy! How’d you get so good at this?” Kyle said, clenching his fists; holding back from cuming despite this brunette stunner’s incredible throat fucking. Fuck! It was like she was trying to suck the cum from his balls! Erin’s head bobbed furiously back and forth along the length of his dick with a passion few girls had ever shown his impressive organ.

Back and forth. Taking all nine inches of his thick cock. A cock much bigger than Peter’s. She couldn’t imagine face-fucking her boyfriend like this. The poor dear just wouldn’t last. Especially with the ferocity she took Kyle’s hard cock in her eagerness to make this hung asshole cum.

“Oh god!” Kyle gasped as he continued to struggle to hold his growing orgasm at bay.

Popping his head out she grinned up at him. She loved how obvious it was that Kyle wanted to cum. It was an element of power over this guy, who had made her feel so helpless with how he had treated her loving boyfriend. “Tell me, Kyle: you gonna be that guy?” she asked. “You gonna be that real man who’s gonna fuck me good?” Her clenched fist pumped his shaft hard and fast.

“Yeah, Erin,” Kyle gasped as she jerked his cock with her hand. Clenched fist rapidly pumping the length of his shaft while she licked his tip. “I can fuck you better than Peter ever has or will!”

“Sex isn’t everything in a relationship, you know,” she said. “Peter is a kind, sweet and lovable man. I don’t care that his cock isn’t that big.”

“You say that,” he said. “Girls always say that, but when they get a feel of a cock with a decent size they always change their tune.”

“And what makes you think you’ll be getting your cock in me?”

This was it, Kyle thought. He needed to sow the seeds; this girl was horny as hell – twenty-odd minutes sucking and throat-fucking his cock was obviously warming her up to the idea of giving his dick a different kind of treatment: the vaginal kind. She just needed a little encouragement to do what she was obviously considering. “Now you’ve seen a real cock you’re gonna wonder what it feels like,” he said. “You’re thinking about how much smaller Peter is than me, and how much bigger and thicker I am, and you want to know what it feels like.”

“You seem to think you know a lot about what I’m thinking,” Erin said, trying to keep calm; that he was almost perfectly describing her thoughts frightened her. Kyle was right: he was bigger and thicker than Peter. How would he feel in comparison to the only guy she had ever known?

Her hand pumped the length of his shaft while her other hand squeezed and fondled his balls. They felt so warm between her fingers. So much larger than Peter’s, and they felt so good as she messaged them; they had to be filled to bursting with cum! How much would she swallow when Kyle eventually climaxed?

Jesus Christ… she was going to swallow Kyle Matthews’ cum! How was this happening?

Of course… Peter… Why was she having to remind herself of this?

“You’re thinking of fucking me,” Kyle said, continuing to eerily read her mind. “Can’t blame you honestly… I can make you feel good… real fucking good…”

Christ! She was certainly making HIM feel good! It was a struggle not to cum. While her throat was definitely superior even her hands were skilled at pleasuring his big cock, and while he couldn’t wait for her to continue throat-fucking his length Kyle was loving the care and attention her hands were giving his dick. Fuck, this girl was good! She was completely wasted on a guy like Peter! “I can make you cum like that ginger soy boy can’t!”

“That ginger soy boy is a far better man than you,” Erin snarled before forcing his cock back down her throat. Angry at his words, and his continuing emasculation of her boyfriend, she moved her head faster and harder than before; and she had been face-fucking his dick harder than she had ever with Peter already!

Kyle gasped as his cock was pumped furiously back and forth down her throat. He knew his words would drive her but he had no idea she would be so passionate! “Oh fuck!” he gasped. “I can’t… Jesus Christ, Erin!” He had been joking earlier, but now he was certain she was trying to literally suck the cum up from his balls! His hands were clenched so hard it almost hurt, but Kyle held back from cuming through sheer force of will. There was no way he was going to let this hot blowjob end just yet! “GOD! You’re good at this!!!”

Bobbing her head with furious vigor Erin fucked his cock with her throat. Pumping it’s thick girth with her tight throat while her hands squeezed and fondled his balls. That he hadn’t cum by now was pissing her off; the longer he held out the longer she had to suck and throat-fuck his cock, and the longer this whole sordid affair continued.

And yet… there was a part of her that was loving this. Kyle was right: this was a real man’s cock; long and thick, and she was enjoying tasting it and working it with her throat. She couldn’t wait for him to cum in her mouth, and that part of Erin, the one discovering a side to her that she would never have believed existed with Peter, began to moan louder than she had before as she pumped his cock back and forth in her throat.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Kyle said. “That’s it, Sexy! Fuck my cock with your throat! OH! Fuck it good with that tight throat of yours! Fuck! Oh… I wish Peter could see this…”

Erin moaned loudly. That was a thought!

Part of her was horrified: she was cheating on her dear Peter. Oh this was definitely cheating now: she was enjoying this too much for her to think of this as anything but scandalous sex of the oral kind behind her loving boyfriend’s back. Of course this was all for him – to get Kyle off his back – but she realised she was getting off on taking this hung stud’s big dick her mouth.