The Honeymoon

THE HONEYMOON by Andrew1968

Please be aware that this is a cuckolding/hot-wife story. This story features:


  1. Christine: a beautiful and promiscuous bride
  2. Jason: a best man, who really is the best man
  3. David: a weak-willed husband, who wants to be cuckolded.


As always I will delete the stupid and rude comments on a regular basis. I won’t even respond to them. All spam email is routinely discarded. I delete useless emails instantly. Also, I have no interest in what score I get.

I hope the people, who this story is intended for, enjoy this story.


Christine felt horny. Christine felt hot. She was all set. She was ready to make all of her man’s fantasies come true. She was ready to be married. She would give her husband everything he really wanted.

Christine stood at the back of the church in her sexy wedding dress; her arm linked with her father’s arm. She slowly surveyed her domain. She ran her eyes over the assembled guests on her left and then on her right. The rows on both sides of the church were filled with her family and friends. Hundreds of faces were turned in her direction as she and her father stepped forward and began their walk down the aisle towards the wedding party and the minister at the altar.

The bride could feel the eyes of the men on her as she slowly strolled past them. A faint smile of pleasure curled at the edges of her lips, behind her filmy veil, as the males caressed her beautiful body with their hungry gaze. Christine noticed the shocked expressions and the disapproving looks from some of the women in the aisles, but she put her nose in the air and sniffed with disdain.

Christine wasn’t wearing any underwear. Her beautiful body had been perfumed and her nails had been painted. Her fine blonde hair had been well tended and her make-up had been applied. She had then pulled the tight translucent dress on, over her gorgeous golden curves. She had stepped into a pair of white high heels, covered her facial features with the shadowy veil and then walked forth to be married.

The hungry men, who stared at the bride, as she strolled by with her father could see the outline of her body as the light from the stain glassed windows streamed into the church and caught her form in its exquisite somber light.

“How indecent,” an elderly matron softly hissed as she watched Christine’s breasts and then focused her watery eyes on the vague damp shadow of pubic hair, which appeared from beneath Christine’s tight fitting translucent dress.

“You’re causing quite a stir, my darling,” the bride’s father whispered in his daughter’s ear. “Some of the old men may have a heart attack before the ceremony concludes.”

Christine laughed softly.

“And some of the old spinsters as well,” the bride added.

“I hope your man knows how much of a troublemaker you are.”

Christine burst into laughter. Her face grew lively. She turned her head and looked at her father.

“Oh yeah, he knows dad.”

“I’m sure he does.”

At the altar, the wedding party waited as the bride made her way towards them. David, the meek and mild mannered groom stood there with his best man Jason, his groomsmen and the bridesmaids. He watched Christine as she grew larger. He watched as his soon to be father — in — law released Christine’s arm and stood back. David’s cock was rock hard and his hands were trembling.

“Are you okay,” Jason whispered in David’s ear, while his eyes were glued to the shape of the moving bride.

“Yes, just a bit anxious Jason,” David replied and then took a few deep breaths.

“You’re doing well buddy,” Jason said, gently slapping the groom on the back and grinning. “Keep it up.”

David abruptly nodded without looking at his best man. Jason watched David for a moment. Jason assessed the groom. Jason grinned again. He then turned away from the groom and smiled at Christine and she smiled back at him as she arrived. The best man and the bride stared at each other while the minister and the remainder of the wedding party silently waited and watched.

A moment of intense recognition struck David. The moment had finally arrived. Then the minister cleared his throat and regarded Christine and Jason with a suspicious look.

“Looking good Chris,” Jason said, “looking really good.”

“Thanks Jason, honey,” the bride said.

The wedding party softly laughed. David went bright red. Christine took a place by David’s side. The group grew quiet. The ceremony began.

The minister said:

“Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and this woman in holy matrimony.”

David listened to the words as they came, but he was so aware of the beautiful woman who stood next to him, so close to him. He lost track of the meaning of the minister’s script for a while. The murmuring and meandering noise from the minister continued:

“Into this union Christine and David now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully wed, speak now, or else forever hold your peace.”

A soft ripple of laughter broke from the wedding party. David regained consciousness and then went bright red in the face. Christine turned to David. She laughed at her groom. She then looked at Jason and grinned at the best man. The two of them stared at each other for another moment.

“Does someone have something to say,” the minister asked.

“It’s all good,” Jason said to the minister with a grin.

The minister paused for a moment in confusion. He then continued. He turned back to the bride and groom:

“I charge you both, here in the presence of God and the witness of this company, that if either of you know any reason why you may not be married lawfully and in accordance with God’s Word, do now confess it.”

There was a long silent pause. The wedding party was all smiles. David blushed even more and Christine grinned at her groom again.

“I think we’re all good again here, reverend,” Jason said.

The ceremony continued.

A soft mottled light streamed in through the stain glassed windows. The gentle glow caressed Christine’s white wedding dress and played on her beautiful facial features beneath her filmy veil. The light cast the whole wedding party in a rose and gold colored radiance; the congregation of guests was sunken in tender shadow.

David, the anxious groom, stood opposite his stunning bride Christine. He was facing her. His best man Jason and his other groomsmen stood by his side. The bridesmaids stood by Christine’s side. The wedding party occupied the space before the church altar, where the officiating minister uttered his solemn words. It was a beautiful ceremony.

The soft restless scraping of children’s feet on the church floor and the occasional echo of a discrete cough punctuated the minister’s spoken words. David turned back to the minister occasionally. Christine’s eyes flicked back and forth, considering her groom David for a moment and then lingering on the best man Jason for even longer. The best man’s eyes were fixed on the bride. Christine was all smiles as she felt Jason’s gaze ravish her.

The minister spoke on and on. David turned his head and watched him:

“As we wound our partners, forgive us. As we are wounded by our partners, may we graciously forgive, as we become complacent; show us ways to win one another.”

David turned back to look at his bride. Christine’s beautiful light blue eyes were locked on Jason’s. A soft seductive smile curled at the edges of her lips as she and the best man shared their hot silent moment together.

The minister continuing intoning:

“As we fall into unhealthy patterns of communication, give us strength to change. As we get stuck in anger, fear, or pain; may we be moved again by love. As we are discouraged by life circumstances – illness, finances, family conflict – fight for us, Lord, and give us peace.”

David’s heart thumped in his chest. He perspired in his good suit. His cock felt hard in his pants. He stared at the face of the woman he was marrying. Christine soft light blonde hair looked creamy behind her translucent veil. Her tanned skin looked golden. Her lips looked so soft and red. The light from the stained glass windows caressed her neckline and her cleavage.

For a second the groom thought he was going to cum as he slowly ran his eyes over the tops of his bride’s breasts. David had nearly lost his load earlier when Christine had calmly whispered in his ear at the start of the ceremony that she wasn’t wearing any underwear beneath her tight fitting white wedding dress.

Christine finally looked back at her groom. David broke into an excited grin and his face grew red. He felt like a giddy little boy. She made him feel like a silly kid. Christine smiled softly at him and her eyes sparkled mischievously beneath the veil.

“You’re such an adorable idiot David,” Christine whispered.

“He sure is,” Jason added softly with a smile.

Christine and Jason gazed at each other for a moment. David again thought he was going to cum in his pants as he watched his beautiful bride give the best man her best “come fuck me” look.

David grin grew even wider. There was a soft ripple of laughter that started with the best man and ran through the wedding party. David felt his face burn even brighter. The tone of the laughter was affectionate and patronizing.

The minister continued intoning, but David had lost the plot:

“We understand that marriage is a reflection of the Trinity: two in partnership, with God as leader.

We understand that conflict is inevitable, and ease is never guaranteed. We understand that every relationship is an opportunity to have our eyes opened, our hearts expanded.”

David looked at Jason out of the corner of his eye, while he continued grinning foolishly. The best man stood at David’s right. Jason loomed over David. Jason seemed to be bigger, smarter, and better looking than David was.

For a second David turned and looked at Jason. The best man was such an overwhelming figure and he was the centre of attention among the males in the wedding party. The bride and all of her bridesmaids were acutely aware of Jason’s presence. Jason turned his head and dragged his eyes off Christine for a moment. He looked at the groom.

David’s heart thumped. He turned back to Christine. He felt so overwhelmed. Jason was just so overbearing and so domineering. Jason was standing so close. The smile on Christine’s face grew wider. Her beautiful eyes shone.

“Do you like what you see David,” Christine whispered.

Jason laughed and it spread through the wedding party. David shook his head and grinned.

“I like what I’m seeing now,” David whispered back, while gazing at his bride.

“Me too,” Jason softly said.

Christine grinned. She then turned and looked at Jason again.

The bride, the groom and the best man were called back to earth by the minister:

“Christine, repeat after me: I, Christine, take thee, David, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge myself to you.”

Christine repeated the words. The minister then turned to David:

“David, repeat after me: I, David, take thee, Christine, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge myself to you.”

David repeated the words. The ceremony continued. The rings were exchanged and the words spoken.

The minister stepped forward. He took Christine’s hand and he took David’s hand and then he joined them together. He said:

“Now that Christine and David have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce that they are husband and wife, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit – those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.”

The audience burst into spontaneous applause. The minister smiled and nodded. David and Christine laughed and beamed at each other. The minister waited for a moment and then continued once the noise in the church had died.

“David, you may now kiss your bride.”

David stared at the minister. He turned back to Christine. Jason was right there.

The bride leant in, but rather than being kissed, she placed her lips on her husband’s ear and whispered through her veil:

“Are you sure you’re up for this David? You know everyone here is going to see. All your family and friends will see.”

David was breathing hard. His solid sensitive cock rubbed against his underwear. The other members of the wedding party were grinning. The minister was confused. Whispers broke out in the audience.

“Yes Chris — I’m up for it,” David replied. “Please just do it. You promised you would.”

“Yes, I bet you are up for it,” Christine whispered back, her eyes dropping to her husband’s crotch. “I bet you’ll blow it as soon as I do it.”

David slowly closed his eyes as his bride exhaled her hot words in his tingling ear. He was so close to coming. His cock was twitching.

“Just do it Christine. Please just do it.”

David’s beautiful bride broke into a smile. She withdrew. She turned and looked at Jason.

“Come here Jason,” Christine whispered.

Jason broke into a broad grin. He stepped in closer. The whispering from the audience grew in volume. David stepped back so his best man could get closer to his bride. The wedding party sniggered.

“You’re a wimp David,” one of the bridesmaids playfully said.

“Do it Jase,” one of the groomsmen encouraged. “Do it in front of everyone.”

“Excuse me,” the minister stated, growing even more confused.

Jason ignored the insistent tone of the minister. The best man and the bride stood before each other. Jason took Christine’s filmy veil in his fingertips. He pulled the veil up and smoothed it back. Christine’s beautiful features were completely revealed. Jason took Christine in his arms. The two of them were smiling at each other.

“What do you think you’re doing, young man,” the minister hissed.

“Oh, I’m going to kiss the bride,” Jason announced, looking briefly at the minister with a grin.

“What on earth, young man.”

A gasp of shock ran through the audience. The hiss of whispers and the cries of voices rang out around the church as the bride and best man did it.

Jason and Christine leant in. Their heads turned. Their eyes closed. Their lips met. David watched from a just a foot away as his new wife kissed another man in front of him, in front of all their family and friends, at his own wedding. David whined and unconsciously shoved his hand in his pocket and began rubbing the underside of his cock through his pants. The pleasure exploded. David began shooting semen into his underwear.

David stood there on rubbery legs. He was almost jumping up and down on the spot as his orgasm shook him hard. He heard Christine sigh softly and then heard her gently whimper as Jason cupped her face in his large hands, pressed the tip of his tongue inside her mouth and drove it in. She slowly and deliberately ran her hands up and down Jason. The best man put his hands on the bride’s beautiful body and caressed her form in front of everyone.

David stared at the scene obsessively. His new wife made a mockery of their marriage at the ceremony, in front of everyone. The groom finished ejaculating into his underwear just as Christine and Jason broke their hot kiss.

Christine turned and looked at her husband. She was still in Jason’s arms. She was rubbing Jason’s cock with her fingers through his pants. Her face was flushed. Jason’s lips and tongue were in the bride’s ear and then her neck.

“Did you enjoy that David,” Christine whimpered, before she closed her eyes and a wide grin broke across her beautiful face.

“Yes Chris,” David hissed.

There were no more questions or comments from Christine. She and Jason were kissing again a few moments later. The church meanwhile was in uproar. The bride and the best man devoured each other in a sea of confusion and noise.


The wedding party and the guests were at the wedding reception. Dinner had been eaten. The photos had been taken. The speeches were delivered.

At first Christine had spent her time posing for snapshots with David. She ate dinner with her husband. She squeezed her husband’s hand and laughed as Jason delivered his speech, ridiculing and poking endless fun at the groom.

Later, after the formalities were concluded, Jason went to Christine and offered her his hand. She abruptly ended her conversation with her husband and looked up at the best man with a bright smile on her face. She reached out and took Jason’s hand and stood up. All eyes in the room were on Jason and Christine as they deserted David and walked out into the centre of the reception room floor to dance together.

The room was suffused with a golden light from the multitude of flickering candles. The burst of twilight color, from the open terrace doors, gave way to the encroaching darkness of night. The bride was still wearing her provocative white dress and the best man was still wearing his tuxedo.

Jason held Christine close to him. Her beautiful body was pressed up against his. They danced cheek to cheek, slowly turning. Her finely gloved hand rested comfortably in his palm.

“You are the most beautiful woman here by far,” Jason whispered in Christine’s ear. “You are utterly divine in every way.”

Christine looked Jason in the eye and a soft smile broke across her face. He gazed at her beautiful features. His cock was hard in his good pants. Her pussy was moist. Both of them were on fire for each other.

“You’re such a slick bullshit artist, Jason,” Christine said with a touch of sarcasm, poking fun at him.

“I can’t wait to get you out of here and…,” Jason said, before Christine cut him off.

“That’s the Jason I know and love,” Christine said with a grin, her blue eyes sparkling softly in the warm light. “I’m so glad I’m taking you away with me on my honeymoon, rather than taking David.”

“Me too,” Jason whispered in her face.

Christine kissed Jason softly on the lips. He wanted more, but she withdrew. She spoke into his ear.

“I know I’ve made you wait,” Christine said, “but…”

“I didn’t realize that the no sex before marriage rule applied to the best man,” Jason said, cutting Christine off.

Christine laughed. Warm breath caressed Jason’s ear. She gently rubbed his chest.

“I’m afraid so,” Christine said, “but it won’t be too much longer my darling and you’ll be getting what you want so badly.”

“Thank God. It has been really tough waiting for you for this long.”

“I know Jason, but it will be worth it. I promise. You know that I love you. I’ll give myself to you. I’ll adore you like you want. I always take good care of my boyfriends.”

Jason grinned. Christine sighed. They turned together amidst a swirl of curious uncomfortable couples. Jason felt so good pressed up against her. She looked contentedly at the people who stared at her and whispered to each other. She closed her eyes. She was in her boyfriend’s arms. She didn’t care what anyone else thought or felt.

“You know, I still don’t know why you married him Christine. I asked you a few times and you always said no. Wouldn’t it make more sense to be my wife, rather than his?”

Christine opened her eyes and looked at Jason.

“Don’t spoil the mood Jason.”

“Okay sure, but I’m just curious honey,” Jason said.

“I love David. I adore David. I’m married to David.”


“Yes Jason,” Christine whispered in his ear, “David is like a puppy. He’s like a girl’s new pony. He’s sweet and adorable. He’s lovable. He’s silly. He’s fun.”

Jason laughed and Christine joined in.

“And what am I then,” Jason asked a moment later.

Christine ran her fingers over Jason’s broad shoulder. She stroked his chest. She smiled softly. She spoke.

“You’re my boyfriend,” Christine whispered, “we have fun together. You take care of me physically. You know, I have explained all this to you a few times now Jason.”

“And do you love me?”

“Of course I do Jason,” Christine whispered in his ear, “and for the next few weeks I’m going to prove just how much I love you. Our honeymoon is going to be wild darling.”

Jason grinned. He pushed his large hard cock into the bride’s body. Christine grinned at him and rubbed his dick with her belly.

“I give the best blowjobs Jason,” Christine whispered in his ear.

“I bet you do,” Jason softly said, slowly running his hand down Christine’s body and over her beautiful behind.

“I like giving long and lazy head, until my man is squirming and begging me for more.”

“I’m going to hold you to that honey.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep my word Jason. You’ll get the full deluxe treatment, and you know Jason, I really like semen as well. It’s going to be fun getting the best out of you.” Christine added softly, knowing how to stir her boyfriend up.

Jason didn’t say anything for a moment. He just exhaled in the bride’s ear and held her tight. For a second he thought he was going to shoot his hot load in his underwear.

“Dirty, aren’t I,” Christine breathed out.

“Oh yeah Chris,” Jason said, “you’re the dirtiest.”

“But you love me anyway, don’t you?”

“God, yes Christine,” Jason said. “You’re my fantasy woman, the woman of my wettest dreams.”

Christine smiled. She sighed happily as her boyfriend ran his hands over her, in front of everyone at the reception.

Christine looked across at the wedding table. Her husband David was sitting there, trying to explain this strange situation to his stony faced parents. Christine smiled softly and wistfully. She realized she had placed a burden on David, but he wanted this, just as much as she did. He really did love being punished in the most delicious and painful way.

“He has some explaining to do,” Jason whispered in his girlfriend’s ear, reading Christine’s mind.

“Yes, but that’s his responsibility,” Christine whispered. “And not mine.”

“He has a lot of burdens to carry,” Jason said with a smile. “You always leave him twisting in the wind.”

“Don’t feel sorry for him at all Jason,” Christine stated. “He loves the mental torment and the humiliation. He thrives on it.”

“I don’t feel sorry for him,” Jason returned bluntly.

“Good,” Christine said, looking Jason in the eyes. “Trust me – David loves this. He is the complete masochist. In this marriage my husband has all the responsibilities and duties. He has to earn an income. He has to make sure the bills are paid and I’m looked after. He has to make sure I’m happy. He has to make sure his parents understand how this marriage is going to work. He has to do everything.”

“And what about you Chris,” Jason asked, his cock getting even harder.”What do you do?”

The bride softly laughed. Her light blue eyes glittered mischievously in the wavering light.

“I get to enjoy myself Jason. You know that. I’ve told you often enough how it’s going to be. I’m going to enjoy myself with you, my darling.”

“You’re so cruel Christine.”

“I am Jason,” Christine said, talking softly into Jason’s ear. “I’m going make David wear a chastity device when we get back from the honeymoon. I don’t want him masturbating anymore — it’s dirty. Meanwhile, I’m going to have an endless stream of boyfriends. I’m all about the sex. I’m all about the money, honey. I’m…”

“You’re all about the cruelty, babe,” Jason said, gently running his large fingers through the bride’s soft blonde hair.

“I’m all about the orgasms and the sun and the sand and the expensive handbags and the shoes.”

Christine and Jason laughed loudly. Jason grinned at her. They kissed softly on the dance floor, oblivious to the gossip and the stares.

Christine broke the kiss and looked at her husband again. David was having a hard time talking to his mother. She was snapping at him. David’s father sat bolt upright with his arms crossed. For a moment Christine felt sorry for her husband. She felt an urge to leave Jason on the dance floor, run across to David and his parents and help David try to explain this bizarre arrangement and this unreal wedding day to her in-laws. She stopped herself though. She grew firm and resolute. She put her husband right out of her mind. Explaining her marriage to her in-laws was not her responsibility — Christine did not do responsibility.

“When you say a steady stream — do you mean we may not last?”

“Of course we’ll last Jason,” Christine said, thinking quickly, reaching out and stroking Jason’s face, a soft sly smile spreading across her beautiful features, while her eyes glittered, “you’re my husband’s kid brother, after all — I could never let you go. You may just have to share me now and then, like David has to.”

Jason was silent for a moment. Christine made sure her boyfriend got a good look at her cleavage. His eyes dropped as she expected. She grinned at him and he looked up at her and grinned back.

“Don’t remind me,” Jason said. “I’m getting the evil eye from my mom and dad as well. My family just doesn’t get it. Your own parents seem okay with all this though.”

Christine laughed softly. She glanced at her own family. They looked comfortable and were talking with each other.

“Yes, my parents know I’m a complete fucking bitch,” Christine said with a smile. “I’ve left it up to David to explain everything. I mean my daddy didn’t think David was the right guy for me anyway, so I think he’s not too surprised or unhappy that we have pulled this stunt. My parents are used to my machinations and game playing.”

“You are a bit of a game playing bitch,” Jason whispered in Christine’s ear, “that must be why I want to fuck you so badly.”

“Oh yeah, I sure am,” Christine whispered in return, “and I know you want to nail me darling. I mean I am your sister-in-law. I am your brother’s wife. I know you’re an addict Jason, just like I am. Neither of us can help ourselves. I know how badly you want me.”

Jason exhaled in Christine’s face. They stared at each other.

“Do you want to leave Jason,” Christine whispered in his ear, “the car’s all packed. The flights are booked. We can just disappear.”

“Hell yeah,” Jason said. “Let’s just go.”

The couple broke apart on the dance floor. Christine took the best man’s hand in hers and led him off the floor towards the wedding table. They brushed past the slowly revolving couples. Everybody in the space watched them. They were the centre of attention.

Christine reached her husband. She lifted her leg and placed her foot on a chair before David. She reached up under her dress and rolled and pulled her pretty pink garter down her leg, over her high heel and off. She handed it to her startled husband with a soft smile. He took it.

And then, only five minutes later, Christine and the best man were at the car with all of the wedding party and all of the guests milling around them. Jason reached out and solemnly shook his older brother, David’s hand. Christine gave her husband a soft peck on the cheek and rubbed his shoulder.

“Take care David,” Christine said, “your kid brother and I will be back in three weeks. Thanks for being so understanding darling.”

With those words ringing in David’s ear, he watched his beautiful bride and his best man step down into the limousine, watched the doors close and the car slowly pull away and cruise down the long driveway towards the road.

“Oh my God,” David hissed, his heart pounding and his cock throbbing.

The Just Married sign and the fluttering streamers attached to the back of the limousine mocked David as the dark gleaming car moved quietly down the drive. Then a moment later the car turned onto the road, accelerated and was gone in a flash.

“Oh my fucking God,” David whispered, while everyone else surrounding him, stared at him.


The two of them were together and all by themselves on the dark warm beach. It was very late at night. It was the end of their first full day together, in a sun drenched paradise, on Christine and David’s honeymoon.

A naked Jason burst forth from the surf. He came up out of the salt water head first. He spluttered and rubbed his eyes. He ran his fingers through his dark drenched hair. He looked about. He spun slowly around. His sister-in-law was nowhere to be seen.

“Christine,” he called out, fearing that one of the black waves, they had been pummeled by, had taken a terrible toll. “Christine, where are you!”

Jason looked around frantically as the powerful water carried him about. He saw only the rolling pounding surf. Then he felt a hand on his leg. It was her. Christine emerged from the water before him, a second later. She was streaming. She was naked. Her slick blonde hair ran in a glossy silver sheet down her back. Her eyes shone with the moonlight. Her lips were parted. Her face was beaded with clear salty drops.

“I’m okay honey,” Christine whispered, seeing the distress in his eyes, “I’m right here.”

Jason gasped. He stared into his girlfriend’s eyes. He placed the palms of his hands on either side of her face, leant in and kissed his brother’s wife on the mouth.

Christine slowly melted as she kissed Jason back. She ran her hand and her arm around Jason’s waist while her other hand ran down his chest, over his hard belly and around his cock. Jason gasped and kissed his sister-in-law more deeply. His own hand dropped below the waterline. His fingers curled in, traversing the terrain between Christine’s thighs.

They were struck by another wave without warning. They looked at each other in shock. A boom sounded as the wave rolled on, struck the shallow water, and then it burst into a sizzle as it hit the cold sand and raced up the beach.

They kissed again. Christine broke the kiss a moment later. She searched her brother-in-law’s eyes. She squeezed the head of his growing cock in her fingertips, while she cupped the side of his face. Jason looked down at her mouth and broke into a grin. Christine smiled back. He gazed into her eyes again.

Jason really was in love with her, Christine realized as she caressed his cheek with her thumb and watched his wet face. She knew it was going to happen and she did nothing to warn her boyfriend not to fall for her, nor did she even try to keep him at arm’s length. Christine made no effort at all. She wanted his love.

How could he not fall in love with her, Christine thought, as they held each other in the pounding surf. They were spending every single second together. They had torn their clothing off, in a desperate race to get undressed and have sex, when they first arrived here. They had spent the whole day in bed together on the first day of the honeymoon. The sex was amazing. It was intimate and passionate.

“C’mon, let’s go up onto the sand and have sex,” Christine said.

Jason kissed his girlfriend. He broke it.

“C’mon,” she whispered.

He nodded and let Christine take his hand. She led him through the churning water until they returned to the shallows. The two of them then ran, hand in hand, out of the surf and across the hard wet sand and to their towels, further up the beach, under the silvery moon and the sweep of stars.

“Lay back on your towel Jason,” Christine said, pulling a hair band out of her bag and tying her dripping hair back, “I’m going to suck your cock again, before we fuck.”

“For sure Chris,” Jason said, reclining and grinning, his large dick fully erect and glistening from the salt water.

Christina picked her towel up and patted her wet body as she watched Jason. She smiled at her brother-in-law’s silly expression. She dropped the towel and with a soft screech launched herself at her husband’s brother. His eyes grew wide as she landed in his arms. They burst into laughter as he wrestled with her.

“Oh my God,” he said, before Christine kissed his lips and slipped her tongue inside his mouth.

He ran his large hand over her damp cool breasts, gently rubbing and squeezing her nipples, while her hand traced a path down his side and over his hip. Christine broke the kiss, withdrawing her tongue. He was breathing hard.

“Lay on your back Jason,” she whispered.

Jason did it and Christine moved over him. He placed his hands on his sister-in-law’s hips and then ran his fingertips up the cool skin of her spine and then down her flanks. He closed his eyes and felt her lips touch his neck again and again. He sighed. Her body was growing warmer in the sultry air. He could feel her breasts squashed against his chest. He could feel her damp hair against the side of his face and her hot tongue licking and her soft lips smacking. He exhaled slowly. His cock was nestled between her thighs.

“I love you Christine,” Jason whispered. “I love you so much.”

His brother’s wife broke her contact with Jason’s neck. She grinned at him in the dark. She kissed his chest. She looked back up at him.

“I know you do honey,” Christine whispered. “You’re head over heels.”

“Do you love me Chris?”

“I need to fuck you more honey, before I can say for sure. Right now, I really just want to suck your cock.”

Jason gasped. Christine made her brother-in-law close his wide dark eyes. She then took his nipple between her lips and pulled at it, while she brushed his face with her cool fingertips.

“You’re so sensitive,” Christine whispered, as she caressed his flanks with the side of her face.

“I’m a bit ticklish with you Chris,” he whispered.

“Don’t worry — you’ll get over that soon. I’ll make sure of that. Are you uncomfortable because I’m married to your brother?”

“No – not at all – I know he wants us to be together Chris.”

Christine laughed. She gently pressed her nose against the skin of his belly and inhaled deeply. Her head spun from the aroma of man and salt water. She tickled his nipples with her fingers. She inhaled his scent.

“Oh my God Jason – you smell so good,” Christine said, “Let me taste you, just to be sure.”

Jason laughed. He reached down and caressed the back of Christine’s damp head with his fingers. She began kissing his belly with open mouthed smacks. His hard cock lay nestled between her breasts and then against her neck. She kept dropping. Soon she was inhaling his damp pubic hair. Her nose was buried in his dark hair and she was breathing him in. Jason’s dick sat against her warm cheek.

“Oh Jesus Chris,” he muttered, growing desperate and urgent. “Please…”

“Please what,” Christine whispered, looking up, her head spinning from the smell of him and the dark sea.

“Please suck my cock Chris, like you promised to.”

“Tell me that you love me Jason,” Christine said.

“I love you Chris,” Jason whispered, “I love you so much.”

Christine smiled softly. She ran the palms of her hands over his sides. The fine hair on his body stood up on end. She kissed his belly again.

“Please Chris.”

“Okay, but don’t get too head over heels and out of control, like you did in the surf today. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Jason breathed. He nodded. Christine smiled at him and then considered her boyfriend’s cock. She took the base in her fingertips. It was a beautiful dick. She loved looking at it and touching it. A drop of clear pre-cum glittered in the moonlight.

Christine realized her husband’s brother was addicted to her touch. He really was under her spell. She had physically overwhelmed him and captured him as soon as they got here. Jesus, she loved fucking him.

“I love you Chris.”

“I know baby.”

David’s wife stretched out. She made herself comfortable. She moved over his cock. Her head dropped and she pressed her parted lips onto the tip. He sighed and he seemed to grow just a touch harder in her hand.

“Do you like it when I lick it, like it’s an ice cream,” Christine whispered at her brother-in-law, before lashing and swiping and dragging her flat tongue over his knob, and then turning her head smoothly and running her lips and tongue up and down the underside of Jason’s shaft.

“Yes, I love it Christine.”

Christine was intoxicated. The taste of Jason made her sigh. She set herself. She had his hard dripping knob between her soft lips. She pressed down and slowly filled her mouth with his cock. She inhaled through her nose, relaxed and closed her eyes, as dick penetrated her. She could feel how tense and desperate he was. She drifted off. His knob passed into her throat. He was lodged there. His head was nestled there comfortably. Christine inhaled deeply. Her thumb caressed the underside of the base. Her fingertips scratched softly at his balls.

“Oh my God Chris,” he whispered, reaching out and placing his hand on the back of her head and stretching his toes.

Jason’s words shook Christine out of her reflections. She rose. She sucked him nice and firmly, her head ascending with a sticky squeak. She paused at the top and then descended again, taking Jason’s cock back inside in a hot messy penetration.

Saliva oozed out. Pre-cum welled up in her mouth as the knob invaded her and just kept on going. She began to move more swiftly. Her tight lips ran like fire against the underside of Jason’s shaft and then over his swelling head. Her wet fist pumped him. His balls moved of their own accord as she tickled them with her fingers.

Jason watched his brother’s beautiful wife between his open legs. He watched her silver head rise and fall over and over. He watched her twist and drop. She took him deep, again and again. She sucked with some shallow motions. Jason groaned. His body twitched. Sensations swam and coursed through him like he was back in the ocean, but in an ocean of swirling, building pleasure.

“Oh my God Chris,” Jason whispered.

Christine slipped off him. She looked up at him with a smile, while her hand continued to pump his cock.

“Do you like it when I do that?”

“Ohhhh yeah Chris,” Jason enthused, closing his eyes tight, driving his head into his towel, while his whole body shuddered.

Christine started laughing at him. She beamed down at him.

“Oh my God Chris,” Jason said, raising his voice.

“You really like that, don’t you honey,” Christine stated, enjoying the way her boyfriend reacted to her sliding, squeezing hand.

“Oh God yes Chris,” Jason muttered. He suddenly whined.

Christine laughed again.

“Do you want to fuck me now,” Christine asked with a smile, “or do you want me to make you shoot it into the air, with my hand?”

“Oh my God Chris!”

David’s wife laughed at him.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! That’s all you ever say Jason. Do you have anything else to add to the topic of conversation? Hmmm…?”

Jason abruptly sat up. He grabbed Christine under the arms. She shrieked and burst into laughter as Jason pulled her up and against him. He turned and gently put his brother’s wife on her back. He moved over her. He got between her open legs. She looked up at him wide-eyed, her hair about her face.

“Well, I think you’ve answered that question,” Christine rushed out as her horny brother-in-law set himself.

There was some fumbling, but Christine got hold of his hard cock and he pushed her legs back and open even wider.

“Just there,” Christine muttered fiercely.

“Okay okay,” Jason muttered back fiercely.

There was a pause in the torrent of words and then Christine let out a long loud moan, which filled the dark empty beach. She exclaimed: