A Queen Mother’s Comfort

Hello. This is basically my attempt at writing something because I wanted the practice. It’s a bit of a fake historical setting.

I would also like to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to EditingAlix, who showed me how you are actually supposed to write through their edits and comments.

Of course, an inexperienced writer such as myself is very good at taking sound advice and turning it into something that wasn’t quite intended. Therefore, if you find any errors, know that they are mine, and mine alone.

I hope you enjoy!


A cold breeze wafted into the king’s office, reminding him of the gloomy weather. Grey clouds darkened the rolling hills. The king’s palace, usually so full of colourful splendour, was covered in a dimming blanket.

Glavien, the king, sat hunched over his desk. With ink-blackened fingers, he tackled the monotonous task of signing all kinds of reports, invitations and congratulations. It was best to work his way through the boring assignments first, Glavien felt.

That did not mean that all his other duties gave him joy. Quite the contrary, in fact. Advisers, noblemen and petitioners surrounded him almost every waking moment.

Even now a puffed-up nobleman stomped into his office. He was gracious and obedient, of course, as any good subject should be. He bowed low, almost comically so.

“Your Majesty,” the man said, “I bring you a matter of utmost importance. As you know the boundaries of my estates are constantly violated by the La Tadiennes…”

The king let the man speak, but did not truly hear what he had to say. He looked out his window, to the grey skies. He ran his hand through his thick, black hair. The muskets ornamenting the wall looked quite inviting right about now. Not to shoot the man, of course–that would be rash even for a young king like him. And he was young, still in his early twenties. No, the king yearned for a hunt. This weather be damned.

Years of avid hunting had built him his lean muscles–muscles that he could no longer use as much as he used to since his father had died on a military expedition a few years ago. Glavien had not known him well, as he was usually left back home in this very palace. Fortunately for him, he had not been all alone. His mother had always been there to shield him from preying courtiers looking for a way to gain the prince’s favour.

These past few months were the first time he had been without her, as she had left on a visit to her family in the south. A long journey, yet the time she was away felt even longer. These months he had felt the pressure creep up on him, building, slowly but surely. A constant barrage of questions, insinuations and unspoken agreements. The waters of court life were already difficult to navigate, but now it felt as if he had to do it without his shining light–his mother–to guide him.

Glavien eyed the silver box on his desk, and could not suppress the slightest of smiles.

The nobleman puffed his cheeks. “Your Majesty, surely this is no laughing matter? You have been most kind to me and mine these past few years, true, but…”

His guiding light was about to return to him. Any day now. He learned this from a message the travelling party had sent ahead. She would return, and he could finally breathe a little easier. He would once again not stand alone.

The man kept talking and talking. How many words could one man use in such a short space of time? Apparently, a large amount.

A knock on the door. Someone walked in: a stern man dressed in a fine black servant’s outfit. He bowed, with a lot more grace than the king’s current visitor, and cleared his throat.

“Your mother has arrived, Your Majesty,” he said, “and she is anxious to see you, though she has expressed a desire to freshen up first. Shall I send for her once she is done?”

“Yes,” Glavien said with probably a little too much obvious joy. He felt a flutter in his stomach. Finally, finally, finally. A wave of relief washed over him as he let himself lean back into his chair.

“Hand me your petition, or whatever it is, and I’ll read it,” the king said as he waved his hand in an impatient gesture.

“Certainly, Your Majesty,” the nobleman said with some trepidation, “but I do believe that a verbal clarification is quite necessary to promote your understanding of a delicate–”

“I will read it.”

The nobleman stood there stumped for a moment, then retrieved a stack of papers from his inner pocket and placed it on the desk. He then bowed again, shallower this time, and stormed off. Glavien turned to the servant.

“Send her in as soon as she’s here.”

The servant nodded, and left the room, closing the door with a soft click.

Glavien stood up, a nervous excitement taking hold of him. He paced around his office, trying to pass the time. Admiring the portraits hung upon the wall did little to help, however, and Glavien quickly found himself growing even more impatient.

He had to admit, this was not the reaction he had expected of himself. He anticipated that he would be happy, of course, but there was something else, something he could not define: a need–a need that had nestled itself in his heart all those months ago, perhaps even earlier. It surged in him now, making him restless in a way that he could not describe–did not dare describe.

These past few months he had spent alone made it clear to him just how much he thought about her. Glavien compared all women he encountered with her. Unfortunately for them, they always lacked something. He needed a certain type of smile from them, a certain type of warmth, a certain type of body…

After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened. In she walked, banishing the gloom of his office with her radiant beauty.

She had olive skin and smiling, light brown eyes. Her long, wavy, dark blonde hair was held back with pins and topped with a beautiful silver tiara embellished with small emeralds. She had a vibrancy that defied her early fourties. She was Isaralda de Guranez: the Flower of Vinalejo. She was his mother.

Glavien was filled with joy when he saw her, yet that strange longing still claimed a small place in his heart. She had clearly already dressed up for whatever festivities were organised later in the day. She wore a bright blue dress, embroidered with golden thread. The stay underneath it squeezed her large bust together and pushed it upwards. Its skirt, figure hugging at the hips and thighs, loose and trailing at the bottom, did little to hide her voluptuous figure. She had wide hips, firm legs and a round, shapely bottom that was barely contained by the fabric of her clothes.

Those were some rather strange things to notice, Glavien realised. He had spent these months alone, in every sense of the word. Pressure had built up in him in more ways than one. One evening, as he relieved some of that pressure, he had felt particularly lonely. His mind sought the one person that made that feeling go away. In the heat of the moment, he did not push that fantasy away.

He could, however, push these current thoughts aside, and he did. He had hoped they would dissipate the moment they met again. His mind should’ve proceeded to function properly once more. Yet those months had unlocked something hidden deep within his soul. He feared what that would mean.

“Yes, it’s really me. Are you going to stare, or are you coming over and greet me properly?”

Glavien quickly walked up and embraced her. She rubbed his back. The smell of her sweet perfume filled his nose, and her familiar warmth almost overwhelmed his senses.

“I’m so happy to see you,” she said with a laugh. “Are you well?”

“I am now, Mother. How was your journey?”

“Boring, rough and lonely.”

“Lonely, why? Were you not accompanied by your family for a long part of the voyage?”

“I was, but…” She brushed away some lint on his shoulders. “I felt alone, nonetheless. It’s only natural that people grow apart after a long time spent elsewhere. It made me realise how terrifying that was. I was not scared for me and my family; their distance I can live with. I was scared for… you and me.”

“Oh, whatever for? You know we could never grow apart. In fact, these past few months have only confirmed the way I feel about you.”

“Did they?”

“Indeed. If you must know, solitude enveloped me. All I did was work, and work, and work. I kept functioning, of course, but while you were here, I could live as well. I realised I needed you.”

“In what way?”

“In every way,” Glavien blurted out.

He could not believe he had just said that. A spike of anxiety seized him. He had inadvertently hinted at something he had hoped to keep hidden deep inside until it subsided.

All she did was look him in his eyes, holding his gaze. She placed her hand on his chest in an affectionate manner. Her lips were just slightly parted, and looked so soft.

Stop that. Why are you thinking about this, all of a sudden? he thought.

“There’s no need for shame. Truth be told, I am glad to hear you say it. Like I said, my family and I have grown apart, and I too, spent many hours alone. In the evenings, when it was just me in my chambers, I’ve thought the same thoughts as you. Loneliness makes one realise who matters to them. It forces one to confront things they had been able to avoid for a long time, to acknowledge truths so simple that they had been overlooked. Truthfully, I need you as well.”

“In what way?”

His mother bit her lip, a trace of doubt darkening her eyes. “In all the ways you will allow me to.”

Glavien tried to hide the shiver that shot up his spine by abruptly letting go of her. He stepped over to his desk and retrieved the silver box on it.

“Close your eyes,” he said with a smile, trying to keep his voice lighthearted. As he turned around, he saw his mother had recovered as well. She looked at him as she always had, as a mother should.

She chuckled as she closed her eyes. “What do you have in store for me, now?”

“You’ll see. No peeking.”

Glavien opened the box, and pulled out the necklace it contained by its chain. The pendant was a beautiful golden square, patterned with little colourful gems, a small piece of art. He walked to stand behind her.

“Hold your hair up.”

His mother did so with yet another laugh. “What’s this, then?” she asked.

“Like I said, you’ll see.”

Her neck was so delicate, her skin so smooth that Glavien had to fight the urge to caress it. How had he never noticed it before? That thought fuelled his irritation at the impure turn his mind had taken. What frustrated him more, however, was the fact that nothing he did seemed to make it stop.

Holding the necklace around her neck, he clasped the chain together.

“Don’t look yet,” he said.

“I’m not!”

He moved to face her again. She still stood there with a lingering smile, eyes closed as promised.

He had been clumsy putting on the necklace, as the pendant lay askew on her collarbone. Without a thought, he scooped it up to place it in the middle, the back of his hand brushing up against his mother’s breast.

She gasped, her lips parted slightly. Her eyelids fluttered open.

Glavien froze, acutely aware of the soft warmth radiating from his mother’s body. They locked eyes. No word was spoken, yet Glavien thought he saw a twinkle in her gaze. He certainly felt something stir in him–a pulse to his groin. He was blissfully aware of her large breasts, pushed up by her stay, rising and falling with her increasingly unsteady breath. The beating of his own heart and their breathing were the only sounds he could hear.

She finally looked down at the necklace, and gave an uncertain smile. She made no move to remove his hand, and neither did Glavien.

“It’s wonderful. Really beautiful,” she said with a slight stammer. “Let me see it in the light.”

She was regaining her composure, Glavien recognised, yet she still allowed his hand on her breast. In fact, when he had just about torn his hand away from his mother’s breast, she clasped his wrist and kept it there.

“No, no. Keep holding it up for me,” she said with an innocent smile.

Instead, she gently pushed him backwards toward his desk in what should have been an awkward shuffle. Instead, it felt decidedly different. It was sensual, private.

Sitting on the desk, he spread his legs and his mother stepped in between them, pressing up against him. Her deep, heavy breaths were hot on his face. She reached up and took control of his hand with gentle movements.

“Place it correctly for me, Glavi,” she whispered. “Place it in the middle.”

Glavien could not resist–did not want to resist–his mother grasping his hand, and pressing the pendant between her breasts. Her firm flesh pushed back against him. His mother’s soft skin made him feel welcome. She gasped as she pressed his hand down a bit more forcefully. An electrifying sensation shot through his palm right into his groin, where his trousers were beginning to strain.

Tentatively, he rubbed his thumb up and down her skin. He felt her soft, loving warmth. She whimpered when he, just barely, moved his fingers and kneaded her flesh.

“Did you miss me?” she breathed. “Did you miss me, my love?”

“More than anything.”

“Can you feel the beat of my heart? Can you feel your mother’s love?”

Glavien did feel it, thumping at the same rapid pace as his.

“It beat just as fast when I was alone, thinking of you. Perhaps even a little faster sometimes,” she continued.

His mother let go of his hand, and moved even closer. Her mouth hovered an inch away from his. Her stiff dress acted as a wall between their bodies, between his raging hard cock and her stomach. She moved to whisper in his ear. Her sweet scent overpowered him, almost intoxicating him. Her wavy hair tickled the side of his face and neck.

“Thank you, Glavi, your necklace is very pretty. I’ll wear it for you. Only for you.” With that she traced her mouth from his ear to his cheek, and kissed it. Her soft, wet lips pressed against his face, lingering there for far longer than was appropriate.

She turned, rubbing her hand from his face to his chest as she moved farther and farther away. Her hips swayed as she moved toward the door, her round, firm bottom moved along with it. Her breasts jiggled ever so slightly when she swivelled back around with a swift motion to face him again.

“I have some business to take care of. We probably won’t see each other much at the banquet later today,” she said.

He said nothing, gaping at her. He struggled with his confused emotions. Excitement grappled with worry, longing with fear.

A sharp knock shattered the dream-like state they had been in.

“Your Majesty? I am sorry to intrude, but there are a number of petitioners waiting outside,” a voice sounded through the door.

“Have some patience, man,” Glavien barked. Still, he could hardly hide the look on his face. The face of a child caught sneaking in the yard after dark. A cold feeling of shame clasped his heart.

His mother noticed. She herself had a very similar expression as she toyed with the rings on her hands. Even his mother could feel embarrassment, then.

This abrupt turn was unsurprising, Glavien supposed. They had long been separated and their sudden, intense meeting had caused them to be swept up in their emotions. It appeared neither of them had truly taken the time to come to terms with them.

“That… perhaps I was a little too… It was a long voyage and that can sometimes play tricks on your mind. It might be a good idea that we only meet in public, for a while at least. So we… I, don’t get confused again.”

Glavien felt her unease, and shared it. Still, he knew he felt the very same as his mother. The physical distance now between them gave his mind space to clear, for the fog to be blown away. Those sensations a moment ago–he had never felt them before, not like this. Not even that time when he was alone in his bed, thinking of her. They were wrong, so very wrong. Reality had not tempered his distasteful fantasies, quite the opposite. Perhaps it was not a good idea to be alone with her, at least for today. Their time apart had clearly caused a serious lapse in judgement on both their parts.

And yet… Perhaps this was something special: a bond that should not be feared, but embraced. Glavien did not want to spend any more time alone than he had to. He did not want to be separated from his mother if he could help it.

“There is nothing to be confused about, you shared your love with me in a way that only a mother can… Only you can. I will not hear of us not being alone together. That’s what I yearned for all these months, and I won’t wait any longer.”

Still, when he desired for them to be together he had not quite imagined this kind of energy. The thrills he felt were so intense, so intoxicating.

“Oh, thank goodness,” she said, beaming. “I was worried that I had scared you away. I was just very happy to see you again, and I wanted to show it. No harm done, then.”

She paused, a hesitating glance. That strange look returned to her eyes.

“Can I see you, after the banquet? Would you like me to?” she asked.

A choice? Glavien hesitated for a moment, but deep down in his heart he knew what he would say.

“Yes, I want you to,” he said almost inaudibly, “I want it.”

His mother smiled at him, and left the room with a long, fast stride.

The words had been innocent. Just a simple visit. And yet, he could not help but feel something other than innocent excitement. He felt a rush, unlike any before. His thoughts led him onto paths he had never consciously walked before.

A mischievous smile. Smooth hands pulling down on her dress, straining to give him a better view of her prominent, intoxicating cleavage. The hem of a skirt rising up, revealing more and more of her firm thighs. Glavien had to fight with every bone in his body not to relieve his ache then and there.

He paced his office. Yet again, he could not help but go over how these feelings had started. How did this happen? Why? Perhaps time spent apart had broken down their inhibitions. It showed the intensity of their bond. They had always been all alone, together. Together, against the world. These past few months they were alone, by themselves. Quite frankly, she was all he wanted, always had been.

It may have been why he always put off finding a good match to marry. Certainly, he had had his fun in his early days with the most beautiful women a man, or even a king, could ever desire. Still, he could never quite find what he was looking for: a true connection. He had only had that with one person, ever. The thought of that connection growing even deeper, somehow, scared and excited him. It aroused him.

Sure, there was a good chance that he would eventually marry a woman to gain a favourable alliance. For all his complaining about his duties, he did care about them. He wanted what was best for his country and its people. A king had to commit to his duties for as long and as much as he was able to.

Still, if he worked so hard, so long, each and every day, did he not deserve to have something that was just for him? Something that brought him comfort and joy. Could the people let him have that?

He gave them peace, prosperity and security. It was not just the state apparatus working by itself. Glavien personally oversaw all these matters, instructing those under him on what to do and chastising them for what they didn’t.

Could he not get something in return? What was so wrong with letting him feel a little happiness?

He slipped back into fantasy. She presented herself to him. Her big, round asscheeks rising up to greet him. His cock, inches away. A low, guttural moan.

Glavien squeezed his hands together until it hurt. He had no time for this, not now. He did actually have tasks he wanted to attend to. And as his mother reminded him, a banquet would be held later today. With all his might, he banished his current thoughts away. They were wrong, anyway. Not meant to be contemplated. Besides, her visit later this evening was almost definitely not of that nature, Glavien decided. He had let these strange fantasies get the better of him. It would be best if he forgot them, entirely.

The king sat back down at his desk, and looked over the papers he had been given. They contained all kinds of assertions and allegations and, with a sigh, Glavien reached over for one of the registries in a drawer of his desk. Another long and strenuous task of confirming what was true, and what was untrue lay ahead of him. First, though, it was time to entertain yet another petitioner.

“Send them in,” he called.


The banquet was held in a large, stretched out hall filled with mirrors, chandeliers and paintings framed in gold. A crowd of nobles, dignitaries and other notables thronged the hall, speaking with great animation. The sun was already on the horizon, and the hall was filled with a warm light.

A large table, set with exquisite foods–fruits, meats and vegetables–stood in the middle. Silver plates and candles lined the table. Some stood in groups, clustered together in deep conversation. Some sat at smaller tables, consuming their food and drinking their wine.

The people were all dressed in their finest clothes, of course. The men wore striking doublets and jackets, brightly coloured. The women too, were colourful, their dresses making it look as if they gave off their own light.

Still, Glavien should have known where his eyes would fall when he entered. It was as if the collective movements of all those inside revolved around one person only, like planets around the sun. It was her, of course. That bright blue of the dress she wore earlier seemed to shine even brighter; the emeralds on her tiara sparkled with even more intensity.

The room noticed him, and all bowed. All but one. They locked eyes and in that moment, surrounded by over a hundred others, they were alone. She looked radiant in that light.

Time resumed, and all he could do was admire her from a distance. Great many people–nobles looking for favours or just to get in his good graces–approached him.

Women would be seeking to seduce him, he knew. The king was unmarried, and they sought to change that. It wasn’t long before the first approached him. She had long, black hair, delicate skin and a beautiful smile. Still, she could not compete. All other beauty seemed flat when compared to his mother.

The people around him seemed to confirm that fact. Noblemen leered at her, silently undressing her with their eyes; she ignored them. A young woman may have great beauty, but his mother had combined that beauty with a life well-lived, with experience. She was more, an undeniable presence.

An hour or two passed and the tables were cleared. The hall was emptied of all obstructions and a small chamber orchestra set themselves up at the far end of the room, awaiting instructions to begin.

The first dance of the evening was always to be performed by the host, the king, and a partner of his choice. This partner was supposed to be his wife, or a woman he desired. Glavien knew he could choose a woman that suited the others’ expectations, or he could follow his heart.

With slow steps he approached his mother and extended his hand. She gave him an intense stare, her breasts rising and falling with each deep breath. She stepped forward, took his hand and pressed herself against him, the warmth of her breath on his neck.

A murmur rose up, but Glavien did not care. This was who he wanted. He had given them everything they ever needed, and more. He would have something that was just for him. He would not deny himself the affection he felt for his mother. He had chosen her.

He looked down at her. He saw her eyes, gazing at him with craving anticipation. Her soft, round lips parted slightly with nervous desire. Her breasts, going up and down as she breathed, were constricted and pressed together by the stay underneath her dress. Atop them lay the necklace he gave her.

“You kept it on,” he whispered.

“Of course I did. You gave it to me, and I want everything that’s yours to be as close to my body as possible.”

She gasped as Glavien pulled her body against his with more force than she expected. He placed his right leg between hers. She pressed against him even harder in response, and he felt a heat radiating through the fabrics of her skirts. Her pubic mound grinded up against him. Glavien felt his cock stir again, pressing up against the roughness of her embroidered dress.

A violin started the music. It was a slow song, as was usual for these types of first dances. They began a sensual step, pressed up together in an embrace, looking into each other’s eyes, sharing their breath. This type of dance itself was expected, but those who performed it were not. Far from it. It was almost scandalous. Enough, even, to bring into question the validity of a king’s rule. At least, if that scandal concerned a weak king. Glavien was no weakling, and those around him knew it. They were often grateful for his dedicated work and loose leadership.

As he looked around he saw a few smiles amongst the crowd. It seemed that they were willing to accept this dance. Kings always had some eccentricities, and he had earned himself the right through his dedicated work. Still, some of the younger women watched with thinly veiled jealousy.

What they didn’t know is that in that moment, locked together as they swayed to the music, the king wanted to do far more. He wanted his hands to roam her body, to cradle the heat coming from his mother’s groin with his palm. He wanted to gently move her head and press long, deep kisses on her neck. Her sweet perfume filled his nostrils, fuelling his desires.

He lowered one of his hands to her hip, as the dance required, and felt the side of one of her round, firm buttocks. He lingered there, savouring the sensation of her body heat flowing over his fingers and the way her flesh moulded to his touch. This earned him a few curious looks, but Glavien didn’t care.

“I’ve missed you so much, Glavi, more than I ever expected,” she breathed. “I’ve missed your touch. Do you feel the same way? Did you miss your mother’s touch?”

Glavien confirmed with a soft grunt.

“Do you still want me to visit your chambers tonight? Just you and me, so we can both feel a little better?”

“Yes, I want you with me.”

The song was coming to an end, and as the musicians played a prolonged final note. His mother rubbed herself against his leg with a drawn out motion, gasping softly.

“Until then,” she whispered with a coy smile.

They let go of each other and suddenly it felt as if the room had gotten a lot cooler, most of all near his groin. He hoped nobody could see his hard cock straining against his trousers, and he spread his arms in a wide gesture, in an effort to distract their collective attention.

“The floor is open,” he said. The words were, like the dance, a tradition that indicated that all visitors were now allowed to choose their own partners and dance away. Enthusiastic couples surrounded him, and he made for a chair, waiting for his ‘excitement’ to calm down. It took some effort to distract himself, but eventually he managed to compose himself enough to dance with several other partners. They were, somehow, noticeably trying even harder than before to gain his attention. It was no use; all Glavien could think about was the near future.

The hours passed in a daze. Dances here, speeches there. Performers roamed the halls, entertaining the guests. People laughed, cried and yelled. The usual story for any thrilling party. Still, this day did not feel ordinary. Something had changed for Glavien, but he wasn’t quite sure what, or by how much. When the last guests left, he could finally retreat to his chambers, away from the prying eyes of the world.


It was a dark night. Rain pattered against the bedroom windows. Glavien sat on his bed, wearing only a simple white shirt and his trousers. It looked as if a black void had swallowed the outside world and his room was detached from the rest of the world. Only this chamber existed.

Well, that was almost true. There was one thread that kept it linked to normal time and space. His mother was still out, there, somewhere. When would she be here?

His bedroom had a large bed with soft covers and open drapes made of patterned silk in vibrant colours. A warm fire raged in the fireplace, across from where Glavien sat. It was the sole source of light, radiating warm colours bright enough to illuminate the entire room and its occupants.

Glavien felt a strange mix of emotions. What was he to expect? He had racked his brain ever since he stepped inside his bedroom. Something was going to happen–it was absolutely undeniable. But what? Not only that but, having given himself time to cool off, he yet again began to wonder if perhaps he shouldn’t cross any lines that cannot be uncrossed.

He paced his room for quite a while. Other questions crossed his mind. Would anyone know? What would happen if they did? They fuelled his uneasiness.

However, that uneasiness had to compete with his unquestionable sense of excitement. What would his mother look like? What would she do? What would she let him do? These questions remained unanswered as of yet, but all the answers Glavien could think of raced through his brain.

A soft knock on the door. His heart fluttered.

“Enter,” he said with a barely suppressed tremble in his voice.

His mother walked in. The dimness of the room only revealed the curves of her hourglass figure, partly shaped by her stay. A silhouette of a woman beyond compare. A silhouette of lust.

Glavien’s excitement won over his apprehension when she walked over to a cupboard. Her broad hips swayed, the tight fabric trying to contain them. She gave him a sly smile, spoke no words, and reached over for a drawer. As she fussed with its contents, her round bottom, large, yet shapely was exposed–fit for a woman with hips like hers. It, too, pushed against the fabric of her blue dress, more so when she bent over slightly to retrieve an item.

She gave him another smirk when she flashed the key she now held between her ringed fingers. His mother sauntered back over to the door, and locked it with a loud click.

In that moment, the room had truly separated itself from the rest of the world. It was all that existed. All that mattered. Him and his mother, truly alone at last. He saw the way she looked at him, and he knew what she desired. He stopped trying to fight his own needs anymore, and gave in to his roaring hunger.

He stared breathlessly as she walked back over to the fire, looking into it as she toyed with the rings on her fingers. The pins holding back her long, wavy hair glistened in the light alongside the emeralds in her tiara. Her eyes sparkled as they reflected the fire. The movement of her breasts as she breathed entranced him.

“I’m so glad I’m back,” she said, looking at him with those light brown eyes of hers. “Truly, in these past few months I’ve been reminded of how much you mean to me–everything. You are everything to me, and I want to share everything with you. Everything. Would you let me do that, Glavi?”

“Yes, I would,” he breathed, “I want all of you.”

“Nothing between us, ever. Just you and me, that’s what I want–what I need. I’ve come to realise that now.”

His mother walked over and looked down on him sitting on the edge of his bed. The juncture of her thighs was at eye level, inches away from his face. He could almost swear he felt the heat coming off it, even from this distance. Slowly she went down onto her knees, tracing her hands down his body as she lowered herself. She knelt between his legs, her mouth now inches away from his throbbing cock, trapped by his clothes. Large, brown eyes looked up at him with undisguised desire. Her tiara gleamed in the light, as did her tits.

“Do you want me?” she whispered, her hands roaming his thighs. “I’ll do anything for you.” He could feel her breath on his cock through the fabric, and he had to suppress a groan.

“Mother, are you sure about this?” he whispered back, nailed to his bed, too nervous to try anything. He didn’t know why he asked, maybe it was just the last remnant of doubt in his mind that made him say it. He did know what answer he desired.

She gave him a mischievous smile, and pushed herself up from his thighs until they were at eye level. So they remained for a moment, breathing each other’s air. He smelled her sweet fragrance. It was mixed with something else this time–pure lust. His cock twitched when he identified the hunger in her eyes.

“Why? Why shouldn’t we?” she breathed. “Why deny ourselves this?”

Glavien could barely even think; all he knew is that whatever reservations he may have had were gone. He wanted his mother, and he wanted her now.

His mother licked her lips and kissed him. A soft, wet, lingering kiss. His lips locked with hers, their eyes closed. She pushed herself onto his lap, sitting sideways. One of her asscheeks ground on top of his cock, which was already pulsing with pleasure.

Her warm embrace overwhelmed his senses. She broke contact with his lips and stared deep into his eyes, and he saw the tender love in hers. She breathed a heavy breath before moving back in with more hunger.

Her lips pressed fiercely against his, her tongue brushing against them. He opened his mouth and let her in. Their tongues lapped against each other in passionate, yet soft motions. They moaned into each others’ mouths.

His mother clasped the back of his neck as they kissed, running her fingers through his hair. Her rings felt cold, but her palms felt warm and soft. Glavien held one of his hands against his mother’s waist, pulling her against him. The other roamed the top of her thighs, feeling their firm heat through her skirt. He did not dare go any further. Not yet.

She broke the kiss, and placed her forehead against his.

“What do you want to do with me, my love? You can do anything you want,” she said, breathing heavily. “I’m yours. Just show me what you desire, Glavi, show me.”

Glavien wanted to do so much to her he did not even know where to begin. A lust so uncontainable was impossible to satisfy. He wanted her, his mother, he wanted all of her. He wanted her so close to him, wrapped around each other with more intimacy that was physically possible.

He took his hand off her thighs and let it travel up to her cleavage. His mother giggled when he clawed at the tops of her sizable breasts. The soft warmth of her tits contrasted with the roughness of her embroidered dress. She tenderly kissed his forehead as he kneaded her flesh.

“I knew you liked them. I saw you looking at them. Did you like it when mommy let you touch her in your office? Did that excite you? Did it make my boy’s cock hard?”

“Yes,” he grunted as she began grinding up and down his cock, moving sideways with her hips, “I wanted you. I want you.”

“Take your shirt off,” she said.

Glavien leant back and did as she asked, pulling it off in a hurry and throwing it on the floor. He watched as his mother admired his muscles, tracing them with a finger.

“You’re so strong,” she said. “Are you always going to be there to protect me?”

“You know I will be, you’re mine.” Glavien pulled his mother back against him and she gasped. He felt the coarse fabric of her dress rub against his body, her heat seeping through it.

“Yes, I am. I’m yours.” She kissed him again, her tongue caressing his. “And you are mine. Let me see you, Glavi, let me see my boy,” she said with a husky tone.

His mother slid down his lap until she knelt down in front of him again. Once more she looked at him with those big, brown eyes of hers. Her hands moved in a different direction this time, though. She rubbed his cock through the fabric of his trousers, wrapping her hand around it.

“Does that make you feel good, Glavi?”

“Yes.” It was all Glavien could say, waves of pleasure radiating from her warm hands into his cock.

His mother moaned for him, adding to his titillation. Long, slow strokes. Tender movements, designed to please him, tease him. He reached down and cupped his mother’s face. She smiled up at him, not stopping her movement.

“Let mommy take care of you, Glavi,” she said, and kissed the palm of his hand.

She then moved her hands up to the strings of his trousers and traced the knot with her fingers. Then, in a swift move, she untied it. Her lips parted, breathing heavily on his cock, tantalisingly close. Still a layer of fabric between her soft, puffy lips and pleasure. She moved her hands, grabbed the loose fabric of his trousers, and pulled.

His cock was finally free of its cage, and sprung out. It wobbled from side to side for a moment before settling, standing tall. It was above average in size, Glavien knew, but not one for the annals of history.

His mother made him feel like it was the most impressive thing she’d ever seen, though. She smiled a hungry smile at it.

“My beautiful boy,” she said as one of her hands slid from his leg up to the base of his cock. Her mouth inched closer and closer to the head of his penis, her humid breath hot upon it. She licked her lips, staring at it. One of her fingers moved up and down, caressing his shaft, careful to avoid her rings touching it.

Her mouth parted more and more, her lips glistening with saliva. So close.

His mother paused tantalisingly close, moving her gaze from his cock to his eyes. She must’ve seen the desperate longing there, because she smiled again, this time in a mischievous way.

“Do you want my lips on your cock?”

All Glavien could do was nod.

She chuckled, licked her lips once more and pursed them. His mother’s soft, puffy lips touched the head of his cock in another long, simple kiss. She held her lips there, eyes closed and moaned softly.

Glavien gasped, and almost fell backwards onto his bed. Even that small gesture resulted in one of the most intense sensations Glavien had ever felt. Jolts of ecstasy radiated from his cock. He ran his hand through her hair as she kept up her kiss.

She released her intoxicating touch with a slow motion, pulling her head back just a little. She looked up at him, her lips curled in a coy smile. Her beautiful eyes glistened. A perfect picture. Time slowed. It would not be so bad to remain here for eternity, Glavien thought.

His mother lowered her mouth onto his cock. Engulfing it in slick wetness. Glavien strained at the surge of radiant pleasure his mother’s tongue was providing him. His fingers frantically ran through her soft hair, glistening in the firelight.

She bobbed up and down. The hunger in her eyes reinforced by the sloppy noises she produced–loud slurps interrupted by guttural moans.

Her tongue twisted and slid around the head of his cock in ways Glavien had never thought possible. She cupped his balls in a firm, yet gentle manner, adding to his pleasure. She instinctively knew all his desires, in a way only she could.

“Oh, Mother,” he said through gritted teeth.

It was as if he was in a dream. His mother’s mouth wrapped tight around his cock, moved up and down his shaft. Her tongue lapped against his most sensitive areas.

She moaned for him and met his eyes as she pushed his cock down her throat. She came back up with a lustful smile. Her soft hand instantly took over for her, stroking him up and down.

“I’ve wanted to do this for you ever since I went away. Mommy wanted to make you feel so, so good.”

She licked his shaft with a slobbering tongue. Using her slick saliva to pump up and down with her hand.

Glavien pushed his thumb in his mother’s mouth. Her warm lips enveloped it, her tongue lapped against it. She moaned in response to his grunts of pleasure.

Gently, she began winding down the intensity of her motions, easing off the pressure that had built up inside of him.

“Not yet, my love. Mommy wants so much more from you. I want to see you,” she said, “and I want you to see me.”

She gave his cock a final kiss and stood up, again by pushing herself up against his thighs. As she rose, she brushed against his naked skin and the tops of her soft breasts slowly came into view and settled at Glavien’s eye level.

As she stood, he was once again inches away from her pussy. Glavien could not simply sit and watch. Desire overwhelmed him. The image and sensations of his mother sucking his cock still firm in his mind. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her cunt against his face, breathing in her lustful scent and kissing her through the fabric. She yelped as he did so, but recovered quickly and began running her hands through his hair.

With a primal grunt, Glavien furiously pulled up her skirt and plunged his head underneath. He saw nothing. He was wrapped in a damp, naked heat. He felt her thighs with his nose, his lips and his fingers. He felt the tickles of small hairs on his forehead.

“Oh my, Glavi,” she giggled, “have you ever done that for anyone el–” She gasped, a short cut off moan following. His tongue had found its target, and slid up and down her clit. His mother bucked her hips against him, her pubic mound pressing against his forehead.

Her taste was overwhelming: a little sour, yet also sweet in an indescribable way. It was perfect. He firmly pressed his tongue against the little button he had found on the top of her slit, enclosing it with his lips.

“Have you ever done that for anyone else?” she repeated with a strained breath, her eyes closed and her neck thrown back. Still her hips bucked forward, letting him apply extra pressure with his mouth. She shivered as his tongue relentlessly attacked her most sensitive areas, which Glavien learned to locate by listening to mother’s gasps and soft moans.

“Only for you, mother. You’re irresistible,” he grunted from underneath her skirt. It was true, he couldn’t help but throw himself onto her pussy, enveloping himself with her scent. He wanted her now. He had no more patience.

His mother moaned, quavering. She placed one hand on the top of her breasts, massaging them and playing with the necklace she was given. She kept her other hand on the back of her son’s head–still visible as a large bulge in her skirt–occasionally pulling him closer.

“Don’t stop, don’t… stop,” she breathed. “Mommy hasn’t felt this good in a long time.”

Glavien couldn’t help but moan when she said that, his face still pressed against the folds of his mother’s cunt. He wanted to give her pleasure so much he could burst. With his tongue, he replicated the motion which had caused his mother to initially lose control and began a rhythmic assault. He used her moans and gasps to find a good tempo, and kept it going.

Slowly but surely, the bucking of her hips against his face and her deep breaths became more and more erratic. Her hand on the back of his head gripped him tighter and tighter. Glavien fought the urge to go faster or be more forceful with the movements of his tongue, and left her ride the wave.

Her gasps turned into desperate breaths, her moans turned into squeals. With a final, primal scream she lost control of her movements. Her body buckled under the strain of a pleasure not felt for a long, long time. His mother half collapsed on top of Glavien, wrapping her arms around him to support herself as she convulsed. Long, guttural moans followed as her orgasm overwhelmed every sense she had. He moaned as well, fueled by the sensations of his mother’s quivering pleasure and wet heat in the dark.

She took the next few moments to collect herself, breathing heavily. Glavien took that opportunity to extract himself from under her skirt. His mother kept her arms wrapped around her son, still using him to steady herself. She then rested her head on top of his; her breasts, glistening with sweat, filled his view.

She gently grabbed Glavien’s nape, and made him look up at her. He saw her beautiful eyes, filled with a deep affection that only a mother and son could share. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

“I love you,” she whispered, rubbing the back of his head.

“I love you, too.”

“Help me with this,” she said as she made a short gesture toward her dress. “I want you to see me. I want to feel you.”

He pushed himself up from the bed, pulling her up with him. She tugged him a few steps away from the bed, their eyes locked. Only a little shorter than him, she could easily kiss him. Tenderly, their tongues collided.

His mother moaned when he gently pushed her head up to kiss her neck, her collarbone, her breasts. She felt so warm, so soft, the flesh of her breasts bouncing back up after he kissed them with passion.

She stopped him, pushing him back slightly. Then, with a loving, if slightly nervous, smile she turned around. She presented the laces on the back of her dress, wanting him to undo them. He slowly ran his hands up and down her back. She giggled when she felt his still hard cock resting against her ass.

After a brief inspection, Glavien managed to figure out how to undo the laces. A moment later, her dress loosened and fell to the ground. Carefully, he proceeded to work on the stay underneath. After a moment it too fell with a soft thump.

His mother stood in her undergarment: a long, white, silk chemise. It could not hide her beautiful hourglass figure, the fabric hugging her skin tightly. Glavien’s desire to see her naked was fueled by this incredible sight. He ran his hand over her ass, squeezing it lightly, separated by only a thin layer of silk.

She turned her head, keeping her back toward him.

“Go back and lay on your bed–our bed. I want you to see me first,” she said.

The words ‘our bed’ filled Glavien with an almost uncontainable excitement for the future. He wanted her with him forever, always, and she felt the same way. He wanted to be with her in every way. His cock hardened even more at the thought.

He hurried back to the bed and, after scooting backwards, leaned back on his elbows. His mother still stood there, throwing her head back. She posed for him. Her silhouette looked intoxicating against the bright flames.

Slowly, Glavien’s mother gripped her silk garment, and pulled down. The chemise hung loose enough around her that after a moment it began sliding down, gradually revealing her naked skin to him–her delicate, yet powerful shoulder blades; the sides of her breasts, visible even from this angle. She wiggled, letting gravity take over. It wasn’t long before the garment clung to her hips and bottom. She soon shook it loose.

His mother’s olive skin gleamed in the firelight. Her legs were firm, thick and vigorous. Her ass was everything he thought it’d be– proportionate to her wide hips; round and firm, yet each movement caused a slight jiggle. He could also see the lips of her pussy, puffy and glistening with moisture.

His mother reached for her hair, and pulled the pins out. Her long, dark blonde, wavy hair crashed down upon her shoulders, reaching down to her mid-back. As she was about to reach for her tiara, Glavien stopped her.

“No,” he said, “keep it on. Let that be a symbol. You are the only queen I need.”

She obeyed, dropping her arms, and turning around for him, displayed large, yet shapely and round breasts. Gravity and time had not put their marks on them. Her nipples were dark red; her areolas, which had little bumps, formed a small ring around them. Her stomach was soft and inviting, but still flat. She was an active woman, and it showed. A neatly trimmed patch of hair on her pubic mound concealed lips that looked soft and inviting.

She approached, her hips swaying, her breasts jiggling slightly with each step. Never taking her eyes off him, she stared deep into his eyes with a look of determined lust. Slowly, she climbed on the bed and, on all fours, edged toward him. This alone made Glavien’s cock pulse with desire. It throbbed almost painfully. As his mother closed in on him, her naked skin sparkled with small beads of sweat, her breathing deep and purposeful.

She straddled his lap, her slit avoiding his cock but touching his balls instead. Her inner thighs hugged his outer thighs, with her round ass on his legs. He raised his torso to greet her, trapping his cock between their stomachs. They were intertwined, almost as close as they could ever be.

Again his mother initiated a deep, powerful kiss. Her tongue searched his with desperation, sucking hard on his lips. Her hands caressed his neck and cheeks.

“Touch me,” she breathed in his ear. She leant back a little, throwing her hair back, and presenting herself to him.

Glavien needed no second invitation, and placed his hands on either side of her body. A strong, tingling sensation rose up from his palms as he crept his hands upwards. He was touching his mother in a way that he had never, ever expected. The naked heat of her arms clasped behind his neck and her thighs, touching his, wrapped around him. And now–with a firm grasp–he could just about feel the ribs under her flesh. His hands crept further.

He reached for his mother’s breasts, and gently clawed at them. Her hard nipples tickled his palms; her soft gasps and moans tickled his cock. He grabbed handfuls of her breasts. Still, it was not enough. He couldn’t satisfy his overwhelming desires with just his hands–they were just too much.

With passionate force he plunged his face into his mother’s breasts, kissing them, licking them, sucking on them. His hands did all they could to assist his never-ending desire. It wasn’t enough. He wanted her breasts so much he moaned deeply as he attacked her nipples with his tongue. She moaned with him, her pussy dripping more juices all over his balls.

He needed more, he needed her.

“Touch me,” he returned her earlier command.

She moaned her agreement, and they began exploring each other’s bodies. Her hands ran over his muscular back, her desperate kisses showering his shoulders. His hands trailed over and in between her asscheeks, his hungry kisses peppering her neck.

They remained locked in this desperate, yearning embrace for a while. Still, they both knew that there was only one way to truly satisfy their aching desires. Both paused and looked deeply into each other’s eyes.

“I want you in me,” she said with a quiver in her voice, cupping his face with her hands. Uninhibited lust had taken hold of her, and of him.

Glavien helped her lift her hips up, her breasts reaching eye level. He felt her tremble. Then, after a moment of preparation, she lowered herself and guided Glavien in with her hand.

The head of his cock met the entrance of his mother’s pussy. After a brief moment of resistance, it relented and wrapped itself around his cock. The slickness of her cunt let him proceed with ease. Slowly, he entered her. The walls of her vagina were tight and desperately clenched onto his cock, sending an electrifying wave of pleasure through his body. She lowered herself deeper, enveloping his cock further.

As he bottomed out, his mother threw her head back and released a primal moan. Glavien did much the same. Her pussy felt so warm and tight, overflowing with juices that he almost came there and then. Luckily for him, his mother also needed a moment to gather herself, her eyes still closed, her breaths deep and heavy.

Mother and son had finally become one. He fitted perfectly inside her. Looking up, Glavien caught a tear in his mother’s eye. Still, she smiled back at him. Tenderly, he gripped the back of her head and pulled her lips towards his. They kissed, softly, then with more passion, then more passion still. Their hands began exploring each other’s bodies again. Glavien grabbed one of her breasts and her ass with the other. His mother mirrored his movements, rubbing his chest and back.

Both shivered when Glavien’s mother began gently rolling her hips back and forth, stimulating their pleasure. Her hips swayed as if they were a ripple caused by a pebble thrown in a calm pond. They embraced each other, locking eyes. Her light brown eyes stared back at him with a devotion that Glavien could only return. They did not speak as they touched foreheads and breathed each other’s air. Deep sighs, low grunts and the gentle creaking of the bed were the only sounds in the room. Still his mother’s hips rocked back and forth, her slick pussy rising up before dropping back on his pelvis, enveloping him fully.

Glavien began to move along with her rhythm, bucking his hips upward as hers came down and her breathing grew louder. Their stares of love once again began to make way for a primal lust, yet still they stared, never breaking eye contact.

“Do you like that, Glavi? Does that make you feel good?” she whispered.

Glavien grunted in confirmation, moving his hands across her hips to squeeze her ass, feeling its flesh pulsate as she crashed down upon his skin. Her breath grew ragged as she increased her speed. She broke eye contact and pulled him even closer into their embrace, her head placed atop his. He felt her soft breasts crushed up against him, her skin growing hotter, her heart beating ever faster.

She moaned in his ear, louder and louder as their bodies were coming together with loud slaps. Her juices were dripping all over his pelvis and the covers. With a sloshing sound, she desperately increased the speed even more.

Clap clap clap clap clap, their skin sounded as they came into contact. Glavien felt the bounce of his mother’s breasts on his chest, her nipples poking at his skin. Sweat rolled off his forehead and fell on her shoulder.

The pleasure was absolutely overwhelming; his cock was enveloped so firmly, so perfectly, by his mother’s pussy that he knew it was meant to be. In a desperate attempt to increase the force of their movements even more, he grabbed her hips and drew her downwards to increase the force of her thrusts.

“Yes, yes! Keep doing that, please,” she moaned.

The wet slaps continued as Glavien’s mother loosened her embrace, leant back, and darted her tongue inside his mouth. They panted into each other’s mouths, unable to decide between taking a breath or wrapping their tongues together. She moaned into his mouth, rhythmically interrupted each time their skin smacked together.

Glavien never wanted this to stop; he wanted to stay inside his mother forever, breathing in the air she breathed out. Still, the added pleasure, her hungry moans and clipped gasps began taking their toll, and he felt a familiar surge rise up inside him. He could just keep going a little longer, just a little.

“I love you, I love you,” she whimpered in between their ferocious kisses.

He knew then that he had to prolong this moment, not just for him, but for her. He needed a small respite, though, and he knew how to get it.

He wrapped his arms around his mother’s waist and, using his own body weight, threw her on her back, taking the opportunity to slip his cock out of her during the manoeuvre. She yelped as she briefly went airbourne. Her body crashed against the soft mattress, and bounced up and down, her breasts along with it. The bed creaked in protest, but they didn’t care anymore. They were as loud as they wanted to be. They had each other.

“Glavi,” she said, eyes widened in surprise. Then, they looked at him with a lustful grin. “Yes,” she said, “show me how much you want me. Own me as much as I own you.”

Glavien looked at her as she lay on her back, her long hair sprawled around her head. Her large breasts, though still shapely, were now slightly flattened by gravity. The pendant of his necklace rested on her sternum. Her olive skin shone with sweat, as did his. She breathed heavily, her chest moving up and down with rapid motions. She licked her lips and gave him a naughty grin. That was all the invitation he needed.

He pressed his body down on hers, crushing her breasts against his chest, and kissed his mother so passionately and forcefully that their tongues crashed together as if they were hungry animals. They grunted into each other’s mouths as they kept up their sloppy embrace.

Glavien leaned back slightly to free her breasts, and gave them both a passionate squeeze, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. He then moved in and lapped his tongue against them.

“Good boy,” she breathed, “just like that.”

He kept this up, hearing her moans as he gave her beautiful breasts all the attention they deserved. Whimpers of approval filled his ears.

His cock had had time to cool off, but his desires still ran hot. He knew it was time–time to make his mother truly his.

Glavien easily slid back up his mother’s body, as they were both slick with sweat and juices. He gave her a firm kiss, his tongue meeting its passionate counterpart. He reached down for his cock, and looked to guide it to the entrance of her pussy.

His mother knew what he was doing and reached down as well, helping him find her cunt. His cock touched her entrance. She grabbed his buttocks and pulled, in a desperate attempt to get him inside of her. He relented, and they moaned in unison when she enveloped his cock once more.

“Fuck me,” she whispered, “fuck mommy. Make her feel good.”

Glavien pulled out slightly, and thrust back in with all his force. They both groaned when that singular, cracking slap reached their ears. He did it again, and again, and again. Their breathing once again grew ever shallower, their sweat building up.

He thrusted; his mother moaned, her eyes closed, her lips parted. He surprised her with another deep, primal kiss, his tempo increasing as their tongues collided.

Her legs were wrapped tight against him. Her hands desperately gripped the damp covers and she arched her back in pure pleasure. Her breasts went up and down violently with each thrust, their flesh rhythmically pulsating.

“Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going…” Each time she said it, her pitch went up, until all that was left were loud whimpers.

He fucked her, just as she asked. He went deep, and hard, but kept his rhythm once he realised that the angle and the force were perfect for her pleasure. He knew how to bring her to the edge and tip her over, just like he had done before.

She couldn’t speak anymore, her eyes clenched shut, her teeth gritting. All she could do was make desperate noises. Her hands now clawed at his back. Sweat streamed off her forehead. Juices streamed out her pussy. Her tiara lay crooked upon her head. She was close, very close.

Seeing her like this made the pressure build in Glavien’s cock even faster. He kept his pace, relentlessly thrusting.

When her whimpers turned to squeaks, it was his mother’s turn to surprise Glavien. She opened her eyes and pulled Glavien toward her, pressing his lips against hers. Her breath caught each time his pelvis crashed against hers.

Their kiss was so filled with yearning, passion, aching desire and love that he felt himself go over the edge. His mother, too, let out a loud, guttural moan, muffled by his mouth.

Their pleasures combined, their ecstasy became one. With one, final thrust, Glavien came, as did she. A tidal wave of unstoppable pleasure crashed upon Glavien’s body, radiating from his mother’s pussy.

Their lips broke contact ever so slightly. Their screams of pleasure were released into the world, but were only meant for each other. With jittering motions, his mother once again grabbed his buttocks and pulled to keep him inside her. Her legs also tightly squeezed his body.

With his final thrusts, Glavien pumped his seed deep inside his mother’s pussy, groaning. Rope after rope released inside her body. His cum was for her, only for her.

They remained as one, caressing each other’s faces. After a short time to catch their breaths, their lips locked in another soft, deep kiss.

After a few moments, Glavien pulled back. Still, he remained inside his mother, staring deep into her eyes. He brushed her hair out of her face, and aligned her tiara back to its proper position. She laughed when he did the same for the pendant on her necklace.

Then, with some reluctance, he pulled out. His mother quickly sprang up and took a moment to clean herself with a towel, leaving an obvious damp patch on the covers caused by their sweaty lovemaking. Glavien watched her as she moved with a jubilant grace, laying his head on a pillow.

Perhaps he should’ve felt regret now, but he didn’t. Quite the opposite, in fact. He had never felt happier. Finally, he could acknowledge the connection he had only found with one person in his life.

Glavien admired the body of the woman he loved. He laughed back at his mother when she smiled at him, clambering back onto the bed. She lay down beside him, as he wrapped his arms around her warm body. Her breasts brushed softly against his ribs, the hair on her pubic mound tickling his hip.

“You are the only one for me,” he said.

She caressed his cheek with the back of a finger, and kissed his neck.

They closed their eyes and, wrapped in their warm embrace, went to sleep.