Clare’s Epiphany

It happened back in the summer of 1985.

At that time my sister-in-law, Clare, was recovering from an operation for the removal of a benign brain tumour. Clare is my wife Sue’s elder sister and, in an attempt to aid her recovery we had invited her to spend a week with us aboard our canal boat “Gemima”. We planned to cruise a particularly remote section of the South Oxford Canal and during the early part of our trip it seemed to me that Clare was behaving in a rather uncharacteristic manner: she seemed more demonstrative than usual, almost clingy, but also had a tendency to become snappish or to lapse into long, brooding silences. I mentioned this to Sue who told me that Clare had confided to her the fact that since her operation — and possibly, also, as a result of her recent divorce — her long dormant libido had quite suddenly become inflamed to an alarming degree. Masturbation, it seemed, could only partially satisfy her needs

“What she really needs is a darned good seeing-to”, was how Sue rather crudely put it.

I was surprised by this news as I had always imagined Clare to be the sort of woman who tolerated sex rather than enjoyed it, indeed I believed this to be one of the reasons for her divorce. She was in her middle forties, a little plump and, whilst certainly not unattractive I had never thought of her as having sex appeal. Admittedly she had nice legs and a well-developed bosom but her general demeanour had always seemed to me more redolent of the vicar’s wife than the village flirt.

A few days later Sue repeated her remark about Clare but this time it was accompanied by a shrewd look and the meaningful comment, “what about it?”

I confess that I was staggered. It appeared that my wife was actually encouraging me to have sex with her sister.

“What about you?”

“Oh, I won’t mind,” a knowing look, “as long as I can watch”

“Let’s be quite clear about this: you are saying that you wouldn’t mind if I fucked your sister?”

“No, because I think it would do her a power of good. Actually I think you might even enjoy it too. After all, it would give you a bit of variety, wouldn’t it?”

It took me a few moments to absorb the fact that my wife was not only permitting but actually encouraging me to have sex with my sister-in-law. Not only that but she was proposing to be present while it took place and actually to “help”, whatever that meant! Sue and I had had plenty of enjoyable sex together but it had always been entirely straightforward and conventional without a trace of “kinkiness”. This proposal was something completely new, but I must confess that the idea was strangely exciting and, to my surprise, I found that I already had an erection.

After a few moments I said, “But how will Clare react if I suggest it?”

“Don’t worry about that, she’s desperate. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed, men usually do. Besides she’s always fancied you.”


“Oh yes. Look, leave everything to me,” she even sounded as though she was enjoying this, “you take the dog out this evening as usual and when you get back I’ll make sure she’s ready for you.”

“Okay, but just one thing,” — I was a little hesitant — “I’ve always thought of Clare as belonging to the long cotton bloomer brigade…

Sue knew the powerful erotic charge that underwear has always had for me and quickly replied, “I think you might be quite surprised at what she wears underneath those prim little dresses. Don’t worry Darling, I know what you like and I’ll make sure she’s suitably dressed — or should I say suitably undressed.”

Supper that evening was a little tense. I realised that Sue must have told Clare what was going to happen. I was uncertain whether to broach the matter myself but eventually decided to wait.

After supper I went to get my walking gear on while Clare began the washing up. As I moved back along the boat I came to the narrow galley section. She was standing at the sink and thus slightly obstructed my passage. She took her hands out of the water and pressed her stomach against the sink to let me past. My pelvis brushed her bottom and I knew she must be able to feel the lump in my trousers. Almost without knowing what I was doing I slipped my hands under her arms and cupped her breasts. I expected a reaction but she just stood there with her rubber-gloved hands dripping into the sink. I started gently fondling her and after a moment she sighed and murmured, “Ooh don’t do that too often or you’ll get me all excited.”

I nipped her neck and whispered, “that’s the idea idiot.”

I could she Sue watching. She gave me a wink and then said, “for goodness sake leave her alone and go and take the dog out. We want to get ready for bed.”

We were moored in a very remote spot and the night was a clear one. On my way back I was in a state of excited anticipation but I saw steam issuing forth from the shower outlet on the boat so delayed my return to give the ladies time to complete their preparations.

When I judged that I had given them enough time I settled Monty, our lurcher, in the back cabin, took my boots off and made my way round to the front entrance of the boat. I knocked and Sue cautiously opened the door a couple of inches to make sure that it was me (it would certainly have been embarrassing had it been a stranger!) then opened it fully to let me in.

Sue was wearing her silk housecoat but I was pretty sure that she didn’t have a nightdress on underneath. But it was Clare’s appearance that stunned me. She had on very dark, very sheer stockings held up by a white suspender belt, a white bra of more than usually revealing design and a gorgeous pair of white, lace-trimmed knickers — not at all the sort of thing the vicar’s wife would wear.

I couldn’t help myself from exclaiming, “wow!”

“Come on then”, said Sue, “don’t stand there gawping at her, get your clothes off!”

Hurriedly I pulled off my pullover and shirt, unzipped my jeans and took them off. After I had removed my socks I was left standing there in nothing but my Y-fronts.

It was all too obvious that I had a massive erection and I could see the excitement in Clare’s eyes as she stared at the bulge.

“Get those pants off, Clare’s been longing to see your cock.” Sue was really enjoying this. I pulled my pants down and stood before the two women, completely naked. Whilst I am not massively well-endowed my penis is still a good deal bigger than average, certainly much bigger than Clare’s ex-husband’s, and, knowing what was about to happen to her, I could see that she was a little alarmed at the sight of it fully erect. I heard Sue say laughingly, “Well, what a fine upstanding soldier! Looks like he’s ready for action.”

It was my turn to make a move. I could sense that, although eager, Clare was also nervous now that the moment had come and she had seen the size of my member. I led her to the low footstool that Sue had placed ready. I made her sit down with her back to me so that I could fondle her breasts from behind and began to run my hands over the smooth satin cups that encased her heavy breasts. I quickly unhooked the catch of her bra and slipped it over her shoulders. I hesitated for a moment then very gently began to play with her nipples. She gave a little shudder of pleasure and I felt them stiffen as I rolled them between my fingers and thumbs.

Sue had left the cabin but now returned and I could see that she was carrying our vibrator (which we dubbed “George”) so I let my hands run slowly down over Clare’s belly and then between her closed thighs. I placed the backs of my hands together and slid them between her legs so that the palms were resting on the soft flesh of her inner thighs. Gently I eased my hands apart so that her legs were parted and the silk gusset that covered her most intimate parts was exposed. I let my hand linger for a moment in her crotch and was excited to find that her knickers were already moist.

Sue knelt on the floor in front of her and gently murmured, “now then Clary, we’re going to do something nice to you. This is ‘George’.” So saying she switched on the vibrator and began running its throbbing tip up and down the full length of the thin nylon strip that was stretched between her sister’s thighs while I resumed stroking her breasts and teasing her now fully rigid nipples.

I am quite sure that this was the first time my sister-in-law had ever experienced the wonders of a vibrator and it produced a dramatic effect. Her moans of pleasure quickly became gasps of “Oh God! Oh my God!” then she threw her head back and moaned so loudly that I was glad we were moored in such a remote place because her cries of pleasure would certainly have disturbed the crews of any neighbouring boats.

Sue increased the speed of the vibrator and Clare reached down with both hands and began frantically pushing it harder and harder against herself to increase the sensation. I doubt whether she had ever had a proper orgasm before but she was certainly about to have one now. My stroking and fondling of her breasts was no longer of any importance; every sensation was concentrated in that tiny knob of flesh between her legs. I felt her whole body go rigid; she fell briefly silent and then, at the moment of release, let out a piercing shriek followed by a long groan of satisfaction as all the tension in her body was suddenly liberated. I looked down and could see that she had flooded her knickers and that the flimsy material had been forced between her labia and was clinging there.

Aware of the wetness and with her only desire now that I should penetrate her she shouted, “get my knickers off, I want my knickers off.”

Supporting her under the armpits I gently lifted her backwards onto the floor while Sue pulled them off and dropped them in a sodden little heap on the floor.

I had never thought to hear my prim sister-in-law talking dirty but she did so now. “Fuck me. For God’s sake fuck me.” She gasped, “get your cock in and fuck me hard.”

I needed no second invitation. Her legs were wide apart and I was easily able to part the lips and push my penis into the mouth of her vagina. I held it there for a moment, while her body became tense in anticipation then slowly drove it home until our pubic bones met and I could feel the tip touching the back wall of her vagina. She let out a deep groan and I slowly pulled back the whole way and then once again slowly forced my full length deep inside her. I now began to work her rhythmically with long, slow thrusts. She seemed to be having one continuous orgasm. I was aware, too, of Sue gasping and groaning beside us and saw that she was busy with the vibrator.

I knew I could not hold out much longer and, suddenly, I was there. The hot jet of my semen spurting into her seemed to give Clare one final paroxysm of pleasure before we both subsided, utterly spent.

Clare’s body was now completely relaxed but still twitching in a series of tiny spasms as she enjoyed the afterglow of what had been, by anybody’s standards, a stupendous coupling.

Sue, too, seemed to have achieved release at almost the same moment as Clare and me.

All three of us lay there naked, deeply satisfied and each thinking their own thoughts.

Suddenly my reverie was interrupted by a twinge of fear: how was it all going to end? Would I be expected to perform like this on our two remaining nights together? Were we to become a permanent ménage a trois? Had I irretrievably damaged my marriage?

Most fortunately it was my sister-in-law’s innate good sense that came to the rescue. Next morning she was up bright and early and dressed in workaday clothes. She brought Sue and me a cup of tea in our bunk. Then she prepared breakfast for us and while we were consuming it announced that she had decided to cut her holiday short and return home. This was said without a trace of rancour and the events of the night before were not referred to.

In fact, they were never referred to again by any of us but as I said goodbye to Clare at the railway station where I had agreed to drop her she kissed me on the lips then, looking me straight in the eye with her clear, honest gaze she said, “thank you so much Peter, it was wonderful.”

I knew she didn’t just mean the cruise.

Some weeks later Clare telephoned Sue to say that she was to be married again. She had met and fallen in love with, ironically, a clergyman — a widower slightly older than herself — and she intended to marry him without delay.

Naturally we attended the wedding and I duly stood in line to kiss and congratulate her. She remained silent as I did so but gave me that same penetrating look that she had used at the railway station.

I have every reason to believe that she and Duncan are happy and fulfilled. But I feel quite sure that she has never told him about her sexual epiphany on the South Oxford Canal.