Let Me Be the One


The descendants of the Olivera family often gathered on the island and remembered those who had emigrated to the USA over a century ago. For many it was a highlight of the year, when the main house and its walled garden echoed with the shrill laughter of the youngest children. The family still living on the island would close the doors of the main house, along with neighbouring properties, that they had acquired over the years, and have them lived in by other members of the extended family who had scattered, far and wide, but never forgot their roots. Even the holiday apartments, along with two chalets that shared a swimming pool, would be given over to the Olivera family and a week was known to soon pass; bonds refashioned as before.

Lucas Olivera was of the old school and carried on the family’s links to the island; was consulted on Menorca tourism issues and ran his home with uncompromising strictness born out of his deep faith; one shared by his wife Marta; less so by his four children. The last to leave home and make her way in life was Daniella, a slender nineteen-year-old many thought to be far too introverted and reluctant to let herself go, even in the company of the family; when they partied by the pool and barbecued all manner of fish and a side of beef; the women turning their hands to devising a tasty dish for leftovers.

One thing the Olivera’s never did was let anything go to waste, and Lucas had taken to wondering how to get his Dani, as he liked to call Daniella, to break out of her introverted shell. Marta’s brother, Bernat Castell, had broken with years of absence and had agreed to be with them for the week, ‘maybe longer’ they were surprised to hear him say, when he had rung a week or so before they were all to gather. He had loftily announced his intention to be there.

‘I’ve had my fill of Barcelona,’ Bernat had declared, ‘and the academic world can spare me a few weeks. I need a complete change of scene and company.’

Marta had clapped her hands in glee, her fleshy face wreathed in smiles. ‘I just hope he joins in with us and doesn’t bury his face in some book or other…but gets involved with us all.’

‘Why shouldn’t he, if that’s what he’s into?’ Dani had asked.

‘We know you are, so perhaps you both have something in common,’ Lucas had smiled, somewhat condescendingly, ‘and we can leave you two to yourselves…’

‘We’ll see, won’t we?’ Dani had retorted, before throwing her napkin down on the table. ‘I don’t even remember what he looks like…’

‘You won’t forget him when you do meet again,’ Marta said, trying to calm the mood between them. ‘He’s good-looking…along with being clever. Better in the flesh than how he looks in that family picture. I’m surprised at you…that you don’t remember him.’

Dani saw her mother point, and she chose to look at the framed picture closely. He was lean and tall, his slender face neatly bearded. It lent him distinction; his hair swept back; a soft, captivating smile teasing the corners of his mouth. She stood before him, dressed in jeans and a cami top, her young body already filling out; the touch of his hands on her shoulders light and unthreatening; familial and affectionate.

Oh, she remembered him alright, and what he had told her before they were all gathered, and the photographer had positioned them as he thought best. She had felt the strength in his hands as one was placed lightly on her right shoulder, the other reaching down to hold her hand by her side. Bernat had spent time talking to her of things that were of common interest. It was at such moments that pubescent yearnings had been awakened; the deepest of them going unrequited.

‘In the thoughtful, their deepest feelings are shown by their silences…’



‘The gawky young teenager I last saw has become a young woman. You must be proud of her, Marta…sister…she’s clever and beautiful. We have talked…Dani and I…on the beach again, earlier…after we all played volleyball in the sea. She’s not so closed in, as you told me…when I rang to say I would be here with you all.’

Marta followed his gaze.

‘I noticed how you two were…so you being here has helped. Lucas and I do worry about her. There’s no rush, but she has no boyfriend that we know of. She has her friends, but there’s no one special…’

‘Give it time, sister…I seem to remember that you weren’t much older than Dani when you met Lucas. It’s turned out okay…’

The object of their attention was playing with a frisbee; threw it to the younger members of the family as if she was their minder. Their parents were with Lucas; swimming and gathering driftwood. An al fresco fish barbecue would follow later in the morning.

Marta’s words had set him thinking as he gazed at Dani.

Her denim beach shorts were frayed and showed off her slender legs; a sleeveless cami top shaped her only too well. If anything, her maker had been overly generous to the slender faced young woman, with her long silken black hair, tied back with a strand of brilliant yellow ribbon. He took delight in her soft innocent, even wondering gaze upon him when they talked.

‘Come on…let’s join them all?’ he suggested, on standing up and stepping out from under the cone shaped sun shelter that had been seated under. Bernat tugged off his T-shirt and kicked off his leather beach sandals. ‘Well…sis?’

‘You go…and tell that daughter of mine I will need some help with lunch…collect the things from the car. You men are in charge of the drink.’

‘Gotcha!’ he said on a casual wave of his hand as Bernat sauntered away.

Marta sighed.

Her brother was an enigma; had undergone a transformation in front of her eyes; was easy with the others; had the youngsters stand on his shoulders as they waded through the surf before they tumbled off, on a shriek of laughter and fear, only to repeat the process.

And then, the serious man had also been seen talking with Dani as he amused the youngsters in the family; she listening in rapt attention to what he had to say, her face brightening when she smiled, even laughed. Her brother was taking Dani out of herself, and she could not help but wonder about their bond.

‘We were talking about Salvador Dali…’ Dani volunteered, soon enough, when she was asked about it out of idle curiosity. ‘The painting of a beach…a tree with a limp pocket-watch hanging over a branch…’

‘Really…was that all?’

‘Yes…’ Dani must have heard the doubt in her voice. ‘Yes, he finds humour in everything. Bernat told me to look beneath the surface…or what is on the canvas…to try and get into the painter’s mind.’

‘Well, enjoy his company, but be careful…his moods can change so quickly, and your father and I don’t want you getting hurt. Do you understand what I’m saying, Dani…dear?’

‘Si, Mama…I understand.’

Dani had met his look upon her; knew that she wanted to be with him again. She would be in the company of a man who cared for her…differently, and not as an uncle should do.

It was to be seen in his eyes.



‘I forgot the snorkelling things…’

Bernat searched for what he needed; thought to ask Dani if she would swim near the headland and see the shoals of small fish and the plants growing in the rock fissures not so far below the water’s surface. Shelter could be found from the stiffening breeze and here the sea appeared calmer. Motorboats cruised the bay and closer inshore a pair of noisy jet skis were thrumming through the water making wild turns as they raced each other, spray flying high off their short foredecks.

Dani saw him approach and smiled. ‘Going exploring?’

Bernat couldn’t help but delight in her. ‘Yes…I also thought to ask if you’d like to come along?’

She hesitated. ‘I’m not a strong enough swimmer…’

‘So, we won’t go out too far and I’ll be near you…stay close enough should you get frightened…’

He saw her nod, a frown of doubt creasing her forehead, then look away.

‘I’d better get some things…are you sure…just the two of us?’

‘Yes, I’m sure. I’ll wait for you here…Dani. Now scoot!’ he laughed.

Bernat watched as she walked away; saw her reach up to refasten her hair; met her look as she turned to see if he was watching her. The young woman was only too pleasing to the eye, relation or not. He also sought to push from his mind that she had no boyfriends; found that hard to believe. He sat at the edge of the surf and slipped in the flippers; tightened the straps at his ankles. He then adjusted the strap to his goggles; dipped them in the water and hoped they’d not cloud over too quickly when they swam. He remained aware of the jet skis as they sped through the waves; watched them; was mindful of the threat they posed.

Dani watched him as Bernat sat in the surf, the skin of his lean sinewy body oiled and deeply tanned. It made the grey of his stubble beard all the more striking; that of his hair too. There had been no need to find an excuse to be with him some more; he had asked it of her, and she would have a chance to be in his company and do something different.

She met his wondering gaze, hte fit of her modestly cut bikini still enough for him, any man, to see how she filled it; but none of that mattered. Over recent days she had been drawn closer to him; had wondered on it even when she lay in her bed and conversations had played back in her mind, or they had found themselves again in each other’s company and talked of what interested them.

‘Here I am,’ she said gleefully and waving her mask, snorkel and flippers at him. ‘I’ll be as quick as I can…the breeze is strong, though.’

He sat down again and did so beside her; shifted away after the briefest of brushes of his leg to her thigh as she lifted one leg to slip on her flipper, then the other. He glimpsed the tumble of her breasts out of the corners of his eyes; her slender body a delight. Dani had become a provocation to the senses; dragged at his conscience that he should feel te way he did when she was with him. But, there was also a sense of her complicity in what played out between them.

Bernat now touched her arm for an instant and she looked his way.

‘Be sure that you stay near me, on the shore side, do you hear?’ He said it sternly, holding onto her left arm for an instant, just to make sure that she paid attention to his words of caution.

‘Yes, okay, I’ll do that….’

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean it to sound like an order. I simply have to think of your safety and those things over there.’ He pointed at the jet skis just to make the point.

‘They’re far off, what’s the worry?’

‘None, for the moment… I just want you to be aware of what’s going on around you. I want us to swim freely and not be at risk of being run down by some kid on one of those damn things.’

Bernat gazed out to sea, then at the promontory with its pines and stunted palms; Dani beside him as the swell washed over their legs. Dani looked away, after seeing how his sky-blue swimming shorts outlined his form.

‘If it wasn’t for them the place would be so still…’ she now said in a disconcerted voice.

‘Yes…now, are you ready?’ He stood up, checked the fastenings of the goggles he had chosen to wear and then made sure that Dani had followed his example.

‘This is the easy part, getting ready…keeping up with you is something else. Still…I’ll be looked after, won’t I?’

An awkward step on the pebbles that lay on this part of the foreshore made her reach out to him.



‘You’re welcome,’ Bernat smiled. ‘It’s almost like an old film…James Bond…on a beach with a beautiful girl, in a bikini. She too was holding snorkelling gear.’

‘I’ve never seen it…’

‘Too bad…they say that it’s a classic, but of its time.’

‘I’ll take your word for it…’

They waded out into the clear water and soon reached the edge of the sand shelf where the swell soon lifted them clear, obliging them to start swimming in lazy strokes; Bernat led her towards the promontory encouraging Dani to look down at the captivating scene below them. He swam on lazily, conscious of Dani nearby but his attention was quickly drawn away and to the variety of colours and shapes that were brought into relief, then faded just as quickly, by the refraction of light off the swell as if clouds were passing overhead.

‘Stop for a moment,’ he called out to her. ‘I’ll tell you what we’re looking at…’

And he did; a hand sometimes reaching out to her; she happy to grip it as she struggled to keep her buoyancy.

‘Not too long…like this,’ she gasped in her efforts.

‘Come on then,’ he answered on a gentle pull on her hand. Dani was afraid to let go. ‘You’re doing fine…’

Dani was encouraged to follow him in every dive and turn, their progress slow but in unison. It made it easier for him to mind her, but he was also aware of the distant sound of engines and the repeated slap of boat hulls on the sea’s surface. Whenever they paused, he checked that they were not straying from the safety zone he had set for them and that they were still within easy reach of the shore.

Dani was enthused by this change of plan and swam with greater confidence, even choosing to dive down and lead the way as they each sought to bring sea shells to the surface and examine them.

‘Keep up, will you?’ she laughed happily as they stopped to catch their breaths.

‘I’ll see what I can do,’ he replied. He turned to swim on his back, sculling slowly with his feet, lifting his head above the surface all the while, checking that Dani was in no danger. It occurred to him that perhaps he was being too cautious, obsessively so, but he soon realised that Marta, if she was still looking on, would expect it of him.

‘You should be doing this with your boyfriend…’ he called out to her. He had stopped again to scan the waters around them.

‘I’m happy as I am with you…’

‘Swimming and larking about in the surf! Now, check those waves!’ He swam away as he tried to ride a wave crest that the strengthening breeze, and the shelving seabed beneath them, produced. ‘We chose just the right spot…come on, Dani!’

Dani had not followed him. Instead she yelled out in sudden panic. ‘Bernat!’

‘It’s okay…I’m looking after you…come on, just a few minutes in these steeper waves!’ He kicked strongly and opened a space between them in an instant.

‘Bernat! Please…stay close…don’t go too far away from me!’

The steeper waves crashed against the rocks at the foot of the promontory sending a plume of spray over the rickety walkway that Bernat used so often in the mornings at the end of his walks along the shore.

‘Okay…as my lady wishes,’ he said and soon closed the distance between them once more. Bernat pushed aside the foul-tasting mouthpiece of his snorkel. He reached out and felt her grip on his hand; Dani drew close.

‘You’re not bored, out here, with me?’ she asked. They rose and fell on the surf, and he held her hand tighter. Dani shook her head. ‘I’ve got to sort my hair out…it’s all tangled up in these straps.’

‘Looks fine from where…hm…I’m treading water!’

‘Hold these for me?’ The goggles and breathing pipe were handed across the space between them and Dani tidied her water-slicked hair and re-fastened it. ‘Are you bored…with the stop start?’

She took her equipment from him; fumbled to put it on; did not object when he was close before her and tugged the strap of the goggles that were twisted behind her head.

‘Not at all,’ he soothed and swam away. again, in lazy circles about her. Dani had to turn to keep her eyes on him. ‘Stay still…you’ll make yourself dizzy,’ he laughed softly. ‘Do you feel strong enough to go further out, near the headland? The sea’s up and we can look at the sun’s rays through the swell…it’s something else and I haven’t done it before.’

‘Think I could stop you?’

‘No…but you could try.’

‘Go on…it’s new and very different. It’s why I’m here…with you and not the others.’

‘Right,’ he answered slowly before pulling his goggles down over his eyes. ‘Make ready then…’

He led off once more, tucking his hands by his sides to streamline his body. Pulling Dani closer to him he indicated that she should do likewise, but Bernat soon drew ahead of her with his powerful kicks. He was obliged to slow down once more as he felt her fingers touch his ankle.

‘Don’t go so fast!’ she panted. ‘I can’t keep up with you.’

They bobbed in the swell, and she held on to his shoulder while they talked. She felt his hands on her waist; was disconcerted that she liked to have him do that; the lazy sweep over her hips.

‘Turn your back to the sea, like this,’ he said, pretending that his touches had not been caresses and to gauge her reaction to them. ‘You may find it easier…let me?’ He held her arms and drew Dani close beside him. ‘You won’t get tired so quickly and,’ he smiled mischievously, ‘there’s something to be seen that’s pretty and very close-by.’


‘Yeah…look! It’s why I brought you out here. Look beneath the surface!’ He pulled the goggles over his eyes once more and put his head below the surface. ‘Look!’ he bubbled, and a heavier stream rose from his lips as he spoke.

The rock-strewn sea bed, the sun dappling its surface some five metres below them was entrancing. Bernat flexed his body and dropped down below her. He held out a hand, but Dani waved a ‘no’ to him.

‘Sorry, nut not here…it’s too deep…I’d like to go back. Okay?’

‘Come on then…lass.’

‘I’ve never been called that.’

‘Sorry…it’s old man talk.’

She gave a smile in mock acknowledgement of the remark and tightened her grip on his hand. ‘It feels safer here…show me the view, mister.’

The swell lifted, then dropped them into a trough accentuating the depth of the water. He heeded Dani’s request but was enjoying the moment. Bernat pulled her along, then past him, catching up with a flick of his flippers. The swell accelerated their progress. He stopped and held onto her.

‘Right…just follow me down, look upwards when we level off. I want you to see the sun’s rays through the swell and the bubbles. Take a deep breath and give some strong kicks.’ He held her arms firmly. ‘Can you do that…you’re not frightened?’ The noise of the Jet skis seemed far off, and he looked at her intently. ‘Okay…shall we do it?’

‘Yes…but Bernat, help me? Let’s be quick.’

He nodded and pulled on her hand, gently at first then with increased pressure as he drew her down beside him. As they levelled off deep below he rested his feet on the sand momentarily, turned Dani quickly and drew her attention to the view. Then, tugging on her arm he drew her with him towards the surface, exhaling as he went in a stream of bubbles.

‘Phew! That was brill…wonderful!’ Dani spluttered as she took in deep breaths; the ascent from the seabed through the myriad light prisms of bubbles had been exhilarating. Her fear was momentarily dispelled; his touch still upon her as a guardian might do.

But she sensed that something was wrong from Bernat’s grip on her arm. In panic she looked about her.

‘Quickly, Dani…swim past me!’ he yelled.


‘Do as I say!’ Bernat tugged at her arm again, his grip unrelenting; his legs kicking furiously as he drew her away from what he now sensed was a moment of danger.’ Follow me,’ he yelled again. ‘Do it NOW!’

She gasped for breath unable to resist the strength of his pulling hand. She swallowed water, coughing as Bernat pulled her frantically past him. He turned to look over his shoulder.


‘Go on…swim away…just do it!’ he yelled above the noise as a Jet ski approached.

‘Bernat! What about…?’

He didn’t hear her. The machine was upon them and Bernat waved frantically, pumping his legs and forcing the flippers to raise him as high as his strength allowed above the surface of the water.

He had but a moment to ensure that his body was between the Jet ski and Dani. His legs ached from his exertions as he tried desperately to draw the attention of the Jet ski driver to their presence in the water. But the driver had his face turned away and was looking at his pursuer before being doused by the bow wave of the craft as it dipped and rose in the swell.

‘Change course…get out of here!’ Bernat shrieked in anger and fear. A sixth sense made the driver jerk the handlebars and steer the craft away; the plumes of water from the bow and then the engine hiding Bernat from view. ‘You fucking idiot!’

He heard Dani’s scream of terror. ‘Are you hurt?’

He swam to where he thought her call had come from. The boats wash had knocked the breath out of him, and he drifted, in a warm semi-consciousness that took him under the surf, the light filtering down through a beautiful, silvery, azure cloud of bubbles.

Survive…you’ve got to survive this!

His instincts prevailed. He began to kick, to use what energy remained in his tired and aching legs to force his way to the surface and the light. He broke surface, gasping for breath.

‘I’ve made it…’ he mumbled. ‘Thank Christ! I can still move.’

‘Dani!’ His call to her seemed ineffectual. Yell it out, louder, man. ‘Dani!’

He bobbed listlessly in the swell unable to concentrate fully. He quelled the temptation to give in and wondered how soon it would be before he conceded to shock and lost any chance to save himself or…the girl in his charge. Had she escaped harm?

‘Dani, answer me…Dani!’

Bernat continued in plaintive calls to her as he drifted in the swell and took to checking, as best as his restricted movements allowed, his ‘state’. Both of his arms ached, but he could move them. Doing so made him groan.

‘Where are you, lass?’ he called out to her on a despairing breath. As he continued in the direction of the shore. He heard the swish of water, the uncontrolled, spluttering sobs as Dani struggled to reach him.

‘Bernat…oh, you darling man…so brave!’

‘Thank God! You’re all right!’ He gripped her hand; took it from his arm and together they swam as quickly as they could, propelled by the incoming surf.

He sat down at the water’s edge; his legs trembling, and he massaged them as best as the limited movement in his arms still allowed. He pondered his next move. Dani knelt down, facing him, touching his face and smoothing away his hair and he noticed that her eyes were again filled with tears. She couldn’t stop looking at him.

‘Sorry,’ she said, dumbly. ‘We’ve been through so much together…’

‘It’s okay…delayed shock.’ Bernat stroked her shoulder with his free hand, then her throat in his efforts to reassure her. He overbalanced and fell onto his aching arm.

‘Aw! Oh Christ!’ he couldn’t help but cry out. ‘Oh, does that hurt!’ He rubbed his shoulder.

‘You did something very special for me, today.’ Dani murmured as she spread her fingers over his chest. ‘From the moment we met again I thought you were a special friend….’

‘That’s the power of love…affection anyway, ‘ he retorted unthinkingly.

‘That’s right…that’s right, Bernat. It’s how I see it too…and even more now.’

‘It’s a figure of speech…’ he remembered the song off the CD he had played on the flight over. Fancy repeating them now, the words of an unfashionable song. But…hm! They had a confectioned meaning and, with some thought, more than the hint of truth in them. He wondered just what her experiences had been with boyfriends that she should spend time with him now.

‘There’s a bond, an even stronger one now between us…isn’t there?’ she whispered almost in disbelief that it had happened, for her.

‘I was reckless…I’m being reckless now, but you’re right, there is.’ He took her hand from his chest, resisting the urge to hold her again out of relief that she had escaped unscathed from the experience.

‘May I give you a hug?’ She had seen him for what he was and what she meant to him.

‘Dani…’ She draped her arms about his shoulders; he offered a caress to her body, at Dani’s hip. She moved to meet it.

‘You saved me…you kept me from being hit by the boats,’ she whispered in his ear, on a soft kiss. ‘You’re a lovely, lovely man. You’ve made everything that’s been wrong in my life so right…and for me alone, just now.’


‘I can’t hear you,’ she smiled unashamedly and kissed him again. ‘It’s just a small hug…a few tiny kisses to say thank you. I knew life would change…I just knew it the moment I saw you again.’

Dani was a pretty young woman and her touch on him had a distracting effect. He didn’t want her to stop and all he could do was to utter banalities.

‘I’ve come to care for you and now I feel responsible for you.’

‘You know what I mean,’ she said in a harder tone. ‘After this…after our time here, we’ll live apart again…so is this it…all there is for us?’

He chose to lie back in the surf and look up at the sky. The young woman beside him, she in that revealing bikini and with her unpracticed ways of it, had still found a way into his thoughts…aberrant as they could so easily become.

Dani looked away as he sat up, rested on his knees. She saw again the strength in his lean body, the spiral of hair on his belly; how stark his greying hair and clipped beard was against his tanned skin. ‘The others are coming over to see what’s wrong…’

‘Then I’d better get up. Just know that deeper feelings are known for their silences…’

He saw Dani nod. ‘You said that once before. Now it’s only too real…’

‘Yes, and we may have to do something about it…’

She might step into unknown territory with an older man; experience attention being paid to her that she had not known of before, in the profound ways that she heard from her friends were possible and had eluded her so far.

But…to do that with Bernat? She could not keep from stroking his back as they slowly walked to rejoin the others. If it happened, she would be taken by an older and experienced man; a handsome and caring lover. Along with his devotion, in caring for her, love would follow.



The boom of thunder, and frequent flashes of lightning provoked her to open the door that led out onto the balcony that ran past her window and of the room next door. She wondered if Bernat would be awake; peered out and was surprised to see him seated on the narrow bench placed there and for visitors to enjoy the view.

‘Bernat?’ she whispered, futile as that was in the noise that assailed her. She saw him pull away the button earphones that he had plugged into his iPhone. ‘How long have you been out here?’

‘Since before the storm began…the music I’ve been listening to goes well with it.’

‘May I sit with you?’ He wore baggy lounge pants and a silk dressing gown, loosely fastened against the chill.

‘I’d like that…’ She felt the brush of his fingers to her thigh as she did so. ‘Don’t get cold…’

‘Not with you I won’t…’

He drew her down beside him; persuaded Dani to put her legs across his lap. He brushed his fingers over the silken smooth skin of her thighs. He then put an arm about her shoulders. There was enough light from the town below to see her shaped by a flimsy T-shirt; the string fastenings of her panties at her hips.

Dani lightly touched his face; felt a moment’s caress to her throat; moved in response to what his touches had so quickly aroused in her, ‘I haven’t been able to keep what happened in the sea this morning out of my mind…what you did and said.’

‘And…and it bothers you….what those words might mean?’

‘Yes…they confuse me…feelings and actions in conflict.’

‘Well said…it is how I feel too.’

Dani stilled the progress of his slow caresses to her legs. She could feel the press of his penis against her thigh. She felt his fingers smooth over her throat before they lifted her face to meet his gaze; the water from the roof spilling over the gutter above them, and cascading to the ground far below, no distraction. She trembled out of longing and the ferocity of the storm.

He moved, and his tip pressed against her thigh as Bernat’s fingers traced a slow path over her breasts then down between her legs; brushed the fabric of her panties. His slow breaths were on her lips as she looked at him.

‘Let…let me be the one to set the bird in you free, Dani?’

‘Can we?’

He kissed her slowly. ‘We can…the question is…should we…will you let me love you?’

He heard the soft, sharp intakes of breath as his fingers pressed and eased; the fabric moving over her wet slit. Her breaths were soon on his lips; what he did washing away everything; all to be replaced by unknown pleasure; the slow dismantling of her restraint.

‘It would be crazy…you and me,’ she groaned, even as her body and mind were possessed by her uncle; had been almost from the moment he had arrived. She felt as if she was burning up; her mind alert and no longer having to fantasize.

Bernat eased her from him and stood up. He stood before her, his back to the rain and the glow of lightning that still lit the sky from time to time. He drew closer and griped the hand she held out to touch him; pulled it onto his straining prick. It shaped the front of his lounge pants.

‘It would be no crazier than to want it but do nothing about it…’ he murmured as he felt her hands hold him. ‘I’ll help you…’

She met his kiss; squirmed as his hands now cupped her breasts under the flimsy fabric of her T-shirt; felt his hands draw her to him; caress her neck before holding it and deepening their kisses.

His kisses and caresses sent a flush of longing, in wave after wave of heat onto her legs. In dismay, and from the novelty of a man’s fingers bringing her on, he slid her hand under the waist band of her knicks. Together, they soon found the moisture. She felt hot down there, in contrast to the cool of the night’s storm.

She didn’t stop him; allowed Bernat to pull away her T-shirt and for her to lean against him; her back pressed against his naked chest; his prick pressing her bum as his hands cupped her heavy breasts; caressed their tips in mesmerising strokes. She felt his breaths on her neck, the side of er throat.

‘I’ll…I’ll take care…of everything,’ he groaned as she worked him; clamped one hand to his prick as the other guided his fingering of her.

‘Take me…show me!’ she gasped; lifted her head and felt his breaths on her skin; his touches sending shivers of an uncommon longing and certainty for all that would follow. She wanted her uncle to fuck her…for Bernat to bring that length of flesh and plumb her; stretch her tight pussy and make a woman of her.

‘Let me be the one to help you…?’ he asked again, needlessly.

‘Yes…come on!’

She rushed from him and into Bernat’s bedroom; tore away his dressing gown and then knelt to pull down his lounge pants; made him turn before she took his length in her mouth. This act she did know of; enough to bring him on; his hands in her hair of no consequence.

‘I love you for helping me…wanting me.’ She said it on looking up at him; the single bedside lamp casting a soft glow; now that the thunderstorm was passing; only distant rumbles still to be heard.

‘But this type of love is best saved for someone your age…’

‘None of that matters…age!’ she retorted, her hands still working him.

‘Dani…Dani!’ he groaned and pulled her up to him.

Daniela felt lost; she didn’t know what to do; met his kisses; felt his beard touch her face as they kissed; before their mouths opened and his flickering tongue was met. She felt the rush of longing as his fingers tore loose her panty’s fastenings and his fingers entered her; did so as he was made to turn; before they slowly, but certainly, plumbed her body. She shuddered; felt her pussy burn as they slipped into her; stretched and eased. Others she’d gone with, this far, had made her bleed. She wondered what his penis would do in opening her.

Dani reached up to put an arm about his neck. ‘I’m still a virgin…have not been with a man….completely.’ Her tone held embarrassment for having to confess that it had been so.

‘I know, you darling…and that I should be the one to help you through.’

‘I love how we are together, and I trust you…’

Dani shivered on seeing him kneel between her legs, his slow caresses to her thighs inflaming her senses; had her shiver as he kissed her skin. Soft on the inside and up to her shaven mons, just a spiral of hair to be found at her crack. His fingers slowly parted her lips before he pushed in to lap at her folds; fingered her slowly before they entered deeper, but slowly.

She squirmed. ‘Go on…go on! It doesn’t hurt Bernat…love me!’

Bernat stood up; leant over her; he gloried in her breasts; how they sagged; her nipples hard and proud. He kissed them; tugged upon them gently; could not keep from her the delight that he took in being allowed to claim her.

She gaped at what he would bring to her slender body; what would soon stretch and fill her. His penis was erect; trembled; its swollen tip seen to glisten from a slick of liquid she did not know of. She saw the veins proud on its sides, bulging and dark; his testicles in their sac hardening. She stroked it in slow slips of her hands; the flattened tips of her fingernails dragged slowly over his skin.

‘Yes…yes…do that!’ he grunted, thrusting his hips forward to meet these new claims as she knelt before him, her hands on his hips than on his hard flesh.

‘Uncle…Bernat!’ The man was so virile; would bring to her as yet undiscovered pleasure; of that she no longer doubted as she found her ways with him. She stuck out her tongue and slid it up until it touched the tip; her mouth then engulfed it and she began to slip and slide over him.

‘You wild…wild girl!’ he groaned, his hands in her hair. ‘You…you don’t have to do that…not now.’

‘I want you to be the one…help me to learn and know of this.’

He heard the worry and fear that the sight of his aroused penis; the renewal of questing caresses of his hands and fingers; the certainty in all that he sought to do for her.

‘I won’t do anything to hurt you…what you don’t want from me….you know that don’t you, Dani…you wonder?’

His soft ways soothed her; his touches inflaming a wild sense of expectation; his tender words soon to be contrasted with what he sought to do with and for her. The storm had passed, and now soft moonlight was just to be seen.

She bent forward; her mouth engulfed the tipoff his penis; her warm moist lips slowly, lingeringly, enveloped him She then sucked. Abject pleasure coursed through his body; it jerked in responses to what she did and what raged in his mind; he was taking his niece to new places; the sensations flashing through his body like the lightning they had witnessed.


He wouldn’t be able to live down the embarrassment of losing it; cumming in her mouth. It seemed that she was now in another place. Dani gave him no reprieve; she squeezed harder and sucked on his prick like it was an ice cream; long slow lingering sucks drawing up until only the tip was in her mouth. A hand gripped his sac, squeezing gently as her head bobbed up and down on his cock.

‘Swallow…you’ve got me now!’ He gasped, the young woman suddenly in control. He pushed up; writhed as he felt the impossible tightening in his belly; the pressure in his sac and penis until he let go; exploded; felt her move to offer silencing kisses as he grunted incoherently.

‘I have…some of it.’ She had him taste what was on her lips. ‘I…I couldn’t stop…’

‘It’s okay…crazy but okay,’ he murmured, sweeping her hair away from Dani’s face. ‘It’s new, but you pleased me…’ He still had an irrepressible ache in his belly; his penis throbbed; all his desire for her young, full breasted body far from satisfied.

‘Girl, that was crazy…simply crazy,’ Bernat whispered, awed by her wantonness. He pushed her down and soon felt the heat and moisture; her deep state of arousal. ‘I’m the one for you now…’

His hands traced her pussy, as her legs parted to afford him access. Dani gasped, her lips trembling as if in a silent scream, or call to him, as he fingered her; offered sucking kisses before he slowly claimed her slicked warmth; felt Dani arch her back and clamp, then ease, on him; worked his fingers.

‘Now me…let me be the one to find and love you…’

‘Oh how I want that,’ she whispered, her body quivering in anticipation as he moved from her.

Bernat positioned himself, between her legs; grabbed his cock in one hand and placed it at her entrance. His tip touched her warmth. The liquid seemed to seep from within, inviting him. He let out a gasp of relief as his deepest desire became livid reality. He would claim a young woman’s body; apply gentle, questing pressure and slowly break through the wall of her remaining resistance; he’d wait then go further.

Dani’s hands clamped and caressed his skin; did so out of fear and mounting pleasure from what he brought to claim her slender body.

‘It’s okay…go slow…I love the feeling you bring…go on,’ she urged on halting breaths. Dani kissed his chest; felt him bear his weight on his elbows and feet as her legs caressed him. She sensed that he would soon be so deep inside her.

‘I’m in you…Dani…in you…’ he groaned as her un-practised ways brought their own pleasure, in body and mind. Her vaginal walls brought clamping warmth. Bernat gasped as her calls and whimpers of fear and pleasure urged him on; consumed him.

‘I…I can’t stop them..the feelings!’ she stifled her groans against his chest; moved as his hands gripped her breasts and he bent to have his mouth claim them; his body arcing before his penis plunging into her; the twisting, pumping, action provoking her to thrash her feet on the bed; to fail in slowing him. ‘Oh…oh…oh, Bernat…I’m falling!’

She stifled a scream as her orgasm wracked her body; sent tingling rushes, from where he claimed her, coursing through every sinew and nerve.

‘Oh…oh God…Bernat!’ she gasped as an unrelenting rhythm began and she sought to wrench on him, as he whispered she should do. ‘What are you doing to me?’

He stifled his own cries with kisses; gripped her breasts and pushed his face between them as her hands tugged on his heaving, pounding buttocks as he felt the pressure build in his penis; in his belly; in his sac.

‘You wonder…you wonder Dani! This is how it feels for a man!’

He thrust again and again into her young body; felt that Dani’s strength was failing her; he thought to ease in his claims but lost control. His penis leapt and erupted deep inside her; Dani throwing her head back as his halting breaths, the tingling streams of his orgasm overwhelmed her.

Dani clung to him; pressed her lips to his face then his ear as she gasped out in wonder; in wanton abandon for what she had discovered with him.

‘You’re my lover…that first!’ she kissed.’ You’re the man who brought me alive!’ She clung to him with all of her failing strength; could not prevent him rolling onto his back and she lay on him; felt him continue to fill her body with his flesh. ‘You…you never asked me…but…I’m on the pill.’

She lay down on him; felt Bernat’s hands sweep over her buttocks; his fingers finding her. She shuddered.

‘I’m so sorry,’ he said, pulling out of her, finally. ‘I’ve been selfish…’

She pressed her fingers to his lips; felt him suck on them. ‘No…you wanted me…and I loved what we did. You made me feel so complete. How can I keep this a secret…what we have done?’

He raised his head to meet her kisses. ‘I’m sorry…I was selfish…took my pleasure with you and in what we shared. I stayed in too long.’

‘I know…or perhaps you did.’ Dani kissed him like a lover. ‘My uncle’s helped me to become a woman, and I love him for that. It will all be okay, I promise.’

He eased her from him and went into the bathroom. Bernat brought a flannel and cleansed her; gloried again in Dani’s young body; bent to kiss the swell of her breasts; progressed down over her flat tummy and pressed his tongue into her, after cleansing her thighs.

‘Will I be with you again, like this?’

‘One storm has passed, Dani…another has only just begun.’

Dani drew him down to her and kissed him.

‘You will always be a part of me. Let me be the one who shared this special secret with you. Yo are a man who gave more than he took from me. I never found that with the few others that I went with. I did not give to them what I gave to you.’

Bernat understood; his niece had been the one to enlighten him on what had prevailed in her life. She had craved the union of a body and mind with another, and he had been the one to succeed in that.