Rusty Russo

“Back off, Skippy,” Rusty barked, “This area here” she drew an imaginary semi-circle with a knife-hand, “is grown up land. No kiddies allowed!”

The troop backed off and wandered somewhere else to smoke during one of our rare breaks. Rusty, aka Private-Trained Russo had that effect on people. We had been on a military training course together for many weeks at this point, and while tempers were generally short, Rusty’s had never been that long to begin with!

Personally I was just as glad. Rusty and I were the ‘old people’ on the course, having joined the military later in life. After weeks of life in tents with people ten to fifteen years our juniors, we were getting very tired of dick and fart jokes and a general lack of discipline. When they fucked up we all paid, and Rusty and I were very done paying for the poor judgment of our mates.

“Maybe you should swing into town, if we get a leave pass this weekend,” I suggested, “Blow off some steam,”

Rusty snorted. “Love to, man, but I am broke. And remember, that’s IF we get a leave pass,”. She was not wrong to be skeptical. Staff had a game they liked: tear up the leave pass. They would have us fill out the pass for approval, and even send it up for approval. We would get them returned on a Friday morning, and then by the afternoon we all had to hold our passes out front at arm’s length. Staff would walk up and down the ranks and yell “RIP!” and you watched your plans of beer and a real bed torn up like so much paper.

In fact, staff was always playing those kinds of morale games with us. That’s how Private Russo became Rusty to her course mates: “How do you plan…?” the Corporal marched up and down ranks, “To fight ze Huns…” about turn and back up the line, “With RUST! On your bayonet? RIP!” Real original, Corporal…

And that had been weeks prior. I mean, deep down Rusty and I knew the game. You can’t win on a combat arms training course, but neither can you stop trying to win. That was how to get through. Fail over and over and never give up. However, I knew Rusty was close. She had gotten bad news from home, between a burned out freezer to the illness and death of her dog, all while she was a thousand miles away.

“How about this,” the idea popped into my head while thinking Rusty might quit or blow her top, “If we get passes I was planning to get a room in town. Since we are both adults and professionals, how about I get a double room and you can pay the difference over what a single would cost?”

She stuck out her chin and frowned in thought for a moment. “I could probably swing it. You sure you’d be okay with that? IF we get leave passes?”

“Yeah man, it’s cool,” it felt good to maybe be able to help out a fellow troop.

Friday afternoon came. The staff marched us out into a gravel parking lot.

“Time to push the planet down,” staff yelled. They had gotten tired of having us do push-ups and started us pushing the planet down. We cranked out an easy thirty and were back up at attention.

“Adopt the leave pass tearing position,” someone yelled from behind us. Resigned, my fellows and I brought out our carefully folded passes.

The Sargent came down the line muttering to each troop, “Threads,”, “Haircut,”. He walked by me and looked me up and down. “Dusty boots,” he finally settled on and moved down the line. I was resigned to my fate.

As the Officer gave the mandatory weekend safety brief our shoulders started to ache. Sure it’s just a little piece of paper straight out in front of you, but we were always tired, always running. Never enough sleep, it all added up. I waited for him to finish and leave so staff could yell RIP and march us back to our tents.

“That is all, Troops,” the Officer collected his high-five from the File Leader and crisply marched off. Everyone braced themselves.

“Whythefuckareyoustillhere? DISMISSED!” Staff started yelling and they didn’t need to tell Rusty and I twice. Across the lot out eyes met: get the fuck out of Dodge!

We broke into the most enthusiastic run of the week. My long legs easily caught up to Rusty. “How long do you need?”

“Five mikes,” she puffed.

“You don’t want to hit the head first, clean up?” I heard girls like that sort of thing.

“Fuck that, I want a goddamned bath! I’ll get a cab here right away!”

And that’s how I found myself on my way to town with Russo.

The old joke in the combat trades is that they attract three kinds of women: Those who want a man, those who are running from a man, and those who want to be a man. I honestly took Rusty for the last one. She was not too tall, maybe 5’6″, and she was solidly built. I don’t mean fat or anything. She had muscle. It’s not like the uniforms gave any hint of shape or figure to a woman, but it was obvious from the work she was able to do on the course. She kept up to most of the guys day in and day out.

She had short dirty blonde hair. Easier to take care of than the braid or bun most females went with. It was usually plastered to her head with sweat, like anyone else with hair. Rusty wasn’t a girlie girl by any stretch. She was the first to rip on a guy if he wasn’t carrying their share.

In adult-land we had spoken about why we had joined. I was the old ‘My father and my father’s father before him…’ and Rusty’s grandfather had apparently at one time been a crusty old sergeant major or some such, and she wanted him to be proud of her. All this to say I never really thought of Rusty as female. She was one of the boys, for the most part.

I didn’t want to go to the el-cheap-o place that I knew the young’uns would be going. This was supposed to be a relaxing weekend away from the immature folks on our course. We hopped out of the cab in front of one of the nice places in town. We were dressed in civies, but with the strange tan lines that come from hours in ballistic goggles, helmet, and gloves. Not to mention dried dirt on our faces and a certain earthy scent. We dropped our kit in front of the desk and I asked for a double room. The older woman looked us up and down from above her glasses, clearly unimpressed.

“You two army?” she drawled. I nodded. “We don’t serve army. Too many problems,” she went on. The closest large center to a major base, the locals no doubt had lots of run-ins with rowdy troops. Rusty made an sound in her throat, like an angry cat. I just fished out my wallet and tossed a card in front of the clerk.

“Mr. Platinum here says you do,” I growled. I was a grown-assed man and was not about to be refused service while serving my damned country!

Thankfully the clerk agreed that MR. Platinum was right, and we were on our way to our room!

I passed Rusty her key-card and slid mine into the lock. Green flash and we were in. It was cool and dark inside. Curtains! Air conditioning! BEDS!

I slammed my bag down and threw myself onto the fluffy white comforter with a huge sigh. Rusty was right behind me on the second bed, her joyful sounds echoed my own. Not quite forty-eight hours all to ourselves!

After a few moments Rusty started “Can I have the first-”

“Go for it, Pal!” I interrupted, “I don’t even want to stand up yet,” I burrowed into actual pillows!

Vaguely I heard her rummaging around in her kit and then the bathroom fan went on. I drifted out of consciousness to the sound of the bathtub filling with water.

My eyes cracked open at the light from the bathroom spilled out into the room. Steam billowed out as Rusty came out. She had a bath sheet wrapped around her body, and a smaller towel wrapped turban style around her head. And! She smelled like a giiiiiiirrrrl!

After weeks of sweat and rain and mud and dust and night raids to actually smell a girl! I closed my eyes and just breathed in the soft scented soap. I could hear Rusty move to her bed and begin rummaging around in her kit. I cracked my eyes open and really saw her for the first time. The towel covered her, but I could see a little cleavage, and a little thigh as she pawed through her stuff. I even saw a pretty pink thong raked over as she looked in her bag. Everyone wore the same sad green boxers on tent lines, and all these sites and smells drove an alarming shock through my system!

“You done in the head?” the old terms driven into me! “I mean bathroom?” I asked, suddenly nervous.

“Yep,” from her side of the room. She was bent over her bag, the towel stretched across her bottom, the side of her breast showing slightly above the fluffy white towel. I had seen her legs in shorts on morning PT, but suddenly they took on an uncomfortable significance! This was Rusty Russo! She’d probably take a swing at me if she caught me looking! I snatched my toiletries up and practically dove into the bathroom!

Once inside with my back safely against the closed door I took a deep calming breath. The perfumed air was thick and moist with steam from Rusty’s bath. The large mirrors were slick with running condensation. I looked into the tub. Near the drain I was sure I could see short blonde hairs. Thicker and darker than Rusty’s head. I swallowed hard as I stared at them. Maybe it was leg hair? Hell maybe she had shaved her pits. I was not so far gone as to want her armpit hair! I gave my head a shake as I rinsed the hairs the rest of the way down the drain.

I thought for half a second about showering like a manly man would do, but fuck that! I had not had access to a tub in weeks and weeks! I poured a deep, hot bath. I noticed a little bottle on the vanity top: bubble bath. “Fuck yeah,” I muttered as I dumped half of it into the stream of water. A thick blanket of bubbles formed on water and I eased myself in.

I sunk my head into the water, leaving only my nose. I had to be careful not to get my under-carriage too close to the scalding stream of water from the tap. The hotel bath was big, but not when you are over six feet! The world went quiet when I turned off the water with my feet and just lay in luxury.

Eventually I slid slowly up to a seated position and began to wash with a brilliant white washcloth and a ridiculously small bar of hotel soap. Behind the ears, inside the ears. Between the toes. I had a flash of guilt for the dirt staining the cloth, but fuck it. For what I am paying?

My mind wandered back to Rusty. I looked around and sure enough saw a disposable ladies razor on a small shelf in the tub. I picked it up, examining it as if we were on inspection. “Got to shave, but can’t have any hair or cream left,” I muttered to myself. I thought about Rusty the girl laying right where I was. Rusty drawing that razor across her skin. Was it her armpits? I am not a fetish guy, but I could picture a breast cresting the water as her arm raised. Was it her legs? I imagined a muscular calf with soap running along it. Or was she shaving someplace else, I wondered. My hardening penis rose slowly out of the bubbles.

When you live in tents with 10-12 other dudes for extended periods there is not a lot of private time. It was a problem for all of us, but it was especially problematic for the younger guys. You didn’t want staff to catch you jerking off in the head, that was for sure. Couldn’t do it in the tent. Some guys snuck into the woods at night, carefully avoiding the fire picket. Others would use the porta-johns they had set up at the end of the rows: fucking nasty!

I just held it. It was no more comfortable for me than it was for the younger men, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Consequently I had a pretty large build up. My cock was practically vibrating as I soaped it up. I reached for my own razor to clean up a bit downstairs. I learned early in my military carrier to keep it pretty trim downstairs. Easier for rapid baby-wipe clean ups. My cock was just so grateful to be in my hand! Haha! I rinsed the blade and took a slow, firm grip on myself. I had just began the slow, slippery journey down when I heard THUMP THUMP THUMP on the door! I jumped! Thank fuck the razor was out of my hands!

“Quit jerking off in there, Loser!” Rusty’s voice through the door, “I am fucking hungry!”

The water sloshed around noisily and I figured Rusty probably knew she had caught me dick-handed as it were. I allowed my mind to leave the sensations of my penis and move to my stomach. I was pretty hungry too, and eager for something other than the “fresh” rations (read cooked at least 12 hours before and brought out to the field in portable steam trays).

“Drop your cocks and grab your socks,” she yelled into the door, startling me again.

“Bitch,” I muttered, “I am coooommminggg!” I called in a sing song like I was answering a parent.

I popped the drain with a toe and grabbed a towel. My cock was used to disappointment by now, and I knew I would be giving up privacy when I invited Rusty along anyways. He stayed semi hard as I rinsed the tub, making sure there none of my own hairs remained. I wrapped the towel around my waist and swiped a strip of condensation off the mirror to get a look at myself.

“Not bad,” I muttered. The weeks of bad food, no beer and constant PT were paying off. I am pretty tall, and will never be bulky. Two hundred pounds on my frame and I still look lean. I was doing pretty alright, anyway. I looked at the robes stacked in the bathroom, and realized Rusty either hadn’t seen them or opted not to use them.

“Well fuck it,” I thought. If she can come out in a towel, so can I! See how she likes it. I smirked. “Oh yeah, I am a professional all right,”.

Cool air greeted me as I swing the door open. I could hear the air-conditioning going at full bore. I came around the corner and struck a bit of a pose. I didn’t want to be too obvious, because like I said, I wasn’t sure Rusty even liked boys. I purposefully did not look at her. From the corner of my eye, I imagined she stopped for a second. Was she looking at me?

“Get dressed and think about where we are going to go,” Rusty ordered as she slipped back into the bathroom, closing the door.

“Well that went about as expected,” I laughed to myself as I dropped the towel. I was still at half mast and had some work to press myself into my underwear and a nice pair of jeans. I didn’t have much for civy clothing, but I had brought a button up shirt with a collar, just in case. It felt a little tight across the shoulders as I shrugged into it.

Despite being in such a hurry, Rusty stayed in the can for quite a while. I flipped through the local phone book looking for someplace to eat. Not really wanting to run into our course mates I settled on suggesting we eat in the hotel restaurant.

“Plan is good,” was Rusty’s reply through the bathroom door.

I was sitting on my bed ready to go when Rusty finally emerged. She was transformed! Her slicked back dirty blond hair was loose, damp waves framed her face. She had put on make-up! I was shocked. I didn’t even know she owned make-up. It wasn’t a lot. Some eyeliner, some lip gloss, I don’t know. When you’ve been on course for weeks and weeks it doesn’t take much to be very special. I swallowed hard, the sound echoing in my no-doubt burning ears.

“Lookin good, Troop,” I muttered, turning away to find my shoes. Rusty settled small bare feet into delicate flats.

We stepped out into the hallway, feeling damned near human!

“Mon-sewer,” Rusty intoned, holding out her elbow. Laughing I hooked my arm in hers and we silly-walked down the hall to find the restaurant.

Dinner was decimated as I leaned back from my plate. We had ordered pints, and their second cheapest bottle of wine, Rusty’s exact request. We hadn’t actually spoken much for the last 45 minutes as we just hunkered down to our food. Rusty shoved her plate back too and fished out a small mirror. She dabbed at her face with a cloth napkin before bringing out her lip gloss. It was a tube with a small stick for an applicator. She was clearly not expert in the application, but the job got done. She snapped the mirror shut and bared her teeth at me like a predator. We both laughed.

I took a moment to look at Rusty as she poured her wine. She was a surprise all right. I had not noticed these last weeks, but she had high, wide cheekbones. Her eyes were a startlingly bright grey, almost silver. And she had thick, firm lips, now a glossy shade of pink. Things you don’t notice through cam-paint and dirt I guess. She caught me studying her and I quickly whipped away holding up my beer glass, scanning for the server.

Inside I scolded myself. Don’t look at her like that! She is your course mate, a soldier, and most likely a lesbian. Give your head a shake!

My beer came, the plates got cleared, and we settled into a soldier’s second favorite pass time: bitching. Staff, course material, retarded candidates. It wasn’t long before the drinks were gone and we were both yawning a mile wide.

Rusty fished out her phone. “Ohh! Almost twenty one hundred,” she warned.

“All I want is some rack,” I muttered.

“Me too. We can rip it up tomorrow night,” she pulled out a card.

“I got this,” I told her. I knew she was broke, but also proud, so I said, “You can get breakfast,” which would no doubt be cheaper without drinks.

She was satisfied with that. She looked at me, “Thanks Man. This really saved my ass, you know?”

“I got yer six,” and offered her my fist. It was the gentlest pound she’d ever given me, and we headed back to the room. I trailed behind her, just a little. Rusty had worn a sleeveless spaghetti strapped top. Her back was wide, and muscular, for a woman, and her shoulders were rounded and defined. Not everyone’s cup of tea, perhaps, but I certainly appreciated it.

She also wore slim fitting, dark blue jeans. It turns out Rusty did have a waste, and while her bottom did not flare out widely, it was shapely and looked firm.

She turned back and caught me looking at her ass. She laughed, “Keep the pace, Troop,” she growled like one of the marching NCO’s.

We got to the room and she dipped into the bathroom and I got undressed for bed. I hadn’t thought of any sort of pajamas, so boxers and a tank would have to do. I crawled into bed, groaning as I felt an actual mattress, blankets, a pillow!

I was more than half asleep when Rusty came out. She had found the robes, it seemed. She wandered to the far side of her bed. In the dim light from the street I saw as she dropped her robe. The spaghetti strap top, with no sign of the bra, and some light blue boy-cut panties. She looked tight! I would have spent more time with my imagination, but unconsciousness crashed into me and I was out.

I was on my cot in the tent. Bug net over my face. Someone hissed, “Hey, you awake?”

Fuck me, was it time for my shift on fire picket? I sat bolt upright ready to dive into my uniform and get to work.

“Relax,” I heard in the darkness, a gentle hand on my shoulder. Realization dawned incredibly slowly. This isn’t my tent. This isn’t my cot. My vision slowly resolved.

Rusty was sitting on my bed. Her hand slid to my chest and began to press me back down into the bed. I looked at her “What’s going on?”

“Shhh,” she murmured. She got off the sheets for a moment and pushed them back. She sat her blue panty-ed butt on the mattress. “I wanted to thank you,” she whispered.

Still out of it, I shrugged, “S’no problem. Anybody would do it,”

“I don’t think that’s true. I hear the other guys talk about what they do with a leave pass: Drink a ton of beer and jerk off as much as they can in forty eight hours,” I had to admit, that was what I usually did. “So I wanted to thank you,” her hand slid under the covers, bumped my hip and slid smoothly to grasp the front of my shorts. I jerked half upright again, but she pressed me down.

“You don’t have to,” I stared, “Besides I thought you were a-”

“Just shut the fuck up, Soldier, and let me do this,” she squeezed me again, and we both knew I was done arguing. She shifted on the bed and slid the thick comforter down my body. Her fingers deftly hooked on my boxers and I slightly lifted my hips. She slid my underwear down quickly, and my cock caught on the band bending down and slapping back onto my belly with a wet smack!

“Nice,” she whispered as she took my cock in the same grip I had only a few hours earlier. Her other hand gathered my balls, feeling their smooth skin already contracting with my need.

Agonizingly slowly, she began to jerk me. After weeks of abstinence, and the evening of looking at Rusty, it was overwhelming. I let out a strangled sound, half sigh, half gasp, half crying with relief. It was pretty embarrassing, and Rusty started to laugh!

She started to move faster and my eyes closed. Then an idea occurred to me. “Can I look? At you?” I finished lamely.

“Um-hmm,” she leaned back a little, stretching my cock down in a most exciting manner.

If I was being romantic I would have looked in her eyes or something, but my eyes went right to her tits. The top was tight, and while she was probably not even a B cup her nipples were thick and puffy, pressing proudly through the thin material. I starred for a moment and actual girl flesh, “Can I-”

“Touch them,” her voice was gentle, but it sounded like a command. Tentatively I reached out, cupping her breast in my palm and pinching her fat nipple with my fingers. It was her turn to moan. I had never heard her sound like a woman, and the sound went right through me, causing a small river of pre-come to ooze from me. She expertly caught it and swirled in back around my pole.

Without thinking I sat up and pressed my face to her chest. My mouth took in the nipple through her shirt. I kissed and mouthed and suckled till the cloth was soaked. Rusty was moaning and writhing, but never stopped stroking me. She kept changing her stroke, sometimes long and slow or short and manic. When I started to heave she would drop me completely, leaving it to pulse in mid air while she caressed my balls or inner thighs.

Eventually she ended up with her top bunched under her arms, her head on my chest starring down at my cock as she worked. My arm was wrapped around her, and I was able to reach and cup her ass. It was as firm and strong as I had imagined. I pulled on her ass, the silky blue boycuts were riding up, and she shifted on the bed. Her head was on my belly and I could more easily touch her ass. Her hair felt so smooth arrayed across my skin.

I took a chance and dipped my fingers between her legs as she worked below. Her legs leapt open and I could feel her slick panties and smell the un-mistakable scent of her arousal. I pulled the gusset to the side and touched her bare, smooth pussy. So it had been pubes in the bathtub!

Feverishly she reached back and jammed her panties half way down her thighs, “Fuckn finger me!” she rasped just before I felt a warm sensation on my cock. Rusty Russo was giving me a blow job!

I slipped a finger, and then two into her. I kept my index finger on her button as I plunged the other fingers in and out. Rusty wailed around my cock and began sucking me with vigor.

“Rusty,” I gasped, “You need to stop, I’m gunna-” I started to warn her.

She came up just long enough to hiss, “Yesss, fucking do it!” before plunging back down. My hips bucked, my cock subconsciously trying to bury deep to inseminate her mouth. I exploded, she exploded! Rusty wailed around my cock and wetness sprayed and poured from her. I had never seen a squirter in real life before and as we came down I marveled at the moisture soaking into the sheets.

We were both breathing like it was wind-sprint day, and sweating like it too, to be honest.

“That was fucking awesome,” I huffed, “I’ve never made a girl do that before,”

Rusty chuckled low, “I have,” she looked down, “But it’s the first time I’ve ever done it…”

Our eyes locked in an awkward moment. Rusty realizing what she just said, me, realizing what she just said. But after all, we were locked together, sweaty twisted clothes half off, our juices everywhere. We both came to the same conclusion, fuck it, and we burst out laughing!

Rusty slowly lifted off of me and I dragged my shirt over my head. I wiped a little of my cum from her chin before dabbing ineffectually at the sodden mattress. Rusty slid her panties the rest of the way off and held them between thumb and finger. She wiggled them back and forth wetly before tossing them aside.

“Enjoy that damp spot, Troop,” she threw over her shoulder as she crawled back into her own bed. I got a good look at her ass before she threw the covers over herself.

I gave myself a quick wipe, tossed my shirt to land near Rusty’s panties, and nestled into the bed. Even with a wet spot it was heavenly, and I was soon back to sleep.

I woke up to the sounds of the tiny in-room coffee makers chuckling and hissing. Coffee smell hit my nose and a reared up stretching. Rusty walked by, bottomless, and grabbed her fresh coffee.

The events of the night came rushing back and I grinned like the Cheshire Cat. Considering how Rusty was dressed, or not dressed, it seemed like she wasn’t shy about the nights events. Thank fuck!

I rolled out of bed and grabbed her ass hard. She squealed and punched me in the shoulder, “Fuck off,” she laughed.

“What do you want to do today?” I asked, feeling myself harden.

“Imna start with a shower, and then that breakfast,” she announced. “After that we’ll see,” she looked down at my tightening shorts.

I blatantly stared back at her. Her pussy was bare as a good Troop’s face on inspection, and she stood unselfconsciously. “Maybe I will join you in that shower?” I asked.

“Be my guest,” she executed a crisp about turn and marched into the shower. I followed right behind her.

We started out properly, in army style, one troop gets wet, the other gets soap, and switch. Once she was wet I dipped into the water. I felt her soapy hands, she was playing grab-ass like some kind of recruit! I didn’t think chicks did this sort of thing, but I guess Rusty wasn’t your normal chick.

I tried turning away to dodge her assault, but since I’d gotten soap in my eyes I didn’t see her coming and she managed to goose me good! I think a finger even got in a tiny bit! I nearly wiped out while pivoting my ass away from her. Which meant she was able to get her hands on my protruding pole. We were laughing like idiots as I finally clamped onto her wrists prying her hands off my junk.

“Awe,” she pretended to pout as her hand swiveled in a jerking motion in the air. Laughing I let go of her wrists and shot my hands out to her tits. She grabbed my cock again and the smooth soapiness of it made me moan.

Not do be outdone I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. I pulled her close to me, my cock was pressed to her ass. I reached around with one hand to kneed her nipple into her breast, and the other shot between her legs. Two could play at this soapy sensation game! I was careful not to let any soap get inside her as I rubbed it clit back and forth.

Rusty responded by grinding her ass into my groin. She found some soap and reached behind herself, thoroughly covered her ass in suds, and grabbed my cock. While I played with her tits and pussy she dragged my cock back and forth across her ass like a windshield wiper!

The bathroom was absolutely thick with steam at this point, and we were both breathing hard. When I heard her cry out and felt her thighs clamp in my fingers I was done too. I leaned back, bracing myself on the wall as I shot my load up her back, spurt after spurt. I would never have thought a shower handy would be so intense, but I staggered as I came down, again almost slipping.

I helped rinse my cum from off her back, and stumbled out of the shower. I made a cursory swipe with a towel before loosely wrapping it around my waist. I went out into the blessed coolness of the room and toppled face down onto the bed. My body steamed as Rusty finished her shower in peace.

The day flew buy in easy company. We basically did the tourist thing: went to the local museum, went to the park. We hit up the water front. Quiet pub for lunch. It was easy to spot fellow personnel on leave, but because of the places we went, we didn’t see anyone from our course, thank fuck.

It was not like we were becoming lovers, or romantic or anything like that. Once we were out of the room we were back to being all business. Professionals and colleagues. Mutual respect. That kind of thing. No one would think twice. By the time we got back to the room that evening we had been out for hours and walked for miles and miles. We were in good shape, but still operating on a sleep deficit, so tired was how we always felt, even after a great day like we had.

We got into the room, dumped our leftovers in the fridge and made a small pile of our souvenirs. I cracked a beer from a local mircro brew and sat on my fresh bed. We hadn’t put the sign up to keep cleaning staff out, so they must have had some raised eyebrows. Or not I guess. Hotel staff must see all kinds of weird shit. Ripped up cum covered beds might not be an uncommon sight after all.

Rusty and I took quick baths, separately this time, and sipped beer. We let the television play in the background. I was surprised that after all that time without TV, I had almost no interest in it. We mostly talked until lights out.

Rusty came out of the can with a robe wrapped high under her neck. I looked at her in the dim light of the side lamp, I felt sure I knew what was coming.

“So, uh,” she started, sitting on her bed. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea here. I don’t like, love you, or whatever,” I wanted to say Well thank fuck, Rusty, but I kept my mouth shut. “I didn’t really plan any of this, and, well, you aren’t exactly my type, if you get my drift…” she kind of trailed off.

I poured the bottom half of my beer down my throat, “Look, I think you are a good Troop,” I started. “But I don’t even know your first name,”

Rusty snorted, “I don’t know yours!”

“I respect you as a soldier, and it’s been great training with you. But I did not invite you to come here for any reason other than to look out for buddy. I had zero imagination that anything would happen between us. As far as I am concerned, fun is fun. And that’s it. When we get back to base nothing has to be different,” I arched my eyebrow at her and quoted Staff “I didn’t come here to make friends,”

She gave a most un-lady-like snort and said dryly, “Well that’s good,”

We sat in silence for a minute, mulling our situation. Her hand slowly drifted up to the collar of the robe.

“In that case,” her fingers curled in, “Do you think… maybe… you’d like to,”

“Oh Gawd yes,” I barked. The pall was broken and she laughed loudly and threw open her robe. She was naked as a jaybird underneath. She threw her thighs wide and learned back, “A-dinner, is served,” she purred.

She did not have to invite me twice, I dove between her legs. I love to go down on a woman, and I took my time with this rare opportunity. I kissed her inner thighs, luxuriating in the muscle tone I found. First one thigh, closer and closer to her prize, and then I skipped over to her other thigh. She began to gasp slightly as I would occasionally tap her lips or clit gently with my nose. I could sense her mounting frustration, as her hips began to buck, trying to catch me off guard and reduce my teasing. I decided to give her some relief and drew my pointed tongue in small circles down at the very bottom of her opening. I could see and taste her milky desire forming there, such a turn on for me!

I could not resist to swipe my tongue between her labia, from bottom to top in one long stroke before moving back out to run circles around the outer edges of her lips, loop over her hood at the top and back down. I continued this pattern as Rusty’s hips began to move up and down rhythmically. I kept pace with her movements, never letting her get more contact than I was applying with my mouth and tongue. I wanted her begging for it!

I stopped for a few moments and drew back to admire her flower. She had lovely, thick labia, blushed darker than her thighs by her arousal. Like the petals of a dark rose, or perhaps a succulent. I took one of her lips between mine, kissing, sucking, and gently tugging on it before moving across to its twin. I pulled both lips in and French kissed her pussy, spearing my tongue deep into her folds. Rusty’s hand on my head made it clear that she was loving this as much as I was!

I started to allow the tip of my nose to bump Rusty’s clit on her downswing, while I lapped as deeply into her opening as I could, drawing as much sweet nectar as possible into my mouth. I had no idea when I would get to taste a woman again, so I determined to cherish it. Rusty’s keening and occasional swearing from above let me know I was still on track. That and her second hand now on my head, pushing me down into her.

Finally I decided to show mercy and moved up to take her clitoris into my mouth. I gently lashed my tongue back and forth across it while my lips pressed it from all sides. I gently suckled as well, and I knew Rusty was nearly there. Finally her thighs clamped around my ears muffling her cries. Rusty’s strong hands ground my face into her groin as she bucked hard against my mouth chin and nose. I could breathe only for a moment on her down stroke, otherwise I held on as Rusty slowly came down again. I cradled her clit gently with my lips, knowing how sensitive I can be after an orgasm. Finally her thighs fell open, and I relinquished, plastering her lips and inner thighs with butterfly kisses until she eventually pushed my head back.

She gazed down at me, glassy eyed, “Where did you learn to do that, Troop?” My mind flashed back to a summer with my land-lady what seemed a life time ago. She had been a fine teacher in so many ways. Knowing I was wet from my eyebrows to my chin, I just smiled up at Rusty.

I pushed up from between her thighs, happy to straighten out. My erection had been confined uncomfortably for some time, and I could feel my own excitement had made a sizable wet spot through my jeans. In what I hoped was a seductive manner I began to unbutton my shirt. I undid my belt with a small flourish and popped my jeans open. Rusty watched intently as I lowered my jeans, leaving my damp boxers tenting lewdly. I stood tall and lean in front of her, hoping she liked what she saw.

Suddenly shy, Rusty dipped into the pocket of robe that barely hung over her arms. She drew out a small plastic square.

“I got this out of the ladies room at the pub this afternoon,” she murmured. It was a vending machine condom. “It cost me a whole dollar,”

“Worth every penny no doubt,” I countered.

“Would…” she paused, “Would you like to use it?” she was whispering at the end. She looked afraid, but I couldn’t tell if she was afraid I would say no, or afraid I would say yes. I leaned my face, still shining with her wetness, to hers and touched our foreheads together. Her eyes grew wide, and I think she was afraid I would kiss her on the mouth. Somehow that seemed too intimate, strange as that sounds.

“I would like that very much,” I said gently, and took the condom, tearing it open.

“Look,” she bit her lip, “I am, uh, out of practice with this part,” she stared down as my hard penis bounced out of my lower boxers. It pointed directly at her opening. I pinched the tip of the condom and began to roll it down. “So go easy, okay? And, and I am not on the pill so if you break that…”

“I will try to be careful,” I gently teased at her opening with my now covered head. She gasped and I swear her nipples got harder as I dragged my tip up and down her labia. I bumped it into her clit and slid around from top to bottom once more. Her breathing became ragged.

I placed myself directly at her entrance, “Are you one hundred percent certain? We can stop if you need to,” I asked her, lifting her face to look her directly in the eye. It seemed like there were unshed tears and I expected her to tell me to stop.

She broke into a weak smile, “Fucking do it before I lose my nerve,” she whispered.

I pushed slowly, slowly into her heavenly depths. I wanted to be cool but even through the condom she felt so amazing. So warm and tight, soft and smooth and strong. After all the weeks of yelling and running and sleep deprivation, I was in heaven.

I couldn’t help it, I leaned forward and pressed Rusty down into the soft bed. Her skin was on my skin, her breasts piled up against my chest. My face naturally came to rest in the crook of her neck. I entered her fully, feeling myself bump something deep inside her. I was safe, I was home. I felt my eyes sting at the feeling of comfort and caring that I felt. I squeezed them shut. If Rusty saw my face in that moment all bets would have been off and I’d have been sleeping in the bathtub!

I took a deep breath and drew myself out of her. Slowly a plunged back in. Drag out, ease forward. Again. And again. I felt Rusty moving in time underneath me now, her body pressing as hard into me as I pressed into her. We got into a rhythm. Slow at first, but faster and faster. I ran one hand down and cupped her ass, pulling her harder against me on my down stroke. I felt her hands, one on my back, nails pressing, the other on my ass, pulling me down into her.

She began to rock her hips, grinding me against her insides. I felt her hips start to spasm when she did it. I grabbed her ass with both hands, pressing my weight into her. Rusty’s nails began to dig at me as her breath came in short bursts. She pushed me out and grabbed my cock, inspecting the condom to make sure it was intact, before she shoved me deeply inside of her again.

I pushed deep and stopped thrusting for a few minutes and allowed Rusty grind her hips just so. She started to moan and shake. She pulled feverishly at my ass. She started to wail, “Fuck me, fuckme, fuckmefuckmefuckme, FUCK MEEEE!”

The floodgates opened. I drove into her will all I had. I pumped feverishly until I was over the top and buried myself as deeply as I could into her body and exploded into the condom over and over as Rusty whispered,”Yes, yes, yesyesyesyes…” and then ” Shhh…” she stroked the back of my neck as I slowly came back down. I stayed between Rusty’s legs, breathing her in, feeling her skin. She lightly stroked my skin as I softened inside her. Eventually I took a deep breath and lifted myself off of her, and out of her. The condom stayed with my softening penis as I pulled out. It was whole, thank God!

I slid the condom off and tied a knot in the end.

“Keep those dangerous little goblins locked in there,” I joked, rolling away and crashing down beside a chuckling Rusty Russo.

Somehow I made my way to my own bed.

We slept until ten minutes before check out. Hurriedly we threw our stuff into our bags and slunk out of our room with guilty faces. We hadn’t even had time to shower our nights adventure away!

We had lunch and poked around some shops a little. It felt lame to be carrying our kit with us everywhere, so it didn’t take long before we agreed to head back to base a little early.

We pulled up to tent lines and walked sadly back into hell. I took the time in the afternoon to clean up, polish my boots and do some laundry. While I was going through I found Rusty’s blue, boy-cut panties rolled in with my stuff. I convinced myself it would be too awkward, so I just filed the panties into a zip-lock bag and hid them deep in my foot locker. She never asked, I never told.

I did take them with me when I got my next leave pass. Nothing beats the scent of a woman.

Rusty and I never went to town together again. We never talked about it either. We didn’t really need ‘Adult-land’ anymore. We just sort of buckled down and finished the course.

I kept up with her on social media for a while. I think she married a Sargent, actual male type, and they had kids. So I guess maybe I didn’t know all there was to know about Rusty Russo.

I bet if I dig around I still have those panties somewhere…