Daughter has a Sexy New Body

Jeannie comes to stay the summer with Dad. Will their usual flirting and banter change now that she has a knockout new body, not to mention a new seductive attitude. So who will do the seducing and who will resist? As always, feel free to email me with comments and give me some love at the end of the story!


Jeannie Chapter 1

The speedometer hit eighty on my new fire truck red F-250 and the spring scenery whizzed by, but I was not sightseeing, I was going home.

I had spent all my summers with my Dad since my parent’s divorce nearly ten years ago, but last summer I had to stay and help my bonus Dad at his construction business. They were in a bind and since he married my Mom, he has treated me like his own daughter. But I have this summer off, a brand new truck, and am driving the three hour drive by myself for the first time.

I was so anxious to see my Dad. I missed him terribly last summer and it has been nearly two years since I’ve seen him. He also owns a construction company and I know he hoped I would work with him. Because I spent the school year with them, it was an easy transition into bonus Dad’s company.

I would be looking for a new address this time. Dad had built and moved into his new house. I can’t say I will miss the old place.

I was a chubby kid, a loner, and not interested in fitting in. I was ten when they divorced and my weight slowly crept up until Mom suggested a dance exercise class when I was sixteen. It was more dance than exercise and I was hooked. The weight came off and I toned up and got more active. Right around then Mom married bonus Dad who had money and a family membership to the country club. I learned to play tennis, then golf, and played one or the other nearly every day. And I still loved to dance.

As soon as I pulled in the driveway Daddy was out the door and coming down the sidewalk. I ran into his arms and felt that old protected feeling you can only get from your Dad. I did not want to let him go and he held me tight.

“I’ve missed you so much, Jeannie,” he said against my neck and I nodded and sniffed. “Come on, you’re going to get the neighbors talking about my new young chick.”

I clamped a hand on his very toned ass and said, “Let’s see what they say now!”

He reached over the bed of the pickup to retrieve my suitcase and wiggled his ass at me. I laughed. We were back to our usual teasing and fun. Mom always said Daddy and I got carried away, she should see this now, I thought, laughing to myself.

“The house is beautiful, Daddy. So modern.”

“It is. I’ve always liked modern style. The clean lines. It was easy to design because it had been in the back of my mind for a long time.”

He pulled the oversize polished metal door open and I stepped into the entry, which soared both floors. Stainless cable wove up the stairs and the second-floor overlook. Light poured in from the back of the house and hit the hundreds of tiny colored prisms of the entry light.

“An elevator?” I said when I noticed the door on the opposite side.

“Try hauling furniture up those stairs!”

“Point made there.”

“Besides, I plan on growing old in this house and when the knees give out, I’ll ride.”

“You’ll be riding a Harley by then!” He snorted.

“Let me show you your room and we can tour the house later.” He loaded my two suitcases into the elevator and up we went.

I looked down over the cable rail I saw from below. “That light is stunning. I can’t wait to see it lit.”

“Thanks, I designed that too. No crystal chandeliers for me and that was about all they had for the size I needed.”

“I’m impressed.”

“Hey baby, I”m impressed with you,” he said, looking me up and down. “You look fantastic. So fit and healthy.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” said bathing in his compliment. “Now I’ll really be able to whip your butt at someone on one!”

“Bring it on! A pad and the hoop await around back,” he said, laughing.

He opened the door to a room that actually sucked the breath out of me. One whole wall was glass and looked out over a large lake we used to fish and boat on. The colors in the fall would be incredible, I thought. That’s the view I would see when I woke in the morning from my king-size bed.

“Wowwwwwww.” That was all I could say.

I ran my hand over the fur spread on the bed and handwoven pillows to match. All the warm texture everywhere kept the modern space from being cool and austere. A panel of thick nubby drapes dropped from ceiling to floor in the corner. An overstuffed chair and table created a reading corner.

“If you need anything, just let me know,” he said, leading me into a room as big as my bedroom.

“Mmmm, I’m going to have to check my contacts to see who to invite to shower with me. Or how many, I mean.” I looked in the oversize glass-walled shower. It had jets on three sides and a variety of shower heads in the ceiling.

“Guess you better not see mine then,” he said laughing.

“Seriously, it’s really gorgeous Daddy,” I said trailing my fingers along the cool stone counter.

“Not as gorgeous as you, Jeannie. I just can’t get over it. I’m not sure I’d recognize you on the street!”

“Daddy, I still haven’t lost my European tits and ass!” I said, slapping my butt. “Straight from ze old country thanks to Grandma.”

He laughed. “I’m the only one get to slap that sexy ass,” he said walking out. “Get dressed and come down to the kitchen, if you don’t get lost, I’ll make us sandwiches,” he hollered back.

“Very funny!” I said, but thinking I could very well get lost in this house.

I took a quick shower and tried to tuck in the damp curls that came loose from the pins, but gave up. I learned a long time ago, when you have curly hair, like a dominatrix, it rules you.

I took a t-shirt and shorts out of my suitcase deciding to stow my clothes later. “If I don’t get lost in the closet,” I muttered to myself and chuckled.

I descended the staircase and had a flash of coming down the winding steps in a beautiful filmy gown that trailed down each step behind me. Where that came from I don’t know because I was Webster’s definition of a tomboy. Always was always will be.

“I followed the scent of bologna,” I said walking into a kitchen that a chef would be orgasmic over. “Nice, Daddy, nice,” I said looking around.

I sat at the counter with my arms folded in front of me and my tits resting on them. A nasty habit I acquired that was usually done in private when Mom and bonus Dad was gone, or most certainly not in the kitchen. They both claimed hives from anything remotely related to cooking. Not wearing a bra was another habit to break. But it was too late now. I was not going to run back upstairs just to put a bra on. Fuck it. A boob is a boob is a boob.

“Bottle of soda?” he asked, sliding the cold bottle on the side of my neck. I jumped and a shiver ran through me.

“You’ll get yours, buddy!” I leaned back in the chair and noticed that the cold shock made my nipples poke out the thin cotton t-shirt like two pencil erasers, and I looked up to see Daddy looking.

I was used to male attention for my thirty-six D’s. I did inherit them from Grandma and she warned me that my tits would be my life. She was surely right. She also still rocked her tits and ass, but to be fair, we are a young family. My Dad was twenty when I was born, and his Mama had him when she was eighteen. So she was currently fifty-eight. I knew I’d be seeing her soon.

“Daddy, you know you’re in pretty good shape yourself! No Dad bod for you.”

“I started swimming every day and get in a round of golf or two. Nothing too strenuous for me,” he said laughing.

“Glad I brought my clubs then.”

“You’re golfing? That’s great baby, we will definitely get out.”

“I’d love to whack some balls around with you,” I said smirking.

“Oh boy, am I ever rusty. I’ll need to stay on my toes for you.” He laughed.

After sandwiches, he showed me the rest of the house. Everything was deliciously decorated with textures, matte, and shine. He admitted to some decorating help but he approved everything first.

He pulled open the slider that stacked back in the wall opening the living area to the outside. A covered outdoor seating area was tucked next to the house, and that led to a seating area at the land end of a long dock. The fire pit was huge and well used. In a more secluded end of the house was the pool, with a hot tub behind that, which had full privacy.

“A hot tub!”

“Yes, you want to get in? Go get your suit on and I’ll meet you back here.”

“I ran up to my room and rooted through my suitcase, glad I threw it in.

Two towels hung over the edge and Daddy was already sitting there with his arms on the edge. I saw him watch me as I lowered into the water. Not surprising because he had not seen me without fat before. My bikini top had normal cups but because I was a D cup, did not cover as well as someone with smaller tits. My bottoms tied at the hips and also weren’t all that skimpy. Dressing provocatively was just not me.

“Mmmm, this feels so good,” I said sinking into the hot frothy water. I slid on the bench until a jet pounded on my lower back. “Oh boy,” I said, my voice vibrating. We laughed.

“There’s a recliner over here.” He motioned next to him.

After I had enough of the back massage and stood up and tried to find the recliner and in the meantime fell over Daddy’s feet and landed in his lap.

“Oooffff,” he grunted.

“Oops,” I said, scrambling to stand up but sliding in my haste.

“Easy baby,” he said, holding my hips. Before he pushed me up and steadied me I felt his hard cock against my ass.

“Whoa,” I said reclining on the curved surface. “Was that a beer can on your lap or are you just happy to see me.”

He shrugged, not laughing. “It’s what happens when a beautiful woman lands on my lap.”

“Really. You must make a lot of women fall for you,” I said chuckling.

He didn’t answer.

I squirmed on the recliner adjusting myself on the jets. I moved my legs and suddenly one shot between my legs and I quickly closed my thighs.

Daddy heard me gasp and said, “You okay Jeannie?”


I slowly opened my thighs again and the jet hit me square on the clit. I slid up a little trying to get away from the intensity.

“Those jets can be angled you know.”


I slowly opened my thighs again but at the same time, I slid back down and right into the jet.

“OHMYGOD.” I clamped my thighs shut again.

“Would you like me to adjust that one for you?”

“You knew!”

“Well yeah. Let me adjust it so you can enjoy it.”

“I’m not doing that in front of you!”

“I don’t mind really. I’d expect my daughter would pleasure herself.”

“Well I do, yeah but….”

“Do you want me to adjust it and leave?”

“Well, that seems silly too,” I said, wondering if I was being ridiculous, or be more ridiculous doing it.


“Okay, fix it. Just don’t look at me!”

“I won’t look at you baby. You just enjoy!”

He leaned over and said, “I can’t adjust it with your thighs closed.”

“Oh. Right.” I opened my thighs and the stream hit me again and I clamped my thighs together. “I can’t do that, Daddy.”

“Okay then. Is the stream too strong or okay?”

“Too strong.”

“Okay, let me do this.” He pushed his fingers down through the junction of my pussy and thighs and pretty much worked his fingers down through my slit with only the thin suit between his fingers and my slick folds and clit. My thighs were clamped so tight together he had to wiggle his fingers to dig down.

“Mmmm,” I moaned. Finally, his fingers were on the jet and his fingers began twisting and his knuckles rubbed my clit. I moaned again. I saw movement and glanced over to see his the tip of his cock had grown out the bottom of his shorts. They were wet and clung to the shape of his cock and around his balls. I swallowed, not caring if it was my Daddy’s cock or not. I loved to see men’s cocks in all sizes, shapes, and lengths.

He began to work his fingers out again and this time I knew he applied more pressure against my pussy than he did going down.

“Open your legs, baby,” he whispered, his voice rasping.

I did and instantly started whimpering. Waves of pleasure racked through me. I instinctively began kneading my tits and pulling at my nipples. I was just riding on surges of pleasure and it was one long orgasm. I rocked my hips and it was even more intense. I squeezed my tits and kept tugging at my nipple through the bikini. I was insane with lust and pulled the cups aside, bared my breasts, and began pinching and plucking my nipples while I rode the wave of the jet.

Suddenly everything shut down. Jets, lights, bubbles. Done.

“C’mon baby, time to get out,” Daddy said, standing next to me in the water and taking my upper arms. I swung my legs down, my body still trembled and tiny orgasms racked through my body. He helped me out of the tub and put his arms around my shoulders. “You okay, Jeannie?”

I wrapped my arms around his middle. “Oh yeahhhhhhhhh.” When I felt my hard nipples rubbing on his chest, I realized my breasts were still bare. I didn’t care. I felt so good. Like I was on a high. I pressed my aching tits into him.

“Oh baby,” he murmured in my ear. “You’re killing me.” He held me against him and the flame ignited again.

“I’m aching, Daddy.”

“Oh god, I know. I know. I am too. But you need to go to bed. Now.” He took me to my bedroom and closed the door behind me.

I took my suit off and crawled into bed naked. My skin was hyper-sensitive and I needed to cum again. I flicked my fingers across my clit, arched when I went over the edge, moaning, “OH Daddy, fuck me.”

The next morning I came down to the kitchen in search of coffee. I poured a mug and stood in front of the coffeemaker drinking it.

“Good morning, baby girl,” Daddy said brightly.

“Ugh. I feel like I’m hungover.” I said, not turning around to face him.

“Sex hangover. Proven medical condition.”

“I can’t believe I did that in front of you, Daddy.” I was embarrassed.

“You wouldn’t say that if you knew how beautiful you were.” He came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. “Our sexuality isn’t something we should be ashamed of.”

I turned and he held me against him. “Oh Daddy, I guess I’m just not used to being open. Mama and bonus Dad are everything must be behind closed doors. I do think sex is beautiful and isn’t something that should be hidden away or not talked about.”

He smoothed the curls back from my face. “I’m glad you feel that way. I am the same. So please don’t ever be embarrassed again, okay?”

“Yes Daddy,” I whispered, kissing him softly on the lips.

He held my face in his hands and looked into my eyes. “You are my sweet daughter. I love you so much.”

I kissed him again and touched his lip with my tongue. His lips parted and touched his tongue with the tip of mine. I wrapped my arms around him.

His cell phone went off. “Sorry baby, I have to get this, it’s work.” I nodded and stepped back. “Hello, Tim here,” he said walking away.

I found the basketball and shot some baskets. I needed to get moving again. I was used to it and wanted to stay in the habit.

“I thought I heard the BB.”

I tossed it to him and he went in for a basket. He dribbled back towards the basket and I jumped in front of him and he tried to push past and his chest rubbed on my tits and we went back and forth as he tried to get around me. I stole the ball, or he let me steal the ball and I was dribbling and he was behind me to block. He pushed into me so I could not swing around and shoot and my ass pressed into his cock. As I turned from side to side and kept bumping his cock which by now was hard. We continued on with a lot of body blocking. We were both out of breath and we called for a break. I got a look at the tent his pants when he tipped his head back and drained a bottle of water.

“I’m out.”

“I knew you couldn’t keep up with me old man.”

“Old man huh,” he said and started stalking me.

I ran across the yard and he tackled me, landing on top of me, his cock pressing into my ass. I was laughing and bucking trying to get him off me. He lifted just enough I could roll and came down on me again. My legs were inside his and his cock was zeroed in between my legs. I arched and pushed my tits in to his chest, still trying to buck him off.

He leaned up on his elbows and pressed his lips into mine and said, “If you don’t quit doing that, you may get more than you bargained for.” At the same time rocking his hips into mine.

“Oh.” I pushed up once and stopped.

“Jeannie,” he warned.

Then I ground into him.

He growled and pushed back.


He pushed up and pulled me up by the hand. “Let’s go out for lunch,” he said, walking into the house.

I was never the type to wonder about the mysteries of the universe or the depth of our lives. What happens, happens. Take it or leave it.

I did know that during our time together now he became a virile man in my eyes instead of just my Dad. I was old enough to know all the consequences and old enough to make decisions that were right for me, although not necessarily for anyone else.


I remember going to a girlfriend’s house after we graduated from high school for a pool party. Actually, she had just invited a few of her male and female friends over, so party might be an overstatement.

They had a big backyard, pool, outdoor kitchen, hot tub, and fire pit. Not nearly as nice as here, but at the time it was very impressive.

Laurie and I were best friends and always at each other’s houses. Her Dad was an attorney and usually wearing a suit, even at home, but there were times he would be in shorts if he was just hanging around the house. But whether he wore suit pants or leisure shorts one thing I never missed was the huge bulge between his legs. Larger than any I had ever seen before. Like a chipped tooth you can’t keep your tongue off, I couldn’t take my eyes off his bulge.

If he sat it was a big bulging package between his legs, otherwise, it would push his fly out when he stood. I was eighteen and coming into myself and thought it was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen.

During the party, I jumped out of the pool and ran into the house, and barreled into the bathroom to pee. I stopped short when I nearly ran into her Dad standing in front of the toilet just finishing up.

“Come in and close the door before we get a party going in here,” he said laughing. “I don’t mind a party of one though.”

I squirmed and he stepped back and motioned to sit down. I had to pee and didn’t have time to mull the situation over. I sat down and while I felt the inevitable good feeling of peeing when you really have to go, I watched her Dad slipping his cock back in the zipper.

He smiled. “Feel better?” There was that bulge right in front of my face. Only feet away. I stared. “Something wrong, Jeannie?”

I swallowed. “Uhh, no.” I could feel my nipples harden in my wet bikini top and at eighteen I had been fully blossomed out to my present thirty-eight D, thanks to genetics.

Of course, he did not miss that. “Are you cold, honey?”

“Not really.”

“We can play a game if you like?”


“Yes, a game of I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

My tits to see what that bulge was all about? Fuck yeah. I nodded.

He went over to lock the door which gave me time to finally get off the toilet. He watched and I took my time and let him see my shaved pussy.

“Oh my, you are a woman now aren’t you.”

I went to stand in front of him and reached behind me to pull the tie on my bikini top and around my neck. The straps fell but I held it in front of my tits, which were now aching for attention.

“Very seductive, Jeannie.” I slowly let the top fall to the floor. “Mmmm, I’ve been wondering what you had hidden and now you give me the privilege of seeing them.” I trembled under his gaze.