SpellsRUs: Urge for Self Loving

My thanks to:

J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories.

My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series.

Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic’s Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with others’ actions and how it troubles the conscience of the self-respecting, not to mention frequent mentions in this little yarn.

Bill Hart, creator of the Spells R Us and it’s Wizard, master of the fine print, Robert Heinlein for writing such wonderful classics as Stranger in a Strange Land, and finally, all of you out there who read these stories..

And now, on with the story!


As best I can recall now, the whole life-changing incident occurred in spring time. You’ll have to forgive my blurred memory. At this distance, it becomes difficult to remember exact dates. Anyway, on with the whole sordid story. So, let me just tell my story, and if you want to alter anything to make it fit together better, be my guest. I’d be the last guy on the planet to insist on accuracy if it’s lack makes a better story.

It was an average spring morning. The temperature was somewhere in the high sixties, a bit overcast. Since I had the day off work, I decided to spend the day surfing the ‘Net.

A few bits of junk e-mail, nothing worth even a first look. Anything in newsgroups? Nope, nothing.

Let’s try some of the story archives… Ahh, here we go. A new Master PC story. Download that. Nothing new from J R D. Oh well. J R Parz got anything? Yup, here we go. Nothing else interesting. Must be a slow day.

I logged off the ‘Net, opened up MS Word, and started reading. The new Master PC story wasn’t all that interesting, just the usual ‘geek gets ultimate power, geek uses ultimate power to enslave most of the distaff gender’. How dull.

J R Parz, however, never fails to entertain. Sometimes it’s sad seeing what some people do with such a good story idea. Too bad the Master PC doesn’t exist. Or does it, and I’m just not finding it?

What the hell, it’s not like I’ve got anything better to do today. I logged back onto the ‘Net, and started cruising the search engine sites. Entering ‘Master PC’ gets me a few hits, but even adding in ‘Xanthos Pendragon’ and a few other items doesn’t give me jack. OK, then, time to take off the kid gloves. I went back to the search engines, but I found the occult ones a much better resource. Most of them only were reviews of various Master PC stories, but a few others were more enlightening. Wait a sec, some of these posts have attached files. Let’s see…..

Paydirt! “Master. Exe!” Download that sucker now! As the computer downloads the file, I rub my hands in anticipation. “Wait a sec… If Master PC DOES exist, what’re the chances that some of those stories are real? Wha… Xanthos! His backtrack-and-erase add on must have taken effect. So Master PC is limited to those people that had the file before his wipe. Shit!” I was pissed. Xan’s actions I approved of in broad terms, ’cause who knew what’d happen if a bunch of repressed computer geeks got a hold of god-like power, but when it came to myself, I thought I was smart enough and selfish enough not to get stupid with it. I pulled up Xanthos’ story, and reread the initial few chapters. Aha! He put a back door on the program just in case he had to reload the thing! Now all I have to do is guess what he’d have made the password…

Hell, how’m I to know what he chose? I ruminated for a while, the computer having finally finished downloading. I knew enough programming to know that Xan’s virus wouldn’t take effect until the program had been unzipped and a set number of failed passwords was entered. If he were really smart, he’d have nested the commands, and used something simple so that if one of his wives had to reload the program, they wouldn’t have to work too hard.

“Lessee, what would I use if I were paranoid, but wanting to cover my ass at the same time?”

I unzipped Master. Exe while I thought. The Install Wizard window popped up, and I entered the file path I wanted. I lit a cigarette while I waited, then decided that I had nothing to lose. I tried the first thing that came to mind. When the Master Control Console opened up, a smaller window for password entry popped up. I typed in “Xanthos Pendragon needs the Master PC”. No dice. Second try, probably 2 of 3 chances I’d get. Shit! Better make this good! “I need the Master PC!” Failure. What the hell, if it worked, I’d never need to remember it again, and if it failed, I’d forget all about Master PC being real. “Xanthos Pendragon’s backdoor.” Success!!

I’d done it! I now had the reality-warping, body-altering, mind-controlling program at my beck and call. First things first, though, that nasty little password has to go!

“Please enter User’s Name.” ‘Jason’

“Welcome to the Master PC control center. You now have access to the Master PC, and can act as a god to all those around you!”

Good, I’d hate to think I went through all that work for some damn registry cleaner or something.

“Enter Subject’s Name.” ‘Jason *******’ The view window on the right of the Control console now had the oddly-familiar image of my body, wearing the shorts and T-shirt I had on, spinning on a wire-frame globe. Under the Intelligence heading, the original reading was “Genius level intelligence” with a bar extending from room-temperature intellect all the way past Einstein. I decided on just a simple upgrade, to Mega-Genius. The elapsed time was 10 seconds, a decent interval while I pondered if this was really such a good idea. 10 seconds later, I agreed with my initial impulse. My mind was now much broader in scope, with an enhanced memory, and much faster processing speed. Now that I had the brainpower to accomplish the feats, I decided that my first order of business was to construct for myself an override for the Master PC. I didn’t want just anyone to be able to use it to ruin all my fun.

I decided to follow Xanthos’ lead and input a few password controls over my person, to prevent anyone from altering me with this or any other computer with the Master. However, I knew (from my own recent escapade) that it was possible for someone with enough information on me to reconstruct my thought processes to get the password. Better to have too much protection than to risk my ass on getting fried by arrogance. I gave myself complete understanding of current state-of-the-art electronics, and after a little thought on the matter, decided to construct a micro EMP for my person. Anyone trying to overwrite my own alterations with Master PC would have to get past the EMP to do it. Not bad, and if I happened to be close enough, I could short out the computer running the program. Now, though, I had the diagram in my head, but no materials with which to make it, and less in the way of funds for it. Hell!

Wait a second! Master PC! I could use it to… Typing rapidly, I gave myself the ability to rearrange all non-living matter that I touched into other material of my choice. Great! Problem solved! “Why bother with body-shaping when I’ve got the Master?” I mused aloud. I left my bedroom and went out into my backyard. I gathered up a few chunks of wood, since I had it to spare. A visualization and touch later, I had the materials I needed. It was the work of a few hours to make the micro EMP, but I knew it was well spent. With a sigh of relief, and feeling a little more secure in my power, I went back inside and proceeded to start playing with the Master. A few tweaks here and there, mostly to immunize myself against diseases and with regeneration to take care of injuries. Also, from my readings on the matter, I knew that women had something like 40 percent more in the sensory nerves department than men, making them much more susceptible to touch and sensation. What the hell. I added in those as well. When that little change went through, I realized why women didn’t have to be visually oriented. Why should they, when they can get such a charge out of the fabric of their clothes? No wonder the fabrics marketed to women cost so much, it was a guaranteed sale! An application of my new power over matter changed the nubby cotton I was wearing into silk, but without changing it’s appearance. Much better!

Some of my more traditional changes also registered their approval. My new, thicker dick stirred. I hadn’t added anything to it’s length, just it’s width. I was now 40 percent thicker, no longer a pencil dick. As it continued to rub against my silk underwear, I started to get hard. I thought for a moment about just letting it happen, but I was too interested in playing with the computer. A twitch of mental muscle, and my half-erect member subsided into dormancy. Time enough for games later. After another twenty minutes and a few changes later, mostly to make my other changes not noticeable to anyone that knew me before and to keep anyone else from messing around with my computer, I was starting to run down on energy. My new brainpower told me that the energy to rearrange matter had to come from somewhere, and the best source for that was me. I went back upstairs and raided the kitchen, making off with a few cans of tuna fish and some chips, while I ordered 3 pizzas from a nearby pizza place. I transmuted a few extra socks into some cash, and while I waited for the delivery guy to get there with the food, I reread some of my fave stories from the ‘Net, gathering more ideas. Downloading the entire Master PC program into my head was interesting, but not interesting enough for me to monkey with my mind any more. A better idea suggested itself from the other extreme of my stories. Bill Hart’s Spells-R-Us Wizard’s image floated around my brain for a little while, seeming to indicate my subconscious’ interest in the idea. I decided to try it. I input the command ‘Give to me all of the magic usable by the Wizard of Spells-R-Us and the knowledge to make the magic work.” I sat back in anticipation. A shift in my mind came rapidly, filling up my enlarged memory to the brim. “No wonder Wizards use spellbooks. Too much here to risk forgetting.” I transmuted a pair of shoes into a large leather-bound tome, and with the aid of a spell in my head, I transmitted all of my spells into the book. I had to transmute more stuff into books to hold all the spells, there were SO many of them!

A knock at the door, and my dog’s barking told me that the pizza delivery guy was here. I edged past Savage, and slid out the door. The pizza guy took my transmuted money without a second glance, along with a large tip for getting here early. I waited till he was back in his car, then slipped back into the house, where the dog was waiting. Between the two of us, we polished off all three pies, and I turned the boxes into a long cylinder of balsa wood, since I’d probably need to material for something eventually. Besides which, I didn’t feel like answering any questions from my parents on where I’d managed to get the cash for pizza (Yes, I know, what kind of guy lives at home when he’s an adult? Only a geek.) Besides which, with Master PC and my new talents to work with, I should have the whole matter under control shortly, so why make more work for myself? Come to that, I thought about the concerns of the federal government, the IRS, and other various political entities, not to mention the other users of Master PC. If I wanted to avoid notice, I should do something not-too-remarkable about my money problems. My concerns were valid, as I couldn’t continue to live off my parents forever, but I was now even less inclined to work for a living. All of my material needs could be seen to by virtue of my matter-rearrangement abilities, and who knew what I was capable of with my new spells?

Okay, what was the easiest way to get some money to assuage my worldly financial needs while according the least attention to my personal life? A little thought clarified the matter. I needed a job. But not one as an executive, I lacked the requisite experience, not to mention the toadying skills usually prerequisite with such a job. Also, without a job, I was unlikely to leave the house. Big problem. Okay, now, how do I get a job that lets me live on my own, while not requiring me to either alter someone’s mind with the Master or being a bootlicker? Back to the bookstore, I guess. But that job was boring as hell, not to mention stressful…. Hold the phone! What if I had a duplicate? Someone else to work while I played, and if I felt the need to do something ordinary, I could switch places with him! Sounds great to me! A little fiddling with the Master proved fruitless, about all I could do with that was alter someone else to be my duplicate. Boring, not to mention cruel. Why involve someone else, their family, and anyone else that was watching? Maybe the Wizard’s spells could help out. I searched through my memory, and found just what I needed. It was possible, via a simple Clone spell, to make an exact duplicate of myself with just a little semen, blood, and hair. I pulled the hair, and nicked my arm with my pocket knife to get the blood. Then all I needed was the semen. I smiled to myself as I released the controls I’d imposed on my dick.

With my enhanced nervous system and a well-practiced hand, I went to work. A few minutes work (and a little lube) later, I had the semen I required. Unfortunately, the dog picked that minute to start barking at my mother’s car, which had just pulled up in the driveway.

“Shit!” I yelled at the ceiling. A simple rearrangement of a couple of cigarette butts yielded a small corked test tube, into which I scraped my seed. “Guess this’ll have to wait.” I put the tube in my junk drawer and sat down on my bed, picking up one of my new spellbooks to kill the time till dinner. My mom came in, I yelled that I was home, and so proceeded a normal evening. I went upstairs an hour or so later, when Paul, my stepdad, yelled out that dinner was ready. Over the meal, my folks asked if I had had any luck with my job seeking, and I replied that I had a few leads, some stuff I was going to work on the next morning. They wished me luck, and I thanked them. No stupid revenge on my folks, hopefully I’d manage to steer around the other distasteful aspects of the average Master PC user as well as I had this one. After dinner, we watched the usual Tuesday night TV, dateline and so forth. After an evening of this, I was anxious to get back to my tinkering. I waited till they went to bed, and went back to work.

“Okay, now, what next?” I muttered to myself as I collected my materials. Blood, hair, and seed. What else did I need for this spell? Enough water to comprise a human body. Well, I wasn’t going to spend the night hauling water in buckets into my bedroom. The bathtub would have to do. A like amount of at least once-living matter. Was I going to have to go digging in graveyards like some bargain-basement Frankenstein? No, wait, the wood in the back yard! Once-living, all right! The spell’s description said it would take a few hours to complete, so I’d better get to work, since I’d need the darkness for the spell to work at all. A few simple keystrokes with Master PC, and my folks would sleep till morning, and my brother and sister wouldn’t come home till after sunrise. Perfect!

Hours later……

I sat on the toilet, staring into the bathtub at what once had been a pile of wood with a smattering of semen, hair, and blood. Staring back at me was my clone, down to the pierced ears and dyed hair.

“Holy shit.” We said in stereo. When we heard the other speaking in synch, we both laughed.

“Hiya Jason.” I said.

“Hi Jay.” He replied. He snickered again. “Did you remember to bring me any clothes?”

“Sorry, I forgot. Here.” I stuck my hand into the water still surrounding him and shaped him a pair of shorts and T-shirt like I had on. “Better?”

“Much. Not that I mind seeing me naked, but I don’t think we need to get into a bad habit.”

“Good point. You want I should give you a minute alone?” I was conscious of my own clothed state, and wanted to give him any privacy he required.

“Please, if you don’t mind.” I stood and left him, standing out in the hallway. A peek at my wristwatch told me that it was almost 6 am.

“Shit! I almost forgot, Paul’s going to need to get up.” I turned and knocked on the bathroom door.

“Jay! Better get a move on, Paul’s going to be getting up soon!”

“Oh fuck. I forgot.” He opened the door and we both went back down to the basement. “Shit, this could get complicated real quick.”

“You said it, dude.” We heard the master bedroom door open, and someone coming out. Jay looked at me for a minute, then pointed at the computer. My alterations to it had made it impossible for anyone else but me to touch it, but he WAS me! I nodded, trusting him implicitly, and followed him over to the desk. He typed in under Command:? ‘Give me the power to mentally communicate with my clone’.

Geez, I’d forgotten that the Clone spell would have cloned me as I currently was, post-Master PC alterations! He had my enhanced intelligence, and all of the other changes too!

As the command kicked in, I felt an extra sense unfolding inside my head. I reached out with it towards Jay, and made contact.

“Damn, that worked even better than I thought!”

“Don’t you mean WE thought?”

“True. Now what? We’re two of the most powerful beings on this planet, and we’re more alike than identical twins!”

“Well, first things first. We’d better change my name, so that any changes we make to one of us leaves the other alone.”

“Good point. Any name you prefer?”

“Anything except Steven. I HATE that name.”

“How about Peter?”

“Works for me.”

I typed in ‘Rename my clone Peter *******’. The command separated us from each other, and I felt a little loss at this. Peter remarked mentally that he felt the same, but that the command was for the best. Also at his prompting, I removed his spell-casting ability, and his ability to use the computer. When I asked him why, he simply replied, “Because one of us with god-like power is enough. Besides which, I trust you. And if I need anything done with the Master or with your spells, I can always ask. It’s too complicated and risky to have two of us running around.” I agreed, and entered the commands. He could no longer manipulate reality with spells or the computer, but I made his alteration commands even more complex and encrypted it with a mirror spell on the program.

While Paul was in the shower and unlikely to hear us, I started up the CD player and took the opportunity to talk with Peter. “So, how do you feel?” I asked.

“Just like you, you dope!” he said with a smile.

“Dumb question, I know, but still, I had to ask.” Both of us seemed to regard mental communication as something to used only when other methods didn’t work. “Got any suggestions as to how we avoid notice till we get out of this house?”

“Well, we could use Master PC to keep them from noticing that we’re twins, just ignore whichever of us comes into the room second or whichever of us they don’t expect to see there.”

“Good call. We’ll use that one.” I typed, and so it was done. Anyone that was looking or expecting to see me would only see one of us at a time, and the other would be ignored, completely invisible or unnoticeable. I added in a second command, making it so that when we spoke to each other, noone would hear anything unusual or suspect us of talking to ourself(ves). Peter approved of this addition, and made an additional one. ” Cast a spell over us so that if we’re together, and two people are looking for each of us, they’ll only speak to one of us.” I did so, and so we avoided a small hole in my programming logic.

“Groovy. Now we can talk without suspicion. Although we’ll have to avoid being together at a party or anything, just to avoid confusion.” I smiled, pleased with myself. I looked at my twin, unable to help my insatiable curiosity. I’d always been too prying for my own good. I studied his form, mirror to my own. All I’d done with Master PC was to slightly tone up what muscles I had, not wanting or liking a muscle-bound frame. We were both sleek without being scrawny, and just muscular enough to convey power without the overload of too many hormones. I reached out and started rubbing his chest, causing both of us to shudder.

“Don’t do that! You know neither of us is gay!” he growled at me.

” I know, I just wanted to see my… our reaction.” I replied. Then, I had a brainstorm. Smiling evilly, I pulled one of my spellbooks off the floor where I’d left them, and started to browse. I could feel his suspicions, and heard his mental knocking on my mind, but I shook my head and kept reading. Finally, I found what I was looking for. For those of you who’ve never read the stories, the specialty of the Spells-R-Us is gender changing spells and artifacts. I’d found one of the Wizard’s temporary sex-change spells, and with a few words and gestures, I cast the spell onto myself. With a rapid ballooning, my shirt was suddenly filled with something besides just muscle and bone, now there were tits! My hair, already long, was suddenly a lot longer, now down to my ankles! My hips were much wider, and my previously non-existent butt was stretching out my favorite pair of shorts. What I had failed to take into account, however, were the effects I’d programmed into myself via Master PC. My already-enhanced nerves were now quadrupled in frequency, to the point where I was about to pass out from too much stimuli just from the clothes I was wearing and the random breeze coming from the box fan in the corner. I started shuddering in ecstasy, and through my fluttering eyelids I saw Peter’s face break into a grin with more than a little lust behind it.

The smirking little bastard rubbed his fingertips around the neckline of my shirt, and I almost came right then and there. A little moan escaped my lips, and Peter’s grin got even nastier. He grabbed me around the waist, sending even more paroxysms of sensation down my body as he picked me up and put me down on the futon. With a pair of scissors he got out of my desk, he started cutting the clothes off of me, but when I got my scrambled wits together enough to shake my head he stopped and stared quizzically at me. Apparently, he’d forgotten all about my abilities to reshape matter, and also that he shared them. With a touch and an evil smile of my own, I dissolved my clothes into oxygen molecules and started squirming sensually on the futon. He got on at the other end of the futon, and as he started crawling up to lay on top of me, I used my powers again, so that he matched me in undress. He looked down at himself, startled at the change, then sat back on his haunches to look me over. This time, when I felt him prodding at my mind, I let him in.

“Dear god almighty, we would have made a gorgeous woman!”

“You really think so, Pete?”

“Hells yes, woman, haven’t you seen yourself…of course you haven’t. Here.” He recalled his power over matter quickly enough, and shaped a mirror out of one of the throw pillows on the bed. He turned it to face me, and my eyes widened in amazement. Instead of the stark black hair I’d had as a man, my hair was back to it’s natural chestnut brown, but with some reddish highlights in it. My eyes weren’t hazel, but instead were a light brown, making a nice contrast with my darker hair. My face was still the same overall, but softer, it’s angles less harsh. My beard was of course gone, and instead of the simple hoop earrings I now had slightly dangling metal feathers in my ears. I recalled what I knew of the spell I’d used; it would draw on an alternate universe, one where I’d been born a girl, and would temporarily reshape my body into that one. The drawbacks to the spell were that I couldn’t use magic like this, and if my programming logic was correct, I was unable to touch the computer as well until the spell wore off. Mercifully, the spell itself would wear off in two hours, so I decided not to waste what I had. I dissolved the mirror back into a pillow, and let it drop to the floor. I spread my now-hairless long legs to my lover, and he dove to his task with a will. With what he knew to be my responses to arousal, he was quite easily able to eat me to an orgasm.

His tongue laved my clit in arabesques of fleshly desire, leaving me even more enflamed with lust. I bit down on my thumb and moaned in approval. Ever so slowly, he edged his way back out of my snatch and began nibbling gently on my inner thighs. I howled my approval, knowing that noone would be able to tell that I was making noise at all since it was with Peter. Apparently, my female counterpart in whatever universe she was from had accessed the Master PC as well, because there were a few additions that I’d not have thought of nor put into my own computer. As I reached my peak, I apparently began exuding clouds of pheromones, further inflaming my lover. Also, I had the ability to lactate with my lust-increased bust. The milk was apparently the source of these pheromones, because when I managed to spray Pete with my spray, he lost all interest in tonguing me further, and to be honest, I forgot about it as well…

With a bestial growl, he crawled his way up my body, palming my tits somewhat roughly on his way up. I squirmed in pain and pleasure at this, and tried to kiss him, but I was rebuffed. Apparently in apology, one of his hands snaked down to toy with my woman-flesh again. At this point, I’d had enough foreplay. My new nervous system knew what it wanted, and decided to take control of the situation. I reached out and grabbed his dick, ever so gently maneuvering it into position. With a gentleness I’d thought forgotten in him, Peter eased his cock into me, pausing momentarily at my hymen. His girth stimulated me greatly, and after the tearing pain of my deflowering, I started to slowly ease my way further down his dick. My pleasure only increased as I slid down, and from what I could see on his face, he was just as happy. In a haze of pleasure, I recalled the sole sexual experience I’d had up to this point. I’d been relatively old to lose my virginity, at nineteen, and my lover and I weren’t sexually compatible. Her idea of foreplay was to turn off the lights and just lay there. Not one of the better times in my life, and I was just as happy to have had it in this case, as I knew what Peter would find pleasing in his lover. I clenched my inner muscles tightly, almost to the point of pain, while coaxing him onto his back while I rode him. His hands slid up my front, grazing my still-leaking tits on their way upwards. His fingers intertwined with my hair, and he used his strength to firmly seat me on his dick. We continued our mutual exploration for hours after that, but what we found worked best was for me to be sitting on his lap, his cock firmly lodged in my pussy while I fed him from my breast. That orgasm was best of all, I think.

Afterwards, we’d curled up on the bed, with me being spooned with him behind. Unfortunately, we were still in that position while the spell wore off. I woke up after it happened, but I’d slept longer than Pete, who woke up with his dick up against my back. The look on his face was mortified, as he had morning wood at the time. I smiled, shook my head, and got out of bed. “No need to apologize, Pete. When we fell asleep, I was a woman, and now I’m a man. Physical reactions happen. No shame.” I felt a twinge of loss at my female form, but it was more from curiosity satisfied than anything else. I got my shorts from the previous day back on, and tossed Pete another pair. A glance at the clock told me that I was unlikely to find anyone else still in the house, but I was still cautious. I knew I’d need to get out of this house, particularly if my fervid imaginings were to take form. I looked around the house, but even my sister, who was on vacation at the time, was gone. I smiled, and booted up my stepdad’s computer, which had a better connection to the Internet than my dial-up. On impulse, I raided the kitchen while it booted. I scarfed down half a sandwich and soda, and immediately felt better. Must have been from the magic and the matter-rearrangement.

I bellowed downstairs for Pete to come up and start hunting up things on the Internet while I did some work with Master PC. With a little effort, I refrained from teasing him about his blushes whenever he looked at me. He asked me what he should be looking up, and I told him. “Look for retail book stores. Any of them will be convenient, as long as they have stores in other states.” He shrugged and started searching for openings. Back downstairs, I puttered around some more, remembering that I’d need to stabilize Peter’s body while I was at it. I wasn’t sure if the Clone spell would work forever, but better to be certain. I used Master PC to lock his body in to it’s current shape, no longer subject to magic, except at his whim. Since I had the experience now to work with, I shaped my last remaining shoe into a micro EMP for Peter to wear. While I’d finished with the device, I started thinking about what had happened last night; I’d gotten hold of Master PC, turned myself into a Wizard (or at least the SUCCESSFUL apprentice of one), cloned myself with a spell, changed my gender, and then back again. Holy shit, I’d been having an eventful 24 hours.

Still, I found myself day dreaming again about my gender-change. While I didn’t want to alter things so severely as to be female full time, it was something I’d keep in mind for the future. Maybe another clone, this time in female form…. Still, such matters would have to wait a bit. First, I needed a place of my own, or perhaps I should say OUR own. From upstairs, Peter yelled out, “Jay, there’s an opening for a cafĂ© manager at a book shop down in Lexington, Kentucky! You interested?” I pondered momentarily. Lexington was far enough out of the area that noone I knew was likely to just drop in on me uninvited. It’d be cheaper to live out there, probably cheap enough that with some ‘roommates’ I could afford a decent sized house. With a little money and a couple of months of watching the market, I knew I could make a decent sized pile of money, and enough accountants to manage it for me without having to get overly involved. Following some advice I got out of a Robert Heinlein book, I decided that I could have my clones working just long enough to get the money we’d need, spend a year or so building up my fortune, then pay out more in taxes than I got in income, and draw a fat rebate every year. Or I’d figure out something with an accountant to where that’s what happened. Finally, I decided that we’d have to move out to Lexington, which was going to take some doing, since I had almost no funds to begin with.

Monkeying with banks wasn’t a prospect I found to be safe enough to risk, so I started off small. I figured with a job, and some starter cash I’d make, we could afford a cheap apartment in Lexington. I knew that in amounts of less than 500 dollars most people would be reluctant to contact a bank, so I’d produce the cash and convert it into postal money orders. With those and a local bank account, getting a deposit and apartment would be easy. If all else failed, though, I’d rewrite reality with Master PC, although I was loathe to do so. Fortunately, via the Internet, I was able to at least temporarily reserve us an appointment with a real estate agent. The landlords in Kentucky must’ve been desperate for business, because Phil, the manager I talked with, didn’t even hesitate when I said that my first, last and security deposit would have to be paid in money orders or cash. And before you ask, I set a spell on all of this cash to be destroyed with the next burn run when they were at the Treasury Department. All of it would be absorbed into the electronic system, only to appear as debits and credits. All in all, a fairly neat way to avoid detection, I thought.

I ran the idea past Peter, and he ratified it, as I thought he would. Now would come step one. We had to get out of this state. With Pete’s help and a few rolls of packing tape and some boxes, all of my/our stuff was packed up. All of the essential stuff was compacted into enough boxes that would fill a small U-Haul unit with the aid of a few helpful spells. I called ahead and reserved us a U-Haul, and would pick it up in a few days. Now all I had to do was break the news to my folks. When they got home, I outlined my plan, including some fairly ingenious evasions. So it was that we began our journey out of the DC area.

A few days later, on the road to Kentucky, Peter was finally comfortable with being ignored, although it made it difficult for him to avoid being stepped on or injured when we were around people that knew me before. Since they were expecting to see me, that’s usually who they saw, with the result that Pete was often trampled, or had to jump aside to avoid being hit. I tried to minimize it by avoiding people in the area, and that probably helped to no end. I knew that to avoid confusion I’d have to alter my commands slightly when we got to Kentucky, but I was in no hurry. Finally, after a day on the road, we arrived in Lexington. After a brief stop to get a hotel room for us to stay in, we went to meet Phil.

Phil was overjoyed to find someone looking for a house in the depressed housing market in Lexington, so much so that he didn’t even bother to lie when we were looking at condos. I figured it would be a good investment once I got the cash together, and with a little effort, that wouldn’t take too long.

“Well, gentlemen, this is the last one. Southern exposure on three rooms including the kitchen, a building out in the middle of nowhere with a view of the lake, and we’ll even arrange to have it repainted, if you’d like. What do you think?” By mutual agreement, Peter did all of the talking. I wanted to do my best to remain as invisible as possible.

“What’s the cost? I mean, we can’t afford to pay anything beyond (x).” Pete enjoyed bartering, a surprising development of his character. He’d already managed to get Phil off the topic of full blown houses in the area, and managed to snooker him into showing us the condos. However, sometimes he overdid things. “And not to mention, what are we going to do when we want to throw a party? I didn’t see a clubhouse when we pulled in here…”

“Well, in your price range, there’s not a lot to be had, Peter. However, if that’s what you want, the company has a few properties in some controlled-access facilities only a stone’s throw away.” Phil was desperately trying to sell us something, probably so he’d have some money to eat off of this month. Peter’s wrangling was also starting to get a little nitpicky, so I decided to intervene.

“We’ll take it, Phil.” The poor fool actually jumped when I spoke, since I hadn’t said more than a word or a grunt in the entire time he’d been with us. “When can we move in?”

“Well, if you wanted to, you could move in tomorrow, but I have to tell you that you’d pay an extra fee for immediate occupancy. That’s assuming you’d even qualify to live here.” Gods bless the man, he was at least relatively honest for a real estate broker.

“Not a problem, Phil. We’ve sunk most of what we’ve got into this little jaunt. No sense wasting money on a hotel when we could spend less of it per diem on a permanent residence.”

“Well, I can tell you didn’t just fall off the turnip truck.” He smiled, and even did it nicely. ” I remember how it was when I moved out for the first time, I felt the same way.” I liked Phil; he wanted to get us set up in something so he’d get paid, he was up front about that, but he wouldn’t stick us with a shithole. “If you’ll just fill out the application, we’ll get the ball rolling.” I held out my hand, and got the application forms. I had every intention of filling them out, and even if I were normally not approve-able to the complex, a little typing with Master PC would have all that sorted out. Phil led us back outside, and locked up. However, I had little intention of staying in a place where the cum-stains on the sheets were someone else’s. After Phil left, we’d circle back around and start making ourselves at home. I looked over at my twin and smirked. Once Phil was out of earshot, he asked me what was up. I explained my plan, and neither of us saw much harm in using the Master PC to ensure our approval.

“Gods, it’s so good to be out of Virginia!” Pete enthused. I echoed him, and slapped him lightly on the back.

“Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get this show on the road.” We got back into the car, and followed Phil back out of the complex. “I know why I want this place, but why were you so dead set on it?” I asked.

“Because I like the lake view. Not to mention that it’s out far enough to prevent anyone from getting too curious. And yourself?”

“The lack of a gate. The last thing either of us needs is someone tracking our movements. If someone puts two and two together, someone might come knocking one night, and I’m too lazy to spend my life pumping iron in a jail or drooling in a mental ward.” He nodded in approval. As time went on and our experience varied, Pete and I were becoming more different. He was developing the more aggressive persona, and I was beginning to retreat further back, as was my nature. I always preferred to work behind the scenes, but Pete had taken the melodramatic tendencies and put it to good use. I wondered how different we might become as time progressed, and decided to shelve it for another day. For now, I was just going to enjoy having someone that thought like me, but wasn’t going to look at me strangely for it.



“I’ve been thinking. How much effort would it be for you to do the Clone spell again?”

“Not too much, why? You want to make this a triad instead of a duet?” I smiled.

“Well, not exactly. I was thinking that this time we could make a woman.” I was so startled by this that I lapsed into mental communication with him.

“You what???”

“You heard me, you’re not deaf. Besides which, do I need to remind you of how attractive you were as a woman?”

“No, the memories are pretty vivid,” I riposted. “But what brought the whole thing on?”

“Just a random thought I’d been having. I was thinking that we seem to be turning down our own roads as we progress. I’m not an exact copy of you anymore. I was curious to see what would happen if there were a girl version of us.” I thought carefully before I replied, this time aloud.

“But she might…never mind. It’s an interesting thought, but let’s get settled into the condo before we start mucking around again. It’s bad enough we’re going to have to fill out all of this damn paperwork, much less get all of our stuff unpacked in the next day or so.” A flash of insight cracked through my brain right then, and it seemed like such a good idea that I had to follow through with it. I whipped out my laptop, turned it on and loaded up the Control Console.

“What’re you doing?” Peter queried.

“Just hang on a second. I’ll tell you when I’m done.” I typed rapidly for a moment, and when the command executed, I felt a small tension release from my conscience. “I just removed my matter-rearrangement power.”

“Why in hell’d you do that?” Pete seemed genuinely confused for a moment, until I started explaining.

“It only seemed fair, Pete. I’ve got the Control Console, and I’ve got all of the old Wizard’s magic. All you had was enhanced brain power and the matter-rearrangement touch. I wanted to even the playing field.” His scowl lessened, and he actually smiled.

” OK, I guess that makes sense. Hell, who am I to argue with my brother and Maker?” He stuck his tongue out at me. “Although you’ve still got influence over matter, what with all those spells. I should know, I remember a good chunk of what’s in those books too.”

“Yeah, but it still takes me time. Everyone should be made to feel special, particularly by those that love ’em.” I squeezed his shoulder.

“I love you too, you goofball. Now, you ready to turn around, or should we stop for some food?”

“Turnaround is fine with me, chief.” I was practically itching to try out some of the more intriguing spells I’d gotten. “Besides which, you can make food… shit, I guess you can’t, can you?”

“I dunno, I’ve never tried. Since it ain’t living, I should be able to. But I think we’d better have something else available in case it doesn’t work. That little trick takes a fair bit out of the body, as I’m sure you noticed, so we’ll need to keep buying at least SOME non-created food.” I nodded. “Mind if I stop at the Burger King? I’m starving.” I shrugged in dismissal, and continued to play with the Control Console. When we pulled up to the drive-thru, I decided to have just a little fun with the teller. I read her name off her nametag, and put it into the Subject line.

Subject’s Name?: Barbara

Command?: Provide readout of Subject’s thoughts on-screen.

I watched as the cute little blonde’s thoughts scrawled across the screen. She was primarily thinking about how she was going to get enough gas in her car to get home, seeing as how the cheapasses that ran the BK were having to mail her a new check to replace the one that had gotten lost. I smiled and opened my mind to Peter, and shared with him the girl’s thoughts. He asked what I had in mind, and I told him to flirt with the girl. We needed to get some information on this area, after all, and a local source would save us some time. With his responses tuned by the Control Console and my mental prompting, he’d promptly asked the young lady to dinner, and offered to pick her up here when it was time. She countered by saying that she’d want to bring someone along just so she’d feel safe, and Peter didn’t even bat an eyelash. All of this took less than a minute, too, which had been my deadline. Barb, as I’d discovered she preferred to be called, was good at her job, and had delivered our food and flirted with Pete all within 45 seconds. I was impressed. I’d never been quite that glib when I’d been shoveling hash. Matters were set, and we’d meet Barb and her friend here at about 7:30. Pete and I nodded in unison, and we set off back towards our future home. On the trip over, Peter asked me to put the application paperwork on his knee. I asked him why.

“Just a little experiment,” he replied. I finished my fry, and shuffled the papers back out of my laptop’s case. After I laid them on his knee, his eyebrows drew together for a moment, and then released.

“Take a look, and tell me what the papers look like now,” he instructed me. I shrugged, picked up the papers, and looked, my eyes widening as I looked. Instead of the blank forms they’d been when I put them in the case, they were now neatly filled out in black handwriting, MY handwriting!

“How’d you do that?” A flash of processing time later, I answered my own question. “Ah, now THAT’S what I call a little matter rearranging! What did you use for the base material?”

“Just the grease from this crappy burger,” he replied, polishing off his 4th cheeseburger in as many minutes. He crumpled up the wrapper in one hand and threw it into the sack of garbage. “I figured it wouldn’t be nearly as hard as making polymer steel out of wood chunks.”

” I guess not. Ink’s a lot simpler compound, but oil’s even simpler. I must have done better’n I thought when I upgraded my brain.” He grinned evilly at me.

“Yeah, you certainly did. I just can’t wait to really test ’em out. That girl Barb and her friend oughtta do nicely, we can get some feedback on the body remodeling you’ve done.” His grin turned lustful, and he reached down and patted his dick fondly. “After all, I don’t have to worry about knocking some girl up or getting an STD with this bad boy.” He referred to some of my alterations, making him sterile and immune to diseases. I shook my head in mock dismay.

“Less than a week old, and you’re already turning into a teenager. How fast they grow up,” I sighed, and then busted out laughing. Peter drove us around for a little longer, then we headed back to the complex. It was the work of only a minute or two to ‘discourage’ anyone from coming up to this floor of the building via a short spell. Peter’s touch opened the door, but unfortunately, he chose to do it by removing the hinges of the door. He looked at me sheepishly.

” I don’t know exactly how locks and tumblers work, so how was I going to fix it?” I nodded. After all, his power worked by his understanding. He could have removed the lock with his power, but how was he to replace it? He would have been completely unable to replicate the delicate internal mechanisms of the lock, which would have raised suspicion, so he’d removed the hinges, which he COULD remake as necessary. Together we hefted the steel-core security door inside, and leaned it against the wall.

We looked around the empty rooms, trying to decide what should go where, and the exact logistics for what we had in mind for the future. I said, “Pete, we’d better set aside a couple of these for a lab. I don’t know about you, but kitchen magic ain’t high on my list of favorite things.”

“Better make it two or more. Gods know what either of us’ll get into later on. And is it me, or does the paint job on this place suck?” He was right, the complex must have hired a crew of crack-smoking monkeys to do the painting. There were globs of paint everywhere, matting into the carpet, with light streaks of the original paint still peeking through. “I’ll start on that, if you wanna get moving on whatever you’ve got in mind.” I agreed, and we went to work. Pete swept around the apartment, reworking the paint so that it was even, and even pulling up the carpet in a few places. When I heard the ripping sound of the carpet staples giving way, I raised my eyebrow. He responded, ” I hate this crap. Better to have hardwood floors.” I shrugged and went back to weaving spells. I was weaving spells into the walls themselves to protect us from storms, electrical surges and burglars. I watched as best I could as Peter reworked the carpet into teakwood floors, only overriding his choices when he would have given us a pine-pale floor. Too hard to keep clean, in my opinion. I had him make it a dark reddish tone, so we could ignore the mopping if we got too busy. “Wait a sec, Pete, I’ve got an idea.” I dug out one of my spellbooks, and started rummaging. First order of business once we’d gotten set up, I promised myself, I was gonna write an index for these things so I didn’t have to keep hunting for what I wanted. I puttered with a few spells, and finally got what I wanted. I got Peter to conjure me some white paint, and I overlaid one of the walls with a large, intricate diagram, surrounded by words in archaic languages. He looked at me askance.

“What’s that? Not bad artistically, but I could have gone for some babe in a bikini.” He mock-leered for a moment.

“Just another example of efficient laziness, bro. This is a general housekeeping spell. Lint, dust, extraneous grease marks, shed hair and the like will be banished by this li’l beaut. Why waste time with housework when you can get magic to do it for you?” I smiled broadly and patted myself on the back.

“Good call. I suppose it WILL free up a lot of time. What about laundry and dishes, though?”

“I’ll worry about that later. Let’s get this carpet up, I’ve got all of the primary protections in place, and I’ll tweak it later. Never worry about what you can put off till later, that’s my motto.” I looked out the window. “Shit, it’s getting dark. We don’t have power yet, but I think I can get us something…” I muttered a few words I’d run across in the book, and small globes of white light appeared , pinwheeling in an intricate pattern in the middle of the room. “Take one of those into each room, that way we won’t have to worry about finding our way in the dark.” He nodded and hauled off a few of them. I took the remainder, and so we had ourselves some light. For a few hours more, we puttered around, remaking the place itself into what we wanted.

The Next Day

I woke up at about 8 am, rather surprisingly. Until now, I’d always been more of a night person, and since we’d not gotten back to the hotel till 3 am, I’d only had about 5 hours under my belt. Not feeling inclined to go back to sleep, I went over and said Peter’s name loudly a few times, till he woke up. I could have shaken him, but both of us hated that. “Pete, wake up!” His eyelids creaked open, and he looked like hell. I guess all of our renovations had really sucked the juice out of him. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he’d dropped a great deal of weight in a hurry. “Jesus Christ, you look like shit!” In my alarm, a spell came to mind. It would allow me to share some of my energy with Pete until we’d managed to recharge our batteries. I muttered and gestured as I walked over to the phone and put in an order with room service, to be delivered ASAP. With the spell splitting my energy between the two of us, Peter started to look more normal, although not in top shape. I was starving, and feeling more drained. “Why the hell didn’t you say anything? I’d have stopped hours before, if I’d known you were so drained!” He lacked the energy to respond, and seemed to lapse into a doze. I stared at him for a few minutes, not even trying mental communication since that would only drain both of us further. Finally, room service arrived.

I tipped the porter lavishly, seeing as how I’d gotten the grub within 10 minutes of my call. I pulled the lids off of all the plates, and started gorging myself, not even using the silverware. As soon as the food hit my stomach, I started to feel better, and Pete’s breathing seemed to be coming easier. I felt bad about what had happened, since I should have realized what a drain transmutation would have on him. Maybe my decision to remove my own power had been a bit too hasty, but I couldn’t do anything about it at the moment. As I ate, I thought frantically about the energies we were toying with. Master PC itself seemed to draw on the ambient power across the Internet, and thus across the world to fuel it’s effects. My magic drew directly on stellar and solar forces to accomplish things, but matter-rearrangement seemed to draw it’s power directly from the life force of it’s user. So far, it seemed that the more radical the change in states, the greater the power required to reshape something. Peter had been reshaping polyester fibers into 2 inch thick wood for most of the night, and thus his current state. His work with the walls seemed to have left him alone, since he was just redistributing the matter evenly. Shit. I was going to have to watch out. Given that he mirrored my nature, he’d drive himself to collapse and never even notice. But how was I to keep an eye on him while I played around on my own?

I got it! Pete’s idea yesterday, to make a female version of me/us, seemed to be an ideal solution. If I made another clone, she’d be able to watch out for both of us, particularly if I gave her extended monitoring capacities. The more I thought about the matter, the better I liked it. I resolved to do something about it at my earliest opportunity, but I didn’t think I’d have the time until we’d finished moving. While Pete slept, I showered, shaved, and repacked our stuff. Hold on, what about the girl from the drive-thru yesterday? Shit, I’d forgotten about that! Dammit, now I had another mess on my hands. Well, it would just have to wait. I had to get Peter moving before the cleaning crew arrived. But how? He was like a diabetic recovering from an insulin reaction. Nothing for it but magic, I guess. I cursed myself for sloppy planning and got to work. A few minutes work and Pete was reduced in size to where I could stick him in my pocket. I did so, grabbed our bags, and checked out of the hotel. I was screwed. The lease we’d agreed to sign was to be a two party lease, and who knew how long it would take him to recover? Guess I’d have to work the Clone spell sooner than I thought, or I was going to have to alter…..

“Hey, Jay!” a squeaky voice called from my pocket, and I felt something moving around in there. I looked down, and sure enough, Peter was hanging on the ledge (to him) of my pocket.

“Feeling better, Pete?”

“Much. I guess we overdid it.”

“That ain’t all. We forgot about the girl at the fast food place.” He lapsed into a session of violent cursing. “Calm down, we’ll figure out something. But first, you need to get back to regular size.” With a gesture, I cancelled the spell holding him at his small size. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten to take him out of my pocket, so he ended up ripping his way out of my jeans. He was lying there on the parking lot, laughing hysterically.

“Sometimes, Jay, you make me think there’s hope for you after all.” He smiled, and pulled a pair of shorts out of his bag. “I find it hard to believe that someone so powerful forgets the simple stuff.”

“Hey, sue me, sometimes I forget the details.” I was mortified, not to mention getting a breeze. I looked at him and gestured down at my leg. Mercifully, the parking lot was empty, so noone noticed the naked man that appeared out of nowhere. While he got up to at least pseudo-modesty, I unlocked the car and started it up. Peter got in on his side, and put his hand on my leg, mending my jeans. “Thanks. I happen to like this pair.”

“No sweat. We’d better get moving, though, if we wanna get moved in today.” I nodded and started driving. We headed back to the condo’s leasing office, and with a little aid from Master PC, we got approved to lease, and signed off on it. A further tweak would ensure that noone at the complex would bother us unduly or allow anyone access to our apartment without our approval. I wasn’t entirely enamored of doing so, but Peter insisted.

“Look, it’s nothing too bad. All we’re doing is ensuring our privacy, for which we’re paying, if I need to remind you.”

“I know, I just don’t particularly want to get used to having the Master rewrite everyone around us. Most of the users of this thing end up being major buttheads.”

“True, and if I ever see you doing so, be sure I’ll call you on it.”

After signing the lease, we shook hands with Ms. Cornwallis, the complex’s manager and got our keys. I pocketed mine, making a mental note to make all other copies useless. We pulled the car and the U-Haul up to the parking spaces immediately adjacent to the building, and got on with our unpacking.


Any comments, advice, complaints or otherwise can be send to [email protected]. Any flames will be directed to our complaints department, also called File 13, also known as the trashcan.

Remember, only you can prevent flamewars. J


In a remarkably short time, even with my spells to help out, we’d managed to set up shop in our condo. Everything was in a place that was either aesthetically pleasing or convenient, and Peter’s ability to reshape our packing trash into other shapes had eliminated our debris. I’d set up shop in one of the spare bedrooms (there were 4 in the condo), and we’d converted another of them into a fabrication shop for anything technical we’d need. Soundproofing and the like was assured by more spells, and we’d even thought ahead, and the entire space was filled with defensive spells to keep attention away from us. Anyone coming in through the door or any of the windows would only see furnishings appropriate to two bachelors, and they would completely ignore the teak floors, leather and metal furniture, and the tapestries on the walls.

Peter had managed to get the job as cafĂ© manager, so we had some income. I’d started playing the stock market by using my intellect (and a lot of scrying with my new crystal ball) to make some smart calls and buys. Mostly, though, I was getting antsy to do something else. On an impulse, I started up the Control Console, and started running through the names of the local stock brokers in the Yellow Pages. On my fifth try, I found what I was looking for. A more honest than most broker, usually managing to make a decent living, with only a few setbacks. The Control Console remarks were that this Madeline Phesant was of above-average intelligence, 35 years old, and financially struggling. Her ex-husband had apparently married her for her money, run her into debt to the tune of over 200 thousand dollars, and then skipped town. I shook my head, and made a note to look him up later.

With a few keystrokes, I’d increased our Ms. Phesant’s intelligence to genius level, and removed the ulcers that had been troubling her lately. I planned out what I’d need to say, and picked up the phone.

“Phesant Market Brokers, this is Madeline.”

“Ms. Phesant, my name is Jason *****” I began. “I’ve been looking at your track record, and I’ve been impressed. Not only have you managed to be ethical in your dealings with clients, you’ve actually managed to turn a profit.”

“Well, Mr. *****, I do try. I can’t stomach screwing people out of their money. Besides which,” she laughed in self-derision, “my ulcer would keep me up at nights if I didn’t.” I smiled, but of course she couldn’t see it. “So what can I do for you?” I outlined my plans, and she was impressed. Then, with only a momentary hesitation, asked the real question. “How much were you looking to work with, Jason?” I’d already asked her to call me by my first name, but I insisted on calling her Ms. Phesant. I smiled even wider. My initial forays into the market had been VERY lucrative.

“Well, I was looking to ‘work’ with 350 thousand, to be honest.” I said into the shocked silence on the other end. I had her image up on the Control Console, and I saw her mouth working silently on the Picture Display. “Ms. Phesant? Are you still there?”

“Ye..Yes!” Her thoughts, according to the Control Console, told me that she didn’t have that much money coming from all of her other accounts combined. “Jason, I have to tell you, that’s quite a bit more money than I’m used to handling.” I had to give her points for her honesty.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind increasing your percentage if you needed to hire someone else to work for you.” Not only would that free her up to work full time on my portfolio, it would take a good deal of stress off of her. “Do we have a deal, Ms. Phesant?”

“Yes, we do. Could I get you to come down to the office, so we can fill out some paperwork?” Bother. MORE time taken away. Oh well, I guess it couldn’t be avoided. I agreed to come down to her office after lunchtime. We finished our conversation, and I hung up the phone. Peter was still at work, so I had time to do some puttering about. I went back to my workroom, and started pulling books off the shelf. I still hadn’t managed to put together my index, but it was a work in progress. With my crystal ball, I’d discovered that Xanthos’ virus hadn’t managed to knock out all of the Master PC’s still out in the world. At best guess, there were something like 10000 users of the program on the earth. These others bothered me. Some of them, like Xanthos, and Dan, the high school teacher, didn’t particularly bother me, but the majority of the others were seriously scary fellows. Even worse, some of them were in the process of making themselves gods on earth. My current project was to start cataloging and tagging the bastards so that I could keep easier tabs on them.

90 percent of the little fools had already made themselves immune to manipulation via the Master, so I ruled that out as a way to solve the problem. However, most of them seemed to suffer from limited imaginations. All of them had built themselves harems, and were constantly on the move trying to accumulate more. I shuddered to think about what state the world would be like if Xan hadn’t put his virus in place. I shelved the problem for a while, and decided to do something about my watcher problem. I still hadn’t taken the time to construct a female clone, mostly because I kept forgetting about it until it was too late at night to start. I opened up one of the spellbooks and started browsing. An hour or so later, I ran across a Splitter spell, one that operated similarly to that of the Clone spell, but it had a drawback; it didn’t furnish the body with a will of it’s own. No good. The Clone spell required some hours to work, and it all had to be done after sunset. Not good, since I usually was preoccupied these days with trying to finish my index. “Ah, screw it! I’ll just have to do the Clone spell.” I burned myself a message onto the workroom’s door, just to remind me. I shelved the books, and turned my mind back to the problem of the other Master PC users.

How was I to get these idiots away from the power of the Master PC? Magic only seemed able to modify the effects created by the computer, not reverse them. They’d made their minds immune to influence with the Master, and thus they’d locked me out as well. Shit! There had to be SOME way of doing it, I just had to find it! To be honest, I could have set a spell onto the Master PC program itself, but I was leery of doing so. I could lose my own copy, not to mention my magic, since I’d gotten it via the Master’s influence. The image of a DO loop made me shudder. Save that as a last resort. Assassination? Far too risky, particularly since most of them had some form of paranormal senses, not to mention being tougher and/or regenerative. Thievery? For some of them, that would work, but not for all of them. Add it to the list of possible solutions. I could free some of their victims with the Control Console, but I had a limited range to work with, and not all of them could be freed. Shelve it till later. It wouldn’t do me any good to fix the victims, only to have them snatched back up by the controller. Christ! An entire lifetime, even one as long as mine was likely to be, may not be enough to stop all these bastards! Maybe Peter would have some ideas. I looked over at the clock, and realized I had to get moving if I wanted to meet up with Madeline. I shut down and packed up my laptop, got dressed, and headed out to the meeting.

I’d gotten dressed in some of my better clothes to meet with Ms. Phesant, since appearance counts in these things. Much to my dismay, I’ll hasten to add. Ms. Phesant’s office was run out of a small run-down office building in downtown Lexington that had seen better days. I went inside, and waited out in reception. The secretary told me that Ms. Phesant had just come back from lunch and would see me shortly. I smiled and sat down, pulling out the laptop to indulge in some recreation while I waited. However, something about the secretary made my suspicion itch. When I’d moved to Lexington, I’d noticed that there was a copy of Master PC in use in that area, so I’d made my moves and adjustments very subtle. I loaded up the Control Console, and entered in a few commands. ‘Make everyone who has been altered with a version of Master PC glow green in my glasses.’ Enter. I pulled my now-useless glasses out of my pocket, and put them on. Surely enough, the secretary glowed green. Shit! What had been done here? First off, the secretary didn’t seem to have been adjusted into some walking wet-dream, and she seemed to behave normally. OK, plan A doesn’t seem to be working, try plan B! I scanned the secretary’s purse with a quick spell, and got her name. Suzanne Anson. The Control Console obliged with the usual information. However, instead of the usual dumbing down and bimbo-ing up stats, it registered normal intelligence, slightly-above-average breast size, and the like. Also, she had a dick! She’d been altered into a shemale, but she came up as a woman in all of the files I was able to find. With a little exploration of the Master’s options, I’d found one that would allow any user to see the commands entered on a subject with Master PC. I used this macro, and found that she’d been a normal woman until approximately six weeks ago. Apparently, she’d been altered mentally to accept her shemale status, and to follow certain commands when certain stimuli were applied. Holy hell, whoever’d done this was more than a little deranged! I saved Suzanne’s name in my local subject files, and decided to see if anyone had tinkered with her boss. Mercifully, Madeline was free of commands except for the ones I’d put in place myself. I was DEFINITELY going to have to start checking anyone I altered to see if they’d been in another User’s power, particularly if I was going to avoid notice. Of course, in following with the Perversity Principle of the Universe, Suzanne’s buzzer went off, and she sent me into Madeline’s office. I went in, promising myself that I’d try and solve Suzanne’s problem when I had the time.

Much Later

I finally got home, much to my relief. My brush with another User’s influence had made me jumpy and paranoid. If I were going to take on another demi-god, I definitely needed to beef up my responses and capacities. Pete yelled out that he was home, and how it had gone with Madeline, since I’d left him a message to that effect when I’d left.

“It went okay, but we need to talk, dude.” I slumped down on the couch while I collated my thoughts. Pete came out of his workshop, and we started to talk. He was as alarmed as I at the evidence of another User operating out here, since I’d never told him about it.

“Dammit, you fool, how are you gonna respond if you don’t tell your backup what the hells going on?” He ranted at me for a good while over the matter. I responded in a lackluster way, knowing that I had indeed almost shot myself in the foot on this one. “Well, what’re we going to do? Obviously this little fucker’s more twisted than most.”

“Not necessarily. I only had time to do a cursory scan. For all we know, she ASKED to be made the way she is, Pete! Besides which, I’m not that anxious to start a full-out war with someone that could very well have the power to cause an atomic explosion, if he were so inclined!” I shouted back. “Not to mention, there’s no telling how many people he’s fucked with, so I have no idea how to get started!” I looked out the window, and saw that it was finally dark. I calmed down as I recalled the message I’d left to myself on the workroom door. “Besides which, I need your help right now. Remember what we talked about right before we signed the lease on this place?” I smiled gently. “I’ve finally made it a priority. This situation calls for the best we can do, and a female version of us will hopefully have some ideas we’d never have.” The look on his face was priceless.

“We’re gonna make a woman? Finally?” His mouth worked itself into a wry smile. “Took you long enough to get around to it, you jerk!”

” I know, I know, I promised you I would, but we’ve both been busy. And it looks like we’ve got some more ahead of us.” I got up off the couch and went into the lab, trailed by my twin. “I think, though, that we ought to make a few adjustments in our lifestyle. Once Madeline’s made us a nice little bundle, I’ll have a corporation we’ll start buy out this complex. That and a few more investments and such should keep us in gravy for a good long while, and we can always work something out later if we need to.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ve been wondering what you’re going to do with yourself while some of us are working for a living,” he gibed. “Guess you’ve decided to become a warrior, huh?”

“Looks that way, at least until I figure out who made the Master in the first place. What better to do with my copious spare time than to try to fix what someone’s screwed up?” I’d been gathering together some junk while we’d been talking, mostly just some of my spare clothing, and had Pete alter it into women’s clothing. The other items were a vial of my semen and another of blood, all items I’d collected earlier in the day. We retired to the bathroom, and silently we began the ritual to Clone me, again. A few of the frozen roasts and some fresh vegetables from the fridge we dumped into the tub, and filled it with water. I flipped the vials of seed and blood into the water, tingeing it slightly with a coppery color, and I added a hair, freshly pulled from my head. I started speaking the spell’s words aloud, while Peter sat down behind me. Once again, I watched the magic take hold of the materials, and begin their work. The hair, blood and semen churned into the micro-maelstrom in the bathtub, and dissolved into a pearlescent silver liquid. I finished the guide words, still fueling the reaction with the energy of the moon and the stars.

While the materials were subsumed into a body, I was doing some thinking. I wondered what my/our new self would be like, particularly after he’d been turned into a woman. Would she be aggressive or shy? Demure or exhibitionist? I couldn’t wait to find out, so I willed more of myself into the spell, wanting the waiting to be over. Peter, having thought along other lines, had slipped out of the toilet and I could hear him puttering around in the kitchen. I listened to him for a moment or two, then began speaking the next section of spell language.

A few hours later

At my laughter, Pete came back into the bathroom, and joined me in greeting our new brother. Now THIS was my idea of fun. How much effort does it take to punch a few keys on a board? Now, however, I’d done something even Master PC couldn’t. I’d taken some meat and veggies and turned them into a living human being! “Hiya Jason.” I said, echoed by Peter.

“Hi Jay, Peter.” (According to my researches, the Clone would be created with all the memories up to the time of the last source material being gathered, so it wasn’t surprising to hear him correctly name us.)

“If you guys wouldn’t mind?…..” He gestured out the door. Pete and I grabbed my stuff and went back out to the kitchen.

“Geez, he’s a lot more like you than I am.” Pete’s voice was somewhat mournful.

“Hell, Peter, he’s just started his branch! You’ve got six more weeks of experience he doesn’t and I don’t have either.” I was drained from my efforts, and I sank bonelessly down into the dining room chair. “You and I have an established routine, and separate identities. He doesn’t, not yet.”

” I know, it’s just that sometimes I miss it. And you do too, so don’t deny it.” Not only was I in agreement with him, I didn’t have the energy to argue. “Was it like this for you when we first met?”

“Not really. You and I are identical as to six weeks ago. He and I are identical to 4 hours ago. You and he, however, are still six weeks different. Does that make any sense?”

“Kind of.” He smiled. “It’ll be good to have someone else around, particularly if he agrees with what we’ve got in mind.” His grin got lustful. “I still maintain, however, that we would have been gorgeous if we’d been born a girl.”

“I agree, dude.” The voice of our new brother came from right behind us, surprising Pete into jumping visibly. “Whatsa matter, you look like you’ve just run over someone’s cat.” He smiled, and pulled up a chair. “And before you ask, Jay, the answer is Yes. I’ll become a woman.”

” So I guess I was thinking hard about it, wasn’t I? Enough that you came to a decision just in a few minutes?”

“Damn straight, cutie.” He smirked, knowing that Peter was less comfortable with that aspect of our personalities. “Besides which, I’ll admit to some desire to be female again.”

“I see.” Pete’s voice was rough. “What’s your preference for a name?”

“Jackie.” All three of us smiled at the memory that name prodded. Jackie was the nickname of the woman I’d loved from the time I was a child. “So, do you wanna do the honors, Jay, or should I?” I said that I’d do it, I wanted to have the onus of such a doing fall squarely on my own head. “Okey dokey. So, what’s for dinner, Peter?”

“Just some Chicken Paprikash.”

“Sounds good. Let’s eat!” The pair of them wandered into the kitchen, leaving me sitting there alone. I smirked as I watched the two of them bickering over portions and such like. It wasn’t often that you get to see two twins of yourself, and I admit it was cute. I decided that the sooner it was over, the better, though. If I got used to seeing this, it would be harder to do, even if Jack(ie) agreed to it. I managed to dredge up the energy to move and snagged my laptop case from where it had been on the couch. I shouted for one of them to grab me a plateful while I waited for the Control Console to boot up. When it did, I commanded it to rename my new Clone Jack and set him to slowly change into a female form over the next hour. I smiled, and executed the command.

While we ate, I slowly watched Jack become Jackie. First, his barely-noticeable beard stubble vanished, and his face slowly assumed more female characteristics. I’d remained silent while (s)he and Pete finished eating, but when I saw the hair grow from mid-back down to his ankles, I started laughing. The pair of them snapped around to look at me, then Peter’s eyes shot back to Jackie. “Holy shit.” He breathed. “He’s already started the process, Jackie.” Jackie’s eyes widened, and she shot up from the table and ran over to the mirror in the living room.

“You sneaky little bastard!” she gasped out between laughs. “I’ve been forcing myself to eat, knowing what was coming afterwards, and you go ahead and start altering me while I’m eating!” His fingers flew to the knotted bathrobe belt and pulled it apart, dropping it to the floor, and his shorts followed suit. ” I thought you were going to use magic, not Master PC!” His tits chose that moment to start growing, and I blush to admit it, but I’d upped his bust size when I was changing him. Instead of the modest C cup she’d have had before, hers would grow to E, and his musculature would alter enough to let her carry them comfortably and they’d never sag. I watched in awe as Master PC’s ability to alter someone played out before me. Her breasts grew like an elapsed-time photo of a flower blooming, and the other changes played out. “Ohhhhhh” she moaned. Oh shit. I’d forgotten to tone down her nervous system! She’d have the same problem I had when I’d been in her shoes! A quick action with Master PC altered it so that she could tone down the feedback. Her moans dropped in volume, but they’d become much more throaty. Her penis shrank last of all, shrinking down to form her slit and clitoris, and her mound fur became much more localized. Peter and I looked at each other, and jumped up from our seats. When we’d reached the living room, we just stood in wonder, looking down at our former brother, now our sister.

She was writhing on the floor, making just enough eye contact with both of us to give us an erection. She opened her eyes, now a brilliant emerald green, and eyed the two of us with lust. “Come on down, boys,” she said as she laughed. She sat up so fast she seemed to have teleported, and latched onto one each of our legs. I looked at Pete, but he seemed lost in the glory that was Jackie. He was pulling off his clothes so quick you’d swear he was looking for body lice. Since I wasn’t quite as quick to respond, Jackie focused her attentions on Peter. She pulled him down on top of her, and started conducting a tonsillectomy inspection. Since they seemed the situation well in hand, I decided that I was extraneous. The pair of them were making out, running their hands around each other’s bodies, hitting all the spots that made them even hornier. I went back into the dining room and finished my dinner, only occasionally watching them as they continued their foreplay. Jackie rolled on top of him, running her fingernails lightly down his chest, eliciting a moan from Peter. I put my dinner plate and silverware into the sink, wanting to give the two lovers some privacy. Then I slipped out of the kitchen through the other doorway and headed for the lab for some work. When I was safely behind the door, I broke down in tears. Finally, I’d done something I’d wanted forever. I’d managed to find a woman just like me. What’s more, I had a brother, one that understood me more than anyone else on earth. Unfortunately, at least at the moment they found each other more fascinating than they did me. I hoped it was temporary, but I’d settle for whatever I could get. Peter, I thought, still felt odd about having made love to me when I was a woman, but I had no qualms. Jackie was a newborn, relatively speaking, and she remembered being me when first we’d been with Peter. In my wallow in self-pity, I heard a knock on the door. I reached over, since I’d slumped down next to it when I’d come in, and opened the door. I looked up, and I saw Jackie, and behind her Peter.

“Why’d you leave, Jay?” Her smoky voice asked softly. “We didn’t want you to go, you know.”

“You could’ve fooled me.” I sniffed pathetically. “So I thought I’d give you some privacy.”

“Oh, get off that floor and come here, you big baby.” She smiled and held down her hand for me to take. “If we’d wanted that, either of us would have told you so.” She pulled me into her embrace, and my body reacted to the touch of her beautiful form. She kissed me, hard. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” She let go of my mouth after saying this, and led me into my bedroom. Peter followed behind, and laid his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Jay. Sorry that I made you feel bad about having sex with me.”

“It hurt. But I understand.” Lying was impossible when we were talking mentally.

“I never meant to hurt you, I just couldn’t sort out my feelings.” We’d come into my bedroom, and the pair of them were undressing me. “But that’s not a problem anymore.” He smiled gently. “You’re my brother, and I love you dearly. Jackie’s our other self, you as well as me. The three of us aren’t twins, we aren’t genetically kin, we’re different persons who have the same memories up till a certain point.” The three of us stretched out on my bed, Jackie between me and Peter. We stopped talking, and just began a mutual exploration of each other. I reached out and palmed Jackie’s tit as I kissed her, running my other hand through her hair. When I felt Peter’s hand on my dick, I moaned into Jackie’s mouth. I removed my hand from her hair and ran my fingers down his cheek , stopping at his mouth. Then our hands moved back to the newcomer, and she smiled at our touch. Apparently, she and Peter hadn’t gotten any further than foreplay, because I only encountered normal lubrication when I slipped my hand into her dark curls. I caught her clit between my index and middle fingers as I stroked down her netherlips. She broke off our kiss, and with one in passing for Peter, she grabbed my hand and pulled it away from her slit, wrapped it around her breast, and rolled on top of me. She spread her legs, and used her free hand to slowly guide my cock inside of her. It took all of my self-control not to climax as soon as she touched me. Her touch was self-assured, as she remembered where I best liked to be touched. Aside from that, I’d not been with a woman in several years. When I hit her still-intact hymen, she slammed herself down hard, seating her hips against mine. I took her head in my hands and pulled it down to mine, as we waited for her pain to subside before continuing. I saw past me Peter, with lust and love in equal measures in his eyes as he watched us. His hand was slowly stroking his cock, and his other was sliding slowly down Jackie’s back. I reached out with my mind and thanked him mentally, to which he nodded. Jackie had recovered enough by that time to start making circles with her hips, sliding my cock in and out of her warm, wet snatch. I moaned in pleasure, and pulled her face to mine and locked lips with her passionately. Her arms wrapped around me, pressing her huge boobs right to my chest. For some time, we were like that, Jackie controlling the motions we made, gently stoking her fires.

Finally, though, I’d had enough of slow. I slid one hand behind her neck, keeping it in the crutch of my shoulder, while my other spread out across the back of her hips, pulling her to me even tighter. I let go of her head and shifted both hands to her waist to make her movements more rapid. I slammed her hips into mine, grinding my dick against her velvet moistness. When I felt another hand snake between us and start toying with Jackie’s clit, I saw Peter, who was apparently enjoying the show so much he’d already shot his load twice onto the sheets. Peter’s hand stirred her up further, and I felt her almost throwing herself onto my cock, squeezing me tight with her inner muscles as she went down. I gasped out, “I’m coming…” and she put her hands on my shoulders, moving her pussy against me. With my eyes rolling up in my head, I came, shooting my load all over her cunt. When I felt empty, she was still moving, milking me for all I was worth. I blinked twice, and saw her smiling face only inches from mine.

“Feel better now, lover?” she chuckled softly. I smiled and kissed her again. Since I’d altered my bodily reactions, I was still hard as a rock, but now my cock was almost numb while it recovered. I’d planned this time wisely, not wanting to finish before my lover and just leave them hanging. I still filled her cunt up with my dick, even if it wasn’t doing much for me at the moment. I snaked my hand down to replace Peter’s at her lower mouth, and manipulated the still-needy flesh there. Peter had shifted himself behind her, and was using his hands and mouth to give her as good a cum as she’d given me. Between the two of us, we managed to drive her wild. With Peter nibbling on the back of her neck, and manipulating her breasts at the same time as I was teasing her clit and filling her, she came like gangbusters. Her pussy tightened down on my dick, which was back to normal by now. The sound of her scream as she came was like nothing I’d ever heard before, except from my own mouth when I’d been female. The sensory overload as all of her pleasure centers were being stimulated must have been immense, since she passed out. When I realized what had happened, I was mortified, but she started breathing on her own. With a laugh and a sticky “sloosh-slurp” sound, I pulled out of her cunt. I looked at her lovingly , goggling inwardly at what I’d just been through. I looked at Peter, who was smirking broadly. In a stage whisper he told me, “You looked exactly like that when we made love.” I shook my head and held a finger to my lips, mockingly signaling for silence.

“Shhhh, she’s sleeping.” I smirked, and decided that I’d give Peter as good a time as I’d had. With a flash of green light, I reshaped myself into Jackie’s twin. Peter raised an eyebrow, and as I grabbed his dick, we began to play.

Next Morning

After Peter and I had finished each other to our mutual satisfaction, we’d cuddled together with Jackie, our warmth obviating the need for more than a sheet. Before he’d fallen asleep, he’d even taken care of the worst logistic problem of a menage a trois by eliminating the wet spots on the sheets with his power. I’d thanked him, then fallen asleep myself, still in female form. Much to my surprise, when I woke up, I was still a woman!

“What the hell? That spell should have worn off hours ago!” I blurted in my surprise.

“It did, but mine still has some time left, Jay.” I looked up, and there was Jackie, standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee and wearing one of Pete’s few white button-down shirts. I looked her over appreciatively. Her legs were gorgeous, and even her toes were cute. I hadn’t taken much time the previous night to really examine her in depth, being more interested in rutting, but I couldn’t see anywhere I could have improved on her even if I’d tried.

“Thanks, I think you’re pretty cute too.” She smiled and took a sip of her coffee. My mind stuttered for a moment, then I realized that she must be as telepathic with me as Peter was. “MMhmm.” She said around a mouthful of coffee, before handing me the cup, which was done to my own personal standards as regards milk and sugar. I raised it to her in thanks as I swallowed some of it. “Handy having a lover who knows what you like in the morning, ain’t it?” she asked with another smile. She sat down on the bed near my hip, and ran her eyes up and down me lasciviously. “Jesus, Peter was right. We DO make a gorgeous hunk of woman, even if I have bigger tits.” I looked down and realized she was right, I only had the C cup breasts I’d had when I’d been female previously. I had an impulse, and I decided to follow through on it, after blocking her from reading my intention.

“Well, maybe you should put them to use, girlfriend.” I reached out and touched her chest while I envisioned a slight change in her hormonal balance to back up a spell I’d silently run through. Her breast got heavier in my hand, and it became slightly harder. I leaned forwards, and applied my lips to her nipple. I sucked on it, and was rewarded by a surge of chocolate milk. Jackie moaned in response, and I rewarded her by sucking harder. Her moans only became louder, and she surged forwards to dangle her tits in my face. Luckily for us, I’d set my coffee cup to hovering in the air, and it obliged my whim by floating across the room to settle on top of a bookcase. After assuring myself that it arrived safely, I concentrated my full attention on the nipple in my mouth. Gulp, gulp, gulp. Her milk was delicious, tinged as it was with the hormonal taste of Jackie. Gulp, gulp, gulp. She spread her legs and straddled my right leg, rubbing her slit against my thigh. The feel of her wetness on my bare leg got my own fires going, not to mention the mental stimulation from being breastfed.

“Two.. can…play…at…that….game….” she got out between breaths. I heard her mutter the same spell I’d used on her, and I felt my own tits get heavier. I released her nipple, albeit reluctantly, and brought my hands up to caress my new enhancements. My nipples felt tight, almost as if someone had a grip on them just behind where they jutted from my breasts. With a tug/squeeze motion, I sprayed her with some of my own milk. To my surprise, it wasn’t the chocolate milk I’d given her, but instead it was an orange-ish tint.

“You gave me O. J.?” I asked. ” Just to round out that full breakfast menu?” I punctuated this by spraying her with some more juice, which she licked off her lips. Then, suddenly, she jerked forwards and applied her lips. I felt her suckling, punctuated at first with a lick or two, which made it stand to attention. I felt lazily aroused, almost like I felt when my pussy and clit were being manipulated. I groaned softly, and pulled her head closer to my chest, then I pulled the rest of her to me, curling her up in my lap. She murmured her contentment, and continued her suckling. It felt even better than when Peter and I had done this. She seemed to know just how much to drain each one, paying them equal devotion. How long we stayed like that I don’t know, and don’t much care. My mind wandered in the semi-orgasmic haze I was floating through, and I had an idea. With a wave of my hand, I conjured my laptop into the bedroom, and set it to hover at a convenient height.

When she heard my fingers (from one hand, mind you) clicking away on the keys, Jackie separated from her nipple, as reluctantly as I’d stopped nursing on her.

“What ARE you doing, Jay?”

“Tying up some loose ends, baby.” I smiled lopsidedly. “Peter and I have some stuff left over from a couple of months ago, and I need to check on something.” She backed off of my lap and sat up in the bed next to me. I dropped a kiss on her shoulder by way of thanks, and switched to two-handed typing.

“You talking about that li’l chippie at the drive thru?”

“Yeah, I still feel bad about that. I’ve never been one to stand up a lady. Even if I AM a lady, at the moment.”

“I’ve got no complaints, lover. Except maybe that you’re more interested in that thing than me or Peter.” I stopped typing and turned to stare at her.

“Is that true?”

“Only lately. You’ve gotten the crazy idea that you need to start hunting down the other Users.”

“Who else would stand a chance? If I think faster than they do, and with a little preparation…” She cut me off.

“You can’t know that you’ll always be able to outthink or out-program the other Users. You’ve done pretty well with this condo, but what happens if you get the bad end of a fireball or something? Peter can’t use the Master PC, and I don’t even exist, legally.”

“So you think I should just leave those other assholes be? What about all those poor people?”

“What about them? You know as well as I do that you can’t undo the changes that one person makes with the Control Console if they take half-way decent precautions. Not to mention that magic can’t erase the changes made, just alter ’em slightly. So what’re you going to do with the ones that you can’t even approximate a recovery for?” I thought on what she said, and went over some more ‘assumptions’ I’d made. I dropped my head when I realized she was right. “Hey now, don’t get stupid on me now.” Her fingers grabbed my chin and lifted it back up, kissing me as she did. “You just didn’t think far enough outwards.”

“I know, but what can I do?” I was clueless. Short of enslaving every other User I ran across and forcing them to undo the changes they’d made on their victims, I couldn’t see the way out. ” I can’t just let it keep happening. Sooner or later someone’s going to lose a copy of the program that doesn’t have Xan’s virus on it, and Gods know what’ll happen if even more power hungry geeks get it.”

“Don’t worry about that right now. Let’s solve the problems we’ve already got instead of borrowing tomorrow’s.” She thought about something for a few moments. “Well, we could add on to your idea of buying this complex. But instead of just this property, let’s buy out a few hundred acres all around it.” It seemed like a good idea to me, since most of this area was undeveloped, not to mention unlikely to sell anytime soon in this recession. “We’ll get rid of anything we don’t really need, and we’ll use some magic to enforce our defenses.” I pushed away the computer and lay my head down in her lap, while I prodded at the spell she’d cast on me. “Or maybe we could get some decent security put in place around the property. Since we’re all effectively immortal ’till we decide to die, we don’t have to worry about inheritances and such like. We can also clean out this building of all the normal people, but we’ll buy another complex, I remember seeing one in development only 3 miles away, and we can move all of the occupants of this one into it.”

I’d undone the spell she’d cast on me, and resumed my normal male body while she’d been talking. A further bite from that spirit of impishness that had gotten me earlier drove me to pull the halves of her shirt apart and start exploring. I licked at her belly, making her squirm. ” Stop that, you little….” Her breath hitched, since I’d begun teasing at her sex with my lips and tongue. Her pussy was spicy smelling ( and tasting) thanks to my tinkering when I’d reshaped her. I ran my tongue down her trimmed hair, stopping to toy momentarily with her clit. A squeal muffled by her thighs told me I’d found my goal, to stop her pretty mouth to stop talking and start moaning. I smiled evilly, even though she couldn’t see it. Her cream dribbled all down my chin, soaking into the sheets, and the musk of her arousal began to fill my senses to capacity. I ‘drew’ with my tongue on her clit, her outer lips, and the insides of her thighs. I felt her muscles begin to shake, and I added to my oral manipulations a jolt of magical energies right to the pleasure center of her brain. She screamed in ecstasy, and climaxed, a further spill of her juices flooded out and onto my face. I sat back on my haunches, and surveyed what I’d done. She was beautiful beyond belief, her gorgeous legs spread out before me, wearing one of my twin’s shirts, her hair mussed from her thrashings, sweat running down her neck and chest. I leaned forwards again, and French kissed my beloved.

When we unclenched from our lip-lock, she said with a smile, “That wasn’t very nice.”

“Really? Then why am I covered in….” I gestured at the trails of woman-juice still decorating my stubbly chin. She sat up and licked some of it off of me.

” I have no idea.” She raised her brow at me, and slipped off her shirt, climbing off the bed as she did so. “Now I need to take another shower….” She looked back over her shoulder at me coquettishly. Unfortunately, fate decided to take another hand in my life at just that moment.


Master PC: the Urge for Self- Loving

Disclaimers: If you’re under 18, leave now! This story ain’t for the faint of heart. Go find Disney. Com or something.

My thanks to:

J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories.

My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series.

Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic’s Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with others’ actions and how it troubles the conscience of the self-respecting, not to mention frequent mentions in this little yarn.

Bill Hart, creator of the Spells R Us and it’s Wizard, master of the fine print,

Robert Heinlein for writing such wonderful classics as Stranger in a Strange Land, and

finally, all of you out there who read these stories..

If you want to repost this story in a free place, go right ahead, just drop me a line at [email protected] . If you want to repost this in a paysite, DEFINITELY send me a message, or I’ll have the Doom Dragons eat your face. Nice people are okay. Mean people that try and get stuff done are cool. Mean people who don’t give a shit about anyone else suck.

And now, on with the story!


I was on the verge of answering Jackie’s unspoken question when I noticed that there was a hissing sound coming from the wall of the bedroom. I turned towards it, and my eyes widened. There was a red light the diameter of a beer can shining through the wall, vaporizing the material as it moved in a circular path, cutting a doorway for something. Either another User of Master PC had deduced that there was competition in this building, or we were under attack by a rogue superhuman, or even a UFO.

“Shit!” I muttered. Without any preparations aside from the passive defenses I’d woven into the walls and floors of the condo, I was limited to what wizardry I could recall from my books of spells. Most of those I could remember, however, were gender bending and body-alteration workings, not fireballs and lightning magics. Fast thinking was required, and I was doing my damnedest. However, Jackie was ahead of me once again. She hit me with another gender-change spell, making me into her twin again. I looked at her as I felt the changes wash over me, but I didn’t have any time to ask questions, since a section of the wall collapsed inwards almost at my feet.

Outside, hovering in mid-air, was a muscle-bound hulk of a man who seemed to radiate menace. I fought a sudden urge to go “Eeep!”.

“Where is your Master, bitches?” I reached out to Jackie with my mind, advising her to play a dumb mind-enslaved victim of the Control Console.

“Gone, sir. Shall we tell him that you called?” My voice was quizzical, as if I were unsure of the correct response.

“No need, bitch, I’ll just leave him a note.” He levitated himself in through the entrance he’d made, and hovered a few inches over the carpet, neatly avoiding the trap-spells I’d laid into the boards. Shit! I was going to have to lure this son of a bitch into touching one of the walls or something if I wanted to activate my defense magics. “Come here, slut, and suck your new Master!” Jesus, did every single one of these geeks start thinking with their tools when they became Gods?

“Huh?” I said, stalling for time. ” I can’t suck Master, he’s not here,” I added, making it seem an obvious observation. The intruder’s mouth worked for a moment in silence. “He’ll be back soon , though, if you’d like to wait in the living room?”

“Aaargh! He’s made this bitch dumb as a stump! She don’t even know an order when she hears one!” I could almost feel the little shit’s frustration mount. “YOU!” he bellowed at Jackie. “Come here!” She meekly shuffled forwards, and I could see her breasts swelling as she walked, but I couldn’t pinpoint the cause. “Good slut. You know what an order is, don’t you?” Jackie nodded rapidly. “Then I order you to suck my cock!” His idiotic face swelled up with pride. His hand went to his zipper, and he fumbled with it a moment, until he’d freed his dick, all 36 inches of it. “Dear god” I thought, “what kind of sicko IS this guy? There’s no way ANYone could fit all that in their mouth!” I had a momentary thought of how he could even HAVE a hard on, much less have sex, but I banished it as I realized what kind of trouble we were in. Unless I could trip my prepared spells, he could take this building apart around us. I was at a loss, so I did the only thing I could think of; Yell for Help!

I felt Peter’s response to my terrified call, but I knew it would take him a little while to get here. While I was stewing and trying to solve this crisis, Jackie had taken matters into her own hands, or in this case, her mouth. I saw her open up and start to take in the monster penis floating in front of her, but instead of tears, I saw the quirky beginning of a smile as she started to move her mouth over it. I was in anguish, there was no way I could help her avoid this rape! Yet again, however, Jackie’s quick thinking saved us both. Instead of giving in and sucking on this little pervert’s cock, she did what every man knows is possible in the back of his mind, even if he doesn’t consciously think about it; she BIT off his dick, or in this case, the leading 5 inches of it!

With a scream and a spurt of blood, the intruder dropped to the floor, where my protective magic took control of him. A web of blue-green lightning snapped out of nowhere and immobilized the bastard, taking him out of time. Jackie’d immediately spit out the offensive bit of flesh, and raced over to me. Through the tears that clouded my eyes, I saw that her control had broken. Tough she might be, but even Jackie had her limits. We sank to the floor, holding onto each other, cries of grief and rage echoing off the walls. When Peter barged into the condo a little while later, not even bothering to use a key, just dissolving the door in his rage, he found us like that.

His first question, “Are you two alright?” was followed by him dropping down next to us and holding both of us, making sympathetic noises, which set the two of us girls off again. When we’d regained our composure, all three of us stood and went over to the immobilized creep on the floor. “How’d he get.. Oh.” Pete’s question was answered by seeing the hole in the wall. “First things first, let’s stop the draft.” With a little lifting from Jackie’s spells, Peter remade the wall back into it’s pristine shape. He then turned around and kicked savagely at the intruder. “Who in hell is this guy?”

“He’s another User,” I sniffed back congestion from my crying fit. “He cut himself a hole in the wall, demanded to know where our Master was, then demanded a blow from me, then Jackie. She got her mouth on part of it and bit it off,” I finished, waving to indicate the direction of the body part in question.

“Yuck. I can’t believe I touched that.” Jackie tried to say lightly. She stomped over, picked up the severed member from the floor, and with a harsh grip, she ignited it in her fist, reducing it to ash in a moment. My housekeeping spells swiped away the ashes, depositing them into the air outside. Her rage was momentary, however, and she broke down crying again. I’d managed to put myself back together sufficiently that all I felt was rage, however, and I felt like taking it out on this would-be rapist. I left Jackie in Peter’s embrace, and stalked out to the lab. I gathered up the ceremonial sword I kept around for a stage prop, and went back to my bedroom. I knelt next to my twins on the floor, and asked Jackie to return my form to normal, which she did with a squeeze of my hand. Then I asked Peter to give me a monomolecular edge to the sword, which he did with a quizzical expression that turned to vindictiveness. Under their scrutinizing eyes, I walked slowly over to our assailant, and prepared to deal with the matter. When I’d designed the defense spells, I’d arranged them so that Peter and I could get our hands or anything else we wanted into it without getting caught up. With a shriek of rage, I swung the sword, decapitating my victim.

I mentally directed the defenses to hold on to the head, but to allow me to move it wherever I wished. A further thought made the head float behind me at shoulder height while I stalked over to the corner of the room and started drawing a circle onto the floor with the heat from a fingertip. I scrawled various words in ancient languages around the perimeter, and directed the head to float into the middle of the circle. I then rotated the head so that it was facing me. A shouted word, and the spells came alive. The eyes of the intruder blinked momentarily, and the mouth started forming words. I gestured, and the words became audible. This was a spell I’d hoped never to use, but I felt little compassion for it’s current subject.

“What in hell…” the head spoke. “What happened to me…” His eyes widened as he saw past me to the crying woman in the arms of my twin, and his own body still laying there on the floor, covered with the electric webs of my temporal suspension. He tried to speak again, but I silenced him with a wave of my sword.

“You’ll answer my questions, you little shit, or I’ll start pruning off what little you’ve got left.” I let the sword rest on his cheek, drawing a thin streamer of blood. “Who are you? What’s your name?”

“D..David. David Breenan.”

“Well, David Breenan, you’re not having a very good day, are you?” I let my most malicious smile curve my lips. “Looks like you picked the wrong house to crash. How did you find this place?” He licked his lips, sweat beading on his forehead.

“I looked through the current databases of stockbrokers in the area. I thought it would be easier to take your money than to get my own.” Dammit, I was going to have to do something about that. I couldn’t have my monetary movements traced, it was almost as good as an address in today’s world of interconnected systems. ” I got your address off of a client list, and when I got in, I figured that you had the Program, but I figured I could get your money and your women before you noticed.” I shook my head.

“You’re really not that bright, are you? What if I’d been gay? Would you have stolen my boyfriend, if I’d had one?” He had no response except to get red in the face. “Never mind that. Now I’ve got something I’d like to show you, Mr. David Breenan.” I summoned my laptop over, and brought up the image file of Suzanne, Madeline Phesant’s secretary. “Do you recognize this woman?” He didn’t reply. ” I said, do you recognize this woman?” He muttered an affirmative. “Were you the one that made her a shemale?” Again a positive response. I put on my best fake-sympathetic expression. “David, David, David. What AM I to do with you? I can’t let you go as you are, you’d just make my life a living hell. I can’t just erase your memories, you might eventually get them back. So what…” I snapped my fingers dramatically in his face, making him flinch, or try to flinch, since he had no body from the neck down. ” I know JUST what I’m going to do with you, Davey my boy. You don’t have to thank me, sooner or later someone’ll do it for you.” With a muttered spell, I made David’s headless body sit up, and I removed the spell immobilizing it, but not allowing it to die. I went over to it, and pulled it into a standing position. “I hope you enjoy your second childhood better than your first, David.” I rummaged through the pockets of the clothes he’d been wearing, and found his wallet. “Don’t worry, though, noone will miss you. As far as anyone knows, you were never even born.” I stuffed the wallet into my pocket, and used my blade to slice off his clothes. When I looked directly at his head, his eyes were closed and he was crying. “Come on, David, buck up! It’s not every day you get a second chance at youth.” When I’d stripped his frame of clothes, I began spinning more spells.

His body sprouted a twin to the head now floating in my circle of power. Then, I began to make a few editorial changes. I shrank his 7 foot frame down to 5 feet. Then I changed his gender. His grotesquely enlarged penis withered and shrank away, leaving him with a dainty feminine cleft. His replacement head became softer featured, eyes becoming blue, and his hair becoming a waist-length blond color instead of the dark brown it had been. Although I was tempted to give his new body a taste for painful sex and the like, I wanted this to be a learning experience for him, not a fantasy fulfillment. I left him pretty much as he would have been if he’d been born a girl. When I was satisfied with my labor, I turned to my lovers, who were staring at my work with a critical eye.

“I think you should give her bigger tits, Jay. How’s she ever going to get a man with such an average rack?” Jackie was working out her own aggressions on the helpless boy. (His ID had told me he was only 17.) “Besides which, her ass isn’t nearly cute enough.” Peter chimed right in.

“Don’t forget the sex drive, bro. Can’t have her becoming frigid, that’s no good.” I decided that we’d had enough of our mutual vengeance on him.

“Alright, you two, that’s enough. David,” I turned to look squarely at him. “You might not like this initially, but to be frank, I don’t care. You break into my home, try and rape my lover, not to mention myself, and god knows what you’ve done to anyone else your pointy little head desired. Think of this as retribution and rehabilitation. Enjoy, and have a good life.” The look on his face was priceless. His confusion and fear made him look like a little kid that has just shit themselves but was afraid to tell anyone. I laughed openly, and waved my hand, completing my spells. David’s disembodied head began to shrink, and to alter in shape. When it finally became what I was looking for, I broke the containing circle and directed the glowing shape toward the altered body. It zipped across the intervening space, striking it’s stomach with a sound like a splash. Her eyelids fluttered momentarily, and then opened.

She took in the scenery around her, and began to blush. Not only was there a nearly naked woman in the room, there was a naked man with a sword in the corner. “Oh God, I’m sorry, Mr. *****. I should have knocked, but I forgot you worked at home.”

“It’s okay, Daphne. Go on back out front, Peter can show you where the other bathroom is.” I gestured at Peter to show the young lady to where she needed to go. He raised his eyebrow and led Daphne from the room and down the hallway to the other bath. I dropped my sword and opened my arms, beckoning for a hug. Jackie sprinted across and grabbed me. “I’m sorry, baby. I couldn’t kill him, particularly not with magic.”

” I know, I know.” She held me tightly, speaking in an understanding tone. ” Magic isn’t really meant to destroy anything. It’s supposed to make living easier, not killing.” I nodded wordlessly. “Although I have to say, I was worried when I saw you cut off his head.” She started chuckling. “You going to tell me what all you did to her?”

“Wait till Peter gets back, I don’t want to tell this twice.” I picked her up and sat down on the end of the bed, waiting for my twin to come back. “Although I think we BOTH need a shower now,” I smiled at her. She only snorted and squeezed me again. When Peter came back in from his errand, his grin was pronounced. “She’s mortified, and scared. Not to mention turned on, just a little bit. What in the hell did you do to her, Jay?”

“Aside from a complete change of gender, I gave her some false memories. She might remember being David Breenan, but only in her dreams. As far as she’s concerned, she ran into Jackie at the bus station and Jackie offered her a place to stay while we get her home life straightened out. From what I got from his mind while I had him in the circle, he had a rough life. His adoptive mother sexually abused him for years, and he was a closet homosexual from the damage. That’s why he changed Suzanne into her current shape; he wanted to be thought of as a super stud, but satisfy his urges at the same time.” I shook my head to clear away the sad memories I’d taken. “He got the Master almost six months ago, and has been living out some petty little revenge fantasies ever since. Luckily, he never had to bother with shielding his mind from a telepath, so I got into his mind pretty easily.”

“But what’re we going to do with her?” Peter’s practical streak was showing. “I don’t know about you, but the idea of having her staying her kind of creeps me out.”

“Oh, Peter, she’s not David anymore. She’s Daphne.” Jackie stated with conviction. “Jay couldn’t kill David out of hand, particularly not with that kind of history. Could you have?”

“No,” he admitted, “but I don’t think I’d have let him get off that lightly either. What if David’s memories resurface in her?”

“I’ve done the best I can to avoid that. Daphne’s memories are suppressed, and with a little time, she’ll probably never remember. But that’s why I want to keep her close. I don’t want her running around spreading the word that some strange man decapitated her and turned her into a woman.” I shuddered. “She deserves a fair shake out of life, Pete.”

“OK, okay, I get it.” He sat down heavily on the floor. ” I just don’t think that I’d have been that generous.” I shook my head in the negative.

“You’d have done the same thing in my place. Hell, you DID!” I chuckled. “After all, I’m you, and you’re me.” He thought about it, and squared his shoulders.

“You’re probably right, the both of you. But won’t it be hard to keep up appearances with a non-involved person underfoot?”

“That’s why I’m going to put her in another apartment as soon as possible. We need to call the rental office and see if there are any other units open.” Jackie said, taking charge of the conversation. Peter and I just looked at her. “Hey, if any of us have a say in where she goes, I think I qualify. Neither of you big, strong men dealt with the problem, I did.” Her comment reminded me that I probably needed to alter a few memories with the Control Console to let Peter keep his job. I swung the computer in front of myself and altered the memories of his coworkers to make them remember an emergency phone call that took Pete home. I was finished with the work in a few minutes, and I closed the window with some relief. I could stomach using the Master for such little things as this just to keep life running smoothly for us since it didn’t impose on their free will too badly. “And now if you two wouldn’t mind, I think I want to be held for a while.” Jackie’s smile snapped me back out of my musing. I turned to my lover and my other self(ves) with a heartfelt grin. Peter and I laid her out on the bed and curled up around her, one of us on each side. We stroked her hair and face until she fell asleep. I heard the TV come on in the living room, and knew that our houseguest was taking care of herself. I swallowed my laughter as I remembered that I hadn’t told Jackie and Peter about the biggest surprise Daphne had coming.

I’d reshaped her body into a woman’s, and I’d decided on a unique rehabilitation for David, or whatever was left of him. Daphne was pregnant, about 2 weeks along. In 9 months, she’d give birth to her son, David. Hopefully, with a little help from the three of us, David and Daphne would get a much better life than they’d had the first time around. I’d never really felt comfortable with the idea of killing someone just because I disagreed with them, even if they had the power of a god like David had. However, I had to face the facts; if I ever saw that Daphne was starting to remember too much being David, I might have to kill her, and possibly her unborn child along with her. Oh well. Shelve it for another day, Wizard. Be satisfied that you’ve defused the situation, and let tomorrow take care of tomorrow, as Jackie would probably say.

Later that night

Daphne had availed herself of the kitchen, and made dinner for the four of us. For a brand-new woman, she didn’t do half bad. She’d made us breakfast at night, my favorite. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, the whole works. We thanked her profusely for volunteering, and sat down to eat. However, Daphne herself didn’t eat much, just picked at her plate.

“What’s wrong, Daph?” Jackie asked.

“I don’t know. I just don’t really feel like eating.” I smirked inwardly, knowing that soon she’d have a chemical reason for not eating eggs. “The whole thing with my parents is really starting to bother me. What if they come after you for taking me in?” I jumped into the conversation.

“Daphne, first off, I doubt they’ll say anything at all. Secondly, it’s not as if we could be charged with anything. I called the police,” and added when she looked panicked, “and I explained the whole situation. Since Jackie’s a licensed social worker,” (this was the cover persona we’d worked up for Jackie that afternoon, using the Control Console to make sure all the records were created and in order) “they agreed that in such an emergent case like this it was okay for her to provide temporary shelter.”

“Still…” her worry was evident. If what I’d gotten from David’s mind was any indication, her parents had been nightmares on wheels. I stalled for time.

“Jackie and I are going to go see them tomorrow, and we’ll try to work out something.”

“Well, okay. Do I need to come?” I had to give her credit, she was willing to put herself into a potentially dangerous situation if it was what was needed. I assured her that it wasn’t needed, and she seemed relieved. While we finished our meal, I did a little more thinking on the subject. David’s memories indicated that he’d altered his father and step-mother into being little more than mindless automatons, and unless he’d left his copy of Master PC open for others to use, there was little hope I could change them back. Still, I owed it to myself to give it a good try. If I were really going to give Daphne and her child a new beginning, I should make sure that their past was a closed book. I finished off my eggs, and put the plate in the sink. I told the others that I was going out for a while, and not to wait up. I picked up my computer case and left the condo.

Peter’s pet projects lately had revolved around the beater car we’d bought a week or so back. He’d retooled it with his cutting-edge scientific know-how, and more than a little of his matter rearrangement talent. It still appeared to be a slightly older car in fairly good shape, but it was now almost a tank on wheels.

The body had been changed into a material more heat resistant than the tiles on the Space Shuttle, as bullet resistant as full tank armor, and the “glass” was actually a transparent metal. The fuel supply was the abundant hydrogen in the air, converted into pure energy in a controlled matter/anti-matter reaction, much like the Starship Enterprise. I still laughed to myself whenever I looked at it. Subtlety and overwhelming technology, all in one convenient package. I unlocked the door and got in, laying the laptop on the seat next to me and plugging it into the cigarette lighter. I pulled up the Control Console and started the car, heading towards David/Daphne’s former home.

It turned out to be a trailer in a really nasty part of town. More than ever I was grateful for Peter’s tinkering. It would take something along the lines of a cruise missile to even chip the paint on the Beater. I slipped out, locking the door behind me, and went up to the trailer. It was locked, so I was forced to use a quick spell to unlock the door. I stepped inside, and my jaw hit the floor. It was filled with the usual squalor of trashy people, but it had the bonus of having been covered with various bodily fluids. There must have been a gallon or more of cum all over the couch, floor, walls and ceiling. Blood was mercifully less in evidence, but still there. Saliva and sweat stains marked EVERYTHING in sight. It looked like a three day orgy in a charnel house. Behind the ratty sofa I found the king of it all, though.

There was a woman on the floor, stark naked. She looked like a Penthouse model reworked by a demented comic book artist; her tits were so huge she couldn’t walk, and were leaking a flowery-sweet smelling substance from the tips. Her face had been altered as well, with retractable teeth (probably for some kind of oral fixation) and lips that looked like inner tubes. Stuffed into her pussy was what had to be the largest dildo on the planet. I could see about 2 feet of it protruding past her ass, which was trying valiantly to grind those last couple of feet into her snatch. A closer look at the end of the dildo, however, proved just how vengeful David had been. There were vestigial toes, and if I looked closely, I could see a seam up the center-line. David had altered someone, presumably his father, into being a living dildo for this demented, sex-crazed fiend that I assumed was his stepmother. I left the two of them there for the moment, since I couldn’t really do anything for them. A little poking and prodding around in the bedroom provided me with some identification for the two of them; she was Michelle Donaldson, 34, and he was Saul Breenan, 46. I stuck the ID in my pocket for later reference, and kept looking around. Aha! In the second bedroom, apparently David’s, I found what I was looking for; an almost-antiquated 386 processor desktop computer. I was surprised that Master PC could even run on that piece of junk, but I was relieved. If he’d been using a computer in another location, it would have made my search a great deal more difficult.

I started it up, waiting an eternity while it loaded. Finally, I got the desktop to show. I opened up the My Computer icon, and found the Control Console. When it loaded, it asked me for a password. I tried a few times, the usual stuff. God, Sex, Love, etc, all to no avail. After my fifth try, it closed the program. Fuck! All I’d gotten from David had been the most emotionally charged memories, not the whole shebang. I couldn’t go prying into Daphne’s head without running a risk of destroying the new personality I’d given her. I tried again to guess the password, but I failed. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to try again. A pulse of energy shot out of the computer, flinging me across the room and completely destroying the PC. My magical defenses protected me from the electrical shock, and I wasn’t hurt when I hit the wall. I shook my head, and cursed up a blue streak. Without David’s copy of the Control Console, these two and any others he’d changed were stuck as they were for the rest of their lives. Fuck! Now what was I going to do with these two? I couldn’t leave them here, sooner or later someone was going to come looking, and I didn’t want to deal with the hassle if anyone connected them with Daphne. Well, until we’d sorted out something with the condominium complex, they’d just have to stay where they were. Apparently, David’s tinkering had removed all need to sleep, eat, or eliminate wastes, because I couldn’t find anything to eat that wasn’t three weeks rotten in the whole trailer, and there weren’t trails of bodily wastes across the living room. Okay, then, all I have to worry about is keeping people away from here for a few more days.

After I got back into the car, I prepared an Ignore-Me type spell, one that convince anyone that came around that they had something more important to do. I let the spell go, watching in my mind’s eye as it wrapped around the trailer and began working. I started the car back up and headed home, not feeling very good about myself. As I drove away, I made some notes to myself;

-get Jackie on the ball about buying out the condo complexes

-get the shell corporation started as a front to accomplish previous


-what are we going to do with all of those we can’t fix? E.g. David’s parents? Suzanne?

-Are there any other people out there with magic, or am I and Jackie the only ones?

The last question was one I’d been trying to answer for the last 2 weeks or more. For all of my scrying, I’d been unable to find a single other magic-user in the entire United States. Soon I was going to have to start searching overseas, at this rate. If the Spells-R-Us Wizard and his shop existed in this world, I was unable to find either of them. I was getting antsy; if someone else was using magic, my life would get a lot more complicated. With super-science and Sorcery on my side, I was fairly certain that I’d have eliminated the malicious Users in time. Another magician, on the other hand, might throw a monkey-wrench into my plans. Shelve it till later, I guess. Finding a lawyer should be easy, since there were more lawyers than cockroaches. With them working for me, I could have my corporation up and running within a few months, and I could acquire the buildings I needed shortly thereafter. Jesus, no wonder there are so many criminals, doing things the legal way took too damn long! The temptation to just use the Control Console to alter reality was great, but I talked myself out of it. That way lies madness, and god knows what else.

Back at the condo, I told everyone that I’d solved our problem with Daphne’s parents for the moment, but I needed a little time to work on a project. They wished me luck, and left me alone. In the lab, I pulled off the sheet from my latest project. It was a prehung door, bought from the local hardware store. I’d covered the jambs with various signs and diagrams of my desire. If my studies were correct, this doorway would have the ability to open up onto various other pocket dimensions. I moved the door to the middle of my insulating magic circle, just in case it decided to explode or go screwball on me. I activated the circle, and then started on the final spell to make the door work. Mercifully, the spells didn’t explode. However, it didn’t work the way I’d wanted it to. Instead of opening on another dimension, it went right into the living room. Apparently, it wasn’t visible from that end, so I shrugged and pulled the door out. It was handy, but unless I could find a way to make it open up onto other spaces…. With that thought, the view through the door changed; instead of going to my living room, I saw into the interior of David’s home! I lost control of my levitation spell at this, and the door crashed to the floor. Peter and Jackie burst into the lab moments after, asking what had happened.

“Well, I think I’ve managed to outdo myself this time.” I explained to them what I’d been trying to do, and what I’d actually accomplished.

“So, does it just show those two locations, or can it go anywhere else?” Peter asked.

“I don’t know, I wasn’t even expecting it to do what it did. I don’t even know if we can cross it safely, much less come back through.”

“Well, there’s nothing like an acid test.” Jackie opened the door and jumped through, nearly giving me a heart attack! She was standing in the middle of David’s living room. “Jesus, it smells like a whorehouse..” She turned at the sounds coming from behind the couch, and turned back. “Damn, that boy had some real issues, didn’t he?”

“That’s putting it mildly. Are you going to come back across, or stay for a while?” I gibed.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Although not like those two..” she remarked as she came back across.

“So, could you see back across the gate?”

“No, but I could hear you.” Okay then, looks like we’ve got a pretty good magical doorway. “But I have to tell you, I think David was a closet misogynist.”


“Well,…” she trailed off, then started to strip off her clothes. ” I think the pheromones being put off by those two are designed to make any woman that comes near them get seriously horny.” She started teasing us and herself, tweaking her nipples, playing with her clit. ” Ah…I… I think…” Damn, those pheromones must be seriously quick acting, if only a few seconds in their presence was reducing her to this. I looked over at Peter, who was grinning. I shrugged, and gestured helplessly. He got the message, and bustled the two of them off to his bedroom. I made another note to do something about those pesky pheromones, and went back to work.

A few hours later, and a knock at my door dragged my attention from the experiments I was doing with the doorway. Strange, since Peter and Jackie don’t usually knock. Must be Daphne. “Come in,” I called, shutting the door and pulling the dropcloth back over it. Too many questions to answer if she saw it. It was indeed Daphne, and she came in, hesitantly. “What’s up, Daphne?”

“Um.. I…” she stuttered. I turned away from the doorway and sat down in my chair. Contrary to what you might have expected, I don’t keep my lab looking like your average Wizard’s workroom. I had some diagrams pinned to the walls, and aside from the cabinets built into one of the walls, there wasn’t a whole lot else there. “I couldn’t sleep, and I can’t just sit there and listen to…” she blushed. “To them.”

Guess they were making more noise than I thought. But what’s that smell…? Oh shit, the pheromones? Could they have come back across with Jackie?

Daphne came across the room and sat down in my lap. “Uh, Daphne… I don’t think that’s such a good” she shut me up by pressing her mouth to mine. She moaned in need, her hands going to my shirt and ripping it off. Shit, I guess those pheromones increased strength, too. She broke from my mouth with an audible Pop! and started moving south. She devoured her way down my neck, and then to my nipples, which were still a big erogenous zone. I tried again to get her back to normal, but to no avail. Finally, I gave up, and gave in. It wasn’t as though she could get pregnant, and I couldn’t think straight enough to get a spell off. I pulled off her robe, leaving her still on my lap, wearing no more than a now-soaking wet pair of underwear. I growled in frustration, and ripped them off of her. She snarled in appreciation, and returned the favor, shredding the shorts I’d had on. With no more preliminaries, I stood up, carrying her to the floor. I grabbed her thighs and spread them apart, and fed my dick into her. She moaned, and writhed beneath me. I pounded her mercilessly, and howled in pleasure when she wrapped her hands around my shoulders and her legs around me, pulling me into her harder. I still slammed into her, feeling her pussy muscles clenching around my hardness. Finally, screeching, we came, one after the other. Apparently, this broke the power of the airborne chemicals, and we came out of our rutting haze.

“What just happened here?” she managed to get out, still wrapped around me. “I’ve never done anything like that before…”

“Me neither.” I held her to me, not wanting to hurt her feelings. ” I’m not really sorry this happened, but I think I should tell you some things, Daph.” I started telling her an edited version of the story. I explained that I was working with some human skin extracts, the primary source of pheromone compounds used in some cutting-edge perfumes and the like. “Effects like what just happened have been recorded before in such cases.” Not a lie, either. Just not quite as extreme as this. “I’m sorry, the skin extracts aren’t a controlled substance, so I’d taken very few precautions.” I disengaged our legs so that I could stand up, and I picked her up again. “With those chemicals floating around the apartment, and with your emotional distress, it seems like a normal enough reaction, and neither of us seems hurt.” She blushed, and nodded. I walked back to her bedroom, and put her into her bed. “Would you like me to stay with you for a while?” She nodded, and scooted over to make room. I sighed inwardly and climbed into the bed, snuggling up next to her. I hoped this wouldn’t cause any problems in the morning, and fell asleep shortly thereafter.

When I woke up, Daphne was wound up in the covers and lying across my chest. I smiled gently, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Daph? Wake up.” A gentle shake woke her, and she stretched, her breasts pressing into my chest. Nice way to wake up, I thought. “Feel better?” She yawned again, and said that she did. “Ready for some breakfast?”

“Sure. I’m starving!” She unwound herself from the sheets, and crawled out of the bed. I watched her as she did, enjoying the sight. She was a beautiful young woman, trim and fit. My dick made it’s presence known, which I tried to conceal. She’d bent over to get her clothes from the floor, and the beautiful peach shape of her ass only made me harder. When she’d pulled on her panties and turned around, she couldn’t help but notice the outline of my hard on behind the sheet. “Jay, I…,” she stopped and stared for a second. An eyebrow raised, and she crawled back onto the bed, straddling me across my hips. She leaned in close. “I know that Jackie’s your girlfriend, and I don’t want to get between you. What happened last night..” I stopped her with a finger across her lips.

“Jackie’s her own person. She and I love each other greatly, but neither of us owns the other. Or do I need to remind you that she and Peter are probably still in bed together?”

“I’d forgotten, to be honest.” Her gaze went inwards momentarily, then a mischievous look crossed her face. She grabbed the finger I’d used to hush her, and kissed it. Then, she truly surprised me. She lay down across me again, making my cock twitch in anticipation. “Does that mean you’re up for a rematch?” I grinned lustfully at her, and answered her question.



After I’d finished my rematch with Daphne (and had a high calorie breakfast to recharge afterwards), I was left with a small moral dilemma; how was I going to explain away some of the weird stuff going on in this home without reawakening the memories she had of being David? Should I tell her the whole story, and hope that her implanted personality would hold under the pressure, or just keep it to myself? Both plans had a certain appeal; it would be nice to have an outside opinion (Peter and Jackie didn’t really count as outsiders, being altered clones) on what I was doing, but inborn caution made me hesitate. The last thing I needed was someone even hinting that I was up to something unusual. Certainly, I’d covered my tracks pretty well when I’d given Jackie her “official” identity, but since Peter was using my name and social security number, that left me unaccounted for. How was a man that had no social security records going to form a corporation? Even if I used my original number, how could we explain away Peter’s working for a living for less than 10 dollars an hour with our multi-million dollar holdings?

I hauled my carcass off the couch, and went to check on my roommates. A quick mental probe told me that neither of them was in a conversational state, so I opened the door and stuck my head in. Sure enough, they were still screwing like weasels. Dammit, the pheromones must not have worn off! I almost regretted having suppressed David’s memories, since I had no idea what he’d done to his stepmother to make her body chemistry so infectious. Worse yet, since his version of the Control Console had gone bang, I didn’t even have enough references to work it out. Shit! I was going to have to try some magic and hope for the best. I started off by overloading both of their neural systems, basically giving them the king of all orgasms, then knocking them out. Good thing Peter was off today, since I had no idea how long this was going to take. I swept the room with a spell, showing that the only virulent sectors were them and the sheets they were lying on. Good, that would make it simpler. I restricted the airflow out of the room, not wanting a rematch with Daphne so soon. I knew she was in the shower, so I had some time for a preliminary investigation. With the Master running, I scanned my person for the pheromones, but there were none present. A similar scan on Daphne revealed rapidly reducing levels. So what had happened? I got a flash of inspiration; Peter’s matter-rearrangement! While he was touching Jackie, who was exuding the pheromones, he must have had an idle thought about making the sensations last longer, and his power obliged by making more of them! They’d been stewing in those juices all night long! It was a fucking miracle they were still in one piece! I interfaced with the housekeeping spells I’d laid on the bedroom, and included the pheromone compounds into the descriptions of the ‘garbage’ that had to be removed. A few seconds later, it was done. Now I had to get rid of whatever was still floating in their bodies. Time would probably work, but that wasn’t an option. Finally, I resorted to the Control Console. I re-entered the password for Peter, and reset his body to the default settings, wiping out whatever else was present. A scan showed him free of the pheromones, so I repeated this with Jackie. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and cancelled the spells keeping them asleep.

“Ohhhh…” Peter groaned as he rolled into a sitting position. “What in hell…” Jackie followed suit, with much the same dialogue. I filled them in on what I’d deduced and what had happened to all of us last night.

“You slept with her?” Jackie’s incredulous expression melted into one of tenderness. ” I guess we’re not quite as selfish as we thought, huh?”

“Jesus, Jay, that was brave. Or monumentally stupid. She’s seventeen, you dork!” Peter’s response was less enthusiastic. “What if you’ve knocked her up? The last thing we need is more complication in our lives, you know!” I smirked at him, knowing it would aggravate him.

“First off, I’ll only take the blame for this morning. I didn’t know about the pheromones spreading until I got knocked upside the head with ’em. Secondly, I couldn’t have knocked her up, she’s already pregnant.” That seemed to knock them both for a loop. ” I-forgot- to mention that when I reshaped her yesterday, I made her pregnant with David.” I filled them in on my master plan for Daphne/David. After an obligatory castigation for not telling them sooner, they applauded my decision.

“Pretty smart. If, at some level, she regrets the loss of her maleness, it should be cancelled out by motherhood. Good work, bro.” Peter gave me his highest accolade, and I bowed in thanks.

” I think so too, you big softie.” Jackie gave me a hug, which was as big a show stopper as ever, considering that she was naked, and smelled like a cathouse. ” But why were we screwing all night? Apparently it stopped for you two after the initial contact. Why not us?” I filled her in on my assumptions, which made Peter look sheepish.

“I don’t remember thinking it, but it’s possible. I’m sorry, Jackie.”

“Not really an issue, but I’m going to be sore for.. Wait a second, how come I’m not even feeling tired, much less like I’ve been entertaining an entire ship of Marines?” I told them how I’d fixed things with the Control Console. “Thanks, that would have been pretty uncomfortable.” The whole situation gave me some ideas, so I sat down at Peter’s desk and did some fast typing with the Master.

“What ARE you doing, Jay?” Jackie asked.

“You just gave me a great idea if the sort of shit that happened yesterday keeps happening,” I replied. I gave Peter the ability to use the Control Console if and when I was taken out of action. Jackie’s ability I removed as well, after asking her if it was okay. This way, if anyone got control of either of them, neither could use the Master against each other or me. She agreed, and so it was done. Then came the hard part. I listened for a moment, and realized that Daphne had finished her shower. I promised them that we’d take this up later, but for the moment, we needed to do something about our guest. Peter volunteered to call the management office to see about vacant units in the area. I asked Jackie to report to Social Services that Daphne’s parents had disappeared. “That way, we’ve got a quick out. I’ll vanish the two of them somewhere, and we’ll be half done with our problem.”

Peter’s call to the office yielded some positive results; the condo a floor down from us was vacant, and available for rent. He told Ms. Cornwallis that we had some friends from out of town looking for a place to live, and we liked the complex so much that we’d recommended it. She was apparently so pleased to get some more business that she gave us a price break on the second condo. We’d be paying close to half the price we were on our own. Peter thanked her and told her that we’d be putting the lease in under our names since we were residents of Kentucky, and he’d be down at the office shortly to fill out the paperwork. He filled me and Jackie in on this when he hung up, then headed out.

“Well, I’ll go tell our guest that she’s got a new home. I assume she’s to finish school?” I nodded.

“Good call. I’ll see about getting her re-enrolled, but what’re we going to do with the parents?”

“Assuming that Daphne agrees to move in, I’ll seal off the bedroom she’s using now and we’ll keep ’em there till we figure out something else.” I wasn’t too happy about this, but we couldn’t avoid it.

“Think you can distract her with a shopping trip or something while I get the dirty work done?”

“Oh, I think I can manage.” She smiled at me, gave me a peck on the cheek, and put on some of Peter’s clothes. “Besides which, I could use a few things myself. You and Peter are sweet, but all either of you thought of when you made me was for sex-star clothes. A social worker needs something a little more conservative.” I was chagrined.

“Hell, I’m sorry. All we could think about was,”

“Sex. I know.” It was sooo convenient having a lover that knew how you thought. She shook her head, and after I gave her my check card and the petty cash we had, she went to see to our little ‘orphan’.

I watched her walk off (Damn, but if she didn’t have the cutest ass I’d ever seen.) and then got to work with my ‘relocation program’.


“I swear, Jay can be such a little boy sometimes, and then turn around and surprise me by actually using the brains he’s got.” I told Daphne.

“He seems like a sweet guy, though. Although what kind of guy plays around with skin extracts for fun?” She pulled a couple of tops off of the rack and added them to the pile in the shopping cart. “Has he always been like that?”

“Pretty much. If he weren’t such a dreamer, he’d have been God’s gift to the Nerds.” I smiled, knowing that Daphne would never know how much I knew about him. Sometimes girls need to keep some things to themselves, no matter how much we talk to each other. Besides, how could I tell her that up until a few days ago, I’d never existed, and when I had, I’d briefly been a third twin to him and Peter? I was still amazed at how quickly I’d gotten past being a man. When I thought about it at all, it seemed almost like a dream. I could still remember being Jack, but I suppose the brevity of that existence adds to it’s apparent un-reality. I guess that my/our core personality hadn’t ever really been that locked into one gender or the other. Take me and Peter, for instance; it was only when we’d been ‘split off’ from Jason that we’d developed the strong individual personae that we had. Peter was much more aggressive than Jay, and firmly masculine. His skittishness after making love to Jay when Jay was in female form proved that out. It was only my prompting that allowed him to see how he was hurting our brother/Maker. Just like a boy, it takes a woman to solve all of their problems. I snorted at their antics, even after I’d come on the scene. Daphne’s next comment snapped me back to reality.

“Uh, Jackie?”

“Yes, dear?”

” I think we need to have a talk, if you don’t mind.” Uh-oh. I had a bad feeling about this one. I imagined that it had to do with the events of the last 12 hours or so. Mercifully, I wasn’t even feeling mildly jealous. How could I? If I’d been in Jay’s place, with this nubile little hottie after me, I’d have bowed to the inevitable too. Guess Jay’s changes to me with Master PC had included being open to other women. Not that I would have been averse otherwise, I suspect. I was Jason, at least up till 3 days ago, in terms of memories and experiences. I bit the bullet.

“No, I don’t mind, but I think we ought to talk in someplace a little more private. Can it wait till we get back to your place?” I noted the gleam of pleasure/surprise that crossed her face at my mention of her newfound independence.

“Sure.” We went back to our shopping. I still had Jason’s taste, apparently. My choices of clothing were the sort of things I’d want to see a gorgeous brunette wear, mostly black and green, with some light browns mixed in. I did, however, lean more towards softer fabrics than he would have chosen. I went mostly for silk and cotton, throwing a little leather in for fun. This mall was surprising, I’d never have suspected a rural mall in Kentucky to have such a good selection in clothes. I finished with my shopping in a third of the time that Daphne took, mostly because I knew that whatever I chose, if I got tired of it later, I could just have Peter reshape it for me.

On the second floor, when we passed by the doorway that led out into the rest of the mall, I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks. The shop across the way had a door in it’s doorway! I looked up, and sure enough, there was the Spells-R-Us sign. Oh, shit. My first instinct was to go plowing in like gangbusters, but if I was going to follow Jay’s prerogatives and avoid notice, I was going to have to be sneakier about it. So, I fidgeted through the rest of Daphne’s shopping. When I was finally able to chivvy her out of the department store, we had to detour out to the car to stash our haul. I knew we’d have to go to some of the other shops in the mall to pick out furnishings and the like for her new place, but I was dying inside to check out the Spells-R-Us, particularly since noone except it’s proprietor knew how long it would be here.

“Hey, Daphne, let’s check out this one.” I pointed at the shop’s door.

“What kind of shop in a mall has a door? Must be a strip club or something.” Her tone registered disapproval.

“Oh, come on, you know that noone would put one of those in a mall, besides which, there are blue laws in Kentucky against it.” I resorted to an old schoolgirl’s trick, and just grabbed her hand and dragged her along behind me. I opened the door and stepped inside, into the dusty, barely-concealed chaos of the shop.

“Oh, yuck! What a bunch of junk!” Daphne’s disgusted tone rang out.

“Oh, that’s just window dressing, dearie.” The female voice surprised me for a moment, until I remembered that in some of the stories, the Wizard has an assistant. Apparently, those stories were accurate. “Why don’t you come with me, and we’ll see what we can find.” She stepped around the rack of costumes directly in front of us, and I laid my eyes on Danielle, the Wizard’s Apprentice. After looking me over perfunctorily, she turned the full force of that smile on Daphne. While she cajoled the teenager, I checked her out, and man, was it worthwhile! Not a supermodel figure, Danielle was a real woman, pear-shaped, but not overly so. Platinum blonde hair down to her waist, doe-brown eyes, she was a real heartbreaker. She looked over her shoulder while indicating some of the wonders of the shop and gave me a wink. I blushed, thinking that she must have read my mind.

“Hello, Jackie.” The resonant baritone voice came from behind me. There he was, bigger than life. The Wizard himself, prankster extraordinaire. I nodded deeply to him, which he seemed to take in stride. “Why don’t you let Danielle take charge of your young friend for a few minutes while we talk.” I looked over to Daphne, and she seemed to get the idea. I nodded at her, and she let Danielle take her in hand. The pair of them headed off into the back section of the store. “Won’t you sit down, Ms. *****?” he indicated the small stool on the front side of the cash register. I thanked him and sat down. “You’ve apparently had a very active life in your short time on this side, Ms. ******.”

“Please, call me Jackie.”

“Jackie it is, then. Now then, to the meat of the matter. I believe that up until three days ago, you didn’t exist, and that you were created by a young man named Jason?” I nodded affirmatively. “Were you changed against your will into your current form? My divinations do not tell me everything that’s happened to you, and I am unable to get very far into your mind.”

“No, I agreed to the change. I knew that he and Peter needed me as I am now more than they needed another twin.”

“I see. I believe this ‘Peter’ you mention is also not born of woman? But how did your Maker manage to learn enough magic to possibly have created a clone of himself, not once but twice?” I began to smell a rat. This old codger was smart enough to have known when his own knowledge and powers were duplicated. He must be testing me, and through me, Jay.

“If you know that much, sir, you know that he came into possession of the Master PC and used it to give himself an equivalent knowledge of magical power as yourself.” He nodded. “You also know he’s not been using his magic to control or hurt others. Why all the pussy-footing around?” He burst into laughter.

“So, I’m becoming transparent in my old age, am I?”

“Not really, sir, I’ve just read enough stories about you to guess how you’d react.” I heard Daphne’s laughter floating from the back of the shop. “You’ve done a lot of things to people for various reasons, but mostly you seem to like giving that treatment to those that want to use magic to abuse other people, usually women. Since neither Jason nor myself has done that, why should I be afraid of you?” His wrinkled face broke into a wide grin.

“I like a forthright woman. But, to be just as honest, until you stepped across the doorway, I couldn’t be sure. For all I knew, he was just using you as some sort of sex toy and cleverly using spells to conceal it from my spying. Once you were under my aegis of protection, I could get honest answers.”

A knock on the door made me jump. “Oh, that will probably be your young man now.” A flicked hand unlocked the door, and it swung open. On the other side was Jason, and Peter as well! The two of them came into the shop.

“Sir,” they said in unison. “we apologize for any convenience we might have caused you.” Each of them bowed to the older man in respect.

“Definitely not the usual response I get. Come on in, boys, and have a seat.” I looked down, and surely enough, there were stools on either side of me. The boys came over and hugged me in passing before taking their seats, Jay to my left and Peter to my right. “So, what tipped you off?”

“When she stepped over the threshold, Master PC alerted me that one of my subjects wasn’t in range any longer.” Jay replied. “I got worried, so we tracked down the car.” Peter was looking around in wonder. I agreed with the impulse, even if it was slightly rude. The Wizard made a disgusted noise.

“Those damned computers. If I ever find out who sent the damn things out….”

“So you don’t know where they came from either, sir?” Jay’s tone of voice was slightly worried.

“I was hoping that if I ever found you, I could figure out what to do about it.”

“Son, as old as I am, the list of what I don’t know just gets longer and longer.” He waved his hand again, and three glasses of water appeared on the countertop in front of us. Peter hesitated only a second before taking one and drinking it down. He set the tumbler down and looked at the old man daringly.

“I do hope that was just plain water, sir, or my girlfriend might get a little upset with you.” He smiled and squeezed my shoulder.

“Regular water, Peter. If I thought you’d be better off as a girl, I’d try something a little more insidious.” I thought he sounded impressed with Peter’s challenge. “You’re still pretty ballsy, even though you know what I could do to you.”

“What have I got to worry about? I don’t mess around with magic, I’m strictly the science guy. He’s” indicating Jay, “the Wizard. Besides which, at last count, I’ve not been trying to take unfair advantage of someone.” His smile became sincere, a small matter of letting more of his lips cover his teeth. The Wizard shook his head, and held out his hand to Jay.

“Best use of Clone spells I’ve ever seen. Most people just use it to cause mischief. You’re the first one I’ve known to actually try to do some good with it.” Jay shook his hand, with some awe. “Not to mention, you’ve actually used them to limit yourself, haven’t you?”

“Who better to trust than myself?”

“True, even if one of yourselves is a very attractive young lady. As I understand it, you’re trying to sort out the nasty shit others have caused with that damn program, yes?” Jay nodded, sharply. “Well, I wish you luck. Xanthos Pendragon seems to have limited the time it was available, but that thing’s like a virus; one exposure just leads to an epidemic.”

“I agree, sir. That’s why I’m trying to fix it. It’s dangerous enough out there without some demented godling playing around.”

“But that’s what you’re doing, isn’t it?” The old man’s tone turned sharp. “Who gives you the right to decide what is right and what is wrong?”

“I’m not out to conquer the world, sir. I just wanted to be left alone with my brother and my lover. I only started to do cleanup when it decided to come knocking on my door.” Jay wasn’t playing around either. “Unfortunately, even the most optimistic outlook I can see is that sooner or later, one of these other jerks is going to screw things up so badly that we’ll end up in World War III. Barring that, I can see a future where women are deathly afraid of anyone male, fearing that we’re going to turn them into sex-slaves.” The Wizard seemed mollified by this response, delivered with passion.

“Well, if you do as well with them as you have with Daphne there, I don’t think it’ll turn out too bad. Fair warning, though, if you screw people over with magic, I’ll make it my personal goal to make your life a living hell.” His eyes, normally mild enough, briefly glowed green. “Do you understand me? You’ve used one god-like power to give you more. Frankly, that scares me. Magic is bad enough, but you seem to have a knack for using it to work around the limits of the Master PC. Not to mention, you took your knowledge of magic from me, which puts some onus on me to ensure your behavior.”

“Sir, I’m not given to making grandiose speeches about my intentions. I can tell you, however, that the power I already have is scary enough. That’s part of why I made Peter and Jackie, I need someone to help me remain human. Otherwise, I could easily delude myself into raving lunacy.”

“Fair enough, young Wizard. You’ve satisfied me as to your sincerity, but I will be watching.” His manner shifted abruptly. “Your young friend seems to have found something that interests her.” Daphne was heading our way. I saw him slip Jay a business card, which he pocketed. “So, Daphne, did Danielle find you something you’d like?” Daphne said hi to the boys and put her purchase on the counter. Unlike most of the other wares I saw, this one was apparently a small purple velvet pouch. “That’ll be 3.24, young miss.” Daphne counted out the money and we took our leave of the shop. Jay looked back at the shop, his eyes widening as the storefront faded out of existence, leaving behind a blocked off store that had been closed for renovation. I held his hand and the four of us walked out of the mall.

“What did he give you?” I asked Jay in a whisper. He pulled the card out of his pocket and showed it to me. It said ‘Spells-R-Us Now available on the Crystalwide Web at SRUWIZDOTBALL.’ I took the card and flipped it over. There was a handwritten message on the back. ‘Jason/Jackie; keep in touch. It’s not often I meet well intentioned people in my line of work. Keep in touch. Wiz’

“Is that some kind of Internet address or something?” I asked.

“I think it’s something to do with the scrying crystal. I’ll play with it when we get home.”

I tossed the car keys to Peter so he could drive, and got into the back of the car with Jason. While we were going home, we were pretending like we were teenagers at a drive thru. We ended up back at the complex with half of my shirt unbuttoned and my bra on the floor and with his fly hanging open. We giggled at our appearance, and I saw Peter roll his eyes in mock-angst.

“I swear, sometimes you two make me wish I was an only child.” He was smiling as he said it, though. We went inside, and I turned on the television while Peter and Jay went to their workshops. Boys!

All they could seem to do at the moment was keep fiddling with their little toys. Daphne sat down next to me.


“I take it you’re ready to have a little chat? Let’s go into my room, the boys won’t come in without knocking.” A quick message to Jay and Peter ensured our privacy. Inside my bedroom, which I’d had Peter furnish in the same spare style of their own, I sat Daphne down on the end of the bed while I took the chair.

“So, what’s up, Daph?” She took a minute or so to steel herself.

“Like you guessed, it’s about last night… Jason told me it was the skin extracts he’d been fooling around with, but I still thought I should tell you about it.” I admired her forthrightness. It’s not every girl that can admit to having a beast-fuck to the girlfriend of their erstwhile lover. “I hope you’re not mad with either of us. Jay tried to reason with me, but all I could think about was fucking him blind.” I smiled, gently.

“Daphne, I don’t own Jay. He’s his own man, and one hell of one, at that. And what happened is partly my fault. I knocked over his sample and when I left his lab, it spread through the apartment.”

“But still, I should have been able to control myself.” She really seemed to feel guilty about having had a good time with Jason. Oh well. I was just going to have to head this off before it became endemic. I got out of my chair and sat on the end of the bed next to her.

“Daphne Keenan, don’t sit there and try and tell me you regret what’s been done.” That certainly got her attention; her dropped head snapped up and she locked eyeballs with me. “You and Jay had, from his account, a wonderful time last night, and an even better one this morning.” She blushed hotly. “I don’t blame you, and I don’t hate you. You’re an attractive, healthy young lady. The initial reason may have been more chemical than romantic, but you worked past that handicap admirably. And you can’t tell me that the thought of doing it again hasn’t crossed your mind.” She nodded, speechless. I smiled and continued. “Trust me, girlfriend; Jason’s one of the best lovers I’ve ever had. He honestly cares, which says a great deal about him. He took you back to your own bed, didn’t he? Slept beside you all night? Hell, he even told me and Peter about it. And no, he didn’t get graphic.” I hugged her, briefly. “The only rule I have about sex outside of our little group is this; Don’t Hurt Anyone.” She cried, and I held her again. “Jay may not have been the one to initiate your little rendezvous, but he still took responsibility for his own actions, and you’ve done the same by ‘confessing’.”

She cried herself out on my shoulder, and I have to admit, I was starting to get a little turned on. There’s just something about crying women that trips the switches for sex. I threw caution to the winds, and dropped a kiss on top of her head. She turned her face up to me, and pulled my head down. She kissed me with some fervor, and her hands started snaking up underneath my shirt. I briefly thought, Oh shit, and fired off a mental message to Jay, and I felt his magic respond. There’d have been no end to the questions if she’d found that I could express chocolate milk. Daphne’s clever little fingers slipped out and unbuttoned my shirt, throwing it open. I laid back on the bed, pulling her down with me. I slid her pants down to her knees, and she broke our kiss long enough to pull them off. I stripped myself as quickly, knowing that I had to press my advantage before her more guilt-driven mind caught up. I caught her up in my embrace again, and slid my leg between hers. I massaged her quim with my upper thigh, while my hands roamed freely over her face and chest. I felt her hands massaging my back and ass, while we rolled around like children.

Her touch was remarkably assured for someone that hadn’t had sex with another woman, I noted in passing. I pinned her shoulders to the bed while I moved slowly southward, savoring her salty tasting skin as I went. When I arrived at her pussy, the smell of her drove my senses wild. I licked gently on her thighs, teasing her. I continued to lick and nibble all around her groin, leaving her sex alone, until I heard her whimper in need. Looking up at her with a smile, I dove into her crotch with abandon. I licked and sucked at her outer lips while my fingers toyed with her button, making her gasp and writhe. On impulse, I inserted three of my fingers into her snatch with a twisting motion, using my thumb to continue massaging her clit. I reclaimed her mouth with a moan, while her hands returned the favor, albeit less certainly. On impulse, I used a simple spell and softened the bones of my fingers into cartilage, and worked another finger into her pussy. She moaned louder at this, rattling my teeth with it. I wasn’t aiming to hurt her, so I moved my fingers less in a vertical pattern, shifting into a spiral. An errant thought about her being pregnant with herself made me stutter for a moment, and I vowed that I’d be careful and not get carried away. With a sticky feeling on my knuckles, I pulled my fingers from her slit and removed hers from mine. She looked at me with confusion for a second or two until I moved us into a 69. I reapplied my mouth to her pussy, savoring the taste of her arousal. She herself gripped my butt, pulling me closer to her face. I whimpered as she went to work, and I had to resort to some mental control to stop myself from climaxing too soon. I wanted dearly to make her cum first, and I concentrated on that goal. I sucked on her button some more, using my fingers to part her lips. This went on for some time, but I wasn’t finishing her off. Time for drastic measures, then. I used a combination of her juices and my spit to lubricate my finger, and I eased it into her asshole while I sucked hard on her clit. She screamed in ecstasy, and came all over my face with a gush of girl-juice. With the added stimulation to her ass, I quickly had her screaming again, and the sensation of her doing that into my pussy had me cumming as well. With a smile and a great deal of effort, I disengaged from her, wiping my fingers on the sheets, and spun around on the bed, holding her tightly to my breast. Her tongue licked over my face, collecting scraps of her own juices.

“That was wonderful, Jackie. Thank you.”

“The pleasure was mutual, baby.” I kissed her once, and pulled the sheets up over us, knowing that the boys would wake us when it was time for dinner. “But what was it that you got from the Spells-R-Us?” She blushed hotly before snagging the bag and showing me.

“It’s supposed to be some kind of aphrodisiac oil. Want to try it out?” I smiled and gestured for her to lay out on the bed while I cracked open the vial.




While Jackie and Daphne were entertaining themselves, Jason and I were debating what our next move would be. I wanted to use the Master PC to get knowledge of nanites, but Jay overrode me.

“Those damn things are just too much trouble, unless we set up a clean room environment. We’ve got enough to worry about with short-life pheromones, I’d rather not worry about something that can remake itself to boot.”

“Dammit, you know as well as I do that we could reset them to not reproduce! What in hell’s wrong with you, it’s always about magic these days!”

“Hey, magic at least I can make a guess at the ripple factor. You wanna try that with nanites? Those fucking things make the sloppiest User look neat.”

“I still think you’re over-reacting, Jay. If I set up a clean-room environment and set it to burn if the nanites escape confinement, would you consider it?” He reluctantly agreed to this proposition. So we spent the next hour or so working on the clean-room. I didn’t need an entire room to work with, since the nanites were so small, and with the technology I could already whip up, I could manage with less than a few cubic feet of space. We constructed a small test chamber made up of a small transparent steel cube inside of another, with a pair of inset waldo-arms to manipulate the inner workings. When we were both satisfied with the preparations, he used the Control Console to give me the knowledge I needed.

I squeezed his shoulder in appreciation. “Thanks, bro. If my theories are correct, we might be able to use these things to solve our problem with Daphne’s parents.” I still wasn’t happy with the idea of having an infectious pair of people in my home, but I understood why Jay had to do it. There was simply no other way to keep them confined without someone getting wind of what we were doing. The idea of having a government agency, or worse, the media, getting involved was enough to give me the creeps. So, I’d turned my mind towards problem solving.

Jay blinked. “I’d never thought of that. I was focused on undoing it, not compensating for the problem.” His short-sighted-ness was understandable. His talents, not to mention the Control Console, made it a lot simpler to just undo things rather than working around them. I smiled again.

“You’re right, though. If we can resolve it so she doesn’t have that kind of effect on people, it’ll make our lives a lot easier.”

“My thoughts exactly. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll get to work.” He slapped me lightly on the shoulder, and wandered off to his lab. I shook my head behind his back. He meant well, even if he was acting like a reactionary. However, I wasn’t about to make the mistake of taking every word he said as gospel, even if we did agree on almost everything. Mercifully, Jay (nor I, for that matter) wasn’t the type to let ego get in the way of a better idea. “I’ve got to talk to Jackie. If Jay’s serious about this crusade of his, the two of us are going to have to patch the holes in his thinking. He’s liable to get himself killed if he tries to handle the rest of those fuckers the way he handled David.” Unfortunately, Jason’s telepathy only worked between myself and him or him and Jackie, so I had to go get her myself. I knocked on Daphne’s door, and got a feeble “Just a second,” in response. I smelled the scent of sex on the air, and smiled to myself. Neither of my twins were wasting a second in making their sex lives more interesting.

The door swung open a crack and I saw Daphne’s face behind it. “Is it dinner time already?”

“No, I just need to talk to Jackie. Is she still asleep?” Her face turned away from me momentarily.

“No, she’s up. Hang on a sec, willya?”

“Sure. Daph, how’re you getting along?” I asked.

“Oh, pretty well, I guess.” Her nervousness was evident. I made some banal reply, and she vanished. Jackie opened the door long enough to come out, then shut it.

“What’s up, doc?” Her quirky grin and raised eyebrow dared me to ask what she’d been doing in there, but I kept my mouth shut on that score.

” I had an idea, and I wanna run it over with you while Jay’s still distracted.” Her eyebrow crept a little higher, and she followed me back to my workshop. Inside, I showed her the nanite experiment, and after briefly explaining what I was trying to do with it, got down to brass tacks.

“I’m worried about Jay, sis. This crusade of his is liable to get him killed.” She agreed with me, and I sat her down in my chair while I leaned against the work top, gathering my thoughts. “I’m not so much worried about the two of us as I am about him. He thinks this is all his responsibility, and I’m afraid he won’t take adequate precautions for his own survival.”

“Howso? We’re both identical to him, and we’ve both thought about it.” This admission on her part didn’t really surprise me much, since we were as paranoid as Jay was. “If we’ve thought about it, chances are that he has too, or will very soon.”

“Right, but because we’ve diverged from his personal time-line, we think of things in ways that he can’t, or won’t. And on that note, I’ve had an idea that I want to vet past you. You and I are clones of Jay, with the trifling matter of a replicated X chromosome in your case. Would it be possible, given your knowledge of magic, to snag his spirit if he gets killed, and then implant it into another clone?”

“Possible, but somewhat difficult. I’d have to get his consent for such a thing to work.”

“Shit. Okay, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Now, here comes the tricky part. Since I don’t think we want him as vulnerable as he’ll be if we restore him like that, what if we used magic to make you pregnant with his clone?” Her look of surprise was gratifying; I had the literary background Jay and Jackie both shared, but none of the practical knowledge. ” We could even use the Control Console to age him once his new body gets old enough.”

“Now that’s an interesting proposition. From what I’ve read, a reincarnation like what you’re talking about would neatly sidestep the immortality problem.” When I looked puzzled, she elaborated. “The Immortality Problem is an ancient paradox of sorcery. If you wanted to make yourself immortal, there are several workings that will do just that, but each has an increasingly inconvenient side effect; some of them require that you become a vampiric being, others make you a thaumivore, an eater of magic. What you’ve got in mind is something like what the Buddhists believe about the Dalai Lamas.”

“Good to know, but will it actually work? If we implant his spirit in a clone, we could also recreate his memories via the Master PC, I think.” I stressed the last word. I wasn’t sure if it would work, but I couldn’t see a problem with it, except perhaps Jason’s commands to let me use the Master if he were killed or rendered unable to use it. I assumed that the command would simply remove my block against touching the Control Console, neglecting to take notice of when or if Jay ever became able to use it again.

“If he can give Daphne all new memories with his magic, I don’t think Master PC would find it any more difficult. But how are we going to get him to consent?”

“I’ll leave that to you, dear one. You’re much better at persuading him than I’ll ever be.”

“I kind of doubt that. You’re both members of the Dick Brotherhood. You’re much more like him than I am.” Her good humor took me away from the gloomy permutations of time I’d been dwelling on.

“Maybe, but he likes you best.”

“Does not!”

“Does too!” I stuck my tongue out at her, and we broke down into giggles. “Seriously, though, do you think he’ll give you any grief about the whole consent thing?”

“I honestly don’t know. We both know that he’s stubborn, not to mention contrary. Not to mention, he believes in death. I don’t know that either of us can predict how he’ll take to serial reincarnation.” I nodded and shrugged in dismissal. “I have to say, though, that I’d never once thought about just using my womb as a healing device. Good thinking there, brother.” I bowed mockingly.

“Hey, what’re alternate twins for?” A change of topics was definitely in order, I thought. “So, how was Daphne? Is lesbian sex as intense as straight?”

“Apples and oranges, Pete. Woman/woman sex takes a little more invention, since we don’t have some of the same equipment, but it’s also a little easier, since we know where to touch and how hard to press in different spots to make each other crazy.” She got this haughty expression on her face. “That’s about as much info as I’ll give you. If you want any more, you’ll have to try it for yourself.” I snorted derisively.

“If you think I’ll try and talk Jay out of one of the better self-preservation ideas he’s had, you’re crazy.” Jackie looked at me thoughtfully.

“I wondered when you’d finally get around to admitting you care for him.”

“What’re you talking about? I’ve not concealed that I love him.”

“Bullshit.” She shook her head sadly. “You and him are so much alike. Different as your minds are, you both react the same way.” I asked her what she meant. “Neither of you will admit how much you care for each other. At least you’ll admit it to me, if noone else.” I was flabbergasted. I mean, I’ve never thought I needed to say it. We’re the same person, more or less. Why should we have to rely on such a human way of reassuring each other?

“I don’t get it, but apparently you think it important that I say something to him.” She nodded.

“Much though none of us likes to admit it, we’re human. Humans need each other to remind themselves of who they are. You know that as much as I do.” I thought about it for a moment or two, and still didn’t get it, but resolved to do as she asked.

“Well, as fascinating as all this is, Jay probably has dinner ready. You wanna get Daphne, or should I?”


Master PC: the Urge for Self- Loving

Disclaimers: If you’re under 18, leave now! This story ain’t for the faint of heart. Go find Disney. Com or something.

My thanks to:

J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories.

My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series.

Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic’s Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with others’ actions and how it troubles the conscience of the self-respecting, not to mention frequent mentions in this little yarn.

Bill Hart, creator of the Spells R Us and it’s Wizard, master of the fine print,

Robert Heinlein for writing such wonderful classics as Stranger in a Strange Land, and

finally, all of you out there who read these stories..

If you want to repost this story in a free place, go right ahead, just drop me a line at [email protected] . If you want to repost this in a paysite, DEFINITELY send me a message, or I’ll have the Doom Dragons eat your face. Nice people are okay. Mean people that try and get stuff done are cool. Mean people who don’t give a shit about anyone else suck.

And now, on with the story!


JASON’S PERSPECTIVE, 6 months later

After our initial dustup with David (now Daphne) Breenan, life settled into a comfortable routine around our home. Daphne moved into her own condo, and we even got her a roommate; Suzanne, the secretary for my stockbroker, who David had altered into a shemale with his version of the Master PC.

David’s father and stepmother were still locked away in a spare bedroom of our condo, even though Peter’s idea about the nanites worked.

Jackie’s contacts in the Social Services department came in handy, and with a little sorcery and the judicious use of the Control Console, I was able to reduce the damage done by abusive families and the like in our area of Kentucky. Jackie was offered a position as Section Lead for her department, but she turned it down in favor of continuing to work with people.

Peter, inasmuch as the ‘real’ world was concerned, was still just a manager in a bookstore cafĂ©, but he’d gotten a degree in engineering from a telecommuting college, and had started to patent a few useful inventions in his spare time.

As for myself, I continued to tinker with magic, using my contacts and growing friendliness with the Wizard to make a name for myself. My policy of staying relatively invisible, though, continued to color all of my associations. After all these months, I was no closer to finding out who’d originally sent out the Master. exe program, and the slowness of moving in the mundane world had conspired to keep me from my goal of taking down the most abusive of Users. I took my frustration out in various ways, mostly by throwing myself into my work, rarely remembering to eat or sleep except when absolutely necessary. As I should have expected, Jackie was willing to let me sink myself only so far before she took action.

One January morning while I was pondering what I should do next, she came barging into my lab. I started violently since I hadn’t been paying attention to my surroundings. Without so much as a word, she grabbed me by my sleeve and dragged me off to the living room, where she made me sit down on the couch and sat down on my lap.

“What’s up, Jac?”

“You, you idiot. What are you doing?” My puzzled expression apparently infuriated her. “How long has it been since I’ve been in your bed, or you in mine?” I actually had to think about this for a minute or two, which told me that it had been too long. I told her so, which finally got me a smile. “My dear, beloved, stupid man.” She ran her fingers through my hair while she said it, so I wasn’t offended. “You seem to have forgotten a few things lately, Jay. I might be you as a girl, but I still know how you think and act. You’ve been beating your head against a wall for six months now, and you’re getting into a rut.”

“True, but I think I may have…” She shut me up with a finger across my lips.

“You’re a good man, Jason, but sometimes you can be awfully dense. Come on, we’re going to have a little brainstorming.” Her smile was wicked and wanton, all at once. I meekly followed her as she dragged me back to her bedroom. I felt a little ashamed of myself, since my memory finally coughed up the last time I’d been with Jackie as having been more than 3 months prior.

When she’d shut the door behind us, Jackie turned to me with a peculiar little twinkle in her eye.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve been experimenting with some spells, and I’d like to try them out, since Peter’s immune to them.” I acquiesced and started to undress. “No, wait. Let me….there!” I looked at her, but I couldn’t see any difference. Then I looked at myself. Nothing obviously changed, but I felt a strange sensation in my groin.

“What’ve you done?” I was curious, not angered, so I let her pull off my pants. My underwear was a little more full than usual, and when she pulled them down as well, I nearly fainted. My dick was now adorned with a spiraling twist of what looked like engorged blood vessels. “What in hell are those for?”

“Oh, you’ll see soon enough.” She smiled wickedly and grabbed my cock. As she masturbated me, I became erect, but as it came up, what I had taken to be veins revealed themselves to be otherwise. The mini-tentacles separated from the head of my dick with a scratchy feeling, and began waving in a disconcerting fashion. Jackie took advantage of my surprise to take my dick into her mouth and started sucking me off.

“Holy shit…” I breathed. The sensations from those tentacles was easily twice that from my cock, and I had to control myself stringently to keep from cumming. The tendrils had woven themselves around my cock and each other in a strange pattern, so they were stroking me and each other as their free ends explored the interior of Jackie’s mouth. The sheer sensory pleasure from their stroking was driving me wild, and I was squirming where I stood. Jackie pulled me out of her mouth, trailing saliva as she stood up. “Where’d you get this spell?”

“I made it up myself, silly.” Her hand was still teasing me, and my cock was surging in her grip. Finally, I could stand it no longer and started to pull her clothes off, while she returned the favor. When she was naked, I saw what she’d done to herself; all around her slit were these other little openings, apparently the female counterpart to my tendrils. “You like?”

” I dunno, let’s try ’em out.” I grabbed her around the waist and sat down on the bed, pulling her on top of me. I always like having my lover on top, it’s much easier on my knees, not to mention more visually stimulating. Her head bobbed down to mine, and we kissed, deeply. My cock and tendrils were still hard as a rock, and I could feel her juices running down the inside of her thighs. Apparently, her secretions were increased when she’d changed herself, just as I had even more stamina than usual. Jackie’s hand went to my cock, which she guided into it’s accustomed place, right into her box. I gasped with need, and my tendrils got into the act. Each of them straightened out momentarily and sank home, one into each of Jackie’s new orifices. They also got longer as they went, thinning down, until they’d worked through her system. Her cries of pleasure were music to my ears, and when the tendrils reached their goal and wrapped themselves back around my cock, we both wailed. We just lay there for a while, getting used to the new sensations, and swapping spit hungrily. Jackie started moving slowly up and down, drawing more moans from us both. I used my hands to pull her tight to me, so she was just moving her lower body against mine. When she was all the way down, I could feel my penile tentacles stretching to reach further inside of her body, all the way to her cervix. When they’d reached this barrier, they made contact, and locked themselves in place. I wailed when this happened, and Jackie squeezed her cunt-muscles down on my cock in orgasm, only the first of many. And it didn’t stop there!

My tendrils may have stopped growing when they’d reached her cervix, but their work didn’t stop. I got the impression of being in both places at once, filling my lover up with my cock, but also I felt myself being filled by it. “You can really say you’re in me now, lover”, she whispered into my ear. “How does it feel?”

“As if you had to ask”, I replied. Our mutual amusement reverberated down our nerves. Each of us now felt the other’s sensations, and it was heavenly. We were inside each other, and surrounding each other, building towards a mutual climax of epic proportions. I/we pulled half of us to our other self, and rubbed ourself just as we knew would feel good. Finally, I/we could withstand the pleasure no more, and we screamed out in agony/ecstasy as we came. We both passed out from the pleasure of having driven ourself to this point. I imagine that each of us had a stupefied look of pleasure on our faces, or that’s what Peter told me when he came home and found us like that.

“Jesus Christ! It smells like a whorehouse on payday!” Peter’s loud voice echoed into my feeble mind. “What in the hell have you two been doing?” His smile, however, was as curious as it was pleased.

“I’ve been wondering when she’d get fed up with your shit, Jay.”

“Go fuck yourself, bro.” The echoing chuckle from Jackie drew my attention back to our situation. We were still locked together as we’d been when we passed out. “Dear, would you mind letting me go now?” I asked.

“Hmmm, I don’t know, I kind of like you like this….” Her wicked grin made me laugh, not to mention wonder. With a muttered word, I felt my sensory systems return to normal, and I could even feel my tentacles retracting into my body. I slid my now-softening dick out of her sex, and kissed her hard.

“Thank you, baby. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but whatever it is, I’d do it again.” I was really grateful for Jackie’s presence in my life. Peter was good enough, but with Jackie added in, my joy approached the infinite. “But right now, I imagine Peter’d like an explanation.” I looked back at my brother, who still had a shit-eating grin on his face. I sat up against the headboard and started telling Peter about what had happened. When I got to the part about our nervous systems connecting, the look on his face was priceless, then turned incensed.

“You idiots! Don’t you realize what kind of danger you put yourselves in?” He snaked his hand across the intervening space and took my pulse, which he said was entirely too fast. “If I hadn’t broken you two apart, you could have killed each other!”

“How? I don’t think anything we were doing was dangerous!” Jackie was angry with him, apparently she felt second-guessed.

“Jackie, you’re a slightly smaller woman than Jay is. Not to mention, your nerves are on a different order of magnitude. What works for him, neurally speaking, won’t work for you. Same goes for you, Jay. It’s why your pulse rate is so screwy. Each of your bodies has been doing the work for the other. I want to get you into the workshop and look you over for damage.” Pete’s protective urges were in full swing, even if I thought he was overreacting. However, he turned out to be justified in his concerns. When we got to the workshop and he’d run a simple medical scan on us with some of his widgets, my heart muscle was seriously strained and overworked, not to mention that some of my nerves seemed to have been fried. Jackie was in even worse shape, in that there was an dangerous cocktail of adrenalin, endorphins and other survival chemicals running in her bloodstream in addition to the damage.

“Jesus, you see why I was bitching?” Peter was really upset this time. I could understand it; if we had been connected together much longer, there was a good chance that one of us could have died. When I looked at the clock, I saw that we’d only been having sex for about an hour or so. That kind of damage in that short a time told me just how close we’d cut it. Luckily, Pete got off early today, so I thanked my lucky stars. On his advice, I went to my own lab and pulled up the Control Console. With a quick press of a function key, I was restored to my default physiology of perfect health, and I did the same for Jackie. I felt instantly better, and Jackie apologized to Peter.

“Gods, I’m sorry, Pete. I thought it was a good idea.” She pulled him to her and gave him a heartfelt kiss. “I should have paid better attention to what I was doing. I forgot to keep us separated enough, I guess.”

“It’s okay, sweetie. I’m sorry I yelled at you, but I was scared silly. If either of you had died, we’d have been up shit-creek in a hurry.” Now THAT was an understatement. If either of us had died, the survivors would have been heartbroken. I sat down next to Peter and gave him a hug in gratitude, and Jackie joined us in a group clinch. “Now, if you two are quite finished giving me white hair, we’ve got some planning to do.”

“How so, bro?” Jackie only called him that when she’d been proven wrong on something, and Peter and I both grinned to hear it. It wasn’t often that we caught her out at something, so we had to enjoy it when it happened. “You win a vacation around the world or something?”

“Something like that. The general manager at work was supposed to go to a conference in Portland, but his wife just had their first kid, so I’m being shipped out instead.”

“But that’s great, Pete! We’ve never been that far west! How long is the trip?”

“Three weeks. There’s all sorts of crap coming down from HQ at this one, so I’ll be tied up most of the time. Bad news is, they’re only paying for me to go. If either of you wants to come, we’ll have to buy plane tickets. Worse news is that I have to leave tomorrow afternoon.” Here’s where we had a problem. Due to my procrastination, I still didn’t have any ID to work with. Peter had been using my identity just to make things easier, and Jackie had been taken care of long since. Either I had to get myself some identification made up in a hurry, or we had to work out something else.

“What about the doorway Jay built?” Jackie asked. I’d nearly forgotten that old thing, ever since we’d used it to bring Daphne’s parents across from their trailer. “I don’t know about either of y’all, but ever since Sept. 11, I just hate flying. They go through every goddamn thing you own, and you waste even more time in the airport than ever.” Peter and I concurred with her statement, not that we were particularly fond of air travel even before that tragedy. Her idea about the doorway was a good one, but we had a small problem, since Peter was going to be unable to take said door with him. The magic I’d used to make it also made it impervious to Peter’s matter-rearrangement talents and to all shrinking spells that Jackie and I knew. The door itself wouldn’t function unless it’s operator knew where it was going, so we had to work out a viable alternative. We finally decided to use some of Peter’s technology to get past the hump. He had a micro-camera that was capable of transmitting images across a cell-phone, so we decided to use that. I’d not done such a thing before, but I was game to try it.

We adjourned our council, and after a quick dinner, packed up the stuff Peter would need for his trip. I left the two of them for a while, since I needed to check on Daphne and Suzanne downstairs. I went down and knocked on their door, and Daphne answered. She’d blossomed beautifully in the last few months, her complexion having cleared up with her pregnancy. I had gotten into the habit of monitoring her condition since I was still antsy about her remembering her past as David. I could have snooped with Master PC or a quick spell, but I had too much concern for her privacy to do so, except when I was very busy.

“Hiya, Jay.” She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and ushered me inside. I made a crack about her knocking me down with her stomach, and she slapped playfully at my butt in answer. “Suzanne’s out getting dinner, but you’re welcome to stick around if you want to.” Ever since she’d moved in with Suzanne, our lovemaking sessions had changed in frequency, and I suspected it was because Suzanne was keeping her hose-beast tendencies under control. I was still angry with myself that I couldn’t undo what had been done to Suzanne, but seeing as how she’d been adjusted mentally by David, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.

“Thanks, doll. I might just do that, since Jackie and Pete are a little busy at the moment.” When she lifted her eyebrow in query I told her about Peter’s emergency trip. ” I just wanted to check in on you two since Jackie and I’ll be going out there too.”

“Jeez, I should be so lucky.” Daph pouted. “I get stuck here in school and you get to go on vacation.”

“Hey, this isn’t entirely a vacation. Peter’s going to be stuck in conferences all day.” I smirked.

“Jackie and I are going to have to entertain ourselves in cold, rainy Portland while he’s in a nice warm convention hall with a bunch of pent up strangers.”

“Aww, poor Jay.” She mocked. ” But at least it means that three of my mother hens won’t be driving me crazy for a while.” Daphne was putting up with me and my twins’ penchant for checking up on her and her baby with admirable tolerance. “Although I’ll miss Jackie’s exams. She’s not quite as rough as you are.” She looked at me hungrily. Uh-oh. Apparently, Suzanne hadn’t kept her as blunted as I’d thought. For the last three months, I’d not been with anyone, and now the women in my life were making their desires felt. I had a momentary self-derogatory thought for letting both women go without, then snorted at my arrogance. If any other two women were as pampered and sexually spoiled as Daph or Jackie, I hadn’t seen them. I did, however, decide to tease Daphne for a bit.

“Oh, am I too rough? I’m sorry, but you should have said something sooner.” I put a sorrowing look on my face. “If you’d like, I can see if Jackie would handle all of the exams from now on.” I started walking towards the door, only to be grabbed by my shirt collar. “Urk! Daph? Is something wrong?” She growled playfully in response, and let go of my collar long enough to get me to turn around.

“Only that I’ve been feeling neglected, you goof!” She stepped closer to me, her augmented waistline and breasts pressing into me.

“Funny, Jackie said something about that earlier. I guess I’ve just been working too hard.” I was still playing dumb, much to her annoyance. I blithered on about banalities for a moment or two more, before she finally shut me up by grabbing my ear and pulling my head down to hers.

“Shut up and get naked, you silly man.” Her other hand was rubbing the my cock through my jeans while she was talking, but when she moved it, I happily complied with her request. When I’d doffed my clothes, she smiled hungrily again at my erect cock. She grabbed me by this salient feature, and led me back to her bedroom, which was decked out as befitted a teenager. I found the idea of making love in a teenager’s bower as being kind of kinky, and I felt my dick get even stiffer, if that were possible. While I sat down on the bed, Daphne started to strip herself. As I watched the simple housedress she was wearing slide up to reveal her swollen belly, I found myself wondering again about her memories. I wrangled with my conscience for a moment or two before I gave in and used a quick spell to enter her mind. Inside, I found that the personality I’d given her was still solid, and had even merged with the less unhappy portions of David’s original mentality. I traced out these connections, and where I thought it was necessary, I reinforced the barriers between them. I couldn’t erase David’s memories completely, but I was happy to note the growing mergence. It was possible that sometime in the future, David’s subsumed personality would cease to worry me. The tiny portion of my awareness that I used to monitor my body while I was occupied alerted me that I needed to give my physical portion my full attention.

While I’d been off in my explorations, Daphne had finished undressing, and was sitting on my lap, kissing me. I replayed the past few moments of elapsed real time, and my flagging erection returned full force. I kissed her more aggressively, drawing a mewl of appreciation. My left hand roamed down her swollen stomach, and down to her warm and moist sex. I teased her clit for a moment or two while I fed at her mouth, and her thighs spread to give me more room to work. She leaned into me, making me lose my balance momentarily and fall backwards onto her bed. I ‘whuff’-ed when her full weight slammed into me, but I didn’t lose track of what I was doing. Daphne pulled up one of her teats to my mouth, and I sucked on the nipple for a minute or two. She used this distraction to straddle me, and she reached behind her back to slip my dick into her. I mumbled wordlessly around her tit, trying to convey my appreciation.

“Ohh, I can’t wait till I have the baby out. This thing” she indicated her swollen stomach with a rub, “makes it so hard to get close.” I pulled off of her nipple momentarily to respond.

“Yeah, but it’s certainly sexy, baby. There’s just something about a breeding woman that pushes the buttons.” I smiled lecherously at her. “Besides which, it’ll take you a few weeks after giving birth before you can get back in the saddle, so to speak, so why worry about it now?”

“Not to mention the extra weight, and having to pull nursing pads out of my bra.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “Sure to make any red-blooded man go wild, that is.” She shifted her weight slightly, rocking back and forth on top of me. I decided that she’d gone on in this vein long enough, and I shut her up by running my thumb across her lips as I reached into her brain with my powers and tripped her pleasure center. She climaxed almost immediately afterwards, clinching her pussy muscles around my cock. Her screaming response made me cum as well, and I spent myself in a long drawn-out spasm. I took her shoulders and pulled her forwards onto my chest, where she snuggled close to me. I could still feel her vaginal muscles rhythmically throbbing on my dick, pulling out whatever cum I still had left. I rubbed her shoulders soothingly as her breathing fell into a somnolent rhythm, and she fell asleep. When my dick had softened enough, I slid out of her pussy, and rolled her to my right, leaving her in the middle of the bed. I spooned up behind her, and she mumbled something in her sleep.

Damn, but I was glad that I’d given her memories that said she’d been pregnant even before she’d met Jackie. If she thought she was pregnant by me, that would have caused some serious problems that I could do without. I pressed my nose into her hair, smelling the herbal shampoo she used, then I slowly rolled to the left and got out of the bed. I pulled my jeans back on, and went back out into the living room. If her past was any indication, after having sex she’d be starving, so hopefully Suzanne would be back soon. I sat down on the couch and just relaxed into a light trance state. I thought about what I’d been working on lately, and found myself finding answers much more easily. I’d been troubled about where the Master PC had come from, but what I was found myself turning to now was my real concern; If I continued down this path, I was bound to encounter someone else that had used the Control Console to make themselves a god in their own person. Master PC was a wonderful tool, but it had the drawback of being a dumb machine, unable to affect anything unless a User was inputting commands. This was where my own experience varied, I’d given myself a variety of powers that worked independent of the computer program. From what I’d read online, most of the other Users had given themselves instant hypnosis, incredible charisma and the like. They were stronger than average, perhaps a few had even gone so far as to have truly superhuman strength, and they’d most likely made themselves much more resistant to damage. The front door opened, and Suzanne came inside, one hand holding a bag from the Chinese restaurant downtown.

“Jay? How’re you doing? It’s been forever since you’ve been down here!” She put the bag on the dining room table and came across the room to hug me. It was always nice holding Suzie, since she was exactly my height, not to mention incredibly built. “Are you staying for dinner? Where’s Daphne?” One of the things I loved best about Suzanne was that being given a cock hadn’t really changed her personality. She was just as bubbly and light-hearted as any other young woman. Her red hair smelled of wildflowers, and her oval face was as beautiful as Jackie’s, in it’s own way.

“Yes, Fine, Not really, Yes, and in the bedroom, to answer you all at once.” I felt her dick twitching as it was pressed against my leg, and had to damp down a self-recrimination. David’s tinkering hadn’t done anything to her sex drive, and he’d tuned her to being bisexual. However, since she was a shemale, most men would just have been repelled, even the gay ones. Peter and I had both turned her down for sex, since neither of us went that way. Jackie responded affirmatively, however, and enjoyed a hearty sex life with both of our problem children. She rubbed her cock against my leg almost unconsciously, but I wasn’t offended. If I hadn’t had a problem with it, I’d have jumped in a bed with her in a heartbeat.

“Smartass. Go wake her up, and I’ll set out the grub.” She pulled away, and I watched her swishing hips in regret. Too bad I was still inhibited. I wandered back to Daphne’s bedroom and woke her up. She pulled me down to her and kissed me a throat-swabbing tongue.

“Suzanne’s got the food, and I’m starving, so get up out of the bed, if you can.” I needled. She made a face, and extended a hand so I could help her up. I watched her get dressed, and my cock twitched in appreciation. We went back out to rejoin Suzanne, and the both of us wolfed down the food like we hadn’t eaten in days. “Thanks, Suzie. I should stop what I’m doing and eat more often.” She shook her head in reprisal for my absent-mindedness, and we finished our meal in relative quiet.

With the alterations I’d made to Madeline, Suzanne was now one of the most highly paid secretaries in the United States. Madeline had offered to start her as a broker, but Suzanne was happier being an arranger rather than a mover and shaker.

However, let me backtrack and fill you in on how she’d come to live here in my building. I’d bought this building within 3 weeks of deciding to do so, and I’d slowly moved all of the tenants out into the new complex down the road. It helped that the new complex had a swimming pool and some amenities that this one didn’t, and I even dropped their rent payments in the bargain. With my and my clones’ talents, we didn’t have the usual worries with a new building. If something didn’t work, we didn’t have to pay to have it replaced, Peter or I just fixed it. I’d decided that I would take Suzanne under our protection as the victim of a power-mad User, but I was clueless as to how to go about it. However, David’s changes had inadvertently made this job easy. Suzanne’s roommate was a single woman of about the same age as Suzanne herself. Within a few weeks, Suzanne’s flirting had creeped her roommate out, and Suzanne was left with an impossible rent payment. When I called up the Realtor’s office and heard her sniffling when she picked up, I got filled in on the whole affair. I offered to let her move in with Daphne, with the addendum that she had to become Daph’s Lamaze coach, she jumped at the chance. I doubted that once she actually saw Daphne that she ever had second thoughts about going anywhere else.

When the ladies were throwing out the garbage from dinner, I had an inspiration. “Hey, Suzanne?”

“Yes?” She called over her shoulder.

“Do you know if Madeline has any contacts in Texas?”

“Yeah, she knows a good number of brokers down that way, why?”

“Just a crazy idea.” My intuitive flash had told me that if I wanted to keep everyone in this complex safe, my best recourse was to have another base of operations set up somewhere else. The deserted areas in Texas would be perfect for my needs. I could acquire a bit of useless land out in the middle of nowhere and set up a secondary base. I could work on more dangerous devices and suchlike, and if any of the other Users were tracking me, it would be better if they did so to this secondary location. “If I call the office tomorrow, could you give me a few phone numbers?”

“Well, I could give you mine right now..” She smiled lasciviously at me. She never got over teasing me and Peter. “but, sure.” She swept her hair off her shoulder in a “Your loss” fashion.

“Thanks.” I helped with the few cleanup tasks they had, and went back upstairs. When I went in, I could smell the sex in the air. I found my clones in the kitchen, with Jackie bent over the counter and Peter behind her, pile-driving her with a cock that had to be at least 3 feet long. “Jesus Christ! Jackie, didn’t you learn your lesson this afternoon?”

“Yeah… I did…. But… I…. Wanted…. to .. try… something…else…” she gasped around her gasps for breath. From what I could tell, she’d apparently fixed the errors that had gotten into her attempt with me earlier. Neither of them registered as being in physical danger, so I shrugged and sat down to watch the show. Peter was lying on the floor behind Jackie with a stupefied look of arousal on his face, his hands twitching as if he wanted to touch her with them, but lacked the energy to move. His dick twitched and twisted as if it had a brain of it’s own, curving up so it was rubbing against Jackie’s clit as it thrust in and out of her snatch. The smell of female arousal was bewitching, and my body was appreciating it, since I was getting a hard on. Finally, after twenty minutes or so, Jackie wailed out in orgasm and fell on back on top of Peter. Her pussy was still filled with his writhing cock, and she jerked back awake in a heartbeat. They must have been going for over an hour before Peter groaned out that he was coming and his entire three foot erection straightened out. Jackie moaned in response, and with a grunt, she shot off of his cock towards the ceiling, propelled by the force of all the cum that erupted from Peter’s cock. I was stroking off in my chair all the while, but when I saw the sheer amount of fluids Peter was ejecting, my jaw dropped. I reached out instinctively and grabbed Jackie with a levitation spell and lowered her to the floor.

“Damn, that had to have been good.” I said, but neither of them responded. They’d both passed out from the pleasure. I shook my head in disbelief. You’d think that one of us would have some sense, but nooo, we’ve all three got more curiosity than sense. The housekeeping spells whisked away the cum that Peter had sprayed all over the place, so at least I wouldn’t have to worry about the crusty film on everything. I levitated Jackie over to the couch, and settled her down on it. I tried the same thing on Peter, but I couldn’t raise him and all of his cock at once, so I had to settle for dragging it across the floor, wincing the whole time. Him I set in the easy chair, and took a moment afterwards to pull up my pants. I left the two of them sleeping and went to do my own packing for our trip.



The next day, Jackie and I puttered around the house and saw a movie with Daphne after she got out of school while Peter was flying to Portland. We avoided problems by telling Daph that we’d be taking a later flight.

“Good, then we can all have dinner together.” I didn’t have the heart to disappoint her, so we stopped by the grocery store on the way home to get some stuff for a big dinner. We decided on having some broiled salmon, asparagus with bĂ©arnaise sauce, and some garlic potatoes. When we got home, the women threw themselves into making the food while I checked a few spells I’d been working on. I had a few contingency spells set up now, ones that would make sure that Daphne and Suzanne were taken care of if something should happen to me and my twins. They wouldn’t remember us, and so wouldn’t grieve for us. They’d have enough money to take care of them for the rest of their lives, but these were set to take effect only if all three of us bit the dust. I didn’t want my twins cut off from anyone they loved, but I felt that I owed it to Suzanne, Daph, and Daph’s unborn child to distance them from any aftermath of our demise. I hadn’t said anything to Jackie about these spells, since I hoped that they’d never be used. I finished the last bit of said spells, and laid them into a few sheets of paper that I sealed into an envelope to be opened by Daphne or Suzanne only if we died. I inserted a command into Suzanne’s mind to let her find the envelope only when we died, and then submerged it into her subconscious. I felt a little better when it was done, and I went back downstairs to see if the girls were finished cooking yet.

They’d finished, and man, it smelled heavenly. One of the greatest benefits to using magic is that you can eat damn near anything you want and it’ll get used by your body without making you fat. I helped them lay it out on the dining room table, and we’d just gotten the last bit of it out when Suzanne came home.

“Oh, lawsy, that smells wonderful!” Suzanne dumped her purse and business bag on the coffee table and came to the table. She kissed all of us in appreciation before sitting down. We were about halfway done with the meal when Daphne pushed her plate away from her, and looked me straight in the eye.

“Jay, I..WE want to say something.” From the tone of her voice, I knew she wasn’t playing around, so I swallowed my mouthful of fish and pushed back from the table a bit. I scraped back the errant hair off of my face.

“What’s on your mind, cutie?” I smiled to lighten the tension I was feeling pour off all of my dinner companions. “Have I done something that concerns you?”

“Only that you haven’t been with Suzanne, but I understand that part.” A quick glance at Jackie and Suzanne told me that neither of them did, but they weren’t saying anything about it at the moment. “I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and Suzanne for the last six months. It’s not often girls meet a white knight, you know.” She smiled warmly. “That was all.” She turned to the others. “Anything either of you wants to say?”

“I second everything you said, lover.” Suzanne’s voice was even, but there were tears in her eyes. I got up and went over to her and knelt in front of her.

“What’s the matter, Suzie?” I thought Daphne’s comment about me not having sex with Suzanne was a bit out of character for her, but I chalked it up to idiosyncrasy. I crossed my arms across her legs and rested my chin on them, looking up at her. Her teary green gaze touched my heart.

“Like Daph, I appreciate everything you’ve done for us, but I still feel rejected. Ever since I moved in here, all I’ve been thinking about was that I’d found heaven. I mean, I’ve got a beautiful woman that loves me, a baby on the way, and neighbors that not only care for us, they include us in their lives, even in their bedrooms.” She sniffled, and I handed her a Kleenex. “But neither you or Peter wants me. I can’t help feeling like I’m not good enough for you.” My heart broke when she said that. I had been acting on the unspoken presumption that my and Peter’s polite refusal to share her bed had been shucked off. Problem was, that was a male perspective. Suzanne had never been a man. When I had turned her down, I’d hurt her in a way that a man would have instinctively understood but that a woman never would. I stood up and motioned her out of her chair for a moment, then I sat down in it and pulled her down into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and thought for a moment before I opened my mouth.

“I’m sorry, Suzie. I had a bad case of not seeing something that was right in front of me. A man that’s turned down for sex might be offended or hurt for a little bit, but we get past it in a hurry. Since you have a penis, I made the mistake of thinking that you’d react like I would. But you’re not a man, you’re a beautiful woman that just happens to have a dick. Somewhere down the line, I forgot that.” I kissed her cheek in apology. The two times that Peter and I have been in the same bed, we got a little uncomfortable with each other, so we knew that neither of us swung that way, but I’d never thought about a woman that had a dick in that fashion. “Forgive me?”

She turned her face to mine and gave me a throat-clearing kiss. Involuntarily, I felt myself respond. I’d always had this kind of response to a crying woman, and I thought I saw Jackie’s subtle hand in this whole affair. She’d never been very understanding of mine and Peter’s reluctance to share the same bed even if she was in it with us, and this was probably her attempt to rectify matters to her satisfaction. I swear, if I live to be a million, I’ll never understand that woman.

“Of course I do, you charming old goat. Doesn’t mean I’m likely to forget it, but I’ll forgive it.” I squeezed her in thanks, and my dick was rubbing against her shapely ass, which she noticed. “But if you’re so uncomfortable with it, what’s this?” She grabbed the object in question. I blushed and started to stammer something about a physiological response. “Don’t teach your gramma to suck eggs, sonny. What do you see when you look at these?” She shook her large breasts in my face. “They aren’t silicone, and they’re not from some damn pills. I’m a woman, and women have tits.” She took her hand off my dick, much to my relief, and pulled open her business jacket. Her tits were pressed against the thin shirt she was wearing, her nipples tenting the fabric out and into my face. She put my hand against her chest, and I felt her nipple tightening under my touch. “The only way I’m different from most of the other women on Earth is that I have this.” She took my other hand and put it up under her skirt, pressing it against her own erection. “Is that so bad? Do I make you cringe? Does this one thing make me so unlovable to you?”

“You’ve never been unlovable, baby.” My voice was husky with emotion. “I just never saw past it when I thought about you sexually.” Her fingers tightened around mine, which pushed harder into her stiffness.

“Then maybe it’s time you did, Jason.” She pulled me by my neck closer to her, and kissed me again. This time, instead of just lust, I thought about the woman on the other side of it. So what if she had a dick? She was still a good woman, who made Daphne very happy. She’d not only taken Lamaze classes, she’d been worried sick about the couple of scares Daphne’d been through. She was a friend to me and Jackie and Peter, never intruding into our private things. All she’d ever wanted from me or Peter, aside from the friendliness we already had with her, was to share herself with us in that most intimate of ways. I felt like an idiot. How many times had I sneered at society’s mores and rules about sexual conduct, even in silence? Now I was proven to be as big a hypocrite as the rest of them. A cough from the other end of the table caused Suzanne to break our kiss. We both turned to our erstwhile audience, who were both sitting there with huge grins on their faces.

“If you two are finished with the appetizers, why not move on to the main course?” Daphne’s flushed face and protruding nipples announced her own arousal at the impromptu floor show. She stood up from the table and took Jackie’s hand. “I think we’d all be more comfortable in the living room, don’t you?” Jackie’s cat-in-the-cream grin confirmed my earlier guess as to her complicity. I coughed and nodded my head, and picked Suzanne up. She giggled at being carried, and the four of us moved into the living room.

Jackie moved the coffee table over to the wall, giving us some more floor space. Jackie and Daphne sat down on the couch, with Daphne’s head in Jackie’s lap, while I set Suzie down in front of the recliner which I sat down in. Mercifully for my erection’s sake, Jackie and Daph kept silent. If they’d made any comments, I think my willy would have gone into hibernation. I was still on shaky ground inside my own head, mostly running on emotion at this point.

I was sitting on the very edge of the seat, and I pulled Suzie towards me by the waist. I held her tightly while I rubbed my face against her stomach, her own erection straining her skirt upwards. I looked up into her eyes while I started unbuttoning her shirt, never breaking contact. When I’d finished, she started to unhook her bra, but I shook my head in negation. Silently I reached up under her skirt and pulled down her underwear, freeing her cock to stand at it’s normal attitude, pointing directly at my face. I unsnapped the button holding her skirt in place, and I let it drop to the floor. Only then did I nod, and Suzanne smiled, leaned forwards and put her tits right in my face while she unhooked her bra. For the first time in my life, I saw Suzanne naked, and I saw how beautiful she really was. Her breasts may not have been the biggest in the world, but they were just slightly larger than was normal for a woman her size. I let my gaze drop lower, and I saw her dick, as hairless as her legs, and of a size that matched my own.

I heard a moan from the couch, but a glance showed me that it wasn’t one of distress. Our audience was simply too worked up to resist, and they were touching each other while watching me undress Suzanne. I laughed softly, and pulled Suzanne down to sit in my lap again. This wasn’t going like it had been when I’d first been with Peter or Jackie. With them, I already loved them and knew it before we started down this road. Daphne’s case, however, was similar. We were like first-time lovers, and Suzanne’s case was the same thing, just a little more complicated.

“I’m not really sure how to go about this, baby.” I whispered into her ear. She ran her fingers down my still-covered chest and started to gather the fabric into her grip. She pulled it up over my head, and threw it behind the chair.

“Don’t worry, lover. I’ll let you know.” With grin, she undid my jeans, and I let her get off my lap long enough to pull them off. She gasped when she saw my cock, as if it was some kind of treasure, and it swayed in the open for a moment before she grabbed it. She gave it a decent stroke, not too soft, not too hard. As was the case when I’d been a girl and had had sex with Jackie, the intimate knowledge of how best to please someone with the same hardware was working in our behalf. Hesitantly, I returned the favor, and got a low moan in response. I was unsure of what to do next, but Suzanne was assertive enough for both of us. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stood next to me. I touched her dick again, and the feeling of a cock twitching in my grasp was unusual, but not really frightening. I stroked her back and forth, making her squirm in place. Finally, she’d had enough of this, and she sat down on my lap again, just a little higher than my cock.

“Go ahead, Jay. I’ve been wanting you to do this to me for months.” With some fumbling around, I got myself lined up, and I found her anus. She hissed as my head went past the muscle ring, and I made doubly sure to go slow as I penetrated her. I’d never done anal sex before, but everything I’d ever read indicated that I should go slow so as not to hurt her. When she was full of my cock, she groaned in pleasure, and kissed me again, hard. With some gyrations, we managed to get some motion up and down, although not without some laughs on both sides for our clumsiness. Finally, when we’d realized that it was pleasant enough to do it like this, but not as stimulating as it could be, she grabbed me and pulled her ass off of my cock. Then she got off my lap and got onto her hands and knees on the floor, inviting me to join her with a look over her shoulder. I slid to the floor behind her and reentered her from behind, snaking my other hand down to stroke her dick. We continued like this for a few minutes before the both of us came with a blinding orgasm. When I’d softened enough to pull out, I rolled onto my back on the floor and Suzie curled up under my arm, draping hers across my chest. I looked over at the couch, and saw my other two lovers in a sixty nine with Jackie on top. Both of them smiled when they saw me on the floor with Suzanne curled up beside me, and they broke from their own pursuits to join us. I ended up that meal with Suzie on one side, Jackie and Daphne on the other. I dozed off for a bit, tired from the strenuous labor I’d been through with Suzie and from the emotional conflicts I’d been through.

An hour or so later, Suzie was shaking my shoulder, not knowing how I hate that. “Jay, you’d better wake up. You’re going to miss your flight.” Mercifully, I’d told the story that Jackie and I would be taking a red-eye flight, so we had some time before we went across the Doorway. I yawned, and kissed her in thanks while I wrapped my fingers into her crimson mane. She didn’t know that we were going to teleport, but I appreciated the thought, being that I hate to be late, and she knew it. She made a happy, satisfied noise in her throat while we kissed, and I was pleased with myself. I’d given her something she’d wanted for a long time, even if it took an ambush to do it. I turned to my left and said Daph’s name loud enough to wake her up. She did as I had, yawning and giving me a kiss before she woke Jackie up. It made quite a sight, I have to admit; one man, not the greatest looking in the world, waking up in a tangle of beautiful women. I grinned, and when I could do so, I stood up and got my clothes from where they’d been scattered earlier.

“C’mon Jackie, we need to get going. We’ll miss our flight.” I tossed her clothes to her, and while she dressed, I gave the other two a hug and kiss since we wouldn’t see them for a while. They told me that they loved me, and I managed to say the same, knowing it was true. I was treated to the sight of two beautiful female butts wiggling their way towards the bathroom. I shook my head in lecherous regret, took Jackie’s hand, and the two of us went back upstairs.

“Was I really being cruel, Jac?” I asked her.

“No, just typically male; oblivious.” She laid her head on my shoulder as we walked. “Anyone else would have seen it in a minute, but not you.” Her smile was infectious, and I caught her grin. “However, I doubt if Peter will ever give in.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s even more male than you. Also, he’s a lot more squirrelly. He’d have just turned her down gracefully.” She sighed in some regret.

“Don’t feel too bad, love, you managed me well enough.” I unlocked the door and we went inside to hear the ringing of the phone. Shit! I’d forgotten that Peter was going to call when he was set up! I picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Damn, I thought I was going to have to let the thing ring all night. What have you two been doing?” I could almost hear the smile in his voice. I said nothing, letting him draw his own conclusions. “Well, I hope you’re ready to try this. Go turn on the monitor in my workshop.” I took the phone with me while I did so, Jackie trailing along behind me. When the monitor came up, Pete told me to open up the PhoneCam, and when I did, the screen filled with an image of a hotel room. “Okay, now it’s time for the acid test. Try the Doorway, see if it works or if I’m stuck here in Portland on my own.” I memorized the features of the room quickly then sprinted to the lab, where I tried the doorway. When I opened the door, the features of Peter’s hotel room were visible. I hung up the phone and said loudly, “It works, Pete!”

“Great, now come across, I’m bored shitless.” His bark of laughter filled the lab. I yelled out for Jackie to grab our gear and get in there. We threw our gear across the doorway, and stepped across. Wisely, Peter had given me a view from the most inconvenient and least-likely corner to go into, so we didn’t inadvertently step across the doorway. I pulled one of the chairs to cover the doorway, so I remembered where the threshold started. “Jay, did you bring your laptop?”

“No, I left it at home. Figured I wouldn’t need it. Besides which, I’m leery of taking it across the Doorway. God knows what’ll happen if that reality-altering vortex hits a space/time twister.” Not to mention that if I left it at home, I could access it in a matter of seconds instead of having it folded up in its case.

“Good point, but I think you might want to get those glasses you altered. I think there’re a few Users around here.”

“What makes you think so? Weird people wandering around or something?”

“No, just a feeling.” Now that was something. Peter wasn’t much of one to trust his intuition without a few facts. “I can’t put my finger on it, but something smells fishy.” Now I was REALLY worried. If there were Users about and Pete couldn’t track what made him so antsy, I wasn’t about to go around without some serious backup. The three of us looked at each other, and I opened my mind to them.

“Jay, I think one of us had better get some defenses up, quickly.” Jackie thought. I concurred, and told her to see to it. She was much more subtle than me, and her defenses wouldn’t be as easily detected.

“I’d like to get some of my tools over here. Can’t be too careful.” Peter nodded at us and walked across to the threshold, but instead of going across, he ended up in the corner.

“Shit, I didn’t think of that. Guess you have to come in through it, or go across with someone that has.” That was how we’d brought Daph’s parents through, I’d simply levitated them up and steered with my hands. I went over to the threshold and waited for Peter to step closer. I laid my hand on his shoulder and the pair of us went across the threshold. Pete bolted for his workshop, while I sat down in my chair to think.

What did I have suitable for a confrontation with another User? A few surprise spells and devices I’d made or acquired, whatever nasty stuff Peter was working with, and my ace in the hole, Jackie. Shit. I did some quick thinking, wishing I’d gotten around to indexing my spellbooks. Guess we’d have to play it by ear. I was leery of trying to put one spacewarp through another, so I called Jackie over and started passing though some of the tomes. If we couldn’t find something quickly, we’d just have to improvise. When Peter came back in, I asked him if he’d dug up the mini EMP I’d made. He nodded and indicated the large traveling cases he was herding.

“They’re inside, and I’ve even cooked up something along the same lines but a little more aggressive. Think of ’em as EMP handgrenades. Throw, and they put out a severely localized pulse that only extends for five feet.” I told him to go across while I did some things on this side. He herded his junk through and I asked Jackie to start reviewing the books while I cooked up some surprises. She agreed, and I watched her for a few minutes while I did some thinking. Finally, I turned away and pulled my crystal ball out of it’s cabinet. I hung it in the air while I calmed myself, then turned it on. Surprisingly, what came up wasn’t at all what I was expecting. I was looking into Daphne and Suzanne’s shower, where the two of them were playing kiss-n-wash. Arousing, but not what I really had in mind. I tried again, but all it would show me was the shower. Screw it. I decided to watch for a little while, since I seemed to have it on the brain.

Daph was in the front, with Suzanne behind her. Suzie was applying the soapy washcloth with a will, soap bubbles running down Daphne’s chest and stomach. I set the ball to Project mode, and the scene enlarged to life-size, almost as if I was in the room with them. The nicest thing, though, was that the image wasn’t filled with steam. Even if I didn’t have sound capacity, I was imaginative enough that I could guess what they were saying, and I could read their lips. Suzanne’s cock was getting hard from Daphne’s insistence on rubbing her butt against it, and the two of them were laughing about it. After about five minutes of this, Daphne switched places and started washing Suzie. Her belly made it a little difficult for her to reach all the way around, but neither of them seemed to mind. Her tits were jiggling with mirth at some sally Suzanne made, only stopping when Suzie grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. She was kissing Daphne while her hands were roaming down Daph’s hips. She reached back momentarily and turned off the shower, and the two of them stepped out. The projection followed them out into the hallway, where Daphne was leading Suzie along by grabbing her dick. I really appreciated the view of Daphne’s jiggling tits, remembering the taste of her skin. When they made it to the living room, Daph laughingly pushed Suzie away and did a seductive little dance number that had Suzanne stroking her cock before it was half done. At that point, I was touching myself as well. I heard something behind me, and when I spun around in the chair, Jackie was standing in front of the doorway with her mouth hanging open. I started to say something, but she shushed me and came closer. The pair of us watched as Suzanne bent Daphne over on the floor and pushed her cock home. The more I watched, the more I was turned on by watching Suzanne’s hips grinding back and forth. I glanced at Jackie, and she had one hand down her pants like I did. I turned back around and we continued watching. I noticed how Suzie was making small movements, not pulling out very much, her mouth steadily working on the back of Daph’s neck. I saw how effective this was when Daphne’s hands reached around and pulled on Suzanne’s ass, keeping her close. This technique had the added benefit of dragging out the scene, letting them extend their playing for close to 45 minutes before Suzie pulled out and came all across Daphne’s creamy white ass.

Damn, that was hot! I reached over and grabbed Jackie’s free hand, and squeezed. I got out of my chair, and tried my damndest to make as big an impression. “God, that was fantastic!” I muttered into her dark hair as I moved on top of her. I was imitating Suzanne’s technique by only moving my dick in and out an inch or so, and it was fantastic! Jackie was mewling with pleasure, and I was feeling on top of the world. I wrapped her legs around me so I had a better gauge of how far I was moving, and I felt so safe wrapped up between her limbs that I could have stayed there forever. My hands wrapped around her back, keeping her pressed to my chest, and the pair of us stayed like that for an hour or more. When we both had cum, I rolled us onto our sides, and we just lay there running our hands over each other. “Jackie, I love you.” I said.

“I love you too, Jay, even if you are a voyeuristic pervert.” We both chuckled. “Why were you watching that, anyway? Weren’t you supposed to be looking for someone using Master PC in Portland?”

“I tried, but that’s all that showed, not that I’m sorry.” I grinned and kissed her again, putting all of my heart into it. “Guess my subconscious knew better than my ego did.” I stood up, watching her lay there on the floor. She was the most radiant thing I’d ever seen, stretched out on the floor, covered with sweat, her hair all mussed from our exertions. I could have tried to capture it on canvas for years without even getting half of it. I held out my hand, and when I pulled her to her feet, I just stood there and held her for a moment while I stared into her eyes. Gods, I must be a halfway decent man, for a woman this incredible to have that much love and lust swimming in her eyes. I kissed her again, and pinched her ass. She jumped and laughed into my mouth.

“Now that we’ve had playtime, we’d better get to work. Peter’s probably fit to be tied by now.” I rolled my eyes in mock exasperation. After we dressed, we pulled equipment out of the cabinets. All of the gear we took out we threw into my own travel cases, mirror to Peter’s own. My combative magics were focused on defenses, things designed to keep me and my allies alive long enough to respond. However, I did have a small collection of offensive items, like rings of scattershot, designed to wound (but not kill) their target. All of that stuff and a few of my more portable tools like enchanted daggers, a unitard that mirrored the effects of Kevlar, and a mirror that would trap anyone that looked into it. I even took my sword, unused since I’d beheaded David with it, since a mundane weapon would work as well as any of my spells, and take less thought to use. We pushed all of it across the Doorway, and after a brief bitching session with Peter over the amount of time we’d taken, started to set up.

First, I used a spell Jackie had found in the grimoire to try and find anyone that registered as being altered by Master PC. I sent the spell off, knowing it would take an hour or so to get results back. Meanwhile, Peter and I pulled out all of our gear and told each other what it would do. Since my defensive articles were better than his, we decided to use those, and we augmented them with his offensive weaponry.

“What in hell are these things?” I held up a stack of rings that looked like those bangle-y bracelets women wear. “Looks like a stage magician’s prop.”

“They’re weapons, goofball. The silver one is a power shunt. It lets you redirect all electrical activity in a quarter-mile radius as you choose, almost like a ring of lightning bolts. The copper one is a barometric reversal device. Amazing how many people stop what they’re doing ’cause their guts explode” His grin was grim, belying his light tone. “Finally, the gold one is a last ditch defense; a mini supercollider. It takes oxygen atoms and slams em together, yielding a great deal of energy. When it’s fully charged, it implodes, leaving behind a smoking crater. Even comes with a radius of effect, from a three foot radius to just implode yourself all the way up to Hiroshima-class devastation.” I picked my jaw up off the floor and stared at him. “Hey, these idiots are playing for keeps, bro. We have to do the same.” I agreed, even if it appalled all three of us.

“What’s the triggering device?”

“Mental attunement. It takes an act of will to set em off. Anyone besides Jackie puts em on, I get a little alarm on my master controller at home. They couldn’t set ’em off if they let a train run over it.” He smiled, a craftsman pleased with his work. He took the rings from me and handed them to our lover. “For you, babe. Hope you like ’em.”

“Hey, anything for a steady customer.” Aside from their nasty offensive talents, the bracelets themselves were beautiful, incised with Celtic knotwork and inset with small pieces of amethyst. I was happy that Peter had decided to focus on protecting Jackie, it showed just how much he loved her. Even if he’d just given her enough power to decimate an entire city. For me, he’d cooked up something even nastier, however.

“What in the hell am I supposed to do with these?” I held up the small jars of ink that he’d handed me. “Ask ’em to stop while I write a nasty note to their mothers?” I needled him, knowing that he’d most likely come up with something even nastier than I’d ever thought up. He stuck his tongue out at me before responding.

“They’re nanite-laden, goof. Just imagine what you’d like to have, and it’ll decorate you with tattoos that’ll absorb radiant energies, not to mention storing the energy for your own use. And before you ask, the nanites have a VERY limited lifespan. You have only five minutes to imagine what you want before they die off.” I grinned at him, liking the way he thought. At least I wouldn’t be leaking infectious machines all over the place. I held the image of the tattoos I wanted in my mind, and opened the bottle. I poured it on my back and forearms, imagining a knotwork shield on my back and some bands reminiscent of waves on my forearms. Five minutes later, most of the ink vanished into dust, leaving behind the artworks I’d imagined.

“Neat stuff, bro. Got anything more offensive?” He gave me what looked like a wristwatch and explained that they’d shoot mini-flechettes capable of shredding through steel. “Groovy.” We played some more with his toys, grimly admiring their uses while we waited for my spell to report back in. When it arrived, I nearly had a heart attack. “I got back traces of no less than 23 separate signals that match to more than 50 % to the Master PC wavelength. We’re in the shit now, guys.”

“Calm down, chief. Take a deep breath, and we’ll figure out the best plan of attack.” Jackie’s fingers were on my shoulders, massaging out the stress that had sprung up. I sighed, took a couple of deep breaths, and got my panic attack under control. “Feel better?” she asked. I nodded and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Now, first things first. I doubt if we’re going to be able to do this in just three weeks, at least not without leaving this city as a smoking ruin, so we’re going to have to make some more arrangements.”

“Such as finding a new transit point. We’ve only got this hotel room for three weeks, but at least with the Doorway, we don’t have to worry about another place. We just hop back and forth. Only problem is, what’re we going to do with the other Users and anyone we can’t fix?”

“Well, we’ve still got a few tenants left in the complex, but they’re all on the bottom floors. If we have to, I’ll just seal off a few more apartments. Worst we’ll have to worry about is altering a few memories.”

I wasn’t too concerned, aside from those unfortunates that wouldn’t be able to lead semi-normal lives, like David’s parents. I also wasn’t sanguine about messing about with people’s heads, but if I was unable to get them back to normal, we had no other options, really. “And I don’t think we want to put the door’s exit point anywhere we’ve got other people tracking in and out. What if we rent a storage unit?”

“Not bad, but what’re we gonna do about the people working in the complex?”

“Magic, brother mine, magic.” Jackie was warming up to this challenge. “We’ll just cloak ourselves coming and going.” It was times like this that I regretted not having any teleportational spells. According to the grimoires I had, teleportation wasn’t possible. About the closest you could get was the Wizard’s multi-dimensional shop and the Doorway. Apparently, one end of the space warp had to be located in a non-animate thing, but I could have done worse, I guess. I sat down in one of the el Cheap-O chairs, and withdrew into a meditative trance for a while.


While Jay went off into his own little space, I was busily rearranging some of the stuff I’d made over the past six months. I know how he thinks, and for the most part, I approve. He thinks of keeping people alive, no matter what. Killing, for him, is a last resort. I understood his motivations, but I was a little more concerned with taking down my opponents. Strange how big a difference seven months or so makes in one’s life. But then again, it wasn’t quite the same thing. Jay had made me damn near immune to magical manipulation, the Master PC (unless he was the one doing the alteration), and given me the ability to regenerate at an inhuman rate. However, he wasn’t able to do that to himself, and that scared the shit out of me. The thought of having to do without him or Jackie in my life was almost enough to send me into a panic attack of my own, so I’d spent my not-inconsiderable intellect in pursuit of the meanest, most efficient weaponry I could build. If anyone took a shot at either of them, (or myself for that matter,) I wanted the sons of bitches dead and steaming before they knew what’d hit ’em. I wasn’t about to start a fight, but to keep my brother and Jackie alive, I’d damn sure finish one.

Jay may have given the impression that I would sacrifice him to save Jackie, but let me assure you that’s the furthest thing on my mind. Sure, I’ve got the typical male urge to protect my mate, but if anyone lays a hand on Jason, they’d better count their fingers when they pull it back. Frankly, I was more worried about him than her, if that makes any sense; Jay’s brilliant, powerful, and slicker’n a greased eel, but he’ll throw his life away if he could save someone else by doing so. My job, as I saw it, was to make sure it never happened. Now that we were heading for a probable combat scenario, all of my protective instincts were on full alert.

“Pete, put that down for a second, will ya?” Jackie asked. I put down the force-reflector and turned around. I saw tears running down her face, so I pulled her into my arms.

“What’s wrong, love?”

“I’m worried about that lunk.” Her chin jerked towards my twin, still off in La-La land. “You know how he is. He’s more gung-ho than a platoon of Marines.” Her attempt at laughter came out as a sob. “I can’t stand to think about it! He’s hell on wheels, but all he wants is to protect us.”

“Baby, I know. Why do you think I built all this shit? At least you have enough sense to come in out of the rain. Hell, the idiot actually forgot the last time he’d made love with you!” I laughed at what his reaction had probably been like. “I won’t let him get killed if I can possibly prevent it, Jac.” She kissed me on the chin, all that she could reach at the moment. “Besides, if he thinks he can escape from us that easily, he’s got another think coming.” I tried to lighten the mood a bit. Ever since I’d had my bright little idea, Jackie had been working on him, wheedling his permission so she could trap his spirit if he died. Of course, she never told him what she’d had in mind. If he knew, it would either anger him or make him reckless. Since we hadn’t tested it out, I had no idea if it would even work, and I wasn’t eager to try.

“True. He really got himself into the soup on that one.” I saw her put on her ‘brave’ smile, even though she was still worried, not to mention crying. “I just hope it works.”

“Hey, it’ll work. Trust me. I don’t have fizzling ideas. I figure, worst that happens, you have to whip up a clone and we reimplant his soul in it. Although, the idea of seeing you as bulging as Daphne is kind of kinky.” I crushed her to me hard enough to make her squeak.

“Really? Too bad none of us is the mommy type.” One of the benefits of being clones was that we all shared the same core belief; since we were effectively in a war of Gods on Earth, none of us was eager to bring children into it. Maybe some day, far in the future when we’d wiped the Master PC off the face of the Earth or mankind evolved enough to use it better we’d consider the prospect of parenthood. However, such thoughts were driven to the back of my brain when I felt Jackie’s hip rubbing into my groin. “Although if we had babies around, we’d have to cut back on the sex.” Her impish smile sent rivers of fire down my spine. I’d never gotten around to having Jay dial my nerve sensitivity back, but whenever Jackie got that look in her eye, I didn’t really regret it.

Her fingers danced over my shoulders before they snaked up under my shirt to rub at my nipples. I growled lustily at the sensation, and pushed Jackie half a step away. “You’re playing with fire, little girl. Make sure you don’t get burned.” I leaned forwards and caught her earlobe between my teeth. She snorted at my threat, and started to unbutton my shirt. I groped her butt and she growled at me. With a thought, I dissolved her jeans into nothingness, and did the same with her shirt, leaving her standing there in her underwear. Her taste, as usual, was impeccable, the matching set being made of a dark green silk. She finished with my shirt, and leaned forwards to unhook her brassiere. While I watched, I got rid of my own clothes and sat down on the bed. She made a show of it, holding it to her chest with an arm and looking at me through the curtain of hair that had fallen over her face when she’d leaned forwards. She hooked a finger through the shoulder strap and circled it over her head like a lasso before letting it go flying across the room to land squarely in Jay’s lap. We both snorted at his complete lack of response. We could have done anything short of shooting him in this state, and he wouldn’t react. “He sure doesn’t know what he’s missing.” With a wink and a toss of her hair, she did something completely unexpected.

“Jay, I need you.” She said in a carrying tone. With a jerk, he sat up straight in his chair and looked at her, standing there in that pose as old as womankind, one leg slightly forward and bent, one hand on her hip and the other beckoning to him. “Peter was just saying that you were missing a good show.” Her most inviting grin crossed her face. Jay got up and pulled his chair across the room to sit a few feet away from me.

“Thanks for the thought, Pete.” His twinkling eyes were a relief from his so-serious demeanor of earlier. The pair of us sat back and enjoyed Jackie’s performance. “But I think we need some music.” Jay muttered under his breath, and suddenly some slinky music started playing softly in the background. Jackie bent her head forward in thanks, and did some muttering of her own. She raised up in the air about a foot or so, and we followed her with our eyes. She started bumping and grinding for a few minutes, while I had a devilish notion and manifested a small stack of play money out of one of the pillows. I changed one of my socks into a garter that matched her panties, and tossed it to her. She stopped dancing around long enough to pull it up her beautiful leg to mid-thigh and then picked up the tempo.

She spun around slowly, making her hip-length hair swing behind her like a comet’s tail before slowly lowering herself down into a crouch, putting her on eyelevel with us. “Boys, if you want to keep watching the dancers, you need to tip them.” I handed Jay half of my stack, and waved a folded bill of my own, which I slipped into the garter she thoughtfully extended towards me. Her humor-filled gaze stayed on me, and she started dancing for just me, running her fingers up and down her legs, while she bent her upper half and watched me through the gap. Jay leaned forward and cleared his throat, drawing our gazes. He had a fistful of folded bills extended in his grip, so Jackie twirled away from me and toward him. He left the money in her garter and in the band of her panties, so she started dancing for him. ‘Two can play that game, bro!” I sent to him, and I melded my bills together into a continuous strip, which I used to snag our little dancer’s wrist. She turned towards me with a raised eyebrow and a wide smile, and I smirked at my brother while I reeled her in. I pulled until she was inches away from me, then I took her hands and guided her into my lap.

“How much for a lap dance, sweet thang?” I asked.

“How much you got, moneybags?” God, I loved this woman; she had not only initiated this game, she was playing it through.

“Oh, I think I’ve got a few hundred. That enough?”

“Oh yeah.” She wrapped her arms around my neck for a moment, grinding her ass into my crotch, giving me an instant erection. She released my head and spun around without lifting out of place, and started grinding into my dick, making it swell so much I thought I would hurt myself. I watched the gorgeous line of her back as she writhed, forgetting that we had an onlooker. All of a sudden, Jackie stopped and I heard her laughing. I looked up, and hanging in the air on the same invisible stage she’d been on was her twin! I glanced sideways and knew Jay was up to his tricks again.

“Sugah,”(s)he said with a syrupy fake-southern accent, “How’d you feel about bein’ with twins?” Jaie (as I mentally labeled Jason in his female form) walked forwards to the edge of the invisible stage, stepped down and kissed her twin. “Ah know Jackie don’t mahnd if I step in.” She lifted her eyebrow.

“Far be it for me to refuse such a beautiful lady.” The marks he’d put on with my inks remained in this form, and were still as gorgeous as ever. The shield-like design extended from the nape of her neck down to her hips, almost like the back half of an armored breastplate. I pulled her over to stand next to me, and kissed her right over her heart. “Although we may need some clean sheets later,” I remarked, getting a sultry laugh out of them. Jackie pulled her warm backside out of my crotch and stood next to her twin, and the pair of them started groping each other, making my cock throb for release.

“Please, sir, we’re so lonely without a big, strong man like you in our bed,” Jaie said to me as Jackie sucked on her neck. Her own leg was busy working on Jackie’s sex, and I could hear her faked moans.

“Please show us what it’s like to be with a real man?” She tipped them over into the bed, making them bounce and cut loose with more laughter. “Come on, big boy, we’re waiting for you.” I damn near levitated myself into that bed. I would kiss one of them while the other nibbled on my neck, or played with our bodies. I’d switch to get them to knock it off, and the other would pick it back up. I was on top of Jackie, finally pulling down her underwear while Jaie groped my ass, when I felt a twitching in my spine. “Just relax, Peter. This’ll be more than you ever dreamed.” I wasn’t in any state to argue, but I was surprised when I got a sensation of nerves and flesh flowing out of my back. I broke from my kiss with Jackie and looked back over my shoulder. Jaie had worked a spell on me, causing me to sprout another cock out of the base of my spine! I almost lost my focus, but I rallied quickly. Jaie wasn’t one for stupid tricks.

“What’s that for, dear?” I thought I knew, but I wanted to hear her say it.

“Well, the most common complaint about a threesome is that someone always gets left out, but I have no intention of THAT.” She leaned forwards and took my new addition into her mouth, eliciting a groan from me. Not only did it feel like my normal cock, but her action was stimulating me on the other side.

“Well, finally, I get both of my lovers in bed with me, and noone has to wait their turn.” Jackie’s voice had a note of satisfaction and love in it that quashed any rebellious thoughts I might have had. If it made her and Jaie both happy, I’d do it gladly. Jaie sucked on my back-dick while Jackie mirrored her on my other side for a few minutes to let me get used to the simultaneous stimulation. I came with a hoarse cry, showering both of them with my seed before they were stroking me back to rigidity. The pair of them were amazing, moving in sync even though they weren’t saying anything. Each of them moved up their side, lining up with my dicks before they slipped them home. I nearly came again, just feeling their tight muscles working on me. Jaie leaned forwards, laying her head against my back so she could gnaw on my neck and ears, while Jackie pulled me forwards to lip-lock with her. If it hadn’t been for my increased strength and stamina, we’d never have gotten this far. Jaie helped by lowering her legs around my narrow waist and standing on the bed, but I was still going to have to move, so I did. I drove slowly home into Jackie’s cunt, using my arms to brace myself against the bed. Jaie followed suit, driving my cock even farther into herself, and when I withdrew from Jackie, she stood again. We did this several times, and I found that Jay’s spells hadn’t just altered my anatomy; he’d given us a neural linkage so we felt what the other two were. Each of us was thrilled at finally being with both of our lovers at once, but this particular position was wearing on my arms, no matter my strength. I followed Jaie’s urging, and rolled over onto my side, still staying inside of both women as I did so.

“See, much more comfortable, isn’t it?” She breathed against my neck, one arm locking around my chest, the other tweaking her twin’s nipples. Both of us moaned in gratitude, and the two of them started doing most of the moving around. They started off in series, both rising and falling together, my hands reaching to manipulate their buttons. Then one would pull back and the other would drive forwards, driving me crazy with the contrasting sensations. Between the two of them, they worked me up to a fever pitch, and weren’t far from it themselves, from their labored breathing and increasingly voluble vocalizations. Finally, they’d had enough of teasing me, and they drove themselves home onto my cocks with a banshee’s wail, clenching me with their cunt muscles. As I felt them release, I rolled over the edge into orgasm, and I came with a roar before I blacked out. I came to a moment later, both of my lovers holding onto me, pressed up against both sides of me with my cocks still sheathed inside of them. Jaie kissed my cheek, that being as far as she could reach. “That was incredible, Peter.” I nodded, still feeling the reverberations of our mutual orgasm rippling down my spine. I felt my back-cock withering, shrinking back into nothingness, while she pressed her sweaty, sticky pussy against my back.

“That was one of the best I’ve ever had, my loves.” Jackie’s exertion-reddened face drew our gazes. “If I’d known all it took was to make you twice the man you were, Pete, we’d have done this months ago.” I kissed her smiling mouth, and Jaie kissed us on both of our cheeks before she changed back to her male form and moving to lay behind Jackie. She kissed him as hard as she’d done me, and I felt more connected to them than I had in months. I squeezed Jay’s shoulder in gratitude while I told them both how much I loved them. I gathered my will and banished the fluids from our sheets when Jay pulled them up over us, and we fell asleep.


Master PC: the Urge for Self- Loving

Disclaimers: If you’re under 18, leave now! This story ain’t for the faint of heart. Go find Disney. Com or something.

My thanks to:

J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories.

My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series.

Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic’s Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with others’ actions and how it troubles the conscience of the self-respecting, not to mention frequent mentions in this little yarn.

Bill Hart, creator of the Spells R Us and it’s Wizard, master of the fine print,

Robert Heinlein for writing such wonderful classics as Stranger in a Strange Land, and

finally, all of you out there who read these stories..

If you want to repost this story in a free place, go right ahead, just drop me a line at [email protected] . If you want to repost this in a paysite, DEFINITELY send me a message, or I’ll have the Doom Dragons eat your face. Nice people are okay. Mean people that try and get stuff done are cool. Mean people who don’t give a shit about anyone else suck.

And now, on with the story!



When the three of us woke up the next morning, the phone was ringing. Peter picked it up since he was closest, and it turned out to be just his wakeup call. He thanked the operator, hung up, and got out of bed. I watched his cute ass vanish behind a pair of black jeans and a simple black turtleneck appeared to match it. He kissed me goodbye since Jay had gone back to sleep, poor soul. I rolled over to look at him, and I felt my heart turn over again in my chest. I was so pleased with him for going along with my little schemes; first, he overcomes his blindness about poor Suzanne and makes her a happy lady, then he surprises me by altering Peter so we could all love each other at the same time. Considering the energies he’d been working with, I was surprised he even come awake at the phone call.

I got up and hit the shower, since I was still feeling kinda groudy, no matter my cleaning spells. Even with all of Jason’s work with defensive magics and Peter’s insanely powerful weaponry, I was still uneasy about letting Jay out of my sight. I knew how he thought ‘Protect your loved ones. Sacrifice yourself if necessary. Don’t let bystanders get in the way.’, and I shared them. Unfortunately, my own actions would get in the way. If I died with Jason, all of my careful work wouldn’t mean squat. I thought over the problem while I was in the shower, and the only idea I’d had would have set both the boys off.

I could modify the spell I had on Jay to redirect to another target in the event of my death, but that would mean interfering in someone else’s life. Wait! What about David’s stepmother? She’d already been altered by Master PC to such an extent that I wouldn’t be fucking someone else’s life, and she probably wouldn’t even notice, except that her husband-dildo would be displaced during the birth. I could even accelerate his development with more magic, if I so desired! Perfect! I could even use it on myself! But, no need to tell the boys, at least not at the moment. I’d better leave a letter for Peter, since I was fairly certain that he would survive anything short of an atomic explosion, and we’d need a pair of hands around to make sure our rebirth wasn’t too complicated. Gross, but a workable solution. If only I had another usable uterus, but Daphne wasn’t due for another few months, and if she got pregnant that would screw the whole affair.

I went back across the threshold to the condo after I made sure Jay was still sleeping, and did my dirty work. Jay might not like what Peter and I had thought up, but at least this way he’d be around to bitch at us for it. Frankly, I was willing to take any amount of lambasting if it meant that I wouldn’t be bereft of my lover/Maker. As bad as the boys were, they had nothing on me in the vindictiveness department, which sometimes scared me. The boys were capable of a great many things when their blood was up, but if someone hurt what I considered mine, namely the boys, Suzanne, and Daphne, they’d better hope they killed me first. I shook my head, clearing out those depressing thoughts. Jay and I had a big job ahead of us, and we both needed to be at our sharpest. Just so I had some coverage for making this trip home, I got out the dress that Peter and Jay both loved to have me wear.

“Boys,” I said with a grin and a headshake. “Gods willing, they’ll never change.” I slipped on my dress and went back through the doorway.

“Morning, beautiful.” Jay was coming out of the bathroom, his hair loose from it’s braid. He wolf-whistled at my dress, a slinky little number that was skin-tight and nearly flesh toned, making me almost worse than naked. I twirled around for him, so he could appreciate it.

“I forgot to pack this one, and since we’re going out, I thought you might like it.”

“Oh, I like, I like.” He grabbed his package like he was a construction worker. “But I might have to bring along a baseball bat to keep guys off you.”

“Then it’ll match the one I’m taking to keep the girls off YOU!” I joked. I knew that even with his tweaks to himself, Jay never felt like a very attractive man, but he was perfect for my taste. “And if I see you making eyes at some other woman, I’ll have to kill the both of you.”

“Ha, ha.” He made a face. “The day you have to worry about competition is the day Hell freezes over, babydoll.” He pulled his clothes out, blue jeans and a T-shirt with his disreputable duster jacket with some of his magical devices in the pockets. I picked up my purse, loaded with my own arsenal, pulled on the bracelets Peter had made me, and we were all set to go. “We going to rent a car, or just use the bus?”

“Bus. I hate trying to find parking space.”


We’d been riding the bus for hours, and the numbers of people bearing the mark of the Master PC’s manipulations was staggering.

“Jesus, must be about 30 % or more of the population. How’re we going to track down all these fuckers?” I asked my compatriot.

“My spell located the nexii for all the signals, so we’ll just have to pick one and scout it out.”

“Which one’s nearest?”

“There’s one about half a block north.” We got off the bus at the next stop and headed in that direction. When we arrived, we looked at each other. The nexus was centered in a fetish shop up above a coffee shop. Being in the Pacific Northwest, the coffee shop was packed.

“Shit, I don’t like this. How’re we going to get any kind of scouting done with this many people around?” Jay thought it over for a second.

“How do you feel about being Spider-Woman?”

Ten minutes later, covered in an invisibility spell, I was inching my way down the wall to a back window. I looked inside, but all I saw was a bathroom, with a woman passed out on the floor. Her proportions were average, and her looks were the same. I opened my mind to Jay, and filled him in.

“Okay, baby, come on down. I’m going to just go in the front.’

“No, you aren’t! If you think I’m letting you start a private little war, you’re fucking crazy!” I angrily jabbed at his mind, and I felt him flinch.

“Jackie, for all we know, whoever’s got the program isn’t altering anyone out of spite. Could even be a woman, for all we know.’ He responded. ‘Don’t we owe it to ’em to not judge before we go inside? C’mon, they may not know there’s someone passed out on the floor of their bathroom. Besides which, it’s a moot point. I’m at the front door now.’ I felt him partially close off the link, and I nearly screamed in frustration. My initial impulse was to break the window and get inside, but I knew Jay was right. B&E isn’t the way to make people get along. I was just going to have to sit it out. If I got any intuitions about him being in danger, though, all bets were off.


I shut the door on Jackie just enough that all I had to do was shout if I needed her, and tried to shut out the tooth-achy headache her little mental slap had given me. I was standing on the staircase just in front of the door that read “Actungsten Du Leither”. Cute name. Whoever ran this place, at least they had a sense of humor. I opened the door, and let the smell of vinyl, leather, and steel waft past me. I stepped up and across the threshold, and found myself in a nice shop, for a fetishist.

There weren’t any mannequins standing around modeling leatherware, all of it was on racks or in display cases around empty glass cylinders. Racks of collars, leashes, and teasing gloves filled the middle of the room, and in the far corner was the glass cases with the leather treatments, lubricants and personalized tags for collars with a decent electronic cash register on top. Behind the counter was a very attractive woman wearing a yellow PVC shirt and a rubber skirt. Her platinum blonde hair was done up in a multitude of small braids, several of which were braided with barbed wire. ‘Nice eyes,’ I noted to myself, even if they did seem to be measuring me for a leash.

“Anything I can help you with?” she asked, almost belligerently. I shook my head and said no, I was just browsing. She nodded, a half-smile decorating her face. I pretended some interest in a nice purple rubber bodysuit, and I pulled my glasses out of my pocket. When I slipped them on, the saleswoman glowed green, marking her as one of Master PC’s subjects. Good, I was onto something here. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her turn around and start typing into an open laptop that was on the table behind the counter. Oh, hell. Sure enough, I felt the micro EMP buzz, and discharge. The register and laptop both went blank, and the saleswoman came around the counter, her entire physique expanding. Better head this off before it gets nasty.

“Did you know there’s a woman passed out on your bathroom floor?” I asked, in a casual conversational tone. I’d expected a grunt, or maybe even a short dissertation on the subject, but her entire stance changed. Her muscles, formerly of a Mr. Universe class, shrank back down, and she wheeled away from me.

“Oh no, not again!” She sprinted towards the bathroom, and I followed, sending Jackie a short message to come inside. The blonde was shaking the shoulder of the other woman, a brunette that was shifting as I watched, becoming a twin to Jackie! “Pam? Pammie? Come on, sweetie, you’ve got to wake up?” When she registered me standing there, she looked at me with blood in her eye. “How did you know she was here? Did you do something, you miserable little piece of shit?” Her arm came up and, well, it stretched, grabbing me around the temples.

“I didn’t do anything, miss, but I would ask that you move your hand. My girlfriend might not like it.”

“You’re damn right I don’t like it. Lady, I’d take your hand down before you lose it.” Uh-oh. Jackie was pissed, and if my hearing wasn’t going, she was juggling a ball of lightning. The hand in front of me dropped, and resumed normal proportions. “That’s better. He didn’t do anything to her, in fact, I’m the one that told him she was here.”

“How.. How are you doing that?” She was shaking to the roots of her hair, justifiably so. It’s not every day you see a woman playing with electricity and telling you to play nice with her boyfriend.

“Long story, girlfriend.” Jackie squished her lightning sphere into nothingness. “Is she OK?” she asked, jerking her chin at the still-unconscious shifting form on the floor.

“She.. should be.” The blonde’s fingers danced over the other’s throat. “She’s still breathing and has a heartbeat, but I don’t know why she’s asleep. I’d better get her back into bed.” She scooped up her friend, or whatever the brunette was, her muscles taking on more bulk. “Come on back, but if one of you could flip the door sign to say closed I’d appreciate it.” I looked at Jackie, who took up that errand. I followed the blonde down the short hallway and around the corner into a loft space. There was a king-size bed in the far corner, a couch, couple of chairs, kitchen area, and a big-screen TV, not to mention all the books lying around and in the cases lining the walls.

“I’m Rebecca, by the way,” the blonde said as she laid the other down in the bed. “She’s Pam.” Rebecca pulled the comforter up over Pam’s unclad form, and checked her pulse again. I introduced myself and Jackie, who had come around the corner just moments earlier. She came up behind me and laid her head against my shoulder, breathing a sigh of relief.

“Does that happen to her often?” I asked. Rebecca nodded, her eyes still on her companion.

“On average of about once a week or so.”

“She have epilepsy or anything?” A negative shake of the head. My glasses had been knocked off by Rebecca’s hand, so I hadn’t had a chance to see if Pam had been touched by the Master. Jackie, however, had stopped and retrieved them, and put them on. I looked at her, and she nodded, emphatically.

“Were you the one that used the Master PC on her?” This made Rebecca’s head snap around, and if looks could kill, I’d have been dogfood.

“How do you know about that? You have it too, I guess.” I nodded, and helped myself to a seat, Jackie taking hers on the armrest. “No, I didn’t. And before you ask, I didn’t use it on myself, either.” Apparently her emotional states were driving her metamorphosis, since when she got worked up, her muscles increased.

“So who did it to you?”

“A little shithead named Sherman McCoy. We used to be in school with the little pervert, then the next thing I know, I’ve been turned into a bombshell.” She came over and shifted a pile of books out of the nearest chair. “Unfortunately, he didn’t bother altering our minds, so I guess we’re lucky.” A few leading questions had Rebecca spilling her story. Apparently, this Sherman had just altered their physiques and kept their minds normal just to torture them. Rebecca was given the power to shapeshift when she got angry, scared, or horny, but she couldn’t use them against her ‘master’. Pam would change into whatever form Sherman or any other man seeing her wanted, and she was unable to refuse any offers of sex.

“Like I said, the guy was a sadist. So, why’re you here?” I laid out a brief synopsis of my own experiences with the Control Console, and she relaxed.

“So, if you were a sex-toy for the little nut-job, how’d you get your hands on the Program?”

“Sherman ran into another, meaner guy with it.” She smiled nastily. “The other guy took him apart with his bare hands, and left the pieces for the vultures. He’d left his copy running, and he’d never bothered with a password, so I used it to set me and Pam up with the shop and this apartment.” She shrugged. “Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to change either of us back. Every time I type it in, I’m forced to delete it.” Her eyes were starting to tear up. “Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to have salvation right in front of you, but you can’t use it? I couldn’t even let anyone else know about it. Sherman may have been stupid enough to forgo the password, but he made damn sure that only he could release us.”

“But you could tell us, and maybe we can help you change back!” Jackie got up and went over to her, taking the other woman’s hands in her own. “Sherman never counted on you meeting someone that knew about the Program. That’s why you could talk about it with us.” Rebecca’s face snapped up.

“You mean I don’t have to stay like this? I can’t date anyone like this except submissives, and even they won’t come back for a rematch. Whenever I get worked up, I tend to squeeze too hard.” The tears were flowing harder down her face. I told them I’d be right back, and went out into the shop to snag the laptop.

My micro-EMP hadn’t completely shorted it out, just reset it, so I unplugged it and brought it and it’s power cord back to the loft. I plugged it into the nearest outlet, opened up the control console.

When I typed in her name, Rebecca’s image appeared in the viewing box. I looked over the screen, and saw that it was laid out a bit differently than my own. The IQ bar, for instance, only allowed downgrades in intelligence. It also had several pre-programmed routines, making women room-temperature smart while up-sizing breasts, sexual sensitivity and libido, and was completely missing the Other box. So basically, this allowed the User to make boring dipshits of his subjects, didn’t allow variations like psychic abilities and the like, and had preset slut-makers. I called Jackie over, and she said it more eloquently than I could.

“Jesus, this thing is a power tool for Inferiority Complex Anonymous.” I reset Rebecca’s body to it’s default state while leaving her memories alone. She became smaller, and her hair darkened to a chestnut brown, but otherwise she was the same.

“God DAMN it!” I thumped on the table. “The other User must have added some commands. As far as this PC is concerned, you’re back to your normal state!” Jackie confirmed that Rebecca was still under the influence of the Program.

“But I thought you could fix this!” Rebecca shouted. “You mean I’ll still be a horny slut that crushes people?” Her horrified look shook me to my core.

“I can still fix it, but I need to find the other User. His commands are still over-writing the ones Sherman put in place since he didn’t password-protect you.” I squeezed her hand, and her answering grip nearly shattered my fingers. “Can you tell me anything about the other one?”

“No, I don’t even remember his name. I can still see his face, though.” I asked her to describe him while I reset Pam. She snapped awake, sitting bolt upright in the bed. Her appearance stabilized, more or less. Her hair was set back to a blonde color, almost the same shade as Rebecca’s used to be. She was trim, and about 5’6″, 110 lbs.

“Becca? Who’re these people, and why am I lying here naked?” she asked.

“We’re here to help you, miss. I’m Jay, and my girlfriend here is Jackie.” I looked over Jackie’s shoulder while Rebecca filled Pam in on what had been happening. The guy she’d drawn was big and blonde, with light grey eyes, according to Rebecca. The image of the guy was frightening. He had muscles on top of muscles, he could probably bench press a half-ton truck without breaking a sweat. Apparently, Sherman was in the habit of keeping a list of women he’d altered in his pocket, which the stranger had pilfered off his corpse. Shit! We needed to get that list if we were to find out who else Sherman had fucked with, since his version of the Program didn’t have a memory function, unlike my own. Fuck. I was going to have to get these two back to the condo and scan ’em with my computer.

“Ladies, I’m sorry. I can’t do anything more with this thing. It’s about as useless as tits on a bull.” I had it copy Master.exe onto a CD just in case I needed it. “However, it’s possible that my copy of the Master will at least tell me where we’ve got some leeway with your alterations. I’d like to invite both of you back to our home, since I didn’t bring my computer with me.” They agreed to come with us; since they owned the shop, they could afford to shut down for a while, if not permanently. Well, that problem at least I could help with. While they were packing up a few things, I told them some more about us. I’d neglected to mention that Jackie and I were a Sorceress and a Wizard when I’d given them a thumbnail sketch, but when I told them this, they had to have a little proof, which was fun enough, since all I had to do was fly them around the room briefly. Just for fun, I added Jackie to the mix, and when they came down, all three had pleased expressions.

I also told them about why we’d come to Portland, and about my absent twin Peter. They brightened when I told them about what we were trying to do about all those copies of the Master out there, and they approved. They even volunteered to help, even if it was just to get themselves back to normal, which impressed me. “However, ladies, and I regret to ask this, but I need your permission to limit your ability to talk about what we’re doing. It’s not just for your safety, but for mine, Jackie’s, Peter’s, and two of our dear friends and their unborn child.”

“But why not just block us from talking, why even ask?” Pam was hurt by my question. “You’ve got all the power, we can’t stop you.” The bitterness in her voice stung, even though I knew it was justified.

“True, which is why he made Peter, and then me. We keep him human,” Jackie said, with a smile for me. “We’re asking because neither of us wants to abuse you like Sherman did. Does that make any sense?”

“Of course it does. I’m sorry, but…” her voice trailed off into silence.

“I understand, Pam. Believe me, I understand. I still get the heebie-jeebies when I think too much about it. But let me tell you a little story that Jay probably wouldn’t.” She looked to me to get my agreement. I nodded and kept my mouth shut. I trusted Jackie’s instincts better than my own. “I was less than a day old when Jay and I were almost raped by another User.” Gasps from them both, and Becca looked at me. “Before you ask, Jay was a girl at the time.” She laid out the whole tale, up to the part where I beheaded David.

“So you’ve killed someone else with the Program to protect yourself. What does that have to do with anything?” Pam was still brusque, and she’d stopped packing. I decided to pick up the rest of the story myself.

“But I didn’t kill David, Pam. I beheaded him, yes, but I didn’t kill him. David is currently looking forwards to graduating from high school in June, and the birth of HER first child in April.” Pam was looking at me wide-eyed. “Daphne Breenan, formerly David Breenan, is the friend I mentioned earlier. She’s going to have a beautiful baby boy named David, and she’s going to give him a better childhood than she had.” I smiled at the prospect.

“But why didn’t you just kill him? Wouldn’t that have been easier?” She was flabbergasted at the prospect, and Becca was speechless. “I’m not much of one for executions, but I’d say it was justified.”

“He’s a lot softer-hearted than he lets on, Pam. If I’d been in any shape to do it, or if Peter had moved faster, David probably WOULD be dead.” Jackie was implacable. “We weren’t able to undo a lot of what David had done, since he’d protected his copy with a wipeout program, but we’ve contained the damage. David’s only known victim, a nice lady named Suzanne, is renting an apartment from us, and his father and stepmother are kept away from other people, since neither of them can talk or act even remotely normal anymore.” After a few minutes to chew this over, the girls decided to trust us, and we used their car to get back to the hotel. Back in our room, we showed them some of the neater toys Peter had made. He was still at his conference, so Jackie and I each held onto one of them and took them through the Doorway.

On the other side, they both dropped their bags in the corner of the lab and we showed them around our place. They loved it, especially the housekeeping spells that kept dust at bay. Finally, we finished our tour back in the lab, where I scanned them with my copy of the Control Console. A little tinkering with it gave me a readout on the commands that had been laid onto them. Aside from the heightened sex drive and a bisexual preference, Rebecca’s body was geared to react when her brain produced adrenalin, endorphins, or had high levels of norpinephrine, the body’s chemical reaction to fear. Okay, blocking it won’t work, because she’ll still need to have those things in her bloodstream in a fight-or-flight situation. Try the arousal centers…. Aha! Her thyroid was set to produce massive levels of growth hormones that her body would use to fuel the muscle growth. Okay, what if I backed it down to normal levels? I used Jackie as a base level, and cast a short spell on Becca that would cap her thyroid’s production of growth hormones. Since she was past puberty, I didn’t worry too much, but I made a note on my whiteboard to look up the functions of the thyroid when I had the time. Pam, on the other hand, was much simpler to cure. She had been ‘cursed’, for lack of a better term, to latch on to someone as a submissive, and her form would shift to that one person’s desires, and of course she’d been made a walking hormone, and bisexual in the bargain.

“Pam, who’re you bonded to?” A blush answered my question, which she was compelled to answer by the command’s wording.

“Becca.” She wouldn’t even look at her roommate. When I saw Rebecca’s cheeks flaming just as red, I guessed that before they’d been altered, they hadn’t experimented with each other. Oh well, hopefully they’d get past it. Pam crawled on her knees over to Becca and held her around the knees. “Please, don’t be angry, Becca.” Rebecca’s emotional state must have fluctuated, because she picked Pam up and the two of them curled up in my chair. Jackie and I smiled at each other.

“I’m sorry you were both being forced to remember being differently, ladies.” I was trying to stifle my grin. “I’m not laughing at you,” I added when Rebecca glared at me. “I was just thinking that Jackie tends to sit in mine and Peter’s laps a little too often.” I smiled at my lover and took her hand.

“That’s the worst part of this,” Rebecca murmured into Pam’s hair. “We’d done a little petting and kissing before Sherman decided to play god. I don’t know if we’d have ever become lovers if not for that.”

“Maybe. But from what I’ve been able to determine, Sherman was too sadistic to bother with your minds or emotions. It’s a lot nastier if the victims know that they DON’T want to do something, but are forced to anyway.” Jackie said, as she pulled me down to the floor, and laid her head in my lap. “If I’m being nosy, tell me so, but I take it that neither of you is completely repelled by what you do together?” The pair of them shook their heads negatively. “Then just chalk it up to a good thing that came out of a bad situation.” I couldn’t resist, being a romantic at heart; I used a spell to eavesdrop on their emotions. Pam was filled with love for Rebecca, the compulsion to submit to her notwithstanding. Rebecca was just as crazy for Pam, but was still feeling guilty for it. I ended my spell before I got any more information. There were some things I didn’t need to know.

From the Doorway, I heard Peter’s voice calling out my name. I shouted for him to come across, and he did. He took in the two women in my chair, and nodded politely. I introduced them, and he shook hands with both of them.

“So, I guess they’ve filled you two in on what we’re trying to do?” I rolled my eyes at his bluntness.

“Yeah, they have. You have some problem with that?” Uh-oh. Becca’s muscles bulked out again, so she must be getting worked up.

“No, not at all. Just wanted to confirm a hunch.” Peter raised his eyebrow at the two of us on the floor, and pulled us up. He gave Jackie a deep kiss, and squeezed my shoulder. “I hope you two have a better grasp on what ‘secret’ means than these two.” He smiled as he said it. “But then again, their instincts are excellent. If they trust you, I will too.” The five of us had dinner while debating plans of action. I took a minute or two to enact a ban on them with the Control Console that prevented them from talking about us to anyone outside our little group, and also locked away their knowledge of Daphne and Suzanne. It wasn’t fair to my old friends to let someone else know about them. They’d get to meet and/or make friends with Pam and Rebecca all on their own. Admittedly, I’d broken my vow to stay out of their minds, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity. A mental flash told my twins what I’d done. They weren’t very enthusiastic, but understood my reasoning. After dinner, we told the girls to make free with the stuff in the apartment, just warning them to stay out of the lab and the workshop, and my clones and I went back to our hotel room.

I checked my wards, and found something interesting; someone had been probing at them, and the residual traces matched those of the Master PC’s carrier signals. I recorded the frequency, but since I didn’t have a live trace, I couldn’t track the vector.

“Oh, hell. Someone’s been probing in this room, guys.” Peter’s nod confirmed my reading. Apparently he’d set up a barrier as well with his toys. “Guess our cover’s blown. We’d better move base, and quick.” A knock at the door caused all of us to jump. I looked through the peephole, and saw only a very attractive redhead in the hallway. Peter pulled out one of his weapons, and stood in the bathroom to give me some cover. I nodded at him to confirm his readiness, then I opened the door. The redhead’s face was hypnotically beautiful; porcelain-pale complexion without freckles, electric-blue eyes, and a nice round shape, giving the impression of youth and innocence.

“Mr. Jason *****?” I nodded. “I’m Camille.” She tittered briefly. “Mr. Phillip Bracie sends you this message;” her voice dropped a half-octave and became much more masculine. “Surrender yourself to my little messenger, and I might let you keep your dick a while longer. Come now, sir, you might as well give over; you can’t possibly think to challenge me.” The glazed look dropped from the redhead’s eyes. “Will you be coming with me, sir?” She batted her eyes at me. “If you behave, Mr. Phil might let you stay with me for a while….” Her voice was hypnotic, lulling me into lowering my defenses. A short bark of command rang out behind me.

“Down, Jay!” Jackie wasn’t taking dissenting opinions. I dropped to the floor, and I heard a hissing something pass over my head. I looked up at the redhead, and saw that she was caught in a suspension spell. “Grab her!” I made a grabbing motion with my hand, and her backwards fall was arrested. I got back up on my feet, and pulled our captive inside. “Dammit! This guy’s quick. I didn’t even suspect anything till I heard her voice change.” I looked at Peter, who was standing stock-still in the bathroom. I said his name, and he snapped out of it.

“What the hell? She shouldn’t have been able to hypnotize me, I wasn’t looking at her!” He followed me back into the main room.

“Must’ve been a gender specific effect, she couldn’t grab Jackie.” I levitated the redhead over to the bed and laid her out before going over and giving Jackie a kiss of appreciation. “Thanks, baby.”

“That’s what you keep me around for, buddy.” She stepped around me to inspect our guest. “Pretty slick. She doesn’t look like a threat, does she?”

“Not a bit. I’m still surprised she got past my protections. How in the hell did she do that?”

“You were standing pretty close to her. Maybe a combination of pheromones and vocalized tones?” Jackie’s studied calm was soothing. “I dunno, but I’m not about to go poking around.” She pulled the unitard I’d made, and took out a few of Peter’s nastier pieces of hardware. “However, I AM going to go hunting.”

“Good idea, but how’re we going to do that? She doesn’t look like she’s carrying a map saying ‘Demented demi-god at Address X’.” Peter was arming himself as well, taking everything he could cram into his coat pockets. “Unless you’re planning on waking her up and letting her walk out of here with Jay in tow, that is.”

“Actually, that’s JUST what I had in mind. I can suppress his personality with a spell and set it to retract when I want to.” Jackie was awfully blasĂ© about the prospect. “I don’t like it either, Peter,” she added, forestalling his argument. “But if you’ve got a better idea how we find this asshole, I’m all ears.” When he admitted to blankness, she came over to me. “I’ll use a standard spell with a three hour maximum.” She waited long enough to get a last kiss from me and for Peter to pull all of the goodies out of my pockets. “We want him to think you’re helpless. The tattoo will still work for you, but it’s a passive defense.” She kissed me again, and I felt the anxiety running through her.

“It’s OK, baby. Don’t sweat it, I doubt he’ll kill me out of hand. But, we’d better get his little puppet back in place.” I waved my hand and put the redhead back in the hallway. Mercifully, noone had been there earlier, and noone was there now to see us. “I’ll get back in place, you drop the spell on me, and then you can track me with the tattoo.” They nodded, and got into position. Peter was going to call the girls through, then join up with Jackie, who was going to be following me. I went and stood back in the doorway, looking towards the messenger.

“I’m sorry, Jay.” Jackie’s hand came past my shoulder and discharged a bright light in my face, and my world bled away into darkness.



I’d dropped the memory-spell onto Jason, then removed the stasis on the redheaded messenger. Within a moment, I heard Peter running back across the threshold to avoid the hypnotism of the girl.

“Changed your mind, lover-boy.” She ran her hand proprietarily down Jay’s chest, and I had a simultaneous urge to rip her eyes out and to scream for what had been done to this young lady. Jay grunted in response to her question. “Goody, then maybe Mr. Phil will let me use you for a while.” She took his hand and the two of them started walking down the hallway. I cloaked myself with an invisibility spell, and went after them. I could keep track of Jay’s movements through the spell-link , but I wasn’t about to let this little chit alone with him longer than I could help. The two of them took an elevator down, but I wasn’t about to try and go with. I bustled to the stairs, and chanted a levitate spell while I jumped over the rail. I hit the bottom floor running, and was waiting when they came out. The unknown User had manipulated his messenger into hypnotizing anyone that looked towards them, since she’d pulled Jay’s dick out and it was at full mast, shiny with her saliva. I had to forcibly stop myself from blowing the shit out of her with a lightning ball. The pair of them went out through the lobby door, where there was a limousine waiting. One of the hotel bellhops pulled open the door for them, not taking notice of Jay’s partial exposure. Shit! I wasn’t about to try a flying spell while maintaining invisibility, so how was I going to follow them? I dropped the invisibility, and tracked their motion. They were heading north, at least for the moment.

All of a sudden, Peter came barreling out the door, looking around. He called my name, and I snapped out of my trance. “You certainly got back quick enough, sport!” He was carrying a huge attachĂ© case, which seemed out of character. He bustled me around the side of the building towards the parking lot.

“I shrank the car down to this so I could get it through the Door. Pam and Becca are heading down with some of my other gear.” He set the case down in an empty parking space, and touched it. It warped, and their was our beat-up looking tank on wheels. Pam and Rebecca came around the building then, pushing one of those skycap trolleys filled with Peter’s travel cases. We threw them into the trunk, cramming it down tight.

“How’d you manage to carry this thing?” I asked. He said something about being able to alter gravity’s effect on material he was touching, but I wasn’t really listening. The four of us piled into the car, all armed to the teeth. Pam had something Peter told me was a gravity cannon, and Becca had an infrasonic gun in a holster on a bandolier of grenade-like things. “Okay, they’re heading…north by north-east, out towards the suburbs.” Peter started the car, and we roared out of the lot.

I continued to track Jay’s movements, and finally we tracked them down to a fairly substantial mansion. The guards at the gate looked seriously tough, so we settled for driving half a block away and parking.

“How’re we going to get past those guards?” Pam asked.

“Just a little magic, kiddo.” I answered with a smile. “Let’s get the gear out, this is liable to get messy.” We started pulling gear out of the car with some alacrity, piling it onto the ground. “Magic carpet, anyone?” I chanted a short spell, and got what I desired. My carpet was 50 feet on a side, square. We loaded all of our gear onto it, and I had to laugh at the incongruity; an amazon, a shapeshifting submissive, a Super-Geek and a Sorceress breaking into a god’s house with a flying carpet and a few cases of guns.


My vision cleared, and I could see again, even if I couldn’t do so much as blink on my own. I was a helpless passenger in my own flesh, and it was more than a little unnerving. I was walking through a hallway of a large house, but it wasn’t anything like what I’d imagined. The furniture, the carpet, and even the walls themselves were flesh! I could see the blood pulsing through the walls of skin, tinting all of the lights a reddish color as it flowed through the lampshades. How had this guy managed to do all of this? Had he taken a single person, or even a group, and expanded, shaped and firmed their flesh until it became this house? Whoever the user was, it was impressive work. I felt a breeze blowing across my dick, which I could tell was at full mast. When we passed by a mirror, I saw it hanging out of my jeans, and I would have blinked, if I was able. The redheaded messenger was leading me along, her hips swishing exaggeratedly. Nice sight, even if I knew what was waiting for me at the end of our journey.

Finally, we went up a flight of cartilage steps, and came to a valve-like doorway. The redhead never even paused, just walked straight into it, and I followed. The doorway opened at her approach, and we went into the room on the other side, apparently a study or an office. As in the rest of the house, the furnishings were all flesh, and the massive desk appeared to be the molded bodies of women in the throes of orgasm. Behind the desk sat an older gentleman, somewhere in his early 40’s. His hair was graying at the temples, but other than that, he seemed in the prime of his health. His right arm, I could see, was moving up and down in his lap. He was masturbating, but why? His left was still on the keys of the computer in front of him, and he hit the enter key.

“Oh, please, Mistress Camille, may I cum?” He pleaded, speaking to my redheaded captor. She nodded perfunctorily, and with a loud groan, he brought himself off. He leaned back in his chair, wiped out from his climax. What the fuck?

“Poor Master Philip. Was Camille a bad girl and didn’t let you cum today?” she responded.

He nodded breathlessly, his hand still pumping at his dick. “Well, Master, take your pleasure from this unworthy slut.” She walked around the side of the desk and knelt in front of him. Philip fell on her with a growl, his still-hard dick slamming home into her ass. The pair of them rutted like animals for a few minutes, before Philip raised himself off of Camille’s back, howled in agony, climaxed and passed out. Camille, when she got her breath, pulled her pants back up and stood.

“Miserable bastard. At least I won’t have to worry about him for a while.” Her entire demeanor had changed; instead of the sex-kitten act, she was now a dominatrix from Hell. I was thinking frantically; how was the power being exchanged in here? Apparently, when Philip was awake, she was subservient to his will, but now that he was out, she was in charge. More importantly, did she have access to the Master PC?

“Come here, little man.” Her glinting blue eyes were locked onto me. “It’s time for you to learn your place.” She sat down on the edge of the desk, stroking the body it was made of. I barely heard a moan, as if from someone in the heights of ecstasy. She smiled at this, and continued it while I walked over to her. “You’re MY plaything now, whatever your name was. Is that acceptable and understood, slut-boy?”

“Yes, Mistress Camille.” The sound of my own voice was hollow. Shit! Until Jackie released the suppression spell, I was stuck here watching this! I knelt in front of her and kissed her boot.

“Take off those clothes. Sluts don’t wear clothing in my home.” I stripped, not that I had a choice. She watched me carelessly, while she spun over the desk to sit behind it. She started tapping keys on the board. “What was your name, Jason *****?” I nodded, once. She tapped a few more keys. “Dammit! You were more clever than I thought. What is the password for you?” I said nothing. “Did you understand my question, slut?” I nodded yes. “Then what is the password to alter you with the Master PC?” I remained silent. She stared at me for a moment. “You shouldn’t be able to refuse me anything, so you must not know it. I guess I’m stuck with you as you are.” She raked me over with her eyes. “Although, that’s not too shabby. Have to do something with your hair, though.”


Jackie was directing the carpet over the walls of the estate while I gave the newcomers a crash course in destructive weaponry, a la me. They got the idea pretty quick, since I hadn’t made the equipment too complicated. We were hovering over the grounds of the manor, searching for the best place to land the carpet. The roof seemed like a good idea, until we actually touched down. The damned thing opened an orifice of some kind and swallowed us whole! We traveled down what appeared to be a gullet of some kind, before we ended up in a small room, ribbed with giant bones and muscles. All of our gear, including our clothes, had been dissolved by the secretions of that giant throat. However, Jackie’s jewelry-weapons, my own last-resort knife and our boots all survived. Pam and Rebecca, on the other hand, were as naked as the day they were born.

“Holy shit, what in the hell is this?” Becca’s voice was panicky, and I saw that she was shifting, becoming bulkier. Jackie had briefed me on the transformation powers she’d demonstrated, and Pam’s own altered state. She started punching on the walls, trying to batter her way to freedom. The entire room shook, as if in pain. Suddenly, giant tongues sprouted from the walls, immobilizing all of us against the opposite wall! I struggled, but was unable to free myself, but I did start feeling horny…..


Camille had me bent over the desk and was thrusting her fingers into my ass while I moaned in agony/desire when we felt the entire manor house shake. Camille removed her sticky fingers from me and laid one of them on the desk, her eyes going vacant.

“Looks like we have some visitors, toy.” I squealed in need, while my original mentality raged. She’d been violating me for the better part of an hour, and now she had my lovers trapped! “Let’s go take a looksee, shall we?” She reached into the gaping sex of one of her desk-women, and pulled out a slimy collar and leash, which she snapped around my neck. She took the leash’s handle, and proceeded to lead me down the hallway, which was filled with a wail and a moan, as if the house was in agony and ecstasy simultaneously. I walked along behind her, whining with each breath in thwarted lust. We walked for what seemed like half a mile through those corridors of muscle and tendon, occasionally passing some poor soul writhing in lust/agony on the floor. Camille took no notice, but I made note of every one of them. Each of them could be me, if I didn’t get out of this quick. Even worse, it could happen to Peter, or Jackie! I managed to master the tide of loathing rage that swelled up over me, and I bided my time.


I was writhing in arousal against the tongue holding me in place, trying to work the saliva all over my body. I could feel the cilia of the tongue rasping against my clit, my labia, and my nipples, driving me wild with lust. Peter was quiet next to me, his eyes closed, even if he was breathing hard. Poor Pam was screaming in lust, tossing her head from side to side. Becca wasn’t any better, screaming out her lover’s name while tossing the tongue around. Of us all, she actually managed to shift the tongue a few times, but it still fell back down on her. Finally, she got her arms wrapped around it and spread her legs. I couldn’t help but become more horny at the sight. For I-don’t-know how long, the tableau remained like this, three of us wailing in need, the fourth silently resisting. I don’t know how Peter managed to stay silent, but he did. Finally, respite came. The cell door opened, and the same redhead that had taken Jay from us earlier entered our cell.

“Well, well, what have we here? You didn’t tell me you had a twin brother, toy!” She addressed Jay, who was standing in the hallway. I managed to catch a glimpse of him, and I could have wept. His beautiful black hair, mirror to my own, had been shaved down to a stubble. He was just standing there in the hallway, stroking his cock in lust. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to crawl over to it and worship him with my mouth. I moaned loudly, drawing the woman’s eyes. “And a sister, to boot! I have a matched set of sluts, now!” She laughed with glee. She came over to me and stroked her hand down my face, while I managed to turn my face towards it and lave it with my tongue. “Oh, how sweet, it seems like this little slut already knows her place. But it’s these two that are the real treat!” She stalked away from me after yanking viciously on Peter’s hair in passing, crossing our cage to stand looking at our allies. ” A cute little blonde, and an Amazon! Quite a collection, you had, my pet!” While she was enjoying looking over her new ‘treasures’, I was frantically collecting my wits. All I had to do was say one word, loud enough for Jason to hear it. I looked over at Peter, stoically managing to retain some composure, and I hardened my resolve.

“Re..re.lease…!” I managed to get out. No good, it wasn’t even loud enough for me to hear over the others’ cries. Try again, girl! “RELEASE!” I squealed, using the action from the tongue to drive it out.

The woman turned around, her eyebrow raising at me.

“Now, now, pet-ling, you’ll get your release sooner or later, if I remember.”

“I think that’ll happen when hell freezes over, bitch.” I pulled my eyes open with an effort, since the tongue’s spit had managed to glue them shut, and I saw the most terrifying sight I’d ever seen; Jay, standing in the hallway with a collar around his neck, a leash hanging down his chest, stark naked, erect, and with his hair shaved. I nearly came from the relief of seeing him back in his own eyes


I opened my eyes when I heard Jason’s voice. When I laid eyes on him, I knew we were in for a real fight. He was pissed, and there was no way Jackie or I could stop him, imprisoned as we were to our lusts.


Jackie’s word dissolved the barrier between my mind and my body, and my self flowed outwards to fill in the gap. My rage had an outlet, and I was going to make use of it.

“How can you talk?” Camille asked. I shrugged, and took a step forwards. The burning sensation in my asshole increased with that step, and it was the final straw keeping me from sheer madness.

“Would you like to see what happens when you’ve pushed someone too far, Camille?” Tongues surged out of the ceiling, walls, and floor all around me, trying to imprison me. A flick of my will, and they burst into a bloody mess, sending another shudder through the house. I stepped forwards again, driving Camille further back, the coppery smell of blood wafting around me like a good perfume. With a grin straight off the devil’s face, I batted aside her further attempts to use her home against me, pushing against the floor with my mind, walking on air. I backed her into the farthest corner of the cell, where she tried desperately to merge with it. A gesture pressed her arms against the walls, and spread her legs. “Well, you’re about to find out.” I focused my will on her clothes, and they disappeared with a flash of green flame.

“No, please, sir, Master will be angry if Camille cums first!” Those words cleared the haze of anger from my mind, and I hovered there a moment. Philip must have woken up, and his programming reasserted itself on Camille. I gestured, and her body was encased in a green sphere, still held immobile. I turned away from her, knowing that I’d have to sort out Philip and my little family first. I destroyed the tongues holding them with four glances, and they fell to the ground. Becca and Pam recovered first, and pulled each other into a tight clinch, completely ignoring the gory surroundings. Peter and Jackie were wrapped in a 69, each trying to devour the genitals of the other. The saliva from the tongues must have an aphrodisiac effect, I thought, so I conjured some water that splashed all four of them clean, as well as making a bloody soup on the floor. No good, they were still intent on pleasing themselves. Shit. I gestured again, and all of them were levitated off the floor and in spheres of their own. I set them to follow me, turned, and stalked back out of the cell. It was only a minute or so later when I came back to the study, where Philip was rubbing himself on the floor, in vain search of relief.

I hovered above him and started questioning him. It turned out that he had gotten the Master from a newsgroup almost a year ago, but it had copied all of the addresses out of his email program and copied itself in this fashion. He’d gotten himself a few slaves using the Master, mostly by visiting homeless shelters. However, one of his little toys, Camille, turned out to have Multiple Personality Disorder, and was thus partially immune to the Master’s power. While he was awake, he had complete control over her, but when he was unconscious, her other personalities could take control. It had only taken a few days for him to be enslaved by the Control Console as he’d enslaved her. That explained the oddball scene I’d experienced when I’d first come into this room. While he was spilling his guts, I went around the other side of the desk and sat down, looking at his copy of the Master PC.

It was more similar to my own, in that it had bars that allowed its controller to make their subjects superhuman in multiple categories, and it even had a few that I didn’t. It could reshape inanimate matter to whatever whim you desired, even to making an entire house become flesh. “Holy shit, you could do damn near anything with this,” I breathed. I searched, and mercifully, there was a record of everyone and everything ever done with this copy. There were apparently 40 or 50 people involved, but most of the alterations had been to do with the house itself. When I input the global command to undo all changes, the Program sent up a window telling me that reversals would take more time, and would work in reverse chronological order, limited to the memory capacity of this computer. Shit. I halted the operation, and programmed in for all of these people to leave the house and gather on the lawn. This was liable to take some time, and it would be handy if I had some help.

I looked up, and saw that my little family was pounding on their spheres, trying to get my attention. I released their spheres, dropping them to the ground. “I’m sorry, folks. I was working on something.” A swirling gesture washed all of them clean with more water, leaving me looking at four sopping-wet, very attractive people. Peter whipped up some clothes for the four of them, and some dignity was restored to the proceeding. I briefed them on what I’d been doing while they were indisposed, and after some awkwardness from Pam and Becca, I signaled for the subjects of Philip’s Master PC to come inside and line up along the hallway outside the study.

“Becca, Pam, I’m sorry for dragging you into this. I had no idea…” Jackie was saying to the ladies.

“It’s okay, Jackie.” Ever since they’d been released, the two of them had been touching each other, even if it was just holding hands. “Besides, we’re free, aren’t we?” Pam said, curled up on Rebecca as she was.

“Yes, but I should have left you two outside. I had no right to involve you in this.” Jackie’s discomfort was palpable, and Peter wrapped his arms around her waist to soothe her. She patted his hands.

“We agreed to come in, Jackie, so stop being so noble.” Rebecca’s voice was softened by her smile, truly a beautiful thing to see. “Something good came out of it, though. I realized how much I love my little Pammie here.” She squeezed her lover tightly. “All I could think about when that tongue was on me was how much I wanted it to be hers.” Jackie looked surprised at this turn of events, and I had a grin of my own on my face. I love happy endings.



It took us nearly three days to get all of Philip and Camille’s victims back into their normal shapes. Most of them, having been homeless before their change, we set up with new identities and some false cover memories. The others, surprisingly, turned out to be other Users! Camille had made it a personal goal to hunt down and enslave any other User she came across, which was apparently what she’d had in mind when she came to the hotel. These poor slobs I returned to their normal states after making them turn over their computers to me, which Peter replaced. In this fashion, we acquired some 15 copies of the Program, most of them being along the lines of what Sherman had used on Pam and Becca. We covered up their memories of having the Master, along with returning all of their families to normal. Peter, of course, had to spend most of those days in his conference, but his nights were filled with helping us out.

Most of the copies of the Program we ran across were password protected, including, unfortunately, the one belonging to the fucker that had altered Pam and Rebecca. We tried to get around any possible problems by having that bastard return them to normal, but their altered selves had been set as their default. Any attempt, even one by James, the User himself, to return them to anything below their current state would wipe the hard drive, which we discovered to our sorrow. However, neither of them was more than marginally upset, since they’d discovered how much they did indeed love each other. I felt some guilt over this turn of affairs, since it was inevitable that someone would booby-trap their copy to prevent tampering by anyone. Being stuck in their current state, my twins and I offered them a place to live, away from any unpleasant memories here in Portland. They accepted, since they were still committed to helping others who’d been altered with the Master PC.

After we’d finished dealing with Philip’s messes, Jackie and I helped the pack up their stuff and move into the condo a floor down from Suzanne and Daphne. Peter still had his conference, after all, and there was still plenty of time for us to see the sights, particularly with our lovebirds/tour guides. There’s nothing quite like running through a forest in the rain, chasing after three gorgeous, naked women. I highly recommend it if you ever get the chance.

A couple of months later, Peter and I were helping Rebecca install bookshelves when the matter came to a head. Becca had been standing back while Peter and I drew level lines on the wall. I could feel her eyes burning holes in my ass, and I smiled towards the wall. Finally, she broke down in tears.

“Boys? Can we talk?” she asked. I turned to my twin and raised my eyebrow, and he nodded. We set down the level and our pencils and turned around, a quizzical expression on our faces.

“What’s up, Becca?” I took the initiative, Peter playing Mr. Silence. “Shelves too high, or something?”

“No, they’re fine. It’s just that, well, I’ve been having some doubts.” She fidgeted in place. Pam was at work, so we weren’t likely to be interrupted. She’d gotten a job with a lawyer’s office as a paralegal, since she had a degree in it. ” I mean, you two are the nicest guys I’ve ever known, not to mention cute as hell. I’d have drooled to get my hands on either of you before Sherman got his slimy hands on me and Pam. Now, even though I wouldn’t turn either of you down if you asked, (Peter and I blushed to the roots of our hair at that), all I really want is to be with Pam. The worst part of it is, I don’t know if my feelings are artificial or if they’d have developed like this over time.” She started weeping, and it was our turn to fidget. Dammit, it was things like this that made me sometimes want to smash all the copies of the Program I could get my hands on. I went over to her and hugged her. She sniffled into my shoulder. “I’m sorry, fellas. It’s just that whenever she’s not around, I get to thinking about what might have been.”

“It’s OK, shhh.” I rocked her back and forth. Peter tapped me on the shoulder, and I looked at him.

“Maybe you could do something for her, bro. REALLY show her what could have been, instead of letting her stew over it in her head.” I tracked his thought. It was possible for me to replay the past in my scrying crystal, and I could even alter it to see other possibilities. However, it wasn’t something I wanted to walk blithely into. I could do even more damage to her ego, but I couldn’t stand having her like this. I asked Peter to call Pam at work and ask her to come home ASAP, it was an emergency. He did so, and half an hour later, Pam burst in.

“What’s wrong? Where’s the emergency.” Seeing me holding Rebecca, she sprinted over. “What’s wrong, baby?” She wormed her way between us, and I backed off. Becca started crying harder at seeing her girlfriend like this. Pam looked up at me, questioningly. “What happened, chief?”

“Becca’s been twisting on a hook of maybe, Pam.” I explained what Becca had talked over with us. She looked stunned, but turned back to her lover, and kissed her.

“Love, I’m sorry. Is this why you cry at night?” Becca nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I’ve been asking for weeks what’s making you unhappy. I thought it was something I’d done.” Oh hell, now I had two crying women to deal with. I had to get control of the situation, and fast. Peter had bailed on me, going upstairs, the little fink. I cleared my throat, reminding them of my presence.

“Girls, I think I might have some more light to shed on the situation. If you’ll both come upstairs, I might be able to shut off those waterworks.” I squirmed under their tear-streaked gaze, which only made them laugh.

“You’ve got a real problem with women crying, Jay.” Becca sniffed, wiping at the tears with her sleeve. Her gaze dropped down to my groin. “It gets you all bothered.” She smiled maliciously. I couldn’t help it, crying women make me horny. She said to Pam, “We should do this more often. I like seeing such a confident boy lose his cool.”

“Yeah, it’s fun making him dance.” Pam wasn’t being very nice either. I ignored both comments, and gestured them out the still-open door. We went up the stairs, and seeing such nice asses squeezed into tight jeans wasn’t helping my hormones any. In the condo, we went through into the lab. Much to my surprise, Peter had been making all the preparations I’d need. He’d drawn the blinds and had some nice relaxing incense burning.

“Thanks, Pete. I thought you’d just ditched me.”

“Would I do that? I don’t leave crying women any easier than you do, idiot.” He pulled one of my spellbooks off the shelf and tossed it at me, catching me right in the gut. ” I even looked up the spell you need to use.” His show of affronted dignity made us all laugh. We sat down in the chairs he’d pulled up to one side of the room, and I pulled my scrying crystal out. I hadn’t used the thing in weeks, ever since the Wizard had sent me a congratulatory note for cleaning up Portland that nearly blew out the windows. Having the Wizard like you is better than having him pull pranks on you, but it’s almost as dangerous.

I cleared my mind and opened the book to the page Peter had marked for me. I incanted the spell, and the far half of the room filled with fog. To the left, we saw a diagram of the past as it had happened, with little diagrams explaining what happened when in the lifetime of the girls’ relationship.

“Okay, let’s rewind to just before Sherman entered your lives.” I focused, and the highlight that had been around the present lit up. I ‘rewound’ the recording, for lack of a better term, to six weeks before Sherman had gotten the Master PC. “Okay, now we’re at the point where you two started, um, experimenting.” The right side of the room was filled with what appeared to be a dormroom, and the girls were sitting on the floor, playing with each other’s breasts. I looked over, and both of them were blushing furiously. “Now, we’ll alter things just a bit. I’ll set the conditions to reflect what would have happened if Sherman hadn’t gotten his hands on the Program.” I spoke another stanza in the language of magic, and the diagram on the left half of the screen split, showing the point of divergence. “Now, let’s get some highlights of THIS timeline.” I advanced the reel forwards a few months. The picture changed, now showing a completely different room, this one looking like a living room. The Pam we were watching was sitting on the couch crying, with Becca sitting next to her. “Okay, now I’ll let it play.”

“What’s wrong, Pam?”

“Mark dumped me. He said I was the worst lay he’d ever had.” then-Pam sniffed and blew her nose into a Kleenex.

“That dickhead. He probably wouldn’t know a good lay if it broke his nose.” then-Becca shifted closer, hugging Pam. “Besides which, there’s more to love than sex.” Pam broke down again, alarming then-Becca.

“I’m sorry, Becca. It’s just that it hurts.” Becca’s hands spasmed on her back. “You’re my best friend. Thanks for being here for me.” She kissed Rebecca’s cheek. Surprisingly, Becca returned the favor, but on her lips.

“I have a confession, Pam. Ever since we were playing around in college, I’ve wanted to take our relationship a little farther. The guys I’ve been with, some were wonderful, some not so, but I’ve always held something back. I think I’ve been in love with you for a long time now.” Rebecca’s image blushed. “I don’t want to take advantage, I just wanted you to know that someone loves you.” Pam’s image looked up at her, and it was plain to see the emotions playing across her mind; embarrassment, amazement, and more than a little lust. She took Rebecca’s head in her hands, and returned her kiss, with some heat. I froze the movie at this point.

“It was bound to happen, Becca. However, let me give you a little teaser…” I advanced the film two years into the future, and we were now looking at a loft apartment, much like their old one. Books were still everywhere, but there wasn’t a feeling of squalor to it. There was a single bed, and in it, an image of the two of them making love was clear. “Should I let it run?,” I asked, teasingly. When I looked, I saw the two of them wrapped in an embrace very like the one on the screen. “Guess not,” I muttered to Peter. He just smiled, and the two of us got up to leave. When I went past them, however, a hand snaked out and grabbed my hand. I stopped, and looked at the pair.

“Thank you, Jay. That was all I ever needed to hear.” The tears running down Rebecca’s face this time were tears of happiness, not sorrow. I smiled gently, and made to keep going. Her grip, however, tightened. “But if you think I’m letting you off with just that for thanks, you’re sadly mistaken.” She looked a question at her lover, who enthusiastically nodded. Pam got off of Becca’s lap, stood up, and gave me a kiss that left me no doubts as to their intent.

“And if you think either of us is letting you two out of our sight, think again!” She grabbed me by the front of my jeans and tackled me to the floor. “What do you think we talk about when we’re thinking of our fantasies, you silly boy?” she whispered into my ear. “Why else would I have been borrowing your erotica?” Her hands were snaking up my shirt to rub against my nipples. I heard Peter making a token protest, and an answering thump made me turn my head. He’d been pinned much as I had.

“Well, if you’re that serious about it, far be it for me to stop you,” he said to his partner with a grin before he started peeling off her shirt.

I looked back at Pam, and we snickered at his predicament. However, she had more than merriment on her mind. She kissed me, hard, and I heard a tearing sound as she ripped my shirt apart. “Anxious, are you?” I asked. I’d almost forgotten that she’d been altered to have enhanced strength as her arousal increased.

“You betcha, boyo.” She wasted no time in giving my jeans the same treatment. She pulled the remnants off with a growl and tossed them across the lab. Rebecca’s howl of lust made me glad I’d soundproofed the condo, but it also sent a charge of lust racing down my cock. Pam latched onto it like it was filled with ambrosia, making me moan. Peter did me the favor of reaching over and dissolving her clothes so that I saw her naked frame in all it’s glory. I slapped his hand in thanks, and gave her my full attention. She growled her own thanks to Peter around a mouthful of dick, then curled herself up between my legs. She had one small hand wrapped around the base, and was swirling her tongue around the head of my dick. I ran my fingers down her cheek, loving the softness of her skin.

“I thought you were supposed to be submissive,” I gasped. She pulled her mouth off me long enough to reply that it only applied to Becca before she went back to work. She worked me over for a few minutes, coaxing me almost to the brink of orgasm. When I’d come to the brink, she pulled back, still holding me in her fist while looking at my eyes.

” I love your eyes, Jay. They’re so expressive, I can see how much you like this..” she said softly while stroking me with her hand. I inhaled sharply, and she straddled me, guiding my dick into her depths with assurance. “That’s better, isn’t it.” She sat up proudly, and I put my hands to her breasts. She covered my hands with her own, and leaned forwards, pressing all of her warm skin against me. “But I like it better when you’re on top.” I took the hint and rolled us over. Her legs stretched out, ankles locking behind my back. I sank my cock slowly into her, stopping when I was sheathed in her. She moaned, but she bit down on my shoulder when I reached down to touch her button. I called her a little wildcat, which made her smile.

“Harder, lover!” she hissed at me. I drew back and pistoned in and out of her, eliciting a higher pitched wail.

She continued to urge greater force, so I obliged, still using my slickened thumb to rub at her clit. My other hand I used to grab her head, to hold it still for me to drive my tongue into her mouth. She moaned into my mouth, and I savored the sensation. It only took a few minutes for my fingers to drive her altered body into climax after climax, finally ending when I came into her. I rolled onto my side, still staying inside her. We were both panting from the release when she pulled me close and urged me to look at our partners. I reluctantly pulled out of her, and scooped her up before sitting us down in one of the chairs.

Peter and Becca were rutting like wolverines in heat; the sheer erotic violence of their coupling was awesome. They’d rolled clear across the room, one partner seeking to establish dominance only to be upstaged by the other. The sheer amount of muscle Rebecca had was tantalizing; she was built like Ms. Universe, but still undeniably feminine. Peter was having to work against that kind of mass, but his enhanced strength helped him. He rolled them over, and held her arms against the floor while he drove his cock into her, and she was screeching in heat. Pam, meanwhile, had sat herself down facing the spectacle. Her manual efforts and the show itself had made me harden again, much to her pleasure.

“You like to watch, don’t you?” she asked over her shoulder as she slipped me back into her sex. In answer, I pulled her back to me, crushing her tits in my hands. She started moving up and down on me, her eyes still focused on the others.

Rebecca had used Peter’s superior position to regain some of her strength, and turned the tables, pinning him beneath her heaving flesh. She howled in victory, and got an answering growl from her mate. Her fingers were driving into the floor, digging into it. Her legs had been spread wide, her toes matching her fingers’ actions. She was fucking him as hard as he’d done her, and within minutes, the pair of them were screeching in unison as they came. Becca collapsed atop Pete, her muscles fading as she did so. She wrapped her arms around his chest as they tried to get enough energy to move. Pam was mirroring the ferocity of their sex act by driving me viciously into her with sudden jerks. I clamped my mouth down on the back of her neck, hard enough to tantalize but not enough to hurt. She hissed in pleasure, and our world sank away to driving the other to madness. I reached around and cupped her clit between two fingers while using one of them to reach inside her box. She howled at this, and I grunted against her neck, pleased.

I heard footsteps, and left off long enough to look up. Rebecca had recovered enough to stand up and move over to us, and was now making out with her girlfriend, pinching her nipples as she did. I felt Pam moan as she submitted to Becca’s lust, and used my body to drive her over the brink. She came, hard. I noticed motion across the room, and saw Peter sneaking up behind Becca. She was almost as aroused as her lover, and he used her distraction to drive into her from behind. She howled in lust as he slammed home, breaking her away from Pam’s mouth. He threw his muscles into the act, and bent her to the floor in front of the chair. He was holding onto her shoulders, violently taking her with her consent.

Pam was making mewling sounds from seeing her dominant lover mastered, and I acted on an idea. I wrapped my arm around her stomach, holding her in place while I stood and moved us over, facing the others. I set us down close enough for the girls to touch each other, smiling as their lips locked together with a will. I used my vantage to drive further into Pam’s cunt, feeling the cry boiling out of her mouth and into her lover’s as I did. Peter and I drove them to howling fits, and when they broke from their kiss and rested their heads on the floor, we both blew our loads. I pulled out and rolled over onto my back, pulling Pam on top of me, holding her head in the crux of my shoulder. Peter rolled the two of them onto their sides, with him facing me, her head pressed into his chest. We smiled at each other, and kissed our newfound lovers.

While we lay there recovering, I heard the phone ringing. I frowned, wishing that whoever it was would hang up. I heard the machine pick up, but instead of the telemarketer I expected, Suzanne’s voice came on. I used a short spell to make it louder.

“Peter, Jay, if you’re there, pick up the damn phone!” she screamed. “Daphne’s in labor, but there’s something wrong! We’re at Lexington General Hospital, but try my cell first!” she paused momentarily. “Shit, the doctor’s just come out. I’ve got to go, but you two need to get down here quick!”

A bolt of sheer nervous energy energized me, and I shot up, dumping Pam to the floor. Peter looked askance at me. “What’s wrong, bro?”

“Daphne’s in labor, but there’s complications. We’ve got to get to the hospital quick!”

He shot up as quickly as I had, and we helped the girls up, apologizing for our abruptness. “Which hospital they at?” I told him, and he cursed. “We’ve never been there, and this time of day it’ll take us half an hour to get there!” He dashed across the room and returned with my clothes, which he’d repaired. Tossing them to me, he manifested his own into being, as well as some things for the ladies. “No help for it, we’ll have to drive, unless you want to fly!” I shook my head. Flying, even with magic, makes me nervous. I only did it when I had no other option or was too emotionally disturbed to notice. Pam jerked on my arm, breaking my train of thought.

“I’ve been to Lex Gen, Jay. Can we use your Door to get there?” I blinked a few times, having forgotten all about the Door. I kissed her hard in thanks. Peter, having heard this, was already hauling the Doorway out of the storage closet. Rebecca grabbed the other side, and together they set it up in the corner.

“Where were you in the hospital, baby?” Becca asked.

“The claims department, but I did use their bathroom…” We all laughed at that. Broke the tension, and I was able to think better afterwards. We had her open the Door into the bathroom, and while we waited for it to clear, Pete and I both gathered up some of our tools that we might need. I’d needled him when he told me he was building a tricorder, but I was grateful for it now. We stashed that device, some of my charged crystals, and a pocket-sized camcorder into our pockets. When the bathroom cleared, the women went across, and taped an Out Of Order sign on the door. The last thing we needed was for someone to try and use the can and end up in my lab. I saw Becca’s all-clear sign, and we went across. I dropped an invisibility spell over us, and we left the bathroom. A small use of Peter’s power made sure the door wouldn’t open for anything less than a blowtorch.

We hauled ass down to the Information Desk, and I slipped over the counter to see where Daphne was listed. ICU. 2nd floor. Shit. We were on the third floor! We bailed into the stairwell, not bothering with the elevator. We burst through the door, nearly scaring the life out of some hospital staff coming by. I extended my spell to cover the girls, and we slipped past the guard at the door. I cautioned them to be quiet while I went and found Suzanne. I found her in the ICU waiting room, wringing her hands and screaming with rage. Luckily, we were alone, so I put a do-not-come-in across the doorway and dropped my illusion spell.

“Suzie? I came as soon as I got the message.” She nearly broke my ribs when she grabbed me. “What’s wrong?”

“The doctor says he’s never seen anything like it. She’s been at 10 cm dilation for over 2 hours, and they can’t even see the head. They’ve tried C-Section, but every time they try, the knives break! He.. he told me that if they can’t get the baby out soon, they could both die!” she broke at saying that. Knives breaking? Baby not moving? Could it be that the magic that made Daphne pregnant had leeched into the baby? His rage and fear at being born could shape a magical energy field into doing just that sort of thing. Fuck, I was going to have to get them out of here! Suzanne was going to have to be brought into the whole thing, and at the worst fucking time. I held her for a moment while I mentally called Peter and we cobbled together a plan. Finally, when we had it down to a workable solution, I pushed Suzanne back a half-step.

“Suzie, do you trust me?” I asked, since our plans all hinged on Suzanne’s agreement. If she didn’t go along, things would get out of hand way too fast.

“Of course I do, Jay. Why are you asking this?” Her tears were breaking my composure.

“Because I’ve got to ask you help me do some unbelievable things.” I steeled myself, took a breath, and finished. “We’ve got to get Daphne out of here. If she stays here, she and the baby will both die. I can get the baby out, but I can’t do it here. I need your help to get Daphne out of here, and you’ll have to come with us.” Had it been a less serious situation, the look on her face would have been funny.

“But Jay, you’re not a doctor. How can you do something a physician can’t?” she asked.

“Because I’m NOT a doctor. I’m a Wizard, Suzanne.”

“Jay, this isn’t funny.” Her tears were drying up, turning into rage. “I know you don’t like being helpless, but that’s no reason to make light of this. Daphne could die, and the baby too!” She balled up her fist and slugged me across the jaw. I shook my head and massaged my face.

“I’m not joking, Suzie. I really AM a Wizard. And if I don’t get Daphne out of here, she WILL die. These doctors can’t help her.” When she started to swing again, I dodged and heard Peter sending a thought to me

‘Jay, she’s too hysterical to listen. I’m in the room with you, so drop the spell on me.’ I did as he asked, and he became visible, as did the girls, who were right behind him. He stepped up and grabbed Suzanne, stopping her from coming after me again. “Stop it, Suzie! He’s not kidding, he’s a Wizard!”

She dead-stopped at that.

“Peter? When did you get here?” Her face, red with anger, twisted in confusion behind the screen of her flaming hair.

“Same time as Jay did. Now, will you please stop trying to smear him across this room and listen?” He shook her for emphasis. She slumped in his grip, and started sobbing. He held her for a moment, and the girls said hi. “Before you ask, they came in with us. Now, which room is Daphne in?”

“IC number 4.” She turned around in his arms and looked at me. “I’m sorry, Jay, but it’s a little hard to believe you’re a Wizard. But if Peter says the same thing, I’ll buy it. Now, what do you need from me?” I hugged her for a moment.

“I need you to go up to the third floor and wait near the Out Of Order women’s bathroom. That’s how we’re getting out of here. Don’t ask how, just do it, please. I promise, I’ll explain it all later. Right now, we need to focus on Daphne and the baby.” She set her mouth and nodded. “Also, call Jackie and tell her I need her. Tell her we’ll be at the house, and she needs to get there fast.” She pulled her cellphone out of her pocket and started dialing as she walked. “And Suzie?” She turned around mid-stride. “I love you.” She smiled and kept going. “Okay, troops, here’s what we’re going to do; Peter, I’ll need you or Becca to carry Daphne, I’ll be too busy. Whichever of you isn’t occupied will clear the path for us. Pam, I need you to start destroying physical evidence once we get underway. I’ll tell you when to start, and I’ll help you with it. Everyone clear?” They all nodded, and we started stealing a pregnant woman from a hospital.


Master PC: the Urge for Self- Loving

Disclaimers: If you’re under 18, leave now! This story ain’t for the faint of heart. Go find Disney. Com or something.

My thanks to:

J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories.

My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series.

Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic’s Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with others’ actions and how it troubles the conscience of the self-respecting, not to mention frequent mentions in this little yarn.

Bill Hart, creator of the Spells R Us and it’s Wizard, master of the fine print,

Robert Heinlein for writing such wonderful classics as Stranger in a Strange Land, and

finally, all of you out there who read these stories..

If you want to repost this story in a free place, go right ahead, just drop me a line at [email protected] . If you want to repost this in a paysite, DEFINITELY send me a message, or I’ll have the Doom Dragons eat your face. Nice people are okay. Mean people that try and get stuff done are cool. Mean people who don’t give a shit about anyone else suck.

And now, on with the story!



I threw another cloaking spell over us, and we snuck down the hallway to IC 4. A peek inside showed me an operating room with 6 physicians, about the same number of nurses, and an anesthetist, plus a screaming Daphne. Okay, not as bad as I thought. There were a few people down the hallway, but they didn’t concern me. I made a note to separate the doctors and nurses, which would take some doing. I recited the major spell I was going to have to use. Halting the passage of time wasn’t an easy magic at the best of times, and this certainly wasn’t one of those. I could start the spell while we were invisible, but when it started working, I was going to have to drop the invisibility. Screw it, it wasn’t important. I spoke the long sentences in the language of magic, infusing them with every ounce of my will. I felt sluggish, as if I was moving through molasses. My little group became visible, and the people moving down the hallway stopped moving. I could feel the strain of what I was doing, which was basically redirecting the stream of time for a short span. I nodded when I felt the spell grab hold, and we burst into the room.

Peter picked Daphne up, straining as he worked her legs out of the stirrups. I gestured, and Rebecca burst into motion, followed closely by Peter. They busted out the door, heading for the stairs. It was getting harder for me to maintain my concentration, but I persevered, knowing it would take them nearly two minutes to get upstairs. However, how was I going to get these doctors and nurses to do something else? I didn’t have enough concentration to move, much less cast more spells!

“Pam, we’ve got a problem. I can’t hold this spell and think of how to deal with a disappearing woman at the same time.” I ground out this sentence past the screaming headache I was giving myself.

“Got any ideas?” Surely enough, she did.

“Put another woman in Daphne’s place, and I’ll change all the records. People see what they want to see, lover.” she smiled wickedly. I gaped at her in such surprise that I felt the spell starting to unravel. Simple solution, and if I had to, I could alter the physician’s memories before we left. I squeezed her hand in thanks and told her to start switching records. She did so with some alacrity, yet I was still counting seconds to give Peter and Becca time to get into the bathroom and across the Doorway. When I got to 120, I breathed a little easier. A timeless eternity later, Pam came back into the room, wheeling another woman in on a gurney. “It’s probably better that she be in here, Jay. She’s got gestational diabetes, and could use the attention.”

“Where’d you find her?”

“Down in the ER. She’d just come in, and was supposed to be moved up here when they got room.” She smiled brightly. ” I just saved them some time. Did everyone get across?” Shit, I forgot to exclude Suzie from the time spell! Fuck! I told Pam that I’d forgotten Suzanne, and she just shook her head.

“Men. You all get so focused on what’s right in front of you that you miss the little details.”

“Hey, you wanna try this?” I gibed. “Until you do, give a poor old Wizard a break. We’ll grab her when time starts and scramble.” I hastily cobbled together a spell to wipe out any memory these people had for Daphne, and implant one that covered the woman currently in residence. There might be a slight hiccup or two, but I was under too much strain at the moment to worry about it. “We’ve got to get down to admitting and destroy all records of Daphne being here. They probably haven’t entered it into the computer yet, except for the room assignment.” Pam nodded, and came over to me and helped me walk back out past the ICU doors. I dropped the timestop spell, and things picked back up, and my headache vanished. I cast another cloak-spell, and we vanished from sight. We sprinted down to admitting, and I put a do-not-notice-us spell on the two of us. We got behind the desk, and we started scrambling through the paperwork. When we found Daphne’s paperwork, I incinerated them with a thought. A second’s work with a Gremlin-Spell took care of the computer’s records. Finally, we bolted back upstairs. We found Suzanne leaning against a wall facing the bathroom door, looking around. I dropped the spells, and she jumped.

“Did you get her out?” she whispered. I nodded, and leaned against the wall, out of energy and breath. “Are you okay? You look like you’re about to drop over dead.” She draped my free arm around her shoulders. I nodded, even though I felt like hammered shit. I was out of energy, and if I tried doing any more magic before I got some food down me, I could be in serious trouble. The time-stop spell had drained my reserves of strength, and all the illusion spells I’d been using didn’t help either. The pair of them managed to get me into the bathroom and across the threshold. Mercifully, noone noticed a man going into the women’s room, but my long hair and beardless face probably helped.

At home, I slammed the Doorway shut and looked around. Peter had gotten Daphne into my working circle, although when I’d dropped the time spell, she’d come around. I lacked the energy for anything else, so I activated the defensive suspension spells and she stopped in place. Unfortunately, I’d left my bearers behind, and my knees chose that moment to give out. I hit the floor with a thump and a groan. Everyone bolted over to me, and I waved them back.

“I need food, and lots of it, now!” Peter bolted from the room in search of victuals, and I motioned all of the ladies over. “Girls, I’m sorry to have to ask this, but I need something from you all. I need to borrow your energies, or I’ve had it. If I stop now, I’ll probably sleep for a few days, and the spell on Daph won’t hold that long.” I didn’t know if they completely understood, but they all agreed to help me. “Everyone, touch me. Bare skin.” Suzanne took my head into her lap and laid her hands on my face, while Pam and Rebecca took my hands. I chanted a short, blasphemous spell, and I felt energy roiling into me. All three women were weakened, but it was nothing a good meal and some sleep wouldn’t cure. I felt revitalized, but I knew I had to work fast. Borrowed energy will keep you alive and functioning, but it’s transitory. I had a very limited time to get this birth done, and when it was, I was probably going to sleep for a week, if not die.


When I got the call from Suzanne, I was tying up some loose ends in the office, so I was able to bolt pretty quickly. Since Peter had driven me to work, I needed some other means of transport. A moment’s thought, and I had it. I stopped by the boss’ office and told him there was an emergency situation I had to take care of, and he let me go. I bolted outdoors, and went around the back of the building to the alleyway. A moment’s singing, and I was invisible, and an additional verse set me speeding through the air. I don’t like flying any more than Jay does, but I had no other choice. I outpaced the wind, but it still took me a good 15 minutes to get home. I sprinted upstairs, and damn near kicked the door down getting inside. Peter was at the door to the lab, trying to batter his way inside.

“Goddamn it!” He pulled back for another punch, but I grabbed his fist. “Jackie! Thank god!” he filled me in on the situation, and could have beaten Jay into a pulp for his pig-headedness. “I can’t get in, the son of a bitch cast some spell around the room to keep my power from working.” Shit, this wasn’t good. It took me nearly five minutes of precious time to open the door, and I could imagine Jason on the other side of the door, talking to himself and chanting spells. I tried screaming through the door, but it didn’t work for me any more than it had for Peter. Finally the defense spells gave way, and we stormed in. The girls were lying in a heap outside of a blue force-shield Jay had erected.

“Dammit, Jay, let me help!” He didn’t respond except to shake his head negatively. I dropped long enough to check on the girls. Pulses steady, they were just low on energy. He must have borrowed from them, the bastard. Why couldn’t he have waited five minutes for me to get there? I tested the barrier spell, and got a nasty burn for my efforts. “Ow! Damn you, Wizard!” I screamed. He just turned his drawn face to me and smiled, the one that turns my heart over in my chest. He pointed towards Daphne, and I saw how much strain she was under. She was screaming her soul out, even if Jay had muted it down. I looked closer, and I saw one of Jay’s personal energy crystals around Daph’s neck, and he had the match around his own. “No, you asshole! Don’t you do this to me!” I screamed. I tried to jump into the barrier, but Peter had my arms pinned. “Let me go, Peter! He’s going to give his life-force to Daphne to keep her alive! In the state he’s in, that’ll kill him!”

“Dammit, I know! I won’t lose both of you at once! I can’t stop him, but I CAN stop you!” He threw me to the floor, and pinned me with his weight. “It’s his choice, Jacqueline, and we can’t stop him. We owe it to him to respect his wishes.” He turned his head long enough to salute our brother/lover. “We knew this was likely to happen sooner or later, Jackie! Remember what we planned?” he bellowed into my ear over the crackling of the barrier spell. “He’s not getting away from us that easily, baby!” The reincarnation spell! If he died from this idiocy, his soul would be captured while I grew him a new body in my womb! I let my tears flow, as I laughed from the supreme jest we were putting over on him. I managed to get Peter off of me and we managed to get the girls awake and moving.

“What’s he doing, you guys?” Suzanne asked. Noone said anything as we watched Jay cut into his chest with a dagger, smearing his crystal and Daphne’s with his blood, and painting some designs onto her stomach with the rest.

“He’s saving Daphne’s life, Suzie. Problem is, he’s going to use his own life to do it.” I was kneeling on the floor with my arms wrapped around my knees. “He’s sacrificing himself to give Daphne the energy to bring her baby into the world. It’s the second- or third-greatest thing I’ve ever seen him do.” Pam was crying into Rebecca’s shirt. “Pam, please. We owe it to him to watch.” I tugged on her shirt and she sat down next to me, Becca taking the other. Inside the barrier, Jay was pressing on Daphne’s belly, helping her push. I saw the barrier flicker with the force of will he was driving behind his motions, but I wasn’t going to interfere. He stepped back, and the barrier stabilized. The crystals around their necks were glowing with a red light, the hue of the blood both of them were shedding. The girls squeezed me between them, but I didn’t mind. I felt Peter pulling Suzanne down, and he was holding her hand between both of his. Suddenly, the crackling sound of the barrier died down. Jay turned around and looked directly at the five of us, and spoke. “I love you best of all.” It was from one of his favorite stories as a child; a mother tells each of her children that just before she dies, and means it every time. I wailed in anguish, and I heard Peter choke back a sob.

With a resolved look on his face, blood and sweat streaking down his face, he turned back around to Daphne, and kissed her, long and hard. We didn’t hear what he said, but we probably didn’t need to. He wrapped his fingers around both of their necklaces, raised his head to the heavens and shouted the words to the life-transfer spell. He shuddered with the force being drained from him, but he managed to get back down to between Daphne’s legs. With a final convulsion, I watched him press both of his hands down on her belly, and with a primal cry of birth, Daphne’s son was born. Jason’s rock-steady hands pulled little David Breenan free of his mother’s body, and he laid the newborn tenderly on his mother’s breast. He cut the umbilical cord and tied it off. There were white streaks racing back through his hair, and he was aging as we watched. With a chuck of his spindly, liver-spotted hands he lifted the baby’s face towards his, and dropped a kiss on his forehead. He gave one to Daphne as well, before he walked over to the far side of the barrier and sat down, an old man. He gestured, and Daphne was lowered back to the floor. The barrier flickered, and died. We snapped out of our collective daze, and sprinted across the floor. Suzanne and the girls checked on Daphne and little David while Peter and I raced for our beloved. I got there just ahead of Peter, but we were both too late. With the same quirky smile he’d used whenever he was being clever, Jay closed his eyes and died.




Daphne and her newborn son were fine and healthy. Suzanne took off from work for a month or so to be with them both, and the rest of us visited them every day. Pam and Becca settled into life, Pam with her legal career, and Rebecca running a small bookstore, just as she’d always wanted to. Peter and I couldn’t get away from our jobs, so we threw ourselves into them. Since Jay’s legal identity had to remain alive for Peter to keep his job, we’d cremated what little was left of our brother and spread his ashes out over the lake near the condo. His investments had kept making money, with Madeline Phesant’s capable management. I suppose that we could have just quit our jobs, but both Peter and I needed something to occupy us. For weeks afterwards, I’d break into tears, but since I’d told people that I’d lost a dear friend, they understood, and were sympathetic. Peter took to working longer and longer hours, trying to bury the pain in activity. I understood, and when he staggered in at night, worn to the bone, I took him into my bed and my body with relief. I took up Jay’s self-appointed tasks, and decimated the ranks of Users with a vengeance. Peter finally convinced me to stop after I literally shredded one with my bare hands, using my magic to keep him alive as I did so. Shaken, I did as he asked, and returned to work and our life with as good a grace as I could manage.

A month to the day after David was born, I got a reminder. My monthly cycle, as per Jay’s alterations, was as regular as clockwork, never even varying by a day. However, I failed to start menstruating that day, and I was at work when it occurred to me. I was staggered by that little occurrence. I’d thought occasionally about my spells, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up, so I forced myself not to think about it. When I realized that I was pregnant, I called Peter and our friends and told them I wanted us all to get together. The girls had all been worried about Peter and I, and had also been working through their own grief. After I hung up the phone, I started crying again. I came to a decision I’d been avoiding and went to see my boss.

“Jane, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure, Jackie.” She cleared off her desk and told her secretary she wasn’t to be disturbed. “What’s on your mind, kiddo?”

” I need to take some time off. I just had some good news, and it means I won’t be able to keep working.” I wasn’t about to let the cat out of the bag about my pregnancy. Jane was a little upset, to say the least, but I agreed to work out till the end of the month so she had time to find a replacement. What I’d told her was that I’d been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I couldn’t pass it up. The nature of the thing was so sensitive that I couldn’t talk about it with her. Mercifully, after David had tracked us down, Jay had gotten a false identity set up and gotten enough financial geniuses to set us up in money not in his name, but all accessible, so we wouldn’t have any auditors knocking on the door. That whole affair done with, I finished out the day and went home.

Noone was going to be around for a few hours, so I satisfied my curiosity and used some of Jay’s tools and some of Peter’s to confirm what my own senses had told me. I was indeed pregnant, approximately 30 days. I rubbed the unseen visitor in my belly while I finished the last part of the testing; the spells confirming that Jason’s soul and memory were part of this child. I held my breath the whole time, all 10 seconds of it. Success! I passed out when confirmation came back. When I came back to my senses, I broke down crying. I’d actually done it! My lover was growing inside me, and in less than a year, he would be born! I spent the rest of the time dancing around the condo, lost in bliss. I finally got into the shower to get ready for the big announcement, and the thought of how much Jay had liked having sex in the shower made me smile. Soon, we’d be together again.

At 7:30, I heard Peter’s key sliding into the lock. I heard the voices of the others behind him, and I grinned at what I was going to give them. The door opened, and Peter led the group inside. All of them stopped in the vestibule to take in the sight. I was lying on the couch, naked as the day I was born, except for my favorite jewelry.

“Uh, Jackie?” Peter’s tired face was a little chagrined at finding me in the buff. He stumbled over his words for a moment before getting them out. “Aren’t you cold, sitting there like that?” I smiled and shook my head.

“I will be if you all don’t come in and shut that door!” I sat up on the couch, facing all that I loved best in this world. “Now, if you would all oblige me and take your seats?” I gestured and conjured up chairs facing the couch in a semi-circle. As I expected, the first ones to move were Pam and Daphne. Both of them gave me a hug and a kiss before they sat down, and the others followed their lead. When everyone was seated, I levitated the tray of wine glasses and a glass of orange juice for Daphne into the room. I sent it around, and everyone took a glass. “I propose a toast, to those we love and those we have loved in the past.” All of them raised their glasses and right when they all had a mouthful of whatever they were drinking, I dropped the bombshell. “By the way, I’m pregnant.”

Everyone except Peter spit their drink out or choked on it. I burst out laughing. I’d have to tell Jay about it, or I could just show him on the camcorder I’d set up. I looked at Peter, and he tipped his glass to me. The girls set down their glasses and crowded around me, laying hands on my belly and asking a hundred questions at once. I held up my hand for silence. Still looking straight at Peter, I said “I take it that you already knew that, didn’t you?” He slouched back in his chair, looking immeasurably pleased with himself.

“For almost three weeks now. I was wondering when you’d notice.” He took another swallow of wine, draining the glass as he did so. “I was so anxious to see if it worked that I started scanning you every day with my tricorder.” The girls were looking pensive at his comments, so I illuminated them, telling them exactly WHO I was expecting.

“But why didn’t you tell us earlier?” Daphne squealed.

“What could you have done? Besides which, you have a baby to take care of.” Said baby was currently in my arms. He was a cute little bugger, even if he didn’t have any hair. “I’ve been going out of my mind as it is. Last thing I needed was to worry about four other people.” I shot daggers at Peter. “But I guess I was being too pessimistic. Must be the Jay in me.” We all snickered at that.

“But why were you just laying there naked? Not that I minded, you understand.” Suzanne asked. I looked pointedly at the protuberance beneath her skirt.

” I can see that. Frankly, I wanted to celebrate, and I was hoping that someone besides this lunk,” I waved negligently at Peter, “would take me to bed. You all seem to have gotten the idea that I’m made of glass, and I’m damn sure gonna disprove that notion.” I lay back on the couch, spreading my legs invitingly. Ever since I confirmed I was pregnant, all I could think of was how much I wanted all my loves with me, maybe even all at once, if I could arrange it. Peter took the hint and started moving the chairs and abandoned glasses out of the way and produced a huge mattress/comforter for the floor. I thanked him with a kiss, and he bowed gracefully, escorting me to the center of the pad. “If anyone feels uncomfortable, I won’t ask you to stay, but I hope you will,” I said as I made eye contact with each of them, and saw my love for them echoed back to me. The ladies immediately started stripping, after checking with each other to make sure they were all comfortable. I laid back and watched, feeling my fires stir. Peter took the baby into his bedroom and settled him down. While he was gone, I was joined by the others, and we all piled up together, them burying me in the middle.

When Peter came back into the room, he shook his head, saying “So many women, so little time.” Then he did something that I’m sure Jay would gladly smack him for. He knelt down, laid a hand on my abdomen, and talked to our twin. “Bro, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m going to enjoy this little feast you’ve sponsored, and I hope you writhe with jealousy over it.” The rest of us laughed uproariously at this, and pulled the dear man down into our group grope. We all helped strip him, even though he could have simply vanished them. When he was as bare as the rest of us, we took turns touching each other. Even those that hadn’t seen each other naked before were getting into the act. Suzanne’s penis, far from being a freakish addition, was adored, touched, kissed and fondled into tumescence. Peter was content to watch, enjoying the orgy atmosphere. What surprised me most, however, was that he even touched Suzie, making her jump. When he stroked her length, he spoke so gently I could hear echoes of Jay’s own words to her, months earlier. “This doesn’t make you unlovable, dear. It’s just something that blocked my sight. Besides, my brother and sister both love you dearly. I just had to get past my own fears.” I could have been satisfied with that final barrier removed from our life, but it just got better!

Daphne took the initiative, cuddling up behind my head and offering me a tit. When I latched onto it, I was rewarded by a stream of sweet mother’s milk. It was different than the cow’s milk I’d had all of my life, but the idea of nourishing another person like this made me cum. Daphne’s moans of joy were echoed by the rest of the group, Suzanne in particular, who gently spread my legs and entered me oh-so-slowly. When she’d filled me to the brink, Pam took one of my breasts to her mouth, while Becca joined me at Daphne’s tit. The double stimulation made woman-juices flow down her thighs, and it was heavenly.

Us women-folk remained in this configuration until each of us had come at least twice, and I think Daph managed half a dozen. Finally, Suzie pulled out of me with a sticky sound. The emptiness in my slit was disappointing, even if it was momentary. I sat up and dragged Peter to the floor by his tool, slipping him between my thighs. “I think it’s time we got you involved, little man.” I kissed his nose. “You’ve had it too easy, and now it’s time for you to pay the piper!” I seated his cock into me with a wiggle. “You’re going to have to satisfy the court of your repentance, sir!”

“Could I get a break for a first offense?” His hands planted themselves over my shoulders. “Besides which, the judge might object to having his head coated in semen.” His laughter was more alive than it had been in months.

‘You only think of that now, Pete? I’m shocked, usually you’re quicker than that!’ The voice sounded through the vaults of my mind.

“Jay? How…?” His eyes were wide, staring at my stomach. I probably had the same look on my face. My hand flew to my abdomen, pressing against it.

‘You think I’ve been floating here for the last month without trying to get your attention? You know me better than that.’ His booming laugh echoed through my head. ‘But I’m being rude.’ I felt the attention of his mind being directed away from me, but keeping me in the circuit. ‘Hello, ladies! Didja miss me?’ The girls’ jaws dropped and their eyes went wide. ‘Sorry for the long silence, but since these two’ve been keeping their minds closed to me, I couldn’t speak up. Thanks for loosening them up for me.’ Unlike our usual mental link, I got a greater sense of Jason’s emotions; he was broadcasting love and desire like a radio. There was some kind of unspoken agreement, and five hands joined mine on my belly. ‘That’s a little better, thanks.’

“How is it that you can even think, Jay? Embryos at this stage of development don’t have many brain cells!” I was talking directly to my unseen passenger, which was kind of funny, considering I was staring right at Peter’s dick as I did. I snickered when the silliness occurred to me.

“The Master’s commands don’t really differentiate between age brackets, baby. Besides which, I’m.. or WAS, a Wizard. Ain’t magic grand?” his ‘smile’ leeched across, and I sprouted one of my own.

‘That’s better. You haven’t been smiling much lately, have you? Although I understand why. But why did you bother with this little trick? I was ready to go, to give up the whole shebang.’

“But WE weren’t going to let you get out of it that quick, you great lump.” I started to tear up, memories of the last day of his last life running through my head. “You’re not abandoning all of us to live on without you, not this soon! And if you don’t like it, tough!” I felt his love merge with me, soothing away the anger.

‘It was just a question, dear. If you and Peter went to this much trouble, who am I to argue? And it’s a moot point now, isn’t it?’ I nodded. ‘But maybe I should have just kept my mouth, such as it is, shut. I’m breaking up a rather erotic little get-together. You know where I’ll be, if you want to talk, but right now, this lump of flesh I’m attached to wants to sleep.’ I felt his voice fading out, but not before it tweaked my pleasure center. I snapped out of communion, and stared at my loves.

“If that isn’t just like the little shit! Pop in, drop a bombshell, and pass out!” Pam’s voice was indignant. “Someone remind me to spank the hell out of him when he’s born, will ya?” I lost it, laughing so hard I ejected Peter from my snatch, although he wasn’t about to complain, since he was laughing just as hard. “Now, I believe we were in the middle of an orgy?” Pam continued, as she reached over and caressed my thigh. I blinked sensuously-slow at her, issuing a challenge. She leaned over and applied her lips to my cunt, which sparked back to life. I grabbed her head and pulled it close, murmuring encouragement to her. Becca put her hands around her girlfriend’s waist and settled her down between my legs, where Pam got her fingers into the act, holding my nether lips apart so she could find my clit. Peter, having found himself replaced, stroked himself back to readiness and started teasing at Pam’s slit with it. She growled into me, and he slipped himself home, matching the slow rhythm she was keeping on her tongue-ing. Daphne, still sitting at my head, spread her legs and slipped one over, pressing her pussy into my face. I set to with a will, laving my tongue up and down it’s mouth. Suzanne, meanwhile, had laid Rebecca down and was spreading her apart next to me. I used my right hand to grope for one of her nipples, which I twisted slightly. She responded with a groan, and I felt her leg pressing into my own. I pictured how we’d look to an observer, and I came with a cry, cumming all over Pam’s face. I cast a silent spell, and I felt the waves of arousal flowing through me from all of my partners.

Peter was massaging Pam’s back as she continued to lick me out, nibbling occasionally on my clit. I included him into the spell, and I heard/ felt him cry out. Then I touched Pam’s mind, filled with ecstasy on being filled by Peter’s cock, and enjoying the taste of my pussy. I pulled her in as well, and she wailed in orgasm. Daphne’s mind was a bit tougher, but I got her as well. She was getting off on being able to see everyone, not to mention being eaten out by yours truly. I added her into the mix as I sucked hard on her button, driving a finger past her anal ring as I did. She wailed and grabbed her nipples, expressing milk all over me and Pam. Becca’s burning need added fire to our joining, and I could feel the arousal as her body adapted to arousal, making her throw herself on Suzanne’s dick. I let her in, and her muscles surged again, leaving her as muscle-bound as the Incredible Hulk. Finally, I reached Suzanne, who was ramming her cock into Rebecca, finally able to express the frantic needs of having a penis. Since her lover could take it, she slammed home with a howl, and I grabbed her mind. The circuit was complete, and we were all joined in the circle. We thrust and pushed, licked and fingered, all trying frantically to cum. I heard our collective whimper of need, and I was driving my tongue into spasms, trying vainly to finish Daphne’s climax. Then, I heard Jay’s voice again.

‘Here, my loves.’ His powerful will drove us all over the edge, screaming into the yawning red-black void beyond sanity. When some rationality reasserted itself, we were lying there on the mat, in a pool of our juices, jism, sweat, and milk. I clawed for breath, trying vainly to get a lungful.

“Be careful with that spell, Jackie. You could hurt someone with it.’ Jason’s chuckle of mirth calmed me enough that I could breathe. I panted, pulling the sweet air in.

‘You should have been here too, Jay.”

‘What do you think I was doing? I had to shove you all over the edge, otherwise you could have been like that for hours!’ His smug self-satisfaction oozed through me. ‘Besides which, I couldn’t have slept through that. Your hormonal surge woke me up, and I was having a pretty good dream, let me tell you!” I looked around, and everyone else was cuddling together into a pile. Peter stretched his arm towards me, and I let him pull me around so that I was lying across his right leg, Suzanne’s back pressed against mine. Pam and Daphne were nestled together, their heads laying on his chest, Rebecca curled up against the opposite side, her legs touching my own. I rubbed a hand against my belly again, trying to urge him to quiet down. ‘Don’t worry, baby. Noone can hear me right now except you. I’ve been trying so hard to make you hear me I’m almost afraid you’ll forget I’m here.”

‘Never, love. Momma’s here.’ I smirked to myself. ‘I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you, for a few months, at least.’ I wondered what I’d look like when I was seven or eight months gone, and I felt a surge of arousal coming from him.

‘Like Peter told you, there’s something about a pregnant woman that pushes my buttons. Now, if you’ll turn your attention away from daydreams for a moment, we need to talk.’ Uh-oh. Whenever he gets that tone of voice, I start to worry. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not about to get in a fight while we’re both in this state. I just need to use your body for a little while.’

‘Can you even do that? You’re tied into that embryo pretty tightly, aren’t you?’ Terror flooded over me. ‘Of course I am. I thought women didn’t worry as much as men. Anyhow, I’ve been doing some thinking. Not like I’ve had much else to do for the last few weeks.’ I felt his mild rebuke, and a fading taste of memories of loneliness. ‘I’ve been pondering something kind of troubling, and I need your help to investigate. What got me thinking was that if all the stories of the Master PC and Spells-R-Us are real, how many of the other stories are, too?’

I shivered at that, and wrapped my arms around Suzanne, who mumbled something unintelligible. ‘It doesn’t bear thinking about, Jason.’ I firmly projected. ‘You’re not even reborn yet, and you’re looking for more trouble. I absolutely FORBID you from making my life any more complicated than it already is!’

‘I swear, I make one little decision, and my woman is giving me hell for it the rest of my life, even when I’m growing right behind her belly button.’ His grousing was the most normal thing I’d heard from him since he’d piped up again. ‘I have no intention of looking for trouble, baby. I was just thinking of the trouble that could come looking for US.’ However, I was NOT going to let him keep on in this vein, so I distracted him.

‘Why did you just take energy from the girls and lock me out, Jay? The containment spell would have held long enough for me to get home and help you. Then we wouldn’t have to be having this kind of conversation.’ The image of me staring into my navel and looking for something made me snort, particularly when I saw it suck me in.

‘I made the mess, so I had to clean it up, love. I did some research, and I found out something disturbing; Daphne is a clone of David like you’re a clone of me. I didn’t mean to do it, but it happened. That’s why the memory suppression worked as well as it did. David Breenan, or what’s left of him, I shrank back into a zygote and implanted into his own twin. His memories, however, were still resident in Daph’s brain, up until she went into labor. The lingering magic that made her pregnant was being used by little David to take vengeance on me.’ I was shaken. Did this mean that we had another power-mad little User on our hands?

‘No!’ the strength of that denial made me wince. “I used my spells to firmly suppress David’s past life memories. When he was born, the birth trauma firmly pushed his memories down, just as happens whenever a child is born. Their soul’s memories are pushed back behind that first obstacle overcome, even if they give that child certain proclivities.’

‘But won’t that happen when you’re reborn? I want YOU back, not your next life!’ My distress must have echoed itself down the link, and I could feel him reassuring me, even as he kept talking.

‘You interfered in the cycle, baby. I didn’t go to any sort of afterlife. I didn’t come back across whatever distance there is between life and death. I closed my eyes in my old man’s body, and the next thing I knew, I was hearing your thoughts, and feeling your grief over my death. I tried to reach you then, but you couldn’t hear me. I must have screamed for hours.’ I was horrified; the idea of him screaming and me not picking it up for a month or more made tears leak down my face. ‘Don’t cry, baby. It wasn’t that bad. I could still hear you think, and I wasn’t alone. You just weren’t ready to hear me, or really expecting to. So I guess you’ll call this a surprise pregnancy?’ his levity made me smile, even through the tears. I felt him reaching out, just as he had earlier, and making contact with the rest of the family. “They’re all asleep. Come on, I want to show you something. Get up and go into the lab.’

I carefully unwound myself from the tangle, hearing them mutter or sigh, and rolling about a bit. I looked down at them, and had a momentary urge to take a picture. I chuckled, and with Jay echoing it, I went down the hall and back into the lab, which had been sealed since the day after David had been born. I scrawled the opening symbols across the pattern holding the door shut, and the door swung open.

‘Shut the door, baby. This isn’t for anyone else to see, just you and me.’ I could feel his excitement at this surprise. ‘Go over and pull out the scrying crystal, put it in the center of the circle.’ I did so, not recognizing what he was having me do. “It’s a mystery, dear. Just enjoy it.’ I sat down in his chair, smelling the leathery scent that had tagged his body so often. I heard him chanting some words, not recognizing the language. The circle filled with a yellowish light, forming a pillar. A shape took form there, one that made my heart go up into my throat. It was Jay! He smiled at me, and his spoken words were echoed by the ones in my head.

“Come here, baby. This won’t last long, and I want to hold you again.” I jumped up from the seat, and dashed over the perimeter of the circle. My hair stood on end as I breached the barrier, but it didn’t stop me. I threw my arms around him, feeling the solid strength of his body. I felt his arms straining to pull me harder into him, and his mouth latched onto my own. After I told him silently how much I’d missed him, he turned me around in his embrace, my arm wrapping around his back. “I’ve missed you too, Jackie. But you need to see this.” His fingers flew through the passes of a spell, and the light surrounding us shifted to an orange color. The lab outside was the same, but sitting in the chair this time was me, a me I’d never been! She was at least six months pregnant, and as bare as I was. He spoke again. “Beloved, come here.” The arm that wasn’t holding me to him gestured again, and she/I waddled over, stepping again into the light.

She kissed him as hard as I did, and pasted herself around his other side. She looked at me. “Nice to see you again, Jackie.” She reached across his chest and ran her fingers down my cheek, before holding it out for my hand. I gave it over, and she pulled it across to lay on her swollen stomach. “I’ve only got another two months left. Then we get him back, full-time.” I felt her hand twitch across his back, pinching him and getting a jump.

“Easy now, girls. Don’t wear out the old man just yet. We’ve got another three stops to go.” He smiled, and nodded his head forwards. Both of us turned ahead again, my hand still pressed beneath hers, and I could feel Jay kicking beneath her flesh. The light turned green, and we saw another tableau. We were still in the lab, but instead of a lone inhabitant, the Jackie this time was sitting up in a birthing chair facing us. She was screaming, apparently in a contraction. Peter was kneeling between her legs, and giving her encouragement.

“Push, Jackie, push! I can see his head!” His hand left her knee and did something we couldn’t see, but we heard a gush of fluid, and a squishy sound. “Got him!” He wiped down the infant, clearing off the vernix before cutting the cord. He laid Jason down on her chest, and stepped back. Peter turned around, and we saw the surprise on his face. “Jay? Jackie? TWO Jackies?” he spun around to look at the one he’d been with. “What’s going on?”

“Long story, Pete.” Our Jay reassured him. “He’ll tell you real soon. But first, I think you’d better take care of the afterbirth.” Peter snapped back around, and took care of the distasteful task. He gathered up the messy cloths he’d had on the floor with a gesture. “We’ll be seeing you soon, Peter. Take care of them, okay?”

“You know I will, bro.” He saluted us. “You’d better get those two back to wherever they came from.” The me behind him looked up from her suckling newborn, and spoke.

“Girlfriend,” she said as she looked right at me, “trust me, what’s left has to be seen to be believed. Although,” she smiled, “I can’t wait till he’s as big as the one you’ve got.” She waved baby Jason’s hand at us, and my twin and I waved back. Jay nodded sharply again, and the light flashed, becoming blue. When the flash cleared, we were looking in on an orgy. This time, however, both of the boys and Suzanne had each of us with a pussy speared on their dicks, all of ‘us’ facing the circle. The Jay of this time, an adult who was making love with Rebecca, looked up at the flash.

“Took you long enough, Jay”, he panted between thrusts. “How are you liking the preview, Jackie?” he asked me/her.

“It’s wonderful. Although it makes me impatient.” We both chuckled. In truth, the sight was making me yearn to join in. Finally, I’d get my ultimate fantasy, all of my lovers together in one place, and all participating. “How far ahead are we?” I asked the Jay I’d come with.

“A year to the day, baby. You started planning this as soon as you got back to your present.” An orgasmic screech from Daphne drew his eye. “Ease up, Peter. How else are you going to keep it going long enough?”

“Fu… fuck you, bro.” Peter was drenched with sweat. Daphne was apparently squeezing the hell out of his dick. I squirmed in place, envying them all. “Get on with it, will you? I don’t know how long I can hold back.” He leaned forwards and moaned into his lover’s back.

“Trust Jason to spend a shitload of time and energy to watch an orgy.” Suzanne ground out as she eased back into Pam’s pussy. “Good to see you, girls. Peter told us about this, but I didn’t believe him. Now, get where you’re going.” She raised her hand in farewell. Jay nodded to his other self, and with a purple flash, we were back in the lab. The light died out, and Jay walked us out of the circle.

“How long were we doing that, Jay?” I asked.

“Only a few days. They’ll be done soon.” His anticipatory grin made me slap his stomach. “Hey, they’ve been enjoying themselves immensely. I just had to do this.”

“When are we?”

“Couple of weeks after the orgy. We’re alone now.” His grin stretched even wider. “And I’ve got two of you for the price of one.” He pulled the other me into his lap, and tweaked her nipple momentarily before laying my head down on his thigh. “I did this because I couldn’t let either of you go this long without telling you how much I love you. Saying it with my mind isn’t the same.” He rubbed his hands over our bellies. “All five of me had to do this, and we could only do it this one time.” She pulled his head down to her own, giving him a throat-swabbing kiss before doing the same to me.

“Hmm, I kiss just as well as you say I do, Jay.” she said when we’d finished. Funny thing was, we were speaking in sync, but it didn’t surprise us. “Now, I believe you were saying something about telling us how much you love me?” we finished. He looked surprised at our stereo-speak, then grinned.

“Peter’s going to be sorry he missed this,” he said while he stripped his clothes off. We cuddled close to each other, our hands finding just the right spots and eliciting a dual squeal. “Now, which of you should I start with?”

I ended the playing by grabbing him and roughly throwing him to the floor, pinning him under me.

“We’re doing the starting, lover.” My twin came around and sat on his face, propping herself up on her toes. His hands came up around her legs, pulling her cunt to his face. She moaned in heat when he parted her lips. Meanwhile, I had his dick ready to go, and I speared myself onto it with glee. I hadn’t been with him in a month, while it had been nearly six times as long for her. I felt his cock swelling inside me, stretching me. I ground my pelvis into his on each downstroke, grazing my button every time. I looked over at my twin, who was grinning back. I reached out and stroked her tits, feeling how swollen they’d become. She moaned louder at my touch, and bent forwards to catch my mouth again. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” she asked. I whispered back that it was heavenly. “Then make it count, girl, because you’ve got a six-month wait till you’re me.” She smirked back at me. I took her words to heart, and ground myself down on his cock until he nipped her sex in pain. “Ease off, willya, darling? He almost drew blood.” We heard a mumbled apology from between her legs, and giggled. I leaned forwards and pressed my chest against his, needing to feel his whole body beneath mine. Since we were the same height, I turned my head slightly and I was able to join Jay’s tongue action with my own. My twin squealed, and came on our faces, letting down a flood of salty, sweet juices. She pulled back, and I lapped at his face to collect all of it. He let me clean him off, then returned the favor as he rolled me beneath him.

“Careful, lover, I’m a future mother,” I said into his mouth. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them next to my head. “Now what are you going to do with me now that you’ve got me?” I smiled up at him. He answered with a deep thrust that sealed his groin to mine. He jabbed his hips sharply into me, as his head snaked down and caught a nipple between his teeth. I hummed with pleasure as he chewed softly on it, teasing me. I forced my hands free from his grip and took hold of him, wrapping my arms under his and locking over his shoulders. He renewed his attack, driving into me with all his might. “Mmmm, behave yourself, baby, we’ve got an audience.”

“Oh, I don’t mind, dear. I’ve been where you are, remember?” My twin was sitting tailor-fashion next to us, running her hand down Jay’s back while occasionally pulling at her breast. Her other hand was between her legs, manipulating the tender flesh there. “However, I’m not averse to sharing, either.” Her smile was one to break hearts, or to mend them. I felt Jason shudder through a climax, and he fell to my breast afterwards, chest heaving. I held him to me with all my limbs and smelled the clean scent of his sweat, and the cheap shampoo he used on his hair.

I rolled over, leaving me on top of him. “You can’t sleep now, Jay. You’ve still got some work to do.” I kissed him, dragging him back from his lethargic stupor. I slid off of him, leaving a kiss on his still-nodding cock as I did. I held my hand to my other self. “Your turn, cutie.” She took my hand, and kissed me in passing. She grabbed his hands from where they lay on the floor and held them to her breast. With a growl, she lay down on him, spreading her legs around his hips.

“She’s right, Jay. You’ve still got to work me over.” She chuckled as she inched her way forwards to put her tit in his mouth. “I still remember that little trick you pulled when I was only a day old. Time for me to return the favor.” She squeezed her breast, and Jay spluttered as some of it splashed out onto his neck. He coughed for a moment, clearing his throat before attaching himself to her nipple. When he sucked, she moaned. I saw her other nipple beginning to dribble in sympathy, so I moved over and latched onto it. The milk was thin and sweet, but tinged with some indefinable musky flavor. “Ohhh, you’re Momma’s goooood babies, aren’t you?” She ran her fingers through my hair. Jay snaked his arm out and caught me against his side, briefly.

“I want something a little different, babies. Jay, get in that chair.” Jay followed her instructions, stroking his dick back to rigidity. She sat down on his lap facing him, sliding his cock into her. “Come to Momma, little Jackie.” I joined them in the chair, laying across it’s high armrests. “No, no, that’ll never do.” She incanted a brief spell, and I felt weightless. She brought my head around to rest against her right nipple, wrapping the rest of my body around to her left. She offered me the nipple again, and I tasted the sweet nectar flowing from it. “Ohhhh, good girl, Jackie.” She wrapped one arm around my back, the other hand holding my head against her tit as she raised and lowered herself on his dick. Thrust, suck, thrust, suck. I timed my nursing to coincide with her downthrusts, and Jay wrapped his arms around both of us. We made love like this for an hour or more, slowing down when Jay got close to cumming. She teased him mercilessly, taking his tongue into her mouth and keeping it there, only occasionally letting him up for breath. Meanwhile, my stomach was filling up with thin milk, and she switched me around. I couldn’t wait to be her.

Finally, Jay had had enough. He crushed us both to him, and with a grunt, he emptied himself into her, driving her over the brink as well. The pair of them sandwiched me, and I felt the love between her and Jay, knowing it was my own as well.




I was confused when Past-Jackie and Jason appeared during Jackie’s labor, but I knew them well enough to know that they’d explain later. After I’d finished checking both of them out (both ‘mother’ and infant being perfectly fine), Jackie explained to me what was going on.

“Jay’s selves at 5 points in time were all focused on making us know what would happen down the line. The Jay that was with them is from about 4 months or so in our future. Now, are we going to age this fella to his right age, or are we going to debate time-travel?”

Needless to say, I went with Option No. 1. The Master PC returned Jay to his prime, and we spent the next week in an orgy of celebration. His magics were even stronger than before, if you can believe that. Something about having spent a normal gestational period in another human being had strengthened his will, not to mention having been born with magic this time.

Jackie organized the orgy/ritual that would power their little temporal jaunt, and a good time was had by all. She never went back to Social Work, but instead spent increasingly greater amounts of time practicing her own magical skills.

Suzanne, Daphne, Pam, and Rebecca all settled into a routine, almost like a commune. Little David had four mothers instead of the standard one, and seemed to be fine with it. Daphne opted to be a stay at home mother, with Rebecca helping her out, in between continuing her web-based Amazon Fetish-wear sales. The four of them regularly joined us for games, dinners, and just hanging out.

As for me, I patented a cheaper Liquid Crystal Television that cost about half as much to make. I raked in a pile on that one. My siblings and I spent the other fifty % of our time tracking and eliminating malignant Users. The few we found that weren’t abusing other people we left alone, but they were few and far between.

Unfortunately, one of the nastiest bastards we took down, a Robert Parkham, had set a rather nasty booby-trap. His Master PC had been set to mail itself out as a piece of junk e-mail. Most people that got it deleted it, since it sounded like the usual bullshit. Anyone that opened it, however, was rewarded with their very own spawned-copy.

“Dammit, how many times are we going to have to go through this? Trying to contain these assholes is taking every erg of power we can muster between the three of us!” I complained while we were dealing with the ripples from a user in North Dakota. If this son of a bitch had gotten more ambitious, he could have gotten someone to set off the nukes in Minot!

“Just be thankful Xanthos decimated the one on the Newsgroups, Pete.” Jackie was leveling the bastard’s house with a crush-spell and a large warhammer. “Think how bad it’d be if he hadn’t. Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn’t pay him a visit.”

“No way in hell, sis. Xan’s a good man, but he’s at least as smart as we are. I’m not about to make him paranoid. Besides which, he’s got his own fish to fry.” Jay’s declaration was punctuated by a transformation of a victim back to her normal state. Jay sent her home, under an amnesia spell. “He’s taking your route, Pete, and he’s done enough to handle this whole fucking mess.” I was still a little antsy, Jay having caught a serious energy blast in our little conflict. The tattoo I’d given him was all that had saved him, his magical shield having collapsed.

“Yeah, but from what I read, he’s just like you, bro. Even if he wasn’t slick enough to give himself magic powers.” My exoskeleton crunched through the reinforced concrete floor. “This bastard, however, was. Need I remind you of the ‘demon’ he conjured up?” This one had been a real nasty customer; he’d been kidnapping women and breeding up a sacrificial pool. Every time he’d crushed one of their heads on his altar, his pet demon got stronger and stronger, which reinforced his power. We’d had to call in the Wizard for a consultation, since neither Jay nor Jackie had any experience with Demons. Jackie had had to lure said Demon into a spirit trap the Wizard had provided, and Jay had to trigger it. All the Wizard had taken in trade for it was the Demon itself. He didn’t really trust anyone with that thing in their arsenal, and I concurred. Hell, we’d even managed to earn the old man’s trust with that one. The User himself, Jackie toasted with her bracelet when his link with the demon was cut off.

The sensors in my exo-skel’s hand’s gave me a ping. “Hey, I’ve got it!” I pulled the rubble aside, uncovering our goal. “Little shit had it buried in the concrete!” We’d demolished his main terminal, but he’d had the Master running on a supercomputer. No wonder he’d had such a fast processing time and an extended range. Jackie levitated me a case with my diagnostic tools. I attached a probe to the frame, and took my readings. “Holy fuck, he upgraded this thing himself!” God, I was glad we’d gotten him. Bad as he was with his pet Demon, if he’d had a chance to get to his terminal, we’d all have been toast. There were more onboard parallel logic processors than an entire computer lab at MIT. “I think we oughtta take this home, I’m not about to stay around here and play with it.”

“Works for me, but is it gonna fit back through the Doorway?”

“… Fuck no. I’ll have to rent a U-Haul. I don’t even know enough about it to shrink it down.”

“I’ll go, I’ve got the cash,” Jay volunteered.

“No, I’d better go. There might be more magic traps around here, and I’m useless for that shit.” I hauled the supercomputer out of it’s niche and set it down in the now-scorched living room. We’d set off a series of trip-wire spells when we’d gone after Arnie, and I wasn’t about to volunteer to find more of ’em with my klutzing about. I disengaged the armor’s control system and it released me, folding itself back down to steamer-trunk size. I hauled my ass back outside, hopped into the rental truck and went hunting a U-Haul.

While I drove, I did some heavy thinking. We were living in a constant state of readiness; Jackie hadn’t removed her blasting-jewelry for months, Jay had enough scanning spells around himself to fill an entire spellbook, and I was sleeping with an infrasonic gun under my pillow. We’d armor-reinforced the condo and the rest of the building to withstand anything short of a fusion bomb, and noone in our little clique left the building without one of us three along for the ride. The girls were understanding, but getting a little jumpy, and I wasn’t much better. However, being married to all of them was nice.

The recently-passed legislation legalizing multiple marriages, gay marriages, and the like had swept most of the country, including Kentucky. We’d taken the opportunity to marry the girls, making us a family in every last way. Jay’s parents, however, weren’t understanding of it, and had disinherited him for it. He’d written them off with a “fuck you too” letter, but he still felt guilty about it. Afterwards, he’d gone into overtime making sure all of us were as magically protected as he could manage. None of us slept alone anymore, not feeling real safe with one of our loved ones outside our umbrella.

“Ah, screw it. What’re we gonna do, challenge every User in the world to fight it out?” I said to myself. The more I thought about it, however, the better that idea sounded. We could set up in some desolate area, terraform it into livable conditions, and challenge every User we could reach to come fight us! Shit, we could have a majority of ’em under our thumb, ripe for the crushing!

I finally found a rental location for U-Haul and got the biggest van they had. We were raiding Arnie’s place for anything we could use, since we weren’t going to let anyone else mess around with it. I got one of the sales reps to drive me back from the truck rental place, and drove off with the van. Back at Arnie’s, I told Jay and Jackie about my idea. Both of them saw the merits in it, but what about the risks?

“One of those buttheads could get lucky, Peter. We could end up dead. Even worse, we could end up with the same kind of complex.” Jay argued.

“Yes, but we could get rid of a lot of ’em that way, particularly if we enforce it with spells.”

“You wanna take the chance that someone’ll use the magic from the Master to scan for traps like that?” Jackie said.

“What about passive defenses, like the ones on the house?”

Both of them thought it over. “Now that might work. They won’t even show up unless you try to cross them. Problem is, we can’t make them selectively permeable, not and keep the fuckers inside. We’d have to be inside when it triggers, then all bets are off. If we do it right, even the Door won’t work.” They were thinking in series, finishing each other’s thoughts. I was still amazed at how in tune we could be, sometimes.

“And with my weaponry, we’d stand a fair chance of coming out alive, you know. Not to mention the Master PC itself. We could use it to pump ourselves up to the best we can think of. A simple clause at the end would reverse it when we were done.” It was a risky proposition. If we overextended ourselves, or even slept carelessly, we’d be fucked. Game over. “In any case, it’s something to think over, right?”

Jay clapped me on the shoulder, and Jackie hugged me. “Besides which, most of these idiots seem to think in terms of muscle or mental powers, all of which can be countered. Geeks tend to be sci-fi nuts, not fantasy oriented like you are, Jay. They think of guns and psychicism, rather than sheer magic. The novelty alone probably gives us an edge.”

“True, but do you want to go up against someone with Seraphic powers, like Dan?” Now THAT was sobering. Dan, the highschool computer teacher, had given himself the powers of an Angel towards the end of his story, and the worst part is that it didn’t even give him an edge. “Not to mention, I doubt if we can scoop up all of the bastards. They’re cagey and paranoid, not to mention seriously anti-social.”

I heard their arguments, but I wasn’t about to give over. Even if we didn’t get all of them, I was betting that enough of them WOULD show up to be worth the effort. While we packed out the stuff of Arnie’s that we didn’t want to chance throwing through the Doorway, I plotted out what I’d need to pull it off.

Okay, logistics first; figure on a maximum of about 10,000 users total in the world. Of those, approximately half have either gone benign, gotten themselves killed, or blown into another plane of reality.

Of the remaining 5000 or so, assume they’ve all had the Master for 3 months or longer. They’d probably be getting bored with the same old routine. Make a slave, fuck slave, dispose of slave. Maybe they’d just acquired enough stuff and people to satisfy themselves. Still, the sheer power rush of exercising deific power was heady. A challenge would probably be welcome, and the last one standing would inherit the world, so to speak, in that most of their competition would be wasted. However, what was I going to do if the challenge attracted some totally benign User like Jay? He’d never altered anyone without them agreeing to it, and although I didn’t think it likely, it could still happen that there were more like him in the world. Would we have to kill them? No, not if the ward-spells are done correctly.

Finally, where was I going to set it up? Nowhere inhabited, that’s for certain. Maybe there was an island or two in the Pacific where we could set it up. No, I was going to have to give the destructive powers a little more credit. We’d probably end up wasting an entire island, right down to the bedrock, and I wasn’t going to chance it on a volcanic landmass. Australia, maybe? The deep Outback was supposed to be desolate, and I knew for certain that not many people lived out that way. I could set it up on a few hundred miles of sand, and get the area ward-spelled to drive people away. Workable solution!

However, I still had to convince my co-husband and all of my wives to throw in on it, which was liable to require an act from the Almighty himself. After Jay had sacrificed himself to help Daphne, all of the wives in my marriage had taken a cue from Jackie and had gotten into the habit of stomping on any plans Jay or I made that might tempt us into throwing ourselves into the line of fire. Of course, their habit of extracting a promise from us while we were having sex didn’t hurt the odds of their success.

Finally, we got all of the loot into the back of the van, even down to the supercomputer, even if we’d crammed it so tight it’d take us twice as long to unpack it. I sighed in disappointment. You’d think that with all of the seemingly impossible things sorcery is capable of, a little teleportation would be easy, but noo, all we’ve got is a doorway that opens up into any place we’ve seen into. Now I was stuck driving this damn truck halfway across the country with enough demonology gear in the back to give a Satanist the hives. Mercifully, Jackie was going to ride with me while Jay went home through said Doorway. We said our good-byes, and Jay vanished.

“Well, how long do you think we’ll be, doll?” I asked Jackie.

“Probably going to be a day or two. We’ll probably end up sleeping in cheap motels between here and home. Probably don’t even have Cable.” She smirked. “Nothing to do but have sex or read. Think you can stand it?”

“Oh, I imagine I could. I’m just worried about what that goofball Wizard we married is going to be doing while we can’t stop him.” Ever since he’d been resurrected, Jackie and I had been watching Jay like a hawk. Understandable, I hope, but it still made me nervous to have him running around on his own.

“Be nice. You know the wives won’t let him get into anything without at least calling us.” Jackie smiled. “We’ve been all over him like stink on shit for the last year. Let the poor guy have a break. Besides which, we’ve not had any private time with each other in a while, and I intend to enjoy it.” I never could resist her whims, not when I could easily make her happy. We hopped into the van, and with a final spell from Jackie to make people leave the lot alone for at least a year, we started driving home.


I shut the door behind me and sat down in my chair with an explosive sigh. Finally, some privacy! I love all my spouses, but they were starting to get under my skin. All of ’em had been checking up on me for so long I was almost afraid to nick myself shaving for fear of causing a panic. I understood, it’s not every day someone comes back from the dead, but Goddamn, a guy needs some privacy! On that note, I locked my lab door, giving me a little solitude.

The more I turned over Peter’s idea in my head, the better it sounded. My previous objections aside, if we could screw a few of these idiots out of their copies of the Program, I’d sleep easier at night. Hell, the UPS deliveryman almost got a face full of sword a week ago when I was practicing with it. Mercifully, I calmed down enough to set it down before I opened the door. A knock on the door jarred me back to the present, and I called out “Who is it?”

“Daphne. You busy?” Something in her voice told me this was serious. I dissolved the spell on the door, and gestured it open. Daphne walked in like something out of my teenage dreams; beautiful blonde babe, wearing one of my shirts and a pair of cutoff jeans. She plopped down on the floor in front of me, resting her arms on her knees.

“What’s up, doc?” I slid out of the chair and mirrored her on the floor.

“I’m worried, Jay. You and Peter and Jackie are getting so jumpy lately the rest of us have been walking on eggshells.” She continued in a rush. “You’ve all been so busy that even making love has been rushed, not satisfying for any of you.” She thumbed her wedding ring nervously. “When’s the last time you had sex that took more than 15 minutes?” She had me there. I couldn’t think of a single incident. “You’ve been using your powers to satisfy our bodies, but not our hearts. You in particular are worrying us.”

I heard the door open, and when I turned around, my three other wives came in. I gestured them to sit down, and they joined us on the floor. “This whole war you’re waging has become personal. That last guy you took down before this North Dakota trip wasn’t just turned, you ass-fucked his life. You gave him such a complex against technology he’s a Luddite.”

“I’m trying to protect my family, Daph. You girls, David, Jackie, and Peter are all I have left in the world. I’m not risking you to these other bastards.” When I heard what spilled out of my mouth, I was taken aback. I’d become vindictive, just like Daphne said. Things said in emotion have a truth of their own, and I’d just said things I’d not even articulated to myself. My wives crowded closer to me, closing me into a circle of their bodies. Suzanne, who was sitting behind me, took hold of my shoulders and pulled me back against her breasts.

“We know that, Jason. You’ve been cut off from your birth family, but you’re taking out your frustration on your enemies. That’s not who you are, my love.” Her hands wrapped around my chest. “You might worry about losing us to outside influences, but we’re afraid of losing you to your cause.” I started to speak, but Rebecca laid a finger across my lips.

“To turn around something you said to me a long time ago, babe, the whole affair hasn’t been all bad. If it weren’t for Sherman, you and Jackie would never have met me or Pam. We wouldn’t have married you, and we’d probably still be screwed out of anything remotely resembling a normal life. You gave us back our humanity.” She took her finger away and laid her head down on my lap, staring into my eyes. I couldn’t take it, and looked away first. Pam took up the conversation.

“You still can’t believe this is all real, can you?” I quirked my head at her. What was she getting at?

“Peter told me that sometimes he can’t believe the last couple of years have really happened. He still keeps expecting to wake up alone, back in the life you used to have. You still think enough like him to make the argument valid. Do you ever think that?” I thought about it, and realized she was right. I nodded, struck speechless. She took my hand, and held it between her own against her heart. “Well, lover, I hate to tell you, but you’re awake. This is all real, and we’re not going anywhere. We’re real women, and we love you more than you know, but you’re pulling away from us.” Tears filled her eyes. “It seems like you’re so afraid for us to be real that you’re distancing yourself to keep your dreams alive.” Tracks of moisture fell down her cheeks. “Your problem, however, is that we’re not dreams. We’re flesh and blood, but more than that, we’re your wives. You might not have claimed us as chattel with the Program, but you still claimed us with your heart.” I felt my throat closing up. “You left us once, and it almost killed Peter and Jackie. Now, after all this time, it feels like you’re going away again. This time, however, it’ll probably kill all of us.” She moved so close I was able to count her eyelashes, and the others followed suit, enclosing me on all four sides. “Don’t leave us, Jay.”

Suzanne put her oar in. “You’ve taken us into your heart, and into your home. Ultimately, you married us, for better or worse. This is the worse part of that agreement.” My scrying crystal, which had been quiescent, flashed with an auditory message from the Wizard.

“Listen to your wives, apprentice. You’ve done great things, and will do many more as time goes on. Do the greatest of them now.” The sphere went dark again. If the Wizard was taking a hand, matters must have been getting seriously grim. I took his advice, and pulled my wives to me. They cried on me while I thought back over what I’d been doing. They were right; I’d lost track of my humanity, somewhere along the way. I had become a war machine, focused only on maintaining my dreams of eliminating the ‘competition’. My God, I’d become a crusader. Even my magic, which I’d once thought of as a life-affirming tool, was becoming nothing but a weapon in my hands. I looked at my hands, seeing the metaphorical blood that covered them, and shivering. That wasn’t who I wanted to be, and I was bringing my twins down with me. Peter had made almost nothing but weaponry for the last year, instead of labor-saving devices. Even Jackie, who had loved me enough to carry me beneath her heart for nearly a year, was becoming aggressive.

I shook my head in shame. “My beloved wives.” Their heads all turned to me. “You’re right. I’ve been blind.” I laughed weakly. “Jackie did the same thing you’ve done, more than two years ago.” I stood up. “I’m sorry. This is why I made Peter and Jackie, and I’ve outdone myself by marrying 4 other women that have enough sense to smack me when I’m being stupid.” I held my hands out. “Come on, I’ll make you all lunch.” They took my hands, and I pulled them up in pairs before leading the parade out to the kitchen.

I used the opportunity to practice a little culinary magic of the prosaic sort, whipping up a lunch of gourmet standards. My wives were teasing me as I did, pulling off their clothes and teasing each other to a state of sexual excitement. Daphne and Suzanne pulled some things out of the fridge, vanishing into the next room with them. I shrugged, finished with the meal preparation, and when I went to put it on the dining room table, I found Rebecca splayed out on it, covered with whipped cream, sauces, and fruit. I raised my eyebrow in a silent question.

“I’ve always wanted to try this, ever since I read about it in a magazine.” Her smile was effective, and I threw caution to the wind. A simple levitation and suspension spell on the food kept our lunch ready while we played.

I was leaned forwards, licking the strawberry jelly and whipped cream from over her right breast, Pam mirroring me on the opposite side. Our rasping tongues were driving Becca to distraction, and she was shuddering with anticipation. Daphne was taking care of the stuff on Rebecca’s stomach, leaving brown and white smears of chocolate syrup and whipped cream in her wake. Suzanne was watching the whole scene from the kitchen doorway, rubbing her cock through her sweatpants. I raised my hand and waved her over, switching places with her. Then it was my turn to stand back and admire the tableau. One of my wives was covered in delectable goodies and her co-spouses were all engaged in cleaning her off. Too bad Jackie and Peter weren’t here, they’d get into it. I stepped from the room long enough to snag one of Peter’s cameras to capture the moment for posterity. When they saw the flash, the women all turned from their play.

“Now that’s more like you, my husband.” Becca sat up on the table, condiments running down her front. “Come to momma, baby.” She opened her arms to me after coming to the edge of the table. I gave a mental sigh for the state of my wardrobe when she was done, but I did it anyhow. She kissed me, infusing it with all of her emotions. The others took advantage of my distraction to strip me bare, and I jerked my head once in thanks. All of a sudden, there was the sound of breaking glass behind me just as I felt something hit my back. I spun around, putting myself between my wives and whatever it was. I tracked the defense spells’ activation, and found something surprising waiting for me; a bullet, wrapped in the blue lightning of magic. I sprinted over to the window, but I couldn’t see anyone with a rifle. Shit! I’d forgotten to enchant the glass to resist impact from bullets! A look at the floor showed me the first bullet, the thing I’d felt hit my back. Peter’s tattoo had absorbed the kinetic energy and flattened it out.

The women asked me what was going on, but I gestured for silence. I took hold of the second bullet, still sheathed in my power. I incanted a spell, and I got a linkage to the gun that had fired it. It had been fired by a dark-haired man in his early 30’s, wearing a brown business suit. I firmed my grip on the spell linking me to the gun before I let my attention swing back to the women.

“Girls, get dressed, now! Grab David and a set of clothes for me!” They scattered, taking off down the interior staircase we’d installed in the living room. I ran into the kitchen and used a little water and a paper towel to clean up. ‘Why does this shit always have to start right when I’m trying to be intimate with my wives? Is there an alarm somewhere that goes off whenever I get a hard-on?’ I groused to myself. Pam came running with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt for me that I took with a kiss en passant and pulled on with haste. I bellowed out for them to move their asses, and I availed myself of some of Peter’s weaponry while they finished up. Finally, I went to the lab and grabbed my laptop, threw it in it’s case, and I was ready to go. My wives were all waiting in the living room, little David in his armored carrier, overnight bags packed with gear. “This sort of shit is what makes me paranoid, girls.” They tittered nervously. “But we’re going to put an end to this little charade right now. Let’s get the car.” I encased us in a globe of force while I activated the nastier defenses on the condo. Mercifully, we’d gotten the last of the other tenants moved out months ago, so I didn’t have to worry about casualties. We trooped out to the Suburban, Peter’s wedding gift to us all. He’d given it the same makeover the Beater had, so I knew we’d be pretty safe inside it.

Once ensconced inside the Suburban, we were all set. I pulled the bullet out of my pocket, and gave Suzanne directions. “North half a mile.” “West, mile and a half.” After twenty minutes or so, our quarry stopped moving, giving us time to catch up. When we finally had him in sight, a Murphy’s Law spell made his tires go flat. He pulled off on the side of the road, and we pulled up behind him. “Stay in the car, girls. Suzie, if anything goes sour, get out of here! The Wizard’ll give you sanctuary.” I reassured them all of my love with a mental caress. Then I opened my door and got out.

“Having a little trouble, friend?” He was pulling the spare out of the trunk when I started talking, but when he laid eyes on me, he dropped the tire and started fumbling in his coat. A spell stopped that.

“Now now, I’m just trying to be helpful.” His eyes widened in shock. As far as he knew, I was toast. I pulled the tire off the ground where he’d dropped it, and pulled it over to replace the flat. I manipulated him like my puppet the while. I used the wrench and pulled off the nuts. “Now, why would you try and put a bullet between my eyes, hmm?” A simple lift of the wheel and it was off, quickly replaced by the spare.

“Orders.” He ground out the word as if he’d like to spit it in my face. “You and the others of your kind are a threat to national security.” I got up, and he tightened the nuts down on the spare.

“And what kind are you referring to, sir?” We’d both stood up straight, apparently having a normal conversation to any onlookers. “Black haired men with five wives and a co-husband, stay at home recluses, or science fiction fans?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, Warlock.” I sneered sardonically at his remark.

“I’m no Warlock, Mr. Whatever-your-name-is. Your information is in error. Now, why didn’t you just come up and knock on my door? I’m a recluse, not a reactionary rebel.” His face was stony. “Unless you thought you had some reason to fear me, that is.”

“Our locator indicated that you had a device of incredible power in your home. My job was to eliminate the threat.” His self-righteousness was nauseating.

“And what would you have done with my spouses? Killed them too?” I asked rhetorically. Damn black-operatives. This kind of operation isn’t supposed to leave witnesses. Well, this fucker was about to find the favor returned, with interest. “Just wait there for a minute, I’ll be right back.” I made him smile and nod while I went over to the Suburban’s driver side. I rapped on the window, and Suzie rolled down the window. “I’m alright, girls. But I’m going to get to the bottom of this, quickly. I’m going to have him take me to wherever it is he came from. I want you to follow behind.” Suzanne nodded, waving the others’ objections aside before grabbing my head and pulling it close.

“Be careful, lover. You’re not immortal, you know.” She pecked me on the cheek. I patted hers in return.

“Oh, I’m going to be damned careful, believe me.” I slapped a do-not-notice spell on the Suburban before turning back to my little puppet. “How far did you drive to get here, butthead?”

“Three hours.” He had no choice but to respond, since I was twitching milliamps of electricity down his spine whenever he didn’t speak.

“Then we’d better get moving, don’t you think?” I walked him over to the car’s driver side, and put him inside before he unlocked the passenger door. I slipped inside, and whistled softly at the gun I saw in the backseat. “You definitely weren’t playing around, were you? But you weren’t too bright, since I’m still alive to talk about it.” I laughed sardonically. “Start driving.”


We’d pulled past the guarded gate at a small facility in the wilds of southwestern Virginia, encountering no problems at all. Mr. Franks, my driver, had filled me in on what they’d been doing. Apparently, the use of the Master PC had been noticed by a Government psychic, who had advised her superiors that I was a danger. Mercifully, I was the only User detected by this Psychic, which made me breathe easier. The thought of the Government getting their hands on the Program was nightmare-ish.

Also, it could have started a firestorm if they were go after the other Users. I had to put the brakes on this little fiasco before it got ugly.

My guide stopped his Lincoln town car outside an office building, where he and I both exited. I made a short detour to snag my laptop out of the Suburban, then proceeded to make some alterations to my erstwhile host with my spell. I gave him some simple memory alterations, forgetting having been ordered to assassinate me, and to begin purging my records from their files after making copies for me, making me seem an ordinary man that passed all of their inquiries. I got the name of his superior, and altered that person to do the same things. That should give me a little peace and quiet for a while. However, I had to find this ‘locator’. Whoever it was, they could start the whole ball rolling again if they detected me.

“Where is the locator, Mr. Franks?” I asked my would-be-assassin.

“Down in the bunker, end of the compound.”


“Immense. R-Class clearance required.”

“Who has that clearance?”

“Noone on site. Whenever they needed someone to speak with or to the locator, they were flown in via private jet. All of the locator’s orders are issued by someone else down in the bunker.”

“Very well, Mr. Franks. Execute the wipe.” I watched him go into the building, settling in for a bit of a wait. This was liable to get sticky, but I’d rather have my family near me.. Peter! Jackie! I panicked momentarily, pulling out my cell-phone and dialing frantically.


“Jackie! Thank God!” I filled her in rapidly on what had happened and where we were.

“Goddammit! Are the girls and David okay?”

“Fine, baby, we’re all okay. I’m going to see what they’ve got, it should show where the holes in our cover are.” I felt her probing at my mind across the miles. “Don’t bother, baby. I’m locked down tighter’n a nun’s chastity belt. You and Peter get home quick. Oh, I pulled all the stops out, defenses are at maximum, so you might want to tone it down a touch.”

“We’ll be there as quickly as we can, so get comfortable, hon.” Her tone was deadly, and I thought of what the girls had discussed with me earlier. “If you’ll activate the camera, we’ll open the Doorway right next to you.”

“Okay, standby. How far are you from the house?”

“About 100 miles, but we’re going to fly it there.” I smiled, knowing how much she hated flying. “At max speed, we’ll be home within 15 minutes.”

“Alrighty, then. I’m going to make a few last-minute changes, and we’ll be set. I love you, baby. Give Peter a hug for me.” I hung up the phone and hopped into the Suburban. My spells would distract notice from accruing to the vehicle itself, but my wives weren’t what I’d call inconspicuous. They piled all over me, reassuring themselves as to my well-being. I kissed, hugged and fondled them into quiescence.

“What are we going to do now, Jay?” Pam’s voice reverberated against my gut, that being where her head was. “If they’re tracking your spells, we’re as wide open as ever.”

“They’re tracking the Master PC, baby. They have no idea what I’m really capable of. Probably just want to get their sleazy little hands on it.” I rubbed her head in soothing circles. “If this works, we’re safe.”

“But what if there’s someone else that knows, Jay? Are you going to take on the entire Federal Government?” Daphne was worried, and she held her child to her breast in a protective gesture. “As strong as you are, could you really stop them all?” I thought about what she was suggesting. No way in hell could I stop an entire army unless I wanted to use the most destructive magics I knew. No way. I’d been down this road before. They could kiss my ass. I had to vanish from sight, but what about my family? How would I protect them? Hell with it, deal with the repercussions later. My cell-phone rang.


“Jay? Why haven’t you given us the image yet?” Hells, I’d forgotten about it.

“Give me a sec, babe.” I pulled a vidcam out of the pocket on the seat in front of me, connecting it to the camera. “Here comes the location.” I pressed the activation key, sending the image down the line.

“Got it! Okay, we’re coming across now.” I looked out the window, seeing an MP go by in a jeep. I extended the reach of the spell to cover Peter and Jackie’s appearance. They popped in out of nowhere, Peter scoring the tarmac right in front of the threshold. They got into the Suburban as well, and we had a little reunion. Afterwards, I filled everyone in on my plan.

“Jackie, I want you and Pete to take the girls back across the threshold so we can all bail outta here if necessary. Suzie, you and Rebecca start throwing everything you can find into the storage bins from the lab.”

“Why? You feeling the need for redecorating right before a confrontation?” Suzie’s sarcasm was biting. “If you are, let me just say it’s definitely not the right time. I have a headache, and it’s been a long day.” I chuckled, playfully squeezing her breast over the seat. A knock at the window interrupted my soliloquy, and I rolled it down. Mr. Franks had returned, and he handed over all of the original documentation. He and his superior would spend the rest of the night purging the electronic records. I nodded and thanked him for his efforts in my behalf before sending him back to work.

“Not quite. We’re moving. I’m not taking the chance on catching another bullet in my ass. Jackie, I want you to start pulling all the junk from the lab, books and all. Stow ’em in the cases. After everything’s been packed, I want you to pull all the defensive magics, I’d rather not leave them anything to work with. Peter, you do the same with your workshop and our bedrooms. Whoever finishes their task, go help someone else. I want everything packed within an hour. It shouldn’t take me much longer to get what I need from here. Pam, you’re with me, but I need to ask a huge favor.”

“Ask, lover-boy.” She smiled weakly.

“I want to cast a spell on you that’ll remove onlookers. It’s one of the instant multiple-orgasm types. Whoever looks at you, much less touches you, will be locked into the greatest mind-fuck of their lives. Problem is,” I smiled wolfishly, “you’ll have to be completely naked.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad. What’s the catch?”

“You’ll be caught up in the spell as well, but if you pass out or actually climax, the spell collapses.”

“So you want me to run around naked, with a lust-spell on me, and if I cum, game over?”

“Basically. If you don’t feel safe doing that, I understand. I’d just use invisibility, otherwise, but this way, that Psychic won’t be able to sense squat past the lust.”

“Well, alright, but I want you to know, you’ll owe me two for this one.” Her arms squeezed around my middle. “Can I have some backup, just in case I can’t hold out?” I thought about it, rearranging my plans.

“I’ll send Daphne with you. Daph, I’ll give you enhanced strength and durability, cause you’ll need it if you’re going to carry her with you. I’d like to send David back across with the others, so we won’t have to worry about him.” She nodded in agreement. “If you all get finished before you hear from me, come back across with whatever weapons you want, and get Jackie,” I looked at her, ” to put a cloak-spell on you. Everyone agreed?”

“What should I do about the Beater?” Peter asked.

“Collapse it, and whatever else you can’t fit in the storage boxes, dissolve. Throw everything into the back of the Suburban and the moving truck. We’ll figure out where we need to go when we’re done here.” With that, everyone hugged everyone else, and we moved into position. Jackie and Peter accompanied everyone else back across the Doorway, and split into their task-groups. I hooked the Master PC’s carrying case to my back with a spell.

Daphne, Pam and I were standing next to the Suburban, still covered by the do-not-notice spell’s umbrella. A simple spell gave Daph the strength to pull a tank apart like tissue paper, and the skill to use it. Her endurance, durability and stamina were all increased to proportionate levels. Finally, I made her completely immune to sexual suggestion, spells, or pheromones. Then came the hard part. I drew a pentacle on the ground with a flaming hand, charring the concrete some more. Pam pulled off her clothes, shivering in the chilly air. Daphne held her while I finished my preparations. Then I held Pam for a moment before directing her into the center of the Pentacle.

“I’m sorry, baby.” She smiled and shook her head in negation. Then I started the ritual.


In what would soon be a deserted building, my spouses and I were tossing everything we could find. My ability to rework matter was handy, as it let us cram everything down very efficiently. The ‘storage cases’, as Jay had called them, weren’t your average storage bins. I’d made them out of the most durable materials I could fabricate, and then Jackie had insulated them with her magic, focusing it on the inside of the cases. They would hold a great deal more than their volume would indicate, nearly half a ton of mass occupying less than 2 cubic feet and weighing less than 30 pounds. We’d finally gotten them to the point where we could even bring them back and forth across the Doorway with no ill effects, much to our mutual relief. I was in the midst of sweeping my workbench’s contents into one when I saw Suzanne walking past, tears streaming down her cheeks. I finished my sweep, clearing the last materials out. I’d gotten everything I valued in this room into a single case, wiping out the careful work I’d done over the last two and a half years away in less than twenty minutes. After I pushed the box out into the living room, I went in search of Suzie. She was downstairs in her bedroom, packing away her collection of metal statuettes. She was crying, as we all were at leaving our home, but something more disturbed me. I walked up behind her and hugged her around the middle.

“What’s wrong, love? I know it’s sad leaving our home, but there’s something more eating at you.”

“It’s just.. how many times are we going to have to do this? Leaving our home and our lives in the middle of the night, one step ahead of the jerks after us? I don’t know if I can live like this..” She sobbed, but kept tossing stuff. I stopped her, and turned her around to face me.

“I don’t know that I want to live like this either, baby. I’m not fond of running, I’m more of a fighter. But I will tell you this; I’ll make sure that wherever we end up, no matter how long it takes us, we won’t split up our family. I won’t let ANY of you leave us.” I punctuated this declaration by crushing her to my chest. Jackie and Rebecca, having finished tossing the upstairs, passed through on the staircase. I let Suzanne sob for a moment or two before disengaging us. “Now, let’s finish up in here, the others are tossing Pam and Becca’s rooms.” She nodded bravely, and the two of us finished packing their gear in another 20 minutes. We hauled the boxes upstairs before heading down to help out our wives.

Pam and Rebecca, both being bookworms on a scale to match me and my twins, were a little more difficult to pack away, since there were books everywhere in their place. With me and Suzie throwing books into boxes, we finished our packing just a little more than an hour after we’d gotten back. While we were carrying the boxes back upstairs, Jackie stiffened.

“What’s wrong, Jac?” Becca asked. “Are we being invaded?”

“No, I just felt Jay’s magic. They’ve started their assault.” We redoubled our efforts, lugging the last crates up the stairs. We piled them up with the rest, a total of about 50 cases, representing the sum material of 7 adults and one child for the last 2-plus years.

“Okay, everyone, hop on.” Jackie had scratched a complicated diagram on the floor around the boxes, infusing it with a green-glowing spell. “Peter, if you could get rid of the wall, we’ll get underway.” I placed David’s baby carrier on the box nearest Suzanne, and sprinted over to the wall. A swipe of my fingers, and the wall dissolved into oxygen and nitrogen molecules. I took a seat on the lowest stack of boxes, and Jackie levitated everything out of our condo. I took a final look around, and I felt my throat close up on all the memories those walls held. We touched down right next to the moving van and the car, Jackie’s agitation making itself felt in the rapid flinging of boxes into the van, somehow fitting itself over, under, around, and beside the stuff we’d raided from Arnie’s house only two days ago.

While they were occupied in shifting our stuff, I collapsed the car, watching three months of effort turn into a hunk of metal. I was in the lowermost of our apartments, dissolving anything I found, then I had a thought; the Doorway! We had to take it with us if we wanted the others to catch up with us! I sprinted upstairs, busting down the doors with my enhanced strength. In what had been Jay’s lab, the Door had been left open, still set to the scene next to the Suburban. I could see the still-smoking remnants of Jay’s ritual, and a pair of female forms, one naked, sprinting towards the far end of the compound. I slammed the door shut with misgiving, but I knew we had to get moving. I grabbed the doorway and manhandled it down the outside stairs, finally cramming it into the back of the moving van.

“Holy shit, I almost forgot, what about that poor woman in the spare bedroom?” Jackie asked. Fuck! I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached! I knew that David’s original parents were effectively immortal, and besides which, Jackie and I had designed the storage cases to keep alive anything put into them. We did some rearranging, emptying out one and Jackie and I managed to cram the still-orgasming woman and her six foot dildo into it. “Are we just going to start driving, and hope they’ve got enough lead time to let us get wherever it is we’re going?” she asked me.

“You and the girls get driving. Head north. I’ll catch up with you shortly.” I replied.

“What ARE you talking about, Peter? You’re coming with us, it’s not like you’ve got wings or..” she fell silent as she stared at the ‘cape’ I was wearing. “What in the hell is that thing?”

“My latest invention.” I grabbed the edges and snapped them into out, where they straightened out. “Not exactly wings, but they work.”

“You’re not going back there, Peter! I can’t handle this thing, you know I can’t drive for squat!” She grabbed my lapel. “Besides which, that thing might not work! And I don’t know how fast those things let you go, but you’re not going to be able to get there in time to do any good!” Before I could react, I felt the ‘cape’ catch fire, and I stripped it off with a curse.

“Dammit, Jackie, what in hell would you like me to do? I can’t just leave them there!” I roared at her.

“Take the Door back out, and open it back up. We’ll bring the Suburban back across, just like you used to do with the Beater!” Her snappy response reminded me of my powers over matter. I shut my idiot mouth before I caught flies with it.

“You’re right, baby. I’m sorry.” I pulled the Doorway back down off the truck, and focused on the last thing I’d seen through it. When I opened the door, I could see the Suburban again. I went across, and with a touch, I reduced the Suburban to conveniently sized lumps of metal, glass and plastic. I lugged them back across the threshold, and sat down to reconstitute the vehicle. Suzanne watched silently as I did this, Jackie and Rebecca grabbing some of the weapons I’d set aside and running back across the Door. I turned to my wife. “We’d better get the cars started before they get back, babe. We should put as much distance between us and this place as we can get. Which reminds me, dig out one of the plasma bombs, would you?” I was currently weaving metal fibers back through the glass of the Suburban’s windscreen while keeping an eye on David, who was playing in his playpen.

“You want to torch the building, right?” Suzie asked me.

“Yup. Can’t take the risk, besides which, if they think we’re desperate to run, they’ll spend months going through the rubble.” I finished my restoration work, and patted the truck with pride before going over and playing with the baby.

“Oh shit, what about the Master PC? Jay had it with him!” she burst out. I cursed and spent the next twenty minutes pulling one of the less-filled crates out of the van and hauling it across the threshold.

We’d tried this before on another copy of the Program, and the crates’ insulation had kept it safe. Then I turned to my spouse, who I’d never before gotten naked with, except in one of our orgies. I laid my hand over her crotch and rubbed her dick through her skirt. She looked at me quizzically.

“When everyone gets back and we stop for the night, would you spend the night with me, baby?”

Her eyes got very round, and her mouth opened. I stopped her with a finger. “We’ve been married for months, and we’ve never consummated our vows to love each other.” Tears of joy mixed with the sorrowful ones that had earlier been messing up her makeup. I held her while we waited for the others to get back.



I finished the ritual, and my beloved Pam looked very little like she had before; her skin was a tawny golden color, and her eyes had become as green as emeralds, while her busty-yet-trim frame was replaced by that of a feature dancer from out of the fifth ring of Hell. She had not one but three pairs of breasts in the range of an S-Cup. Each of these breasts was dribbling a fluid that would increase the effects of the spell on anyone that it touched. She was standing there limply, not moving. Daphne tapped me on the shoulder.

“Should she just be standing there like that?” she asked me emotionlessly.

“At this point, yes. The spell is supposed to turn a woman into a sexual predator, fixated on whoever arouses her from her trance. When I touch her, she’ll wake up and begin chasing after me. Your job is to follow her, and prevent her from doing more than touching anyone. Remember, if she cums, the spell ends, and she’ll revert to her normal state.” I was running a risk; if she caught up with me before I finished with the Psychic, she would screw me into insensibility, all to complete the spell. I would be vulnerable to the touch of her skin, and all it would take would be a glancing blow. Unfortunately, only this Lecubi spell would give her the virulent sexual aura that would blank out any pursuers.

I reached out and touched her pussy, stimulating her into awareness. The part of the spell affecting me snapped into operation, filling my veins with fear and lust. Her eyes closed and opened, filling with an inhuman lust. With no further ado, I sprinted away towards the bunker, applying some spells to increase my speed and to make me invisible. I heard the howl of denied lust from Pam, and increased my racing. I leapt up above the bunker’s door, knowing that the Pam-Leccubus would go inside, trying to find me. Her magically-induced lust would drive her strength, making her nearly as strong as Daphne. I waited, and watched the wobbling tits of my shape-changed wife bounce down the street spraying onlookers, pursued by the iron-thewed form of Daphne. Pam stopped and looked, howling in need. She cried out my name, and it took everything in me not to respond. The spell was designed to work this way, but that comforted me very little.

Daphne, after kicking aside the twitching forms of the MPs who’d fallen under Pam’s influence, managed to convince the Lecubi that I had gone inside the bunker. Pam’s head tracked over to the door with inhuman focus, and she shrieked with thwarted rage as she burst through the door, followed closely by Daphne. I gave them a few minutes to get ahead of me. A pair of footfalls jerked my attention back up, and I saw Rebecca and Jackie heading towards the bunker, armed for bear. Shit! I was counting on them still being occupied! I was going to have to work fast.

I jumped back down to the ground and crossed the breached door. Pam’s rage had split the steel doors in halves, not to mention ripping it off the hinges. I saw, by virtue of the drooling men and women on the floor, that she’d gone left, so I headed to the right, praying that I could find the locator before Pam found me.


Becca and I saw the still-twitching bodies laying around the place, and knew that Pam had been this way. These poor souls would be out for quite a while, knowing Jay’s proclivities as I did. I jerked my head towards the bunker, and chanted a short spell to immunize myself and Rebecca against whatever magic Jay had worked on Pam.

We got inside the bunker through the smashed doors, and saw the people on the floor. “Jesus, what in the hell did Jay do to her?” Becca cursed under her breath.

“Knowing Jay, something that worked better than he thought. We’d better split up and find them. You go that way, after Pam, and I’ll try this way. Unless Jay’s completely flipped out, he’ll have sent her away from him to provide distraction.” I cocked the stun-charge gun and prepped a few spells in my mind.

“If you run into Daph or Pam, don’t break the spell! We’ll worry about that later, after the Psychic’s toast!” She nodded, shifted the magnetic pulse rifle and the bandolier of smoke grenades into more comfortable positions and took off running. I headed left down the hallway, hoping to find Jay before his sins all came home to roost. I came across an opening in the wall that looked like it had been melted. Jay MUST have come this way. I stuck my head through the opening, and saw that there was a matching one extending through the other side of the room and out past it. “Shit, he’s taking the scenic route!” I saw something moving down the way, and reinforced my invisibility spell before continuing on.

When I got to the end of the melted run, I saw more of the lust-victims and knew I was behind Pam’s stalking. Looking to my right, I saw no other bodies, so she must have turned back. Might be safe enough. I went right, hoping that Jay hadn’t gotten himself in trouble.


“Fucking bastards! Couldn’t someone have used a LITTLE sense?” I muttered, and felt a wave of lust come over me. Shit, Pam was getting closer! The spell’s imperative drove me forwards, away from it. I bolted through the hallways of this underground mouse maze, and finally found myself near my goal. I was standing in front of a reinforced door that made the outer door look like cardboard. The MP was listening to the sounds of rage and lust echoing down the hallways, and was getting turned on by it. I balled up my fist, and struck him just under his ear, catching a nerve center and knocking him out. Okay, time to get past this door. The electronic keypad was no help, there were too many codes entered on it for me to be sure which one would work, even with magic. Fuck it!

I punched in codes that my magic fed me, one by one. Finally, I got lucky, and the door started swinging open. However, I probably wasn’t going to be able to open it on the other side without taking valuable time. How was I going to hold it open? The guard’s body wasn’t weighty enough…. Got it! Banishing my terror momentarily, I managed to ‘think’ myself aroused, and I stroked myself off into my hand. I smeared it across the doorway and the vault-like door itself. Pam’s senses were paranormally acute, and these markers would inflame her into following me. With her strength, she’d be able to rip the door off like tinfoil, if her lust didn’t melt it like an ice cube in Hell. Oh shit! I could feel the Lecubi’s presence nearby! My spell-fueled terror reignited, and I ran inside the inner vault, pulling the door behind me. Just as it shut, I could hear the screech of the Pam-Leccubus. I leaned against the inner door and sighed. I’d have a few minutes to get what I needed. I spun around, expecting to see another maze of corridors.

However, there was only a room, about the size of a racquetball court. The walls, which I assumed to be metal, were sheathed in a fluid-absorbing padding, as was the floor. What the hell? I looked around, and saw a distortion like a heat haze about half-way across the room. I dropped my invisibility spell, and went over to it. I passed my hand through the wave, and it vanished. “Fuckin’ holograms!” I took a step forward, hearing the pounding on the vault door behind me. I shuddered at what it portended.

When my head cleared the hologram, my eyes opened wide in shock. There were men and women, all undressed, sprawled out all over the room. One guy was atop a table in front of me, thrusting wildly into a woman with tits that made Pam’s look small. However, unlike Pam, this woman only had 4. I shook my head, hoping that I was hallucinating. The sight stayed the same, however. The woman came with a scream, the man with a moan of agony. He flopped over the side of the high table, unconscious when he hit the floor. The woman let go of the bar over her head, and sat up, her bottom pair of tits resting in her lap. Her eyes widened when she saw me standing there. She was an attractive brunette, with doe-brown eyes, 5’6″, and I’ve already mentioned the rack(s) she had.

“You! The Warlock!” She scrambled backwards on the table till her butt hit the bars, and she fell backwards off it. I couldn’t help it, it was so comical I laughed. I walked up to and around the table, still laughing. The woman was trying vainly to stand, but her tits weren’t getting into the act.

“Yes, I guess to you, I am. I take it you’re the Locator?” I offered my hand to her, and with trepidation, she took it. I pulled her to her feet and let her sit back down on the edge of the table. She nodded in answer to my question. “Why are all these men here?”

“I only get the visions when I’m having sex. The bastard that changed me didn’t know I was psychic, and when he did whatever he did, my precognition was tied up with my sex drive. I’ve been fucking these idiots and more like them for more than a year now.” She shifted uncomfortably, and I assumed it was because she was naked while I was clothed. I pulled off the trenchcoat I was wearing and handed it to her. She wrapped it around herself while I turned away. “Thank you, Warlock.”

“My name’s Jason, or Jay.” I turned back to face her. “What’s yours?”

“The only one I remember is Cassandra.” Funny guy, whoever it was that gave it to her. The benefits of a classical education, I guess. Cassandra, for those of you that don’t recognize the name, was a Trojan seeress who spurned the advances of the God Apollo, and was cursed to be 100 % accurate in her predictions, but would never be believed. Troy fell as a result of this curse.

“How did these jerks get you?”

“They heard stories about a whore-prophet, and grabbed me. They denied me sex until I was about to go insane, then told me they’d provide enough people for me to fuck in exchange for my services as a seer.” Her anger at the unfairness of the situation echoed my own. “They’ll probably keep me here forever, fucking their toys and spouting prophecies until Hell freezes over. My ‘benefactor’,” the poison here was virulent, “did me the disfavor of making me immortal. I don’t age, I don’t get tired, and all I want is sex.” I heard another pounding and a sizzling sound from the other side of the hologram. Shit, Pam was REALLY pissed. I had to finish this up quick.

“Would you like to get out of here? I don’t really have time to explain, but I might have the resources to change you back to whatever you were before this. I have some friends coming to get me.” the sizzling sound was getting louder. “In fact, that’s probably her right now. Like I said, I don’t have the time right now to get into details, but we’ll take you with us, if you’d like to come.” She thought it over for a minute.

“You’ll try and turn me back? You promise?” The tears in her eyes broke my heart. I impulsively hugged her, and she stiffened in my embrace before returning it, rubbing her foot against the back of my leg in a suggestive fashion.

“I promise that I’ll do whatever I can to make you normal again, Cassandra.” Her four breasts rubbed into me above and below my belt, getting a reaction. “But I don’t think I should indulge right now. Pam, my energetic wife out there, is liable to be a little upset. Just tell Daphne, my other wife, that Jay said you’re coming with us. Tell her I gave a Wizard’s Oath.”

“Why don’t you tell her yourself?” Boy howdy, she wasn’t going to need to ask when Pam got through that door.

“I’ll probably be indisposed.” I opened my mental door enough to fire a message across to Jackie. She responded, and told me that I was in trouble when she caught up with me. I sallied back ‘You’ll have to get in line behind Pam, love. Also, there’s a rather nice lady that I’m with at the moment, she’ll be coming with us. Daphne’ll have her hands full with me and Pam, so you’ll have to help her out.’

‘What, you’ve found another woman? I’m starting to think you shouldn’t be allowed out in public, lover.” Her mental chuckle ended our communion.

“I’ve just told my wife that you’re coming with us. She’ll be here momentarily, so don’t get too comfortable.” A hissing thump and the smell of burning fibers told me Pam was here. “As a matter of fact, I’d be across the room, if I were you.” The spell-born arousal and terror flooded through me again, and I ran to the farthest corner of the room away from where Pam was coming through the hologram.

“Loooover?” the smoky-honey tone escaping from her throat was one that a porn star would envy. All six of her breasts, shiny with sweat and the milk she’d been loosing, were thumping up and down as she panted. “Jaaaaaason…. Where arrrrrrree you?” Finally, her eyes lit on me. I felt my cock burst through my jeans, but all I wanted was to melt into the floor, HAD TO GET AWAY FROM HER! One of her blood-red nails came up to her chin, rubbing it like a little girl. “There you are, lover…” the green fires of her eyes were locked on mine, draining me of all ability to move. “You can’t run anymore, handsome,” she said as her other hand slipped into her shaven cunt, increasing the smell of lust in the room. She paused in her stalking to kick aside the unconscious men and women in her way. When her eyes weren’t on me, I managed to look away, and saw Daphne taking in the room in a careless way. I indicated Cassandra with my eyes, and the two of them started talking.

A sharp-nailed hand grabbed my chin, nearly making my heart leap out of my chest. “You’ve been a bad boy, Jason. Running away like that, making Pammie chase after you.” She was standing right in front of me, dragging my eyes downwards. “It’s time for you to take your punishment, Jason.” I was too much under the spell’s influence to do more than nod. She grabbed my head with both hands and pulled it down to hers, locking lips with me in an iron kiss. She moaned throatily, rattling my composure. Her hands slipped to my shoulders, driving me to my knees. Her bottom pair of breasts were right in my face, jiggling obscenely. She pulled me into them with a giggle. “You’d better drink up, lover. You’ll need the stamina Mommy Pam can give.” I was too terrified to resist, so I stuck one of the still dripping nipples into my mouth and was rewarded with a gush of honeyed milk. I moaned as it slid down my throat, feeling my terror recede.

I sucked for all I was worth, draining the contents of her tit with a couple of gulps. I switched breasts while she wailed in satisfaction, draining it as fast as I had it’s mate. I stood slightly, bringing me up to the next pair of delicious nipples. The first one I drained on this pair filled me with orgasmic fire, causing my cock to erupt with a river of semen, soaking my jeans and her lower pair of breasts. Pam-Leccubi’s hands started massaging it into her skin, making the golden sheen turn pearlescent. I growled in lust, having marked her as my mate. I bit down on the nipple I had captured, making more of the delicious fluid flow down my throat. I heard a familiar voice speak, but I couldn’t really care about what it said.

“Oh, shit, he used the Leccubi spell? Fuck, this is gonna be messy!” I heard some nonsense syllables, and I saw the world go purple around me. I saw that my mate and I were encased in a purple sphere, but aside from making sure noone had dared touch my mate, I didn’t trouble with it any further.

I was on the last, highest pair of breasts now, and I felt like a god should; powerful, horny, and unstoppable. I finished off the last breast, milk now flowing down my face, soaking my shirt. I looked down, and the intruding fabric burst into flame, vanishing away into ash. My mate growled in happiness, grabbing my cock hard enough to hurt. I drove two of my taloned fingers into her cunt with a cry of anger/lust, making her howl. I crushed her to me, feeling her six tits covering us both with a renewed burst of fluid. I kissed her, running my tongue in and out of her mouth. Her arms pushed me away, and she spun away from me, kneeling on the bottom of the sphere, wiggling her lush ass at me. I dropped to my knees behind her, driving my cock into her with all of my strength. We howled together, a mating cry of joy. I grabbed her around her middle pair of breasts, using them to remain attached as I rammed in and out of her tight pussy. We mated for an eternity, until she came on me, her muscles tightening around my pulsing cock. Having finally made her mine, I came, spreading my seed into her. As I panted, the weaker, human part of me awakened from the lust-haze.

I watched as my mate, my wife Pam, came back to her normal appearance. Her top two tits returned to their normal size, the other four shrinking away to nothingness. Her golden hide became the tanned and pale mixture it had been before. I sank away from her, feeling the shame of what I had done to her. My mind was back to normal, and I was myself again. The bottom of the purple sphere we were in was covered in a large volume of milk, cum, and other secretions. I picked her up and laid her across my lap, rocking her back and forth as she slept. Her hand came up to my face, cupping my cheek.

“What are the tears for, lover-boy? That was the best fuck we’ve ever had.” She snuggled close to me. “You’ll have to do that again when and if we ever start getting bored.” I was flabbergasted. “Close your mouth, lover. You’ll draw flies.” She squirmed upright, shutting it for me with her lips. “I don’t regret volunteering to help you save all of our lives, you big goof,” she said when she let me up for air. “So wipe that guilt out of your mind; I enjoyed it. Having six constantly-leaking tits was an experience, let me tell you.” A loud clapping sound snapped us both around, and we took in where we were.

Our sphere was in the corner of what appeared to be a cheap hotel room, with all of our spouses curled up in the queen-sized beds watching us and now clapping, with smiles of envy and lust on their faces. I saw Jackie gesturing with her hand, and a small doorway appeared in the wall of the sphere. I handed Pam out to Rebecca, who’d stepped up next to us, and climbed out myself. Suzanne’s hand on my shoulder steadied me as I found my footing.

“Did you two have a good time? You’ve been fucking like rabbits for the last week!” Jackie’s voice was envious. “We’ve had to throw sheets over you two, otherwise it’s too distracting to sleep!” She came over to me and wrapped me in her embrace before laying me down on the bed between Peter and Daphne.

“You should have told me you were going to do the Leccubi spell, silly.”

“It was a last minute improvisation. I hadn’t planned on it before then.” Daphne rolled over and looked at me.

“I’m going to have to get you to do that to me sometime, Jay. You two looked like you were having an awfully good time.”

“Maybe in a month or so, when I get some feeling back in my dick.” Everyone laughed, including Pam. “So, where are we?”

“Upstate New York, about 4 hours outside of Buffalo.” Peter informed me, after handing me a glass of water. I tipped it to him in gratitude before gulping it down. “We were on the road for three days, you two crammed into the back of the van.”

“I..” Daph covered my mouth with her hand.

“Shh. Sleep, husband. You’ve been awake and fucking for a week.” I took her advice, and within a minute, was completely out.



The next morning, I woke up in a pile of flesh. All of my wives and my co-husband had crawled into bed with me, having pushed the other one over to make one big enough. I managed to extricate myself and went into the bathroom, where I relieved myself and took a marathon shower. I chuckled at my own idiocy, not to mention luck. I heard the door open, peeked out the shower curtain and saw Suzanne standing there. I gestured for her to make free with the toilet and turned back to my shower. I was surprised when I felt a breeze blowing across my ass, and when I rinsed the soap from my face, I saw my wife in the shower with me. She plastered herself against me, her stiff cock nodding against my own, which responded quickly.

“Morning, Suzie. Sleep well?” I stepped forwards, letting her get hit with the spray. I was entranced by the water sliding down her form, and dazed out for a moment or two, not hearing her reply. Finally, she snapped her fingers in my face, breaking my reverie.

“I just said that I wanted you to go fuck the dog, and you’re just staring at my tits. Haven’t you had enough?” she smiled at me.

“Never enough of my wives, baby.” Her dick stiffened even more at that, her nipples getting into the act too. “Besides which, it’s been way too long since I’ve had anyone but Pam.” I took her into my embrace, wrapping my arms around her back. She started kissing the side of my neck, while I cupped her ass with my hands. She moaned in heat when I slipped my finger past her anal ring, rubbing herself against me. I let my finger pulse in and out of her ass for a few minutes, while she did her damnedest to hang on against the stimulation. David’s alterations to her body had apparently split the nerve connections from her woman’s genitals into her ass and her cock, making her more sensitive to stimulation there than any man would have been. I played this up, teasing her with my fingers on her anal bud and on her cock. Finally, I sank to my knees in front of her, pushing her against the back wall of the shower and did the one thing I’d not done with this one of my wives. I took her cock into my mouth, sucking it to full mast. She lasted only a minute or two before she came in my mouth, but instead of the semen that I’d expected, it tasted like pussy-juice, only a little stronger. She stared down at me if I was a stranger before she sank down to the floor’s bottom, sliding forwards so that I could get behind her. I soaped her up as we sat there, her not saying anything.

“Jay?” she said as I brought the soap bar down to lather her groin.

“Hmm? Yes, love?” I stopped lathering, and let the shower spray rinse away the bubbles.

“I’ve been thinking. There’s nowhere on this earth that we can go and be accepted for who and what we are. There’ll always be someone wanting to make fun of the woman with a penis.” I set the bar of soap back down on the soapdish, saying nothing. “Is there any spell you or Jackie can do that will take us away from here, like into another dimension or something?”

“No, baby, there isn’t. At least, not one I know of. But does it really matter to you what people think? You have wives and husbands that love you for who and what you are, you have a son that will grow up to be a fine man, and you’ll be physically beautiful until you die. Is all of that insufficient?” She spun around in my grasp, laying her head against my shoulder.

“No, it’s more than I could have ever hoped for. It’s just that sometimes I feel lonely; there’s noone else like me here. The closest you get is a transsexual, and they couldn’t get a hard on with a bottle of Viagra.” I thought about what she said; there really weren’t many women like her, at least none that we’d found. The stares and whispers would be hellish. I squeezed my wife closer to me. “If we went somewhere else, I wouldn’t feel like I was robbing you and the others of something.”

“You’ve never taken anything we didn’t offer you, dear. If we thought you were taking something that we wouldn’t give, I’d have said something before now. But your idea has merit. I’ve no intention of letting these bastards run us out of our home again. I was going to talk to the Wizard about it anyway, but now I’ll make it a priority, if it’ll make you feel better.” She kissed my shoulder. When I looked in her eyes, I saw a woman that would level a mountain with a hammer, if I wanted it. She took hold of my cock, which had hardened against her stomach. She sat up a little higher, and with a whimper, she sat down on it. I felt her muscle-ring tighten convulsively around it, filling her ass. I stared into her eyes as she wrapped her arms around me again, pulling us back together. She rocked up and down on me, driving my dick as far as it would go. I held her head in my hands, and I kissed her again, pushing my soul out and into hers. I felt the connection snap taut, and we each felt the other’s reactions and our own. I slammed into her, drawing out a whimper of need, and slowly pulled back before repeating it over and over again. I slipped one hand down, and I pulled on her cock until it shot all over my chest, marking me. She whined in need, and with a final thrust, I marked her as well. I stood carefully, lifting the two of us, still connected, into the spray of water. I kissed her, feeling the water rushing down her face and my own. We stood like that for a while, until the water suddenly ran cold, causing us both to yelp. I set her down carefully, as she pulled my dick from her, caressing it with her hand as she did. She laid a kiss on it before turning off the shower. She pulled back the curtain, and I stepped out, increasing the fluffiness of the towel when I grabbed it. I dried her off first, and then myself. I swatted her on the butt, playfully, before driving her out of the room in front of me.

“About fucking time,” Peter growled at us as he waited for us to clear it. He rushed in immediately afterwards, shutting the door behind him. I looked at Suzie and blushed. She shook her head in silence, but her eyes were dancing with happiness. Back in the bedroom, the others were mercifully still asleep. Suzanne started dressing, while I kiped some of Peter’s things to wear till I could get some out of storage. I kissed her when I went by, grabbing the keys to the moving van as I passed them. Outside, I opened the back of the van and dug through the crates till I found the ones marked with my name and “Lab”. I reached inside that one, and pictured my scrying crystal, which I felt beneath my fingers. Nice work on these storage boxes, I thought. I set it to hover above my shoulder while I repacked the van, and when I was done, I went in search of a little solitude. Around the back of the hotel was a small stand of trees, where I finally plunked down. I pulled the ball down in front of me, and cleared my mind. I pictured the Wizard, visualizing his crystalnet address. I got an automated message, telling me that he was in consultation with a client. I asked him if we could have a face to face meeting at his earliest possible convenience, checked the rest of my own crystalmail, and closed the connection. I was walking back to the front of the hotel when the sphere flashed with an incoming message. I reestablished the connection, and found the new mail. It was from the Wizard. It read; “I’ve been waiting for you to make contact. My shop will be in the Wenchiko Mall, approximately 30 miles east of you in three hours. The door will be downstairs next to the Cold Corpse, a Goth store. See you soon, Wiz.”

Excellent! I’d be able to make Suzie happy, and at the same time, we could do a little shopping, since we didn’t get out very often. I got around the hotel and went back inside, rousing my wives. I chivvied them through the shower, promising to tell them what was up after they were ready to go. While they paired up to bathe, the others and I packed up our stuff.

“You’d better be planning on breakfast, bro. I’m starving.” Peter smiled at me as we hauled bags out to the Suburban.

“Me too. I’ve not eaten in a week.” I clapped him on the shoulder. “Hey, where’s Cassandra?” I’d completely forgotten her till now.

“She asked us to put her in suspension till you had a chance to brief us, chief. She’s in your lab boxes.”

“Shit.” I dug around and pulled her out, yawning. “Sorry for taking so long, Cass. I just woke up last night.” She nodded in understanding. She shook Peter’s hand. Peter whipped up a simple dress (Well, simple for a four-breasted sex goddess) and I put a spell on it so noone would notice her abnormality. “Peter, if you’d go get our wives, I’m going to try and fix Cass, if I can.” He nodded and went back upstairs. I sat Cass down on the seat of the Suburban, pulling out the Master PC. I tried using Cassandra as the subject, but it didn’t work. I tried a few spells to dredge her name out of her memories, but it failed as well. Shit. I pulled out my glasses to verify what had happened to her, but she hadn’t been altered by the Master!

“Cassandra, do you remember when this happened to you?” I asked.

“This guy threw this liquid on me when I walked into my house, and when I was writhing around in lust, he shoved a dildo up my ass.” She frowned at the memories. “I never saw him again, and when I woke up, I was like this.”

“Okay, sounds like magic. I’ll try a few things, but it might hurt a bit.” She nodded, and I began my investigation. What came up was revolting; I got the remnants of a dream-body potion, presumably the liquid this asshole had thrown on her, and there was a mergence of her body with a major magical artifact. I probed deeper, and I saw what had gone wrong. The two devices weren’t meant to be used together, and her natural psychic talents interfered with the mind-altering potion. All I could really do was counter the potion, untangling her precognition from her sex drive. She had a reduced (but still inhuman) sex drive, but that was all I could do. “Fuck. I’m sorry, Cass.” She was crying , so I held her. “I have a friend that’s even better than I am with magic. He might be able to help you. We’re going to see him later today, but even if he can’t help you, we’d be happy to have you with us.” She bawled harder. My wives and Peter came down the stairs, and the women-folk took turns saying hello. I told them of my offer to let Cassandra stay with us, and they all ratified it. She sniffed and hugged all of us. I smiled. It looked like my family had just gotten a little bigger. She was even ecstatic over David; she liked children. I bustled them into the Suburban with Suzie driving while Peter and I took the van.

“Pete, would you be willing to give up a few things to make our wives happy?” I asked as we drove. It wasn’t an idle question, since if the Wizard was willing to send us somewhere else, we’d be giving up a great deal.

“Of course I would, Jay. Why do you ask?” His eyes were sharp. “Have you got something in mind?” I gave him a brief synopsis of what Suzanne and I had talked about in the shower. He sighed, but it was a relieved sigh. “I’ve been thinking along the same lines for a while now. We’re good, Jay, but I have no taste for living in a war zone, changing homes every three months. If the Wizard opens a gate for us, I’ll throw everything we’ve got aside like trash.” I squeezed his leg in thanks.

“You’re a good man, Peter.” I smiled warmly.

“I should be, I’m your clone.” He groused, but I could tell he was flattered. We pulled up to a Denny’s and had our breakfast, resisting the wives’ inquiries. All I ‘let slip’ was that we were going to the mall. Jackie gave me a sidelong glance from the other side of the table, but let the matter lie. After breakfast, we hit the road again.

At Wenchiko Mall, we parked out in the far lot. We broke up into 2 triples and a pair. Peter and Suzanne were going to go hunting for goodies in the electronics stores, while Pam, Daphne, and Rebecca went clothes shopping. They were going to meet up in an hour or so in the food court, and if Jackie, Cassandra and I were done with our hunting, we’d join them as well. I knew, however, that eventually if all went well, we’d all be in the Spells-R-Us later on. I watched my spouses head off, while Jackie twined her fingers with mind and I looped my arm over Cassandra’s shoulder.

“Cass, your gifts might twitch when you meet this friend of ours, but trust me, he’s the best.” I tightened my hand against her shoulder. She said nothing, but asked a question of Jackie as we walked.

“Jackie, why did you all ratify Jason’s offer of a place to stay? I mean, none of you know me very well, and I’m the one that nearly got him shot.” She was looking Jackie in the eye when she asked, trusting me to steer us all down the hallway.

“Because we may not know you, but we DO know how Jay thinks. Once he found out that you were being held against your will, and particularly that you’d been messed with by someone, he was bound to cure you or take you in. It’s how we got our 4 other wives, you see.” She smiled at the kid (she’d admitted to being only 19) gently. “He’s the world’s biggest soft-touch.” She kissed me on the cheek. Cassandra didn’t really know what to do with this, so she stared at the stores we were passing. Finally, we got to where we were going. I watched Jackie’s expression as we came up to the door of the Spells-R-Us.

“What kind of shop has a door?” Cass asked.

“Only the strangest store you’ll ever see, Cassandra.” Jackie let go of my hand and I stepped up to get the door, only to have it open on it’s own, smashing my fingers. I cursed and howled as the other person, a teenage girl wearing a fairly ugly dress and combat boots dashed past us. “I’ve seen some ugly transvestites, but that kid was the king.” Jackie’s voice held it’s mocking tone. “She’ll be all better in a few days, I’m sure.” I was still cradling my fingers under my arm, hoping none of them had been broken. “Did he break anything, Jay?”

“Hell if I know, but that door’s heavy!” Jackie prised my hand free, and examined it. With a kiss across the knuckles, she banished the pain.

“Be careful, I just fixed two broken knuckles, baby.” She took my uninjured hand and we gestured Cass inside. She preceded us, and I heard her gasps of surprise at the Wizard’s wares. Jackie and I poked around for a moment or two as well, before we heard the familiar voice address us.

“Jason! Jacqueline! Come on in the back, I was just hunting something up.” We looked at each other and shrugged. The back part of the store was where the Wizard kept the more unusual of his items, things like broken Morphic Adaptation Units, busted costumes and the like. We found him digging through a ceiling-high chest of drawers, seeking something elusive. When he heard our steps, he pushed the drawer in and turned around. Instead of his mocking smile, he gave us a genuine one. “How’ve you been? Your wives? Peter?” We made some small talk before he turned slightly away and stared through the wall.

“Oh my. I’ve not seen one of those in a thousand years. Your young friend Cassandra has been the victim of a Lust-Refraction Dildo.” He gestured for us to follow him back out front, and we did so, where he called out for Cassandra to come up front. She did so, cautiously until she saw us standing there.

“Hello, sir.” She inclined her head politely, her eyes wide as saucers.

“You’re not going to ask how I knew your name?” his ancient eyes were twinkling with amusement.

“There’s a sign saying “Yes, a real Wizard” on your counter. After knowing Jason and Jackie, it doesn’t take much to inference a mind-reader.” The Wizard’s bushy eyebrows leapt nearly off his head, and he laughed heartily.

“You’re the first person to ever see that sign without my indicating it, except for Bill Hart. I’m impressed, miss Cassandra. I was just talking to your friends about you, but I thought you should hear it yourself. Please, come closer.” He stalked around his counter, digging for something. The stools we’d used last time reappeared, and we sat down. “Aha! Here it is.” He spun around with a huge open book in his hands. He let it rest on the counter in front of us. “Is this,” he pointed to one of the illustrations, “the ,ahem, device that was used on you?” When she paled and nodded, I took a closer look at the picture. It had to be the tackiest and most expensive dildo on the planet. Made of solid silver with an emerald and a ruby capping each end, the entire thing was carved to show writhing figures in a variety of sexual positions. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but they’d all been painted in lurid colors, looking like a Disney Dildo. “I dislike having to ask, but I have to know if I’m to help you, Cassandra, but which of your orifices was used for the introduction of this device?” His delicacy and tact were impeccable. When he’d gotten his answer, he sighed. “Damn. I’m sorry, Cassandra. If a Lust-Refraction Dildo” he indicated the picture “is used in the anal sphincter without having been used on the other two first, the effects become permanent.” He hung his head. “The potion used on you only complicates matters, as does your own psychic power. They’ve shorted out the device, so you are now, for all intents and purposes, the repository of those spells.”

“Isn’t there some way to get rid of the spells? Jay tried, but surely you’ve got something stronger…” Jackie’s voice trailed off as the Wizard shook his head slowly.

“I wasn’t going to tell you this, but you two are my equals in sheer magical power. If you are unable to remove the enchantments from Cassandra, I’m not able to either. I’m sorry.” He hung his head. Cassandra reached across the counter and held his hand in her own.

“Thank you for being honest, sir. I’d rather have the truth than have false hope.” He patted her hand gently before looking me dead in the eye. “How long will the enchantments last?” she asked.

“More than a thousand years. Your life will be extended, Cassandra, and that’s not a frequent occurrence.” Her head snapped up, and her eyes widened in shock. His fingers tightened on hers, bringing her attention back. “I’m sorry, I can’t even undo that part of it. The device’s magic is older than I am, and noone alive knows how, who, or even when they were made.” He looked distinctly uncomfortable.

“Ladies, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to have a private word or two with the Wizard.” I kissed Cass’ forehead and squeezed Jackie’s hand. The Wizard handed Jackie a pack of tissues and told them to make free with the chairs and tea in the back room if they needed it. He turned back to me. “I’m sure you know what I was coming in for..” I began, but he shook his head.

“When you became a Wizard, I lost all ability to see into your mind, my apprentice. You’ll have to lay it out for me.” I did so, and he nodded his head once or twice. “I see. You and your spouses have been doing some serious grappling with the issue. I can easily arrange passage for you to another world,” I smiled brightly. “However, I must tell you that other worlds have their own problems. In a world where women have the penises, you, your brother, and your wives would all be freaks, while Suzanne would be the norm.” I frowned, trying to think up another solution. I spread my hands in helplessness. “You’re far too impatient.” He chuckled. “I would like to offer you a job, Jason.” I was flabbergasted. Didn’t I already have a big enough job? I asked him that very question, and he nodded. “That is in effect the job I am offering to you. However, I will make it possible for you to do so with much greater ease than you currently have. It won’t be easy, and it will take you many years to finish, as you already know.”

“But why offer me this job again? Didn’t I already agree to it the first time we met?” I was still confused.

“You did indeed. However, later events have complicated matters. I’ve watched you, and I know how you think and how you react. If anything happened to your wives or to Peter or David, you would never recover from it. You would become a raving lunatic, unstoppable by me or any other magician. The cost to taking you down would more likely than not be prohibitive.” I was shaken by this accounting. Was I really that bad? Something in my demeanor put the wind up him, because he kept talking. “I don’t mean to imply that you’re a danger as you are. However, in your grief and rage, you are an irresistible force; you have magic, which is dangerous enough, but you also have that damned Program. Between the two, if you ever put your full mind behind it, you could break apart everything that exists.”

“You’re being rather nonchalant about the whole thing, if you don’t mind me saying so. If I’m so dangerous, why hasn’t anyone really tried to kill me except idiots?”

“Because anyone that looks at you and your family sees how greatly you care for them all. If you are left alone, you are much less likely to exercise your power. Therefore, I see this as a chance to decrease the chances even further.” He reached under the counter and plucked out what looked like a cheap wine bottle. “This bottle, which only recently came into my possession, is the single most indestructible item in all the universes I have ever been to. There are gods that used their full strength on it, and failed to break it. The interior of this bottle is a pocket dimension, completely unreachable except through the gate of the bottle’s mouth. Any being that the bottle’s owner allows may lay a hand on it and travel through the gate to the other side, where they are protected from anything that exists. It has infinite storage capacity, and you may even transport material items into it.”

“What’s the catch?” I asked.

“The bottle’s cursed. The owner will forever be made a woman by the bottle’s curse, but only outside of the pocket dimension. Within it’s confines, you may be male or female as you choose.”

“If I become the bottle’s owner, will I still be able to do magic?”

“Of course. I would hardly offer it as an option otherwise. You could use this bottle as your home, since noone but those you allow can transport through it, and I’ve already told you of it’s unbreakability.. Also, it isn’t stealable, not by magic nor by sleight of hand.”

“The other half of the catch?” I was holding my breath for the really nasty part.

“You would be cursed to immortality, and your loved ones with you. Until you either rid this plane of the Master PC, or cause humanity to evolve to a point where the Master’s power doesn’t tempt them so as to make them enslave others, you would be unable to die. You can spend as much time in or out of the bottle as you choose, but whenever you are outside of it, you will be female. The curse will give you a hyper-sexed appetite, and you would have to sate it before you could transport through it. I will give you the bottle as a gift. Choose wisely, apprentice. Eternity is a VERY long time. Now, if you are ready, I believe your wife and your friend would like to do some shopping.” He smiled warmly, and I knew that all the stories that indicated his perversity were exaggerated. “Before you leave the area, come back and see me. This universe is rare in magicians, and it would be good to talk with another practitioner.” I nodded, placed the bottle into the bag he proffered. I dug through my pocket and came up with a hundred bucks, which I pressed on him just to complete the bargain. He made grumbling noises and I knew I’d done the right thing.

I walked to the back, and collected my wife and Cass. I linked arms with them both while Jackie took the bag from me.

“What’s in this, Jay?” She tried to look into it, but I asked her not to until we were back with the group again.

“I’d rather tell you all at once, love. Humor me.” I kissed her, and she subsided. We spent the next few hours shopping, acquiring bits of stuff and some clothes. While we walked to the Victoria’s Secret, I pondered what the Wizard had offered me. I would have my loved ones safe and sound, in our own little pocket dimension. I could keep them with me, and if they wanted to come out into the world, they could do so with no effect. We would have a very long time, if not an Eternity, to be together. The only drawback was that I would never be male again on this side of the bottle, unless I could work a spell that would change me, but I doubted it. I would have to satisfy my sexual urges as a woman before I could get inside the bottle, but that didn’t seem such a bad thing. I’d enjoyed being female well enough the half-dozen times I’d been one, but now I wouldn’t have the option of changing back at will.

Jackie had talked Cassandra into getting some clothes, since we could afford it. They took turns modeling clothes for me, one of Jackie’s spells altering the clothes to fit Cass’ altered body structure. The image of her in a fire-engine red teddy with all four breasts barely covered by the fabric was enough to shake my mind from contemplation. Her altered sex drive made it’s mark clear as well, the smell of her arousal, cinnamon and citrus at once, wafting through the air. I sprouted a hard on instantly, which made her blush momentarily before looking interested. I told them to buy all of the outfits, all 10,000 dollars worth. The clerk’s eyes widened when we hauled all the loot up to the counter, and stammered at me.

“Mr. Smith, you’ve already been through here once today. Why not buy the whole store and be done with it!” Her disbelieving face put me in stitches.

“Ma’am, you’re mistaking me for my brother Peter.” I managed to gasp out between laughs. ” Was he with a tall brunette in a green dress and a shorter blonde in blue?” She nodded, still with that offended look on her face. “That was definitely my brother.” I dug out my wallet, and showed her my ID. She had the grace to blush.

“I’m sorry, sir, it’s just that you two look so much alike, I thought…” she trailed off.

“It’s perfectly alright, it happens everywhere. Now, I’d like to outfit these two ladies, please.” The return to normal business procedure calmed her down, even if my continued laughter made her keep blushing. Hell, if I took the Wizard’s offer, I’d probably be back here later to get some stuff for myself!

Having finished shopping at Vickie’s, I dragged the two women through the mall, buying whatever caught my fancy. Mostly, though, I bought books and toys. I knew Peter had either bought the electronics gear or could make better stuff. We managed to stagger out of the video store for under 3000 dollars, which was surprising. At that point, we had to borrow one store’s pallet jack just to haul the goods. We made quite a sight, a thin man dragging a pallet of women’s clothes, books, toys and videos through a suburban shopping mall. Cass begged for a pit-stop, so we hauled the loot over to the restroom entrance. I cast a quick spell onto it, since I could use a refresher myself. I had just finished up when I heard the door open. Cass’ and Jackie’s voices drifted in.

“Jay? Is anyone else in there?” I looked around before replying no.

“Good, then we’re coming in.” Jackie’s voice was full of mischief. I smiled to myself as I leaned back against the stall. The two of them came in, carrying some of the boxes we’d gotten at Vickie’s. I raised my eyebrow in jest.

“Is something wrong with the women’s bathroom?” I smirked.

“Yes, there’s not an audience!” Being exposed to Jackie was a good thing for Cass. She was becoming more a normal adult woman than an adolescent. “We hoped you don’t mind.” Her grin was as full of mischief as my wife’s.

“I never turn down a chance to see beautiful ladies in lingerie.” The look of approval from Jackie told me I said the right thing, echoed by the relief from Cass’. I decided to head this one off too. “What’s the matter, Cass? You don’t like the stuff you got?” She looked at her feet, scuffing the left one over the right.

“It’s, well, these,” she indicated her secondary pair of mammaries. “You don’t find them ugly or weird?” Her tone indicated that she thought I would. I shook my head negatively.

“I know we’ve been kind of rushed for time, but still, you think that I’d find you repulsive? You’ve seen me having a bestial rut with a wife I put under a spell that gave her six constantly leaking breasts and you’d think I’d mind an extra pair of breasts?”

“I know they were all part of a spell you put on her so you could break into the compound.” Her eyes came up, locking with mine. The anguish was clear. “You’re a relatively normal guy, magic powers notwithstanding. Why WOULDN’T you find extra tits weird?” I smiled and pulled out my wallet, flipping it open to some of the racier pictures my wives had decided I HAD to have. I flipped to the one of Suzanne, in all her glory. I held it out to her. Her eyes got round.

“One of my wives has a penis that’s at least my size, if not bigger. Why should I bat an eye at extra tits?” She dropped the wallet and leaped at me, toppling the pair of us to the floor. Her four breasts were pinned tightly against me, which my cock mightily appreciated.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that it’s been so long since I’ve had sex…” I silenced her with a kiss, firing off a mental message to Jackie to block off the bathroom for a while.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Cassandra. I’ve been on the end of sexual compulsion magic. I know how overpowering it can be.” I saw an idea spark through her eyes. “What’re you planning?” I asked worriedly. A blue-green glow from her eyes washed over me, filling me with a rush of hormones. “Oh hell. The Dildo’s magic, right?” I managed to grit out past my attempts to control my desire. The look in her eyes was stricken, but I held her hands. I nodded my head in acceptance, opening my mind to the beautiful woman in front of me, showing her my heart. Tears filled her eyes, and she reapplied herself to our liplock.

“Jesus, Jason. That does it, you’re not going anywhere alone anymore.” Jackie’s voice made me chuckle past the fire searing my balls. “But I’m not getting left out of this one.” I heard her shoes hitting the floor and she started shucking her clothes. I managed to break off from Cass.

“Wasn’t there supposed to be fashion show going on in here? If I’m going to get a present, I at least want to see the wrapping first.” Cass’ smile decreased the horniness raging in me to a simmer. She stood up, and she and Jackie stripped down to their underwear. “Nice, but I’ve seen these before.” I said with a smile. Jackie shook her head and made a pass with her hand. Instantly the pair of them were covered in two of the outfits they’d just bought. Jackie was wearing a fire-engine red bra and panty set that set off her pale coloring and dark hair to perfection. Cass was in an outfit of dark green that had been altered by Jackie’s magic to encompass her different structure. The sides of the micro-bras thrust all of her massive breasts forwards, just tempting me to touch, which I did, to a whimper from their owner.

“Cass, sweetheart, these aren’t an aberration. They’re a unique feature.” I dropped a soft kiss on her collarbone. She lunged into me again, pressing my head into her shoulder. I used my hands to titillate her further, dragging my fingers down her belly and dipping into the lowest part of her outfit. She whimpered with need and released my head. I looked her directly in the eyes, continuing to tease her tender flesh. “You’re unique, Seeress. I don’t know of much else that would convince me of a higher power than a Woman, and you’ve got more of the salient features of womanhood than anyone else I’ve ever seen.” I pulled one hand free, and licked it clean. “And you’re tasty, too.” Her eyes lit up with lust at that. My twin got into the act at this point, coming up behind Cass and laying her hands on Cass’ shoulders.

“He’s right, you know. I’ve got the biggest tits in this family, and you put me to shame, beautiful.” She kissed Cass’ cheek. “Now, why don’t you let us see you, and we’ll show you ourselves.” I nodded agreement and pulled my other hand out, regretfully. I skinned out of my own clothes in a few seconds, dropping it wherever, before I started undressing Jackie, who was undressing Cass. In a minute or less, we were all bare, and it was gorgeous. Cass’ skin, pale as ivory from her long confinement out of the sun, contrasted nicely with Jackie’s half-tan and half-pale complexion. Her tits, far from being monstrous, were beautiful. She just had more of them than most women. They all were showing their happiness at being here, pointing into the somewhat chilly air of the restroom. Her legs, long and slim, were well turned, arching up into womanly hips. Hells, even her fingers were gorgeous, long and slim without being spidery. We were all touching each other, exploring the terrain. We continued in this vein for some time, contrasting their velvety softness with the hairy hardness of my own skin before Cass lost her restraint. As she said, it had been some time. Jackie settled her to the floor before sitting on her face, and I gently wrapped her legs around my waist. She was positively whimpering in need, but we held back long enough to make her appreciate the gifts she had. I slid my cock into her with exquisite slowness, until I’d filled her up. She made appreciative noises into Jackie’s pussy, and I started moving in and out, slowly. Jackie was moaning in lust too, and the sounds of our sexual escapade echoed around the tiled room. I felt a pulse of magic, and Jackie wailed loudly before sliding off of Cass’ face and curling up on the floor beside us. I looked a question at my newfound lover, and she replied, “The power of the Dildo. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to have it rough, and now!” She wrapped her hands into the hair over my ears and pulled my head down. “Now give it to me, lover!” I complied happily, letting go of my usual constraints. I slammed into her box with all the power I had in me, roughly holding her still. She growled in thanks, and when I finally had had enough to cum, she came with me, screaming loud enough to break the glass of the mirrors. I laid down on top of her, her breasts cushioning me.

“That was certainly athletic, Seeress.” I smiled into her breast.

“I think it’s something to do with the dream-body potion. It’s made me unable to climax unless my partner does, too.” She smiled. “Certainly takes the onus off of you, doesn’t it?” I kissed her in reply before pulling our still-shuddering third into our embrace. “I guess I don’t know my own strength.” She concentrated for a moment, and Jackie’s eyelids stopped fluttering before they opened.

“My god, how long WAS that?” Her breathless voice inquired.

“About 15 minutes or so, beloved. Was it good for you?”

“You have no idea what that’s like! I thought I was going to die!” She squeezed our partner in thanks. “That was beyond belief, Cass. Thank you.” Cass murmured back some endearment, causing Jackie to smile before giving her a lingering kiss. I hauled the three of us off the floor, and we proceeded to get dressed again.

“Now that was an experience, my loves.” Both of them made a face at me. “We’ll have to tell the others. Peter’ll be jealous beyond belief.” I smirked.

“Only a sexually-obsessed lunatic like you would turn that into a competition, Jay.” Jackie’s rebuke was accompanied by a pinch to my ass. I snickered, we collected our things, and left the bathroom. Outside, the cart was untouched, so I undid the spell, the ladies linked arms, and we went on our merry way.

Finally, we got back down to the food court, where we easily found Peter and the other wives. They had not one, but two pallets of stuff. I busted out laughing again, as did everyone, including Cass. After a cheap lunch, we hauled the stuff outside, stacking it up next to the van while Peter and I returned the pallet jacks. After we’d crammed everything we could into the storage boxes, we drove down to a fancy hotel and checked in for the evening into the Penthouse suite. Over a room-service dinner, I laid out the Wizard’s offer.

“Are you serious, Jay? You… WE would all be immortal? Living in a bottle?” Daphne’s voice was disbelieving.

“Yes, dear. The only catch, like I said, is that I have to be a woman on this side and I have to satisfy my sex drive before I go in. I was already planning on spending the next few hundred years doing this job, and this way I get to keep all of you with me, not just Peter and Jackie.”

“But what about school, work, or whatever?” Suzanne asked.

“If you really WANT to work, it shouldn’t be a problem, but I don’t see why you’d have to.” Peter and Jackie’s silence was bothering me. Neither of them had said word one since I’d asked the question. “The only boundaries are on me, not on you. And I have to admit, knowing that you all were safe would make it easier for me to do this job.” Everyone fell silent, and after a minute or two, Peter spoke up.

“I agree with Jay, girls.” I slid my eyes to him. “We talked this over earlier today, and we both agreed to back this play if it were offered. I urge that we take the Wizard’s offer.”

“So do I.” Jackie’s support clinched the deal. The others weren’t about to let us go, nor us them. It would be all or nothing. We all made love that night, celebrating our good fortune.

I woke up the next morning sated, and resolved to take this weight onto my shoulders. I stood there in front of the window, watching the sun come up. I heard someone come up behind me, two someones. Two heads laid down on my shoulders, and two arms wrapped around my waist. It was Peter and Jackie.

“It’s still as gorgeous as ever, isn’t it?” I threw out. They both nodded, and I simply enjoyed the moment. “It’s been a long, strange trip, hasn’t it, my loves?”

“That it has, bro, that it has.” Peter’s voice was unusually soft, as if he were afraid of something.

“And it’s only going to get stranger from here. We’re going to be immortal, and together for however long it takes.”

“Would either of you two morons have it any other way?” We both looked at Jackie. “Honestly, it’s not that bad. If I know the Wizard, it won’t be nearly as bad as you’re both thinking. And if it is, we’ll just have to get the job done quicker.” She twirled a lock of her dark hair around her finger. I took it off her finger, and smelled it.

“You’re right, as always, baby. But right now, why don’t you two go back to bed? I’d like to get some things done before the big event.” They looked askance at me momentarily before winding themselves back into each other on the bed. I’d always felt better having done the background work, so I decided to move all of our stuff into the bottle. According to the Wizard, I’d be male until the first time I went into the bottle and came back out. It worked, too, since I’d been the bottle’s owner since yesterday and I still had my manhood. I pulled on my sweats and hustled down to the van, where I started putting the storage boxes and everything else into the bottle’s pocket dimension. Hell, I even put the Suburban in there too, since size didn’t matter to the bottle’s opening. That task being done, I went back to our room, and watched my sleeping family. Last night, Cassandra had asked to join us in bed, and we had agreed with a resounding “yes!” She was currently nestled in between Daphne and Suzanne, deep asleep. I hoped she would be happy with us. When I had been in her the previous night, she had invited me inside of her mind, and I experienced the world the way she had, and it was beautiful. Her gift had shown me the day she married us, and I nearly laughed aloud, spoiling the game. We treasured it as a secret between new lovers.

We were going to be together for a long, long time. If I lived long enough, I might even figure out how I’d gotten so lucky in love. While I waited, I packed the rest of my things and had a shower. When I came out, all my spouses were awake, having coffee and the breakfast they’d ordered from room service.

I hugged every one of them, and asked if they were ready to start our new life. We sat down on one of the beds, all of us bunched together like a tangle of kittens. I touched the bottle and wished us inside. There was a black flash, and when I blinked, we were sitting in a sunny field, bare as the day we were born, all of our gear stacked up close by, right next to the Suburban.

“Well, shall we get started on our house?” I smiled, knowing that our adventure had just begun. David was already toddling off, chasing the swarm of butterflies that had gone past us. Daphne snagged him and came back to the group.

“Frankly, I’d rather see what kind of woman the bottle’s curse turns you into, hon.” Becca held me by the waist. I’d been somewhat dreading this moment. Would I be ugly? Attractive? Thin? Fat? Short? Tall? When she noticed my hesitation, Rebecca came around to face me and took my hands. “Come on now, it won’t be that bad, and it’s only part time.” I smiled and swallowed my nervousness. The others rejoined us, and we all held hands as we wished ourselves out of the bottle. Another black flash, and we were back in the hotel room. I looked down, and I saw breasts on my chest. I let go of the hands holding mine and I went over to the mirror and looked into it.

I was tall, for a woman, about 5’11”. Thin without being bony, but with a set of tits that looked rather large on my frame. Long legs, cute toes. I studied my face. Very little like Jackie’s. I had a heart-shaped face, high cheekbones, and my eyes were as hazel as they ever were. My co-wives and husband came up behind me and assured me that I was beautiful in their eyes. I cried, and they took turns comforting me, and re-welcoming me to the family.

A few hours later, I was alone in the hotel room. Everyone else was inside the bottle, building our house and the tower for mine and Jackie’s magical practices. I was alone, and I was female, and I was immortal. I laughed at the jest, and pulled on the clothes that Peter had made for me. I checked out of the hotel and turned in the rental van at the nearest facility, paying for the extra mileage. Finally, I got a taxi back to the mall, where I visited the Spells-R-Us again. The Wizard made me feel at home, being a gracious host.

“You look well, apprentice. Enjoying your first day as a woman?”

“Sort of. But now I’ve got to get some ID to make this life official.”

“Allow me.” He did a stage magician’s trick, and produced a driver’s license, birth certificate, and credit cards, all made out in the name of Jessica Dane. “The cards have all of the converted funds from your old funds, and you’ve got a class A rating. There’s a Dodge Neon in the parking lot that matches these keys.” He handed me the ring. “There’s also an apartment leased in your name in Phoenix, Arizona. You now have the wherewithal to do whatever you wish to do, as long as you continue to fix the problems caused by the Master PC. I hope this life is as happy for you as your old one.” I leaked a few tears, and kissed him on his whiskered cheek.

“Why have you helped me so much, Master?” I used the title out of respect. He smiled and showed me to the door. I nodded and started walking into my new life, the bottle containing the best of my old one stowed in a brand new backpack (enchanted so that it couldn’t be stolen) over my shoulder, and I waved good-bye to the Wizard. As I got to the door that led outside, I heard his response. “Because I love happy endings, too, my daughter.” I smiled at his care, and went out into the world.


This is a happy story, and I make no excuses for it.