Big Taboo

Chapter 1: Peeking In


The barbell groaned as it was pulled closer to the not-so-inviting ceiling; a grey and grimy textured plane of plaster with dark stains randomly bedecking it. It had seen better days, but that was years prior. Now it was just almost deliberately left to deteriorate with time.

The barbell contrasted the ceiling; a shiny steel-plated rod with equally polished weights commonly used by bodybuilders; heavy and firm, almost never feathery. The hands that held the bar had evidently been through some tough times, to the point that the skin was rough; callused and somewhat frayed to show the dried areas of blood.

Janet heaved, pulling the barbell up again for the fortieth time, her strength and focus unwavering, droplets of sweat only now just starting to form round the shapely yet muscular expanse of her body, after God knows how long a workout. The moisture seeped this way and that, between the cracks of her gym shorts-clad ass and cleavage, smiling softly at their respective rigidity pressing against the fabrics that helped retained her decency – something she cared very little for by now.

With a gentle exhale she racked the barbell and pulled herself up to sit evenly on the bench, her wide legs flanking either side to engulf it with their mass. The droplets of secretion flowed faster and more frequently now, practically acting as a small cascade of liquid gushing down her cleavage – or, admittedly, what was left of it anyway.

She looked around for a moment, taking deep breaths, at the shoddy excuse of a basement she called a gym. Sure, not all basements need to look nice and tidy, but when it’s a gym – a place considered by many to help boost ones strength, stamina and confidence – the least that could be done was help make the place appear pleasing to the eyes. That said; the sub-standard appearance of the basement wasn’t Janet’s fault, but Frank’s. He spent months rebuilding the basement into the gym it is now, used the weights for a few months, then left the place to gather dust, be forgotten.

Naturally, Janet just wouldn’t let that stand. She was raised by her parents to maintain everything she could, if at all possible, so it went without saying she used her nurtured mind to preserve the gym, which ultimately led to her using it in her spare time, much to Frank’s dismay, before going at it full-time.

“Another great workout” Janet declared contentedly. She reached for the lone white towel draped over the bench’s edge and proceeded to wipe herself down, feeling the cottony material glide gently across her arms at first, before moving onto her chest. The individual muscles there still bulged; popping up to the surface of her reddened skin; veins pulsing softly as the rush from the workout slowly ebbed away. “Must be bigger and stronger than Frank by now. I’ll be surprised if I’m not.”

Janet turned to the mirror behind her just as a hushed groan made itself known from somewhere in the room. Or at least, she thought it was a groan – the basement pipes were so old, it

could easily have been mistook for the central heating groaning itself to life.

Janet stood up in front of the mirror and struck a lat spread pose, catching the reflection of her vein-laden arms bulge, the singular beefy tendons pressing against the mother’s smooth skin, pushing out violently to only just touch her hips. Holding the pose, she retained the smile offered previously, obviously marvelled by how big and strong she had become over the past few months. There was no doubting it: she was bigger than Frank, probably stronger too. It was just a shame he didn’t share same level of admiration. Admittedly, he felt emasculated by the whole idea his wife was not only working out instead of him, but was also doing so with heavier weights. It put a tremendous strain on their relationship as a married couple.

The only person in Janet’s immediate family who ever offered moral support for what she did to pass the time was her son, Nick. He was an ever open-minded individual who always knew it would never hurt to try something new, unless what he tried, did, in fact, hurt him in the end. But other than that, he was a good-natured high-schooler who never got into trouble. Well, not with the law at least.

Janet changed poses, switching into an abs and thighs position. She beamed as her stomach rippled forth to form the washboard Frank was ever-envious of. Janet always said he could achieve a body like hers if he put his mind to it, but Frank had gotten lazy over the years. He wasn’t fat by any means, just not as active as when in high school where he first met Janet.

Janet’s hand glided gently over the stomach, her smooth hand contrasting the ridiculous rigidity of her core, where each abdominal strangely felt larger and stronger than the last.

“Abs of steel!” she called out triumphantly, suppressing the urge to giggle like the lively high-schooler she once was.

The groan came again. This time it was loud and came from a more specific direction: near the broom closet. Janet smirked knowingly as she turned her head towards it, knowing exactly who made the noises, but elected to play dumb, turning again into a side chest position.

The mother’s sports bra thrust out in tandem with her pec flex reflected tantalisingly in the mirror, batting her eyelids with mock lust through it at the broom closet before speaking. “If you’re gonna jack off to me…” She reached out to the broom closet’s doors and pulled them open with such they sprung free from their hinges, revealing the anxious Nick within. “…at least do it where I can see you.”

His sweaty palm clutching the veiny thickness of his shaft, Nick gulped. He was on the euphoric verge of coming to his mother’s bodybuilder-shaming beefiness, until she caught him red-handedly performing the shameful act. He was well and truly in for it now, and didn’t know how best to respond to what just occurred.

His guilty conscience filled him to the point where it felt like he would crack under the pressure of being stared down by his beastly mother.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” was all he could blurt out frantically, his hand still gripping his yet thick and bulgy shaft.

Janet glowered at Nick with a mock glower, arms folded to press her forearms up against her prized, wall-like chest. Her ears were filled with the soft sobs that escaped from Nick, while her eyes shifted down to his erection hanging above the underwear hanging round his ankles.

“You like these, huh?” Janet pulled an arm up into an obscene, vein-throbbing flex with a deliberate, toying grunt, thrusting a pillar-thick leg out in Nick’s direction so that his eyes saw naught but his mother’s sheer beefiness. Her traps flared, her neck engulfed with so much muscle, there was more of it than actual neck. “You like Mummy’s muscles?” Her tone was motherly, yet retained a degree of mock lust. At least, Nick presumed it to have a mocking tone.

He shifted his stance a bit, shuffling more to the right, as far into the closer as he could, but Janet followed suit, edging closer to him. Physically, in a sense, it appeared as though Nick wanted to escape his mother, but mentally, he was enjoying it; the simple notion of this massive woman so close to him after a workout, dressed still in her sweaty gear, caused his erection to stay prominent.

“Glad to see at least someone in this family is appreciative of what I’ve done to this body of mine: crafted it to perfection, moulded it to appear appealing to even young men such as yourself” Janet stated confidently, her eyes never leaving Nick’s bulge, watching it throb and bob as he feigned his shifting movements once more. “It’s a shame your father doesn’t share it the way you do.”

“But I don’t-”

Janet scoffed. “Don’t what? Find me attractive?” With a shameless smile she gripped Nick’s cock in her hand and squeezed. Its hardness was almost parallel with that of her overall musculature. “Your cock says otherwise, sweetie, even though it’s so small. I honestly shouldn’t be so surprised about that, though. After all, your father’s the same. I bet if I had one, my dick would be bigger than yours even without an erection. Heck, everything about me seems to be either bigger or just outright better than you already, don’t it? I lift heavier; I have bigger muscles; I pack way more food into this power-packed gut in a week than you would in a month!”

To emphasise her point – though there really was no need for it – Janet slapped her stomach and watched with a sadistic smile as her abs bulged and rose to the surface of her superiorly defined gullet. The clear-cut outline of a handprint soon emerged; red and distinct.

“And I doubt I’ll ever stop” she added.

Nick was horrified. How could his own mother be so demeaning to him? Granted what she said wasn’t exactly something a son would converse about with his mother, but still… it was horrible. Even so, she scooped him up, cradling him in her arms so his cock would press awkwardly comfortably against her chest. He fought for release, but two things acted against him: the fact his mother was just too strong, and that the arousal in his stomach was stronger than his faux want to escape.

“What’s the matter, sweetie? Don’t want Mummy to jack you off?” Janet paced through the room until she reached the weight bench, then sat on it like before, her trunk-like legs at either side, Nick sliding down slightly as a result so that his cock was wedged in her cleavage that acted like a vice – inescapable. She sighed. “You may as well beat off at every chance you get; you’ll be seeing this buff bod of mine for years to come, and it’s gonna get bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER!

Nick whimpered at the obvious truths laid before him: that his mother was right about everything she said, especially her declaration in becoming bigger – there was something particularly ultimate about that – and there was very little point in hiding the building lust within.

“Come on, sweetie. Come for Mommy. Show how much you really appreciate her!” Janet’s words were deliberately lusty, spoken softly as she worked Nick’s dick in her cleavage, the hard, stone-like meatiness of her chest rubbing violently against her son’s equally thick phallus.

He gasped as he finally did what was asked of him by his Herculean mother, spurting cum over her chest like mayonnaise over bread. At the end he pulled himself closer to Janet, resting his head on her shoulder.

“There. That was fun, wasn’t it?” Her voice returned to its familiar motherly tone; loving and considerate. She smiled, tearing her cum-stained sports bra free from her torso with one hand, reducing it to a pile of torn rags, leaving her cum-drenched, chiselled chest bare. “You know why I did it, though, right? To get the desire out of your system.”

Nick nodded as he stopped to process all that occurred. It went without saying that he did, in fact, find it fun, as painful as it was to admit. However, something gnawed at him. “But that thing you said about my, you know… dick being small-”

Janet laughed cutely, her smile emphasising her dimpled cheeks. “Oh, that was just me playing a part: being a dominant figure in the act. It’s something I used to do with your father.”

Relieved, Nick nodded, though he was surprised to find his mother had quite the dominant streak. “That was wrong on so many levels though, and if Dad were to ever find out…”

Janet nodded approvingly. She knew what just happened was, as Nick just said, wrong, but he didn’t exactly try to stop her, and she knew he enjoyed it. That said; it wasn’t like he could stop her. “I know, Nick baby. And we don’t have to do it again if you don’t want to.”

Absently squeezing his mother’s glutes – who played dumb to the fact – Nick’s eyes widened. “That doesn’t mean I didn’t enj… what I meant was…” He drifted off, effectively lost for words and not sure how to properly respond. Everything that just happened was, by nature, wrong, yet to him and Janet it felt oddly right.

She smiled. “I’m more than happy to let you see or touch my muscles, sweetie. Just…do it where I can see you, right?”

Nick nodded with a smile.


The Next Day…

Nick had trouble with his homework. It wasn’t that he struggled with doing it, rather he just couldn’t stop thinking about the shameful events that occurred yesterday; he just couldn’t stop thinking about his mother and her muscles. Every time he tried focusing on his studies, his mind shifted consistently to Janet’s beefy hand holding his cock tightly and compelling her bicep and forearm to bulge.

He drank some of his water in the hopes that it would help clear his mind from the twisted thoughts, but it just wasn’t enough. He mentally felt a hand – his mother’s – jerk his cock up and down in slow, deliberate movements, the all-too familiar fap-fap sound soon filling his ears. He breathed slowly, taking in the Spring air gusting through his window.

Soon, in reality, he felt himself awkwardly getting hard. At first, he presumed it to be a reaction to imagining the beefiness of his mother in a general sense, having always been attracted to muscular females, but soon came to realise the attraction was to his mother – period. Naturally, he was conflicted.

His bedroom door swung open to reveal Janet in a glitzy, sequined bikini, her muscles pumped up to their utmost – veins popping from her shoulders, biceps quads and calves – a bottle of oil held firmly in her hand. Nick presumed it to be a mind trick and blinked, but his mother still stood there, hair draped over her back.

“I sent your father to get some shopping for me – you know, protein mix and stuff – but…” she sauntered over to Nick with a grin, hips cocked to and fro with her movements before the bottle was placed on his desk. “…I need to get some oil on.”

Nick, understandably, was confused – but not in the way one would think. If his mother knewshe’d need the oil applied, wouldn’t it have been more sensible for his father to do it before he went for the groceries?

Little did Nick know that what his mother did was all deliberate.

He sighed, knowing despite his internal conflict he wantedto apply the oil. He gestured for Janet to turn her back to him, and watched as she pulled her hair over her chest to expose the full width of her back. It was all sweaty from the arduous workout she’d just finished. Nick had heard her grunts and groans of effort, lust and roars of anger earlier – another reason why he couldn’t keep his head straight over his homework.

“Just the back?” He slowly applied the oil to her lats, felt the golden liquid seep between his fingers at a leisurely pace, like honey dripping from a beehive. It was cold too, having been stored at the back of the fridge for the past few hours – it was like holding icy water. Nick hoped

he wouldn’t have to – but also deeply wanted to – oil the front of his mother’s freakishly meaty form. His mind ran wild for a brief moment, imagining taking the oil to her breasts – or what was left of them at least – and kneading her pecs. “Or maybe the front too?”

“I did an all-rounder workout today, so everywhere has to be gleamed up with oil, sweetie.” Janet knew that was what Nick reallywanted to hear, so didn’t mince her words. To stress her point, she flexed her left arm and watched her son’s awed expression show itself through the nearby mirror – it was priceless. Nick wanted to just drop the oil right there and then, and feel the bulbous arm his mother presented, but the task at hand had thrilling moments in itself. “You’re a grown man now, so I expect you to do my tits too” she added firmly.

Understandably, that certainly got Nick attention – his cock tented up slightly as a semi hard-on was revealed to both him and his mother, who giggled girlishly as a result. Nick covered it shamefully with one hand without thinking, and smudged the front of his jeans with the oil. Now he couldn’t tell what was more embarrassing.

“In fact…” Janet turned to face him, pulled into a lat spread so violently that their respective muscles visibly bulged and pushed outward and strained the bikini top. “Why don’t you just do my tits now, huh?” She flexed what little breast tissue she had left, watching the small globes of femininity bounce left, right, left and right again in slow, teasing motions. “Your father always leaves those to the end and it gets boring with the waiting. Maybe a softer pair of hands will make things more interesting.”

Nick noticed the much more sultry tone from his mother and knewit to be deliberate, not to mention the fact it worked on him. His hands easing in closer, he did as commanded and smeared a fresh layer of oil on his mother’s chest; in her inches deep cleavage, on her breasts and clearly erect nipples that tried to poke through her bikini top. He did it all willingly and without question as his mother watched with her smoky eyelids and smiled.

She turned her back to him again once her breasts were adequately oiled up and flexed her calves in an effort to draw Nick’s attention to them. “These next, hon, and while you’re at it… try describing them with words beginning with ‘E.'”

Nick knew his mother’s request to be strange, but not one he couldn’t fulfil. First though, he felt his mother’s calf and almost lost it – it took both hands to encompass the full size of it! “Let me see…uh, explosive…enthralling…enveloping…”

Janet moaned with pleasure, but Nick couldn’t tell if it was a result of his applying the oil or all the attention he gave her – Frank certainly didn’t give as much. She teasingly flexed her calf for both her and Nick’s enjoyment, and felt his fingers press hard against their bulbous, thick flesh.

However, having given into her base primal emotions and without giving even a hint of warning, Janet turned to Nick and stuck her tongue down his throat in a deep, passionate kiss that sucked the oxygen out of her son’s lungs, yet gave rise to boosting his erection that craned up and pressed against her naked thigh. Janet played dumb to her son’s response and continued to kiss. It was perhaps the most passionate one she’d ever given to anyone.

Eventually the behemoth mother pulled away and licked her lips suggestively before she spoke. “Keep that between us.” She picked up the bottle and headed for the door before offering a glance back, Nick watching from behind as her hamstrings flexed and flared in tandem with her steps. “Keep showing that though…” she added, referring to Nick’s erection. “…and it just might be more than kisses you’ll get.”

Nick wondered: could he keep the promise he knewhe’d already made? He also figured his mother had no real intention to be oiled up – it was all a ruse so she could kiss him as she did.

Not that anyone complained.

Janet closed the door behind her as she left.


Two Hours Later…

“Jesus Frank!” Janet groaned with frustration as her husband’s cock slid out of her pussy and onto his stomach, the man panting as sweat dripped from his forehead. “Don’t tell me you’re flaccid already?”

Frank was confused. He looked at the clock mounted on the wall and cocked his brow as the time was made known to him – 16:34. That meant he’d been at it with his wife for a little over three hours now. He reckoned he’d every right to be flaccid at that point. “I’ve came about four times already, Janet. What do you want me to do?”

Truth be told, the monstrously huge wife never felt her husband come once let alone four times, even though what he said was the truth. She pulled herself up from the bed and sat squarely on the edge, her feet pressed firmly on the carpet. She felt the material sift comfortably between her flexed toes as she sighed. There was no denying it – he just wasn’t doing it for her anymore.

Sure, Frank had his issues with Janet in that she was bigger than him, but it didn’t drive a wedge in their marital status. But if his inability to please her kept up—

She sighed again and contemplated whether she should tell him or not. But breaking his heart might not have been a good idea right now – God knows how he currently felt about his mojo deteriorating. Janet thought a couple of Viagra pills might help. Maybe – but for how long? The woman didn’t see any signs of her growth stopping anytime soon and her libido seemed to grow in tandem. If Frank showed signs of struggle now, how would he perform a few weeks or months from now? Eventually she would have to opt for someone younger…

Frank glanced at his wife’s cum-stained glutes rubbing against the bedsheets and was puzzled over how she couldn’t have felt him inside her. She felt the mayonnaise-like substance ooze from her ass, but only at the edge. Frank penetrated her consistently for the last few hours, yet the woman was unfazed by his efforts. That wasn’t to say she was entirelyunpleased – she spread her legs outward to let her pussy breathe and watched its thick muscles pulse. At least Frank was good with his fingers. But again, that would only last so long.

“Maybe your age is starting to show.” Janet turned to Frank solemnly in the hope that he understood what she meant. Of course he did, but frankly, he knew it to be absurd. Sure, he was forty-four, but his older brother was still going strong with his wife, so that ought to be a good indication on how the family’s health was like in the bedroom, right?

“My age is showing?” Frank scoffed as he pulled himself up to rest his back on the headboard. He knew there was something else to his inability to please Janet, not his cock failing. Heck, he still got a raging hard-on in the morning! “I doubt that.”

Janet shrugged, her shoulder muscles popping to the surface with the slightest flex. “I’m just taking an educated guess here, Frank.”

Frank leaned in closer to his wife, their respective widths humorously contrasted by their reflection from the mirror. He was almost like a toothpick in comparison with Janet – he was fit in his own right, but barely came to close to even half her size. He accepted it for what it was, though begrudgingly. “Maybe it’s something we can figure out together. I know we each have our different views on how you look, but it clearly hasn’t damaged our fun like now. So it hasto be something else, right?”

Of course, Janet knew exactly what that ‘something else’ was – that she had an unhealthy attraction to her own son; her own flesh and blood. But she couldn’t exactly tell Frank that. Not without creating problems with their relationship that until now didn’t really exist.

She turned to Frank and smiled. “Yeah, we’ll work it out – together.” Janet felt guilt fill her after she spoke those words, not knowing how she could possibly maintain two relationships, each of which had their pros and cons – her relationship with Frank was right – the healthiest – but the one with Nick would prove to be the most exhilarating given he was younger and had more energy.

But in all honesty, Janet couldn’t wait to get back with Nick again. She just had to think of an excuse for Frank to not be in the way…


“How fast are the effects on these pills?” Janet shook the pillbox at the store assistant with curiosity, hoping she could provide a more professional opinion on the drugs she hoped to purchase. Janet had heard stories from her friends that they worked well, while read online that they didn’t work at all, so her decision was clouded.

“I hear they’re the best on the market to-date.” The assistant made her opinion known to Janet long before she actually took a proper look at the rippling woman, so when she eyeballed the engorged brunette it was no surprise the smaller woman gulped in fear. She followed the outrageous vascularity on Janet’s left arm until it met her pumpkin’d shoulder large enough to be considered the same size as a human head! “Results are almost instantaneous,” the assistant squeaked in a mousey tone.

“Branadine – Make Sex Great Again” read the pillbox. Janet fought an internal battle with herself over whom to give the pills to: her loving of twenty years, or the outrageously sexual active young adult she had for a son. Both had pleasured her in their own unique way, but Janet vowed to herself that total sexual commitment was needed from the person she saw fit to have the pills. She read the back of the box for the usage instructions.

The possibility of one’s cock growing a whole foot longer was enticing enough for Janet to take the pills then and there, stashing the box into her shopping basket before strutting to the till, melon’d calves pushing against her leather heels. A cock that was well over a foot long would be enough to penetrate her to vaginal muscles. She’d have to test the pills out to be sure.


As planned, Janet tested the pill out on Frank later that night during their nightly fuck. The sex was good for a time – Frank was able to creampie Janet as requested – or rather ordered – before things started to go awry. Frank’s performance was eventually hindered by his growing tiredness. His cock and balls grew, but that didn’t imply he would last longer in bed, much to Janet’s disappointment.

Even, so she was ecstatic. When the behemoth woman woke up the following morning, she knew she had grown bigger following the sex, even if the sex wasn’t that great. Her larger frame was evidenced by the fact that formerly she barely eked close enough to press against her husband’s leg, but now that was a completely different story. But just how much bigger was a mystery yet to be solved. Frank was still asleep, much to Janet’s dismay, so to counter this and get her bigger framed checked up, she hounded for Nick to comply with her demand.

Nick’s first sight that warm summer morning was his mother staring down at him in a nightie so tight it was better off being a thong. The young man’s natural reaction to waking up didn’t help; he felt his powerful erection press against his sheets and it made him question whether it really was his morning wood or his way of being so pleased to see his gaping mother again. In any case, he pulled himself up and off the bed, revealing himself to be wearing naught but his tight underwear Janet bought him earlier in the week. His erection tented upward at a humorous curvature, much to his mother’s pleasure.

“At least someone’s pleased to see me this morning.” Janet tried to hide the disappointment in her husband’s lack of consideration for her, and his evident tiredness. Maybe if she didn’t spend so much time trying to ride him overnight things would’ve been different. She closed the door behind her and revealed the industrial grade measuring tape that measured up to several hundred feet. The gargantuan mother let the tape roll across Nick’s floor until it extended far as his radiator, stopping at six feet “I need measured again, sweetie. Would you care to do the honours?”

Nick complied without question, taking the tape from his beefy mother’s hand and took a moment to decide what muscle to first measure. But the decision was ultimately made for him as Janet brought her arm up into a flex so powerful the sleeve of her nightie burst and veins shot to

the surface of her otherwise supernaturally smooth skin; within the space of that short moment, Janet’s arm was caked in throbbing veins. “Arms first then,” Nick said.

He delicately wrapped the tape round his mother’s oversized arm, his mind running wild over just how large it truly was – without so much as a proper pump or workout beforehand, no less! It was as if two watermelons had been forcibly stuffed into the woman’s limb and the articles of food were trying desperately to break free from the confines of her skin, pushing to the surface and forcing her veins upward in a zig-zag formation. Nick’s already-imposing erection was heightened by this arousing displaying, distracting him somewhat; the veins literally moved at their own accord, snaking along the mother’s arm until they clustered together at her pumpkin’d shoulder. Eventually the measurement was made.

“Just a little over forty-eight inches,” Nick declared. Naturally he was left astounded by the revelation laid before him. He knew his mother was big, but not that big. Not that it was a complaint or anything. It was just— she was bigger than big: she was huge! Janet was pleased by the result, of course, although she’d hate to admit that a much more rounded number would’ve been preferred.

In any case, she continued. Slowly, Janet removed her nightie to reveal a wafer-thin pair of frilly underwear. They weren’t naturally that thin. Janet’s monstrous frame just made it look as though they were. Teasingly, she slapped her extended right quad and both watched it ripple with power and her son’s ensuing reaction; he gulped loudly as the thick slab of she-beef pulse with strength and vigour, prompting him to understand what was being inferred. Kneeling down on both knees, Nick proceeded to measure his mother’s quad dutifully, anticipation and curiosity both taking hold of him. He wondered just as much as she did how large her pillar thick quad was.

Same as her arm, the mother’s quad fell victim to an indescribable outburst of vascularity rising to the surface of her leg, pulsing feverishly as thick blue tubing quaked perversely in its attempt to roll down and invade her leg. Even the leg that wasn’t being measured at the time did the same thing; veins scurrying up her thigh to cluster at her hip. Again, it was distracting for Nick. His mother’s moans of immeasurable pleasure didn’t help.

“Fifty-six,” the son eventually managed to call out, the measurement burning into his brain. How someone’s quad could be so thick and large was beyond him. And yet, his mother boasted it in such a way that it was as though it were natural. Repeating the motion, she slapped her quad in a somewhat dominating fashion, grinning perversely as the unnaturally sized muscle flexed at its own will.

She was far from done.

Janet continued. She turned her back to Nick, making him stare at her freakishly beefy and defined hamstrings that flexed as she took her gentle steps forward to give her monolithic frame more room to breathe. Without as much as a word she pointed down to her calf, indicating that was next for measuring. Nick couldn’t think of a reason not to comply; the incredible meatiness of his mother’s heart-shaped calf was just too mesmerizing for him to do otherwise. Pulling his arm down lower, Nick wrapped the tape round Janet’s calf, taking an ever so brief moment to

eyeball the squirming veins surrounding it. He had seen some pretty big calves over the years – most of which, awkwardly, came from the guys in college – but Janet’s were a completely different story; not only were they larger, but also more defined – striations lined the muscular sinews to the point where it was argued the leg it adjoined to was even human. Then the measurement came.

“Fifty.” That was all Nick managed to say. That was all he really had to say – the measurements, one after the other, spoke for him. Janet took that proud moment of revelation to turn back to Nick with a smile. She was both pleased at and surprised by him, considering she never expected him to last that long before his load was blown, even if it was first thing in the morning. Considering that, she felt a reward of some notion was due. And an award she gave.

Pulling Nick in close, pressing him feverishly into the surging greatness of her granite hard chest, Janet rewarded her son with a passionate kiss akin to the one she provided the day before, taking his breath away every second it lasted, caring not it was with her own offspring. Sure, it was wrong, but it proved to be a lot more exhilarating than any peck on the cheek or full French kiss her husband offered. Janet was past caring and had been that way for a long time. And it didn’t seem like Nick complained either.

Nick pulled away when he felt something slip down his throat – a pill probably; it was small enough. He was of the mind to question what sort of pill his mother had that graced his gullet, but she offered an expression in return that seemed to indicate he should trust her. Nick had been trusting of his mother until now, so saw no real reason to suddenly feel otherwise. He was just ever so curious about what the pill did. And he would find out – sooner than he thought.

“I need you to fill the hole in my life. The hole your father fails to fill.” Janet glanced perversely at her son’s still prominent erection and smiled at its increasing girth. That wasn’t to say he was becoming more erect – not that he wasn’t either. Rather, his manhood was literally growing larger – permanently – as the result of the pill he was stealthily given. The length of Nick’s cock was growing so rapidly that it wasn’t long before his underwear was straining in its vain attempt to keep itself within the cotton confines of modesty. His mother didn’t want that, and it didn’t look like Nick wanted it either. Taking hold of his underwear, Janet effortlessly ripped them apart to reveal Nick’s pulsing, larger cock and balls. It must’ve been a whole foot long and several inches thick – like a steel rod. That pleased them both. Even though that was the case—

“You and I both know we want to take each other right now. But your father…” Janet hated the fact Frank was in the way of the insurmountable pleasure that would otherwise occur between her and Nick. She reminisced about the inner argument she had over whether to give the pill to him or Nick. But truth be told, things between her and Frank at an emotional level were dissipating faster than she liked. Not to mention the fact Nick was naturally bigger than his father even before the pill, anyway. “Maybe I’ll come tonight. In more ways than one.”

Nick nodded with a grin, his larger erect cock pressed against Janet’s thigh. There was no denying he was eager for what would come later that night. He’d just have to endure the long wait until then. But he was also half a mind to ask if there was any point explaining to his father how his cock and balls were bigger. After all, he always was anyway.


The waiting for Nick throughout the following day was arduous, knowing now, at night, he would be welcomed by the inhumanly muscled sexiness of his mother eager to fuck him. He couldn’t keep his mind off the idea that Janet was ready and willing to plough him hard – even if she was his own mother. Neither of them, though, cared about that. Ever since Nick was jerked off by her in the basement gym, he was instantly attracted to Janet – and she him. Now that the fateful event came, Janet was ready to test the new girth of her son’s cock, brought on by the penile enlargement pills she bought the day earlier.

“I know I’m extra thick and bulgy down there, but…” Janet parted her pussy lips with her fingers, feeling the muscles of her genitalia flex and throb at will, whilst she watched Nick stare at it nervously. He wasn’t that sure how it could do that – flex without Janet having to command the bulgy beef to do so – but he barely cared. The web of veins patterning her genitalia was hard to miss. “…you’re extra thick and bulgy too, so I don’t think there’s going to be that much of a problem, sweetie.”

Nick’s erection intensified when Janet scooted forward slightly so her shadow-casting bulk engulfed him, blanketing him in a jet black silhouette of her crazy beefiness. Every ounce of her was welcoming. His cock brushed against his bent thigh, eking ever closer to the face of his knee. His mother watched soundlessly with a shrewd grin, before shamelessly taking his cock in her hand.

“You got a condom?” She ran her thumb along the length of Nick’s meat, tracing the one thick vein that travelled across his shaft. The pills she gave him definitely worked; his cock must’ve been at least a whole foot longer than his father’s now, having somehow grown slightly afterthe pills wore off. Janet was almost past waiting for the inevitable moment that would ensue between them both.

“No.” The worry in Nick’s words made him panic slightly. He was so caught up on his eagerness to fuck his mother that he failed to oversee every detail. Worried his failing to get a condom would dampen the moment he’d waited for, Will’s erection diminished somewhat.

“Good.” Janet started stroking Nick off at a snail’s pace, her palm always an inch or two away from his meatus before she pulled her hand down to his impressive sack. Every stroke coerced the woman’s bicep to bulge and tighten, blood coursing through the massive ball-shaped mound of she-meat, veins thicker than Will’s own coiling in all sorts of directions; up, down, left, right, sideways— “I’d hate to punish you for even thinking it was a good idea to put one on.


Since he was now pumped up with enough to do so, Janet positioned her waiting pussy above Nick’s cock and slid into him, letting out a soft moan of pleasure as his impressive thickness penetrated her vaginal walls. Her husband Frank had long tried to do the same thing, but always seemed to fail. Nevertheless, Nick managed to do it on the first try. She thanked him; leaning over him, the mother urged herself forward to passionately kiss Nick as she did after he last measured her. Her vaginal muscles were clamped down on his dick so he couldn’t move, but

the kiss he was just offered goaded his erection to push deeper into Janet, flexing perversely inside her power-packed six-pack gut!

“Fill me up, sweetie.” Janet took advantage of Nick’s development, thrusting forwards, backwards, up, down, left and right in her inevitably successful intention to make him blow his load. It would take time, but eventually it would come – as would they both. Flexing her fifty-plus inched arms for him to see, Janet endeavoured to arouse Nick even more. “Give me what your father can’t.”

And it seemed to work too! As Nick flexed his monster cock deep inside Janet’s gut once again, he could feel a certain pressure mounting already. It was too soon, he thought. But it didn’t look like Janet minded. After all, it was what she wanted. In any case, he sought to cap his load for now, putting his mind and eyes on her piercing eyes that stared down at his, her long mane of brunette hair swept over her mushroomed lats and shoulders. Everything about his mother was just so huge, it was inescapable; when he turned his head to the right where his posters were, he could still his mother’s surging, balloon-sized tits jiggling in tandem with the motion of her thrusts.

“I need you to look at me, sweetie.” Janet took a firm hold of her son’s comparatively tiny head and turned it towards her so all he saw was her. There wasn’t a single droplet of sweat dripping down her gaping beastly frame. If anything, it was just more muscle than before and a constant layer of throbbing veins close to bursting. “I need you to fill me. You have my permission.”

Permission – that was all Nick really needed from his mother before he even considered blowing his load. Sure, he knew he was going to have sex with her, but he didn’t know the extent of the plan until now. The aroused male initially went with the assumption that he would pull out just as he was about to cum. But now it seemed his cum was what Janet was after.

So he obliged without question, releasing his pent-up load into her, releasing a moan of pleasure as his seed was expelled. From the corner of his arousal-induced blurred eye he watched Janet’s gut expand as his load filled her like a drum; muscle and skin both stretched and grew to better accommodate the unexpected expansion. That it may have been, but Janet’s responding moan of pleasure only made it seem like it was the right thing to do. She pulled out of Nick as his expelling came to an end, standing so her now-ballooned gut hung over him, gurgling disgustingly as his cum travelled inside her. Nick watched as with contention his mother hobbled over to the wall-mounted mirror and smiled. Her muscles bulged and throbbed in such a way that it looked as though they were about to burst from her skin!

“Thanks for that, honey. I feel like I could put your load to use.” Janet rubbed her cum- filled gut with the smile still painted on her face, before she suddenly crunched down into an abs and thighs pose. Will watched from behind with equal parts horror and arousal as the cum in his mother’s stomach slowly but noticeably faded away into nothingness, before her muscles soon started surging with size, growing at an absurd rate. The gurgling still sounded, but came from the woman’s veins as they started growing thicker and developing anew, birthing from those that already existed, in tandem with the increasing size of her beefiness and tits.

After a moment, she turned back to Nick, her muscles, breasts and pussy grown anew; larger and stronger than ever before. With it came a renewed level of arousal that forced the woman to shamelessly rub her vein-caked clit right in front of Nick.

“Ready for a display?”

“D-display?” Nick questioned.


After Janet made her statement about some kind of display, Nick spent at least ten minutes after she seemingly randomly left trying figure out what she meant. It was torturous in a sense, leaving him to scratch his head in confusion whilst the behemoth mother crept downstairs for something, commanding him to stay put beforehand.

Be that as it may, it didn’t take long before Nick’s confusion dissipated and his mother shed more light on her original comment – in the form of two comically large melons plucked straight from the back garden. Each melon was easily twice the size of Nick’s head and tucked squarely under each of Janet’s even larger arm. There was a large towel also draped over her mountainous shoulder. At least, it was supposed to be large – it was almost tiny compared with Janet’s overall beefiness. With a simple shrug of her shoulder the towel slipped and unravelled evenly across the carpet. Nick was connecting the dots, knowing where his power-packed mother was going with this.

One melon placed carefully on the bed so as to be safely out of the way for what she was about to do, Janet took the other into the crook of her arm with glee, watching Nick’s anticipation from the corner of her eye. She didn’t say anything – she didn’t have to say anything; what she was doing pretty much spoke for her. Soon after, Janet flexed her bicep inwards with a playful grunt, pressing the beefy she-meat of her arm against the edges of the fruit. While she did flex, there was barely any effort put into it, and yet— the pinkish juice from the watermelon soon seeped from the insides, its green shell cracking and splitting down the middle faster than an egg.

Eventually the watermelon split in half square down the middle and dropped onto the towel, on which a damp patch of juice formed at the middle. Janet took the success of her undemanding feat as expected; wordlessly and seductively she licked the watermelon’s juice from her bicep, making sure to suck on the peak like it was a rigid dick. Like Nick’s.

As expected of him, he felt his naked erection pulse with anticipation when Janet eyeballed the other watermelon. She spread her legs apart and wedged the watermelon deeply against the waiting, throbbing mass that was her pussy, and then winked at Nick knowingly. She knew they were both going to enjoy what would follow, but the difficulty lay in knowing whom would do so the most. Janet continued her endeavour while her son still watched, pushed her pussy muscles outward so that, bizarrely, they grew and flexed round the watermelon until it was swallowed whole by the woman’s genitalia! By the end, it looked as though she was pregnant with triplets.

But it didn’t stop there. Somehow Nick just knew that.

Same as when his cum filled her gut earlier, Janet crunched down into an abs and thighs pose with a slight laugh, as she could already feel the watermelon deep inside her break down into smaller pieces without any, let along much, effort, forcing her already inhumanly defined and sized frame to grow once again, much faster than earlier. The arousal that came with Janet’s expansion was understandably too much to bear; her reasoning sensors shut down, she forced Nick to his knees and thrust his face into her rippling, self-flexing, watermelon-scented clit.

“Make Mummy scream, baby.”

He struggled for breath as he rather reluctantly licked his mother. He wanted to do it, but also didn’t since his energy was close to being non-existent. Even so, Janet continued, as did her growth; she couldn’t help but let out a small moan of pleasure as her clit grew and flexed round Nick’s face like with the watermelon, trapping him in her waiting, bulging genitals.

After a moment of unwillingness, Nick was released from his mother’s grip, pulling free and slumped to the carpet panting. When his breath was gathered, he looked up at the menacing behemoth who was his mother wordlessly. She bowed down into a crab most muscular, barely a drop of sweat gracing her thick meat.

“Good boy. Seems I’ve raised you well.”

All Nick could do was nod. In the space of twenty minutes he’d creampied his mother, watched her grow bigger twice, went down on her, and sucked the watermelon juice from her rippling snatch. He was rendered speechless by it all. Not that he complained. He remained silent when Janet stroked his cheek, fighting the urge to stroke him off again.

“Keep this between you and me, of course.” She pulled her arm up, listening to the seventy-plus inched mountain of meat goad itself in a flex. “Wouldn’t want your father to find out, would we?”

“Uh-huh.” That was all Nick managed to say. He silently eyeballed his mother gather up the chunks of the first watermelon and the soaked towel before heading to the bedroom door.

When the door opened, however, she surmised it was necessary for her to squat and turn on her side slightly to leave. Even so, chunks of the door’s panelling still cracked and split off as she left, playing deaf and dumb to it while shamelessly eating the chunks of watermelon as she crossed the hallway.

Nick blinked after he peeked round the corner, still processing all that happened. His erection was only now just starting to soften up. Then his mother spoke again as she reached her bedroom:

“Oh, Fraaaannnk! Time for Round Fouuuurrr!!”


Two nights had passed. Admittedly, Nick anticipated visits from his mother during then, but it was not to be. Instead her dominant streak broke out, ordering him to do his best at holding in his load until she saw fit the perfect time to release him. If he failed, she would instil the full might of her strength unto him as punishment. For once, he couldn’t decide which option was better. But—

His sister Zoey was coming home the next day from a college trip. That would not only make things difficult for Nick, but Janet as well. It was bad enough the mother and her son had to keep their secret from Frank, but now Zoey would need to be spared also. Be that as it may, Nick had some problems of his own.

“Whatever you do, just don’t tell her what’s going on between us.” Nick had never seen his mother act so frantic before. He thought she would’ve been this way when they slept together, but clearly her moral standards weren’t exactly finely attuned. He watched her slip into a nightie that purposefully revealed her long, trunk-like legs and bloated, beefy arms. Before their intimate moment, Janet would never have let Nick see her change clothes, but he’d spent the last few minutes staring at her naked godly form like it was something he saw every day. Well, technically he did. “When your father returns with her, don’t speak unless spoken to.”

Surely Janet was being just a littleoveractive? Nick completely understood the matter of not letting his sister in on the fact he was sleeping with their mum, but he had problems of his own in not telling Janet he’d already previously slept with Zoey! It was a one-time mistake, right? It wasn’t his fault he was attracted to muscular females any more than it wasn’t hers for liking being muscular. He tried to push off, resist, but his vain, pathetic attempt at that was what aroused Zoey even more. She always liked weak guys, after all. And before long, they locked lips. Then one thing led to another…

So, Nick had two secrets to keep.

“Damn it.” Janet was so big, she was struggling to tie her nightie; bloated she-beef spilled out the back of it in heaps as she frantically gestured for Nick to help her. He silently complied, moving in to tie a knot. Now that he was closer to her, Janet spoke again in a more hushed tone. “We’ll tell them both eventually. Right? It’s the right thing to do.”

“Of course.” Nick was worried about what would happen once that news had broken.

More so, he was worried about what would happen between him and his mother. Would they stop messing around with one another and just move on with life as deemed by society? Or was what they had been doing on a nightly basis for quite some time their idea of moving on? How would the rest of the family take it? Specifically, how would Nick’s father take it? He wasn’t exactly performing so well in bed as before, unlike his son who was in his sexual prime.

“Or maybe we’ll just run off together, you know?” Janet looked at Nick with a pleading, almost desperate expression, as if her suggestion was what she truly wanted. But Nick knew better. There was always a third option. “Someplace in Italy, I think. Think about it though. You’d be with me and my muscles all day, every day. The things we could do together without anyone interfering…”

Nick didn’t know what to say. It was impossible to deny even the slightest flicker of temptation he felt. He could say no, but that would break his mother’s heart. Everything he’d done with her recently was undeniably wrong, but there was something about breaking her heart that made them seem petty in comparison.

“We’ll see,” he said.

There was a slight rumble of stone from outside as the family car pulled into the driveway. The uncomfortable knot in Nick’s gut only tightened at that moment, knowing he’d be between two gorgeous musclebound women in his life, both of whom were unaware that they were each intimate with him.


When Nick saw his sister for the first time in two weeks, his first reaction was to gulp nervously. Zoey Had always been thicker and stronger than her older brother after she turned thirteen, but he had no idea just how much of a difference two weeks could make. She stood ahead of him with a warming smile, two thick blonde pigtails draped over her even beefier back covered by a shirt she’d tied over her impressive bosom so as to reveal her washboard abs that Nick was clearly envious of. That, plus a pair of pink striped tube socks snugly covered her monster calves that evidently screamed for release.

Conversely, when Zoey first saw her brother after those two weeks away, outside of that warm smile the first thing she did was slightly panic, remembering how they parted before she set off for her college trip. There were plenty of cute guys there – even some nice girls, too – that she had a fair amount of intimate sessions with at night, but admittedly, she just couldn’t stop thinking about Nick. She looked at him with a slight sense of pity; either he was weedier than normal, or she’d just gotten all that more buff. In any case, she was eventually drawn to the impressive bulge in Nick’s pants. He’d clearly grown bigger down there since they last saw each other, that much was certain.

Janet moved in to hug her daughter, smiling as a mother ought to when impressive by her daughter’s latest gains. Nick could hear the hug, or rather, the muscles within the females’ lats as their arms pressed in against them, fighting and pulling at the material of their respective attires; the back of Zoey’s top gently tearing at the back in tandem with the flanking splits on Janet’s nightie.

“How was your trip?” Janet pulled back to examine her daughter’s increased width, hands squeezing the evidently pumped biceps the young blonde possessed. Nick cocked his hip to the one side, trying to hide the slowly but surely developing erection blossoming in his jeans, all while eyeballing the vein-crusted biceps Janet seemed fond of. “Good I hope.”

Zoey nodded. She would’ve responded more considerately, but the trip back home was arduous – a four-hour flight followed by a three-hour drive. The only upside to that was the fact she was picked up her father. But given she’d grown somewhat over those two weeks; a new

problem arose in how to get into the car without damaging the frame.

Behind Zoey, Frank evidently struggled to bring his daughter’s suitcases in. She had offered to help, but he was insistent in doing it himself. ‘You deserve the rest,’ he said. Even though he now regretted those words, carrying the luggage back into the house was giving him quite the workout; Zoey had several suitcases, each with a different weight. That was to say, their collective sum of weight was equal to Zoey’s body mass. When he set the last suitcase down, the first thing Frank did was crash out on the staircase to recoup, sweat dripping from his brow.

“It isgood to see you back in one piece,” Nick said with a grin. Zoey turned to him knowingly and acknowledged her brother with a nod. Of course, Nick was only truly happy to see his sister return in safety because he knew he could now sleep with both her and Janet. The issue that now arose was being able to juggle both relationships without the other knowing.

“I’ll say.” She couldn’t deny the sense of relief in being back with her family – with Nick. Sure, the gorgeous blonde didhave fun with her friends at the trip, but there a deep longing for a certain cock filling her. She just hoped it was still a secret between her and Nick, and that no-one else had taken her place.

The clock struck midnight. And with that Zoey’s yawn synched. It was such a simple motion, and yet, her neck and traps flared with she-beef; rippling and pulling under her sweaty, smooth skin. All that travelling had taken it out of her, and in spite of trying to stick with the contrary, tiredness soon set in. Janet was aware of this first, and being the mother that she was, pitied her daughter.

“Someone needs to hit the hay, wouldn’t you say? We’ll talk about your trip tomorrow, huh?”

Zoey rubbed her eyes, demonstrating just how tired she really was. The girl was always a fighter and wanted to stay awake just a little bit longer to mingle with her family—but her bed called. Nick saw this as a positive sign that he could perhaps continue intimacy with his mother for at least one more night. Signalling the brunette goddess with a knowing wink, he set off upstairs to his bedroom in eagerness, trailing behind his bodybuilder-shaming sibling.


The clock struck one. Nick had anticipated Janet to have come in and ravage him by now, presented in a boner-inducing pose. He tossed and turned in eagerness, in the hopes that his mother would take him on the ride of his life, the defining, final fuck before they would resume life as normal, now that Zoey had returned home. But it wasn’t to be, apparently. Zoey’s unexpected return had actually thwarted the couple’s plans to go at it one last time, making Nick feel a great deal of upset fill his gut.

His erection that blossomed in expectation for Janet to please him would have to be dealt with some other way. The way a man usual deals with an erection when alone. Pulling his underwear down over his ankles, Nick watched his budding erect cock pounce up at him, throbbing with hope, an empty hand ready to take and stroke it. He’d done it often enough on his

own to self-teach him edging. That way it would last longer. He closed his eyes to picture Janet at the bed’s edge, crawling up at him to gobble his manhood in its long, hard entirety, rivalling his father’s.

But then that visualised fantasy was figuratively ruptured as Janet was replaced with Zoey, before their respective large forms relentlessly switched back and forth – Nick just couldn’t make his mind up over whom he preferred. Not that it mattered much, considering—

“Save that for me” came the voice.

Startled, Nick pulled up to rest his back on the bed’s headrest, looking around the bedroom to see where the voice came from. It was familiar, but neither his tiredness nor arousal offered much help. Maybe his stimulation was just playing tricks on him? Hopefully that was the case. He didn’t want to think someone would be weird enough to hide in the dark and watch him jerk off. Or would they?

Then they came out of the dark— Naked. Buff. Blonde. Zoey. Unbeknownst to him, she’d been watching Nick for the better half of five minutes. Despite her evidently abnormal bulk, she still retained her mouse-like quietness, which she boasted when she started advancing forward, closer to the bed. Her steps were silent, never applied strain to the floorboards, despite the rippling, watermelon-thick calf meat.

“You know, it’s exciting how you’ve managed to make your cock grow while I was away.” The mystery in not knowing how her brother managed to make his genitalia grow aroused Zoey more than she thought it would; before she even reached the bed, she was already rubbing her pulsing clit. “Did you do that just for me? I am getting real thick down there, you know.”

On all fours, the behemoth blonde crawled up the length of Nick’s bed, making sure to flex her calves when she finally reached his manhood. She’d waited weeks to come back to him, and now that they were together again, Zoey couldn’t decide whether to savour the moment or just get right into it. In any case, Nick was having a dilemma of his own: it was difficult on its own to maintain a secret relationship with his mother, and now Nick was suddenly starting to remember how teasing his sister could really be.

“You know, I screwed a couple of really big guys during my trip.” Zoey hastily took hold of Nick’s cock without hesitance, measuring its thickness in the space of her hand. He’d grown; he was much smaller in her hand the last time she jacked him off. She just couldn’t place how he grew. It certainly wasn’t in his genes. After a teasing flick from her thumb, Nick’s cock bobbed to and fro for a moment before she sloppily spat on its tip and massaged the dribble down his shaft, coaxing it. “But they certainlydon’t hold a candle to you, shit.”

Nick didn’t know whether to feel appreciated for the compliment his sister made or focus more on the fact she was willing to be so open about how many guys she screwed when away. That, plus he had to pretend he didn’t like the BJ she was shamelessly giving him. She feigned a gag, pulled in and out repeatedly to assess his thickness, and flexed her powerful throat muscles and tongue to coax even more girth.

Nick realised even now he still hadn’t spoken a word. He didn’t really have to – his body, as usual, spoke for him. Despite that, he felt compelled to speak. He opened his mouth in preparation for whatever words would come out, but—Zoey put a hand over his mouth in objection. Keeping him quiet was more of a tactic than desire – she didn’t want anyone to know what was going on between them. She hushed him.

Zoey’s next tactic was perhaps her most audacious. Taking her brother’s cock, she thrust it into the tight hole of her ass, caring not if he was wearing a condom. The last time they shared a moment like this, his semen burst out over her washboard abs and pecs. She didn’t protest it, either; having took his load and lathered it into her cleavage. Now, though, she practically begged for a creampie.

Her hips rocking to and fro, she spoke again in a more sultry tone, her quads flexed and pressed against Nick’s twig-like legs, trapping him. Her thrusts quickened as she could tell from Nick’s breathing alone that he would soon come. And she was clearly willing to take it. “Just ride it out, Nick. Fill me.”

And then he did. Without so much as a warning, Nick released his days-long pent-up load into Zoey’s steely ass, coating it in a thick, white, almost mayonnaise-like liquid. It dripped down the edges of her cheeks and stained his sheets. She moaned in tandem with his release, bringing herself forward to give him a deep, passionate, thankful kiss that he was not so in protest of as one might think.

“Now, that’s a ‘welcome back’ present I could get used to.” Zoey lowered even more to bring herself into a spoon position next to Nick, her tree-thick left arm cocooning his full waist. “I’m so glad I’m yours.”

Nick understandably gulped with nervousness. Things could very well spiral out of control if he didn’t sort things out between Zoey and his mother. It was bad enough he was sleeping with one of him. But both? Could he really juggle both relationships at once, or would he have to focus on one? And if he hadto take sides, who was better?

He snuggled up next to his behemoth sibling in the hopes that she offered some kind of supernatural guidance. But all that happened was his cock was guided up against her naked palm. She smiled knowingly.

Unbeknownst to Nick, he was being watched from behind the door by a pair of jealous eyes…


A warm wetness engulfed Nick, prompting his eyes to flutter open. The sun’s glow caressed his cheek as birds tweeted from the open window. Just from that image alone, he had a feeling it was going to be a good day. He could feel it in his bones. Then the gagging sound filled his ears.

Zoey laid atop him in the bed sheets stark naked, giving him probably the sloppiest blowjob she could. That wasn’t to say the babelicious behemoth blonde lacked experience in that act. It was just-she knew how Nick liked his lollipop being handled.

“Really, already?” He blinked as his eyes finally adjusted to the brightness, watching her continue with the strokes, doing so at a snail’s pace. Nick wasn’t exactly protesting against what his younger yet larger sibling did. He just didn’t expect it to happen so soon.

Zoey’s mouth pulled away from his dick, allowing its thick rigidity to slap off of his modestly muscled stomach, which was still nothing compared to hers, much less his mother’s. Zoey’s blonde locks swept across the one side of her chest, bringing Nick’s attention to her yet- thicker chest. “Well, I had to get your attention somehow. What better way to do that than by giving you a sloppy BJ?”

It wasn’t so easy to notice at first but Nick was sure Zoey had grown bigger now. That was to say, more so than she looked before they engaged in their not-so-right shameless act last night. They didn’t enact in actual sex whatsoever, but she did take his come in a lengthy handjob. It made Nick wonder if Zoey grew overnight as a result of her taking what he had to offer.

She peeled away from the bed with a groan, the bed’s frame creaking in protest against her unnatural bulkiness, ass cheeks teasingly clenched to flaunt her 90/10 muscle/fat ratio’d glutes. before long, she clocked the wall-mounted mirror and just couldn’t resist striking a pose or two: a front double-bicep at first, then with a faux grunt, pulled into a crab most muscular, eyeballing the thick veins on her upper body pushing to the surface of her smooth, velvety skin.

Nick looked at his throbbing erection with pity, eyes following the curious thick vein running across the shaft. He was close to releasing his load before Zoey pulled away to pose. It practically begged to have the mounting pressure released. He looked at her solemnly. “Aren’t you gonna finish it?”

Zoey couldn’t stop herself from offering even just the smallest of chuckles. She didn’t mean it in a belittling sense, rather she just knew Nick would respond so predictably, as all men did. “I only did it to wake you. I’m pretty sure you can finish yourself off.”

While Nick was saddened by her response, he understood Zoey. Besides, he was fairly certain she would sneak in one night and do more than giving him a blowjob. Nick just had to make sure his mother didn’t know what was going on between him and Zoey. It was bad enough he was already screwing her too.

Zoey moved into performing pilates side kicks in an effort to work her hamstrings and thick glutes. It was working marvels, to say the least. Her muscled clit throbbed with every kick, pulsing energetically. it wasn’t long after the third kick that she felt the muscles in her legs starting to thicken and roil with a gentle dose of growth, prompting her to release the gentlest yet most aroused moan she could. Naturally, that got Nick’s attention. His erection intensified, forcing itself upward against the fabric of his underwear, practically edging close to bursting through it, it was so thick and long, both from the erection and the increased girth of his dick following those pills he took a couple of nights back.

“Maybe if you’re a good little big brother I’ll pop by later tonight and give you a right good screwing.” Zoey teased her brother further by pulling her arm up into a flex, watching his eyes glaze over the sight of its magnificent peak rise like a mountain, a solitary, river-like veins moving across it. “Starting with a nice, slow bicepjob from my huge, rippling, powerful and thick bicep.”

That did the job. Long before he realised it actually happened, Nick released in his underwear, forming a dark stain in them. Neither he nor Zoey were disgusting or shocked by the result, given it was both to expected and rather desired. Nick didn’t even care about the stain on the sheets, either. All his attention was focused on Zoey’s tire-sized bicep.

“But right now…” she jumped up from the floor like a mole from dirt, calves rippling gently as she landed squarely on her feet. A hand firmly holding the door handle, she smirked. “…this babe’s gonna do a fasted workout just for you.”

Zoey didn’t give a damn about the fact she was going to do her workout completely naked. Otherwise, it just meant less of her crazily defined physique was on display.

Nick smirked. There was no doubt about it. This was going to be a good day.


Now washed up, Nick was prepared and ready for the day ahead and whatever it would throw at him. Somehow, he felt more confident today than usual. Maybe that BJ from Zoey had something to do with it, or perhaps the good weather affected his mood. It didn’t matter much how he was confident, only that he was. Sure, the issue of how to handle both relationships with Zoey and Janet still dwelled in his mind, but it wasn’t as prominent as usual.

Then the voice came from the hallway.

“Sweetie, can you come here for a sec?” Gentle strained groans came from Janet’s bedroom behind the closed door. So she hadn’t yet gotten ready for the day like her son did. Instead, she started her day with something that required a bit of effort. Deep down, Nick hoped that it was she happened to be working out to some degree.

He opened the door slowly at first, honestly anticipating to see his mother’s ripped naked form turned from him so he could see her gargantuan muscles from the rear; bloated heart-shaped calves sculpted to perfection supported by quivering hamstrings and a rocky latissimus dorsi with an even thicker neck.

He was half-right.

Janet was in the position Nick hoped she’d be but not naked, instead, her frame was covered in a glitzy bikini that was appealing to the eyes just as much as the burgeoned muscles the mother boasted. That, plus she was working out, specifically doing bicep curls with perhaps the heaviest and largest dumbbells Nick had seen her use yet! Where the hell did they come from?

“Yeah, what is it?”

Janet placed the dumbbells down gently, her forearms quivering to emphasise the squirming arm meat she religiously trained, fed and practically forced to grow. Silently, her back was still turned to Nick even as it flexed after a quick perfunctory shrug, loosening up a bit. This worried him, of course.

“I’ll get straight to the point, darling.” Janet turned to face him, her oversized shoulders fidgeting as the gentlest dose of growth came over them. She felt and heard it but appeared casual as if something, for once, more important was on her mind. Her hands now pressed firmly to her hips, she felt the same growth travel downward to her pumped arms, welcoming the new developing size. She could tell it turned Nick on – it always did – but that was beside the point. Her face turned stern, throwing him off-guard. “You’ve been sleeping with Zoey, haven’t you?”

Nick didn’t know how to respond. His mother was right, of course, but how could saying anything help him? If yes, Janet would scold him the only way she knew best – by bear-hugging him – but Nick wasn’t exactly a fan of being near-crushed to death. If no, she would know he was lying, which was just as damning as being silent.

“How long’s it been going on for?” Janet was once again met with silence, which irritated her. Her son’s muteness only implied he was doing the deed behind her back longer than she’d cared to like. She folded her arms disdainfully, watching Nick’s worried eyes trace their bulbous veins as if their respective throbs hinted at how provoked she was.

Janet tried to keep a clear head. Zoey was buff and Nick clearly liked buff chicks, so she should’ve seen it coming a mile away but didn’t. How could she have been so stupid?

Then Nick saw it.

At first, Janet’s bikini bottoms seemingly started to tighten around the powerful mound of flesh that was her clit all by themselves. They stretched, pulled and spread across her thick pussy until the thickest, most muscular camel toe imaginable started to appear. It went without saying this display turned Nick on. Then the lips of the mother’s pussy gripped the fabric of her bottoms and went at them as if to eat them.

“I want you to seriously reconsider what we’ve got going here.” Janet could feel the fabric of her bikini bottoms finally start pulling themselves into her rippling cunt. Nick watched with disbelief and Janet just smiled back at him. He really should’ve expected nothing less from her by now than to be this powerful down there.

A wet squelch came next as the mother’s love juices soaked her bikini bottoms, still being consumed by her pussy, flexing the fabric in and out of it every so often to tease him. And before long a definitive snap came, tearing the bikini bottoms apart like paper before the remains fell to the floor with a thick splat.

Janet giggled like a girl as Nick watched her naked, muscled clit throb and flex like the rest of her muscles did before she picked up the soaked remains of her bottoms, and gave them a right good sniff. It was orgasmic.

Amazed by the sight that occurred before him, Nick was blinded by his mother placing the dripping undies on his head, making sure the wetness region rested atop his nose.

“A little something to remind you how things are between us, sweetie.”

Janet pulled in to give Nick a drawn-out kiss, practically sucking the air from his lungs as her tongue dove down his throat. He was pretty sure he felt it wiggle and flex every so often before she finally pulled away. But the mother wasn’t finished yet. Taking Nick by surprise even further, she gripped his balls and squeezed, frowning at the fact she knew they were empty.

“Make sure you’re full, come nighttime.”

Nick nodded in agreement. So his mother knew his secret. But did Zoey know hers? Hopefully not. But then, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing if she knew. Threesomes were awesome, after all.

“Good boy.” Janet offered another, more motherly kiss to Nick on the cheek before returning to her workout, this time basking in her evident nakedness, making sure to flex that orgasm-inducing ass of hers to tease him.

“Get a real good look at it, kiddo. You’ll be spanking it tonight!”


It wasn’t often Nick’s mother asked him to accompany her outside, during the late hours of the night. He’d grown increasingly worried about her over the last few days, given they hadn’t slept together since that night she found out Zoey had a piece of him too. Frankly, the anxiousness had severely impacted the passionate performances with his powerhouse sibling as well, which, in turn, made the blonde doubt her attractiveness to him. Maybe she was too small for him now or—Heaven forbid—too large.

Nick yawned. He wouldn’t have much to protest about if Janet had the decency to do whatever it was she was going to do, at an early time of night—midnight proved to put considerable strain on the younger gent, especially when it was a college day he’d wake up to. “What’s this about, Mum?”

“Shhh!” Janet was purposefully naked but Nick was too tired to take proper notice of the fact, his eyes groggy and half-open. He only mustered enough willpower to see his mother’s desire through from the promise of ‘something exhilarating’ if he complied. An interesting incentive indeed, but it would sound more like bribery to more wakeful ears. Janet’s monstrous quad muscles bounded and flared with her every supposedly delicate step closer to her desired destination: the family car, the concrete slabs heading towards which most definitely cracked and split as a result of her powerful, weighty mass. “Gotta do this quietly—don’t want to wake anyone up.”

Janet held firmly in her hand the winch hook that came with the family’s 4×4, moving as far out of the driveway as the cable would allow, stopping rather suddenly in the middle of the cul-de-sac, giving her plenty of room for what she was about to do—whatever the hell that was.

Nick watched from the front step. He was starting to wake up now, which proved to give him enough sense to question just what his behemoth mother’s intentions were, standing out in the freezing cold be damned.

“Mum, why are you here? Why are you naked?”

“Quiet. You’ll see in time.”

Despite being a considerable distance away from him, Nick could still hear his mother’s dulcet tones, still motherly and quiet as ever, clearly defying her otherwise inhuman size. In spite of being impressed by that fact, Nick worried her blatant shameless nakedness would cause disruption amongst the neighbours. But Janet would probably be self-confident enough to not care and just shrug the comments off. She was just as invincible mentally as she was physically—if any form of comment would come her way, they’d be ones of jealousy.

Janet’s eyes narrowed as she postulated about perhaps the most important aspect of her goal, looking steadfast at the car. The problem though was she wasn’t exactly the best when it came to accurately calling to mind the weight of such a vehicle. Frank knew more about that but it would be a bad idea to wake him. Hopefully, knowing the ins and outs of the car rubbed off on Nick.

“How heavy would you say the car is, sweetie?”

Nick was confused. He didn’t quite understand how that was important to any of this— whatever this was. In any case, he felt compelled to at least take a guess, not knowing how things would turn out for him if he didn’t, given his mother was still somewhat angry over the recent revelations. He’d hate to irk her more. “I dunno. About thirteen-eighty kilos?”

Then what Nick saw next, truly shocked him.

The winch’s hook was gone in mere seconds, swallowed up by Janet’s mighty pussy like it was nothing. Nick could see its outline bulge within her stomach as she seemed to flex her genital muscles slowly at first, with deliberate, passionate moans. He jerked forward in his want to rush out and stop his mother, but that was before he heard the metallic groans beside him. Nick knew his mother was strong—far stronger than him—but to be so strong that she could drag the full weight of their car with just the sheer strength of her pussy alone—was something that really got him hard.

Inch by inch the vehicle moved forward, ever failing to resist the godly mother’s power; grunts of pleasure and sporadic laughs of excitement came from her as she reeled the bulky thing in further and further out to the street, caring not for her evident nakedness. The wheels didn’t

even roll forward to help the woman in her feat, making it all the harder for the woman to perform it—not that she complained. The winch’s cable was eaten up by her cunt inches at a time like it was a piecemeal, nought but a strand of thin thread consistently yanked forward. She could feel her clit throb, lusted after the violent flexes and tightness that increased with every pull.

“Enjoying it sweetie?” Even from the considerable distance, Janet saw the evident erection in her son’s underwear, tenting up eagerly. Good—that was the kind of reaction she hoped to get out of him. There was still a bit to do though—still a bit of flaunting to perform. Grunting, Janet flexed her clit as hard as she could, willing to strain the very muscles within to help achieve her piece de resistance.

Then Nick saw it. It wasn’t enough for his mother to pull the car forward with her pussy, she had to lift it too? And it all looked so easy for her; every flex brought the vehicle at least an inch up from the cracking ground, metallic groans ringing powerfully in Nick’s ear, warbling as the 4×4 finally met his mother’s pleased gaze. She released her grip on the winch, sighing with arousal as it slipped out of her clit soaked in love juice. The awed gazed from Nick was that truly made the gargantuan woman smile. She sexily sauntered over to him, her louder steps consistent with her obviously heavier bulk.

“Who do you belong to, sweetie?”

Nick wasn’t stupid—this was a trick question and he knew it. Besides, after that display of epic proportions, he’d certainly go turncoat just to witness more of the same. “You. Definitely you!”

“Good boy.” Janet smirked. So everything she did—from the moment she woke Nick up, to hoisting the car with the incredible, possibly unmatched power of her cunt—worked out perfectly. With a shameless smile the mother gripped Nick’s erection tightly. “Now let’s go put this to use.”


Nick and Janet’s groans were loud and lusty but neither of them cared, didn’t give a damn if their pent-up arousal and sensuality gave rise to waking Frank and Zoey. If anything, Janet was of the mind that perhaps it was time her doting husband found out what was going on behind his back. His own son was more a man than he ever could be—in more ways than one.

“Oh sweetie, you’re even thicker than last time.” It was amazing how Janet was able to maintain even vocal tones and a coherent conversation in the face of her being energetically reaped in the clit by her ever-loving son. She held her legs up to allow his thicker meat more room, the repeated slaps rhythmic and consistent with her aroused breaths. “Whatever did you do?”

Nick’s response came in a deliberately sensual manner, never faltering in his rhythmic thrusts and pounds, caring not for the condition his bed was in. It was years old anyway and due to be replaced by something sturdier—something he and his goddess of a mother could both share. “I took three of the dick pills when you weren’t looking.”

Oh god—” To Janet, Nick was a king in the sack, penetrating her vaginal walls in ways she never thought possible, rubbing her erect nipples as his meatus flexed inside her. Frank couldn’t do that. Then again, there wasn’t much of anything he could do to please his ever-growing wife. Most or all the duties of a husband fell to Nick now—and Frank had no idea.

“Come here.” Janet pulled Nick down to engage in a make-out session of epic proportions —one which Frank would certainly be jealous of—allowing their tongues to dance and twist together in erotic manners both would come to learn from one another. The smell of one another’s breath meant absolutely nothing to them, only their parallelled arousal and appreciation did that. Even as it still maintained its thrusts, Janet reached for Nick’s bulging dick to grasp— quite literally—how much thicker it had become over the last couple of days. She knew one thing to be a certainty: neither his own or Frank’s underwear would help fit what he had to offer. “My, my. You really are a big boy. No—you’re a man now. My man. My big, strong, thick man.”

That did it. Those ever-so-erotic words that slipped from Janet’s lips were what made Nick lose his load. It had been pent-up for days, so the mother knew exactly what she was getting into. It flowed consistently, funnelling spurt after spurt into the waiting mother’s genitals that lapped it up like a dog would water. She could both feel and see her own son’s offering bulge and flow into her, steadily making her six-pack gut swell outward with all the sensual liquid. This was all so much more than what Frank could offer over several months, yet to Nick, it had only been a few days.

Lusty blindness took Nick, darkness covering his eyes from all the thrusting and surprising amount of energy the bursting took from him. His dick still inside her, He sloppily collapsed atop his mother’s beach-ball gut, who petted his cheek lovingly with a smile. It was adorable watching him snore like he did; it was hotter knowing what he was now capable of in the sack.

Perhaps it was now time for Janet to let her insufficient dope of a husband in on the big secret she and Zoey kept from him all these weeks. Oh, the reaction he’d give would be priceless for sure.


Nick was happy he could finally have some time to himself. That wasn’t to say he didn’t enjoy the sensual ping-pong with his mother and sister. He would never tire of that. It was just – he couldn’t exactly remember the last time he just sat at his desk and played games on his PC. It felt like weeks but was probably months. The fact he struggled with remembering his password certainly didn’t help. Was it NickBoy_95 or something else?

He got lucky with NickyBoy_95 and sighed with relief as his desktop wallpaper appeared – a bikini-clad big-breasted blonde, back when he hid his lust for muscular women, back before he and Janet had their first racy encounter in the basement gym. Back before his life changed, for better or worse. He played some Tetris at first to help wake his brain up, even though he was never really any good at it, always getting stuck by the fourth or five line. Still – at least he got to playing it. He remembered the last time he and Zoey played a multiplayer match of it before she set off for college, then remembered the day they slept together, and the night she came back all jacked up and beefy.

Nick’s dick lurched at the memory, tenting up in his pants so fervently it was like they would burst at the seams. As much as he liked his “moments” with her, this was one of those rare times when Nick wanted to think of something other than his dear, beefy sis. It didn’t really matter what, so long as it wasn’t a blonde slab of

muscle who coddled and sucked him off on a daily basis.

He sighed dejectedly.

The torrent of emails Nick had was, frankly, embarrassing. Sure, he could’ve checked his phone to keep tabs on them, but Janet was stickler for making sure their lovemaking was entirely uninterrupted, and by the time he was free, tiredness came over the poor guy. It was an endless, constant cycle too. As usual, most of the emails were a bunch of scams. No, he didn’t want a mail-order Russian bride, nor did he trust the validity of that Nigerian prince offering him five hundred pounds. It was all just a bunch of—

“Shit. Shit. Shit.” He rolled his eyes. He began to wonder if there was really any point in returning to his PC, if all there was to do was sort through his stacks of scam and spam emails. He had more interesting things to do, more meaningful people to interact with.

One email stood out from all the rest though, at the top of the list, meaning it came in rather recently. An hour ago, actually, at ten o’clock. The depressing thing was it came from his grandma Ada, whom he hadn’t seen since the sex with his mother and sister started. The email’s subject line was certainly interesting, like the hook to a book: Some Developments.

For some reason, Nick rushed to open the email even though he had no idea what to expect. It could’ve just been about developments in her love life since Nick’s grandfather left to bonk a woman far younger than him. At any rate, Nick was interested. He got to reading the email carefully, like going over the lines of dialogue in a play he’d been cast in.

Hey kiddo, hope all’s well with the family. Just sending one of these email thingies letting you know how I’m getting on since your grandpa left. You know I took the news hard at first, but you were all there to help see me through it. I thank you for that.

‘Your mother and I have been keeping very close since then in our weekly meet-ups. She tells me you’ve been particularly “good” with her of late since your father’s failing in that regard. Incest, I think they call it.’

Nick stopped reading. He felt there was a need to, considering his grandmother knew what was going on behind closed doors at his home. Guilt filled him, knowing how his grandmother often reacted when bad things happened. He even considered deleting the email right there and then, but it wouldn’t remove the memory of having read the first few lines. That was cemented, seared into his brain at this point, forever part of him.

However, he did muster enough courage to continue reading.

‘Don’t worry, I won’t tell. I can’t blame you for wanting to pork a woman as muscular as she is, your mother or not. And Zoey too? You naughty little boy. I even hear you’ve grown a bit yourself over the months! You’re, what, fourteen inches long now? Without an erection? That would make you significantly larger than your grandpa, sweetums. And you’re young yet, so there’s no reason to think you have to stop growing. There’s no secrets with me, boy. I know everything about you now.’

‘Speaking of secrets, your mother’s been sharing a few of her own with me.’

When Nick scrolled through the email further, the revelation that came with it hit him like a brick to the face. His grandma had enclosed a JPEG of her in a glitzy purple bikini, barefooted and buff beyond belief, arms big as watermelons swollen to the point where their veins just might burst like water hydrants, salt and pepper hair draped over her barn door back, the room’s mood lighting emphasizing the collective beefiness on display. Nick felt his dick lurch again, becoming more erect in mere seconds. He never thought he’d be attracted to his own grandmother, but that was ironic in the face of the fact he was sleeping with his mother and sister.

He continued reading the email, specifically the string of text directly underneath the photograph he got hard over.

‘This is me after a month of training and dieting. I’m eating around five hundred thousand calories a day, training five times a week for six hours a day, and my sleep time has drastically cut down. I’ve also been having sex for far longer. Pat Hughes, the poor soul had no idea what hit him a few nights back. I have little to no intention on stopping since it’s just too much fun.’

‘The chances are you’re getting hard from all this and no doubt have your hand in your pants. Again, can’t say I blame you. I had some fun with myself last night, you know. But we’re not done yet.’

Nick had to resist the urge to whip out his cock and jack off to the leathery slab of beef who was his grandmother, as much as the desire to do otherwise was strong, but that last sentence was a powerful hook.

‘I knew you’d get hard over me, so set up a Camable account so we can chat later tonight. Look for AdaSwole70. Who knows? I might even give you glimpse of my rather beefy snatch 😉 Make sure you’re wearing your tightest pair of boxer shorts – I

really want to see that cock of yours bulge! If you’re lucky, I might flex hard enough for it to burst out of them!’

She ended the email by enclosing a JPEG of her underwear that appeared oddly dark at the crotch. That certainly got Nick a little harder, but he’d trained well enough to keep himself from coming, at least until he was told to do otherwise. He was particularly lucky to already have a Camable account, owing to paying for live sessions with other muscular girls months earlier.

It was just a matter of waiting now.


Meanwhile, Janet was preparing what had to be her fourth protein-crammed breakfast that morning, the first two of which came in the form of an especially tasty BJ and creampie from Nick. The need to wear clothes was starting to become more a trivial matter than a necessity, owing to her continued growths. The smell of mushroom hung high in the air, delicately wafting to her nostrils, exciting the gargantuan woman – quite literally.

Zoey sat close by, texting someone. Her shoulders alone outgrew the chair she sat in, so it was by sheer luck she could still sit. It wouldn’t be long before the smell traveled upstairs and get Nick’s attention, if it hadn’t already. Even if it didn’t, the two powerhouse women certainly would.

Nick’s father Frank sat at the opposite end of the table staring intently at his daughter’s bulging six-pack, more in utter shock than admiration. How was it possible for her to become so muscular in such a short time? It had only been a few weeks since she returned from college, yet she’d easily tripled – potentially even quadrupled – in width. Every breath she took, no matter how gentle or heavy,

caused her abs to push out and throb like they tried to force themselves free from her skin.

Frank had become aware of his wife and daughter’s special arrangement with Nick just by being smart enough to connect the dots: it had been months since Frank even simply slept with Janet, let alone porked her; Janet had become increasingly more affectionate towards Nick, who literally had the bigger pair of balls in the family, so naturally, he was the alpha male now. It might seem a little depressing, not to mention morally wrong, but Frank wasn’t going to argue with someone who could probably crush him into submission.

Nick appeared from the hallway, and the first thing he was graced with was a chuckle from his mother. It wasn’t condescending, rather something he expected considering the circumstances. She looked at his erection quite intensely, almost close to staring at it before coming out of her trance-like state, mustering the strength to speak. “I see your gran’s email got you going.”

Nick couldn’t resist the temptation to flex his cock in agreement, the sheer size of his manhood forcing the fabric of his underwear to almost strain and pull, press against the front of his jeans. He could even hear it a little. Frank was jealous, to say the least. In time, he would only become more so. “She seems pretty eager to get a look at me, so we’ve arranged to chat on Webcamable at seven.”

Janet was pleased to hear that. She just hoped Nick wouldn’t forget he was to be shared amongst the family, not exclusive to any one member of it. Her mother Ada could be quite greedy at times. Janet also supposed Nick would want to keep his load until then, which saddened her dearly – admittedly, she hoped Nick would want to—

Zoey burped loudly, interrupting the moment. The burp wasn’t necessarily rude in the mother and son’s eyes, but— “HNNNNGGGHH!” Her shoulders popped out of her top, bursting the seams as her deltoids rolled with growth, rumbling lightly as she tried fighting the swelling, exciting sensation filling her. Veins pushed forth, bringing themselves into the burning sunlight— the spurt of growth certainly was exciting in them.

Predictably, Zoey’s growth compelled Nick’s dick to lurch and stiffen even more, audibly straining his underwear. If it weren’t for the jeans covering them, he’d have noticed the slightest of tears showing his shaft. Frank didn’t feel the same way though, contesting the display with deliberately loud infuriated grumble.

“What’s the matter, Dad?” Zoey raised her arms into a triumphant, almost belittling flex that forced her shoulders to rumble with growth yet again, although not as powerfully. Even so, it was still enough to twist the knife in her father’s back. She followed up with puckered lips. “Jealous?”

Jealous: of course Frank wasn’t jealous. He knew all-too well what his family was wrong in every possible way, even if it didn’t stop them from seeing it in an entirely different light. Frank wasn’t jealous, he could live with the kissing and incestuous sex so long as it didn’t go too far. “You can fuck each other all you want, don’t mind me. More power to you if you do. Just don’t get pregnant.”

Frank shuddered at the thought of being the grandfather to Zoey’s kid through her brother. It wasn’t unheard of, but certainly didn’t offer any benefits to them or the baby. Frank understandably found the potential case of his own wife carrying Nick’s kid even more frightening, like something out of a horror movie. A devil child. Still – it was more a nightmarish thought than reality.

Janet slapped two forms down in front of him. Truthfully, he thought this was one of those rare moments in life where his wife was going to divorce and leave him, but there was no pen handed to him to suggest something needed to be signed. They were already signed, one by Janet, the other Zoey. No, it wasn’t a divorce paper. Rather, something much worse.

A pregnancy test? No, two of them? Frank tried understanding where his gargantuan wife was coming from, but had no idea he’d already connected the dots without realizing. at least until the last minute. It struck him like a knife to the heart; painful & gut-wrenching, like his insides had been ripped out. He wasn’t going to be a grandfather to Zoey’s incestuous kid with Nick. He was going to be a grandfather to hers and Janet’s through him!

Frankly, Janet didn’t care what her husband thought or planned to do with the revelation made to him. Maybe if he performed better in bed she wouldn’t have to carry her own son’s child in her belly. Not that she didn’t like the idea anyway.

Nick had become frozen from all this news. He was going to be a father? It was always one of his goals in life, but didn’t expect it to be through his own mother and sister. All those nights banging clearly caught up with him, making the guy wonder where he truly stood in this grand equation. Would he cut and run, inform the authorities of his sins? Or would he do the right thing and be the father he was, frankly, destined to become?

Janet knew this news would be hard on him. She’d been a mother twice already, so knew what to expect, would take his hand and help him through it. Things would be different for Zoey though. This was her first pregnancy, and through her brother

no less. Normally a girl would be emotionally scarred by this revelation, but she was ecstatic, like it was a hope she had.

“Don’t worry about the doctor telling anyone, sweetie.” Janet held a finger to Nick’s chin, bringing his eyes up to meet hers. There was so much truth to the woman’s words, one would even suspect her of pathologically lying. Even so, she smiled in such a way that her neck bulged. “Let’s just say he won’t be pissing straight for a month.”

Like his son, Frank was still trying to figure out where he stood in all this, a flurry of emotions and thoughts hazing his mind. A part of him wanted to scream in anger, pack his bags and leave, but— looking at the behemoth woman who was his wife made him think twice. The least he could do was pretend the kid was his when visitors came by, and that Zoey’s was through an old boyfriend in college who left – or something. They would figure it all out in time.

Janet looked up at the wall-mounted clock and smirked. Six-thirty. That meant Nick only had half an hour before he’d have to chat with his grandma. Admittedly, Janet felt a tinge of jealousy fill her, wanting to take Nick for herself, but her delicate condition would prove a hindrance surely.

“Sweetie, it’s almost seven. Knowing how long it takes you to shower, you’d best do it now. And make sure you wear your tightest underwear when done.” Janet pulled Nick towards her and stuck her tongue down his throat. Zoey wasn’t the slightest bit annoyed or jealous of the display, unlike her father. In fact, she just might’ve gotten a little wet from watching, seeing her mother’s tongue literally bulge and roll down her son’s throat, fighting for air before she pulled him free. “That’s a father’s kiss you got there.”

Nick straightened up as best he could in spite of his hindering hard-on, venturing for the staircase. Then the realization came back to him: he was going to be a father. He was proud of that.


It didn’t take Nick long to find his tightest pair underwear. Ironically, it was the pair his grandmother bought him for Christmas last year. He tried other pairs on just to be sure, but the navy blue extra stretchy nylon boxers were destined to be worn, carefully taking his new girth into account. He was lucky they still fit, even if being tight was purposeful.

He logged into his Camable account and immediately caught eye of the contact request from his grandmother; AdaSwole70. There’s was just something about the name that made his dick tingle. He paused to think for a moment, trying to mindset for whatever kinds of events that would surely follow. Anything could happen, from them just talking one-to-one, to her baiting him into masturbating by flexing. It was a minefield of possibilities – unpredictable.

Nick didn’t expect his grandmother to already be on, as if she’d been patiently waiting for him, nor the noticeable changes in her appearance. She wasn’t any bigger than in the photo, but her hair had been dyed a vibrant shade of blonde dangerously close to Zoey’s. She sat the computer in a bikini not dissimilar to the one in the photo, with the exception of a more stand-out shade of purple. Nick could feel himself getting hard already, so deliberately thought about horrible things to keep him flaccid.

In spite of his efforts, Ada didn’t waste any time.

“I’ll be frank here, kiddo: I’m not here to chat, but for a thrill.” She adjusted her

seat, her weight compelling the wooden frame to groan in protest. It seemed even that was enough to excite both her and Nick; her nipples gently poked through the bikini’s fabric, whilst he reached for his cock, only to pull his hand away at the last minute. Not yet. “So thought we could play a little game. I call it the honesty game.”

The honesty game? Nick hadn’t heard of that before, but then, was too interested in other things to care about that. Wordlessly, nodding in agreement, he watched Ada adjust her bikini to allow more of her chestacular beefiness be shown.

“The object of the game is simple: I ask a question, and if I’m right, you stroke your cock at least thrice and I flex.” Ada knew Nick hearing the game’s rather simply instructions were enough to get him going a little further and faster, but she wasn’t finished yet. “But if I’m wrong, you have to resist for a whole minute. Keep your underwear on though. Fail, and I’ll end the chat. We clear?”

Nick caught onto the last string of instructions being a tad strange, but was eager to comply with them nonetheless. Not only that, he was pretty certain he’d ejaculate regardless. “Uh-huh.”

Ada smiled. Let the game begin.

“You’re hard right now, aren’t you?”

Nick obviously couldn’t lie about that. Even if he managed to say the words, his actions would betray him; gentle sweating from his brow, heavy breathing, his cock bobbing with excitement. There was only one logical thing to do: three strokes, slow and gentle. Ada followed up with a bicep flex, forty-five inches of mountainous mass packed onto the frame of a seventy-year-old woman, a network of veins gliding across her arm, thick and full of energy. Three strokes became six.

“You wanna feel these mighty muscles of mine, right?”

The sixth stroke was followed by another three, deliberately drawn at a slow pace to prevent the fun from coming to an abrupt end, even if the thought of feeling Ada’s muscles did, in fact, burn its way into Nick’s mind. He could feel his cock nip from the build-up of semen slowly rising within. In fact, he could even feel his manhood violently push against the fabric of his underwear, start tearing it at the sides! Ada followed with a pec flex so epic it compelled her bullish neck into involuntarily do the same.

“You wanna oil me up, kiss my muscles – my lips?”

By the eighth stroke, Nick was starting to drool, but his mind was too numbed by the desirous intention of oiling his grandma up to notice, the fabric of his underwear tearing even more, started showing his visibly bulging balls of steel to her, who returned the favor by flexing her muscled clit under her bikini, eating away at it. The rhythmical rolling of her deltoids was what Ada offered in return, visibly pushing themselves out wider and thicker!

“You wanna put yourself inside me.”

It didn’t come down to a ninth stroke. Instead, Nick’s cock literally tore through his underwear before a torrent of cum burst from it, launching upwards to paint the ceiling, smudge his face and chin, and stain his desk. By the time he’d managed to process just what happened, Ada stained her bikini bottoms in a similar fashion rather violently, the outline of her pussy muscles implying they throbbed with excitement.

“You might want to work on resisting, kiddo.” Ada’s advice seemed to fall on deaf ears, as she noticed Nick was still rather out of it, and his cock still throbbed. He still did rather well, considering. Watching him slip into a slumber, she wondered maybe he’d do much better next time.


“Are you absolutely sure you should be doing that, given your state?” Frank’s words might’ve been coated with concern, but a layer of disdain was neatly hidden underneath them as he watched his wife repeatedly suck Nick’s balls, drawn slowly and with passion not seen from the woman in years – at least from him. She was naked, knelt in front of her equally undressed and well-endowed son, her throat muscles bulging and flexing in tandem with each suck. “Think of the baby, Jan.”

Frank brought his attention to Janet’s pronounced gravid stomach with unmistakable worry flashing in his eyes. The doctor said it was a strange case of rapid development, but just how ‘rapid’ was a mystery in itself. Frank tried to piece the puzzle together, dug deep into the cause of his wife’s state. Was it the dick pills? Did they have a part to play in how the family’s life had changed forever, for better or worse? No, it couldn’t have been because Frank used them too. And given his manhood hadn’t been up to par in recent months, he’d used double the recommended helping from the get-go.

Nick shuddered with ecstasy, gripping his mother’s cartoonishly large shoulders for support as he came in her mouth, who welcomed his offering like a prized gift, her muscles suddenly bursting larger as a result, her ballooning weight bearing down on the floorboards. Four times that day she’d had asked to empty his balls, each time he was ready, willing and able to partake. It was as if they never seemed to drain – another closeted reason why Frank resented him. When done, Nick’s cock casually slipped out of Janet’s mouth and greasily slid down her chest before its respective muscles clenched and held his manhood tightly, taking it prisoner.

“Thanks for lunch, babe.”

Janet knew using ‘babe’ to describe Nick stung her husband’s heart. But truth be told, Nick was now one more than his father ever could be. The hardcore sex with Janet and Zoey helped sculpt his body into one Frank was truly envious of. He watched his wife stand up and finally face him, her husband. At least, he was in title. Everything the man of the house ought to do had fallen into Nick’s lap. If anything, Frank was just an extraneous presence in the household. Sure, he supplied income for the every expanding needs of the family, but that was all.

Janet stroked her belly covetously, watching the child within her shift, move and gyrate as Frank watched on in what could only be described as horror. Whatever pregnancy his wife was going through, it certainly wasn’t natural. Or…maybe it was for a woman such as her. The existence of females muscular as Janet was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. She and Zoey might’ve been the first of an entirely new breed of woman, Frank thought. No, that couldn’t be right either – their body chemistry couldn’t just start changing, could it? Then again, before the pregnancy started taking shape, Janet was already growing muscle at an abnormal rate. Zoey too.

“To answer your question, Frank: I think you’ll find…” Janet groaned lustfully, the unmistakable trickling of drool oozing from the corner of her lip as her abs pushed outwards to grow and better house the child she was destined to bear for Nick, each abdominal thick as a stone slab shifted with it. “…my baby’s going to be okay.”

Frank didn’t know what to think. What exactly caused the growth he just witnessed? The supernatural seed Nick spilled into his mother’s waiting chops, or did the baby itself have some sort of correlation with it all? As if things weren’t crazy enough.

As Nick slipped into a pair of jeans that were edging close to being too small for his manhood, Janet looked sideways into the mirror. She thought the doctor was half-right. Her child’s development was faster than natural pregnancies, but he had no idea it was more so than presumed. Simply put, Janet wasn’t going to give birth within the next few weeks. The next few days would be far more accurate. Of course, there was the possibility the added girth was due to her having just swallowed nearly a gallon’s worth of semen. Frank continued watching from behind, unsure of just about everything, the question of where exactly he was positioned in this immoral family of his swirling around his head.

He was just about to cut in and protest when his mobile buzzed. A text message from Zoey: glass of orange juice, Daddy?


There was no denying it now: Frank was a slave to his family’s ways, as much as he wanted to deny it. The unflinching sense of hatred and disdain for those he cared took precedence, burned brightly even as he poured the orange juice into a glass. Ironic how he was angry and yet still complied with his daughter’s wishes. It was almost as if there was the slightest semblance of willingness within him. However long that would last, though, was a mystery.

Zoey laid out on a deckchair contently, taking in the first rays of Spring sunshine. It seemed even in her delicate condition she was somehow able to oil her body up from neck to toe, every muscle bristling with quantities of power perhaps unknown even to her – she was a mystery caked in oil. With bright blue eyes she watched her father place the glass down onto the nearby table, his legs apparently shaking from what could only be described as nervousness. Whatever did he have to be anxious about?

Frank eyeballed Zoey caressing the burgeoned swelling that was her stomach as a mother would, a delicate finger tracing the odd thick vein traveling down it. To call it a bizarre sight would be an understatement in itself, but Frank’s entire family was bizarre, so it was all a norm for him. He was by no means an expert on pregnancy, but was damned sure the child inside his daughter wasn’t supposed to move the way it did, nor grow so quickly as it had over the last few days.

Zoey smiled at her father shrewdly – she’d seen that face from him more than once. “What’s the matter, Daddy? Jealous of Nick’s big cock?” Taking a sip from the glass of juice was strategic on Zoey’s part, giving her father that brief moment to feel the dull back-stab she just gave him. He was jealous of his son’s bigger meat but that was all. He wasn’t like the rest of his family; he wasn’t immoral, knew the difference from right and wrong. Zoey knew this to be true, but that didn’t stop her from prodding her father’s emotional wound once more, rubbing her squirming belly for emphasis. “Or maybe – maybe – you’re jealous of Nick because he put this baby in me and you didn’t.”

“No!” Frank’s response was strict and true. He had no latent desire to father a child with his own daughter. Conversely, it was no secret he wanted to be a grandfather, but wasn’t desperate for it to happen. It was just unfortunate he had a run-in with bad luck given the present circumstances with his wife and daughter. “I don’t know why you would even think that.”

“Your loss, Daddykins. I’ve gotten pretty good at riding the pole, y’know.” Zoey didn’t care about the debauchery she displayed in front of her father, teasing him with gentle clit rubs, the respective muscles pulsing energetically to the point where they pushed against her bikini bottoms, threatening to burst!

That his own daughter was making blatant sexual advances to him apparently wasn’t enough. From the corner of his eye, Frank saw her belly squirm again, his grandchild shifting its form to make itself more comfortable in the caring confines of its mother. Zoey took advantage of her father’s evident unease, yanking his shaky hand to place it atop her stomach and get a good feel at the growing entity within her. Even to the touch his daughter’s pregnancy wasn’t normal. Her belly was too hard, too…strong to be classified otherwise. His eyes grew wide as saucers upon witnessing it shift upwards slightly for the slightest of moments before settling again.

“It’s hard to explain, but…I can feel myself becoming slightly stronger every time she grows.”

Frank kept his hand over Zoey’s belly, oddly marveled by the surprising hardness it retained in spite of her state. It wasn’t long afterwards her abs began to take the shape of a roid gut; barrel large and distended, the unmistakable roils of beefy stomach flesh pulling and tugging violently as her child moved again.

“Any day now, Daddy.”


Frank retained a sense of hope his day couldn’t get any worse, but he was often wrong about that kind of thing, so watching Janet do crunches in the kitchen ought to come as no surprise to him. Yet his heart sank. That his wife was working out didn’t bother him so much as the fact her stomach seemed to shrink even just slightly with each passing second, bringing her abs closer and closer to their former cheese-grating magnificence. Eventually, it looked like Janet wasn’t pregnant at all!

“Where’s the baby?” Despite being weirded out by the nature of her gravidity, Frank couldn’t help but feel worried for the safety of the child his wife would bear. He knew it was unwise for Janet to be working out so vigorously, yet she did it with such passion. There wasn’t a hint of glistening sweat from the burgeoning woman’s frame. She wasn’t even properly dressed for working out, draped in a skin-tight cherry red blouse.

With boundless energy, Janet quite literally jumped onto the balls of her feet in response to her wary husband, her calves rippling in sync with the near thunderous motion, cracking the tiles. She loved it when he worried; he was cute that way. Such a shame he was flaccid though. Every light breath emphasized her power-packed chest, a curious pasty-white liquid oozing from the cleavage as she smiled. “Here.”

Like Zoey only a few minutes earlier, Janet grabbed Frank’s hand and guided it gently to her eight-pack. He was envious of her muscularity, there was no denying that, but knew Janet’s stomach was significantly stronger than the rest of her. Then he felt it, saw it. Was it a foot or an arm? At any rate, it moved so fervently, Frank’s fingers parted in response to the surge in girth.

It wasn’t enough that Frank had to see that happen. It took him a moment to notice, but when he did, it was as if ice had frozen him over, rooting him to the floor as his wife’s blouse little by little ripped and teared as her belly swelled until the cottony confines of her red garments burst like confetti, revealing the squirming in all its unnaturalness, pushing Frank’s arm back further. Janet couldn’t hold back the groan that came with the feeling of her belly finally being freed. It was almost orgasmic.

“I can feel myself becoming stronger too, you know, like I could lift a tank or three.”

Frank didn’t know what to make of his wife’s words. In fact, he didn’t know what to make of any of this, from the incest to the rapid pregnancies. Something had to be the cause of it all. It had to be the pills. Side effects maybe. Frank knew to always read the small print even if others didn’t. He was adamant to find out.

It was just a shame the doorbell went before an opportunity to do so revealed itself.


When he opened the front door, Frank groaned upon his mother-in-law Ada being revealed to him in the tightest flamboyant gym shorts she could find, quads close to burst out in all their vascular greatness, an equally close-fitting top hiding the powerful chest she boasted. Frank knew Ada picked up on her daughter’s workout plan, but it looked like she’d taken it a new level; from sizing her up shoulder-to- shoulder, he could tell his gargantuan in-law would find great difficulty in entering the house. But the unwavering gaze she displayed implied determination filled her.

Hands on her hips, she smirked condescendingly at her pathetic excuse of a son-in- law, sizing his leg up with her thrice larger quad, fighting back the urge to shake it just for the sake of comparison, even if Frank was past caring. “I’m here to see my grandchildren.”

“Um, Nick and Zoey are a little busy right now. She’s emptying him out right now.” It pained Frank to know he was aware what he alluded to. But Ada simply chuckled. Little did Frank know Ada was in on her family’s immorality, and by ‘grandchildren,’ she didn’t mean Nick & Zoey, rather those who were due to come any day now. But nobody needed to worry themselves with semantics.

But then it dawned on Frank: the perfect retaliation to everything that set his life on fire. If Nick could bone and impregnate his mother and sister, then surely Ada wouldn’t be bothered by Frank doing the same to her?

Or maybe – just maybe – that was always the plan anyway.


It wasn’t a normal thing for Janet and Zoey to argue, but recent events in their lives permitted the naked powerhouse women this one chance. Nick stood between them with arms folded to suggest disdain. Honestly, who really cared who had the biggest belly? It wasn’t that fair an assessment anyway – Janet’s would be the biggest at one point before Zoey took over, then vice versa.

The weird squelching sounds that came from the budding mothers’ bellies persisted as they each made it a point to slap them hard. Nick was understandably worried for the safety of his children if their mothers would squabble over something so trivial, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of understanding creep into his mind. To the women before him, he understood that whoever had the largest belly, the biggest baby, saw themselves as the alpha female, coupled with their already-outrageous musculature.

“No, I’ve got the bigger belly. I’ve got veins riding across my obliques and everything.” Zoey’s statement intrigued Nick so much he cocked his brow and could barely stop himself from looking at her abs to see if she was telling the truth. The fact she was able to retain muscle in spite of her pregnancy was a feat in itself, let alone so much of it – all five hundred pounds, give or take a few for the burgeoning belly she was clearly proud of. Stressing the point, she stroked her stomach in an effort to spite her mother who retaliated by pushing hers out too, to

the point where a sickeningly blue vein rose to the surface of her skin hinting at so many things – the immeasurable power swelling within her and how her child could arrive at quite literally any moment.

“If anyone has the bigger gut, it’s definitely me. I sometimes struggle to walk and keep my balance, she keeps growing so fast and determinedly.” Janet lied about not being able to walk, that much was a fact to Nick given he just watched her give him a BJ not ten minutes ago. She was really just trying to one-up Zoey’s efforts. It was rather indecent of her, frankly. And Nick had heard enough on the matter for one day.

“You’re both big as each other, okay?” He didn’t quite fancy having a headache the day his grandmother Ada was to visit. He could hear her converse with his father in the hallway, so she must’ve arrived amongst the women’s squabbles. Janet and Zoey looked at each other with narrow eyes before eventually settling on Nick’s words. After all, their present, in-the-family-way circumstances were on account of his actions. So, in a sense, what he said, went. “I love you both equally,” he added.

At that moment, Ada revealed herself to the remainder of her family, a look of manifest disappointment painted across her face. Judging by the sporadic glances shot at him, she must’ve been let down by her son-in-law. “You really need to feed that husband of your more, Janet. My quads are thrice thicker than his, and I haven’t even worked out today yet.” She stressed the point casually, pulling her left leg out in front and shook her pillar-like quad, feeling its respective muscles tighten and bulge to their extremities like they were close to bursting out of their skin! Even so, she forced herself to flex even harder, grinding her mature beefiness more and more until a single solitary vein crept forth. “No wonder you don’t fuck him anymore. It must be like cuddling up to a stick.”

As demeaning as his mother-in-law’s comment was, Frank maintained an air of confidence. He wasn’t going to be be put down by a woman twenty years his senior and four times his width who could probably fuck him to death he was so miserly in comparison.

“Been far too busy tending to the little one and Nick, if I’m honest.” Janet turned to face her mother after her quick check-up in the mirror. She was still cut, ripped and stole in most areas, save for the ballon she had for a belly that gently squirmed as it came to face Ada. Frankly, Janet’s interest in Frank had waned to the point where it felt like he was just there, taking up space, breathing valuable air and eating food better suited for her and Zoey’s growing needs.

“Jesus, Gran! You look so hot with muscles.” Zoey couldn’t resist the urge to squeeze Ada’s arm covetously. The girl’s biceps were considerably larger – seventy inches as opposed to her grandmother’s forty – but Ada’s were undeniably harder and more defined, crisp with striations deep into the muscle tissue. “You must really like working out.”

Ada continued to toy with Zoey wordlessly, though with a smile, bunching up her tombstone-thick pecs that looked like they could bend steel, muscle fibres rolling sickeningly like violent waves. Nick also watched, trying to hide the evidently growing erection in his underwear. But frankly, getting such a reaction out of him was what Ada had hoped for.

“You’re not so bad yourself, kiddo,” Ada complimented, giving Zoey’s monolithic arm a good, hard squeeze, or at least tried to – it was like touching diamond; unyielding and durable beyond belief, with definition to match its clear-cut vibrancy. In the end, Ada’s feeble attempt at squeezing Zoey’s arm only forced it to grow slightly larger, visibly parting the older woman’s fingers until they were spread wide open.

“I do try,” Zoey quipped casually, playing deaf and dumb to her spurt of growth.

Meanwhile, Frank remained behind the trio of godlike women in silence, listening intently to their every word and trying – still – to find his place in this reformed family of his. Between being naught but a hapless slave and comparative weakling to the women and his enlarging son, he wasn’t sure what his position was. He missed the days when he was man of the house, when what he said, went. But those were things of the past now. Should he accept his position as a slave or make a stand? That was his dilemma.

He stared longingly at Ada’s diamond-hard calves, captivated by the way their respective muscles seemed to just roll and bulge on their own as she laughed at Janet’s joke. Did Ada know her calves were swelling larger and becoming crisper in detail as she stood, or not?

“Okay, let’s see that prize cock of yours, shall we?” With reckless abandon she leaned closer to Nick with a devilish smile before tearing his jeans off in one swift yank, giggling as the denim burst like confetti to reveal the tight white underwear underneath. Janet and Zoey looked on intently as Ada ran a finger across Nick’s evidently thick shaft outlining his whites. By the time she reached the tip, he’d become fully erect and arguably grew a few inches. His underwear visibly strained, pushed violently against the fabric until an obvious rip formed, just large enough to see his tip in all its glory, the tiniest trickle of precum running down it.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Frank was horrified, to say the least. It was bad enough his wife and daughter were made pregnant by his son, but now his mother- in-law wanted him too? Ada didn’t give Frank so much as a verbal response, opening her mouth just enough to take Nick by the tip of his manhood, then holding the position for a moment. It looked like she was sucking on a lollipop, drawing his rich and warm precum down her thick throat like juice through a straw, deliberately gulping loudly to make the moment all the racier. But Frank maintained his stance. “Is the whole family into this incest shit or what?”

“You’re just jealous Gran’s sucking Nick’s cock and not yours,” Zoey jibed, her eyes growing wider seemingly in sync with Nick’s rod thickening from Ada’s jowls massaging it, coaxing it expertly.

He held onto her shoulder to maintain his balance as her eyes met his, opening her mouth to flash the unmistakeable milky-white bodily fluid in her mouth before swallowing it. Nick didn’t even so much as flinch as he came. Had he become so accustomed to having his balls emptied that he could control his movements? Despite that, there was the apparent smudge of cum across Ada’s cheeks, which she impulsively wiped clean with a finger before sucking it dry.

“You taste pretty sweet, like sugar.” Ada rose to her feet before giving Nick a deep, passionate tonguey kiss, effectively giving him a taste of his own load which didn’t seem to bother him. Conversely, Frank shivered with disgust which got Ada’s attention. She glowered at him with narrow eyes before making a strict point. “Don’t know why you’re so uptight about it. You probably taste like sandpaper.”

Frank remained silent, not being able to counter his in-law’s remark. How could he rebut such a comment like that? How would Ada react in turn? Put him in a scissor hold until he yielded? At any rate, Frank was saved by Nick, for better or worse.

“Listen, I’ve been thinking about something.” His words caught Ada’s attention. The way they were spoken in a soft and delicate and tone suggested that though sincere, there was a semblance of uncertainty about them. But her eyes gave off a sense of endearment. Evidently at odds with him though, Frank’s own reaction suggested disdain. “I obviously got my mum and Zoey pregnant…”

Ada looked at Zoey and Janet’s bellies. The way they moved was like something out of an alien horror movie, with moments of audible churning and movement not one could easily stomach, but the mothers-to-be simply stood with smiles, petting their bellies that every so often flashed their incredulous muscularity.

“…so, do you think maybe I could make you pregnant, too?” Nick concluded with hope in his eyes, getting hard at the thought of boning his Gran.

“You can’t be fucking serious!” Of course, Frank’s words of protest fell on deaf ears as Ada responded to her grandson’s proposal with a smile, before wordlessly picking him up in one fell swoop, cupping him in her monstrous arms and carrying him off into the hallway. “I won’t have this kind of immorality run rampant in my household!”

“Frank!” Janet had had it with his bouts of antagonism. Surely by now he ought to know his place? She folded her arms sternly directing his attention to her gravid belly. “We’re hungry. Get cooking.”


“Do it, and I’ll give you a BJ. How does that sound?” Janet smirked, knowing she had Frank in the palm of her hand just with those few words, knowing exactly how Frank would react.

“What do you want?”


Maintain their energy. That was the key to ensuring Janet and Zoey kept the babies inside their wombs healthy, only, they may have taken the principle to new heights. Frank stared in disbelief as his wife and daughter forcibly shoved yet more food into their mouths, ceaselessly fuelling their godlike forms without having to do much of anything. He turned only slightly to the empty cupboard behind his wife, a blatant tear running down his cheek. They’d eaten the house empty, leaving not even a crumb for himself.

He continued his struggle, trying to figure out whether the recent swelling from the womens’ guts was a result of their feverish intake of food or another spurt of growth from the growing infants. Whatever it was, his heart was certainly crushed at the fact. When was the last time he got to sit down and have a moment to himself anyway? It felt like days, in all honesty.

The freak show didn’t end there. With every discernible swallow and slurp Janet and Zoey’s musculature grew larger and more defined, putting considerable strain on the chairs they sat in; little by little, they warped and groaned in protest, but the women just kept eating, laughing seemingly at Frank as he persisted with his empty stares, taunting him with flexes and blowing, all while—

He could hear the bed creaking all the way from downstairs, something the cuckhold of a father had actually gotten used to over the weeks. Nick might not have been boning his mother and sister given their delicate condition, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be used for other, recreational means like lifting. Frank really did try to play deaf to the moans and thrusts of pleasure from above, but every time he hummed a little tune inside his head they just got louder and more dramatic. The observations from Ada certainly didn’t help.

“Jesus, Nick, I can see the outline of your cock in my belly! Is that the tip?”

Frank groaned in despair. Everywhere around him was the stench of immorality. Was he truly the only sane person in his family? Was he really even part of it to begin with? He felt like pulling his hair out and screaming, but what good would it do him? If anything, it would just demean him further, as if he wasn’t belittled enough, watching his daughter’s breasts casually balloon larger before his very eyes, spreading further out across the table, all while Janet’s abs flexed violently, encrusted with veins thick as sausages.

“Pound my pussy like a jackhammer!” Ada clearly saw no bounds to what she could say, a deep moan of lust booming through the entire household, much to Frank’s chagrin. It wasn’t long after that that the ceiling itself started to crack, directly underneath his head. As if things weren’t unfortunate enough for the chap. Where Frank sat was directly below the bedroom Nick and Ada were fucking in, meaning the father heard quite literally every thrust, moan, sensual whisper and scream better than his wife and daughter.

“I’m gonna c—” Nick’s groan startled Frank; it sounded like an unnatural bellow from a beast more than a human. The crack in the ceiling widened, syncing with a definitive, loud thud. That would probably be the bed breaking in half – again – which meant it would need replacing – again. Particles of dust falling onto Frank’s head only made him more irate, but not a word was spoken. It was certainly humorous for his wife and daughter though, who laughed girlishly at his misfortune, their pectorals bulging and rippling in a dance-like, hypnotic motion.

There was an odd moment of deafening silence that gave a sense of finality to Ada and Nick’s sensual ruckus, before his voice called in an all-too commanding tone.


Somehow that was funny for the budding mothers, making them laugh in a manner far heartier than before. Despite his initial irritation, Frank was confused over the fact Nick called for him. He was like a sex god in comparison with the wilted flower that was his father, which made Frank question the motives behind his summons.

“You’d better go see what he wants,” Janet insisted.

It was safe to assume Frank wasn’t going to get that BJ his gargantuan wife promised him.


It was the smell of shameless sex that Frank was first hit with when he entered the bedroom, the staunch, thick amalgamation of sweat, semen and even drool cut through the air, filling his nostrils before the wrecked bed came into view, Nick casually stood beside it…naked. He clearly had a different layer of confidence about him to be so shameless bare around his father.

“What is it?” Frank was soft-spoken, implying a sense of internal defeat and acceptance soared around him. Looking at Nick with what could only be described as dead eyes, Frank was quick to accept the reality his son was now, truly, the man of the house; he had the musculature and snake-like cock and balls to match, outmatching his father’s.

Wordlessly, Nick pointed to the wreckage of a wall; the wallpaper torn and

smudged with what Frank presumed to be his son’s semen, it became soon became clear what the nature of his summoning was: coupled with the split bed, Frank’s job was to set about replastering and painting the wall and discarding the bed for a new, probably larger and more durable one.

“You can go fuck in your mum and I’s room until I’m done here. Might take a few days.” It took a moment before Frank realised the words that slipped from his tongue, but the strangest thing was the fact he felt okay about it all. But then it dawned on him, realising one person in particular was missing. “Where is your Gran anyways?”

“I’m pregnant!” she casually blurted out from within the en-suit bathroom. Her words threw Frank into a state of shock and confusion, rooting him to the floor unable to mutter anything for a moment before a curious, uncharacteristic statement came from him:

“Are you sure? You only had sex the one time.” Granted having sex just once was in most cases enough to get a woman pregnant, Frank was steadfast in his opinion that Ada wasn’t with-child, but just filled to the brim with her grandson’s bodily fluid.

But Nick countered his father’s words, flashing the bottle of dick pills used several times before. It was empty now. “I may have taken a little over double the recommended helping to get things going quicker.” Was he implying the dick pills had some sort of correlation with pregnancy? Perhaps a side-effect?

When Ada finally decided to show face the first thing Frank saw wasn’t her aged visage, even if it was pasted from ear to ear with cum, but in fact her stomach; bloated and distended like a barrel with sickening veins enveloping her every pulsing abdominal, something clearly inside it – inside her. And it moved.

Frank blinked. There definitely was truth to his in-law’s words, watching her belly casually bulge and ripple in preparation for it doubling in size almost instantly, making the woman drool uncontrollably for a good minute before mustering the willpower to speak.

“With twins,” she declared proudly just before Frank suddenly fainted, clearly unable to process the facts laid before him.