Backyard Pool

The air-mattress gently rocked beneath him as it drifted about the pool, propelled by gentle breezes and the circulation of the pool pump. Lulled into a semi-conscious state, Ron’s fertile young imagination drifted as well as he basked in the warm, late spring sun. Erotic fantasies involving all those luscious young girls at the local community college he was attending played out behind his closed eyelids. All his imaginings were, of course, imaginary, as he, at nineteen, had not yet had any actual personal sexual experience upon which to draw.

Somewhat slight of build and looking much younger than he actually was, Ron was hobbled by his own self-image as a shy, scrawny little kid and he’d never been able to get anything going with any of those girls in high school or, now, in college. He’d had to rely upon his imagination to supply the fuel to feed the fires of his adolescent and young adult cravings.

While sexually inexperienced in real life, Ron had a voracious appetite for the subject. For many years he been educating himself, availing himself of every opportunity to increase his sexual knowledge whether from the driest textbook or the steamiest pulp novel or magazine.

Now, as he floated around, naked, in his family’s backyard pool, he imagined all the wonderful things he would like to do with those lovely, untouchable young girls at his school. In his fantasies, he saw himself as the big, buff, football hero with a huge dick, that he thought all the girls wanted. In his fantasies, however, he didn’t really need to embellish upon the size of his penis for, despite his still boyish physique, in real life, he actually did sport a rather impressive manhood.

When a particularly graphic scene of sexual activity unreeled behind his closed eyelids, Ron felt a stirring in his loins. He cracked an eye and peered down along his well-tanned, hairless chest and belly to where his cock, up-turned with its underside exposed to the warm rays of the sun, lay nestled in the sparse patch of light brown pubic hair around its base. As he watched, he saw his organ gradually swell larger and larger, then slowly lift itself up off its wiry nest. Slowly, it straightened up, growing fatter and longer as it raised its mushroom-like head skyward.

Soon, Ron’s prick was standing stiff and hard, about eight inches tall. Gazing at his erect organ, the boy smiled proudly. Groaning softly, he clenched his buttocks, thrusting his erection higher. As he squeezed his ass, the head of his cock swelled up even larger, and grew darkly purple.

“Ahhhhh…” he sighed contentedly, as his brain was flooded by the delightful sensations of having an erect penis, thrust proudly upward in the open air of a beautiful day, while the warm rays of the sun caressed his already sun-bronzed shaft from every angle as his air-mattress slowly circled in the water currents.

Ron loved spending time in his family’s backyard pool, working on his all-over tan, whenever he could. His class schedules in college had given him a lot more free time during the day than he had had while in high school, so, during breaks, he would come home and roast himself to a golden brown in the pool while his parents were at work and his younger sister was still at school. While she was gone today to visit a friend, he was afraid that his sister’s recent graduation from high school would leave her at home more now, putting a crimp in his activities.

Having held off as long as he could, Ron finally he raised his hand and lightly touched his fingers to the side of his rigid organ. He slowly ran just his fingertips up and down the side of his upthrust penis for a few moments, then he gently wrapped his hand around that stiff, solid shaft and slowly stroked it up and down. He groaned softly as a shiver ran through his body. With a contented sigh, he dropped his hand away from his throbbing cock and arched his body, thrusting his straining hard-on even higher. Smiling, he closed his eyes and returned to his erotic fantasies, his imagination fired up now by an extra shot of testosterone due to his now rampant erection.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

As Amy turned her car into the driveway of her family’s home, she was of two minds. Her intention, this morning, had been to spend the day with a friend, but her friend’s mother had needed her to go somewhere with her, so Amy had decided to return home. While disappointed about not being able to spend the day with her friend, Amy was happy, now that school was out, to have an opportunity to catch some rays by the pool.

Amy parked in the driveway and went inside to her room and undressed. She went through her bikini collection and selected a tiny, fluorescent-pink one that she thought would look very cute and sexy, although there wouldn’t be anyone around to appreciate it. As she was about to step into the brief bikini bottoms, she paused and looked at herself in the mirror, evaluating the image reflected there.

Her long, honey-blond hair cascaded down past her shoulders in golden waves, the ends brushing the tops of her pert little breasts while her erect nipples poking out between the golden strands. Below those firm little, baseball-sized globes, her torso tapered to a long, slender waist and smooth, flat tummy with just a hint of abs from her regular workout routine. Her hips flared nicely, but not too broadly, from her narrow waist, set atop long, slender thighs and calves. At the juncture of those lovely thighs lay a neat little muff of golden curls, below which, as reflected in the mirror, she could just make out the hint of a dark cleft.

Amy bent down and stepped into her bikini briefs, pulling them up over her luscious thighs and firm round buttocks, wriggling her ass as she did so. Then she pulled her bikini top over her breasts and tied it behind her back. Striking a pose before the mirror, she smiled at what she saw.

“Hot!” she murmured. “Smokin’ hot!”

She headed out for the pool and, just as she was reaching to open the sliding glass door to the back yard, she stopped, gasping at the unexpected sight that met her eyes. In the pool, floating on an air-mattress, was her brother, Ron, completely naked.

Amy stood there for a minute as the air-mattress slowly rotated in the water currents, affording her a clear, though distant, view of her brother from all angles. She felt a bit weird, standing there, spying on him this way, but she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

Ron was lying there on his back, his arms raised, pillowing his head on the palms of his hands. His legs were parted, dangling off either side of the air-mattress at the knee. Her eyes had instantly zeroed in on his genitals, which were fully exposed to her view, although at the considerable distance of across the patio, an expanse of grass, and the pool deck.

Although she was eighteen and newly graduated from high school, Amy was still quite innocent, sexually. Beautiful young girl that she was, she’d had many opportunities to hook up with eager young boys, but she had not yet met one she wanted to go that far with, and, up ’til now, she had never even seen a naked man. She only had her girlfriends’ descriptions to go by.

Amy felt a fluttering of excitement in her belly as she strained to see her brother’s sexual equipment from so far off. It certainly didn’t look like what she remembered from their childhood and she occasionally caught a glimpse of him in the bedroom or bathroom. Instead of the little purple nub, encircled by a pink collar of wrinkled flesh, which she remembered from her youth, his penis was long and fat as it lay upturned across his groin, nestled in the muff of his pubic hair. His testicles, warmed by the sun, hung loosely, well defined in the dangling sac between his parted thighs, looking quite different from the tight little, wrinkled hemisphere, like a half walnut shell, that she remembered seeing when they were young.

While she intently studied her brother’s genitals as well as she could at that distance, she noticed a subtle change. His penis appeared to have grown even longer as it lay there in its curly brown nest. Then, she gasped as she saw it slowly rise up, lengthening still more and straightening out, as it continued to rise higher and higher, until it stood stiff and straight, pointing vertically at the sky. She saw his buttocks clench and his straining organ thrust even higher.

A shiver ran down her back and Amy let out the breath that she hadn’t realized she had been holding. She had heard descriptions of this phenomenon from her girlfriends, but she still found it stunning to witness in person.

As she stared at her brother’s now erect penis, she saw him remove one of his hands from behind his head and touch his fingers to the side of his upthrust organ. Slowly, he slid his fingertips up and down along his stiff, hard shaft, then he gently wrapped his whole hand around it and stroked it up and down several times. After a few moments, he returned his hand behind his head, and just lay there in the sun, his back arched and butt clenched, his erect penis thrust prominently skyward.

Amy groaned softly, feeling butterflies flitting about in the pit of her stomach as she stared at her brother’s upthrust penis. Driven by excitement, and frustrated by the distant view, she decided that she just had to get a closer look at that fascinating appendage.

Carefully sliding the glass door open, she slipped out and silently tip-toed over to the side of the pool. Now, from just eight to ten feet away, her heart pounded with excitement as Amy eagerly stared at the boy’s upthrust erection while his air-mattress slowly rotated before her.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Ron lay there, floating in the pool, his head pillowed on his hands, his eyes closed and a contented smile on his face, as he enjoyed the delightful sensation of the warm sun gently kissing his upthrust penis and loosely dangling balls. Visions of his female classmates performing various erotic acts drifted through his mind, feeding his throbbing erection. Cracking open one eye, he proudly gazed at his stiffly straining prick, its long, thick shaft bronzed by the sun, its tip capped by that hugely engorged, purple, helmet-like head. In his imagination, the girls were stroking and fondling his rigid organ with eager passion.

As his air-mattress slowly turned, a beautiful young girl in a skimpy, hot-pink bikini, came into view beyond his upthrust erection, standing at the side of the pool and staring down at him. It took him a moment to realize that she was not one of his fantasy girls, and then another moment to realize that it was, in fact, his own sister, Amy.

Ron gasped in shock and quickly rolled off the air-mattress, into the water. He surfaced, sputtering and gasping. Holding the air-mattress in front of himself like a shield, he sheepishly raised his eyes, feeling totally mortified with embarrassment.

Amy smiled down at him. “Hi, Ronnie, what ‘cha doin’ there?” she asked.

“Oh…I…uhhhh…was just getting some sun…” Ron stammered nervously.

“Oh, yes, I noticed what a nice tan you have going on there!” Amy said. “I also saw some…uhhh…other things that, I suspect, don’t usually get so nice and tanned!” she teased.

“Yeah, well…I…uhhh…I…” Ron trailed off, at a loss for words.

Amy smiled at her brother’s discomfort, then she slowly stepped down the concrete stairs leading into shallow end of the pool. She walked toward her brother, the surface of the water just above her bright pink bikini bottoms.

Ron held the floating air-mattress defensively between them as she approached.

Placing her hands on the air-mattress opposite her brother, she looked at him, smiling brightly. “Does it feel good, laying out in the sun like that, Ronnie?” she asked. “It certainly looked like you were enjoying it!”

“Uhhhh…yeah…it does…and I was…uhhh…enjoying it,” Ron replied.

“Well, I suppose I should say I’m sorry I disturbed you…” Amy said, “but I’m NOT!” She giggled merrily. “I’ve never seen one of those things before, Ronnie,” she said. “Not like THAT anyway! I’ve seen you before, when we were kids, but it didn’t look like that! I found it very…uhhh…stimulating!”

Ron’s eyes opened wide. “You did?” he asked in amazement.

“Oh, yes!” she exclaimed. “I did! It made me feel all…fluttery…in my stomach as I looked at it. I’d really like to see it again, Ronnie…from close, though! I was too far away before.”

Ron’s eyes opened wide in surprise. “Ohhh…I…uhhh…I dunno…” he stammered as he stared at his sister in shock and confusion. He couldn’t believe that a beautiful young girl, his own sister at that, was asking to see his cock! He was torn by conflicting emotions; reluctant embarrassment on one side and the exciting thrill of the forbidden on the other.

“Oh, com’on, Ronnie!” Amy urged. “I already saw it from over there! What would it hurt for me to see it again, up close?

“Shit, Amy! ” he answered. “I’ve always dreamed of having a beautiful girl wanting to look at my dick…but you’re my sister!”

“Oh, Ronnie, don’t worry about that!” Amy said. “Besides,” she said, smiling evilly, “you’re already out here in the pool, naked. How are you going to get out of the pool without me seeing you again, anyway?”

“Well…uhhh…I…” he muttered.

“Now, why don’t you just make it easy for both of us and climb up here and let me get a good look at you again,” Amy smiled, knowing she had the winning argument, and patted the air-mattress between them.

Ron stood there staring at his sister uncertainly. Then the exciting prospect of actually participating in a forbidden fantasy over-ruled his sense of societal propriety.

“Well…uhhh…okay…” he murmured softly. Turning around, he jumped up onto the air-mattress as Amy held it in place for him. Lying back, he swung his legs up, dropping them off either side of the mattress at the knees and opening up his crotch to his sister’s view.

The boy’s penis, flaccid now, lay atop his scrotum, which was pulled up tight after its dunking in the cool water. Amy looked at her brother’s genitals for a few moments, then raised her eyes to look at him, a confused expression on her face.

“What happened to it, Ronnie? I wanted to see it like it was a little while ago…” she whined plaintively. “but now it just looks like it did when we were kids! It doesn’t make me feel those butterflies in my stomach now, like when it was standing straight up!”

“Oh…well…uhhh, yeah…” Ron muttered. “That requires special conditions…some kind of…uhhh…stimulation,” he tried to explain. “It’s feeling kind of shy right now…first getting dunked in the cold water after being in the warm sun…and then having my own sister staring at it.”

“Oh, uhhh…I see…” Amy murmured, looking back down at her brother’s penis. “It needs some kind of stimulation…hmmm…? So why was it standing up before you knew I was here? I didn’t see you…uhhhh…’stimulating’ it. I saw it just, all of a sudden…stand up, all by itself!”

“Oh, yeah…well…I was…uhhhh…mentally stimulating it,” Ron told her.

She cocked her head quizzically. “How do you do that?” she asked.

“Uhhh…well…I…” Ron stammered, embarrassed. “I was just…uhhhh…thinking about some girls I knew in school…imagining them…uhhhh… naked…and doing things…” he trailed off.

Amy raised her eyes to meet his. “Oh, I see!” she said, smiling. “Hmmmmm…well, can’t you just dream up something about those girls right now?”

“Well…it’s kind of hard to think about that while you’re standing there, looking at me!” he replied.

“Oh…yeah…I guess I can understand that…” she mused.

She stared down at the boy’s flaccid cock for a few moments, then she raised her head and smiled at him. “If just thinking about those girls works so well…how about looking at the real thing?” she said, reaching behind her back and unfastened her bikini top. She let it drop off of her breasts and tossed it up onto the pool deck. She arched her back, proudly thrusting out her pert little titties.

Ron gasped in surprise.

Amy smiled at the open-mouthed, pop-eyed look on her brother’s face as he stared at her lovely little breasts with their tautly erect, upward pointing nipples. She turned her body slowly from side to side, giving him a good view of them from all angles. “How do you like them, Ronnie?” she asked.

“They’re…they’re beautiful, Amy!” he croaked gruffly. “Better than I had even imagined any of those girls at school.”

Amy giggled. Then she brought her hands up and cupped them around her breasts, one soft, but firm, little globe in each palm. As she gently fondled her titties, she tweaked and rolled their taut nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

“Oooooh, that feels good!” she said, smiling.

Amy looked back down at her brother’s crotch and saw that his penis had grown a bit fatter and longer.

“Oh, yes!” she cried, her face lighting up with excitement. “I think it’s working!” She continued to turn from side to side, lightly juggling her breasts and tweaking her taut nipples as she gazed at her brother’s penis.

Watching breathlessly, she saw her brother’s cock continue to grow, with jerks and pulses at each beat of the boy’s excitedly pounding heart. She released her breasts from her hands so her brother could see them, fully exposed, and wriggled her body so that they jiggled and swayed. Higher and higher the boy’s penis rose, until, once again, it stood stiffly upright, pointing at the sky. Ron groaned and clenched his buttocks, thrusting his straining hard-on higher still.

Amy took a long, gasping breath. “Ohhhh, yes…” she sighed. “That’s how I wanted to see it!” Feeling those butterflies tickling her stomach once again, she leaned in to examine her brother’s erect penis from mere inches away now.

“Oh, Ronnie…it’s magnificent!” she breathed heavily. “I never imagined they were so big!’

Ron groaned again, proud and excited by his sister’s appreciative comments about his erection. He watched his sister’s beautiful face, so close to his penis that he could feel her cooling breath on his aching, throbbing organ, still wet from the pool, while her lovely titties bobbed and swayed below her hunched over body.

“Uhhhh…well, they actually come in all different sizes…” he mumbled, unable to come up with anything better at the moment.

Ron watched his sister’s face as she stared at his erect penis. Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, Ron brought his hand up and wrapped it around his rigid shaft and gently stroked it up and down a few times.

“Ahhhhhh…” he gasped, relaxing a bit. He dropped his hand away and again proudly thrust his prick upward for his sister’s continued examination.

“Ooooh, does it feel good when you touch it like that?” Amy asked.

“Oh, shit, yeah!” Ron answered. “When it’s all stiff and hard like this, you just have to touch it every once in a while. It’s like an itch or a sneeze…you can’t just ignore it.”

Amy nodded, her eyes locked on her brother’s upthrust prick. “Ummmm…how about when somebody else touches it?” she murmured.

The boy sucked in his breath. “Uhhh…well…I…uhhh…I don’t really know. Nobody, except me has ever touched it,” he replied.

Amy continued staring at her brother’s erect penis for a moment, then, without taking her eyes from it, she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, “Can I to touch it, Ronnie?”

The boy started and let out a gasp as he realized that his sister was suggesting something that would bring to life what had so long been only fantasy. His pounding heart jumped up into his throat and he croaked out, “I…uhhh…I…guess so…”

Amy smiled and raised her hand, tentatively touching the tip of her finger to the top side of her brother’s rigidly upthrust hard-on. She slowly ran it up and down a few times, then slid it higher until it caught on the underside of the flared ridge around his engorged glans. She slid it up and over that flared edge and onto the broad surface of his cock-head.

“Ohhhh, Ronnie, it feels so smooth…” she whispered as she slid her fingertip all around that bloated, purple knob. After a few moments, she slid her fingertip across the tiny slit at the very tip of his prick, then all the way down the underside of his shaft. Now she slowly stroked her fingertip up and down the full length of his organ along his urethra several times. Ron groaned softly and his body shivered.

Amy looked up at her brother and said, “Do you like that, Ronnie?”

“Ohhhh, yeah…” Ron groaned, tightening his butt and thrusting his penis higher still.

“Ummm…so do I…” the girl sighed. “Looking at it and touching it like this is giving me the strangest, but really nice, feeling down there…” she murmured, nodding her head and pointing with her chin.

Gaining confidence after caressing her brother’s penis with just her fingertip for a time, Amy said, “How about if I do this…like you did?” She gently wrapped her entire hand around his stiff, hard shaft like she had seen him do himself a short while before. She gasped as she felt how warm and solid the boy’s organ felt beneath the soft, smooth, taut-stretched skin which covered it.

The butterflies in her stomach rose up in a sudden flurry, and a lightning bolt of excitement shot through her body, exploding deep in her belly. Her entire body shook for a moment and her hand clamped down hard on her brother’s throbbing shaft.

After being lost in a haze for a few moments, Amy’s vision gradually cleared and she found Ron writhing and squirming before her. His hand was on her wrist, trying to release her death-grip on his penis.

Groaning, her tensed up body relaxed. She released her grip on the boy’s prick and he, too, groaned and relaxed. His quivering penis was dark and swollen above where her hand had been. After a moment she saw it fade and his organ shrank a bit.

“Oh, I’m…I’m…I’m so sorry…” Amy stammered, feeling flushed. “I…I don’t know what just happened…but it was amazing!”

Ron chuckled. “Oh, I think I know what happened!” he said.

Amy returned her attention to her brother’s penis. It had lost a bit of its steely hardness and was drooping slightly. Its big, purple head had shrunk a bit as well, pinker now and no longer shiny-smooth with full engorgement. A tiny tear-drop of clear fluid hung at the tip of his organ, glistening in the sunlight.

She raised her hand and touched her fingertip to the gently curved underside of the boy’s drooping organ and tenderly caressed it. Her brother’s penis quickly responded, straightening back up, its purple head re-inflating. She saw the glistening dew-drop suspended at its tip grow larger, then break free and trickle down the underside of his shaft.

“What’s this stuff?” Amy asked, pointing at the tip of her brother’s prick as another droplet of pre-cum oozed out, to replace the one that had trickled down his shaft.

“Uhhhh…that’s some…uhhh…juice…that leaks out after a little while…” Ron replied, a bit hesitantly. “I…uhhh…I think it’s supposed to make it more slippery when a guy and a girl…uhhhh…”

Amy’s eyebrows raised and she nodded. “Oh, I see,’ she said. “I thought just the girl was supposed to take care of that.”

She touched her fingertip to the tip of the boy’s penis and flicked off the droplet of pre-cum suspended there.

“Ahhh, yes…” she murmured, rubbing her thumb and fingertip together, evaluating the slightly viscous fluid’s slipperiness.

As another droplet of pre-cum oozed from that tiny orifice, Amy again touched her fingertip to the tip of her brother’s shaft. This time, she pushed the clear droplet back over the tip and smeared it around on the broad surface of his engorged glans.

“Ooooooooh…” she cooed as she felt the tip of her finger glide all around the smooth surface of her brother’s cock-head, lubricated by that droplet of pre-cum. “I see…it does feel slippery…”

The girl once again wrapped her hand around her brother’s rigid shaft. She moaned softly as the butterflies in her belly rose up again, but this time did not invoke an explosion.

“Oooooh, it feels so warm, and strong!” she said as she gently slid her fist up and down along the boy’s upthrust erection. His cock was now dry from the sun and her dainty little hand slid smoothly up and down along the stiff shaft, gliding over the soft, dry skin without pulling on it. She thrilled to the silky-smooth feel of its taut-stretched skin, while beneath that covering she felt the hot, solid core of his erect organ throbbing against her palm.

Amy glanced up at her brother’s face and saw a blissful smile there as he watched her. “Well, how do you like having someone else touch it for you?” she asked.

“Well…forgetting about how you almost strangled it a few moments ago…” he chuckled, “it’s fantastic! It’s quite different, though, from what I’m used to. Normally, I get the feeling of my hand on my cock as well as the feeling of my cock in my hand. This way, I just get the feeling of your hand around my cock. But knowing that it’s someone else’s hand around my cock puts it on a whole new level. This is a million times better!”

Ron lay there, his head cradled on the palms of his hands, his back arched so that his straining hard-on was thrust up high as Amy tenderly stroked it. Her strangle-hold on his cock a few moments before and the subsequent partial deflation of his erection had tempered his passions a bit and he found that he was able to enjoy her caresses without being driven over the top too quickly.

Ron’s eyes went back and forth from his sister’s dainty little hand encircling his long, hard cock and the girl’s lovely titties bouncing and swaying beneath her upraised arm. He finally brought his hand up and cupped his palm under his sister’s firm little tittie for his first feel of a woman’s breast. Amy’s eyes opened wide and she looked down at her breast, then turned her head to look at him.

She smiled and nodded. “Oooooh, that feels good!” she said as her brother tenderly fondled her firm little globe. “You know, it feels better for me, too, when some else does the touching!”

She returned her attention to her brother’s penis. “How about me, Ronnie? Am I doing this right?” she asked.

“Shit yeah, sis!” Ron said. “You’re doing great. You’re a natural! Somehow, you already figured out that it feels best when you just lightly stroke up and down without pulling on the skin, instead of gripping it too hard and sliding the skin up and down.”

Amy knitted her brows, looking puzzled. She tightened her grip a bit and noticed that the taut-stretched skin covering her brother’s penis now stayed in place under her hand and slid up and down along the solid core of his shaft instead of remaining in place while her fist moved up and down over it.

“Ohhhh, shit!” Ron groaned, his ass squirming.

“No good?” Amy asked, looking concerned.

“Oh, no!” Ron gasped. “That’s good, too. It’s just that it’s much more intense when you do it that way! Light strokes without pulling the skin feels good, longer, while holding it tighter, so the skin slides up and down with your hand, feels good, shorter!”

Amy looked confused but loosened her grip and continued to lightly stroke her brother’s cock without pulling the skin.

“Ahhhhh…yes…” Ron sighed, relaxing a bit and smiling with delight. “That’s the way to do it when you’re just getting started, and trying to prolong it as long as possible. It’s all right to mix it up a little, but you should save the other way mostly for the end.”

Amy wasn’t entirely clear about what that all meant: just getting started, prolonging it, and saving it for the end. However, she assumed from her brother’s reactions that what she was doing at the moment was what he wanted.

Amy peered down between her brother’s thighs to look at his now loosely dangling, sun-warmed scrotum. While she continued to stroke his rigid penis with her right hand, she slid the fingers of her left hand under his sac and scooped his balls onto her palm.

Ron’s body jerked.

“Ohhhh, shit!” he gasped, arching his back and thrusting his straining prick upward.

“Are you all right?” Amy asked, concerned.

“Better than all right!” Ron groaned. “That feels great! But you have to be very careful with those things, they’re very sensitive to pain. It feels really good when you touch them, but you have to do it real gently!”

Amy silently nodded her acknowledgement. She smiled as she tenderly fondled her brother’s testicles with her fingers, marveling at the soft, supple feel of his wrinkled scrotum. Ron was soon moaning and groaning in heavenly delight, thrusting his straining prick up and down through one of his sister’s hands while her other hand tenderly fondled his aching balls.

Amy’s butterflies were once again causing quite a stir deep down in her belly. She didn’t know what was happening, but as she gently stroked her fist up and down on her brother’s thrusting penis while also fondling his balls, she felt the excitement rising inside her, and it felt very good. Without realizing it, her grip began to tighten on the boy’s rigid shaft and the pace of her strokes increased.

“Amy! Amy!” Ron cried. “Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I’m…I’m going to come! Amy…ohhh, ohhh, Amy…don’t…don’t stop…ohhh, shit! Don’t stop!”

Amy wasn’t too sure what was happening, but she sure had no intention of stopping! Her own soaring passions wouldn’t allow it.

Suddenly, her brother’s body froze, his back arched and his straining penis thrust far upward. Amy felt his hand clutch tightly around her breast, his fingers digging into the soft flesh. He let out a loud, bellowing grunt and she felt his balls jump in her left hand while his throbbing hard-on pulsed mightily in her right. A huge glob of milky white jiz erupted from the tip of his bloated, purple cock-head and shot a foot into the air. Amy gasped in shock and awe at that incredible sight.

As the amorphous blob of cum splashed down on her hands, Amy felt another mighty pulse pass through her brother’s straining organ and another blob of cum erupted from the tip of his cock, rising even higher than the first, before splashing down on her hands. Transfixed, Amy could merely hold on and watch as she felt pulse after pulse pass through her brother’s penis and saw spurt after spurt of thick, white sperm fountain from its tip to rain down on her hands and arms.

Once again, Amy felt another lightning bolt strike deep in her belly and she cried out in delight as wave after wave of pleasure flowed through her body while she gripped her brother’s pulsating organ, watching it repeatedly spurt gobs of cum into the air.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Ohhh, my god…that was incredible!” Amy gasped a few moments later, her body trembling as her orgasm ebbed. She stared at her brother’s penis still gently throbbing in her hand. Translucent dollops of semen gushed from the tiny slit at its tip with each pulse and flowed across the big, purple head as she slowly slid her encircling fist up and his now cum-slickened shaft.

“Ohhhhh, shit…Amy…” Ron groaned, his body relaxing as his orgasm ebbed as well. “I’ve never felt anything so fantastic before! It felt like I just shot my guts out through my dick!”

Amy smiled at him as she released his cock and watched thick streamers of sticky white semen trail off from her hand back to his penis. She continued to play with it for a time, stroking her fingers up and down through the gooey mess as his gradually softening shaft began to droop.

“You’ve never done that before, Ronnie?” she asked.

“Oh, sure,” he said. “Probably a thousand times since I was a kid…but it was always me doing it to myself. I see now that it’s a whole different thing when someone else does it for you!

Amy smiled as she continued to slide her hand back and forth along the slimy shaft of her brother’s penis. “‘Thousands of times,'” Ronnie?” she murmured. “You must really like it!”

Ron laughed. “Yeah, I guess you could say that!” he said.

“How did you get started doing that, Ronnie?” she asked.

“Well…” Ron began hesitantly, unsure about talking to his sister about such a personally intimate subject. But then he realized that he was laying there with his cum-smeared penis in his sister’s hand. That was certainly pretty personally intimate, as well.

“When I was just a young kid, I noticed how good it felt when I washed myself down there. One night when I was in the bathtub, it was feeling real good, so I just kept scrubbing it with the soap and it began to feel different…not the sensation, but my cock itself. It felt heavier, and fatter, and longer. After a few moments, it was at least three times as long as normal and much thicker, too. It was all stiff and hard, as well. I couldn’t believe what I saw! I couldn’t understand what had happened to it, but it felt amazing! And I also noticed that it felt even better like that, all stiff and hard rather than soft and floppy, when I rubbed it with my soapy hands!”

Ron noticed that his semen was congealing and drying out in the warm sun. “Why don’t you wash that off now, Amy?” he suggested. “It becomes a yucky mess, the longer you wait.”

Amy held up her hands and rubbed her sticky fingers together. “I see what you mean,” she said. She put her arms down into the water and scrubbed the cum off, then she began splashing water onto her brother’s belly and thighs to clean him off as well.

“After I discovered how good it felt to wash my dick when it was hard,” Ron continued, “mom never had any trouble getting me to take a bath anymore.” He chuckled. “I took baths as often as I could, even if mom didn’t tell me to. I just loved lying there in the tub, staring at my cock, sticking up out of the sudsy water, stiff and straight. I’d admire it for a while, then I’d rub the bar of soap on it and stroke my fist up and down that slippery shaft for what seemed like hours! Mom used to get so mad and yell at me to get out of there, but I just ignored her and kept on stroking it!”

“Oh, yeah, I remember that!” Amy cried. “That was when we lived in that little house with only one bathroom. So that’s what you were doing! We would to get so frustrated because the rest of us couldn’t use the bathroom!”

Ron laughed. “Yeah, I guess it was kind of selfish. But it was only for a few months, because I soon made another discovery! One day, I was the one waiting to get into the bathroom, for a change, and I had to pee real bad. I was on my bed, lying on my stomach, with my hand inside my pants, squeezing and pulling on my cock, trying to relieve some of the pressure on my bladder. Of course, after a little while, my cock hardened up. I continued squeezing and pulling on it, because now it felt good, as well as relieving the pressure on my bladder. After a few minutes, the most amazing feeling shot through my body, radiating from my cock. I thought that I had broken something! For a few days, I didn’t touch it. But then, I tried it again and everything worked fine and again I was rewarded with that wonderful sensation. This was really great! Not only did I find out that soap and water were not required and that I could have a good time anywhere, not just in the bathtub, but I had also discovered the ultimate conclusion to all those nice feelings I got from stroking my cock.

“Of course, I was so young then, I was just shooting blanks. But a couple of years later, after a particularly hot and heavy workout, thick, white juice began gushing out of my cock just like you saw a little while ago. I had no idea that that was supposed to happen! That put a bit of a crimp in my activities. I couldn’t just do it when or wherever I wanted to, anymore. As you saw, it can get a little messy!”

Amy giggled. “Messy…yes. But for some reason, seeing all that thick, white goo shooting out sure was exciting!”

“Wow! I’m glad you didn’t freak out when that happened,” Ron said, “especially when it got all over your hands!”

“It was quite a shock!” Amy said. “In the back of my mind, I guess I knew that that was supposed to happen, but never having experienced it before, and to see it for the first time…ooooooh, that was really exciting!”

Ron chuckled. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the show! Anyway, I’ve been doing this for half my life, now, so I figure a ‘thousand times’ is a pretty good estimate. But, like I said before, that was all by myself. Now I know that having someone else do it for me is a whole lot better!”

Amy had been staring down at her brother’s flaccid penis for most of the time while he related his history of masturbation to her. She noticed that the boy’s organ now looked a bit plumper than it had a few moments before. She slid her hand across his thigh and dipped down to slip her fingers under it. Scooping her brother’s floppy penis into her hand, she began to gently stroke and squeeze his soft, limp cock. After a few moments, she looked up at him and smiled, her eyes sparkling with delight.

“Ooooooh…I can feel it getting harder!” she cried.

“Yeah…I can feel it, too!” Ron said. “Usually it takes a while to come back…but I guess that’s another benefit of having someone else doing the handling for you!”

Watching with fascination, Amy stroked her fingers back forth along the underside of her brother’s penis as it lay atop her palm. She saw it grow longer and longer, then lift up off her palm to slowly stand upright, stiff and straight. She gently wrapped her fingers around the once again rigid shaft and slowly stroked it up and down.

“Oooooh…it feels so hot and solid again!” she murmured breathily. “And the skin on the outside feels so soft and smooth!”

Amy dreamily caressed her brother’s upthrust erection for a little while, savoring the delightful sensations it stirred up in the pit of her stomach.

“You know, Ronnie,” she said, “when I was doing this before, I felt something way down inside me. I wonder if it was something like what you felt when it shot your juice out.”

“Sure it was, Amy!” Ron replied. “Girls can come, too! In fact, from what I’ve read, I understand that some girls can even come as many times as they want, without having to wait, like guys do! It appeared to me that you did it twice, just while you were jacking me off!”

Amy thought for a moment. “Yeah, I think you’re right,” Amy agreed.

“And you must be really hot!” Ron exclaimed. “You did it without even being touched!”

Amy smiled sheepishly. “I guess that touching your…uhhh…dick…for the first time and then seeing it shoot off like that…really got me excited.” She released her brother’s prick and cupped her hands to her breasts. “Ooooooh, I can feel something stirring in my stomach again, right now!”

“Like I said,” Ron smiled as he watched his sister squeeze and fondle her firm little titties. “You must be really hot! Just wait ’til you try touching your pussy!”

Amy’s eyes opened wide. She released one of her breasts, and slipped her hand under the water and cupped it over her crotch. A thrill shot through her loins and stabbed at her belly. She slowly ground her hips as she rubbed her hand up and down.

“Ooooooh, yes…that does feel good!” she moaned softly. Then she started as she had a thought.

“Ohhh, Ronnie, I’m sorry,” she said. “Here I’ve been having all this fun playing with your lovely…dick, and you haven’t even gotten to look at me yet! Would you like to?”

Ron smiled. “You bet I would!”

Amy turned and waded over to the stairs. On the top step, with the water just up to her ankles and still facing away from her brother, she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her bikini bottom and slowly pushed it down over the swell of her hips and buttocks, then down her thighs. Stepping out of it, she tossed it on the deck and wiggled her firm, tight little ass, as she looked back at Ron over her shoulder.

Ron looked up at his sister’s lovely, naked backside, entranced by the sight. Her long, blond hair tumbled down over her shoulders. Her waist was slim, flaring nicely to her hips and firm, round buttocks, set atop smooth, slender thighs. He noticed she had a pair of dimples in her lower back, one above each rounded ass-cheek.

Amy smiled at the look of appreciation she saw on her brother’s face as he gazed up at her naked butt. She allowed him to look for good period of time, then she slowly turned around.

Ron gasped and his eyes opened wide as he took in this heavenly vision of young womanhood. He eagerly scanned her pert little titties and long, slender torso, flaring to shapely hips and luscious thighs. He felt his cock throb as he gazed at the tidy little blond bush at the juncture of her slender thighs, imagining the treasure that he knew, but couldn’t see, lay just below.

Without conscious volition, Ron grasped his upthrust cock and stroked it as he looked up at his sister’s now fully revealed, naked body.

“Holy shit, Amy! I never realized you were so beautiful!” he exclaimed.

Amy’s heart skipped a beat as she heard her brother’s compliment. She turned slowly from side to side, coyly allowing her brother to feast his eyes on her luscious young body, feeling both bashful at the total exposure and excited by it, as well.

As she let her brother look at her, Amy gazed down at him as he lay before her on the floating air mattress. Her stomach fluttered and her breath caught in her throat as she watched his fingers slowly stroke up and down the shaft of his rigidly upthrust penis. Cupping her hands around her breasts, she gently tweaked her taut little nipples between her fingertips, then slid her hands down along her narrow waist and tight, flat belly to comb her fingers through the fine, golden curls of the neat little muff below her navel.

She saw his eyes follow her hands down the front of her body to zero in on her crotch as her fingers combed through her pubs.

“Would you like to have a closer look at it?” she said, patting her fingers on her golden love nest, feeling a tickle of excitement in her loins at what she was suggesting.

“Oh, yeah!” Ron cried, slipping off the air-mattress and wading over to the steps. He leaned forward and put his hands down on the step at her feet, his face just below the level of her crotch.

Amy looked down into her brother’s upturned face, feeling deliciously naughty as she thrust her hips forward and parted her slender thighs, revealing the puffy, hairless outer lips of her vagina and the dark cleft between them. Sliding her fingers lower, she touched their tips to either side of that cleft and felt a thrill excitement shoot through her as she pulled them back to reveal the pink, inner folds of her vulva to her brother’s eager view.

Amy let him look at her open cunt for just a moment, then she released her outer labia and they closed back over her vulva. She smiled at the look of disappointment that instantly clouded his face.

“Just a sec, Ronnie,” she said. She sat down on the edge of the pool and laid back on the deck, spreading her knees wide apart.

Ron edged forward, his head hovering just above the juncture of his sister’s wide-spread thighs. Amy’s heart pounded with excitement at the look of eager anticipation on the boy’s face as he looked down at the closed cleft of her cunt. She slid her hands down to her crotch and lightly stroked her fingertips up and down along both sides of her crevice.

“Ooooooooh…” she sighed, her butt wriggling against the hard deck. She pressed her fingertips down and pulled back her outer labia. Her heart jumped as she saw her brother’s eyes open wide and a broad smile spread across his face as he looked down into her, now open, vulva.

Ron silently studied his sister’s open pussy for what seemed an eternity to the young girl. After a time her butt began to squirm uncomfortably.

“Well…uhhhh…” she mumbled.

Ron looked up at her and smiled. “It’s beautiful, Sis…really beautiful! The prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen!”

Amy’s heart soared and her face lit up with joy. Then it clouded. “How many have you seen?” she asked.

The boy smiled sheepishly. “Well…just yours, actually,” he allowed, acknowledging that she had caught him. “But ever since I developed my ‘interest,’ I’ve done a lot of ‘research.’ So I’ve seen a lot of pussies in pictures. Some are beautiful, and some are down-right disgusting. Yours though, is really beautiful…and not just because it’s real instead of a picture.”

Amy’s interest was piqued. “Pictures?” Amy asked. “What kind of pictures?”

“Books and magazines…anything I can find that’s sexy,” Ron replied.

“Oh, yeah?” Amy said, looking intrigued. “Do you have some now? I’d really like to see them!”

“Uhhh…yeah…maybe later…” Ron said, looking back down at her cunt. “Right now I just want to look at you!”

Carefully examining his sister’s vagina, Ron mentally compared it to all the others he had seen in his “research.” He saw that the moist, pink ridges of her inner labia converged near the top of her vulva in a structure he believed must be the hood of her clitoris, although her clit itself was not visible. Just below that structure, nestled between the folds of her labia, he saw a tiny pit which he thought must be the opening of her urethra. His eyes trailed down through the furrow of her vulva to where her inner labia converged again. Here, he found a circular depression, but not an obvious opening, which he assumed was because she was still a virgin.

Amy smiled as she watched her brother’s face. She was thrilled that her brother found her vagina so fascinating and she felt the excitement rising in her belly once again. Her ass squirmed against the deck and she clenched her buttocks so that her cunt thrust up and down several times. She thought about her brother’s comment a few moments ago about how good it would feel to touch her pussy. She had already found out that was true. Now she wanted know how it felt to have someone else touch it.

“Ooooh…Ronnie…” she moaned, squirming her butt. “You hold it open for me now!”

Ron looked up at his sister, smiling. “Sure!” he eagerly replied.

He placed his hands on his sister’s wide-spread, inner thighs and slid them toward her crotch. He carefully touched his fingertips to her soft, outer cunt-lips, keeping them pulled back as she released them.

“Oooooh,” Amy sighed, drawing her own fingertips up her belly to circle her erect nipples as she enjoyed the first touch of another person’s fingers on her vagina.

Amy gasped and her butt writhed as she watched her brother’s face, poised just inches above her wide-open cunt. She felt more nakedly exposed than she ever had before, as the boy, himself, held her vulva open to his view and stared into her open pussy with rapt fascination. She found the sensation to be delightfully thrilling. The butterflies in her belly were going into overdrive.

As Ron gazed upon his sister’s open vulva, its pink folds glistening in the sunlight with her succulent juices, he was overcome by an irresistible urge, no doubt inspired by his extensive “research” on the subject.

After what had seemed an eternity, while her brother just stared down into her open pussy, Amy saw her brother slowly lick his lips, then lower his face. He extended his tongue and tentatively touched its tip to her moist, inner labia. Slowly, he drew his tongue up through those soft, smooth, wet folds of female flesh.

Amy gasped in shock and her body froze.

“Ronnie!’ she cried. “What are you doing?”

Ron raised his head and smiled at her, delighted with this, his first taste of pussy. “Mygod, Sis,” he said, “your pussy looked so beautifully tempting…I just couldn’t resist! I just had to see how it tasted!”

“How it tasted?” Amy cried in shocked surprise.

He extended his tongue again and touched it to the lower end of her vulva, then slowly drew it up through her moist, tender folds.

“Ummmmm…” he murmured, smiling at her as he licked his lips. “Yes…you do taste really good!” he said. Lowering his face to her wide-open pussy once again, he began running his tongue up and down, up and down, through her moist inner folds while keeping his eyes on her pretty face, watching for her reaction to his tongue’s caresses.

After a few moments Amy moaned softly and her body relaxed. A smile of delight spread across her pretty face.

“Ohhhhh…ohhhhh, Ronnie…that feels sooooo goooood…” she moaned, her ass grinding against the deck.

Made aware of cunnilingus through his readings, Ron had always found the idea of licking a pussy to be very intriguing and it always played a large role in his fantasy life. As he now explored his sister’s soft, moist inner labia with his tongue, he was elated to actually be performing the act which he had so many times imagined while masturbating. He found that licking a vagina was every bit as enjoyable as he had dreamed. The silky-smooth texture of his sister’s moist labia against his tongue, the heady fragrance wafting from her open vulva, and the delicious flavor of her sweet, free-flowing nectar was a triple-whammy to his libido. Deep in his belly, he felt the excitement of his rising passions and his stiffly erect, throbbing penis twitched and quivered expectantly between his thighs.

“Ohhhhh…ohhhhh…ohhhhh…” Amy moaned. “Oh god…ooooh, that’s good…ohhhhh…” Her firm little ass bounced and writhed as she experienced the delightful caress of a tongue on her vagina for first time.

As much as he relished licking his sister’s pussy, Ron was equally thrilled by her reaction to it. Seeing her taking such obvious delight in his efforts drove his own erotic passions even higher. He had learned enough from his reading to know that he should initially stay away from her clitoris for a time in order to allow her excitement to grow, so he continued to gently lick and probe at just the middle and lower reaches of her vulva as she moaned and groaned, her body writhing with delight. He explored the depression at the lower end of her vulva with the tip of his tongue and found a tiny opening in her hymen. He gently worked the tip of his tongue into it, then thrust it in and out.

“Ooooh…ooooh…ooooh…” Amy moaned as her brother swirled his tongue around and around within the entrance to her vagina. His eyes flicked up and down, watching both his sister’s pretty face and her clitoral hood at the top of her vulva while he stimulated the lower end of her cunt with his tongue.

As he watched, he saw a tiny, bright pink spot within the darker shroud of her clitoral hood slowly grow larger until it was the size of a pea and bulged out from the surrounding tissue, pink and shiny with her sweet juices.

“Ohhhh, Ron, honey…you’re making me feel so good…” she moaned, her slender body writhing as her hands kneaded her firm little breasts.

He raised his head and smiled at her, his lips and chin glistening with her pussy juices. Confident now that his research had put him on the right path, he said, “If you think this has been good, just wait a second for what comes next!”

Ron lowered his head and extended his flattened tongue. He touched its tip to the lower end of his sister’s vulva and slowly lapped it up and down several times. Then he slowly ran it all the way to the very top of her moist furrow. Amy gasped and her body jerked as his tongue slid across her now erect clitoris.

“Ohhh, shit!” she gasped.

Ron narrowed his tongue and swirled it around and around the taut little nub of his sister’s clit. “Oh, shit…oh, shit…ohhhhh, shit!” she cried as her loins erupted. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her body, her cunt spasming with delight as the boy continued to swirl his tongue around and around her tiny love button.

“Oh, mygod…ohhhh, mygod…” she gasped.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh…” she groaned as her orgasm peaked.

As her passions slowly ebbed, Amy raised her knees and gently trapped her brother’s head between her thighs while he continued to gently lap up the delicious nectar being exuded from her still gently spasming vagina.

After a few moments, Amy let out a huge sigh and her body relaxed. Her knees fell apart again, freeing her brother’s head.

He raised his head, his entire face now glistening with Amy’s love juices. He smiled with self-satisfied self-confidence, pleased that he had been able to induce his sister’s first real orgasm.

“So how was that?” he asked.

“Oh, Ronnie! Ronnie…” she murmured. “That was…amazing! Ohhh, mygod, it was wonderful!” she gasped, breathlessly.

Ron sat back and then stood up. Amy gasped as she saw the boy’s erect penis, rise from beneath the surface of the water, pointing stiffly forward and slightly upward, above her, dripping cooling droplets of pool water onto her hot, open cunt. Fully engorged, its swollen purple head glistened in the sun.

Amy sat up, crossing her legs, and stared at her brother’s stiffly quivering cock right in front of her face. She raised her hands and gently wrapped her fingers around the boy’s throbbing shaft. She began to gently stroke the boy’s rigid prick with both hands. Ron groaned and arched his body, thrusting his straining hard-on forward. After a few moments, he began thrusting his hips, sliding his throbbing prick back and forth through his sister’s hands in time with her own movements.

His passions already at a fever pitch due to his thrilling first taste of pussy, it took only a few moments before he let out a heavy grunt and a huge spurt of semen erupted from the bloated tip of his penis and splashed across his sister’s little titties.

“Ohhh, yes!” Amy cried in delight. She continued to pump her brother’s pulsing organ as it repeatedly spurt its viscous load of jiz all over her heaving breasts.

Amy continued stroking the boy’s throbbing penis, gradually slowing her tempo as the force of his ejaculations subsided. When Ron’s cock quit spurting, Amy released it and looked down at her breasts, now glistening with thick, viscous splotches of cum. She giggled, grasping her firm little titties in both hands and began smearing the gooey mess all around her chest.

“Hmmmmm…” I wonder if it makes a good sun-tan lotion…” she quietly mused.

Looking up at her brother, standing over her with a dazed look on his face. She reached up and pushed him, laughing as he tumbled back into the pool.

Standing up, she dove in after him.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

They swam about, cavorting like children as they enjoyed the delightful fun of skinny-dipping with a companion for the first time. When they’d had enough, they climbed out and spread some blankets on the grass, then laid down to relax and dry off in the sun.

After a little while, Amy stretched her lithe, young body and mewed like a kitten.

“Ooooh, this feels incredible!” she murmured, enjoying the caress of the sun on her naked body. “I could really get used to this!”

She cupped her hands over her breasts, then ran them across her taut, flat belly and up and down her slender thighs. Pulling her heels up to her butt, she let her knees drop to the sides, splaying them apart and opening up her crotch.

“Ooooooh, it feels so good having the sun shining on my open pussy!” she said. “I wish I’d discovered this years ago!”

‘Yeah,” Ron said, “You’ll never feel comfortable again if you have to wear clothes when you lay out in the sun. I’ve been doing this for years, myself, whenever I thought I was safe and wouldn’t be discovered.”

“So that’s why I’ve hardly ever seen you out here since we were kids,” Amy said. “But you still always have a nice tan.”

“Yeah, it’s just not as enjoyable when you have to wear clothes, even just a swimming suit, so I don’t even bother, unless I’m home alone.” Ron told her. “Besides, where’s the sense in wearing clothes while you’re trying to get a tan, anyway?”

“I guess you right about that!” Amy agreed.

Ron gazed at his sister’s lovely, naked body for a few moments and smiled. “Every time I was out here, though, I thought about how much fun it would be to be able to share the experience with someone else,” he murmured softly. “I’m kind of sorry you never caught me before!”

Amy looked up at her brother and smiled back. “Yeah, I am, too!” she said. “Just think of all the fun we’ve missed!”

They were lying next to each other, in opposite directions. Amy rolled onto her side, toward Ron, propping herself up on one elbow, while he lay on his back, propped up on both elbows. She drew her foot up to her butt so that her thighs parted, opening up her crotch to her brother’s view. She stroked her fingertips back and forth along her sleek flank, then her thigh, then down to gently caress the lips of her pussy.

After a few moments, Amy raised her hand and laid it on Ron’s stomach, close to where his fat, slightly tumescent penis lay upturned across his lower belly. She touched the tip of her finger to the side of his soft, spongy shaft and lightly caressed it. After a few moments, she saw it stir, then begin to slowly grow longer and thicker. After a few moments, it lifted it head off the boy’s abdomen and gradually rose until it was standing straight up.

“Ahhhh…there,” she sighed, smiling with delight, “that’s the way I like to see it!” She continued to lightly slide her fingertip up and down the side of his now fully erect penis.

“Yeah, me, too,” Ron said. “I just can’t believe it, though!”

“Believe what?” Amy asked.

“That I’ve got another hard-on already,” Ron answered. “It usually takes a long time after I come to get hard again, but there it is…and that’s after coming twice in a pretty short while!”

“I guess it must be extra exciting to have your sister lying here next to you, naked, and touching it!” Amy murmured softly.

“There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that that’s the reason!” Ron said.

They quietly relaxed, basking in warm sun, Amy gazing at Ron’s sun-bronzed erection as she gently ran her fingertip up and down the full length of the underside of his shaft, from his balls to the tiny orifice at its tip, while Ron’s eyes feasted on his sister’s lush, naked young body.

After a few minutes of silence, Amy looked up and saw the boy gazing at her, a smile on his face. Their eyes met and she giggled.

“Shit, Amy,” Ron said, you are so beautiful!”

Amy smiled with delight. She pulled her hand away from his cock and laid back, stretching her arms above her head and arching her lithe, slender body.

Knowing her brother’s eyes were on her, she brought her arms back up and cupped her hands around the flattened mounds of her little breasts, rolling the taut, rubbery nubs of her erect nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. After a few moments, she slid her hands down the concave curve of her tummy and combed her fingers through the soft curls of her honey-blond love nest. Drawing her legs up to her butt, she let her knees splay outward and she extended one finger down to the cleft of her closed vulva.

Amy slid her fingertip up and down along that crevice a few times, then pushed it deeper into her cleft and slowly slid it back and forth several times along the full length of the slit between her closed outer labia. She pulled her finger out of her pussy and held it up, glistening wetly in the sunlight.

She looked at Ron and smiled, “Ohmygod! I’m all wet!” she gasped in mock surprise.

Amy gazed at her wetly glistening finger for a moment, then thought about what her brother had done to her a little while before. She stuck her finger in her mouth, and slowly pulled it back out, smacking her lips.

“Ummmm…” she murmured, smiling, “You’re right! I do taste pretty good!”

Ron laughed. “You sure do, sis!” he said.

Amy returned her hand to her crotch and pushed her fingertip between her outer cunt-lips again. As she slowly slid her fingertip back and forth along her moist slit, Amy looked at her brother, her head cocked to the side and a questioning look on her face.

“Hey, Ronnie,” she said, “what in the world ever gave you the idea to lick me down there like that?”

Ron raised his eyes her from her pussy to look into her face. “Well…” he said, “I may not have had much personal experience, but I have had a great deal of book-learning.”

Amy’s eyebrows went up. “‘Book-learning’?” she asked.

“Yeah…erotic books and magazines and such,” he replied. “I also spent a lot of time at my college library, studying ‘extracurricular’ subjects. And in my extensive ‘studies’, I frequently ran across it…and I found the idea quite…uhhh…intriguing. It’s called ‘cunnilingus,’ or less formally: ‘eating pussy’, ‘cunt licking’, ‘muff diving’, ‘carpet munching’…”

Amy burst out laughing. When she settled down, she asked, “Do you still have any of these books and magazines you could show me?”

“Hmmm…yeah, I guess so…” Ron replied.

He got up and headed toward the house. Amy watched his erect penis bobbing and quivering as he walked, his sun-warmed balls swinging freely between his thighs. After a few minutes, Ron returned, carrying a small stack of magazines. His cock was now only semi-tumescent, swinging and bouncing heavily from side to side with each step.

He sat back down and laid the magazines on the blanket at his side, away from Amy. He picked up the top one and handed it to her. It was a regular men’s magazine, with articles and advertising and several pictorials of voluptuous young women in the nude.

Amy sat up, crossed her legs, and paged through the magazine as it lay on her lap, reading a little bit here and there and perusing the pictorials, commenting on the girls’ attributes and how they compared to her own. She held up a magazine and pointed to a picture of a particularly attractive girl.

“How do you like this one, Ronnie?” she asked.

Ron gazed at the picture for a moment. Then he said, “She’s very pretty and she has a great body…but her tits are too big for my taste.”

Amy looked surprised. “Oh?”

“Yeah, that’s the trouble with the girls in those magazines,” Ron explained. “Most of them have tits that are already too big, in my mind, and then they get them ‘fixed’ which not only makes them even bigger, but gives them an unnatural shape as well.”

Amy thrust out her chest proudly. “But aren’t mine too small?” she asked.

“Not as far as I’m concerned,” he assured her. “Most women seem to think about their breasts the way men think about their cocks, that bigger is better. But I think that for breasts, shape and proportionality is much more important…especially shape!” Ron raised his hand and cupped it over his sister’s breast. “See! One perfect handful, with no overage. Perfectly proportioned for your body!”

He raised his other hand and touched the tip of his finger to the upper part of her breast. He slid his fingertip up and down the slope of her tittie, from her clavicle to her erect nipple. “You see this nice slope here,” he said, gently hefting her breast with one hand, while he traced the sloping curve with his fingertip from the other. “Your titties are round on the bottom and sloped inward on the top, making your nipples point upward. Some women’s breasts, especially if they have big ones, or they’re artificially enhanced, bulge out at the top, as well as the bottom, instead of sloping, like yours, and that causes their nipples to point downward. That’s not as cute as yours. And many women with big tits, even if they slope inward on top, they’re so big and heavy, they hang down on their lower ribs instead of standing up all pretty and perky, like yours!”

Amy smiled and thrust out her chest proudly again. “So you really like my titties, Ronnie?” she asked.

Ron cupped his hands over both her breasts and gently tweaked her taut nipples between his fingertips. “You bet, sis!” he said, “they’re the best!”

A shiver of delight ran up her spine and her butt wriggled against the blanket as her brother gently fondled her sensitive breasts. They were both sitting cross-legged, knees to knees, and Amy glanced down at her brother’s lap. She saw his flaccid penis twitch and then begin to slowly rise. Her stomach fluttered and she gasped softly as she watched the boy’s prick grow longer and longer as it rose from the pit formed by his crossed legs to stand pointing nearly vertically upward, well above his lap.

As she stared at her brother’s erect penis, Amy felt a stirring in her own loins. She glanced back up at her brother’s face and saw that his eyes were trained on her crotch as he fondled her titties. She looked down at her pussy and saw that her puffy outer labia were pulled back by her wide-spread thighs, leaving her vulva slightly open. She could see her pink, inner folds between her parted outer lips, clear juices trickling down through her furrow.

Amy looked back down Ron’s prick. She placed her hands on his knees and pushed downward. The boy’s pelvis was levered upward, thrusting his erect penis even higher. She released the pressure on his knees and his cock pulled back down a bit. Amy smiled and began pushing down and releasing Ron’s knees, watching her brother’s organ thrust up and down.

Ron looked up at his sister and saw her staring at his cock, a delighted smile on her pretty face. Looking down at his own crotch, he saw how his penis was thrusting in time with his sister’s pushes. Ron released Amy’s breasts and, groaning softly, leaned back, supported by his hands behind him. Now his straining prick thrust even higher as Amy, giggling merrily, pumped his knees up and down.

Having gone through all the magazines Ron had given her, Amy noticed that there was still one more behind him.

“How about that one, Ronnie?” she asked, nodding her head toward the remaining magazine.

“Oh, yeah!” he said, glancing down at it. “Well…” he shifted his butt nervously, “that one’s kinda special. It’s different from those others. It’s a little more…uhhh…advanced!”

“Oh?” Amy looked puzzled, unsure what that meant. “Okay…well, let me see it, too!” she said.

Ron picked up the magazine and passed it to his sister. It was much thicker and heavier bound than the others. Amy caught her breath as she saw the cover. It displayed a close-up of an erect penis with what was obviously a woman’s hand wrapped around the shaft. The head of the penis was purple and fully engorged while a stream of white cum was spewing from its tip, frozen in mid-spurt.

“Ohmygod!” Amy gasped, as she stared at the cover of the magazine in fascination.

After a few moments, she flipped the cover back to find a picture of a young man and woman sitting together on a couch, kissing passionately. The next picture showed that the woman’s blouse had been removed and her breasts exposed. The man had his hand cupped around one of them, while he sucked on the nipple of the other. The fly of the man’s pants was open and his penis stuck up through the opening while the woman’s hand encircled his rigid shaft. On the facing page, they were both completely naked. The man sat slightly slumped, with his legs spread apart. The woman was next to him, her body pressed to his side with her top leg thrown over his thigh, her hand still gripping his erection as they kissed. In the last picture on that page, the woman was now standing on the couch, straddling the man’s chest, her crotch pressed to his upturned face. The man’s hands gripped the woman’s fleshy buttocks, holding her there. His erect penis and dangling balls were prominently displayed between his wide-spread thighs, now unobstructed by the woman’s hand.

“Whew…” Amy gasped, staring at that huge cock, her butt wriggling. She touched her fingertip next to the image and said, “Look at that thing, Ronnie! It’s so big! A lot bigger than yours!”

“Yeah…” Ron said, “Like I told you, they come in all sizes. But he’s a real freak of nature. That’s why he’s in the magazine. You don’t see very many normal sized cocks in magazines!”

“Oh, I see…” Amy said, flipping the page. She gasped and her body tensed as she looked at the first picture. The woman had turned around now, and had her butt mashed against the man’s face. She was leaning forward over the man’s upthrust penis, her extended tongue lashing across its bloated purple head.

Amy gasped and her body jerked at the sight.

The picture below that was a close-up showing her lips encircling the man’s penis, halfway down along his long, thick shaft.

“Ohmygod!” Amy groaned. She stared at the two pictures for a few moments, then she laid the magazine down between them on their crisscrossed ankles. Sliding her hand up Ron’s thigh, Amy curled her fingers around the base of the boy’s upthrust penis. She slowly stroked her hand up and down her brother’s rigid shaft several times.

“What do you think of this, Ronnie?” she murmured softly, continuing to gently stroke his stiff prick as she pointed at the picture of the woman sucking the man’s penis.

“I think it would be awesome!” Ron answered. “It’s always been a favorite fantasy of mine to imagine a beautiful girl licking and sucking my cock!”

“Ummmm, yes…” Amy mused. “I know how good it felt when you licked my pussy…and how much you seemed to enjoy doing it! I suppose it might work the same the other way around!”

“I don’t know why not!” Ron replied, groaning, as he thrust his penis up and down through his sister’s lightly encircling fist.

Amy looked at the top picture on the facing page. The woman had pulled her butt away from the man’s face and was now sitting astride his abdomen, facing away from him with her feet on the floor. His arms were around her body from behind, his hands cupping her full, round breasts. The woman had the fingertips of both hands touching the underside of the man’s upthrust shaft, holding the top side of his erect penis pressed against the open furrow of her vagina. The big, purple head reached nearly to her navel. The picture below that was a close-up of the underside of the man’s penis, lying along the wetly glistening folds of the woman’s vulva, the tip of its swollen, purple head touching the bright pink nub of her prominently erect clitoris.

“Ooooooh…” Amy sighed softly, her butt squirming, as she contemplated the sight of the woman’s pussy actually being touched by the man’s penis. She raised her eyes slightly from the picture to look at her brother’s up-thrust prick, then back down at her own slightly open vulva. A thrill raced up her spine.

Amy flipped the page and she gasped, her hand gripping her brother’s hard-on more tightly for a moment as she took in the two pictures on the next page. They were both close-ups of the woman’s wide open vagina, showing her bright, pink clitoris protruding from its hood at the top, and her wet, glistening inner labia below. In the first of the two close-ups, the man’s huge, engorged cock-head lay nestled between those moist inner lips and the picture below was the same shot, except now, half of the man’s long, hard shaft had disappeared into the woman’s vaginal opening.

“Ooooooooh…” Amy moaned, her ass squirming as she contemplated the sight of the man’s penis embedded in the woman’s vagina.

Amy shifted her gaze to the facing page and perused the next several pictures, showing long-shots of the woman riding up and down on the man’s long, stiff prick, his organ buried in her cunt to various depths, while behind her, the man fondled her breasts.

Amy took a deep breath and flipped the page to find a full-page close-up of the woman’s vagina, with the man’s giant cock-head at the bottom delivering a huge dollop of cum onto the glistening, wet folds of her vulva. Previous spurts of thick, white semen were dripping from the curls of her neatly trimmed love-nest at the top of her slit.

Ron reached over and took the magazine from his sister’s hands.

“We’d better put this away now,” he said.

“Wh…why…?” Amy looked up at him, confused and disappointed, knowing that there were still many pages left in the magazine to see.

“It’s getting late.” Ron said. “Mom will be getting home soon and we wouldn’t want her to find us out here like this, would we?”

“No, I guess not…” Amy replied, frowning.

Ron stood up. Amy looked up at him, then down at his still erect penis pointing straight at her. “What about this guy?” she asked, raising her hands and wrapping both of them around his rigid shaft.

Ron groaned and thrust his cock forward as his sister lovingly stroked it. After a few moments, he pulled it back, out of her grasp. “You’ve given him quite a workout today, already. He could use a little rest!”

Amy stuck out her lower lip at him, then laid back on the blanket. Drawing her feet up to her butt, she splayed her knees outward, opening up her vagina to his view. “And what about this!” she said, touching her fingertip to her vulva and running it up and down through its moist, glistening folds.

“Looking at your extra-special, ‘advanced’ magazine there, got me all hot and bothered!” she said.

“Like I said, it’s getting late,” Ron said. “You’ll just have to cool down and save it for later.”

“Oh, all right…” Amy moaned, straightening out her legs and stretching her arms above her head. “Oooooh, this sun feels so good when you’re naked!” she purred. She brought her hands back down and cupped them around her pert little titties, tweaking her nipples between her fingertips. Then she slid her hands down her smooth, flat belly and inner thighs. She smiled up at her brother as he gazed down at her. She sat up and raised her hand to him.

Ron took her hand and pulled her to her feet. As she came up, she continued the forward motion, stumbling against him. Amy’s firm little tits mashed against his chest and his erect penis stabbed her belly. She reached between their bodies and wrapped her hand around her brother’s hard cock. She slowly cranked on it, drawing circles on her taut belly with its big, smooth head, dipping low enough to pass through the soft, golden curls of her love-nest.

“Ohhhh, shit…Amy…” Ron groaned. He slid his hands down his sister’s back and cupped her firm, round buttocks. Digging his fingers into the soft flesh, he pulled her closer. His stiff prick slid upward, pressing its underside against her belly and his balls against her curly muff. They stood there, slowly writhing their naked bodies against each other, both feeling his hot, solid organ throbbing between their bellies and the hard, rubbery points of her erect nipples poking into his chest.

As he felt the lust rising in him, Ron’s good sense managed to overcome it. Reluctantly pushing her away, he said, “Com’on Amy, mom will be home any minute!”

“Oh, all right…” Amy said, resignedly. They picked up the blankets and magazines and headed into the house.

Just as they stepped through the sliding glass door from the patio, they heard the door rolling up out in the garage. “Mom!” they both yelled simultaneously, and took off in a mad dash for their bedrooms.