Kat Takes A Ride

The second in a series featuring Katrina the Hotwife.

It had been a good decision to get her bike out. The city’s streets were never clear of traffic on a working day but there was a good cycle route all the way down to her office. On a day like this she could get her exercise and do her short commute all in one.

Kat felt the delicious little burn of using her muscles. She enjoyed going to the gym but sometimes a change to routine kept things fresh. Using the cycle-ways, with their sometimes uneven surface, meant she couldn’t go too fast but it was still excellent aerobic exercise. There was a breeze coming off the sea that she was working against. It made her journey more of a work-out while keeping her cool from the heat of the sun.

The wheels of her bike juddered as she approached the junction and she felt her top blown against her body by the breeze. She glanced down and realised that even given the heat maybe just wearing the top hadn’t been so good an idea. The combination of the touch of the material and the coolness of the air were making her nipples VERY obvious through the top’s thin material.

Not so long ago she would have been nervously watching everyone she passed and hoping that they hadn’t noticed. The last couple of months had rather banished such notions. Especially the incident at the local store. Going out back with an African-American stranger and ending up swallowing his cum. That sort of thing kind of shook the self-consciousness out of you!

Kat stopped at a light and glanced down again. It wasn’t a particularly daring top – none of the revealing styles and slogans that her Twitter fans loved to see her wear. However the thin white material was doing absolutely nothing to hide her hard nipples. She wondered just how many men had noticed them as she rode by. Well, she was proud of her body. That was why there was a tiny camera mounted on her handle-bars and pointing back at her. A little editing to ensure that she remained anonymous and her Twitter fans would love that close up view when the cool breeze blew her top tight against her breasts. Then Kat would get to enjoy their reactions – she would take her own pleasure and satisfaction from their desire for her.

Kat’s bike eased its way down the slope and past the long line of vehicles backed up. In this city that could be another advantage of getting the bike out. The lines of traffic were longer than usual today and she only found out why as she took the next corner.

“Oh sh-“, Kat caught herself as she noticed the barriers up across the road. Weren’t the city supposed to put notices up to warn people about this sort of thing? She did a quick mental calculation. If this road was blocked then it wouldn’t be just a case of having to go around the block. She’d have to follow the traffic system round, part of it uphill. If she pushed it that would be twenty minutes at least.

Kat slowed her machine and brought it to a halt just in front of the barriers. No way through – what a pain! Her ears were assailed by the roar of a jack-hammer as a workman was breaking up the surface. He was a big man, muscles rippling as he worked with sweat already shining on his dark skin. Other men were taking away the rubble and moving more equipment around the small site. The sun was only starting to show its power and it promised to be a long day for these working men.

The jack-hammer stopped its roar as Kat noticed the sign-board. She felt the relief of it – concentrating against that noise was near impossible. Now she could read the sign. The work would be going on Thursday through Sunday. Well – it seemed the bike would be going back in the cupboard for a few days!

“Sorry about the inconvenience – we putting in the new power cables.”

Kat hoped she hadn’t jumped too much with surprise. He was indeed a big man – over six-foot tall and powerfully-built. He wore a sleeveless shirt that left his muscular arms exposed. He had taken one ear-protector off.

“It’s a bit of a pain – I can almost see my office from here but going the long way round will be twenty minutes at least. Still I guess you guys have to get the work done.”

The big man didn’t move a muscle but Kat had a strong feeling that in that half-second his eyes had taken her all in. Appraised her and considered her.

“Well ma’am the rules are strict. We can’t let anyone through while we’re working. Just a little through-way over there for when we done for the day. So you’ll have to go round. Unless of course,” he paused and then shouted in a loud deep voice, “OK GUYS – ITS A FIVE MINUTE BREAK.”

Like magic the noise of machinery cut off. The man gave Kat a little smile. “Benefits of being a foreman!” He pointed at the through-way he had indicated earlier. “Darnell – give this lady a hand by opening that gate there.”

Another African-American worker moved across and unlocked the latch to let the small gate swing free. Even before getting there Kat could see a problem. It was really only a narrow walk-way between a building and the site’s barriers. The handle-bars of her machine were too wide to fit through.

She gave out a little sigh – seemed she’d be going the long way round anyway. The foreman chuckled.

“In my line of work you got to be able to problem-solve. Let me help…”

Kat got off her bike at his signal and the man leaned over and picked the machine up to heft it onto his shoulder. It was a good bike and the man did it with nonchalant ease. He carried it across the site as Kat walked alongside him outside of the barriers.

“This is very kind of you,” she said.

“Its a pleasure and the guys were due five minutes anyway. You do this route every day?”

“I was planning to.”

“Well you just ask for me, I’m Jalen or Jay or the Boss, or look out for Darnell over there.” He pointed at his colleague. “We’ll look after ya – that’s right ain’t it Darnell.”

Darnell wasn’t as big as Jalen but he was clearly another man who earned his keep with the sweat of his brow. “Damn sure,” he said, his eyes remaining firmly anchored on the front of Kat’s top.

Jalen set Kat’s bike down safely on the other side of their work. “We’ll keep an eye out for you later.”

Kat hoped back onto her machine. “Thanks guys – I really appreciate it.”

“Ain’t nothing,” said Jalen. He turned back to his men and gave a signal.

Kat had only gone a few yards before she heard Darnell’s excited voice. “Damn you see her – she’s as…” then his comment was drowned out as the jack-hammers resumed.


Kat didn’t have to call out for the guys on her way home. They were already at the barrier talking to two young men on bicycles, almost certainly college students by their outfits and their distinctly grim facial hair.

“Well I’m sorry but that’s how it is. If I could help you out…” Jalen gave the young men a dismissive shrug.

“Man this if fucking ridiculous. Of course you can let us through – you just have to move your lazy Black butts and shift that barrier.”

It seemed this particular young man was lacking in judgement. His choice of words just underlined the initial impression made by that patchy ginger neck-beard of his.

Jalen didn’t answer him – he just gave him a look. It was quite a look. Kat could almost see the bluster and self-assurance drain out of the young man’s face. His friend tugged at his sleeve.

“Ah shit – fuck you! We’ll go round AND we’ll fucking report your lazy nigger asses!”

Darnell took a step forward and the two young men almost leapt onto their bikes and peddled quickly away in the other direction.

Jalen watched them go and finally just let out an expressive, ‘Huh!”

“Will they report you?” Kat asked.

“Like I could give a shit,” replied Jalen. “Ain’t like we don’t hear that all day every day.” He ran one hand over the top of his close-cropped scalp. “Water off this ol’ duck’s back.”

He seemed to ponder for a moment and then smiled. “Ready to go back?”

Kat returned his smile. “Yeah, but we’d best take some weight off first.” She opened her cooler newly strapped on the back of the bike and handed over six bottles of ice-cold water. “I’ve been looking out of the office all day at that hot sun and just knew you men could use this.”

“DRINK BREAK,” shouted Darnell and his four co-workers came over. It had clearly been a long hot day and the men were showing it. They gratefully took the water and gulped it down.

Jalen took a huge swig of water from his bottle and savoured the feel in his mouth before swallowing it down. “That hits the spot – thank you err…” For the first time Jalen showed a little less confidence – realising he didn’t know her name and wasn’t sure she’d appreciate his asking for it. She was, after all, a white woman and a REAL classy high-end white girl at that.

“I’m Kat,” she responded with a smile. “Is water OK or do you prefer…”

“Cold beer would be better, ” broke in Darnell, “but the motha-fuckers D/D test us so…”

“Water’s perfect,” smoothly cut in Jalen, “just be Darnell’s luck if his sorry-self got fired for a can of beer! Now…” He smoothly picked up Kat’s bike and began helping her past the site and on her way home.


The vibration of the bike had moved the camera but not too much and Kat soon edited a few choice pieces of footage to be posted up. She thought about it and then added a caption. “I got some attention.” The last few seconds of the posted clip featured Jalen and Darnell, though Kat was very careful to ensure nothing shown could ever identify them.

As she prepared the evening meal and then watched TV with her husband she kept wondering what her followers’ reaction would be. Well, let’s be honest, she wasn’t wondering. She had a very good idea what the reaction would be and she was very much looking forward to seeing it.


Friday went much as Thursday had – with the exception that a big part of Kat spent her time just looking forward to seeing Jalen. He had a look and demeanour that Kat found intensely attractive. He wasn’t arrogant but he was in charge. He was the Boss for sure!

Kat was an attractive woman and she wasn’t a naive teenager. She had experienced her share of male appreciation and attention. She had experience enough to know what she liked and Jalen ticked ALL the right boxes.

She enjoyed their reactions to her. Darnell, who was hot too in his own way, didn’t try to hide how attractive he found her. Jalen was more subtle. She had a strong feeling that he liked what he saw but nowadays a man had to be a little careful. She decided to see if her suspicions were correct.

Jalen had just put her bike ready for her to head for home when he asked. “You working tomorrow – it being Saturday I mean.”

“No,” she replied and thrilled a little to see the momentary disappointment show on his face, “but I thought I might come over here anyways. Would that be alright Boss?”

He slowly nodded and then smiled a confident smile. He’d been waiting for her signal and this was it. “I’ll be EXPECTING you – you’re the highlight of the day.”

She felt the blood in her cheeks, wondered if her tan would hide that blush from him. Then she realised it really didn’t matter – he had her tabbed now. He knew what she liked in a man just as she was getting very strong suspicions as to what he liked in a woman.


At home on Friday she finally had time to check the Twitter replies. That clip had gone down very well. Lots of pleasing comments and compliments. Only a couple of limp-dicks that had to be put on the ignore list. She kept scanning until she found the response she always looked forward to most. His profile picture now featured the Prada. She knew he was an African-American living and working over in Europe.

“How about this for tomorrow’s bike ride? If your new friends like it then you can graduate to this.”

He had attached two pictures of clothing items that he had previously sent to her. One she had worn before but the other had been kept for a special occasion. Her blood pumped hot and strong through her body as she formulated the thought that THIS might just be that perfect occasion. She had never met this particular follower, didn’t even know his name, but he had a certain deliciously naughty streak that Kat found irresistible. His little suggestions were always made as such but Kat couldn’t help taking them almost as challenges. They appealed to her competitive side.


His suggestion had been a thin black tie-back halter top with a v-neck which left her shoulders and most of her back bare. It was good for this kind of weather but down by the beach you had to be careful. A sneaky breeze from the wrong direction and you could find yourself giving the whole city an eyeful. The solution was some discreet tape to hold it in place.

Which was great but she’d never even imagined wearing it out on the bike. On a still day maybe but a cursory view on Saturday showed that the wind was getting up a little, moving the branches of the trees. Kat set the tiny camera up on the handle-bar of her bike and immediately felt the warm breeze explore. Her top rippled and gently tested its tape. The heat of the sun was moderated by air on her back, shoulders and her sides.

Kat strapped her cooler to the bike and then started on her way. She didn’t need to glance down to know that, once again, her nipples were hard and prominent against her top. She also knew that it wasn’t just because of the wind and the movement of her clothing. She was excited to be going to see Jalen.

Initially she was working against a head-wind. The top’s thin material was pressed hard against her body and a couple of times she heard the sound of car horns from vehicles as they passed. Drivers signalling their appreciation? Maybe – but it was hard to be sure. Anyway, just the potential sent the blood pumping through Kat’s body a little faster. It felt good to be appreciated!


Darnell took a pull of his cool drink with obvious appreciation. His eyes casually appraised Kat’s choice of clothing and he nodded.

Kat caught a quick exchange of glances between the two men. Darnell gave a little shrug in the direction of his foreman. Was he being warned off?

Darnell had always been very obvious in his appreciation of Kat’s body. Jalen had been much more circumspect. His actions and glances had told a story but not in a blatant way.

The work was nearly done – even Kat’s untrained eye could see that. If anything was going to happen then it would have to happen now.

Jalen finished his own drink and then very carefully looked Kat in the eyes. His own were a deep dark brown and Kat suddenly knew that he was going to make his move.

“The rest of the men will be moving on home this evening.” He indicated Darnell with one hand. “We generally stay on to supervise collection and clean-up. Best thing is that we can relax for the night before heading home. Find ourselves a beer, maybe have a smoke and make a night of it. Darnell over there will be looking to find himself a sweet piece of tail.”

“And what about you Boss – are you going to be looking for a girl?” Kat felt a little dryness in her mouth as she spoke, anxious to hear his response.

“You thinking I need to keep looking? I’m thinking I’ve found EXACTLY what I’m looking for.”

So he’d come out and said it, confirming all that she had hoped for. But now that meant she was going to have to make a decision. It wasn’t playing any more. Jalen had shown his hand and it was time for her to reveal whether she’d been bluffing or not.

“So,” he carried on, “you feel like coming to see us about seven?”

He hadn’t asked, ‘You down to bone,’ but his eyes were asking just that.

“Guess I’d better not bring the bike…” was all she said.

“You ever been out with a brotha before?”

She wondered if she should lie, if they would think she was just playing games with them. However, she didn’t want to lie to Jalen.

“No,” she confessed.

“Didn’t your momma or your pastor or your teacher never warn you about us Black men?” Jalen was smiling but there was also a glint in his eye.

“Oh yes – they warned me.” She let her eyes meet his again, tried to seem as self-assured as she could.

Jalen paused for a couple of seconds and then nodded.

“You ain’t working Sunday,” it was a statement rather than a question and Kat shook her head in response. “That’s good,” he smiled a confident smile, “because I got plans for you for all night. Understand?”

Again Jalen was making sure everyone knew where they stood. If she was there at seven then she’d be down for all he was offering. She’d be ‘his woman’, with all that entailed, if only for one night.

Kat considered Jalen and then ran the tip of her tongue over her lower lip. “I’ll see you later then…”


“Nice,” said Darnell looking at Kat’s ride, ‘maybe we’ll leave the van behind.”

Jalen didn’t say a thing as Kat got up out of the vehicle. He simply moved in close and after a moment when their eyes met his lips were on hers. A strong hand moved down her back to her butt. An insistent tongue found its way through to meet hers. Her hands moved up to grasp his well-muscled arms. She felt the strength and the power in him, relished the opportunity to surrender herself to him. Tonight offered to produce a lot of firsts in her life and she was satisfied that in Jalen she had made the right choice.

Finally they each came up for air. “Damn but I’ve been wanting to taste that sugar since the first time I saw you. I told Darnel here that you was a dime that deserved all a man could give her. That right Darnell?”

“That’s right,” agreed his friend, “not like I needed telling. You one fucking hot piece of tail girl.”

“Preach it,” Jalen said softly. His eyes were on her, examining her and appraising her, certainly liking everything that he saw.

There was a low hum of appreciation from her side. She glanced and saw Darnell checking out her behind. On the bike she had worn pants. Tonight she had chosen a tight and quite short black skirt.

“Now that is one real fine white girl booty. This one’s looking good from ALL angles!”

She glanced back at Jalen. The big man just revolved one finger and she turned for him.

He didn’t say anything but she felt his hands on her hips and felt his body pressed against hers. She felt the hard bulge against her back and then his lips at her ear.

“You built from the ground up for the Black man ain’t you white girl. You really never been with a brotha – you really been wasting your fine self on white boys? Well tonight we gonna show you what you been missing. You know that dontcha?”

“Yes Boss,” her voice was quiet, the effort of speaking intense given the emotions and desires flooding through her body.


There were tags on the walls and on the sidewalk. It wasn’t exactly ‘the ghetto’ but it was one of the more diverse parts of the city. Kat knew the city very well but this wasn’t somewhere her husband would ever bring her. She savoured every sensation. That was what this was all about.

Jalen indicated a bar. “We’re going in there.” As she turned he stopped her. “Once we in there I know you’re gonna be drawing a lot of attention.” He put his hand gently onto her back and slid it down to the top of her skirt. She looked again into his dark confident eyes. he continued, “We’d best let everyone know how things stand.”

Kat felt his fingers push their way under her skirt, felt the warmth of his fingers on her butt. She instantly knew that a thong had been a good choice. She relished the touch of his skin on hers and also the symbolism of the gesture. Jalen was making sure everyone at the bar knew she was with him – and not just as a friend. She felt a surge of warmth run through her.

The bar was noisy but only maybe half-full. Big screens showed the games in progress that evening. The demographics struck Kat in two ways. First, the clientele were almost all male and second they were overwhelmingly African-American. It was obvious now why Darnell had left them – not much chance of picking up a girl here. This was way too male an environment. She saw the faces turned to her, the eyes admiring her. Saw one or two girls glare at their men for letting their eyes linger on the sexy white bitch just a little too long. At the same time she felt Jalen’s strong fingers on her butt as they moved up to the bar.

“Hey Jalen,” said the man behind the bar, “I thought we’d been seeing you. Had folks bitching about the works the last couple of days! Two?”

Jalen nodded and returned his smile.

As he poured their beers the barman spoke casually. “Was going to ask you how things are going but it seems they’re going real good.” He glanced up meaningfully at Kat and chuckled he filthiest laugh she thought she’d ever heard.

Kat felt the blood in her cheeks, hoped the bar’s lighting wouldn’t show up her blush too much. It was hard though – she knew the adrenaline and endorphins were already rushing through her body. The fact Jalen had brought her here to show her off, had made her a sort of trophy, that was obvious and its effect on her was obvious too. Women weren’t supposed to go for that sort of thing these days. Well – fuck that! She was fucking loving it.

“Only gonna be getting better,” was all Jalen said and the big man kissed Kat’s ear.

The barman just laughed his bass chuckle again and moved over to a fresh customer.


They’d stayed for just one drink but it had been long enough.

“That jacket’s fine but I’m remembering the curves under it.”

Kat’s heart almost leapt into her mouth as she heard him speak and recognised their meaning. She’d felt very daring wearing the top suggested by her Twitter fan – but not quite brave enough to go out on the streets without a jacket covering it.

Jalen’s eyes were twinkling and he was waiting…

Kat’s pulse raced as she moved her hand to the fastening of her jacket. Once it was gone there’d be no doubt left in anyone’s mind once they saw her. They’d all know for certain why she was there and who she really was – or at least who she wanted to be.

One last hesitation but Kat knew the desires that had been building up in her over the last few months. She had decided that tonight was going to be the time for their first consummation. Well wasn’t this part of it? Her fingers quickly undid the fastenings and she removed her jacket.

Jalen’s sly smile became a broad one. “I’m liking that,” was all he said. Kat was suddenly aware to a thousand-fold degree of the men in the bar checking her out. This top meant they had a chance of seeing quite a lot, especially from certain angles. The white material was stretched over her breasts, the sides of the tank-top open to show plenty of side-boob. The message printed on the front was blatant and unambiguous.

Kat was proud of her figure. Mother nature had been kind but she’d also looked after herself and done a lot of gym-work. She didn’t have this look by accident. However, practice at home suggested that sudden movements could have her well-proportioned Double D breasts escaping this particular top. A ‘wardrobe malfunction’ they used to call it. Except out in public wearing a top like this it would only be semi-accidental at most. The rest would be that exhibitionist streak that had been making itself more and more prominent in her personality recently.

“Yeah,” her date nodded, “thems the curves I’m talking about. I like it when you ain’t hiding them. Understand?”

She nodded. Again she knew he was showing her off, treating her as a symbol and a trophy of his sexual prowess. Again she sensed her body’s reaction to this hot man’s desire to claim her. Every second just built her excitement.

“You know what you look like?”

Kat pondered his question. She knew what most white bread normies would say she looked like. A loose woman, a slut, a whore. She didn’t care so long as he liked it.

He answered his own question. “You look like a woman that needs to be fucked. Am I right?”

“Yeah,” she said breathily, her mouth seeming dry.

“Then let’s get out of here.” He took her hand and led her out of the bar.


“Turn right down here.” Jalen indicated a short cut-through to what looked like a vacant lot. There was dim light illuminating it after she had turned off those of the vehicle. Jalen got out and checked around. “No bright lights or cameras – this’ll do fine.”

Kat got out and looked around her. “Here?” she asked.

“I been waiting all week and don’t feel minded to wait no more. Besides, it strikes me you ain’t the shy type – seems to me you like to show off what a hot sexy chassy you is. Am I right?” He moved up to her.

She hadn’t time to answer before his mouth was on hers, his tongue again exploring and claiming her mouth. One hand held the small of her back while the other moved up to her barely-covered breast. Again he was claiming her and again she wanted nothing more in all the world at that moment. She didn’t care who saw her – she didn’t care if everyone saw her. She felt a fresh thrill run through every part of her and knew that she WANTED everyone to see her.

“Big firm white girl titties, they a favourite of mine and I ain’t never seen better than these.” He pushed the material aside and dropped his head to her right breast, sucking and licking her already hard nipple. Kat gasped – again feeling that heady rush of emotion and pleasure

His hand took hers and guided it to the front of his pants. She felt the hard bulge there, knew he was big and knew he was ready for her.

“You know what to do.” He didn’t need to say any more. She knew what was expected of her and knew just how much she wanted to live up to his expectations. She dropped gently to her knees, felt the cool of the dirt under her. Her hands found his belt and undid it, her fingers quick and direct. She’d waited long enough too – she needed to see him now, to feel him, to taste him.

Kat eased down his shorts and she let out a little gasp of pleasure. He was beautiful – big and hard and Black. Nine inches that could give her the sort of pleasure that her white-boy husband never could. That was obvious from her first glimpse of him but she also knew that first she needed to pay him tribute, to show him that she was deserving of him.

Her fingers gently closed around the coal-black skin of his shaft. She savoured the feel of him, the warmth and texture of him, seemed to feel the blood pumping hard through his veins and making him hard and ready for her. Mirroring the blood and emotions surging around her own body and making her warm and wet and receptive for him.

She glanced up and her eyes met his. She smiled and he nodded. It was time. She dropped her mouth down and over the broad head of his big cock. Her tongue began to explore – tasting him and relishing his masculine strength. She felt his hand gently on her shoulder, claiming her but letting her set her own pace, letting her pay that tribute in her own way.

She set all her efforts and concentration onto pleasing him, one hand grasping his thick thigh and the other gently holding the base of his cock. letting her run her tongue up and down his hard shaft. Letting her warm saliva lubricate the movements of her hand. Getting him good and sloppy for the next time she pushed her mouth over him and took his length as deep as she could.

She heard an almost growl above her but didn’t pause from her dedication to pleasing him. “Fuck – but that’s good.” His voice didn’t contain any indication that he might cum soon – he was simply stating a fact. She finally looked up and saw the desire in his deep brown eyes, the desire to have her, to fuck her. She hoped her own eyes were sending the same message, she was sure that they were – considering how she was feeling at that moment.

On her knees in a vacant-lot and sucking off a Black man whose second name she didn’t even know. She knew Jalen was loving that, loving having an ostensibly classy white woman here and pleasuring him. She knew that she loved it too – loved how her apparent submission gave her such sexual power over him. How she could make a strong handsome man like him want her – how he would reward her for her skills later. When he fucked her as they both knew he was going to fuck her.

Even as she sucked him Kat sensed the big man stiffen. For a moment she thought he was going to cum in her mouth but then she head his low whisper.

“There’s a guy over there.”

She panicked a little and started to get up but his heavy hand rested on her shoulder. There was no force used but the message was clear.

“Stay down there. I’ll handle it.” Jalen’s voice gave away no concern or fear. “Pretty sure he’s watching us.”

Kat knew the game was up. Trust him not to be able to keep out of sight! She looked up at Jalen. “I should have told you I told my hubby I was coming out and he’s probably watching. I’m sorry…”

Jalen gave his low rumbling laugh. “Huh! Well I severely doubt that this one’s yo’ husband.” He paused and then spoke loudly and clearly. “Wass on yo’ mind man. Got a problem!!”

“Ain’t got no problem.” came back, “Just admiring the view. Thought I knew all the girls worked down here but I ain’t seen that dime befo’.”

Jalen took his hand off her shoulder and gave her a signal. Kat got to her feet and immediately saw the man.

She knew why Jalen had laughed now. This man certainly wasn’t her husband. He was tall and lean – wearing a grey sweat-top and loose black jeans. His right hand glinted with heavy gold rings. His skin was dark, as dark as Jalen’s, and his hair was formed into long thick dreads. It was hard to guess his age – perhaps late forties.

“Take a professional interest?” Jalen’s question was sharp.

The man laughed. “Nah – I got to work for a living. Man round here for supplying girls is Shady.”

Jalen nodded. “You tip him on a new girl and you get a finder’s fee…”

The man shrugged. “It’s Shady’s turf. Keeps things peaceful like and a little green never hurts.”

Jalen glanced at Kat and she saw the gleam in his eye.

“How’d you think this one would do?”

The man looked her up and down with a quick and appraising glance. He gave a broad leer of a smile. “Good from here but its hard to judge her skills from a distance.”

“You see what her top says…” Jalen looked at Kat again.

‘Made to Please BBC.’ She’d felt brave wearing it tonight, braver still taking her jacket off at the bar. Now Jalen wanted to see her prove herself. Was she the real deal or was she just frontin’?

It took only a split second – instinct and desire taking over. She shot a glance back at Jalen and then signalled to the man. He nodded and walked swiftly over. She undid his belt and eased his pants and shorts down. His cock was big and thickened as she stroked her hand up and down his shaft. She knew the BBC thing was supposed to be a myth but all she knew was the three Black men she’d handled so far had been impressive. ‘So far’. The thought had been automatic. She already knew that she wouldn’t be giving up on this any time soon. She knew what she wanted and she knew that she’d be trying to get a whole lot more of it.

Thinking of which. Kat opened her mouth and took his now hard shaft between her lips. She began coaxing and teasing his cock-head with her tongue and then dropped her mouth onto him.

She felt his hands find the sides of her head, his fingers exploring her long blonde hair. She liked that – liked the feel of a man claiming possession, even if only for a short while. She licked up and down his strong warm cock and let her eyes meet his. She remembered how her husband had told her how he loved that and immediately felt another jolt of sexual excitement run through her. She loved the idea that her time with her husband had simply been a training for this. The time when she would come out of the minor leagues and into the majors, when she would be with real men, Black men.

“Yeah – that’s good, real good. Move that top and show me them titties.”

She’d didn’t pause in her pleasuring of her cock. She just moved her hands up to push the stretch material of her top in from each side. She felt the air on her breasts, exposed now and separated by the bunched material of her top.

“Fuck yeah – that’s what I’m talking about.” One hand came down to grasp her right breast, his palm warm against her hard nipple. His fingers shifted and found her nipple, squeezed it. Se mewled against his cock in her mouth, thrilling to the sensations and the moment. Everything was intensifying for her – on her knees in a shabby vacant lot, now sucking off a Black man whose name she didn’t even know. She was acting like a whore – most everyone would think it and she was in no mood to deny it. Again she felt the surge of excitement and desire through her body.

She wanted more. She took her mouth off his cock while she stroked him with her hand, savouring the warm slickness of his saliva-covered shaft. She again made sure their eyes connected. “What do you think – think I could earn good money?”

She’d seen Jalen’s eyes as she had sucked him. Seen his excitement and pleasure to have her blowing him. This man was different. Taking pleasure for sure but he was cooler, more appraising. He smiled now but the smile wasn’t in his eyes. “Maybe – shall we find out? Put your hands behind your back.”

There it was again. A Black man challenging her and, right there with it, her desire above everything to please him. The knowledge that pleasing him would bring herself new levels of excitement and satisfaction. She followed his instruction and dropped her hands behind her back.

He didn’t say another word – he just took charge, road-testing a new whore for skills and reliability. His hands held her head and he began to fuck her mouth with long deliberate movements, at first slow but steadily building in speed and intensity. Kat strove to keep her hands behind her back, to keep her eyes locked onto him, to show him just how good a whore she could be. Then she felt herself start to gag and involuntarily brought her hands up to regulate his thrusts.

The moment her hands moved from behind her he withdrew, his long cock shining with her drool. Kat fought down the urge to cough, to expel the saliva gathered in her mouth. She succeeded and took a long breath before looking up once more, back into those cold appraising eyes. The man raised an eyebrow slightly.

Kat knew what he meant by that subtle gesture. She very carefully put her hands back behind her back and this time carefully locked her fingers. “Use me,” she said huskily.

He nodded, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He stepped back forward and pushed his cock home into her open mouth. Once more his hands were on her and he was doing as she had requested. Using her and testing her. A test that Kat was determined to pass with flying colours.

She controlled her breathing and worked her tongue on his cock as he pushed it in and out of her mouth. She didn’t even stop when a vehicle’s lights turned onto the lot.

“One of yours Shady?” That was Jalen – just back from wherever he’d disappeared to.

The man pulled his cock out of Kat’s mouth and pulled up his pants. He looked side-eyed at Jalen.

The big man laughed. “You know we ain’t five-oh by now.”

His answer was a nod. “That’ll be Felicia with a john. So sadly I’ve got to put business befo’ pleasure.”

“First – you got a review for my girl here?”

Shady gave a short bark of laughter. “Bout the finest Phat-Assed White Girl I’ve seen. Real tight dime and knows how to go hard on a man. If she rides likes she bops then its a motha-fuckin shame she’s giving it away.” He turned his gaze back onto Kat where she had got to her feet. “You ever want to make some money just come down to see old Shady. You’ll be in high demand.” He let his eyes connect one last time with Kat’s for a long second and then he turned to go. “Later bro.”

“Gone to look after his bitch and make sure he collects,” said Jalen as he moved close to Kat. “Man there looked at you and was seeing big Dollar-signs. Meanwhile I found our other watcher.” He clicked his fingers.

Kat saw her husband emerge from behind a wall. He was filming them on his new camera, small but providing an excellent quality video.

“We got interrupted…”

Kat heard Jalen and got the message. She dropped back down and quickly produced his big beautiful cock. A little tongue work and he was fully hard. Jalen’s fingers found her hair and held her as he tapped the hard shaft of his cock against her cheek. Kat forgot about Shady and about her husband and about everything except that Big Black Cock. It was all that mattered now and it was all that she needed now. She worshipped him, using her hands and mouth and tongue to excite him in every way that she knew how.

Finally he took her shoulders and raised her up. He moved towards the car and undid the passenger door. She went to get in but his arm stopped her. Instead he held her and their lips met in a deep passionate kiss. In that moment Kat realised that Jalen wasn’t going to wait any longer. It was time.

He moved her to the vehicle and eased her in so that she was lying over the big soft seat with her butt left outside. She knew what was coming and felt his strong hands pushing her tight skirt up and over her backside. Now she felt the cool air on her bare skin even as his fingers found her panties and pulled them down. Another second of excited waiting and she felt his fingers at her pussy, exploring her.

“This is prime fucking pussy, prime white girl pussy. Wet and warm and willing.” He brought his hand down on her bared butt, not enough to hurt but enough to make a satisfying noise. Enough to leave a pink mark on her pale flesh, a mark of ownership. “Pussy this good needs to be fucked – that right girl?”

“Yes, yes,” she panted as she felt his hand heavy on her back and then sensed him moving up behind her. She held her breath for a second and felt the hard column of flesh pushed up and down the entrance to her pussy.

“Your husband told me you never had Black cock – that right?”

“I – I’ve sucked one – er, two – others.”

His hard cock was pushed against her pussy lips a little harder. “Where it matters?”

“No, no, you’re first.”

“Good,” he grunted through gritted teeth. Then he pushed forward and his cock slid into her easily, her primed pussy seeming to draw him in. Tight but accessible – perfection to Jalen’s mind. “This pussy’s too good for white boys.” His words were stark and clear – there to be heard and understood by her husband and also by her.

He dedicated himself to claiming that pussy and claiming it for good. Each measured thrust pushed that little bit deeper, introduced a little more of her to the sensation of being properly fucked, being Black fucked. She savoured every sensation, every moment of his conquest of her. Found that his big Black cock seemed to fit her perfectly, to satisfy her as no man ever had, to excite her as no man ever could before.

‘That’s because they were white.’ The thought flashed into her mind and she knew that it was true. So many people would hate that she was doing this but she didn’t care because she despised those people. She’d never have done this without her husband’s agreement but that was then and this was now. Now she knew what this was like, now she knew what she had been missing. If he wanted her to stop now then would she? She told herself that she didn’t know the answer but was aware with each thrust of his hard cock that she was lying to herself. The last few minutes had changed everything – everything.

“Ready to be fucked now?” Jalen’s voice was clear.

“Fuck me Boss – make me Black owned.”

She heard his short pleased laugh at her calling him ‘Boss’ and then he was fucking her, fucking her hard and with intent. Using every inch of that big rock-hard cock, delivering heavy rolling thrusts that left her gasping for breath. She looked forward and saw her husband filming her through the glass, recording every moment of this. The idea just sent another thrill through her.

She gripped the edge of the seat with her hands, held herself there and ready and available for him, felt the strength and power of his big body as he fucked her. His hands had a firm grip on her hips – making sure she wasn’t going anywhere. Her fine white ass was his and he was going to enjoy it.

One of his hands moved up to her shoulder as the other pushed up and under her top. Her nipples had always been sensitive, After a while her husband had learned that playing with them got her off like very little else. Jalen hadn’t taken ‘a while’ – he’d worked it out in a few seconds flat. She felt his fingers teasing her nipple even as his body bent over her, his thick hard cock pushing deeper and deeper into her pussy.

She felt her whole body shaking as every part of her reacted to him, endorphins rushing through every fibre of her being. She knew it was her body sensing what she had been made for – demanding what she needed from now on. It was like nothing had ever been before – it was something that she would not now be able to live without. She gasped and moaned at the realisation that nothing could ever be the same again but that only seemed to create a new peak of passion and emotion. Finally the dam broke and she screamed out,

“Fuck me, fuck me like a dirty whore!”

“You ain’t A dirty whore – you’re THE perfect dirty fucking whore. Now you ready for ma nut.”

“Yes Yes – please Boss!”

His strong hands were holding her thighs, holding her close to him, making sure that she took all of him. Her whole body seemed to quiver with the pure animal lust of that moment and she again moaned out her pleasure.

As if at a signal Jalen delivered a strong deep thrust and then his rhythmn broke. She knew he was cumming in her, filling her with his strong baby-making seed. She gasped again, savouring every ecstatic moment of it.

She felt him slowly moving in and out of her, instinctively knew he was ensuring she got all of his nut.

“Give me it all,” she articulated after a moment. Not that it mattered – he’d been making sure of that anyway. She knew he hadn’t asked her about birth control, he’d just seeded her – filled her up with a big load of potent African DNA. Enough to breed her good, send her home to her husband with a Black man’s baby in her belly. She felt another rush of feeling flow through her and peak as she lay on the seat with his big body still bent over her.

Finally he moved and pulled her with him out of the vehicle and back onto her feet. She felt her legs almost give way, felt herself caught in his strong arms as he held her up like a trophy for her husband to film. She didn’t need the viewfinder to know what she looked like. A woman who had been well-fucked, a woman who had been Blacked. A woman who, just like they said, wouldn’t be going back. Did her husband realise that as he filmed her? She thought he did and was sure he’d find it the hottest thing he’d ever seen. She hoped so because that was how it was going to be from now on.

“You book it?” Jayden was talking over her shoulder to her husband.

“Yes I…”

“Good.” Jalen cut him off. “Me and your husband here made a deal. He got to film here so long as I got you to myself for the rest of the night. Can’t use my regular room or Darnell would want a piece of the action.”

“Darnell wants me too?” She knew it was bad but she couldn’t resist asking, couldn’t resist imagining being with both of them at the same time.

“Fuck girl! He’s a nigga with a pulse ain’t he – damn sure he wants a piece of this.” Again his hand made a noisy contact with her firm round rear end. Then his lips were on her neck and she felt the pressure and knew he was putting his mark on her. “But tonight he’s gonna be unlucky. Tonight this fucking whooty is all mine. Sound good?”

“Sounds great boss.”

“We’re due another job down here in a couple of months. Two or three days – so there’ll be plenty of time for Darnell and me to both enjoy every fucking inch of you. Sound good?”

“Fuck yeah boss.”

His hand was pushing down the front of her skirt and skilled fingers had found her clit. His words and his actions were having their effect – like a skilled musician conjuring sweet music from his instrument of choice.

“You belong to the Black man now.” His words were whispered right into her ear and as they registered she howled out her fresh climax into the night air. The two hookers servicing their clients didn’t miss a beat. Shady just paused and wondered if and/or when that hot bitch would come down and see him. Even if he never got her working for him he’d sure as fuck enjoy the job interview!

Jalen held her until she was focusing again, every second captured on her husband’s camera. Then he put her in the vehicle and moved round to take the driver’s seat. The white man was left behind – Jalen’s plans for the night did not involve him.