My Old Man’s Gone, Wana Get it On?

I was a teaching assistant, in both the Sociology and Anthropology survey classes. Hence, I had a lab class to teach with approximately 20 – 25 students. Most of the students in these intro classes were freshmen and sophomores, occasionally there were juniors and seniors who needed a class to fill out their schedule for graduation.

A paper was required from each student in each of the classes. Though it was only a ten to fifteen page paper, the freshmen were often freaked out by having to do any paper of college caliber. To ease the fear I offered to help the students with their papers.

After one of my Sociology labs, a cute dark haired young woman came up to me and said, “You said you’d help us with our paper, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Susan; I did. Would you like some help?

“Call me Suzi, Jack. You know, Suzi Puzi! A great stage name, isn’t it?”

“Stage name? Are you an actress?”

“Naw, I do a little exotic dancing at a club downtown. You oughta come see me some time. I dance at the ‘Horny Norseman’ on Commercial Ave.”

“Uh, maybe sometime. We could go to the N.U. (Norseman Union, the student union at Whatcom State College, the Norseman was the school mascot) and talk about your paper over coffee.” I stuttered.

“No I can’t. I’m working tonight. It’s just a short gig, and I go on at seven. Why don’t you come on down. I’ll have a beer with you after.”

“I don’t know…” I hesitated.

“Come on! Don’t be a chicken. I won’t bite… unless you want me to.” She laughed.

“Ok, maybe I’ll see you down there tonight.”

“Don’t be late. I’m on at seven and I’m splitting by seven thirty! That is, unless you’re there and you let me buy you a beer.”

“Ok, see you then.” I said uneasily.

I hadn’t really gotten back into the dating scene. Not that I ever really was. I had dated my estranged wife Heather since I was just seventeen. Any other girls I’ve had have just fallen into my lap. But, I wasn’t doing anything that evening, so why not? As a sociology student it might be interesting to go to a strip club or whatever the Horny Norseman was.

I got to the bar at about six forty-five. I say bar because that is what the Horny Norseman was; a small hole ‘in the wall’ bar with a dozen tables and a very small stage. The patrons were some long haired college students and their dates, and a bunch of tough looking motorcycle enthusiasts complete with leather jackets, tattoos and chains draped from one pocket to another, or something. They looked like Eric Von Zipper and the Rats & Mice from the sixties beach party movies.

I got a beer and a small table by the stage. I waited for the show to start. There was a small play bill by the stage listing the dancers and the show times. Sure enough Suzi Puzi was top billing… as she was the first performer. There were about a dozen names listed. At seven o’clock sharp the bartender comes over to the mike.

“Welcome to Titillating Tuesday at the Horny Norseman! Remember the dancing girls work for tips. Give generously! ”

Applause and some hoots from the throng. I looked around; it was mostly the Von Zipper crowd who were cheering, the others were passively sipping their beers and clapping sedately.

“First tonight… we have that favorite of the Horny, that Lovely Lay-dee… Suziiiiii Puziiiiii!

The Von Zippers go wild! Some of the rest at least look up and applaud politely. I didn’t realize I was dating a minor celebrity. Well, dating is perhaps too grand a word, meeting for a beer. Suzi came out from behind a partition in a seductive miniskirt and see through blouse. She was kind of dressed like a school girl in roller-skates carrying a big key, vaguely shaped like a penis and scrotum. Her hair was in two pig tails on either side of her head. She had a seductive pouty expression. The music started and she danced seductively to “Brand New Key” by Melanie.

“Well, I’ve got a brand new pair of roller skates; You’ve got a brand new key. I think we should get together, and try them on to see.” As Melanie sang the chorus of the song, Sussie was skating on stage, she took the big key and rubbed it in her crotch.

Her panties were flesh colored so at first I thought she wasn’t wearing any. The set lasted about five minutes and got a raucous ovation from everyone, including me.

After, Suzi came over to my table still in the miniskirt. She sat close to me and took my hand and put it under her minuscule skirt. She had apparently removed her undies and I could feel her moist muff.

“Did you enjoy that Professor Jack?” She said.

I wasn’t sure if she was talking about my coping a feel or the song, but I answered,

“Yes. Would you like to go for a bite and talk about your paper?”

“No. I was thinking you could come over to my pad. We could work on it there. We could smoke a little weed and maybe get it on. My old man is out of town,” she said.

“You live with your father?” I asked stupidly.

“No, man! My old man is my sex partner. You know, boyfriend. Man, you’re kinda square. I think that’s cute!” She said as if I was from planet Xenon.

“Oh yeah, Sorry,” I said weakly.

Thinking with the little brain between my legs; I leave with Susan and we go up to her house on Forest Street. It is a small, but neat saltbox house, like many of the houses around campus. The grounds could use attention, but that was not unusual for student houses. Inside it looks like a ‘Pad’ ripped out of ‘Height/Ashbury’; Beads, posters, mattresses, pillows, the curtains were drawn. It was quite dark inside with the strong smell of marijuana. The only light was a lava lamp on the sideboard. Susie immediately heads over to the sideboard and pulls out a small box from which she removes a pre-rolled joint. She lights it, takes a hit and hands it to me. I take a drag and then cough uncontrollably. I’m not used to pot. My vices are wine and women. The pot goes immediately to my head. One of the reasons I don’t like pot is it usually makes me extremely paranoid.

Susie laughed, took me into her arms, gaves me a kiss and lead me over to one of the mattresses on the floor. She took another drag on the joint and hands it to me.

I took a small puff, coughing only slightly and hand it back to her. She set the joint in an ash tray and started to unbuckle my pants. No sooner does she have my pants unbuckled than she takes my penis out of my briefs and swallows it whole.

This was totally unexpected by me, regardless my penis responds by coming to attention. I’m more of a vaginal sex kind of guy, than an oral sex kind of guy. So I attempt to remove her blouse. As I do she rises off my penis just for the removal of the blouse and then immediately is back sucking my cock. Her breasts hang down and touch my thighs as she rises and falls, working on my cock. I run my fingers through her wavy raven hair. I tried to pull her up to give me a kiss so I can get her skirt off. I’m about ready to explode in her mouth. I’d much rather cum in her cunt. Unfortunately she has my cock out through the slit in my briefs which will make the removal that much more difficult in its aroused state.

“No, wait. I want you to cum in my mouth first.” She said.

“You do?” I hadn’t had this experience since Jane Pond, when I was in high school back in sixty-nine.

“Yeah, I find it takes some of the pressure off. Then we can take our time. You don’t mind do you?”

“Uh, no. I guess not. I’m about ready to cum though.” I said

She quickly engulfs my penis again and continues her talented sucking. I soon explode in her mouth shooting my wad down her throat. As I continue the after shots, she removes her mouth from my penis and licks my glans. A final volley of my cum shoots at her mouth. She licks the cum off her lips. She quickly steps out of her skirt and gives me a cum filled French kiss.

“Ok, now Jack you can stick your cock into to my juicy cunt. Coming down on a guy really gets my juices flowing.” She explained.

“Uh, just for the record, my name is Jacques, rhymes with cock and pronounced like an athletic supporter, you know jock strap.”

“Whoa, like you mean you protect the crown jewels! Ok, I’ll call you Sir Jock! Now use those jewels Sir Jock!”

I quickly remove my pants, underwear, and shirt. I then enter her greasy cunt. Was she ever right! Her cunt was as juicy as if I had cum in her several times. I easily slid all the way in. She was not as tight of a cunt as most of the women I had fucked. It was pleasant just the same, if a little sloppy.

I started pumping away. It was not too long before I came powerfully in her slimy wet cunt.

“Sir Jacques, you came too fast. I sucked you off to slow you down. Can you cum again? Most of the guys I’m with aren’t good for more than two.” She said with concern.

“Well, Suzi, we’re in luck, I can cum all night.”

“Really? I may have to put you on my list.”

‘I don’t know what she meant by that. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a regular of hers as she wasn’t the best lay I’d had… but recently? And in a pinch… any port in a storm or is it cunt in a drought. To prove I was good for another go, I started pumping again. I could understand why her lovers may have been limited to two goes. As loose as her cunt is, it is a little difficult to get the proper stimulation. Fortunately I am one horny Norseman.’ I cum again as these thoughts ran through my mind, but Suzi was not too animated.

I started again, this time I try to stimulate Suzi, to see if she might climax and give my cock a loving squeeze. Alas, no matter how I tried, she just lay there receiving my thrusts with little excitement on her part as if she’s kind of zoned on pot. After I cum this forth time I collapse on her then roll off to catch my breath. I like to know a little about the girls I make love to. Also, I should get a little more information on her relationship, if I was going to screw her again. Boyfriends can be problematic.

“Suzi, tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from? What is your major?”

“First I gotta tell ya Sir Jock, I’m impressed. You are a cum churn. Anyway, I’m from Seattle. I’m majoring in dance. Remember, I told you. And hey, you saw me at the Horny Norseman. Right?”

“Right, what about your… Boy… uh… Old man, does he go to school here?”

“No, he’s a biker and a dealer.” She said in a bored tone.

“Does he sell motorcycles or bicycles?”

“Huh? No. Drugs! He sells drugs. He’s in a biker gang. He’s on a buying trip. That’s why he’s not here.” She says as a matter of fact.

“Uh, maybe we should be careful, your Old Man might be pissed if he found out you and I were fucking.” I said. Thinking, ‘Screwing a drug pusher’s moll might not be such a good idea. Considering he’s in a biker gang makes it all the more problematic. As loose a cunt as she has, why risk it?’

“Oh, he doesn’t mind. He shares me with his friends and his high-end customers. High-end… get it…? If he can do that, I can choose who I want to fuck. Can’t I?”

“He might not see it that way.” I said weakly. Not really catching her weak pun. “I don’t know if we should be doing this anyway; I’m your T.A. after all.”

“What are you taking about? There is an Old Prick of a professor who has screwed most of the girls in his classes. Hey, that’s even his name Professor Oldepric. I never thought of that before. So if he can screw his students, it’s only fair you can screw your students!”

“That’s not the way it works, Suzi.”

I was well aware of Dr. Oldepric’s predilection for seducing his students. He had tried to get into my best friend’s girlfriend, Marnie’s, pants, unsuccessfully. Alas, he successfully got into my wife’s cunt, in fact she had moved in with him, which was why I was freer now to play the field.

“You said you’d help me with my paper. Now that we’ve fucked, I’ll get a good grade won’t I?”

“Suzi, that’s not the way it works, and why our fucking is probably not a good idea. Uh, it’s getting late, I probably should be going.” I say not too smoothly.

“But you didn’t help me with my paper.” She said.

“I will, but it would be better in my office.” I said sheepishly as I dressed.

Suzi didn’t come by my office for help, fortunately she did a passably good job on her paper and I was able to give her a legitimate A-.

In 2018 I found Suzi on Facebook, much to my surprise she is a Republican, and a real estate salesperson. Then at my wife Lyndi’s 50th high school reunion I saw her again. I introduced myself, reminding her I was her T.A. at Whatcom. She was spacy as ever, and didn’t remember me. Maybe I wasn’t as memorable a lay as I thought.