The Game

We’ve been playing the game for almost eight years. Once a month, usually on a Friday night, I, and five of my best friends get together to play Texas Hold’em poker.

I’m Stan and my buds names are Derrick, Neil, Rod, Bret and Steve. The game started in the dorms at university during our senior year. Back then, we played once a week for pennies, nickels and dimes. Since graduation, we’ve settled into corporate jobs and we’re all married except Bret. We have wives. Bret has a permanent girl friend who shares an apartment with him.

Each month, we meet at a different home at seven in the evening and play until eleven when we call it quits and go home. Usually, the spouse of the host helps with the necessary refreshments, mostly to thwart the players invading and disturbing the organization of her kitchen. Beer is allowed. Cigars are not. She’s usually accompanied by the spouse of another player who volunteers to help and they have their own social visit.

Over time, the game matured and changed. We graduated to nickel, dime, and quarter wagers and, three years ago, we’ve graduated to dollars. Even with the changes, we were staggered by the monumental change in direction the game took a number of years ago.

We were gathered in my home. I had set up the portable poker table in the middle of the living room. We were gathered around the table while Derrick, an accountant and designated banker of the game, was taking money and passing out chips. Derrick’s wife, Florence, she prefers Flo, had arrived with him and she was helping my wife Virginia, she prefers Ginny, with the first round of beers, chips and dips. That sounds misogynistic but they insist they enjoy helping “the boys” play their games.

We played for about two hours before Bret looked at his watch and announced he had to leave early Abby’s parents were due for a short visit and he had promised to get home early to help her prepare. Leaving early was a non-starter as was the eleven o’clock quitting time. Winners are not allowed to leave early but we made an exception for Bret since he wasn’t winning and not helping his flat mate could cause him, and us, problems in the future. Steve, who had shared a ride with Bret, was an unfortunate victim of Bret’s commitment. Derrick cashed them out and they left.

Curious about the change in our group, Ginny and Flo came into the living room.

“What happened to Bret and Steve?” asked Ginny.

“Bret had to leave early and he was Steve’s ride,” I told them.

“How’s that going to affect the game?” she asked.

“We can play with four,” I said.

“Doesn’t that change the game?” Ginny asked.

“A little. The pots will be smaller and the competition isn’t quite as robust,” I agreed.

Ginny stood next to the table for a moment. She looked at Flo and said, “What do you think?”

“I think it would be fun,” Flo responded.

None of the four of us seated at the table had the slightest idea what they were talking about. Ginny vanquished our confusion when she said, “Flo and I could take their places.”

“You want to play poker with us?” I asked.

“Why not? We’ve played poker before,” she insisted.

“This is a pretty aggressive game. You think you could keep up the pace?”

“If we don’t try we’ll never know,” Ginny countered.

I looked at the other guys. I didn’t see a lot of dissent. “Have a seat,” I said.

Ginny and Flo made themselves comfortable in the chairs recently vacated by Bret and Steve. Without missing a beat, Derrick said, “I’m going to need a hundred dollar buy in from each of you.”

“A hundred dollars!” exclaimed Ginny and Flo in unison. “We don’t have that kind of cash with us,” explained Ginny.

“The cash is for chips. We use chips to bet. The chips are less messy than cash and makes keeping score easier. You get the money back later when you cash in the chips you have at the end of the game,” Derrick explained.

Ginny and Flo conferred quietly. “Can we bet something else?” Ginny asked.

“What did you have in mind?” asked Derrick.

“Clothing,” said Ginny. Flo nodded in agreement.

“Clothing?” asked Derrick. “How would that work?” he asked.

“Each article of our clothing must be worth some number of chips. If we lose the chips, we’ll take off something to buy the chips back,” suggested Ginny.

I looked at the other guys, already knowing what they thought of Ginny and Flo’s proposal. Neil looked at Derrick and me. “They’re your wives,” he said. “You make the decision.”

“Alright, you can play for clothing,” I said.

“You realize that Flo and I could end up naked,” Ginny stated.

“True,” I agreed.

“Do you think that’s fair?” Ginny asked.

“It was your idea,” I reminded her.

“I think we should all play with the same stakes,” Ginny asserted.

Trapped, I looked at the rest of the men. I could see they were all willing to risk their clothing if there was a chance they could see Ginny and Flo naked. “Fine,” I said. “Loser of each hand takes off something.”

“That’s not entirely fair,” said Ginny.

“What now?” I asked.

“There are four of you and two of us,” she said. “Even if losing was evenly distributed, we’d lose our clothing twice as fast as the rest of you,” Ginny explained.

Derrick spoke up. “Let me handle this,” he said.

Derrick cashed in each of the guys and then gave each of the women twenty white chips. The men got twenty black chips each. “Okay,” he said. “Here’s how it works. We play normal Hold’em. We bet as usual and the winner collects the chips at the end of each hand. If the winner is a guy, he can then use white chips from the pot to buy clothing from the women. A gal can do the same for the men’s clothing with the black chips. I suggest five chips for each article of clothing. All things being equal, there should be twice the number of black chips in the pot than there are white chips.”

“That works for me,” said Ginny. “Only one addition. A winner can’t buy two articles in a row from the same person.”

“Agreed,” said Derrick. “Maximum bet on the deal and flop is one chip; two chips on the turn and four on the river. Unlimited raises. We’ll dispense with the small and big blinds. Ante is one chip. Are we good to go?” he asked.

No one objected.

We cut the cards to see who dealt first. Rod gained the honor. He shuffled the deck and tossed a chip in the center of the table. The rest of us followed suit. I looked at the four black and two white chips in the center of the table and I was struck at the deeper meaning they conveyed.

Rod dealt two cards face down around the table and put the deck down. He looked at me on his left. “Your bet,” he said.

I tossed in a chip, Derrick folded and Neil tossed in a chip. Flo folded, Ginny confidently tossed in a chip and Rod followed with one of his own.

Rod buried a card and turned over the next three. I and Neil checked, Ginny tossed in another chip. Rod matched her and raised her with another chip. Two chips to me. I folded. Neil looked at his hand and folded. Ginny called and added another chip ending the betting.

Only Rod and Ginny remained. Ginny added another chip on the turn and Rod kept pace. The river card was an ace. Ginny raised two chips. Rod considered his cards and added four chips to the pot, a two chip raise. Ginny pushed in four chips, a reraise and Rod folded. Ginny didn’t have to show us her cards but she was too excited to resist. Her pocket aces explained her strategy.

There were thirteen black chips in the pot and twelve white chips. Ginny collected them all. She carefully separated the chips and stacked five black chips in front of her. “Who can I buy some clothing from?” she asked.

“Any guy you want,” I told her.

She looked at me. She shoved the stack in my direction. “Okay,” she said. “Give up something.”

I added the chips to my stack and took off a shoe.

“Damn,” said Ginny. I forgot about shoes. A second stack of five black chips was pushed at Rod who removed a shoe of his own.

What do I do with the rest of the black chips?”

“Keep them,” said Derrick. “Maybe you’ll win another hand.”

We played for the next ninety minutes. I still wore my trousers and underwear; Derrick still had four items and Neil three. Flo was down to her bra, skirt and, I assume, panties. Ginny was in bra and panties and Rod wore just his tented boxer shorts when the alarm on my phone went off.

“That’s it,” I said. “Game over.”

“Game over?” questioned Ginny. “Who says?”

“We always play until eleven. It’s eleven. Time to quit.”

“Shit. You’re going to leave us like this? Just when thing were getting interesting,” complained Ginny.

“Maybe next time,” I suggested.

After everyone had gone, Ginny and I sat down with a glass of wine and talked. Ginny was still in just her bra and panties.

“Damn,” she cursed. “I was ready to take off my bra and reveal all to Neil, Rod and Derrick. Why did you have to stop the game?”

“It was eleven. By agreement we stop at eleven and settle up. It prevents sore losers from complaining if a winner quits early. Everybody plays. Everybody stays. Final winners and losers are determined by the clock without pressure to keep playing so someone has an opportunity to get even or lose even more.”

“I get it,” said Ginny, “but you spoiled my fun and my big reveal.”

“Maybe next time,” I told her again.

Little did I know how soon “next time” would be.

A month later, we gathered for the game at Neil’s house. If Leigh was expecting six of us to play poker, she had prepared too much food and beverages. However, Leigh knew exactly what she was doing. All four other wives and one girlfriend showed up to play.

The men were initially surprised but, after Abby explained, that when the women heard the details of the game with Ginny and Flo the previous month, “they all wanted to join in the fun.” Disappointed and energized at the same time, Neil took down the poker table, Ginny gave me a snide grin and we all gathered in the living room to play.

We pushed back the furniture and sat on the carpet in a circle, men on one side and women on the other.

Derrick handed out the chips. “We don’t have enough chips to give each of us 20 chips.

“Wait a second,” said Ginny. She jumped up and retrieved her purse from the kitchen. She removed two more packages of chips and gave them to Derrick. “These should be enough,” she said.

I looked at her strangely.

“Always prepared,” she said.

There were plenty of white chips to fund the women. Half the men got black chips and half the men got blue chips to complete their stacks.

“Same rules?” asked Derrick.

“Same rules,” confirmed Ginny, who seemed to be the unofficial spokesman for the women. “And still no ganging up on one individual when you buy clothing,” she added.

“I agree,” said Derrick. “In fact, I think we should eliminate the need for the winner to pick the losers.”

“How do we manage that?” asked Ginny. “Somebody has to decide who gives up clothing.”

“I suggest that each time someone buys clothing it should be from the individual with the smallest stack of chips. That way, they replenish their chips as a minor compensation for removing an article of clothing. We’ll settle ties with a draw of a card.”

“I like that,” said Misty, Rod’s wife. Ginny echoed her comment and the game was on.

The game was amazingly even for the first two hours, before Misty ran out of chips. “Now what do I do if I want to keep on playing?” she asked.

The twelve of us had an animated discussion about how to handle Misty’s conundrum. Proposals included everyone donating a chip to just the other women donating a chip. Derrick, in his default wise man designation, suggested what became the final answer. “I suggest anyone in Misty’s position can use clothing to buy chips from the bank.”

“I can live with that,” said Misty, who was still wearing at least four pieces of clothing. How much?”

“The current rate is the same as for winners, five chips per article,” said Derrick.

Misty removed her shirt and tossed it to Derrick. “I’m using red chips for this purpose,” he said. Anyone with red chips at the end of a hand can turn them in for chips of their own color. No one is allowed to buy any clothing with the red chips since they’ve already represent lost clothes.”

We agreed. Misty tossed two red chips into the pot and called the bet. She’d made a good bargain, she won the pot and Neil and her husband, Rod, paid the price.

Soon after, Ginny got her wish. She was the first loser to remove an article of clothing that would expose skin that usually didn’t see daylight. She stood up, faced the men squarely, and dramatically took off her bra. Her ample breasts settled on her chest as five men inhaled.

“Let me see,” said Kathy, Steve’s wife, who was sitting close to Ginny and was now behind her.

Ginny turned so that all the other women could see her naked breasts. “Nice,” said Kathy.

“Damn straight,” echoed Steve.

Things slowed down as each of the players was unwilling to risk more than necessary. Most hands ended with five players checking on the deal and folding on the flop. Most winners had only the ante to work with and a guarantee of six chips from the opposite gender. At least one player lost an item of clothing with every deal and the tension increased proportionally.

Ginny may have been the first to reveal her tits but not the first to remove their draws. That honor fell to Rod. Rod stood up in front of everyone without Ginny’s determination. He stood, apparently frozen at the thought of exposing his very erect penis.

“For Christ’s sake Rod,” called out Misty. “Just get it over with or I’ll do it for you.”

Apparently, being called out by his wife was more intimidating than exposing himself. He pulled off his boxers, resisted covering himself with his hands, turned around once for everyone to see and sat down again.

“Good choice,” said Misty.

“That’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” said Abby.

“Next hand,” said Derrick.

“Wait a minute,” interrupted Misty. “What about Rod”?

“What about Rod?” asked Derrick.

“Is he still in the game?”

“If he wants to be. He still has chips.”

“What if he loses again. In case you didn’t notice, he doesn’t have any clothing to sell,” pointed out Misty.

“Good point,” agreed Derrick. “What about losing after you’re naked?” he asked the group.

A discussion ensued. There were various suggestions including dares.

Ginny spoke up. “I like the possibility of dares,” she said. “I suggest that naked participants continue to play and naked losers are required to complete a dare or favor.”

“I think I know what a dare is. What’s a favor?” asked Misty.

“A dare is something you do by yourself, such as ordering delivery pizza and answering the door naked or running around the house outside naked. A favor is something you do for or to another person, usually the winner if they have at least five chips to spend,” explained Ginny.

“Do favors include things like physical contact?” asked Misty.

“I think so. I think it includes blow jobs, tit kissing and other sexual activities,” Ginny amplified.

“Sex?” asked Misty.

“Unless we decide to prohibit everything beyond a certain point. For example, penetration.”

“Does anybody have a problem with no prohibitions?” asked Misty.

Peer pressure and lots of adult beverages influenced our decision. Nobody objected.

The game continued. Betting was conservative, but the stripping continued. Leigh and Neil were the next to get naked, followed quickly by Abby, Ginny and Kathy. We played until Rob won and he pushed a stack of five white chips toward Misty. By that time only Rod and Steve still had their underwear on.

“Dare or favor?,” Rod asked Misty.

“Favor,” said Misty immediately.

Smiling, Rod replied, “Give me a blowjob.”

“What?” asked Misty. We do that all the time. You couldn’t think of something else?”

Rod sat quietly. “You picked,” he stated simply.

“Shit. Okay. How long?” Misty asked.

“Two minutes,” said Derrick.

Misty scooted over to Rod, pulled off his briefs and started a less than energetic blowjob while everyone watched and wondered where the rest of the evening was headed. Two minutes later, Derrick called time. Misty scooted back to her place and wiped the saliva off her face. Rod reached for his underwear.

“Hold on stud,” said Ginny. “You gave them up, they stay off.”

“But I didn’t lose them,” Rod countered.

“You gave them up voluntarily as part of Misty’s favor. They stay off.”

Steve took off his boxers in support of Rod.

Flo won the next hand. A quick audit discovered that I had one less chip than Neil.

Dare or favor?” asked Flo.

“Favor,” I picked.

“Okay,” said Flo. “I want you to come over here and kiss and suck my tits.”

I looked at Ginny and she laughed. I crawled over to Flo and she lay on her back on the floor. I cupped a breast in one hand and gently kissed her nipple. “Do better than that,” said Flo.

I palmed both breasts, kissed the nipples and then sucked on the right nipple. “That’s better,” said Flo.

I was really getting into it. Flo had her eyes closed, her legs up on her heels and she was trying to grab a piece of carpet with her hands, when Derrick said, “Time.”

Bret was shuffling the cards for the next hand when my watch alarm went off. “Eleven o’clock,” I said. “Time to quit.”

“Bullshit,” said Ginny. “My tits are lonely.”

“Rules are rules,” I said. “We agreed to quit at eleven.”

“Stan is right,” said Derrick. “Rules are rules.

Grudgingly, everyone got dressed in socially acceptable minimums and engaged in passionate good-byes. Every one of the men took the opportunity to make Ginny’s tits feel popular and a couple of the women did too.

On the way home, Ginny was bouncing all over the seat. “I wasn’t kidding,” she said. “My tits are tingling and so is my pussy.”

“I get that,” I said. “I’ll do my best to take care of your tits and then your pussy when we get home.”

“Both at the same time or I’ll go insane,” Ginny said.

Neither of us got much sleep that night.

The next poker night was scheduled for Rod and Misty’s place. Somehow, it got switched to Steve and Kathy’s house and it was moved up two weeks. When I asked, Ginny explained that Steve and Kathy had a larger house with four bedrooms and the reschedule should be obvious.

“You seem to have an expectation as to how the evening is going to develop,” I said.

“Don’t you?” asked Ginny.

“It does seem obvious, doesn’t it?” I said.

“It does,” confirmed Ginny. “Do you have any problems with it?” she asked.

“No,” I answered. “Flo’s tits were amazing. I could use more of that.”

Ginny laughed and grabbed my hand. “Come with me and I’ll show you how amazing my tits are,” she said.

Steve and Kathy have a huge house on three acres. There was plenty of parking in the circular driveway adjacent to the main entrance. Based on the number of cars in the driveway, we were the last to arrive. Ginny asked for my watch and put it in the glove box.

Steve answered the door. Four of the women were surrounding Abby, obviously happy about something. Abby saw Ginny and ran over to her. “Bret asked me to marry him,” she said breathlessly as she showed Ginny her new ring. Ginny hugged Abby and expressed her joy at Abby’s new status. I went over to Bret and congratulated him as well.

Inside, we gathered in a large den. The furniture had been pushed against the walls and the carpeted floor was littered with cushions and pillows. There was a deck of cards in the center of the room and twelve stacks of chips, half white, half black, arranged in a circle on the carpet. There was a pile of towels next to the circle.

When I asked Ginny about the towels, she explained that Neil had to have the carpet cleaned after the last party. I pretended to understand her explanation.

We agreed to start at seven. We spent the waiting time consuming liquid courage, eating chips and gorging on shrimp and cocktail sauce. Exactly at seven we were all seated next to a pile of chips of the appropriate color. Women on one side of the circle, men on the other.

Steve picked up the deck of cards. “Anyone mind if I deal?” he asked.

“Not I,” said Ginny, “but first a couple of rule changes. First, no time limit.”

Everybody thought that was reasonable, even desirable. Now I knew why my watch was in the glove compartment.

“Great,” said Ginny. “Second, clothing is on sale tonight, three chips.” Before anyone could ask why, she explained. “It speeds up the game. Minimum two clothing purchases on every hand.”

Unanimous approval.

Steve dealt, the betting was brisk and the clothing started coming off. Less than ninety minutes later, Flo stood up and took off her bra.

“Nice,” said Steve.

“I remember,” I said.

Ginny laughed and threw a pillow at me.

We voted to take a quick break for more courage and relief.

Back in the circle, Rod prepared to deal the next hand. With Flo proudly displaying her breasts, the mood was buoyant and the anticipation high. Forty minutes later, three of the women and four of the men were completely nude. All the women were sitting on towels.

Misty won the next hand. “Dare or favor,” she said to Derrick.

It was the first dare of the night and everyone was alert, wondering where things would start.

“Favor,” answered Derrick.

“I want you to come over here, kiss me and fondle my breasts,” said Misty.

Derrick moved next to Misty and sat facing her at her side. He put his arms around her, moved her into position and kissed her. It wasn’t a preliminary kiss, testing to see how much Misty wanted. It was a full-throated, open-mouthed tongue-lashing. Misty was prepared and responded in kind. Simultaneously, Derrick began to palm Misty’s breasts.

It was a mesmerizing scene. With our official timekeeper involved, no one was keeping time. Ginny realized it after what was certainly longer than two minutes. “Time,” she called.

Derrick and Misty stopped kissing. Derrick moved back to his place while Misty gasped for breath.

Misty had two more purchases to complete. She pushed out two short stacks of white chips and relieved Derrick and I of our underwear. I won the next hand and bought Ginny’s panties. Ginny folded her towel in half, doubling its thickness and sat down on it again. My last purchase was Leigh’s panties. Kathy removed her panties in support of Leigh and sat back down on her towel.

With everyone naked, dares and favors were the focus of the game. Over the next fifteen minutes, we witnessed three blowjobs, two clitoris nibbles and more kissing, palming and stroking.

Steve won the next hand and Ginny chose favor.

“I want you to come over here, sit in my lap and kiss me,” Steve instructed.

Ginny moved over to him and started to sit in his lap. “Not that,” he said. “Facing me.”

Ginny straddled him and started to lower herself. Subtly, Steve held his erection vertical with one hand while guiding Ginny with the other. I’m not sure how many other players noticed. When Ginny lowered herself, Steve’s erection was waiting and he entered her about a half inch. She noticed and paused.

“You’re bad,” Ginny whispered in his ear.

“No prohibitions, right?” he asked.

“Right,” Ginny answered and settled down with him inside her.

They kissed with minimum body movement. Derrick, back on the job, called time in two minutes. Ginny lifted herself off Steve and returned to her place, revealing Steve’s glistening erection. Everyone noticed.

Karma can be perfect. Ginny won the next hand and Steve had the smallest pile of chips. “Dare or favor?”

“Favor,” said Steve.

“I want you to masturbate for me until you cum or Derrick calls time,” Ginny ordered.

“Really?” asked Steve.

“Really,” Ginny said. “No prohibitions,” she added.

Given their close encounter just minutes ago, I think Ginny was hoping Steve would provide an exciting exhibition of male virility. Somehow, Steve managed to survive and the game went on. Ginny had another purchase. Neil had the second smallest stack.

“Dare or favor,” said Ginny.

“Dare,” said Neil.

“I dare you to come with me,” said Ginny as she stood up and offered her hand. Neil stood up, took Ginny’s hand and she led him upstairs.

The game was forgotten at that point and things took a life of their own. Flo stood up, pulled me up with her and we followed Ginny and Neil upstairs.

I don’t know what happened with the eight remaining players. Flo led me to one of the bedrooms. Inside, she closed the door, turned around, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. “You know why we’re here, don’t you?” she asked.

“Even with my oxygen deprived brain, I can figure it out,” I answered.

“Okay then. Where do you want to start?” asked Flo.

“Flo,” I said. “We’ve already started.”

I kissed her again and pushed her back on the bed. She giggled nervously as she slid back on the bed and spread her legs. I kissed the inside of her thighs and ended up sucking her stiff clitoris between my lips. Flo began to squirm as I teased the tip of her clitoris with my tongue.

“Enough, enough,” she squealed. Come up here and fuck me,” she ordered.

Chivalry dictated that I come to the aid of a woman in need. I slid up her body, pausing to kiss her breasts. I kissed her lips and sucked her tongue into my mouth. My aim was off. Flo used a hand to correct the direction and I slid into her in one long stroke.

“Oh, shit,” said Flo.

I held still. “Are you all right?” I asked.

“I’m fantastic,” she shared. “You feel so good inside me.”

I began to stroke inside her. Flo matched my moves with moves of her own. It had been hours since I’d had sex with Ginny at home and I didn’t know how long I’d last. Surprisingly, I lasted almost ten minutes. By that time, Flo had experienced two orgasms and was approaching a third. I felt my own orgasm starting.

“Flo,” I said.

“I know. I feel it too,” she said.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked.

“I want you inside me. We’re all on the pill so inside me is the only choice,” she instructed.

Flo came before I did. When the grip of her vagina on my erection subsided, I burst inside her. I rolled off her and she rolled on top of me. She began furiously kissing me. “That was incredible,” she said. “You’ve just gone where no man, except Derrick, has gone before.”

“Really?” I asked. “I’m only the second man to have sex with you?”

“Really. I didn’t go to college and high school was a bust. You may be the second, but I’m going to up the count quickly tonight.”

“I’m honored,” I said.

“I’m sorry we didn’t fuck sooner,” Flo said.

“Maybe we can do it again later,” I said.

“That would be really nice if you don’t mind me fucking the field before then,” she said.

“Have a blast. You can tell me all about then,” I said.

“We have a date but don’t expect me to talk much. Scream maybe, but not talk.”

I excused myself to go to the bathroom and suggested we go back downstairs to join the others.

“Go ahead,” Flo said. “I need a few more minutes to recover.”

I met Bret in the hallway when I came out of the bathroom.

“Abby’s in the bedroom,” he said and pointed to a door that was partly open. “I think you should go in and congratulate her,” he added.

I knocked gently on the bedroom door. A tiny voice said, “Come in.”

I closed the door behind me. Abby was on her side under the sheets. “Hi,” I said.

“Hi,” she replied.

“Can I join you?” I asked.

“Are you sure you want to?” she asked.

“Of course I’m sure. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here,” I answered.

Abby lifted the sheet, exposing her beautiful body, and I slid in beside her. She rolled half on top of me. “Stan,” she said. “Why did the other guys avoid me downstairs?”

“Abby,” I said. “I wasn’t there so I don’t know exactly. If I had to guess, they were unconsciously honoring your changed status with Bret.”

“You mean the engagement.”

“Exactly,” I confirmed.

“You too?” she asked.

“I’m here now,” I told her. “You’re a very desirable woman. Maybe the most desirable. I’d be insane to ignore you.”

“Stan, would you make love with me?”

In response, I put my hand behind her head and drew her in to kiss her. Her return kiss was hungry and overflowing with emotion. Her hand found my recovering cock. “I think I can fix this,” Abby said.

Seconds later, Abby was turned around on the bed and sucking my cock into her mouth. It felt wonderful and I had no doubt she could keep her promise.

I pulled her hips over my head and began to similarly stimulate her lady parts. Abby’s efforts were successful and she quickly rotated around on top of me and settled down with me inside her as if she expected I would somehow get away.

Abby is a vibrant and active lover. We coupled in several positions before I came while entering her from behind. “Thank you, Stan,” she said. “I needed that.”

“Abby,” I said. “You’re an irresistible woman. If you let the rest of us know what you want, I don’t think you’ll have a problem filling your dance card. And, if it’s any comfort, I think I love you.”

We lay together in the bed for quite a while. I could feel the tension drain from her body as I held her in my arms.

I left Abby evaluating her options and, after another bathroom break, headed for the stairs. Halfway down, I paused to watch the activity in the room below me. Leigh was on her back with Derrick’s face between her legs. Misty was kneeling next to her fondling and kissing her left breast. Kathy was doing the same with her right breast. Leigh’s eyes were closed and I watched her spine stiffen and relax in response to Derrick’s efforts. Rod and Steve were sitting on a nearby sofa watching the action and slowly stroking themselves.

Derrick moved up on Leigh and entered her. He began a rhythmic motion within her. Leigh responded by moving with him and Misty and Kathy increased their fascination with Leigh’s tits.

I walked down the rest of the steps and walked into the room. Derrick saw me and said, “Stan, come here and take over for me. I need to hit the head, badly.”

As if we did stuff like this every day, Derrick pulled out and I pushed myself in without a complaint from Leigh. She just kept pushing back with her hips.

Rod, who had been focused on Kathy’s backside wiggling at him, got up off the sofa and moved behind her. He began to rub his erection up and down on the space between her cheeks. Kathy looked back to see who was teasing her and, when she identified Rod, she nodded and went back to her focus on Leigh’s tit.

Rod ran his erection deeper between Kathy’s legs and slipped inside her with a confirming “Ahhh” from Kathy.

Steve moved up behind Misty and rubbed his erection against her ass. Misty looked back to see who was teasing her. She looked across Leigh’s body, saw her husband fucking Steve’s wife and whispered to Steve, “Go for it.” Steve entered Misty from behind and began his own rhythm. It took a few seconds, but the three of us settled on a common rhythm as we fucked the three women in front of us. Kathy and Misty adjusted their efforts accordingly and the six of us spent the next ten minutes oblivious to our surroundings.

Leigh accompanied her orgasm with a howl that she stifled with her arm in her mouth. Like domino’s falling, the rest of us came almost immediately. We lay in a heap on the floor recovering. Eventually, individuals managed to untangle themselves and I was left lying alongside Leigh on the floor.

“Was that you at the end?” asked Leigh.

“It was,” I confirmed. “Was that okay?”

“It was perfect but what happened to Derrick?” she asked.

“I think he had an emergency bathroom problem and he called in reinforcements,” I told her.

“Was that what they call a gangbang?” Leigh asked.

“Is two men back to back a gangbang?” I asked.

“No. I guess not,” Leigh mulled

“Then, I guess you were just the center of attention from people who love you.”

“Yeah. That’s exactly how I felt,” Leigh confirmed.

By three in the morning, everyone was exhausted and sleeping wherever appropriate space was available. I wandered around the house looking for Ginny. There were three women sleeping in the king sized bed in the master bedroom with Steve. Bret and Abby were curled up together in another bedroom and two of the guys were sharing a bed in the next bedroom. To be honest, they were not touching. They were hugging opposite sides of the bed but I planned to give them trouble about it in the morning. Derrick was sleeping alongside Kathy in the last bedroom.

I found Ginny sound asleep in one of the oversized chairs in the formal living room. I pushed a large hassock against the chair and wiggled alongside her. She didn’t wake up but she did wrap an arm around me and put her head on my shoulder.

I woke the next morning when Ginny unwrapped herself from me and sat up. “Hi,” she said.

“Good morning,” I answered.

“I have to pee. Be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

She was back in a couple of minutes and we began to debrief each other on the happenings the previous evening.

“What the hell happened last night?” asked Ginny.

“I think we were drunk on the sexual tensions that built over the last several months and we just went crazy,” I suggested.

“Did everybody fuck everybody else?” she asked.

“I’d be shocked if they didn’t,” I confirmed.

“You too?” she asked.

“I’m not one hundred percent certain but I think so,” I guessed.

“I don’t remember fucking you,” Ginny said.

“You were asleep when I got here and I didn’t want to wake you up,” I told her. “Besides, I’m going to make it up to you later today.”

“You’re sweet. I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

“You never have,” I told her.

She kissed me. “Deal,” she said.

A few minutes later, Ginny wondered. “I hope nobody has any social or ethical problems because of what we did last night.”

“We may need some time to contemplate our actions but I don’t think any of the relationships will be compromised. In fact, some of the personal relationships may be changed going forward.”

“Changed? How?” asked Ginny.

I think we may be a little more intimate with each other. You know, more touching, longer hugs and maybe a real kiss or two.”

“Maybe more than that?”

“If you suggesting there may be individual affairs between couples outside the larger group, I don’t think so. We all have considerable respect for each other and our spouses and I think guilt and shame would keep things under control.”

“So, no fucking each other except at parties like last night,” summarized Ginny.

“I didn’t say that. If two couples were to see each other for dinner or games separate from the rest of us, a sexual exchange might evolve. And I’m not sure we’ll ever have another party like last night.”

“Would it bother you if I encouraged both?” Ginny asked.

I looked at her, trying to decode her statement. If she meant what I thought she meant, I wouldn’t have a problem. I said, “No,” and left it at that.

Folks started to wake up over the next hour. Toilets all over the house were flushing. Oddly, nobody was looking for their clothing. However, everyone sought out the coffee maker in the kitchen. Steve was working on the third pot of caffeinated stimulus by the time everyone was present. I was watching body language and interactions as people came into the kitchen. There were some reluctant greetings that I attributed to caffeine withdrawal reactions rather than repercussions from the previous evening. Some kissing and hugging was also present. Overall, I thought, as a group, we were on firm ground.

The kitchen was too small for the whole group, so we moved, with our eclectic mugs of coffee, to the game room. The furniture was still against the wall and we spread out and managed seats for all of us.

“Damn, I had fun last night,” ventured Flo.

“So did I,” echoed Leigh.

“Anyone for a rematch?” asked Steve.

“Whoa. Right now I’m too tired and sore to consider a replay,” said Ginny.

“Especially, the sore part,” echoed Misty.

“I could kiss it make it all better,” offered Rod.

“You’re a dirty old man,” rejoindered Misty. “However, I will reconsider your offer after we get home.”

Misty’s comment started the movement to go home. Ginny took charge of finding and handing out the clothing. Steve produced a number of plastic grocery bags for the clothing that wasn’t going to be worn on the way home, mostly bras and underwear.

There were a few naked hugs and kisses that stopped short of fondling and stroking. When every one was gone except Ginny, me, Steve and Kathy, we headed for the kitchen for a coffee refresher. Ginny offered our help in straightening out the house, moving the furniture back in place and washing the sheets. Steve and Kathy declined the offer and Ginny and I headed home.

Ginny reported, over the next few days, that everyone was doing okay. While everyone was energized by the game and the outcome, reflection was still the predominant mood among the women. We returned to a normal routine. The guys scheduled another poker night, on the original schedule, at Neil’s place for the next month.

We arrived at Neil’s near seven o’clock. Leigh greeted us at the door as usual but with unexpected kisses and hugs. Flo arrived with Derrick to help Leigh. We settled around the card table, Derrick handed out the chips and Neil dealt the first hand.

Flo came in about thirty minutes later. “How’s everyone doing?” she asked.

“Not too well,” responded Bret.”

“How so?”

“I could use some luck,” Bret explained.

“Maybe I can help,” Flo suggested.

“You have some luck you want to give away?” asked Bret.

“No, but I do have this,” said Flo as she took Bret’s chin in her hand and kissed his lips firmly.”

“I’ll check back later,” Flo said as she left the room.

We were all stunned at Flo’s impetuous kiss. However, Bret won the next two hands.

Flo came back on schedule. “How’s everyone doing now?” she asked.

“You did wonders for Bret,” said Steve. “What have you got for me?” he asked.

“Do you need some luck too?” Flo asked.

“Not right now but I was hoping to avoid a bad spell later,” Steve improvised.

“Well, I think I have just the thing for you,” Flo said. She turned Steve’s chair away from the table, lifted her blouse and pushed her naked tit against his lips. Steve almost forgot to suck he was so surprised but he recovered nicely and accepted Flo’s offering with gusto.

Flo’s gift had the opposite of the intended effect on Steve. Distracted thinking about Flo’s tits, he made a number of mistakes and lost the next two hands, one of which he should have won.

We took a short bathroom break. Leigh and Flo were seated at the kitchen table topless. “Anything we can do for you guys,” they asked.

There was but it had nothing to do with poker. My thoughts were more along the line of refreshments.

Leigh and Flo brought us beer and pretzels topless for the rest of the evening.

We quit as usual at eleven. Leigh and Flo kissed each of us good-bye, still topless, and thanked us for coming. I discovered later, that Flo rode home with Derrick topless.

I debated telling Ginny about the events of the evening but she already knew by the time I got home.

“Did you enjoy yourself tonight?” Ginny asked as I entered the front door.

“I did,” I said.

“Flo has nice breasts, doesn’t she?” she asked.

“She does,” I answered. “Did you know she was going to go topless tonight?” I asked.

“I knew she was up to something but she kept her plans close to vest, or tit, if you think about it,” Ginny explained. “I’ve been waiting for you hoping she got you all worked up for me.”

“I don’t have a problem getting worked up for you without Flo’s help,” I told her and we headed for the bedroom.

The next poker night was in four weeks at Rod and Misty’s.

Ginny was planning to assist Misty during the poker game so we got to Rod’s early. Misty greeted me with a generous hug, a passionate kiss and completely naked. Seconds later, Ginny was completely naked as well having stripped off the one-piece sundress that she was wearing and nothing else. She greeted Rod with the same enthusiasm as Misty had greeted me.

Misty and Ginny greeted the other players as they arrived while Rod and I waited in the kitchen. Somehow, the game started on time in spite of the huge, four breasted, two pussied distractions.

During the first hand, Derrick asked, “Does anyone know what’s going on?”

“I think the women are trying to tell us something?” I ventured.

“What?” asked Derrick.

“Probably that it’s time for another party,” I suggested.

“Why haven’t they just scheduled it?” asked Rod.

“Ginny tells me that there’s been discussion and some of the women who also want to have another party think that it’s too soon,” I said.

“Too soon. Why’s that?” followed up Rod.

“They say sex can be addictive. If we party too soon it could get out of hand and the next party would be even sooner. Eventually, we’ll be partying every weekend and could lose perspective on how important the relationships with our spouses are,” I offered.

“I get that,” said Derrick, “but if this keeps up, they’ll be fucking us for luck and I don’t think that’s healthy for our relationships either.”

“Good point,” I conceded. “Let me talk to Ginny about it.”

The game continued. Misty and Ginny brought beer to drink, pretzels to nibble on and pussy rubs for luck throughout the evening. At eleven we broke up, Misty and Ginny bid everyone good-bye with prolonged hugs, kisses and an occasional tit squeeze. Ginny rode home naked with me.

“So,” I asked on the way home, “where is all this headed?” indicating her nakedness.

“We need to have a party,” she said candidly.

“What about the concerns about sex addiction?” I asked.

“It’s been almost three months,” said Ginny. “Folks are comfortable with where they are. They think they can handle it.”

“So, schedule a party,” I suggested.

The next “Big Party” was scheduled for two months away at Steve and Kathy’s house again. Meanwhile, we had another regular poker night next month at our house.

Ginny was her usual self as the guys arrived to play poker. She greeted everyone with conservative hugs and kisses, fully clothed. Abby was there to help and she remained clothed as well. The guys were simultaneously expectant and disappointed. Everybody had to find their own luck.

Nothing inappropriate or salacious occurred. There was a tense moment when Steve slid his hand up under Ginny’s skirt to squeeze her ass. Ginny politely pushed his hand away. “Bad boy,” she laughed. Steve got off easy. Three months ago, before the big party, she might have broken his wrist.

The game broke up at eleven and everyone went home.

Afterwards, drinking wine with Ginny, I asked. “So, why the change in decorum tonight?”

“Change?” she queried although she knew exactly what I was referring to.

“Don’t be coy. No distractions. No tits. No pussies,” I clarified.

“The party’s next month. Just creating a little something to look forward to,” she replied.

I didn’t have an issue with her logic, so I left it there and we went to bed where I finally got some tit and pussy.

The night of the “Big Party” arrived. Ginny dressed simply in an above the knee yellow dress with spaghetti straps. I found out later how simply.

Everyone arrived at Steve and Kathy’s place early. The greetings were ambitious. Hugs and kisses were plentiful. The adult beverages flowed freely. All the women were dressed similarly. By the time seven o’clock arrived, everyone was primed.

Steve and Kathy had pushed the furniture against the wall again and there were twelve stacks of chips already laid out on the floor. A deck of cards rested, waiting, in the center of the circle and there was a stack of towels nearby.

We took our places and Steve dealt the first hand. The betting was ambitious, too ambitious. Neil won the first hand and Ginny’s stack of chips was the smallest. Neil pushed three chips in front of Ginny who stood up to donate an article of clothing. For the first time, I noticed she wasn’t wearing shoes. I check around and none of the women were wearing shoes.

Ginny donated her dress. She removed it quickly and tossed to Neil. She was wearing just a bra and panties. She had started the game with just three items of clothing. I looked around again and determined that all the women were dressed the same, just three items of clothing each.

The game moved quickly. The men won every hand. All the women were naked in the first twenty minutes. Kathy passed out the towels. Ginny noticed something about Kathy’s movements. “Wait a second,” she said to Kathy. “Are you pregnant?”

Five guys started doing the math.

“Three months,” Kathy confirmed. “I wasn’t sure it showed yet.”

Five guys took a breath.

I looked at Kathy again. She was beautiful as usual but her skin glowed and, if I looked carefully, she had the beginnings of a baby bump. Congratulations and general happiness for Kathy and Steve filled the room. Lots of naked hugs and kisses between the women; handshakes and back patting between the men.

Eventually, the hubbub calmed down and we returned to the game.

Bret won the next hand. He challenged Leigh, “Dare or Favor?”

Leigh changed the rules. “I dare you to take off all your clothes,” she said.

“That’s not how it works,” replied a startled Bret. “I’m supposed to give you a dare.”

“Okay,” said Leigh. “Dare me to dare you to take off all your clothes.”

Bret looked lost. It was obvious to all of us how this confrontation was going to end. He stood up reluctantly, preparing to disrobe. I looked at his forlorn expression and stood up with him. Soon, all five of the men stood in support of Bret. To the delight of the women, we stripped at the same time and sat down in our original positions.

“Okay,” said Bret. “What’s next?”

“Dares and favors,” chimed in Misty.

“Deal,” said Bret. Rod shuffled the cards and dealt the next hand.

For the first time that night, a woman won. Leigh confronted me. “Dare or favor?” she asked.


“I dare you to come with me,” she said as she stood up and put out her hand.

Leigh and I left the room together and went up the stairs. I learned later that the rest of the group drew cards for partners and retired to various rooms in the house.

In the guest bedroom, with the largest bed, Leigh closed the door. “Stan,” she confided. “I wanted you to be my first partner tonight. After last party, I wanted someone to love me and you were my first choice.”

“What we did was hardly love,” I countered.

“True, but you stayed with me and we had an honest talk. I knew that you’d be the perfect lover this time.”

I stepped up to Leigh and kissed her tenderly on the lips.”

“I knew I was right and that kiss proves it,” she said.

“I hope I don’t disappoint,” I said.

“Ask me again later,” she said as she kissed me again.

The kiss progressed exponentially. I held Leigh close and she pulled me closer. Our mouths opened and we breathed each others excitement. My hand cupped her breast and she pushed tighter against me. My hand moved to between her legs and her legs separated. She was offering herself to me without hesitation.

Leigh’s legs weakened and I felt her body stiffen. “I need to sit down,” she told me.

We stumbled, still tightly together, towards the bed and fell on it together. Leigh landed on the bed further up than I did and we lost lip contact. I began to kiss her nearest body part, her nipples.

“Oh God,” Leigh moaned. “That feels soooo good.”

I put my hand back on her vulva. Without hurrying, I found and began to rub her clitoris in small circles with my thumb.

“Fuck,” moaned Leigh.

I kissed down her body and tongued her navel for several seconds. When I moved to kiss lower, Leigh grabbed the sides of my head. “Save that for later,” she said between pants. “Come up here and kiss me again.”

I slid back up her body, kissing her nipples once again on the way. Leigh scrunched over to the middle of the bed, pulled me on top of her, opened legs, kissed me again, open-mouthed and breathing each other’s air again.

When my erection touched her labia, our kiss intensified. Saliva was flying everywhere. Leigh’s hips were moving constantly, trying to increase the contact between our genitals. Determined, to love her, not fuck her, I moved slowly, penetrating her one inch at a time.

When I reached my limit inside her, Leigh’s legs came up around my waist and she crossed her ankles behind my back, effectively locking me in place. When I moved slightly within her, she said, “Don’t. Not yet. Just kiss me and let me feel you fill me up.”

I kissed her, chasing her lips and tongue all over my face and hers. My hand found her breast again and I ran my finger around her nipple similarly to how I had teased her clitoris earlier. Leigh pressed her pussy against my pubic bone. She moved in small circles, stimulating her clitoris with the rough texture of my pubic hair.

Her body reacted to the triple stimulus of clitoris, nipple and lips in a predictable way. I felt her orgasm building. I gently increased the pressure on her nipple and breast and I pushed my hips tighter against her. Leigh accompanied her orgasm with something between a moan and a wail. Something similar to the sound a wounded deer makes in the forest.

When she could talk again, she said, “Fuck me.”

When I didn’t move, she said, “I meant it. Fuck me!”

She uncrossed her ankles and spread her legs wide.

I responded, reciprocating inside her, pistoning in and out of her, challenging my own internal combustion. Leigh spread her legs wider, pulling them up with her hands behind her knees and forcing more of my erection against the front of her vagina.

Leigh’s orgasm was long and intense. I lost control in the middle of her orgasm. Her vagina was squeezing my erection so tightly, that little of my semen was able to escape. Never the less, my prostate kept convulsing and the pressure kept building. When she relaxed her pelvic muscles, my cock exploded like a burst dam, splashing against her cervix and flooding her vaginal cavity.

“Fuuuccck,” wailed Leigh.

I rolled to her side and we lay together while we recovered.

“That was incredible, Leigh said between breaths. “I swear I could taste your cum,” she commented.

“I hope I didn’t disappoint,” I asked.

“Not only didn’t you disappoint, I want to do it again,” Leigh stated.

“Don’t you think we should go back downstairs?” I asked. “We can get together again later.”

“No. If we go downstairs, neither of us will get any rest and you’ll be in no shape to fuck me or anyone else for that matter. If we stay here, we can take advantage of your recovery. It’ll only take another half hour or so.”

Her logic was impeccable, especially when she turned around and took my limp cock into her mouth. “Damn, I taste great on you,” she commented.

I moved her around and managed to get between her legs with my tongue. We tasted great inside her too.

Quicker than I thought possible, Leigh restored my penile blood flow and I was ready for round two. She turned around again, straddled my hips and lowered herself down on her new best friend. She leaned forward, dangling her breasts above my body. I sat up slightly, Leigh stretched her back and, with the help of one hand, I managed to suck on her erect nipple.

That lasted for two or three minutes before Leigh turned around on my shaft, bent over with her hands on my knees and rapidly shifted her hips up and down along my erection. I was fascinated watching my cock disappear into her only to reappear seconds later. One thing led to another and we ended up on our knees, me behind her, without ever losing containment. With my hands on her hips for balance, I moved in and out of her rapidly.

I could feel her orgasm building as I exerted myself and then relaxing when Leigh tightened her pelvic muscles. I sensed she was fighting to prolong the experience. I was doing the same but beginning to lose the battle. I came for the second time inside Leigh. Simultaneously, I pushed in finger into her nearby rectum.

Leigh lost it and came against my erection and a viscous liquid dripped from her vagina.

We lay alongside each other again. “That wasn’t fair,” complained Leigh.

“What wasn’t fair?” I asked.

“Pushing your finger into my ass,” she said.

“Why wasn’t that fair?” I asked.

“You forced my orgasm. I wasn’t ready yet.”

“I’ll make it up to you,” I told her. “Next time I’ll use something other than my finger.

“Promises, promises,” Leigh said.

We took a bathroom break to pee and clean up and headed downstairs.

Downstairs, things were amazingly calm. Nothing like the last Big Party that devolved into an uncontrolled orgy. Leigh and I cuddled up in a large chair against the wall and watched satisfied couples wander into the room, reform and wander out again. Decorum and civility seemed to embrace everyone. It wasn’t long before Bret wandered by and wooed Leigh away from me. She kissed me tenderly and wandered away arm in arm with Bret.

I got up and wandered into the kitchen for water and whatever else I could find. I found Misty.

“Back already?” she commented.

“Already?” I questioned.

“I thought Leigh was going to monopolize you all night,” she said.

“Well I’m here now,” I said.

“So am I,” she said.

“Should we?” I asked and held out my hand.

“We should,” she said as she took my hand and led me outside.

“Outside?” I asked.

“Have you ever had sex under the stars?” Misty asked.

“Not that I can remember,” I answered.

Misty grabbed a blanket from a wicker sofa on the back patio and we wandered into the backyard.

“It’s really dark out here,” I said.

“Better to see the stars,” Misty explained.

“But I can’t see you,” I complained.

“Your eyes will adjust,” she said.

“Is there more out here besides the stars?” I asked.

“Mother Nature provided the stars, we have to provide the fireworks,” she said.

“Then light my fuse,” I suggested.

“This fuse?” she asked as she gripped my penis.

“That’ll work,” I agreed.

Misty spread the blanket on the cold grass, crawled into the middle of it and pulled me toward her. I stood in front of her kneeling countenance and she used one hand to hold my penis out so she could get her mouth around it. The feeling was outstanding. The more she worked her magic on my cock, soon to be erection, the wetter I got. I suspected she was never going to light my fuse that way but she was working wonders on my libido.

Misty lay back on the blanket and pulled me on top of her. “I had to get off my knees,” she explained. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me. We counted each others teeth with our tongues and I slid further up on her body. He legs separated to accommodate me and I entered her without assistance.

“Nice,” Misty commented as I moved within her, just enough to feed the fire without sparking the flame. We were clearly fucking for fun.

“How are you doing?” Misty asked.

“Wonderfully but I can’t see the stars,” I told her.

Misty laughed and turned us over. “How’s that?” she asked.

“Fine, but you’re just a shadow in the darkness,” I said.

She leaned over until I could see her breasts clearly. “How’s that?” she asked.

“Much better,” I said. “Now I can see what I’m doing,” I added as I reached for her breasts with both hands.

Misty laughed again, pushed her chest against my hands. Simultaneously, she pumped her pussy rapidly against my erection. Occasionally, she leaned in for a kiss and returned to riding me hard. After Leigh, I knew she was in for a long ride.

Long minutes later, Misty asked, “Did Leigh get everything you had?”

“She was very demanding,” I said.

Misty continued to grind on my erection. She had at least two orgasms that I recognized. “Are you superhuman?” she asked eventually.

Before I could respond, someone nearby said, “Is he?”

Misty turned around to look and Abby, holding a cold drink in one hand, walked next to the blanket.

“I have no idea,” said Misty, “but I’m exhausted. You want to take over for me?”

“Sure. Why not?” said Abby.

No body asked me.

Misty got up. Abby handed her the cold drink and replaced Misty on my erection.

Misty wandered away and Abby ground her pussy against my pubic bone. Her technique was different from Misty’s. I thought she had a better chance of pushing me into an orgasm than had Misty. Abby leaned forward. Her breasts were larger than Misty’s, her nipples larger and, as I discovered, more sensitive.

The combination brought me closer to the edge and, eventually, over the brink.

“Damn it, Stan,” cried Abby. “You could’ve waited for me.”

“Sorry, love. Let me fix that for you,” I told her.

I put her on her back, spread her legs and used my tongue on the outside and two fingers on the inside, of her clitoris. In less than two minutes, Abby was bouncing all over the blanket and crushing the grass under it. Her orgasm caused her to clamp my head between her legs, folding my right ear against the side of my head.

I halted my efforts to stimulate her clitoris and her legs relaxed, freeing my damaged ear.

“Damn, that was worth your going first,” Abby said.

“Sorry it came out that way. Next time I’ll try to resist better,” I told.

“I’m holding you to that promise,” Abby said.

I moved up her body and kissed her.

“Is that what I taste like?” she asked.

“You do and I love it,” I said.

I kissed her again, got up and headed for the house. “Are you coming?” I asked.

“Go ahead. I’ll come in a few minutes,” Abby said.

“Great. Bring the blanket with you,” I said.

In the kitchen, I bumped into Kathy. “What happened to your ear?” she asked.

“Long story,” I said.

“Have a seat and tell me about it,” Kathy suggested.

I sat at the kitchen table. “I’ll get you something to drink,” she said and headed for the refrigerator.

Kathy came back with a beer and a root beer. She handed me the beer and sat at the table across from me. “You want to tell me about your ear?” she asked.

“Not really. How about we talk about something you want to talk about,” I suggested.

“Stan,” she started, “I was looking forward to this party as much as anyone and I’m feeling as if you guys are, at best, treating me like I might break or, at worst, avoiding me.”

“They’re just being considerate of your condition,” I said.

“You mean my pregnancy?” she asked.

“That’s it. Nobody wants to be responsible if something was to happen to either you or the baby,” I expanded.

“That’s just dumb,” Kathy said. “I got pregnant playing around with Steve. I’m careful about weight on my stomach but the playpen is still as good as it ever was and there’s a dozen other ways to have sex except missionary position,” she explained.

“I think it you took the time to explain to the others what you just explained to me, you’d have more success,” I suggested.

“True,” Kathy agreed. “How about you?” she asked.

“I’d be honored,” I told her, “but I need some time to recover before I could do you justice.”

“I’ll wait,” she said.

We talked about the group and how our relationships had evolved over time. Kathy got me another beer and I shared my thinking about falling in love with all of them.

“Including me?” she asked.

“Especially you,” I told her. “Just to be clear, I’m not talking about the kind of love I have for Ginny. She’s special and I’d give my life to save her. I’m also not talking about the kind of love I have for my sister. My love for you is more than the latter and less than the former. It’s also not just a function of the sex we share. I’d love you without the sex but I certainly welcome it and glad it’s part of our relationship.”

Kathy came over and sat in my lap. “Stan,” she said. “I love you too,” and she kissed me.

I reacted physically and Kathy noticed. She kissed me again, this time with an open mouth. “Will you make love to me now?” she asked.

I finished my beer and nodded. Kathy took my hand and led me upstairs to the master bedroom. We weren’t the first couple to use the bedroom. Kathy closed the door, pulled off the covers and checked the sheets. She crawled up in the center of the bed and patted the sheet alongside her.

I climbed onto the bed beside her and held her in my arms. I kissed her, a long, motivated kiss overflowing with emotion. I fondled her breasts. They were already larger than I remembered and the nipples were more sensitive. I moved my hand down and gently rubbed the swelling in her belly.

“That feels really nice,” said Kathy.

“Are you feeling movement yet?” I asked.

“Not real movement. Just some fluttering,” she told me.

Moving my hand further down, I settled my fingers on the top of the cleavage between her labia. I pressed a finger on the top of her clitoris and another finger between her labia and near her moist entrance.

“I told you my playpen was still intact,” she said.

“I see that,” I confirmed.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

“I think so but you should check,” I said.

Her hand moved over my hip on the way to checking my status. Her hand wrapped around my erection. “This is exactly what I need,” Kathy said. “But I have to take the top.”

I rolled on my back and Kathy positioned herself and slowly lowered down until I was buried into the first pregnant woman I’d ever been with. Somehow, I believed that being pregnant she would somehow feel different. I was wrong. Kathy was tighter than most of the other women and just as willing to explore.

Another unexpected effect of her pregnancy, my emotional involvement surprised me. With Kathy, I went to a beautiful place I’d never visited before. Everything Kathy did, every move Kathy made increased my pleasure. I think it had the same effect on her. Within minutes, she had an enormous orgasm.

I paused and waited to see if she was okay.

“Why did you stop moving?” Kathy asked.

“I wasn’t sure if you were okay?” I admitted.

“Because I had an orgasm and I’m pregnant?” she asked.

Unsure, I said, “I guess so.”

“Stan,” she chastised, “pregnant women are allowed to have orgasms and I plan to have at least one more.”

She accompanied her statement with increased movement on my erection. I took her hips in my hands and matched her efforts. I didn’t slow my pace when she had her second orgasm.

“Let me get on my knees and you get behind me,” Kathy said.

Behind her, I entered her again. She felt tighter in this position and I didn’t hold back as I pumped into her, pressing against the front of her vagina. I hit bottom once and paused.

“It’s okay. Don’t stop,” Kathy begged. “I’m going to have another orgasm.”

I went back to work, doing everything I could to please her. She had that third orgasm and, shortly later, I emptied my reserves inside her.

Kathy lay on her side and I wrapped my arms around her. She cuddled up close and kissed me. “Thank you,” she said. “I was feeling inadequate. That’s no longer the case thanks to you.”

She kissed me again.

Awhile later, Kathy kissed me again. “You should go downstairs,” she said.

“What about you?” I asked.

“I’ll be along in a few minutes. I just need some time to process,” she told me.

I kissed her and one of her nipples. “Don’t take too long. I’ll worry about you,” I told her.

“Don’t. I’m fine. Just a little tired,” she said. “It’s normal for a pregnant woman.”

After another bathroom break, I went down stairs. Ginny was alone in the living room. I sat next to her.

“Having fun?” she asked.

“There’s more going on here tonight than just having fun,” I said.

“Explain,” she requested.

“I think I’m in love with everyone,” I told her.

“I feel it too,” Ginny said. “Not like I love you, but real love,” she added.

“That’s it exactly,” I said. “I like it.”

We held hands, involved with our own thoughts for several minutes. “Did you have sex with everybody?” she asked.

“I haven’t seen Flo all night,” I responded. “How about you?”

“I’m five for five,” she told me.

“Cool,” I said and kissed her.

“Do you want me to help you find Flo?” she asked.

“No. I haven’t chased anyone and I don’t want to chase Flo either. If it happens, it happens. If not, it’s still okay.”

We sat for a few moments. “I love you,” Ginny said.

Over the next half-hour, partiers wandered into the living room and took seats around the room. Interestingly, they all sat with their partners. Flo and Derrick were the last to appear. Flo looked around the room. “Anybody want something to drink?” she asked.

Most everyone thought that was a good idea. Flo headed for the kitchen. Kathy jumped up to help her. She blew me a kiss as she left the room.

“What was that all about?” asked Ginny.

“Just a private joke,” I answered.

The women came back with a cart filled with water, beer and other beverages. Nothing alcoholic. We gathered around the cart and selected drinks. We mingled around the room, drinking. Slowly, couples gathered their clothing and headed home. We shared intimate moments with each couple as they left. Soon, only Ginny, I, Flo and Derrick and Steve and Kathy were left.

We pulled the furniture closer together and sat down to talk. Ginny headed for the bathroom and Flo sat next to me for a moment. “Where have you been all night?” she asked.

“Everywhere and nowhere,” I said.

“Someone told me you were in the back yard but, when I went out there, you weren’t there.”

“I’m sorry we didn’t find each other,”

“I am too. I owe you one,” she told me.

“Just one? I asked.

“You’re an idiot,” she said and left to sit next to Derrick.

Ginny came back and sat next to me.

We talked about the dynamics between the group members and generally agreed that significant bonding had been happening all night. Kathy looked at her watch. “It’s late. Why don’t you guys just spend the night and go home in the morning? We have plenty of bedrooms.”

That seemed like a good idea. The three women went upstairs to check the condition of the bedrooms and make repairs where necessary. The guys shared their experiences of the evening. At a pause in the conversation, I spoke up. “Steve,” I said, “don’t take this the wrong way but I’m in love with your wife.”

“No offense,” Steve acknowledged. “She’s in love with you,” he said.

“There’s a lot of love going around,” interjected Derrick.

“I think that’s a good thing,” added Steve.

“I agree,” I said.

The women came back. Ginny came over to me and helped me up. ‘Say ‘good night’ Stan,” she said.

“Good night Stan,” I said and we went upstairs. We settled in the last bedroom. “Did you save enough for me?” asked Ginny.

“I’ll never have enough for you,” I said.

Forty minutes later, as we lay basking in post coital bliss, someone knocked on the door. Ginny looked at me as if I had a clue. Curious, she said, “Come in.”

Flo walked into the room. She was still naked. “Stan and I didn’t have any time together tonight,” she said. She addressed Ginny, “I wondered if you’d mind.”

“Not at all,” said Ginny. “Join us.”

“Derrick is alone down the hall,” Flo told her.

“I get it,” said Ginny. She got out of bed and headed for the door. “Have fun,” she said and closed the door.

Flo wasted no time cuddling up to me. She was stroking my penis, hoping for a reaction when the door opened again. “Derrick is asleep,” Ginny said. She closed the door and crawled into bed behind Flo. “As you were,” she said.

Flo shrugged off the interruption and resumed stroking my cock. Ginny reached over Flo and pinched her nipple. Flo paused her activity and looked at Ginny. Ginny kissed her. For a moment, Flo forgot what she was doing as she kissed Ginny back. Eventually, she moved back to give Ginny better access to her tits and resumed stroking my cock.

Watching the women kiss each other and Ginny fondling Flo’s tits had a stronger effect on my libido than Flo’s stroking alone, although that certainly helped. Soon I was as ready as I’d been all night. I shifted more onto my back. Flo looked at Ginny. “Go for it,” mouthed Ginny.

Flo mounted me. Ginny got behind Flo, held one breast in one hand and used the other to manage Flo’s clitoris.

Flo moaned, and pushed harder on my erection. “Get in front of me so I can kiss you,” Flo asked Ginny.

Ginny moved in front of Flo. She straddled my chest and kissed Flo. I couldn’t see clearly, but I assumed they were squeezing each other’s breasts while they kissed. What I could see was exciting. Ginny was leaning forward slightly and I could see her rectum and the beginning of her vagina.

Without hesitation, I pulled Ginny back toward me until she was positioned over my face. I lowered her down and ringed her rectum with my tongue. “Shit,” she said. “Do that again.”

I did it again and ran my tongue over her perineum and into her vagina. Ginny shuttered and Flo picked up the pace. Ginny shifted to improve my ability to kiss and tongue her clitoris. I honored her silent request, sucked her clitoris into my mouth, and pushed it side to side with my tongue.

Ginny orgasmed and kissed Flo with open mouth and tongue. Flo climaxed and set me off. I didn’t have a lot but I gave what I had to Flo. We fell on the bed together. I fantasized how the rest of the night might develop as I fell asleep, surrounded by tits and wet pussies.

I woke up in the morning with the two women admiring my morning wood and wondering aloud what they might do with it. They made their decision and I lay back, closed my eyes and accepted their choice. Later, we headed for the bathroom to pee and shower.

Exiting the bathroom, we encountered Kathy, wearing a flowing robe tightly tied in front heading for the stairway. She looked at us, freshly showered, drew a probably correct conclusion, smiled knowingly and headed for the kitchen.

Kathy, in her robe, established the dress code of the morning. Flo went into the other bedroom to wake Derrick while Ginny and I headed downstairs to gather our clothing. Ginny found her dress and put in on. Her bra and panties went into her purse. I put on my trousers and shirt. Ginny found room in her purse for my socks and underwear. I headed into the kitchen while Ginny took Flo and Derrick’s clothing upstairs for them.

In the kitchen, I found Kathy gathering plates and silverware for the six of us. She had already started a fresh pot of coffee. When she saw me, she wrapped her arms around me, kissed me enthusiastically and said, “Thank you for last night.”

Unable to think of anything else appropriate, I answered, “You’re welcome.”

With her help, I increased the size of the kitchen table with the leaf inside it and put two folding chairs around the table with the other four chairs matching the table. Plates, silverware and napkins ended up on the table. Six mugs were arranged next to the brewing coffee.

Eventually, all six of us were sitting around the table. Everyone had a mug of coffee. Kathy and I were on our second mugs. Breakfast was Danish, muffins and toasted bagels with cream cheese. Conversation was mundane, avoiding mention of last night’s activities.

Good-byes were heartfelt and passionate. On the way home, I asked Ginny about the change in atmosphere since the last big party. “Tell me about last night,” I said.

“What about last night?” Ginny asked.

“Everybody was so calm and collected. Not at all like the first party or the activities during our poker games. What changed?” I asked.

“I can only guess,” Ginny said.

“That works for me,” I said.

“I think Kathy being pregnant got everybody thinking,” guessed Ginny.

“Thinking about what?” I asked but I should have known the answer.

“Family,” Ginny told me.


“Yeah, family. The desire to have babies is very real with us women,” she clarified.

I thought about her comment for several seconds. “So, you think Kathy’s pregnancy triggered the baby gene in the rest of the women,” I stated.

“That’s it exactly,” Ginny said.

“I think you’re right,” I agreed.

“It’s not such a bad idea,” she said.

“You want to have a baby?” I asked.

“I do but not without you.”

“I think it’s a capital idea,” I said.

At home, Ginny tossed the remainder of her birth control pills in the trash. We didn’t know exactly how long it would take her to get pregnant but we started practicing right away.

Bret and Abby’s wedding was two months away. At the wedding, four of Abby’s bridesmaids were pregnant although only Kathy was obvious.

A year later, five of the families were caring for infants, Abby was pregnant and Kathy was working on number two.

Big Parties seemed to be a thing of the past. Leigh blamed it on a shortage of baby sitters but we all knew the real reason. We wanted our children to have normal lives without the influence of uninhibited sex from their parents. Ginny figured that sometime in the future, the parties would reappear but only after eighteen or twenty years.

Ginny and I had small gatherings one or two times a month with one or two of the other couples. Baby sitters weren’t a problem and we never extended our gatherings overnight.

The monthly poker games also continued but without the attention from over exposed women.

I found the new, family oriented relationships very satisfying and Ginny agreed. In the times we managed to be alone, we maintained our previous sexual acrobatics but we kept the volume down lest we wake the children.

For me, life is fuckin’ wonderful. Both Ginny and I think about the future, especially the future eighteen or twenty years away.