Asian Wives for Black Men

Marilyn Yan is a young Chinese-Canadian woman living in the City of Vancouver, British Columbia. A grad student at the prestigious Simon Fraser University, Marilyn is close to getting her MBA but aside from academic success, life sucks for this gal. It seems that everything that could have gone wrong in her life has happened. What’s bugging Marilyn, you may ask? This lovely lady is feeling miserable and forlorn after her former fiancé Tyler Winters ran off with her cousin Mario Yan. That’s right, the young man who once asked Marilyn to marry him fell in love with her male cousin. Isn’t that peachy fucking keen?

As it turns out, Tyler Winters, the six-foot-tall, blond-haired, athletic white dude whom Marilyn fell for in college likes Asian men even more than he likes Asian women. Marilyn remembered her heart shattering into a million pieces the night she caught Tyler in bed with her cousin Mario. She’d come home early from work to surprise him, and ended up getting surprised. Tyler confessed to Marilyn his love for Mario and then dumped her on the same night. The pain and embarrassment that Marilyn felt seared her soul. To make matters worse, Marilyn Yan was dateless at her former fiancé’s wedding to her cousin. Can this young lady’s life get any worse?

Meet Jacob Blackmore, a big and tall young black man who recently moved to Vancouver from his hometown of Port Antonio, Jamaica. He’s taking courses at Simon Fraser University and exploring life in the City of Vancouver. Jacob is fascinated by all the Asian beauties he sees walking around town. The Jamaican brother is convinced that there are more Asian women walking around downtown Vancouver than in downtown Shanghai in China. Nothing wrong with that. Asian women are fine as hell as far as Jacob is concerned.

“I have got to get me one of these fine women,” Jacob said to himself as he sat in the Simon Fraser University library. Seated at a computer, Jacob checked his various social media while also ogling the fine Asian ladies he saw everywhere in the library. Feeling bored, Jacob put his backpack next to the computer and draped his leather jacket over the back of his seat. There’s a lot of grimy types who wouldn’t hesitate to swipe the computer so Jacob had to take precautions. Jacob went out for a quick walk and a smoke. The Business Math assignment was kicking Jacob’s ass, and he needed a break…

Jacob walked around the campus, and smiled at the gorgeous Chinese ladies and Indian ladies he saw everywhere he looked. There were a few black women on campus, and most of them had white boyfriends. Jacob didn’t care. Ever since he moved to Vancouver, he’s been thirsty for Asian women. Unfortunately, the Asian ladies seemed programmed to only date white guys, Asian guys, or other women. Jacob rarely saw Asian women with black guys. Something had to be done about that. Jacob was sure that if Asian ladies gave the brothers a try, they would be addicted. How can a brother get past the cultural programming which deters Asian women from embracing black men? Hmm, something interesting to ponder.

Back in the day, Jacob used to visit the United States every summer, and while staying with his uncle Ernest Blackmore in the City of Boston, he saw lots of black men with white women. From what Jacob observed, it wasn’t long ago that white women were hesitant to date or marry black men because of what angry white men might think of them. Jacob figured that the Asian ladies probably had similar sentiments but he was willing to put in the work, endure the trials and tribulations, and get himself a fine Asian woman. The question is, who shall this lucky Asian lady be?

Jacob was pondering these things when he heard the sound of sobbing. Curious, Jacob followed the sounds and went into a secluded spot between the trees near the Simon Fraser University library. Jacob went in, and inquired about the noise. That’s when he found a young Asian woman leaning against a wall, with a knife in her hand. Mumbling incoherently to herself, the distraught young woman looked at Jacob balefully. Shocked by what he was beholding, Jacob wondered what to do.

“Please don’t do that,” Jacob said, and he held his hands up to show the lady that he was no threat. The young woman looked at Jacob through tear-stained eyes, and brandished the knife, but she did not aim it at him. The young woman held the knife against her own throat, which Jacob found more than a bit frightening. What is a guy supposed to say to a woman who is threatening to end her own life? Jacob is definitely not the right guy for this job. Leave it to a psychiatrist or a special counselor or a cop or something.

“Don’t come any closer,” said Marilyn, and she looked at the tall, dark-skinned young man as he stood there, looking even more scared than she was. Feeling angry and distraught, Marilyn had come to the very spot where she and Tyler shared their first date, and decided to end her life. She even had the big kitchen knife from the set they’d purchased together at Walmart for their first apartment. It all made sense to her. If only this annoying interloper could go away…

“Ma’am, I won’t pretend to know what you’re going through, but suicide is not the answer,” Jacob said softly. Marilyn watched him as he crept toward her, moving like a man trying not to startle a frightened animal. In spite of her extreme distress, Marilyn found the situation almost comical. This one had definitely seen too many movies. Jacob drew closer, until he was mere two meters from where Marilyn stood. The young woman’s eyes flashed and she warned him not to come any closer.

“This doesn’t concern you, fool, you don’t know what I’m going through,” Marilyn screamed, and Jacob nodded as if he understood. In that moment, a couple of passersby came along and, startled by their arrival, Marilyn took her eyes off the interloper for just one a second. That’s all Jacob needed, and in a move reminiscent of his days as a football player in rural Jamaica, he pounced after Marilyn. Grabbing Marilyn’s hand, Jacob twisted it until she let go, and they struggled before collapsing on the ground…

“Buddy, get off of her,” said one of the passersby, a tall white dude with a buzz cut, and he wrestled with Jacob as the brother tried to get up. Meanwhile, Marilyn fumbled for her knife, which had fallen. Mr. Buzz Cut’s companion, a petite blonde lady, picked it up. That’s when the Simon Fraser University security team arrived, drawn by all the commotion. They were on their afternoon patrol when they came upon the scene.

“Back off, both of you,” said the lead security guard, a forty-something, well-built white male with dark gray hair. Jacob and Mr. Buzz Cut stopped struggling and looked at each other with contempt and suspicion. The other security guard, a tall red-haired woman spoke to the petite blonde gal and the forlorn-looking young Asian woman. It took a few minutes before the security guards got all the facts from all parties involved. Fortunately for Jacob’s sake, Marilyn didn’t deny her suicide attempt, which shocked and surprised everyone.

“Bud, I owe you an apology,” said Mr. Buzz Cut, real name Todd something or other, and he and his girlfriend Amber thanked Jacob for saving Marilyn from herself. Jacob nodded and shook hands with Todd and Amber while the security team took Marilyn away for her own good. College and university campuses across Canada have taken to hiring professionals with mental health training. Suicidal students are a big problem on campuses all over the country. Marilyn would be taken to the nearby Vancouver General Hospital. The doctors over there were more than qualified to deal with a suicidal young woman.

“Man, what a day,” Jacob said to himself as he lay in bed that night. After a chat with the campus security team, and later, the responding police units, Jacob walked away feeling like he’d done a good deed. He was still sore from grappling with Mr. Buzz Cut, but whatever. At least when Jacob went to Stanley’s Super Fly Cuts, the Jamaican-owned barbershop on Moore Street, he would have a story to tell. Jacob fell asleep with a smile on his face. Whoever says that life in Canada is boring surely hasn’t been to the City of Vancouver, that’s for damned sure…

That night, as Marilyn lay in her hospital bed, with a pair of security guards outside the door since she was on suicide watch, she thought about her life. Things had been so damn dicey lately. Marilyn’s parents, Vincent Yan, and Emily Figueroa, divorced after a thirty year marriage. Marilyn’s former fiancé Tyler Winters and his new husband, her first cousin Mario Yan, were shopping for houses in the City of Toronto, Ontario. Marilyn hated the fact that her former fiancé was so happy without her. She loved him and believed him when he told her he loved her, once upon a time. Hell, Marilyn and Tyler had sex numerous times, and had a passionate relationship. Was it all a lie? Questions like this made Marilyn loathe her existence…

Marilyn tried to think of the last time someone cared for her, and came up empty. When the police informed her parents of what had happened, they came to the hospital and expressed more anger than relief upon seeing Marilyn. they blamed her for interrupting their brand new lives with her little problems. Vincent Yan, the family patriarch, was dating a tall blonde woman named Katherine something or other, and Marilyn’s mother, Emily Figueroa-Yan, was dating an Arab guy named Malik Harun. Yup, nobody had time for Marilyn Yan. It’s almost as if she didn’t matter.

Marilyn thought of Jacob, the young man from campus who had saved her from her worst self. He was tall, and dark-skinned, and had a strange accent. This man came from Africa or someplace like that. To Marilyn, who’d been born in the City of Vancouver, BC, to a Chinese immigrant father and a Hispanic mother from Colombia, Africa was the far side of the world. Jacob had been there for Marilyn when nobody else was. Sighing, the young woman found herself thinking about the interloper turned savior. What was life like for someone like that?

When Marilyn Yan got discharged from the hospital into the custody of her aunt Gertrude Figueroa, her mother’s old maid of a sister, she was thrilled. Aunt Gertrude Figueroa was a tough, but good-hearted woman. Marilyn was quite fond of her while growing up. The tall, dark-haired, bronze-skinned, fifty-something Colombian Canadian woman still spoke with a thick Spanish accent. Upon seeing Marilyn, Aunt Gertrude hugged her fiercely, and then whacked her upside the head.

“Marilyn, my dear, if you ever do something stupid like this, I will go down to Hell, drag your soul back to the earth and beat your ass, don’t be a Pendeja, life is precious, entiendes?” Aunt Gertrude said sharply. The older woman’s brown eyes were filled with anger. Marilyn nodded while rubbing her head. She got into Aunt Gertrude’s beat-up old BMW and they sped away from the Vancouver General Hospital parking lot. Marilyn smiled as Aunt Gertrude drove back to her place. The older woman’s brand of tough love was just what Marilyn needed.

Over the next few weeks, Marilyn learned how much her life had changed. The Simon Fraser University Secretariat declared that due to Marilyn’s mental health issues, she wouldn’t be allowed to campus unless a mental health professional declared she was no longer a danger to herself or others. Marilyn’s campus card was deactivated, and she was removed from her classes. Marilyn had to attend mandatory counseling sessions with Dr. Rupert Everett, a tall, dark-haired and square-jawed, no-nonsense psychiatrist originally from London, England. Yeah, life wasn’t going to be peachy keen for Marilyn Yan in the short term…

Marilyn had to endure the Drill Sergeant-like tactics of Aunt Gertrude, who gave her a curfew, demanded that she attend church twice a week, and made her clean the house. Marilyn endured all of this with a smile. The sessions with Dr. Rupert Everett were going fine. Ten more sessions and he would write her a note which she could take to the campus administrators to get back to her normal life. Marilyn honestly couldn’t wait. One evening, while online, Marilyn decided to look up her so-called savior. Jacob’s social media pages had tons of pictures of Chinese female celebrities on them. Like, the dude was obsessed.

“Hmm, what have we here?” Marilyn said to herself, smiling, upon noticing the tons of Asian female pictures on Jacob’s pages. Marilyn found herself smiling when she saw that Jacob liked Asian ladies with curves. There were big beautiful Asian women all over Jacob’s pages. The Jamaican brother liked what he liked. In an uncharacteristically bold move, Marilyn wrote Jacob and sent him a friend request. Smiling, Marilyn listened to music and wrote a few poems. She was listening to the hit song No Fear by the classic band The Rasmus when she got a reply from Jacob.

“Oh hello, Marilyn, thanks for reaching out to me, I prayed for your safety,” Jacob wrote, and Marilyn grinned. The young woman’s heart skipped a beat as she read the message. Jacob seemed to be genuinely concerned for her and appeared to be an interesting guy. When Jacob typed his phone number, Marilyn saved it on her iPhone and then sent him a quick text message. With her heart going pitter patter, Marilyn awaited Jacob’s reply.

“Glad to hear from you,” Marilyn wrote, and then she was about to add something else when Jacob called her. Panicking, she almost didn’t pick up, but excitement won out over fear. Jacob’s deep, masculine voice greeted Marilyn, and she chuckled and replied to his greeting. What followed was a nonstop conversation which lasted ninety seven minutes. They talked about…everything. The conversation culminated in Jacob asking Marilyn to meet him at the CF Pacific Center, one of Vancouver’s biggest malls, and she agreed. With a smile on her face and a song in her heart, Marilyn wished Jacob goodnight.

“That’s how real players do it,” Jacob said to himself after hanging up. The conversation with Marilyn Yan went better than expected. Jacob browsed through Marilyn’s profile and saw tons of pictures of her with some blond dude. A bit annoyed, Jacob checked out the blond dude’s pictures and saw that he was married to an Asian dude. Did Marilyn have some kind of crush on a gay white dude who’s into Asian men? Small wonder the pretty-faced, curvy Asian gal was at her wits end. When women don’t get enough dick, it affects their physical and mental health. No need to be Freud to figure that one out…

That night, after finishing her chores and doing her prayers, Marilyn Yan lay in bed. Since Aunt Gertrude was visiting her girlfriend Paloma, she had the house to herself. Marilyn had taken a shower, and while in there, she admired her reflection in the mirror. At five-foot-ten, Marilyn was taller than the average Chinese woman, and surmised that she inherited her height from her mother, who came from Colombia. Marilyn was chubby, with a round face, large breasts, a curvaceous body, wide hips, thick legs and a big round ass. No one’s ideal of beauty, not by Eastern or Western beauty standards, but so what? Marilyn was slowly learning to love herself.

A smile crept into Marilyn’s face as she browsed through Jacob’s page on her cell phone, and saw his comments on curvy Asian women. Yeah, Jacob would definitely like Marilyn’s physique, and this amused and excited her. Stark naked on her bed, Marilyn slid her hand between her thighs and began to masturbate. Closing her eyes, Marilyn fingered her pussy with one hand and caressed her breasts with the other. Sighing happily, Marilyn envisioned Jacob the Interloper pleasuring her…

“Hey gorgeous, let me lick you,” Jacob said, in Marilyn’s fantasy, and she spread her thick golden thighs for him. Jacob stood before Marilyn, a tall, dark-skinned, muscular and very masculine man. Marilyn shuddered as Jacob began eating her pussy. Jacob began lapping away at Marilyn’s pussy with his tongue, and she moaned softly, enjoying the pleasures he brought her. Marilyn thrust two fingers into her pussy, and then replaced them with her favorite dildo, a thick black toy she’d bought at Honey Gifts, one of Vancouver’s top porn video and sex toy stores.

“Just fuck me,” Marilyn hissed at Jacob as she thrust the black dildo into her pussy. In her fantasy, Jacob got on top of her. Jacob took Marilyn’s face into her hands and looked into her eyes before kissing her. Marilyn kissed Jacob back passionately, and he caressed her big breasts as he continued making love to her. Jacob stroked his long and thick cock before entering Marilyn with one swift thrust. Marilyn groaned as Jacob slammed his big black dick into her pussy and began fucking her. Let the good times roll…

Marilyn rammed the dildo deep into her pussy and left it there. The young woman let out a deep moan as she found herself close to a wicked climax. As she reached the zenith of her pleasure, Marilyn smiled and then sighed, still a bit tingly down below. Jacob vanished of course, back to the realm of Marilyn’s subconscious. Marilyn pulled the bed sheets over her curvaceous body. The young woman looked forward to her date with the handsome Jacob Blackmore. The tall, dark and sexy, masculine Jamaican hunk just might be what Marilyn needs to get out of her funk. When life closes one door, it often closes another one…

The next day, Marilyn Yan showed up at CF Pacific Center to meet with Jacob Blackmore. Tall and curvy, Marilyn looked gorgeous in a red and white, flower-patterned sundress. Seated at the food court, Marilyn busily checked her cell phone as she waited for Jacob. They’d agreed on meeting at eleven o’clock in the morning and it was ten forty nine. Where the Hell was Jacob Blackmore? The brother finally arrived, looking handsome in a green silk shirt, black silk dress pants and black Timberland boots. He smelled like an entire store’s worth of Axe body spray but so what? Marilyn liked what she saw, and that’s that…

“Good afternoon, mademoiselle,” Jacob said in his deep, masculine voice as he approached Marilyn. Smiling, she took the hand he offered and thus, they officially met. Jacob treated Marilyn to coffee and donuts, and then they sat together and got to know each other. For the two of them, this was an interesting new beginning. For Jacob, he couldn’t believe his luck. The same gorgeous but formerly distraught gal whom he had to rescue was now on a date with him. If he played his cards right, this could lead to interesting places. For Marilyn, Jacob represented a welcome break from her past and her usual patterns. He was handsome, smart, charming, and very different from everyone she knew. Perhaps Jacob is exactly what Marilyn needs to break out of her old patterns…