Sarah and Alex: Suppository and Rec

Summary: Sarah, an experienced nurse practitioner is going through a divorce. This has a long-lasting experience on her relationship with her 18-years-old, Alex. Sarah decides to “punish” Alex for having a similar attitude as her ex-husband. Sarah won’t stop until Alex becomes obedient.

Time to read: 18-22 minutes

Characters: Sarah (mom), Alex (18-year-old son/daughter) & some others

Please note: This is a fantasy. I do not intend to encourage or inspire abuse. If you decide to act any of these out, make sure you get consent from everyone.


The first conflict

Sarah was pretty proud of herself. She spent an entire year teaching Alex strict discipline. After a year of hard work, she has finally felt loved and respected. Now, she was instructing other mothers how to discipline their loved ones or the ones who they found difficult to love.

Becca was her eager student. Becca had a very disobedient daughter. She heard that Sarah can help to understand how she can turn this around.

Becca wanted to know how Sarah’s story has started. Sarah remembered it well: when she finalized her divorce.

I was tired and working all day — every day. Alex was finishing high school — he was doing an extra year because he had terrible grades. He loved his dad but hated me. We had a lot of fights. He often called me a bitch and a slut. Although his daddy was the one who betrayed us.

I was mentally exhausted! Dealing with work all day — 10 hours in a nursing home — and then coming home to Alex draining me. My body was so tense, I have not had an orgasm for several months at that point, which upset me even more.

Becca was always surprised at Sarah’s brutal honesty. Her candid words felt empowering.

I got into a fight with Alex. He was playing video games while listening to loud music. The TV was also on in the background, with some annoying cartoon screaming. Can you imagine the cacophony I had to deal with? I was sitting at the kitchen table crying. He reminded me of my ex-hubby. I had to stop him from becoming his dad.

This determination gave me great power so I burst into his room. I grabbed him and spanked him. Yes, I spanked him right there, not letting him go for a second. He was lying across my lap, screaming, unable to get up. I hit his bottom until begged me to stop. I even used one of my shoes to hit him a few times.

I told him I will be in control from now on and he is grounded for the night. I threw a bag of bread at him to eat and I locked him in his room. I only let him out the next day around lunchtime. You would not believe how much it matters to lock them in their room sometimes! The time alone gives them plenty to think about.

He was still pathetic, of course. He pissed on the floor because he could not get out of his room. I know this sounds radical, but I had to show him what I can do to him. He tried to punch me. Instead, I just spanked him again. He was so weak, I managed to undress him while fighting. In the end, he was laying there naked, crying.

I told him to go and have a shower so he won’t smell like piss. Shortly after, I kicked in my first routine: regular health check-ups. He was underweight. He had spine scoliosis. He was sickly. He needed some control. I did not let him dress up until I finished the health examination. Initially, I made him lay on his belly so that I can check his spine. I also asked him to stand on a scale so I can monitor his weight. Finally, I give him a thermometer to take his own temperature.

Do you know what he did the first time? He threw the thermometer at me, breaking it. I was so mad, I spanked him again. He was in total shock, but I did not care. He deserved it for how he behaved. He had it coming for all the stress he caused me.

I picked up a rectal thermometer from my work bag and showed it to him. Since I work with old people — many of them who has serious disabilities — I take their RT regularly. You can imagine how weak and pathetic this man-let felt when his own mother shoved a thermometer up his ass. I made sure I take a bit longer to check his temperature so that he will really remember what has happened. He was trying to fight me off, but I held him down firmly on his bed. For the rest of the second day, I locked him in his room. I slid in some food and only let him out when he had to visit the toilet. I heard him crying a lot, but I did not care. I knew I hit gold and I was winning.


Becca was super excited to hear what happened next. Sarah continued.

I knew health check-ups were not enough and I had to step up my game. I took Alex’s temperature rectally every day from that point. He fought back — a lot. However, I was always stronger and I put him in his place with spanking. As a woman, one shouldn’t be afraid of using their strength!

I introduced a food diary: I recorded everything he ate. I had to get him back into a healthy weight range. He was eating all this trash and toxins, which affected his mood. I realized quickly that I had to keep him home to achieve all this.

On the third day, he started complaining about school. He still had a few months left and wanted to go back. I bet he just wanted to get away from me. I talked to his school and got a sweet deal: they sent us the study material and he could finish the year from home. You can imagine how shocked he was when I told him this! He was so upset, I had to spank him again.

Here is some cautionary advice: you shouldn’t relax with any routine until you see results. He started studying from home and I saw some positive results. I become a bit laid back and I even skipped a day or two of spanking. Then, a few weeks later I walked in on him masturbating. He was supposed to be studying at that time and not touching himself. There I was, a sexually frustrated mother who was trying to do good in the world and failing.

While this was a bump, it also gave me some new perspectives. I had some protective gloves from the nursing home, which I forced on him. These gloves were a godsend: almost impossible to take off without help. Then — of course — I spanked him, making sure he understood what he has done wrong.

He was whining quite a bit afterwards. I did not care. I enjoyed taking away every bit of his privilege. He was becoming as helpless as I was several months before. Also, after a few spanking sessions, he finally stopped whining.

I also learned that I had to adapt a lot. For example, Alex started gaining weight. That’s a good thing, right? But I also noticed that he did not go to the toilet that much. He was getting constipated. Since diet has been a centerpiece in my routine, I saw an opportunity.

One morning, I slid a glycerin suppository inside him while taking his temperature. He noticed this and tried kicking me away. He was on his belly — a helpless position, so I easily held him down. I let him cry and scream a little. Once he stopped winging, I told him why I gave him a suppository. Of course, he did not like it, but I made sure he knew that I did not care about his opinion. I was in control both of his diet and digestion.

His complaining turned into begging as the suppository started giving him cramps. He was farting badly by the time I let him get up and run to the toilet. I promised him, that if next time he complains again, I will just force him to soil himself in front of me.

You can imagine how happy I was with how things were going. My body felt it too. So before I started my shift that day, I masturbated in the changing room. I had an orgasm I have experienced never before.


Becca wondered whether Alex had finally started behaving. Sarah’s sigh told her that it is never that easy.

The truth is, you have to go through waves of actions and reactions before you succeed!

Do you remember how I caught him masturbating? Something worse happened a few days later! I left my room around late in the evening to find some midnight snacks. Do you know what I found instead? Alex, smoking! Just like his dad. I detest smoking and both he and his dad knew that very well. Seeing him with the cigarette in his mouth convinced me to go even harder… to be even more ruthless than I was before.

I spanked him straight away — of course. I threw away his cigarettes and made sure I hit him once for each he had in the pack and twice for each he smoked. However, I got uncertain about my methods. The spanking did not seem to work that well anymore. You see: it happens that you doubt yourself, but you have to trust your instincts.

I had to focus more on his diet and digestion control. So the next days, I only let him out of his room when I was at home. Why, you ask? Because I wanted him to show me what he produced in the toilet. I took notes on everything that went in and came out of him so that I understand how he is faring.

Was this easy? Hell no! He flushed the toilet twice and told me it was an accident. I called bullshit and disabled the toilet flush with a pair of scissors and a small lock. I was the only one who could flush it. He thought he was clever and he disposed a whole roll of toilet paper into the toilet bowl to cover everything. So I took the toilet paper out of the bathroom and only handed him a few sheets once I inspected his results.

As a response, he has done one of the craziest things! One evening, he wiped his butt with the shower curtain. Yeah, disgusting. I got even angrier than before when I caught him smoking. But I did not react straight away, I sent him back to his room. He thought he won. He thought he got me.

When the next day he wanted to visit the toilet, he was up for a surprise: I locked the door. He cried, but I did not yield. Instead, I gave him a nicely wrapped gift. He found a potty inside. He got so upset he threw the potty at me. I remained calm, picked up the potty, and placed it in the kitchen. For the first time, I saw him genuinely scared. This poor man-let knew I had the upper hand and he couldn’t get me to yield.

We had a stalemate for another two days. He pissed in the sink and once on the floor to annoy me. I was a strong woman and I did not care. At the end of the second day, he had a bad tummy ache. He was badly constipated. I knew he won’t use the potty, so I had to help him. I forced him on his belly and gave him two suppositories. He screamed and begged me to unlock the toilet. I told him that as his mother, I command him to use the potty. I held him down enough to start seeing small pieces of poop coming out of him. I let him stand up, only to force him on the potty I placed next to his bed. He relieved himself whimpering.

I still remember every second of watching him hold onto the little pink potty as he fills it up.


Becca look and sounded shocked: ‘You forced him to use a potty! How did he handle it?’

He did not handle it well. After I pushed him on the potty, he stopped talking to me. We did not exchange a word for a week. He still tried fighting me every day when I took his RT. While he was giving me the silent treatment, I found that it took less and less time to discipline him. I felt he will break soon.

My libido has improved as well. I surprised myself with a new vibrator, which I used every now and then. If you ever have issues like these, Becca, I can recommend some brands, haha!


He started using the potty regularly. I was feeding him every day. When I wasn’t giving him food or check-ups, he was spending his life in his room. The first sentence that left his dirty mouth was that he hates my guts and never wants to see me. This hurt a little, but I also found it amusing. You see: he might not want to see me, but his dad did not want to see him at all!

I didn’t care about his whining. After an intense argument, I grounded him forever. I made it clear he will spend the rest of his life in his room, getting checked, bathed and entertained there. I did not really mean this, but I think he took it seriously. I tried showing him his disdain by watching stupid action movies every day.

I always hated this toxic masculine stuff, so I cancelled our TV subscription the next day. When this did not seem to work, I took his PlayStation. This resulted in our biggest fight yet. I am sure he wanted to hurt me badly, but I was stronger. You have to be always prepared to fight back!

You would think he has learned from that time he threw the thermometer at me. I was wrong: one day he picked up his potty and took a swing. It still had his shit in it. Disgusting! I was so mad that I locked him in the room for a day. I knew this is the time to bring in the heavy artillery. The next day I came back and took his potty. I grabbed his favourite underwear and cleaned the shit stain from the floor with it, all in front of him! Then I gave him a nicely packed gift: diapers. He was so dumbfounded, he genuinely looked puzzled. Like, he could not even imagine what he was supposed to do with the diapers.

As I forced him into the diapers the first time, he broke his vow of silence. He was begging me to stop. He told me that he wants me to die just to tell me he loves me a second later. This was hard for me to handle. Men just want to manipulate you emotionally.

He couldn’t take the diapers off because of the security gloves. To be honest, he looked kind of cute in those pink diapers. For a whole week, I diapered him every morning and only changed him in the evening.

At one point, he begged me to use the potty instead of the diaper. He lost control completely, but I sensed that he did not break yet. I had to refuse his requests. I did not want to go back to what we had before. I did not want to see my ex-husband reborn as my son.

Instead, I decided to lean into suppositories. Around day 4 of diapering, he already soaked his diapers a few times. However, he hasn’t taken a dump yet. I entered his room in the afternoon, an hour or so before evening diapering time. He was reading some silly comic book. I bet that he had a terrible stomachache and just tried to ignore it by looking at stupid superheroes.

I did not even have to pretend that I was there for something else. Becca, once I showed him who the boss was, I could do anything! I knelt next to him, reached into his diaper and push a suppository inside him. I think he kind of wanted me to do it. He broke down crying — the usual — but did not show any physical resistance.

Of course, we, mothers need to show our soft side as well. We can’t be cruel and commanding only. That would make us no different than men. So, I stayed with him, hugged him and gently pressed on his tummy. The sound of him filling up his diaper was a symphony to my ears.


Becca wondered: How did the diaper discipline help to solve Alex’s behavioural problems?

I am not going to lie: it was a difficult time for me. Alex became excessively withdrawn. While he still complained when I took his RT or gave him a suppository, he was largely silent otherwise. I think he was still tried playing these emotional games with me. I know many moms would have given up at this point. Or maybe they would seek help. I realized that while I had to be strict, I also had to show some ability to compromise.

I figured he was a bit lonely. Since he was indoors every day, he had no interaction with his friends. The school was ending too, so even his classmates stopped sending him messages. Considering that he was wearing diapers, he probably did not want to go out anyway. Haha!

Since Christmas was around the corner, I decided to show some mercy. I have given him his PlayStation back. When you take something valuable from your kids and then give it back, they will appreciate it even more! Obviously, I did not want to look like I was giving up. So I made some demands: to play his stupid games, he had to use the potty without throwing a hissy fit. Suddenly, what I thoughts was impossible a few months before, went nice and easy now.

I still diapered him for the night. He probably still did not trust me, but at least he didn’t call me a bitch or tell me he hates me. This was the first time I saw a little chance that our relationship will get better. One thing worried me: his friends. I was afraid that his friends — who were also very toxic — would pull him back to his old habits.

I realized I had to justify my authority in front of others. Shortly after Christmas, I invited our neighbour over to visit us. Lovely old lady, always happy to chat. I made sure to ask her over in the morning shortly after Alex woke up. I just took his night nappy off when Olivia arrived. I got and left Alex to put some pants on.

Then we had breakfast together. Alex didn’t speak a word, but he was clearly eager to listen to Olivia. He missed company so much that he was even willing to listen to an old boring lady! Maybe he thought his discipline is over? Maybe he thought, he can start seeing others soon? How wrong he was!

I told Olivia how Alex had coping issues since my divorce and I had to control his diet and monitor his health. I told her that I have to take Alex’s temperature quickly, which she did not seem to be bothered by all. Alex knew what was coming and he jumped up from his chair. I made sure to catch him before and stop him from running away.

You should have seen him tearing up. He was holding back his emotion in front of Olivia — he still wanted to look strong. I wonder how strong you can look while your mother pulls your pants downs and inserts a thermometer in your ass? Not a lot, I bet! Olivia was slightly shocked, but at this point who cared? I acted normal, like this would be an everyday occurrence.

I kept Alex bending forward, facing the fridge. He could not see my smile or Olivia’s cringe. He did not say a word, but I felt his body building up tension. He was very upset and embarrassed.

Shortly after I took Alex’s temperature, Olivia excused herself and left. As I closed the door behind her, Alex broke down crying and ran into his bedroom.

Becca looked puzzled. After a short break, she inquired how Alex’s withdrawal has ended.

I think Alex realized quickly that soon everyone will know how he is treated. He slowly figured out that he needs to bend to my will. I thought it is time to give him back the clothing I took from him. I think this made a lot of difference. He enjoyed wearing his boyish clothing, although his style remained horrible. We also took a few walks outside together the next few days. He stayed reserved but stopped sulking at least.

I was a bit unsure though. I had the nagging feeling that I was missing something. Then, one day, while taking his temperature, I decided to turn him around and get him to lay on his back. I was somewhat surprised that he had a raging erection. I think he got excited every time I showed the thermometer in his ass. He looked quite embarrassed. He spread his arms, making sure I knew he wasn’t touching his penis. I started wondering what would he be doing if I don’t notice this. Maybe he would rub against his own bed to come a little while I am treating him? I was weirded out by this and I was also a bit disappointed.

I had to address his horniness. He had to understand what I am doing for him was for his health and not to excite him. For a few days, I tried to push him over the limit: I bought one of these horrible porno magazines and leafed through them while taking his temperature. I showed him the pictures and explained to him how the sex industry exploits and abuses women. I tried to reason with him so that he won’t feel excited when he sees all these vaginas and asses.

Unfortunately, I have utterly failed: he looked uncomfortable at most times and his erection never disappeared. I was growing frustrated when one evening I figured out what to do to finally solve this problem!

Part 6

At this point, Sarah spent hours explaining to her client how she broke Alex’s willpower turning him into an obedient son.

Are you asking me what broke the camel’s back in the end? His ex-girlfriend, Anita.

I invited her over the night before — without telling Alex. She arrived early so we both could enter Alex’s room, who was still in a deep slumber. First, Alex has not noticed that we had a guest. As I uncovered him, Anita noticed his night-time nappies and started giggling. Alex jumped up and opened his mouth. He was clearly shocked — probably wanted to scream. Yet, he remained quiet. He was afraid of me and what I would do to him.

At this point, I knew we were close to a break thought.

I pushed him back on the bed and explained to him that I brought his ex-girlfriend, Anita over to help. I turned him around and held him down with my body weight. I pulled his pants down and quickly inserted the rectal thermometer. He was shivering and wanted to crawl away, but I did not let him.

While doing this, I made sure I had a good conversation with his ex-girlfriend. I only gave her a few hints as to what she will see, so she still sounded surprised. I think she actually wanted to be empathetic — she told us about her brother getting his temperature taken rectally and how it is okay to wear nappies. She even talked about the potty in the corner and how it can be useful in an emergency situation. Her words were 100% more effective on Alex than mine could ever be. He was in total paralysis.

After I took his temperature I told Anita that Alex has been producing massive erections, but I banned him from touching himself. You should have seen Alex’s face! I asked Anita to ‘help’ Alex for the sake of good times.

I know, this sounds shocking, but it is important to have everyone involved on your side, so the regressed one won’t try to reach out.

I left them alone in his room, but Anita followed me almost immediately. She looked super amused and started laughing out loud. As it turns out, Alex barely needed a touch from her to come all over himself. I have immediately made her a celebratory hot chocolate and we drank it just here at this kitchen table while listening to Alex’s sobbing from the other room.

This was probably already enough to break Alex’s willpower, but I wanted to do one thing. Let me share this with you because I think it will work every time! I asked the ex-girlfriend to stay around a little bit and she was more than happy to do so. We grabbed a bunch of wet wipes and visited Alex’s room.

We found that pathetic boy not only crying, covered in his cum, but also peeing. Since he was wearing the security gloves, he could not even grab his own penis to direct the stream. Yes! He was peeing all over himself, like a helpless baby. He did not even bother standing up. So ridiculous.

We used some of his clean clothing to dry up his piss from the floor. Then we slowly cleaned him with the baby wipes. I made sure to spend a lot of time washing his shriveled little penis. I focused even more on chatting with Anita. I wanted to make sure my actions come across as casual — something I could do to him any day — if not every day.

Anita was a sweetheart. She talked about her new boyfriend — Alex covered his ears so he does not have to listen to any of this. I made sure he did. Then I told her about our little routine: how I will give Alex several suppositories and how I will control him for the rest of the day: from diet to bedtime, everything. I asked her a few questions about suppositories and whether she knows how they work. She had some ideas — it goes in, then poop comes out. Then I invited her to watch me do it.

Now imagine: me holding down the naked, screaming Alex, while his ex-girlfriend is watching. I have inserted two suppositories inside him. I made sure I did it slowly. I even stopped midway with the second one, because I wanted to ask Anita when she saw someone else getting a suppository. She never did before!

Now, here is the final blow: I asked Anita to hand me over one of his pants. Normally, I would let Alex get up after getting some underwear, but I decided this time I won’t. I held him on my lap, clasping his butt cheeks. I held him for a good 10 minutes, listening to him crying, but largely ignoring it. Once the cramps overwhelmed him, I couldn’t hold his butt cheeks together anymore. He started pooping in front of Anita and me, pushing a large log on himself. The only thing I had to do is grab is underwear and pull it up.

Anita had to leave shortly after, so I decide not to clean Alex up. I gave him a t-shirt and tight sweatpants — you could still see his underwear bulging with shit underneath. I still remember how we were all standing downstairs, saying our goodbyes. Anita suddenly had to go back upstairs, because she forgot something. I wanted to air my head out, so I stayed there with Alex, who was silently sobbing.

I thanked Anita for her help and watched her as she disappeared behind a building block. I teased Alex a bit more with them getting back together. We came back upstairs realizing that Anita did leave a gift for him. She came back to use the toilet, but I locked the toilet in the morning. So she decided to use the potty instead. I told Alex, that she probably does not love him anymore, otherwise, why would she leave a pile of shit behind for him to watch?

I remember every single moment of this. How he broke down crying and telling me how much he loves me. How begged me not to leave him. I immediately knew I won.