Perfect Friends

Chapter One – Making Friends

Thomas lived in a happy little cul-de-sac, in a happy little suburb, because that’s what people do.

He was an inventor and all the wonderful things he created in his basement had earned him a decent fortune. That wealth afforded him the option to choose, and he had chosen to live as normally as he knew how.

Thomas was a bit of an eccentric, however, so he did not always get along with people perfectly. He was often lonely, and sometimes it even made him sad. But, like always, Thomas was sure he could invent a device to fix all that.

A machine that will make people friendlier? Yes, the world definitely needs that, he thought. He had never had many friends, so he was not exactly sure how to define friendship, however.

He decided to err on the side of caution — he listed a bunch of attributes he would want from a friend, and then went on with creating a process that might encourage those features in a person.

Thomas got to work, and soon he had a prototype ready for testing.

Alice was young housewife, living on the same street. She often smiled at Thomas and sometimes even made small talk with him. She was definitely already a nicer person than most people so Thomas decided she would make the perfect test subject for his new machine. Having someone so nice to test on could give his machine an advantage on it’s first run.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining from a blue sky and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves. A scent of freshly baked cookies wafted into Thomas’s basement laboratory. The time was right. He headed out.

“Good day, Alice,” he shouted from the yard.

Alice came to the window and waved back at him.

“Fresh cookies?” Thomas said.

“You know it,” Alice said.

“Could I bother you for a sample?” Thomas said.

“Of course you can,” Alice said. “Knock yourself out.”

“Actually, I’m kind of in the middle of something right now. Would you mind bringing me a plate? I’ll be in the basement. Just come right down,” Thomas said.

Alice hesitated, for just a brief moment, but then smiled again. “Of course. I’ll be right over,” she said. “Just give me five minutes to get the last batch out of the oven.”

“Thank you ever so much dear,” Thomas said, and headed back to his lab.

As promised, Alice soon followed. “Hello? Are you here?” she said, from the stairs.

“Thanks again, Alice,” Thomas said.

“Wow. This place is amazing,” Alice said.

“Oh, that’s right. You’ve never been down here. Well, this is where I work,” Thomas said.

Alice laid her plate of cookies on a table and spun around, her head on a swivel, taking it all in. She was mesmerized by the racks full of complicated scientific equipment, each with their own little blinking lights.

“Oh, it’s so exciting,” she said. “However do you keep track of what all of this even does?”

“It’s not that complicated,” Thomas said. “I’ve always just had a knack for science.”

“What in the heavens is this, then?” Alice said, seeing a big, hulking machine in the corner. It was as big as a small car and even had a sturdy hatch on it.

“That’s actually what I’ve been working on recently. It’s a relaxation machine. I’m hoping it would give a person the equivalent of a full night’s rest, but in just a few minutes,” Thomas said. He’d long ago learned that it was usually smart to lie to people, to get them to do what he wanted.

“Oh, Thomas. That sounds fantastic,” Alice said.

“Would you like to try it?” Thomas said.

“What? No. I’m not sure. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s a bit scary,” Alice said.

No matter. Thomas had prepared for this eventuality. He was nothing if not meticulous when he planned the protocols for his experiments. Alice barely even realized what was happening before the chloroform had already knocked her out.

Stronger than his scrawny body would suggest, Thomas had no trouble lifting Alice’s unconscious form into the friendliness machine. He even pulled down the hem of her dress, to protect the poor girl’s modesty. He closed the hatch, entombing Alice inside.

Thomas powered the machine up, fairly confident it would not be too dangerous. The machine hummed ominously and vapor hissed out from it’s flaring cooling vents. A simple pull of a lever was enough to start the process. Alice should be safe, in theory. All the machine really did was just a gentle irradiation of the brain.

Alice looked peaceful and happy inside the machine, like she was just sleeping. Thomas smiled and went back to work on his other inventions. He was reasonably hopeful the chloroform would not cause any side effects, either.

Fifteen minutes later an automatic timer cut the power to the system. The hatch hissed open. Excited, Thomas went to have a look. Alice seemed like her normal self. For a moment, Thomas wasn’t sure if she might not have suffered some brain damage after all, but then she opened her eyes.

“Good day, mister Hill,” she said.

“Alice, please, call me Thomas. And it’s Doctor, actually,” Thomas said. “How do you feel?”

“Wonderful, Doctor Hill, I feel wonderful. Thank you ever so much for letting me try out your machine.”

“You don’t resent me for rendering you unconscious, and then forcibly inserting you into it?” Thomas said.

“Not at all. It was obviously the right thing to do, and you would know best, Doctor Hill,” Alice said.

Thomas was relieved. He’d almost gotten worried there, for a moment. “Thank you, Alice. What a nice thing for you to say,” he said.

A moment passed with Alice just smiling and staring at him.

“Say, Alice, would you like to be friends?” Thomas said, to break the silence, even though he didn’t feel awkward about it.

Alice frowned. “I thought we were friends already?” she said.

“Yes, of course, but would you like to be even better friends with me? I mean, if you have the time. You must be awfully busy,” Thomas said.

“Nonsense. I’m home all day. I have lots of time. I would love to be friends with you. I would love for us to spend more time together.”

“Really? That’s marvelous,” Thomas said. He was glad to see that his experiment was showing such early promise. More data and more observations were needed, of course, but the early signs were beyond his expectations. He found himself much happier than he would have even guessed about the prospect of the actual friendship, too.

“It’s not inappropriate, is it? For a man and a woman to be friends?” Thomas then blurted, as the thought occurred to him.

“Of course not, Doctor Hill. You’re such a gentleman. I feel completely safe with you,” Alice said.

Thomas dealt with his loneliness mostly by consuming copious amounts of hard pornography, but he sensed this would be an inappropriate time to bring that up in conversation.

“Truth be told,” Alice said, “I’ve been looking for a new friend, too. The other wives in the neighborhood are sometimes a bit… competitive.”

“How so?” Thomas said.

“Houses, cars, husbands, shoes, casseroles, you name it,” Alice said.

“Oh. Okay. Should we start tomorrow, then?” Thomas said.

“How about right now?”

And that’s how Thomas and Alice became friends.

Chapter Two – What Are Friends For

The early effects of the friend machine started to fade after a few days, but further sessions made Alice stay in her altered state for longer and longer. No one else seemed to notice anything different about her so Thomas concluded the process had not caused any excessive brain damage.

Thomas soon realized Alice had been a bit slow to begin with, however. It was not her fault, though, she was just a normal person after all, but something needed to be done. Thomas could not really be friends with her, otherwise. He modified his machine so that it would hopefully boost Alice’s intelligence, quite significantly, at the same time as it made her a better friend.

Further chloroform was not needed. Alice was quite happy to volunteer now. There were some uncontrolled variables that still remained in the experiment, however. Alice had been a kind and gentle person to begin with so the doctor would have to find more test subjects, sooner or later, to get a better spread of data about the true effectiveness of his process.

The results with Alice had surpassed his his original expectations. Soon, the intelligence boost started to work, too, and Alice became a much more stimulating conversationalist. As an unforeseen benefit, she also became quite useful as an assistant in the lab.

A careful, delicate bud of true affection was starting to bloom for her in Thomas’s complicated heart. These awkward little emotions brought familiar challenges with them, though. The more Thomas admired Alice’s charming smile and her disarming comportment, the more obvious her beauty became to him — her flowing hair, her kind features, the gentle curves of her vivacious body. Soon, Thomas’s new favorite pornstars started to bear a curious resemblance to his new best friend.

One day, when Thomas returned from his daily jog, he found Alice in the lab, browsing through his porn collection.

“Alice! What are you doing?” he said.

“Oh? Hello, Doctor Hill. I was going through the logs on the firewall and I couldn’t help but notice you had subscriptions to several different adult entertainment providers. That got me thinking, so I took the liberty of going through various aggregating services, and I managed to cut your recurring payments to less than 47 percent of the original while maintaining all of your access. I hope you don’t mind,” Alice said.

“No, I… Thank you. But why are you watching my… I’m sorry,” Thomas said.

“Sorry? About what? Oh, you mean you’re embarrassed about your collection? Don’t be. Almost all men occasionally enjoy some form of erotic entertainment, and most women do, too. There’s no need to feel ashamed. It’s all perfectly normal,” Alice said.

“Uh, that’s good to hear. But why are you watching all of it?” Thomas said.

“Oh? Just idle curiosity, I guess. I assumed you wouldn’t mind. I hope I didn’t offend you. You’re my favorite person in the whole world, so I just wanted to get to know you better. I was hoping it could make us even closer. What better way to get to really know a man, than to… you know,” Alice said.

Thomas blushed. He was used to ending up in awkward and embarrassing situations, but something was different this time. He had to believe Alice was sincere in her acceptance of him, because he believed in the power of his machine. A true friend would never judge.

“I happened to notice, from the timestamps on the files, that the actresses in some of the newer videos look a lot like me,” Alice said.

Thomas was still at a loss for words and his blush returned with renewed vigor.

“You don’t have a girlfriend, Doctor Hill, do you?” Alice said.

Thomas knew she knew he didn’t. “No,” he said.

“Very well, then,” Alice said. “As you surely know, adult entertainment is a perfectly healthy way to release any frustrations one might have. But, variety is also important, for stimulating the mind. So if you ever need some help, don’t hesitate to ask. I am your friend after all.”

“What do you mean?” Thomas said, his usually sharp mind slipping into a more primal mode.

“For variety. If you want me to help you relieve any sexual tension. Or am I assuming too much? Don’t you find me attractive?”

“Yes,” Thomas gasped. His pants were bulging now.

“Then, would you mind? What are friends for, after all. You are free to return the favor of course, but I would never insist. True friends should be free to help one another without expecting anything in return.”

Thomas’s hand instinctively grabbed his crotch.

“Oh? Did I do that to you? I’m ever so sorry. Do you want me to help you with that?” Alice said.

“If you’re sure you don’t mind,” Thomas said. It was a true statement.

“I could put it in my mouth. Would you like that? Like the women do in your videos?” Alice said. She took his silence as a yes and got on her knees.

“This is exciting. I’ve never done this with Steven, you know,” Alice said, while unzipping Thomas’s fly. She was referring to her husband Steven, Thomas knew.

“Really?” Thomas said. Something about her confession made the situation even more arousing for him.

“Yeah. Our private life is pretty boring. We’ve been talking about trying to have kids, but not much is actually going on,” Alice said.

Before Thomas could say anything, his penis found a wonderful new home — hot, wet, and gentle. Alice had no scruples about sucking him off. She went to work with enthusiasm, and open curiosity.

“Have you done this before?” Thomas said, ever curious about everything. It was one of the personality traits that usually got him into trouble with people.

“Only once or twice, a long time ago,” Alice stopped to say. “I remember it being so scary, back then, but now I’m having so much fun. I’m so glad we’re such good friends. It’s so relaxing when you have someone you can let your guard down with and just be yourself, you know.”

“I had no idea you felt like that about me,” Thomas said.

Alice snuggled her nose into his balls. “What do you mean, silly goose? You know you’re my best friend in the whole world,” she said.

“But this is a bit more than just friendly, isn’t it? Don’t you feel like you’re cheating on your husband?” Thomas said, again letting his curiosity just run amok, not realizing how his words might have worked against his wishes in the current context.

“No. Not at all. I’m not sure if I could defend my feelings rationally, but I don’t feel like I have to. I just feel like helping a friend is it’s own reward,” Alice said. She sucked Thomas’s penis back into her mouth, this time letting the the tip reach all the way to the top of her throat.

Thomas was no pornstar so he was powerless against the beautiful young woman’s unfettered enthusiasm. The thought of warning her did not really occur to him. He let his pent-up load loose as soon as he felt it coming up.

Cum went down Alice’s throat. It filled her mouth. Some of it even spilled on her face, and yet more oozed down her chin and onto her feminine bosom. She laughed while she pumped his twitching erection. Alice swallowed what was in her mouth and then sucked on the softening penis some more.

“That was fun,” she said. “Did you like it?”

“Yes. Thank you very much, Alice.”

“No need to be so formal, silly. We’re friends,” she said.

After giving the flaccid penis one last kiss, Alice went back to the computer. Thomas pulled his pants up. Alice closed the porn folder and returned to work on optimizing Thomas’s server infrastructure. She’d become quite fast at acquiring new skills.

It took a moment for Thomas to recover from the admittedly pleasant surprise of a friendly blowjob, but soon, he went back to work, too.

“Did you say you wanted some sexual relief, too?” he asked, about an hour later.

“Don’t worry about that. Like I said, you don’t need to feel obligated,” Alice said.

“No. I want to help you,” Thomas said, his cheeks blushing again.

Alice turned to him. Her smile was radiant. “Really? That would be so lovely. I have to admit I have been somewhat frustrated at home lately, too.”

“What would you like me to do?” Thomas said, feeling a renewed pressure rising in his groin.

“Whatever you want. I can see, based on your collection, that you’re quite imaginative. But don’t worry, I know reality is different from fantasy. Whatever you want to do, I’m sure we can make it work.”

Thomas’s eyes bulged. It was rare for other people to have such a profound effect on his psyche, but Alice’s words reached some deep, dark place inside him, some place he seldom acknowledged. He managed to settle himself back down well enough, however. His hand found it’s way to his crotch again.

“What do you mean, whatever I want?” he said.

“Most sexual acts are pleasurable to a woman, or can be made so. I trust you completely, so I don’t see why I would have anything to worry about. I’m sure we will both enjoy it equally, no matter what you want us to do.”

All kinds of thoughts raced through Thomas’s mind. There were so many things he wanted to do to that beautiful, young body. None of this felt quite real, though. Many of the nasty things Thomas sometimes liked to see in porn, or in his own fantasies, didn’t actually feel that enticing when he was suddenly faced with the prospect of making them real. At least not with Alice. She was too pure for much of that.

“I want to lick you. I know you said you don’t want to go tit for tat, but I want to,” he said.

Finally, it was Alice who blushed. “Please, Doctor,” she said, and spread her legs.

Thomas pulled his cock out and started stroking it. “Take your dress off first,” he said.

Alice smiled. She moved elegantly as she stood up and pulled her dress over her head. It was a traditional homemaker dress, but light and simple.

“Do you always dress like that or did you plan this whole thing?” Thomas said, when he saw the lacy lingerie Alice had hidden under that modest facade. The set had to have come from one of those specialist boutiques.

Alice just smiled. She pulled down her panties, too. The waistband bit tantalizingly into the soft flesh of her buttocks on it’s way past her delicious curves. She sat back down and spread her legs again. She was freshly, and tastefully, groomed.

Thomas had limited experience with most sexual acts so his excitement for having a wiling test subject for a whole new field of scientific discovery almost overtook his excitement for just having a beautiful, enticing female offering herself to him so wantonly.

He was was genuinely curious about her vagina. Thomas took his time, touching and spreading the various folds of the beautiful flower. Reproductive biology was just one of the many fields Thomas had an encyclopedic theoretical knowledge of, so it was fascinating to see many of those processes in action. It did stoke his ego, as a man, too, to see Alice get so hot and wet from his touch.

He fingered and caressed her, gently, and then added little licks and kisses to his arsenal. Alice was very receptive, and eager to let him know whenever he did something right.

Just when Thomas was finally ready to lose himself to his arousal and let his big brain stop racing — for just a brief moment — Alice’s delicate hand grabbed his head and pulled him in deeper. It was perfect timing.

Thomas jerked himself off while he let Alice grind on his face like it was her personal sex toy, and when she came, he reached another climax of his own, too. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and just enjoyed her scent while she whooped and convulsed, wrapping her sensational thighs around his buzzing head.

“Thank you, Doctor Hill,” Alice said. “You have no idea how much I needed that. Heck, I had no idea how much I needed that. I can’t believe how good you are at this.” Her voice was still quivering from emotion.

“Please, can you not just call me Thomas, especially now?” he said. “And no, I’m not anything special. It must just be the treatment that’s making you feel that way.” Thomas was extremely dedicated to taking a scientific approach to everything, so having an objective view on his own strengths and weaknesses was very important to him.

“I don’t care. Either way, it works. If I may be so bold, I might need to renege on something I said earlier,” Alice said.

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“I may have to insist we do this more often. As a friend it’s not my place to pester you, Doctor Hill, but I must confess I thoroughly enjoyed you helping me relieve some of these frustrations I didn’t even realize I had built up. However, I fear experiencing this release has made me want more of your help, not less.”

“I don’t see how that would be a problem,” Thomas said. “I also enjoy your company very much, Alice, and I have to admit you’re a very attractive woman, to boot.”

Alice gasped. She got down on the floor with him and kissed him.

Thomas had meant his comment as an objective statement of fact, but it seemed Alice had taken it as a personal compliment. Thomas didn’t mind, so he let the misunderstanding stand uncorrected.

Caressing her perfect skin, and tracing the curves of her delicate body, Thomas realized the rest of his test subjects would also have to be female, and preferably as attractive as possible. He was fairly settled in his gender identity as a heterosexual male, so how else could he explore such a potentially intimate friendship with those future subjects?

Chapter Three – Home Delivery

Thomas and Alice ended up having lots of friendly sex, often many times a day. Things soon escalated to the point where Thomas was worried he might not get any work done. He had to admit he might have underestimated the effect an attractive, eager partner would have on his own libido.

His worries turned out to be unfounded, though. As soon as he mentioned it to Alice, she was just as eager to accommodate his preference as always. It didn’t seem to matter what he asked of her, be it sex or research, she would always agree with a smile. The friendship machine was turning out to be an unqualified success, at least in Alice’s case.

“Alice, we need a new test subject,” Thomas said.

“Absolutely, Doctor Hill,” she said.

“Thomas, please,” Thomas said. “In order to eliminate some variables, she should be someone angry and unfriendly. Do you know anyone like that?”

“My mother-in-law is horribly judgmental. Would she do?” Alice said.

“I’m afraid the test subject would also have to be someone attractive. Is she?”

“No. Not at all. I’m sorry, Doctor Hill,” Alice said.

“Someone young, or at least very attractive, but mean and unfriendly, preferably living nearby — do you know anyone like that?” Thomas said.

Alice clapped her hands. “Yes. Of course! Many of the older families have adult daughters, and almost all of them are snarky little brats,” she said.

“Hmm,” Thomas said. Age was a good variable to consider, but Alice was fairly young herself. Still, good enough, he thought. “I think we should try and get one without using chloroform. Any ideas? Oh, and also, she would preferably have to be someone of average intelligence, at most,” he said. There was no point in testing the intelligence boost on anyone who was already a genius, after all.

“No problem, Doctor Hill. I’m sure I can come up with a story to lure them in. I feel I’ve become much more proficient in lying and manipulating people since the intelligence boost. Have you noted that in your observations?” Alice said.

“Oh. Do you lie to me?” Thomas said.

“Of course not, silly. You’re my best friend. I would never lie to you. That is the whole point of friendship, right?” she said.

Thomas had to agree. So far, all the parameters of friendship he had programmed into his machine seemed to be holding true with Alice.

It took less than a week for Alice to show up with the perfect candidate.

“Good day, Doctor Hill,” Alice said. “This is Rebecca Sanders. You know the Sanderses, right?”

“Yes. A pleasure to meet you, young lady,” Thomas said.

“What. Everrr,” Rebecca said. “Where is it?” she asked Alice.

“The machine is right over here darling,” Alice said, and steered Rebecca toward the hulking form of the friendship creator.

The young lady bit her lip when she saw it. “Are you sure?” she said.

“Yes. You can eat all the chocolate and ice cream you want and never get fat. We cant start the treatment right now if you want,” Alice said.

Thomas could see the doubt creeping in on Rebecca’s face as she stared at the steaming monstrosity, it’s maw open, waiting to swallow her whole. He could imagine why it would be frightening to someone with no background in science. He readied the chloroform.

“I’m not sure. Maybe this was a bad idea,” Rebecca said.

“Nonsense, honey. It’s perfectly safe. Just try it once. No harm in that,” Alice said.

Rebecca turned to Thomas. “What’s that for?” she asked, looking at the rag in his hand.

“Oh, this? This is for cleaning. It’s very important for science to keep everything clean,” Thomas said.

He admired the young college girl’s body. Alice had done well. Rebecca really was in the bloom of youth. Despite her obvious character flaws, she was beautiful. Enjoying the shapes of her slender frame ignited some atavistic urges inside Thomas.

“Um, I think I should go,” Rebecca said, but before she could do anything, Thomas lunged for her, and the chloroform did it’s job once more. He squeezed her pert, young breast as she slumped into his arms. At first try, they felt smaller but firmer than Alice’s.

“I’m so sorry, Doctor Hill,” Alice said. “I should have come up with a better story.”

“No, you did well, Alice. Thank you. I think the science might have just overwhelmed her,” Thomas said. “We can always try the next one without the chloroform. Are you sure she’s an unfriendly person?”

“Yes. She’s the biggest bi… brat of them all,” Alice said.

“Wonderful,” Thomas said. He gave Alice a little kiss. She beamed.

Thomas lifted Rebecca’s unconscious body into the friendship machine. More data was his top priority, but he had to admit he would not mind it if Rebecca turned out just as friendly and helpful as Alice had.

The hatch locked itself with a satisfying clunk and the cooling fumes steamed out from all around the behemoth contraption. Thomas pulled the lever.

Alice came to his side and wiggled her way under his arm. The two marveled at the golden glow emanating from the thick window on the hatch. The machine worked in a steady, rhythmic, thumping hum, drawing large amounts of electricity from the surrounding area.

Alice hugged him harder so Thomas looked at her. Their eyes met and she kissed him. The kiss turned very passionate and they ended up making out as the machine did it’s job.

After the friendship creator had whined down, it released one last burst of steam, and then the hatch unlocked again. Like with Alice, it took a moment before Rebecca opened her eyes.

“How are you feeling?” Thomas said.

“Very good, thank you, Doctor Hill,” Rebecca said, in a very polite tone.

Thomas smiled.

Chapter Four – Further Testing

As it had with Alice, it took several sessions to make the changes stick with Rebecca, but the early signs were good. Young Rebecca scored a whole category higher in the intelligence test after each treatment, and her loyalty as a friend was evident from the start. Her underlying personality seemed to have no effect on how well the machine worked on her.

Thomas was ecstatic. This had been the true test. His early results with Alice might have been a fortunate coincidence, in many different ways, but now he had had unqualified successes with two different subjects in a row. There was reason to hope his latest invention might turn into a roaring triumph.

“Rebecca,” Thomas said.

“Yes, Doctor Hill?” she said.

“Please, call me Thomas. We’re friends, after all.”

“Yes, Doctor Hill,” Rebecca said.

“Have any of your friends or family members noticed your increased intelligence, do you think?”

“No. I don’t think so. I try to keep it a secret. Is that okay?”

“Yes. I believe that to be a good idea, for now. We are only in the early stages of testing, after all, so there’s no need to attract any premature attention to our apparent successes.”

“How about my grades?” Rebecca said.

“What do you mean?” Thomas said.

“I’m sure I could ace every exam now. Should I get some of it wrong on purpose?”

“I think academic success is very important for your future so I see no problem with you transitioning toward all As. Just do it slowly, over the year. And you’re right, you should probably not make every score perfect. Other than that, I can’t see why you shouldn’t aim for a great career in science.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Doctor Hill,” Rebecca squealed. She gave him a big hug. It kept going, and turned tighter toward the end.

She looked him in the eye. “Forgive me if this is inappropriate, but can I ask you something personal?” she said.

“Anything. We’re friends, right?” Thomas said.

“Best friends,” she said.

“Go ahead, then.”

“I’ve noticed you and Alice sometimes… that the nature of your relationship is very holistic. Is your physical intimacy just part of your friendship, or is there more between you?”

“No. Nothing more. We’re just friends,” Thomas said.

“Well, in that case, I just wanted you to know that I don’t mind, at all. I think such a holistic approach to friendship makes perfect sense.”

Thomas could feel the heat of her body through her clothes and all that contact had quite a holistic effect on his own body temperature, too. He felt an erection brewing, and this seemed like a good time to kiss young Rebecca on the lips. He was often wrong about things like this, but he decided the risk was worth it, in this particular situation, so he just did it. Rebecca was in his arms already, after all, and if Thomas was not mistaken, she had just used a double entendre in her speech.

Rebecca was surprised, at first, but the she melted into the kiss. Thomas grabbed her tight little tush and she gasped. It was all very stimulating, and a flurry of questions flooded Thomas’s mind.

“Tell me, are you physically attracted to me?” he said, breaking the kiss.

“You mean, would I have been, before the machine made us friends?” she said.

“So, you realize this is because of the machine?” Thomas said.

“I’d be lying if I said you’re my usual type, yes, but I feel our friendship overrules that. I’d do anything for a friend. You know, a real friend,” Rebecca said. “True friendship so much more meaningful than the random foibles of hormonal attraction, don’t you agree?”

Another pang of animal urges hit Thomas so he kissed her again. This time she responded more desperately. Most of their clothes were gone in an instant. Thomas licked and kissed her breasts, and then the rest of her nubile body. He lifted her onto a table.

“You’re not a virgin, are you?” he said, with the head of his penis already pushed against her hot, wet teenage pussy.

“No,” she laughed.

“Good,” Thomas said. He did make a mental note to consider that as a potential variable to be tested further in the future, though.

He pushed his cock inside her. She was very tight, completely different to Alice. Thomas could see various old anecdotes in a new light now. He’d always been curious about the veracity of some of those stories lower class men shared as indoctrination rituals into their social groups. As it turns out, a tight teenage pussy really can offer a highly pleasurable sexual experience.

Rebecca grabbed him by his neck as he plowed into her. The noises she made were higher and cuter than Alice’s. Thomas let his instincts take over once again and he surrendered to his passion. He bent down to suck and grope Rebecca’s perky little tits while their hips kept grinding against each other. He might have even slapped those titties a little, but he didn’t care to be too careful. He was completely absorbed by maximizing his own pleasure.

“I see you two have finally become proper friends,” Alice said, stepping into view.

Thomas could feel Rebecca tighten even more around his dick. He saw her blush. Something about her reaction was completely intoxicating so he started fucking her even harder. Sweat stung his eyes but that just made him feel even more alive. He growled as he pushed on.

“Sorry. Hope you don’t mind,” Rebecca managed to say, between her moans.

“Of course not. What are friends for,” Alice said.

After a few more pushes, Thomas could feel Rebecca tense up again. This time he had no idea what she was reacting to. Then he felt something behind him, something soft and warm. An unforeseen and unimaginable sensation caressed his rectum. It must have been Alice’s tongue. This new sensation took less than ten seconds to get Thomas to shoot his manly load deep inside Rebecca’s tight, young pussy. Rebecca herself reached quite a formidable climax at about the same time, too.

A part of Thomas wanted to tell Alice off. There was something disgustingly perverted in what she was doing, touching such a dirty place with such a delicate, pretty tongue. He could not deny how good her gentle administrations felt, however, so he let her go on, even after he had come down from his peak.

If anything, for some strange reason the thought of her beautiful, kind face buried between his hairy butt cheeks almost made him hard again, from the mere concept. It was like porn come to life and he could never have imagined a woman like Alice having such a dirty imagination.

“Alice, please,” he eventually said.

“Do you not like it?” she said.

“I like it very much. I just don’t know if you should, uh, debase yourself like that,” he said.

“Doctor, please. We’re all friends here,” she said. “I’m sure I don’t mind. Do you mind, Rebecca?”

“No. Not at all,” Rebecca said. “Not among friends.” She was still squeezing Thomas’s softening penis with her hot pussy. His semen had started dripping out from where they were still intertwined.

Thomas briefly considered rushing off to the bathroom to escape the slightly awkward situation but the girls’ positive attitude was contagious. Thomas was usually more socially awkward than this, but since his new friends seemed so comfortable with such a high level of intimacy, why shouldn’t he feel a bit more liberated, too?

Chapter Five – Teamwork

Thomas knew from anecdotal evidence that female friendships could sometimes be complicated, but he saw no trace of that between his new friends. The girls got along splendidly.

For some reason, Thomas was growing particularly enamored with Alice and Rebecca’s cute asses. He loved to stare at the girls’ behinds as the two worked side by side. The reason for the physical attraction was obvious — their youthful forms were firm and bouncy, the kind that would appeal to any virile hetero male. What fascinated Thomas was how the butts seemed to became even more attractive, the more intelligent the words of their owners. He could spend ages listening to his assistants, his friends, converse about the project, and the more detailed and technical their ideas got, the more he wanted to just reach out and motorboat the hell out of those sexy, juicy buttocks of theirs.

This, of course, created some amount sexual tension around the lab, but, as luck would have it, his new best friends were just as eager to relieve any frustrations as they were to cause them. A routine day for them was filled with all kinds of mischief now. If anything, it was almost a bit too perfect. A slow realization was growing inside Thomas. Surely, his new machine did more than just make people friendlier.

The girls were downright obedient, and always so respectful. A machine like this might have it’s uses in the corporate world, too. Thomas could probably re-brand it as a loyal-subordinate-machine, if he wanted to. But, there was no reason to get ahead of himself. The device was still in it’s early stages of testing. Obviously, he only had two test subjects so far. Good science demanded more.

He decided he wanted someone older next. As attractive as his new friends were, the experiment demanded variety. He had no issue with that. Contrary to some claims, many women remained perfectly attractive well beyond the age of, say, Alice or Rebecca. Of course, in theory, Thomas could have used a non-female, non-attractive test subject too, but he quickly dismissed that idea. There would be time for that later. Even at the risk of sounding superstitious, he felt like he was on a roll and didn’t want to jinx it.

The personality traits of the next would-be subject were not that interesting as variables anymore to Thomas. He already believed in his device’s power to correct any character flaws. The most important thing would be to finally eliminate the necessity for the chloroform. Thomas had to know if the presence of the chemical affected the transformation process in any way.

The girls had done a lot to help with the experiment. The two little geniuses had developed many refinements to the original design and this allowed the new version of the machine to be smaller and more power-efficient than the original prototype. The new one was still the size of a coffin, and weighed several hundred pounds, but the form factor should be objectively less scary to the test subjects.

Thomas, once again, relied on Alice’s expertise on the local female population. Turns out, just on the next street over lived a certain Mrs. Smith. Alice showed Thomas a few pictures of her and Thomas had to admit he would not mind becoming friends with this particular Mrs. Smith, if such a relationship were to result from this experiment.

“Very good, Alice. She will do fine,” Thomas said.

They made the necessary arrangements.

This time, Thomas chose to keep a low profile and just tried to stay out of the way. He had complete trust in Alice’s ability to manipulate the new subject. As scientifically intelligent as she had become, she seemed to have retained a high level of interpersonal intelligence, too.

“Here it is, Mrs. Smith,” Alice said, and pointed at the machine.

“Oh my. Are you sure about this?” Mrs. Smith said. She noticed Thomas across the basement lab. Rebecca was present, too, smiling almost too widely. She held a clipboard and wore a white lab coat.

“Yes. It’s perfectly safe. It uses ultrasonic waves so it’s very much just a massage. There’s absolutely no danger of any kind,” Alice said.

“And it will cure wrinkles?” Mrs. Smith said.

“Absolutely. It’s already working great, but eventually, we believe it can eliminate all wrinkles entirely.”

“Well, I suppose there’s no harm in trying it out,” Mrs. Smith said.

“There you go, Mrs. Smith. That’s the spirit,” Alice said.

“Please, call me Susan,” Mrs. Smith said.

“Gladly, Susan. After all, we’re all friends here,” Alice beamed. “One thing, though. You do need to strip to your underwear. The machine will have no effect, otherwise.”

Thomas wasn’t sure why Alice was overselling the cover story so, but he had to trust her to know what she was doing. The potential nudity itself? He didn’t mind, as long as this unnecessary bit of distraction didn’t endanger the whole experiment.

“Uh, is that the Doctor over there?” Susan asked.

“Never mind him. You can undress around the corner, there,” Alice said. “He is completely engrossed in his work at the moment, but I’m sure you can have a little chat with him after the treatment if you want.”

The lab was full of reflective surfaces so Thomas had no problem admiring Mrs. Smith’s voluptuous body as she stripped behind the ineffectual cover. Her breasts were large and her body type was overall more generous than the younger women’s, but all of her sensuous curves were still nice and firm.

There was something delicious in the way she blushed, and her lovely behind bulged in it’s full glory when she awkwardly crawled into the more streamlined pod of the new friendship machine.

“Get ready for a new you,” Alice said, as she closed the hatch.

The new version of the machine was quieter than the old one, too. Thomas joined Alice and Rebecca. He held each around the waist as the women watched the device work, in rapt attention. The girls groped his ass and Thomas got an erection inside his pants.

The dome on the new pod was completely translucent so Thomas could see Susan inside. His eyes wandered over her body but he was most captivated by the vacant, blissful look on her face. The machine made a ding, like a microwave oven, once she was done. It worked much faster than the old one, too. The hatch opened automatically.

“How do you feel, Susan?” Alice said.

“Perfect, Alice. Just perfect,” Susan said. She got out of the cocoon. “Oh, Doctor Hill. Nice to finally meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Smith,” Thomas said, and shook her hand.

“Please, call me Susan.”

“Then you can call me Thomas.”

“Whatever you wish, Doctor Hill,” Susan said. Thomas stared at her breasts again. She caught him, but didn’t seem to mind.

“I think you should test her, right now,” Alice whispered, into Thomas’s ear. “To remove another variable. Don’t wait like you did with us. Do it right now.”

Thomas’s penis agreed.

“Could you please remove your underwear, Susan?” Alice said.

Susan looked to Thomas. It could have been out of hesitation, or maybe she was just asking for confirmation. He nodded. She pulled off her bra and dropped her panties — unceremoniously, but not completely without flare.

Thomas reacted on instinct. He reached in and mauled his newest friend’s big boobies without any care for further permission. They were too big to fit in one hand, unlike the other girls’, but he did try mightily. As luck would have it, Susan just smiled and let him go wild. She did blush, though.

Thomas knelt down and smelled her pussy. She had a bit of a jungle down there, at least compared to Alice and Rebecca, but Thomas didn’t let that temper his scientific curiosity. He pushed a finger inside. She was wet.

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Thomas asked, in the name of documenting the process.

“I have to admit, it feels kind of exciting, but I trust you, Doctor Hill. For some reason I can’t quite place, I feel like we’ve been friends for a long time, so I see no harm in a little curiosity. I’m glad to feel helpful,” Susan said.

The effectiveness of his machine continued to amaze Thomas. He had not expected it to be this successful. Every indication was that this latest version could turn anyone into a complete friend in just one treatment. Only a few additional passes would then be needed to make the change practically permanent. Some of the most recent improvements were thanks to Alice and Rebecca’s work.

Thomas stood up. “I wouldn’t mind a friendly blowjob,” he said. He was quite positive of the results of the test already but something made him want more. It was as if this situation was making him want to have sex with Susan just for the sake of it.

She smiled and got to her knees. She gulped down the cock in with a big smile on her lovely face. There were no signs of hesitation, and quite soon, her attitude toward the task at hand morphed from casual to passionate. Her technique was much more confident to begin with, than what the younger girls had had on their first tries.

Alice, though, had come a long way since she had first offered to help the doctor with a friendly bit of release. Thomas was sure she was studying his collection of adult entertainment for new tricks. Susan wasn’t like that. Her style was simple and straight forward, indicating less flare but more experience.

The other girls kissed and caressed Thomas while Susan sucked him off. It barely even registered to Thomas that a situation like this might have been way too much for him to bear just a relatively short time ago. He also realized perfectly well that these behaviors exhibited by his test subjects deviated significantly from the social norm, but such a thing was to expected because of how exceptionally his machine was working. It was only natural that extraordinary friendship would defy most ordinary constraints.

“I wanna fuck you,” he said, in a voice that came more from his heart and his impassioned loins, and less from his great scientific mind.

Susan rose to kiss him and he pushed her back toward the cocoon-like device. He laid her on top of it and pushed his cock into the lustful folds underneath her bush. A hot, snug tunnel welcomed him in. Thomas was not much of a poet, but he would later return to this moment in his mind and appreciate the symbolic beauty of having their first time be on top of the very machine that had made them such good friends.

He held her by her throat, gently, and made love to her sensuous body.

Alice joined them. She pushed her delicate index finger all the way into Thomas’s ass. He didn’t mind. It felt good, and like the girls always said, they were all friends, so there was no reason for him to feel self conscious.

Rebecca, on the other hand, grabbed one of Susan’s big boobs. She pulled it up and squeezed it, and sucked as much of it as she could into her mouth.

“Why did you do that?” Thomas asked, ever the scientist.

Rebecca let the boob slide out. She tickled the nipple with her tongue, though, before answering. “Curiosity, maybe,” she said. “The whole situation is making me horny so I just thought I’d try it. No harm, right?”

“Sure,” Thomas said. “Are you bisexual?”

“I don’t think so. At least, not much. But, maybe with friends?” Rebecca said.

It made sense to Thomas. He certainly didn’t mind. “How about you, Susan,” he said.

“Please,” Susan moaned, so Rebecca went back to work.

After a laudable bit of effort from the doctor, Susan came. Thomas himself kept going, however. There was a definite youthful energy about him now, which had started to fuel him ever since his new friends had started helping him. He made a mental note to start tracking how much longer he could last compared to earlier experiments. Statistics always made for good marketing, but more than that, they were just plain good science.

Alice tried to add a second finger, around back, but Thomas squeezed tight. There was limit to his friendliness. Alice got the message and didn’t seem offended. Some of her influence was rubbing off on him, however. Inspired, Thomas slid his own hand under Rebecca’s skirt and found her little rosebud. Thomas’s finger was bigger than Alice’s, of course, but he managed to penetrate Rebecca’s silky smooth butthole with it.

Something about the guttural nature of Rebecca’s yelps was too much for Thomas and he finally came inside Susan. In the throws of his ecstasy, Thomas pushed his finger deeper. Rebecca arched her back and pushed her ass up, welcoming the naughty invader.

Afterward, the girls weren’t that bothered with dressing back up. They did their tasks half naked, teasing the doctor with exaggerated movements and gratuitous jiggling. A few hours later the evening devolved into another all out orgy.

Chapter Six – Surprise Inspection

Thomas wasn’t quite ready to call his new machine an unqualified success, yet, but he was confident the the odds were in his favor now. Three out of three would not earn any kind of regulatory approval, but Thomas himself was quite convinced. The device had beat every variable so far.

Weeks passed and the girls continued their work, taking more and more responsibility for the machine’s continuing development. Susan soon joined them as her intelligence boost started to take effect.

Thomas saw a change in her, a change he didn’t mind at all. Susan’s hair, her makeup, her nails, all were much more done up now, to the extent that even a man would notice. Her jungle was gone, too, and her lovely loins were immaculately trimmed now.

Alice told Thomas she had suggested, as a friend, that Susan take more care in her grooming. Alice also suggested that Thomas might want to reward Susan for her efforts. He saw no problem with that logic. Sex was the obvious choice, since everyone seemed to agree on how much fun it was. And also, Thomas needed more data for tracking his improving stamina.

The women now wore lingerie and high heels under their lab coats every day. Whenever they came over, they stripped off their normal clothes, put on their white coats, and headed down the stairs to the basement.

Young Rebecca had even started spending some nights in the guest room. More often than not, though, she ended up in Thomas’s bed instead, for a friendly night of scientific research.

One afternoon, the doorbell rang. A red light in the lab started blinking to let the girls know. Alice buttoned up her coat and went upstairs to answer the door. Thomas barely even noticed anything was going on until an unfamiliar voice stirred him from his work.

“I’m not sure,” the female voice said. “This seems like quite a lot for just a hobby.”

The young woman was petite, exotic, and extremely attractive. She also looked very smart and official in her snug, shiny skirt suit.

“Hello, I’m Rosa Lane, from the power company. There have been some strange readings coming from this address so we decided to pop in and see what’s up. Are you the owner?” she said, as she shook hands with Thomas.

“Sure. This is my lab. The girls are helping,” Thomas said. “They’re my friends,” he added, with pride.

There was a flicker in Rosa’s eyes but Thomas had no idea what it meant. He was bad at social cues. “Okay. Do you have any equipment here that might explain some sudden power surges?” she said.

When in doubt, lie. That was a rule that had seldom failed Thomas. He did his best to spin and stonewall the woman while he gave her a limited the tour of some of the less illegal technology in his basement lair.

Alice stood behind the inspector, trying to communicate something with looks and gestures. Thomas assumed she wanted to throw her into the friendship machine. It was a worthwhile idea. She was definitely beautiful, and different enough from the other girls. Thomas wasn’t sure if he was even that bothered with specific variables anymore, though. He could just test whoever he wanted. Deep down, all people were different in some way.

Rosa was an interesting candidate. She was very attractive, and maybe even a little bit smarter than average, since she seemed to be an engineer of some kind. More than anything, however, she was someone who could cause them trouble, so he basically had to make her into a friend, just to be safe.

Thomas didn’t even pay attention to what Rosa was saying anymore. He just stared at her dark lips. There were many things Thomas wanted to do with those lips.

He tried to signal Alice in return, but he wasn’t even sure what she was suggesting, exactly. Her hand signals were increasingly frantic but Thomas was still unable to fully decipher them. Right before Alice started to look like she was getting frustrated, however, the situation fixed itself. There was a thump and Rosa fell into Thomas’s arms.

Her head rolled to the side, limply, and Thomas could not miss the fact that there was a streamlined needle sticking out from the back of her delicate neck. The source of the aerodynamic syringe was obvious, too, because of the pneumatic gun Rebecca was holding.

“Was that okay?” Rebecca said.

“Very good. Well done, Rebecca,” Thomas said.

Rebecca almost jumped from joy because of the compliment.

“Where did you get the gun from?” Thomas said.

“My mom is a vet. I found this in the garage. It’s old but I rebuilt it. I even added some modifications,” Rebecca said. She pointed out the laser sight she had added to the dart pistol. “Thought it might come in handy one day.”

Something about her competence and her proactive attitude made Thomas want to instantly insert his penis into her vagina, or her mouth, or… But there was work to do, first.

“There’s not much to it. We have to put her in the machine,” Thomas said.

“Should we strip her first?” Alice said.

Thomas saw no scientific reason for doing so but he was strangely tempted to do it anyway. “No. Let’s just throw her in,” he said.

The girls had managed to shrink the control unit for the machine down to the size of a briefcase. They had sourced some kind of a foreign super chip from the black market. They knew more about computer science than Thomas did now. The cocoon was still quite large however, which could not be avoided, Thomas supposed, since it needed to fit a person inside.

Again, the hum of the machine had a strange effect on the other women. They gathered around Thomas and stared, almost in awe, as the latest version of their creation cooked up another new friend for them. The whole process was fast and quiet now.

“Hello, Rosa. Can you hear me?” Thomas said.

“Doctor Hill,” Rosa answered.

“How do you feel?” he said.

“Wonderful. Fantastic,” she said, with a grin on her face, but then the grin faded. “There’s something I need to tell you, though, but you must promise to never tell anyone.”

“Of course,” Thomas said.

“We’re all friends here,” Alice added.

“My name is not Rosa and I’m not from the power company. My name is actually Josie, and I’m an NSA agent.”

Everyone gasped.

“Please. If anyone knew I told you, I’d probably go to jail, or worse,” Josie said.

“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with us. Why are you here, though?” Thomas said.

“You’ve been on a list for a long time now, Doctor, but once the power readings started to go funny, the agency decided to ramp up the investigation and I got the assignment. I’m new so I guess they thought this would be a boring case.”

“So, no large scale surveillance?” Alice said.

“No. It’s just me,” Josie said, with an apologetic little smile.

“Well, you work for us now. Tell the NSA there’s nothing going on here,” Alice said.

“Of course. Friends first,” Josie said.

“I’m sorry, Josie, but you’re really beautiful. Would you mind having sex with me?” Thomas said, mesmerized by her deep, dark eyes.

There was the briefest hesitation, but she did not seem angry. She was probably just surprised to realize what her answer would be. “Not at all,” she said. “I don’t think I do mind. For some reason, I feel like we’re good enough friends to not fret such things.”

Thomas knelt at her feet and pushed her skirt up. His lips followed his hands. He kissed and licked at her pantyhose as he traveled up her thigh. Alice stepped behind Josie and undid her jacket and shirt. Thomas ripped a hole in Josie’s pantyhose and pushed aside her panties. He licked her pussy. Alice pulled and twisted on Josie’s nipples.

“I can’t believe how friendly you all are,” Josie gasped.

Josie leaned into Alice’s lap and let Thomas push his dick inside her. The other girls kissed and caressed Thomas and Josie as they fucked. The heat of the moment carried Thomas away and he lost any sense of time. Without much concern for birth control, or anything of that nature, Thomas eventually came inside her.

“Wow. That was pretty intense,” Josie said. She fixed up her clothing. The other girls, having ended up even more naked than her, slowly started doing the same.

There was the matter of her being an NSA agent to sort out, but with her being such a willing accomplice, Thomas was quite confident Josie would end up doing more good than harm. Thomas and the girls had a thorough talk with Josie about the extent of her investigation. They also invited her to come back for more treatments.

Chapter Seven – Testing the Friendship

There was no denying it anymore. All the sex was definitely eating into Thomas’s work. He could not be happier about it. There was something very relaxing and very freeing in the way good sex made him forget about himself. Getting out of his own head was like a long overdue holiday.

Right now, he wanted nothing more than to just stay in bed. A huge grin spread on his face when he realized Alice and Susan would be more than capable of carrying on without him in the lab, at least for one morning. He felt he hadn’t lost any of his intellect, but his priorities had definitely shifted.

Rebecca came back from the bathroom. She’d just gotten her makeup done. When she saw the smile on Thomas’s face, though, she didn’t even have to ask. She crawled back into bed. Thomas kissed her and rolled on top of her. “Do you think they’ll manage a moment without us?” he said.

“Definitely. You’d just be a distraction with that sweet ass of yours,” Rebecca said.

Speaking of asses, Thomas’s finger found it’s way to Rebecca’s cute little rosebud again. Something in the way she reacted surprised him. “What?” Thomas said.

Rebecca bit her lip. “There’s something the girls and I got you. It’s just… you know, use it however you will,” she said. She pointed at the drawer on the nightstand.

Thomas opened it and discovered a vat of sexual lubricant. The label explicitly said “anal.” Both of them could feel him get rock hard.

“Um, do you like… that kind of stuff?” Thomas asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve never really done it, but I’d be willing to try, with a friend,” Rebecca said. “But only if you want to. No pressure.”

Thomas definitely wanted to. He just wasn’t sure if he wanted the real thing, or just the fantasy. For a proper scientist, though, there was only one way to find out. He had to experiment.

“Do you know how to do it?” he said.

“Just go slow, and use lots of lube?” Rebecca suggested. She was flush with arousal.

“I guess I’ll just start with a finger,” Thomas said.

“Yes,” Rebecca gasped.

Thomas took a good gob of lube, just to be sure, and started to work it into Rebecca’s teeny butt. Her tight little hole relaxed, but then tightened right back again, in sharp spasms.

“Should you maybe stimulate your clitoris?” Thomas suggested.

Rebecca was fast to obey. The way she touched herself, with gentle precision, was beautiful.

Hearing her moan and seeing her writhe was quick to put Thomas in the mood. It didn’t take him long to get two, and then three fingers inside Rebecca’s ass. It was very tight, but she seemed to be enjoying herself. The faster his fingers fucked her, the faster she rubbed her throbbing pussy.

Thomas asserted that three fingers should be enough. He laid Rebecca flat, got on top of her, and started to guide his cock in. It was hard to figure out what was going on. The position might not have been the best for a first try but he was so flustered by now he could not stop. He used his finger to help him aim.

The was no mistaking the scream Rebecca made when he finally penetrated her quasi-virginal anus. He slipped quite deep, right away, by accident. Thomas pulled out. “Does it hurt? Should I stop?” he said.

“No. I mean, yes, it hurts, a little bit, but I think I like it. Go ahead. I’ll tell you if I want you to stop,” Rebecca said.

Thomas took more lube and spread it everywhere. He fingered her asshole again for a moment and then put his cock back in. Rebecca screamed again, but not as loud. Thomas did as she had asked and kept going. He had the presence of mind to go slow, at first, but maybe not as slow as he should have.

It started weird, but soon Rebecca’s butt got better lubricated and more relaxed, and the fucking got good. Thomas’s mind blanked as he focused completely on his cock. His pace was joyful and exuberant. Fucking a hot, tight college girl in the ass was wonderful in and of itself, but Thomas was also relieved he had succeeded in the proper procedure of it.

At some point, he realized Rebecca’s gasps had turned into little whimpers. “Are you okay?” he said.

“Yes. You can go harder, if you want,” she said, but Thomas wasn’t quite sure of her tone.

He added more lube and took care to be more gentle. He just about managed to go all the way, balls deep, into Rebecca’s stretching insides, before completely bottoming out. “Just rub your clit,” he grunted.

Rebecca’s hand shot back to work. The combination of the slower pace and the manual stimulation seemed to work for her. Thomas was much more confident there was some pleasure in it for her now, too. He saw no reason for an experiment to be inhumane to it’s subjects.

He still wasn’t completely confident he was doing everything right so something clamped up inside him and kept him from climaxing. It allowed him to last longer — a double-blessing, as it allowed Rebecca to come first. Feeling her pliant sphincter spasm around his cock in such bliss gave Thomas a surge of manly confidence. His mental lock released, and soon he shot his load deep inside her.

“I’m sorry. Was I too rough?” Thomas said. He wasn’t sure how much he actually cared, but he still wanted to know. At least he knew he should care. Maybe he was worried about it for the sake of the experiment. He always wanted to learn as much as he could about anything new.

“No. It wasn’t bad. We can do it again, but maybe not right now,” Rebecca said. She seemed conflicted, though, and still a bit overwhelmed.

“Of course. This was our first time. I’m sure we will learn to do it better. Maybe we should do some research,” Thomas said. “Come on, let’s go tell the others!”

Thomas rushed into the lab, not bothering to dress up.

“Great news, girls,” he announced, with a big grin on his face. “We can perform anal intercourse now.”

Alice and Susan just looked at him, but with a glimmer in their eyes.

“I tested the lubricant with Rebecca and it works. I don’t think we even made too much of a mess, or anything,” Thomas said.

Rebecca reached the basement. She was still completely naked, too. Thomas’s optimism faltered when he got a better look at her. Rebecca’s hair was a mess and her makeup was running. It was clear for everyone to see that she had not survived the experiment without a shedding a few tears.

“I… uh,” Thomas said.

“It’s good. I’m fine. Really,” Rebecca said. Her smile did seem more relaxed now.

“Was it worth it?” Alice said.

“Oh yes,” Rebecca gasped. “I’ve never felt more friendly.”

The strange statement had a oddly powerful effect on the other girls. They visibly shuddered. “That’s it, then,” Alice said. “I want to try it, too.”

“Right now?” was all Thomas could blurt out. He was still mentally and physically exhausted from the intense experience.

“No, silly. But whenever you want,” Alice said.

Chapter Eight – A different point of view

Stella was out, walking around the neighborhood again. She often did so because she got along poorly with her parents. She felt trapped. There was not enough money for her to move out. Some kids, even some of the rich kids, chose to stay home, but Stella would have rather left.

Her real name was Stella but she liked to think of herself as Stargirl. It was the name she used online. That was where she felt her real life happened.

Think of the devil, and talk about a rich bitch, she thought, when she saw Rebecca Sanders across the road. They used to be in the same class, but happily, that was over now. They still went to the same school, but in college, everything was different. Stella still resented Rebecca and her goons, though. The bitch was unusually happy so Stella ended up checking out where she was off to.

It came slow to her, but she realized the house belonged to that old inventor guy. The guy was probably a weirdo, but Stella was somewhat curious about him. Not romantically, of course. People said he made money on his inventions so he might actually be smart. Stella herself was nerdy enough, so she had automatic sympathy for the guy. Everyone else always just made fun of him. Although, he wasn’t someone people usually bothered to even talk about — just a harmless neighborhood goofball.

Rebecca was the kind of bitch who would openly laugh at someone like him. Stella could not figure out what such a strange pairing might be up to. It wasn’t really even spying, just curiosity, but Stella took an interest in what went on around that house. She soon realized Rebecca wasn’t the only strange visitor to frequent the place. The woman from across the street went there practically every day. Some other women came around often, too.

Stella noticed right away all of the visitors were quite attractive. She had an eye for that. She liked to draw and she preferred to draw beautiful women. She wasn’t sure if she was gay, but she did get a certain tingly sensation whenever she managed to create a particularly alluring composition.

She definitely did want to look like the girls in her pictures herself. She was awfully shy to begin with, and that made her even more self-conscious about not being as slim as someone like Rebecca.

Her first glimpse of that basement was a sight she would not soon forget. It took her a few weeks to come up with enough courage and curiosity to get close enough to peek through a window, but when she finally did, she was served to a first impression that was downright iconic.

The women were even more beautiful up close and in their provocative outfits. It was as if they wore nothing but lingerie under their open lab coats. They were spread around the space, each engrossed in their own work, but each also cocking a hip or arching their back. One of them was flicking a test tube with a finger, lifting it up to a light. Stella could see the shape of her abs. It was clear she was sucking her stomach in and posing on purpose, even while she worked.

The laboratory itself was like straight our of a movie. There was all kinds of scientific gear everywhere. It created a perfect backdrop for the collage of sultry, hot scientist chicks.

In the middle of it all, there was the old professor, or whatever he was, just minding his own business, completely oblivious to all the tits and ass his strange assistants were shoving at his general direction.

Stella ran back home.

There was only one explanation to it all, as far as she could come up with. The man, Doctor Hill, had to have somehow messed with their brains. Stella knew nothing about the other women but she was absolutely positive the real Rebecca Sanders could not hold a test tube the right way up if her life depended on it. The bitch was as clueless as she was hot.

It took another week before Stella got the courage to go back. This time, she almost saw something she could not have unseen. One of the girls was already kneeling between the doctor’s legs. Stella ran away again.

She was sure she was right now. But what could she do? She could not tell anyone because no one would believe her, and she could not contact any kind of authorities. Chances were the doctor was already working for the government, but if he wasn’t, Stella certainly did not want to be the person responsible for giving the military access to some kind of mind control technology.

As scared as she was, the sight of those women and their sexy bodies haunted her dreams in a different way, too. Stella often woke up from her broken sleep desperately horny.

One fateful day she saw Rebecca on campus and decided to say hi to her. She hadn’t talked to her in years, and never willingly. “Hi, Rebecca. It’s been a while. What are you up to these days?” Stella said.

Rebecca squinted her eyes. There was something dangerous there, something Stella had not been ready for. She could swear the was an intelligence there, a dangerous intelligence, something Rebecca Sanders had been completely void of for her entire life. Stella felt like she had made a huge mistake. “Uh, never mind,” she said, and scurried off.

The wait was not long. It was just a few days later when Stella met her fate. It was the middle of the night. She was home, asleep, in her own bed. She was tossing and turning, dreaming of cocked hips and arched backs, until she felt a strange buzz spread all over her body.

“Wake up,” a voice said.

Stella opened her eyes. They were all there: the two housewives, the hardened skirt suit lady, and even Stella’s ever-hot nemesis Rebecca.

Stella tried to scream. She wasn’t even trying to call for help, she just felt like screaming was the right thing to do in a situation like that. It was like a tacky horror movie: Attack of the Mind Controlled Sex Slaves. There was no scream, though. All that came out of her mouth was a bit of drool and an embarrassing moan. She realized she couldn’t even move.

“Hello again, Stella. Have you been a naughty girl?” Rebecca said.

Stella drooled out her best attempt at an affirmative answer. It felt like lying would not be worth the effort, anymore. Whatever these sexy bitches had injected her with, it was making her horny, too, and not just incapacitated. Or, maybe it was just them. Even though Stella more than half expected to die, she was cautiously hopeful these mindless zombie hotties might do something sexual to her, too, before making her disappear forever.

One of the housewives was clearly younger than the other. The young one sat down on the bed and opened a laptop.

“Oh,” she said, and smiled. “She really is a naughty little girl, isn’t she. I believe Stella here is quite turned on by getting drugged and debilitated by us.”

Stella realized she had some kind of electrodes attached to her temples. A new wave of panic washed over her. The young housewife grinned, still looking at her laptop screen. “Let’s test this. Ask her something,” she said.

“What do you think is going to happen to you?” skirt suit said.

Stella didn’t even try to answer. “Oh,” the one with the laptop said. “She thinks we’re either going to take advantage of her, or kill her, or maybe both. And the idea seems to arouse her either way.”

Stella blushed crimson. Her assailants all giggled. “So, you’re into girls, then? That explains a lot. Have you always had a secret crush on me?” Rebecca said, grinning at Stella.

“Definitely,” the laptop girl said.

Stella was sure she was lying. That didn’t help her with her blushing, though.

“You know, there is a third option, one you didn’t seem to even consider. We might just keep you, and make you our friend. Tell me, what do you know about us, and have you told anyone else,” Lady Laptop said.

The thoughts crossed Stella’s addled mind before she could suppress them.

“Oh. She thinks Doctor Hill is somehow controlling out minds,” the housewife said. The others laughed in response. “She hasn’t told anyone, though. So that’s good. She’s actually afraid of our invention ending up in government possession. Smart,” she continued.

“But, what are we going to do? Is she beautiful enough to be friends with Doctor Hill?” the older housewife said.

Horror filled Stella. She had felt like she had nothing on the looks of these gorgeous, evil beauties. She had not even considered being seen as an object of desire herself.

“I think she’s hot,” Rebecca said.

Stella blushed again. It felt good, and she hated herself for it. Rebecca was an awful person, and the biggest bully of Stella’s youth, but still, for some incomprehensible reason, it tingled her to hear her objectifying compliment.

“Mm. She really does like you,” laptop woman said to Rebecca. “I agree. She has potential. Tell me, Stella, would you like to be friends with us, friends with Doctor Hill?”

Stella tried to wiggle free from her invisible bonds, to shake some life into her limp body.

Lady Laptop scoffed. “Apparently she thinks low of our beloved Doctor.” That seemed to make them all angry. “No matter. We have a fix for that, don’t we?” she continued.

Stella made one last push to protest. It came out as a flood of drool, and a pathetic “meh.”

“There’s no escape for you,” skirt suit said. “I’m an NSA agent, so trust me when I say there’s nowhere you can run and nothing you can do. Maybe you should really consider your alternatives here.”

Stella didn’t want to die. She wasn’t even that opposed to being a sex slave, even to a man, at least if the alternative was death. There was just something creepy about the doctor. And, considering the situation she now found herself in, Stella felt quite vindicated in her original judgment of his moral content.

“All in agreement?” Lady Laptop said. The others nodded in a creepy unison. Lady laptop pushed a button.

The next thing Stella knew, her opinion began to change. Doctor Hill wasn’t actually that old, more like middle aged. You could even describe him as distinguished. He was even quite handsome, in his own way. Sure, he wasn’t hot, but he was someone who Stella could easily respect.

He was definitely not a creep. He was just very intelligent and therefore easily misunderstood. That was something Stella could definitely relate to. It was just like she had thought before she had found out the man had created a flock of brainwashed sex slaves for himself.

No. That wasn’t right. He wouldn’t. Surely the other women had just recognized his brilliance and had befriended him completely willingly.

All of a sudden, Stella desperately wanted to be friends with Doctor Hill. He was reliable and safe. She felt like he was her best friend already, even though they’d never even formally met. Something made Stella sure she didn’t need to doubt her instincts. She knew Doctor Hill would be the one for her from now on. Her true best friend forever.

Stella was desperate to have someone like him in her life, the kind of friend who was a lifelong bedrock. He was someone she could dedicate herself to, completely. She would never want anything in return. That’s not what friends do. She would do anything for him, and all she needed in return was the simple joy of knowing what a good friend she was to him.

Devoted, selfless, and completely accepting — that was a what any true friend would be. A true friend would always put the needs of the other first. It was a beautiful relief. Stella lost all her stress and anxiety. From now on, she would only have one thing to worry about anymore: How to be the best possible friend anyone could ever be, to Doctor Thomas Hill.

Stella opened her eyes.

The malicious grins on the faces of her sisters had turned into loving smiles. Stella knew the paralyzing agent was still in her system so she didn’t even try to speak. She just thought about how she felt.

“Oh my. It’s so beautiful,” Lady Laptop said. A tear rolled down her cheek. “I can see her love for him now.”

The women all hugged Stella’s limp body and there was a round of introductions.

During the car ride over to Doctor Hill’s house they talked more, and the drug in Stella faded. By the time she was walking down to the basement, still in just the panties and tee shirt she had slept in, Stella was giddy with excitement. She could not believe she would finally get to meet the Doctor Hill.

“Oh? Hi girls. What have you been up to? And who’s this?” he said. His voice was so charismatic it made Stella’s knees weak.

“This lovely young lady here is Stella,” Alice said. “She has been spying on us so we decided to solve two problems at once. We tested the portable field unit on her.”

“Oh. How did it go?” Doctor Hill said.

“It was a perfect success. The machine was even able to read her thoughts,” Alice said.

Doctor Hill smiled. It had a deep effect on all of the women, Stella included. She became so desperate to make him smile more, it almost hurt. Nothing in the universe was more important than making him happy. He was such a valuable friend to her, it boggled Stella’s little mind how such depth of emotion was even possible.

She decided to hold it all in, though. It was for the best. If she let him see how desperate she was, she was afraid she might scare him off. The other women kept their cool even though Stella was sure they felt the same way deep down, so Stella steeled herself, too.

It was difficult, however, for Stella to stay calm when she watched Doctor Hill give Alice an appreciative hug and kiss. They way he grabbed her ass and her boob while he made out with her, it was clear he valued her very highly, as a friend.

Doctor Hill turned to look at Stella and his attention burned her like the sun. “Stella, was it? Nice to meet you. Please, call me Thomas,” he said.

The idea was completely preposterous. Why the hell would she treat him like just some random nobody? Sir, Master, Your Highness, Glory of Glories, My One and Only True Purpose in This Cold and Lonely Universe — no words were enough. Stella made a mental substitution.

“Doctor Hill. Such a pleasure to meet you. I so wish we can be friends,” she said. When she said Doctor Hill, she thought of all the names an superlatives she wanted to call him, in her mind.

Doctor Hill gave her a quick once over with his eyes and Stella’s heart literally stopped for that brief moment.

“I see no reason why not,” he said.

Stella gasped and audible sigh of relief.

“A few more treatments with the friendship machine, and I’m sure you’ll be able to help the girls with the research,” he said.

There was nothing Stella wanted more. He took another, longer look at her, this time, focusing on her face. The way his gaze warmed her soul made Stella smile.

“Do you enjoy performing oral sex?” Doctor Hill said.

“I’m not sure. I’ve never done it,” Stella said, choosing to be honest. The thought of lying to Doctor Hill would have made her physically ill.

“Oh,” he said. He squinted. “Are you a virgin?”

Stella tensed. She wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing or a good thing. “Yes?” she said.

“Hmm,” Doctor Hill said.

“It’s not a problem,” Rebecca said. “We can teach her. Here. Look.”

Rebecca guided Stella to her knees and then joined her on the floor herself. She opened Doctor Hill’s pants and pulled them down. She pulled out his semi-erect dick and gave it a few licks and kisses. Rebecca smiled up at Doctor Hill and Stella followed her lead.

He seemed pleased, which made Stella ecstatic. Any kind of taboos or social norms were the furthest thing from her mind. If such things ever came between her and her Best Friend, they should be taken behind the barn and put down. No earthly law could ever be allowed to ruin such a divine, perfect friendship as the one she shared with Doctor Hill.

Rebecca turned the dick toward Stella’s mouth. The thing was completely hard now. Stella took it in. Her only concern was Doctor Hill’s happiness so she kept her eyed fixed on his face, ready to react to even the tiniest little hint of what made him feel good, of anything she did right.

She caught on quick and soon a mess of sticky, hot semen rewarded her, all over her face. Stella had never considered how she would feel about blowjobs, or messy facials, but now it didn’t matter. If giving her a sneaky little facial was what made Doctor Hill happy, Stella would dedicate her life to being the best possible target-practice she ever could.

Chapter Nine – Even Deeper

Thomas was fucking Stella again. She had become his bed warmer once she had moved in. She wasn’t quite as striking and as slim as Alice or Rebecca, but Stella was still beautiful enough. What Thomas liked most was her attitude. She reminded him of an actual girlfriend he’d almost had once, long ago.

Taking her virginity had gone well, too, but Thomas was glad to have it over and done with. After that, she’d learned fast, and she was a fun and exciting fuck now. The girl had learned to be a complete harlot in a very short time.

There was a knock on the bedroom door. Thomas startled, but he decided not to panic. They were supposed to be alone, but he had so many friends now he could not keep track of their comings and goings anymore.

“Yes?” he said, not bothering to stop plowing into young Stella’s steaming hot pussy.

Alice stepped in. She was wearing nothing but heels and stockings, but she was carrying a bag.

“Good evening, Doctor Hill. My husband is away on business so I decided to come over. I had something special planned for tomorrow, but I couldn’t wait. I hope you don’t mind,” Alice said.

“Not at all.”

“Your earlier research into anal intercourse inspired me so I’ve been conducting some of my own studies. I think I have it figured out now,” Alice said.

Thomas stopped pumping into Stella. “Please, do tell,” he said.

Alice smiled. “I have all the equipment we need, and some toys, too, just for fun. Whenever you would please, I think I’m ready to give a demonstration.”

“How about right now?” Thomas said.

“You’re sure I’m not interrupting?” Alice said.

“No at all. Please, go ahead,” he said.

“Oh thank you ever so much, Doctor Hill. The first step in the correct procedure is for the recipient to take care of basic hygiene,” Alice said. She pulled a few douches out of her bag. “I took the liberty of taking care of that part at home, before coming over. But here are some of the products we can use. I bought several, just in case we girls ever need to all prepare at the same time.”

Thomas had to stop fucking Stella again. The thought of all of his friends preparing themselves for anal sex together was strangely arousing, for some reason. After his safety pause, he returned to his previous, slow pace. Stella was very interested in Alice’s presentation, too.

Alice bent over and demonstrated how the douche would be used. It was pretty obvious but Thomas appreciated the thoroughness of her demonstration. He barely even realized he’d begun to caress Stella’s butthole while he watched.

“The next step is lubrication. The recipient can do it themselves, but the partner could also participate,” Alice said. She let the invitation hang in the air.

“I would love to, Alice,” Thomas said, after it clicked for him.

Alice shuddered. She dug out the lube from her bag, and also a little vibrator. She scooted her crotch right up to Thomas. “Start with one finger,” she said.

Thomas let his cock fall out of Stella and he took a good position between Alice’s silky smooth legs. He applied a good amount of lube on her ass, and onto his finger, and pushed it in.

Alice gasped. Thomas could feel her ass pulsate around his digit.

“Good,” she said. She switched on the vibrator and pushed it against her clitoris. “This is to help me associate the rectal stimulation with sexual pleasure — a kind of mental exercise. I’ve already practiced a little bit on my own time, but now I felt ready to present my findings to you.”

Thomas could see her get wet.

“Please, if you would, Doctor Hill, scoop your finger up inside my anus. Try and find my G-spot through there,” Alice said.

Thomas wiggled around a bit, but when he found it, the effect was quite obvious.

Alice gasped and moaned. “Oh my. That is… quite the thing,” she said.

“I want to try it, too,” Stella said.

Both of the women looked at Thomas.

“Sure. Why not,” Thomas said.

“Take one of the douches and go clean up,” Alice said, to Stella.

Stella dashed into the bathroom.

Alice’s ass felt very receptive. Thomas added the second finger. A few minutes later, Alice’s toes curled in a sharp climax. “Please, Doctor Hill, fuck me in the ass,” she pleaded.

Thomas was nothing if not thorough so he added the third finger first, and continued to prepare her for one more minute.

He scooted up to her, added more lube, and started to push his dick against her slippery anus.

Stella came back, right on time. She hugged Thomas from behind and looked over his shoulder as the tip of his cock slipped inside Alice’s hot, tight asshole. He experienced none of the trouble he had faced in his previous experiment with Rebecca. Alice’s ass was perfect. It was strong but elastic, and just perfect at allowing him in with just the right amount of struggle.

Alice gyrated her hips, moaned, and rubbed the vibrator on her clit even faster. “It’s so good, Doctor Hill. I can’t believe it. I don’t understand why people don’t do this all the time,” she babbled.

The buzz of a second vibrator captured Thomas’s attention. He noticed Stella had maneuvered her ass right against him. She was already fingering her own backdoor while rubbing the vibrator on her clit.

Thomas felt obliged to slap her juicy ass a few times before substituting her fingers with his own. Both of his friends achieved an orgasm at the same time. Alice from getting fucked in the ass, and Stella from him fingering her butt.

Thomas was completely in the zone. He forgot all about following any kind of a procedure for the experiment. He just wanted to fuck Alice until her brain melted. The more she moaned and twisted, the deeper he massaged her rectum with his cock.

When Alice started to lick her own pussy-soaked fingers, Thomas pulled out and came all over her body.

“How do you feel?” he asked Alice, after she calmed down.

“Perfect, Doctor Hill, it was perfect,” Alice said.

“No discomfort, or anything?”

“None what so ever. Pure bliss,” Alice said.

“Have you ever done this before?” Thomas said.

“No. Only for you,” Alice said.

Thomas kissed her, and the kiss turned long. He could not help but feel more than just friendly about her now. Their friendship was working both ways, and Alice had become a trusted ally and a valued companion.

Stella was still fingering her own ass.

“Do you want me to penetrate you, too?” Thomas said to her.

“Yes, please,” Stella said.

“I have to take a little rest, but keep practicing. I think that’s the real key here. Since your fingers are so small, try to do four,” Thomas said.

Stella reached her target number, and Thomas — after his little rest — then took her anal virginity, too. It was fun, but not as special as it had been with Alice.

“Can I stay the night?” Alice asked, while Stella was in the shower.

“Of course you can, darling. I’d love for you to spend the night,” Thomas said.

“Would it be a bother to have more sex?” Alice said.

“Anal?” Thomas said.

“Yes, please,” Alice said.

“Certainly. No bother at all,” Thomas said, surprised at the total shift in her preferences. He reached for the lube.

“You might not need to use so much, this time. Now that I’m fully prepared, you might try to see how it feels like this — not too dry, but not too slick, either,” Alice said.

Thomas lubed his cock but did not add much to her ass. The fit was marvelous. Thomas had no pent up energy anymore, to lash out with. He was perfectly relaxed and enjoyed a slow, gentle spooning with his favorite friend.

“Would you like Stella to loose some weight?” Alice said, a seeming non sequitur.

“Maybe,” was Thomas’s honest answer.

“You should ask her,” Alice said. “She wants to do it. I believe you could help give her extra motivation if you said something. You would be a real friend.”

Thomas found a great comfort in how much skin contact the spooning position allowed them.

“Wow. You’re still going,” Stella said, when she got back.

“It’s even better now. I feel like I’m finally completely open, as a friend,” Alice said.

Chapter Ten – Scientific Breakthroughs

It had been days since Thomas had even visited the lab. The friendship experiment was a complete success and he had found a new joy in his life. His mood was very high and he spent more and more time outside the home — something he used to avoid. Other than that, he was having lots of sex with his new friends, of course.

One night, he woke up to a strange hum. The whole house was gently vibrating at a very low frequency. Thomas swam his way out from under Stella and Rebecca and made his way to the basement.

Susan, Thomas’s more mature and voluptuous housewife friend, was there, and she was operating a completely new machine. This one was as big as the friendship machine had first been. It was reusing some of the old components.

The original friend-maker was completely portable now. All you needed was a laptop and some electrodes. Thomas didn’t fully understand how the latest version was even possible. The girls had developed it on their own.

“Oh, hello Doctor Hill,” Susan said. She cast her eyes down.

“What’s this, then?” Thomas said, eyeing the new machine.

“I’m sorry,” Susan said. “It’s almost done, so let me just show you.”

The machine whirred to a standstill. Susan went over and opened the hatch. “Are you okay, darling?” she said, to someone inside.

“I’m not sure. It’s so strange,” a female voice answered.

Susan helped her unknown test subject out of the mysterious chamber.

Thomas felt a rush. The young woman was unnervingly gorgeous. He was used to having his friends around by now, but this young lady was almost too perfect. Thomas had never met anyone so physically mesmerizing. She couldn’t be much older than Stella and Rebecca, but the curves on her tight body were bordering on fictional.

“Doctor Hill, this is my husband, Gary,” Susan said.

“The what now?” Thomas said, unable to peel his eyes away from the angelic perfection of the tantalizing newcomer.

“Please, don’t be angry at me. We got into another fight and I finally just snapped. I could not take it anymore so I took the friendship device home with me and turned him into one of your friends. I only really realized afterward that you like your friends female, so I created a sort of a phenotype re-aligner, to swap his gender,” Susan said.

“You created a machine that allows you to change a person’s gender?” Thomas said.

“Well, it actually affects the whole body — gender, age, looks, health, all of it. I hope you’re not angry at me?” Susan said.

“You did this all on your own?” Thomas said.

“Alice helped me, but please, don’t blame her for what I did to Gary, without your permission,” Susan said.

It occurred to Thomas that the intelligence boost provided by the friendship machine might be even greater than he had predicted. Thomas had no idea how one would go about even conceptualizing a phenotype re-aligner. It had to requite some kind of nanotechnology. It was highly probable his friends were now significantly more intelligent than he was.

“Have you modified the intelligence boost algorithm on the friendship device?” Thomas said.

“Yes, we did that, too,” Susan admitted. “Please, Doctor Hill. Tell me if you’re disappointed in me. I can’t take the suspense.”

“No. No. Not at all. This is all marvelous,” Thomas gasped.

Susan squealed and dove in to hug and kiss him. “Really? Are you sure? I was so scared. I can’t believe you’re such a good friend, to forgive me for something so rash and impulsive,” Susan said.

“Forgive you for what, exactly? Your invention is brilliant,” Thomas said. He squeezed her big boobs through her ornate bra. One of them popped out, leaving an aroused nipple pointing up invitingly.

“I was worried you would be mad at me for making Gary your friend without asking,” she said.

Thomas and Susan turned to look at Gary again — the gorgeous, flawless, very naked, very female Gary. She blushed.

“Gary Smith?” Thomas said. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Doctor Hill, but please, call me Thomas.”

“It is an unbelievable pleasure to finally meet you, Doctor Hill,” she said. “But I believe I might need a new name.”

“How about Kerri?” Susan suggested.

“Or Carmen?” Thomas said.

Carmen gasped. “I would love that, Doctor Hill. It would make me so glad if it was you who gave me my new name,” she said. “I very much hope we can be friends.”

“Very well, Carmen,” Thomas said. “I see no reason why not.”

Carmen gasped in relief. “I’m so happy,” she said.

It was impossible for Thomas not to give her extremely firm breasts a little test squeeze, too. Carmen shuddered.

“I’m sorry,” Thomas said.

“No. I like it. Please, touch me as much as you want. It just feels weird, my whole body, you know? This is all very new to me. I’m very happy you’re here, though, Doctor Hill. I imagine this would all be much more traumatic if you weren’t here. I feel so comfortable with you,” Carmen said.

“Why is she so beautiful?” Thomas said, just thinking out loud.

“This was my first test of the re-aligner,” Susan said, “but I did my best to make her pleasing to your eye…” She watched Thomas grope her transformed husband. “…and your touch.”

As alluring as Carmen was to his eyes, fingers, and tongue, Thomas knew Susan was the real hero here. He grabbed her and bent her over a desk. “You did good. You deserve a reward,” he said.

Susan arched her back and pushed her ass up. “Are you sure I wasn’t just a little bit naughty? Maybe a little punishment would do me good, too?”

Thomas grinned. He gave the hyper-intelligent housewife a few spanks on her plump ass, and then got the lube. Entering her ass was relatively easy, and Thomas suspected she’d prepared herself on purpose.

The little role play lifted the passions of both Thomas and Susan to a surprising level. He plowed into her rear with near reckless abandon. Poor Carmen whimpered when she saw how hard Thomas made her wife come from a such a ruthless rectal reaming.

Hearing her, Thomas’s attention returned to Carmen, and there was nothing she could do. She surrendered completely to his extremely friendly advances. Her renewed and rejuvenated asshole was desperately cute, and Thomas thoroughly enjoyed the time it took for him to make it yield to his fingers.

“Oh my heavens,” Carmen gasped, once her new best friend finally got his cock, balls deep, up her previously virginal, straight-out-the-oven butt.

Despite the scientific respect Thomas had for Susan, Carmen’s young body drove him even wilder. Pushing as deep as he could, he just about reached a little kink inside her, and the contact seemed to titillate both of them.

“She’s a perfect fit, isn’t she?” Susan whispered, into Thomas’s ear. His eyes widened and the implication pushed him over the edge.

Thomas would later discover that the phenotype re-aligner had made Carmen’s new body practically virginal in other ways, too, but he did not mind. His experience with Stella had been fairly pleasant so he was less averse to the idea of taking a young lady’s virginity now.

Susan told their friends and neighbors her husband had left her and that Carmen was the new babysitter. Apparently, Carmen was a much better husband and a much better father to her children now, than she’d ever been as Gary. Thomas didn’t really care too much, but it was still nice to know the family was happy.

Thomas was very much enamored by Carmen and her bespoke body. He wanted to keep her as his new main bed warmer. He had to admit Susan’s idea was better, though, so he let her take Carmen. He would still get to fuck her whenever he wanted, and not spending every minute with her built up a very pleasant anticipation in him.

Chapter Eleven – Friends In High Places

As soon as Stella heard the phenotype re-aligner was functional, she insisted she be the next test subject. Even though she was a perfectly fuckable little goofball to Thomas’s eye, she herself was unhappy with her body.

Thomas had to admit, though, that the new machine was a real wonder. Stella came out looking every bit as extraordinary as Carmen had. They kept the changes to Stella’s height and facial features quite conservative so as not to raise too many questions, but under her clothes, she got the full treatment.

Both Stella and Thomas were extremely happy with the results. This inspired the other girls to get little tuneups, too. Why not? One by one, the women all started making little modifications to their bodies. Soon, all of them had their own versions of the “Carmen kink,” about Thomas’s cock’s length inside their asses.

Almost as a joke, Thomas hopped in, too. He got the beach body he had only really dreamed about in passing, and a few, minor tweaks to his face. He considered making his penis larger, too, but what would be the point? For one, it would ruin his perfect fit with Carmen’s tight little custom ass. He did give himself a vascular tuneup, however, for more sexual stamina. That felt actually useful.

Nobody really even cared that much when Alice put her husband, Steven, into the phenotype re-aligner, too. She was inspired by Susan’s success. Alice and Steven had no children so once Steven became Stacy, they sold their house and moved in with Thomas. Stacy turned out as an absolutely ravishing redhead.

Being free to spend all of their time together now, Thomas and Alice became much more public about their relationship. They went on a few dates, sometimes even with the whole group together.

Thomas didn’t think much of his new looks but he did notice how unknown females paid a different kind of attention to him now. After a while the novelty wore off, though, and he started to slide back into a more introverted lifestyle. He had lost what little interest in people he had ever had, other than the kind his machines created. Obviously, no normal person could compare to his true friends.

There was so much sex and so many unnaturally gorgeous women in Thomas’s life now, he completely forgot about his previous aspirations. Trying to find any kind of a buyer for his friendship device or the phenotype re-aligner — his friends had insisted he take credit for that invention, too — held no interest to him.

When Josie the NSA agent invited Thomas to visit her at the office, though, he did go. Turns out, her hyper-intelligence had allowed Josie to get a few quick promotions and she had access to quite an assortment of highly classified information now. She laid out an elaborate plan to gain more influence in the global intelligence community by using Thomas’s devices.

Thomas paid little attention to the details. He was more focused on her body, and how fucking sexy it was for her to be so smart, so ambitious, and so capable. He couldn’t wait to fuck her. Because of her job, he saw her less often than his other friends.

“Yes, whatever,” he said, after she finished detailing her proposal for making their position more secure on the global stage, or something. He bent her over the conference table and fucked her silly.

With the strength and endurance offered by his new body, Thomas had found a new dimension to sex. If he fucked his friends long enough and hard enough he received an additional physical high from the sheer physical exercise of it all.

Josie rode him with total abandon. He could tell from the look on her face she felt the same way. Her toned body glistened with sweat and the heaving of her idealized chest was extremely erotic. Thomas scooped up a drop of perspiration from the very tip of her nipple and fed it to her. She bit his finger and growled. Her perfect body was tuned for endurance now, too.

Thomas was easily capable of fucking right through a few orgasms, so the meeting ran long. He shot one load inside her, another one all over her, and then he went for her ass.

Chapter Twelve – Upward Mobility

Thomas soon found himself living in a big mansion. There were dozens of nubile young beauties running around. He didn’t even know their names but the sex was great.

Despite their access to the wondrous phenotype re-aligner, all of these new girls still used the luxurious private gym every day. Thomas asked Alice about it and she said the girls liked it. It made them happy to engage in activities they felt would lead to Thomas’s happiness, even indirectly. Any kind of effort toward self-improvement counted. Thomas had to admit, he did always stop and stare at all those sweaty bodies when he walked past the gym.

The mansion was replaced by a bigger one, and then an even bigger one. Eventually Thomas found himself living in a literal palace. There was tits and ass everywhere. Even some of the furniture had been replaced with attractive young women, contorted into provocative poses.

Thomas asked Alice about it. She assured him the women were all friends of his, and they were happy to brighten his day by showing off their perfect bodies for him in such an extravagant pantomime. They had shifts and benefits, and it was all very ethical, Alice promised. Thomas decided to fuck one table leg in the ass, just as a test. She had prepared herself for the eventuality and seemed to really enjoy the encounter so Thomas decided it was all in good fun.

Days melded together even more than before and, for a while, the concept of time lost all meaning. His whole life became an endless series of interconnected orgies.

Eventually, however, Thomas came to a realization. He might have made a slight mistake in his original calibration of the friendship device. Seeing all that was happening around him, he could not shake the feeling that some of his friends might be even a bit too dedicated to him. It also occurred to him that he’d stopped caring about the science itself at some point, and had focused almost exclusively on nothing but sex for a long time now.

Thomas had never been one to follow the news, but one day, he happened to overhear a TV someone else was watching. Apparently, some kind of a totalitarian regime was gaining power, slowly taking over the whole world. They said something about inserting chips into people’s brains.

The idea was scary. Thomas had always leaned liberal, at least in theory. Real world politics had never interested him. He decided to ask Alice about it. Thomas vaguely recalled Alice herself having been elected president at some point, so she would know about politics. She knew so much about everything. She was as smart as she was hot, even after all these years.

Alice just smiled at him. “Don’t worry, my Love. You’re safe. Trust me. Your friends are doing everything they can to make sure you’re happy,” she said, and caressed his cheek.

That was enough for Thomas. He trusted her. She was the best friend anyone could ever have.