The Breakdown

Sitting at the stoplight I’m abruptly made aware of the smoke billowing from beneath the hood of my black BMW.

“Ah fuck!” I exclaim exasperatedly, “bmw really does stand for ‘break my wallet.”

It’s not the first time my car has given me an ultimatum. Fix me now or send me to the chopping block. It’s for that exact reason I’ve created a separate savings for this hunk of metal, so things could be worse. The overheating of my car is momentarily overshadowed by the fact that I’m two lanes away from the curb and only 3 minutes away from home. With some quick maneuvering I make it safely to the side and park my car. I’ve had a car overheat in the past so I’m not terribly distraught but annoyed nonetheless. I sit and begin to construct a game plan. Wait at least 30mins. Find a mechanic. Get car from point A to B. Mourn the loss of my savings.

Thirty minutes pass and I’m able to get my car into my drive. Barely. I sigh in relief as I can at least check one item off the list. The next task to tackle is finding a mechanic. I spend the next couple of hours weeding through a Google search and making phone calls.

“Sorry we don’t service BMWs.”

It’s what I had expected to hear in the area in which I live but I can’t say I’m not starting to panic just that little bit. A few more calls and tips for leads on where I can check out later and I’ve hit the end of my rope. Just as quickly as I’m ready to call it a day I remember a little auto shop that I drive past every morning. It’s literally at the end of my street. I vaguely remember a giant SMOG sign out front and that it’s always packed despite the location. I’m able to find the number and send my prayers up.

“Hey I have a quick question and I’m not sure if you can help me,” I begin into the phone, “my beemer is on the fritz and I’m not sure what’s going on apart from that it’s overheating. Please save my life here”

A deep, warm voice laughs and replies “You’re in luck then. Why don’t you bring her on in.”

I’m flooded with relief but then realize I have to get my car from my house to the shop. Even though the drive is short I’m still nervous. I imagine a fiery inferno ensuing but then tell myself to relax and stop being dramatic.

“Do you think my car will be ok to get it over there?” I mean it doesn’t hurt to ask I think to myself, “I know you can’t see it from there to diagnose it.”

“I think you’ll be ok. Just pull over if you notice it starts overheating. Park it in the front. I’ll be here.”

I jump in my car and try to will it to just work with me long enough to make it there. It’s a long few minutes and my nerves are on edge. The last thing I want to do is call for a tow truck to take my car the mile to the shop. Luck is on my side as I make it to the shop with the gauge only beginning to bounce up to slightly hotter then it should be.

As I step out of the car I’m met by two men. One the mechanic and the other the manager. I immediately take notice of the manager. He has startlingly crisp eyes and they stand out against the complexion of his skin. He looks at me pointedly with a friendly smile on his face and I feel my nerves from the car die down and be replaced by the flutter of my nerves from his presence.

“Bmw girl,” I roll my eyes and tease with a smile of my own.

“Let’s take a look shall we. I’ll bring her into the shop right now. Keys?”

I hand him the keys and he directs me to go into the front of the office where I wait for him. I can see him park my car into the first bay through the open side door of the office and step out. I realize how tall he is. He’s easily at least a foot taller then me. He holds an air of authority and even though he voiced his position, I wouldn’t have had to guess if he was the one in charge here if he hadn’t. I wait anxiously while they put my car on the lift and start making their assessment.

He comes back into the office, wiping his hands on his jeans. I’m imagining all the things that could be wrong with my car. I’m imagining all the things that…

“Jim,” I’m pulled from my thoughts, my name is Jim. Sorry I didn’t realize I didn’t introduce myself earlier.”

“It’s nice to meet you Jim,” I greet him as I step up to the counter.

He starts asking me questions about the last couple of days. If I’ve noticed anything off with the car. If I’ve had any other services recently. I tell him I’ve just had an oil change but otherwise nothing significant since last year. He then asks me if I wanted to go anywhere while they work on the car or if I’d be waiting there in the office. I think I’ll stay with Jim.

He sits at his computer as I sit in a lobby chair and pretend to scan the walls. I’ve read the standard posters that hang there at least 3 times while sneaking glances in his direction. He swivels his chair slightly back and forth as he stares at the screen before him. I wonder if he’s actually working or just pretending to be engrained in something else. There’s a comfortable tension in the room but the edges of it vibrate just enough that I feel the urge to break the silence.

“So how’s your day going?”

He stands behind the counter before he begins to tell me about work. How he had a customer come in enraged over him not following Jim’s instructions and neglecting to do the proper follow up care of a service. The customer then went on to reveal he found Jim’s home address and number and is threatening to seek retribution. I’m surprised at how far the customer is threatening to take it but at the same time spending years in customer service I really shouldn’t be shocked at this point. As if on cue the angry customer calls and Jim is momentarily distracted before ending the call and apologizing. I assure him it’s not a bother to me at all and we continue to talk.

“So your boyfriend wasn’t able to help you bring in the car this morning?” he asks feigning indifference.

I think to myself he must be fishing, before smiling at him playfully. I suddenly feel a surge of confidence rise within me. I’m not usually one to be bold enough to be openly flirty. There’s something however about being alone in this office with him that has me wanting to test the boundaries.

“No…no boyfriend,” I respond with fake innocence.

“Really?” he asked sounding surprised.

“Nope. I’m not as young as I used to be either so I don’t get out much to date around,” I tease.

He stops at this. He’s openly looking at me and I’m trying to get a read on what’s going through his mind. I feel like I’m under a microscope. I can feel heat rise to my cheeks and my chest flushes under his perusal of my body.

“How old are you?” he asks to which I’m not offended in the least.

“How old do you think I am?” I jest back.

He makes his guess and it’s wrong. I tell him my age. He tells me I look younger then what I am. He explains that he thought I was close to his son’s age. At the mention of his son we start talking more about him. He’s graduating and ready to go on some great adventure in another state and how he just bought this beater of a car to make the trip and he’s worried about his son making it out there in it. I tell him I’ve been there on brief trips and offer him on advice on his son’s situation.

“How old are you?” I repeat his earlier question back to him now.

He tells me his age with an embarrassed smile. He proceeds to add that with his age his hair is graying by the day. Neither his face nor his body look nothing like the age he’s given me. His personality has thrown me off as well. He’s twenty years my senior.

“You know a lot of women are into the salt and pepper look,” I compliment him, “I think it’s very attractive.”

It’s his turn to blush now. I can tell he’s flustered for a moment before it’s like a flip is switched. His gaze turns darker in a carnal way and I suddenly feel like prey. The experience that comes with his age shows full force and somewhere deep down my bratty senses are tingling. He’s a Dom.

I can feel goosebumps rise on my skin as the realization hits me. How had I not seen it earlier. Every movement he made was so smooth and fluid and self-assured. He spoke with authority that didn’t make me feel uneasy but instead tempted me to push myself further. There were so many casual signs that I missed entirely.

My eyes are scanning everywhere but him as I’m reevaluating the situation. As confident as I am I can tell that in this arena I’m out of my depth and the ball is in his court. My shyness steps out of the way and I make a choice out of the ordinary. I know this is a game I want to play.

I can feel him still watching me with that deep hue of his eyes and suddenly the room is closing in on me. Everything is focused on how hard my nipples have become and the wetness that has soaked into my underwear. I’m sure my body is screaming the signs of my arousal and all I can do is stand there silently. I wait in anticipation and excitement at what will come of this.

He says my name. Simply and solidly and everything within me goes rigid. I feel like a spring ready to snap as all my senses have heightened unbearably. I’m standing in the lobby of this auto shop, my car failing me in the stall next door, but all I can focus on is the steady throb he’s creating in my clit. My chest feels tight and my lungs are working harder to deliver air into my body. All the hushed tension from earlier has risen to boil full force around us.

My eyes shoot from the floor back to him as he repeats my name. He tells me that my car is essentially fucked. Fucked as hard as I wish I could be by him in this moment. Jim advises that the cost of the repairs vs what the car is worth would be cheaper for me to cut my losses and invest in a new one. Honestly I had been in the market for a new car anyways. Thank God for keeping that savings. I tell him the money for a new car isn’t the issue for me, it’s finding a reliable one. He offers to help and I take him up on it.

I realize as our time is dwindling down but that I’m not ready to leave. More than that I don’t want to leave. I’d happily stay here basking in the sexual tension and flirty conversation. I can sense similar musings in Jim as well.

“The shop opens at 8:10 but I’ll be here tomorrow at 7:30. I’ll help you then.”

It’s not a question of if I’ll be able to come. Or a request for me to accept. It’s given as an even toned demand. My heartbeat starts to quicken again and my nerves are vibrating against the palms of my hands. 7:30 it is.

I wake up not knowing what to expect. Seeing as we’ll be at the office again I expect to be solely looking up cars. Just being around him however sets me on edge in a painfully tempting way. I’m not sure how I’m going to make it being in such close proximity to him.

I arrive at the shop at 7:45. Better late then never. Jim is waiting at the back of the mechanics bay. He greets me with a quick side hug. Usually I’d be adverse to any affection so quickly but I find myself wanting to be closer to him. Something about him brings out a dark uninhibited side of myself and it strikes me that really anything is possible.

I follow him into the shop and he turns to stop and look me. We’re next to a little side nook. It has some supply cabinets and a sink. I look around and the metal doors of the shop have all been opened. Sitting at the corner of a main street I can see the traffic flowing steadily by. I know from the outside though you wouldn’t notice us standing here unless you were specifically looking in our direction. We’re out in the open but just hidden enough.

“My mechanics get here in 15 minutes,” he states.

I hear the question in his voice but I’m not sure what he’s asking me. I’m definitely nervous but it’s eclipsed by the realization that whatever he’s asking, he’s asking to do it here where we can get caught. Whether it be by a passerby in their car or by his staff. I’ve never done anything like this.

He waits for me at the back of the side section. He leans against the wall and lets me make my decision. It’s an easy one to make. I walk to him and he leans down to kiss me and I’m caught off guard. I move away before his lips meet mine.

“It’s more intimate to me then anything else,”

I try to explain. Ever the good girl my conscience is warring with my abandon.

He looks at me puzzled for a moment before smiling. It’s a smile that shows acceptance that whatever pace and boundaries I set he’ll follow. His agreement ratchets up my libido. That last little bit of caution and trepidation I have about having a one-off is thrown to the wind.

I drop to my knees. He towers over me and again I’m caught in the color of his stare. There’s something so hypnotizing about them. I sympathize with every moth drawn to a flame that there’s ever been. There’s just no resisting it. In this moment I know he could compel me to do just about anything. Shit he wouldn’t need to compel me even, I’d do it happy and willingly.

We make quick work of his pants and then he’s before me. He’s hard and ready and waiting for my next action. I take in his size. His girth. I admire the way precum reflects off the tip of his dick and I don’t hold myself back any longer.

I wrap my hand around its base and place my lips around him. I use my tongue to wet his skin. I suction in inch by inch of him as he disappears into my mouth. His hands come to rest on my shoulders. I can feel the tips of his fingers applying pressure from his grasp. I hum in approval and I know he can feel the vibrations dance along the skin of his cock as I move him back and forth into me.

I’m vaguely aware of the traffic behind me and part of me secretly wishes our display is caught. The thrill of it pushes me to move my head faster, suction just a lit bit more firmly. Jim grunts his appreciation. The noise causes another wave of arousal to flood my underwear and I consider sneaking a hand into them to douse the fire of my own.

Jim moves his hands to hold the sides of my face in place. It makes my nipples tighten. He snaps his hips forwards and the action causes a gag to leave my throat. My eyes water but there’s no pain. He notices and pulls away to angle my head to look up at him.

He leans down towards me and this time I let him kiss me. To consume me. The urgency in his kiss tells me he’d eat me whole if I let him. His tongue is demanding against mine and I move to keep up with it.

I pull away but continue to look up at him. I lean forward and take him into my mouth again. There’s a loud noise behind us and I freeze. My adrenaline spikes and I’m scared to turn around.

“It’s just the generator,” he reassures me, “we’re fine.”

I exhale in relief my mouth meets him again and slowly creep forwards until the base of his pelvis is flush against my nose. I stay there and watch him look at me with his cock nestled deeply down the back of my throat. He places his hands back on my head and I let him guide me. I want him to control my movements. Just having his dick in my mouth is enough to make me feel like I need to cum.

The power in it gets me off. Knowing deep down that even as the sub, he’s at my mercy. I like seeing the pleasure ripple across his face. I like hearing him respond to me. I like trying to test how long he can hold out. I enjoy pushing his limits and seeing if I can let the beast out of the cage. Or if I can softly coax the cum out of him to lavishly drink it down. I love sucking dick for the sake of sucking dick.

“Fuck baby,” Jim praises me, “you’re so fucking good. Just like that.”

The praise boosts my confidence and I work in earnest now. I remove myself from him, saliva still connecting us.

“You gonna cum for me?” I ask stroking him at a hurried pace, “come on, give it to me. I want it. It’s mine.”

I can hear the wet slip of my hand sliding over his spit covered dick and it causes my inner muscles to clench tightly.

“Please give it to me,” I beg him as he pulls me in for another kiss.

His thrusts are uneven now as I suck him into my mouth again. He’s telling me he’s going to cum and it’s exhilarating. I want to feel him spurt down my throat. I want to taste the very essence of him.

With a guttural grunt he grants my wish and cums. His muscles shake and his hands bite into my hair. I swallow as much of him as I can.

I move back and as I do cum drips onto my exposed breasts. He apologizes and I laugh.

“I’m not scared of cum. It’s ok.”

I notice it on him as well. I make a show of it as I lick it off of him before placing a quick kiss to his hip. He smiles down and thanks me for doing so. It makes butterflies flit in my stomach. I feel warm all over.

Before I can submerge myself further into the feeling voices approach. We scramble to make ourselves decent. We rush to his computer where we sit and pretend we’ve been all along. The fear of being found out is back in full force.

“Morning boss,” the mechanic from yesterday greets Jim. He smiles at me and I know he recognizes me.

I smile back trying to hide my nerves like I wasn’t just blowing his boss and hope he doesn’t pick up on them. I feel uneasy as he lingers for a second. I can tell he wants to say something but must think better of it because he turns to walk away. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath.

We settle in and Jim starts explaining to me where to look for cars and good price ranges. It’s like it’s just another normal morning at work. I’m surprised at how comfortable I feel. He’s telling me about writing numbers down so we can call and check them out but I’m struggling to focus.

I scan the side of his face. I look over his eyes and the freckles on his cheeks. I watch the way he talks. I take in the grayish white at the sides of his hair. This man really is beautiful I think to myself. I trace my tongue over my bottom lip and my thoughts turn darker again.

“What?” he asks with a laugh, “are you even paying attention to me?”

“I’m thinking about how good you taste.”

He’s surprised but smirks at me in response. We sit in the moment for a little longer before returning to search more options. I ended up getting my car. Jim ended up getting a happy ending of his own. We ultimately went our separate ways after I walked out of the shop that day. Though now every time I pass it, I guilty peek in back to the service bay.