The Governess

Lewin Theron had some reservations about hiring a governess for his daughters.

For one, both girls were eighteen, and for another, he’d never had one around before. To be sure, both his daughters had enjoyed the strict education of tutors and the care of the maids, but maybe that had been the problem. For his daughters had grown up willful, uncontrollable, and arrogant. Perhaps he should have employed a governess at the beginning.

But hindsight was always twenty twenty, and to be fair, the sight of Madame Bovina was of more immediate interest.

Lewin tried not to stare at the buxom holstaur in her stern dress and plaited skirts. Her hair was done up in a long ponytail cascading over one shoulder, her stubby cow horns prominent. She sat with prim control, which Lewin could admire, as he could the way her breasts swelled against her gown. A plunging collar gave a hint of those creamy mounds, a ruby in a gold setting resting in the valley between them, sparkling in the sunlight streaming through the windows of Lewin’s office.

Lewin cleared his throat again and clasped his hands on the desk to avoid fidgeting. “Madame Bovina,” he began.

“Please. Call me Claire,” she said, smiling.

Lewin felt a blush but hurriedly cleared his throat again. “Y-yes, Claire, then. Thank you for answering my posting. I know that it was… a bit unusual…”

“Not at all,” Claire said. “Daughters often are trouble for their fathers, as I well know. I have a number of my own.”

“Is that right?”

“Of course! Some say holstaurs are born to be mothers.”

Lewin had heard of that. Many of his associates had hired holstaurs to care for their children. In addition to their docile affection, holstaurs were remarked to be excellent nursemaids. Lewin found his eyes wandering down to her bust and hastily yanked them back to her face. Was that a smile he saw? No. No, he must have imagined it.

“Well, perhaps that’s what they need. The girl’s mother ah… left us some time ago.”


“Er, no. There was an… incident. She fell in with some goblin maids passing through and… well.”

Claire nodded. “I understand. Such things happen.”

Lewin didn’t know about that. It took him a long while to get over the fact his wife left him to enjoy orgies in the forest with short, curvy green women in an ecstasy of debauchery. “Right, well, it seems Jezebel and Leanna have some trouble appreciating my advice.”

“Oh dear. That is a problem,” Claire said. “Daughters should obey their fathers. But it’s no surprise if they lost their mother at such an impressionable age. I assure you, Lewin. May I call you Lewin?”

“I don’t see why not…”

“Of course. Some employers prefer a more professional relationship, but I always find a certain level of casual intimacy helps remarkably.”

Don’t look at her breasts. Don’t look at her breasts… “I see. Well,” Lewin said, coughing into his hand. Gods his mouth felt so dry. He needed a drink. “I don’t mind.”

“Lovely,” Claire said, smiling warmly. “As I was saying, young women often get rebellious at this age. Normally it would be the mother who guides them to a more… shall we say, proper path. But I would be honored, my lord, to take them in hand and show them the way. After all, it’s not the father’s role to show his girls how to be proper ladies. A heavy hand will not guide. But a mother’s touch just might.”

“Then, you’ll take the job?” Lewin said.

“Of course,” Claire replied with another warm look. “How could I say no?”

Lewin exhaled, actually feeling some of his worries melt away. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me,” he said.

“Me too,” Claire chuckled, rising. “Now, shall you introduce me to the girls?”

“So soon?” Lewin said, standing as well, trying not to stare at how Claire’s breasts wobbled.

“Of course! No time like the present. Shall we?”

Lewin wasn’t sure, but, he supposed she was right. And besides, Claire was here now. It only made sense that they get to it as soon as possible. They weren’t getting any younger.

He opened the door for Claire, allowing her to precede him before he hurried on ahead. The holstaur’s presence at his back made his neck tingle, and he caught himself listening for the sloshing of her breasts. He felt his cheeks burn bright. He dearly hoped she got his daughters in line soon. He didn’t know how he was going to work like this.

They reached the bedroom in short order and Lewin knocked. “Jezebel? Leanna? I ah, have someone I’d like you both to meet.”

“Don’t care!”

Lewin sighed and opened the door. Clothes littered the floor within and were notably lacking on the two young women sprawled on a pair of couches. Both had soft brown hair, though Jezebel’s was left loose and wild while Leanna’s was short. Both girls wore men’s pants and short blouses done up against modest breasts.

Jezebel glanced his way from a book of poetry, her lips pursed in distaste. “What is it?” she snapped.

“Girls,” Lewin said, stepping aside to admit the holstaur. “This is Claire. She is to be your governess.”

“Ladies,” Claire said, moving into the room with all the grandeur of a ship of the line under full sail.

Leanna jolted upright. “A governess?” she said incredulously. “You have to be kidding!”

“We’re not children anymore,” Jezebel said hotly, blushing with indignation.

“Girls,” Lewin said, a warning tone in his voice.

“Lewin? Please. Allow me to make my own introductions,” Claire said. “Me and the girls should get… acquainted.”

“Oh, well… Alright,” Lewin said. He glanced back at the pair simmering on their couches. “Well…” But what more was there to say? With a small shake of his head, Lewin left the room, closing the door behind him, already hearing low, muffled voices reach him from beyond.

Well, he only hoped she knew what she was doing.




Lewin yawned as he opened the door to his manor. The last week had been a nightmare! Work around the estate had demanded so much attention, he’d been unable to be at home at all. Of course, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He’d rarely wished to be home since his wife had left and his daughters had grown too old for the tutors.

Lewin sighed as he hung his coat on a waiting rack. He wondered how the governess was getting on? Had his daughters chased her out already? He hadn’t heard anything, and with his daughters, no news was good news.

“Ah, Lewin, you’ve returned.”

Lewin paused to find Claire standing in the foyer. Lewin had to catch himself from staring at the way her breasts pressed out against her uniform. Gods, just a few days away and he’d already almost forgotten how lovely the governess was.

“Yes, my apologies. My work often takes me away from the estate.”

“Unsurprising, my lord. After all, a single father often feels many burdens that need not be his to bear alone.”

“Er, thank you.”

“But come,” she said, her tone clipped and formal as she turned. “We should not discuss such things in the hall. I have prepared tea for a more formal discussion.”

“T-tea? Claire, really, I have just gotten back and…”

He trailed off, for Claire never even bothered to halt. He hesitated, but only a moment, and partly because his eyes were riveted to the way her ass pressed against her skirt, before he hastily scampered after her, cheeks flushed with a sense of humiliation, but not quite sure what else there was to do.

He was brought to the solar, whose glass dome sprinkled down a warm evening glow onto the rich furnishing. He was surprised to find some tea already prepared, steaming from a pot along with two delicate saucers, already filled. Claire took a seat, and gestured for him to do the same.

Lewin did, picking up his cup. A flick of steam teased his nose with a scent of sweet cream, and he inhaled deeply, finding the aroma pleasant and soothing.

“Please, drink,” Claire said as she took up her own cup delicately. “The master of the house should enjoy the fruits of his home.”

“Thank you,” Lewin said, taking a sip. The tea was warm and smooth, creamy with the milk that had been put into it. Lewin was surprised, for he didn’t usually like milk in his tea, but this was so rich… so smooth and warm, it felt like a warm, fluffy blanket being wrapped around his wearied shoulders.

“That’s quite good,” he said.

“So glad you think so,” Claire said.

Lewin’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly put down his cup. “Er, yes. And ah, how have you been? And the girls? Have they been any trouble?”

Claire smiled, her eyes lidded and warm. She leaned back in her chair, crossing one leg, and it was all Lewin could do to not try and catch a peak of what lay beneath that shadow of the skirt. “Hmm. They had some… trouble accepting my authority at first, but after a few visits to the shed they’ve come around.”

“The shed?”

“Discipline, Lewin. I fear your daughters were somewhat lacking in it. I hope you don’t mind, but I took a firm hand with them. They learn remarkable fast.”

“W-well, if you think it’s necessary…”

“Absolutely, my lord. But come, let me show you the results.”

“Show me?”

“Girls!” Claire called.

Lewin turned in his chair as the door to the solar opened, and his jaw dropped in shock. He stared at the modest gowns both girls were wearing instead of their usual revealing garb, their smiles beatific as they walked in side by side.

“Good afternoon, father,” they chimed as one.

Lewin stared between them. “Ah, yes. Good… afternoon,” he said slowly.

“We’ve been reviewing Aldren’s treatise on trade,” Claire said with a stern look at the two girls. “It seems they’ve been neglecting their studies.”

Jezebel and Leanna squirmed, and only then did Lewin notice that they had a… certain difference about them. He looked at both girls closely. Was it their lack of makeup? No, no it was elsewhere… Despite himself, Lewin found his eyes being dragged down to his daughter’s chests. Were… were they bigger?


“Hm?” he said, looking back to Claire. “Oh, sorry. Aldren, hm? That is quite a heavy subject, for certain.” To distract himself, he took another sip of his tea. It was still warm, and if anything the cream seemed even more pronounced.

“Too true,” Claire said. “And they’re coming along so well in it. It seems their tutors couldn’t get anything worthwhile into those empty heads of theirs. Poor dears. They’d find so much trouble finding a good man to marry like they were.”

Lewin expected the girls to explode in indignation, as they had whenever he brought up the subject of marriage, but though Leanna seemed to flush a little, Jezebel looked absolutely dreamy about the idea.

“Well. Well…” Lewin said vaguely. “That is…”

“But come, Lewin. We shouldn’t interrupt their studies. I promised the girls a treat should they finish their work before bed, and I would hate to deny them what they so deserve.”

Again both girls squirmed, but Lewin noticed they seemed to tremble with excitement. He arched a curious brow as his daughters put in quick curtsies and departed, giggling between themselves before they were even out the door.

“Are you pleased, Lewin?”

“Certainly. Surprised too,” he said, turning back to Claire and shaking his head in wonder. “I can’t believe you managed to get them studying! Those girls only ever picked up a book to throw it at their tutors. But ah… I couldn’t help but notice… It seemed… Not to accuse, but their um, their chests seemed a little… b-bigger,” Lewin said.

“It was likely just their new clothes,” Claire said easily. “Their old ones were hardly proper for the daughters of such a respectable lord as you.”

“Y-yes, I ah… suppose so.”

“As well, Lewin, I think perhaps we should have a daily update schedule. Over tea, perhaps.”

“T-tea? Oh, well, I don’t know. I am awfully busy…”

Claire frowned and rose, stepping around the table, and Lewin realized with a start how tall the holstaur was. She simple towered over him like this, her great, wobbly breasts hovering above him, suddenly so close he could hear the gentle slosh of the cream that stuffed them to the brim. He tore his eyes from her breasts and to her face as the holstaur leaned forward a little, her gentle perfume tickling his senses. “Lewin,” she said, her voice gentle but firm as she grasped his shoulders. “A good father must make time to keep abreast of what is happening for his daughters.”

“A-abreast?” Lewin said, swallowing as his eyes slowly fell to her chest, only to jerk back to her face. “I-I mean, o-of course, I was only… I uh…”

“Of course, Lewin,” Claire said with an indulgent nod. “I know you often feel like you have to do everything, and your daughters laziness has made you feel it so. But that’s simply untrue. You should take time off. You need to, in fact. That’s why we are preparing your daughters. Their education will allow them not only to find excellent males, but assist with running your property.”


“Of course,” Claire said easily. “After all, a wife should be wiser than her husband. For in her, all the matters of the house are given. She should be wise and caring, guiding her beloved husband on the proper path in life. A gentle touch.”

Lewin gulped as her hands glided down his arms. He was suddenly dearly glad her breasts were so large, for they obscured the tenting of his pants. “I ah… I suppose…”

“Excellent,” Claire said. “Then, I shall expect you for tea tomorrow morning. Don’t be late.”

“I-I won’t.”

“Good boy,” she said. Her hands squeezed his shoulders, then she released him, turned, and walked away.

For a moment, Lewin could only sit there, stunned by what had happened. Why had he agreed so easily? In his own house? Again, the vision of the holstaur’s breasts hovered in his mind. He swallowed hard and wiped his brow.

He… he’d best get to bed. It was late. He was tired.

Things would look better in the morning.

But first, he had to finish his tea. No sense letting all that cream go to waste…




Lewin walked in a daze through the orchard which backed his property.

Apple trees spread their boughs to curtain the ground with shifting shadows. A light breeze wafted through from the gardens, carrying the scent of the flowers full in bloom, but the soothing scent didn’t seem to settle his mind as it usually did, and the problems which assailed him seemed potent indeed.

It had been several days since he’d come to stay at the estate, working through messengers instead of personally going forth to inspect his properties, and it was true he was doing about as well as before. Deep down, he had always known that he had been taking such trips to avoid being around the manor. Yet now, his daughters weren’t a problem at all. In fact, every time he saw them, they seemed to be even lovelier. More self controlled.

More… ample.

Lewin didn’t know how to address this. But he couldn’t deny his daughters seemed to have grown under the tutelage of Claire, in more ways than one. Their breasts seemed larger than before, as did their hips and rears. He tried not to stare, knowing that was highly improper, but every day they seemed more like the holstaur in build. Could she be rubbing off on them that much?


Lewin stopped at the sharp gasp and turned. He’d wandered out of the orchard and into the gardens, and now that he was aware of himself, he noticed he was near the old shed where they kept the orchard’s tools for harvest time.


Lewin frowned. He recalled suddenly Claire’s words. About using the shed to punish his daughters when they acted up. Lewin felt his heart beat quicker. He… he really should take a look. After all, they were his daughters. He needed to see just what punishment the governess was meting out on them…

Flush against the stone wall of the manor, the wooden shed had degraded somewhat with age, but was still sturdy. He approached as quietly as he could, but he needn’t have bothered. The closer he came, the more sounds came from within. Soft gasps, moans, and a wet, slapping sound that made Lewin blush. The door was open a crack, and Lewin crept nearer, and peered inside.

At first he couldn’t see anything due to the shadows, but once he did, he couldn’t look away.

Jezebel was inside, mashed against the wall by Claire’s generous curves, the holstaur’s dress pulled down around her shoulders, an immense pale breast out and pressed to the young woman’s face. Jezebel moaned hotly, eagerly suckling at the holstaur’s fat teat, milk dripping from her chin and lips, her eyes glazed with drunken pleasure.

“Good girl,” Claire cooed, her eyes hot and lidded behind her glasses as with one hand she held the eager young woman to her teat. “That’s it… Ah… Such a good girl. Good girls get r-rewards. Good girls get to drink. Your grades have ah… have gone up so much! I’m soooo pleased…”

“Mmmistresssss,” Jezebel moaned happily, whimpering and moaning, her hips bucking. As Lewin’s eyes adjusted, he realized why. His daughter’s skirt was hiked up, and Claire was pumping her hand in and out of the girl’s eager pussy.

“Good ah… good girl,” Claire moaned, arching up against Jezebel, pressing her deeper into her breasts, harder against the wall. “Good girls get milk. Good girls drink deep. Good girls… ooooh… good girls m-mooooo!”

The throaty lowing sound seemed to vibrate through Lewin as he watched the pair rut and move against each other. Claire mooed low and eagerly as his daughter drank deep from the holstaur’s immense teat, riding her finger with almost slavish delight.

“Goooood girl. Mmm! Such a big girl. You’re doing… ah… doing so well. Good milk slut. That’s it. Suck mommy’s big tits. Suckle them haaaaard!”

“M-moooommyyyy,” Jezebel moaned as she shuddered, cumming, bucking atop the plunging fingers of the holstaur.

The door creaked as Lewin leaned against it. Claire tilted her head towards it, her smoky eyes curious.

Lewin scrambled back, heart pounding. Did she see him? She might have. Should he confront her? He didn’t know. His head whirled as he turned and staggered back towards the manor. He had to think. Clear his head.

And get his cock to stop aching with desire to join his daughter beneath the holstaur.




It was tense in the solar the next day, and Lewin spent most of the time Claire updating him on his daughter’s progress trying to sort out how to broach the subject. He’d been trying to clear his head by drinking the tea, but that only seemed to distract him more, as inevitably his eyes were drawn to Claire’s breasts. How big they were. How soft.

How… generous…

He couldn’t forget the sight of his daughter latched onto it, suckling it, moaning as she drank and indulged in the sweet cream of the busty cow woman. Those pale breasts shuddering with pleasure, nipples hard, needy points gushing with rich cream.


“Hm?” His eyes snapped up to Claire. “Oh, sorry. I was… distracted.”

“By what happened in the shed yesterday?”

“Yes. I mean, uh…”

Lewin flushed horribly, though he knew he had nothing to be embarrassed about.

Claire nodded to herself, picking up her teacup. “It must have been a bit of a surprise, Lewin, finding me like that. But I assure you, it was all part of my process.”

“And what process is that?” Lewin asked, grasping onto a sense of indignation as he frowned at her. Now that the matter was in the open, he saw no reason not to take the holstaur to task about it. “I must say, this is entirely… it’s just…”

“Extremely effective,” Claire said, taking another sip of her tea.

“Well!” Lewin said.

“Do you deny my results?” Claire said with a raised brow. She shook her head. “I’m afraid it’s quite simple, Lewin. Your girls needed a bit of a push to understand who they were meant to be. Normally, that would be a mother, and so, I had to take the role of their mommy, so to speak. And the fastest way to do that, was to allow them to drink from my breasts.”


“Naturally,” Claire said. “You are concerned with what has been happening as well. I fully understand.”

“You do?” Lewin said.

“Of course. Which is why it only makes sense that you would wish to understand the process thoroughly. To assuage your fears.”

“Well, I… suppose that is one way to… um…”

Lewin trailed off, for Claire’s hands had rose, and were unbuttoning the front of her blouse. Lewin’s eyes widened as her breasts jiggled with each button released, revealing acres of creamy tit flesh. Somehow, Lewin wasn’t surprised when the last gave way, and revealed Claire didn’t wear a bra. Her full, bountiful breasts bounced into the open, sloshing with their creamy heaviness.

“Dear gods,” Lewin gasped.

Claire rose from her seat, and again Lewin felt how small he was compared to the holstaur as she slowly moved towards him. He sat, frozen with shock and something like anticipation as Claire gently settled in his lap, straddling him, her weight making him groan as the soft curves of her ass pressed down on his cock.

“It’s only fair,” Claire said. “To judge for yourself only after a taste of what I provide.”

“Y-you mean I… you…”

“You want to be sure, don’t you, Lewin?” Claire said, leaning a little closer, her perfume swirling around his head, her breasts closer, nipples hardened nubs of arousal. “You want to make sure my cream is good enough, don’t you? That it’s fine to drink? For your daughters to suckle? To moan? To adore their mommy’s big… milky… tits…”

Lewin knew there was something wrong with this, but at the moment, he couldn’t figure out what. He seemed paralyzed, as he had been when she moved around the table. When he’d come upon her in the shed. His eyes were glued to the immense breasts before his face, the nipples thick and eager, the scent of cream swirling around her, invading his senses. And… and he supposed she… she did have a point. If he was worried, why not t-try it? Discover if there was… was anything to worry about.

“Lewin? It’s rude to keep a lady waiting.”

Lewin snapped back to the present as Claire hefted her sloshing tits, pressing them forward. His mouth was so dry. So thirsty. He found himself leaning in. Wrapping his lips around a thick, needy nipple.

Instantly, milk gushed into his mouth. So smooth. So sweet. So creamy the only thing he could do was swallow, moaning as the warm pleasure rushed down his throat, spread through him in lovely, easy languor. Melting him beneath the busty holstaur as he moaned and suckled.

“Mmmm. That’s iiiiiit. Oh Lewin… Ah… Y-you see?” Claire said, a gentle blush peppering her cheeks as she pulled him deeper into her chest. “It’s just a… ah… a nice reward for… ooooh, for good girls and b-boys. And they all l-love my cream. Sweet cream. Wonderful m-milk.”

Lewin had to agree. Claire’s milk was simply enthralling. He felt so weak yet contented as he drank, the taste vaguely familiar as well. Where did he know it?

Ah, of course. He’d tasted it in his tea. Claire had been… had been milking herself into his tea. How… how… n-niiiiiice of her.

“Oh Lewin,” Claire gasped. “Lewin, I ah… I feel you… you’re getting a bit… a bit h-hard down th-there,” she said as she ground herself on his bulge, making the lord groan in pleasure. “Don’t worry. I know… mmm… know how to fix that. Let me help my goooood boy…”

Lewin felt unsure about that. He couldn’t figure out why, but something was telling him he shouldn’t be doing this. And yet, he couldn’t find the words to resist. Not when his mouth was so full of Claire’s nipple and wonderful cream. Not when the holstaur lifted herself from his lap, pressing his head beneath her breasts while her hand slid between them, undid his pants. Not when his cock sprang up and into her waiting hand.

“Oh Lewin,” Claire moaned as her hand stroked his shaft, making him whimper, gasp, her breasts pressing further down on him. “Gods… Lewin, you needed this… needed this so bad. Needed a wife to fuck you. Have to fuck her. Here Lewin. Here. Let me help m-moooooo!”

Claire’s throaty lowing thrilled through Lewin as the holstaur lowered herself atop him, sheathing him in the heat of her hungry pussy. He whimpered beneath her breasts, helpless, adoring, drowning in her milk and pale, soft tit flesh even as she bucked and rode his throbbing cock.

“Yessssss!” Claire moaned, hugging him to her tits. “Yesss! Lewin! Gods yesss! Give me your cock! Fuck me! Milk me! Milk your cow! Oh gods yes… yessss! Lewin! Lewin! Please… Please! Don’t stop. I… I gotta… gotta… m-moooooo!”

Claire came with a great, throaty moan, her body tightening atop his cock as her orgasm took her. As her pussy milked his cock, Lewin came with her, joining his orgasm to hers, pumping her full with hot bursts of his needy seed.

With a soft moan, Claire settled atop him, her weight pressing Lewin deep into the chair and under the pillows of her breasts. Gently taking his head, Claire eased her nipple from his mouth with a gentle pop, leaving him panting, flushed, gazing up at her helplessly as she smiled down at him.

“Well, my lord, are you… satisfied my methods are not… harming your daughters?”

Lewin blinked dully, his head thick with wonderful cream and dulled with pleasure. “H-huh? O-oh, um, y-yes. I… I s-suppose so…”

“So glad to hear it,” Claire said warmly. “You’re such a good father,” she said, stroking his hair. “Such a good, loving man. Your daughters would be so lucky to find such a good, obedient husband like you.”

Lewin’s cheeks heated as he gazed into the holstaur’s eyes. “I um… if… if you think it’s b-best,” he said, head still swimming with pleasure and cream.

“I do, Lewin. Sometimes, I feel like a mother for those girls. And mothers know best, don’t they?”

“Th-they do?”

“Absolutely,” Claire hummed as she leaned in again, smiling, pressing her other breast to his unresisting lips. “Allow me to demonstrate…”

Lewin moaned as he sank once more beneath her teat, already suckling her sweet cream once more. Yes. Yes, of course she was right. Mothers know better than husbands. As the comfort of this understanding quieted his worries, Lewin sighed, and relaxed beneath the curves of the governess.




Life took on a new form in the manor of Theron. Where once one tiptoed through rooms, awaiting an explosion of temper and shouts, now a calm dominated every hall. Like a warm blanket had descended, Lewin found the peace infectious, and not a day went by that he didn’t enjoy the harmony of domestic bliss. His daughters were polite and smiling, and every time he saw them they seemed even more placid, their figures plumping with generous breasts and hips, forming perfect, womanly curves that made Lewin smile.

Of course, regular updates were received in the solar. No longer did they bother with the façade of the tea, though Claire always set it out anyway. Instead, Lewin listened in blissful joy to the governess informed him of his daughter’s progress in their studies, his lips locked around a thick nipple, his cock sheathed in the holstaur’s cunt as she gently rode him to seemingly endless orgasms. His worries about hiring a governess for his daughters were now far gone, and he barely even paid attention to the information she was providing, instead focusing totally on the pleasure of her curves and breasts as Claire rode him to new pleasured heights.

Naturally, they had moved from the chairs at the table to the divan, where Claire could properly ease him beneath her, trapping him under her curves while he drank and fucked his fill. He had just finished a thorough pleasuring of the lovely holstaur when she gently eased him off her teat, a new expression on her face. “Lewin?” she said gently, patting his cheek to rouse him from his milky stupor. “Lewin, dear. I think it’s time to talk about marriage.”

“M-marriage?” Lewin said, blinking dully up at the holstaur’s lovely face. “O-oh, yes. Um, of course. What uh… what about…”

“Your daughters, Lewin. I believe I have instructed them very well, and that any man would be so very lucky to have them as their doting, eager wives. But I do worry, Lewin, about what this would mean for you.”

“Hm?” Lewin said, blinking. “M-me?”

“Lewin, dear,” Claire said, petting his hair in that way that made him melt into the cushions. “I worry that without your darling daughters, you might find some trouble in running the estate. Studs always have such trouble thinking of higher matters. It’s why they need loving, brilliant wives.”

“O-oh,” Lewin said. “N-never thought of… um… But I ran the estate…”

“And you did your best, darling,” Claire said, kissing his forehead, making him blush. “But I worry what will happen when you’re all alone. Good boys get up to such trouble when they don’t have a loving wife around. Just look at what happened with your daughters before I came here. And running an estate all alone… why, it would be just too much for a good stud.”

“I um… O-okay,” Lewin said, having trouble focusing with Claire’s big breasts hovering above his face, milk teasing the peaks of her nipples as they swayed before his eyes.

“So glad you agree, Lewin. For I think it only makes sense for me to arrange weddings for your dear daughters once you’re settled in with your new wife.”

“W-wife?” Lewin said.

“Of course, Lewin. You’re such a good, loving, sweet man. It would be wrong for you not to have a loving wife to spoil you. To adore you. To do all that thinking for such a handsome stud. Isn’t that right?”

Was it right? It must be right, for Claire was saying it. And Lewin had come to rely on Claire’s intelligence so much lately. “O-okay,” he said.

Her smile lit up his world, and Lewin knew he had answered correctly. “Good boy,” Claire cooed, gently leaning in, letting her breasts press around his head, trap him beneath their sloshing glory. Lewin moaned as his mind went blank, which really only showed how right Claire was. Silly men whose heads emptied when smothered by big breasts couldn’t possibly run a whole estate.

“Then, Lewin, darling, did you have any thoughts on who you might want to marry? Perhaps some woman you’ve been sweet on? You’ve been such a good boy, I would love to help you romance them. Who do you love, darling? Who do you love and would obey like a good stud? A good, obedient husband? Who would you want to be your loving, adoring, brilliant wife?”

Lewin moaned beneath her breasts as Claire’s pussy gently massaged his cock anew, squeezing and rippling around his throbbing manhood. Who would he… who did he love more than anyone? Who would make him so happy? Who was it?

“C’mon, baby. You know the answer. Deep in your loving heart. Your lovey dovey mind, you know who you want to be your wonderful wife. Who is it? Who?”

The answer came to him as he took another long suck of sweetest milk. “Mmmm… Y-you?” he said.

Claire gasped. “Lewin! Oh, you can’t mean that. That you love me! That you want me to be your wife, do you?”

“Mmmmyesssss,” Lewin moaned into the softness of her breasts. “Looooove youuuu.”

“Oh Lewin,” Claire said. “This is so unexpected! I never dreamed of it. But then, I do think of your daughters like my own, in many ways. And I know what a good man you are. A good boy. I suppose I always wanted a lovely, obedient, thirsty husband. And I do love you. Alright, darling. We’ll marry. You’ll be my wonderful stud! My handsome bimbo husband. Won’t that be grand, Lewin?”

It would be. Lewin smiled dreamily as he continued to suckle his new wife’s cream, like a good husband should. “Mmmm,” Lewin moaned as Claire resumed lazily riding him, his cock plunging into the hot wetness of her glorious pussy. It felt soooo very good to have such a wonderful wife. So much better than his last one. So much prettier. So much… bigger…

So much better…




The bells of the temple still rang in Lewin’s head as he and Claire walked back into the manor as husband and wife. The well wishers had headed off with knowing looks and smiles, and Lewin couldn’t help but notice that it seemed like it had mostly been Claire’s friends there. His daughters had been there too, of course, but they had quickly vanished after wishing him and his new wife well. The last he’d seen of them, they’d been deep in conversation with two blushing young nobles from the country. Men who couldn’t stop staring at his daughter’s large breasts, barely contained in their bridesmaid gowns.

Lewin smiled in dreamy happiness. He never imagined everything could be so wonderful.

And now he walked, hand in hand, with the most wonderful woman in the world into their home. He heard the door of the bedroom close behind them, sealing them inside. Flowers were sprinkled across the bed and floor in a carpet of colours, their scent perfuming the air as Claire pulled him into her embrace, her white gown fluttering around her like dove wings.

“Lewin, love, what a wonderful ceremony,” she crooned.

Lewin moaned, kissing her breasts. “Yes… lovely…”

“And the best is yet to come,” she said as she gently pushed him down onto the bed. Lewin landed with a sigh, watching with rapturous adoration as Claire stripped away her wedding gown, the fabric gliding to the floor, baring her ample curves and her heavy, delicious breasts.



“Am I the only one getting naked here?” she asked, one hand on her hip, a brow raised in amusement.

Lewin flushed. “A-ah,” he stammered, hastily stripping away his clothes. “S-sorry.”

Claire laughed and moved forward, the bed dipping under her weight as she straddled his waist. “It’s okay, darling. I know good husbands so often forget the simplest things. That’s why I knew you needed a smart, loving wife to take care of them. An adoring wife with big… heavy… breasts…”

Lewin was drooling as her immense teats bounced before his eyes, but Claire merely smiled and moved further up the bed. As her thighs enveloped his head, Lewin found his eyes drawn up to the velvety slit of her pussy as she gently lowered herself atop him, burying him beneath her mound and the soft pillows.

“Ooooh, you may… kiss the bride,” Claire giggled, her voice muffled by her curves around Lewin’s head. Not that he noticed. He was far too much of a well-trained stud not to know exactly what was expected of him. His tongue glided up the gusset of her pussy, pressing tenderly within. Claire moaned, a sound with a distinct bovine lilt that made Lewin shiver in anticipation as his tongue dipped into her pussy, flicking up and down, tasting the sweetness of her dampening desire as Claire’s thighs tightened around his head.

“L-Lewin! Honestly. Such a… ah… a tease…”

Lewin smiled dreamily, but he knew she needed more. His tongue stroked up her pussy until he found that always eager pearl at the peak. He flicked it, making Claire gasp, her body stiffen with the shock of pleasure.

“Ah! Lewin. Ooooh, you n-naughty b-boooooy!”

Her voice drew out in another moan as his tongue began its assault on her clit, teasing it until it was swollen enough he could wrap his lips around it and suck it like it were one of Claire’s wonderful nipples.

“Oh g-goddess!” Claire moaned as she began to ride his face, her pussy mashing him to the bedding, her weight holding him down with ease. “Yes! Yessss! Good stud. Oh good boy! Lewin… ah… darling… so good. So… So… M-moooooo!”

With her throaty lowing she came, Lewin abandoning her clit to better lap up the flood of her sweet juices as they gushed into his mouth. He moaned, an expert in this by now. How many times had he lain beneath her while she informed him of his daughter’s progress? He didn’t remember. It didn’t matter. A hundred times wouldn’t be enough to show her how much he loved her.

Panting, Claire slipped back, Lewin gasping as he breathed in fresh air, but his eyes were instantly riveted to the heavy breasts wobbling above him as Claire leaned down, her arms gently gathering him up, pulling him into the softness of her breasts.

“Lewin… that was good… Oh goddess, I knew I chose the right boy when I met you. We’re going to be… so happy… Here. Drink. Drink your wife’s big breast. I know how much you love it. Good studs… good studs love their wife’s rich cream.”

Lewin trembled in anticipation as he kissed her large breasts, every press of his lips making Claire gasp and whimper, her legs tightening around him as he worked his way across to the nub of her nipple. Without hesitation he wrapped his lips around it, and gave a great.



Warm, rich cream gushed into his mouth in a flood. Stress melted from him. Strength fled from him. The only thing he could do was suckle and moan as the holstaur massaged her teats, jetting sweetest cream into his hungry mouth.

“Yesssss!” Claire moaned as she shifted atop him, his throbbing cock pressing against her inner thigh. “Yesss! Drink up, Lewin… oh goddess yesssss. Drink my cream. Drink your wife’s wonderful milk! Oooooh, what a perfect husband I found! A wonderful, obedient, dumb stud. That’s it. Drink, Lewin. Drink uuuuuup!”

Lewin moaned, bucking beneath her, his cock sliding against her mound until he found the hot cove of her pussy. He groaned as she sheathed him in her, pressing him down beneath her, sandwiching him between her and the bed. Trapped by the glorious curves of his new wife. Adoring her heavenly milk as she rode him, as she had so many times before.

But it was different this time. More tender. More perfect. She was his wife. His adoring bride. And he loved her for it. Loved her so much. Loved her so that it felt like his heart would burst with adoration for the holstaur. He worshipped her with his eyes as he drank her cream, loving the button of her nose and flushed cheeks. Her hair. Her horns. And most especially her big, bouncy tits.

“Yessss! Lewin! Lewin! Yesssss!” Claire moaned. “Fuck me! Fuck me!”

“Love you,” Lewin gasped around her nipple, his tongue singing with the taste of her cream. “Love you… Love you… love Claire… Love mistress… Love you… Love… Love… oooooh!”

Lewin shuddered, bucking, moaning as he came within her. Claire cried out, hugging him deep into her tits as she came with him, consummating their marriage in a sudden swell of perfect pleasure, tuned to one another by months of shared delights.

Slowly, Lewin came down, and Claire eased him from her teat and onto the bed. She lay with him, stroking his head, smiling down at him.

“What a lovely stud I’ve found,” she giggled, kissing his cheek. “Mmm. And so virile. Why, I think we’ll soon have even more delightful daughters running around here.”

“Y-yes?” Lewin gasped.

“Do you want them?” Claire teased.

Lewin nodded eagerly. “Y-yes. Want more… more girls. They’d be b-beautiful like their mother…”

“And kind as their father,” Claire cooed, kissing his forehead, making him blush as she snuggled closer, pressing him between her tits. “Mmm. But I will be so awfully milky when I have them. You won’t mind, will you?”

Lewin laughed breathlessly. As if he could! But he didn’t say so. He merely showed her by taking her other nipple and starting to suck.

A taste of a life of married bliss…