The Bully Doctor

We sat in the Emergency Room. My wife of three months, Milly, sat on the table. This had been her sixth panic attack in the three months since we had been married. This was the first one where we felt the ER was needed. Milly was short of breath and was having chest pains.

Milly was a carefree, easygoing person. She had never struggled with anxiety and honestly still never had it. It just wasn’t something that she had a problem with. Well, that is until we got married. She still never seemed anxious but now for the sixth time she had woken up in the middle of the night with night sweats and in the throes of a full-blown panic attack.

We couldn’t figure out the problem. Milly and I had only recently moved to area. We were initially from South Carolina, but my first job out of college had brought us here to Jacksonville. Since, we hadn’t been in the area for long, Milly hadn’t found a doctor yet, so she had just shrugged off the panic attacks as they went away within a few hours.

They made for a hard day at work the next day, but so far, they had been manageable. Internet research had been her tool with learning about them, even though I had been begging her to find a family physician. However, Milly was very stubborn and had so far put it off, but I knew this had truly scared her. Especially when she asked to go to the emergency room. We had rushed here and had been quickly brought back, since she was having chest pains. The nurse had already checked her over and the panic attack seemed to have ended.

I was assuming that we would be going home soon; however, we had to wait to see the doctor. The nervousness that had gripped me since she had woken me up in the middle of the night was almost gone, but I could still feel it in the pit of my stomach. See Milly and I at 22 were freshly married and out of college and to say that both of us were very naïve was an understatement. We were college sweet-hearts, meeting at a small Christian college during our freshmen year. We married within a few weeks of graduation. Couple that with just being so young and in a new town, and this trip to the ER had my nerves on edge. I just wish we had a familiar face to help us through all of this.

“Andrew?” Milly’s voice brought me out of my stupor.

“Yes,” I said looking up from my phone.

“I really wish I had gone to see a doctor like you asked. I am sorry I made us come all the way here in the middle of the night. I promise to not be too stubborn our whole marriage. I will call a doctor tomorrow and make an appointment.”

“Baby,” I said in my sweetest voice, as I stood and caressed her hair, “its okay. Don’t feel guilty about this at all. I just want to know what is going on with you. To make sure you are okay.”

She didn’t have a chance to say anything else as a knock came on the door and a head poked around the side. “Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Roswell.” The doctor said as he entered. I was suddenly taken off guard. I knew this man, my mind raced trying to place him, trying to understand this person from back home here in the hospital. The doctor was my older brother’s good friend, Brad Freeman. The guy who had tormented me since I was old enough to remember.

“Andrew, Andrew Roswell? Is that you? Man, it’s a small world.” I looked at him dumbfounded. I couldn’t make words come out of my mouth. He reached over and grabbed my hand and shook it. “And, who is this buddy?” he asked motioning toward my wife.

“This is my wife, Milly.” I stammered.

“It’s so nice to meet you. What are you guys doing in town?” he asked casually.

“I….We… We moved here for work after we got married,” I stuttered.

“Wow, that makes this a really small world. I am so glad to see a familiar face here in Jacksonville. Your brother never mentioned that you had moved here. But anyway, let me get back to my job.” He smiled, and then looked over at Milly. “And Milly it says here that you are complaining of chest pains and shortness of breath, but think this may just have been a panic attack. Is that correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“How are you feeling now?”

“Fine, the shortness of breath stopped before we got here and my chest doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Do you have panic attacks often?”

“Well, not until recently,” she said, pushing her thick, curly, brown hair away from her face, “they started right after we got married. I had one the night we returned from our weeklong honeymoon and then I had another before we moved here. Since we have been in Jacksonville, I have had four counting the one from today. ”

“Hmm…” Brad looked pensive and then moved closer to my wife. He looked over at me and smiled. A shit-eating grin, I remembered all too well from days back in the neighborhood, or nights when he stayed over with my brother, Kyle.

Brad Freeman had lived three houses down from me when we were in grade school. He like my brother was three years older than me, but four years ahead of me in school. He was the complete opposite of me. Where I was quiet, kind, and on the smaller side, Brad was loud, had a mischievous streak, and was the largest kid on the block. Even back then, he was a force to be reckoned with. All the kids did his bidding and all the parents seemed to love him. He always knew when to turn on the charm. I knew he had went off to college to become a doctor and I knew he had moved out of state, but to see him here in the ER was a shock. I truly felt like I was dreaming.

Even as an adult, I could tell that Brad had changed little. He was still of an impressive size, probably around 6 foot 2, with broad shoulders and dark brown hair. I knew he probably had no trouble with the ladies. I hoped his mischievous streak had ended though, because I didn’t want his torment as an adult. But that smile he gave me brought back too many memories. Memories of him talking all the neighborhood boys in to skinny dipping in Mrs. Calloway’s pool, only to take my clothes and run once we were discovered, so that when we all had to race to our house through the cul-de-sac and down the street, I was the only one butt-ass naked. Memories of him talking Felicia Stonewell into pretending she liked me when I was in the eighth grade and he was a senior. Only to have me find him and her in the treehouse making out when I climbed to confess my undying love to her. I eyed him now wearily.

Brad moved to Milly. He asked her to open up her mouth and proceeded to check her throat. He shined his light across her eyes, asking her to keep her eyes on his finger. He then moved to listen to her breath. He had her sit up and lifted her shirt in the back to place his stethoscope. He then slid his hand under the collar of her shirt listening.

“Milly, I believe you probably did have a panic attack. Seeing as this is not the first that you have had. I don’t think this is anything serious. Now, we have one of two options. I can send you to a regular room to which I can come in tonight and we can do a more thorough exam to try to get to the bottom of this, or I can send you home tonight and you can follow up with your regular doctor tomorrow. Which do you prefer?”

“Well, I haven’t had a chance to get a doctor since we have moved to town.” Milly looked up to me. “But I don’t really want to put anyone out. I mean Andrew, do you think it would be okay to go ahead and stay tonight and try to get to the bottom of this now?”

I didn’t want anything but for us to leave right now. Although, Brad had been nothing but professional, I disliked him so much that I just wanted this night to be over. However, I did want Milly to be okay. I wanted that more than anything. I wanted to know why she was having these panic attacks. “Sure, let’s stay tonight. I can call in sick tomorrow and we can just make sure that you are okay.” I said, looking at my beautiful wife.

“Perfect!” Brad said, as he closed the chart. “I will get Nurse Sims to move you to a regular room. My shift in the ER will be over in about two hours and then I will come up and we can do a full examination and get to the bottom of this.”

“Great!” Milly said, as Brad turned and walked out the door. I just looked at Milly. I was still sort of in a dream like stance. None of this felt real. Waking up in the middle of the night with Milly barely being able to breath. The drive to the hospital. Brad Freeman showing up and now we were going to a regular room. My mind seemed sluggish, and I could not keep up with everything going on around me. I sat back and put my head in my hands. “Let’s rest until they come to move me,” I heard Milly say as I breathed out trying to make all of this make sense.

By 3 am, two hours later we were in a regular hospital room. Nurse Sims had Milly change from her regular clothes and put on a hospital gown. “Take off everything and tie your gown here,” she instructed. “I am not sure what tests Doctor Freeman will want run, but this way you will be ready.”

“Tests?” Milly asked. I could see her eyes growing wide.

“Yes, dear. Nothing to worry about. He may just want an EKG or something to make sure nothing is going on with your heart, since you had chest pains. I am sure it will be nothing,” with that Mrs. Sims brushed out of the new room.

I moved to Milly and helped her as she changed. Even though I was worried about her, as she stripped off her clothes I couldn’t help but to admire how sexy she was. Her C-cup breast, an ass so curvy it was like a wet dream. I felt my member stiffen as she disrobed and asked me to help her tie her gown. I reached around and cupped her breast.

“Stop it! Not here Andrew!” Milly barked in her sternest voice. Disheartened I tied the gown and moved to the chair beside her bed as she took her spot on the bed.

We didn’t have to wait for long before Brad entered back into the room. He seemed bright and cheery as he entered the room. He had changed from the white coat that he wore before and was now in scrubs and appeared as if he had just showered. The scrubs clung more closely to his body and I could tell by the swell of his biceps that Brad worked out. I don’t know why I felt so jealous and cautious around him. I tried to reason with myself that Brad Freeman was no longer the boy I once knew.

“Milly, Andy, I am so glad that you both got settled. I am sure we are going to get to the bottom of this today,” he said as he pulled up a stool on the other side of Milly’s bed. He looked first at Milly and then at me. “Before we begin do either of you have any questions for me.”

Both Milly and I shook our heads.

“Okay perfect.” He pulled out a chart and then begin writing some things down. “Milly, you said earlier that you have had a total of six panic attacks, beginning with one right after your honeymoon and then having five others since your marriage. Is that correct?”

She nodded.

“And how long have you guys been married?”

“Three months.”

“Okay, about what time of day have you had the panic attacks?” he asked.

“They are always at night. Sometimes they happen before I go to sleep and other times they come on me in the middle of the night after I am asleep. The ones that wake me up often seem to be the worst.”

“Mmm…” he mused. “Have you noticed any particular behavior that occurs on the nights of the panic attacks? Like have you eaten the same meal, or from the same restaurant? Or maybe you watched a scary or suspenseful movie?”

“No, nothing that I can think of,” Milly answered.

“How about a relaxing bath before bed or maybe…” he paused, ” you are newlyweds, have you guys had sex on the nights of the panic attacks?” He asked the question as professionally as he could and I felt suddenly evasive. Like I didn’t want him knowing my business. He looked over at me and smiled the smile of our childhood. I couldn’t help but remember him as the bully he was.

“Actually, now that you mention it,” I heard Milly say “we have had sex each night before I have the panic attacks.”

“Curious,” he responded as he made a few notes on the page before him. “But?” the question hung in the air, “this never affected you prior to marriage? Or with a different partner?”

“Umm….” Milly blushed. “Well, I was a virgin on our wedding night. Andrew is the only man I have….” she paused letting the words hang in the air.

“I see.” Brad said. He flipped through the chart and then looked up. “It says here that you are taking Kariva birth control pills. It would be rare, but these could have something to do with the panic attacks. I assume you just started these prior to the wedding?”

“Actually, no.” Milly said sheepishly, “I began taking them in high school. I had light bleeding and irregular periods. My doctor prescribed them to help me get more regular, and I have always taken the same kind.”

“Hmm, well, it must be something else. I believe I will need to do a more thorough physical examination before we get to more specific tests. Milly do you mind if I untie your gown and pull it down so I can listen to your heart again.

“Wait, what?” I stammered.

“Is something wrong, Andrew?” Brad asked looking at me with innocent eyes.

“Nothing. I just didn’t hear you.” I stammered again.

“Oh, I was just asking to loosen Milly’s gown, so I could listen,” he said, holding up his stethoscope.

Brad sat his notebook and chart down on the exam table where Milly was firmly seated on the end of its gray vinyl. My heart was beating in my chest as Brad’s hand moved up to the tie around Milly’s neck and began to untie it. I watched him. Waiting on his smile, that damn shit-eating grin I remembered too well. But it never come. He was expertly professional. However, what I did see was Milly’s flush. Her neck and face blooming red as it crept up the fair skin of her neck and turned into a maddening blush. The ties undone, the gown hung loose on her shoulders. Brad took the stethoscope from around his neck. Placed it in his ears and then took the chest piece between his pointer and middle fingers. He looked up to me and then slowly pulled out the gown. Not enough to make it fall, but just enough to make it lose. He slid the chest piece through the loose collar opening and told Milly to take a deep breath. His eyes were down. Watching the fabric of the gown.

“Keep taking deep breaths and releasing them slowly until I tell you to stop please,” he said as he slid his hand down and over. Milly took a breath and let it out slowly. Then again. The fabric covering her and his hand moving with each breath. Her blush deepening as she continued to pump oxygen into her lungs.

“And hold,” Brad said as she took her fifth breath. I saw him move his hand again. Sliding along her upper chest to the opposite side and moving the gown open wider. His hands tenting the fabric, his fingers seeming lower than I felt they should have been. I watched his eyes, peering down the gown to what I now surmised was a great top view of my wife’s upper breast.

“And release.” Milly blew out, the exhalation of her breath and movement of her body finally pulling enough on the fabric of the gown that it fell forward and revealed her breast to the room. Her nipples, small and pink, stood out as if she were cold. Her wonderful breast, sat on display, and any idea that I had that Brad hadn’t seen her breast before was gone. Jealousy stung at me. Something that was solely mine before was now also his. An image on for my eyes, now belonged to my bully. He stayed professional, but I hated him. I knew him. I knew how his mind worked, how deviant he was, and how overtly crude. He said, “Again a few more deep breaths,” and slid the chest piece now closer to her nipple and let his ring finger rest gently on the right nipple, as if by accident.

Milly took a deep breath and her chest raised. He kept his hand still as she breathed causing her nipple to gently rub against his finger. Her blush deepened as she again took another deep breath and his finger again rubbed against her. She continued breathing in and out, slowly. His finger casually pressing against her hardening nipple time after time. I watched as her eyes dilated from the contact. She watched Brad intently. I wondered what was going through her mind. Her face and chest flushed. I wondered if she found him attractive. Finally, Brad withdrew the chest piece. He stepped back and came around to stand in front of Milly. His eyes intently on her naked chest.

He reached out and felt her throat. Please swallow for me. His eyes seemed to be on her throat, but I wasn’t fooled. I knew he was taking in Milly and all of her innocence, bare chested in front of him. Her skin flushing even more red as the scrutiny of his eyes caused her to become even more embarrassed.

“Again,” he whispered, as he ran his hand gently up and down her throat. I watched helpless as his hand moved up and down on her dainty neck, the act seemingly innocent, but from my perspective seeming highly erotic. Milly’s innocent eyes were watching Brad. Each green iris staring intently into my old bully’s face. I could see her embarrassment, her concern, and her willingness to find an answer, all in the stubborn set of her eyes, but his eyes never moved up to meet her eyes. They stayed intently on his hand, her throat, and her chest.

Finally, after caressing her throat for far too long he moved his hand down, the back of his fingers grazing across her naked breast. He grabbed the discarded gown and gently with too much familiarity placed it back on her shoulders, as the back of his hands again grazed her breast on the upswing. I felt my face flush, but as I looked to meet Milly’s eyes, I knew that she did not expect a thing.

“Good news!” Brad stated, “Your heartrate is normal and it doesn’t appear to be anything abnormal with your thyroid. I would however like the nurse to come and give you an EKG, just for precaution. Andy and I will step next door while that is completed.”

“Can’t Andrew stay?” she asked.

“I am sorry. The hospital has a firm policy about guests staying in the room during tests and procedures.” Brad walked to the door quickly and opened it up. He looked back and me and I immediately stood from my seat and followed him. I glanced back at Milly who looked nervous, but with most of the blush fading from her face.

I followed Brad out as he went to the nurse’s station. There a young red headed nurse sat. Even with her hair pulled back into a neat work bun and with dark wire glasses, I could tell that she was attractive. The other nurse behind her was an older gray haired woman. “Bethany, I didn’t realize you were working today.” Brad said in his most charming voice. “It’s been ages since I have had the pleasure.” Bethany looked up with only a faint smile.

“It has!” she said more sternly than necessary. “Is there something that I can help you with today, Dr. Freeman.”

“Yes, as a matter of fact you can. This is an old friend of mine from back home. His new wife has been having panic attacks through the night and I am running a few tests to see if I can find the problem. I have done a partial exam, but before I go on, I would like an EKG completed. Would you have time to complete one right now?” Brad was still talking as sweetly as he could.

“I am not busy. I will get to it.” Bethany stated as she stood. I knew then why Brad was being so overtly nice to Bethany. Where before I could see how attractive she was, as she stood, I could all too clearly see where her attractiveness was heightened by an amble chest, probably a double D cup and a small thin waist. The scrubs didn’t hide anything from view as she came around from the nurse’s station, every stitch of the blue scrubs clung to her petite, yet busty frame.

Brad didn’t disguise his appreciation of her figure as she moved around him toward the room. He looked over at me and gave me a side smile, as we both watched her walkaway, her tight ass a remarkable sight. Within seconds, however, she disappeared into Milly’s room.

“This way my friend,” Brad said as he led me to a door beside Milly’s. “This is a training hospital, so many of our rooms like Milly’s have an observational room. Almost all of the surgical rooms on the sixth floor have them. We can wait in here and watch as the EKG is performed if you would like.”

“Sure,” I said, hesitantly, not really understanding what he was saying. Brad opened the door to a small closet sized room. A few stairs in the room lead to another door, which Brad took in one big step and opened the door. I followed him inside. In this room, a glass window stretched the length of the very narrow room. A row of seats encompassed the space of the floor. I walked into the room and glanced out the windows.

The view was an unobstructed view of Milly’s room. Inside I could see Milly now, lying back on the examination table. Her legs outstretched on a portion of the table that has been extended. Her head back on the reclined upper part. Nurse Bethany was busying something on a cart in the far corner.

“I had no idea this was here.” I stated.

“Yes, it just appears as mirrors on the other side and it is completely sound proof. They can’t hear anything from our side, but there is a microphone on their side. I can turn it on if you like.” Brad said, indicating a button beneath the window.

“Please,” I said. Brad immediately obliged. The speaker came on with a crackle and the muffled sounds of a quiet room through a speaker.

“I am sure you are exhausted buddy, but we will get to the bottom of what is going on with your wife. I have my suspensions and it is really nothing you need to worry about. An easy fix, honestly.”

“What do you think it is?”

“Oh, I couldn’t say yet. Let’s get this EKG out of the way. If this comes back all clear it will help me narrow down a few things. And with just a few more tests and examinations I believe we will have an answer for you tonight.” I looked over to Brad as he finished talking. His eyes were trained on the room, but not on Milly, but Bethany. I had to admit, Bethany’s shape made it hard to peel your eyes away. For the first time, I felt myself relax with Brad. He didn’t seem the predator or bully that I remembered. Maybe I had been overreacting after all.

“Now you see that fine piece right there ole Andy?” he said, sitting down in one of the chairs and nodding toward Bethany. “That is one fuckable woman.” I gently lowered myself in the chair beside him. Unsure of how to respond, but happy that Bethany was nearby so that he wasn’t focusing on Milly. Bethany had made her way on the side of Milly, so that we had a clear view of both of them. She began talking to Milly, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying because Brad kept talking.

“It’s a shame really. A hot nurse like her and so off limits.” He shook his head and looked over at Brad.

“Off limits?” I asked quizzically.

“I’ve been trying to sleep with that hot ass since I got here, but I can’t score. She has a girlfriend at home and isn’t even the slightest bit interested in what I have to offer.”

“Oh,” I stammered.

“But whenever we get a nice hot thing like your wife, I always love to give her an assignment like this. Just watch her.”

I turned my head back to the room. Realizing at the same moment that he had just called Milly hot. Even though he was focused on Bethany. In the room, Bethany was lowering Milly’s gown. I inhaled deeply, realizing he was going to get another view of my exposed wife’s breasts. The deep blush was gone. Milly much less embarrassed with a female than she had been with Brad. Bethany sucked in as Milly’s breast came into view. Her nipples still hard as rocks stood out against her perky C cups. Damn, I thought to myself, she was beautiful. I glanced over to Brad and I knew he was enjoying himself. His smile had returned as he leaned back and kicked his feet up on the windowsill.

“Look how turned on she gets.” He motioned toward Bethany, who was visibly turning red herself. “Her eyes will stay glued to those hot little nipples the whole time,” he whispered. Bethany was expertly placing the leads on Milly’s arms and legs. Milly, innocent of the obvious attraction, chatted away as Bethany moved to begin placing the leads on Milly’s chest. Milly, didn’t even seem to flinch as Bethany touched her breast moving them around to place the leads along and under each breast. Milly just chatted non-stop. Her words lost on me as I felt myself stirring at the erotic scene in front of me. Bethany, too attractive, clearly aroused, eyes never leaving Milly’s chest worked the machine quickly and accurately. Saying very little to Milly who hadn’t stopped talking since the test began.

Neither Brad nor I had spoken during the whole test. Our eyes were glued to the scene before us. The jealousy I had for Brad nearly forgotten and never surfacing as I knew Bethany was getting a rise off of Milly’s perfect breast, but why had Brad’s eyes on her bothered me so? Was it because I knew how he thought, I knew that he was attractive and I felt that given the opportunity Milly would look at him and know that he was better than me? Quickly, dispelling the thoughts, I looked over at Brad, who was still reclined back in the chair, as if he were home watching some smutty movie.

“How do you know she is turned on?” I asked even though it had been obvious to me. “I thought you medical types have seen it all and don’t get turned on by stuff like that anymore.”

“Oh, Andy, you are kidding right? I mean are we not still human? Some hot piece walks in to your room and bares her breast how can you not be turned on?” With that, he stood and walked to the door. “The test is finished, let’s go look at the results.”

My suspensions now on full drive. I wanted nothing more than to take Milly home. Had he just admitted to being turned on himself by her, or was he just referring to Bethany. I felt like I was in a daze. My mind was swirling with the lack of sleep, then meeting Brad here and then the erotic Bethany. I wanted to just get Milly and go home. We entered back into the room, just as Bethany was placing the machine back in the corner. She handed some print out to Brad and walked out without saying a word. A smirk on her flushed face.

I glanced back to Milly. She was still sitting back, but now covered with her gown once again. The fear was back in her eyes. The worry that the test results would reveal something serious. I moved to her side and we both looked at Brad as he neared her bed.

“Well good news. Your test results look great and I think that puts to rest that the panic attacks are caused by anything life-threatening.” I think both Milly and my sighs expressed our relief. “I know that this doesn’t necessarily help to find the source of the problem, but at least you both can breathe a little easier.”

“Thank you!” Milly said breathlessly. “You don’t know what this means to me.”

“No, thanks yet Mrs. Roswell. I still haven’t given up that we are going to find the cause of this. I want to proceed, because I don’t think that anyone should go on living with the threat of panic attacks. I can tell that it is really upsetting to both of you and your new lives. Are you both still willing to move forward and get to the bottom of this tonight?” He looked first to her and then up to me. I was readying myself to say thank you and good night when Milly spoke.

“I have to know tonight. I can’t go on like this.” She looked up to me. “Can we stay and get this over with?”

“Milly…” I began.

“Before he answers, I want to be honest with you guys. We have done a lot serious stuff, but it hasn’t been very invasive. To really get to the bottom of this I am going to have to ask and discuss some very personal subjects. I know this may be uncomfortable for you Andy.” He looked up his face professional and calm again. “I mean since we have known each other for so long. And if that is the case I can recommend you to a family physician.”

“No,” Milly said adamantly, “we have gone this far tonight. I really need to finish this. I mean Andrew isn’t squeamish about stuff like that. Are you Andrew?”

“Well, Milly, I am not sure if you are aware of this but I think this whole thing has been uncomfortable for Andy. I mean I don’t think many of Andy’s other friends have ever seen you topless,” he said with a genuine flirty smirk that made my blood boil and Milly blush crimson.

“Dr. Freeman! I think Andrew and I both know that you are just doing your job. It isn’t anything weird about it. Right, Andrew? You aren’t one of those chauvinist men who get worked up over crap like that.” I knew right away that Milly would be upset if she ever thought I was a man like that. She prized herself in having married a man who was above the male chauvinism of her friend’s husbands.

“Well,” I began, “it has been awkward, but I know that it isn’t anything.”

“See, so we are good to proceed.” Milly said with finality.

“You sure bud?” Brad looked up at me from the rolling chair he had sat in and for once he didn’t feel like that old bully from back home. He looked to be genuinely giving me the out.

“He is sure.” Milly spoke for me.

“Okay then. I guess I can advance with my theories.” He picked up his chart and flipped to a new page. “I believe that the cause of the panic attacks may be sex related. It is the only thing you can pinpoint form both the early paperwork you filled out and my earlier questioning as the only constant occurrence before each attack.”

“But we’ve had sex other times and I haven’t had one. I mean we did it daily on the honeymoon and I only got one once I returned home.”

“I see. Can I ask some questions? I am sorry if they seem invasive, but I will say, I need you both to be honest.” The dread creeped into my soul. It clutched at my heart. I felt repulsed. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to leave. I did not want him to know these things. I wanted the out he was offering me.

“Ask away.” Milly said, ready to prove to him that we could handle this.

“Milly, since you guys have been married have you had an orgasm?” We both sat in silence. I knew she had. I remembered the coos and oohs she would sigh into my ears as I pumped away on top of her.

“I think so,” she said. Her voice having lost the confidence it had just moments before.

“Think so?” he asked.

“I mean it feels pleasurable some of the times. It is not like what you see on the television. I am quiet. Not loud and it feels good. I mean that is what it feels like in real life right?”

Brad looked at her thoughtfully. “Would you say what you feel compares to what Brad feels when he has an orgasm?”

“Well,” she thought, “no, but I mean. It’s different for women and men right?”

“Not really so much different. The response to an orgasm is very similar. And it is really okay if you haven’t had one. I mean you have only been having sex for three months. You guys are still learning each other. However, I do have a few more questions that may help us narrow down the problem. If it is like I suspect, I believe your panic attacks are a physical manifestation of you getting extremely aroused without the release. It is documented and happens a lot more than you might think. Sometimes, like what I believe may be the case for you guys it could just be inexperience. Other times, it could be something physical. That is what we need to get to the bottom of tonight.”

“Physical?” I heard myself ask without even realizing I had said anything.

“Some women have physical aliments that prevent orgasms.”

“Oh,” I said stupidly.

“I doubt that is the case.” Brad said as he wheeled closer to us. “I honestly believe that if it was physical then Milly would be experiencing pain during intercourse.”

“I do.” Milly said, almost too abruptly. The fear returning to her face and voice.

“What?” I asked, “You’ve never said that to me before.”

“Well, I didn’t want to stop giving you pleasure. And it doesn’t hurt all the time, just some of the time and it is still enjoyable and I am still turned on, but it’s just that. I mean I sort of expected it to hurt in the beginning.”

“But does it still hurt? Did it hurt last night?” Brad asked.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I was really turned on. We had a couple of glasses of wine and Andrew had been so sweet, and I just knew it wouldn’t but when he started going fast it began to hurt and I was so close to something different happening. I could feel this build up but then the pain started and then it was over. I mean, Dr. Freeman, what is wrong with me?” Milly had never sounded so pained. I immediately put my hand to her back.

“Mrs. Roswell, I mean Milly, I honestly don’t think it is anything. I could do an examination or you could follow up with your gynecologist this week. Telling them about the pain will help you to solve this.”

“No, I need to know tonight Dr. Freeman. Can you please do the examination? You have got us this far, uncovered more in a few hours that I have on my own in the last three months. I need to know.”

Brad looked up at me and smiled. The professional smile gone and replaced with the shit-eating grin from when we were boys. My heart sank. My head spun. I had to say something. I had to stop this.

“Is there someone else Brad that can do this?” I asked.

“I am afraid not Andy. Like I said I can let you leave and go to the OB/G tomorrow.”

“Andrew, we are doing this tonight.” Her words were stern and nonnegotiable. Milly stubborn as always.

“Andy. It will be quick and for this, you can be right by her side. Will that make this easier on you?” His voice was condescending. Even given the offer, he was a smug asshole. I hated him. I hated myself.

“I will stay.” I said firmly and moved to grab Milly’s hand.

Brad rolled his chair to the end of the table. “I am going to lower this part of the bed and then raise the stirrups. You will need to put your feet up, so that I can complete the exam.” Brad told us as he proceeded to complete the tasks he explained. She raised her feet into the stirrups and Brad ever so gently lifted her gown. “I am going to start with just a visual observation. I want to make sure that everything looks normal.”

He lifted the gown. Not enough for me to see what he was doing, but just enough so that her pussy was on display to him. My heart lurched. Here was my wife. Spread eagle for the one guy in my life who had tormented me for years. Here we were, her pussy, the only one I had ever experienced open up for my bully. He glanced above the gown and looked into my eyes and even though I couldn’t see his whole face I knew he was smiling. He knew what he was doing to me. He knew what he was taking from me and he was enjoying every minute.

“I see,” he said from beneath the gown and then I heard the snap of the gloves. “I am going to need to probe on the outside Mrs. Roswell. Let me know if you feel any discomfort.” He raised his hand and pushed the gown back so that it rested on her stomach. Her complete pubic area was now on display. He wanted me to see every touch. Watch ever twitch of his finger. The glove moved closer and gently rubbed along her the lips of her pussy. He removed his hand and reached in a drawer that was open between his legs. I heard the familiar plop of lube hitting his hand.

“Now I am going to open you up some and view inside.” I watched as he now took his lubed fingers and gently probed into my wife. “I see.” He said again and then he removed his hand. He took his other hand off Milly’s stomach and lowered it to the drawer. He lifted a metal instrument up and showed to Milly.

“I am going to use this to open you up wider. I think I have found a significant problem, but one that I think can be alleviated. Is that okay, Mrs. Roswell?” She nodded her agreement. “This will be a lot of pressure. Potentially painful. Andy, you may want to hold her hand.” With that she grabbed for me and I clutched her as he inserted the instrument. She grimaced as the instrument made a slight metallic sound. His lubed hand reached forward again, probing, touching where no one else should touch a man’s wife.

And then, just as quickly, it was over. The instrument discarded, the gown pulled down. Brad standing above us, albeit still between Milly’s legs. “Well,” he said, “there is good news and there is bad news.”

“Okay,” we said in unison.

“The good news is that I have found the problem and it is nothing serious. However, I am perplexed by it. Milly you have a condition known as microperforate hymen. Basically, this means that your hymen has not been completely opened. It has small tears, which is why you have your monthly menstruation flow; however, the tears are small enough that they are causing pain during intercourse. This condition is probably what caused you to have irregular periods and light bleeding when you were younger.”

“But wait, how can this be?” Milly asked. “Virgins are the only people that have hymens. Andrew and I have been having sex for months. This doesn’t make sense.”

“You are right,” Brad continued, “typically, the hymen is completely opened after intercourse. However, on rare instances the hymen will remain intact even after intercourse. Your hymen is one of those rare examples. Typically, the failure to break during intercourse is for one of two reasons. Either the hymen is abnormally thick and too durable to open completely without an operation, or…” he paused here. “The partner during intercourse has an abnormally small or thin penis that is able to fit into one of the smaller tears.” He looked at me then, his eyes glinting, while the rest of his face stayed professional.

“When the hymen is thin enough to break without operation there are a few things that can be done to alleviate this problem.” We were both silent.

“Mrs. Roswell… Milly, your hymen is of normal thickness, so the good news is, you will not necessarily need surgery to fix the problem.” The words hung in the air. The non-spoken claim lingering between us all. I had known for my whole life that I was not well endowed. I mean I had seen my brother, seen my friends, seen guys in the locker room, but to think that I was so small even erect I couldn’t break my wife’s hymen hit like a freight train.

“What are you saying?” Milly asked. Brad laughed. An uncomfortable, yet haughty laugh that he quickly swallowed down, letting his professional face fall back into place.

“What I am saying is that you will not need a surgery to remove the hymen. There are a few options that we can discuss to help open this up.”

“But, you said that when a hymen is too thick that a surgery is needed.”

“Yes, but Milly your hymen is not too thick. It appears that little Andy here is small enough that his penis is able to fit into one of the small tears. Were Andy, let’s say, equipped with a little more girth then the problem would have already been alleviated.”

Had the words stung before, his sudden directness stung like death. Had Milly been kidding herself with his earlier claim, she no longer had that option. He had just told her, she was married to a man with a small cock. I could feel the blood draining from my face.

“This can’t be… I mean…I have changed diapers, I have seen little boys. I mean penises can’t be bigger. I mean. Never mind,” she suddenly shook her head, but I could see her wheels turning. “So, what are the options for fixing this?” She suddenly seemed resolute. Determined to put this behind us.

“I have three options. First, just like with the thicker hymens, you can opt to get your hymen surgically removed. This is the most expensive and invasive of the options. Your OB/G will schedule an appointment, which will involve sedation. Probably not an overnight stay in the hospital, but it will definitely be an operation.”

“What else?” Milly asked, barely letting him get out the first option.

“Second, you can go home. We have found the problem to your panic attacks and then found out why you aren’t getting the release you need. Once you are home you and my man Andy can keep having sex as usual. Over time, the hymen may naturally open up more. Trying different positions could allow him to hit different parts of the hymen and maybe open those areas up. If not, then an eventual pregnancy and vaginal birth would definitely fix the issue.”

“Okay!” I said. This sounding like the best option to me.

“But,” Milly said, “this would be happenstance? It could fix the problem, or it could not. It would not necessarily help me to alleviate my pain and since we aren’t planning on having children any time soon, I could be dealing with this for years to come?”

“That is correct,” he said, his face betraying nothing.

“And the last option?” she asked.

“We could do a small procedure here that would almost certainly open the hymen significantly more. Its only slightly invasive, but…” he paused, “it could, how do I say it, it could touch on being awkward for you guys.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, the procedure would be to use a probing tool to first lubricate and then push through the hymen. This would allow me to coax the hymen open. The reason it could be…umm…awkward is because the method is best utilized to first stimulate natural lubricants, so that the hymen layer is less painful when break through occurs. Seeing as Andy is already feeling uncomfortable, I don’t know if this would be the best option.” I could tell by Brad’s strict professionalism that he was again, trying to give me an out. Milly however had other ideas.

“Dr. Freeman, I am not going to lie. This has been awkward for both of us. Not because Andrew knew you. It would have been awkward with anyone. I mean, I have never been to an OB/G outside of when I was in 9th grade and even then they didn’t do an examination. This whole thing was awkward. And I appreciate you acknowledging that, but I can’t start over. I can’t go through all that I have gone through tonight again, when I go to another doctor. I want to leave here tonight know that I can enjoy sex with my husband. I want to feel what I know is lurking just beneath the surface. I think we need to do the last option.”

“But Milly.” I said.

“Andrew,” she looked at me, “I need to go home tonight and feel whole. I need to know that I can do my wifely duties and not be afraid of another panic attack. We have come this far, let’s just get this over with and go home. Put it behind us.”

“Well, Andy?” Brad said, looking over to me with his professional face firmly in place.

“Will you do it tonight? Later in the morning?” I asked, accepting my fate.

“Oh, it’s a simple procedure Andy. I can complete it right now.”

“Then let’s begin.” Milly said laying her head back on the table. Brad laughed at that. His smile genuine as he looked down at my beautiful wife. The fact that he was still standing between her spread legs not lost on me.

“Eager, I see,” he said, “Okay, but it will take me a few minutes to prepare. We will need to get Andy set up next door and then we can begin.”

“What? I won’t be able to stay in here with her?” I asked, and for the first time the anger that had been building in me seemed to flood my face and sprout from my lips.

“I am afraid not.” Brad said. “Hospital policy says that you will need to be out of the room during any procedure or test.”

“But,” I started.

“It will be just like the EKG test,” he said. As he moved toward the door. I followed reluctantly. Brad seemed rushed now. Like a new energy was driving him toward a new goal. He said little as he left the room and immediately took me to the next room.

Once inside he looked at me. “Man, little Andy.” He paused again, letting his newfound name for me hang. “I didn’t expect all this tonight. I must say. That little wife of yours sure is hot for you. You are one lucky dude. I promise to fix this problem for you little bud. She will go home a new woman.” He smirked then and the flashes of his torments flooded my brain.

“Brad,” I said as he walked through the door. “I love Milly.” It was weak, a feeble attempt.

“Oh, I know bud, and she loves you. I mean I feel like a modern day Cupid. Giving you both what you deserve.” With that he closed the door. An uncharacteristic click as if the door was locked echoed through the room, but I knew I was being foolish. I looked into the room. Milly lay on the bed. Her legs still open. The gown closed and pushed down so that she was completely covered. What had I gotten us into. I beat myself up. I should have stopped this, but Milly was so determined, so sure of herself and completing this.

Brad entered and I realized that I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I moved to the wall and pressed the button. Brad moved over to the corner of Milly’s room and extracted some equipment from a cabinet. I couldn’t see what it was, but I watched as he moved the things onto a rolling equipment table that he then pulled to the examination table and his rolling chair.

“Milly,” he said, his voice sounding deeper than before. “For this procedure you will have to take off your gown. I know it will be cold in here, but I think that after we are finished the cold will not be as bothersome.” I heard her whisper okay as she slid the gown from her shoulders and then bunched it at her belly. Her breast again exposed to Brad. He reached forward and grabbed the gown and lowered it to the rolling table where his medical equipment sat. He looked back up and for the first time he truly saw Milly as I had saw her most nights. Completely nude without a stitch of clothing to cover either her top or her bottom, completely spread eagle in front of him.

He looked down on her. His eyes taking in ever inch and then he looked toward the mirrors and smiled the most shit-grinning smile of the night. And I knew I couldn’t take it. I moved to the door to stop them, when I found that my worst fear was reality. The door was locked. Panic. Brad had done this purposefully. I banged on the door and then remembered that the room was sound proof. My heart lurched. I returned to the chairs and sat down. Staring unbelievably into the window and watching as my bully took advantage of my innocent wife.

“Milly,” he said her name like syrup, “we will need to stimulate you into providing your own lubricate to help this procedure. While I am working on opening your hymen you will need to work on stimulating yourself by rubbing on your nipples. For most women this helps bring lubrication down below.”

“Oh,” she said, and the early blushing returned. Starting on her throat and then spreading upward to her face and then down across her breast to her small pink, erect nipples. She raised her hands and casually begin rubbing her nipples. Brad watched her intently for a few minutes, as she continued to stimulate herself.

“Think of little Andy. He is why you are doing all this, right?”

“Right,” she whispered closing her eyes as she did when she was starting to get aroused. Brad moved his chair rolling it as close between Milly’s legs as possible. He brought up his hand and I saw as he squeezed a minuscule amount of lube onto his bare fingers. No gloves this time. My heart lurched and I jumped to my feet. Pacing back and forth along the window of my despair.

“I am going to begin down here.”

“Okay,” she hissed between closed teeth.

“You thinking about Andy?” he asked, just as he brought his fingers up to Milly’s vagina. Now bare I watched as he first felt around, and found her clit. He, with a steady rhythm, began rubbing her there.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Is he really the only man you have been with, seen naked, anything?”

“Yes.” Her voice still barely audible.

“I mean I have to know. For this to not be resolved through intercourse, what size is he?”

Milly looked up. Her eyes meeting his. “I don’t know what to compare it to, honestly. I mean I have only seen boys naked under seven and he isn’t that small.” Just as she spoke, she lowered her head back down, as Brad manipulated her with his thumb.

“Look at your fingers?” Brad hissed. Milly looked down at her own stimulation. “What finger is closest to his size?” My heart lurched as Milly raised her hand pondered her fingers.

“Probably this finger,” she said lowering all but her pointer finger. A slight bit wider at the base, but not significantly so.” A sigh escaped her lips as she finished talking. Brad’s stimulation of her clit clearly affecting her.

“So, about three inches, maybe three and a half?”

“Yes,” she hissed.

“Well, that it explains a lot. That is about three inches smaller than most men.” Milly looked up at him, but the pleasure was starting to arouse her and no words escaped from her mouth, only another slight sigh. “Some are even three times that size. I am sure for little Andy’s sake it is great that he has found a woman who doesn’t know the difference. You two will have an amazing life after we fix this problem.”

“What…” she stammered. “What are you doing right now? I have never felt anything like that.”

“I am massaging your clitoris. This provides a lot of lubrication. I will slowly began to probe inside you in a minute. For future reference you will want little Andy to do this in the future.”

“Yes,” she hissed again. And with that, without warning he entered her. Fingers sliding into her, moving around, probing against the hymen. I saw her tense, her eyes open.

“Does that hurt?” he asked and she nodded. “But only a little right?” again she nodded. “Perfect, your lubrication is working. Just a bit more. He slowly extracted his fingers and then placing his thumb back on her clit, he entered her with two fingers as his thumb continued its assault of her clit. Slowly, back and forth, in and out, rub and stop. She shook her hips, a shudder rushing up her spine.

She was no longer grimacing. Now she was lying back, slack jawed and furiously rubbing her breast. Brad was intently watching. Watching my wife as they both brought her to unexplored arousal. His fingers were working quickly. Then he slowly moved his other hand and reached for a piece of equipment on the table. Bringing it up, I realized that it was a metal rod, tapered at one end. A medical imitation of a dildo.

“How big?” she asked through gritted teeth. My heart skipped. What was she asking? Had she seen the dildo he was about to use. There was no way. It was lower than the table.

“What?” he asked surprised.

“How big are most men?” my heart lurched and felt like it was on the floor. Her eyes were still closed. Her hands still rubbing her nipples, his hand still massaging and entering her.

“Most are average size. Six inches. A fair percentage are up to nine.” His voice was warm, alluring, deep. “Why?”

“I can’t. I can’t imagine.”

“I am going to use the tool now to slowly begin to push through your hymen. It will feel similar to how an average size penis would feel.” She looked up then lowered her head back down. Her mouth open again. “Have you ever looked at one online?”

“No, I would never,” she hissed.

“A brother, a cousin, or father. Any other man?” she shook her head.

“Since you know so much about me,” she whispered, “can I ask you an invasive question?” He nodded. “Are you that size?” She nodded her head indicating the tool he had brought up to rest in his hand on her knee.

“Well, now you’re making the doctor blush.” He teased. “I don’t feel that it is professional to say.”

“Oh, please,” she whispered as yet another heavy sigh left her mouth. He chuckled.

“Well, if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell little Andy. I don’t want him feeling any more awkward than he clearly already does.” Brad shot his eyes directly at me. As if, he could see me through the mirror. He smiled that knowing grin. “I am about two inches longer than this tool.

“Umm…” she moaned.

“Still thinking about Andy here right?” he nearly whispered. She didn’t answer. The room feel silent, as they both continued their stimulation of her body. He slid the tool down her thigh, touching the inside. I watched as a shiver overtook her and she raised her hand to stop him.

“So,” she whispered, “I think maybe we should….” She stopped as suddenly a moan escaped from her lips. “This feels different.”

“I believe you are close to an orgasm. A talented hand can do as much as full intercourse for a woman. ”

“Umm.” She moaned again. Her head thrown back in pure pleasure. Any pain she had been feeling was long gone. “Since you answered my invasive question…” she paused her words came ragged through deep breaths. “Could you also do something else that is rather invasive?”

“What?” he asked, his voice barely audible through the speaker.

“Could I see you? Like…” she paused. “Like you have seen me?”

“What do you mean?” Again a whisper.

“Could you show me what a larger penis looks like? Could you show me yours?” Brad was clearly caught off guard. He looked at the window, the shock purely displayed on his face and I watched as it turned to a smile of triumph.

“I am not sure that is professional.” He stated through his grin.

“I think when you told me the size we crossed that line.” She said clear looking up into his face, not mincing her words.

He laughed, but never stopped his hand from pleasuring her.

“I mean, you have seen all of me. You are doing things to me that, well, that are so awkward.” Brad stood then and for the first time stopped his hands from moving within her. He moved to the side where he was facing me. Her bed between us. I stopped my pacing and sat down, suddenly realizing that my jeans were tented from my own arousal. An arousal I had not asked for.

“This is probably the most unprofessional thing I have ever done, Mrs. Roswell. But, I mean, I am friends with your husband, so it seems less like doctor patient.” With that he reached down and brought the tail of his shirt up to his chin, tucking it under his chin, displaying his six pack and chiseled chest. Milly opened her eyes taking him in. He reached down with the tool still in his hand and hooked his thumb into the waistband of his scrub pants. He lowered them. First his trimmed and well-manicured pubic hair came into view, and then his shaft and finally, in one quick tug his entire package was on display as his pants lowered to mid-thigh.

“Umm…” she moaned louder than she had ever moaned. My heart was beating too fast. Thundering in my chest like a mad man. Brad was almost three times my size. Large and veiny, clearly semi-erect and growing by the minute. He basked in her unending gaze. “Umm..” she moaned again, lowering one of her hands to her clit. Something she had never done before. “That is not real…too big.”

“Oh, its real baby, but we better stop. No need to make Andy feel any more awkward,” he said as he shot me a beaming smile and pulled his pants back up. “I think you are ready now,” he said, as he moved from the side of Milly back to his stool between her open legs. He took over massaging her. Her hands snaking back up to her nipples. He lowered the tip of the rod and began moving it in circles slowly pushing it in as it became lubricated. And then with little fanfare, he pushed in. Milly gasped and sat up. Pain on her face, but her fingers never left her nipples, she was still stimulating herself. I could clearly see the pain she was in, but just as suddenly as it had started, it must have stopped. Her face cleared and she lay back down as he extracted the instrument. His thumb still toying with her clit.

I could tell that she was close to a pleasure that I had never given her. My heart lurched and I realized that I had my cock in my hand. I was beating it faster than I had ever done before. My hand a rocket on my own tool. How had I come to this?

The scene before me was suddenly very different. Milly was rotating her hips squirming beneath his hands, against his manipulations. Her breath was becoming more and more ragged. He continued minutes after the actual break through. Her pleasure riding with each minute. She was close to her first orgasm, and I wouldn’t be the one to give it to her. But suddenly Brad stopped and moved away.

“Welp,” he said, “we are all finished.” He slid the instrument back on to the table and began to walk away.

“No,” she nearly screamed. “No, that can’t be it. I feel close to something. The reality is I may have another panic attack. We can’t let me have another panic attack.” Her voice was pleading, begging, a wanton animal.

“I am sorry, Milly. I don’t think that the tool can elicit that response.”

“But,” she pleaded, “is there another way?” Her fingers were vigorously rubbing her now swollen clit.

“I mean, well, I could use some different ‘equipment’ to maybe help with that problem. Some of my personal equipment.” He raised one eyebrow in her direction.

“Yes, please.” She begged.

With one swift movement, he pushed the instrument table back into the corner and grabbed a cloth screen and moved it toward the table. The screen was about four feet tall and as he pushed it in place it divided the examination table and Milly at the navel.

“This will have to be done behind the curtain, as this procedure may be too much for you to view. It will protect you from seeing what needs to happen to test that you can actually achieve release.” She nodded and I knew she knew. She knew what equipment he was going to use. I stood, and slammed my fist on the glass, but it was pointless. I screamed for them to stop. He knew I could see this. He knew that he would be taking my wife in front of me. I looked down at my minuscule member. Hard and probably bigger than it had ever been. I grabbed it, the fight leaving me and tugged on it. The curtain was away for them both to pretend this wasn’t happening, but for me I would see it all. She had no idea that I was watching from this room, but she was so caught up in lust that she was going to cheat on me. The realization hit me harder than anything from the night.

What could I do? Would I leave her? I loved her. Loved her and knew that I would never find someone else best suited for me. Could I ever trust her again? Brad moved forward between Milly’s spread legs. He clearly could see over the screen.

“This equipment” he said, “is bigger than the instrument I used before, so it will probably be uncomfortable at first, but I am going to stimulate intercourse, this way we will make sure that you are able to orgasm so that you will not have any panic attacks. Okay?” She nodded from the bed as he looked at her over the screen. The screen that let her believe that this was just some medical procedure. Brad stepped back and lowered his pants to his ankles. He looked once at the mirror, the biggest shit-eating grin on his face as he stepped forward and let his over eight inches of cock push into my innocent wife.

She lost it immediately. Her back arched, and her hands clutched at the side of the exam table as he moved back and forth into her. My own small erection erupted as I watched her cum on his cock. Rolling orgasms that made her buck wildly beneath him. She gyrated her hips, her glorious breast bouncing as she slammed herself on his cock. Her round ass bouncing against his legs. His cock peaking between them clearly visible to me as he entered and exited her as she bucked on the exam table. Her moans and screams nothing like the whimpers she had with me. He pumped endlessly, fast, and furious. Harder and more powerful than my tiny attempts over the last three months.

She met him thrust for thrust. First coming down from her initial orgasm and then another building. How he kept his upper body still, so that it truly appeared that he was working some equipment with his hands I had no idea. But as still as his shoulders and head was, his naked ass and hips were a flurry of active. He moved and pumped into her deeper than I had ever imagined. Her moans and screams returning. My cock flaccid and pitiful lay limp against my leg. I felt defeated, my mind churning with a loss that felt like a death. I looked down at myself and my heart lurched, just as I heard him grunt.

I looked up as Brad clinched his ass and pushed deeper into my wife than I would ever reach, emptying his cum into her awaiting pussy. She screamed, and then went slack, her arms falling to her side. Exhausted. Brad’s face suddenly changed. Professional again. He stepped back, pulling up his scrubs, his cock flopping like a limp snake. He tucked himself back inside as he reached beneath the exam table and brought forth some paper like towels. He quickly and expertly cleaned up my wife as she lay limp, removing all evidence from her with apt hands.

“Milly,” he said “I think the procedure worked. I am 100% confident that your hymen has been opened and 100% positive that you had the release you needed to stop the panic attacks. How are you feeling?”

“I think…” she paused, still out of breath, “that I didn’t know what an orgasm was before that. But Brad,” she paused again, catching her breath. “We can’t tell Andrew. He can’t know that my first orgasm was in here with you, during the procedure. He was already so awkward about it all. I want him to believe that my first orgasm was with him and not as his old friend used an ‘instrument’ on me. I mean, he should not think that it was so clinical.” I grimaced, watching as she kept up the lie. The lie she was adamantly holding too to avoid her guilt.

“Agreed.” Brad said, glancing at the mirror and shooting me that same grin. “We will never let him know a thing. Besides. I am sure from now on, you and him will have amazing sex. He will never know that you have seen a larger cock or even felt a bigger piece of equipment inside of you than what he is working with. He will just be glad to have all of your loving and beautiful body all to himself.”

She nodded, as Brad laid the gown back atop her.

“I will go and get him from the waiting room. I am sure that he won’t expect anything out of the ordinary. Just make sure that you make it up to him when you get him home, so that he won’t feel so jealous or anything.”

“Of course,” she said, sitting up and readjusting the gown. “I have an amazing husband. He would never be jealous. I love him so much, and thank you for fixing this. I mean, I honestly don’t think I could have done it without you.” She looked at him shyly as she continued. “And I am sorry, that I asked you those unprofessional things. I am sure that I crossed a line, but I wasn’t thinking clearly.” I could see her returning to herself.

“I will say that I have never had a patient ask to see my cock before, but I promise it stays between us. I mean of course Andy’s my friend and I consider you that as well, but you let me know if you ever have any more problems. I will most certainly fit you into my schedule if you feel like a panic attack is approaching and the release is not coming.”

She nodded to him as he finished cleaning up everything. He turned to her as he approached the door. “You may want to go to the shower, just to make sure all that ‘lube’ is gone before I send Andy over.”

“Yes,” she said as she stood and headed toward the room’s bathroom.

I slowly stood, tucking myself back into my pants and zipping up. My own cum drying like a pitiful reminder of my failures. I moved to the door and awaited Brad. He entered. His face flush and full of mischievous glee. I wanted to punch him, but I felt too defeated. He stood like so many times before hovering over me. Triumph glistening from every pore.

“Well, good news bud” he smirked, “I am pretty sure that your wife is all healed. Better than new.” I looked up in disgust. “She’s truly not a virgin anymore. And I know this is awkward, but I also know like all those times back in school, that you will take this and keep your mouth shut about it. She is an excellent woman. No need to make this a bigger deal than it already is. She is fixed and has chosen to ignore the reality of what happened. If you want a happy life, I suggest that you move on from this. Enjoy your wife and enjoy Jacksonville.”

I said nothing, but followed him as he exited the room. Downcast, my heart a slow beat. It all felt like a horrible dream. He led me to the door to Milly’s room. He opened it slowly and let me enter first. He followed me inside. Milly stood naked reaching to pick up her gown from the bed where she had discarded it. Her hair wet from the shower. No blush ran up her neck or face this time as both Brad and I enjoyed her beautiful body. I knew at that moment that she would never be the same innocent Milly that she was before.

She rushed to me. Embracing me with her nude body pressing against me as Brad slowly exited the room. “I am all fixed now hone!” She was all fixed, but I felt all broken. I kissed her back, pushing the hurt aside. I knew Brad was right. I should never mention that I knew anything. I knew because of my love for her that I never would, but I also knew that if I did not give her the release that she now knew she needed that she would seek it out again. I just hoped the pressure to perform to meet my bully’s awakening in her wouldn’t be too heavy a burden.

I looked up again as she began to dress. I knew that my life would never be the same, just like I knew that I would never be rid of my bully. He would be there each time I looked at my wife, each time I made love to her. But for her, I would be willing to let him be there.