The Woman on the Bus

You may have seen this story before but it’s been heavily edited, revised and added to. I removed it before on the expectation that it would be available for sale but that has long changed. Editing has also allowed me to change a lot of errors within this story.





Week One and Lunch with Gina


I have a story to tell you. It’s about an event that changed my life for the better and I only hope that everyone gets to experience something like this in their life. A friend can be more than just a friend with a nudge in the right directions. It began one Monday morning…

** Monday — November 19, 2018 **

I noticed her in the back of the bus after I stumbled onto it as I did most Monday mornings. She was a young brunette sitting at the rear of the bus on the opposite side. I thought to myself that she had to be in her late twenties. Her hair was up, and she was wearing jeans, a shirt with frilly sleeve ends, and tennis shoes. She had on light colored glasses and I could tell they were likely only necessary for reading since they didn’t seem thick from my perspective. She didn’t appear to be a business professional, but maybe more of a techie. The kind where it’s not their appearance that matters as much as their innovative ideas and creativity.

She had her legs crossed, reading a book she was holding upright on her knee. She didn’t notice me the first glance, but the second time I looked, we met eyes for a split second. As soon as I saw her eyes staring back at mine, I shot my glance in a different direction hoping she didn’t see. She was looking directly at me, though. I resisted looking again but couldn’t help it. This time, she had a tiny smile on her face and her stare seemed to linger on longer than usual. I tell you, I instantly time warped back to my awkward teenage years and became that shy little girl when a boy said something nice to me. There I was in my business attire, trying to get to work and this girl was snatching my attention.

I spent the rest of my time on the bus considering why she was smiling at me and why I found her particularly appealing, especially considering I was not nor have ever been on the prowl for a female lover. Regardless, the bus stopped at the station before mine and she left. I watched her pack her stuff up, toss her backpack over her shoulder, and exit the door at the rear of the bus. She never stopped to look at me again so, I thought I was making the whole thing up in my head.

I didn’t have much down time at work so, my thoughts of this young woman didn’t invade my mind until after I got home. My husband Ben was away on a business trip. In lieu of making the traditional two-person meal, I made a small meal for myself and made myself comfortable on the couch watching a Lifetime movie. Half way through, my mind wandered to her. I questioned my interpretation of the series of events as they happened. Maybe she wasn’t looking at me. Then again, maybe she was flirting with me. I shrugged off the entire event and continued watching television.

** Tuesday — November 20, 2018 **

The thought of her was pretty much out of my mind by the time I got out of bed. I got in the shower and the rest of my morning went on as it always had. I locked up the house and proceeded towards the bus stop. That’s when her face popped back up in my head. I didn’t know what to expect from today’s bus ride, if she would even be there again. I had not noted her as a regular before that day so, it was entirely possible she was just a flirty thing that just happened to like what she saw.

As if I was not in control of myself, I caught myself watching everyone who got on at every stop. I work quite a distance from home so, there are several stops along the way. The day before, she was on the bus when I got on. That day, she didn’t get on until much later. I watched as she boarded the bus and looked around. She was wearing clothes that closely matched the style of those she wore the day before.

I wasn’t in the spot I was the day before, but I saw her look over that way and then again to somewhere else looking for a place to sit. I must have been staring at her because as soon as she sat, she resumed scanning the people on the bus and her eyes locked on mine when she saw me. We stared at each other for what felt like minutes before she smiled and reached into her backpack for her book. Something inside me told me to not look away.

She was beginning to preoccupy my thoughts. If I also had a book, I would not have been able to read it. Instead I had a conversation with myself to try and figure out what was happening. I don’t know why I was watching her as much as I did but, I felt a certain draw to her. She was alluring. She also seemed to be playing a game with me. The kind of game where she forces me to notice her, then plays hard to get. I did wonder why she was dancing through my head as she was. I consistently asked myself ‘why did you even look?’

I continued questioning my behavior and was snapped out of it when I was tapped the shoulder. It seems the bus stopped at my stop and one of the regulars pointed to the digital sign in the bus and told me the driver was about to close the doors. I thanked them and immediately started to depart the bus. As I did, I looked around for the mystery woman and realized she must have gotten off while my internal monologue was running amok.

She was on my mind all day that day and my work reflected it. I tried to snap out of it, but her face continued stirring in my mind. Questions began piling up about the situation. I stopped working long enough to realize that she’s either going to keep riding the same bus as me and we will have an encounter sooner than later or, she’s just being flirty, and I’ll likely not see her again. I played both scenes in my head and noticed a unique physiological difference in response to each scenario. The former gave me goosebumps and the latter unexpectedly made me feel sad.

** Wednesday — November 21, 2018 **

I left that morning the same as I had, only this time I was determined. I was going to decide about what I was seeing and either go with it or leave it alone. I wasn’t going to let her torture me any longer, though I must admit, it was making my life anything but mundane as I felt it had been lately. I did the same thing as I had prior. I got on and sat in a place where I could see most of the bus, or at least make her walk past me to get to an available seat.

I boarded the bus and waited for her. Her stop came, and she was there waiting. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel the adrenaline flow through me. She did the same as she had done the day before, except this time, she walked past me. Sunflower. She wore sunflower perfume and it hit me like Cupid’s arrow. This woman was driving me crazy. I didn’t understand how or why, but I was going to let it happen. I lazily sat back in my chair with my bag on knees and casually scanned the crowd watching her from time to time. She didn’t pay strict attention to me and her nose was stuck in the book she was reading. I was a little disappointed but waited to see if there was a way for me to initiate contact.

Nearing her stop, I noted she paid attention to where the bus was and when her stop was to be next, she closed her book as if she had just remembered something. You know, the light came on over her head and she quickly jostled around in her backpack. She drew out a pen and a sheet of paper and began scribbling. She put the pen back in her bag, folded the sheet of paper, and waited for her stop.

When the bus stopped, she got up, put her backpack on her shoulder and looked at me. She scanned the people on the bus before locking eyes with me and began moving in my direction. She put her arm down as she passed me and motioned the folded paper to me as she continued walking. This was it, I thought, this is where she tells me to stop being a creeper and stop staring at her. I was wrong. The note read…

Youre reading it right. I hope you like my perfume today.

It’s like she knew she was dancing in my head all day. She could have said ‘liked’ as in, I won’t smell it again and think of her. But she said like, knowing full well I think of her when I’m not on this bus. I didn’t know where this was headed, but I was onboard for the ride. I think I committed myself to this thing, regardless of where the road took me. I recall thinking that if I found myself in bed with her one day, it wouldn’t shock me. I also recall wondering why I was imagining being in bed with her.

That night while on the phone with my husband, he noted a change in my mood. I knew I was at a crossroads here. Did I tell him and make it an adventure for me or keep it to myself and call it an affair? Once upon a time he told me it was a fantasy for him to see two women together. He never said that fantasy involved me and another woman so, it was a tough road. I certainly wasn’t going to tell him over the phone. I decided to wait.

I’ll leave the details out, but in the end, he was as interested as I was and genuinely for my sake. See, he’s slowed down a bit lately but when his fire is lit, it’s an inferno so, he understands where I’m at with this new adventure. I tell him each night what happened that day and he enjoys the story. I think mostly because it’s not some text posted on a website. He’s hearing it from my voice which tantalizes him even more.

The excitement of everything has taken me away from the here and now… rather the there and then. The next day did not disappoint.

** Thursday — November 22, 2018 **

The next day I was a nervous wreck. I woke up and did all the things I normally do, except I spent a little more time in the primping department. First, my time in the shower was a tad longer as I shaved some areas I had previously neglected. I don’t know what my mind was anticipating that morning, but whatever it was, I was going to be prepared. Then I pulled out my perfumes to see which I thought would grab her attention. I picked a light lavender that morning. I stared at the mirror and re-did my hair probably a dozen times. I decided to leave it down, but I ran a flat iron through it to give it some shine.

I made my way to the bus stop and patiently waited. That morning was different. Instead of getting on the bus and waiting for the bus to get to her, she came to me. She was already on the bus when I stepped on. It turns out that there was nowhere to sit this morning as the bus was unusually full. She was seated next to the door at the front of the bus. For the first time in my life, I took a bold step and stood next to her, holding one of the hand-holds dangling from the top of the bus.

My mind was racing. I think I knew what I wanted her to do, but I could not say a word to her. I did look down from time to time to see what she was doing, and I noticed she kept shuffling about in her seat. I didn’t know exactly why, but I had more time to find out. Also, since I had more time and I was already feeling bold, I decided to see how I can move whatever this was forward a bit. Maybe exchange words. Fate seemed to have enough of my hesitation and took the next step for me. The bus turned unexpectedly and since I wasn’t sitting, my body shifted a little more than I compensated for.

I overcompensated once I realized I had to adjust and found myself leaning, or perhaps even falling towards her and in quick thought I found my angle. I allowed myself to get closer and braced myself on the window behind her, allowing her to smell my perfume. I whimpered out a meek ‘excuse me’ and stood back up. I looked back down at her and saw that she was smiling. The next thing I knew, it was her stop. The bus slowed and she began to gather her things and herself. When it stopped, quite a bit of people began shifting around trying to either depart the bus or move so others could. She stood up right next to me and placed her hand in the small of my back.

She turned to me and whispered, ‘Thank you.’

I melted at the sound of her voice. She was truly a Siren. I knew the next day I had to up the game.

** Friday — November 23, 2018 **

The last day of that week, I made sure that I was ready to see her again. Whatever fate wanted to deal me that day, I was ready for. What I was not ready for was the weekend without contact. I suddenly realized that while we were not exchanging conversation, maybe she will take my number and text me. I spent a long time writing down the ten digits while also realizing that I was behaving like a love-struck teenager. I lamented over the look of my nines, about whether to put a heart shaped period under the question mark, and even if my handwriting would turn her off. She took notice of me before any of the details of my existence became known to her, so I doubted my handwriting would put her off.

I decided that day I was going to be a little bolder and throw the ball back in her court.

I was happy, once again to see her on the bus before me. The bus was crowded again so I assumed the same spot in front of her, despite there being a couple open seats. I had the piece of paper I wrote my number on in my hand but had not yet decided how I would give it to her. I was going to put it in her backpack, but she didn’t have one with her. I didn’t know if that was planned or not, but I had to come up with something else. With my decision made that I was going to be bolder, I looked in that direction for an answer.

My face lit up when I realized what I needed to do. I waited for my moment.

The bus turned a corner and I knew her stop was next. I studied her movements as she prepared to leave when she turned and looked me in the eyes. We both smiled and I reached forward and took hold of her hand, passing to her the small note. She looked down at our joined hands and my thumb took a mind of its own. I gently moved my thumb across her skin, and it was as if an actual fire started within me. I looked at her face and noticed an obvious blush. The game was set, and the timer was ticking.

** Sunday — November 25, 2018 **

//At Giovani’s Italian Eatery//

“You’ve been pretty happy lately.” Gina commented bluntly. There’s no way she knew, but I was bursting at the seams to tell her.

“What do you mean?” I asked without alerting her that she may be on to something, “I consider myself fairly happy more often than not.”

The waitress came up to take our drink orders, pointing to the list of sodas, juices, wines and mixed drinks available from the bar.

“I’ll have the Rose Moscato!” I said a little too quickly. I would probably need a little help to tell this story. I might have given something away, though.

We were in the corner of patio area, facing each other. There are enough passersby that those stationary around us would not pick up on what I’m saying unless they were trying to. If that was the case, then by all means — listen.

Even still, I motioned her to move closer to me so that we would be facing the street, our voices projecting that way. The waitress would still have room to serve us as we appeared to people watch. I sensed her curiosity rising.

“It just seems like you’re smiling more and also a bit distracted at work,” she noted while browsing the menu.

“I’m going to tell you exactly why I’m happier than normal.” I stated with no ambiguity in my tone. “It started on the 613 route I take from home to work.”

I told her about each day as they happened, and I watched her ride the same emotional roller coaster I did. It was a little amusing to see her reactions, especially as I regaled her with my story. Her demeanor had changed near the end, though, and I realized what was going on. I think Gina was turned on. I recall thinking to myself that she was going to be a wreck by the time I was done telling her about the text conversation I had with her the day before.

“Are you okay, Gina?” I asked.

She snapped out of it, “Yes, you have my undivided attention. This is not what I was expecting when I mentioned that I noticed a positive change, but, my god, this is amazing!”

I told her about the day before and how I woke up with a certain sense of anxiety about whether the woman on the bus would text or even call me at all that day since she didn’t on Friday. I carried on about my day, shopping, having dinner and sitting down with some wine to watch a movie. I told her I had about given up when my phone buzzed. I looked over at Gina and could tell she was mentally on the edge of her seat.

“I couldn’t believe that with as quiet as she was, she sent me the message she did,” I teased, “and it was a doozy!”

“Damnit, Christy, just tell me what she said!” Gina mildly snapped at me with a smirk on her face.

I leaned over and whispered in Gina’s ear, “Getting a little hot and bothered, are we?” I teased her again, “it said ‘I missed you today.'”

Gina sighed a little and knew there was so much more to come.


– 2 –



The Text Messages


“So, she sent me that message and it was the beginning of one of the hottest exchanges I’ve ever had, if not the hottest. By the end, she had me in such disarray, it would have been difficult to explain to anyone had they walked in. I probably looked like I just got fucked by an army.” I said, feeling my blood temperature rise.

“She did that to you?” Gina asked.

“Oh, yes.” I nodded.

“Are you planning to do anything with her? I mean physically?” Gina asked, probing my intentions.

I wanted to avoid answering that question since I didn’t have a definitive answer and I didn’t want to raise my own hopes, “Look at this, first.” I said, handing her my phone. The text screen was open to the very first text as I described it.

Her: I missed you today. (8:51 pm)

Me: I missed you too. πŸ™‚ (8:52 pm)

Her: What are you doing? (8:53 pm)

Me: I was waiting for you. (8:53 pm)

Her: πŸ™‚ Are you home alone? (8:55 pm)

Me: No, my husband is here, but he knows. (8:56 pm)

Her: He knows you’re a lesbian? (8:56 pm)

Me: No. I mean, I’m not. You have my attention, though. (8:56 pm)

Her: Does he not satisfy you? (8:56 pm)

Me: He does… but like I said, you have my attention. (8:57 pm)

Her: Only yours? (8:57 pm)

Me: Yes. You’re not for him. (8:57 pm)

Her: Am I for you? (8:58 pm)

Me: Yes. And I’m for you. (8:59 pm)

Her: I know. (8:59 pm)

Me: Yeah? You seem… sure about that. (8:59 pm)

Her: Well, you looked like a present when I first saw you. (9:00 pm)

Me: I feel the same way and if I’m your present, then I’m waiting for you to unwrap me. (9:01 pm)

Her: I don’t know. You seem too pretty to unwrap. (9:01 pm)

Me: Please? (9:01 pm)

Her: Please, what? (9:02 pm)

Me: Please unwrap me. It’ll be my first time. (9:02 pm)

Her: Of all the girls in the world, I’m the one you were bold enough to approach? (9:03 pm)

Me: Yes. (9:03 pm)

Her: I bet you say that to all the girls. (9:03 pm)

Me: Maybe I would if ever one caught my eye like you did. (9:04 pm)

Her: Thank you. (9:05 pm)

Her: So, what do I remove first? The bow? (9:05 pm)

Me: Quickly, before the packaging is ruined. (9:06 pm)

Her: Like my favorite candy, I will tear your clothes off until the sweet center is mine to eat. No buckle will remain buckled and no button will be spared. (9:08 pm)

Me: And when I’m unwrapped and shivering naked before you? (9:09 pm)

Her: You will not shiver. I’ll hold you close while I enjoy my gift. (9:11 pm)

Me: What about MY gift? (9:11 pm)

Her: I have already unwrapped myself for you, love. (9:14 pm)

Me: I have goosebumps. Every day that goes by that you do not unwrap me, I become wetter and wetter. (9:15 pm)

Her: It only gets worse from here. I know you watch me as I walk away. Do you imagine my bare skin?

Me: Yes. (9:15 pm)

Her: Do you imagine your face between my legs, lapping at my juices? (9:16 pm)

Me: Yes. (9:16 pm)

Her: Do you picture my nipple in your mouth, suckling as a baby does? (9:18 pm)

Me: YES (9:18 pm)

Me: I’m going to my room. (9:18 pm)

Her: Do you intend to open my gift without me? πŸ˜‰ (9:19 pm)

Me: I need to (9:24 pm)

Her: What will you think of? (9:25 pm)

Her: My hands opening your silk blouse? (9:26 pm)

Her: Your breasts falling into my hands as your bra falls from your body? (9:27 pm)

Her: Or will your legs shake thinking of my hand trailing down your body and finding its way into your wet panties? (9:29 pm)

Me: You’re driving me insane. (9:31 pm)

Me: I’m wet thinking of the things you will do to me, yes. But also of the things I will do to you. (9:33 pm)

Me: I’m in just my panties. (9:34 pm)

Her: Oh. I like a girl who fully commits. Why did you stop there? (9:35 pm)

Me: Who said I was done? (9:37 pm)

Her: TouchΓ©. Is there a tiny bow on the front of them? (9:38 pm)

Me: Maybe. πŸ˜‰ Perhaps one day you will see. (9:40 pm)

Her: When that day comes, you will not be able to see mine. (9:41 pm)

Her: I don’t wear any. (9:41 pm)

Me: My legs are shaking. (9:44 pm)

Her: My fingers are wet. (9:46 pm)

Me: May I cum for you? (9:48 pm)

Her: No. (9:48 pm)

Me: Please? (9:50 pm)

Her: No. You have to wait until I’m ready. (9:50 pm)

Me: You found the right girl. I love to get right there and hold off. (9:53 pm)

Her: I would like to teach you how to do that to me. (9:54 pm)

Me: I would like to let you teach me. (9:56 pm)

Her: Are you shaved? (9:57 pm)

Me: What do you enjoy? (10:00 pm)

Her: I like a little hair to tickle my nose as my tongue explores you. (10:01 pm)

Me: Oh god… I want to cum. (10:05 pm)

Her: Almost, sweet girl. (10:05 pm)

Me: Please cum soon. My pussy is dripping for you. (10:08 pm)

Her: When do you want to have me? (10:09 pm)

Me: NOW! (10:11 pm)

Her: I kind of figured that out, love. When do you want me? (10:12 pm)

Her: When do you want to unbutton my pants and slide your hands down and feel how wet I am for you? (10:13 pm)

Her: Slide a finger inside me while I kiss your ear. (10:14 pm)

Her: Fuck me as I begin taking off your clothes. (10:14 pm)

Me: I want to do all this the next time I see you. (10:16 pm)

Her: I think the bus driver would not be happy, but we would put on quite the show for the passengers. (10:17 pm)

Me: Let them watch. (10:17 pm)

Her: Oh, an exhibitionist! Would you let them watch as I knelt in front of you, lifted your skirt, pulled your panties to the side and buried my tongue in your vagina? (10:20 pm)

Me: God damnit, yes! (10:21 pm)

Her: How about if I dropped my pants, and told you to finger my pussy from behind?

Me: I want to cummmmm…! (10:22 pm)

Her: *recorded sound* (10:28 pm)

Her: Go ahead, love. Let the volcano inside you erupt. (10:28 pm)

Me: Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. (10:36 pm)

Her: πŸ™‚ (10:36 pm)

Me: You don’t understand! (10:36 pm)

Her: Oh, but I do. Remember, I’m the lesbian here. You’re simply my trainee. πŸ˜‰ (10:37 pm)

Me: I’ll report to work first thing Monday morning! (10:38 pm)

Me: …I’m Christy, btw. (10:38 pm)

Her: Nice to meet you! Lol I’m Melissa. (10:29 pm)

Me: I can’t wait to see you Monday. I won’t know what to say, though. (10:30 pm)

Her: We’ll figure it out, don’t you think? (10:31 pm)

Me: I think so! πŸ˜‰ What are you going to do the rest of the evening? (10:32 pm)

Her: I’m going to reread this, with my vibrator against my clit and cum again. (10:32 pm)

Me: You read my mind!!! (10:33 pm)

Her: I’ll look for you Monday morning! <3 (10:33 pm)

Me: As will I. <3 (10:35 pm)

I watched Gina as she read every line, her eyes darting from one side of the screen to the other. Her thumb on the screen, scrolling as fast as she can read. Curious, however, I looked and noticed her other hand between her legs. To the common observer, she was just bored and fidgeting, but I noticed her finger gently rubbing herself, too slow for any real pleasure.

“What is this audio?” she asked with a slightly crinkled brow.

“Turn the volume down and play it with the speaker next to your ear.” I said, smiling.

She did, and during the playback, her eyes got wider and wider. The finger that was gently massaging her sped up just a little.

She’s turned on, and in a big way. But is it the story, or does she want in?

I’m going to tease her.

“I came two other times last night. Then, when my husband came to bed, I sucked him hard then made him fuck me as I retold him the story. Not that I really had to make him fuck me, he came into the room naked, and as soon as he saw me sprawled out on the bed, hair a mess, his cock rose to the occasion.” I smiled while whispering to her.

She looked at me with wanting eyes and I knew it.

“We’ve been here a while and I think we have things to do at home,” I said with a slight smirk, knowing I was going to go home and probably get off again.

She bit her lip, slightly and just for a moment.

“I’ll get the check this time. Thank you.”

I knew what she was thanking me for.


– 3 –



Gina and The Second Week


** Saturday — December 1, 2018 **

“This past week was one for the books,” I thought to myself as I finished preparing my dinner.

I intended to sit and watch television for the evening since Ben was gone again. I couldn’t get Melissa out of my head. I wished for her to be with me in that moment. I doubt I would have been watching television if she were there. I began imagining all the things we would or could do to each other when Gina texted me.

“Whatcha doin’?” Gina asked.

“Just sitting here about to watch a movie.” I replied.

“I’m bored and I’ve seen all the movies I have. I’d watch one of my shows I have queued up, but I’m not interested in those right now.”

I think I knew what she was getting to. She was probably wanting to know what happened this week and didn’t want to wait another day to hear about it. I wondered if she went home last weekend and rubbed her pussy thinking about my first encounters with Melissa and the text conversation I had with her. As soon as that thought drifted away, another came soaring in after that. I began imagining Gina in her bed. She had one hand on her tit, pinching her nipple and the other hand was on the vibrator she was fucking herself with. I’d never seen her naked but always admired the way she dressed. She wasn’t conservative and chose a wardrobe that accentuated her curves well. I imagined all those curves without the clothing that make them stand out. Her body was laid on her bed. Her legs were open wide. Her wrist was the only movement there was as it pushed and pulled a flesh colored vibrator in and out of her vagina.

“Melissa turned me into a raging lesbian,” I thought out loud and laughed.

“Why don’t you come over and we can watch a movie together?” I replied, wondering if I should change the movie genre or start with this and see how things go.

“I would like that! πŸ™‚ I’ll hop in the shower and be there shortly,” She replied, not too urgently.

That’s probably a good idea. I could use a freshening up and perhaps trim some areas that may need attention. I looked at the phone and it was only a little after seven. I wondered if Melissa would text me later or if she was expecting me to text her first. I thought Gina might have arrived to witness any conversation between Melissa and I, but it would not matter.

Not long after I finished showering, Gina arrived. She brought some wine with her and shared some with me. We sat on the couch facing the television and she snuggled close to me as she usually does, shoulders touching each other. I decided to leave the movie choice as it was. We had been friends for a very long time and I never had a second thought about how close we would physically be to each other at times. That night, though, it felt electric. I spent a lot of time wondering if Melissa had cast a spell on me. A lesbian spell. I was getting turned on that moment by being in a position I’d been in many times before.

“So, I picked out this particular movie because it will probably help me in the not too distant future.” I said, staring at the screen.

“Yeah? What’s it about?” She asked, unaware.

“Well, with the story I told you Sunday and the heated text message exchange, I realized that when I do actually meet up with Melissa, I may want to have some idea of what to do, right?” I said, genuinely wondering if it was a good idea. I’m not sure why I was asking her, she wasn’t a lesbian or even bisexual, so she wouldn’t know.

“So, it’s a lesbian porno!” She said, laughing out loud.

I playfully slapped her arm. “No! It’s a lesbian movie, but it’s an independent full-length movie I found on this streaming service we have.”

“Well, you have another week’s worth of story to tell me, yes?” she asked, “and I think we’re in a much better environment for your particular story.”

“Yes, I absolutely have more of the story to tell you and you might even witness her texting me tonight. I was debating about whether to text her first, but I’ll wait a bit more and see if she texts first. So, I guess I should start with Monday since I didn’t hear from her at all after I left you Sunday.”

“Before you start, I’m going to get another glass of wine. Would you like another?”

I looked at my glass and realized I would want another before too long. “Grab my bottle and yours and we’ll sit for a spell and I’ll tell you all about last week!”

As Gina walked away, I caught myself staring at her ass. First, Melissa caught my eye in what turned out to be sexual in nature and now I was objectifying my best friend. Though, it didn’t surprise me considering I imagined her masturbating in great detail earlier that evening. I decided then that things were happening fast enough that I would learn the outcome sooner than later. Also, that if I was thinking of Gina masturbating, then the person who I thought I was two weeks ago is not who I was in that moment.

Gina came back with both bottles in hand, set them down on the coffee table, and got comfortable on the couch facing me after pouring us each a glass. She stared at me with anticipation. Not only was I interested in keeping her up to date about my interactions with Melissa, but also about where my thoughts of Gina were headed. For a moment, I wanted to lunge forward, wrap my arms around her and press my lips against hers. I figured if my taste for women had actually changed, why wouldn’t I trust my best friend to explore it with me. I decided against it. Experimenting with a strange woman could end badly and I would have lost nothing. I chose not to risk losing Gina.

“Okay, so, I didn’t hear from her Sunday as I mentioned, but Monday it resumed precisely where it left off with Melissa.

I began telling my friend about the Monday after our last lunch.

“After our quite explicit exchange the previous Saturday, I was anxious to see what Monday would bring. I did my extended primp and polish session as I did the week before. One last look in the mirror and I was ready to go. My heart was beating with anticipation of what would happen on the bus that morning. I could barely sleep the previous night thinking of last week, our text conversation, and what the combination of the two could bring for that day.

“The bus turned the corner and my heart started racing. The last couple days I rode the bus, she made her way onto it before me. It came to a stop in front of me and I scanned the windows to see if I could see her before I boarded, but I couldn’t. I stepped on to a mostly empty bus and, again, looked around. She was not there. I don’t think anything I said would have scared her away from me. I resigned myself to the thought that she would be at her normal stop.

“My anxiety kicked into overdrive as the bus rounded the turn toward her normal stop. The bus had filled significantly between my stop and hers and there were few seats remaining, none of which were next to me. How was this going to work out? It would make me seem overly needy if I got out of my seat and sat next to her. We pulled up to her stop and I straightened my posture to see if I could see her outside. I watched as everyone boarded, and my heart sank when I realized she wasn’t there. What did I do? Maybe she was just sick? She could have told me she wasn’t going to be here today. I was disappointed to say the least.

“There was one more stop before mine and then I would have to be on my way. I was not going to be happy that day. Thoughts flooded my mind about what I could have done differently and what was said that could have made her run away from me. Next thing I knew, she was standing in front of me! I was overwhelmed and could not speak to her if I wanted to. I was so relieved, I felt as if my head was spinning and I hadn’t realized I had put my hand on her leg. As soon as I realized what I had done, I quickly removed my hand and snapped my head up to look at her.

“She was already looking down at me smiling and could see the visible redness in my cheeks. I must have had the most idiotic smile on my face as I watched her drop her backpack on the floor. She was facing away from me and I scanned her from top to bottom, admiring her curves. It appears she took the extra effort to show a little skin this morning. Her pants hung a little lower on her hips, her shirt didn’t go down quite as far as it used to, and her perfume was a bit different that morning. I couldn’t place it.

“It felt like only moments until I was at my stop. I stood up slowly and made sure to brush up against her every chance I could. When I grabbed my bag off the seat and turned again to walk away, she turned to me and placed her hand on my arm. I got instant goose bumps. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. ”

“Are you ready for this?” I said to Gina, excited.

She was staring intently at me and nodded.

“She said ‘Tomorrow, wear a skirt… and no panties.’ I looked at her, shot her a sly grin in confirmation, and walked away. My god, the things that were on my mind all that day.” I said, leaning back into the couch.

“Were you instantly wet?” Gina asked me, touching my arm.

Gina had touched me countless times in the past. Never did it send an electric charge through my body like it did just then. I looked briefly at the point of contact. It may have been my super-charged mind at the moment, but I was sure the touch lasted longer than usual.

“Yes, and most of the day as well. Do you know how difficult it is to function when you have encounters such as this? It was clear she planned all of this out. At least now I know that if something is different than the day before, then it was almost certain her plan for it to be that way.

“That evening, I was careful to pick out what I was going to wear. I picked out a sexy skirt that didn’t make it obvious that I wasn’t wearing panties, but also was appropriate for work. I matched it with a silky blouse that was heavy and showed the outline of my bra.”

“I didn’t hear anything else from her the rest of the day or night so the next morning, I was almost a nervous wreck. I mean, was she going to try something on the bus or was the thought of me not wearing panties a turn on for her?” I asked without expecting an answer.

“The next day, I was excited. I quickly showered and dressed. All the usual makeup was applied, and I put on my favorite perfume. As much as I wanted to ensure she smelled it, I had to ensure I didn’t smell like a whore all day at work. I grabbed my things and was about to walk out of the house when my phone beeped. I locked the door on my way out and took my phone from my purse. Melissa sent me a text message.

“Gina, my heart raced for a moment. I didn’t know if she was changing something, if she was standing right outside my house, or what. Anyway, she said ‘When you see me sitting, stand in front of me and no matter what happens, don’t turn around. <3’

“My heart jumped! What was this little devil up to, I wondered? I smiled the entire way to the bus stop, and it approached just as I arrived. I was ready for whatever she planned. I looked around and spotted her in a seat at the rear of the bus. She wasn’t looking at me, having her nose stuck in her book like she did the previous week. I did as she asked and attempted to nonchalantly move through the people to my destination. As I moved, I realized she did not specify how I was to stand. It would have been obvious if I stood there facing her and probably would have looked like I was one of those people who intentionally didn’t observe personal space. When I reached her, I didn’t pause. I turned around and grabbed a handhold.

“My senses were heightened. I was waiting for any sound or touch. It seemed like forever until the bus hit a small bump and I dropped my guard. It was only a second until I realized something dropped behind me. I didn’t fully recover from the distraction before I felt a hand on my ankle. I instinctively tensed up at the touch but remembered that she had a plan. Her hand slowly felt its way up my leg, traveling like a skier on a steep slope going side to side. She focused on my calf then proceeded to move to the sensitive area behind my knees.

“I could have collapsed under her touch, but I stood my ground as she continued her exploration. Her hand passed the back of my knee and maneuvered to the inside of my thigh. I felt myself start to tremble under the command of her fingers. She was the teacher and I was being schooled. I’ve not felt a touch like that in my life. It’s true that women are more attentive to the sensations of another woman. She stopped for a second before placing her entire hand print at the top of my thigh. My skirt was riding high in the back and I looked to see if anyone was noticing, but they were all involved in their phones, books, or staring straight ahead.

“To steady myself, I used my other hand and took hold of a pole and opened my legs slightly, giving her permission to touch me further. Her pause continued longer than I could stand. She was driving me crazy. I was about to turn and look at her before I felt her hand move higher to the winner’s circle. I froze instantly. A woman has never touched me in that manner before. I wanted more and hoped she would continue her present course. Instead, she gently moved her hand inward until the tip of her finger just grazed my clit. She circled it just once and retreated. I internally whimpered for more and could feel my juices start to flow.

“She kept moving her hand back and forth like a knife cutting through the tough outer shell to release the succulent juices inside, and that she did. For her efforts, she was rewarded with a mess of a hand. It was then I felt her begin to travel back the same way she came, leaving a trail of my juices on my inner thigh. She restored herself back to the position I first observed her as if nothing at all had happened.

“I was oblivious to the fact that the bus was approaching her stop as she gathered her things. She stood and moved in close to me, put her hand on my hip and whispered in my ear, ‘I’ll enjoy your… perfume all day. Thank you. Tomorrow, you will receive the same gift.’ I stared blankly straight ahead as she moved passed me and got off the bus. I didn’t know what she meant, unless she intended for me to perform the same action on her as she did on me. I didn’t know if I was ready for that just yet.

“What do you think, so far, Gina? I’ll tell you…” I stopped as I stepped out of story mode and looked at Gina. She had one leg draped over the front edge of the couch and the other stretched out the opposite direction, bent at the knee with her foot brought in as if stretching. Her hand was inside her pajama bottoms, making tiny circles. She often wore pajamas when coming over for television and wine as she would stay over some nights if she drank too much.

Her eyes were closed, and I stopped to watch her, intrigued with the show being played out before me. I was tempted to join her. I was tempted to help her. Before I could decide what to do, she snapped out of her dream state, jerked her hands out of her pants, and her eyes flew open wide.

“I’m so sorry, Christy! Your story last week started my engine and then it got better as soon as it started, and I couldn’t help it…” She rattled off quickly, bowing her head.

I smiled softly at her and went for the hand that was inside her pajamas. I don’t know what I was thinking but I took her hand in both of mine as she watched. I brought it close to my face and took two fingers in my mouth. I sucked on them for just a moment and released her hand to see where Gina was at with everything that was happening.

“Christy, I have a confession.” She stated, a tear forming in her eye. “We’ve been friends for a long time, longer than I can remember. Not long ago, though, shortly after my husband left me, feelings I didn’t understand began emerging within me and I stuffed them deep down inside me thinking it was misplaced anger or loneliness. Once you began telling me your story on Sunday, it all came flooding back to me. I didn’t go home and masturbate like you might have expected, I went home and cried most of the afternoon.”

She sniffled a little and continued. “It’s not that I’m in love with you. I do love you, but I just want to be closer to you than I ever have before. I’m so sorry, I got caught up in the moment. Do you want me to leave?” She squeaked out, tears flowing from her eyes.

I gently touched her face, turning it to face mine. “Why would I want you to leave? You’re my very best friend and your feelings are valid and important! I can’t compare mine with yours, but perhaps together we can search through them and we can both figure out where we’re going. Besides, I’ve been recently thrust into such feelings, thanks to Dumbo up here!” I smiled, pointing to my brain trying to make light of the situation. She sniffled and smiled at me, wiping her tears from her eyes.

“Where do we go from here? I feel like a giant weight is off my shoulders and now I feel like I’m wandering through a forest blind folded.” She said.

“Well, for one, I think I should continue my story. Why don’t you get a little more comfortable and I’ll give you the abridged version of what happen the rest of the week and we’ll see what happens?” I said, sliding down to the floor and moving in front of her. “Does that sound like a plan?”

I felt bold. I was empowered and I was going to run this show.

“What are you doing?” She questioned me.

I reached out to her, putting my hands on both hips, sliding them into the waistband of her pajamas.

“When I start to pull these down, you’re going to remove your top at the same time, okay?” I reassured her.

She nodded, as uncertain about everything we were doing as I was. I began to pull her pajama bottoms down and she instinctively raised her butt to make it easier for me. Shortly after I started, she was unbuttoning her pajama top. She didn’t remove it right away as I did her bottoms. I sensed she was a little uneasy about what was happening, though she did let me completely remove her bottoms, leaving her naked from the waist down. As I was about to reassure her, I couldn’t help but notice she was clean shaved. I reached my hand out and touched her and she was beautifully smooth.

She shook beneath me and I looked her in the eye and nodded. “It’s okay, Gina. This is a safe place and you’re my best friend. I love you.”

Her smile broadened and she nodded at me, continuing to remove the remainder of her clothes.

“Lay back and I’ll begin.” I said.

She rested against the back of the couch, and I leaned in closer. “I spent the rest of that day smelling whiffs of perfume and my sex. It was an intoxicating blend.” I said, beginning to gently run two fingers across her clit. She closed her eyes and exhaled.

I left the second day at that and just jumped straight to the next day.

“I boarded the bus at my stop and she was not on it at.” I said, looking at her vagina. I wanted to lick her, to suck her clit into my mouth, but I had a story to tell. “I waited for her stop and watched as she boarded. The bus was full that day, before I even got on so, she stood next to me. A little while after we left her stop, she put her arm around my waist and stuffed something into my jacket pocket and held her hand there. ‘This is for you. I hope you enjoy it.’ She told me.”

I moved my fingers down to Gina’s opening and rubbed her slightly, getting my fingers wet before inserting them inside her slowly. She quickly gasped and looked down. I looked up into her eyes as I continued the story of my interactions with Melissa.

“I didn’t look what she put in my pocket until I got to work and used the ladies room. Inside the stall, I pulled it out and it was a bag with a note and a pair of panties. I read the note: ‘Christy, I bought these special for you and wore them last Saturday night.’ I couldn’t believe it. Without thinking, I snatched the panties out of the bag and brought them to my nose. It was an intoxicating mixture of her perfume and her scent. I spent longer than I should have in there smelling her panties,” I said, getting visibly excited as I pushed and pulled my fingers in and out of Gina.

Meanwhile, my other hand found its way into my own panties. I paused a moment and reflected on the fact that I was now engaged in my first ever girl-on-girl experience and I was enjoying it. I was going to make us both cum.

“I kept the panties in my pocket all day and would smell them whenever I could. It was very distracting.”

“Did you want to do to her what you’re doing to me now?” Gina breathed out.

“She committed me to that idea with all those text messages she sent.” I replied, continuing to finger her while using my thumb to rub over her clit in the same motion. “Do you remember the audio message? The one where you could hear her long, loud orgasm?” I teased.

“Play it for me!”

I was expecting that request once I brought it up and was happy to oblige since I nearly forgot it was there. I removed my hand from between my legs and grabbed my phone. I found the audio and turned up the volume. The clip was about 30 seconds long and I had an idea. I was already neck deep involved here, I might as well dive in.

I pressed play and Melissa’s orgasm filled the room. At the same moment, I went in and assaulted her clit with my tongue. I’ve never done it before, but I knew how I liked it so, I tried to emulate what I liked, and was immediately rewarded. She raised up, moving her hands from her own breasts to the back of my head and moaned… loudly. Her legs began to shake as I hastened my penetration of her.

I sucked her clit harder into my mouth as her legs began to violently shake on either side of my head and her hands pulled my head harder to her. This moment seemed to last forever in my mind. It seemed like hours passed before her orgasm subsided. Out of breath, she collapsed into the couch.

I’m not sure what came over me, but I slid my panties down and off as I rose to my feet.

“I’m not done with my story…”

I straddled her leg, rested my knees against the couch cushion, and put my hands on her shoulders.

“That night, before Ben had to leave for the airport, he comes out to the kitchen while I was going dishes laughing hysterically. I asked him what he was laughing at, and he held up the panties and said he never thought he would have to ask me about another woman’s panties. Well, I told him the story of what happened that day and gave him a kiss when before he left. He told me to have fun and that he would be back in two weeks. Do you know what that means?” I asked.

I began to gyrate my hips against her leg, ensuring my clit rubbed smoothly up and down against her skin.

“It means we have time to practice before you meet Melissa.”

“That’s right” I said, my breath quickening, “And hopefully I’ll get better for you.” I added as I quickly removed my top, baring my breasts to her for the first time.

My motions quickened, and Gina moved her hands to my ass, assisting my journey to orgasm. She leaned closer to me. “You were amazing! Next time, I want to explore you just as much. Until then…” She told me, then suckled my nipple into her mouth as I rode her leg.

I held her close as I felt the fire build within me. Gina was such a good friend and now lover. As I continued on, I began thinking that it’s clear I’m bisexual, but where did this come from? Did I never have the opportunity, or did I need a Melissa to come along to make the opportunities apparent to me? To take my blinders off. I pushed Gina away from my breasts and passionately kissed her lips. One hand immediately went to my pussy, the other to my breast, pinching my nipple as she shot her tongue into my mouth. I was drunk on her passion.

I was so involved with Gina that I barely heard my phone make a sound. I had no doubt it was Melissa.

“Make me cum, Gina.”

“Stand on the couch.” She replied.

I didn’t know what she was getting at, but I obliged her request. As soon as I was standing on the cushion, I realized what she intended. She immediately put her hands on my butt, pulled me to her face and buried herself into me. Her tongue immediately began exploring my entire pussy, moving between my vagina and my clit and back again. If she didn’t admit her girl virginity to me earlier, I would have taken her for a pro the way she worked her tongue.

As soon as the wave began building, I felt weak in my knees.

“Gina, I’m coming… make me cum!” I announced loudly.

She doubled her efforts and the wave crashed. My legs shook, muscles everywhere tightened. I grabbed Gina’s head for balance. When the waters receded, I fell to my knees, staring directly into Gina’s eyes and kissed her lips again.

“Damnit, Gina. That was amazing! You ate me like a pro!” I complimented her.

“I think Melissa texted me.” I said, knowing she would be interested.

I leaned backward until my back was parallel to her legs and picked up my phone from the floor. I noticed I had a picture message from Melissa!

“Melissa sent me a picture message.” I said excitedly as I returned facing her and showed her the phone. She got excited and demanded I open it, forgetting to do it over my own excitement. I opened the message and it was a picture of a woman showing the side of her face, ear, neck and shoulder. One could assume she was topless but that’s all you would be doing is assuming. A second later, a message came through.

‘This is where I’m sensitive at. Normally you spend time figuring that out, but I don’t know how much time we will have so, I want to make the most it. <3’ she wrote.

I thought for a second. “Gina, I know you haven’t had that much to drink, but given the events of the night and the current situation, would you like to stay over tonight? I want you in my bed this time.”

She hugged me tightly, “Of course! I would love to. Can we have sex again?” She said leaning in closer. “I want to try a sixty-nine with you.”

“Yes, but first, let’s show Melissa where I’m sensitive.”

I handed Gina my phone and stood there naked in front of her.

“Take a picture of my entire body.” I asked.

She opened the phone and did as I asked.

“Now get a close-up of me holding my breast, like this. Get it and my hand together.” I requested.

The phone emitted the sound of a camera shutter.

I moved two of my fingers and pinched my nipple. “Again, please.”

The sound of the camera filled the room again.

“Now, take a picture of this area.” I said, using my hands to show her my stomach and belly button.

The sound seemed louder each time she took a picture.

I motioned with my finger for her to approach me. She did, and I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. I took the phone from her and changed it to selfie mode.

“Kiss me on the cheek.” I requested again as I positioned the camera to catch our faces, shoulders and our breasts.

“There now. That should do nicely.” I said, pleased with the pictures. “These three go to you.” I said, adding the full nude and two breast pictures to a text message. “This one goes to Melissa with a message. ‘Between two treasures lies the luscious pasture.'” I sounded out.

“And the one of us?” Gina asked.

“With your permission, I’d like to send it to Ben with an offer of a tempting story of us.” I teased her. “Or perhaps, I’ll tell him something delicious has happened and when he asks for details, I can simply send him the picture.”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Gina asked with a mischievous grin.

“Only if you’re up for it!”

“Would you let Ben ravage me?”

“Yes.” I said, taking a step toward her.

“Would you have him rip off my clothes?”

“I would.”

I took another step.

“Will you have him put his cock in my mouth?”

“I will.”

Another step forward.

“Will he want to fuck me?” She said, visibly excited.

“He will.” I said, grabbing the back of her head and kissing her madly, pushing her down the hall towards my bedroom as I did.

We were standing next to the bed before I knew it. I placed my hand gently on her cheek. I looked deep into her eyes.` No more words needed to pass through our lips. We both knew what we wanted from each other. I kissed her lips softly and guided her slowly onto the bed.


– 4 –



The Morning After and the Third Week


** Sunday, December 2, 2018 **

I woke up before Gina did and laid there, still glowing. That night was amazing. We explored each other for hours. Not always providing sexual pleasure, but certainly a hands-on experience. We traced every curve of each other’s body, kissed every inch. Yes, we made each other cum multiple times, but the exploration was the most fun. We teased each other, figuring out what tickled and what made us wet.

We also teased Ben a little.

During a break in our activities, I went to get us some water and brought my phone back to the room. I started asking Gina her thoughts as I walked in.

“Do you think I should send Ben the picture without comment or tell him that something has happened and wait for a response.” I said as I turned the corner into the bedroom. Gina was laying on top of the covers and I couldn’t help but enjoy the view. I was enraptured by my friend. Maybe it was because she was my first experience with a woman or because I already loved her as a person and now, we completed that bond.

“Did you hear me or were you watching me play with myself?” She asked.

I snapped out of my haze and apologized while smiling.

“You’re funny!” She responded, her eyes twinkling at me. “I said, I think you should tell him something happened and see what he says.”

“That sounds fun,” I said as I hopped back up on the bed. I pulled the comforter over both of us, gave Gina a quick kiss, and began typing.

Me: Babe, something happened here.


“What do you think he’ll say?” she asked.

“Don’t know. He may panic because I never do that to him. He might even be asleep, but I doubt it. He could call if he panics enough.”

“Oh, he responded.” She pointed out.

I looked at my phone:

Ben: What happened? Do I need to come home?

I nervously selected the picture of both of us and sent it to my husband.


“He seems excited. I wonder how I should respond to him?” I asked, looking at Gina.

“Obviously he knows it’s me. I wonder what response he’s looking for?” She wondered out loud.

Just then, he called me.

“Hello?” I said, snickering a little.

“Babe! That was Gina! What happened to Melissa?!” he asked hurriedly.

“It’s a long story, dear but I thought I would tease you a little.”

“You succeeded. Is she staying the night?” he asked calmly.

“Yep, she’s right here next to me,” I said. My eyes looked over Gina’s nude beauty. “Naked.”

“What are you two doing?” he asked in a soft voice.

I giggled, “Ohhhh, nothing!”

Gina was watching me intently as I felt her hand on my breasts under the covers.

“Well, it was nothing. She’s touching me now,” I told him.

“Where is she touching you?”

“My breasts, but her hand is still traveling. She has soft fingers, you know,” I told him.

I could hear him shuffling around.

“What are you doing,” I asked.

“Listening to you,” he said.

“Liar,” I accused. “It’s in your hand, isn’t it? Are you turned on?”

Before he could answer me, Gina’s hand traveled between my legs. I gasped suddenly.

“What happened?” he asked.

“She slid a finger inside me, Ben,” I told him.

We were looking into each other’s eyes as she fingered me, and I spoke to Ben.

“That’s hot, babe. I’m glad I’ll be home soon.”

“Me too. I’m going to go. Gina has plans for me, it seems. You take care of… that.”

“Oh, I will. Send me another picture?” he asked.

“I’ll think about it,” I told him before hanging up.

Gina continued to finger me, and I leaned into her, pulling her closer to me.

“Don’t tease me darling!” I gasped, hoping she would continue.

“I’ll never tease you without purpose.” She said, beginning to use her thumb on my clit. I came again shortly after. Typically, I would be exhausted by this point, but it was so exciting to be with Gina and experiencing her in a new way. I couldn’t help but think of Melissa often, though. Almost as if I was cheating on her.

The next morning, we showered after Gina woke and we had breakfast. We decided to go out shopping and have lunch, but then she needed to go home and get ready for the week.

“Will you be seeing Melissa this week?” Gina asked. I could tell by the tone that she may be a little jealous.

“I don’t know, we have not made any arrangements.” I said, trying to read her. I hope she wasn’t going to become disinterested in my interactions with Melissa.

“I’m dying to know what happens. She sounds beautiful by the way you describe her. She must be if she absolutely grabbed your attention. I think she turned you!” She said playfully, putting her hand on my arm.

“No, silly! I haven’t turned. I simply crave… more!” I said, leaning in to kiss Gina’s lips. “Want to come over Friday and hear what went on this week? I’m excited to find out what each day brings.”

“Yes! I’ll bring a bag with me this time. Will Ben be home?”

“No, he comes back Saturday evening.”

“Okay, I’ll see you Friday after work then. Thank you for the Amazing weekend!”

“I can’t wait for another!” I added with a wink.

Gina left and I cleaned up the house and waited to see if Melissa would text me. She never responded after I sent the pictures to her. I doubt anything was wrong, she just doesn’t seem as talkative as Gina was, except that one night.

I ended up cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, watching some TV by myself and going to bed.

** Friday — December 7, 2018 **

The front door opened, and Gina walked in.

“Knock, Knock!” She said loudly.

“I’m in the kitchen making some snacks for us!” I announced. I made some appetizers and a dip for us to enjoy since I knew half the night would be me telling her about Melissa. The other half, well, I didn’t have my heart set on any particular activities taking place. I knew I would not even be able to finish the story if things were going to go the way they did the previous week. I was okay with that, though.

Gina walked into the kitchen and pulled me close, kissing me before releasing me back to my preparations. “Anything I can do to help?” She asked.

I loved her kisses.

“Nope, just about done here. Why don’t you get comfortable and I’ll be out shortly,” I told her.

She put her bag down near the door and pulled her wine bottle out. I gave her two glasses and she moved into the living room. After a couple minutes, I brought some chips, cold dip, and some pretzels with hot cheese sauce out. I turned into the living room and paused for a moment, looking at Gina laying on the couch. She had taken off her clothes, except some boxer shorts and was laying on the couch. Her breasts looked amazing resting on her chest, and she teased me by not being totally naked. She noticed me looking at her and smiled at me.

“Sit here,” she said as she sat up, “and I’ll lay on your lap as you tell me about this week.”

“This was a strange week!” I told Gina, “Last week it was all about real sexual contact, even to the point of sending pictures of our sensitive areas to each other. This week was a bit different, but so much more exciting.”

I removed most of my clothes and sat on the couch. I had nothing on but my panties. As promised, she rested her head on my lap and my hand instinctively caressed her. I moved the tips of my fingers softly over her chest as I began telling her about the previous week.

“I didn’t get a response from Melissa over the weekend so, I didn’t wear anything out of the ordinary. I was tempted to wear a low-cut shirt, but that isn’t considered very office like. No matter, I did all the traditional preps in the morning including shaving. You never know when you’ll need to be ready, especially these days! I went to the bus stop not knowing what to expect.

“When I got on the bus, I looked around to see her and she was again sitting in the back of the bus. I don’t think she was expecting me to stand in front of her again, but I did notice that her backpack was taking up the seat next to her. I moved to her and asked if the seat was taken and if not, may I sit there. She looked up at me and smiled politely as if I was just another passenger. I was taken back a little by her seemingly dismissive attitude about my presence, but I was jumping the gun on that.

“I sat down next to her and put my hands on my lap wondering what I should do but she wasted no time showing what she wanted. Without looking at me, she reached over and took my hand in hers, interlacing our fingers. She squeezed my hand a little then let go. One of those things you do to remind the person whose hand you’re holding that you care for them. I blushed a little and reciprocated. This happened a couple times before we got to her stop.

“As the bus came to a stop, she reached down and grabbed her bag. As she moved to stand, she leaned into me and gave me a lingering kiss on the cheek, not releasing my hand until she was done. She looked me in the eye, smiled, and walked away. The last 60 seconds of that bus ride absolutely melted my heart. I thought about that… and you, all day.”

Gina giggled a little when I said that.

“It was like I was on cloud nine all day. I left work and went home not expecting anything. I was tempted to call you and see if I could come over to tell you about it, but I was also tired from being partially unable to sleep the night before thinking of our weekend!”

“Same with me!” Gina injected.

“That night I got a text from Melissa thanking me. I didn’t know what she was thanking me for since she did everything. She explained that she didn’t have a good weekend and I made her feel better just being there. I asked her what happened, but she explained that it wasn’t any single event, just a bunch of small things that didn’t exactly go her way. I told her I understood and that I’m looking forward to seeing her the next day. She responded similarly and with no instruction about the next day so, I went to bed.”

“I was a little sad the next morning because I was used to her telling me what to do to prepare for the following day, but she hadn’t. I hoped she wasn’t losing interest in me. I dressed in one of my usual office outfits and left the house as I normally do. I didn’t have much on my mind except that I hoped Melissa wasn’t still sad. I wanted to be there for her and comfort her. I also wanted her to snap out of it because I wanted to see her naked on her bed and kiss her all over.

“The bus came and as I got on, I looked for her. She was in the same spot as the day before with her bag on the seat next to her. I thought she was sad again and wanted me to comfort her. There weren’t many people on the bus that day, so I didn’t have a great excuse to sit directly next to her, but what was I really worried about, you know? Those who were not regulars would probably rarely see me, if ever. Those who were regulars are not people I see any other time of the day.

“I asked her if she minded if I sat next to her and just as the day prior, she smiled at me and moved her bag. I sat next to her and threw caution to the wind. I put my hand on her knee. She stopped reading her book for a moment and looked at my hand, smiled, and put her hand over mine. I got a quick chill down my spine when she did. I longed for her touch and I couldn’t get enough. I watched her read her book, scanning each word. It seemed like she was waiting for me to do more. I then remembered the text message.

“Looking around the bus, I figured no one would see what I was about to do. I shifted my position, so I was facing her just a little more than I was before. I took my hand from her knee and reached around her front and placed it on her opposite cheek. She set her book down as I pulled her closer to me. Instead of kissing her cheek or whatever she was expecting, I leaned in further and began kissing her neck where it curved into her shoulder. I traced her neck with light kisses until I got to her ear and I gently flicked the lobe with my tongue, then kissed my way back down her neck, kissing with more passion each time.

“Her hand gripped my wrist tightly but made no effort to pull away from me. I heard her breath get more shallow and rugged. I had been waiting for that. If only it were just the beginning, but unfortunately, it would have to be all for today. I lingered on the last kiss just beside the neck of her t-shirt. I purposely ensured a little saliva was left behind when I retreated. If it were me and she did that, I would have goose bumps. I looked over at her and smiled when I realized that was exactly the case.

“She turned and quickly faced me, staring deeply into my eyes, breathing quickly. She told me she needed me. I wasn’t expecting conversation. I spoke exactly what was on my mind. I asked her when I could give myself to her. Her eyes seemed to be penetrating my soul. She told me she would let me know; that she was wet and wanted me badly. I pressed my head against hers and told her I felt the same.”

Just as I was done repeating what Melissa has said to me, I looked over to Gina, expecting her hand to be inside her boxers. I leaned closer to her.

“You sure you want to start that now? I have so much more to tell you, love.” I said.

“I can do this all night, Christy. You turn me on so much with your stories.”

“Yeah?” I said, standing up.

“Christy.” She whispered, slipping a finger inside her vagina.

I was going to make her cum before I finished the rest of the story. I had a feeling this story was going to take all night if we kept stopping to do this. I was happy to do it, though.

I turned around and bent over at the waist just slightly. Looking at her, I asked “Would you like to see more?”

“You know I do.”

I hooked my thumbs into the waist band of my panties and slowly lremoved them. I turned around and put my hand between my legs.

“Would you like to watch me rub my clit?” I asked, staring her down.


“Would you like me to pinch my nipple while I finger myself?”

“Oh, God, yes!”

I could tell she was about to cum. I closed my eyes and got myself worked up standing in front of her, moving my hips side to side while hearing her whimper.

“Christy… CHRISTY. I’m CUMMING!”

“Cum for me, love. Release the tremors inside you and cum so hard for me,” I said as I knelt in front of her, my hands on both her knees. I refrained from going in for the kill until later that night.

Her body thrashed on the sofa as she came, and I enjoyed watching it. As she caught her breath, I ran my hands up and down her legs.

“Are you ready for me to tell you about the rest of the week?” I asked.

“Oh, yes! Let me clean up first,” she told me.

She rose from the couch and without warning, she slid her boxer’s down her legs and kicked them to the side of the room where she set her bag. I half expected her to tease me a little as the left the room but she didn’t even bother to turn and look at me. I sat on the couch and watched her.

“Beautiful,” I whispered to myself.

I heard water running from the faucet in the half bath. I spent the time she was gone wondering what was happening. It was a thought that often sneaked into my head. My best friend had become my lover and I loved having sex with her. I was impatiently waiting to see the mysterious woman I met on the bus naked and have sex with her, too. My husband was aching to come home and fuck me. I knew he wanted to watch Gina and I have sex. Maybe he wanted to fuck her as well. I would let him. I would help him. Melissa, though… I spent a lot of time wondering what role she was going to play in my life.

When Gina walked in, I watched her breasts sway gently side to side as she approached me. I patted the cushion next to me, ready to tell the rest of the story about the week. She sat and resumed the position she previously occupied.

“You didn’t cum,” she noted quietly.

I petted her hair gently and affirmed that the night had only just begun and I expected her to fix that problem later. She smiled and winked at me. I continued telling her about my week.

“Another night went by without hearing from Melissa. I think we were just winging it at that point, or at least I was. After the day before, I was in a… well, just a great mood! I didn’t pay attention to much of anyone or anything on the way to the bus and I suppose I just lost track of myself when I suddenly realized I was one the bus. Did you ever drive somewhere and suddenly, you’re miles away from where you last remember without any memory of it? That’s what happened to me. As soon as I snapped out of it, I looked around to see if I could spot Melissa, but she was nowhere to be seen.

“I assumed she would be getting on at her normal stop, but her stop came and went without a trace of her. I looked at my phone to see if I missed any messages, but I didn’t have any at all. I wondered if she would be waiting anywhere along my path that day. It wasn’t meant to be it seems. My stop arrived and I got off the bus after taking one more look around, just in case I missed her. She wasn’t there and thus would begin a miserable morning.

“I went into the office and began my work and was like a robot doing it, albeit a slow one. It wasn’t until about mid-day that my phone buzzed. I wasn’t expecting a text so, I briefly looked at the name. I was surprised to see Melissa’s name. I dropped everything I was doing and hurried to see what she wrote.

Melissa: Are you wearing a skirt?

Me: No.

Melissa: That’s a shame. Go to the most remote bathroom you can find and tell me when you get there.

Me: Now?

Melissa: Yes, I want to make it up to you.

Me: What do you mean?

Melissa: I was not on the bus. You’re either sad or angry with me.

Me: I’m absolutely not angry with you.

Melissa: Then you are sad, and I can’t have that. Will you go?

Me: Yes.

“I looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to me at the moment. When I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, I left and went down to the first floor. That is the reception floor and the only people who are there is a couple receptionists and people coming and going. I didn’t know what to expect when I got there, but my heart fluttered a little when I thought Melissa might be there waiting for me. Had she been waiting, though, she would have told me exactly which one to go to. I texted her back.

Me: I’m here.

Melissa: Go into a stall and close the door behind you.

Melissa: Sit down and call me on Skype using my contact information.

“I didn’t have Skype on my phone, but I was able to download it quickly through the company Wi-Fi. I called her not knowing what to expect. She answered the call, but I didn’t see her. The camera appeared stationary and positioned just above the floor. In front of it, I could see a blanket with a dildo positioned in the middle. I blushed a little but was certainly curious what her plan was.

“Without a word said, she came into view. For the first time, I saw her completely nude. Gina, she was more beautiful that I thought she could be. I started wondering what such a beautiful young woman could want in someone like me. The answer never came to me, but I was fixated on her. I watched her every move. I watched her walk into the frame, kneel, and look into the camera.

‘I’m sorry I wasn’t on the bus today. I can’t tell you why just yet, but I wanted to make it up to you.’ She said, tilting her head just slightly and smiling. “May I make it up to you?”

I was in a trance watching her.

‘You don’t have to make it up to me. You are so beautiful.’ I said. In hindsight, I sounded like an idiot teenager ogling a celebrity crush.

‘Thank you.’ She said with a large smile on her face. ‘I find you amazingly attractive as well. You may not think so, but you have a light inside you and your face is like an angel to me. My heart beats so hard when I see you and I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to feel that again.’

“I almost started crying right there in that stall. I felt my heart swell and my eyes water. I didn’t understand what was happening and I don’t know where she came from but, I was thankful to have her. I didn’t answer her question. Instead, I nodded my approval thinking I knew what she was going to do.

“She smiled again and repositioned herself over the dildo and rubbed the head against her vagina to get it nice and wet. I strained to see clearly, but I could tell that she inserted it just inside her and put her hands on her breasts. She looked directly at me, lowered herself down onto it and exhaled long and deep. When it was all the way inside her, she told me that in lieu of my tongue and the pleasure it can bring to her, she was forced to use the fake cock.

“She began riding it. Rising slowly and going back down just as slow. She told me the things she wanted to do to me and all the things she wanted me to do to her. I couldn’t help but unbutton my pants and lower them along with my panties down to my ankles. I leaned back on the toilet and began masturbating as I watched. I didn’t say anything to her, but I listened to every word she said to me.

‘I need you to be underneath me right now. I want your tongue buried inside me.’ She said as she lowered herself again.

‘I want your hands planted on my ass as you pull me into your tongue. ‘ She breathed as she rose back up.

‘I want to lick you as you lick me. I want to be behind you as I impale you with this.’

“She was so beautiful riding that cock, I could have left work right then and went to her if only I knew where she was. I opened my legs further and inserted two fingers as she carried on. Together we pleasured ourselves. As if it were orchestrated beforehand, I watched her as both our bodies began to shake. She repeatedly called out my name. ‘Christy’ she said, over and over. As the orgasm rocked my body, I heard her call me again.

“‘Christina.’ She whispered as her orgasm subsided, attempting to catch her breath. Again, my heart jumped in my chest. I don’t know how I became lucky enough for her to pick me, but I was almost as happy in that moment as I was last weekend with you. These last few weeks have just been a whirlwind of events and I’m kept on my toes nearly every day.

She unmounted and knelt before the camera with a smile.

‘I will see you tomorrow, love.’ She said as she blew me a kiss and disconnected the call.

“I was an absolute mess then and I’m afraid I’m an absolute mess now.”

Gina went to relieve me, but I stopped her short.

“Not now, babe. I want to finish the story. Then, we are going to get into the shower and I’m going to fuck you all night long.” I told her bluntly. “Now let me tell you about yesterday.”

“Short of having her in my bed, I could not imagine a better day than the day before this one with her. Another night went by without instruction, so I tried to imagine what would happen yesterday. So far, she has surprised me nearly every day. I was in heaven wondering what she had in store for me yesterday. Until then, I showered, dressed, locked the door, and headed on my way.

“As I did the day before, I started walking oblivious to everything around me. I was daydreaming of the display she put on for me the day before. I heard a soft voice that snapped me out of my daydream. I stopped and looked around and noticed a figure standing between the two buildings to my left looking at me. It motioned me over with its finger. It was a hooded person whose face I couldn’t see. I thought twice about it but went to it.

“I approached and the being turned toward me and removed their hood. It was Melissa! I don’t know why she was dressed the way she was but in the moment, I didn’t care. I walked up to her and the next thing she did was open her robe to reveal her naked body. I gawked at her while flashes of the day before flooded my mind. It was intoxicating and I was lost to my senses.

“She pulled me to her and kissed my lips, forcing her tongue into my mouth. I returned her passion and kept her as close to me as I could. She had wandering hands. Before I knew it, they were on my butt, raising my skirt up high. She broke then kiss then and dropped to her knees. Her hands went under my skirt and yanked my panties down. ‘Lift your feet one at a time.’ She told me and I did, using her shoulders to steady myself. She removed them and put them in her pocket. She had a talent. She knew how to rule me, to bend me to her will without malcontent.

“Suddenly, she raised the front of my skirt, put her hands on my bare ass, and pulled me to her. Her tongue sent shockwaves through my body. I nearly screamed out in pleasure as her tongue danced around my entrance. I knew I was dripping onto her tongue. I wanted to shout out to the world, but I had to be quiet. It was like she’s had me every day of my adult life. She knew exactly where and how to touch me. I was delirious with lust.

“As she worked my clit with her tongue, she inserted her finger inside me. It felt so good to stand there, holding her shoulders with her face between my legs as she finger-fucked me, Gina. So good. I wanted her to do this forever until her other finger began exploring something else. My eyes opened wide but soon closed again. She wasn’t a brute. Once again, she knew how to handle a woman. She explored me carefully and knew exactly what to do.

“This was a new sensation. Never had I allowed anyone to touch me in that manner, but she proved that my prohibition was a bit unfounded under the right hands. She didn’t violate my trust with pain. She knew how to add pleasure on top of pleasure and drive me to new heights of desire. She began to probe harder and I knew she intended to penetrate me again. I let her. She was so gentle, I barely realized she had done it. She had complete control over me now.

“Normally, I would feel the waves of my orgasm coming, but this time the waves were a tsunami. It hit me fast and hard. My knees gave out and I collapsed onto Melissa. As I regained my composure, I realized she was still inside me, gently moving in and out. I didn’t think it was possible, but I came again nearly instantly. This time, she gently removed herself from me and pulled me close to her.

‘I need you Saturday. Come to me at 651 67th Street. Second floor, Apartment 2A. Will you come?’ She asked, nearly desperate in her tone.

‘Probably several times.’ I said, smiling at her. ‘What time?’

‘Have dinner, then come over. When you arrive, I’ll have my dinner.’ She said, closing her robes and putting her hood back on.

“She kissed me one last time, then smiled and walked away. I looked at my watch and realized I missed the bus and will have to walk. I composed myself and remembered that she took my panties with her. As I walked the several blocks to work, I imagined all the things she might do with them. I decided she would likely spend a while in a stall getting off on my smell. This thought, along with her masterful handling of me in the alley, kept me wet all day long.”

“So, you’re going to go to her tomorrow, then?” Gina asked, a tinge of jealousy in her voice.

I got off the couch, still being naked, and stood in front of Gina. I knelt in front of her and began kissing my way from her knee to her inner thigh. When I got there, I looked her in the eye. “Gina, you know you are my best friend. You know I love you. You know I want you every day and night. You also know that I need to follow this through. She lit this fire inside me.” I buried my face in her pussy and licked her all over. Once her juices were sufficiently all over my mouth, I looked back up at her. “And I would never have done this without her.”

“I know, love. It’s just natural I get a little jealous. But I do believe it’s my turn to have juices all over my mouth, is it not? I think there is one more day you’re forgetting, though.” She reminded me.

I thought about it and considering all that happened the first four days and the lackluster day that day actually was, I decided there wasn’t much to tell. Instead, I laid out how the evening was going to go for her.

“Today was insanely boring and honestly, not much to tell considering all that happened up to it. So how about I tell you what’s going to happen tonight?” I asked.

“I think I might enjoy this story even more!”

“Stand up.” I told her. “I’m going to take you hand in hand to the shower where I will soap you up. I’ll kiss your ear, your neck, and your nipples. Then I will get on my knees and be your willing slave to command. I’ll lick your pussy. I’ll finger you…” I said, intending to say more.

“Will you do to me what she did to you?” She asked timidly.

I pulled her close and whispered in her ear. “You want me to control you the way she controlled me? A finger in your pussy and another in your ass?” I asked without needing an answer.

She nodded quickly.

“I will do as you command,” I said as I bowed, arms spread out. I stood with a small laugh knowing she would be forceful with her voice, but gentle with her commands.

“After you cum in the shower and I clean you off with my tongue, we will go to my bed. There, we will lay on our sides, our heads between each other’s legs. We will use our tongues expertly and our fingers even better.” I whispered to her.

I pulled away from her and told her that after that, the rest of the night as well as myself will be under her command.

With that, I started the shower… and against my will, my mind drifted to the next evening and my night to spend with Melissa.


– 5 –



Melissa Unleashes the Fire in Christy


** Saturday — December 8, 2018 **

I woke up shaking with Anxiety as my day to be with Melissa outside the public realm had finally arrived. I had all sorts of thoughts about what could happen when I walked up to her door. The mere fact that I had no idea what to expect was the driving factor behind my nervousness. Up to then, I could work with the daily bus rides and how to handle her presence near me. Regardless, I had a lot to get done before I went to see her.

I went shopping for some clothes that I thought she might like to see me in, even though I know she would prefer that I not be wearing any at all. I wanted her to remove each one, knowing that the effort I put into each piece reflected my inner most desires for her. I went to lunch at a local eatery and planned my outfit, perfume and appearance. I decided to stick with the Lavender perfume she seemed to like, but I needed something to wear outside of what she was used to seeing me in. It had to be provocative but not slutty.

After lunch, I went to the mall nearby and wandered into Victoria’s Secret. Money wasn’t an object today so, I didn’t limit my options as I normally would for undergarments. I walked around the outside isles of the store looking and taking note of potential items when I was approached by one of the ladies working the floor.

“Can I help you find something?” she asked.

“Um, I’m looking for something that will look stunning by themselves. Like, these,” I said, pointing at a nice pair hanging on a wall display, “look great together and would likely be something that…” I paused searching for the right words so as to not give away what my intentions for the evening were to a total stranger.

“Something that might look delicious when other clothes have been recently removed?” she asked, making sure I knew she was the expert.

“Yes,” I said, blushing a little, “that’s the idea, I think.”

“Here, let’s take these into a changing room and see how they could look on you.” She said, picking the pair off the display and walked towards the changing rooms. I followed her nervously but found myself looking her over. I don’t know what had gotten into me lately, but I think Melissa opened my eyes to the beauty everyone had to offer, and I was open to anything, it seemed.

She opened the door and walked in. I followed her and closed the door behind me. She asked me to remove my outer clothing so she could place each item where it would be and show me in the mirror how they would compliment me. As I began removing my blouse, I noticed she was watching every move I made. That was not what I was expecting walking in here, but I decided to give her a little show. I removed my blouse, sticking my chest out towards her a little. I handed her the blouse and began to unbutton my jeans. As I pushed them down, I pushed my butt out a little so she could check that out if she cared to. I wasn’t daring enough to make eye contact with her as I did this, but I’m sure she was watching.

She turned me around, so I was facing the mirror, putting her hand on my hip as she did. She then held up both pieces, so they covered what I was wearing and pointed out some things about each one. The bra and panties were a matching silk set with lace on the waste band of the panties and most of the area that covered my boobs. She pointed to some additional features and told me about the pros and cons of them as I watched her hand, secretly hoping she would touch me again. I ended up liking how they would look and told her that I would like to buy them.

“Great! I’m glad you like them. They do seem to be a bit popular. I’ll go ahead and get them rung up for you while you dress.” She said, looking me over once more.

I put everything back on and made my way to the counter. She had just bagged everything up and was waiting on my payment. I swiped my card and as the receipt printed out, she snatched it up and began highlighting lines of text saying that I could complete a survey online to win a gift card and that any comments on her service today could be provided via the same survey. I watched as she put the highlighter down and picked up a pen. She scribbled something on the bottom of the receipt and handed it to me. Normally I would just shove it in the bag or in my purse, but I held onto it until I was out of the store.

It had the name ‘Heather’ on it and what I assumed was her phone number. I smiled wondering how I went from a satisfactory sex life with my husband to an extraordinary appreciation for women and apparently a new-found appealing nature that seems to draw women to me. Regardless, I neatly folded the receipt and put it in my purse for later.

I spent more time in the lingerie store than I planned and had to hurry shopping for the outfit I wanted. I stopped on my way out at a couple stores and found a perfect skirt and blouse set that I had to have. The skirt was black and stopped a few inches above my knees and the blouse was a deep red that matched the lingerie I picked out.

I drove home, my nerves having calmed a bit. I laid everything out on the bed and went into the closet to look for shoes to match. I hoarded shoes like they would cease existing tomorrow, so I was almost guaranteed to have something that went with them. Sure enough, I found a nice black pair of short heals that matches the skirt perfectly. I set them out along with a nice pair of stockings and went to get my shower.

I originally intended to be completely shaved for Melissa, but I recalled her saying she liked a little hair to tickle her nose. I took my clothes off and looked in the mirror. ‘I could get away with a little runway here’ I said as I ran my finger up a couple inches from my clit. I wanted to keep going but I stopped short knowing my needs would be well taken care of later. Instead, I jumped in the shower and prepared myself for the evening.

I put my perfume on, ensuring a delicate scent presence in strategic locations on my body. I then dressed, spending an inordinate amount of time fitting and adjusting each piece so it was perfect, discarding the probability of them being imperfect by the time I got out of my car at her place. By the time I was done, I was fairly impressed with the result. I took a picture in the mirror and sent it to Gina.

“Beautiful. Go get her, girl!” she responded quicker than I anticipated. I also texted Melissa.

‘I’m on my way. <3’

There was no answer.

I replied to Gina with a smile and took another look in the mirror before I gathered my purse and headed out. I got into my car and entered her address in the GPS, and it said five minutes to my destination. My heart started to beat out of my chest as the morning’s anxiety resurfaced. I pushed on and headed her way with the thoughts of things to come swirling like a tornado in my head. I calmed myself as I approached her parking area, thinking that this relationship had developed nicely and if I wasn’t prepared to take charge, I had at least become an expert and letting myself be commanded by her.

I got out of the car and found the way into her building. It was apartment 2A so, I took the stairs and looked around to see where I was going when I reached the top. I walked slowly calming myself with each step until I came to her door. I stood there trying to figure out what to do, when I reminded myself that common sense should still prevail here so, I knocked. There was no answer. I knocked again and when there was no answer again, I tried the door knob. The door was unlocked.

I opened the door a little and announced my presence. I heard the faint sound of water running and realized she must have hopped in the shower when she got my text. I walked in slowly and closed and locked the door behind me. The apartment didn’t look like someone had lived there for a long time or even intended on staying for a long time. There were no pictures on the walls, minimal furniture and the kitchen looked to have only the essentials. I was curious about her conditions there as I noticed a letter sitting on the table next to the lounge chair. It had my name on it. I thought it was curious she would leave a note for me instead of standing in front of me talking to me. I picked it up and read it.


Ive been waiting for this day for what seems like forever. Please come into my room and get comfortable. Ill be out shortly!

I love you,


My heart jumped. This was what everything was building toward over the last several months and the time is finally here. I set my purse down on the same table and took my shoes off. I looked down the hall and noticed the bathroom was in the hall instead of attached to the master bedroom. I began walking down the hall, taking my blouse off. I set it down right outside the door to the bathroom and began removing my skirt. I walked into the bedroom and set the skirt down on the floor just inside the door.

I debated removing my bra and leaving that on the floor next, but decided I wanted her to remove that for me. She had a large bed with a beautiful bed set. I laid on the bed and waited for her to come to me. I was already wet thinking of what I would see when she walked into the room. I was hoping she was as into it as I was and would go all out as I did. She also seemed to be quite about more experienced than I was so maybe I had overdone it? It wasn’t long until I would find out.

The shower turned off and a shot of electrified adrenaline coursed through my veins. I heard things move around in the bathroom. Things being set down, blow dryer going, typical girl things. Minutes went by before it stopped, and I heard the door open. The damage this woman was doing to my heart and nerves was likely to have killed me before had it continued much longer. I heard a slight giggle after the door opened and then I saw her.

My vagina experienced high tide just as she walked in, soaking my panties as I watched her move. Her hair was still slightly wet and brushed straight. Her skin was perfection as I looked her over. Her breasts hung just slightly with her nipples as hard as erasers. Following her body down, she was clean shaven and perfect. I wanted my mouth on it. Her legs were slim and long. She stood in the door frame smiling at me, looking me over just as I did her.

“You look amazing,” she said in a tone that did nothing to close the flood gates.

“It seems I’m a little over dressed,” I said acknowledging her nakedness, “but you never properly unwrapped your gift.”

“I kind of did in the alley, but you’re right. A gift like you should be unwrapped in meticulous nature, observing every feature of what lies under the wrapping.” She noted.

“I’m ready.” I said softly, hoping she would take command.

She walked over to me, never taking her eyes off mine. I watched her every movement. It was like she was an actual angel, almost gliding across the room. She stood next to the bed and I looked between her legs at the gathering moisture. She was literally dripping wet for me. I changed position on the bed, so my back was facing her. I didn’t have to wait long until she lowered the shoulder straps of my bra onto my arms and kissed my neck as she unhooked it. I sighed as she reached around and cupped my breasts after she removed it. I laid back down on the bed and put my hands behind her thighs.

I pushed myself until my face was between her legs and I raised up slightly and lapped up the drop that was waiting to fall. She tasted like honey. Moved forward, anticipating what I was after and I follow suit. She was on her hands and knees above me as I replaced my tongue on her pussy. I was like an animal that was denied too many meals. I felt her hands run down my sides and into my panties and she began sliding them down. I lifted my legs to help her get them off and kept my legs open.

Her face was between my legs as mine was between hers. Together, our tongues explored each other. One of her arms reached around my leg and her fingers also began exploring. I Took the queue and did the same. I wanted to do to her the same thing she did to me in that alley. I got one finger wet by inserting it into her and fucking her with it while I assaulted her clit with my tongue. I then circled her asshole with that same finger and gently applied pressure.

“Put it in my ass.” She demanded of me.

I did and felt her tighten up. I put my other finger inside her vagina and fucked both holes gently.

“Keep fucking me and don’t stop, I’m going to cum!” she shouted.

I kept going, ensuring not to speed up but also making sure I read her properly. She did say she wanted me to teach her how to repeatedly get to the edge and stop until she couldn’t take it anymore. Just as her body began to shake, I stopped.

“Wha- What are you doing?” she asked.

“You’re not allowed to cum yet.” I instructed her, waiting a few moments then beginning again.

I repeated that until she begged me to cum. I wasn’t used to being in control, but I enjoyed this power I had over her. I finally allowed her to cum and it was the same experience for her now as it was when she fucked me in the alley. It was like a powerful earthquake erupted inside her, shaking her to her very core. She removed her fingers from me as she braced for what was happening.

“Oh GOD. CHRISTY! FUCK!” She screamed out loud as her body twisted over me. I sped up my fingers until she couldn’t hold herself up any longer and collapsed on top of me.

She rolled off me and changed positions, so she was on her side laying next to me, kissing my face all over.

“Holy shit is that what you were doing to yourself while we were texting?” she asked.

“Yes, I do that all the time. The orgasm is much more intense.”

“I can’t do that to myself, my body seems to take over and forces my fingers to finish the job,” She admitted.

“It’s probably the one thing I can do that you can’t,” I suggested.

She looked at me and kissed my lips, forcing her tongue into my mouth as her fingers found my pussy again and went to work. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close to me, returning her passionate kiss as I felt the fire building within me. It wasn’t long until she stopped kissing me and told me she could feel me getting wetter by the second.

“I’m going to cum.” I told her.

“Cum all over my fingers, my love,” She whispered in my ear as she sucked my earlobe into her mouth.

“I’m cumming. I’M CUMMING!” I announced loudly.

She hastened her fingers and encouraged my orgasm.

“Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my hand. I want to lick your sweet nectar off my fingers while you watch,” She whispered in her sultry tone.

My body shook with an intensity I rarely feel, and I grabbed Melissa and held her tight as my orgasm rocked my body.

“I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I’m cummig, still,” I repeated out loud.

“I feel it too, Christina.”

Coming down lasted nearly as long as the orgasm itself. I was out of breath and exhausted. It took me a long time to catch my breath as she watched me, no doubt pleased with herself.

“Let’s go wash up and watch something on TV. Does that sound okay? Are you hungry?” She asked.

“I could use a wash up and I could also use a snack. It takes a lot out of me cumming like that.”

“Okay,” she said, smiling at me, “I’ll be right back. You go wash up.”

It took me a minute to get off the bed, and my legs were wobbly. I made my way to the bathroom regardless and looked at myself in the mirror.

“I’ve been here less than an hour and she’s already made a mess of me,” I said out loud without thinking.

“The night’s just begun, my love,” she replied through the door.

I laughed out loud just as she did and went about freshening up a little. When I returned to the bedroom, she had the sheets and blankets pulled down for me and she was already in bed. Next to her was a small plate of cheese, pepperoni, and crackers. On the table was a bottle of wine and two glasses, already poured.

“Oh! Fancy!” I said as I crawled into bed with Melissa. I leaned over and kissed her again and she smiled, returning the kiss.

She turned on the TV and switched it to Netflix, asking me if I had a preference of anything to watch. I said I had none and joked about falling asleep halfway through a movie. She said that would be okay, since she also might. She picked a random movie from the ‘New’ section and we drank wine and had cheese and crackers.

About two hours later, I woke to the bed moving around me. I attempted to go back to sleep, but then I felt Melissa lay on top of me. I slowly opened my eyes and her tit was right at my mouth. I stretched my arms out and wrapped them around her, taking her nipple into my mouth. I flicked my tongue over it and sucked it into my mouth. A few moments later, I felt something different at my pussy.

“What’s that?” I asked her.

“I want to fuck you.” She whispered as she used her hand to guide the head of her strap-on dildo up and down my pussy, getting them both wet.

When she was satisfied I was ready, she steadied her hand and pushed her hips forward. Slowly, her cock entered me, and I could tell it was going to fill me up. Inch by inch she pushed into me until she was as far in as she wanted.