Jewel Ascending

Not much ‘erotica’ for this chapter, but lots of world building and character development. Hope you enjoy…


Jewel lay back flat on the reclining bed in Delacroix Manors ‘sick room’. As per her doctors request she was completely nude.

Her arms lay by her side and her knees were slightly bent for comfort. Her head was supported by a small pillow. She endured patiently the tender prodding and poking of the doctor as he examined her supine form.

Once a gangly yet fit young man from Moose Lake Minnesota, her body had undergone dramatic changes at the behest of her arranged marriage husband. Her lower ribs had been removed to make her waist narrow and tapered. Her thighs, breasts, and buttocks had been implanted to attain the feminine ideal curves for a woman her height. Even her shoulder width was still ideal for an athletically fit college age woman.

Furthermore her skin was soft, smooth and clear. Thanks to the laser hair removal she was without any sign of the body hair she once possessed as Jules. Her lustrous brunette hair was healthy, strong, and long; down to the middle of her back. Her perfect teeth, thanks to advanced dentistry, was more of an afterthought, hardly requiring any ‘help’ as she had always had good teeth and observed proper oral hygiene.

Her facial features had been altered as well; Rhinoplasty for her nose and a slight tracheal shave for her Adams apple had been enough to convert her previous androgynous features to the epitome of feminine beauty. Again, any facial hair, whiskers, that she once had were now long gone, permanently removed via old-school electrolysis.

Jewel now looked like the twin to her younger sister Jennifer. Ironic since Jennifer was a fraternal twin to their brother, James; whose physical masculinity was never in doubt and could never be confused or disputed.

The slight chill of the temperature controlled room caused Jewels nipples to become erect and prominent above her aureoles which were also quite visibly pronounced upon her full C cup breasts. Meanwhile, the cold had shrunk her penis ever so slightly and her scrotum had pulled her testicles fully retracted against her perineum for warmth. She resisted the urge to shiver.

The room she was in had originally been remodeled for her husband. When her husband had his first stroke he sought to hide his affliction from his peers or risk being seen as an invalid and someone of whom his enemies would take advantage.

An entire bedroom had been remodeled to serve as his in-house recovery ward with all the amenities an obscenely wealthy and paranoid man could want. He ended up with something that was a blend between a fully functional hospital suite and a luxury bedroom.

While the trappings of wealth were the decorations on the surface, the custom furniture and cabinetry hid all the equipment he could want or need for anything short of major surgery. The reclining king sized bed had even been part of the master bedroom for awhile before her husband judged his recovery was sufficient to move it to a room purposely established for this purpose.

And thus another advantage now available to Jewel was concierge medicine.

Jewel’s doctor would come to see her, rather than her having to go to his office and wait.

It was far more convenient and after all, it only cost money, and having all the necessary medical equipment in house facilitated diagnosis and treatment.

Jewel privately celebrated that having a doctor make a house call for her routine checkups also afforded her far more privacy. Her husband had always insisted she attend her exams at the royal teaching hospital and standing or laying nude as a resident made rounds with a gaggle of interns was one more grievance in a very long list of grievances Jewel held that her husband used to control and humiliate her.

The doctor who was examining her was not her usual practitioner. He was new and aside from a nurse assisting him he was alone. After 50 years of practice her original practitioner had passed away. Thanks to her husband’s wealth and influence she had enjoyed having an actual department head as her physician. Jewel had to admit the man examining her now was much more attractive than her previous doctor.

Maximus Johnson, MD was slated to become the replacement for his predecessor and as such was expected to maintain good relations with the wealthiest and most lucrative benefactors of the hospital. His full head of grey hair was neatly combed with nary a hair out of place. His white doctor’s coat was clean and pressed and indicated he had a trim a fit build. His broad face boasted regular even features and only a few wrinkles to mark his aura of maturity and authority.

Making a house call for Countess Delacroix was a necessary act to keep the countess and thus the hospital on good terms. Her husband’s annual endowments funded research and treatment for several unexplained and currently incurable afflictions. Dr. Johnson intended to keep the hospital in Dowager Countess Jewel Delacroix’s good graces.

This meant that the doctor now performing her physical examination was being quite thorough.

“So you are fit and healthy and have no complaints then?” Dr. Johnson asked, having completed Jewel’s physical.

“There is one thing” Jewel started “I have just discovered that my husband had my governess and chaperones treat me with anti-depressants. I also believe I was…involuntarily given hormone treatments.”

“Your husband did have you receive hormone treatment for a number of years.” Maximus answered politely.

Dr. Johnson checked Jewel’s medical records and notes. There were no notes or prescriptions for any medication currently in her file.

“There are currently no such prescriptions issued and nothing appeared on your tox screen” Dr. Johnson replied “do you have the name of the medication?”

Jewel summoned Dianne and Muriel into her sick room. They didn’t seem phased at all to see her laying nude before them. Why would they? They had both seen her naked almost every day of their employment.

“Dianne, what medications am I on?”

“You are not currently on any medication your grace.” Dianne answered; evasively, Jewel noted.

“Am I on any over the counter medications?” Jewel pressed.

“No My Lady.”

“Any of that homeopathic stuff you like to make me take?” Jewel asked.

“Oh no my lady.” Dianne answered truthfully. Jewel noted the change in her vocal tone.

“Alternative medicine doesn’t work. It’s strictly provides a placebo effect or palliative at best. Alternative Medicine that actually works is called medicine. If it was homeopathic then it is pure hokum.” Dr. Johnson interrupted.

Dianne simply nodded; she wasn’t about to get into an argument about natural medication with the doctor. Some people just had closed minds.

Jewel frowned. “What medications WAS I on.” She asked, more forcefully.

Dianne hesitated. She knew she was caught. “I’m not sure of the names. There should be a note in your chart.” She finally answered.

Dr. Johnson appeared to be looking though several files on the tablet holding her medical records.

“That’s strange. There is still a password protected file in your records.” Dr. Johnson noted.

“Dianne?” Jewel asked, her voice assuming a warning tone.

“Oh dear…well…yes…your husband…had enrolled you in an experimental drug treatment, to help you with your duties as countess.” Dianne finally answered.

“What is the name of the drug?” Dr. Johnson asked.

“I believe it is called ‘Docility’. Lady Delacroix’s previous doctor was working in cooperation with the NSSA&M for the drug trials.”

“I’ve never heard of it. I’ll have to look into it. Do you have the bottle?” Dr. Johnson asked.

“No. It ran out just after Count Delacroix’s death. We haven’t had it refilled since.”

“Anything else?” Jewel asked. An edge had crept into her voice; yet another surprise from her damn dead husband. Discovering he had in fact been working with the National Social Services Acquisition and Maintenance Department didn’t surprise her in the least.

“I believe there was a hormone regimen as well.” Dianne admitted.

“Well…I’ll check into it anyway, just to be safe.” The doctor stated.

After Dianne and Muriel were dismissed Jewel got dressed as the doctor typed up his notes.

“Do you have any other concerns or questions My Lady?”

“Yes. I was wondering about removing my implants. What would it take to…” Jewel paused and looked to make sure Dianne and Muriel were gone while carefully phrasing her next words “go back to being a boy?”

“Ah. That would be difficult. It is impossible to remove your implants.”

“What? Why? They’re only silicon.”

“Well, no, they’re not. You did not receive silicon implants” Dr. Johnson answered “You received high end stem cell implants to permanently feminize your form. The implants for your breasts, bottom and thighs are actual living tissue, and cannot be removed as they are engineered to re-grow.”

Jewel was rarely shocked by anything anymore but this news truly shocked her. Was there really no way to go back?

“According to your chart, you were among the first to receive these new implants after their approval for human trials.”

Jewel finally found her voice.

“I’ve never heard of these before.”

“It all started with research for other uses…re-growing limbs for amputees and organs for organ replacement. Naturally the researchers started with simpler organs first, and breast augmentation was one of those. In as much as there is always demand for beauty augmentation it also had the added benefit of being able to financially sustain itself as well as generate revenue to support other ongoing research.”

“But they can grow larger?” Jewel was concerned. If she couldn’t have them removed then she definitely didn’t want to have even larger breasts than she already did.

“Some recipients have experienced unexpected growth. About 1 in 1000 will exceed their preprogrammed cup size and 1 in 100,000 experience continuous growth for the rest of their lives. You appear to have reached your intended goal and plateaud exactly as specified.”

“No one is sure why but current investigation believes that it may be that in the rush to corner the market for beauty augmentation that some corners were cut. The stem cell implants developed here in Allegoria show no sign of excessive growth. It’s mostly in the knock off Russian and Chinese variants.”

“It may also be some factor unique to breast tissue growth and development. This issue is still being studied, but you can relax as you are unaffected. Your C cups are perfect and will only regrow if you suffer an accident or try to have them surgically removed. Your body is programmed to have breasts now. Most women also report increased sensitivity to stimulation from soft contact.”

Jewel almost missed the last statement. Once she caught his meaning she nearly gasped in surprise. That would explain the intensely pleasurable feelings when she touched them!

“In fact,” Dr Johnson offered helpfully, now warming up to the subject “if you ever decide to have children, you could have your breasts medicinally stimulated in such a way as you could lactate and breast feed your infant if you so desire.”

Jewel let her shock and concern fade slowly. Having boobs was definitely a mixed blessing. Being told she was stuck with them for the rest of her life was dismaying, but being told she could lactate and produce milk was…appalling to her…there was no situation she could conceive of where she would voluntarily choose to breast feed a child.


The money he had earned was dwindling. If he couldn’t find a new client as lucrative as Jean Claude Delacroix’s or his son then soon he would run out of money. Clients like Jean Claude Delacroix the Fifth just don’t come around every day.

James McLeod, Younger Brother to Countess Jewel Veronica Delacroix sat in his apartment and brooded.

It had all been hilarious, James reminisced. Not his fathers arrest of course. Being accused of stealing money actually increased the respect he had felt for his dad, not that he ever told anyone.

Rather, the absolute comedic gold that was his older brother’s marriage was a constant source of mirth and amusement.

James had initially been bitterly jealous when his brother was made to be the hero for saving their father from prison, accepting a plea deal that freed their dad in exchange for agreeing to an arranged marriage.

James had grown angry and sullen at the thought of his brother finding wealth in the arms of a noble woman. It just wasn’t fair.

Until suddenly it was!

In an unbelievable twist of fate Jules was actually arranged and entered into a same sex marriage. And then it got even better! Jules was to be a feminized little bitch boy for a wealthy noble pervert.

James exulted in the absurdity of the universe that would let him see every bad thing he could never have even dreamed of happening to his older brother. James had been irritable all day on the day of Jules wedding, until being escorted to see him on the wedding day…his initial confusion as they were escorted into the ‘brides’ chambers only to see Jules wearing an actual honest to goodness wedding dress.

James stood still, perplexed at first, seeing his brother in makeup that made him look like Jennifer, James’ fraternal twin sister. With cosmetics Jules looked exactly like he was Jennifer’s identical twin sister.

James confusion evaporated and he exulted in being witness to everything that had happened; it was glorious!

Watching the wedding ceremony, the unveiling of the bride for the first kiss, watching as Jules had dance with his husband at the reception. It was all too good!

No hard feelings though bro…after all, those are the breaks.

James found work quickly in Allegoria. He found it easy to socialize and network. He quickly made a name for himself as someone without scruples who could get things done.

He left his family just a few days after the wedding to make his own way in the world. And he had been successful at it to! James liked being a go to guy for shady work for the nobility. It was a lucrative business.

James scoffed at that word…’nobility’. Not much noble about any of them that James noticed. More like a bunch of cutthroat bastards and bitches holding all the power and lording it over everyone they can. And the way they did it so no one who was not a noble would ever see how evil and corrupt they were.

The commoners only cared that taxes were low, the economy was good, and the social justice issues of the day could be protested…or counter-protested…as their whims dictated. The nobles so completely controlled information and misled the common subjects that they were actually loved by and large by the majority of the population as effective, wise and just leaders.

James stifled a bitter laugh at that. If only they knew all the dirty deals he had carried through for Jean Claude Delacroix the fifth…and the fourth…James wasn’t above playing sides after all…they’d change their tune.

In the meantime, James had only one sponsor left. Dr. Horace Jarrod Inon had shared some of his plan with him. What he was needed for and what his sponsor wanted him to do didn’t trouble James in the slightest.

He needed the money, and let’s face it, he deserved it too!

James brooded over how to initiate his part of the plan.


Jewel sat before her diary as she organized her thoughts.

In her marriage her diary time had given her a small amount of latitude and freedom. In a day spent mostly being made up to be pretty for others to see, her diary was a small island of comfort in a life that was forced upon her. To be a plaything for a rich and powerful sadist had been a bleak and gloomy existence.

Now that she was free, finding ‘free’ time for her diary was difficult. Between her responsibilities for her finances, the manor home, and her social endeavors she had very little free time left. But the peace of mind and clarity it helped give her was worth the effort.

Dear Diary,

My first speech went off about as well as I could have expected. I certainly could have hoped for a more rousing response but I suppose I was just fooling myself. Despite the lukewarm response I feel that it is a good start to ending one form of injustice in the world.


Jewel glanced over her speech one last time as she stood behind the lectern. She needn’t have bothered. She knew the contents of her speech by heart now. She only hoped this would be the first speech of many that the ladies charity group would hear and it would encourage them to take up her call.

Jewel’s speech was handwritten in cursive on heavy vanilla scented paper with floral watermark patterns. Her penmanship was immaculate and the script was large and flowing. A ladies penmanship should be a work of artistic perfection. That was one of many lessons she had drilled into her during her years of training and conditioning by Leanne at the behest of her first husband; Jean Claude Delacroix IV.

It was the handwriting she had been forced to develop for all her personal correspondence as well as for her “diary time’

Jewel took a moment to gather up her thoughts and feelings before she began.

As she stood and surveyed the group she automatically assumed a pose and expression that was somehow simultaneously warm and friendly yet also one of cold and aloof detachment.

Her posture was also a product of years of training. Her pose and poise projected her right to stand before her peers and speak to them.

Like the way she unconsciously held her elbows in next to her sides.

And how she demurely held her notes, clasped lightly in her hands, directly in front of her

Even her clothing was carefully selected to convey a message of power, confidence, and resoluteness…and enhance her femininity.

The dress was a simple black shift dress. Black of course as she was officially still in mourning for her dead husband…may he burn in hell…her matte black pumps with 4 inch heels elevated her from her normal height of 5’9″ to 6’1”. Jewel liked that in a room full of female nobles who were all supermodel tall that she could see eye to eye with them.

Her black fascinator had her required black lace mourning veil attached at the front that covered her eyes with the decorum expected of a widow still in mourning.

Jewel also wore a black bra and panty set as well as black garter belt with black opaque thigh high stockings. Her only complaint was that to wear this particular dress she had to be tucked. Her testicles were pushed up into her inguinal canal and her panty trapped her penis back between her legs and buttocks.

If she hadn’t tucked her penis bulge would have been visible. The shift dress didn’t have a cut of style capable of concealing her in an untucked state.

Jewel was using all her skills as a forcibly feminized male bride to influence her peers. This was a speech to make a point, Jewel hoped to provide her peers of the realm a reason to accept and endorse her proposal. Wearing current popular fashion trends was one more tool in her arsenal to facilitate their cooperation and their acceptance.

The meeting was being held in the gardens at the residence of Countess Wanda Oldsworth.

Lady Oldsworth was known for her conservative views and would not likely endorse her proposition but there were over 40 more of her noble peers, countesses, baronesses, and dames who would hear her today.

She only hoped her speech would be persuasive.

Speech for the Abolition of Arranged Marriages.

By Lady Jewel Veronica Delacroix, Countess.

Jewel began slowly, allowing her mellifluous contralto voice to slowly build and carry into the garden space to capture the attention of her audience.

“The definition of Allegory is; a visual representation of an ideal.” She began.

“Our country was named for the ideals upon which our founders sought to create a perfect blend of monarchy and a parliamentary republic.”

“Nobles and commoners working together for the greater good, each within their respective spheres of ability and influence.”

“Instead, in one clear and obvious tradition, it is an Allegory of Hypocrisy.”

Jewel heard the soft sounds of surprise and shock from the assembled ladies. She had just clued them in that her topic would be controversial.

“Is it irony or hypocrisy that we have charitable events to benefit women when human trafficking is a portion of our husband’s income and trade?”

“Legalized prostitution and the Bimbo Lottery where draftees are selected to fill the ranks of ‘service providers’ that demean the unfortunate victims of this draft and line our pockets and fill our treasury.”

“Or that on average there is one arranged marriage every two years and that there are now nearly 30 people, subjects of the crown, who are kept in bondage under the law and under ancient custom.”

“And it gets worse; should any unfortunate victim of these atrocities try to recapture their freedom and escape their unfortunate state of affairs, the Runaway Bride laws compel private citizens and Allegorian subjects to participate in the capture of escaped brides. No other property law exists similar to this. No law compels private citizens and Allegorian subjects to participate in the capture of escaped prisoners or form a posse to hunt fugitives. No laws compel servitude to recover stolen cars. Why is this situation a special case?”

“We ignore, overlook, and forget the historical facts of this land as one that traded in slaves, and yet now proclaims all subjects of the crown are ‘free under the law’.”

“Under the law is the catch. The law allows whatever we nobles agree to as reasonable and just when it is often what is only in our self interest, be it financial, mercantile, trade, religious, governmental; or any other number of concerns.”

“The fact that international charities and interest groups have identified Allegoria is a way-point for kidnapped persons and human trafficking victims speaks to the disassociation between our stated ideals and our baser self interests.”

“Slavery is ostensibly outlawed, but arranged marriages without the consent of one spouse are sanctioned. They excuse their behavior and inconsistencies by claiming it is in the best interest of the arranged spouse but ignore any attempts by that spouse to divorce or reclaim their freedom. Their right to self determination is suspended not due to incompetence or mental defect but often due to financial interest of the arranging party.”

“Property laws that are now considered as demeaning and inhumane are now reenacted and imposed on the arranged spouse with the excuse of historical precedent, and respect for ancient custom.”

“There were reasons why these customs were abolished; the fundamental right to self determination!”

“I know many here consider me an outsider for although I was born in Allegoria I was raised in America. No doubt my time spent abroad has affected my world view…and I say for the better.”

“I want to be a force for good and for the betterment of our society and our country.”

“Please consider this speech as a wake up call. May this be a metaphorical ‘slap in the face’ we need to end these obsolete traditions!”

“We can not claim lack of awareness to the suffering of men and women who are drafted into prostitution or who are seized with legally dubious arguments of cultural respect and ancient customs. That ship has sailed.”

“Sadly, some here still do not see or claim to not know of the suffering that occurs right before their very eyes. They are so wrapped up in their small affairs they ignore the larger injustice.”

“It now falls to us to right these wrongs. It is we, the women of Allegoria who must lead the fight in ending affairs that subjugate and enslave so many.”

Jewel finished her speech and looked out over the silent assembly.

“Thank you.”


Lady Emilia Winthrop listened carefully and noted the reaction of her peers to Lady Delacroix’s speech. Many of the wives in attendance today were doing so out of curiosity. Jewel was still an enigma to most of them. A call to arms was not quite what they were expecting.

During tea and socializing after her speech Lady Emilia made certain to approach Jewel and voice her concerns.

“What do you mean?” Jewel asked, indignantly. “I think I made the topic clear in the charities monthly circular.”

“Many of these women don’t see that there is a problem with having arranged marriage male brides. Some of them feel it is a good thing since previously only women had this worry…would they be married off against their will?”

“Revenge isn’t a good reason to perpetuate an injustice.”

“They don’t think of it as revenge…rather as a reckoning, or even simply a balancing of the scales.”

“Also, many noble women want the NSSA&M to provide the service providers to do those things that they don’t want to do themselves. They feel that some things are demeaning and beneath their dignity.”

“The bimbo lottery has nothing to do with me…or arranged marriages.” Jewel noted.

“If a few men want a male bride to do those things that we women don’t want to do then what’s the harm?”

“I would think taking someone and making them a sex slave would be obvious enough.”

“It’s not slavery if they still have rights and privileges of society…as you do now.”

Jewel couldn’t muster the energy to be furious. Emilia was speaking of Rights and Privileges that Jewel’s husband had the right and privilege to withhold from her.

“Besides, what noble woman wants to demean herself in such a way?”

“A talented tongue can bring even the strongest man to his knees.” Jewel quipped, masking her ire.

Lady Emilia chuckled at her statement.

“So they didn’t really hear what I had to say?” Jewel asked after the moment passed.

“Oh, they heard. Although some will be in quite a tizzy, especial those who believe in the defense of the sanctity of marriage and that includes arranged marriages as a rare yet vital custom.”

“Still,” Emilia continued “most of these women are here simply to see you. Your husband kept you largely squired away and out of the pubic eye. You made only the mandatory and socially expected and appropriate appearances in court with your husband. You are a bit of a mystery and that makes you interesting.”

“Surely there was enough from the society papers and the gossip columns recently to satisfy their curiosity.”

“Oh no! The new male bride, Marcia Vargos, is receiving so much scandalous press that many of your peers want to know if you and she are alike.”

“How so?”

“They want to know if you are also a cross-dressing masochistic nymphomaniac.”

“Most of these women do know me. We socialized at all the major court functions. The Masquerade ball, the annual royal charity fox hunt, the annual charity auto race and rally…”

Lady Emilia interrupted her “That is all true, but those events are so stuffy and formal. None of us really know you outside court or for casual events. As I said, you are still a mystery to most of us.”

“You know my husband kept me…” Jewel struggled for words “basically locked away right?”

“I do. You’ve told me. But most of the women here just think that you are a recluse.”

Lady Emilia gave Jewel a wry smile. “You really need to get out more.”

Jewel giggled at the suggestion. For years so much of her time was spent in captivity and her thoughts and efforts devoted to finding a way to escape. To have a peer ask her to get out and socialize more was unexpected, and welcome.

Jewel was stuck by the thought that it seemed many arranged marriage male brides were giving the arranged marriage male bride racket a sense of legitimacy. By remaining as an arranged marriage male bride and trying to use the system to end the practice she might actually be helping to make the institution more acceptable.

It would seem that her noble status, her access to noble society, her perfect feminine presentation, and her willingness to work within the system to change the system may actually be helping to perpetuate it.

The irony of the situation just didn’t seem funny to her.


Jewel was actually excited. At long last she was finally able to meet another arranged male bride. Sitting in the spacious and comfortable 16th floor condominium of Dewayne White, Chief Financial Officer of Smith Financial; Allegorian Office, she was impressed by the rich tapestries and African aesthetic the home evoked. The condo was clearly decorated with a masculine style in mind. Most of the furniture appeared to be overlarge sizes as well, no doubt chosen with the owner’s height in mind.

She wasn’t sure what to make of her arranged marriage peer.

Tawny White was one of the most petite male brides that Jewel had ever met. At only 19 years old and currently the youngest arranged marriage male bride, Jewel knew she had been married for just over two years.

Accustomed to associating with noble peers and other notable ladies of the realm who averaged Jewel’s own height of 5’9″ supermodel tall, Tawny couldn’t have been more than 5 feet at the most. Only her heels were responsible for pushing her over that diminutive height.

Under the watchful eye of her chaperone and governess Tawny sat before her on a larger than normal sized modern chair that evoked traditional African designs. Were it not for her white almond toe 6 inch Mary Jane heels with 2 inch platform toe Jewel noted that her feet would not have reached the floor. She wore a white and pink leopard print pinafore and a pale pink top with keyhole neckline; the cleavage from her small breasts was just visible within.

Her pale white skin and outfit contrasted with the darker tones used to decorate the home. Her light blond hair was arranged with a braid around her head that met with a braid that hung behind her down the middle to her upper back.

Tawny had smooth regular youthful features. Her makeup was done in lighter tones to emphasize her youthfulness. Pale pink lipstick coated her full lips, pink eye shadow blended expertly emphasized her pale blue eyes easily, and just a hint of pink blush on her cheeks, with only her dark eyeliner providing any contrast. Her eyes had been done with black eyeliner and barely blue highlights to appear Egyptian in origin.

Pale pink tights covered her legs down to her white almond toe heels. Her pinafore hung to her mid thigh so if she wore tights or thigh highs Jewel couldn’t tell.

“Daddy likes to dress me in animal prints.” She volunteered answering Jewel’s unspoken question. She apparently felt uncomfortable under Lady Delacroix’s piercing evaluation.

Jewel had dressed casually for this meeting, as expected of someone of her station when socializing with a member of the subject class. She wore a black pleated A-line skirt, white top under a black fitted blazer, her usual black fascinator and mourning veil, and typical opaque black thigh highs and black 4 inch high heels.

“You call your husband Daddy?” Jewel asked.

Tawny nodded her head in affirmation.

“Uh-huh!” She chirruped, like a bird, her voice rather high pitched and youthful sounding.

“Have you heard of me before?” Jewel asked.

“Oh yes! Daddy told me all about you. He said you and Count Delacroix inspired Daddy to pursue his dreams and ambitions and that motivated him to acquire me.”

“Acquire you?” Jewel frowned. She didn’t like the way that sounded.

“Uh-huh!” she chirruped again “Daddy likes to use financial terms all the time. Daddy loves finance and investing and money. Daddy said he considers me his greatest acquisition.”

Tawny tried to answer with a hint of pride but Jewel wasn’t fooled.

“If you know all about me then I’d love to know more about you. Would you tell me your story of how you came to be in an arranged marriage?”

“Oh…of course my lady…” Tawny nodded and began her story.

“Tawny” was a surprise to her parents. She was a menopause baby. Born as Thomas and called Tommy…she was the youngest by far of her siblings, the next youngest of whom had just graduated high school and was entering college.

She had a lonely childhood as her parents didn’t seem to make much time for her. Lots of alone time with imaginary friends and imaginary play.

She was also the smallest. As she got older she spent her summers working at her family’s company. She was an unpaid “gofer” and was often treated like the company mascot or good luck charm.

Tawny never knew what exactly it was that caused her parents to enter her into an arranged marriage. She only suspected that there was some trouble with their company and she was instrumental in saving it. Her marriage brought them the money they needed to solve whatever problem they had.

What hurt the most though was that she later found out that she routed her own arranged marriage contract through the company to her parents and each of her siblings who never told her what they were signing. She didn’t have a need to know, she was only the unpaid gofer and messenger, even lower ranked than the summer interns.

She only knew that whatever she was routing was important and had to be routed and signed that day. Both parents and all four siblings signed; two brothers and two sisters. The last one to sign was her youngest sister, 18 years older than she was and at the time Tommy had just turned 18. Her sister finally gave her a hint as to what it was when she asked. She said she couldn’t tell her but that it was their “insurance policy” to prevent a hostile takeover from a wealthy shipping magnate who was pressuring them to sell their company to him.

Her father and mother even stood together at her wedding reception and told her “We never expected you to amount to anything and we never thought we’d ever find or have a use for you but look at how important to us you finally became.”

Jewel was mortified by Tawny’s story and couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Wait, you took them the documents that they needed to sign to force you to become a male-bride?”

“Yes. Mother and Father told me that it was an insurance policy, and that in order for my family to receive the benefits that I needed all four of my brothers and sisters to sign it.”

“I wonder if this was their sick joke on me. I was not allowed to look at the document. Just carry it to each of them to sign.”

“Do you hate them for what they did to you?” Jewel was saddened by Tawny’s tale. At least in Jewels case her family had been deceived. Tawny’s family knew what they were doing to her and did it anyway.

“Sometimes…” Tawny paused as if in deep contemplation “my parents had a family run business and they were in danger of losing it. Someone wanted to take it away from them. I was told that the insurance policy would guarantee that the company and my family would remain safe and be inviolate.”

“It was so simple a task too. I worked there. I was learning the family business and at the time I was working the mail room. When I was tasked with routing a confidential document…well…I just did as I was told.”

“And as it turns out I was routing the Betrothal Contract that they needed to sign giving their approval for my arranged marriage. A stipulation of the contract protected the company and their interests.”

“They gave me away to save their company and themselves.”

Jewel felt close to tears.

“Are you happy in your marriage to another man? Forced to dress as a woman and be seen in public as a woman?”

Tawny shrugged her shoulders.

“I guess I’m used to it now. I don’t like the sex, it hurts, and I don’t like all the legal restrictions. Those Public Crossdressing Permit collars are embarrassing. You know, I think they did that just to discourage men from cross dressing, and not for any other reason.” Tawny added.

Jewel touched the small silver NSSA&M charm that hung from her black choker necklace. To a casual observer it was just another choker necklace…unless one looked closely. The skin tight black band that encircled her neck had no obvious clasp, and the dark grey letters proclaiming “PUBLIC CROSSDRESSER PERMIT” and bar code were barely visible. A charm with her license number and the NSSA&M logo hung attractively from her neck.

As a noble Jewel was not required to wear a PCP collar, but as she was moving around unescorted it was just easier. Getting stopped and detained by the police was frustrating and took time. For Tawny as a commoner it was legally required; thanks to Jewel’s husband the precedent had already been established.

Jewel had tried to implement the less obvious ‘charm’ style of collar as opposed to the bold neon pink collar with bold black lettering that was standard issue. Her efforts to substitute a less obvious version by using her position as countess to ‘bring pressure and influence to bear’ upon certain bureaucrats and government program managers had only mixed success. The charm style license became an alternative for the glaringly obvious collar…but only for those who applied for it.

She had been annoyed with herself for having to do that, exercise power as a noble, and at the same time didn’t feel guilty at all. The thought that she might wield power and influence meant she could use if for good.

“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Jewel agreed despite knowing otherwise. It wasn’t about discouraging behavior, it was about control.

Jewel recalled how she had dozens of staff that monitored her every move to keep her from escaping.

“Do you live here with just your husband” Jewel asked.

“Yes My Lady; just Daddy and Sybil.” Tawny indicated her guardian and chaperone.

“And she watches you?” Jewel tried to inflect as much meaning as she could into the question. She noted Tawny seemed to understand.

“Oh, well, yes. But when Sybil has her day off she takes me to a petticoating salon for daycare. ‘The Reluctant Princess’, have you heard of it?”

“I believe you know the owner. Her name is Leanne. She said to me she knew you and trained you as well for your role and duty.”

Jewel nodded her head yes, she had. She remembered that Leanne, her former governess and chaperone had said she was part owner of the salon.

“Also when daddy is on a business trip or when Sybil has a vacation I am sent to petticoating summer camp.”

Jewel had no idea that such a thing even existed.

“Is it nice?” Jewel asked lamely.

“Yes, I suppose so.” Tawny answered but she almost imperceptibly shook her head no as she did.

“If I could change the law and make these marriages illegal. Would you want to be able to leave your husband and marriage?”

Tawny nodded her head yes. Jewel noted how Tawny’s chaperone noticed this and shifted in her seat but otherwise stayed silent after seeing the admission.

“But I don’t think it will happen.”

“Why’s that?”

“I just read in the gossip columns and saw on The Phoebe Mills Show…Say, do you know her?”

Jewel nodded her head. “Yes. She helped me ghost write a book I tried to publish.”

“Wow, that’s awesome!”

“But you were saying?” Jewel prompted.

“Oh, yes, just that a seventh arranged marriage male bride happened. I think it’s too late to stop it. It’s considered normal now.”


Tawny cowered at the feet of her husband. Dewayne stood naked above her as she groveled at his feet.

Tawny had done everything she could think of to prevent this. She made sure her husband’s dinner was ready when he got home from work. She had greeted him with his cocktail at the front door and embraced and kissed him to welcome him home.

She had taken his shoes and brought him his slippers so that he could relax in his favorite chair and watch the financial news as he liked to do as soon as he returned home.

The dinner she prepared met all his requirements. It was nutritious, portioned perfectly, and artfully presented. She cleared the table, washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and the dining room before joining her husband in his private gym.

She watched intently as her nearly nude husband lifted weights. It was arms day today. He pressed the bench and did the curl thing with dumbbells, and something called a military press and then another thing called shrugs. She didn’t allow herself the luxury of becoming bored or daydreaming. He would know if she didn’t give him her full attention and punish her accordingly.

After his workout, but before his shower she took his cock from his workout shorts and pleasured him. She tried to just give him a hand job with lube but he grunted once, and she sighed, and instead gave his sweaty cock and balls a blow job.

Tiny Tawny, just 5 feet tall, petite and feminized, placed her full pink lipstick coated lips around the massive 9 inch uncircumcised cock her husband wielded between his legs and orally worshiped him.

It hadn’t been enough. Her chaperone had told daddy about her answer and showed the video of her head nodding yes.

“Say it isn’t so.”

“Say what d-daddy?” Tawny gasped in fear.

“You damn well know what.” Dewayne loudly commanded.

“I’m sorry d-d-daddy, I don’t know what…”


Tawny cried in pain as the flogger struck her upper back. Her leopard print pinafore hung loosely and her pale pink top had been torn away at the keyhole neckline revealing her small “A” cup breasts. Dewayne’s cum coated her lips and tits.

“Aahhhh…” Tawny cried in pain as Dewayne towered over her.

“Please daddy…please don’t hurt me…” Tawny sobbed.

Dewayne considered his wife as she lay before him. He could not believe her impudence and her disrespect. He had allowed his arranged marriage male bride, his sissy, to meet someone of importance who could sponsor his petition for a baronetcy, and she hadn’t even brought it up.

“Why Tawny?”

“Why what d-daddy?” Tawny sniffled as the pain from the blow slowly receded.

“Why didn’t you ask her if she would support my petition as her husband intended?”

“Because she wants to end all arranged marriages daddy. She told me so herself. I tried to tell you but you didn’t give me the chance…”

Tawny flinched and cowered even lower to the floor as Dewayne raised his arm to strike her again. He stopped himself.

That was disappointing. Without a noble sponsor for his petition he would not be able to obtain what he truly wanted. What he had worked for all these years. What he truly deserved to have!

Becoming a member of the ruling elite of Allegoria.

Full political enfranchisement.

Literally above the law!

“I see.” Dewayne growled low and menacingly.

Tawny sobbed pitifully.

Dewayne stood still and brooded for nearly a full minute before he spoke again.

“You know I love you babygirl.”

“I know daddy. I love you too!” Tawny wailed.

“And you know what would happen to your family and their company if you ever left me.”

“Yes daddy, I know.” Tawny sobbed desperately.

“You’d never leave me would you babygirl?” Dewayne asked but with conviction.

“No daddy…Never.” Tawny whined plaintively.

“That’s good babygirl…very, very good.”

Tawny sniffled and wiped her runny nose with the back of her hand.

“Go to the bedroom babygirl. Strip down. Lay on the bed…I have frustrations to work out.”

Tawny gulped. “Y-yes d-daddy.” She stuttered.

The look of fear on her face was priceless. Dewayne felt his boner surge back to hardness as Tawny turned and crawled away on her hands and knees to his master bedroom. He saw her small cock and balls and pert bottom as her pinafore had ridden up behind her from how small she had tried to become. He had ordered her not to wear panties today.

“And no LUBE!” He shouted as she crawled away.

Yes indeed…he had some frustration to expunge. Who the hell was Lady Fucking Delacroix to try and thwart his plans? Fucking his wife hard and maybe imagining it was Lady Jewel Delacroix would be just the thing to work off that frustration.


Jewel sat at her writing table in her salon and held her pen poised over her diary. She wanted to take a moment to organize her thoughts.

Instead she glanced over her writing table, her fountain pen, her salon…

She reminisced about all the hours of penmanship practice and writing exercises she was given by the tutor Leanne had hired. Jewel’s handwriting was visually quite feminine. Large looping letters, easily flowing cursive handwriting, smooth with the perfect tilt to the right…

The table she sat before was antique. It had been in the mansion for decades and was centuries old. Louis the Fifteenth style furniture dominated her salon. Jewel thought about the reason her husband had her salon decorated in this style.

Louis the fifteenth style was designed for the comfort and glorification of beautiful women and it had a sensuous and feminine look and rejected all that was masculine.

It was a flowing abstraction of unbroken curves that featured rounded edges, cabriole legs and ornate carved and gilded features. The whole salon featured curves. The corners of the room were rounded; the ceiling had a large oval recessed focus point featuring a painting of a nude Greek goddess, her figure draped by sheer white cloth that did nothing for her modesty pouring out wine from an amphora in a pastoral setting.

Incongruously with the furniture were the pastel colors chosen to feminize the room. Jewel wasn’t sure if pastels were a thing back during Louis the 15th’s reign. She now understood Lady Valery’s disgust at the color scheme. It did clash rather badly with the antique furniture.

Her husband must have chosen the colors. Jewel could not imagine any room decorator worth her reputation would have chosen this particular color palette.

Jewel had tried writing at her husband’s desk in his study and library. The large masculine square wooden desk was a perfect place to work and review the unending amount of financial data she spent her days studying.

But when it came time to write in her Diary she could not find the focus and clarity she needed there. So it was back to her salon and its feminine trappings where she could find the calm meditative state of mind she desired to write down her thoughts and document her feelings.

Now, finally feeling centered, her thoughts came through clearly as she set words to paper…

Dear Diary, after meeting with another arranged marriage male bride I began having nightmares, so I met again with my therapist and described my most recent troubling dream. As always she was incredibly helpful and I no longer felt the anxiety I was feeling from my dream after my session. She is so kind and good to me and such a good doctor…


“And what would you like to discuss today?” Dr Agonia inquired.

“Bad dreams.” Jewel replied.

“We all have bad dreams. Dreams are how our minds process information. Tell me about your dream.”

Jewel launched in to her narrative.

She was wearing an ultra-feminine outfit in pastels that had a pale yellow bodice like a corset with an attached skirt that resemble a series of flower petals in a bold pink color. She wore matching pink panties and soft yellow-green thigh high stockings of the style Jean Claude liked and insisted she always wear, and off course four inch stiletto high heel shoes that were also in a matching pale yellow-green color.

Ivory opera gloves covered her arms and she had been accessorized with floral style dangling silver earrings, chocker necklace that looked like ivy wrought in silver.

Her hair had been done in an up-do and her makeup was all in pastels. Lipstick, rouge, and eye-shadow all complementing her floral appearance.

The overall effect was that she was decorated to look like a flower.

She was attending a garden party and knew she had been made up specifically to satisfy her husband’s desire for her appearance.

In her dream she feels as if she is just an accessory, merely a decoration, arm candy for her husband and not even considered as a real woman with thoughts and feelings.

Standing beside her husband, holding onto his arm as she is trained and required to do she looks up toward his face and sees his look of self satisfaction and smugness.

Then the tone of the dream changed. Now she was in an auditorium. Her clothing was gone. When she noticed she had lost her top, she clutched at her chest to cover up but then she noticed that her breasts were gone, her long hair was cut short. Her mini-dress, high heels, thigh highs and lastly even her panties fade away.

She finds that she is now naked and there is mockery and taunting and laughter from a faceless crowd barely visible in the shadowy periphery of her dream.

The audience is laughing at her humiliation and her loss of dignity.

She is a man again. She doesn’t belong here. She doesn’t belong anywhere.

Jewel described her feelings of inadequacy, of feeling inauthentic, of insurmountable difficulties.

Jewel’s tone changed as she then described how with Donna she feels she is reconciling, integrating, included, and balanced.

Dr. Patricia Agonia placed several upticks next to her notes as the therapy session continued. After years of consistent and persistent therapy to achieve the desired results and she wasn’t about to let a little thing like Jewel’s husband’s death ruin her progress, her achievement.

Besides, she was making good progress in the process of implanting gift ideas into Lady Delacroix’s subconscious. Patricia was tired of just working for a living and relying on her practice to support her. She wanted patronage, and implanting the idea of patronage into lady Delacroix and having Jewel shower her with gifts was an appealing prospect.

Dr. Agonia reminded Jewel of her self worth and encouraged her to continue to explore her feelings. Once that was done she then continued with their routine hypnosis session beginning with Jewel’s self affirmations that helped to reinforce the hypnotic suggestions and conditioning that were implanted into her subconscious. She took care to enhance her feelings of inadequacy and lack of authenticity when presenting as male.

Dr. Agonia, at the request of her original client, Count Jean Claude Delacroix, had developed a persona for Jewel based on what gave her the most psychological comfort within the parameters of Jean Claude’s needs.

Patricia intended to honor her commitments to her original client and solidifying and strengthening Jewel’s feminine identity was integral to those commitments.

This also reminded Patricia that the media audio files that played subliminally from her pillow speakers that spoke to her sub conscious mind while sleeping and added additional weight to her conditioning needed updating. Maintaining Jewel’s routine affirmations would bolster Jewel’s feminine persona and satisfy Dr. Agonia’s legal requirements with Jean Claude’s executors.