Seed of Evil

Candy groaned a little as she stared at her reflection in the long decorative mirror in the corner of her room. Hands on her hips she swiveled around on the spot to make sure it wasn’t the angle she was looking from. She sighed heavily, there was no question in her mind, she had put on a little weight over the winter. Her usually slim athletic body had taken on an extra unwelcome curve, making her appear slightly chubby. She shook her long red hair in anger and looked over to her open dresser where her navy blue jogging shorts and tank top lay invitingly at the top. It was tempting, the harsh cold winter was almost over, frost was being replaced by a fresh early morning dew. The sun coating the landscape in a fresh springtime golden hue. However it might be slightly embarrassing to be seen in her current chunky form. She chewed her lip thoughtfully.

Candy was terribly self conscience, she enjoyed teasing the young teenage boys by jogging past the parks and various hangout spots for the adolescent in her tight shorts and shirt. Now she had put on a little weight she felt she would be unable to appear to them as attractive and even become a subject of amusement in her small mountain town. This was ridiculous of course, the weight gain only seemed to compliment her curvy form but she couldn’t see it.

Sighing again she peered out her bedroom window over the lush green landscape. Behind her house was a small trail that led around the mountains in her part of the country. No one else for miles and miles, it was too early in the spring to expect hikers. She could jog out there until she lost the few pounds she had put on. Candy brightened up, plus it would also serve to release the tension the cramped in winter nights had bought. Although Candy had no shortage of courters so far no man had been able to give her what she wanted. It was difficult, made even more so by the fact Candy herself did not know what she wanted, but was sure she would know it when it came to her.

Slipping out of her nightshirt she placed it delicately onto the bed. The soft silk rustling softly as it touched the blankets. Groaning again she caught her now naked form in the mirror and immediately reached for her jogging attire. Her soft supple 36b breasts bouncing from one side to the other as she moved. Donning the shorts and shirt, she leaned over the bed to retrieve her MP3 Player. Stretching as she walked down the stairs she exited her small one floor house. Moving to the back of it she begin to slowly jog down the beaten path to the rear of her abode.

Candy’s cross trainers hit the path littered in leaved with a running beat. She didn’t really enjoy running, but she hated not fitting her clothes even more. But the road is non judgmental, and it is always there for her. Candy doesn’t have to dress a certain way to visit once in a while, and it accepts her the way she is. Candy’s long red tresses tied back in a ponytail, bouncing side to side, her blue eyes focused on the winding path ahead of her. Candy breathed deeply the crisp mountain air. The clouds white over head in a blue azure sky that seemed to stretch for infinity. A small canopy of trees over head, and small groups of rocks greeted her in passing.

It was quiet, no one around, as it was off season. Candy’s vivid imagination had a tendency to run away with her. She smiled despite herself blaming her mothers movies about lone women in compromising positions. No, it was the Twilight Zone movies. Unsuspecting people headed to an unknown place from which they cannot return. Candy shook her head. She could have been a writer. Candy rounded the first bend make believing she was running on a track, hearing the roar of the crowd, the other runners beside her sprinting their way past her. Candy ran faster picking up speed, now breathing harder, she felt her pulse beat faster.

Candy inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth, pacing herself. She was not a distance runner, but could do well if she continued. Candy could feel the burn and she reveled in it. It was invigorating, and that had a tendency to stimulate her. Candy pushed herself on around the next bend, where the lake lie in wait. The canopy of trees now lined the lake on all sides and the banks dotted with cat tails and reed grass. The water reflected the days picturesque view like a mirror, and candy smiled as it all came into view. It was inviting, warm and welcoming. There was a single rock near the edge, grey and textured, large enough to sit upon.

Feeling spent, Candy decided to cool down and walk the rest of the way making the giant boulder her destination. Candy climbed up on it and stood, bent forward slightly with the heels of her palms resting on trembling knees. Candy took breaths slowing her heart rate looking out over the water. Already skimmers glided among the reeds making ripples in the water. Candy could see small black fish darting just above the sediment avoiding predators. As soon as her heart stopped racing, Candy sat down on her perch and hugged her knees. She looked across the lake to the other side wondering was it big-foot she saw or another early camper as Candy thought she had spotted another person. The image disappeared in a fleeting moment, and Candy blinked thinking it strange. She shrugged it off and lie back supine on the boulder and let the suns rays warm her. Her MP3 player filled her ears to her brain, casting away all of her thoughts. Nothing could touch her here.

She must have dozed off because it was gone noon before she rose from the boulder. The MP3 player continuing on its endless loop. She cursed herself mentally, this was exactly the kind of fatigue that weight gain cost her. Last year about mid summer she would have shrugged off such a small run and gone further up the mountainous terrain. She stood up, flexing a little in the cool breeze floating across the lush grasslands. She jogged on the spot a little to regain her tempo, then as she was about to return the way she came she stopped suddenly. I could do more! She thought to herself rounding on the spot and jogging off around the perimeter of the lake.

The area became more mountainous, as craggy rock outcrops seemed to appear, jutting out from the earth. The day wore on as she seemed to jog forever, the day itself fading into the background as everything became a blurry haze for her. Strange, she had ran for hours but she didn’t feel fatigued or anything like that. The haze lifted around one such rocky outcrop and she fell against it, reaching out, stroking her hands across the large formation. Testing the reality so to speak.

Candy was scared, she should be feeling tired, extremely worn out at the very least she should have been sweating. She looked around the rocks, trying to find an adequate place to sit down. Her eyes came to rest on a small entrance to a cave system. It was dark, cool, it would give her a place to rest and think about what had just happened to her. Heartbeat racing she slowly began to make her way down into the dark cool atmosphere of the underground cavern.

Softly she padded through the small cave, in the distance she could hear the drip of water. Lichen covered the entrance to the cavern, light streamed down from small holes on the roof. She bit her lip and almost screamed at what she saw down there. Etched into the rock on both walls were various occult runes, remains of candles sat on many stalagmites, cut in half to serve as tables. Hammered into the wall was chains and manacles, obviously designed to restrain someone or something. On the ground, created by what appeared to be blood lay a massive pentagram. Her heart racing, Candy fell backwards, struggling to get away from whatever heathen symbols lay elsewhere in the cave. Turning over onto her knees she tried to crawl out, her legs seemed to be paralyzed in terror. There was something else here she could feel it.

Rocks, pebbles seemed to appear from nowhere, impeding her escape from this cave. Now she did scream as the feelings of terror, helplessness engulfed her body. She looked behind her, there was nothing there. But at the same time, she could feel something in there, something was coming after her she knew it! Reaching her hands out she clawed at the light, illuminating the entrance she scrabbled towards it. It seemed to move further away from her. She let out another scream. Turning her head again to face behind her, checking again to make sure there was nothing else in there with her. Her eyes widened in fear, the pentagram etched into the floor was glowing! The air around it seemed to haze, rippling it seemed. The chains on the wall rattled, the sound of metal on metal echoing throughout the cave.

Her heart racing, adrenaline pumping through her system Candy made one last effort to reach the cave exit. Summoning all her strength she tried to push herself off her knees. Scratching them on the stoney surface she tried desperately to maneuver herself out of this hellhole.

The chains rattled on their brackets, sliding through the loops pushed into the wall, they extended outwards, the manacles attaching themselves to her slender ankles. Dragging her backwards to the wall, the chains on top flew downwards, gripping her wrists they pulled her upright, facing the wall. Candy screamed, a long howl of terror and confusion. What was happening to her? Her body shook, tears ran down her cheeks.

Behind her the air made a humming noise as the borders between dimensions were torn asunder. Candy tried to move her head but could not see what was happening. Her feelings of anxiousness and terror grew as she felt a presence emerge behind her. No matter what she had thought before she knew she was no longer alone in the cave.

Something growled behind her, a tentacle oozed across her forehead and down her cheek. “Perfect.” a voice hissed. Candy moaned softly in terror, her voice gone from all the screaming. The tentacle slid around her waist, pulling her backwards slightly, it slid upwards through her shirt, around her neck then pulled back and disappeared behind her. Candy strained against the chains, moving her head from side to side desperately trying to make out a form or something. Anything to give her a clue as to what was there.

“I know you Candy.” The voice hissed again as its tentacles latched to her nylon shorts, pulling them down, the tentacles retreated once again leaving Candy standing against the wall with her soft white buttocks covered only slightly by her white cotton panties. Despite herself, the terror she was feeling, gave her a small rippled feeling that had flowed through her body as his tendrils had de-robed her. “Wha.. What do you know?” She stammered. A tentacle whipped against the soft tissue of her ass. She cried out a little at its impact. But again there was the warm ripple of pleasure emanating from the point of contact.

“I Know You, What you Want, Who you are. I Know.” The voice replied, raspy and unemotional. Candy moaned in pain as again the tentacle whipped against her. Her mind was fuzzy from all the events leading to this moment. She thought she could feel something at the back of her mind. Something that wasn’t there before. A dark foreboding voice that urged her to let go.

“What d…do you w…want?” She asked softly, her voice shaking with every syllable. Two tentacles this time slapped against her body. This time she managed to scream in pain as they collided with her flesh. Again though the tingle ran through her body.

“It is not what I want, But what you want.” The voice replied again. The tentacles continuing to torment her, each one slapping her twice this time. Her moans of pain echoing throughout the cave.

“P…Please, I d…don’t want a…anything!” She moaned out as the tendrils wrapped around both her legs, sliding over them. Their texture was like sandpaper, every time they moved pain erupted from her legs across her body. The dark voice in her head showed her images of pleasure, pain. Torture and bliss. These images bounced around in her psyche, she was unable to block them out.

“Did you not run past adolescents in your attractive attire, Hoping to entice them? Did you not reject your past lovers because they could not show you what you sought? I Can give this to you.” The creature hissed again from behind her, it seemed to get closer as it’s tendrils moved around her legs.

“Y…Yes, but I was only teasing the teenagers.” She stated gaining a little confidence. “Indeed?” The beast rasped again.

“Yes, but what can you give me that no man has?” Candy asked, genuinely intrigued by what the monster was saying. The images in her mind were getting to her, her body was responding to the creatures words. Tentacles whipped out, slapping against her soft skin. four, five, six blows landed. She groaned out loud, a mixture of pleasure and pain. Her nerve centers reacting to the pain, her entire body feeling the pleasure. She no longer resisted the images in her mind, she let them flow freely. What they showed was what she wanted really, deep down.

“What you seek.” Was the cryptic response.

Candy thought about the things she wanted. A strong hand that would consider her needs. Someone who was fueled by feedback her reactions gave, challenging her ever further. Someone who made her feel that she belonged, and someone who would always be there. Here was someone, or something, who said it had known her, it seemed for quite some time, and had become familiar enough with her and her life to show himself even now, and claimed that he could fulfill her wishes.

It all seemed too good to be true…” What do you want from me?…* Candy asked softly. Her hands wrapped around her shackles trying to pull them out of the rock walls, knowing well they wouldn’t budge. She felt their unforgiving steel cut into her flesh.

The invisible voice grinned from behind…* I know that you’ve never born a child, and I have chosen you to be my vessel…” The entity didn’t explain why he wanted a child, for he knew that for Candy it simply be enough to know that he had chosen her.

Candy’s eyes widened at it’s response…” A… a child? You want me to…* With that revelation, Candy’s breath left her, and her mind and body followed him in total submission.

She had been an easy conquest. Now her mind and body followed in total submission. Clearly her body changed from resistant to relaxed awaiting the next waves of torture. Candy spoke not another word, but her mind was racing with questions. How would he plant his seeds? Would she be able to see the face of this…whatever it was? Candy searched for his presence still behind her, and found it still there. She closed her eyes trying to brace herself for the next wave, and it came.

” Ah. are you trying to guess what I’m going to do next?…” It’s voice taunted her. A single tendril whipped Candy across the back, as a warning not to think it too soft…” Don’t bother, girl, for you have no way of knowing…” Then came a second. It was enjoying her screams and the pleasure it was giving Candy.

It could smell the moisture that came from the orifice between her legs he grinned and placed the tip of one tentacle at her opening to taste her. Candy moaned at the break from all the whipping, when she felt his appendage tickle her secret place. It retracted for only a moment.

” You like that, don’t you? I can smell it coming from you, I can taste it. Shall I give you more?…” It waited for her response, although it wasn’t needed. It knew what Candy wanted, it wanted her to say it.

Candy was quick to answer…” Yes…please…” Much to her chagrin she discovered she indeed liked the feeling of his tendril probing her.

But that wasn’t what Candy received. Again more lashes across her back, caused Candy to buck and twist in her shackles. Now completely hoarse, her screams were silenced, yet her face told otherwise. Pleased with the welts forming over her body, it ran its sandpaper skin over them to further its claim on her. It could see tears running down her face with the stinging that wracked her body. It drew nigh and placed his mouth next to her ear.

” Do not cry, girl, for I am making you MINE…* It’s hiss emphasized that single word to send a message.

It reached one tendril down over her back and to the top of her tail bone. It stopped there and rubbed against it with slight pressure, and it listened to her moans, as Candy stifled her sobbing. The salt from her tears on her lips, her eyes were now blurry. She felt his tendril run lower between the globes of her backside and press at her opening, teasing her there. Just on the edge of her orifice, the scratchy epidermis abrased her, and it could feel her reflexes welcome the intrusion. It retracted his appendage not giving her further satisfaction wanting to hear Candy beg.

” Not yet, girl. Tell me. Tell me you want it…” It grinned with a sneer.

“Oh…Pleeaassee…* Her raspy voice would plea…”Yes I want it…” Now it knew that after all that watching and waiting had come to an end, now it would finally come to pass. Candy would surely belong…for eternity.

The chains around her arms and legs fell off, hitting the floor with a clang. Tentacles wrapped around her in their place, she felt herself lifted off the floor, entwined in his oily grasp. She was pushed down onto the floor, onto her hands and knees. Willingly she lifted her rear to him, offering her body to his every whim.

Tendrils snaked around her form as she lay there, latching onto her small pert breasts they began to kneed roughly, squeezing, abusing the nipples. They were vicious around her soft mounds. Candy felt the pain at first, surging through her body turning into pleasure. Moans escaped her lips, his tendrils gripped tighter around her legs.

A fifth tentacle snaked up her back, grazing her skin as it slithered across her body, it looped around her neck, up over her chin, finally resting against her lips, she parted them slowly to allow the tendril into her mouth. It pushed into her, rasping against her teeth, slithering over her tongue. Candy began to suck on it gently, moving her tongue against the rough appendage.

She felt something hard and dome crested push against her warm inviting hole. Unlike the tendrils which were soft and thin in nature, this new organ felt only hard and wide against her orifice. Candy sighed as she sucked the appendage in her mouth. She knew she was about to be taken by some monstrous creature, she knew she would carry his demonic child into the world. She did not care, he was filling a void in her life, fulfilling ancient wishes in her soul.

He entered her, he did not pull back because of his size, instead he thrust his magnificent organ deep into her body. Her canal was already slick with lust his dick did not meet much resistance on its way through her.

Candy’s breath became ragged as he thrust his way into her body, she raised her hips to meet his initial thrust. A groan escaped around the tendril in her mouth. Pain and pleasure shooting through her body as he thrust against her buckling hips. His tentacles whipped off from around her thighs, slapping against her ass as he pounded into her body.

The tendril in her mouth became to slip in and out at the same time as his assault on her womanhood began. The tentacles around her breasts intensified their vicious molestation of her small perky boobs. They rushed around them, squeezing, cupping, one even reared back and slapped her hard across the mounds.

Candy’s eyes were closed in ecstasy, the intense pain from his slaps mixed with the raw pleasure of his lust. The two sensations mingled together like an electric currant running rampage through her entire body. She closed her legs a little, to tighten her grip on his dick as it pounded in and out of her. She could hear him behind her, grunting, snarling with pleasure as he took his new vessel.

She groaned loudly as the sensations in her body finally peaked. Explosions rocked her form as she rocked and buckled on his huge cock. Everything seemed to slow down as she was trapped in her orgasmic pleasure. The feeling of pure pleasure drove her wild as her body released its nectar all over his thrusting organ. The tentacle in her mouth slipped out as she continued to writhe against him, moaning and screaming out in ecstasy. Finally she collapsed forward, unable to sustain her weight on her shaking weak arms.

He continued to thrust into her, she still had not even seen his face. But she had not been told to turn around so she did not, instead she lay there. Her face pushed into the rocky floor awaiting his final release.

“Seed me, Use me, Fill your vessel!” She screamed as his pounding intensified. His tentacles now free-wheeling around everywhere. They all came to rest on her still body,wrapping around her like snakes. Their grip harshened to the point of intense pain for Candy. As he made one final push into her body. She could feel his low guttural roar of pleasure resonate throughout the cave. The tendrils on her body grip her with such force she felt a rib crack under the strain. Then she felt it, his cock spasmed in her body, releasing it’s hot seed into her body.

She felt its heat enter her canal, fill her with it’s passion, she felt it flow through her body. Her face in the ground she let out a small grin as he withdrew from her body. The heat in her intensified, seemed to burn her. The pain reached to such a high point that she groaned out loud before fainting.

She awoke several hours later, her clothes still on her body and her MP3 player blaring out into her brain. She looked around the dank cool cave. There were no chains, no candle remains. Even the large pentagram on the floor had disappeared. Had it all been just a dream? Perhaps in her mental state she had conjured the whole thing up in an attempt to be rid of her frustrations. Turning around she slowly left the cave, her whole body ached but in her denial she put that down to sleeping on the hard floor of the cave. Wincing as her hands touched her ribcage, her eyes widened in terror. One of her ribs was indeed broken!