Sharing David’s Wife

David was frozen in place, the jacket of his tuxedo halfway up his arms, staring at his wife as if she’d just sprouted wings.

“WHAT did you just say?”

Katie was slipping into a pair of saucy red heels to compliment her equally hot red dress.

“What’s wrong, honey?” she smiled sweetly, finishing with the heels and sliding earrings on. “You’re getting old–you need a hearing aid?” And she grinned at him.


He shrugged into the jacket. His beloved, sweet, sexually-inventive-but-20-years-of-monogomous wife had just informed him that in addition to taking their friend, Paul, to his annual birthday dinner, they were taking him to bed as well.

David found his ass on their neatly made bed without recalling how his knees buckled.


She turned, hands on incredibly sensuous hips. “I told you I wanted this, sweetheart. Don’t you remember?”

David blinked slowly, scraping up the crumbs from around the edges of his apparently feeble memory and suddenly it came to him. “Last Tuesday,” he murmured, and she smiled brightly and licked her ripe lips.

Somehow she got him downstairs, outside, and into the car, though she had to drive because he couldn’t think straight enough to operate his own tongue, not to mention a motor vehicle. All he could think about was last Tuesday.

He’d returned home from two weeks away on business and when she met him at the kitchen doorway, his briefcase and suitcase quickly joined his briefs and his suit on the tile while he’d fucked her hard and fast and deep, her legs around his waist, her ass on the edge of the countertop. That led to the stairs and much later, their bed, where they’d started whispering about their sexual fantasies. She’d stroked him, given him a blowjob that drove him completely insane, and finally mounted him, slowly pumping up and down while she whispered her wildest fantasy: having incredible sex with her incredible husband. And his best friend, Paul.

The way she’d spoken of it, gripping him tight inside her, face flushed, hands lifting and caressing her breasts, sent him hurtling over the edge just before she joined him with a sharp little cry. After that they cuddled, and now he vaguely recalled making some kind of affirmative sound when she whispered in his ear, asking permission to set up her little fantasy. He’d been so overloaded with pleasure he might have given her permission to sell him as a sex slave and he would have given her the same, “Mmmhmm,” in reply.

Now, watching her drive with a look on her face he’d never seen before, he wondered what in hell they were getting themselves into.

“Uh….honey?” he ventured cautiously. “Did you….uh….happen to mention this…I mean, the sex part….to Paul?” His hands were sweating. He’d never even thought about fucking another woman, even with Katie in the room. Dear heaven, he thought….did this mean she didn’t love him anymore? Didn’t want him?

His still incredibly beautiful wife glanced over long enough to smile erotically. “Darling,” she murmured, “You’re still mine, and I’m still yours. Always. And yes, I’m still going to want your body as often and as enthusiastically as before. And yes, I spoke to him about it. He’s as nervous as you are.”

Well, that was something, wasn’t it? David didn’t even stop to wonder how she’d managed to answer the very questions that were roiling around, unasked, in his brain. Katie had always managed to read his mind. Probably because, after all, she was a woman and he was a man, which translated into about one-point-three square inches of insight on his side, compared to forty-seven square acres on hers. “Well. Okay, then. I guess.”

The response sounded as lame as it was in the otherwise quiet car. Katie reached down to click on the CD player, filling the interior of the vehicle with some very soothing jazz, then slid her hand onto his thigh, caressing him gently.

“I love you, baby,” she whispered.

David grabbed her hand, partly to keep it from venturing too far north, but primarily because he needed something like an anchor just then. “I love you, too.”

Katie braked to a slow stop in a line of traffic as a light blinked to red, looking over at him, her expression earnest. “Honey if you don’t want this, we won’t do it. It’s not like it’s the Holy Grail of sex.”

David looked into her smile and saw that, while she was willing to put a stop to all of it, she also wanted it. Badly. So, maybe he had more than an inch or so of insight. He squeezed her hand lovingly before raising it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles.

“I want you to be happy.” They both said it at the same instant, laughing as Katie accelerated again on the green light. Then she grinned at him again and he swore to himself that he would force himself to do it if he had to. For Katie’s pleasure.

Paul waited at the table. He’d been half an hour early for dinner, only because he was wearing out his carpet at home with all his pacing and wearing out his mind with all his second-guessing. He figured he’d come in, get the table and a drink. Or two. And by the time Dave and Katie came in, he’d be completely relaxed.

Yeah, right.

He adjusted his vest for the fifteenth time. He sipped cognac; he straightened his cuffs. He wished like hell Katie didn’t always insist that this birthday triangle had to be a very formal affair so that he could have arrived in a pair of well-worn jeans and his favorite T-shirt instead of his tux. The triangle. That’s what Katie called their three annual dinners out, to celebrate each of their birthdays. Tonight, it had a bit of a different meaning.

Katie’s impromptu visit to his office last week had surprised and pleased him. Hell, he hadn’t even managed to get over the serious crush he’d had on her since they’d met (three months before he introduced her to his best friend, David, damn it anyway) almost twenty years before. Truth be told, he’d had the hots for his best friend’s wife for longer than he cared to admit. But he loved both Katie and David; they were his dearest and oldest friends; his constant sources of strength since his own wife’s death eight years before. He would never have broken those bonds by chasing her like some sex starved teenager.

Sipping cognac, Paul smiled as he recalled how excited and nervous Katie had been in his office; how shocked even she had seemed to be when she’d blurted out her reason for coming. She’d said, “Paul, would you consider having sex with me? I mean…with us?”

The question was followed by a long, long silence, through which his jaw was no doubt gaping and Katie turned a fetching shade of pink that made him want to grab her, kiss her, and never stop. He’d tried to chuckle, to somehow shave off the edge of embarrassment she was clearly feeling, but there had been something stuck in his throat. Now that he thought about it, it had probably been his heart.

“Katie,” he’d said softly. It was all he could say. At that moment, he hadn’t even known if he remembered the English language. To come up with an answer seemed a momentous task he wasn’t up for. There were other tasks, however, that he had immediately been up for.

Mistaking his lack of verbal skills for rejection, Katie stood up, nearly tripping over herself with embarrassment hurrying toward the door, stammering apologies. He’d caught her by the shoulders just before she could get her hand around the doorknob, turning her gently around and backing her up against the cool, pale wood of the door.


She had her face down, probably to hide the threat of tears he could hear in her voice. She shook her head vigorously. “No,” she’d said, “it’s okay. I understand. No need to be embarrassed or anything. There’s no harm in asking, right?” And she choked on what sounded like her attempt at laugher, effectively breaking his heart.

He’d tilted her face up. She was still beautiful, he’d thought. More beautiful than she’d ever been in her youth. “Right,” he murmured soothingly back to her. “No need to be embarrassed. So why are you?” Then he grinned at her and his grin widened when she responded in kind, losing some of that wounded kitten look and smiling faintly at him. She’d relaxed, too. He’d felt it in his hands when he put them back to her upper arms, soothing her with his touch. She’d been looking up at him, her pale jade eyes luminous with unshed tears, and her pale blond hair slightly mussed.

“I’m sorry,” she’d whispered.

He just kept smiling at her. Until his gaze dropped to her cleavage, ripe and still arousingly firm even under the modest blouse she wore. Then he lost his sense, moved his hips carefully forward until they touched hers.

Another sip of cognac went over his tongue as warm and giving and generous as she’d been that day, Paul thought, looking at his watch again. He remembered the sweet, almost virginal way she’d gasped, her lashes fluttering, and then she’d been looking up at him through those lashes. Coyly. Seductively.

He kissed her that day in his office. Hell, he couldn’t have resisted even if he’d wanted to. It was the first time he’d ever felt his painfully erect cock pushing at the yielding juncture of her thighs. Clothes be damned, it was still one of the most erotic things he’d ever felt. He’d bent down to her, feeling her pushing up on her toes with an eager whimper, and he’d taken her mouth. The kiss was brief, deep, hot, and left no doubt as to his answer.

And now here he was, nearly two agonizingly long months later. Waiting to have her.

There was the little issue of David, of course. Being a normal male, Paul had never been involved in a threesome and sure as hell doubted David had ever been, either. Certainly neither of them had any tendencies toward bisexual fantasies, one of the many, many things Katie had spent the last two months constantly reassuring him about while she’d made plans for their evening. This was her fantasy. This was what Katie wanted, and he knew that David would do it for her, if for no other reason. He couldn’t imagine any other reason a man would want to share anyone as lovely and sexy and full of life as Katie.

Hell, if he’d been her husband, he wasn’t sure if he could resist giving her anything that would make her happy either.

Glancing at his watch for the thousandth time, Paul caught a glimpse of red out of the corner of his eye and that glimpse clarified into the form of a lovely woman who took his breath away. He rose, watching his best friends approach, seeing Katie’s delicious smile and David’s slightly apprehensive expression, and tried to keep cool.

“Happy Birthday, Paul!” Katie exclaimed, quickly wrapping her arms around Paul’s neck and hugging him enthusiastically before kissing his cheek. She paused to wipe the lipstick from his skin, giving him a smile she was sure he couldn’t mistake in a thousand years and chuckling a little under her breath at the feel of his hips moving almost unconsciously into hers. “No cake for me tonight,” she whispered for him alone to hear. “But lots of icing.” And then she winked, laughing at the way he flushed.

David watched the two of them, surprised when he didn’t feel a wave of confusion, or at least jealousy, at their embrace. Instead he could almost swear he felt a bit of electric arousal tickling the back of his brain. Shaking the idea away, he reached past his wife to take Paul’s hand and wish him a happy birthday.

“Easy boys,” Katie chuckled, looking at Paul as she pulled away and then at David. “Let’s enjoy our dinner and not worry about dessert just yet.”

For the first time David and Paul looked one another in the eye. While Kate slid into the center of the big U-shaped booth, they faced one another, both unsure. Kate patted the thick leather seats on either side of her.

“Gentlemen,” she murmured sweetly, “no fisticuffs in public. If you want to fight over me you can do it outside.” The waitress, a softly rounded young woman with lovely brown eyes, approached the table as Katie spoke, watching the men curiously.

“Hey,” the younger woman commented, smiling, “there are worse things than having two handsome men competing for your attention.”

Looking at his friend, then his wife, David smiled. “No fighting,” he said lightly. “We’re sharing.”

Not missing a beat, the girl pulled out a small notepad. “Lucky lady. Can I get you folks a drink?”

Kate slid the tines of her fork sidelong through the sliver of chocolate cheesecake she’d chosen for dessert. On her left David was nursing a brandy and on her right Paul was finishing his cognac. Both had been unusually quiet through dinner.

“Want a bite?”

Both men looked up. Kate was lifting a bite of dessert, offering it to Paul. He and David shared a glance across the table and he hesitated.

David felt another wave of heat shudder through him at the sight of his wife offering something to another man, even if that something was as innocent as cake.

“Go ahead,” David told his friend evenly, suddenly sure. “It’s delicious.”

Smiling at the double entendre, Paul relaxed, turning his gaze to Katie. Parting his lips, he let her feed him the cheesecake, feeling the hunger in her gaze in every cell of his body.

Kate smiled, licking her lower lip as she watched him take the food she offered.

“I think we’re ready,” she said softly.

She’d gotten them a room, not in some modern upscale hotel, but several miles out of town at a Bed and Breakfast, a quiet place nestled in hills and trees and obscurity. She drove again, this time alone since David had insisted that he would follow her with Paul in Paul’s car. That had surprised her but after having them both so quiet at dinner she was happy they were willing to share a car.

After all, they’d be sharing her, she thought as she pulled around to the last little cottage at the back of the property. Parking, she searched her purse for the key she’d picked up earlier in the day, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath at the idea of having them both: David, whom she loved more than life, and Paul, who had his own piece of her heart and a good many of her sexual fantasies. She wondered if she should pinch herself. A moment later the headlights of Paul’s car swung in a wide arc over her as her men pulled up beside her and she reached for the handle.

David and Paul came out of their vehicle smiling at her and suddenly her knees went shaky and weak. Still, she managed to make it to the door and unlock the cottage that she’d spent a few hours preparing earlier.

With the door closed she turned to David, asking him to light the dozen or so candles. Then she stood in the middle of the room, wondering with sudden panic how on earth one is supposed to initiate a threesome.


Paul came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back into his body. Kate made a soft little moan at the hardness of his cock pressing through their clothes against her bottom. All she could do was nod as she slid her hands over his where they were warm and hard over her belly.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Paul whispered to her. “We’ll take care of you.” Then he kissed the place where her pulse beat hot behind her ear and then her throat, loving the way she melted back against him.

Lighting the last candle, David turned to watch Paul embrace his wife. An expression of pure pleasure warmed her face and he smiled, moving quietly to the stereo system, finding something slow, dark and sensuous to play in the background.

Kate moaned as Paul kissed her, eyes half closed, watching David at the stereo before he came toward them. When her husband lifted his hands to frame her face and leaned down to kiss her, she felt the heat of both of their larger, harder bodies framing hers and her knees nearly went out. Paul’s hands slid to her waist then to the small of her back, massaging her with long, warm, sensual fingers while she slid hers up to David’s shoulders, pushing off his black jacket. As Paul massaged his fingers crept higher, turning her spine to liquid before taking the tab of her zipper and dragging it slowly down, a knuckle scraping her skin as he did. The shudder that light touch caused made her nipples tighten and her cunt warm with liquid need.

Kate took one thousandth of a second to wonder if her men hadn’t planned this all out in the car on the drive over before David was slipping the dress from her shoulders and behind her, Paul took it into his hands and moved it purposefully; slowly, all the way down her body. His knuckles slid over the silk panties that barely concealed the line of her ass. His cheek brushed her bare upper thigh; he folded to his knees and licked and nibbled at the backs of hers through the sheer stockings, making her groan into David’s kiss.

Leaving the dress in a heap at her feet, Paul moved back up slowly, using his lips and tongue and teeth to torment and adore every inch of her exposed skin as he straightened again, taking a moment to step back then and admire the view as he removed his own jacket and shirt. When he came back to Kate he pressed his bare chest into her back, sliding his arms around her and covering her lace-covered breasts in his open hands. She gasped and stiffened as he kissed her shoulder and David moved away, leaving her in his care. Murmuring softly against her ear he said, “Baby, you know how long I’ve wanted you?”

Feeling as if she were in some erotic dream, Kate looked at her husband while resting her head back onto Paul’s shoulder, purposely pushing her breasts into his hands.

“How long?” she whispered back.

“Only forever,” he growled in her ear, his fingers squeezing her firmly, making her moan. “But tonight, I’m going to have you.” With that he lightly pinched her nipples through the lace of her bra. “Do you like that, sweetheart?”

Kate could only shudder and whimper in reply.

“Are you going to be our good little girl tonight?”

Kate stiffened again, but this time in surprise and only for an instant when David smiled at her. He had obviously told Paul about all the things that made her helplessly wild, and they were both going to use that advantage tonight.

Paul pulled her back hard into his body, pinching her nipples again, this time a little harder. “Are you, princess?” he rasped.

“Y–yes,” Kate answered finally, sharp little threads of hot pleasure spinning from his fingers at her nipples to the soft, quickly warming spot between her thighs. Oh god, yes, she would be anything they wanted. Needed. Demanded. In front of her, David shed his shirt, tie, shoes and socks, leaving him in black tuxedo pants. He was deliciously hard for a man his age, his hair graying at the temples, his eyes full of wisdom and, at the moment, a heat she’d never seen before. She’d thought herself the architect of this moment, but his gaze told her that while that may have been true, she was now something else. Their prize; their plaything. The thought made her sag in overwhelming emotion back into Paul’s body.

“She will, Paul,” David assured his friend. “I told you. When she’s good she’s very, very good, and when she’s bad she’s unbelievable.”

Behind her, Paul made a sound of masculine pleasure and Kate found herself feeling half drugged with it. Her breasts ached in his hands; she realized slowly that she was rotating her hips in slow time with the music, pushing her ass back into the hard ridge of Paul’s cock through his trousers.

Pulling a straight-backed chair from a corner of the room, David placed it a few feet from his wife and Paul, in a spot where he could see them both in profile, her lithe, lovely body in nothing but heels and pretty red underthings bowed slightly back against Paul as she rubbed her sweet little ass into his cock. Smiling, he made himself comfortable, crossing his arms over his chest.

“We drew straws,” David told his wife, with a bit of humor and a great deal of arousal in his voice. “Paul gets you first. He’s looking forward to seeing how bad a girl you can be.”