Casey the Life Changer

This is how my life, of which I thought was just about as perfect as guy could want, changed.

My name is Jake.. I am 35 years old and married to Judy. Who in my eyes is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. She is a 5’9 120lbs brunette bombshell of a lady. We have known each other since we where freshman in high school. We met because she became my sister Beth’s best friend in high school.. my sister and I are twins.

Judy and my sister were inseparable growing up after they first met. One could go no ware without the other it seemed. They where always asked if they where sisters because they look a lot alike. Beth and I don’t really look anything alike.

Most people can’t tell that we are related. I’m 6’4 225lbs with dark almost black hair and She is a 5’9″ brunette and built similar to Judy. In high-school my sister and I didn’t really hang out that much. Even though I always had a crush on Judy I was to afraid to ask her out because I thought Beth would freak out and try to sabotage it some how. Beth could be a bit of a bully sometimes with regards to me. I don’t know why. Maybe she thought because she was 5 mins older or some shit that she could be that way.

Anyway it wasn’t until I graduated college and came back home that Judy started to actually notice me. I had started to workout while in college and toned up pretty well.. she is the one that approached me for a date. And after that first date we became inseparable.. I know that Beth was a little upset with me about it because I was taking time away from her best friend but it seemed as though she got over it as we got older. everything became OK between me and her over time. Judy and Beth remained the closest friends. Judy and I decided to not have kids so we could spend our money on the things we want to do and have fun. Not that there is anything wrong with kids, it just isn’t for us.

I was able to start my own business being a contractor and became quite successful at it making a very nice living. Judy didn’t have to work even though she started her own yoga studio and it became pretty popular with the lady’s of our neighborhood. So with her money and mine we were living the good life some would say. Taking trips to Europe and Tahiti.. we were having a blast with each other.

My sister Beth married this guy Doug. He seemed like a decent guy at the beginning but I always had a funny feeling about him that he was a scumbag deep down. Turns out I was right and he cheated on her after only 3 years and they got into a messy divorce. She asked if she could live with us because he had done some funny business with the money and left her with nothing much at all. and of course we agreed. I had built a guest/pool house in our backyard. So she could be out there without having to feel like she was imposing on us.

Then one day our next-door neighbors Ted and Melissa sold there house and in moved Casey.. she was a stunning and intimidating looking woman. She was only 5 ft tall with mid length reddish brown hair with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, thick thighs and a very nice ass and what I would guess is large c cup maybe d cup breasts. What made her intimidating even as small as she is because she is covered in tattoos and she was in very good shape. Like she was into some extreme cross fit. Her head was shaved on the sides and she wears the center part in a braid that came down to the middle of her back.. she has a crazy looking tribal tat on the side of her head that goes down the side of her neck and a scar that goes from the middle of her left ear to the bottom of her neck. her arms where very toned and she looked like she had been in a few fights in her life.

When we saw her pulling some boxes out of her truck Judy, Beth and I went over to say hi and introduce ourself.. she seemed very nice and I offered to help her unload the truck but she said no need she could do it and she has movers coming with the rest of her stuff. So we invited her over for dinner that night so she wouldn’t need to cook anything for herself since everything was packed. She accepted the invite and went back to unloading..

as we all walked into our house Beth looked at us and said. wow she is sexy isn’t she? Judy agreed that she had a powerful sex appeal about her.. I said she looks kinda crazy. Like some video game worrior that you would see in a fur loin cloth holding a big club with a skull on it or something.. they both laughed and said I was silly and that it will be nice to get to know her.

I fired up the grill and got ready to cook the dinner for everyone. BBQ ribs my specialty. That night around 7 Casey came over. She was wearing a tight fitting red tank top that said I heart milfs and some baggy basketball shorts. the girls seemed to hit it off. Beth was really hanging on every word she said. Laughing at every little joke or comment she made. I remember thinking she is acting like a little kid with a crush. Judy asked her about her tattoos. She was really covered in them.. full sleeves and on her back and stomach and also down her legs. She pulled her shirt up to show off her stomach tats and had the words alpha going up in an arch on her abs which looked like they were carved out of stone.. and below that had the words bitch breaker that arched up just above the waist of her shorts. Judy asked why she had that on her and Casey just smiled and said that’s what the people who know me best call me. How come Beth asked? Casey just smiled again and said if you know me long enough you will know why.

I asked about her scar.. she told us a story about a jealous ex boyfriend of a girl she was seeing tried to stab her one night a few years back and she fought him off and broke jaw and his arm. But not before she got that cut. I asked if that is why she moved. She said no that she is a yoga and cross fit trainer and decided to move to our neighborhood to hopefully be able to open up a studio of her own.

That got Judy going and they started talking all about yoga and cross fit and I tuned out. That’s just something that I’m not interested in really.. so I started to clean up while the girls visited. I got everyone drinks as the night carried on and made sure everyone was comfortable. Judy asked me to bust out the wine and That’s when the weirdness started for me. as they started tipping back the glasses and getting a little tipsy Casey would make comments to Beth or Judy about how sexy they are and how some good training sessions with her would do there body and minds right. Beth was all about it and Judy thought that she was in good shape already but seeing another perspective on yoga is never bad and she hadn’t really tried cross fit yet.

Casey also was making smart ass comments to me as I went about cleaning up from dinner and getting the girls drinks. she called me a little home maker and looks like the rolls are reversed in this house. I just laughed it off and continued on with what I was doing. Despite only being 5 foot tall she acted like she was much bigger and superior to me.

After a while I told the girls that I had to get on the computer and do some paperwork to get ready for the next day and went off to my office.

Judy came in the office about a hour or so later and asked if I was doing ok. I’m fine I said and just had a few more things to do. She asked me what I though of Casey. I told her that she was nice. She is a bit of a smart ass but she seemed cool. Judy agreed and said there was something very appealing about her but couldn’t put a finger on what it was. I told her it’s just because she is new and different than any of her other friends. She shrugged her shoulders and said I don’t know but your sister is infatuated with her. she might go lesbian on us and we both busted up laughing. she said that they were going out to the guest house and Casey was going to show them some work out routines.. I said ok and that I was probably going to go to bed. She kissed me as said come say goodnight to everyone before you head off to bed and walked out.

About a half hour later I logged off the computer and head to the kitchen to get some water. I could see the guest house from there and could hear some loud music playing and figured they were working out. So i went out to say goodnight. as I was coming up to the door I could hear Beth say holy shit that’s really going to stretch me out and I could hear Casey say I know but you will get used to it. Then I heard Judy say holy shit that’s unbelievable. I knocked on the door and could hear the scrambling around then Judy opened the door. She looked flushed and sweaty. I asked if she was ok and She said yes. I told her that I was going to bed and wanted to say goodnight to everyone.

So I stuck my head in the door Beth was sitting on the couch and Casey sitting in the chair right in front of Beth. Casey’s back was to me so she turned her head back to look at me. They all looked sweaty but I chalked that up to them working out. I told them I was going to bed and told Casey that it was nice to meet her and hoped we could hang out more. She got a big smile on her face and told me to sleep tight and that most definitely going to be hanging out more and Beth and Judy laughed a little. Judy said she would be up in a little while. I gave her a kiss and walked out.

I woke up around 230 in the morning and realized that Judy was still not in the room. I got up and looked out the window into the backyard and saw that the guest house lights were still on. I went down to the kitchen for some water and as I opened the fridge the backdoor opened up and in came Judy. she didn’t see me at first and she leaned against the door and kind of fan her face with her hand.. then she saw me standing by the fridge and it gave her a jump. she said she was sorry for it being so late she just had a good time working out and that she was going to run up and take a shower because she was all sweaty. I asked how the workout was and she said that Casey was a very very good teacher..

the kitchen was dark except for the light coming from the fridge that I had open so I couldn’t see her completely but she looked like she was all wet and slimy and her hair was a mess. And I thought to myself she has never look so unkept after a workout before. So I said ok see you up there and she took off up stairs.. as she left I could smell the stink on her. it was very strong. I didn’t remember her ever smelling that much after a work out before either. It didn’t even smell like her. It was very musky and pungent. I finished my water and decided to walk out to shut the swimming pool lights off and could hear the music still and a rhythmic thumping. A loud rhythmic thumping like aggressively loud. As I walked closer to the guest house I could hear my sister say holy fuck your fucking amazing where have u been all my life.. then a loud slap and I heard Casey say you like that shit?

I knew what was going on in there so I backed away. Although I didn’t REALLY know what was happening in there. Had I known then what I know now then maybe things would be different..

I just thought wow Beth really went to bat for the other side fast. I went back inside and up stairs. I also thought after her nasty divorce she probably needed something like this.. I don’t think she has been with anyone since it all happened.

As I got into the room I could smell that stink again and heard Judy in the shower. I was glad she was getting that smell off her.. it was super strong. I could smell it was coming from our closet so I opened the door and found her cloths in the dirty laundry basket and could immediately tell that it was coming from them. They were soaking wet and sticky. And I thought boy if she worked out that hard she was going to be soar tomorrow for sure. I took the basket down to the laundry room and threw them in the wash I didn’t want them staying in the room all night stinking the way they did.

I laid back down and Judy finally came to lay down with me and I asked her if she had a good time. She said yes and that Casey was a super good teacher and worked her over good. She was soar and I shouldn’t be surprised to see her walking funny tomorrow. I kind of laughed and told her I put her stuff in the wash.. she said o…ok you didn’t need to do that I would have done it. I told her they smelled and I didn’t want to smell it all night and it isn’t a big deal. And I don’t mind doing the little things for her. She gave me a kiss and hug and said I was awesome. I told her about what I heard when I shut the lights to the pool off and she said she knew about it and that those two will be seeing a lot of each other she is sure of it. I told her I was surprised how fast it happened and she said I told you there was something about her that was attractive and alluring.

I thought we’ll if my sister is getting some then so should I. So I slid up behind Judy and started rubbing on her. She kind of pushed me off and said not now baby. I’m tired and sore not tonight please.

I said i guess. I was kind of pissed. After making dinner and playing house maid all night i could have at least gotten a blowjob or something. so I just took a deep breath and we went off to sleep.

When I got up in the morning I took my shower and got ready for work before Judy got out of bed which was unusual. She would normally be up and making me coffee as I was showering but I figured she had a late night and she needed the sleep. As I was walking out of the room I noticed part of her ass was sticking out of the covers and both cheeks were all red like she had hit them with something hard. So I picked up the covers to look at her. The backs of her thighs were red and the tops of her shoulders too. I though Jesus what kind of workout did she do that did that to her. I’ve never seen her so worked over before.. but then again Casey is in great shape so see must know something I don’t or haven’t seen before. So I kissed her forehead and headed out the front door.

As I was walking to my truck I saw Casey come out of her front door dressed for a jog.. boy was she in good shape. I could see her abs because she was just in a sports bra and some super tight shorts. I could see her perfectly sculpted ass as she stretched. She saw me out of the corner of her eye and waved at me. So I said good morning and she walked over to me and asked if I slept good. I told her about waking up and seeing Judy just coming in at 230.she said sorry about that but Judy wanted to learn what it was like to workout with her. I said boy I guess. she was a mess when she came in.

Casey laughed and said yeah I do that to people.. some women can’t hang with me but she did just fine for her first time with a real workout. I said Judy tends to workout hard most days. Casey smiled and said trust me dude I’m a whole other level. I nodded and said I guess so she is all red on her ass and shoulders.. Casey got a big smile and laugh from that.. as Casey turned to jog away I noticed that there was a sizable bulge in the front of her shorts and I kind of froze for a second. She caught me and just winked at me and said I’ll see ya later big guy. And started off on her jog. I really didn’t know what to think of that. She was way to good looking to be a guy and way to feminine looking everywhere else besides the muscle she had. So I just thought I was seeing things.

It was a long day of work so it was late when I got home. Judy was up and in the living room watching tv. she had dinner ready when I walked in.. she saw me and came and gave me a hug and kiss. And asked how my day was. I could tell she was walking a bit tenderly. I asked if she was ok and where Beth was because she was usually sitting with Judy when I was late coming home. She smiled and said she was fine just a little sore and told me Casey is over again and wiggled her eye brows at me letting me know that they were probably at it again. I was kind of shocked but I understood if it’s what Beth needed right now. I gave her the scoop on my day and we sat and ate together.

She told me my mom called. She was coming over on Saturday to take her and Beth out shopping and to do girls stuff.. after dinner we cleaned up the dishes and Judy asked me to take the trash out. So I grabbed the bag and went out to dump in the cans and I could hear that thumping coming from the guest house again. I could hear Beth moaning.. I just shook my head and went back inside. I could tell there was something off with Judy throughout the night. She was having a hard time looking me in the eyes and she was spacing out while I was talking to her. so I asked her if something was up and she told me no. But she wanted to talk to me about Casey joining her at the studio to help expand her business.

I thought it was a bit to soon to trust her with something like that.. we have only known her for a day.. Judy got kind of upset at first and was super defensive. But understood what I was saying and that I made sense but told me she would just try it as a trial period.. so I agreed but told her to keep her at arms length with the money side of things for a while. She got all excited and gave me a big ass hug and kiss and told me how great I was. I said I was going to go get a shower and she said she was going to go tell the girls that I agreed. i said she should probably wait for a while considering what I had heard going on in there. she laughed but said they were all girls and it was nothing she hadn’t seen already. I just laughed well if you want to go interrupt them go a head. they might get mad though. she just waved her hand at me like I didn’t know what I was talking about and said they will be fine with it and walked out back.

When I came down Casey was in the house with Judy but Beth wasn’t. So I said hi and asked where Beth was. Casey smiled and said I wore her out she is passed out. I laughed and said ok.. she said she appreciated that I was trusting her to work with Judy and that she would try her best to grow the business. We shook hands and sat and visited for a while. Casey’s presence had made Judy more like herself again.. not so distant. I started to feel the day catching up to me and it was about 10pm and I needed to get some sleep. So I got up and kissed Judy and told them goodnight. Casey told me that her and Judy were going to go to her place and workout again so they didn’t wake Beth or make to much noise and keep me awake. I asked Judy if she was sure because of how sore she seemed to be. And Casey laughed and said the best way to get over soreness was to work out again. You have to keep stretching those muscles she said with a smile.. I just shrugged and said if that’s what you want to do. Try not to work her over to bad and they both laughed and got up and walked out.

I was woken up by Judy coming in around 2 am again and she went straight to the bathroom to shower. She left the door open some and that smell hit me again. I turned to look at the bathroom door and I could see Judy getting out of her clothes. They didn’t look like they did the night before but her body was a mess. Her ass was all red again and even her boobs were red. Her hair was a matted mess and stuck to her face and forehead in some places. I though my God what kind of workout is this. She didn’t know I was woken up by her coming in. She was standing and staring at herself in the mirror I could see the smile on her face. She turned around to look at her ass and I could see that it was practically glowing with how red it was and I could see that her pussy was all red and swollen and. She then spun on her toes like a little girl and jumped into the shower.

The whole time she was in the shower I was just thinking what the fuck Is happening? no work out she has ever done has made her act like this or leave her marked up so much. Why would her pussy look like that? And then that bulge popped into my head and I thought no fucking way would Judy do that to me.. and plus I was just seeing things anyway.. that wasn’t a bulge that’s not what I saw it was just a weird angle. So I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t. Judy came in and laid down all careful like she was trying to not wake me and she was out within minutes. So I sat there the rest of the night wide awake.. I couldn’t get out of my own head.

When I decided to finally just get up and shower to head out for work again I was a zombie. I took a longer shower to try and wash the night way. But It didn’t really help much.. as I walked out of the bathroom I saw Judy was up already. She was downstairs making me coffee. When I went into the kitchen she gave me a hug, kiss and my cup. I noticed she was walking just as funny as yesterday and thought well I guess Casey was wrong. I didn’t want to tell her what I saw last night in case I was seeing things. As I was saying goodbye Beth walked in from the backyard. she was walking the same way. She gave me a hug and asked if I was off to work. I asked why she was up so early and they both said the were heading to the studio with Casey to show her the place and maybe get started with a few of the classes and introduce her to the women that where Judy’s regulars. I took a deep breath and relaxed. No shit I was thinking about last night would happen if Beth was there too.

So I said my goodbyes and walked out the front door. And there again was Casey getting ready for a jog. And I couldn’t help myself. I looked right for the bulge. And there it was again. Same large bulge I talked myself out of seeing. She walked up to me and said hi and asked if Judy was sore again this morning. I told her it that her idea didn’t work and she look just as sore as before. She punched me in the arm and said well its only been 2 days man. She’s not used to my kind of of workout yet. Just let old Casey here show these girls what a real workout is like and you will see them change before your eyes man. They will be totally different people when I have at them for a while. She said with a smug smile on her face. She said they are already addicted to the workout man. I said well Beth is in the same condition so you better ease up a bit.. she looked at me and said they can take it buddy trust me they can take it just fine. But hey have a good day I got my stamina keep up with all this working out I’m doing lately she said as she thrust her hips out towards me and leaned back to stretch her back muscles. I couldn’t help but look down at that bulge and wonder If I’m crazy. She saw me looking and asked if there was something I was interested in down there.. I just looked away and turned beat red.. she just smiled and patted me on the shoulder and said see ya later big guy and jogged off.

I was just standing there staring at her as she headed down the road. I finally after a minute or so shook it off and went off to work.

My mind was all over the place during the day. I couldn’t stop thinking about the bulge In her shorts. I had heard one of my guys talk about futanaris before and how they were like Goddesses and that you needed to watch your women around them. They put off some pheromones that drove women crazy. some men couldn’t smell it and others thought the smell stunk and others acted like women around them. Of course I thought that was nonsense at the time and brushed it off as such.

I told myself that I was being crazy and tried to get to work but I couldn’t focus at all on work and my head Forman Jason could see I was off and told me to head home and get some rest. I agreed that it had to be the lack of sleep and took off.

So on my way home I decided to go by the studio to see how the first day was going. When I showed up they were in the middle of a class which made me feel better.. there was no funny business going on. so I didn’t want to bother them and went to eat. I figured I would stop by after the class. it was noon and I new that was usually the last class. When I came back the class was over and some of the lady’s were heading out. Most of them new me and said hi. I asked how the class was and how they thought Casey did. They were all praising how good she was and that they can’t wait for then next class with her.

When I walked inside I saw a small Crowd around Casey. All the women were talking to her and she was giving them her number. And said she could do personal training. It looked like the all the women were acting like school girls around her. It was kind of weird to see women from 20 to 50 years old swoon like that over someone they just met.

It was like I wasn’t even in the room. no one even acknowledged I was there till Casey did.

Hey big guy. What brings you here she asked?

Judy and Beth finally seeing me came over and gave me a hug and asked why I was there.

I told them I wasn’t feeling well and was headed home early to get some rest and thought I would stop by to see how Casey was doing on her first day.

They all said she was a hit and that everyone of the women loved her. and Judy said I told you this was a good idea. I guess so I said. I looked at Casey and she had a big smile on her face and said consider the business grown buddy. The girls all got a laugh on that.

I asked if they wanted any help closing up and they told me no. That I should just go get some rest. Judy said she would come check on me when she got home. So I just said goodbye and went home to sleep for a bit

When I woke up a few hours later the house was empty. I looked out front and Judy’s car was there but no one was around. I walked out back to see if they were by the pool. No one again. Then I heard some music coming from Casey’s house and my mind started racing again. So as I walked up to the fence and I heard

thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump.

Coming from the other side of the wall to what I guessed to be the bedroom

and I froze. I stood there for probably 15 mins or a hour I don’t really know. But the thumping was almost would stop of a few seconds then start again. I could see a window on the side of the house didn’t have the shades totally drawn so I walked around the fence and over to the window to see if I could see anything and boy did I ever.

There it was.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

The sight that changed my life.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

There was my sister flat on her back with her legs in the air and my wife laying on my sister’s chest bent over in front of Casey. And that bulge I saw was exactly what I thought it was and more.. she was sawing what had to be a foot of cock in and out of my sister with intense ferocity. Absolutely pounding her pussy. The head board just

Thump thump thump thumping away at the wall. Beth and Judy were in a intense make out while they were get the shit fucked out of them.

Casey was holding on to Judy’s hips as she fuck Beth. Then I saw Beth’s legs start to shake and I could faintly hear her scream and she started to squirt like a fucking fountain. Casey pulled her cock out and started slapping her pussy with it. Juice flying everywhere.. all over her stomach and on Judy’s ass I mean everywhere.. that’s when I got a good look at the beast hanging from Casey. Like I said it was a foot if it was a inch and big around enough her hand didn’t reach all the way around it.. and the balls on her hung a good 4 inches below her and like a couple of plums in a bag. I was shocked to say the least. How could someone only 5 foot tall have a hog like that? Then without missing a beat when Beth’s legs went limp. she lined up the tip of that beast with Judy’s pussy and rammed it home. Straight down to the balls.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump

She was putting a pounding on Judy like I’ve never seen. No wonder why she was so red. Then Casey reached back and

Slap right on her ass.

I could see her say something but couldn’t hear it the dam music was to loud.

Then slap

The other cheek

Then it was thump thump thump thump


Thump thump thump thump


The whole time Beth was rubbing Judy’s back and kiss her and sucking her nipples.

This went on until I started to see Judy squirming around and Casey reached up with her left hand and grabbed a handful of Judy’s hair and pulled her head back and took her right thumb after putting it into her mouth then shoved it into Judy’s ass and I watched the love of my life have the biggest orgasm of her life and it wasn’t me giving it to her.. I have never seen her squirt before but she sure as hell did. I saw her face in total bliss. Eyes rolled back and Casey not letting up for a minute.. she just kept on pounding and thumbing her ass as she did. Juice flying everywhere just like Beth. Then after Judy was done Casey pulled out and dragged the two of them onto there knees in front of her. Casey started to stroke her bitch breaker, now I new why she had that tat, of a cock right at there faces.

Then to my horror Casey looked right at me and smiled. She turned and grabbed a remote and paused the music. Just so I could hear her claim my family I guess.

you sluts ready for my cum?

They both moaned yes.

tell me I want to hear it.

cum for us daddy.

Again she looked right at me. She asked while looking me straight in the eye.

Who owns you?

You do daddy.

My wife and sister replied without hesitation. I was stuck like a dear in the headlights watching my word crumble around me. Then she said


And she commenced to just covering my loved ones, My family, my life in her ridiculous load of cum. First she shot on Judy’s face, to show me that she truly owned her now I imagine, it went from her chin up over lips and nose and covered and close her left eye completely. The second went the same way and landed on her forehead and in her hair. The whole time I could here Casey roaring like a lioness as she took my life apart one shot at a time.

The 3rd shot closed her right eye and filled her hair line with the thick white goo. then she turned to Beth and gave her the same treatment. Chin, lips, nose,eyes forehead and hair covered. Then she turned back to my wife and shoved it into her mouth and said suck me clean shut. And looked back at me with a smile on her face.

She took Judy’s shirt off the bed and whipped her face and arm pits and chest off of the sweat and squirt she had built up on herself fucking my family and through it at the window to I guess tell me to fuck off now. But I saw her take her phone out and snap a picture of the girls right then and gave me the thumbs up and I just turned and walked away in total shock.

I wanted to throw up, jump off a bridge and murder someone all at the same time. I didn’t know how to react at all.. most guys will say kill the bitch or beat her ass or something like that. But I just don’t think you can understand what it was like to watch your love be dominated like that. I just walked into my house and sat down staring at the wall for hours.. it started to be dusk outside before I even thought of moving. And yet Judy was still not home. So I walked back outside and over to the fence and there it was again.

Thump thump thump.

This time though no music I could hear everything. She even opened the window. I Don’t know if it was for me to listen or to get rid of that stink and the heat they were building up. But I caught that smell that was on Judy from before. now i really knew what it was. So I walked back inside to stare at the wall..

after a hour or so Judy came in and saw me sitting there. She looked at me with very sad eyes and said she was sorry and she didn’t mean for it to happen. I just sat silent as she talked Then she just turned around and went upstairs to shower.

That’s when my phone started to go off. Pic after pic came rolling in. There must have been 100 at least. mostly Judy but some of Beth.

The first one I saw was of Judy on her knees with Casey balls in her mouth while her cock laid on her face. Her cock went a good 4 or 5 inches past the top of her head and was so wide it almost blocked her eyes as she looked up at the camera. But just past her giant cock and my wife’s head I could see the cloths Judy had on.. this pick was from the very first night we meet her. The next was of Judy bent over on the bed in the guest house getting fucked while Beth sucked her balls from underneath. I could see how stretched out her pussy was to accommodate such a huge slab of meat.

And the cream of her pussy slathered in thick globs all over it.. I was devastated. I just sat staring at it. There was a pick of Beth on her back with cum all over her tits and stomach with Casey’s cock lying there. The thing went up just past her belly button. Then as I flicked through all these pics of my life falling apart another ding to the phone. This time it was a video. A video that was a hour and 45 mins long. As it started I could tell it was from the night Casey and Judy went to her house to “workout”. I could hear Judy telling her that this is wrong and that she should just leave. That I was such a good husband and that the first night was a mistake and all that blah blah. All Casey had to do was whip it out and Judy stopped all that shit and went right to work.

Casey switched the camera to her face and said first the sister now the wife.. not a bad day right big guy? See you in the morning. Then switched it back and set the phone on her dresser so it could see the bed and she went to work.

Judy was sucking her cock the best she could but it was big and she was having a hard time with it at first. Then as she was lubing it up with her spit it started sliding in and out easier. And Casey was shoving more and more in her mouth.

Now Judy was always a good cock sucker.. she really liked doing it.. she had become quite the deep throater as well. Now I’m not some tiny dick guy either.. I have a respectable 8ish inches. So she had to work to get good at it. But she learned to take me with relative ease right down her throat.. with Casey she had to really work for it. But as time went on she had about three quarters of it down her throat and I could see the bulge of her neck as it went down. Then Casey pulled her dick free and looked down at Judy and asked if she thought she was ready for the whole thing? Judy said she wasn’t sure but she would try. Casey slapped her face a few times with her cock and said you’ll try what? To take all your cock daddy. Casey put it back in her mouth and said good girl. And looked right at the camera and smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

Judy really tried to take it but was coming up short by about 2 or 3 inches. Then Casey looked down at her and said no pain no gain slut. Then grabbed her head with both hands and pulled. I watched Judy squeeze her eyes shut and I saw the hog disappear from sight right down her throat. I watched that bulge in her throat continue down till it went below her collarbone. Casey held it there for a second and told her what a good girl she was and that daddy was proud of her taking it all. Then she pulled it free. And Judy started a coughing fit for a few seconds.. the tears rolling down her cheeks and the spit all over her chin made her a mess. Casey said a couple more times slut by yourself. Judy did as she was told and took it all the way down a few more times.

Then Casey picked her up and laid her down so her pussy was facing the camera. Casey climbed up on the bed between her legs and I got a good look at that perfect ass and that huge cock and balls and I realized that she had a pussy behind her balls as well. And now I new futanari were real not just myth. But it wasn’t her pussy that was about to get demolished it was my wife’s.

She slid it back and wedged it between her pussy lips and pushed. Judy hissed at the first penetration. But Casey wasn’t brutal. Not just yet anyway. She eased it in at first. Short strokes for about 5 mins. then longer and longer strokes until there hips came together. Judy moaning like a whore the whole time. Once Casey had claimed that pussy to the base. She sat up on her knees and asked Judy if she was ready for her workout. Judy laughed and said

yes daddy.

Casey grabbed her behind the knees and put them up on either side of her tits and started hammering away. Hearing the slap of there skin together was dominating my senses. Even though my heart was truly broken I couldn’t help but be aroused by watching it. And my dick started getting iron bar hard. I watched as Casey’s huge sack swung under her and beat a steady rhythm on Judy’s ass. She was truly deep dicking my wife with full length strokes. Judy was a moaning mess of sweat and spit. Then she erupted in a huge orgasm. Casey didn’t even slow down she kept hammering her pussy. This went on for about 30 minutes. Judy had a couple more orgasms Then she rolled them over with Judy on top.

She rode that cock for all it was worth. She took it like a champ. I couldn’t help it and started to jerkoff. It was all too much and very hot.

Casey let Judy ride for a bit then she reached out and grabbed handfuls of Judy’s ass and spread it wide and started fucking up into her while Judy just fell forward down on Casey’s chest. Judy was just moaning while being taken so deep.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.. your dick is so big daddy Your so deep fuck!

I watched Casey suck on Judy’s tits and Slap her ass as she fucked her huge dick into her. Those huge balls swinging up and slapping Judy’s ass with every up stroke. Her cum and juice running down Casey’s cock and over her balls leaving a big wet spot on the bed. It was hypnotic watching those big Balls swing in perfect rhythm. She was like a robot.

Casey then hooked her arms under Judy’s knees and slid off the end of the bed standing up with Judy holding on to her neck. and again started hammering up into her. I was amazed at the strength Casey had to hold her up for as long as she did and didn’t even slow down. Judy was holding on to her for dear life it seemed. Just being picked up and dropped on her huge fuck stick.

Then when Casey had enough of that she put my wife on her hands and knees so I had a side view of her taking my wife from me one stroke at a time.. once she was back at it that is when the real pounding started. I mean real aggression.. the slap of there flesh dominated all the sound in the video. Casey held her hips tight as she rearranged her guts. She reached back and slapped her ass.

who do you belong too?

Thump thump thump thump. You!

Thump thump thump thump. SLAP!

Who do you belong to?

You daddy


who’s pussy is this?

Yours daddy!


You going to fuck anyone else?

Judy froze. She didn’t know what to say.


Answer me slut!



I cant hear you bitch



Good girl…Does my little slut want my cum inside her?

Yes daddy..

You want my babies?

Yes daddy! I want your babies!

I thought you said you didn’t want kids baby. rubbing the tender spot on her ass from all the slaps.

Thump thump thump thump thump

Only yours daddy I want you to breed me.

Good girl baby. But not just yet I’m not done pounding this hot ass pussy you have. I lost it and came all over my hand and stomach. I couldn’t hold out anymore. Seeing my wife turned into such a mindless slut was too much for me.

Casey finally reached up and grabbed her hair and pulled it back and said daddy is close baby get ready for a huge load.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

I could hear the low growl and grunts from Casey as she started to peak.. she yanked Judy’s head back and started double timing it. With her back arched so much I started to see Judy’s stomach bulge just a little every time Casey bottomed out.. she was trying to shove her cock all the way through her it seemed. Then with a roar she started letting loose inside her. Judy was squirming and squirting like she has never had a orgasm before. Her eyes rolled back with mouth wide open but no noise was coming out.her mind had turned to mush and the orgasm was so strong her voice didn’t work anymore as Casey was just unloading in her. Casey continued with short hard strokes while she came. she reached up and grabbed a handful of Judy’s tit and squeezed as she filled my wife’s womb up with her potent seed. It went on for only a couple mins but felt like an eternity.

After it all calmed down Casey slid that beast out and Judy fell forward breathing heavily and utterly spent.

Casey just walked back to the camera like she was hardly tired and picked it up just to show me my wife’s broken pussy gushing with her cum. Then pointed it at her dick so I could see the cream and cum all over it all the way up to her stomach.. then the words Alpha and bitch breaker came into view. And I thought we’ll she wasn’t lying. then up to her face. Well as you can see she is mine now. So is your sister.. if you have anyone else for me to take send them over. With a big smile.

O and by the way I’m not doing this because I don’t like you. I actually do like you. I’m just an animal that takes what I want. So sorry but not sorry. Don’t worry though. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this. You will get use to it. See you later big guy!

I sat dumbfounded. Covered in my own cum and feeling sick to my stomach for Jerking off at a time like this. So I put my phone down and went and cleaned myself up. I went back and sat down when Judy came down the stairs. She looked at me and could see the devastation on my face. She kneeled down next to me with tears in her eyes and told me how she didn’t want this to happen. And I’m not the problem and I did nothing wrong and didn’t deserve this to happen. That she still loves me and all that shit that guilty people say to make themselves feel better.

I was so mad and hurt I couldn’t form words.

I was actually discussed with the sight of her at the time because I new a little while ago that face was covered in Casey’s cum. I just turned and looked away from her. She started really crying then and walked out the front door. I assume to go back to Casey.

I sat there for a few more hours and Beth walked in. She said she just wanted to check on me and see how I was doing. I lost it on her.

What the fuck do you care how I am. I’m just sitting here in the fucking dark of my own house alone because my whore of a wife and slut of a sister! my God dam twin sister are out fucking my bitch of a neighbor like I’m some fucking unimportant piece of shit you scrape off you shoe that means nothing to them. How the fuck should I be doing right now?

She just stood there and started to cry. Jake we didn’t mean for this to happen it just did.

No one ever says that they meant for this shit to happen Beth. I don’t know how to feel or react. I don’t know what I’m going to do.. you guys were my God dam life and that just shattered. So please just leave and let me think. She just shook her head and walked out.

I sat for hours in the dark. Then the sun was up. I had no idea what time it was and I really didn’t care. Them my door opened up.


I turned and looked. It’s just mom..

shit mom!

I forgot she was coming over. I wasn’t ready to tell her about what just happen. I didn’t even know myself how to put it into words. She was looking at me with concern form how I looked.

Jake are you ok baby?

I couldn’t answer her I just stared at her.

Jake your scaring me baby what’s wrong did something happen??

Right then Judy and Beth walked in. And I stood up for the first time in probably 10 hours. And said I’m going to take a shower. I couldn’t be around them. My mom was looking between all of us not understanding what was going on. And asked Beth what the hell is going on. I heard Judy tell her to sit down as I walked away and going up the stairs.

I stood in the warm water for probably 45mins feeling sorry for myself before eventually going and laying down in my bed.

I heard a knock on my door and mom walked in and wanted to talk. She told me that she thinks that the girls just made a big mistake and that they didn’t mean to hurt me. And that we could fix this.

Mom I don’t think I can ever get this out of my head. I don’t know that this is fixable.

don’t be so sure Jake.

Mom what I saw with my own eyes I can’t forget or forgive.

Jake sweetheart I know your hurt. This kind of thing has happened in a lot of marriages baby.. and people have worked it out. Now maybe I can go talk to this Casey and back her off of Judy. Beth can do what she wants but she needs to leave Judy alone. I wont have somebody break up my babies marriage. I won’t stand for it.

I don’t know mom I just don’t know.

Just get some rest and let me see what I can do.

Do what you want mom. I’m just to tired to care right now.

Go to sleep baby. Ill make you some food later And see if we can’t fix this she said as she walked out.

I drifted in and out of sleep for a while and then shot up in my bed. And thought shit mom don’t go to Casey’s house. I jumped up and ran down stairs to an empty house. I looked out front and saw my mom’s car was still there and started to panic.

I went out back and no one was here either. And with dread in my heart I walked over to the fence again and heard it.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

They had the window wide open. And I could hear mom’s voice and the slap of flesh.

Shit fuck shit. So big.. so da.. deep God dam fuck.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

I told you mom. Isn’t it amazing

Thump thump thump thump thump thump

God yes! Shit shit shit I don’t know what’s happening

Then Casey through her grunts your going to cum harder than you’ve ever cum before.. that’s what’s happening.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

Holy ssshhhiiitttt!!!

That’s right momma bear. Cum on my dick like the rest of the sluts in your family. Fuck yeah.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump

God dam momma bear you got some big ass tits on you. nice and soft.

Fuck I’ve never cum that hard before in my life..

Then Judy. Now you see what we are talking about. She is irresistible.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump

Ooo my god Fuuuuuck aaaggaaiinnn!!

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

I want to fuck these tits. hey give me my phone over there on the dresser. I want to take some pics.

Yes daddy Judy said.

I just turned around and walked away. All three women in my life gone.

I went and sat down on the chair in the backyard. I don’t know why I didn’t go inside. I should have so I didn’t have to hear it. But I didn’t. I sat there listening to my mom get destroyed.

Moans and the loud crack of skin slapping skin. And the thump of the head board on the wall. Mom’s orgasm after orgasm. I heard everything.

Then Casey’s roar as she came.

And 10 mins later it started again. I sat there for hours hearing it. Then it went silent.

As I sat in silence I heard

Hey there big guy.

I turned and there was Casey standing on her side of the fence looking at me.

Thanks for send momma bear over. She is a trooper. She did real good for her first workout she said smiling.

Fuck you! you fucking bitch! I yelled. You ruined my life.

Hang on there buddy. I didn’t force anyone to do anything they didn’t want to do. It’s not my fault They chose my dick over you. They all wanted it man. And that’s my thing. I break bitches. It’s what I do.

Just fuck off

Okay okay. I’ll leave you be.. just one question. Did you cum when you watched the video I sent???

Fuck you!!! I said. But she could see it on me. The guilt on my face. and started laughing..

I knew you would. It’s hot shit. All guys do when they see it. Ill send you some more buddy. Jerk it till it breaks. I mean if you can’t do it you might as well watch it right? She said laughing and walked off.

I just sat seething. then


my phone started going off again. I told myself not to look. But more dinging continued more and more I couldn’t resist. I looked at the first pic and it was one of my mom with Casey’s cock between her huge tits. Her face flush and sweaty with the tip of that huge cock in her mouth

My mom has always been a good looking woman. She is shorter than Beth at 5’5 but made up for it in tits. DDD’s is what’s she’s packing. I used to get teased at school from the guys about how hot my mom is and how they want to fuck her tits and shit. I got into a lot of fights over those tits. And now here was Casey doing what all those guys wanted and some even tried to do and were all shot down. And she got her like this in less than a afternoon of talking to her.

next was of her face and tits absolutely covered in cum. Both eyes closed by the weight it. Her forehead, cheeks and mouth just overflowing with it. Her tits had ropes of cum going from her nipples up to her neck and over her chin as thick as my finger.

The next one was mom bent over with Beth sucking Casey’s balls while she fucked our mom. Mom’s pussy was being pulled inside out by girth of her cock as Casey was sliding back. The thick veins of her cock collecting all of mom’s cream along there ridges and pooling up at the base of her cock. She had her hand in her hair and head pulled back which meant she was really plundering her at the time

Then the cream pie she left in my mom. Her pussy was red and swollen. Her lips splayed open and her hole gaping with thick cum leaking out all over the bed below. The red hand prints on her ass glowing.

then one with Judy eating that cream pie out of my mom and Beth sucking her cock clean. The same cock that had just destroyed our mother was in her mouth.

Next was one of Casey sitting in a chair like a king with the three women of my life between her legs sucking and licking her cock and balls. While I sat looking at that pic with my cock betraying me just like my family and getting as hard as a rock. Judy was in the middle trying to fit those balls in her mouth. Mom and Beth were on either side of that monster slathering it in kisses.


Another video. this one just 40 min long. I couldn’t help myself I hit play.

All three girls on there hands and knees on Casey’s bed. Judy was first and Casey said

this is a speed round bitches. I want to see how fast I can make all you cum

And just started hammering Judy’s pussy. I could see hand prints on all three asses. The violence of it all was astonishing. The loud slap of Casey’s hips to Judy’s ass, her moaning and Casey’s grunting was overwhelming. It only went on for about 10 mins Then Judy went off the deep end and squirted all over. Casey slapped her ass and pulled free. I could see the gaping hole her cock left as she collapsed down on the bed to catch her breath

Then came Beth. She got more of the same. And the same result.

Then mom. But this one was different. As she fucked mom she was softer and slower. She spit between mom ass cheeks and started to rub her asshole with her thumb and spread it open a little at a time. Mom really started to moan. Casey started to laugh and said I think someone is a little ass whore aren’t you.

Yes daddy mom said.

You want my big cock in your ass momma bear?

Yes daddy.. fuck my ass

She pulled that slimy cock out and lined it up to her asshole and started to push.

Fuck fuck fuck! To big daddy

Relax momma bear. just relax and let me in and you’ll be Cumming in no time.

Casey kept pressing and her ass finally gave way and in that monster went. Inch by inch. Slow movements. Then longer and longer. And finally after about 10 mins she was long dicking my mom’s ass Totally rearranging her guts to fit her dick

Oooo mmmyyy gggodddd! Cumming!!

Shit shit shit shit shit..

Then boom my mom squirting from getting ass fucked. Casey didn’t slow or ease up. She just kept pounding. She stayed in mom the rest of the time. Fucking her ass like she was never going to fuck another ever again. The stamina of this woman was undeniable. She just kept going and going. I thought mom would have a heart attack or something. It was like she was hyperventilating. Her breathing all erratic and her squirming around as Casey pulled her back into her hips. She fell face down ass up after about 20 or so minutes of the onslaught unable to hold herself up anymore. I could hear Casey’s breathing become labored and heavy and I new she was close.

I sat stroking my cock through all this I was about ready to pop when she pushed mom’s ass away from her and stepped back from the bed.

Casey ordered them all on there knees in front of her. Tits out and faces close sluts she said. They grouped together shoving there tits out and touching cheeks as they looked up at there master. Casey stood over them stroking that bitch breaker. Then just like before with a roar of a lioness she painted them. Faces, tits,hair and tongues. I thought it was never going to end.. I lost control and shot all over myself just like before.. I stopped Cumming and she was still letting loose. I couldn’t believe someone could cum that much so often. But I had to because I was watching it happen.

When she was finally done they all swallowed her load and started kissing and licking her cock. There you go girls Clean daddy’s cock.

She turned the phone over and said. I win three for three! Shouldn’t have sent your mom to fight your battles buddy. Then turned the camera back over so I could see what was my family worship her cock for a few more seconds before the video stopped.