
Chapter 10

Andy felt embarrassed just walking in the front door. The house – no, the place could only be fairly called a mansion – the mansion was his, but even thinking that was strange. He’d never set foot in a mansion before and now he was going to be calling this one home.

In the entryway, he could see a pair of stairs leading upwards, and doorways on either side, as well as one in the middle. Eric and his girls were waiting outside, but the woman in the fatigues had insisted she give Andy a tour of his new home before she took Eric to his house. The tour would also serve as a briefing on New Eden.

“There’s a hundred houses in the complex, all of which are behind fences and gates, so there’s a gatekeeper making sure no one goes in or out who isn’t supposed to be,” the woman said as she started leading Andy upstairs. Aisling was coming with him, while Lauren and Niko were exploring the ground floor. “Now obviously we realize that military police not allowing you off the gronuds can sound like a prison, so we want to make sure it’s the most gilded prison you ever live in.”

“How strict is the entrance/exit policy?”

The woman clicked her tongue, as if considering how to answer. “You aren’t going to be permitted to leave the premises until you and the rest of the country have been vaccinated. Everyone here is considered essential, so we don’t want any risks. Once everyone’s vaccinated and protected, then the gates will keep guard but they’ll be private contractors and not US military. And you and your new family retain your new property.”

“You mean the house, right?” Aisling asked.

“The house, the land, the cars…”

“Cars?” Andy said.

“Right,” the woman said, snapping her fingers. “The garage has five Telsas in it – two Model S’s, two Model X’s and one Model 3. We wanted to give you some options, and make sure you were going to have enough transportation to take care of everyone in the home.”

“Every person getting their own car seems a bit much, don’t you think?”

The woman turned back to look at them as they reached the third story landing. “I’m sorry, Mr. Rook. Did they not give you a briefing before you arrived?”

“They rolled up to our house, gave us five minutes to load whatever we could into the car and brought us immediately here. We were told someone else would bring the rest of our things in later.”

“Ah yes, they did say they were going to have to be a bit more abrupt with the last few waves of men being brought in. We’ve lost a lot of men, so we’re having to protect the ones we do have rather strictly. You’re going to have a few more partners than originally anticipated, and maybe a little outside of your original parameters.”

“Are you joining our family?” Aisling asked the woman.

She laughed pleasantly, waving a hand in their direction. “No, don’t be silly. I’m Major Peters. I guess you could consider me the mayor’s wife. Well, one of them, anyway. I’m very much spoken for, and besides, you’re going to have more than enough to keep yourself busy.”

“Are there new girls arriving soon?”

“Soon? You could say that. In addition to the ones already here.”

“What do you mean already here?”

“Well, in addition to new partners who should be arriving soon, there’s the staff, who will be tending to you sexually, but would like to remain on a professional level.”

Andy and Aisling both stopped in their tracks. They were walking down a very lush hallway, and had passed one bedroom already that at a glance was at least four times the size of the living room in their old condo. “Wait, what does that even mean?”

“The women who serve on the staff, they…” she trailed off for a moment, as if trying to figure out how to phrase it. “Their sexual fetish is to be servants, so while they will happily sate your sexual needs, they do not want romantic entanglements with you or your other girls, Mr. Rook. That isn’t to say you can’t impregnate them, naturally.”

The last word caught Andy off guard the most. “Naturally?”

The major smiled at him, as if his confusion was naive. “You’re going to have to help repopulate the country, Mr. Rook. That means you should, on average, have between one and three children with each woman you’re engaging in intercourse with. This includes your staff, and while you will be their father, they may or may not take on your last name, depending on what each of your partners wants to do. We expect that as your household grows, you may find individual women will be carving out individual roles for themselves.”

“Roles?” Aisling asked. “What’s that all about?”

“So you’re about a month behind the mayor on the advancement timeline. In the last few weeks, he’s had to have the women in his life define their positions in his house. For example, he has five wives, one of which has decided she’s going to be the homemaker. Another has taken on the role of his executive assistant. I’m the military liaison, being that I was already an officer on the base, and I’m also helping coordinate the affairs of New Eden. He also has three women who aren’t interested in being wives, so they consider themselves concubines. There’s also four women on his staff who tend to his estate.”

“How many people do I have on staff?”

“Three, Mr. Rook. You have Katie, who is your gardener, Jennifer, who is your cook, and Yvette, who is your maid.”

“Okay, now you’re just fucking with me,” Andy said. “Yvette? Really? C’mon. Don’t kid a kidder.”

Major Peters smirked. “She’s downstairs. You’ll meet all of them at the end of the tour.” She turned and continued walking. “This way to the master bedroom.”

They continued down the hallway and reached the end of the hallway. The master bedroom wasn’t just large, it was obscene. It was larger than the entire condo they’d just left, and then some. The bed was larger than any bed he’d ever seen before. “Jesus, I didn’t even know they made beds that big.”

“They don’t, normally. It’s actually two king sized beds pushed together, but we’ve made custom sheets for them. You should be able to fit most of your partners in the bed if you like, although you’ll likely find that some of them may want their own bedroom. There won’t be enough bedrooms for every woman to have her own, naturally, but at least some of them will have that option, at least until the children start arriving.”

“How many bedrooms does this place have?”

“Twelve, in addition to fifteen bathrooms, three living rooms, the kitchen, the pantry, the gym, the home theater, four offices and the guest house out back on the other side of the pool.”

Aisling’s eyes widened a little. “We have our own pool?”

“Heated, yes. With hot tub, naturally. Katie will tend to the pool as well as the grounds. Two of the bedrooms have been converted into servants’ quarters. Katie and Jennifer share one, and Yvette has the other.”

“Wait, they share one?”

“They’re a couple, yes, Miss Blake. Partners.”

“And you’re sure they’re okay with this?”

“They want to survive, Miss Blake,” Major Peters sniffed. “Just like the rest of us. They may not be thrilled, but they’ll adapt. We do what we must to survive.”

“How many of you sleep with the mayor?” Andy asked. “How many wives does he have?”

“We’ve decided in our house that any more than five people in a bed is untenable for us, but that’s our personal preferences, and each household has to make that decision on their own. Why, one of the groups that moved in a week or so ago, the women decided they only wanted to sleep with their shared man one at a time, so each night, there’s a different woman in the bed with him, and the rest are off in other rooms. In another, all ten of them sleep in one bed all the time. As long as no one gets permanently hurt, we don’t judge.”

“Hang on, what do you mean ‘permanently?'” Aisling asked.

“Obviously, different people like different things. We were a little worried when the Blackwells moved in, simply because a couple of the women had bruises on them, so we pulled them aside and interviewed them away from their male partner, only to find that the women, ahem, were into that sort of thing. People have kinks. We have to be open and accepting of that here in New Eden.”

“No kink shaming. That’s progress from the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ days.”

“It’s a new world. We’re going to have to live with each other for some time, so there’s no sense in causing unnecessary trouble, is there?”

“So how many partners am I going to end up with at the end of all of this, Major?” Andy said as he peered into the master bathroom. He was debating whether to call what was in there an overly large bathtub or a rather small pool.

“For most men, we’re aiming somewhere between twelve and fifteen, in addition to the staff. Anything more than sixteen seems unwieldy for most men, not that they’re generally complaining. And we’re ramping up gradually, because once a woman is imprinted on a woman, she can’t be imprinted on someone else.”

“Twelve to fifteen?” Andy made his way back from the bathroom to rejoin the two women. It was a longer walk than it had any right to be. “Jesus fucking Christ. And they’re all going to be my partners?”

“Most men dream of having a harem, Mr. Rook. You’re actually going to have one.”

Andy snorted a bit dismissively. “Most men have never had to share their lives with multiple women. I had a friend who was in a polygamous pod, and he said the more people you put into a pod, the more problems you ended up with.”

“You’ll find that when the women are imprinted to you, Mr. Rook, that big problems get reduced to small problems very quickly. The fact that they all share a man makes them more likely to work their problems out, since none of them are clearly ever leaving you.” She lead them back towards the stairs. “Shall we go downstairs and meet the staff?”

“One second. I have a couple of quick questions first. The guy who brought us here, Dave, he said there was a movie theater?”

“Roger that. There’s a movie theater in the central town area, as well as a general store and a couple of restaurants. All of which is inside of the quarantine area. You’re free to go to any of them as you see fit, or visit your friend at his house. Everyone is within the bubble, so you’re welcome to hang out with anyone you like. That’s true of anyone here, at least after they’ve been imprinted. Whenever you have a new partner arrive, it’s vitally important that you imprint them immediately. Some of them may be in full control of their faculties, but some may be somewhat impaired. Their judgment may not be what it used to be, but once they’re imprinted, all of that will return.”

Andy clicked his tongue. “I’ve already had experience with that. My most recent partner, when she arrived, she was in something of a state.”

Aisling giggled. “A fuck fugue, if you will.”

Major Peters nodded again. “Your staff isn’t quite there but, but we would obviously prefer you imprint them as quickly as you’re able to. It doesn’t need to be immediate, but in the next few days would be best.”

“Are you sure they’re going to be okay with it, Major Peters?”

“Mr. Rook. These women have been given an option – pair with an available man, to help reinforce the injection we’ve given them, or skip the injections and wait until a more mainstream vaccine is developed. Now that could be months, or it could be years. And during that time, they’re completely vulnerable to the virus, trying to do their best to shelter in place, praying some random slipup doesn’t get them killed. Faced with that option, they took a very similar questionnaire to the one you took, although we made it clear that the more dealbreakers they put on their answers, the harder it would be to find them paired up.”

“Look, I get that,” Andy said, as the three of them descended the staircase back to the ground floor. “I just want to make sure that nobody’s doing anything they don’t want to do.”

“I can assure you, Master Rook,” a voice said from around the corner, “none of us is here unwillingly.”

As the three of them walked around the corner, Andy could see Niko and Lauren standing in front of three women. The first woman was a Hispanic woman in overalls and a t-shirt, in her early thirties, with her black hair cut in a short bob. Next to her was a Midwestern looking woman around the same age, curvy with her hair in a bushy brown ponytail, dressed in a t-shirt and slacks, with an apron draped over the front, her eyes behind large circular glasses that almost dwarfed her face. And on the right was one of the most buxom women Andy had ever seen. She was in her early twenties, dressed in a French maid’s costume, black and white, with a short skirt, white underfrills poking out the bottom, her legs in fishnet stockings, with a single black line running up the back of them. Her tits were huge, practically forming a shelf, as much of them exposed as covered. Her hair was blonde, long running down her back in massive curls that hung down to her waist. Unlike the other two women, who were wearing sneakers, the maid wore tall high heels.

“We’re all aware what we signed up for, Master Rook,” the voice continued. It emerged from the woman on the left, whom Andy assumed was Katie, the gardener. “And we will make sure the house is kept in perfect condition.”

“Master Rook sounds so insanely overblown… Katie, was it?” Andy said, as he approached them, feeling Aisling moving in behind him.

“Yes, Master. I’m Katie, this is my partner Jennifer, and down at the end is Yvette.” Jennifer bowed a little, while Yvette gave a curtsy that somehow even offered even more of a view of her cleavage than before. “And it’s important we show deference and respect.”

“Would ‘sir’ be an acceptable compromise?” Niko asked the women, which made Andy relax a little.

“I would have no problem with that, ma’am,” Katie said.

“Nor I, madam,” Jennifer followed.

“I must insist I refer to him as Master,” Yvette said, her French accent practically oozing into every word. “I want to offer him his earned respect. And besides, it gives me a tingle saying it.”

“You really are French, Yvette?” Aisling asked.

“Oui, madam.”

“And it gives you a thrill to refer to him as Master?” Niko said.

“Oui, madam.”

“How much of a thrill?”

“Madam, I am a natural submissive. I enjoy serving, being ordered around, and the idea of having a proper Master? That is exactly what I wanted.”

“And the outfit?”

“Mon dieu, what man hasn’t wanted an actual French maid at some point in his life?”

“The outfit’s quite complete.”

“In all the right ways,” Yvette giggled, while tugging up the front of her skirt to reveal that while she was wearing fishnets, that was the only thing she had on beneath the skirt. And the woman’s pussy was not only wet, it was practically dripping down her thighs. “Welcome to your new home, Master.”