A Threesome with My Wife’s Ex

I think by the time we all find that right person we have each accumulated our own fair share of baggage. It helps you realize that the person you’re with really is worth any difficulty you might endure. I’m not thrilled with everything about my wife Ann’s past, but it led her to be who she is now, which is the most loving, erotic and thrilling woman I could have ever imagined.

For the first few years of our marriage, one or another of Ann’s ex-boyfriends would come up in conversation or we would run into a friend of one of her exes. Only once had we actually bumped into one of her former love interests up until recently. Any of these scenarios always made me feel uncomfortable. I know I don’t have that right. We all have a past, and I know Ann loves me more than all those former boyfriends combined. I figured it was the thought of her having sex with anyone else that pained me.

It turns out I didn’t mind her having sex with anyone else – that is, as long as I got to join. This past spring I had watched on in shock as my slightly intoxicated but otherwise wholesome wife put on a strip-tease dance for a bunch of guys at a party one night. My shock was caused not only because I never would have expected this behavior from my wife at this point in her life, but also by how turned on I was by her entertaining other men and me. When I was really honest with myself, I admitted that I actually was more than a little aroused at the prospect of those men’s fucking her.

Ann didn’t so much as touch those men that night, but it did lead to an open and honest conversation between the two of us. The conversation culminated in a threesome that following summer with a man we picked up on the Internet, and since then we have enjoyed four other multiple-male group sessions with my wife as the sole center of attention. Needless to say, my hangup hadn’t been other men with my wife. No one enjoyed it more than I did. I just wanted to be a part of the action.

Recently, we planned to take a break from the group stuff. We already are parents and wanted to focus more on our family for a year or two before diving into what has honestly been an exciting experience that has enhanced our love and enjoyment with each other on an even deeper level. It turns out our circumstances have changed a bit in the past few weeks, freeing us up to the idea that maybe another fun session or two with someone else might be in the cards in the near future. We had even talked to a couple guys here and there with varying degrees of interest on our part, but nothing that really had our attention.

What I really wanted this time was someone whom Ann would really enjoy to fuck. None of the guys we had carefully selected so far was a total dud or anything, but none of them really got Ann going. We were OK with it because she always insisted she was doing it for me, but I felt selfish. I guess I wasn’t convinced that she enjoyed the threesomes and moresomes as much as I did.

Then came a night out we had with Ann’s sister and her friends on a Friday at the end of January. The toddler was with her grandparents, and the whole night and following morning was ours to do as we wished. We went to a restaurant that Ann and Brittany, Ann’s sister, had been frequenting for years, which is where we ran into none other than Cam, one of Ann’s ex-boyfriends.

To be completely clear, he wasn’t as much a boyfriend as an acquaintance whom Brittany and Ann (and many of their friends, apparently) had been attracted to and whom Ann had slept with a few times years ago, being one of the “lucky few.” Regardless, I could see right away what the attraction was. Being straight doesn’t mean I can’t recognize a sharp-looking guy when I see one. Cam was a little taller than I, dark skin, eyes and hair and appeared to be in his mid-30s. He was obviously in good shape and was dressed pretty well.

I didn’t feel intimidated or anything by him – until I saw how Ann acted around him when he came over to greet her. Ann has never been good at hiding her feelings, which makes her a terrible liar, by the way. As soon as Cam had her attention, I noticed how her eyes widened a bit and how she blushed a little and stumbled on her words some. There was clearly still some attraction there. I definitely felt some conflict internally as I witnessed their reconnecting.

Cam acknowledged Brittany too, as well as making sure to greet the rest of the table, but it was obvious it was my wife who had the vast majority of his attention. I could see why, of course. The two talked for several minutes before Ann became aware that she had lost focus on the rest of our group. I know she felt awful about it, especially because of whom she was talking to as she sat next to her husband. I didn’t have much opportunity or desire to say much, so I sat quietly and kept to myself until Ann brought the conversation to an end and saw Cam off to his group of friends over at the bar. My wife then turned back to us and apologized, clearly plagued with guilt over an apparent momentary lapse in awareness or, perhaps, self-control. Brittany was quite amused but I suspect a little jealous too. She was holding herself together a bit better in front of her spouse than Ann was, for sure. The two girls chatted about some memories they had involving Cam, wherein it was confirmed that Ann had slept with Cam at least a couple times, making her the envy of her sister and many of their friends.

I was conflicted, like I said, but I knew I had no reason to be. I knew Ann was going to be faithful to me until I die, and it was a fact that I enjoyed watching other guys fuck her, so long as I participated. So what if she was aware that there are other attractive men out there? And who was I to hold her past against her?

The night wound down, and our friends started to leave. Cam never left the bar, his buddies there with him. Periodically I caught him sneaking glances at my wife. It appeared the attraction was and always had been quite mutual. Ann, Brittany and their spouses were the last at our table, and as we rose to put our jackets on, Brittany, well aware of our new lifestyle, suggested with a grin that Ann go back and talk to Cam. Ann’s initial response was she could never do that with an ex, clearly because she didn’t want to upset me in any way. To convince both her and myself that I really didn’t mind, I suggested that if she was drawn to him that much, maybe she should, in fact, have him join us sometime or even tonight.

Now, I didn’t really expect it to happen, but it’s a good thing I was prepared for the possibility. Ann continued to flatly declined the propositions at first. Soon, it was just the two of us at the table while Brittany watched from the door as her husband got the car. Finally, after we discussed it for a minute, which included several glances from my wife at her former lover, she gave into her obvious temptation, standing up and saying she “just need[ed] to see where this goes.” There was an undeniable excitement in her facial expression as she stepped away from the table. Brittany appeared just as excited as she waved goodbye and left the establishment.

As I watched my wife shamelessly socialize with her ex-boyfriend, I couldn’t figure out if I wanted this or not. I had been given a chance to close it out and hadn’t taken it, so I guess I really was turned on by the thought of sharing Ann with her ex. I stayed there alone with my thoughts while Ann was clearly flirting with the guy, all as everyone at the bar had his eyes glued to her. I’m sure Cam’s friends were very intrigued that a married woman had approached their buddy like that, but to top it off, Ann was plenty easy on the eyes, especially tonight. The mid-30s, 5’5″ thin Italian milf had her chin-length hair (which she had had cut recently) curled as it hung down her face, and her makeup brought out her gorgeous brown eyes, long lashes and pretty mouth. Her black sweater dress clung tightly to her frame, allowing just enough cleavage to show and still be appropriate while flattering the shape of her breasts and hips. The dress came just below her butt, where it was met by black stockings, topped off by black boots that came up to her knees. No fewer than four guys were checking her out while she laughed and chatted with Cam, Cam being one of those guys giving her looks. I guess five, actually, since I was captivated by her too.

I still don’t know what Ann specifically said to Cam, but I know that she never hid the fact that she was married and that she somehow communicated that both she and her husband were extending an invitation to him to their place tonight or another night. The way she was acting around him made it clear that she was feeling sexy around him, so I think it was clear to Cam that his ex-girlfriend was proposing a threesome. Cam would join the growing list of men I had met that were surprisingly comfortable with sharing a girl in sex.

Like I already said, I thought there were too many variables in this situation for it to actually go through, but I was prepared that it could still happen. For Cam to participate with us tonight, it would mean he was OK with having sex with his ex-girlfriend, OK with having sex with a married woman, OK with having a threesome with that woman’s husband and was available to do it tonight. Wouldn’t you know that all those stars aligned. Ann came back to the table unable to control her grin and said, “Let’s go!”

“Where?” I asked, though I was pretty sure what she meant.

“He’s going to meet us at our house in half an hour,” she added, her excitement still evident. “I can’t wait to suck that cock!” Then she caught herself: “Your cocks.” I had never seen Ann quite like this before! I guess part of me wanted to be hurt since it was another man and one who had been with my wife before, but deep down I knew I wanted this too. I was actually happy to see Ann so thrilled. I knew it wasn’t just the prospect of playing with someone who had apparently been a good fuck for her but the idea of getting screwed by both of us at once that really had her motor running.

In 15 minutes, we were home. Ann insisted we tidy the house up since we were having unexpected company. It was more and more evident that this group session was at another level for my wife. It was only the second time we had disclosed our address for such an event and the first time where there had been no hesitation. I was a little nervous because I didn’t know if I could trust this guy, but what was done was done. Once the house was sufficiently straightened out, we waited another 20 minutes or so before headlights shined through our front windows. Cam was a little late, to the point where we were just starting to wonder if he had backed out, but he was here now.

Ann welcomed Cam through the front door. I offered to take his jacket, marking the first chance I’d really had to interact with him. Honestly, I was a little uneasy about this one, but I knew it was important to reflect more confidence than I was feeling at the moment in order to make this the most enjoyable experience possible. As weird as it was for me to have my wife’s ex join us in this capacity, I really was sincerely hoping for an incredible experience for Ann. While I hung up Cam’s coat, Ann was getting a little red wine ready for everyone. I managed to make some small talk with Cam, and I have to say my defense faded pretty quickly as we chatted. I led him to the living room where we intended to remain for the next little while as Ann handed us wine glasses. We had the lights dimmed and the mood set for what would certainly be an interesting night.

Cam broke the ice by forwardly asking us what this dynamic was that we had. We didn’t give him all the details, but Ann started it off by explaining that we had experienced with group sex in the past year. To end it, I saved her by saying that, if Cam were into it, he seemed like a good candidate for such an episode, though I didn’t really explain why. Then we went over the ground rules, which were basically that everything centered on Ann. She was to be respected and allowed to call the shots. She was the center of attention. Also, there was no interest in any guy-on-guy action, which was fine with both Cam and me because we are both straight. This preliminary conversation, as ridiculous as it must sound, was actually the most straightforward segue into group sex that we had had in our brief history with the act.

As we went over the formalities, Cam and I sat across from each other on opposite sides of the room while Ann sat next to me. Once we finished talking, Ann put her wine glass down on the TV stand and stood up, walking to the middle of the room. Then she picked up the remote and pulled up Pandora on the TV to find a decent soundtrack to aid in the impending raunchy activity. I’m not sure what song she ended up finding, but it worked, whatever it was. Once she put down the remote, the sexy smile crept across my wife’s face. Without a word from any of us, Ann first reached for her stockings and then pulled them down her legs, exposing her legs and feet and then throwing the garment aside.

As my wife began to take her clothes off for both her husband and her ex-lover, I couldn’t help but glance over at Cam once or twice to see his reaction. However, Ann had me otherwise captivated, just like she appeared to have Cam. Next, she worked her dress down her front, and it soon was in a pile with the stockings on the floor. It was then that her paranoia set in and she was convinced people outside would identify what was going on by the light coming through the closed shades – never mind that it was late and about 5 degrees out there. Wearing just her underwear, which consisted of a black bra and matching panties, Ann turned up the volume on the TV so we could hear it down the hall and then led us two boys to the bed room, that sexy ass hypnotizing us as we followed.

Once we were in the room, Ann invited us to sit on the bed. Cam did, but I leaned against the dresser for now. Still being able to hear the music, my hot wife swayed her hips for us to the beat as she closed her eyes and ran her hands up and down her sides and breasts. When her eyes opened, she looked at me and asked me if I wanted her to start with Cam while I watched. She knew I enjoyed watching her with others first before joining in. I wasn’t as sure in this case since it was her ex-boyfriend we were talking about, but I gave her the green light regardless. Again, I didn’t want my own insecurities to get in the way of my wife’s having a good time. She smiled and then turned to Cam, whom she ordered to lie down on the bed. Then she joined him, stepping over him and reclining on the mattress with her legs out to her side while she faced me and went right to working her ex-boyfriend’s pants while Cam propped himself up by his elbows and watched on as the girl who got away prepared to give him pleasure he surely thought he’d never enjoy again.

“Show me that cock,” Ann said seductively right before she pulled it out of his boxers. The picture was becoming clearer now. Cam had a pretty impressive pecker, big but not too big. A little longer than mine, about as thick and with a curve to it, whereas mine is straight. It hurt a little to see my wife’s eyes widen when she saw it, I must admit, and I felt that conflicted feeling in my chest again as she lowered her mouth to it and began to lick up and down the shaft for a few seconds before engulfing it in her mouth. The whole time, though, my own penis was as hard as a rock, betraying how I really felt.

Cam moaned as his former lover and my current wife bobbed her head up and down, slowing taking his full length into her mouth over and over again. He groaned, “You were always so good at that.” I’m convinced he said that just to try to get a rise out of me, so I didn’t let it bother me. He was right though. My wife does give excellent blowjobs.

Ann gave Cam a good sucking for a couple minutes and then locked eyes with me. Without a word, she beckoned me to the bed with her finger, her tongue dancing against the tip of this other man’s prick. She went back to sucking on the head and holding the curved shaft as her other hand reached for my pants, signifying it was time for me to remove them. She was delighted to see my erection a moment later as I discarded the clothing, removing my sweater and unbuttoning my shirt immediately after as I stepped forward to the bed.

“I want to suck you both,” she said, now stroking both phalluses in unison. She pulled me even closer to her, drawing my dick up to her mouth so that both dicks were within an inch or two of the opening. I moaned as well as she went to sucking me, her hand going still on Cam for just a moment, but within a few seconds she was sucking me and stroking him. Then she switched, blowing Cam and rubbing me, doing it so expertly that it was clear to both of us men that it wasn’t her first time orally pleasuring two men at once.

Ann continued to suck us both and gradually drew our cocks closer and closer together until she was able to stick her tongue between them and lick both at the same time. She joked that she would make them touch, laughing to indicate she wasn’t going to actually do it. I didn’t revel in the thought of my manhood’s touching another, but I must admit if she had wanted to put both in her mouth at the same time, I would have let her.

Ann finished by kissing both tips and then releasing us at the same time. I stepped back, uncertain of what Ann had in mind next. She, on the other hand, was fully persuaded and where to go from here, and she confidently straddled her ex-boyfriend on her knees. Sometimes Ann required some oil to help with penetration, but she was so worked up tonight that we both knew it wouldn’t be necessary this time. As Cam ran his hands up and down my wife’s thighs, Ann guided that thick, curved unit into her love canal and slowly but surely worked it into her undoubtedly wet pussy.

The two moaned in pleasure as Cam’s cock drilled deep inside my wife, who put her hands up in her hair as she began to ride up and down her ex-boyfriend’s dick. Cam squeezed Ann’s legs and cursed, taking in the sensation of this hot woman, who was now married, as she fucked his prick with unquestionable skill. Meanwhile, the conflict within me seemed to both heighten and decline in a contradictory way that defied logic. In the back of my mind, thoughts of my lovely bride in the throes with this man tempted to derail me. However, I loved being able to simply watch my wife have sex as I anticipated my own participation, and she was having so much fun that I couldn’t help but be happy for her. After all, I had no doubt that her sole allegiance was to me. Having that level of trust and assurance in each other was what made this lifestyle possible for us in the first place.

Ann’s hands ran up and down her body, from her hips to her hair and she bounced greedily on that cock that had arrested her so completely tonight. She rocked up and down Cam, who took the sexy Italian’s body over and over again as he enjoyed this surely surreal moment. Before long, my reservations were all but gone as I jerked off to the sight of my sexy wife’s doing what she does best.

I debated joining the two on the bed and slipping into Ann’s ass for double penetration. We had done it several times now, and there is simply no better sex. However, I didn’t know if it was necessarily what Ann wanted to do this time, and who’s to know how Cam would feel about such a position? Beside, it would have required lubing up both of Ann’s holes, and she had already foregone the lubricant in her vagina. As hot as a steamy Ann sandwich would have been in this context, it was better to pass on it tonight. Maybe there would be another opportunity soon.