
Author’s Notes:

You wanted it, you asked for it–another part of Sheltered!

If you’re here for Sheltered Pt.2, welcome back! If you’re picking up this story for the first time, please read ‘Sheltered’. You can find the link/address for the first part in my bio.

Thanks for reading <3



Late winter passed into spring and Atheia carefully made her way back to Serik’s den as often as she could, but always at the full moon. Serik would wait for her, coming as close to the edge of the forest as he dared, just so he could walk back with her to his den and know that she was warm and safe as they braved the snows. Serik’s spartan den had been quickly transformed into a warm, inviting place for the two of them, with a large webbed orb at the center. The inside of it was festooned with bright soft pillows and furs for the winter that now gave way to lighter, softer blankets for the spring and summer.

Serik’s Arachne father, Nirin, had a knack for carving and salvaging things. Occasionally, he made or passed on useful items to them, be it furnishings for Theia’s comfort, rugs, bookshelves or cooking implements, so they could continue building a place for themselves.

Now, Serik and Theia emerged from the small pond that was nestled in a copse of trees at the bottom and just behind the cave that Serik made his den in. It was late spring and it already felt hot like midsummer. Cool water streamed off Theia’s skin and Serik shook out his coat of dense hairs. She giggle when he pelted her with water. It was welcomed, the heat of the late afternoon already drying her skin.

They walked up the pond’s bank to the great weeping willow. It was the biggest, oldest tree in the copse and provided some much needed shade. Serik parted its long, slender branches for Theia and she stepped through them. The remnants of their picnic were still spread out next to the trunk of the enormous tree.

“This is such a beautiful place, Serik ” Theia smiled appreciatively, as he hoisted her up into the webbed swing he’d woven for her earlier. “Perfect for a swim and a picnic. I had no idea this was here! It’s so relaxing–just what I needed. What we both needed.”

She swung there for a moment, under the privacy of the great weeping willow, its long branches swaying languidly in the pond nearby. Serik hauled himself up, his front set of legs stretching high up the swing over Theia’s head and he planted the rest of his arachnid legs firmly on the ground. Theia’s legs opened to Serik and he set himself between them, while his smaller, gray and black ticked forelegs were to either side of her hips. The rusty orange hairs were still wet from him wading into the water and they tickled her inner thighs.

“Mmm… Yes–I wanted it to be a surprise,” Serik hummed softly, nuzzling Theia’s neck. It was still cool from her swim in the pond and he felt the familiar bulge between his forelegs grow, his cock stirring just behind. “We’ve both been rather busy lately. I thought we could use some time to ourselves.”

“This was a lovely and thoughtful surprise,” Theia said, working her arms around his neck and kissing him softly. “I’m beyond grateful, love. ”

“What will you do now that you’re a full-fledged Apothecarist?” Serik asked, his eyes momentarily fluttering shut at the touch of Theia’s hands on his chest. He felt her fingers fan out across his nipples, lightly teasing them, and a soft, breathy gasp escaped his lips.

“We haven’t really had a chance to talk about it much, but I’d like to stay here,” Theia said, brushing damp, steel blue hair away from Serik’s face and behind his elegantly pointed ear. “I’ve seen what it’s like for the half-folk when they’re sick or injured and they can’t get care or medicines.”

“I think we make a good pair–we’ve been able to help so many already. The underground garden you’ve cultivated for medicines with the deck prisms in the cavern ceiling is amazing and you’re a pretty good herbalist, yourself.”

“Not as good as you, beautiful.” Serik said, kissing her lips softly. His slit grew more wet and slick by the moment; it started to pulse and slowly open as he idly slid between Theia’s legs. She moaned softly and he smiled against the corner of her mouth.

“You will be, with practice.” Theia encouraged gently, raising her hips to Serik. “You’re a natural and you know so much already.”

“Does… that mean you want to stay here with me, too?” he asked softly, his mandibles clicking and chittering hopefully, as he pulling her closer to him.

“Absolutely!,” Theia laughed lightly, wrapping her legs around the swell of his human hips just before they transitioned to his arachnid half. She felt the tip of his slick cock begin to emerge from his wet slit and slide along her inner thigh.

“Won’t you be missed?” Serik asked, as he kissed her across her shoulder, his chelicerae combing gently through her hair. “I mean, by your village.”

“The village already has a healer.” she gasped, trying to keep her focus as Serik’s cock slid further along her thigh and up to her own hot, slick flesh. “They expect me to move on and establish myself somewhere else. I knew I’d have to do that from the start of my apprenticeship. There’s no other place I’d rather be than here. With you.”

“There’s something I want to ask of you, Theia,” Serik said, a shy blush tinging his cheeks. “Could you… that is, if you would want to…”

He sighed, a bit frustrated, his mandibles clicking and chittering anxiously, before he pulled them tightly to the bottom of his face.

“What is it, love?,” Theia asked softly, as she cupped his face in her hands and caressed one of Serik’s cheeks, just under his mandible, with her thumb.

“Would you..,” Serik started again quietly as he stroked her dark hair, “Could I… take you as my mate? It’s almost the end of mating season and I–”

“–Serik!” she gasped, overjoyed and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes!”

Serik moaned at the sudden, intense contact on his slit and the tip of his cock against Theia’s wet entrance and he almost lost his balance on the upper part of the sling. She looked down to see how wet and hard he was already and rolled her hips gently against him. Theia felt him shudder against her and looked back up at him with a gentle smile. The slitted pupils of his jade eyes were wide with lust. Serik’s mouth was slightly open and his fangs dripped with a light blue venom that she’d never seen before.

“Serik, your fangs…,” Theia said, as she wiped away a bit of venom from the corner of his mouth with her thumb.

“It’s for you, my beautiful,” he said, dipping down to run his fangs across her soft neck. “to bring you pleasure. I’ve ached to bite you, to envenom you and make you mine for so long… ”

Serik lowered Theia further back into the swing and she kissed him firm and deep, her tongue dancing across his fangs and playing with his. His arms came around her, holding her tight, as she gripping his hips harder. Serik lightly nipped at Theia’s lips and kissed his way down her jaw, her neck, between her breasts, pausing to nibble each hard, sensitive nipple with his chelicerae.

Theia cried out as he continued down to the cusp of her soft belly. Serik lifted her hips, squeezing them lightly with his claw, and brought the wet, silken curls between her legs to his face. He inhaled deeply and moaned against her inner thigh.

“You scent… is so enticing, my beautiful one,” Serik gasped, desperate, as his tongue flicked out to lick Theia’s hot, wet folds. He savored the taste of her on his tongue and dipped down for another lick. “It makes so wet and hard–I want you so badly…”

He looked up at Theia over the cusp of her belly, her dark hair so beautifully spread out across the swing and her face was lit with the pleasure he gave her.

“Can I… put you legs up, Theia?” Serik asked, almost bashfully now, as he kissed the inside of her thigh. “In my webbing?”

“I’d love that,” she panted softly, “Please…”

Serik gently took one of Theia’s legs and extended it along one of the front, thick strands of the swing. He carefully webbed her from her ankle to knee in a soft, silken cuff to the strand and repeated the webbing with her other leg.

“Is it too tight?” he asked, his front most legs still on the back two strands of the swing, “are you comfortable, Theia?”

“It’s not too tight,” Theia gasped, feeling a breeze lightly blow between her legs and she squirmed in the swing. “It feels good…”

Serik stepped back for a moment to admire Theia. Her legs were spread high and wide, webbed to the thick strands of the swing, exposing her most secret and intimated places to him.

“You’re so beautiful bound up in my webbing,” Serik murmured as he settled between Theia’s legs again. “Such an exquisite sight…”

“Make me your mate,” Theia begged softly, reaching down to twine her fingers in his hair, “I want to be yours, Serik! I want you inside me…”

“Where shall I bite you, Theia?” Serik asked, his voice heavy with desire. “Here?”

He emphasized his words by raking his fangs along her soft inner thigh. Theia moaned, her head tipping back and hips raising as much as they could, though she was bound. Serik looked up at Theia; her lovely hazel eyes shimmering in the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches of the willow. Theia’s alabaster skin was hot and flushed as he reached a hand up to skim his claws across her soft belly and he was rewarded with a whimpering cry.

“Or… Shall I bite that gorgeous neck of yours I adore so much?”

“My neck, gods… please.” Theia murmured raggedly, “I want to touch you, Serik…”

Serik kissed the inside of Theia’s thigh and just above the tantalizingly scented curls between her legs. He pulled himself back up to her and Theia’s hands left his hair. A shiver of delight shot through Serik as her hands slipped down his neck, and to toned shoulders. He leaned into her and cried out when Theia took a nipple between her teeth and lightly pinched it.

“Theia!” Serik gasped and trembled as he grabbed one of her hands and brought it between them to his slit and partially emerged cock.

“Oh… you are so wet, my love,” Theia breathed as she let her fingers slide just inside and up from the bottom of his dripping slit to the base of Serik’s cock. “and very hard…”

“I… I need you,” he whimpered softly, sweeping some of Theia’s dark hair aside to reveal her neck. The venom from his fangs flowed more freely now at the sight of the beautiful vein throbbing hard beneath it. “I need to be inside you, to mate you.”

Serik moaned as he slid his cock in Theia’s slick hand and she brought him to her own hot, wet folds. Her hand left his cock and slipped around his back while the other stretched up to the back of his head.

“I want you, I want to be your mate,” Theia whispered hotly against his cheek, as she guided Serik’s head down to her neck, “Be mine…”

Serik growled as he seized Theia’s neck and clamped down on it. She cried out in pain and pleasure as his fangs pricked through soft, sensitive flesh, her legs jerking slightly in their silken cuffs. Serik snapped his body forward, thrusting his cock partially inside her. He moaned against Theia’s neck, his fangs still in her flesh, as he gently worked himself completely inside.

Theia’s eyes rolled for a moment and slipped shut at the sudden, euphoric rush of Serik’s venom. She felt his hot, pulsing cock inside her, stretching her, as he withdrew and thrust again. Theia’s eyes shot open as the venom coursed hotly through her veins. She was abruptly overwhelmed with sensation and cried out as a sudden orgasm rippled through her.

“Serik,” Theia panted raggedly, as he released her neck from his fangs. He somehow felt bigger, deeper inside her than he ever had, with her legs raised and bound and his venom only enhanced that sensation.

“Breathe, my beautiful–just breath.” Serik soothed, as one hand stroked her hair, while another ran gently along one of her legs.

Everything Theia experienced was immediately and urgently vibrant and alive. Serik’s venom ignited all of her senses and she snapped and rotated her hips against Serik with a loud gasp, feeling every ridge, bump and scallop of Serik’s delicious cock move inside her. Theia was impossibly wet, her clit still swollen, throbbing and achingly sensitive.

Theia moaned loud and long as Serik started a slow, almost torturous rhythm. She clung to him, her eyes slipping more closed with each his thrusts. Serik’s lips and tongue were like fire on her incredibly sensitive nipples and when he bit them, she came again with a sudden yelp.

Serik’s hands felt like they were everywhere as she reached up to pull herself against his chest, her hips moving hard and fast to take his cock as deep as she could, while writhing against his hot, wet slit.

“Gods, Serik! Harder!” Theia moaned, as she arched her back, orgasm after orgasm rolling through her, building in intensity each time.

She felt Serik lean back some and grasp her calves hard, grinding against her. The webbed swing rocked and shook, his growls and grunts growing more intense. With every snap of his body, her voice grew higher, louder, as she desperately chased one last frantic orgasm. Theia screamed when she came, her nails biting into Serik’s lower back and he snarled as he came hard, his front legs scrabbling up the swing, to push himself as deep inside her as he could be.

They stayed locked together for long moments, Serik holding her close and Theia barely able to catch her breath. Her sensitive clit pulsed, and she gasped against his chest as a softer, less intense orgasm washed over her. Serik gently lowered her back down into the swing and he remained for a moment, still hard inside her. Theia felt his cock spasm as the last few gouts of warm come spilled inside her, and she kissed him slow and deep. Her legs and arms trembled, weak and utterly spent.

“My mate,” Serik murmured, as he lovingly caressed her hair, while his cock started to retreat back into its slit. “how do you feel?”

She cried out softly as she felt the divine textures of his cock while it left her. Theia was soaked between her legs from herself, Serik’s come and the slick of his slit. Serik slid himself between her legs as he carefully cut the silken cuffs that bound her legs. She bit her lip, thinking she might come again as he gently lowered each of her legs down to dangle, tired and lip, over the edge of the swing.

“It was bliss,” Theia managed, finally catching her breath, as she stroked Serik’s face and kissed him softly. “I’ve never felt anything so beautiful, so intense.”

“We’re mated now,” Serik said softly, his mandibles clicking and chittering joyfully, as he gently picked her up out of the swing. He settled in the shaded, cool spring grass and cradled her in his arms. “You’ve tasted my venom while I was inside you. And…”

Serik paused for a moment, as one of his hands slipped down to Theia’s belly and lovingly caressed it.

“We may have young, soon enough.”

“I would love to be the mother of your young.” Theia murmured tiredly, yet happily as she nestled close to him. Though, I’m surprised I haven’t been with young yet, for as much as we enjoy each other.”

“The potential for young only occurs when there is envenoming. The venom helps our mates conceive, as well as gives pleasure. Our venom is precious; it takes a long time for us to build it up for mating season in the spring and fall.”

Theia put her hand on Serik’s and kissed him softly as she stroked his gray mandibles and cheek.

“Such a precious gift,” she sighed happily and nuzzled his chest. “You’re my precious gift, Serik.”

“Theia…” Serik murmured, a slight blush spreading across his cheeks as he kissed one of her hands.

Theia’s free hand idly wandered over the apex of his front leg and hip. He moaned softly as her fingers played with the damp, rusty orange hair.

“Still that sensitive?” she asked playfully. “Too much?”

“Yes…” Serik hissed softly, and gently moved her hand away. “Giving venom is just as deeply erotic and intense as getting it, in some ways. You may be a little more sensitive that usual too, for a while.”

“I can still feel it,” Theia said, biting her lip and squeezing her wet thighs together as he languidly stroked her hip. “like you’re still inside me… And I really liked having my legs up –It felt so good to be fucked like that.”

“I’ve wanted to do that for a while–bind you up in my webbing,” he said shyly, a hot blush rising to his cheeks as he stroked her hair. “I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it… I’m glad you enjoyed it, my beautiful.”

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Theia smiled, kissing him softly. “I loved it; we should defiantly do that again.”

“Mmm… good.,” Serik hummed with approval, as he rested his forehead against hers and caressed her nose with his, “I adore that you still feel like I’m inside you. I would love to be inside you again if –”

There was a percussive boom in the distance and Serik stiffened, his ears perking up and twitching slightly. Brow furrowed with sudden confusion and concern.

“Serik, what–”

Serik brought a finger abruptly to his lips and Theia was silent. He got up on his legs, still a little unsteady from their lovemaking, and held Theia tight in his arms. He carried her out from under the willow and stared, utterly shocked, at the dark, roiling sky above them. Neither one of them had noticed the sky had turned so ugly outside of the curtain of willow branches. A closer boom sounded, knocking Serik out of his shock and he moved as fast as his stocky, arachnid legs could carry them.

“I smell smoke,” Theia said, trying not to let panic seep into her voice.

“I do too…” Serik replied warily.

At the top of the rocky hill, Serik paused and a streak of red lit up the sky above them, trailing a vile, tail of black smoke behind it. A piercing whistle split the air and Serik curled himself around Theia as he fell back into an under hang of rock. There was a deafening crack and Theia screamed into Serik’s arm as the whole hill shook. There was a rumbling aftershock and loose stones skittered off the over hang before it seemed to go quiet.

“Theia, are you okay?” Serik asked frantically, his free hand going over her, looking for injuries.

“I’m fine,” she said, breathing hard from terror, as he sat her down.

They both looked over the valley; the lower half of it was on fire. Whatever fell from the sky set at least two other parts of the deep forest on fire also. The two in the forest were far off from them, but the one that flew overhead had crashed fairly near, smoke curling up and blotting out sunlight and what had been a beautiful, blue sky.

“Dear gods…” Theia uttered, her hand fluttering to her mouth in horror.

“Go down to the den, Theia…” Serik said, as he crawled out from the under hang. Aftershocks from the nearby impact shook the ground and Theia stumbled against him.

“Not without you!” Theia insisted, tugging at his large hand.

“Go!” he said firmly, and kissed her. “Please… I’m right behind you.”

Theia only nodded, her small hand slipping from his, and she made her way down to the small, hidden entrance, leading the back tunnels.


“Theia!” Ona called out, and coughed as she enter into the cave, “Serik!”

The old Arachne paused, coughing harder, her ancient lungs irritated by the smoke. It took a moment for her pale violet eyes to adjust before she took a few more steps down the corridor and called out for them again.

“Here!” Theia called, as she hurried up the corridor. She’d barely had time to throw on a pair of leggings and shove her last arm into the sleeve of her shirt. “I’m here!”

“Oh, child,” Ona breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank the gods–I was beginning to think you might’ve been incinerated out there… Where’s Serik?”

“He’s up on the hilltop, seeing how bad this is. One landed near here, down in the lower valley.” Theia said, wrapping her arm around the old Arachne’s waist. She took Ona’s hand and carefully guided her down into the antechamber, just outside of the den. “He should be down soon, I hope…”

“Others are coming,” Ona coughed as she settled down just inside the door, unable to go any further. “You’re going to have a fair amount of company soon.”

“Are you hurt, Ona?” Theia asked, surveying her briefly.

“I’m fine, I’m fine…” Ona said, closing eyes briefly, and waving off Theia’s concern. “Wouldn’t hurt

to have some water.”

Theia nodded and in a few moments, she returned with a tumbler of water and one of her shawls. She gently threw it around Ona’s gray shoulders, clasped it with a wooden pin, and gave her the tumbler.

“What was that up there, Ona?” Theia asked, “I’ve never seen anything like that. It terrified me and the force of it threw Serik and I into an under-hang when we tried to come back down.”

Ona said nothing as she held out the tumbler and Theia took it. The old Arachne reached into a worn, leather pouch slung across her hip and took out a bundle of silk cloth. She opened it, corner by corner until it revealed what looked like a small chunk of translucent, green stone.

“This is Moldavite,” Ona said, her voice low as though she wanted no one else to hear. “Witchstone, they called it, in the days before. When the sky rains fire, it sometimes comes down with it. Star stuff–the purest kind of magic in solid form. Many things have been made from this–weapons, talismans, artifacts of great power…”

Ona quickly bundled the Witchstone back up in the scrap of silk and urgently pressed it into Theia’s hand. Theia felt a warm, tingling sensation in her palm and she looked up at Ona for a moment. Her stomach lurched in what seemed like a nervous fit and her free rubbed at it for a moment before it stopped. Ona’s brow furrowed quizzically, but she said nothing.

“It’s bad now, what with everything on fire, especially in the deep forest.” Ona said, an edge of desperation in her voice, the chitinous claws of her eight, black, spindly legs clicking anxiously on the stone, “but it will get worse. Those who crave power will come for the Witchstones. They’re drawn to them like moths to a flame. Terrible wars have been fought over the sites said to contain them, and…”

Ona’s eyes seemed to dart wildly around the antechamber now, as if she were reliving a horrible memory that had suddenly clawed its way up from a dusty and long forgotten past.

“If the Black Prince awakens,” Ona barely whispered, her voice shaky like dry leaves, “there will only be darkness.”

After a moment, Ona seemed to remember where she was, and when she was.

“I’m sorry, my child…” she said, her rheumy violet eyes suddenly sad as she pushed Theia’s hand –the one that held the stone–to her chest. “Keep it safe and it will keep you safe.”

“I will, Ona.” Theia nodded, and slipped the stone in a pocket just inside her leggings. She arranged the shawl around Ona’s shoulders a bit more, as the Arachne tiredly curled her legs beneath her. “Rest now, and I’ll make you something to eat for later, okay?”

Ona only nodded and her eyes slipped shut. Theia watched over her for a moment and when she was sure that the old Arachne was asleep, she went into the den to put the largest pot they had on the fire. Ona had said more were coming and she was never wrong. They were going to need food and medicine to get them through the night, at least.


Theia looked up from her tasks to see Serik deftly climbing down the rocks and into the den. When he was down, she ran over and threw her arms around him. He smelled a little like smoke and ash just from being outside.

“I was starting to worry,” she said, squeezing him tight, and he grunted in pain.

Theia pulled back and saw a cut just above his clavicle. It was long and oozing blood down his shoulder.

“Some stone caught me on the way down,” Serik winced.

“Let me look at it?”

Serik nodded and Theia took his hand, leading him to an area with better light. She opened a chest where she kept extra supplies and dragged over a stool that she could stand on.

“You made it down the tunnels okay, Theia?” Serik asked, his mandibles working anxiously. He winced again as she started cleaning it.

“I made it down fine,” she said and smiled when she felt Serik’s forelegs wrap around her lower back. “Ona is in the antechamber, asleep. She says we’re going to have a lot of company very soon. How bad is it out there?”

“I expect so…” he said, and cursed softly when Theia touched a tender part of his shoulder. “Some of the lower valley is definitely on fire, but it only seems to be around where the crater is. I don’t think it will spread. If we stay underground, I think we’ll be okay. I couldn’t see what was in the center of the crater from here. It just looked… scorched.”

Serik grabbed Theia and she let out a squeak as he held her tight with arms and forelegs. Her feet dangled for a moment before they found the stool again.

“We’ll get through this,” she said softly, as she stroked his hair with her free hand. “And we’ll help others get through this, too.”

He released her and Theia kissed him softly and then a little deeper. The soft hairs of Serik’s chelicerae brushed both sides of her face as his thumbs brushed the sides of her neck, and lingered over the bite marks he’d left.

“Can I bandage your shoulder now?” she smiled softly, as Serik’s hands moved up to her cheeks.

“Of course,” he said. “I’m just glad you’re safe and not hurt…”

Theia gently caressed the back of his hands at her face and kissed his forehead. She stepped down to get a long roll of bandages and Serik cut the length with a claw of his foreleg. In a few moments, Theia was done and his forelegs were still loosely draped around her waist.

“I should’ve gone down with you when you wanted me to,” Serik said, resting his forehead against hers. “I might not have been hurt and… I made you worry. I don’t ever want you to worry like that, Theia. I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay, Serik.,” She murmured and kissed his neck. “You did what you thought you had to do in that moment. I’m surprised neither of us where hurt when we got thrown into the under-hang, especially considering I was vulnerable and completely… naked. You protected me then and again when you told me to go below. That’s one of the things I love about you.”

“Maybe I’m a little overprotective,” he grumbled. “Arachne… can be a bit overprotective sometimes, of our mates. If it’s too much just–”

“–No…” Theia said softly. “You saw a threat and needed to size it up. That’s nothing to be sorry about.”

Serik felt Theia’s hands gently lift his face to hers and his heart soared when she gave him the sweetest smile.

“I love you, Serik.,” Theia said and softly kissed his lips. “You did good–I’m the one who panicked. I was terrified.”

“I was too,” Serik admitted, “but.. my only thought was for you and your safety, my beautiful one, my mate.”

“I wanted you to be safe too,” Theia murmured.

“I know.” Serik murmured and stroked her hair.

They stayed in each other’s arms, feeling the warmth and comfort of their bodies pressed together for what seemed like a long while. Finally, Serik released Theia and stroked her hair behind her ear.

“Come,” he said softly, taking Theia’s hand as she stepped down from the stool. “There’s much work to be done.”

“Could you make Ona a sling?” Theia asked. “I don’t like that she’s sleeping on cold stone right now.”

“Of course, and I’ll see if others have arrived.”

“Perfect. Thank you.” Theia said and kissed Serik softly. “I’ll finish up here and I’ll come out and see who needs what.”

Serik kissed her forehead softly one last time and nodded. Theia watched him go, for a moment, absolutely amazed. If she’d never been out in that rain and twisted her ankle, she would’ve never met Serik. She would’ve never become mated to such a brilliant, gentle and loving creature. Theia quickly returned to her tasks, putting the water on and gathering what she thought she might need to take out with her.

The on-coming evening and night promised to be long and exhausting, but Theia drew drew strength from knowing that no matter what happened tonight, no matter how many denizens of the forest they received or if the fires in the forest and valley shifted, Serik would be by her side.

He would always be by her side, and she, his.