Couples Dance

Couples Dance

“What about this one?” asked Felicity pointing a slender finger toward an add in an online collage of adds.

Ebby clicked on the add, and a full colour spread filled the screen. It detailed a club called The Swinging Scene. He scrolled down to where the comments were and the pair began reading.

A few moments of reading the comments led the pair to face at each other with distasteful looks on their faces. “I don’t think that one’s right for us,” admitted Felicia. “Let’s keep looking.”

Ebby returned to the collage and they kept looking through the various thumbnail adds. The couple had been discussing spicing up their marriage for a few weeks before they finally decided to take the plunge. They had been actively searching online for the past few days, looking for a suitable group that essentially matched their tastes, but had had no luck thus far.

Still looking late the next Tuesday night, they ran across a banner that read “Friends with Benefits-where you come to make friends who also just happen to have benefits!” This group sponsored picnics and nature hikes as well as games nights, parties and other events. It looked a lot like a meet and greet group more than anything else.

“What do you think, Honey?” asked Felicia, putting her hand on Ebbys shoulder as they both perused the advertising on the website.

“It looks like something we’d want to investigate,” returned Ebby as he continued reading. “Do you want to sign up? It says they are having a seminar the weekend after next.”

Felicities eyes fairly glowed with excitement and anticipation. “Yeah,” was all she quietly said.

Ebbys long fingers fairly strolled over the keyboard as he filled out the registration form. “There’s a criminal records check, a health check and a one hundred dollar membership fee. We can get the checks done in the next few days, then pay the membership fee, okay?”

“Okay,” said Felicity, “I’ll make the appointments.”

Over the next week, the couple got their paperwork together and submitted it to the site. They were informed that their paperwork had been received and to have patience for a few days while the site reviewed and verified their submissions.

Finally, the couple received the email from Friends with Benefits that they had been expecting. It informed them that their information had been verified and they had been accepted as members. Ebby paid the one hundred dollar membership fee and a received a receipt as well as another email informing him of the location of the next meeting. There was to be a semi formal dinner sponsored by the club held at one of the local hotels coming up the following Saturday. The couple RSVPed, stating that they wanted to attend. They received their confirmation, then walked on pins and needles, waiting for Saturday to finally arrive.

The big evening arrived at long last. Felicity chose to wear a deep blue wrap dress with slit to mid thigh to cover her petite five foot five inch frame. She alluringly allowed the collar to drape to properly show off her her B cup cleavage. Black heels adorned her dainty feet and her legs were clad in black stockings. The dress hid a simple, black garter belt with red and white accents holding the black stockings in place. An onyx necklace and matching bracelet as well as her wedding set rounded out her accessories. Her eye shadow started smoky at the edges of her eyes and carried through into a blue by her nose. Her naturally clear skin received some matte powder, a little lipstick on the pucker, some perfume in discrete places. Dropping the makeup into her clutch purse, she was ready to go.

“You look fabulous!” complimented Ebby who had decided to go with beige chinos with a white button down shirt shirt, navy blue sport coat, brown loafers, dark blue tie with gold tie tack and a onyx ring that matched his wifes jewelry. He came out of his walk in closet, linked arms with his beautiful wife and exited the room.

“Thank you, so do you!” she smiled as the pair walked on out of the house into the late March sun to get in their car and get underway.

The short drive was uneventful and they arrived about half an hour ahead of schedule at the hotel. Both outside and in, there were a small number of well dressed people milling about the edifice, it now being in the midst of the off season. The couple figured some of these people must be heading to the same dinner that they were going to.

They followed the discrete signs found in the lobby that led them to a chamber with a sign that read Welcome Friends with Benefits and bid members to come in. Inside was a table set to one side with a pleasant couple seated behind it. As they entered, the duo stood up, smiling broadly. They were wearing name tags to introduce themselves. A card attached to the mans lapel announced that his name was Bob, and the lady sitting with him wore a similar tag professing her name to be Julie as soft canned music played in the background.

“Hi, and welcome to Friends with Benefits. As you may have already noticed, I’m Bob and this is my wife, Julie,” said the man by way of introduction.

“Hello,” smiled Julie as she warmly shook Felicities hand.

“Wow,” said Bob. “You are really tall! How tall are you?” he asked of Ebby.

“Six foot ten,” replied Ebby proudly.

“Holy shit!” repeated Bob. “Ever play any basketball?”

“A little now and then,” chuckled Ebby.

“You must be one of our new couples. Your names are?” asked Bob leaving the question hanging as Julie brought out the guest list.

“I’m Ebby and this is my wife, Felicity,” greeted Ebby.

“Ebby?” enquired Julie. “That’s an interesting name. You don’t hear that every day. Is it short for something?”

“It’s short for ‘Ebenezer’,” explained Ebby. “I was named after my uncle.”

“Oh, really?” smiled Bob glancing at Julie. “Point to remember,” he winked.

“And your last name?” Julie enquired

“Charleston,” replied Felicity.

“There you are,” smiled Julie as she found and checked their names off the guest list. “You’re seated at table five, just over there,” she indicated, “with the Spencers! They’re a lovely couple. You’ll enjoy their company.”

Bob then located their name tags arranged on the tray in front of him, handed them to the couple and bade them to put them on. As the couple glanced around the room, they noticed a glass wall with the last of the colourful sunset streaming through on their left illuminating the eight tables, each seated with four places. A few couples were milling around, some more were seated, and still others were standing and talking in small groups.

Bob took them to their table and showed them their seats. “Have a great time!” he said cheerfully as he began to retreat to his station by the doors.

“So, the Spencers!” smiled Felicity as Ebby took her jacket and hung it on the back of her chair. “They come highly recommended!” she giggled. “I can’t wait to meet them.”

“Sweet to see you alive and excited like this, Felicity,” grinned Ebby. “Would you like a drink?”he asked, pointing to the bar.

“Yes, please,” she responded.

“The usual?” he enquired, now taking steps toward the bar.

“Surprise me,” she countered as he walked toward the libations.

He returned momentarily with a pink, fruity drink in one hand and what looked like a rum and coke in the other. He passed her the fruity drink.

She took a sip. “Oh, that’s good!” she exclaimed. “What is it?”

“Sex on the Beach,” responded Ebby with a cheeky grin. “When in Rome!” he explained as the pair had a good laugh.

They sat at their table sipping their drinks and watching others enter the room, find their tables and begin to mingle. Since they didn’t know anyone here, the pair felt it was the better part of valour just to be onlookers, at least for the time being.

They watched as Bob and Julie greeted each couple as they entered and Bob either pointed out their table or occasionally taking them to it like he had done with them. They seemed to know the names of a good number of them as they exchanged laughter and hugs with many. The room was beginning to fill up.

A striking couple entered the room and stopped to exchange pleasantries with Bob and Julie. The couples exchanged kisses before Bob escorted them over to the table. Behind him walked a striking woman in heels wearing a little black dress who stood at five foot seven inches tall, weighed around one hundred ten pounds with red hair, fair complexion, hazel eyes and about a C cup chest. Bringing up the rear of this little troupe was a man, presumably her husband, of about five foot ten inches tall, weighed about a hundred and sixty pounds. His most striking feature were his incredible amber coloured, almost cat like eyes.

“You must be the Spencers,” grinned Felicity as they rose to greet the couple as they approached the table.

Sheri grinned. “Our reputation precedes us,” she giggled to Robbie. “I’m Sherri,”she said extending a hand to one then the other.

“I’m Robbie,” said the man behind her with a smile and an open palm.

“I’m Felicity,” she said, introducing herself.

“Ebby Charleston,” he chimed in.

“Ebby? That’s a cool name,” mentioned Sherri.

“It’s short for ‘Ebenezer’,” he explained.

“Old name,” commented Sherri as they all sat down.

“Charleston, Charleston,” repeated Robbie to himself. Suddenly, the porch light came on and Robbies face lit up. “I remember where I know you from! You played in the last five or six minutes of a Boston Celtics-Indiana Pacers game about eight years ago! I remember that, you were great! Grabbin’ ribbies and scoring points! You woulda gone far in the league. I’m really sorry about your ankle.”

Sherri stared at him with a look of stark disbelief frozen on her face. “You REMEMBER that?” she enquired incredulously.

“You don’t?” he asked completely wide eyed. “We were at your brothers place in mid winter. Your sister made cannolies, ‘member?”

Sherri just shook her head and displayed a blank look. “Robbie is absolutely a storehouse of sports facts. He can remember all that from one night eight years ago, but he can’t remember to pick up his socks!”

“I know, right?” came a female voice from an adjacent table, and all shared in the laugh.

Ebby sat, just a little shocked, that anyone would remember his performance. “Wow, that’s quite some memory!” he commented. “It was fun while it lasted, but it ended. I’m just a history teacher now, thanks to my fathers advice. What do you do?” he asked directing the question to Sherri and sidestepping the spotlight.

“I manage a local trucking concern,” she said nonchalantly. “That’s how I met Robbie.”

“Oh?” perked Felicity.

Robbie grinned and nodded as Sheri related their tale. “Robbie and I used to talk on the phone daily about how many trucks he would need and where. This went on for about a month after he started, then, he needed to come down to our office to sign some contracts. We started dating very soon thereafter. How did the two of you meet?”

“We met in college,” began Felicity. “I was just a Freshman, and in my nervousness, had dropped my books all over the main hall. Ebby witnessed my disaster. Just like him, he was the first one the scene to help. I looked up and our eyes met. We’ve been inseparable ever since.”

“I almost kissed her right there,” Ebby stated with a slight smile.

“I wouldn’t have stopped him if he had,” chuckled Felicity.

“That is so sweet!” bubbled Sherri. “Fairytale love story! And, what do you do, Dear?” she asked of Felicity.

“I’m a nurse at the Shady Vale Rest Home,” she replied. “I enjoy taking care of the residents. They’re all so fascinating to talk to”

“Living history,” mentioned Ebby.

“Yes, they just know so much by living through it!”

“I can imagine,” agreed Sherri. Bet you’ve seen a few head shaking sights in there.”

“Well, I don’t want to get too personal, but I have found a few couples of the residence doin’ the nasty in out of the way places at times. The manual covers how to recognize when they’re having a stroke or what to do if they’re having a heart attack; but, it doesn’t cover this!”

“Well, what DO you do in that situation?” asked Robbie.

“Excuse myself, close the door and walk on like I never saw nothin’!” she replied gigging. “This is not an event you really want to witness. After you see it, you can’t really ever unsee it. Imagine two elephant skin rugs engaged in a wrestling match on the floor,” she explained to the peals of laughter now erupting from the table.

“Oh, you’re a riot!” laughed Sherri. She felt instantly comfortable with these people, and she was sure that she was not the only one at the table who felt that way.

The lights dimmed as a spotlight lit a figure walking out on the riser at the front of the room. , “Hi, everybody!” he said in a smooth, deep voice. The crowd responded with an enthusiastic, “Hi Morty!”

“First, is there anybody in here with the license plate number HKL 295?” he asked.

A voice from the back of the hall responded.

“That’s you?” asked Morty. “Your lights are on,” he declared. The man scurried out of the door to remedy his situation as the rest of the guests chuckled.

“Welcome to the March Meeting. We have a few new faces in the crowd this evening, so please make them feel as at home as you are. Last months video contest went really well. It was a tough decision on all of them, and usually came down to a coin toss. We’ll have the screens come up for dinner and show you a montage of all of them, then the top five.

“As always, we have Stump the Sportster happening. So, get your questions ready to play!”

“We realize that some of you are going to have a few drinks.” the crowd chuckled in response and hoisted their drinks. “As always, we’ve reserved a number of rooms in the hotel for you to rent at the front desk. If you are going to drink, we implore you to stay at the hotel.”

Last, but not least, the Colemans are moving into a smaller place next weekend. Any help that the group can give them would be greatly appreciated. Without further ado, we’ll bring out dinner and get this party started.” The spotlight went down and the ambient lighting returned.

The waiters appeared from behind the curtains bringing the guests their pre-ordered meals and drinks. Wine was brought by stewards according to the meals ordered. Our quartet had coincidentally all ordered the roast beef meal, and two bottles of red wine were placed on the table. A fine repast was consumed to sparkling conversation as well as two more bottles of wine.

Each couple was feeling full and relaxed when the live band took their riser and began to play a selection of music. Slowly, couples and trios began to take the floor to show off their dance moves.

Suddenly, Sherri grabbed Ebby by the hand and began dragging him off to the dance floor. He turned to look at Felicity who flashed him an encouraging smile. He noticed that she was rising with her hand on Robbies arm. Apparently, they were going to come dancing too.

They vibed and gyrated to the music provided by the band. Sherri brushed up against Ebbys crotch and felt his endowment through the fabric of his pants. “Holy shit!” thought Sherri. “Is that a sausage taped to his leg! Oh, God! It better not be!”

Several songs later, a spotlights glare suddenly centered on Morty where he stood on stage. “This next song is going to be a couples dance. Grab someone you haven’t danced with tonight and make your way to the floor!”

A tall, blond gentleman approached the table. “Hi!” he said addressing the group.

Sherri stood up, threw her arms around his neck and planted a wet kiss on his lips. “Jack!” she bubbled. ” It’s been a while since we saw you! Meet our new friends, Felicity and Ebby Charleston!” she smiled as she introduced the new couple. “This, as you may have guessed, is our friend Jack.

Felicity extended her delicate fingers and Ebby stood up to shake his hand.

“Pleased to meet you both,” he smiled as he disentangled from Sherris grasp and looked up at Ebby while he gripped Felicias fingers. “Wow, you are one tall glass of water!” he exclaimed as he gripped Ebbys hand. “Welcome to Friends with Benefits!” he bedazzlingly smiled. “I’m sure you that you are going to have a great time this evening. The Spencers are a fantastic couple!”

“Oh, go on,” blushed Sherri. “How’s your delicious wife, May?”

Jack beamed back at her. “She’s doing just great! She’s out there right now,” he mentioned as he pointed toward the dance floor. “Which brings me to why I’m here,” he said turning smoothly to Felicity. “May I have this dance?” he asked sweetly as he bowed to her.

Felicity smiled and glanced at her grinning husband. “I’d be delighted!” she beamed as she rose to follow him to the floor.

Moments later, a woman appeared out of the swirling crowd and headed straight for the table. “Janice!” enthused Robbie as he stood up and embraced the woman. “How are you doing?”

“I’m just fine,” she laughed. “Good to see both of you!” she bubbled, “but, I saw an unguarded husband over here,” she smiled looking at Ebby, “and had to come to investigate!” she finished to roars of laughter from those within earshot. “Come dance with me!” she smiled looking at Ebby. Ebby rose from his seat and followed her out to the dance floor. Moments later, another couple arrived and whisked the Spencers out to the floor as well.

After the dance, the the couples returned to their tables a little out of breath, but smiling. Then, they sat to catch their collective breaths, enjoy a sip of their drinks and time in the company of new friends. After a while, Sherri glanced over at Robbie with a quizzical look. Robbie replied with a smile and a slight nod of is head. “We’ve rented a suite in the hotel here,” smiled Sherri quietly and seductively. “Would you like to join us to continue the party?” Robbie sat back in his chair with a Cheshire cat grin, watching the reactions of their new friends.

Felicity glanced at her husband and noted the matching grin on his face. Instantly, she knew what his answer would be. “We’d be delighted,” she smiled in response as the foursome rose from their chairs, collected their belongings and exited the room through the double doors from whence they came.

The Charlestons followed the Spencers to the elevator. “Robbies company designed and built this hotel,” bragged Sherri as she pushed the elevator call button.

“It was the first building I worked on with the firm and anything that could have gone wrong, did go wrong. The concrete froze on the first pour, the glaziers installed half the windows upside down and a myriad other mishaps occurred. It was your basic nightmare, but we got through it,” Robbie said cheerfully explained in the elevator car as it took them on their way to the top floor.

“You rented the penthouse?” marvelled Felicity as she noted which button Sherri had pressed.

“If you’re going to do anything, Dear,” winked Sherri, “do it with style!” and the whole group chortled their assent.

They opened the doors into the living room of the penthouse suite. Inside was a large, white sectional sofa with a stylish glass coffee table set before it. Across from the sectional sat one white love seat and a matching seat was placed at the other end of the sectional boxing the room.

“Well, here we are, alone at last,” giggled Sherri as the foursome settled on the furniture. “I think the best way to get better acquainted is to play a few games.”

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the little group as Sherri pulled a large trunk from under the sectional, dragged it into view and opened it. Inside there were all manor of sex games and toys. This lady travelled prepared! She reached in and chose a deck of cards to bring to the table. “I assume everyone is familiar with the rules of strip poker?” she asked coyly as she shuffled the cards between her hands. Her comment was met by laughter and nods of agreement as she sat down. After playing several hands, everyone was down to their underwear. Felicity modelled her lingerie while Sherri sported a white garter belt with red accents and sequins arranged in crescent shapes at her hips. Covering her breasts was a matching, nippleless, C cup bra with crescent shapes to match the ones on her garter belt, similarly formed of sequins on the outsides of the cups.
Sherris eyes lit up as she leaned over to Felicity and whispered something into her ear. The ladies then scooted to the trunk, much to the bewilderment of the men sitting at the table.

“Ebby, will you accompany me to the bathroom for a moment, please?” grinned Felicity slyly as she sat up from the trunk.

“Uhh, okay,” responded Ebby, now quite perplexed as he rose and followed his wife into the chamber. Once the door was closed, Felicity quietly explained that she wanted to put a butt plug into his ass to facilitate some of the activities that Sherri apparently had planned.

“You wanna WHAT?” exclaimed Ebby in a hushed and hoarse voice.

“Sherri said she had something planned for all of us and this was part of it,” continued Felicity. “I, for one, would really like to see what it is she has planned. Please wear it, Sweetie?” she begged as she turned her doe soft brown eyes on him. She knew he would not be able to resist that!

“Well, all right,” he conceded. “Just because you asked so nicely,” he grinned.

“Okay, turn around,” she instructed as she slathered lube all over the device, took down his slacks and boxers and then attempted to fit the appliance into her husbands ass. Much to her chagrin, she discovered his asshole was tighter than a python hug; however, with a little more lube and a lot of elbow grease, she finally managed to install the device. “There, all finished. How does that feel?” Felicity asked as she pulled his boxers back up.

“Like you just shoved a well oiled Chrysler Building up my ass,” answered Ebby sardonically.

Felicity had always fallen victim to his sense of humour and began to roar with laughter. “You always did know just what to say!” laughed Felicity as she opened the door to find the Spencers holding their sides and trying to breath through their own laughter.

“Well oiled Chrysler Building!” Robbie bubbled and chuckled with mirth, “Priceless!”

“You heard that?” asked Ebby.

“Well,” replied Robbie chuckling, “it’s not like you were exactly stealthy about it or anything!” he chucked as the group cracked up laughing again.

They continued to giggle and chuckle as they sat back down, albeit Ebby sat down somewhat more gingerly than normal. This only induced further laughter and merriment.

As the laughter died down, Sherri place both of her hands on the sides of Felicities head and met her lips in a passionate embrace. She explored the softness of Felicities lips with her tongue before letting go to examine the effect of her manouver.

Sherri had obviously surprised Felicity with her move, but Felicity had not pulled away. That was a definite sign of intent in Sherris mind, and Felicity shivered with anticipation. Sherri returned and pressed her tongue between her new friends lips, tasting of the delights within. She surfaced for air and witnessed the curious look on Felicities face. She smiled and said in a low, sultry voice, “Oh Honey, I’ve been dying to do that all evening!”

Felicity smiled and relaxed as the two women glance over to see their husbands sitting bolt upright and stalk still in their seats. “I think we broke them,” giggled Felicity.

“Don’t worry, they’re suck start,” declared Sherri. “We’ll get them up and running again.” More laughter erupted from the group.

With a twinkle in her eye, Sherri again reached into the trunk and, flashing a huge grin, pulled out a collection of four curious-looking dice. There were two knuckle bones, two curious looking diamond shaped, eight sided dice and an hourglass. The knuckle bones determined who the roller was going to perform on, one of the eight sided dice determined a body part to be performed on and the final die determined an action to be performed. “This is a great, easy to learn, ice breaking game,” she stated as she returned to the table. “We each in turn roll the dice and follow the instructions, okay? Ebby, you start.” she said as she passed the dice.

Ebby picked up all four dice and weighed them in the palm of his hand. In his huge palm, the dice looked almost like grains of sand. He looked at Felicity who wore an expression of curious amusement before he rolled the bones. They came up with “opposite spouse”, “male”, “lick” and “knee”. Amused chuckling and giggling was heard from around the room.

“I think you would be most comfortable on the couch,” volunteered Felicity. The two men looked at one another as they began to rise from their seats and make their way over to the couch. Robbie sat down on it, and Ebby crouched, almost into a ball, in front of him with the women looking on in great interest, laughing and giggling at the spectacle unfolding before them.

Sherri had just turned over the hourglass while Ebby extended his tongue and tentatively touched Robbies knee before Sherri stopped them and turned the hourglass over. “Make it sexy Ebby!” she smiled as she turned the timepiece over once again.

Ebby sat back to ponder the situation for a moment before acting. “Turn over on your stomach, Robbie,” he said softly. The girls cooed as Robbie began to turn on the couch. Gently and softly, Ebby began to play his tongue along the smooth membrane on the inside of Robbies knee. An instant soft groan reached Ebbys ears, as the women approached for a better view and cheered his creativity and actions. Ebby gently rasped his teeth upon the membrane and felt vibrations travel up and down Robbies body.

“Ooh, Robbie! You’re getting goosebumps!” giggled Sherri as she stroked her husbands leg. “I know you’re really liking that!”

“Uh huh!” came Robbies muffled and breathless response.

The hourglass ran out of its sand and the group re-adjourned to the table where Sherri took a turn at rolling the dice. The result was, “opposite spouse”, “female”, “kiss” and “nipple”. Sherri shot Felicity a devilish grin before slinking toward her and placing her hands on her new play mates B-cup breasts. The hourglass was turned over once again to mark the time.

Felicities pert, responsive breast flesh was separated from Sherris hands only by the fabric of the bra that Felicity wore. “Oh, those are beautiful,” breathed Sherri as she slipped Felicities bra free of her flesh and bent her head to Felicities nipple. Slowly and deliberately, Sherri traced Felicities luscious nipple which immediately grew hard and crusty immediately under her touch and taste. She slid her tongue over the top to feel the sensations from the oh, so responsive breast flesh.

Stopping only because the sand in the hourglass ran out, Sherri looked at the two men who accompanied them. Once again, they both appeared catatonic. Sherri winked at Felicity, pointed her finger at the men and said, “Remember, suck start!” and a new round of laughter was underway.

After the laughter died down, it was Robbies turn to roll the bones. This time, the dice came up “other spouse”, “female”, “kiss”, “lips”. He smiled as he rose and took Felicity in his arms and swung his oh, so talented lips and tongue into action. Her soft lips and softer mouth tantalized him as he explored her with his tongue. After the sand had run out of the hourglass, they finally broke and came up for air. Felicity felt flushed and slightly dizzy. “He has a wonderful mouth,” she thought dreamily.

She looked up to see Sherri grinning like a Cheshire cat. “A lot of fun, isn’t he?” she giggled.

Felicity, now imagining what Robbies mouth will feel like on her pussy, managed a quiet, “Yeah,” in response.

When Felicities head had centred somewhat, she was handed the dice. She shook them in her delicate hand and tolled across the table. The result of the roll was “spouse”, “suck”, and “genitalia”. She looked over and grinned at her husband. “Where would you like to get it?” she asked innocently.

Sherris eyes fairly lit up when the roll was made. She had been dying to see if what was beneath the fabric was real ever since she had brushed up against him on the dance floor. She watched as Ebby rose and strolled over to the couch to sit down again. She craned forward to see beyond Felicities head as she pulled Ebbys monster out from under his underwear. Felicity, too, knew that a woman like Sherri would be just dying to see this; so, she sat aside and pulled it up to its full length while he was soft. Sherri gasped and began to drool at the sight of Ebbys Brobdingnagian monster.

“Like what you see?” giggled Felicity as she slipped her lips over the tip and turned over the timer.

“Oh yes!” bubbled Sherri like she had just won big in slots. Even Robbie was duly impressed at the size and girth of his new friend. Felicity slipped her practised lips down over the head of her husbands cock, bulging her cheeks as she descended. Her tongue worked to spread saliva all over her husbands massive and swelling member before she guided him into her relaxed and waiting throat.

“Wow! You go girl!” cheered Sherri as she watched her new friend swallow the leviathan between Ebbys legs whole. She was bouncing his colossal bulk in and out of her relaxed throat when the sand in the hourglass reached its limit.

“Time,” mentioned Robbie as he witnessed the spectacle unfolding before him.

“Aww,” complained Sherri. Watching Felicity give her husband head was really beginning to heat her up.

Felicity slowly disengaged her grasp and slid her husbands now rock hard cock out of her orifice. “Just wanted to show you it could be done!” she mentioned lasciviously.

Sherri was clapping, smiling and laughing. “And, done so well, Sweetie!” she complimented.

The group returned to congregating around the card table where the dice were once again given to Ebby. He threw the dice down at the table to bounce, roll and come up as they may. They came to rest as “Opposite spouse”, “Woman”, “Fuck”, “Knee”. The group burst out laughing at the thought.

“Okay, why don’t you sit down in the chair and let me lay some magic on ya,” winked Ebby. There was a collective gasp from his small audience as Sherri complied with his request; but, no one in the room was prepared for what happened next. He got down on his knees and embraced Sherris leg as their spouses looked on in a curious mixture of curiosity and amusement as the timer was turned over. Suddenly, he grabbed her by the leg, flexed his knees and began to jerk his giant member against her limb while exclaiming, “I’m going with the warrior goddess!” The group exploded in spontaneous laughter.

Sherri was laughing, but she had felt Ebbys now naked prong pressed against her and now she couldn’t peel her eyes away from it. She felt the saliva beginning to gather at the back of her jaws and knew she wanted to have it in her mouth.

With one glance, Robbie read the desires of his wife like an open page in a book. “Might I suggest we adjourn to the bedroom to continue?” he proposed with a sly grin.

Felicity grinned and fairly shook with excitement while the couple in the chair disentangled to follow Robbies idea. As they entered, a California king sized bed flanked by two night side tables with lamps on them dominated the room. The wall to the right of the bed was glass and there was a lowboy dresser against the wall opposite the bed. Large mirrors dominated the walls.

Once to the berth, Ebby lay on his back with Sherri grasping his prong in her comparatively diminutive hand. She slipped the tip between her lips and internally wilted. As she pushed her mouth up Ebbys massive shaft, she felt her cheeks bulging out as she came down further and further. She held her gag reflex as she was accustomed to and let him slide into her wet and willing throat. Very gently Ebby clutched her head in his massive grasp and began to move with her and she relaxed further allowing him to penetrate her throat deeper.

Felicity crawled up on the bed and eyed the action taking place in front of her. She got a sly grin and began slide her white panties over her garters revealing her smooth crotch. Sidling over and swinging a leg over Ebbys face, she gently lowered her pussy to his lips. “Here, make yourself useful,” she she grinned. He responded by licking her in greeting as she sat astride his face. She sighed as she felt his tongue begin to tantalize her pussy and watched her new friend accepting the entirety of her husbands massive meat into her hot mouth and throat.

“Just be careful, just be gentle. Oh yeah. Just like that,” Felicity breathed. “Oh my God, that’s good, do that again! Mmm hmm, that’s so good! Just keep going like that, we’ll get there, Baby.”

Sherri withdrew Ebbys prong from her mouth and looked quizzically at Felicity momentarily. “Do you mean me or him?” she asked with a smile.

Felicity giggled, “Both!” before Sherri popped Ebbys colossal cock back into her sweltering mouth and continued to try to understand and follow the instructions that her friend was issuing. Between the three of them, they slowly but surely planted Ebbys huge cock deep inside Sherris throat.

Meanwhile, Robbie had shimmied his way underneath Sherris to her soft thatched crotch where he could bring his mouth to bear on her wild and wet twat. He moaned softly as he scented the nectar of his wifes production and felt the liquid she was beginning to produce. He felt the now familiar way her hips settled over his face. He slipped his thumbs into the waistband of her thong and pulled it away from her white garter belt and slid it down her shapely, white silk clad legs. He cast the garment to the floor before gently spreading her lower limbs then kissing and licking her already swelling clitty. He slid his tongue through her moistening slot, fully in tune with her movements and unspoken instructions to him.

Both women gasped and cooed along with the efforts of their respective husbands. The men knew their women well and before long, Sherri pulled her mouth off of Ebbys giant hard on, dipped her head and moaned loudly, announcing the arrival of her first orgasm.

The sensations now emanating from her cunt coupled with the sounds of her new friend cumming set Felicity off. She sat up and planted her husbands tongue deep inside her hot, wet snatch, bounced up and down while wailing, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” repeatedly before exploding into her own intense orgasm.

Felicity crawled off Ebbys face as she eyed his stiff prick. “We don’t want this to go to waste now, do we?” she smiled as she proceeded to mount him in, reverse cowgirl. She fit the tip of his cock to her well lubricated cunt and began to slide down inch by inch, looking down upon Sherris approving gaze.

“That looks so hot,” murmured an admiring Sherri as she shifted closer to lick Ebbys shaft from his balls right up to the hood his wifes luscious cunt. She felt both of her new friends shudder and knew she should continue. Her tongue lazily licked up and down, tasting the flavours of both while driving their passions ever higher. Occasionally, Felicity would release her husbands prong from the grip of her twat to let Sherri exercise her mouth and stretch her lips around him once again. In turn, Sherri released and helped feed Ebbys monster back inside Felicities practised pussy.

Robbie stood up behind his wife and observed what the trio were doing. He grabbed her hair, forced her back to arch and plunged his prong deep inside her wet and waiting snatch. She moaned loudly as she continued to lick the union of her two friends and suck on Felicities gorgeous clit. Robbi placed his other hand on her hip and began to undulate his own hips back and forth pushing his cock in and out of his wanting and wailing wife.

Sherris orgasm from Robbies gifted tongue had still not died away completely, and came back in full force as her husband started bucking in and out of her cute little pussy and sending shock waves radiating throughout her gorgeous body. Her breathing quickened as his pounding intensified as Felicities moans and cries announced that she was cumming again, right on front of Sherris face and under her tongue. Thrills raced through Sherris body in every direction. She was now completely lost in a sexual delirium.

Ebbys body began to stiffen under Felicities sexual assault, and she knew that he was close to cumming. It delighted her to speed up her movements to hasten his orgasm. Moments later, his prong thickened just that much more. With a loud groan, he announced that his own orgasm was imminent.

Quick as a flash, Felicity jumped off of her husband and began jerking his cock into Sherris waiting and willing face. Sherri, in turn, opened her mouth and closed her eyes to taste what she could of Ebbys hot load of white, frothy cum.

Ebbys dick swelled momentarily before a thick stream of cum shot from the slit in the tip, heading directly toward Sherris face. It landed with some of the stream entering her mouth, across her lips and across her cheek. She had no time to adjust as Ebbys second great gout was already on its way. This one made a stripe up her face from her upper lip to her hairline. Before the next shot was underway, she determined to grab his tip between her lips and take it in her hot wet mouth. She allowed the musty, salty flavour that she knew so well to intoxicated her senses once again before jerking it out of her mouth and accepting the remainder of his jizz all over her face.

When her husbands cock had ceased jerking and casting cum, Felicity crawled closer to Sherri. As their lips met, Sherri shoved some of the cummy mass in her mouth between Felicities lips. Felicity was a little surprised, but graciously accepted the gift. Their lips broke, but Felicities tongue continued to dart in and out as she gently cleaned her husbands cum off her new friends face and exquisite tits.

In the meantime, Robbie had been surveying the scene in front of him until he was maddeningly excited as he pounded in and out of Sherris sopping wet cunt. He watched as Ebby exploded in his wifes face, and then how Felicity urged forward to kiss and clean her when her husband was finished. Finally, he could take no more and, with a mighty roar, let loose with his own hot stream of cum directly into his wifes roasting hot pussy. He pushed and pressed, grunted and groaned as he released his load. Sherri began to moan and groan louder as she felt the heat of her husbands cum entering her.

Felicity flopped down beside her husband as Robbie crawled up on the bed to put his arm around his wife. Ebbys head was spinning slightly as he gazed around at his friends arrayed about the bed and decided that this was just what he and Felicity had been looking for to spice up their sex life. Robbie lay with his arm over Sherri recovering his breathing and heart rate.

“Why don’t we go relax and recover in the hot tub?” suggested Sherri when she had calmed enough.

“There’s a hot tub here?” asked Felicity, thinking it may be in the building.

Sherri squirmed out from under her husbands arm and approached a pair of pocket doors set in the wall at the foot of the bed. She slid them open revealing a triangular room whose outer walls were sheathed in glass, giving a panoramic view of the city below. A huge, oval hot tub set in the tiled floor dominated the space. Steam rose from the hot water in the pool, beckoning to them as they looked on. “Skinny dipping anyone?” she asked playfully as she approached the tub.

The water was indeed hot and relaxing as the quartet tested and adjusted to the soothing liquid. Felicity smiled as she approached and put her arms around Sherris shoulders, kissing her passionately and deeply, exploring her new girl with her tongue. The sensations reverberating about her body only made her crave more of this luscious woman.

The two women glanced over to where their husbands were sitting to see them watching intently, smiling and talking to each other in hushed tones. The ladies looked and smiled at one another, then returned to their lip locked bliss.
Felicia then dropped a delicate hand to Sherris beautiful pear shaped breasts and began rolling her nipple between her fingers, feeling the soft flesh begin to harden and crust over as her fingers became increasingly more insistent. She dipped her head toward the luscious gumdrop tipping her silky white breast flesh that was Sherris nipple and gently licked. She felt Sherris hand come up to cradle her head to her breast. Glancing up, she immediately noticed the blazing lust in her friends eyes and smiled before dipping her head and locking her lips around one delicious nipple then the other. “Apparently, I turn Sherri on a great deal, too!” thought Felicia excitedly. A thrilling chill ran down her back at this realization.

Felicity uncoupled from Sherris magnificent nipple and rose to kiss her deeply once again. Her hands came up under Sherris arms, urging her up. Sherri got the idea right away and lifted herself clear of the water to sit on the tiled floor at the edge of the tub. Felicity looked up at her new friend dripping water and smiled before diving mouth first into Sherris delectable, red fringed muff.

Sherri quickly hustled her legs further apart to give Felicity room to run. Her hands fell lightly to her girls head as she felt Felicities adroit tongue begin to explore her moistening snatch, roaming up to circle the spiky little bud of her clit back down and into her hot, little honey hole. Felicity lapped up some of Sherris secreted lubricant before lazily drawing up her pretty, pink slot to lock her lips around her friends quickly engorging clitty.

“Mmm, that’s so nice!” cooed Felicity as she stared into and idly fingered Sherris quivering quiff. Sherries insistent hands on the back of Felicities head brought her tongue back out to continue touching and pleasuring the beautiful twat that lay before her.

Sherris moaning reached a feverish pitch as she rocked back and forth against Felicities soft and supple tongue. “Oh God, you’re doing it!” she shrieked. “I’m gonna… I’m gonna… I’m cumming! I’m cumming” she wailed as her orgasm took full control of her body and senses as her moans and cries announced its arrival to all in the room. Felicia continued to lick and slurp at Sherris soaking wet pussy as her orgasm ran its course.

Sherris breath hadn’t returned to normal when she grasped her friends jaw and pulled her up into a passionate kiss, exploring Felicities soft mouth with her tongue again and tasting her own cum. She smiled devilishly as she slid into the hot water and encouraged Felicity to sit up on the edge. It was her turn to reciprocate, and she was looking forward to it.

Felicity immediately smiled and needed no further coaxing. She popped up on the edge and spread her legs as Sherri approached her smooth and shapely pussy. She took two fingers and slid them between Felicities pussy lips and inside her twat in search of the girls G-spot as she bent forward and began licking her sensitive and swelling clitty. Her fingertips found the tissue inside her that they sought and struck up a come hither motion. She felt Felicities breath quicken and liquid begin to pour from her pussy as her clit hardened into a delightful little nut to suck.

Felicities body was alive with sensations pouring through her synapses and she knew that she was going to cum very soon. Her friends fingers strumming her G-spot and the action of Sherris lips and tongue on her clitty were getting to be too much. Throwing back and moaning in pleasure, her orgasm crashed over her like an ocean wave. Sherri released her grip on Felicities pussy and rose out of the water and up her body to lock with her soft lips once again.

Meanwhile, the men had taken this opportunity to get better acquainted. Robbie glided up next to Ebby and began fondling his half hard cock. “That is one magnificent member,” he congratulated as he looked up at a grinning Ebby.

Ebby hoisted himself out of the water, dangling his massive member in front of his friends face. Robbie virtually drooled as his eyes followed the bouncing dongs every move as he reached up to grasp its girth when Ebby had come to rest. He marvelled at the strength and power held within as he locked eyes with Ebby and slipped his lips over the tip of that mouthwatering mickey. Then, he felt Ebbys massive hands encircling his head, gently pressing down, encouraging him in his chosen task. Robbie reacted to the pressure and slid his mouth further and further down his new friends thick shaft. He felt the length of Ebbys shaft in his mouth and his bulbous head brush the back of his throat as his girth virtually overflow his mouth. Long practise had taught him to stifle his gag reflex. He began to withdraw, using his tongue to soak down the giant prong in preparation. The insistence of Ebbys hands on his head coupled with his own desire to feel this leviathan in his throat prompted Robbie to slide back down and accept the tip of Ebbys prong into his throat.

Ebby groaned as Robbie continued to work his giant prong into his throat. He marvelled at the agility of Robbies tongue and just how good the heat of his new friends mouth felt. Gently and ever so slightly, he began to undulate his hips, pressing his cock deeper and deeper into Robbies hot, wet throat.

At last, Robbies lips contacted the flesh at Ebbys waist. He had finally fit the entire bulk of Ebbys monstrosity into his mouth and down his throat, an experience he found more than completely satisfying. The sensations coursing through his system led him to shiver and vibrate as he eased up and down, coordinating his breathing with each thrust of his friends cock. Experience had given Robbie an excellent head giving technique, a technique which was soon to bear fruit.

Ebbys fingers grew more desperate and his hips began to vibrate as he pressed up and down on the back of his lovers head. He could feel the rising tension in his body which told him that this mans hot mouth and wet, willing throat were going to overwhelm him. “I’m going to cum!” he announced in a quivering voice just seconds before his seminal fluid rushed forward into Robbies waiting mouth. He moaned as his friend slurped up warm and delicious cum and jerked his huge prong.

A feminine giggle caught both mens attention. The men turned their heads to see their wives embracing and paying attention to the floor show they were giving. The men smiled and golf claps ensued from the women

“Your turn, Ebby,” grinned Felicity lasciviously as Sherri giggled in approval. They regarded their husbands with great amusement in their eyes, anticipating the action they were about to behold.

Ebby smiled and slipped beneath the surface of the hot water as Robbie bounced up into a sitting position with his legs spread on the edge of the tub, anticipating the pleasure to come. Ebby floated to a position between Robbies legs, put one hand on his thigh and grasped his cock with his free hand. Instantly, his friends phallus began to harden and twitch in anticipation and he felt hands on the back of his head, all set to guide him. Ebby glanced over at his wife, who was giving him an encouraging look while still entwined and curled up with Sherri.

He slid his lips over the tip of Robbies prong as he felt the tension in his friend begin to grow as Robbies hands came to rest on the back of his head. Ebby took the plunge and began to lower his mouth onto the quickly stiffening cock he held within. Remembering the instructions of his wife, he began to soak this beautiful prong in his mouth with saliva. The first time Robbies prong brushed the back of Ebbys throat, he was unprepared and gagged slightly. Robbie withdrew into Ebbys mouth to allow his friend to recover. Closing his mouth around his friends prick once again, Ebby slid back down the slick shaft. When he felt the head brush the back of his throat the next time, he was prepared and able to stifle his gag reflex. Robbie smiled as he felt the exhilaration of his prong penetrating his new fuck buddys throat.

The two found a cadence and fell into a regular rhythm. Ebbys head travelled up and down over Robbies crotch as Robbie moaned out loud in pleasure. As Robbies body began to stiffen, both knew that he would cum very soon. This only excited Ebby further as the pair increased the tempo of the cadence, allowing Robbies cock to explore his throat deeper and deeper.

Robbie groaned, his whole body stiffened and his hands went rigid on Ebbys head. A few pumps of his hips, and he was spurting cum into Ebbys accepting mouth who lapping up the delicious nectar as fast as Robbie could produce it.

“That is so hot,” said Sherri in a sexy, sultry voice.

“Oh, yeah!” Felicity agreed rather breathlessly.

When the breathing of the men had calmed somewhat, they looked up to see Sherri eyeballing the short bench that stood nearby with a cocked eyebrow and an “I’m about to do something outrageous” look on her face. “Gentlemen,” she began with a sly grin, “why don’t you sit down on the bench beside each other?”

The men looked at one another and Ebby shrugged as they withdrew from the hot tub and proceeded to sit on the bench according to Sherris instructions. She grinned at Felicity as she slipped up in front Robbie, dropped to her knees and popped his cock inside her mouth.

Felicity by now was beginning to get the idea. She strolled to a position in front of Ebby, looked him in the eyes and sunk slowly to her knees. She grasped his huge prong and began to circulate her hand up and down while popping just the head of his cock into her warm, wet mouth and co-ordinated their actions.

Soon, the men were rock hard again and ready for action. Felicity was the first to react. She stood up, turned her back to her husband and slipped his gigantic prong inside her tingling cunt. Ebby curled his massive hands around his wifes waist as she began to bop up and down on his massive member, rocking his hips in time to meet his wifes thrusts.

Sherris efforts produced firm results and she to, stood turned and sat down on Robbies cock with an excited sigh. She flexed her thighs, pulling him in and out of her pussy while Robbie reached up to cover her marvellous breasts with his hands and thrust in time with his wife.

The room was soon filled with the moaning and groaning of the two couples mid coitus. Sherri swept her delicate hand up Felicities inner thigh, making her jump slightly in surprise. Sherri smiled before sweeping her fingers through her friends smooth, sopping wet slot then tracing tight circles on her spiky little clitty with her finger.

Felicity threw her head back and squealed as the actions of her husband and her friend began to make her cum. Her heart rate shot up, her breathing became unsteady and her body quivered all over, safe in the grasp of her husbands encircling hands. The force of her orgasm hit hard and swept away all vestiges of coherent thought with it. She had been reduced to a quivering, moaning, cumming mess.

Sherri continued to bounce up and down on her husbands iron stiff rod and finger the tight barb that her friends little clitty had become while she observed Felicia in the throes of her orgasm. She loved the way her new friends voice sounded and the outward quivering of her body as each new wave of contractions took hold of her.

As the quivering in her body abated, Felicity eyed Sherri as she sat astride her husband. She slid off of Ebbys cock to her knees where she pivoted between her friends knees to slide her tongue up Robbies engorged cock and along Sherris soaking wet slot. The sight and scent of Sherris puffy pussy right in front of her drove her lust ever higher. She dipped her head and began to lick an suck in earnest, driving her new friend on toward another orgasm.

Ebby watched with much interest for a few moments before deciding on his next course of action. He climbed down off the bench and situated himself behind his wife. He took her ass gently in his fingers and lifted slightly. Felicity instantly understood the request; so, she moaned and shifted her body to grant her husband access to her dripping pussy.

Ebby fist pumped his cock a few times before feeding his bulbous head into Felicities pussy. His wife sighed as he braced her with his massive hands and then press his huge cock home deep inside her. He felt his the head of his prick brush her cervix and listened to her as she moaned louder. He gripped her and began to undulate his hips, pounding in and out of her relaxed and sodden pussy while she licked furiously at the cock and cunt set energetically fucking right in front of her face.

Sherri began to moan delightedly as her hands found their way to Felicities shoulders. As she rode up and down on Robbies thick shaft, she watched her new friend return her favour, and loved every second of it. The feel of Felicities tongue caressing and massaging her cunt then sliding down to lick and taste her husband was almost too hot to for her to handle.

Ebby getting behind Felicity and pushing his huge cock into her fully prepared twat put her over the top and she began to experience a massive orgasm. A sheen of perspiration appeared on her skin as she began to writhe and dance with each new arriving contraction She closed her eyes and moaned loudly as the pleasure waves crashed over her.

Sherris orgasm set off a chain reaction amongst the group. Felicity popped next and began to moan and wail as her own contractions took control of her body as she began to cum. She dropped her head and cried out in unintelligible language.

Robbie couldn’t stand the excitement of his wifes orgasm for long. With a mighty shove and a baritone groan, he detonated deep inside her. His hands clenched and unclenched on her waist as he emptied his balls of their creamy white load into her sweet and swollen cum catcher.

The action taking place in front of him steadily sapped Ebbys self control as his excitement mounted. He began to quake as the countdown to his own orgasm wound down. He moaned loudly as he pulled Felicities hips into his final thrusts, bottoming out deep inside her on each drive. She squealed in delight as she felt his gargantuan prong swell and then begin pulsating as he began to release his semen deep inside her.

Everyone collapsed and relaxed where they were for a few minutes to recover from that last glorious act. “Let’s take this party back to the bedroom,” suggested Sherri in a sultry, sex laden voice as she lifted off her husband, then extended her hands to help her husband and new friends up. Ebby, Robbie and Felicity nodded and rose up from where they were to follow Sherri back into the bedroom where they might continue their encounter.

Ebby now crept up behind Sherri and covered her nipples with the palms of his hands. “You have a truly magnificent set of tits, Sherri!” he complimented as he athletically swung around her to sit down on the bed with her knockers at his face in front of him.

“Why, thank you!” she beamed as she put her arms around his shoulders and gently coaxed his mouth toward her breasts. “Would you like a little taste?” she teased as she offered them to him.

He wasted no time in dipping his head and extending his tongue to brush the softness of her deep pink areola. He noted the quiver of excitement that ran through her on contact and realized just how sensitive her nipples must be. As he closed his lips around her nipple, she quivered and moaned. He put his hand between her legs and gently massaged her pussy until she was screaming in the throes of another orgasm.

Meanwhile, Robbie and Felicity were not idle. Robbie gently bent Felicity over a corner of the giant bed. He took her arm in one hand and bent it behind her back. With the other hand, he took a firm grasp on her ponytail, forcing her head up and arching her back.

When he finally slid his cock into her swollen tight pussy, she cried out in pleasure. Restraint like this was new to her, but she found that she was rather enamoured of it. She rocked back and forth in time with his pounding hips as she raced toward another thunderous orgasm of her own.

Ebby detached his lips from Sherris perfect nipple to note the bed moving. He turned and witnessed his wife and Robbie enjoying themselves in a most primal way. He turned back to see that mischievous look in Sherris eye.

She grinned wickedly before scooping his legs up, flipping them on the bed then planted him on his back. She lightly hopped up, put her knees to his shoulders and pressed her pussy down on his face. He got the idea immediately, and began to probe her pretty and perfect pussy with his tongue. She flopped her body over his, grasped his wonderful prong in her delicate hand and once again fed the head of his monster between her lips while he licked and massaged her sopping wet little twat until she was howling and thrashing as the tidal wave of another orgasm overtook her.

The quad lay down on the huge bed as they enjoyed the afterglow of their latest tryst. Felicity looked up with a mischievous look in her eyes. “I have an idea!” she chortled as she scooted off the bed and into the living room. The rest of the group sat back with confused looks on their faces until she returned a moment later with an eight inch vibrator in one hand and the trunk in the other. She stood beside her husband. “Okay, Ebby,” she said with a smirk, “roll over.”

“What are you going to do with that?” Ebby asked as his look of confusion deepened. Never the less, he began to turn and obey his wifes instructions.

“You’ll see!” she giggled as her husband completed the roll, exposing his ass to her for her amusement. She removed the “Chrysler Building” and set it aside, lubed up the vibrator in preparation for its journey then dribbled yet more lube down the crack of his butt and massage it into his plug loosened asshole as the other couple looked on with interest.

A buzzing sound suddenly filled the room as she turned the vibrator on and began to work it into her husbands thoroughly lubed hindquarters making his whole body quiver and quake to the action in his ass. When she had finally inserted the entire plastic member into her hubbys hind quarters, she turned him over again and smiled to see his semi-hard prong dancing about his crotch. She darted down and placed her hot mouth on his schlong, and his dick was soon iron stiff and ready for action again.

“Ooh, that’s wonderful!” exclaimed Sherri. “You’ve turned him into a life sized, living vibrator! I wonder why I didn’t think of that?” she queried as she reached into the trunk and grabbed another device, then turned to approach Robbie with an evil gleam in her eye. “C’mere, Robbie!” she giggled as she advanced.

Soon the room was filled with the buzzing of the vibrators coupled with the moaning and groaning of the couples in coitus. The women bounced and flounced on their men and began to cum very quickly because of the intense vibrations deep within each and the remembrance of orgasms in the very short past.

Felicity withdrew and slid down beside her husband with an extremely satisfied look on her face. She snaked her arms around his neck, nuzzling and kissing his neck in the brilliant afterglow of their latest tryst.

Sherri was the first to stir. “I have another game we can play,” she mentioned slyly.

“Oh, really?” giggled Felicity as she shivered in interested at her friends idea. She was rapidly becoming more and more accustomed to Sherris interesting sexual proclivities.

“Yes,” pronounced Sherri as she bounced on the bed to retrieve two blindfolds from the trunk. “Okay, boys,” she began, “put these on and we can begin.”

The men shrugged at one another as they placed the masks on their faces. Sherri smiled and reached into the trunk to pull out a strap on harness. Knowing that the men had just been primed, they should be able to have a lot of fun.
Felicities eyes went a little wider as she recognized what Sherri had dangling from her hand and was offering her. She accepted and slipped her shapely legs into the straps and proceeded to make adjustments.

“Okay boys, just follow our hands. Both men felt the soft, feminine touch of their wives guiding them around the bed to precisely where the women wanted them to be.

Felicity let one hand fell to Ebbys hip as she gripped the synthetic cock between her legs, feeding it into his already open channel. She smiled as she heard him gasp then moan softly. Since he had already served as a human vibrator, she slipped inside his anus in just a few moments Her thighs settled against his ass as she pushed the bulk of her dildo deep inside him. She slipped the blindfold off of his eyes and directed his vision across the bed where Robbie was receiving the same treatment from his wife.

Robbie was flopped over on his front with his ass held high in the air and at just the perfect angle for Sherri to probe him from. His arms were straight out from his body, bracing him on the bed as Sherri began to fuck his ass harder and harder making him huff and groan as she massaged his prostate. Robbie was a writhing, moaning cumming mass on the comforter when Sherri withdrew her plastic prong from his sweet ass.

As all four were lying on the bed, Robbie looked over at Ebbys exquisitely sculpted ass. “You know, I’ve been watching Ebbys fine ass bop around here all evening, wondering when it’s gonna be my turn.”

“Oh, what? This old thing?” replied Ebby looking over his shoulder at his own ass as the group erupted in laughter once again.

“If you wanna do that,” said Sherri as she bounced off the bed and rumbled around in her trunk once more. She produced a device made of leather and chain. On straitening it out, it was obvious that it was a sling. She picked up a ring and proffered it to Ebby. “Would you hang this up?” she asked.

He looked up and noted the hook in the ceiling. With his height he easily slipped the ring over the hook and suspended the sling. He then stood by a bit awkwardly as he looked to the Spencers for clues.

Upon noticing Ebbys awkward stance, Sherri asked softly, “Have you ever done this with a man before?”

“Felicity has had the pleasure a few times, but never with a live man,” Ebby admitted.

“Okay, lie down here on your back right over here,” coaxed Sherri as she patted the bed of the sling. She glanced over at Robbie to see the bright look in his eyes. “That’s it,” she cooed as he complied. “Now, bend your legs up and let me put them in these stirrups up here,” she said indicating the leather loops on the suspension.

With Ebbys legs suspended above him, Robby stepped up between them with a raging hard on, lascivious grin on his face and the light of discovery in his eyes. He adjusted the assembly then slipped his prong easily into Ebbys open and well lubed ass and groaned with pleasure. Grasping his friends ass with his work hardened hands, he easily pressed his rock hard prong in as deep as it would go.

Ebby moaned in delight. “You like that!” smiled Robbie as he put a hand down to jerk Ebbys quickly hardening prong and began to undulate his hips, pushing his cock in and out with ever increasing speed.

“Uh huh,” breathed Ebby.

Sherri watched with a licentious look on her visage before she strolled around to Ebbys face, pulled the dildo of her strap on out of the way, straddled Ebbys face and looked toward Robbie. She grinned as she began to wash Ebbys face with her gloriously wet cunt. His tongue snaked out and between her luscious folds to taste her interior delights and tantalize her senses.

Felicity grinned as she strolled behind Robbie, running his fingertips along his hips as she moved. She had just finished fucking Ebby with her strap on, and now her sights were set on Robbies open tush. She sidled behind him, fitted the tip of her strap-on onto his loose and open hole and gently pressed it home until her thighs met the skin on the cheeks of his ass. With her hands holding Robbies hips, she assumed a counter cadence with the one he had already assumed with Ebby.

The musky scent of sex hung heavy in the air as the sounds of ecstasy from the quartet filled the room again as each pleasured another from their relative positions.

Robbie moved faster and faster as he felt his own orgasm begin to build. Watching the looks on his wifes face and listening to her sounds was getting to be too much for him. His prong swelled and his back stiffened, announcing the imminent arrival of his orgasm.

As Robbies cum began to flood Ebbys ass, his friends jerking on his cock caused Ebby to begin to orgasm as well. Ebby was moaning and groaning as often as Sherri would let him, transfixed by the sight before her. Moments later, her own orgasm burst upon her and she cried out as the waves of pleasure crashed over her once again.

The couples uncoupled and just sat and breathed for a few minutes before Sherri spoke. “You know, there is something I’ve been dying to see all night long,” she admitted.

The other three looked at her with anticipation written on them, waiting for Sherri to finish. “I would love to see Ebby fuck Robbie,” she gushed.

“Oh, hell no!” exclaimed Robbie. “Look at the size of that thing! It’s freakin’ huge! A lot bigger than what I was expecting!”

“Oh, you’ll be fine. Don’t be such a big baby!” admonished his wife as she hustled him onto the sling and placed him on his back. She grabbed his hips and pushed her strap-on dildo up his still heated ass to and began to fuck him in order to widen his hole for the ordeal to come.

Felicity dropped to her knees in front of Ebby, clasped his hips in her delicate hand and fisted his bulging cock head into her mouth. The entire suite now smelled of heavy sex, only revving her motor further. Looking up into his eyes, she pressed down on his massive member, allowing her lips to touch his skin. She bobbed up and down on it, never releasing his gaze with her sultry stare. Very soon, she felt the life in him that she sought as he began to stiffen and harden in her mouth.

When the women felt their respective men were ready, Sherri pulled out and made way for Ebby to edge between Robbies knees. “Just go slow,” she advised in a whisper as she watched Ebbys cock getting closer and closer to Robbies well prepared little asshole.

“Be gentle with me,” begged Robbie with a little apprehension visible in his eyes.

Ebby smiled as he approached. Upon contact, a visible shiver ran through Robbies body. Ebby moved very slowly and carefully as he manoeuvred the head of his prong at the entry to his friends hole. He knew his size, and was well aware of the pain he could cause with a callous movement. Slowly he worked just the head inside as Sherri and Felicity looked on salaciously while fingering one anothers cunts and kissing each others soft lips.

Robbies breathing became increasingly ragged as Ebby continued at a very relaxed pace, allowing his friend time to adjust to his massive bulk. He continued until he felt the soft pop of his cock penetrating his friends inner ring and heard the sounds of his moans penetrating the air. Smiling, he coiled his arms around his friends legs and began to press his cock deeper and deeper. A few more slow thrusts had Ebbys hips meeting the meat on Robbies ass and grunting while pressing home to bury his prong to the root.

Robbie groaned and he felt a flush of heat as his friends cock gently stretch is ass wider to accept his girth. He couldn’t believe that he had taken all of Ebbys monstrous cock in his ass, and wanted a moment to savour it. He shimmied his hips and adjusted to better accommodate the great girth of his new friend as Ebby slowly withdrew, giving Robbie a chance to stretch and adjust.

Ebby began to slowly retreat his cock along Robbies love hole, feeling him relax and loosen further. He began to slowly rock his hips back and forth, propelling his meat in and out. Soon he was slamming in and out with wild abandon, pulling and pushing in concert to achieve maximum depth inside his friend.

As he began to pick up speed, Robbies moans increased in volume and intensity. He had never had anyone so big so deep inside his ass before, and he was loving every minute of it. Each new thrust of his friends powerful hips shot shock waves through his body and brought new delights to tantalize and delight.

Meanwhile, Sherri was watching the action and growing hotter by the second. She took a sultry look at Felicity, snaked her harm around her neck and brought her in for a deep, passionate kiss. She began to slowly back up, forcing Felicity to bend and follow her, while the pair were still passionately lip locked. Sherri felt her back reach the wall. She placed her hands on Felicities shoulders and gently pressed down, urging her to fall to her knees.

Felicity got the idea very quickly and began to sink below her friends hands. Her mouth watered as she anticipated the pleasures to come. Her knees made contact with the floor and she was tip to tip with Sherris strap on. Felicity undid the buckles and dropped the device to the floor.

Sherris perfect, pink little pussy right in front of her face. She turned her eyes up to meet Sherris lustful gaze before dipping her tongue to her new friends spiky clitty. She felt Sherris hand curl around her head and pull her in tight while she continued licking and sucking her tasty twat. The sounds of moans and groans now filled the room as both couples began their respective build up to orgasm.

“You know just what to do with that fantastic little mouth of yours!” twittered Sherri as she sashayed her hips back and forth, continuing to enjoy the delights of Felicities tongue. Moments later, her hips began to quiver, and she realized that another orgasm was approaching her at breakneck speed.

Seconds later, both Sherri and Ebby began to cum simultaneously. The room was filled with the raucous sounds of orgasms gone wild. Ebby clutched Robbies thighs as he pulled and pressed to achieve maximum penetration before groaning and spilling his seed deep inside his new friends ass.

Sherris orgasm thundered upon her. She clapped both hands to the back of Felicities head and moaned loudly. “Oh yeah! Just like that! Keep going! Just like that” she coached as her words became increasingly breathless. She scrubbed her friends lips up and down her pussy as familiar energy reverberated around her body, taking her away with them to that magical place.

Sherri slid down the wall and once again found Felicities lips while Ebby withdrew his softening cock from Robbies pristine ass.

So much activity lasting into the wee hours of the morning had left the group exhausted. “I think we should lie down for some shuteye and then carry on this conversation in the morning,” Sherri asserted. There were hearty grunts and groans of agreement as they all climbed into the giant bed, curled up like kittens with each other while visions of what tomorrow may bring dancing in their heads.