Cheerleader Tale: Settling In

Authors Note —

Please note that this is Adult Erotic Fiction, so should only be read by those who qualify!

I was intrigued by the idea of basing a story around journal entries, and although this is hardly a new idea, I thought that I’d give it a try.

So, here we are – the trials and tribulations of a rather naive, but determined young woman, just starting University and keen to experience life… oh, and to continue the family tradition of making the Football Cheerleader’s team!

Constructive comments and scores are always welcome, but regardless, I sincerely hope that you enjoy …

Dear Diary… or whatever this is!

I promised myself that when I started at MidCounty University, I’d faithfully keep a journal to remind me in future years what my new life was like. Well, I guess this is it! My new life?! Well, I certainly hope so, because a new start is exactly what I’m looking for!

So, maybe I ought to introduce myself, goodness knows who might be reading this some day!

My name is Susan Meyer, and I’m here at MidCounty to study Classical /Modern English Literature. I’m not absolutely sure how I got into this from my modest, rural farming background, but I love reading (almost anything) and my school teachers always used to rate my essays! Anyway, having surprised practically everyone with my school grades…here I am!!

Maybe I ought to describe myself as well…do people really do that in journals?? Oh well, I guess that I will anyway! I’m nineteen years old, about average height (5’8 – but going on an extra inch if I’m on my toes and pulling my shoulders back!) Not that I’m vain or anything! I have light brown hair that curls just below my shoulders, a bright happy face (says my mum!), hazel eyes and…well, a medium build I suppose. Not too fat, not too thin, but pretty well toned and fit because I’m a keen athlete! My school year master, Mr Avery, used to call me ‘Miss Average’ for a whole variety of reasons (not all good!), which although vaguely accurate isn’t entirely fair. Well, at least I don’t think so, but I did used to hate him and maybe he knew! Anyway, another reason for a new start!

You’ll note that it’s now Thursday morning of my first week on campus, so I’ve got a bit of catching up to do already!

My mum and older sister brought me down last Sunday, and helped me get settled into my ‘Freshers’ dorm. It’s three stories, females only (which got a raised eyebrow from both my companions!) and I was put on the top floor, and at the end of a long corridor. Talk about ‘out on a limb’! Are they trying to tell me something already?!

It took us nearly five hours to drive down from our small, remote farm in the middle of NOWHERE (I emphasise it because it really is!). Miles from anywhere, just a few other small farming communities and practically no social life – something that I’m hoping to address as quickly as possible now that I’m banged up with a few hundred other young people of my own age. That’s practically as many people as I’ve met in my whole life! Have I mentioned that I’m looking forward to a new start?

Anyway, after I’d registered and gotten my room key, we’d unloaded all my gear from our ancient farm Ute (I’m still rather surprised that it made it this far!) and just threw it into my rather sparse accommodation. Then we tried the on-site cafe for some drinks and a quick snack before it was time for my family to hit the road and head back to the ‘Middle of NOWHERE’ again!

Were there any tears? Certainly not from my mom, who’s generally regarded locally as ‘hard as nails’ – she has to be really after raising two daughters and a brother after my pa died in an accident when I was just five.

I’ve never admitted it to her, but I’m full of respect for her. I’m not sure that it’s love, because she’s never been the emotional type and I can’t remember the last time I got a hug, but it’s something I suppose. Whatever… I held it together until they’d re-embarked in the Ute. I’m sure that my big sister was wiping away a tear when she got in, but I managed to uphold family tradition and keep my feelings in check until they’d disappeared from sight. Then I sat down on a nearby bench, put my head in my hands and cried! Me, tears…really?!!

Maybe it was just the tension of the journey draining away, maybe my adrenalin had dropped suddenly, maybe it was the realisation that my old life had just disappeared along with my kin. Maybe…maybe it really was love after all?!

God, but this new start to life of mine had better be good. Really Good!!

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, life after mum and big sister!

I’d only been back in my new, quite small world, for about an hour before I met my new neighbour. She’s a tall, slim blonde called Samantha (‘Sam ‘ to her friends which now includes me!!!). She’s an effervescent, impulsive sort of character and just knocked, shouted out a cheery ‘Hello!” and burst right in…catching me red-handed,…literally!

I’d been in the middle of packing my clothes away into the limited drawer space, and had quickly filled one with my underwear and was about to secrete my special item underneath the panties pile. It was wrapped in its usual soft, bright red muslin bag. It was in my hand when Sam burst in and gave me a fright, so I dropped it onto the bed and, naturally, the ‘Silver Rocket’ slid out!

“Whoa…now that looks like an interesting item!” she’d gushed, quickly stepping forward to pick up my metallic, deluxe vibrator and running her fingers over its ribbed surface. Not an ounce of embarrassment anywhere except all over my face, which I’m sure had gone a bright, bright red! Watching her fingers lovingly caress its sleek lines didn’t help either. It really is my one truly extravagant possession and I swear that it’s blissful, multifunctional activities are the only things that’s kept me sane over the last couple of sex-restricted years!

“Wow… this does feel good” she’d said , smiling at my frozen reaction, before adding impishly, “I’ve got a couple of my own next door… we’re going to have to compare them sometime soon!!”

After that kind of introduction it was hard to stay formal! So we soon got into friendly, girly chatter that passed time quickly. After a while she dragged me out into the corridor, and we burst into the rooms opposite to introduce ourselves to our other ‘end corridor’ soul-mates. Needless to say neither Patricia (Trish) nor Andrea (Andy) were caught with vibrators in their hands! With Sam in the lead, we’ve actually all become pretty close in such a short space of time though, and we’ve spent a lot of time together, meeting up for drinks and food when we can. I’ll confess that I was a bit worried about making friends before I got here, but with Sam taking the initiative, it’s been no problem so far! In fact, after a late night vodka session in Sam’s room, we’ve even given ourselves a name…’The Dead End Gals’!… cool or what?!

The first few days in Uni have gone really quickly! It’s been a never-ending round of ‘intro sessions’ – from exploring the vast Library (which I love already!), to a fantastic, head-banging Students Union lunchtime disco, to various University clubs which I’m thinking of joining (but I’m going to have to wait until later today for the Football Cheerleaders sign-up!). We’ve also had a couple of English Faculty sessions to introduce fellow students and the teaching staff. They seem like a nice bunch, but I haven’t got to know them properly yet. There was one distinctly surprising happening though when one of the second year students who was acting as a waitress at a ‘tea event’ saw me looking at a rather dishy looking lecturer (called Auberon!)and whispered a warning in my ear… ‘watch out for that one, he’s dangerous!’ I wanted to know more, but when I’d turned round she’d gone. I mean, weird or what??!

Anyway, onto the main event!

There have been posters up all week about a Dorm Disco that was taking place Wednesday night in conjunction with the boys dorm next door. It was labelled ‘Not To Be Missed!!’ and the ‘Dead End Gals’ had no intention of any such thing!

Looking back, I can’t believe how excited I’d got at the thought of mixing with a bunch of equally inexperienced young men! You’ll be aware from the above that my sexual experiences to date have been somewhat limited. I’m certainly not a virgin… but pretty close! Suffice to say that ‘fumbling’ and ‘unsatisfactory’ are fair descriptions of my sex life so far. In fact, and somewhat sadly, it’s also true to say that my delicious ‘Silver Rocket’ has been my best sexual experience to date!

So, and this a secret (just between the two of us!), this is an important part of my ‘new life’ aspirations… good sex! It’s not like I’m totally slutty or a ‘nympho’ or anything, but it’s fair to say that I’d pretty much made up my mind early on that the dance floor would have had to be full of absolute dorks for me not to invite somebody back to my room!

If only I’d known…now, just let me get this straight in my mind…

* * * * *

Anticipation and Dressing Up

Wednesday afternoon had positively flown by for Susan, and the sense of anticipation had been building remorselessly. All the girls had agreed to meet in Sam’s room before they went down to the dance though, the blonde ‘gang leader’ having promised to have a bottle of something for them to share before they went down!

Susan was pleased that she’d managed to get her name down for the Football Cheerleaders enrolment session at the sports complex the coming Thursday, but less happy at the sight of the number of names already on the list! It was pretty much a ‘must do’ action for her this week given that her mum and big sister, who’d both attended the college previously had made the team, her mother actually being Team Captain when she’d left! They’d both told her to get on the team ‘or else’! She’d thought that it was in jest, but wasn’t quite so sure when she spotted a quick look and smile between the two women. Her mum had added that it would be ‘Character Building’ and her sister had laughed, saying that ‘It would certainly open your eyes to a few things!’

Mysterious…but challenging, and Susan was always up for a challenge!!

The first hitch in the proceedings had come after she’d eaten, gone up to her room and ransacked her possessions looking for the right things to wear for the evening disco. That was when she realised just how limited her wardrobe was. Stuff that was fine back on the farm just didn’t look like cutting it amongst all the relatively sophisticated young women on campus! In the end she’d gone with her ‘best’ deep lemon party dress and decided to just hope for the best!

So, after using her portable tongs to partially curl her long, light brown hair she’d applied a relatively light face make-up, tinge of light cherry lipstick and then a dab of her best scent, she was ready to go. Well, not quite, as she’d added a couple of more scent dabs on top. If she couldn’t impress the boys with her clothes, she intended to knock them out with her fragrance!

When she tapped on Sam’s door and went in she’d immediately realised that the smart, lemon dress wasn’t quite right! The three other girls were there and drinking already, turned to welcome her, and to a ‘girl’ had raised their eyebrows and drawn in deep breaths.

“You can’t go like that!” gasped Sam, with a horrified expression quickly covering her face! The other two had concurred.

“It’s not that bad…” Susan had said doubtfully. Okay, the hem was sitting more or less on her knee, but it was armless, had wide square neckline that plunged low enough to display hints of her decent cleavage, and it was tight around her bust and waist, highlighting her good figure. But, looking at the other girls, she’d had to admit that she’d be looking a bit dowdy! They were all showing acres of leg, Sam and Trish wearing short mini-skirts and tight tops, Andy with a pair of faded, legless jeans, the frayed ends of which gloriously failed to hide the curves at the bottom of her strong buttocks!

It had been a time for the ‘gang’ to swing action!

Once Sam had announced that she had a portable sewing machine, the three girls had immediately gathered round Susan and moved the hem of her dress up and down her legs, looking for the right new level. Susan had quickly overruled Sam’s suggestion of just a couple of inches below her crotch and the others had turned their noses up at Susan’s suggestion of just raising it an inch or two above her knee. In the end they’d split the difference and Susan had slightly reluctantly agreed to mid-way up her thigh. Still a rise of four or five inches! Susan was positive that she’d be taken for a slut, but in terms of what she was planning for the evening, maybe that would help!

So off the dress came again as Sam got out her mobile haberdashery kit and got on with the modifications, at least allowing Susan, in her plain white bra and bikini panties, time to get in a couple of shots of vodka to get in the mood!

* * * * *
Soaking up the Atmosphere

They were late getting down to the dance, which had been in progress for an hour by the time they’d wandered through the doors. There’d been a minor conflict at the ‘dress fitting’ that had delayed them. Susan couldn’t believe the liberties that Sam had taken! The ‘mid thigh’ hem-line was definitely a few inches higher than she’d remembered agreeing to, and Sam had mischievously decided to lower the plunged neckline a couple of inches at the same time! It meant that her white bra was partially displayed as well as much more of her breast swellings than she was normally used to seeing! By the time that she’d gotten over the shock of seeing herself in the mirror, only partially covered now in the pretty lemon dress, it had been too late to do anything but gulp and follow the rest of the giggling girls downstairs!

Inside the hall it had been bedlam! Seemed like the whole dorm and much of the rest of the college was packed in! At first they’d given up on getting a table, but then Sam had spied one with just a solitary young student nursing a beer. Susan had watched in amazement as Sam had shot straight over and engaged the surprised young man in a close conversation before waving the other three over.

“This is Roger girls,” she’d said as they gathered round, “…I’ve done a deal…he’s supposed to be waiting for some friends, but they’re late, so he’s agreed to let us have the table!”

“On one condition…!” the young man added urgently!

“Oh yeah, ” Sam said sweetly to the other three , “…we have to dance with him all night…”

Well, that didn’t sound so bad thought Susan, giving him the quick once over. Medium build, mop of light brown hair like hers, deep brown eyes behind some awfully thick rimmed glasses and wearing faded jeans and a black Guns ‘n Roses tee shirt.

“So who do you want first?” laughed Sam, expecting to be the choice no doubt. But he’d surprised them all by getting up and taking Susan’s hand as he pulled her towards the dance floor, “You look nice…what’s your name?”

“Bloody hell,” Susan had heard the exasperated Sam gasp as they departed, “I did too good a damned job on that dress after all!!”

Dancing with their new ‘gang member’ was fun! Despite his rather nerdy appearance, he was a good mover and they even managed a shouted conversion amidst the loud disco beat. He was a Chemistry student and, when quizzed about his missing friends, he told her that they had probably stayed in the library, not being the party types. She’d sympathised, but before she could take it any further a distinctly flashy young man in an incongruous flowery waist-coat pushed his way in. She’d quickly given him a cold shoulder, but by then Roger had retreated back towards their table, where he’d hooked up with Trish for another dancing session.

They’d smiled as they passed and Susan was wondering if she should have persevered with him, but in the end shrugged her shoulders, sat down with Andy and scanned the rest of the gyrating boys looking for a beddable partner!

Eventually, a rather good looking young man with an unusual short, dark hairstyle caught her eye, and when she returned his look after he glanced her way, he came over and asked her to dance.

She’d decided instantly that he was the one!

A few inches taller, just the right height! Lean and wiry, but not gangly. Dark, soulful eyes in the middle of an angular face that just screamed character! Perfect!!

They’d danced together and talked easily for a few minutes, finding out that he was called Pete, before a slower number had allowed him to take her in strong arms, and before much longer they were still hanging onto each other but now their hands were roaming over each other’s supple bodies and she’d lifted her head up to let him kiss her… passionately!

She’d been breathing hard as his hands finally found her bosom and quickly began to massage her breasts through the thin dress, setting off a wonderful surge of warm feelings through her entire body and culminating in a powerful response down between her legs! She pressed her body harder into him, rubbing her pussy up against his thigh in tune with the music. The electric contact of their young bodies combined with her previous sense of arousal and anticipation had soon sent her wild with desire, so she wasted no further time on pleasantries.

“You need to come up to my room,” she’d whispered huskily into his ear.

Strangely, he’d paused for a few minutes before responding and she was having a sudden panic that she’d been too pushy, but then his whispered response combined with another deep kiss quickly set her nerves at rest.

“You’re right…I need to come up to your room!”

* * * * *

Romeo One

Wasting no time, she’d almost dragged him off the dance floor and guided him, in between more bouts of kissing, to the door. She’d caught the eye of Sam who was seated at their table with Andy, and seen that she’d been spotted leaving. Sam had grinned knowingly and gave her a thumbs up!

They’d been kissing and snogging all the way up to her bedroom door, hands all over each other and sending her arousal levels rocketing even higher. Was that possible she thought giddily! No time for conversation, just time for her to greedily imagine how good it was going to feel to have a man inside her instead of her trusty Silver Rocket!

They’d tumbled, still locked together, inside her room and he’d twisted her round to press her up against the door as his wandering hands raked all over her body. He’d quickly found the zip at the back of her dress and dragged it down, letting his hand wander delightfully over her naked back before finding her bra fastening and fumbling it open. She’d gasped into his ear as she’d felt the hand slide around her, under the loosened bra and positively cried out in ecstasy as it slipped over her warm, tingling breast, cupping it first and then using his fingers to capture her erect nipple!

When other hand dropped down between her legs and slid up her bare thigh, high inside her skirt the sense of anticipation as she waited for it to rub up against her pussy was totally overpowering and all she could do was hang onto his shoulders and moan as the questing fingers finally made contact with her panties! Her heart was already racing, but the sudden burst of intense pleasure as he ran his fingers over her engorged sex totally overwhelmed her. Her legs had gone weak as she hung onto his shoulders for dear life!

She’d quickly decided that she was ready for him. She’d almost felt the juices gushing out of her throbbing vagina, so she’d pulled him backwards with her onto the bed and, as they bounced down together, finally let her hand dive between them to unzip him and release his pent up erection!

Except…it wasn’t!!

The shock of finding a rather limp sausage instead of the raging monster cock that she’d expected (and prayed for!) was startling! Surely this couldn’t be right? She’d quickly got her hand busy caressing and massaging it, but to no avail. It remained limp and lifeless!

He’d collapsed down next to her, one hand still inside her dress, cupping her breast, but it too was lifeless, and he’d turned his head away from hers.

She was totally confused but still incredibly aroused! What could she do?! She was starting to get a little angry but then was astounded to hear him quietly sobbing next to her. Irritated or not, all she could think of was to stroke his head maternally!

After a short time though he dragged himself up, off of her bed and fastened his pants up. His face was a picture of misery, so the anger in her soon melted away, but nothing could have prepared her for his words.

“I’m, so…so…sorry…I thought that it might be different with you… you’re so incredibly sexy… but… but , well I guess that I’ll just have to face it… I must really be gay after all!” With that startling revelation he’d turned and fled from the room!

She’d been left, still breathing hard, lying there with her panties exposed, dress up over her waist and bra only partially covering her tingling tits! It took her long minutes to get herself under control again before sitting up, slowly refastening her bra and dragging up her dress zipper again. She was still feeling hot, flustered and aroused, and had given some thought to using her vibrator, but had steeled herself against it. She was still determined to get laid by a boy!

So, after changing her soggy panties for a fresh pair, she taken a deep breath and headed back down. As she’d crossed the dance floor to their table, she hadn’t been exactly sure that she was happy to see all three girls and Roger sat there looking at her expectantly.

“Don’t ask!!” she’d remarked heatedly as she made to sit down.

Seeing her stormy features they hadn’t, but Sam did stand up and take her arm.

“Come on Sue baby! Let’s hit the bar… I think that we need a drink!!”

After the third tequila shot, when they were sat down on high chrome stools next to each other, Susan had calmed down enough to tell her new friend what had happened.

“What the fuck?! Really??!” she’d responded in surprise before reaching over, wrapping her arms around Susan and giving her a long hug! In the end, when they’d pulled apart, Susan saw a glint of amusement in her friend’s eye, quickly extinguished, but enough to start her frowning. Only for a second though as she’d realised how it must sound, and soon they were both giggling and laughing about it!

“Well, it can only go one way from here!” Sam had laughed.

* * * * *

Romeo Two – The Intro

Susan had been about to respond when someone touched her arm. She’d turned around in surprise, and found herself facing the pushy young man in the flowery waist coat that she’d rejected earlier. He’d been looking intently into her eyes as he spoke, super-confident as before.

“Hi Babe… Dance? Surely you won’t turn me down again…no-one else has!” and with that he’d drawn her smoothly off the seat, and was starting to ease her towards the dance floor before she’d had chance to form a reply. Sam had given her a quick inquisitive look, but Susan had just shrugged and followed him. Maybe he was worth a second look anyway?!

They’d danced for a short while, with Susan hardly getting a word in as he told her all about his great life, his big plans, his big…everything! She also learnt his name, Edward – definitely not ‘Eddie’ he’d stressed – and how successful he was with women…and how satisfied he always left them! This was the first bit of information that had piqued her interest! He was such a boor, but if everything about him was ‘big’, and she just concentrated on the physical? Well, he wasn’t bad looking, had a decent physique and was actually a good dancer…so…maybe?

This developing feeling had mysteriously coincided with a slow number from the DJ, and he’d immediately gathered her into his arms and planted his lips onto hers! She’d been so surprised that she’d hardly protested, and instead found that her lips were quickly working hard back on his and her body pressing up firmly into him. And this time she’d felt the magical presence of a big bulge in his pants as she’d gradually ground her hips, and throbbing pussy, into it in time with the sensual music!

Decision made!!

In response to her brazenness, he’d spent the next few minutes groping her unashamedly, hands raking over her tingling back and gripping her taut buttocks for a while, to pull her even more firmly up against her hardness, before one hand had risen higher to massage her breast through the lemon dress! She was feeling so aroused again, that she’d given up worrying what people might think about their sexy writhing together and when he’d bent down to whisper in her ear, it wasn’t an unexpected message!

“God but you’re hot… fancy a quick fuck?!”

It had all been a bit sudden, and hardly a romantic request, but she certainly did!

She hadn’t trusted herself to speak and had just nodded back, staring back into his excited blue eyes wondering whether her own eyes were as full of lust and desire as his! Then she’d gasped as he’d almost scooped her up in his urge to get off the dance floor and out of the hall. She hadn’t even had time to ask him back to her room, as he had his arms around her waist, practically dragging her down a side corridor and saying authoritatively, “I know a good place!”

* * * * *

Romeo Two – The Action

He’d clearly planned out his romantic conquests as they came to a stop outside of a plain white door labelled ‘Cleaning’. He’d pushed it quickly open and dragged her in after him, turning the lock as he pushed her up against the door and gave her a long, deep kiss again as his hands had reacquainted themselves with her breasts!

“We won’t get disturbed here…” he said as he finally pulled away, leaving her flustered and staring wildly around. It was quite a small room, quite dark and full of boxes of detergents, mops and other utensils. It also had an old wooden table at one end that he’d obviously cleared beforehand as he almost lifted her off her feet and moved her up against it, the table top pushing up hard against the back of her thighs.

She’d been struggling to keep up with events. It had felt like a whirlwind had hit her as he dragged her around and she was breathing hard as he backed her into the table, although largely because, against all the odds, he’d somehow got her so incredibly aroused!

Then they were kissing again, hard, before his hands slipped around her back, found the top of her dress zip, and quickly dragged it right down to her buttocks. The sudden feel of cool air on her naked back made her tense in his embrace, but didn’t stop her kissing him back enthusiastically as she felt her arousal levels soar. He might not be very tender she’d thought, but he was definitely enthusiastic!

She shivered in delight as he ran one hand up her spine until it encountered her bra strap, and with just a flick of his adept fingers, it was open and she felt the tightness of the bra cups on her tingling breasts suddenly loosen. She didn’t have much time to get used to the sudden freedom though because he immediately broke off the kiss, and using both hands, dragged the loosened dress and bra over her shoulders and down her front, exposing both of her trembling orbs to his admiring gaze!

“Ooooh, nice tits!” he’d said as he took in the breathtaking sight of her two perfectly proportioned prize assets, dark, pink nipples already standing out from the surrounding light brown rings at the summits! They stood out even more when he pulled her back into his embrace, hit her lips again and began to roughly grope them! She was still struggling to deal with the speed that he was going, but the sudden burst of sensations as he mauled her breasts took her breath away again, although it hadn’t stopped her dropping a hand down and sliding over the impressive bulge in his pants. Encouragingly, It didn’t look as if Edward was in the least bit worried about his sexuality!

Having his uncomfortably constrained member stroked by Susan didn’t do anything to slow things down either. He gasped as he felt her hand start to caress him through his pants, and quickly moved things on again.

Much to Susan’s surprise, he broke off the kiss again and released her throbbing boobs so that his hands could spin her round in front of him and, before she could react, he’d bent her over the table, pushed her dress up to her waist and yanked her panties down to her knees!

“Hey!” she gasped as her nipples got dragged across the rough wooden surface.

“This is it Babe… gotta fuck you now!” he’d announced, almost casually.

He’d been holding her down with one hand on her back whilst his other got busy on his pants. She’d twisted her head round to say something else, but was distracted when she saw the size of the swollen member that had sprung free as he’d pushed down his pants! Jesus, she’d thought, that looked big! Seven or eight inches long and thick…oh so thick! She was hardly an expert on what to expect given her recent history of fumbling affairs with a few young men back home, but she’d been pretty certain that none of them matched this one! She’d wondered hazily if her poor vagina would be able to handle it and had even considered telling him to stop, but by the time the thought had flashed into her hormone swamped brain it had been too late!

With hardly a pause, he’d come up right behind her and used his feet to push her ankles

as wide apart as the panties around her knees would allow. It was enough to open up her sex for him though, and she gasped as she felt the bulbous head of his cock pushing between her swollen labia lips! She gasped again when he rubbed it up and down her slit a few times, triggering a burst of appreciation from her tingling clit and liberally coating it with her flowing juices! Suddenly she’d decided to keep quiet and take the risk of being torn apart by the invading monster!

When it happened, her eyes went wide, her mouth opened in a big, silent ‘Oh’ as she’d felt his cock push up against her trembling pink hole, then to feel the delicious way that it had forced open her entrance before sliding down into her hot, oily cavern, triggering a wave of electric excitement all around her throbbing pussy!

He’d gasped too as, with hands now firmly holding her bare buttocks, he’d enjoyed the sensation of her vagina firstly stretching open to accommodate him and then gripping his meaty invader tightly as he thrust hard into her!

She’d been breathing deeply as her body came to terms with the lovely shock of being impaled on his impressive manhood, and was just coming to terms with the way that he seemed to be totally filling her before she groaned again as she felt him starting to withdraw! What?!

He’d only pulled back three or four inches though before driving hard into her again, forcing the breath out of her as his hips smacked into her! She’d cried out in surprise at the sudden thrust. She’d been hoping to have a few minutes to get used to the hot sensation of being so full of him. It wasn’t to be though as, straight away, he began to fuck her enthusiastically, soon getting harder and deeper as he quickly increased the pace, driven by the building excitement in his loins!

She’d closed her eyes now, concentrating on the mounting sense of sexual excitement building between her legs as the relentless pounding continued, trying to ignore the discomfort in her thighs as he pressed her hard into the table. She’d lifted her body a bit to reduce the pressure on her bare breasts, but then dropped down a little again as she’d realised that the feel of her tingling nipples rubbing across the wooden surface was actually quite nice!

It was hardly making love she realised, but it was sex, and it was starting to feel really exciting!

That’s when it all went wrong for her again!

He’d been fucking her hard for what seemed like an age. She’d got use to the deep vagina pounding, and was riding the waves of pleasure radiating out from her pussy nicely towards what she was desperately hoping would be a big climax when she felt his piston like motion inside her start to slow, and she felt the iron grip of his hands on her buttocks release. Then she moaned in disappointment as, unbelievably, she felt him pull completely out of her.

There was only time for another deep-felt groan of disappointment to escape her lips when she was suddenly moving again as she felt his strong hands grab her hips and twist her round on the table so that she was suddenly on her back, throbbing pussy in the air and legs dangling down over the edge. What the hell was he up to?!

“Right, get some of this you lucky girl!” he announced triumphantly.

Bleary eyed, breathing laboured, she’d looked down over her naked breasts and got the surprise of her life.

He was still standing between her splayed out legs, but was busy using his hand to jerk off in front of her! After just a few seconds of action his face contorted and he grunted loudly as he climaxed, sending jet after jet of hot cum all over her thatch of light brown, pubic hair!

It all felt so surreal and her face was a picture of dismay and surprise as she watched, unable to move as he’d quickly fastened up his pants and turn towards the door.

“Hey, that was good Sue wasn’t it?! But can’t stop, there are a lot of other girls out there that need me to attend to them…don’t forget to close the door when you come out…”

“Aaaaaaargh!” she’d responded in frustration, heart still racing, as she finally levered herself up into a sitting position, staring down at the sticky mess covering her pussy!

Well, she eventually reflected, it might not have been very satisfying but, given the way that her vagina was still throbbing, the objectionable young man had certainly fucked her! That was one box ticked. Shame about the orgasm, OR LACK OF ONE though!!

After getting her breathing back under control she’d fastened up her bra and dress and left to find the washroom so that she could get cleaned up and put her panties back on! It also gave her time to get angry about how the pushy young man had just treated her!

As she re-entered the dance, she paused to look around. It seemed a lot quieter, but the other three members of the ‘Dead End Gals Club’, were still in position at their table and Trish saw her and waved her over. She started in their direction, but then paused and took a look at the dance floor. Trish was surprised to see Susan then turn on her heel and go over to the bar where she ordered a large beer and started back with it, going through the dancers on the way. Then she stopped and Trish saw that she was next to a young man who was trying to chat-up two other girls who were studiously doing their best to ignore him!

“Hi ‘Eddie’!” Susan said, deliberately using the name that he hated, making him turn to face her angrily.

She didn’t say anything else, just lifted up the beer and poured it all over his head! Then she literally flounced her way over to the girl’s table, aware that practically every eye in the hall followed her!

“Oh My GOD!” gasped Trish, “Wasn’t that the guy that you just went outside with…”

“So did you…?” said Sam with a sly grin spreading over her face.

“DON’T ASK!” snapped Susan, trying hard to keep a stern face, before the four of them dissolved into a fit of giggles! Eventually, they got the story out of her, and were suitably sympathetic, but Susan had noted that Trish and Andy showed most interested in her estimate of the size of his big cock!

Eventually, when Roger rejoined the gang, they’d persuaded him to get in some more drinks, for which each of them had to pay by sitting on his knee and giving him a kiss and a cuddle! That had left him blushing happily but struggling to find a comfortable way to sit still! Susan had smiled at his antics and briefly wondered whether to drag him upstairs to her room, but for some reason she felt that he was off-limits now that he was an honorary member of their gang!

Instead she looked around the dance floor for any likely possibilities. It was getting late though and the numbers had thinned out, and a lot of the boys and girls seemed to have already paired up, snogging each other happily on the dance floor, and pretty much everywhere else she looked! How incredibly frustrating!!

Sam had seen her look, read her mind, and smiled before whispering into her ear, “Never mind Sue… there’s always the ‘Silver Rocket’!”

She was about to respond waspishly when something about Sam’s sudden change of expression, and the direction of her gaze switching to something over her shoulder made her twist round as well. Immediately she saw what had caught Sam’s attention! A small group of male newcomers had arrived and were heading for the bar, whilst clearly checking out the available female talent! All four of them looked to be fit and well built, but one of them stood out. He was a little taller, had longish blonde hair, round, tanned face with strong cheekbone and, with his white shirt gaping almost to his navel, had the look of a Greek God! Well Susan thought so, and judging by Sam’s open mouth and wide eyes, she wasn’t the only admirer!

“Put your tongue back in before someone steps on it!” she whispered to Sam.

“Mmmmmm…isn’t he delicious… ” Sam responded huskily never taking her eyes off of him, “…remember…I saw him first though!”

They watched in open admiration for a few minutes longer before Sam took the initiative and almost dragged Susan onto the dance floor, making a few tactical moves that positioned them right by where the boys were standing. The DJ might as well have been part of the gang when he took that moment to put on a fairly up tempo song with a strong beat and deep base. Perfect for dancing to, and Sam was definitely a good dancer! Within seconds she was gyrating sensuously in front of the boys, long blonde hair wafting hypnotically around her face and hands sliding sensuously over her lithe body. The short mini-skirt and long legs weren’t doing her any harm either!

If Susan had entertained any hopes she’d had them dashed early on when, glancing to the boys as if by accident she could see that this Adonis of a young man definitely had eyes on the dance floor, but it was also obvious that they were riveted on her sexually explicit dancing friend! Susan did a mental sigh. She’d known from the off that Sam had something about her, like an aura, which made her stand out from the rest of the gang, but that didn’t make her disappointment any easier when Mr Adonis eventually sidled over to Sam and asked for a dance!

* * * * *

Romeo Three

The slight surprise was that he didn’t come alone, one of his friends following to make up the numbers! Susan had considered just breaking away and leaving Sam with her prey, not really wanting to be second choice, but there was something quite nice about the way that this other young man had approached her.

He was clearly a six footer or there-about, powerfully built and with short, curly brown hair and matching brown eyes. He didn’t look cocky, seemed a shade shy in fact, but yet had an unassuming air of confidence about him and the open, warm smile that he greeted her with quickly dispelled her doubts. His jeans and simple white top were understated compared to a lot of the flamboyant gear being worn by other students, but she hadn’t missed the fact that the tight tee shirt did a good job showing off his muscular upper body!

“I hope that you dance slower than your friend,” he’d said mischievously, “I think that I’d pull a muscle trying to match that!”

“I’m Martin,” he added, actually holding out a polite hand!

When she’d got over the surprise, she quickly took it in both hands and shook it, way too energetically she thought later, “I’m Susan… I mean Sue!” she added, a little flustered, as she gave him a big wide smile in return.

“That’s a nice name,” he’d said simply, and of course, had immediately won her over!

The dancing was good. Despite his earlier comment he was a good mover, always finding the right beat and tempo, and they’d soon moved onto that stage where they were touching and holding hands as they twisted and turned. It had all seemed so easy and natural. By the time that a slow ballad had come on, she’d already told him about her farming background and he’d admitted to coming from a nearby big city where his family ran a small law firm. So, when she’d put her arms around his shoulders and snuggled her head into his neck, they didn’t need to converse, just enjoyed the intimacy as she gradually moulded her body into his!

This had quickly ticked another couple of boxes. She’d liked the fresh fragrance of his aftershave, and she’d already noted the response between his legs as she’d ‘accidentally’ brushed against him a few times!

After another slow smooch together, she’d pretty much decided that she was going to risk a third try at getting properly laid but before she could make a move, she felt Sam’s hand urgently tugging at her shoulder.

“I’m taking this one to bed with me!” she announced in a not very discreet whisper as she put her mouth against Susan’s ear, “…yours looks nice too…what do you think?”

Before Susan could respond though, she’d whirled away with a laugh, dragging her not very reluctant ‘Greek God’ towards the door with her!

When she’d turned back to Martin, she’d seen him looking strangely flustered. He’d let her go as he’d watched his friend disappear with Sam, but was just standing there, as if undecided about something.

“I bet I know what they’re gonna be up to!” whispered Susan into his ear huskily.

“Mmmmm… I guess so…” he responded slowly.

Susan had decided that he needed some encouragement, and was past worrying about etiquette, so pulled his body into hers, before whispering into his ear again, “…maybe we should too… I’d love to have you in my bed!”

She’d been shocked at her temerity, but also that he was still showing some reluctance and didn’t answer straight away. Could it be that he was going to turn her down? Unbelievable!!

“But if…” she started to say worriedly.

“Oh God Yes! ” he finally gasped, “I’d LOVE to go to bed with you!!”

Susan was reassured at last but a bit worried about how many people around them had heard his exclamation!!

They’d immediately set off after Sam, stopping here and there en-route to her room to kiss and fondle each other, so that by the time that he’d closed her bedroom door behind them they’d both been feeling extremely hot and bothered!

Despite her arousal, and the burning fire raging in her pussy again, she’d initially been determined to take this a bit more slowly than the rough fondle and fuck that she’d been on the receiving end of earlier! And she’d known instinctively that this young man would be much gentler. Trouble was that all this, combined with the memory of how big the bulge in his pants had felt at their last fondle was just adding to the exciting level of sweet anticipation!

She’d been really torn between the slow build up and just getting him inside her as soon as possible!!

“Okay young stud, now just stay there for a minute while I get ready for you!” she’d said throatily, backing up to the bed, big smile on her face, never taking her eyes off him and reassured by the needy, lust filled look that she got in return! He’d looked surprised, but held his ground, staring longingly at Susan’s pert figure under the lemon dress. Her strong thighs looked gorgeous under the high dress hem, and her bust was nicely displayed by the low cut, plunging neckline and partially visible white bra! As Sam had intended, ‘Desirable’ just wasn’t a strong enough word!!

It had taken just a few seconds for Susan to reach around her back, locate the dress zipper, easing it steadily down to her waist, grinning at his open mouthed reaction as the dress loosened up around her and with a wiggle of her hips slid down into a heap on the floor. Standing there in just her white bra and panties he’d thought that she looked absolutely ravishing, and his heart rate absolutely rocketed when she reached behind her and undid the bra-strap!

She’d had to fight the urge to simply tear off her underwear, and had grinned mischievously as she allowed the cups of her loosened bra to slowly ease forward and down, enjoying the expression on his face as they finally dropped away from her twin peaks, and displaying both her magnificent breasts in all their glory, dark, pink nipples already standing out perkily from their surrounding, light brown rings.

“Oh Jeeeeesus!” he’d gasped at the glorious vision, his hands automatically coming up as he imagined what they’d feel like being fondled!

She’d seen the move, and knew that she couldn’t hold him off much longer, so she’d quickly dragged down her panties, stepped out of them and fallen backwards onto the bed, exposing her neat light brown thatch and sexy dark slit as she lay back and, unashamedly, opened her legs to him.

It wasn’t an invite that he’d needed though. He was already moving! Dragging off his white tee shirt, she positively growled at the sight of his strong, muscular frame, and by the time that he’d reached the bed his jeans were down by his ankles!

She was feeling distinctly breathless as she’d lifted herself onto her elbows and was looking at him over her naked body, watching saucer eyed as he dragged down his white boxer shorts and released a very respectably sized piece of manhood between his muscular legs. Oh God, she’d thought deliriously, must be eight inches long, and so, so thick!!

Then she was bouncing as he almost jumped on the bed, kneeling between her splayed out legs, and reaching forward to take possession of her bare breasts. Her head had rocked back at the way that her tingling orbs had reacted to his touch, and she’d groaned in appreciation as his fingers got to work on her hard, erect nipples. This groan was repeated a few minutes later when his fingers were replaced by his lips, and she reached down to caress his head as both her nipples almost exploded in turn as he teased and nibbled at them!!

But she’d needed more! She’d finally lifted his head to look into his eyes, both of them breathing hard as their arousal levels rocketed!

“Inside me…Martin!… I need you in me…now!!!”

He seemed happy enough to comply and eased back onto his knees. She watched, mesmerised, as he took hold of his throbbing monster of a cock and fed it up to her pulsating slit. She’d got her legs as wide as she could, totally exposing her sex to him, and then they both gasped in delight together as he pushed the bulbous head up against her round, pink entrance.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Are you kidding?!!” she responded throatily as she pushed her hips into him, and forced his cock to start opening her up!

“Ohhhhhhhhh” she added as she felt him thrust forward, absorbing all the delicious sensations radiating out from her hot cavern as his member penetrated deeper.

“Mmmmmmm” he responded, eyes closed for a moment as he enjoyed the feel of her tight vagina wrapping itself around his meaty invader.

In just a few moments, she’d felt that lovely sense of satisfaction as he’d totally filled her and she’d looked back at him longingly as he finished thrusting forward and their bodies collided in another sweet moment of fresh excitement. He’d had his eyes closed and his handsome face was straining with the effort!

He held that position for what seemed an age, tantalising her like crazy, before slowly drawing back and, equally slowly, thrusting back in again. He repeated it a couple of times. It had felt so, so good, but she was past ‘gentle’ now and desperately wanted even more… to be fucked way more energetically!

“Harder Martin…quicker!” she’d pleaded.

He hadn’t responded, but did start to move faster for a few seconds before stopping again, deep inside her hotness.

‘Aaaaaargh’ she’d thought desperately as she finally opened her own eyes and stared up into his face. It had been a picture of contorted concentration, sweat covered brow but beautiful eyes looking panicky all of a sudden!

“I…can’t… Oh God!” he finally gasped as he gave another deep, heave of a thrust that forced her down into the bed and exploded inside her!

She’d felt his cock start to convulse as the jets of hot cum flooded into her, but just hadn’t wanted to believe that it had happened. That he’d come so quickly! Just when he’d started to trigger such wonderful sensations between her legs, when he’d got her so incredibly aroused!

She’d been lost for words as he’d slowly pulled out of her, unable to look her in the eye.

“Oh God…I’m so sorry Sue… I just couldn’t…” he still hadn’t been able to meet her confused, disappointed gaze, as he climbed out from between her legs and hastily pulled his pants and jeans back up.

“It’s not you…it’s my fiancé… she won’t…” he’d started to explain, before giving up, apologising profusely again as he’d finally met her gaze, smiling weakly and then turning away and making a quick exit through her bedroom door!

The second one in one night!! And she’d been too astounded and disappointed to respond!

She’d been left to drop her head exhaustedly back on the pillow to stare sightlessly at the ceiling, bare body spread-eagled on her bed and trying to deal with a soaring frustration level that felt like it was going to driver her insane!

How could this possibly have happened again?! Although, and this wasn’t much of a consolation, at least this time she’d managed to get her partner to come in the right place!

After a while she’d shaken her head in disbelief, got up and headed over to the washroom. She’d been a little disappointed that she’d let him go without a word in the end. She’d still quite liked him, but couldn’t understand what the hell any of this had got to do with a fiancé??!

* * * * *

So there we have it. A distinctly inauspicious start to my college sex life! One confused lover, one unfeeling lover and one nice, but unfulfilling lover…it doesn’t seem like the magical experience that I’d longed for!

I should explain that after my last, frustrating, experience with Martin, I’d abandoned my quest and not bothered to return to the party downstairs. It had started to wind up anyway when we’d left and I needed to get cleaned up and a showered after being filled full of Martin’s cum.

And I didn’t need any more bruises to my ego!

So here I am, after midnight, sitting in my nightclothes (a faded, loose pink top and matching panties!) at my small desk and writing up my first journal entry. It’s a challenge to get out the right words ,still feeling as frustrated and horny as I do… and having to listen to next door as well!

Oh, haven’t I mentioned yet that I now know that the ‘walls’ between each bedroom in the block are not soundproof?! So not only am I tormented by my inner frustrations, I’m also being tortured by the sound of Sam and her ‘Adonis’ lover making out next door – energetically!! Some girls have all the luck!

The sound of the steady ‘thudding’ of her bed against my wall, and the muted, but distinct accompanying of her moans and groans has already triggered a clear vision in my mind. I see her naked body spread-eagled on her small bed, blonde hair in disarray and with the equally naked and powerful buttocks of her personal ‘Adonis’ pounding away between her splayed out legs. It should have been me!! And I don’t know what it’s doing to her pussy, but it’s certainly having an effect on mine!

Actually, maybe there’s something else about me that I should have revealed earlier. I’m ambidextrous!!

It means that you might not have noticed the point at which I stopped writing this with my right hand and let my left take over. It was quite a few minutes ago actually, pretty soon after the lovemaking next door really took off…

Naturally, It left my right hand free to do other things .Like slide inside my loose, pink top and caress my tingling, bare breasts for instance! God but that feels nice! It also shows that, despite my best intentions to be good, I’m always likely to surrender to my carnal instincts when stressed! So, as the pace next door has increase just now, my wandering fingers have started to get busy assaulting my super-sensitive nipples as well, rubbing, squeezing, twisting and pulling at each of the rock-hard peaks in turn. Bliss is not a strong enough word to describe the way that my boobs have just lit up under my skilful fingers attention! I apologise if the writing’s getting a bit shaky…

But hark? Judging by the sudden cries of ecstasy next door, Sam has finally reached the tumultuous climax that I’ve been chasing all evening! But am I jealous? Dead right I am!!

And… Oh My God… I don’t believe it! The thumping of her bed on my wall hasn’t stopped. It slowed down after she came so strongly, but it’s still going… Christ, he’s still fucking her!!!!!!

Okay, I’ve got another confession to make. I can’t stand this sexual torment any longer…and my hand just released my tingling nipples and slipped down over my stomach to slide inside the front of my panties… and I’ve just had to ease my knees wider apart to let those fantastic fingers loose in between my legs! I can hear Sam moaning and groaning again as well. Presumably she’s only just realised that her god-like man is still fucking her…hard!

I can see that it’s now going to be a race! Will she come again before my questing fingers trigger my own relief giving orgasm? It’s going to be close because she’ll be on a second and I’ll be chasing my first. But she’s relying on a man, and my fingers, after years of private experience know just how to get me off quickly!

I think that I’m going to struggle to finish this…sensibly at least. It appears that I’m gushing like a mountain stream down there and my fingers have already had a quick poke inside my throbbing vagina. My heart is beating like crazy and I think that my pussy is about to explode, especially as my fingertips have started to circle my pulsating clit… I’ll… have… to… report… the rest…later… aaaaaaaah!!