Emily’s Awakening

It was a dull, wet weekday in late July 2011, the kind of day that made you feel that summer was over and autumn had well and truly arrived. Heavy drops of cold rain splashed onto roads and pavements and dripped from every tree before flowing in torrents along gutters and into drains. Emily skipped between puddles on her way to the bus stop, her umbrella, raincoat and knee length brown suede boots were having their first outing since early spring.

It had been unusually hot since late May but Emily had been unable to enjoy the good weather. Her mother had died two weeks ago after an illness lasting several months. She’d lived with and cared for her elderly parent for most of her life but, at the age of thirty seven, she suddenly found herself alone in the world.

Emily was a somewhat introverted woman, she had no real friends. She had worked as an assistant librarian since she had given up on university after one year of loneliness and anxiety away from home in the mid 1990’s. She was, petite and attractive with blue eyes and wore her long red hair in a ponytail. She had a good figure but she always wore well cut but slightly frumpy clothes which made her look older than her years. She was shy and a little timid by nature and she was still a virgin.

Her mother’s house, her house now, was a three bedroom post war semi detached property in the suburbs. She caught the bus to work every weekday and had been coming home each evening to look after her ageing mother who’d had Emily late in life at the age of forty eight. Her father had died when she was twelve and she remembered little of him except that he was a distant and rather serious man.

Her mother had become semi incapacitated when Emily was in her late teens. Emily had devoted herself to her mother and had had very little time for doing the things that other young people did like going dancing or to the cinema. She’d had one date with a boy when she was eighteen and he was nineteen. She gone out with him not because she fancied or particularly liked him but because it was the ‘normal’ thing to do. He’d seemed decent and friendly, not like most of the boys she’d been to school with, but she’d changed her mind about him when she’d let him kiss her and he’d tried to put his hands inside her bra.

Other girls, and the women’s magazines that she occasionally read, were full of tales of falling in love, getting married and settling down but this had never appealed to Emily. She’d had a crush on her form teacher, Miss Silverdale, in her last couple of years at school. The kind young teacher had tried to give Emily more confidence and to bring her out of herself by trying to get her interested in the chess club, outdoor pursuits and the school choir but it had been to no avail. Emily just wasn’t the sort of person that joined clubs or societies, she preferred keeping herself to herself.

Her sexual self exploration had been limited. She’d played with herself infrequently and had seldom achieved full orgasm. Her confused fantasies had started with thoughts of male film and tv stars but had become disjointed and incoherent when images of Miss Silverdale or one of her regular female customers at the library had filled her thoughts. She thought that she’d had an orgasm maybe twice over the years, both times on a Christmas Eve after she had put her mother to bed and allowed herself a couple of glasses of sherry. She didn’t usually drink so, feeling rather uninhibited, she’d let go of her usual self control, put her hand up her skirt, slipped her fingers inside her panty leg and touched herself. She’d imagined herself naked in bed with Miss Silverdale. Each time she’d felt an overwhelming sensation of arousal in her vagina followed by strong waves of pleasure but she’d immediately felt ashamed of herself and had not allowed herself to enjoy the experience. The last such occasion had been the previous Christmas and she’d sworn never to let it happen again.

She had resigned herself to life as a spinster with no prospect of sexual activity. She’d decided that she probably had a low sex drive and was perhaps even asexual, a notion that was challenged from time to time when she found herself sitting next to a pretty young woman on the bus. In fact, she often tried to sit next to one attractive regular female passenger whenever the opportunity presented itself. The girl often got the same bus and if it was crowded and their arms or thighs pressed against each other, Emily felt a thrill that made her pussy tingle.

There was no sign of the girl on the bus on this wet morning so Emily continued to think about the arrangements she had made to deal with her mother’s clothes and possessions. The next day was Saturday and she’d resolved to take her mother’s clothes to a local charity shop before setting about sorting and dealing with all of the paperwork that she had kept in the locked writing desk in the lounge.

On arrival at work, Emily made herself a coffee and then set about beginning to replace returned books back onto the bookshelves. There were four staff on duty, Mrs Fensome, the senior librarian, Penny, an assistant librarian, Jo, an administrative assistant and Emily. At sixty nine years of age, Mrs Fensome was the last member of staff in the department to insisted on being addressed formally by junior staff, she gave the same privilege to staff senior to her. She had also batted away numerous suggestions that she might retire and had told the head of department politely but in no uncertain terms that she would go when she was ready and not before.

During her break, Emily took a book on the legal aspects of family bereavement with her to the staff kitchen. She soon became bored with reading that it paid to act sooner rather than later but it doubled her resolve to find the key to the writing desk so that she could ensure that there were no nasty surprises.

Shortly after lunch, Miss Roseberry, the new Assistant Head Librarian, visited the library to meet with Mrs Fensome. After the meeting, she had a look around and introduced herself to the other staff. Emily was the last to be seen, she’d hidden away between bookshelves in a section of the library closed to the public, pretending to be busy and hoping to avoid having to engage in small talk with a senior officer.

Miss Roseberry had been with the service for six weeks and was ensuring that she had visited all twenty three libraries in the city before she’d been in post for six months. She was a tall, attractive woman of fifty two years of age. Rumour’s had already circulated that she was divorced from her husband and now lived with a woman. The rumours had been true until her lover had refused to move from London to the provincial northern city where her new job was based. She now lived alone and had already frequented several of the city’s lesbian bars so that she could get a feel for the lesbian scene in her new home area.

She found Emily at the end of two rows of bookshelves and, dressed in a smart pale grey pencil skirted business suit and black high heels, she approached Emily with a sexy saunter and a sway of her hips. She very quickly eyed Emily up in her tight fitting oatmeal coloured polo neck sweater and mid brown knee length loose skirt with her old brown suede boots. She saw an attractive woman who was doing her best to hide it and she quickly decided to take more than just a professional interest in her.

“Hello, you must be Emily, I’m Vivian Roseberry, I’ve heard a lot about you and it’s all been good. Do you enjoy your work here?”

“Er, y-yes Miss Roseberry, it’s er, I mean it’s very er…”

“Call me Vivian, and there’s no need to be so nervous, I don’t bite.”

“Oh, sorry, I’m er… sorry.”

“And don’t apologise, I don’t know why us women feel the need to apologise all of the time.”

“Sor… er, I mean okay.”

“How long have you worked with the library service.”

“Nearly sixteen years now.”

Emily felt unsettled by Vivian’s piercing green eyes that had locked onto her eyes and forced her to look away. She also felt trapped by Vivian, she was at the end of two sets of bookshelves with no way out. Vivian was very close to her, she could smell her subtle scent and she felt completely overawed by her cleavage.

“And have you always been at this branch?”

“Yes, I er…”

“It’s okay Emily, it’s not a criticism. Would you like an opportunity to spread your wings a little? There are likely to be some senior librarian vacancies at the Central Library in a few weeks so I’m encouraging all who might be interested to apply.”

In truth, Vivian Roseberry had taken a fancy to Emily and had not mentioned the proposed vacancies to anyone else. Emily had never considered changing her workplace but, at the same time, she felt flattered.

“Well, yes, I might… I might think, I mean I’ll definitely think about it, thank you.”

She didn’t really need the money but an idea formed in her mind that a move might do her good, she’d been thinking about what direction her life might take now that her mother had died.

“I hope you don’t mind me saying that I’m sorry for the loss of your mother?”

“Oh, yes, thank you.”

“You must have been through a very difficult time.”

“I won’t deny it’s been tough,” said Emily, at last finding enough confidence to speak in coherent sentences.

“Look, if you need to talk to me about anything, anything at all, just give me a ring, this is my personal direct line,” said Vivian as she wrote a number on the back of her business card, “you can ring me anytime.”

Vivian wouldn’t usually have made herself so available to a junior member of staff in this way but she’d already decided that she’d like to entice the petite but shapely Emily into bed with her.

“Thanks,” said a slightly bemused Emily.

Vivian squeezed Emily’s left forearm and turned on her high heels before gliding sexily along the long gap between the bookshelves. When she got to the end, she turned and gave Emily a friendly smile. A startled Emily smiled back, she’d been watching the way Vivian’s buttocks and thighs stretched the fabric of her tight skirt with each stride as she made her progress to the end of the shelves. She wished that she had the confidence to dress like Vivian. Quite without expecting it, her nipples hardened and a little tingle made its journey through her pussy.


Emily overslept on the Saturday morning, her body clock had been thrown out of synchronisation since she’d no longer had to get up early to nurse her mother. She drew the curtains back and squinted into the back garden. The weather had changed completely, it was a bright sunny morning without a cloud in the sky but it was fresher than of late.

On the previous evening, she’d treated herself to a bottle of wine and a copy of ‘Cosmopolitan’ magazine in which she’d spotted an article about vibrators as she perused the newsstand at the local supermarket. Feeling quite drunk after two large glasses of wine, she’d decided that her next challenge was to pluck up the courage to go online and buy a modest vibrator but she’d felt so tipsy that she’d gone to bed.

Now, on this bright sunny Saturday morning, as her eyes started to focus, she spotted her next door neighbour’s daughter pegging out washing on the line. The twenty two year old girl saw her and gave her a big smile and a cheery wave. That was the moment Emily remembered that, in her semi drunken state on the previous evening, she’d thought ‘to hell with her nightgown’ when she’d got into bed.

Emily quickly dived out of sight and felt a crushing sense of embarrassment. She pulled on yesterday’s underwear and her dressing gown before tentatively looking out of the window to see if Sophie was still there. She was but she had her back to Emily now so Emily watched her hanging out her washing. She hadn’t seen Sophie for over two years. After finishing university, Sophie had taken a gap year in Thailand. She’d hung out with some interesting people and had worked in bars and restaurants. Many of her Thai friends had been prostitutes and ‘lady boys’ and she’d ended up working part time for a charity that provided support for sex workers.

Sophie had toned up and grown an inch or so. She had a strong, firm shapely body and was no longer the cheeky, skinny kid next door. She was of mixed African Caribbean and White British descent with an Irish grandmother in her mother’s side. With long dark hair and hazel eyes and she was confident and assertive, the polar opposite to Emily. She could be lively and energetic but she also had a sultry seductiveness when she needed to turn it on. As a bi-sexual woman, she’d become used to seducing and having pretty well whoever she wanted.

Emily watched her as long as she dare before ducking out of sight again as Sophie turned to head for her back door. She’d found Sophie very appealing to look at in her tight jeans and t-shirt. Her breasts were firm and large and she had a narrow waist with a flat stomach and perfect buttocks. Emily wondered how long she’d be staying with her parents before going off again on her exotic travels.

Later, when she returned from the charity shop, Emily set about trying to find the key to her mother’s writing desk. She’d been putting it off but she realised that it had to be done. She found it in the first place she looked, it was in amongst a tray of earrings in her mother’s jewellery box. With a mild sense of interest, she opened the lid of the writing desk and saw that it was stuffed with various old papers and a shoe box tied with a red ribbon.

She set about her task and began examining birth, death and marriage certificates, and was thankful that there were no nasty surprises. She turned her attention to the household insurance policy, old receipts for furniture and several old black and white photographs of unknown friends and distant relatives of her parents. There were also at least five hundred pounds worth of premium bond certificates that she must declare to the solicitor dealing with her mother’s estate. Despite her mother’s long illness, nothing had been planned or put in place for her death so the bonds became yet another loose end that needed to be tied up.

She went to make herself a cup of tea then settled down in an arm chair with the shoe box. The box looked intriguing, the last thing she expected to find inside were the rather glamorous looking high heels depicted on one end of the box with a price tag of forty one shillings and sixpence. Emily smiled to herself at the quaint pre-decimal currency that had existed until a couple of years before she was born. She carefully untied the red ribbon and removed the box lid, there was a slightly musty smell.

On top of a bundle of letters was a dried up but still beautiful red rose. The letters were tied in the same red ribbon as the box. She open them and was amazed to discover her parents’ love letters, or at least that what she thought she had found. Her mother had said little about her relationship with her late husband or how it had started. It didn’t seem to fit that these old letters would be declarations of love between her parents whom she’d never seen exchange one word or gesture of affection toward each other.

She looked at the postmark dates and opened the oldest letter first. It was dated 15th July 1948 and addressed to her mother, Maud Clark, at an address Emily didn’t recognise.

The letter began, “My dearest darling Maud, how I miss you so.” It went on for two pages of beautifully written but desperate longing for her mother and was signed Cec. It was apparent that whoever Cecil was, he was very much in love with Emily’s mother. Maud’s letters to Cec were also in the bundle so Emily could track their burgeoning love affair in sequential time. Her mother had never really shown her emotions so the gushing language of two people in love came as a bit of a shock to Emily.

The letter’s became bolder and even more heartfelt, they described what it felt like when they kissed and bemoaned the fact that they couldn’t love each other openly. Emily was intrigued, her mother had obviously had a relationship that needed to be concealed, was he engaged or married? The letters became discreetly descriptive and it was clear when they had got into bed together for the first time, “Oh that night of passion I shall never forget, you loved all of me, there was nowhere that you didn’t reach with your ardour.”

Emily began to feel excited at the revealing of a side of her mother that she could never have imagined had existed. It was joyous to read the lines her mother had written, such an outpouring of love and affection. Emily’s mother had always been kind to her but their relationship had been built on the premise that you should avoid being over emotional and get on with life.

Emily wondered why her mother had apparently had to give up this intense love affair and marry her father. Then, all at once, it became shockingly clear. In a letter from Maud to Cec in late 1950, Maud dropped her habit of shortening Cec’s name and wrote it out in full, “My Dearest Darling Cecilia, You know I love you desperately and in another world at another time we could have lived together openly and harmoniously but, forgive me Cecilia, I have lost all hope of us ever being together in this world.”

A feeling of desperate sorrow overwhelmed Emily, she dissolved into sobbing tears, her mother had been in deeply love with another woman and had felt that social norms and propriety meant that she must give her up. Emily wept uncontrollably, her mother’s heart felt love and desperate sorrow were too much to bear. She put the letters down and cried at the utter desperation and loss her mother must have felt sixty years earlier. She moped through the rest of the afternoon and evening and went to bed still feeling sad and in low spirits.

After a good night’s sleep, Emily awoke with a new purpose, she was glad that her mother had loved so deeply, that she had experienced something so profound. She compared her own dull life to her mother’s short-lived experience of true love and sexual fulfilment. She was thirty seven and had never made love to another person, that was something she needed to change, that was something she must put right and she knew instinctively that it would be with a woman. There was no way that she’d be able to get into bed with a man. For the first time in her life, she admitted to herself openly that she was sexually attracted to women.

Her mother’s letters had had a profound affect on her and she hated the thought of becoming an ageing spinster who had never had sex. But who was she kidding? She was still shy, introverted Emily, that hadn’t changed overnight. How could she even begin to think about going to bed with someone? But wait, this was something she wanted to do, she needed to do, and she must find the courage to do it.


Emily had spoken in passing to Sophie’s mother and leaned that Sophie was working for a travel agent specialising in trips to Asia. She had plans to start her own business and was saving up to put a deposit down on a flat, in the meantime, she would be living at home. For several weeks, Emily secretly took every opportunity to watch Sophie from her bedroom window to the point where she was becoming obsessed with her. Then one warm sunny Sunday when Sophie’s parents had gone out for the day, Emily watched her sunbathing topless in her back garden.

By this time, Emily had used her inheritance to give herself a makeover, she’d had a makeup session with a ‘Clinique’ representative in Rackhams store and she’d bought new clothes. She’d been surprised to see how good she looked in tight jeans and she’d bought new pencil skirts, suits and dresses for work. She’d also bought new lingerie, she thought of it as lingerie now instead of underwear, after all, a woman on the verge of sexual awakening must feel and look the part. On a whim, as she filled her basket with bras and panties, she also picked up two suspender belts and half a dozen pairs of stockings. She felt excited at the thought of wearing them and splashed out on three pairs of high heeled shoes before the old Emily had a chance to make her come to her senses.

When she caught sight of Sophie, she’d been putting all of her new clothes away in her wardrobe and placing her old frumpy stuff into plastic bags for the charity shop. She noticed Sophie lying on her back on a sun bed in just bikini bottoms and sunglasses. Emily froze for a moment, then she crept slowly to the bedroom window and crouched down so that she could peer over the window sill and down into next door’s garden. Her heart was pounding as she feasted her eyes on Sophie’s body.

Sophie was only fifteen feet away, lying with her head nearest to Emily’s window and her feet furthest away. Emily’s breasts tingled and her nipples hardened as she admired the way Sophie’s large firm breasts fell slightly apart. She looked like a goddess, there was a lustre on her beautiful brown skin, Emily drank her in. Her eyes followed Sophie’s toned abdomen down past her navel and her pussy spasmed as she saw the taut waistline of Sophie’s bikini bottoms stretched between her prominent hip bones and revealing an inviting gap through which Emily could just make out the start of her dark pubic hair. Sophie’s mound rose under the flimsy cream coloured material and left an impression of the cleft between her prominent labia.

Emily was surprised to feel her panty gusset beginning to dampen. She hurriedly undid the buttoned fly of her new tight jeans and plunged her right hand into the top of her panties. She had to pull her jeans down slightly to gain proper access to her pussy. Her own touch felt amazing, she probed between her slick, wet pussy lips and circled her hole before moving her hand back up to her clitoris. By now she was groaning with pleasure the like of which she’d never felt before. Through her half closed eyes she saw Sophie rise from the sun bed and turn to show her glorious breasts like two teardrops before moving out of view.

Emily was more aroused than she’d ever been in her life. She pulled her jeans down to her knees and lay on her back on the bed. At first she basked in the sensational arousing feelings that had spread from her pussy to her abdomen and inner thighs. Then she took hold of her left nipple between the thumb and fingers of her left hand and, with her right hand, masturbated herself rapidly. She became more and more aroused as she imagined lying with Sophie and slipping her right hand under the taut waistline of her bikini bottoms, tangling her fingers in her pubic hair before sinking them into her wet sun warmed cunt. Now she was massaging her own clitoris with the fingers of her left hand whilst finger fucking her own cunt and imagining being kissed and fucked by Sophie.

From a place deep within she started to feel an onrushing orgasm, a sensation she’d never felt before on the rare occasions that she’d played with herself. With her long red hair cascading on the pillow, her t-shirt pushed up above her breasts, her jeans pushed down to her knees and her back arched so that her pussy tilted upwards, she came long and hard. Her eyes closed and her mouth contorted as she released years of pent up frustration triggered by her fantasy of being fucked by Sophie. Now she knew for certain that she wanted to have sex with women.

Later on, in the evening, after she had sorted her clothes, done the weekly cleaning and made herself a cup of tea, she opened her new iPad and searched sex toy websites. She came across ‘Love Honey’ and marvelled at the size and variety of vibrators for sale. She chose a model in fuschia pink and paid with her debit card and felt flushed with embarrassment as the ‘thank you for your order’ confirmation flashed up. There was something else she wanted to do and it took her several minutes to pluck up the courage. Eventually, she typed ‘lesbian sex’ into the browser search box. An overwhelming list of websites came up so she clicked on ‘images’ instead and her screen filled with pictures of women kissing and carrying out all manner of sex acts on one another.

She tentatively clicked on ‘videos’ and pages of lesbian sex videos arrived on her screen but she dare not open any of them for fear of inviting a security breach on her iPad and because it was a step too far for her just yet. She went back to the images and unbuttoned the fly on her jeans again so that she could play with her pussy while she looked at the pictures. She was most aroused by pictures of clothed or semi clothed women kissing and fondling each other. To her surprise though, the images that really got her masturbating were those that showed one woman dominating of forcing another ‘reluctant’ woman.

She focused on a image of two women in short tight dresses, stockings and heels. One of the women straddled the other’s pelvis and pinned her arms to the floor either side of her head. The look on the face of the woman that had been pinned down was one of submission mixed with reluctant arousal. The dominant woman had a gloating malevolent expression overshadowed with the desire to fuck her submissive conquest. Emily left this picture enlarged on screen while she pushed her jeans down to her knees again, she imagined she was the woman pinned down on her back and made herself come for the second time that day. Her orgasm was not as intense as the one inspired by Sophie but it was very pleasurable none the less.


A week later, on a sunny Saturday morning, Emily was looking out of her bedroom window hoping to catch sight of Sophie when the doorbell rang. She hurried downstairs and opened the front door, to her surprise, delight and embarrassment there stood Sophie holding a plain brown parcel.

“Hi Emily, I think this is for you.”

Emily looked at the parcel, the packaging was damaged and it looked like it had been opened, then she looked at Sophie in a tight tube skirt, heels and low cut t-shirt. Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked at the parcel again. She could feel Sophie’s eyes on her in her little mini skirt, her pert little breasts with her hard nipples showed through her t-shirt.

“Oh, is it, thank you Sophie, how did it end up with you?”

“There was a card shoved through our letter box to say that a parcel couldn’t be delivered, because there was no one in, and it was awaiting collection. That was on Thursday but I’ve only just got around to going to the post office. I couldn’t make out whether it was addressed to number seven or number nine so I opened it. There was a delivery note inside with your name on it.”

Emily’s face turned deeper red as she realised what must be inside the package. As she took it from Sophie’s outstretched hand, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her.

“I’m sorry you’ve had to go to so much trouble,” said a highly embarrassed Emily.

“Don’t mention it, I had to go to the post office anyway so it was no real hassle. Is that coffee I can smell?”

“Oh, yes, oh would you er… would you like…?”

“I’d love to.”

“Right, well er… come in,”

Emily felt a mixture of acute embarrassment and pleasure at Sophie virtually inviting herself into her house. They both made their way to the kitchen where the filter coffee, that Emily had made before going up to her bedroom to spy on Sophie, was waiting to be poured.

“How are things since you lost your mother?” Sophie asked a distracted Emily.

“Oh not so bad thanks, I’m getting used to it now,” said Emily still eyeing the package that she’d placed on the kitchen worktop.

Sophie knew that Emily was about fifteen years older than her. She had watched her often since coming back home from Thailand and she’d been intrigued by the recent transformation that she’d seen in Emily’s appearance. She always thought of her as the dowdy little next door neighbour who wouldn’t say ‘boo to a goose’ but lately she’d seen her in heels and tight skirts, looking very smart and desirable on her way to work at the library. She also knew that Emily watched her from her bedroom window.

“Are you still working at the library?”

“Yes, do you take milk or sugar?”

“No, just as it comes for me thanks.”

Sophie noticed Emily glance again at the package several times as she poured the coffee.

“Look, Emily, I hope you don’t think I’m poking my nose in where it doesn’t belong but I think we should just acknowledge that we both know what’s in the parcel, then we can move on.”

“Oh God, oh yes,” said a tremulous Emily, “I, er… I, well… I…”

“Emily, it’s okay, I’ve got two of them and I use them all of the time, please don’t be embarrassed, your secret’s safe with me.”

“Oh God,” Emily breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at the cool, calm, confident, very alluring young woman and just wanted to surrender to her.

“Do you mind if I tell you that you really seem to have changed your whole look recently? I know it’s none of my business but…”

“Thank you Sophie, I’ve decided to change my outlook on life, it’s not something that comes easily, you know, one step at a time, but I’m making progress.”

“Well the vibrator is a good place to start, you can have lots of pleasurable fun and find yourself at the same time,” Emily blushed again, “I’m guessing it’s your first.”

“I know you must think I’m a terribly sad old lady but, yes, it is.”

“God no Emily, there’s a very attractive, sexy little minx in there and you’re letting it out to play.”

Sophie finished her coffee, raised her eyebrows and gave Emily an alluring look, then she took a step closer to Emily so that she was able to cup her right elbow in her warm left hand.

“Look, I’ve got to go now, I’m meeting a friend for lunch, but if you ever need any help or advice on how to use that thing,” she gestured toward the parcel, “just let me know.”

She squeezed Emily’s elbow then lightly tickled her palm with her thumbnail and turned to go. Emily saw her to the front door, every fibre of her being wanted Sophie to turn around and kiss her but Sophie knew that she’d already got Emily on the hook and she could feel her eyes locked on to her fabulous curves as she sauntered slowly to the front gate.

Emily closed the front door and breathed out a long sigh, she could feel the dampness in her panty gusset. She went back into the kitchen and opened the package, the vibrator was seven inches long and had several settings. She quickly inserted the batteries and made her way upstairs to her bedroom. She lay back on her bed and peeled her panties off then picked up the vibrator, she was still highly aroused by Sophie’s surprise visit and what, she wanted to believe, had surely been an offer to fuck her with the vibrator.

She pulled the hem of her miniskirt up to her waist, opened her legs wide and played the vibrator around her pussy. It was a highly pleasurable experience and took her mind off the possibility, as a virgin, of feeling pain when she inserted the device into her vagina for the first time. She set the vibrator at about three quarters power and teased her clitoris and labia. A deep arousal built inside her as she felt the power of the instrument reverberate through her pussy. Eventually, she became so turned on that she decided to insert it into her vagina. She started hesitantly and played it around the entrance then she gritted her teeth and pushed it half way into her cunt. She was relived that there was no pain, just sheer pleasure.

The powerful instrument took on a life of its own and completely overwhelmed her, she’d forgotten to use the gel that she’d ordered with the vibrator but she was so wet that she didn’t need it. Now with the full length of the device inserted into her clenching wet cunt, she rode herself to a glorious orgasm inside sixty seconds, she’d hardly had time to imagine Sophie using it on her. She felt like she was floating on the ceiling, after a while, she came down to earth and caressed the magnificent sex toy in her right hand. Twenty minutes later, she switched it on again and this time had a long fantasy about being on the receiving end of Sophie wearing a strap on cock. She’d seen them on the ‘Love Honey’ site and had been highly aroused at being on the business end of one.

Two more orgasms later it was early afternoon and she realised that she’d made herself come four times in two hours or so. When she hadn’t been coming, she’d dozed and fantasised about Sophie and Miss Silverdale with her long blonde hair. She found herself wondering where Miss Silverdale was now and what she looked like. She was only about six years older than Emily so she’d be in her early to mid forties now. She knew that she’d moved to a different school in neighbouring city shortly after she had left school herself.


The following Friday, Emily received a surprise visit at work. By now, she’d become used to her new look and the fact that she turned heads for the first time in her life as she walked to the bus stop. On this morning, she’d managed to sit next to the attractive girl that she’d had a crush on for some time, Emily’s tight pencil skirt clung to her thighs and it was possible to see her suspender clips protruding through the material. The girl smiled at her but Emily realised that there wasn’t the slightest glimmer of interest from the pretty commuter.

When she arrived at work, she made a coffee and got on with her duties. In the past week alone, she’d had one young man ask her for a date and another older man press a piece of paper with a phone number written on it into her hand. She’d politely refused the young man and thrown the older man’s phone number into the waste paper bin. They were both regular customers so she took it as proof, if it were needed, that she no longer looked dull and uninteresting but had transformed herself into a desirable woman.

Just after eleven o’clock, she was checking out books to a borrower when Vivian Roseberry swept through the double doors and approached the desk.

“Hello Emily, how are you today?”

Hello Mi… Vivian, I’m very well thank you. Did you want to see Mrs Fensome? I’m afraid she’s out this morning.”

“No, it’s you I came to see.”


“Would you mind finding Penny and asking her to run the desk so that we can have a little chat?”

“No, of course not,” said a curious Emily.

Penny was found and Emily and Vivian took themselves off to Mrs Fensome’s office. Vivian was wearing a very stylish and expensive fitted skirt suit, she sat down at a coffee table and motioned Emily to sit opposite. As she crossed her legs, she revealed an expanse of thigh and the beginning of welt of her stocking. Emily sat with her knees together and her hands on her lap trying to hide her suspender clips in case they were visible.

“I must say that you look very well turned out Emily, very professional. The modern librarian needs to look business like yet approachable.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re probably wondering why I’ve come to see you?”


“Well, you remember that I told you about new opportunities at the Central Library?”


“Well there’ll be two new senior librarian posts advertised at the end of October and I think you should apply.”


“Yes, we need some new blood so I’m ensuring that all of our brightest prospects have an opportunity to apply.” This was a lie, Vivian had deliberately not spread the word to other possible candidates, she wanted to entice Emily to the Central Library and now that she’d seen her in her heels and skirt suit, she was even more interested in grooming her for sex.

“But first, I’d like to give you the chance to improve your cv.”

“Right, yes okay.”

Emily was beginning to realise that this was no ordinary career development discussion, she could see Vivian casting her eyes over her body. Her breasts were held firmly in an underwire lace bra, the pattern of which that was just visible through her crisp white blouse. She removed her hands from her lap and watched Vivian breath a little more deeply as she lingered on the taut material of her pencil skirt which clearly showed her suspender clips. Her eyes followed Emily’s shapely calves and high heels as she deliberately and slowly crossed her legs, showing just a glimpse of her stocking tops. Emily was certain now that Vivian found her very desirable.

“I’ve booked you onto a one day assertiveness training course in September and a three day senior management course in early October. These will be good for your development whether or not you apply for the jobs but I’d really like you to apply.”

“I will Vivian, and thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, I’ll be sure to attend those courses as you suggest.”

“Good, good,” said Vivian Roseberry with a satisfied smile. She was almost on the point of making a pass at Emily now but she managed to resist and brought the discussion to a close.

“Remember to call me if I can help you in any way, any way at all.”

“Thank you Vivian, that’s very kind of you.”

“It’s important to me to see that my staff are well looked after,” she said as she swept out of the room.

Emily felt a little giddy at all of the seductive attention she was getting, first Sophie, then several men and now Vivian. The men were irrelevant but she hoped very much to be dominated in bed by Sophie who was currently away for two weeks on an all expenses paid holiday resort inspection in India. Vivian was fast becoming an enticing prospect too but she was in no rush, her vibrator and it’s attendant fantasies fulfilled her for the time being; one step at a time.


A month later, in late September, Emily had bought even more clothes that showed off her figure, she’d attended the assertiveness training course and she’d made love to herself with her vibrator almost every night and several times at weekends. She’d also put her name down on the list for the Libraries and Communities Department Christmas Party, an event she hadn’t attended for the last fifteen years. On the one occasion that she had attended, she’d been so painfully shy and lacking in confidence that it had been torture for her, made worse only by well meaning colleagues’ attempts to get her to ‘join in.’

That was the old Emily, now, ten weeks after the death of her mother, and eight weeks after reading her mother’s intense but sorrowful letters to her female lover, the new Emily was firmly on course to bring joy and fulfilment to her life. She realised that she would never have any children, she was the only child of only children so she was determined not to allow herself to waste away by getting old before her time. She’d cared for her mother for years but now it was her time to awaken, to blossom and seek out pleasurable experiences. She didn’t know whether she would ever fall in love but she felt that, in time, that she could have rewarding friendships. Above all, she was ready now for the touch of another woman and she hoped that woman would be Sophie.

Sophie was away again for a week in Indonesia on another fact finding tour for her company. She’d seen Emily when they’d both arrived home from work at the same time one day and she’d promised her that they’d catch up when she returned. With a sly grin, her parting shot had been along the lines that she’d inspect Emily’s vibrator to see that it was working properly. As soon as Emily had closed her front door, she hurried upstairs to check for herself and came very quickly with her skirt around her waist whist watching her stocking clad thighs quivering at the strain of raising her orgasmic cunt as close to the ceiling as possible.

One evening just over a week later, a taxi drew up outside her neighbour’s house and Emily sneaked a look through the curtains at her front window. Sophie stepped out of the taxi looking very sexy in a tight woollen knee length dress that clung to her buttocks. Her high heeled ankle boots and perfect arse were all that Emily could see as she leaned back inside the taxi to retrieve her jacket. She paid the driver and picked up her two heavy looking bags with ease and strode to her front door.

The next morning, Emily waited deliberately just inside her front door for Sophie to leave for work. Just as she had given up and resigned herself to running for her bus, Sophie stepped out in her corporate work outfit, a short blue fitted shift dress with a matching jacket and high heels. Emily caught her just as she’d swung her left leg into the footwell of her car, her right leg was still planted on the driveway and her skirt was stretched taut across her open thighs. Emily couldn’t take her eyes of Sophie’s stockinged legs and her silk clad pussy in its white gusset against her brown skin.

“Seen something you like darling?” joked Sophie

Emily tried hard to make it look as though she’d just run into Sophie by accident.

“Ha, yes, mmmm… I… I was wondering if you’d like to come round for a drink tonight?”

“Love to honey but I’m late and so are you, jump in, I’ll run you to your bus stop.”

“Oh thanks, I am a bit behind actually.”

“I’m working late tonight so I won’t be able to get to you until nine, is that okay?”

“Yes, that would be lovely, you don’t need to bring anything, just yourself.”

“It wouldn’t be polite to bring myself without bringing you first,” said Sophie with a lascivious grin that curled up one side of her mouth.

Emily gave a nervous laugh, she couldn’t take her eyes off her thighs as the hem of her short skirt rode up to expose her stocking tops. She didn’t know whether Sophie’s flirting was just a tease or based on real desire.

She finally tore her eyes away from Sophie’s sexy legs, “Oh I just meant… I meant.”

“I know what you meant honey, relax, it’ll be a chance for us to get to know each other better,” said Sophie as she placed her left hand on Emily’s right thigh and realised that she too was wearing stockings, “Mmmm nice, and I hope you’ll stay dressed for the occasion.”

“Y-yes, I’ll, I’ll be wearing…”

“You’ll be wearing what honey?” teased Sophie.

“Oh no, I’ve missed my bus.”

“No worries, we’ll get ahead of it and I’ll drop you at another stop.”

“Oh thanks Sophie, it’s very kind of you doing this for me but won’t it make you late for work.”

“Nah, I’ll shoot into the city centre along the Middle Highway, no problem.”

“Nice arse,” called Sophie as Emily hurriedly got out of the passenger seat at the next but one bus stop. Emily felt flattered and embarrassed at one and the same time as she straightened her skirt in the bus queue.

She spent all day at work dreaming about her evening with Sophie. She wanted so badly to take the plunge and have sex with a woman, she felt that she was definitely ready for it. She’d been using her vibrator and looking at pornographic images of lesbian sex for two and a half months now. She’d even been brave enough to watch several lesbian porn videos in the past week. She wasn’t stupid enough to think that the staged and badly acted videos were anything like real sex but she wanted badly to be fucked, she wanted to be taken by a dominant woman. She hoped that Sophie would teach her how to please her and, perhaps, in time, she’d become Sophie’s submissive.

As these thoughts pervaded Emily’s mind, Sophie was fucking her boss at the travel agency. They’d slipped out together at lunch time and she’d ridden his cock whilst laying on top of him on the back seat of his car in an underground car park. Sophie fucked him from time to time to keep him sweet, she wanted to start her own business eventually but, in the meantime, wasn’t averse to trading sexual favours for advancement along the company pay scale.

Emily arrived home from work at the usual time, around five thirty, and made herself a light meal and a cup of tea. She felt turned on but she resisted the urge to play with her vibrator before Sophie arrived. She watched some tv then went upstairs to change at eight o’clock. She showered and applied fresh makeup at her dressing table, then she started to dress in the clothes that she’d laid out on the bed. She pulled on a skimpy pair of black lace panties and fastened her small but beautifully formed tingling breasts into a matching bra. Her new black suspender belt matched her bra and panties and she admired herself in the long bedroom mirror as she clipped the belt in place with the straps dangling down the tops of her thighs.

She thought of Sophie and felt a small trickle of juice escape from her pussy and dampen her panty gusset. She sat at her dressing table and carefully pulled on her barely black stockings and clipped them to her suspender belt, she wore stockings for work every day now and she loved to watch herself in the mirror while she put them on. She’d chosen a new, knee length, v-necked, black bandage dress that she hadn’t worn yet. It fitted her petite figure perfectly, hugging her waist and curving sexily around her shapely buttocks and thighs. She turned sideways to the mirror to admire the way the material clung to the fall of her buttocks as they met the tops of her thighs, her arse looked utterly perfect in the dress.

Finally, she stepped into four inch high black court shoes then sat down at her dressing table and put on her new gold stud earrings. As she sat with the material of her dress stretched tight across her thighs, her suspender clips showed just enough to be a turn on without being slutty. Her long red hair cascaded over her shoulders and lay teasingly across the top of her décolletage. Her blue eyes sparkled with arousal, she looked utterly irresistible, just as she had intended.

She checked that the Sauvignon Blanc had chilled sufficiently. She’d hadn’t previously drunk much more than a sherry at Christmas or on her mother’s birthday but now she enjoyed a glass of wine a couple of times a week. She opened a pack of ready made vol au vents and arranged them on a plate, then she tidied the lounge and fluffed up the sofa cushions again. She was very nervous, her anxiety and her craving for her first sexual experience made her tremble a little. It was ten minutes past nine and she’d started to worry that Sophie had forgotten when the doorbell rang.

As soon as the door opened, Sophie stepped straight into the hallway and leered appreciatively at Emily in her little black dress and high heels.

“Hmm, don’t you look good enough to eat?” purred a beguiled Sophie.

“I’m so glad you could come Sophie, can I take your coat?”

Sophie was dressed in a large grey trench coat, the only other items on view were her silver earrings and cream stilettos. She unbuttoned her coat and removed it with a flourish. Emily was stunned at what she saw. Sophie stood imperious in just her cream bikini bottoms and stilettos that, together, perfectly set off her brown skin. Her toned body with her gently swaying perfect breasts mesmerised Emily. Emily felt weak at the knees and was speechless, there was a long pause before either of them spoke.

“You thought I didn’t know that you were spying on me while I was sunbathing in the summer.”

“Oh my God Sophie, I’m sorry, didn’t mean to…” Emily blurted out as she watched a damp patch forming on Sophie’s bikini bottoms.

“Yes you did, I’ve known that you’ve had the hots for me for sometime now, did you enjoy your little peak? I’ll bet you’ve been buying batteries for your vibrator in bulk.”

Emily’s face was scarlet but, as she recovered from the shock and embarrassment of being found out by Sophie, she started to feel very aroused.

“W-would you like a glass of wine? I’ve got some in the fridge.”

“No, I’d like a glass of you, you look so fucking hot, let’s go up to your bedroom, you won’t need to sneak a look out of the window tonight.”

“Sophie, I’m not experienced at this, will you…?”

“Yes, I’ll take care of you, you’ve never been with a woman before have you?”

“I’ve never been with anyone before.”

“Wow, you mean you’re a virgin?”


“Mmm fuck, I feel so turned on knowing I’m going to be the first person to make you come, take me to your boudoir mademoiselle.”

Emily led Sophie upstairs, Sophie watched her perfect little arse sway in her tight dress and she reached forward and caressed her right buttock and hip, she felt a suspender clip through the material and her pussy spasmed. As soon as they arrived in the bedroom, Sophie took Emily in her arms and kissed her. The inexperienced Emily kissed tentatively at first but Sophie’s tongue forced her lips apart and took possession of her mouth. Soon, Emily was probing Sophie’s mouth with her tongue, it felt wonderful, they exchanged sweet breath and saliva for several minutes.

Emily had to tilt her head up a little to kiss her taller lover, she could feel Sophie’s hard nipples and firm breasts overwhelming her own small breasts. Sophie broke off from kissing her and turned her around, she kissed Emily’s neck and sent thrilling sensations down her spine to her pussy, then she unzipped her dress and helped wriggle out of it. Still with her back to Sophie, she wiggled her hips and pressed her buttocks into her mound. Sophie unclipped and removed Emily’s bra and squeezed her nipples between her fingers and thumbs then she kneaded her breasts, Emily let out a gasp of pleasure and let her head fall back on Sophie’s left shoulder while she dropped her hands to caress Sophie’s hips.

Sophie created just enough space between them to enable her to take hold of Emily’s right hand with her right hand and push it down inside the waistband of her bikini bottoms.

“I know how much you’ve wanted to do this honey.”

She pressed Emily’s fingers into the thick bush of her pubic hair then guided them around her pussy.

“Mmmmm nice, you do masturbate with your fingers don’t you?”

“Yes,” said Emily breathlessly.

“Then you know your way around,” said Sophie as she withdrew her hand leaving Emily to explore her pussy on her own.

Emily felt so aroused that she half expected to come spontaneously, she knew that the moment Sophie touched her it would trigger a huge orgasm. Still standing behind Emily, Sophie pushed her right hand into the top of her panties and played with her pubic hair. Emily’s rapid shallow breathing told Sophie that she was about to explode. She teased her for a while by touching all around her pussy without actually touching her dripping wetness. She could feel Emily’s fingers searching for her hole, they found it and she slipped two of them inside, Sophie groaned, the thought that she was fucking a virgin took her closer to the edge of an orgasm than she had planned.

“Oh, that’s nice honey, you learn fast.”

“Teach me everything, make me yours and teach me how to please you.”

“Ummm, you horny little bitch, Ohhh, I’m going to take your virginity now.”

Sophie rubbed Emily’s clitoris with her thumb and pushed her fingers into her cunt. She let out a strangled cry and came jerking and twitching for at least twenty seconds. Emily’s legs gave way and Sophie had to hold her up during the final throes of her magnificent first orgasm at the hands of another person.

“Oh fuck Sophie, fuck,” said Emily emphatically, “that was awesome, thank you.”

Sophie lifted her onto the bed and stripped her panties off then, intuitively, she seemed to realise what Emily wanted next. She walked over to Emily’s dressing gown hanging on the back of the bedroom door and removed the soft towelling cord then she straddled Emily, took hold of her wrists and tied them together before tying them to the wooden slatted headboard.

“I’m yours Sophie, do what you want with me, I belong to you now, you’re my first and you own me now.”

Emily’s sexy words of submission had Sophie highly aroused, she’d played the dominant with both men and women before but this was special. She slipped off her bikini bottoms and opened Emily’s legs, then she fingered herself while she ate her cunt. Emily was delirious with kinky arousal, Sophie’s tongue was everywhere, she circled her clit, licked between her labia, licked and kissed her perineum and pushed it inside her as far as it would go.

Emily had never felt anything like it, the warm soft tongue set her senses on fire, now she knew how it felt to be given a good licking. It wasn’t long before she was coming again, this time, she lifted her head as far as she could to watch Sophie’s flowing brown hair cascading over her thighs and her fingers rapidly fucking her own cunt. Both women came in a cacophony of arousing come noises.

Sophie was just getting started, she untied Emily’s wrists, turned her over and tied them up again behind her back. Then she sat herself on a surprisingly comfortable wicker chair and made Emily kneel between her thighs and eat her cunt. Emily loved the taste of Sophie’s pussy, she savoured it’s sweet musky flavour and sucked her juices greedily into her mouth, swallowing whenever another sip of Sophie’s juices trickled onto her tongue.

“That’s it honey, yes, just there, no don’t stop… move up to my clit now, ahh yessss, that’sss lovely. Mmmm, that’s it honey you’re a natural, if you’re a good girl, your mistress will fuck you with your vibrator, you’d like that wouldn’t you?”

“Mmmph,” was the only sound Emily could make through a mouthful of Sophie’s cunt.

“Now push your tongue up inside me while I finish myself off.” said a highly aroused Sophie.

Emily did as she was told and Sophie massaged her clitoris and, with her lover’s help, brought herself to another magnificent climax.

Sophie enjoyed the afterglow of her orgasm with Emily’s head resting on her lap. She stroked her lover’s hair then got her back onto the bed, her wrists still bound behind her back. Emily was elated, sex with Sophie was beyond her wildest dreams, her only regret was the years of celibacy that she had endured without realising what a deeply erotic and fulfilling feeling it was to make love to a woman. She wondered whether her mother had experienced such profound pleasure with her lover Cecilia.

Emily wondered what Sophie had in store for her next, she didn’t have to wait long to find out.

“Where’s your vibrator slave?”

Emily felt a jolt of pleasure run through her pussy at being called ‘slave.’

“In the drawer just there Mistress.”

Sophie opened the drawer and took out Emily’s favourite possession.

“Hmm, it’s a good one, let’s see if it does what its supposed to.”

She switched it on and played it around Emily’s nipples making them rock hard.

“You’ve got such beautiful little breasts honey,” said Sophie as she took Emily’s nipples in her mouth in turn.

“uumpphhh, thank you Mistress,” said Emily getting into the spirit of their kinky role play.

While Sophie had been sucking Emily’s breasts and nipples, she held the vibrator across Emily’s mound. Then she turned the power up and pushed it slowly up into Emily’s wet cunt. Emily gasped then writhed and moaned as the beast took possession of her cunt yet again. She bucked her hips in time with her pulsating orgasm and begged her mistress not to stop. Another orgasm broke over her immediately after the first one and still she wasn’t finished.

“Ahhh, ahh, ffffuckkk, ohhhh Goddddd, fuck me again Mistress, please don’t stopppp, ohhhh ffffuckkkk, yesss, yesss, that’s it ahhh, you can stop now…ohhhh…ohhhh fffuccckkkk… Oh God stop now please mistress, I can’t take anymore.”

“My goodness, you are a horny little slave, three consecutive orgasms, even I’ve haven’t achieved that. You’ve just promoted yourself to my number one fuck bunny. You’re such a sexy little bitch, I’m going to buy myself a present so that I can really pleasure your tight little cunt.”

“What’s that Mistress?”

“A great big, two way, vibrating strap-on you sexy little temptress, but now you’re going to fuck me with your vibrator, I want to come hard slave.”

Sophie untied Emily and had her fuck her with the vibrator while sucking her clit at the same time. Emily’s saliva mixed with Sophie’s cunt juices and she licked up the heady mixture with her tongue. Sophie came hard then made Emily lick the glistening residue off the vibrator.

They got into bed together. After dozing for a while, the stated to nuzzle each other and fondle each other’s breasts. Soon they with kissing with tongues and fingering each other’s cunts.


“Yes honey.”

“I’ve seen videos of women eating each other’s pussies, it looks amazing, I want to do it with you, will you let me please.”

“You’re such a horny little bitch, I was going to save that for next time but come on, why not? I think I’ve got one more orgasm left in me.”

The lovers laid face to pussy in a sideways sixty nine position. Sophie took the lead and Emily mirrored her every move. Their arousal knew no bounds, for ten minutes, they licked and sucked every ounce of lustful, erotic passion from each other’s cunts before submitting to thrusting, pulsating orgasms that left them both spent. Sophie got out of bed, kissed Emily on the forehead and said goodnight her new conquest.

“Don’t get up honey, I’ll let myself out.”

“Thank you Sophie, thank you so much.”

“I should be thanking you, that’s the best sex I’ve had in a long time and I’ve taken your cherry, what a night.”

Sophie went quietly out of the room, a few seconds later, Emily heard the front door close. She lay for a while in exuberant thought, still hearing Sophie say that it was the best sex she’d had in a long time. As she drifted off to sleep, a tear trickled onto her pillow as she realised what her mother had had to give up.

Sophie visited her new lover once a week now, they both knew the relationship had no long term prospects, Sophie was young and she was a free spirit, she had several other sexual partners on the go, but they decided to enjoy their intense desire for each other as long as it lasted, and Emily couldn’t get enough of being fucked by the strap-on that she ordered after their first session in bed together.


On the following Monday, Emily did the three day senior management course that she had been encouraged to attended by Vivian Roseberry. She surprised herself by doing rather well and news of her excellent performance reached Vivian’s ears. Vivian began to wonder whether quiet little Emily might not need her help to get one of the senior librarian jobs at the Central Library.

Vivian liked to make conquests of assailable younger women. It had started after her husband, Max, had left her for a much younger woman seven years ago when Vivian was forty five. Fiona, the woman in question was twenty five. Just when Vivian and her husband were financially very comfortable and were both in senior positions in their professions, he left her and her world fell apart.

To say Vivian was angry would be an understatement. She trashed his clothes and his car and she started drinking heavily. She’d always had an eye for other women but her latent desires had not been acted upon while she was with Max whom she had met in her first year at university. For a while after he left, she turned her anger on young women. She picked up several of them in London lesbian bars and fucked the living daylights out of them. She was rough with them and liked to bind them and pound them with a strap-on and make them beg to be let go. She had a nose for weak vulnerable women and she used it to the full.

One day six months after he had left her, she was unexpectedly presented with an opportunity to get her own back on Max. Her doctor had put her off work for a couple of weeks with stress and anxiety. She decided to have a clear out and get rid of odds and sods of Max’s possessions that she hadn’t already trashed. It would be an excuse to meet with and size up Fiona, perhaps she might pretend to make friends with her and see what she could find out about her that she could use against them both later.

She put Max’s stuff into a black bin liner and phoned Fiona’s house. She’d got the number some months ago and had made several drunken phone calls to him. She’d never seen or really spoken to Fiona apart from her answering the phone when she’d wanted to berate Max and one day when she followed them both as they made their way to a restaurant. She knew Fiona was very attractive with long legs and perfect breasts and that had only made her more angry at the time.

She picked up her phone and dialled Fiona’s landline, just when she thought there was no one home, she heard a voice say, “hello.”

“Hi Fiona, it’s Vivian, don’t hang up please, I’m not ringing to cause you any trouble.”

“Go on.”

Look, I’ve been through a difficult time but I’ve decided to move on and let it all go now. As a gesture of goodwill, I’ve gathered up some of Max’s stuff that he left here and I’m going to be passing through your area later so I thought, if it’s okay with you, I would drop it off.”

“Well I don’t know, Wouldn’t it be better to deal with Max?”

“Oh I don’t want to bother him at work, busy and important man that he is, it’ll only take a moment and you’ll be helping me move on.”

“Well, okay then, what time will you call round?”

“Oh about twelve if that’s okay?”

“Yes I’ll be in then.”

“Great, see you later, bye.”


Vivian looked at the bin liner and smiled to herself. She wanted to show that she whilst might be twenty years older than Fiona, she could still looked very desirable and seductive. She dressed in heels, hold up stockings and a smart tight skirt and blouse. Several of the buttons on her blouse were left undone showing a very youthful looking cleavage. When she rang the doorbell to the grand five bedroom house provided by Fiona’s wealthy parents, the door opened straight away and she could see that Fiona looked a little anxious. It was obvious that Vivian wanted to be invited in so Fiona took her through to the kitchen where the presence of a glass and an open bottle of wine suggested that Fiona had been settling her nerves.

She could see that Fiona had dressed for her visit, she was wearing well tailored blue fitted pencil dress and high heels. The dress matched her eyes and clung to her slim frame, she looked young and beautiful and Vivian fancied the hell out of her. Vivian used all of her considerable charm to engage Fiona in conversation, she assured her that she would give Max a quick divorce and she wouldn’t make any trouble for them.

As she slowly and deliberately uncrossed and recrossed her legs while she reached for the glass of wine that Fiona had offered her, she showed just enough of her well toned thighs and stocking tops to unsettle Fiona. By now, Fiona had had three large glasses of wine on an empty stomach and she was feeling uninhibited and even warm towards Vivian. While she paid a visit to the toilet, Vivian grabbed Fiona’s mobile phone. She’d left it unguarded on the coffee table and there was no lock code.

“Silly little cow,” muttered Vivian to herself.

Vivian scrolled through messages and phone numbers to see if she could find anything incriminating. She couldn’t and she heard the toilet flush so she put the phone back quickly, making sure to leave it as she found it.

“Do you know, Vivian, I’m feeling a little drunk, I should eat something, do you want to join me? I’ve got plenty of Chicken Caesar Salad in the fridge.”

“Thank you, that’s kind of you, I’d be glad to join you.”

“I know this may sound crass coming from me but I can’t understand why Max left you, you’re gorgeous and you’re really nice.”

“Thank you Fiona, you’re very attractive too, I can definitely see what Max fell for.”

“Isn’t this nice, actually becoming friends.”

“Yes, we’d better not graduate to lovers too soon or it’ll be all over by teatime.”

“Oh and you’re funny too.”

Vivian continued to soften Fiona up and even persuaded her to open another bottle of wine as they ate lunch together. An idea began to form in her mind, if she could pull it off she’d have got her revenge on Max with bells on.

“Well that was a lovely lunch Fiona, would you mind showing me around the house, it looks so interesting.”

As Fiona led Vivian a little unsteadily out of the open plan ground floor, Vivian slyly slipped her mobile into her clutch bag. They went up a wide staircase and into the master bedroom, Vivian sat on the bed and crossed her legs allowing her skirt to ride up and show her stocking tops underneath her left thigh. Fiona looked slightly embarrassed but definitely interested in her uninhibited tipsy state. Vivian pressed home her seductive attack.

“Come and sit next to me Fiona, you look like you need to sit down for a while.”

Fiona sat next too her and Vivian put a hand on her knee, she was more than half drunk and she rested her dizzy head on Vivian’s shoulder.

“Oh God Vivian, I’m practically drunk, whatever must you think of me?”

“I think you’re a very charming and beautiful woman and I must say, although I’ve never had my head turned by a woman before, I would go to bed with you without hesitation. I can completely understand why Max couldn’t resist you, I cant resist you either, there’s some very sexy and seductive about you.”

Fiona looked up at her with her mouth open in surprise while Vivian paid her lavish compliments and stroked her thigh. Fiona had never been with a woman but in her semi drunken haze, there was something very alluring about the woman sitting next to her and showering her with compliments.

“Please let me kiss you, just once,” begged a deceitful Vivian.

“Oh God, I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything, just kiss me.”

Vivian put her left arm underneath Fiona’s upper right arm brushed her right nipple, then she locked her eyes on Fiona’s lips and moved in for the kill. Fifteen minutes later, with a naked Fiona giving her oral sex, Vivian surreptitiously reached for her clutch bag that she had placed on the bedside table. She took out Fiona’s phone and dashed off a text to Max.

“Come home immediately, Vivian’s here causing trouble and I’m scared.”

Then, for good measure, she filmed Fiona’s face in her pussy without her realising.

She knew it would take Max about twenty minutes to get home so she concentrated on managing Fiona’s arousal so that she would come just as he got home to find them in bed together. As Fiona’s tongue paid its respects to her cunt, she saw a message arrive on her muted phone.

“Stall her, don’t provoke her, on my way.”

It had worked, Vivian was euphoric, now all she had to do was make sure that Fiona didn’t come until Max entered the bedroom. She told Fiona that she had never had such great sex or fucked anyone so beautiful before and she wanted to slow things down, to savour the moment. With ten minutes to go before she expected Max to arrive, Vivian started to do what she had become very good at, she put Fiona on her back and pulled her far enough down so that she could kneel between her open her legs and start working on her with her tongue.

She teased and tormented Fiona expertly, bringing her to the point of orgasm and letting her subside again. She did this several times with one ear listening to Fiona’s breathless moans and gauging her level of arousal, and the other ear listening for the front door to open. She heard footsteps outside and guessed that Max had arrived, quickly, she slipped her middle finger right hand into Fiona’s cunt and found her g-spot while she sucked her clitoris and rubbed her perineum. Fiona gasped and started to scream with delight, Vivian heard the front door open and close, Fiona’s screams increased in volume and drowned out Max’s call of, “Fiona?” as he ran upstairs.

Fiona screamed out a long explosive orgasm that just started to subside as Max reached the top of the stairs. As he entered the bedroom, she was still on her back with her eyes closed.

“Fuck me Vivian, I made the wrong choice, you’re much better in bed than Max.”

Max looked at his half drunk and completely fucked young girlfriend sprawled on the bed. She was still panting after the tonguing she’d received from his estranged wife who looked triumphant in her high heels and hold up stockings.

All he could manage to say was, “Oh my dear God Vivian, what have you done to me.”

“I haven’t done anything to you Max, I’ve done it to Fiona and she knows who to call the next time she needs some good sex.”

With that, Vivian took her clothes to one of the other bedrooms to get dressed again while she listened to the crying and shouting coming from the master bedroom. Max and Fiona split up immediately, something which gave Vivian enormous satisfaction but her ego was given another boost two weeks later when Fiona called her and asked to meet with her for sex.

Vivian had dealt with her anger and no longer fucked women as a means of getting back at her ex husband. She fucked them now because she enjoyed it, Even when she had been in a long term relationship, living with a woman, she still liked to pick up other compliant young women and make them her sexual conquests.

She had seen Emily as a definite prospect, a little older than her usual prey but quiet, introverted and straight with, she guessed accurately, very little sexual experience, it made her pussy clench to think of having her way with Emily. Her usual approach now with a new conquest was to make them strip and masturbate in front of her to establish that she was in control. Then she’d stop them just before they came and make them sit naked on her knee while she was still fully dressed. She’d kiss them and arouse them again with her fingers before saying that she’d just remembered that she’d got a visitor coming and they’d have to leave but she’d see them again on another evening. By the time they turned up again, they were completely under her spell and so desperate for her to fuck them that they’d let her do anything to them.

Vivian called in at Emily’s library again on the pretext of dropping in to see Mrs Fensome even though she knew that it was her day off.

“Well while I’m here Emily, I’d like to give you some feedback from the management course tutors, let’s use Mrs Fensome’s office again.”

They went into the office and Vivian sat down. They both wore fitted pencil skirt suits and Emily’s skirt was so tight that it clung sexily to her shapely arse, Vivian didn’t even pretend that she wasn’t ogling the junior member of staff.

“Sit down please Emily,”

There was a large pile of books on the opposite chair so Vivian patted the seat next to her. Emily deliberately lowered herself slowly with her back turned to Vivian so that her arse was close to her face as she manoeuvred into the seat. It was quite deliberate, she knew now that she was turning Vivian on, the power dynamic between them had started to shift.

“I’m very pleased with the feedback I’ve heard about you from the course tutors and I know that you’re being interviewed next month for the senior librarian vacancies. I’ll be on the interviewing panel and I’m making sure all candidates are able to raise any informal questions beforehand.”

This was another lie, Vivian hadn’t supported any of the other applicants.

“Do you have any questions for me?”

“Yes, I was wondering what support and coaching the successful candidates might expect from you.”

“What did you have in mind exactly?”

“Well, confidential career development meetings in surroundings conducive to building a mutually rewarding relationship.”

“I see, would you be willing to put yourself in my hands and let me explore your potential?”

“I might if you were open to penetrating feedback.”

“Good, in that case, I’m sure it’s very likely that I could establish a very very close working relationship with the successful candidates.”

“That’s a very tempting prospect and something I’d enjoy very much.”

“Yes, I’d take a close look at your, ehem, abilities and skills.”

“I’d be pleased to display all of my attributes for you if it meant I’d be able to take advantage of your… experience,” said Emily at her most coquettish.

“Excellent, I’ll have to go now but good luck with the interview,” said Vivian with a leering smile.

As they left the office, Vivian couldn’t resist ‘accidentally’ brushing against Emily in the doorway and touching her arse with her left hand as she pretended to be polite by guiding her through the doorway ahead of her. By complete chance, Sophie had dropped into the library to surprise Emily in the hope that she’d be able to fondle her between the bookshelves. She was wearing her work outfit, a short clinging shift dress and high stilettos. She saw Vivian and Emily’s coming together in the doorway and Vivian’s hand momentarily on her lover’s buttocks.

“My God Emily, who was that?” whispered Sophie.

“Vivian, the Assistant Head Librarian.”

“Well it looks like she’s got the hots for you you sexy little piece. Now I know what you get up to when my back’s turned,” she laughed, “but seriously, be careful, she looks every inch the genuine dominatrix to me.”

“Keep your voice down, this is a library,” whispered Emily, “anyway, I think I might be getting the upper hand, I’m going to keep stringing her along until she’s desperate to have me, then I’ll have an affair with her on my terms, but don’t worry, I don’t trust her an inch so I’ll be very careful.

“I’m glad to hear it. Now, if I were looking for a book on how to take care of a pussy, where might I find it?”

“At the end of row twenty eight in about two minutes time.”

Sophie set off for row twenty eight while Emily checked out two books for a customer and allocated an online time slot to another customer. She eventually joined Sophie at the far end of row twenty eight.

“Why is this row closed to the public?”

“Because these are books in transition, they either need repair, replacement or disposal.”

“So that book on the top shelf there, ‘A History Of Thai Culture,’ what’s happening to that?”

“There’s an updated edition on the way, It’ll be disposed of soon.”

“You mean thrown out?”

“Yes, or sold to a second hand book dealer.”

“Can I have it?”

“What now.”


“Okay, it won’t be missed.”

Emily pulled a set of long handled library steps to the end of the row and started to climb up in her tight skirt and heels.

“I bet the customers love to see you reaching for the top shelf,” said an aroused Sophie as she watched Emily’s dainty progress up the ladder.

By the time the outline of her suspender clips were level with Sophie’s face, Sophie just couldn’t resist putting her hand up her skirt. She slid her right hand up over the bare flesh above her stocking tops and stroked her pussy through her panty gusset.

“Oh God Sophie, you’ll get me sacked, oh Jesus that feels good, ohhh.”

“Is anyone likely to come down here?”

“Mmmm, nnno,” breathed Emily as she clutched Sophies book to her breasts.

Sophie needed no invitation to slip her hand inside the leg of her panties. She steadied Emily by wrapping her left arm around her hips from behind as she pushed her thumb up into her moist cunt.

“Fffuccckk, Sssophieeeee, oh Jeessusss,”

Sophie probed Emily’s cunt with her thumb and massaged her clitoris with her fingers. In no time Emily was highly aroused and racing rapidly toward and orgasm brought on even more quickly by the public nature of the sex act that was being committed on her.

“Ohhh fffucckk I’m comingggg,” said Emily in a breathless whisper.”

Sophie clung tightly to her writhing hips as she made her come with a long barely audible moan. As the final lingering pulses of Emily’s orgasm subsided, Sophie helped her down from the ladder and took the book from her. She placed it sideways on top of some books on a lower shelf, licked her cunt smeared fingers and gave Emily a long succulent kiss before retrieving the book and tip tapping cheerily out of row twenty eight on her stilettos.

Emily leaned back against the book case and gave herself several minutes to recover before venturing back out into the public area. Just three and a half months ago she couldn’t have imagined in her wildest dreams that she’d have been made to come in her workplace by a twenty two year old woman. She’d begun to take risks that she would never have dared to take previously. As well as being fucked by Sophie in a public place, she’d got the measure of Vivian Roseberry in a very innuendo laden discussion where she’d dangled the carrot of having an affair with her if she got the senior librarian job.

She dressed in smart, professional clothes that showed off her petite but shapely frame, she’d flaunted her figure and her stockings when it had suited her, she’d been flattered by but not interested in the attentions several men and she was being fucked regularly by her young female lover who indulged her submissive tendencies from time to time. Deep down she was still introverted by nature but reading her mother’s moving and poignant love letters had made her determined to change her life and seek physical love and fulfilment from other women. Her self confidence had grown with the compliments she’d received about how attractive she was and how well she’d performed on work based training events and her ego had been boosted by the amorous attentions of her neighbour’s daughter and her boss.

Emily had started to like herself, she took this quiet confidence and positive energy into her job interview in mid November and she got the job on merit. Vivian Roseberry was relieved that she didn’t have to appear as though she was favouring a weaker candidate in offering the job to Emily. Vivian phoned her late in the afternoon to offer her the job.

“Thank you, yes, I’d be delighted to accept, when do you want me to start?”

“Well, you’ll need to serve your notice but I’ll make a case for it to be reduced from four weeks to three.”

“I can’t wait to get started and I’m looking forward to learning from the master, or mistress in your case,” said Emily with emphasis on the word ‘mistress.’

“Good… I’m sure you’ll make a very attentive and obedient pupil,” Vivian retorted with a lascivious tone to her voice.

“Mmm, I might surprise my teacher with my ability to please her.”

Vivian’s pussy clenched as Emily teased her with innuendo.

“In fact, I expect to perform very well for her and leave her extremely satisfied.”

“Mmmph, well I’m delighted that you’ve accepted the offer, I must go now, I need to contact the other successful candidate,” said Vivian as she attempted to control her growing arousal.


Emily started her new job on a Monday in early December. The departmental Christmas meal, which she would be attending, would take place on the Friday evening of the same week. She was financially very comfortable, her mother’s inheritance, including the house, had been sizeable and she was seriously considering moving. She wanted a smart modern apartment in the city centre so that she could walk to her new job in the Central Library. In the meantime, she was making up for lost time on the clothing front and she’d already bought her outfit for the Christmas party.

Vivian was based in the council offices across the street from the Central Library so she dropped in to see her on her second day in post. They went to a coffee shop within the library complex for a discussion. Emily’s line manager was the Principal Librarian at her new workplace but, given Vivian’s reputation, no one was surprised to see her whisking off the attractive new appointee for a quiet chat. They talked about Emily’s new role before turning to more personal matters.

“Good, I just wanted to be sure that you’d settled in, it’s quite an adjustment for you to come to a large busy library after spending so long in a small suburban one. By the way, are you going to the Christmas party on Friday?”

“Yes, I’m quite looking forward to it.”

“So am I, so am I,” repeated Vivian in a seductive tone.

“I’ve bought a new dress for the occasion, it’s very tight, I might need some help getting out of it.”

Vivian looked aroused and mildly disconcerted at the same time, she wasn’t used to being teased by women that she’d been trying to groom as conquests. Emily had surprised herself again at how bold she was becoming with Vivian, but she had begun to feel that she was in control of their cat and mouse game of seduction.

“I take it that you’ll be coming to the party on your own?”

“Yes, but I won’t be leaving on my own, will I?”

“I doubt it very much, I imagine you’ll need a lift, perhaps I could oblige?”

“I’d be extremely grateful and I think it’s polite always to show your gratitude, I might even give you a little kiss for your trouble.”

Another colleague sat down at the next table.

“Right, well thank you Emily, that’s settled then, I’ll be in touch.”

“I look forward to hearing from you.”

Emily steered clear of Vivian for the rest of the week, she’d led her on but now she wanted Vivian to be filled with doubt and desire for her by Friday night so she deliberately ignored her attempts to fraternise. Vivian was angry with herself, instead of slowly wearing down her prey until she was ready to pounce, she’d allowed her to get the upper hand.

Friday evening arrived and Emily sat at her dressing table getting ready to go out. She wore a black basque with four suspender straps which were attached to reinforced heel and toe, barely black, seamed stockings. Her flimsy black lace panties barely covered her pussy. Her stilettos were pale gold to match the dangling earrings. She stepped into the sexiest dress she had ever worn, it was off the shoulder, very well cut red velvet. It clung to her in all of the right places and followed the curves of her buttocks and thighs before finishing with a tight hem just below the knees. Gathered around her slim waist, it made the most of and even gave a surprising cleavage to her nicely formed small breasts that she enhanced with a cleverly cut and padded black bra.

She looked utterly stunning, the dress, her long red hair and beautiful blue eyes would make several male colleagues and Vivian Roseberry go weak at the knees in about half an hours time. She picked up her black faux fur stole, put it around her shoulders and sashayed in small sexy steps out to the waiting taxi. She played with the suspender clip underneath her dress on her right thigh as she contemplated how she would tease Vivian Roseberry until she begged to be allowed to take her home.

Heads turned and mouths fell open as she made her entrance at the hotel function rooms where the party was taking place. She was the belle of the ball and even the Head of Libraries in his early sixties could hardly tear himself away from her. She greeted Vivian politely then abandoned her while she flirted with male and female colleagues making sure she never looked in Vivian’s direction. Colleagues bought her drinks and told her that they’d never realised how beautiful she was, they asked if she’d got a boyfriend and she enigmatically said that she’d got a lover.

Vivian tried to join her group of acolytes but Emily paid little attention to her. The Christmas meal was a sit down affair, she joined a table of young colleagues which included Penny and Jo from her old workplace. Vivian eyed them jealously from her seat at the table with her fellow senior officers.

“Emily, I must tell you how fantastic you look, I hope you don’t mind me saying that you’ve transformed in front of our eyes from a dowdy caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly in the past few months. I’m sorry if you think I’m being forward but we know each other well enough for me to be totally honest with you, you’re just gorgeous,” said Penny.

“She bloody well is,” chimed in Jo, “I’d go out with her any day,” the three colleagues laughed at Jo’s humorous but complimentary remark.

“I’m sorry to say this and I don’t mean to speak ill of your late mother but you’ve blossomed since you’ve no longer had to care for her, rest her soul.”

“It’s okay Penny, I know what you’re saying and you’re right, let’s just say that, after she died, I found out that my mother had been deeply in love as a young woman and she’d had to give up the love of her life and marry my father. She sacrificed her happiness and I’m determined that it’s not going to happen to me. Anyway, enough of this maudlin talk, it’s Christmas, let’s have a good time.”

After the meal, the party goers drank and danced, one by one, the older more senior staff drifted away, Emily had had a great time dancing with her colleagues. On her way back from the toilets, she came across Vivian.

“Emily, hi, I’ve not had chance to tell you how gorgeous you look,” she said loudly.

Another colleague had been within earshot but now they were alone.

“You’ve been avoiding me all evening, have I upset you in some way?”

Vivian also looked magnificent in a fitted, knee length black dress, black stockings and stilettos. Emily ignored her question.

“You look stunning Vivian, would you like to take me home and fuck me?”

Emily had drunk several large glasses of wine and was completely uninhibited.

“Nothing would give me more pleasure you teasing little bitch,” thought Vivian.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you since the moment I laid eyes on you and you look so fucking lovely tonight I want you very very much,” said Vivian as she backed Emily behind a floor to ceiling curtain and pressed her pussy against her thigh. She was about to kiss Emily when another colleague came out of the function room on his way to the toilets. He failed to spot them behind the curtain and after he had passed, Emily seized the initiative.

“We’d better not be seen leaving together, where are you parked?”

“In the hotel car park on level one near the stairs.”

“Good, you go and say your goodbyes and wait for me in your car. I’ll stay another ten minutes then I’ll come to you and we can ride off into the sunset together,” smirked Emily.

“Make it five minutes and don’t be late.”

“Ten minutes, you’ll wait for me if you want me as badly as you say.”

With that, Emily sashayed her perfect arse back into the function room while Vivian watched her from behind as her wet pussy oozed into her left stocking top.

They both said their goodbyes, Vivian first, then fifteen minutes later, Emily emerged looking like she’d had a very enjoyable evening. Vivian was irked at what she saw as Emily deliberately making her wait.

“I thought you weren’t coming.”

“Oh I’m not just now but I will later,” said a tipsy, cheeky Emily as she sank sexily into the passenger seat.

Vivian thought better of trying to kiss her in the well lit car park but she kept a proprietorial hand on her velvet covered right thigh as she drove Emily to her loft apartment a mile away from the hotel. Her pussy tingled as she played with Emily’s suspender clip.

“I could see what a great body you had under those dowdy clothes when we first met but I had no idea how stunning you really were, why the sudden change?”

“It was you, Vivian, I thought that if I was to have any chance of attracting such a sophisticated sexy lady, I’d better buck my ideas up.”

“Very funny.”

“Okay,” said a rapidly sobering up Emily in a much more sultry tone, “there are reasons that I don’t want to discuss now but, I can tell you hand on heart, I dressed for you tonight, I was thinking of you when I pulled my stockings up my legs, I was thinking of you when I stepped into my stilettos, I was thinking of you when I wriggled into my dress and I was thinking of you when I came last night in bed with my vibrator.”

Vivian Roseberry felt another flow of cunt juice settle into her panty gusset, she’d never felt so turned on by anyone. She glanced at Emily with hungry eyes as she pulled into the car park next to her apartment. They walked to the main entrance and she ushered Emily into the foyer, Vivian led the way to the lift and pressed the button marked ‘up,’ it cranked into life and slowly descended from the fifth floor, their destination. The sexual tension between them was palpable, Vivian was desperately trying to think of a way of seizing control of events.

The lift doors opened, Emily entered first and Vivian followed, she turned Emily around and pushed her against the back of the lift as the doors closed, then she closed her mouth over Emily’s lips. They kissed long and lusciously until the lift reached the fifth floor and the doors slowly opened. An attractive, well dressed blonde woman was waiting for the lift, she made a throat clearing noise to let them know that she was there. Vivian’s face turned pink as she apologised and led Emily out of the lift. The blonde woman gave an obvious look of approval toward Emily who returned her interest with a foxy smile that said ‘you can have me some other time.’

Vivian opened the door to her apartment and removed her coat, Emily slinked in behind her, sexily dragging her stole along the floor.

“Do you want a drink?”

“Yes please, what have you got?”

“Red or white wine or single malt whisky or maybe a vodka or gin?”

“I’ll try the whisky but only a very little I’ve never drunk it before.”

Vivian poured her a generous measure of fifteen year old Dalwhinnie, one of the lighter, sweeter single malts. She poured herself a measure as well and they clinked glasses before Vivian took a gulp and Emily took a sip. She liked the taste but it was very strong and she was determined not to let Vivian get her drunk.

“Come and sit with me on the sofa.”

Vivian had a long leather sofa that she’d fucked many women on over the years since her husband left her. She’d had Fiona several times on this very seat.

“Do you like the whisky?”

“It’s lovely but quite strong, I’m talking it easy.”

Vivian made one last attempt to take charge and put Emily in her place, she had no intention of making her come back begging to be fucked at a later date, she wanted her tonight, but she also wanted to dominate her. She took Emily’s glass from her hand and set it on the coffee table.

“My apartment, my rules, you’re going to indulge me now, I want you to strip naked in front of me then wank yourself off while I watch and you’ll only come if I let you.”

Emily looked her in the eyes with a cool, self composed expression.

“Fuck that Roseberry, I’m having you now.”

She had no idea where her sudden assertiveness had come from, perhaps it was the course Vivian had sent her on and she knew that she was taking a risk with a stronger larger woman.

She stood up and unzipped her velvet dress, let it fall to the floor around her stilettoed feet then sat astride a stunned Vivian Roseberry’s lap, pushed her head against the back of the sofa and forced her tongue into her mouth. Then she took hold of Vivian’s wrists and held them above her head with her left hand while she massaged her breasts with her right hand. After kissing Vivian forcefully for several minutes she eased her slowly onto her back and pinned her arms next to her head.

“I want you to take everything off except your shoes and stockings Roseberry you sexy bitch.”

Vivian submitted to her, they both stood up and Emily unzipped her dress. She felt as though she was in one of the porn videos that she used to watch. She slipped her skimpy panties off and sat back down on the sofa and spread her legs wide open.

“Kneel down and eat my cunt.”

Vivian Roseberry was completely nonplussed, she’d planned to dominate and conquer this quiet, petite junior member of her staff and she found herself being compliant and submissive. She’d met her match in this once shy frumpy little mouse of a woman. How had this happened? But most of all she loved it, she was intensely turned on by Emily’s newfound assertiveness. For once in her hardheaded, go getting life that was driven by personal advancement, Vivian Roseberry could let go and submit herself to someone else. She separated Emily’s labia with her thumbs and buried her tongue in her cunt, it was the sweetest little pussy she’d ever had the pleasure of tasting. Emily gasped her approval at Vivian’s expert oral technique, she sat back and allowed Vivian to pleasure her for several minutes then she issued an instruction.

“Bring me Roseberry.”

Vivian worked her tongue from Emily’s anus, along her perineum, over the entrance to her vagina, between her labia and over her clitoris. Then she closed her lips over her clit and sucked her to a delightful orgasm. Emily’s hips bucked in time to the waves of pleasure flowing through her pussy. When she finished coming, she smiled at Vivian.

“Clever Roseberry, get up here on the sofa on your hands and knees.”

Vivian did as she was told. Emily spread Vivian’s knees apart, raised her arse as high as possible and buried her tongue between her cunt lips from behind. Vivian shuddered with arousal as Emily ran her tongue along her perineum to her anus. It drove Vivian wild with desire, Emily was putting into practice everything she had learned from Sophie and the porn videos. She reached around Vivian’s right hip and fingered her clit until she came with a deep roar, Emily’s agile hot tongue by now inside her hole squirming and writing against her cunt walls. As Vivian came, Emily lapped up her salty juices before turning her onto her back and releasing a mixture of her saliva and Vivian’s cunt juice into her mouth and telling her to swallow.

Emily picked up her whisky glass, took two sips and laid on her back on the sofa.

“Make me come again Roseberry.”

Vivian had an idea.

“Will you let me take you with my strap-on?”

“Is the Pope Catholic?”

Vivian disappeared into her bedroom and came back out wearing a large strap-on cock, it was bigger than the one with which Sophie had taken to fucking Emily. Emily’s pussy spasmed at the glorious sight of the tall, athletic Roseberry in her stockings, suspender belt and stilettos wearing a large black glistening false cock. She sensed Emily’s worry about the size of the device.

“Don’t worry, I’ve lubricated it and I’ll go in as slowly and carefully as you want,” said Vivian at last feeling a small level of control.

Vivian lowered herself onto Emily’s body, she found her thick little red haired bush and her basque, stockings and heels so very sexy as she guided the cock into the entrance of her vagina with her right hand. Emily nodded at her and she pushed the cock in two inches deep, Emily nodded again and she probed even further before Emily put her hands on her buttocks and pulled the full length of the cock inside her. She moaned as the large cock stretched her tight cunt walls further than they’d been stretched before.

“Fuck me Roseberry.”

Vivian started slowly at first but Emily encouraged her to go faster and harder until she was thrusting into her as energetically as she could, after several minutes Vivian started to flag so Emily turned her over and rode the strap-on even harder than Vivian had ridden her.

“Touch me Roseberry, touch me,” pleaded the trusting Emily.

“Ohhh yesss, ohhh yyesss, that’s it Roseberry, ffffffuccccckkkkkk!”

Emily came and collapsed on top of Vivian with the cock still inside her. She lay there for a while, savouring the afterglow of her orgasm then she removed the strap-on from Vivian, put it on herself and fucked Vivian from behind until she came with screams of delight.

An exhausted Emily slept in Vivian’s bed for the night and spent most of Saturday fucking her and being fucked by her. She had coffee with her at work on Monday morning and set the ground rules for their affair. Vivian realised that Emily was in control of the relationship and readily agreed to have sex with her once a week on a regular basis and to occasionally let Emily fuck her in her office after working hours. Emily felt empowered by her dominance and couldn’t believe her luck, she was screwing two women regularly now and loved every minute of it but she knew that, as fond as she was of Sophie, and as turned on as she was by her domination of Vivian Roseberry, she wanted something more. She knew she could never fall in love with either of them, she’d be thirty eight at Easter and she wanted the love of a good woman.


Emily made a present of herself in her Christmas stockings to both of her lovers. Sophie called round to see her and fuck her on Christmas Day and she visited Vivian on Boxing Day, tied her up and fucked her all afternoon.

She continued to see them both on a weekly basis into the New Year, Sophie on a Wednesday and Vivian on a Friday. One chilly Thursday evening in late February, after the rest of the staff had gone home, she had Vivian on her large executive desk with a strap-on cock, papers and office stationary flew in all directions. Then she made her eat her cunt while she sat in Vivian’s executive leather chair.

Vivian was going to one of the city’s lesbian bars afterwards and she invited Emily to join her so that she could show her cute girlfriend off to her lesbian acquaintances. Emily knew that Vivian was fucking one of the young women in her circle of lesbian friends but she agreed readily, it would be a new experience for her and she thought that she would probably go home with Vivian afterwards and sleep with her.

The bar was down below street level behind an anonymous white door of a building in the financial and legal district. Emily was wearing one of her pencil skirted business suits and black stilettos, she was hit upon twice by other women before she’d even got to the bar with Vivian. Vivian introduced her to several women that she knew, as a regular visitor to the bar, she’d been to bed with a couple of them. Emily attracted a lot of attention and could have had her pick of most of the clientele.

As she came back to the table that she shared with Vivian and some of her friends, she caught sight of a woman in her early to mid forties who she was sure she recognised from somewhere. The woman seemed to recognise her too but neither of them were certain enough about the identity of the other. Emily kept puzzling over the identity of the woman as she spoke to her new acquaintances. She was of medium height and attractive with grey blonde hair shaved close on one side of her head and longer on the other side. She wasn’t dressed like the solicitors and accountants in the bar and she didn’t belong to the butch set or the the androgynous lesbians. She was wearing a tailored dress and heels that showed off her shapely legs. Emily couldn’t get her out of her mind, when she got up to leave with Vivian, the woman was walking back from the toilets and stopped and looked closely at her.

“Emily?” said a familiar soft voice.

“Yes… Oh my goodness, Miss Silverdale!”

“I thought it was you, my word you do look well, call me Fran by the way,” said Ms Frances Silverdale in her noticeable West Yorkshire accent.

“I’m so pleased to see you Mi… I mean Fran,” said a clearly delighted Emily.

“Vivian this is Mi… Fran, my form teacher from school, I haven’t seen her since I left. Vivian’s a colleague of mine at the Libraries and Communities Department, well she’s the Assistant Head of department actually.”

Vivian and Fran greeted each other politely and Vivian could see that Emily was excited to have met her former teacher.

“Look, I’m going to get an early night, why don’t you stay and catch up with Fran?” said an unusually gracious Vivian.

“Can you stay a while Emily? It would be lovely to have a chat with you.”

“Yes okay, thanks Vivian, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Fran’s friends were also just about to depart so Emily joined her at the table they had been sitting at in a quiet corner of the bar. She looked at Fran’s well preserved face and recalled that she was only five or six years her senior. She’d been only twenty four when Emily left school so she must only be about forty four now.

“I can’t get over running into you after all this time, I’d heard that you’d left the high school the year after I did.”

“Yes, I didn’t like the direction the school was going in so I moved to a school in Manchester. After a few years there I became head of art, then later on I got an assistant head job in a school in Sheffield and now I’m back at our old school, or academy as it’s now called, as deputy head. But what about you, you were such a shy little thing and determinedly a loner, I was sorry to hear that you dropped out of uni after the first year, you were so bright, I’d hoped uni would bring you out of yourself a bit, but look at you now, every inch the confident successful professional woman, what are you doing with yourself these days?”