A Project for Bethany

Matthew shivered to awareness as the teasing sensations of Bethany’s nails on his hard cock overtook the attempts of his brain to weave them into his dreams. Laying in bed, naked and exposed, he mused that he always seemed to wake up this way. No matter how he covered himself with the light blanket he kept on the bed, the warmth of the apartment meant the blanket ended up on the floor most mornings, and never still covering his body. That warmth, however, ensured he was comfortable in the apartment naked, which was almost always, and Bethany could wear as little as she desired for herself or for the online clients she entertained.

“Good morning, Matty,” Bethany said with a smile from her seat beside the bed.

Bethany wore cycling shorts and a sports bra in matching shiny black Lycra. Matthew only needed a glimpse of her outfit to have his mind flooded with images of her pedalling on the stationary bicycle in the living room. He knew the way her muscles flexed throughout her body as she followed one of her intense pedaling workouts. The intensity of her focus was as stimulating as her form when she paused and sat upright, her hands atop her head, fingers interlaced, her breasts heaving when she drew in deep lungfuls of air before continuing.

“Good morning, Miss Bethany,” Matthew moaned as the stroking nails made his toes curl in response.

“Sleeping late today?” Bethany asked as her fingertips teased the head of Matthew’s cock and her other hand slid up to stroke one of his nipples.

“I guess you stayed up late to watch the show,” Bethany continued.

“Yes, ma’am,” Matthew groaned.

The night before he had indeed stayed up to watch a video feed from Bethany’s room. She had been entertaining clients while riding her Sybian vibrator. The time zone difference to their home meant a late session for her. Using the apartment’s video network, Bethany had let Matthew watch her on one of the screens over his desk. Matthew didn’t get to see the clients or to hear their conversation, but he did watch Bethany ride and writhe on the Sybian’s cock for the full hour as she fucked herself to one orgasm after another. It was enough to keep him frustratingly hard throughout the session and afterward as he tried to fall asleep.

“It was a wonderful session,” Bethany said, “They are such a fun couple to chat with like that. All the while, they had a sub boy of their own there, and he licked and sucked them each to orgasm. I guess you could say I came with each of them at least once.”

“I hope you behaved yourself and didn’t cum without permission,” Bethany added as she gently squeezed Matthew’s rigid cock.

“No, Miss,… uh,… I mean yes, I behaved,” whispered Matthew, his hand instinctively moving to his throat where his fingertips brushed the narrow leather collar he wore for his Mistress.

“Good boy,” Bethany said with a smile as she held the head of his cock in a circle of the tips of her fingernails, “and today’s a big day. Your mother’s coming for a visit.”

“What…?” Matthew started as Bethany’s nail tips pressing a little harder.

“She’s coming to chat with me,” Bethany said as she returned to gentle stroking, “She asked me to help her organize munches and play parties for the coming year and I agreed. We’re going to discuss possible dates, venues, themes for the parties, and whatever else we need to organize.”

“And me?” Matthew asked in a whisper.

“You, my dear boy, can hide in here if you want. But you know she’ll barge in here to see her favorite son. Her only son perhaps, but still favorite.”

Bethany smiled as she imagined Matthew’s mother walking into the room and seeing the life-size photo of Bethany on the wall over the foot of Matthew’s bed. Matthew followed her gaze and his widening eyes clearly showed that he was imagining the same scene.

The photo was placed to appear that Bethany was standing on the level of the bed looking down at Matthew in his bed. She was wearing a blue skirt and white lace bra, the skirt ending just below her pussy and exposing inches of creamy skin above the stocking tops of her white thigh-high stockings. On her feet were black pumps, adding four inches to her height. Bethany held the ends of a riding crop in each hand, the shaft of the crop crossing her thighs in the space between skirt hem and stocking tops. The expression on her face was one of firmness of will, one that implied she would always have her way.

“I… I will meet her when she arrives,” Matthew whispered, the alternative possibilities were not something he wanted to ponder in detail.

“I thought you might, I’ll pick out something for you to wear,” giggled Bethany. She closed her thumb and forefinger in a firm ring around the base of Matthew’s shaft. Slowly, she drew her hand upward, squeezing the precum from his cock to form a large clear droplet at the tip.

Bethany winked at Matthew, then leaned over to scoop up the droplet of precum with the tip of her tongue. In one smooth motion, she turned and brought her tongue to Matthew’s lips.

Matthew’s eyes closed in the submissive enjoyment of the moment as he opened his lips for Bethany’s tongue and sucked his juices from it.

Releasing Matthew’s cock, Bethany stood up and stepped back from the bed.

“Time to get up, Matty,” she said, “You should have enough time to work out and get cleaned up before I expect Lady K to drop in. I’ll pick out something for you to wear.”

As she spoke Bethany headed for the bedroom door and has disappeared into the hallway before Matthew had time to respond.

“Lady K,” he mused.

His mother Katherine, known to her friends as Kate, was now being referred to as “Lady K.” Bethany had mentioned a few times to him that his mother held a prominent position in the local kink community. That was a revelation that Matthew still struggled to comprehend. Mostly, he’d ignored the possible ramifications of that information, because it seemed to be an incongruous depiction of his mother.

Matthew had always known his mother in her roles of wife, mother of two, and a busy consulting engineer. Her wardrobe, as far as Matthew knew, consisted mostly of sturdy worksite attire and office clothes, the latter more generally pants oriented and, rarely, longer skirts. The few times he could remember his mother being dressed for special events and formal occasions were classy but demure. No images of his mother come to him that fit Bethany’s descriptions of her in a matriarchal role over kinksters. He also knew that he may not be able to deny that aspect of her life much longer.

Reorienting himself to the things he needed to get done, Matthew got out of bed and headed for the living room and the exercise equipment he shared with Bethany. All except the stationary cycle. That was hers He executed his aerobic workouts by running outside or, in bad weather, laps of the apartment block’s stairwells.

Beginning with the dumbbells and flat bench, Matthew progressed to the exercise machine for heavier weights that would otherwise have required a spotter, and then unrolled a yoga mat. Choosing a short routine on the tablet kept in the living room for the purpose, Matthew followed along to work on stretching and flexibility as he controlled his breathing. Tidying up the weights, he glanced at the clock before grabbing a water bottle and heading down the hallway to shower.

On entering the bathroom, Matthew found the selections that Bethany had left out for him. First was his chastity cage. Next to that was an anal plug. This plug had a wide base flange and the shaft was shaped to stay tightly in his bottom. Its unique feature was a tapering flexible shaft above the thick base with a denser ball at the very tip. Matthew bit his lip softly as he recalled how that tip could move and squirm like it was alive as he moved around with the plug inserted. At least, he thought, it wasn’t the remote control vibrating plug. Bethany had also chosen clothes for him so that Matthew wouldn’t be greeting his mother naked. Her note said that he could choose from the items she left out.

Matthew’s choices for pants were a pair of very lightweight tan slacks, with a flat front and a very subtle elastic waist. He knew the waistband hung low on his hips and the fit was snug from waist to knee and then loosened a little, but not enough to be reminiscent of bell-bottoms. Matthew also knew from Bethany’s exploring hands when he wore them that they fit closely over his ass and chastity cage. With no pockets in front or back, nothing broke up the lines of his body in the pants.

The alternative to the slacks was a pair of thin white running shorts with red trim. Bethany had removed the liner material and cut the stitching on either side that held the overlapping front and rear panels in place. The shorts hid little and had taught Matthew what it meant when a woman wore something that teased a viewer’s gaze with the possibility of a flash of more.

Matthew also had a choice of shirts, but it was clear that the two outfits weren’t exactly mix-and-match. The first was a collared polo shirt. Tightly fitted, Matthew knew it hugged him closely and the bottom of the shirt would barely reach the waistband of the slacks. On the left breast of the white shirt was embroidered, in subtle silver thread, the logo “Beth’s Boy.” The second shirt was barely deserving of the name. A t-shirt cropped to a few inches above his waist and with sleeves only an inch long from the shoulder seam, Matthew could only think of how Bethany liked to tease his nipples through the thin fabric because they showed so clearly when erect.

Shaving, showering, and cleaning himself inside and out as his usual morning routine, Matthew returned to the selection on the vanity. He started with the chastity cage and then the anal plug. Once the plug was firmly in place and any excess lubricant cleaned up, Matthew paused and sat on the stool beside the shower to calm himself in the face of the arousal response which that part of his routine always stimulated.

Turning to the clothing, Matthew made what seemed to him to be the obvious choices. The slacks and polo shirt fit his body like a second skin. Despite the way they covered his body, he felt they showed everything to an observer and that did little to stop him from blushing at the sense of exposure. Standing still, it was almost as if the shirt was long enough to meet the slacks at their waistband, but Matthew knew that any movement was midriff-baring.

Neatly refolding the remaining clothes, Matthew stacked them on the side of the vanity. Taking a last look at himself in the mirror, he stepped into the hallways and turned toward the living room. Before heading in that direction, he paused at the doorway to his own bedroom to make a final check that it was tidy, a small concession to the possibility that his mother may still find cause to look in.

As he passed the closed double doors to Bethany’s suite, Matthew hung the key to the chastity cage on her doorknob.

Crossing to the galley kitchen, Matthew poured himself a coffee and looked across the broad counter to survey the living room. He quickly fell into his established routines as he calmed himself in the face of the inevitable. Wiping down the counters, he straightened up the few items on the lower counter and made sure the upper surface was spotless. Then, taking a disinfectant cloth, he went along the lineup of exercise equipment wiping down the surfaces and ensuring everything was in its place. He was just finishing with a thorough wipe-down of Bethany’s bicycle seat when her voice came through the intercom beside the apartment door.

“Matty. Mother is on her way up. I have already let her through the lobby security door. Please don’t make her wait at the door.”

Matthew barely had time to dispose of the disinfectant cloth in the kitchen, wipe his hands and move toward the apartment door before the confident rapping of his mother’s knock sounded. Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and swung the door open.

“Mom!?” Matthew blurted.

“Matthew!,” she exclaimed and stepped forward to immediately hug her son closely.

Matthew exhaled heavily as the strength of his mother’s embrace surprised him. It was certainly her eyes that met his as the door opened, her voice that rung in his ears, and the feel of her embrace was so familiar. And yet, so much was subtly, and some not so subtly, different about her.

“It’s been too long my dear,” she said as she continued to hold him close, “these months of lock-down have been almost too much.”

It seemed as if the hug ended as abruptly as it had begun, the suddenness of its commencement and cessation canceling the slow seconds of familiarity in between. Matthew’s mother released him and stepped back. Matthew, his mind already racing to catch up, swung the apartment door closed before turning to face his mother.

Katherine, Lady K, was dressed in a manner Matthew had never seen before and could hardly have imagined. Her hair, normally black and close-cropped, was as short as ever but the limitations on salons meant that a few streaks of grey could be seen at her temples. The grey didn’t make her look older since she didn’t look her age to begin with, but they did add a distinctive touch. She wore a short black leather bolero jacket that was obviously not designed to have its lapels meet. Under the jacket she wore a white blouse, open at the throat all the way to the top of the dark red leather waist cincher that wrapped her torso from hips to under her breasts. Those breasts were barely restrained by the black lace bra she wore under the almost translucent blouse and they were pushed upward to a prominence that Matthew certainly did not remember happening with anything he’d ever seen his mother wear before. Nestled in her deliciously exposed cleavage, a silver key hung down on a thin chain. Matthew caught his breath as he recognized the shape of the key. It matched the one he had left on Bethany’s doorknob not long before.

Trying to take in every detail. Matthew’s eyes traveling downward. Katherine’s skirt was knee-length and well-formed to her hips and thighs, there was one slit in the skirt that traveled up the outer front of her left thigh almost to the waistband. On her legs were patterned black thigh-highs, the style clearly revealed through the narrow gap of the skirt’s slit. On her feet were calf-height leather boots with laces crisscrossing from over the instep to the upper edge. The bright red laces contrasted against the boots’ black leather. Four-inch heels gave a decided advantage to her when Matthew and his mother were the same height in bare feet.

Matthew opened his mouth, but no words came out. He literally did not know what to say.

Katherine laughed at his consternation. Stepping forward she ran the fingertips of one hand down Matthew’s chest to his waistline. The fingertips of her hand traveled back upward until they felt and traced over the lettering of the “Beth’s Boy” logo as a smile crossed her red lips. Matthew bit his lower lip as he felt the effects of those exploring fingertips pass over his nipple repeatedly as it hardened.

“Someone’s been working out, I can see,” she said with a smile, “and it looks like you’ve been very diligent with it. Your dad and I have built ourselves a little home gym too. By the way, you no longer have a bedroom in the basement at home. But I suppose you and Janie can share her old room as the new guest bedroom. If you both visit at the same time, we’ll just have to work something out.”

“You took away my… my bedroom…?,” Matthew began quizzically.

Lady K laughed, “We just repurposed it dear, for fitness, and other activities.”

Ignoring his reaction, Katherine’s hand slid upward until her fingers caressed the thin purple collar around Matthew’s neck.

“This looks good on you, Matty,” she said, “I was so pleased when Beth asked my permission to collar you.”

“Y… your permission…?”

“Yes dear, I wasn’t about to let just anyone collar my son. But from what I hear it has done both of you a world of good and I am happy for you both. Who knows, perhaps one day I’ll be walking you down the aisle to give you away.”

At a loss to say anything, Matthew said the one thing that came to mind, “Thanks, mom.”

“You’re quite welcome, dear,” Katherine replied, “and perhaps when I’m dressed like this you should address me as Mother, or ‘Lady K’ if you like.

Matthew’s throat tightened slightly as he felt almost overwhelmed by the way his mother was adopting a new role in his life. A role that had been hidden from him before, but was now in the open. With no grounds to protest her choices, he surrendered to his fate.

“Yes, ma’am,” he whispered.

“That will do as well,” Katherine chuckled as she turned toward the slight sound of Bethany’s bedroom door opening.

It had only been a few minutes since Matthew had opened the door to greet his mother. In his mind, it seemed like a slice of eternity, for the way his sense of reality and relationships were overturned and all the pieces fell back into place in a way that fit the hints and information Bethany had been sharing for months. Still feeling slightly overwhelmed by the shifting context of so many things he now realized he had already been told, Matthew stood still and breathed deeply as he also watched Bethany approach.

“Lady K, welcome,” Bethany exclaimed as she bounced forward on the balls of her feet.

Bethany wore a white blouse over a black circle skirt that bounced with every she took. Her legs were bare and on her feet were a pair of black leather ballet slippers. With her hair pulled back in a high ponytail, the only makeup she wore was bright red lipstick. Matthew’s eyes widened slightly when he noticed the black leather thong around Bethany’s neck and the key that hung from it in her cleavage.

Katherine took a step toward Bethany and as the two women met they embraced tightly. Matthew watched as Bethany’s hands wrapped around his mother’s body and slid under her short jacket in a tight hug. Katherine wrapped her arms around the younger woman, one hand moving down to cup her ass cheek and the other upward to cradle her head as their lips met.

Matthew stood frozen as he watched the deep sensuous kiss his mother and his roommate-Mistress shared. He saw Katherine’s tongue thrust slowly and deeply into Bethany’s open and accepting mouth. When Bethany’s tongue responded and the tip traced Katherine’s lips and slid inside her mouth Matthew could only think of that tongue feeding him his own precum when he woke that morning.

When Matthew’s cock throbbed in its cage and he moaned softly, he didn’t think the women had heard him. The truth was both had heard his reaction and each was pleased that they were having an effect on him.

Breaking the intensity of their embrace, Bethany stepped back while holding Katherine’s hands in her own.

“I’m all set up in the bedroom, Katherine. We should be able to get through what you wanted before lunch. I’ve ordered some meals from the deli and they’ll be delivered soon.”

“Wonderful,” Katherine responded, “We should get right to work then.”

Without a glance back to Matthew, Katherine strode toward Bethany’s bedroom. Bethany turned back to Matthew and smiled as she approached. Sliding her hands up Matthew’s chest, she teased his nipples to new hardness as she spoke.

“That wasn’t so bad, now was it? Katherine, Lady K, is amazing. I have learned so much from her. I suppose you heard about the lunches, so please be ready to answer the door when Charlie or Donna from the deli come up.”

“Yes, Miss Bethany,” Matthew replied, his mixed emotions calming with the feel of Bethany’s touch and the sound of her calm voice.

Bethany’s fingertips tightened on Matthew’s nipples. She smiled broadly as she spoke again.

“And you better go change into your other outfit, you’ve been dripping in this one and it’s very noticeable on your slacks.”

As her words penetrated Matthew’s distracted mindset, Bethany spun around and followed Katherine into the bedroom. Matthew didn’t start moving until after he heard the door close tight.

First, he looked down. Dripping precum from his caged cock had seeped from the perforations in the chastity tube and a spreading wet spot low on his crotch was the result. Matthew did his best to convince himself that his mother hadn’t noticed.

Matthew was halfway down the hall to change when he realized what outfit was left, and his mother would see him in it when they came out of the bedroom for lunch. Focusing on his desire to please Bethany and maintain their relationship, he continued obediently to follow her instructions.

Pulling his shirt off as he entered the bathroom, Matthew set it aside and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his slacks. Bending quickly as he pushed them down his thighs he felt the shifting and squirming of the anal plug he’d nearly forgotten about. Breathing deeply between tightly closed teeth as he paused to regain control of his mind and body, Matthew continued to slip out of the tight slacks at a more deliberate pace.

Folding the slacks and polo shirt, Matthew set them aside for the laundry. Naked except for his collar and chastity cage, he looked himself over in the mirror. Idly, he trailed the fingertips of one hand over his stomach, feeling the slight valleys of a six-pack forming as a result of his workout routines. He was pleased that his mother noticed, but perhaps wished that the circumstances had been somewhat different.

As he stood naked in front of the mirror he realized that he hadn’t closed the bathroom door. Out of well-established habit, he only did so when using the bathroom and it hadn’t even crossed his mind to do so now simply because Bethany had a guest in the apartment. That realization did, however, spur Matthew to get dressed quickly.

First, he stepped into the running shorts. This time, knowing how the plug would shift and move, he relaxed and let it provide the sensations it was designed for. The lightweight and liner-less shorts hardly felt like he was wearing anything at all. With his eyes half-closed as the plug’s tip shifted again, Matthew touched the waistband with his fingertips, a reassurance that they were actually on his body. Next, he slipped on the cropped t-shirt.

Matthew looked back to the mirror to see how the thin material of the shirt hugged his chest and how the bottom hem left a few inches of exposed skin above the waistband of the shorts. He had to admit the workout schedule he had adopted was making a real difference. As much as he tried to convince himself that he could play it cool in front of his mother, ‘Lady K’ he reminded himself, he also knew that Bethany loved to tease him in this outfit and keep him aroused and dripping. That mental connection, Matthew knew, was going to be working at cross purposes to the intent of playing it cool.

The intercom panel beside the apartment door chimed once as Matthew walked back into the living room. After confirming that it was the delivery from the deli, he released the lock on the security door in the building foyer and prepared to receive the delivery by donning the mask he kept near the door for such events.

Moments later he heard the elevator bell in the quiet hallway and soon after the confident rap of knuckles on the apartment door.

“Good morning Mrs. Rubek,” Matthew said as he opened the door wide.

The Rubeks ran an old-world market and delicatessen in a vintage storefront across the street from the apartment building. It seemed to Matthew that he saw Mr. or Mrs. Rubek almost every week. For deliveries of groceries, he could expect Mr. Rubek to show up at the door. When he did, Matthew was expected to lead him to the kitchen for the box to be placed on the counter. Exposing himself as he did in the light clothing he usually wore to receive deliveries, Matthew could expect to have at least one innuendo-laced comment from the deli owner. For delivery of meals, it was almost always Mrs. Rubek at the door. She would hand the bags or box to Matthew, then step in and with a hand in the small of Matthew’s back, guide him to the kitchen where she would issue any instructions for their final preparation as Matthew unpacked the meals.

Matthew knew that the Rubeks had a history with Bethany in the local kink community. She had spoken about them in her descriptions of people he would meet when she was able to take him to munches and play parties. But he wasn’t exactly certain of the details of their history. The Rubeks apparently enjoyed playing as a couple with younger men and women. Each year they quietly offered an opportunity to someone they’d met in the community who was entering their last year at the university. They provided a guaranteed job and a small apartment, and in return, they had a new live-in playmate. Their only expectation was that the chosen person kept their grades up in their last year of university. Failing to do so meant they didn’t get taken to play parties, and instead had to spend the time with tutors the Rubeks hired. Bethany had said that they had a very good success rate in seeing their proteges graduate with honours before they left and the Rubeks rewarded them handsomely for their other performances.

In her clipped Eastern European accent, Mrs. Rubek replied, “Good morning Matthew, I hope that Miss Bethany is well and that you are being a good boy for her.”

Blushing, Matthew stammered a reply, “Yes, yes, she is ma’am. I can take those from you here if you’d like.”

“That is not how we do these things, it is Matthew?”

“No ma’am,” Matthew said quietly, “I apologize for my impatience.”

Mrs. Rubek smiled at Matthew’s acquiescence. She and her husband were a study in contrasts. He was heavily built and swarthy, of average height, and his attire at the deli was a mix of loading dock and back-room butcher shop. She was willowy thin and a good four inches taller than her husband, with subtle curves that you knew were there under the almost business-like attire she chose from day-to-day. Her brown wool suit skirt and jacket were certainly not from a discount store, and the heels she chose that added another three to five inches depending on her choice at the time, were a series of definitely classic brands and styles. Bethany had laughed as she said she imagined them as asylum-seekers from an Eastern European Olympic team, the wrestler having absconded with the lady high-jumper.

Taking a step forward, Mrs. Rubek waited until Matthew closed the apartment door and then handed him the bags she carried. Matthew felt Mrs. Rubek’s hand land on the small of his back, her thumb sliding under the shirt to place her hand on his bare skin. With subtle pressure, like a professional dancer taking the lead, she guided Matthew to the kitchen.

Once the bags were on the kitchen counter, Mrs. Rubek supervised Matthew as he unpacked the contents. Her hand never left his back as he followed her instructions although it did inch slowly lower and lower. Matthew set aside the three salads and the small container of dressing to be drizzled over them once plated. Next, he unwrapped the packages of pre-cut meats and cheese for a small charcuterie selection to accompany each salad.

Breathing deeply, Matthew placed both hands flat on the counter as Mrs. Rubek’s hand slipped inside his shorts to cup his asscheek.

“Naughty boy,” she said softly as her fingertips discovered the base of the plug in Matthew’s bottom. Pressing lightly and reading his reaction, she laughed softly before withdrawing her hand.

“Someday,” Mrs. Rubek said as she started to head back around the counter, “Miss Bethany will send you to play with us. I wish to see if your tongue can put as pretty a smile on my face as she wears.”

Mrs. Rubek accepted the tip Matthew offered, saying she would pass it to the staff who prepared the meals. Matthew followed her back to the apartment door and opened it as she waited for him to perform that small service.

“Thank you for delivering our lunch, Mrs. Rubek,” Matthew said politely.

“You are welcome, Matthew, please give my regards to Miss Bethany.”

“I will do that, ma’am,” Matthew replied as she headed into the hallway and he could finally close the door.

Matthew returned to the kitchen shaking his head over the consistency with which the Rubeks suggested he should join them for kinky games. Heaving a sigh of relief that Bethany had not yet indicated that she was ready to lend him to the deli owners for their erotic games, he began to prepare for lunch.

Setting the table for three, Matthew added wine glasses for each of the ladies because he knew his mother liked a glass with lunch, and Bethany sometimes, though not often, did. Next, he plated the salads and arranged, as artfully as he could, the variety of deli meats and cheese on the remainder of each plate. Taking up the container of salad dressing, Matthew paused and used the kitchen shears to clip a tiny triangle out of the disposable plastic lid. Replacing the lid then ensured he had a small controllable stream of dressing to apply to the salads and didn’t risk dumping the lot on one plate. He smiled as he realized that it was one of the tips Mrs. Rubek had shared when delivering meals one day.

Matthew made the final preparations for lunch, placing the plates on the table and filling the water glasses. Finally, he set a bottle of white wine at the end of the kitchen counter where it would be ready if the ladies desired it. As he completed this final task, he could tell that the door to Bethany’s bedroom was open by the voices that came from the hallway as the ladies approached.

Remaining standing by the table, Matthew held a chair ready to pull it out for his mother to take a seat.

Lady K led the way across the living room from the hallway to the small dining table. The grin that spread across her lips indicated a degree of amusement at Matthew’s wardrobe change.

“Thank you, Matthew,” Katherine said as she took her seat, continuing as Matthew held Bethany’s chair, “You didn’t have to change on my account, but it does nicely show how much you’ve been working out. And those shorts look very nice on you. You know, I think Janie left a few pairs like that at the house, I can send them over if you like.”

“Uh, I don’t think…,” Matthew started and as quickly choked off his words as he looked up and realized that the question hadn’t been directed at him.

Smiling broadly, Bethany graciously accepted the offer and promised photos if the new shorts fit well.

Trying to recover, Matthew held up the wine bottle and offered its contents.

“Yes please, dear,” Katherine said.

“Only half a glass for me,” Bethany replied.

Matthew sat to enjoy lunch with Bethany and Katherine. As their conversations ranged over a variety of topics based on their mutual, though mostly vanilla shared past, the new underlying dynamic they shared was set aside as they caught up. Matthew rediscovered his enjoyment of chatting with his mother in ways that their periodic telephone conversations simply didn’t fulfill as effectively. He was amazed by how casually she described the conversion of his basement bedroom into a work-out space and a “playroom,” as Katherine labeled it. She told him of her own and his father’s newfound progress with personal fitness and questioned him about his own routines. Matthew bit his lip slightly when Bethany and Katherine went into a not-quite-cryptic-enough discussion over balancing teasing and control approaches. The three had a good laugh over Matthew’s sister Janie’s discovery of her parent’s new empty-nest kinky lifestyle. Katherine assured them both that she and Matthew’s father were pleased that it triggered a new sense of openness in the family, one that Katherine intended to maintain.

With empty plates and offers of more wine politely declined, Katherine declared that she had to get going in order to complete a few more errands before heading home. Pausing near the door, she turned to thank Bethany for lunch only to find the younger woman close behind. Before Katherine could speak, Bethany slid into her arms for another close hug and a deep goodbye kiss.

Matthew looked on, his mind stuck between “awkward” (that he was there to see it) and “hot,” not knowing which sense he should be embracing. When the women broke their embrace and stepped back from one another, Bethany spoke first.

“You’re welcome, Lady K,” she said in a soft voice.

Katherine smiled broadly at her and offered a mischievous wink in reply. She then turned toward Matthew and opened her warms to offer her son a hug.

Matthew stepped into an embrace that was as long and strong as the one Bethany had received. He did not, however, get the same kiss. Instead, he received a polite and motherly peck on the cheek, which was in contrast to the way her hand slid down to cup one of his ass cheeks and give it a squeeze.

“I will see both of you soon,” Katherine said as Matthew opened and held the door for her.

Bethany stood in the hallway to watch Katherine as she walked to the elevator. It wasn’t until the elevator’s doors swung shut that she stepped back into the apartment and let Matthew close the door.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Bethany spun Matthew around and pressed his shoulders against it. Her hands slid up her chest as her lips covered his in a deep hot kiss while her fingers sought out and teased his hardening nipples.

Breaking the kiss, Bethany breathlessly exclaimed, “Fuck, she’s hot when she dresses like that. Actually, she’s hot all the time, but more so like that.”

Matthew closed his eyes slightly and bit his lip as Bethany continued to play with his nipples.

“I love the way she’s always so in control,” Bethany continued, “I just want to lay back for her and let her fuck me with her strap-on. I’d even love to see her fuck you with her strap-on, Matty.”

“But… uh…,” Matthew stammered, “she’s my mother!”

“I know,” Bethany said with a mischievous grin, “that’s what makes it so fucking hot.”

Bethany leaned forward and kissed Matthew again as she held him against the door with her body. She ran her hands down his sides until she cupped his ass with both hands while subtly thrusting with her own hips.

Keeping her hold on Matthew, Bethany lowered her head to one side and kissed and licked the sensitive skin on his neck where it met the shoulder. Softly, she continued to talk close to Matthew’s ear to distract him.

“Did Matty like seeing Lady K dressed like that? Did you imagine that it was the key to your cage between her breasts? Maybe it was, we’ll have to make sure we didn’t accidentally switch keys. What did you think of that leather skirt, were you imagining spurting a big load of cum all over that leather-covered ass and having to lick it clean for her? Or were you imagining kneeling for her and having your cock slide between her calves in those sexy boots? Do you think she knew she was sitting in the chair I use to spank you? I bet you thought of that and imagined yourself over her lap.”

Matthew’s mind roiled with each image that Bethany’s words invoked. As each image of Lady K in a dominant role over him appeared he tried his best to usher it away with reminders that he shouldn’t think about his mother like that. All that came from his lips in reply was a soft moan of anguished arousal.

Bethany giggled at Matthew’s consternation and helplessness as she stepped back.

“I need about an hour to finish up what Lady K and I were working on. Would you please tidy up lunch and come and join me…,” Bethany said, checking the time on the intercom display before finishing, “… about 3 p.m.?”

Matthew nodded as he replied, “Yes, Miss Bethany.”

“Thank you, Matthew, see you then,” Bethany said as she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to her room.

Before disappearing into her room, Bethany looked back and caught Matthew’s eye. With a wink, she slipped the key from around her neck and draped it over the doorknob. For Matthew the hint was clear. The key was there for him to remove his chastity cage in order to clean up, but he also knew he hadn’t been given explicit instructions to leave it off.

Checking the time as he headed toward the kitchen. Matthew noted he had about an hour and a half before he was expected to join Bethany. Quickly assessing what he needed to do, and planning to clean up before presenting himself, he walked through the galley kitchen to clean up the remains of lunch waiting on the table.

Matthew picked up the first two plates before he paused and set them back down. Before doing anything else he slipped off the shorts and shirt he was wearing and placed them neatly over the back of the chair his mother had sat in for lunch. Then, naked except for his collar and chastity cage, Matthew smiled slightly as he relaxed in his usual state of nudity in the apartment, and went to work.

Priding himself on his punctuality, Matthew knocked softly on Bethany’s bedroom door precisely at 3:00 p.m. Clean and freshly shaven, wearing the narrow leather collar Bethany had placed around his neck and the chastity cage, he held the key on its thong in his hand while he waited to be called into the room.

“Come in, Matty,” Bethany’s voice sang almost instantly after the knock.

Matthew stepped into the room and quietly close the door behind him. Bethany was at her desk making various adjustments to her video recording system and deciding which cameras would link to the screens on her wall above the main monitor. She liked having multiple views online to allow her to check angles and lighting in the recordings she would later edit and assemble for her videos.

Looking around the brightly lit room, Matthew was always surprised by the space given to the master suite in the apartment. The large bedroom was easily more than twice the space his own took up, and it was complemented by spacious walk-in closets and a fully appointed en-suite bathroom. The closets, he knew, were full, with Bethany’s wardrobe in one and all of her video equipment and various props in the other.

Bethany’s king-size platform bed was covered in black satin sheets. The ornate steel headboard looked very much to a kinky mind to be the bondage frame that it could be used for. In preparation for Matthew, Bethany had installed the light steel struts that went from floor to ceiling at the bottom corners of the bed platform. The interlocking sections of each strut fitted into brackets mounted on the ceiling and attached to brackets on the floor that slid out from the bed platform, placing them about a foot away from the bed. Matthew knew from personal experience that there was plenty of space to be secured spread-eagle between the posts. He noted that the bondage straps were already attached to the struts and on the corner of the bed were the well-worn leather ankle and wrist manacles that Bethany kept for such purposes.

Focused on her screens, Bethany finalized the settings for the cameras and lights. She was simply dressed in a light, knee-length, yellow sundress. Her feet were bare and she had pulled her hair back into a ponytail that hung down her upper back. When Bethany spoke, it was with a relaxed tone, as if they were engaged in the most mundane of daily activities.

“Hey Matty, I’m almost done here, would you mind putting on the manacles for me. You can toss the key on the bed for now.”

“Yes, Miss Bethany,” Mathew replied.

Wrapping the leather thong around three fingers, Matthew formed a neat circle with the leather to place the key neatly on the mattress. Picking up one of the ankle manacles, he lifted one foot to place it on the corner of the mattress and leaned forward to reach his ankle. The shifting head of the weighted plug that he had reinserted after his shower made him moan softly.

Bethany giggled at the sound.

“Is that delightful plug giving you some good action?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Matthew said unsteadily as he finished buckling the first manacle and prepared himself to put one foot down and raise the other. He wasn’t quite able to stifle the second groan that followed.

Bethany set down her control tablet, stood, and walked toward Matthew. He could tell that she wore nothing under the light, flowing dress. Bethany stepped close and raised one hand to place a finger gently against Mathew’s lips.

“We’re already recording,” she said softly, “follow my lead and be a quiet boy. Try not to cum without permission and no unnecessary movements.”

Matthew nodded slightly as Bethany delicately hooked one finger under his collar and drew him forward to stand between the upright posts. With practiced movements, she soon had Matthew secured in a standing spread-eagle with his feet held about two and one-half feet apart and his arms slightly above the horizontal. While the straps weren’t tight enough to strain his joints and muscles, Matthew knew the straps and posts could support his weight easily if needed and would resist any struggling he might try.

Once she had Matthew secured, Bethany walked once around his bound body and the upright posts. She picked up the key and leather thong from the bed and as she passed behind she ran one hand across Matthew’s ass, pausing for a second to press on the base of the plug. Matthew stiffened at the unexpected pressure, which elicited another giggle from Bethany. Finishing her circuit, Bethany slid a padded stool close to Matthew’s right side and sat down.

“Hello everyone,” Bethany spoke to the future audience of her planned video, “we’d like to thank you all for joining us today, and for all of the support and lovely comments you’ve been sending. I may not find time to answer very many, but I do read them all, and I appreciate your views. Today, I’ll try to answer some of your questions as we go.”

Bethany turned toward Matthew and cradled his balls under the chastity cage as she continued.

“As you can see, I have Matty secured between the uprights today so he can’t squirm away from me. He’s been caged all day and he’s already dripping. Oh, and he has a very delightful plug in his bottom too. It’s one a few of you may enjoy, with a nice solid base, a long and very flexible shaft, and a weighted head that sometimes moves like it has a mind of its own. I love it when those movements catch Matty unaware and make him moan for me.”

Holding the chastity cage, Bethany showed her audience the key she held. With efficient movements, she slid the key into the lock and quickly dismantled the cage from around Matthew’s cock and balls, slipping the base ring off before his growing erection could lock it into place like a rigid cock ring.

Bethany set aside the cage parts on the lower shelf of a small utility cart she kept nearby, its upper shelf covered to hide the items she planned to reveal in time. With delicately applied fingertips, she slowly started stroking the skin of Matthew’s hard cock.

“I kept Matty caged today because we had a visitor. I even had him dressed while she was here. That was for modesty, though it may not have been completely modest attire. Our visitor was a lady from his… shall we say… past life; one who he didn’t know has a very kinky side. It was the first time he’d seen her dressed for that persona and I was afraid that if he wasn’t caged and covered that he’d drip or even spurt all over her leather skirt and high-heeled boots.”

Matthew moaned at the touch of Bethany’s fingertips and the images her words invoked. When she paused her stroking, Matthew involuntarily pushed his hips forward to try and maintain the contact.

Bethany reacted by removing her hand.

“Be still, Matty,” Bethany said with a hint of command in her voice, “just relax and enjoy this.”

Bethany reached for Matthew’s cock again and continued stroking with her fingertips. She grinned and winked toward the camera.

“A well-teased boy can be so needy at times like this. A few of you have asked how often I let him cum. Well, first of all, I don’t think of it as letting him cum, I think of it as choosing to take his orgasm. After all, these are my balls now and the cum they produce is mine too. Matty doesn’t get to cum every day, but it’s usually often enough that every day he can hope for his next orgasm. It’s always fun seeking that balance between my pleasure and his sexual frustration. I find that it’s what keeps us both ready for more.”

“I do like to keep him on edge and while the chastity cage can help build frustration and anticipation, I also like to see him naked around the apartment with his cock free. That way it’s always ready for me to tease to hardness and leave him like that while I go about my day.”

“But, for full disclosure,” Bethany added, “sometimes I do send him to bed with no cage and let him listen while I play with one of my friends. On some of those nights, Matty has permission to stroke and play and cum as often as he likes. I love the thought of him cumming all over himself while he listens to my orgasms.”

Releasing Matthew’s cock, Bethany stood up from the stool. She looked at her wet fingers and showed them to the camera before holding them up to Matthew’s mouth to be sucked clean one by one.

“A good boy,” Bethany said as she looked to the camera, “always cleans up his messes.”

Slipping between Matthew’s body and one of the posts, Bethany moved to stand between Matthew and the bed platform. She ran her fingertips along his sides from armpit to hips and then repeated the movements with the tips of her nails dragging against his sensitive skin, not quite hard enough to leave marks. Matthew moaned and squirmed under the contrasting touch of fingertips and nails, his unrestrained cock bouncing as his hips twisted back and forth.

Bethany slid one hand around Matthew’s body. Her hand, the red fingernails contrasting with his skin, splayed across the subtle ridges of his abdomen. Her other hand slid downwards, the nails briefly digging into Matthew’s asscheek and then her fingers found the base of the plug. Pressing quickly on one edge then the other, Bethany managed to make the base of the plug move in Matthew’s ass. That small movement seemed multiplied by the resulting motion of the weighted tip of the plug deep in Matthew’s ass. It wasn’t longer than some of Bethany’s toys that he had experienced, nor was there much room for movement, but it was enough to make Matthew’s body shudder and draw a deep moan from his lips.

With her bright smile, Bethany looked at the camera and chatted with her audience as she continued to play with the plug in Matthew’s ass.

“He’s been plugged most of the day too. I know he moaned so nicely when it first went in this morning, and again after he cleaned up for our session. I think he likes the way it feels as it fills his bottom every time he inserts it.”

“For those of you who haven’t explored it much, anal play can be very satisfying for both of you. Start small, use lots of lube, and communicate about what works and, especially, what doesn’t seem to be working. Don’t let yourselves be distracted by all those big, black, strap-ons in porn videos, those players are definitely pros and if you want to go there, it will take time and effort and lots of practice.”

“Small anal toys are good to start with. Explore different shapes and sizes along the way to see what effects they have, alone and in conjunction with other things. Lots of lube is important, I think I already mentioned that. And spend some time reading into cleaning routines before anal play.”

Leaving the toy alone, Bethany hardly let Matthew catch his breath before her arms wrapped around his body from behind. Her fingertips went straight to Matthew’s nipples and started teasing them to hardness as she spoke.

“As you explore what works best on your submissive guy, remember to find out how he reacts to attention on all his secondary erogenous zones. I love nipple play and Matty just melts into a submissive dripping puddle when I start on his nipples.”

Bethany released Matthew’s nipples and stepped around the upright post to his right to return to her stool. She slid one hand under the cover on the utility cart and brought out two small objects connected by a chain. Holding them up, she revealed them to be a pair of tweezer-style nipple clamps.

“Nipple clamps,” she began, “come in a variety of styles and they can vary by weight, strength for spring-loaded ones, and even have special attributes like added weights or vibrating components. They can all be fun but sometimes I just want to add a point of contact that will complement what I’m doing without being a primary focus of Matty’s attention. For that, I find these perfect. They’re lightweight, don’t take up much room, and I can adjust the tightness of their clamping action.”

Bethany stood again and kept her body out of the way of the camera’s view of Matthew’s chest. Capturing each nipple in turn, she closed the plastic-covered tips of the clamps on each nipple and slid the locking ring partway up the length of the metal devices.

“Sometimes, you just want enough pressure to add another layer of teasing to each nipple. Tight enough to stay in place, but not so tight that they will cut off blood flow or cause undue pain within the length of time you want to leave them on. I find if you position these just right, you can leave the tip of each nipple exposed for added torment with a teasing fingernail.”

“If your submissive has sensitive nipples, you probably already know exactly how to use them to get him horny and dripping. And if his nipples aren’t that sensitive, you’ll get to explore and discover what it takes to add them to his erogenous target zones. Fingertips, fingernails, and a basic set of clamps are a good way to start. You may also decide to explore more variety in nipple play as you seek out new possibilities, Nipples they can be whipped or spanked with toys of appropriate weight, or you can explore cupping, fire play, or wax play. Keep in mind that these all have safety implications both to learn them and to practice them. Ladies, if it’s something new to you, find yourself a mentor to guide you in learning to do these things safely and to get the effects you want.”

Bethany continued speaking about nipple play as she teased and tormented the tips of Matthew’s clamped nipples. With just those two focused points of contact, ending with trapping the tips between her nails, Bethany had Matthew squirming and moaning, his jerking body making his hard and unrestrained cock bounce wildly.

A shudder ran through Matthew’s body as Bethany pulled outward and her nails slipped off each trapped nipple. Matthew gasped for breath as his body stilled, the lighter pressure of the clamps on his nipples a constant presence.

“Please, Mistress,” Mathew moaned softly.

“As you can see,” Bethany said, “unexpected interruptions of sensation can be just as effective in ensuring you are controlling his physical and mental reactions. As you learn what works best and read your sub’s reactions, you’ll be able to keep him in that delightful zone where he won’t know if he’s begging you to stop, or to keep going.”

Bethany smiled as she returned to her seat on the stool beside Matthew. Her left hand returned to touching and caressing Matthew’s side and hip. Sliding around his bottom, her fingers found the base of the plug and slowly started pressing the edges of its base to move the shaft and its weighted head inside.

With her other hand, Bethany removed the cloth covering the side table. The camera view for her watchers didn’t show well what was on the table, but she held up each object in turn as she spoke. A long deep moan from Matthew made her pause before speaking.

“As you may be able to tell, I’m playing with the plug in Matty’s ass right now. Like the chastity cage, we don’t always play with plugs, but when I do want him to wear one, he finds it waiting for him on the bathroom vanity. You can see here… that we have a variety of them… each with their own characteristic effects… and one is a fun little remote-controlled plug that I certainly love to play with. When we started, we used a series of training plugs to accustom Matty to having his ass filled for longer and longer periods and with larger plugs as he was ready. Ladies, that’s another area where some research and preparation can let you work your boy up to the bigger toys, but it does have to be a deliberate process. If you don’t rush things, you can, bit by bit, take him past one imagined limit after another and still have him beg for more.”

“And don’t forget,” Bethany added as she held up a strangely shaped plug, “these prostate massagers are a whole new level of anal toy. Matty loves having one in his bottom to rock on when I tell him to read some good stories on Literotica.”

Bethany found a rhythm to rock the plug in Matthew’s ass forward and backward. Matthew’s body shook as she found the sweet spot of pace and pressure, his cock bobbing and noticeably dripping for her audience.

Grinning at Matthew’s reaction, Bethany picked up the last toy from the table. It was bright purple, over a foot long, and shaped like a tapering tentacle. Bethany held the base and let it flop back and forth in time with the plug she was working in Matthew’s bottom.

“While the toys I choose for Matty lately are certainly larger than the training plugs he started with, he has over time become much more comfortable wearing them. As much as I like that, it is perhaps time to start pushing his limits again and this little beast is going to help me do it. I choose the most flexible version because I want him to feel it slither and worm its way inside his bottom and as he opens up for it he’ll take it a little deeper each time.”

Bethany held the toy up so that Matthew had a clear view of it.

“What do you say, Matty?” Bethany asked, “Will you let me stretch your ass with this pretty toy?”

Matthew gasped as Bethany pressed on the plug in his bottom as he opened his mouth to reply.

“Yes, Miss Bethany,” Matthew replied, each word a small gasp of its own.

“Good boy,” Bethany said as she removed her hand from Matthew’s bottom and placed the tentacle dildo back on the side table.

Matthew shifted on his feet as much as the tethering straps would allow and flexed his back to stretch his back muscles after the tensions caused by Bethany working the teasing plug in his ass. As he inhaled deeply to regain control of his breathing, the movements of his diaphragm made the definition of his abs appear with each cycle of inhalation and exhalation. Bethany noted his efforts to get comfortable in his standing spread-eagle posture and stood up, moving closer to Matthew.

“Are you okay, Matty,” she asked, “do you need a short break?”

“No, Mistress,” Matthew said softly, “I am okay to keep going.”

“Good boy,” Bethany smiled as she leaned forward and kissed Matthew softly on the lips.

Bethany returned to the stool, smiled at the cameras in turn, and then reached out to hold Matthew’s hard, dripping, cock with her left hand.

“Ladies, you’ve probably noticed that poor Matty’s cock has had very little attention so far. Our sub boys need to be trained that their cocks belong to us, along with the rest of them of course. We will decide when it’s time to play with our cock, and what the method and duration of play will be. Lastly, we will decide if a boy cums, if it’s a ruined orgasm, or if he will be denied.”

Bethany slowly began stroking Matthew’s cock as she continued.

“I don’t deny Matty all the time, just enough that he’s never certain if he will get to cum when we play. Sometimes he gets to make himself cum while listening to me getting thoroughly fucked, sometimes I let him cum on my feet, or thighs, or other parts of my body, occasionally I even ride him to orgasm. But there’s one rule we have when Matty’s cock squirts. And what is that Matty?”

Bethany’s hand paused while she waited for Mathew to answer.

“Ahhhh…,” Matthew struggled to focus, “a boy always cleans up his messes, Mistress.”

“That’s right,” Bethany said as her hand began stroking again, “a boy always cleans up his messes, and how does a slut boy do that, Matty?”

Bethany’s hand paused.

“He licks up every drop, ma’am,” Matthew blurted, desperate for the hand to go back to stroking his cock again.

“Good boy,” Bethany said with a smile, “since Matty agreed to submit to me, he has lapped up every drop I have milked from ‘my’ balls.”

Bethany slid her left hand down the shaft of Matthew’s cock and held it steady. She brought her right hand to Matthew’s cock and caressed the head with the tips of her fingers, coating them with his dripping precum.

Standing, Bethany released Matthew’s cock and brought her precum-covered fingers up his lips. Matthew obediently opened his mouth to suck Bethany’s fingers clean.

As her fingers slipped from Matthew’s mouth Bethany leaned forward and kissed him deeply. Her tongue slid between his lips and explored his mouth, tasting the drippings she had just fed him. As she kissed him, she deftly removed both clamps from Matthew’s nipples, releasing the pressure that held them in place and sliding them off.

Ducking between Matthew’s body and the post, Bethany stood behind her bound submissive once again. Her hands explored his body until her fingertips moved up to graze his sore nipples. As the effects of those touches and restored blood flow cause Matthew’s body to jerk slightly, Bethany spoke to the camera.

“I’m not going to milk Matty for you today, so you can wonder along with him if and when it will happen next. Thank you for joining us today and we will see you soon.”

Matthew bit his lower lip as he accepted the fact that this video session wasn’t going to end with an orgasm for him.

Bethany slipped around Matthew and the posts to pick up her tablet and slowly shut down the video suite. With cameras off, lights lowered to a more comfortable level, and data saved, she turned to her still-bound submissive.

“Let’s get you out of these manacles.”

With practiced movements, Bethany released Matthew’s ankles and then his wrists, leaving the manacles attached to the straps on the upright posts. She guided him the half-step rearward so that he could sit on the edge of the bed. Sliding onto the mattress to sit behind Matthew, Bethany hugged him from behind and let him relax against her body.

When Bethany’s hands brushed against Matthew’s nipples she felt a quiver run through his body. Smiling to herself, she held and very gently teased one nipple as her other hand slid down to hold Matthew’s still-hard cock.

“Poor Matty,” she said softly, “so many things to keep you aroused today, but no chance to cum. You were trying so hard this morning not to be a horny boy when Lady K visited, but you were dripping so much in your cage I could see it on your slacks and on your shorts. And when she was in here, she bent over my desk to write something. Her ass looked so delicious in that tight leather skirt. I bet I could have milked you and made you cum all over that leather and then you would have knelt to lick it all up. And what did you think of her boots and stockings, were you imagining being over her lap for a spanking like I give you? Would you have cum all over her legs like that?”

Matthew moaned, afraid to reply as the images Bethany’s words invoked filled his head. He could feel his hard cock throbbing in Bethany’s hand.

“You don’t have to say anything Matty,” Bethany giggled, “your cock is telling me everything I already know. Once you stop thinking about her as ‘Mom’ and start thinking about sexy, dominant, Lady K, this dripping cock has a mind of its own.”

Bethany’s hand tightened on Matthew’s cock. Her other hand slid up Matthew’s chest until she hooked one finger under the leather collar she had placed around his neck.

“Just remember,” Bethany whispered close to Matthew’s ear, “this says that she can’t play with you. Not unless I allow it. So all your slutty taboo thoughts, even the ones I put in your head, will just have to stay slutty taboo thoughts for now.”

“Yes, Miss Bethany,” Matthew whispered in reply.

“I wasn’t going to let you cum today Matty,” she said, “I was going to put the cage back on my cock and have you wear it and listen while I played online for a small group of gentlemen tonight. But I have changed my mind. I want you to lay back on the bed. Keep your hands on the mattress. I am going to ride your face until I cum. After that, I am going to ride this cock until you cum. And then, I will ride your face again for one more orgasm.”

“Yes ma’am,” Matthew moaned softly, “thank you, Mistress.”