Coming of the Spell Caster

Hi, everyone.

I wrote this story a couple of years back and published it on Amazon last year. For whatever reason I cannot generate sales on Amazon with my erotica. I’m also not promoting it.

I just realised that the best audience for this is you fine folks here on Literotica. I have decided to push the novel, chapter by chapter, here for your enjoyment. There are eleven chapters.

This is fantasy with an obviously erotic twist. I think it is a little over the top, but I had fun writing it and in the end that is generally all that matters to me: that I have fun.


Lana Ocean


The Coming of the Spell Caster

Spell Caster Series: Book One

Chapter One

DANIEL DAVIES STRUGGLED to pull the fallen tree free from the underbrush, where smaller saplings and undergrowth had twisted around the trunk. He wrapped his arms around the two-foot-wide girth and gave a mighty pull, straining against the resistance, his arms taut and threatening to split his undersized tunic. His face turned deep red with the effort and sweat poured down his face. He reached deeper within himself and found an extra ounce of strength and suddenly, with the sound of saplings snapping, the trunk suddenly surged forward, and Daniel fell to a knee and released the heavy trunk.

The tree thumped to the ground, and Daniel took a moment to catch his breath. He felt a hitch in his shoulder, and he rotated his arm around the socket to loosen it. He pushed himself off the ground and wiped the half-sleeve of his tunic across his brow and blinked against the burning of sweat in his eyes. He looked down at himself and grimaced at the condition of his shirt, covered in dirt and pieces of bark and leaves. The shirt was made from rough-spun cloth and was more suited for holding potatoes than his body. It was a size too small, and he wished he could afford better, but he was only a poor farmer with a small plot of land given to him by the King.

He looked back at the fallen tree. Now that it was finally free of the saplings, and he could remove the branches and ready the tree to drag back to his farm with his mule. He had found it fortunate to have found the tree–it had meant less work for him. The trees of the forest Daniel was standing in were old growth and thick. The trees took a long time to fell and chancing on the fallen tree had saved himself an hour of chopping at least.

Although it might have been less work than pulling it clear of the undergrowth, he thought.

He studied the stump of the tree for the third or fourth time. It kept catching his eye as it was oddly charred. A lightning strike would not have been so focused. His gaze lingered for a moment before he shrugged and thanked the Gods for providing this bounty. His mule, only a dozen yards away, stomped the ground in impatience and glared at him. Daniel smiled at the beast and stepped away from the tree. At his feet, insects, exposed to the light, swarmed, and scurried for a place to hide. Daniel made a noise of disgust and stepped further back and shook his head with a look of distaste on his face. He hated insects. They ate his crops and caused no end of grief for a simple farmer like him. It was a constant battle and losing meant losing the farm and likely prison for not paying the King his due.

If only I could afford a simple spell to rid my plants of insects, he thought, not for the first time. But spell casters are notoriously expensive. Daniel thought back to the one he had encountered in the town near his farm a couple of months ago. He had walked the two hours down the road to the town of Acron to stop at the Trading Post to buy a new pulley mechanism for his well, and instead he had found the inn and tavern beckoning him.

He had stepped inside the gloomy tavern and made his way past older patrons drowning themselves in ale at dirty tables. It was only just past noon, but by the looks of the men, they had been here for hours. He knew many of them, for they were a small community and many simply nodded at him as he passed. He knew them, but not enough to speak to them. Truth was, he had always been an outsider in town and in the region. He approached the bar and the man on the other side started to pour him a warm ale without prompting. He slid the ale over to him in a heavy and chipped ceramic stein.

“Two coppers, mate,” he said without making eye contact.

Daniel fished out two coppers and dropped them on the bar. “Thanks.” He grabbed his stein and took a sip. It was weak, warm, and far too hoppy for his taste. He grimaced and forced himself to swallow the bitter brew. The bartender grinned and winked at the expression and moved away to the other end of the bar, grabbing a cloth, and wiping a wine glass clean.

Daniel turned himself around and put his back to the bar and tried to relax. The walk to town had been hot and dry, and he wanted nothing more than to chug back the bitter ale. But the two coppers were an expense he could barely afford, and he would make this beer last and remember it for weeks. And he still had to purchase a new pulley mechanism for his well and wanted to pay cash rather than increase his credit with the trader. Which meant this was the only ale he could afford. He took a sip and winced. Despite the taste, he debated buying another ale and forgetting about the well. He didn’t mind the extra effort of hauling buckets of water up by hand from the well depths. He was a strong and muscled man, with blue eyes and a tan, and more than capable. He shook his head. Dammit, the well has a broken pulley system and I can’t stand things not working properly. I want it fixed. No more ale.

Daniel looked around to clear his mind and worries. Despite the bright summer day outside, the lighting in the tavern was terrible due to all the dirt and smoke residue covering the insides of the front windows. The bar he leaned against went half the length of the back wall, farthest from the door. Behind the bar was a door leading to the kitchens. On the wall to his left was a door leading up to the inn where anyone could get one of the four rooms the inn boasted. Four large pillars held up the ceiling and a large round fire pit sat central to the room with a heavy stone chimney rising up through the roof. Tables and chairs filled the space. The floor was composed of roughhewn planks worn smooth in places to mark the passage of many feet. Sawdust was spread liberally across the floor to soak up spilt beer, vomit, and sometimes blood from fights. It was an ugly tavern, but the only one in the town of Acron for the likes of him.

With little else to do, Daniel observed the patrons. He knew three or four of them well enough by sight. They were mostly farmers like him, in town to sell their wares and maybe pick up supplies. Daniel was easily the youngest of them all. He had arrived in town at age eighteen. That was seven years ago, he realised with a shock.

Owning a farm had been the only thing he could think to do when he arrived. Farming didn’t require a lot of knowledge, and he was easily strong enough for the work. He had taken what wealth he had and bought the rights to turn the land from the town representative for the King. The town had not thought well of him at first. But he had proven his worth over the years with hard work and always paid the King his due. This year he wasn’t certain he could pay the levy and provide the crops he owed without starving this winter. And he wasn’t alone. Crops were failing at an alarming rate.

Daniel came to Acron after his parents had died in an orc raid in a remote town near the Wilds. He blamed his father for their deaths. There had been no reason for his father to have tried to raise a family in a town by the Wilds, regardless of what wealth he chased. The orcs came and raped and pillaged, and in large numbers. Half the town had perished before the garrison had forced them away. Daniel had only survived by being knocked unconscious by the filthy orc who had broken down their door. He had been left for dead and woke to find the butchered corpse of his father. He had been partially eaten.

His mother had suffered a worse fate. Daniel didn’t like to dwell on the image of his mother’s prone body lying on her back on her bed with her clothes torn off. Grief welled up strong and sharp, and Daniel stifled a cry and raised his stein to his face to hide his grief. His loss was as fresh as the day it happened.

His thoughts were interrupted when a high-pitched, nasally voice called out from behind the central fireplace of the tavern. It had been an oddly irritating kind of voice and whoever had called out was hidden from Daniel’s view, which bothered him. He glanced at the bartender and saw the brief look of distaste that crossed his face before he poured a cup of wine. The bartender came out from behind the bar and disappeared behind the fireplace before returning. Daniel noticed a few of the farmers frowning at the back corner before returning to their ales.

Curious to see who had annoyed the bartender, Daniel slid down the bar until he could see who it was. There, seated at a table in the back corner, was a man dressed in a very expensive robe. Daniel recognised what he was at once: a spell caster. He looked every inch the spell caster. He wore a robe, and he had placed a pointed hat on the table next to him. More importantly, next to his cup of wine, was a book he kept one hand on. Daniel knew it was a book of spells. A powerful and dangerous kind of book. It almost had an aura around it.

Something about the man bothered Daniel, but his first thoughts were of the insects plaguing the area. Cinch bugs infested all the fields around Acron. He had tried all the secrets farmers knew to rid himself of them, but nothing worked. He had already lost half his crop, and his future was looking bleak. A spell caster could easily rid his farm of the bugs. Maybe this man would be willing to help. To help Acron and the other farmers.

Daniel was a good farmer, surprising even himself. He almost preferred this life over the one his father had planned for him. He had spent his childhood and early manhood working in his mother’s and father’s apothecary shop in the capital city of Whitehaven. It had been prosperous. That was why moving to the Wilds had made no sense to Daniel. His father argued all the plants he needed were in the Wilds, and he refused to spend any more coin on dried herbs purchased at the market. He said fresh was always best, and he felt he could make more coin providing potions and unguents from the source rather than losing money buying the expensive ingredients. And he died for those beliefs, Daniel thought. And mom. She never wanted to leave the city. But she went anyway.

He tore his eyes from the spell caster when the door to the tavern swung open and two men entered. They stopped in the entrance and looked around, waiting for their eyes to adjust to the gloom. The spell caster saw them and called over to them.

“Jason, Brian. Over here,” said the spell caster.

Daniel watched as the two men followed the voice through the bar. One was clearly a mercenary of some sort. He was massive, standing well over six feet in height. He wore a mail hauberk over a leather gambeson. Over his left shoulder and strapped to his back was a massive, unsheathed sword with a large handle. He wore a full helm which he removed, spraying sweat everywhere to the annoyance of a few patrons. He wore a large leather backpack, bulging with contents, slung over his right shoulder. Around his waist was a strange belt carrying small metal vials of varying colour. He wore thick leather boots and ornate metal bracers covered his forearms. He looked dangerous, but the smile he wore put Daniel at ease.

The other man was short. Very short. He was only about four feet tall, and he was almost as wide as he was short. He had thick braided hair and sported an immense beard that practically shone with redness. He had prominent ridge bones jutting over his eyes that sprouted shockingly long and thick eyebrows. Daniel stared in shock. This was a mountain dwarf. He hadn’t seen one since Whitehaven.

He carried a massive, spiked mace in one hand like it weighed nothing. What drew Daniel’s attention was the dwarf wore dull half-plate mail. It looked well used and had a few prominent dents and holes in it. But it was what was painted in stark contrast on his chest that looked completely out of place. Daniel knew a crude drawing of a penis when he saw one. This dwarf had one painted in white right on his chest. Daniel then noticed the dwarf wore an amulet that also looked surprisingly like a penis. Daniel wasn’t positive, but he suspected this dwarf was a cleric, but he had never heard of a religion that prayed to dicks and wasn’t sure what to make of the dwarf.

Daniel knew at once what he was looking at. So did everyone else in the tavern. This was a band of adventurers. They likely carried a letter of free passage issued by the King, allowing them to search for monsters in the area. Whatever loot they found was taxed by the King, but it allowed them access to every part of the realm. Towns were honour bound to help them when asked. Adventurers were generally appreciated, but they were exceedingly rare, and Daniel was excited to see them.

The man and the dwarf arrived at the table with the spell caster. The dwarf spoke first. “Eric, ya fookin’ arse. What have ya been up tae?”

Eric, the spell caster, raised a haughty eyebrow. “Fuck you, too, Brian. About time you showed up.” He looked over at the other man. “Jason. Good to see you still alive and kicking.”

Jason merely grunted and pulled off his backpack and sword before sitting next to the spell caster and putting his back to the corner. He lifted a hand to the bartender and raised two fingers. The bartender nodded and started to pour two pints from a tap next to the one he had poured Daniel’s ale from. Daniel frowned and looked at his ale.

The dwarf sat with his back to Daniel and placed his mace on the table with a thud. Eric frowned at it. “Do you mind? Have some manners.”

Brian snorted. “Fook ya. It stays where it is. So, I heard you got into some trouble down south.”

Eric looked away from the mace and picked up his cup of wine and took a sip.

Brian leaned in. “What the fook did you do?”

Eric sniffed and looked away, and Daniel felt dislike for the man. “Nothing to worry yourself over. It’s done with.”

Jason looked over at Eric with an expression of disbelief. Eric happened to be looking his way and saw the look.

“It’s true. It’s dealt with.”

Silence fell over the three. Jason looked at Brian and after a moment he shrugged.

Eric glanced to the door. “Where’s Grace?”

Brian answered. “She took a fancy to one of the guards.”

A look of fury passed over Eric’s face. “Again?”

Brian nodded. “She’s fucked every man she fancies. I’m surprised her cunt isn’t wide enough to swallow her away. She has an appetite no one seems to be able to quench. She makes my Goddess proud.”

The bartender interrupted them and delivered two ales to the table. Jason flipped him a silver piece and waved him away. The bartender left them looking pleased.

Eric looked pissed off. “She’s fucked everyone except me.” He glanced at Jason. “And Jason here.”

“Huh, well…” said the dwarf and looked around as if he found the tavern fascinating. Finally, he looked back to see Eric looking curiously at him.

“Did you fuck her?”

“Well, I…” murmured the dwarf.

“You did! Didn’t you! You! She fucked you?” Spit flew from Eric’s mouth. “Why wouldn’t she choose me, then? Just look at me!”

Brian’s eyes disappeared behind his furrowed eyebrows. “It’s my calling, ya dumb arse. Syn, bless her, demands it. And weel, I can remove those diseases she gets so often. And I keep her clear of unwanted babies. So, she repays me.”

Eric sputtered at the dwarf, trying to find words. “She pays you for your cleric healings with sex?”

At that moment the tavern door banged open and everyone in the tavern turned to the sound. Standing in the doorway was a woman who stole Daniel’s breath away. She looked like death. Her skin was white as fresh snow, but her lips and eyes were darkened with black paint. She wore a strange garb that seemed to move on its own. Daniel thought she looked like she wore feathers. Her hair was so black it was hard to make out the style, but it was long and tied back in a simple ponytail that reached to her lower back. She moved across the floor toward the adventurers, and Daniel wasn’t sure her feet touched the floor. She moved with a grace that was stunning to see. She was gorgeous beyond the pale. This must be Grace, Daniel thought.

Daniel felt his cock stirring in his pants and groaned at the sudden lust he felt toward this woman. Grace was a tiny woman. Daniel was certain her head would only come halfway up his chest. But she had a fluidity to her movements. Every move seemed orchestrated and minimal in energy. She was mesmerising to watch. Daniel wondered what she would look like naked and how she would be in bed. He felt the sudden desire to fill the woman with his cock and he was embarrassed. His cheeks burned red.

She stopped at the table and laid a hand on the dwarf’s right shoulder. Daniel could see her squeeze it. Eric was openly staring at her, his lust clear for everyone to see. Jason seemed more interested in his ale. The woman chimed a soft laugh that Daniel needed to hear again. Her laugh spoke of promises. She moved over to Jason and leaned over and gave him a deep kiss. She pulled back and laughed again.

“Stay put. I’m going for a glass. Be right back,” she declared and moved directly toward where Daniel was standing. Behind her, Daniel could see Jason cup a hand to his mouth and breathe out and sniff the air. He suddenly smiled at the back of Grace.

Daniel was frozen at the bar, watching Grace approach him. He stopped breathing. Grace raised an eyebrow at him and looked him up and down. She stopped in front of him.

“Hey there, stranger,” she said.

Daniel could only stare at her in wonder. Up close, she was perfection. Her features were stunning. Her eyes were purple and went perfectly with her white flawless skin and dark hair. Her cheekbones rose high and gave her eyes a slightly slanted look. If Daniel were to guess he would wager she had Elven blood in her somewhere in her ancestry.

Unexpectedly, she leaned in close to him and stood up on her toes. She raised her mouth close to his and breathed out before speaking. “Breathe, big fella.”

Daniel blinked. With her this close, his cock surged to life and strained against his pants. She was the most sexually attractive woman he had ever met. She was inches from him, and he wanted nothing more than to take her right here and now.

“Breathe,” she whispered.

And Daniel sucked in a deep breath. He gasped and drew in large volumes of air and could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Then he noticed a strange smell. A slightly bleach smell. It came from her breath. Daniel wrinkled his nose.

Grace’s eyes wrinkled in mirth. “It’s the smell of fresh cum,” she whispered in a sultry voice. “I just blew a guard.” She laughed and moved away from Daniel. Her hand brushed across his erection, and she ordered a glass of brandy from the bartender.

Daniel opened his eyes wide in surprise at the touch. His whole body shivered. He looked over at her companions and could see Eric glaring at him with unsuppressed jealousy. Jason was once again smelling his breath. Grace must have noticed him looking at Jason.

“I just gave Jason over there a taste. That man loves cock even more than I do.”

Daniel turned his head to look at Grace, trying to absorb what she had just said.

Grace smiled sweetly at Daniel for a moment, and then her drink arrived. She lifted it off the bar and put down a silver piece. She winked at Daniel and returned to her companions sitting across from Eric.

“Oh Eric, give it up. You’ll never have me. I swear on Brian’s goddess. You’re repulsive.”

Eric stammered and looked to Brian and Jason for support. Seeing nothing, he replied to Grace. “My dear, I cannot fathom why! I am of impeccable lineage. A long line of tremendous spell casters.”


“You would do well with me. You’ve never had anyone finer, my dear! Just one night. I promise you I will be the best you ever had!”

“Enough. Not gonna happen. So put that small dick away and shut it. We have more important things to discuss.”

“Grace! My dear! Surely we can come to some arrangement…”

Grace growled, and a dagger appeared stuck in the centre of the table, vibrating. “One more word and this dagger finds a better place to call home.”

Daniel hadn’t seen her draw the blade. She hadn’t moved. And yet the dagger was embedded in the tabletop. His eyes were drawn to the blade. It was one solid piece that looked like black glass. He blinked, and the dagger was gone. She hadn’t moved, he was certain of that.

Eric opened his mouth and closed it a few times and then slumped in his seat.

Grace gave him a moment and then clasped Brian on the shoulder. “Brian, what’s he said?”

“Nothing yet. He says what ever happened in the south is done with.”

Grace glared at Eric for a moment. “Is it true? It’s done with? I’ve heard rumours you’re a hunted man.”

Eric looked warily to Daniel. He sat up a little and shook his head. “No. It’s over.”

Grace growled a little. The sound so feral it awakened something in Daniel. He realised, with certainty, that this woman was the most dangerous person he had ever met. “You lie. You know, I can tell. Why do you lie? What are you hiding?”

Eric refused to look her in the eye. “It’s my problem. I’ll deal with it.”

“And now? Do we continue? We are so close. We can’t have anything jeopardising this step in our plan. I don’t like you, Eric. I don’t trust you.”

Eric’s face grew dark, and Daniel swore he could see a spark snap between two of Eric’s fingers. “I don’t care if you trust me. You need me. We all know that. Without me you achieve nothing.”

Grace sat back and stared at Eric. The silence grew uncomfortable, even for Daniel. Grace looked at Jason and waited until he nodded once. She sighed. “Okay. We proceed.”

Eric smiled. “See? We’ll be fine. We are only four days’ ride from our goal.”

Grace growled again. “Silence, you fool. We don’t talk business in public. Your arrogance disgusts me.”

“You call me arrogant? A fae half breed like you? You are nothing but arrogant.”

Grace grew still. “I caution you once again, Eric Garcia. You insult me and you insult my guild. We don’t suffer fools.”

Eric smirked but said nothing.

Brian shifted in his seat. “Enough. We’ve stocked up for the journey. Let’s be gone from this town. Finish your drinks.” Brian set his empty tankard down and rose. Jason rose with him, and Daniel sensed Jason was Brian’s personal protection. The farmers in the bar looked up at the adventurers with surprise as if seeing them for the first time.

Grace downed her brandy in one gulp and set her cup down. “Agreed.” She rose and glanced over to Daniel with a thoughtful expression. “I’ll be out in a second.”

The others rose and gathered their belongings. Eric moved past Grace and walked to the door. One of the farmers rose from his seat and knuckled his forehead at the spell caster.

“Pardon me, sire. If I may be so bold. Can I ask you a question?”

Eric looked in disgust at the poor farmer. “What?”

“We’ve an awful blight here in Acron. Cinch bugs have infested the region. Our crops are dying.” Daniel could have cheered at the man’s bravery. The other farmers in the tavern looked up in interest at the words. Daniel could see the hope in their eyes.

Eric looked the man up and down. “And why should that concern me?”

“Sire, if I may. I was wondering if you might help. What with your wizardry and things…”

“Wizardry! I am not a wizard. They are charlatans. I am a spell caster, you cur.”

The farmer looked flustered and afraid. “Beggin’ yer pardon, sire. I meant no insult.” The farmer seemed to gather his courage. “But please sire, is there anything you can do?”

Eric laughed at the man. “Do? Of course I could. A simple spell, really. But I doubt you could afford my services.” Eric continued to laugh and left the tavern, leaving the poor farmer standing. The farmers all returned to their drinks.

Daniel felt Grace approach him and turned his eyes away from the farmer who was staring at the door as it closed behind the spell caster.

Grace came right up to him and put a hand on his stomach. Daniel’s entire being focused on that one hand. The touch was light but awoke every nerve in his body. His erection pulsed with his heartbeat, and he soaked in the beautiful visage of the woman before him.

She looked up at him and then down at her hand and moved it across his abdomen. “Oh, so fit.” She squeezed a little. “And so hard.”

Daniel stared down at her, wanting her to do more. Anything more. He didn’t want her to remove her hand and wanted the other one to touch him, too.

She looked into his eyes for a moment. “Something about you. Tell me, handsome. What’s your name?”

Daniel searched his mind for his name but couldn’t seem to find it.

“Easy, big boy. Your name,” her eyes flashed for a moment. “Tell me your name.”

Daniel opened his mouth and felt his name drawn out of it. “D-Daniel.”

“Daniel. Such a lovely name. And your last name?”

“Davies. Daniel Davies.”

Grace’s eyes lost focus for a moment. “Davies. Hmm.” She locked eyes with him, and he felt her hand move across his waist band. “And where are you from, Daniel Davies?”

Daniel could feel the start of an orgasm rise within him. He would tell this woman everything if she would only bring him to climax. He yearned for it. Demanded it. He…

What the fuck is wrong with me, he suddenly thought with clarity. I’m in a tavern, up against the bar, and this woman almost has my cock in her hand. This isn’t right.

Daniel squinted his eyes at the woman and for a moment her face changed. For a moment he saw a deep scar that ran from her forehead, across her right eye and nose and across her left cheek. In a blink her face returned to its radiant beauty, and he was sure he imagined it. But he was left with a clearer head. He could see surprise in her face now and her hand stopped its motion.

“Well, well,” she murmured around a small smile. “That’s a surprise.” Quick as a flash, she had his cock in her hands through his pants. She gave it a small stroke.

Daniel drew in a shuddering breath and the orgasm he had been trying to fight off pulsed through him. Jet after jet of hot cum erupted from his cock into his pants and ran down his leg. He groaned and closed his eyes, and his body shook. She continued to gently stroke his cock until his eyes opened.

“Wow. Such volume. Next time I’m in town, you and I are going to have some fun. That’s a promise.” She leaned in and kissed him. Her tongue darted forward and split his lips and danced around his tongue for a moment. “I’m all fucking wet right now.”

Daniel was surprised to find a small candy in his mouth. It tasted of cinnamon and vanilla.

“A small treat, for a big man.” She squeezed his cock. “This is a monster. Perfect for an adventurer like me.”

Daniel felt his cock stirring back to life and saw her eyes widen a little. She glanced down for a moment.

“Oh, my.” She grinned up at him, her teeth perfect and white. “Small words of advice, Daniel. One, don’t eavesdrop in private conversations. It might get you killed one day. Two, you aren’t a farmer. You are something else. I’m not sure what, but I have a gift to see potential. And falsehood. You have potential and I’m not just talking about that marvellous penis you have. You should get tested in the city. You should have been tested as a child.”

She let go of his cock and stepped back. Daniel looked around the tavern and saw that no one was paying them any attention. That’s strange, he thought.

Grace smiled at him. “Figuring it out? No one should have been paying attention to us. The spell caster made sure of that. And yet it didn’t seem to affect you. Why is that?”

Daniel had no idea what she was talking about and only stared back at her.

“And you resisted me. No one has ever managed that. Now, dammit, I want to fuck your brains out. But I have no time. Go to the city. Get tested.”

Daniel shook his head. “I can’t afford it.”

Grace frowned and suddenly held out a platinum piece toward him. Daniel stared at it. It was more wealth than he had ever owned. It was four years’ worth of farming held in her hand. When he didn’t take it, she grabbed his right hand and pressed it into it.

“Take it, get tested,” she hissed. She paused a moment and studied him. “What is it about you, Daniel? Hmm. I’m too nice for my own good. Still,” she blew out a breath. “I think this might be a wise investment. If you ever get to the city, go to the Dragon’s Breath Inn. Ask for Grace and then wait for me. It might be days or weeks. But word will get to me.”

Grace leaned up and kissed him again. This time she lingered and danced with her tongue. Daniel grew hard again, and it pressed up against her stomach. She growled in his mouth and Daniel could feel her heat.

She broke away and looked into his eyes for a moment.

Daniel raised a tentative hand and traced where he had seen the scar on her face. She recoiled in horror and held a hand up to her mouth and glared at him. Daniel heard her hitch her breath, and she ran from the tavern. All was quiet for a moment, and then the farmers all started and looked about in confusion.

That was two months ago, and Daniel still had the platinum piece. He had it buried under a large rock behind his house. As he stood in the forest next to the fallen tree, he remembered the feel of Grace up against him. His cock twitched in his pants. He had masturbated countless times thinking about her. He had to stop when his cock started to complain about the abuse. He had shot rope after rope of thick cum thinking about her hand on his cock and the taste of cinnamon and vanilla. When he jerked off, he was always amazed at how clear his thoughts could be. Those moments of clarity allowed him to truly enjoy his imagination. In those moments he could almost feel her up against him. Smell the cinnamon and vanilla. Even taste it. He loved those moments.

He shook himself and glanced about. His mule was chewing what grass it could find within reach of where it was tethered. Daniel sighed and picked up his wood axe. He checked the edge with the heel of his thumb and turned to the tree. He moved up to the first thick branch at the thick end of the trunk and set to work chopping the branches from the trunk.

Sweat flew off his body and glinted over his thick muscles. Daniel was six feet tall and very strong. Years of working the fields had filled him out. He had managed to bed a few women in town, but they always left him wanting more. Either they weren’t skilled enough for his liking or they wanted some kind of permanent relationship. He fucked them, careful to always shoot his cum on their ass, or tits, or preferable in their mouths. They were farmers’ daughters, mostly. And he heard reprisals. And they rarely had anything of value to talk about. They would gush about his body. About how handsome he was. And hint at marriage and babies and settling down.

Daniel hated it, but he loved the fucking. There was nothing better than the first touch of your finger to a woman’s cunt and finding it soaking wet for you. That first taste of her always got him harder than steel. He loved sinking his cock inside a woman. Seeing the shock and fear on their faces when they felt his cock stretch them beyond what they thought was possible. And sometimes a good ass fucking gets thrown in the mix. Daniel smiled at the thought and kept chopping, hitting the branches with accuracy and efficiency.

But mostly, they took from him. They lay there expecting him to do all the work. It was never two people fucking. Just him fucking them. If only one of them had responded with passion, he might have been convinced to take things further. But none of them ever did.

Daniel wrinkled his nose at the strange smell that he was only now just starting to notice. It was a sweet smell but unpleasant. He struggled to place it but couldn’t and kept swinging his axe. After a moment, the smell grew stronger with the rise of a slight breeze. The smell was coming from where Daniel had pulled the fallen tree free. It was a sickly-sweet smell. Daniel then realised what it was. It was the smell of decay.

“By the Gods, that’s rank,” he said out loud and his mule snorted. It must be a dead animal. I should clear it away. Daniel carefully started to make his way up the tree trunk stepping carefully through the branches and dead foliage where they obscured the ground. As he moved up the length of the tree, the branches and leaves grew thicker. He heard the buzzing of flies and saw an area where they were thick. The smell grew stronger, and Daniel gagged. He lifted his shirt to his nose and breathed through it, but it didn’t help.

He stopped close to where the flies were. He couldn’t see anything through the branches. He swung his axe close to the trunk and severed a thick branch with one blow. He pulled it free, and the flies darted into the air in a swarm, buzzing in anger. He ignored them as best he could and removed another branch. He spied the body at once. He could see boots with the toes sticking up. Pants rose up to disappear within the hem of a robe. The rest of the body was hidden under more branches and leaves.

“Dear Gods,” breathed Daniel, recognising the robes. “That’s Eric the spell caster.”

End of Chapter One

Lana here, if you enjoyed this, and what to read the rest, the novel in its entirety is available on Amazon. Or wait for me to publish all the chapters here. You decide. Grin.

Copyright © 2020 Lana Ocean. All rights reserved.