Debauchery on Faculty Row

“Hi, You. Thank God you’re here. I was so worried.” She took his hand and pulled him inside.

“Hi, Sweetheart. I’m sorry it’s so late.”

“Hey, you. You’re a welcomed sight any time. I’m just so relieved you’re ok. What did the cops say, Chase? You did call the police, right?”

“Yeah. They took pictures and looked for prints. As I expected, they didn’t find any clues. I have a feeling this is going to end up like the brick fiasco. They’ll chalk it off to student hijinks.”

“Chase. I think it’s time you told me what’s going on.”

“I can’t, Abby. I don’t want you involved in this. Something very bad is going on here on campus and somehow I’ve unwittingly ended up smack dab in the middle of it.”

“Are you in any trouble, Chase?”

“No. I didn’t do anything wrong. But I obviously have something they want.”

“Please tell me what’s going on, Chase. You’re scaring me.”

“I can’t, Abby. One person has already been badly damaged in this. I don’t ever want you hurt. The less you know, the better off you are.”

“I’m a big girl, Chase. You can’t deal with this alone. Please tell me what’s going on. Do you need a little incentive?” she giggled, opening her robe.

She was wearing the sexiest, most breathtaking corset he’d ever seen in his entire life. Black with red ribbons. Her awesome breasts were squeezing out of the top. Black lace garters held up black hose that fit her beautiful legs like a glove. He was awestruck.

“Holy Jesus, Abby! Wow! Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!”

“Ah! Just the reaction I was hoping for,” she laughed, jumping into his lap. She kissed him softly, rubbing his cheek. “Now before any of these fasteners get undone, someone better start talking.”

“I can’t, Abby. I don’t even have a good handle on what’s going on myself. All I know is that it’s bad. Very bad. And I’d die before I’d ever involve you in anything that could get you mixed up in this.”

“There has to be something I can do to help, Chase. I’d move heaven and earth to never have to see that worried look on your handsome face again.

“There may be something, Abby. But I’ll ask the questions. I can’t give you any answers.”

“Anything, Sweetheart. What can I do?”

“Ok. I saw a hesitation on your face, and a troubled look, when you mentioned your ex and Faculty Row. Can you tell me what you know about what goes on over at the Faculty Club?”

Abby jumped out of his lap and stood bolt upright, her back to him, that amazing ass begging to be fondled. But there was something else. She was tense. Shaking. As stiff as a board. He could almost feel the tension radiating from her tiny body.

“What do you want to know, Chase.” She was speaking in a spooky, disconnected voice. It was almost as if someone else was speaking through her.

“Anything and everything you know. It’s important, Abby. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t.” He stood behind her, trying to read her conflicting body language.

“If I told you what I know, Chase, I’m afraid you’d never want to see me again.”

“I sure hope you know me better than that by now, Sweetheart. I just want…I need…to know what goes on over there?”

“Why is this so important, Chase?”

He was upsetting her. He could see it in her movements and hear it in her voice. In as much as hurting her was the very last thing he’d ever intentionally do, he had to find out what was upsetting her.

“Because I have a gut feeling that it has a lot to do with what’s going on with me right now.”

“Oh, Chase! Please tell me you haven’t been over there?!”

“No. But I have a friend who has. And if what I’ve gathered so far is true, something needs to be done about it.”

Abby let out a long sigh and fell down on the couch. He could tell she was conflicted. He sat and eased her over close to him and took her in his arms, rubbing her back. Her tiny face was growing pale.

“Ok. But it’s a horrible, horrible story, Chase. Promise me you’ll still want to be around me after I tell you what I know?”

“Of course I promise, Abby. Jeez. Unless you tell me you’ve got another man, nothing else is ever going to drive me away.”

“I don’t ever want any other man, Chase! You’re all I’ve ever wanted; and so much more. That’s why I find it so hard to talk to you about this!” I don’t ever want to lose you.”

“Abby! Honey! I’m not going anywhere. Believe me. Nothing you can tell me, other than get the hell out, will ever drive me away.”

Abby went silent for a moment, tears forming in those huge, troubled eyes. She was biting at the corner of her lip fervently. Only this time, it wasn’t that sultry, mischievous way that always endeared her to him. It was painful indecision.

When she finally spoke, her tiny chin was trembling. He could see her hand quivering in her lap. He took her hands in his, kissing them softly, looking deeply in her eyes.

When she’d finally won the battle with her inner demons, she spoke.

“The Faculty Club has a disgusting, seedy underbelly, Chase. A certain group of the faculty and alumni are part of some unholy, sick and twisted sex thing. They have their own meeting room in the basement. It used to be an old bowling alley that they’ve converted for their purposes. No one can get down there without being a member. It’s all very secret, hush-hush.”

“Is this sanctioned by the school?”

“I highly doubt it. But a whole bunch of the faculty and alumni are members, so I’m sure they’ve covered all their tracks.”

“They have meetings on certain nights. The Faculty Club itself puts out the private party signs on those nights. You can only get in if you’re invited.”

“They all get drunk, clothes start falling off; then it moves downstairs. They have these weird and crazy orgies and all sorts of sick and twisted things go on.”

Out of nowhere, Abby burst out in a hail of tears. Chase wrapped her in his arms.

“What is it, Abby? You’ve been down there, haven’t you?” She buried her face in his chest.

“Not willingly, Chase!” Her tears turned into a full blown crying jag bordering on hysteria.

“Shush, shush. Easy, Sweetheart.” He leaned her forward, rubbing her back. “Deep breaths.”

“Oh, Chase! How can you even look at me!”

“Abby! You just said it was an unwilling thing. And this friend of mine has a similar story. And why would I not be able to look at you. Come here!”

He took her wet little chin in his hand and gently turned her head to look at him. Those big, beautiful eyes were filled with a gut wrenching sadness and a deep, unsettling pain that tore him out of his frame.

She was looking off into nothingness, refusing to make eye contact with him.

“My ex was an English professor here, Chase. He’s, thankfully, moved on to State now.”

“One night, out of the blue, he came home and said one of his department colleagues was moving on and they were having a going away party for the guy at the Faculty Club.”

“It was never my kind of place to start with. The times I’d been there, it always reminded me of an old folk’s home. Upstairs, I mean. I’d never been downstairs-willingly. I thought there was still a bowling alley downstairs. I knew nothing about what really went on down there. I swear I didn’t!”

“Honey, I believe you. I’m just looking for some answers. I’m not trying to give you the third degree, and I’m certainly not judging you.”

“Anyway, I really didn’t want to go, but he said it was important because he was being considered for the department head’s position.”

“I did my wifely duty, grudgingly, and went with him. Typical egghead gathering. Classical music, punch bowl and finger sandwiches. Typical of what I’d seen all the other times we’d been there for other faculty functions.”

“Sometime during the evening, I started feeling strange. Woozy. And I’d only had two drinks. I thought it might have been something I ate.”

“I went into the lady’s room to wash my face when, all of the sudden, the room started spinning.”

“I tried to get to the door. I smelled this cloying, sick smell that was gagging me. I needed to get some fresh air. That’s the last thing I remember.”

Her crying jag came back tenfold. He just held her close, rubbing her back, kissing her forehead.

“Shush, shush, shush, Sweetheart. I think I know the rest.” He was both heartbroken and enraged at the same time. He mentally calmed himself, using his concentration methods to relax. The last thing he ever wanted was for her to mistake his anger at what she and Kay had been through for any ill feelings toward her. He felt nothing for her but love and a deep, all encompassing compassion.

“If you don’t want to see me anymore, Chase, I’ll understand.”

“What?! Are you out of your mind? Someone like you comes along once in a lifetime, Girly Girl. They’ll have to pry you from my cold, dead hands,” he smiled, kissing her. He was trying everything he could think of to calm her.

“You’re not ashamed of me? You don’t think I’m damaged goods?”

“Abby! Of course not! My God, Sweetheart. You were violated. Used and abused against your will. You’re a victim. You did nothing wrong.”

“Oh, Chase!” She fell into his arms, squeezing him. Her tears were coming in torrents. He just held her and let her get it all out. He spoke to her soothingly, holding her close. Running his shaking fingers through her thick, silky beautiful hair.

“I felt so dirty, Chase. So disgusted with myself. When I came around, I was dressed, but I knew something horrible happened to me. And the way I felt was far worse than any hangover anyone ever had. Every inch of me hurt.”

“Gerald: that’s my ex, said that I got hammered, and that I was dancing on the tables and fell off onto the floor and hit my head. Trust me. I drank like a fish in college and never once did I ever dance on a table. Not even in front of my close friends. And I certainly wouldn’t have done it at a stuffy gathering of strangers and old farts like that.”

“I passed out in the car on the way home. When I got up the next morning and undressed to take a shower, I was one big bruise, Chase. My breasts, my vagina, everything. I took twenty showers that day and I just couldn’t feel clean.”

“When I confronted him about it, he said I was a savage in bed that night, and that we’d both gotten a little rough. That’s when I knew he was lying. Not to give you any more reasons to acquire a distaste for me, but sex with Gerald was exactly what you’d expect from an English professor. Boring. We’d never, ever, done anything like that. Sober or drunk. Ever.”

“First off, Abby, let’s stop with the distaste comments and the self-loathing. The only feelings I’m feeling right now are raw anger that someone would do something so heinous to someone as wonderful as you are. Nothing you could tell me would change my feelings for you.” He held her through another shuddering crying jag.

“Think hard, Abby. Do you remember any needle marks or sticky tape sites like you’d been given an IV when you were showering that next day?”

She thought hard for a few minutes. “Come to think of it; yes! Like I’d had blood drawn or something. At the time, I thought maybe I’d left a pin in the new blouse I wore that night and stuck myself. Do you think they kept me anesthetized?”

“It fits, Abby. The other person apparently had one in her saphenous vein. They probably slipped something in your drink to knock you out, then kept you out intravenously. Ketamine, Propofol or some other cocktail of anesthetics I’d bet.”

All of the sudden, Abby jumped up and vomited. Power vomiting. The couch, the floor and Abby herself were covered in it. When it ended, she was hyperventilating.”

“Easy, Sweetheart. Easy.” He was rubbing her back again.

“I’m so sorry, Chase! That came out of nowhere.” Her voice was choked with anguish and tears. His heart was breaking.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Sweetheart. Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

“I’m so sorry. This is awful. And I can’t blame it on that Thai whiskey this time!” She was inconsolable.

“You’re upset, Sweetheart. Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up and comfortable.”

He led her into the bathroom and got her out of that beautiful corset and stockings. They were covered in vomit.

“Not…not…not how I tho…thought you’d b…b…be undressing me tonight.” She was growing shocky. Her entire body was shaking violently. It worried him.

“As you always say, Gorgeous, I’ll take a raincheck.” Chase was smiling, trying to get her to relax.

“Abby. Look at me, Sweetie.” He was kneeling in front of her. “You’re having a very, very bad panic attack. Breathe deeply.”


“Abby, are you allergic to anything other than fish?”


“I’ll be right back.”

Chase rushed to the living room to get his bag. His mind was flipping from anguish to a fiery anger. Now all he wanted to do was hide Abby somewhere where he knew for certain that she’d be safe, then run out to find these sick fucks and cut their throats slowly.

As soon as he walked back into the bathroom, she vomited again. This time into the tub. He knew giving her a tablet would do no good. She’d just throw it up.

He drew up some lorazepam and knelt beside her. His insides were twisted in knots. She looked so small and vulnerable sitting there on the toilet lid, her tiny body quivering. It brought a tear to his eye.

“Sweetheart, the breathing isn’t working. I’m going to give you something to help you relax, ok?”

She couldn’t speak. She only nodded as she rolled to her side, exposing her gorgeous tush, all the while shaking like a leaf in the wind.

“Cold alcohol wipe, Abby. Don’t let it startle you.”

He slid the needle into her hip, pinching up a little skin to make it less painful. He was smiling at her and rubbing her thigh, trying to help her calm down.

When the drug was onboard, he held her hands, kissing them, looking into those beautiful eyes, breathing with her. It took about five minutes before she finally began to relax.

“Atta girl. Keep looking at me, Abby. Keep breathing, Sweetheart.”

After another five minutes he could see her entire body relax. Her face took on a serene, almost mystical look.

“There. Now let’s get you cleaned up.”

“Chase. You won’t leave me now; will you?”

“Abby. You have to put those thoughts out of your mind. I’m not going anywhere. Not tonight or any other night.”

“You’re so wonderful, Chase.”

“Hardly. I just happen to be head over heels crazy about you lady,” he smiled, wetting washcloths in warm water and soaping them up.

“He gave her a good sponge bath, cleaning up the mess, then had her swish some mouthwash around in her mouth just before she went out. He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and wrapped her up under the covers, kissing her softly.

He cleaned out the tub, then took off his soiled clothes and tossed them in the washing machine.

When he got to the living room to start cleaning up the mess in there, Erwin was actually eating Abby’s vomit.

“Erwin! Eww! That’s nasty! Come on, Buddy.”

He picked Erwin up, petting his soft fur, and poured him a saucer of milk. That kept him busy long enough for Chase to clean up the mess.

He took a shower and crawled into bed beside a totally chilled Abby and wrapped her tightly in his arms. She appeared to be sleeping soundly. He wanted to protect her. To prevent anything bad from ever happening to that sweet, wonderful, little woman ever again.

His heart was breaking. What Abby and Kay had endured had to be brought to light. Those sick fucks who assaulted them had to be punished to the full extent of the law. He immediately made getting to the bottom of this nightmare priority one. He was going to find out exactly what was going on over at the Faculty Club no matter what it took, and see those sick, slimy bastards castrated. God help them if he got to them before the law did.


When Chase woke the next morning, Abby had her head resting on her arm, just staring at him.

“Are we ok, Chase?”

“Sweetheart. Come here.” He wrapped her in his arms, holding her close. “You did nothing wrong, Abby. You were a victim.”

“I think I know that now, Chase. I think you finally drove it all home for me last night. I could see it in your eyes. It wasn’t disgust, or a distaste for me. It was pure, sincere, sympathy and pain over what I’d been through. I love you for that, Chase.”

I guess I’ve just been living in my own private nightmare for the last year. I was in denial. Last night it all come to a head. I’m just so thankful you were there for me, holding me.”

“Let me ask you something, Chase. This friend of yours who went through something similar. Can you tell me who it is?”

“I can’t, Abby. Unfortunately, she hasn’t handled it as well as you apparently have.”

“Because she doesn’t have you.” A tear drained from her eye. “You’re just so wonderful, Chase. You treat me like no one else ever could. Thank you for that, too.”

“It’s not like it’s a chore, Tiny Person. You’re awfully good to me,” he smiled, kissing her softly.

“Unfortunately, this other person has also been given a sad reminder of that horrible night,” Chase sighed.

“I’m going to lay all my cards on the table here, Chase. Was it Kay McMillan? The vice chancellor?”

“Why do you ask, Abby?”

“Because she was there that night, too. Her ex is a math professor here. And not that I’m tooting my own whistle here, but she and I were the only two younger women there. You’ve seen the faculty. They’re all a bunch of stodgy old farts. There were maybe five or six younger professors on the faculty at that time, and only three of them were married.”

“Actually, I was surprised to see Kay there that night. I mean, I knew her from various campus functions, but Gerald told me the party that night was an English department send off. I thought it odd that a math professor and his wife were there. I just assumed they were friends of the guy leaving or something.”

“I’d rather not say, Abby. But because of this person’s supposed involvement in my inquiries, she received a package of vile, revolting photographs. Some sick, twisted bastard stuck them in the door at her house when she started asking questions about clinic accounting. Filthy photographs. And there was a note with the pictures that said that if she didn’t stop snooping, those pictures would be made public and she’d be revisited by those psychos again.

“Of course, the pictures with faces in them were only the poor victim’s face. No other faces. Identifying any of the filthy perverts involved would be damn near impossible. But given the gray pubes and sagging thighs, I’d say most of them were old. That’s why I don’t want you within a hundred miles of this. What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”

“How filthy were the pictures, Chase?” Abby’s voice turned panicked.

“That doesn’t matter, Abby. But they’re definitely not pictures she’d want circulating around campus.”

“Do you think they might have pictures of me, too?”

“I hope not, Abby. But if you were in that demented clubhouse of theirs, I’m afraid there’s a strong possibility.”

Abby burst out in tears again, wrapping herself around Chase. He just ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her.

“Ok. I have to ask this, Chase. If pictures like that of me ever circulated, would you be disgusted with me?”

“Abby! How many times do I have to say this? The only thing that’s going to rid you of me is if you looked me square in the eyes and told me that you didn’t want me around anymore. I can’t be any clearer about that.”

“Well that’s not happening. I guess you’re stuck with me.”

“That’s music to my ears,” he chuckled, kissing her.

“Given what I now know though, Abby, I do want to say something. Something on a very personal level.”

“What is it, Sweetheart?”

“When we’re making love, if I ever do anything that makes you uncomfortable, or that frightens you, you’d tell me right away, right?”

“I don’t think you could ever do anything that made me uncomfortable, Chase. You’re such a gentle, caring, wonderful lover. And I feel totally safe and happy with you. And, for the record, my taboos; at least where you’re concerned, are few,” she giggled, blushing.

“I just don’t ever want to make you feel uncomfortable, Abby. As happy as you declaring you’ve come to terms with this nightmare makes me, I can’t imagine anything so horrendous could ever be totally eradicated from the back of your mind.”

“I think, with your help last night, I’ve managed to put everything in perspective, Chase. You were absolutely right. I’m a victim. I was drugged! I certainly would never, ever consent to being any part of something so atrociously perverse.”

“As far as we’re concerned, unless I see another woman writhing around under you, I’d say everything else is fair game,” she laughed.

“You’re all I need,” he laughed with her, wrestling her down beside him and kissing her. And then he kissed her again. And again.

“You can sure kiss, Mister,” she cooed.

“Now. In case you’ve forgotten, I kinda lost breakfast, lunch and supper from the entire last week last night. Thank you so much for cleaning that up-again,” she smiled.

“I’m starving, and I haven’t had a chance to hit the grocery store this week. How about if we go out and get some breakfast, and then we come back here, get naked, and do naughty stuff all weekend. Thanks to my new, wonderful boss, my three day shift doesn’t start until Monday.”

“Well there’ll be a slight delay. I was so pissed off last night, I forgot to pack any clean clothes. I had to throw the clothes I was wearing in your washer. I was wearing some of those meals you purged,” he laughed. “I fell asleep before I got a chance to throw them in the dryer.”

“I’m so sorry, Chase. That was awful. I’ve never had a panic attack before. I pray I never have another one.”

“Abby, not to beat a dead horse, but you said you’ve battled your demons last night. And I know what a strong woman you are, but are you absolutely sure?”

“I’m sure. Actually, I knew the pain and self loathing was disappearing the first time we made love.”

“I haven’t been with anyone since…that night. And I haven’t even dated anyone. I wouldn’t even let Gerald touch me after that. Once I put two and two together, I threw him out and filed for divorce. I told him that if he so much as gave me one bit of trouble about the divorce, I’d expose him and that vile congregation of animals he’s part of. Needless to say, he was gone without any of the usual divorce fanfare. It was over and done with very quickly.”

“On top of everything else, I found out he was screwing one of his students. I guess that’s when I came to the stark realization that the man I married, someone I thought I could trust with my life, was actually a sick, sadistic piece of shit who was capable of actually doing something so ungodly horrible to his own wife. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he’s subjected his side piece to that nightmare, too.”

“I seriously dealt with some intense trust issues; and definitely some intimacy issues after that. I didn’t want a man touching me. Any man. And, please don’t laugh at me, but I even retired my little vibrating friend that I used to use after Gerald got in his two grunts and rolled over and went to sleep.”

“I’d like to see you get busy with your vibrating little buddy,” Chase laughed, tickling the little angel

She was giggly, writhing under his tickling. “Really?! Jeez, talk about anticlimactic. After experiencing that beautiful beast between your legs, nothing else could ever satisfy me again,” she chuckled, blushing.

“However, I wouldn’t be averse to putting on a private little pre-show for you as a warm up before you totally rock my world, Adonis.”

“Wow! Just when I think you couldn’t be any more perfect,” he laughed.

“As I said, there’s just something about you, Chase. You put off this caring, trustworthy vibe. It just oozes out of you for all to see. And you’re so tender and gentle when we’re being intimate. I trust you implicitly. Do you think I’d have ever been as comfortable and carefree running around naked in front of anyone else? Not a chance. I’ve never, ever, done that with anyone in my entire life. I’ve reached new vistas since I met you.”

“That makes me extremely happy, Abby. You deserve to be treated like the queen you are.”

Abby leaned in and planted a sizzling kiss on his lips. “Can you do anything for that poor woman, Chase? I’ve felt the indescribable pain of what she’s going through. And it’s a horrible, soul crushing, pain, believe me.”

“I can’t even imagine, Sweetheart.” He kissed her again.

“I hooked her up with a psychiatrist friend of mine. An old college buddy who, I’m afraid I’ll be introducing you to soon,” he laughed. “He’s a typical shrink. Crazier than a shit house rat.”

“Anyway, sadly she hasn’t been able to deal with this as well as you have. Getting those pictures shoved in her door pushed her over the edge.”

“I can certainly understand why. That poor, poor woman.”

“Listen, Chase. The next time you speak with her, please tell her that she’s always welcome to contact me. Maybe talking to someone who’s been through it will help her get past it.”

“That’s very kind of you, Sweetie. I’d mention it to her, but I doubt I’ll be speaking to her again. At least not until whatever this is that’s going on is brought to an end. I don’t want her, and especially not you, involved in this in any way. Had I known this was going to get so utterly insane, I’d have never involved her in the first place. I just thought someone was skimming off the top. Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined all this other nightmarish hell would come to the surface. Now there’s someone else involved who apparently has bigger balls than I do. And she’s never been a guest at that dungeon of debauchery.”

“Anyone I know?”

“You should have been a KGB interrogator, you know that,” he laughed, tickling her again. Her giggle always made his heart feel as light as a feather.

“Stop! Stop! I’ll pee the bed!” She was giggling that magical giggle, fighting to roll away.

“You just lay there, Stud. I’ll start a pot of coffee and throw your clothes in the dryer.”

“And, for the record, you’re more than welcome to leave a change of clothes and your shaving kit here. Unless I’m being presumptuous,” she laughed.

“I didn’t want to assume,” Chase laughed, tossing a pillow at the naked angel.

“Feel free to assume to your heart’s content.”


Chase saw Kay again after the ten days. They met at Stephanie’s sister’s palatial house thirty miles north of the campus.

After his house and office were ransacked, Chase was acutely aware of the potential dangers in everything going on around them. He spent most of the ride checking his rear view mirrors, stopping in shopping center parking lots out of nowhere; ensuring constantly that he wasn’t being followed. Kay had suffered a devastating assault. He was doing everything in his power to make sure she suffered no further dangers. Stephanie’s sister and her husband were on vacation in Europe and Stephanie was house sitting for them.

Thankfully, Kay was doing much better. This time he went prepared and got blood samples and a swab to confirm that the treatment was working. If it was at all in his power, he’d performed his last exam in a horse barn.

Not only was her physical exam encouraging, but her overall demeanor seemed much more relaxed. He had a feeling Jess was working his magic.

He ran the labs himself when he got back to the clinic. Kay was going to be just fine. Physically, anyway.

With the exception of a few short texts telling Chase that things were progressing, it was another two weeks before he actually spoke with Stephanie again. Chase had just finished seeing a patient when his cellphone rang.

“Chase! I just got a tip that they’re having one of those meetings you know where tonight?”

“Oh boy. Well I highly doubt we’ll be invited, Steph.”

“No, Silly. But we could hide out in the trees across from the club and see who goes in and who comes out. If there’s one thing we’re rotten with on this campus, it’s trees,” she laughed. “Then I can match the names of anyone we see going in to some of the expenditures I’ve been tracking down.”

“I don’t know how much help I’d be, Steph. I barely know any of the faculty. They haven’t exactly been beating down my door with invitations to any cocktail parties since the chancellor made that scene in the dining room.”

“Probably not, but I’d rather not go alone.”

“You’d damn well better not,” he chuckled. I wasn’t implying that I didn’t intend on being stuck to you like glue. Just that you’ll have to be the facial recognition software. I’ll just be there for moral support. What time’s the party?”

“For the record, I have no morals, Chase!” she laughed. “But I need all the support I can get!” She had a chipper, cartoon like laugh that always cracked Chase up. “I just drove by there on my way in. The board outside the club says they’re closing at seven for a private party.”

“Then we’d better get there around six-thirty and find a good spot where we can see them, but they can’t see us. Things have been quiet since that night at the south gate. We don’t need anyone seeing us and getting suspicious.”

“Ok. Meet me in the woods across from the front door to the club at six thirty.”

Luckily, Abby had her tutoring session with the nursing students that night. Chase just told her that he had a meeting to attend. He didn’t like keeping things from her, but given her heartbreaking divulgence, he’d take a bullet before he saw her involved in any of this. He didn’t know how deep this went, or how far they’d go to hide their money laundering scheme; or their twisted little sadist’s society, but he knew he was in their cross hairs. He’d die before he let them broaden their scope to include Abby. The thought of Abby being collateral damage, their trump card, if they found out he and Steph were on to something scared him. And he didn’t scare easily. Just the thought made him shudder. God help anyone who ever hurt that little angel.

If Chase had his way, they’d just turn everything they had over to the city police and let them ferret out the sickos. They’d certainly garnered enough evidence to start an official investigation. The police had a lot longer reach and a myriad more expertise than a doctor and an accountant; but Stephanie insisted on digging deeper. She was determined to bring everyone involved to justice by any and all means.

The clinic was coming along beautifully. He had the current budget straightened out. Things were going well. Students and even the staff were coming back in droves thanks to word of mouth and some attractive advertising. His friendly, cohesive team at the clinic were happy and performing at the top of their game. He was ready to see the entire nightmare brought to light and prosecuted. The longer they waited, the better the chances of someone being tipped off and the guilty taking their nefarious acts underground and out of the reach of the law.

Most importantly, things with Abby were getting more wonderful by the day. He was downright smitten with that adorable little bundle of smiles and passion. Every day he spent with her just got more magical. He’d never felt about anyone in his life the way he did about the beautiful Abby. Things between them were getting joyously serious.

“It seemed that every time he and Steph communicated, she’d uncovered another ten or twenty thousand dollars of embezzled money for some unnecessary drug or some unlikely medical or clinic upkeep expense. The gall of whoever was behind this was shocking. It was as if they felt infallible and beyond discovery.

Stephanie was dissecting all the budgets and expenditure sheets from years past. Chase could only shake his head in disbelief. In as much as he wanted to leave the cloak and dagger aspects to the professionals, he also wanted to see them all turning on a spit over hot coals: or at least rotting in jail for the remainder of their miserable lives, a whole lot more. Weeks later and he still couldn’t help but feel a deep-rooted, gnawing sadness over what Abby and Kay and God knew how many others had been subjected to. Kay’s pictures still haunted his dreams. He couldn’t even fathom anything so fiendish happening to Abby.

He got to the densely wooded area across from the nefarious Faculty Club at six twenty and parked a few blocks away. Just the sight of the evil, foreboding place, sitting at the edge of the woods at the top of a dead-end hill made him angry.

The department heads on the faculty occupied the row of attractive cookie cutter houses leading up the hill to the club. Chase had to wonder if they weren’t like the wagons circling the dark epicenter, protecting the disgusting goings on. He pictured some of the stodgy department heads he’d seen in the dining room acting as the evil sentinels keeping vigil over the nefarious Faculty Club. The gargoyles at the gate.

The one larger house at the top of the hill beside the club belonged to Chancellor Zeigler. Chase felt a flash of anger just thinking about the peculiar, petulant little man.

He almost stepped on Stephanie as he tried to navigate his way into the dark, thickly forested, area. She had an excellent spot picked out with a perfect view of the comings and goings at the club; but the thick foliage made the two of them invisible to the arriving and departing ghouls.

“I brought some sandwiches and beer, Chase. They’re there in the cooler,” she whispered loudly, laying on her stomach, peering through her binoculars from under a large bush.

“Why the binoculars,” he whispered, smiling. “You can see everything perfectly from here.”

“I’m writing down license plate numbers.”

“You look like a commando scout on point!” Chase laughed, reaching for a beer. “And you’re not exactly dressed for a spy mission.”

She was wearing a short skirt with a pretty peasant blouse. She looked like she was watching a movie in bed. Her shoes were off, sitting beside her. He couldn’t help but notice that she had a hell of a set of legs on her. And the rest of her was equally appealing. The skirt had ridden up, exposing the bottoms of her bubbly butt cheeks separated by a lacy blue thong.

“Feel free to peek, grope or fondle to pass the time, Handsome,” she chuckled. Have I mentioned that I’m a bit of a nympho? She was giggling as she peered intently through the lenses. “And I have this weird aching right here.” She was whisper-giggling as she reached her hand between her legs. “Got something that could cure it, Doc?”

“Oh, look!” She was waving her hand behind her frantically toward him to ensure she had his undivided attention; her amorous come on seemingly forgotten. “That’s Doctor Crawford! He’s the dean of the pharmacology school!”

“That would explain a whole lot. He’d have access to Rohypnol: if that’s what they’re drugging these poor women with. And propofol, ketamine, midazolam, or any of the other numerous sedatives, the sick fuck.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised. He’s a pompous ass and as slimy as the day is long. There have been quite a few complaints about him being touchy feely with some of the students and staff. He’s even been censured once for groping a student.”

“Jeez, Chase. This is a veritable who’s who of the faculty hierarchy.”

“But we can’t be sure about what they’re doing over there, Steph? This could actually be just a coin collectors meeting or a gathering of bird watchers.”

“If it was a legitimate meeting, I’d have heard about it. I keep Harry’s calendar.”

“There’s two huge ballrooms off of the main bar-dining area, Chase. And given the number of people I’ve seen going in so far, either of those two rooms could hold that crowd easily and not interfere with the regular operation of the club at all. No. There’s definitely something going on here that they need complete privacy for.”

“I hope you’re wrong.”

“Me, too. But I have a feeling I’m not. Augh oh!”


“There’s our illustrious chancellor and your favorite nurse. Look. They’re coming out of his house. And they’re both carrying black coats or something.”

“Why would the be carrying coats? It’s seventy-eight degrees out here.”

“Good question. Come to think of it, I’ve seen a bunch of them with black coats over their arms. Let’s wait until the traffic going in settles down a little and get a closer look.”

“Are there any windows or an outside door going down into the basement?”

“I don’t know about outside. As I said, the only times I’ve been in there were for Harry’s staff meetings. But I did notice that the inside entrance to the basement is well hidden on the inside. I did some snooping through old building blueprints before I went over there for last week’s meeting,” she giggled.

“There’s a coat room behind the bar with a wall that opens up. According to the prints, the coat room is supposed to be a hallway with double glass doors at the end leading down into what used to be a bowling alley. Now it’s a solid, disguised wall that opens. I’m not sure if it just pushes open, or if there’s a hidden button. I almost got caught snooping from the corner of the bar as I watched one of the staff going through it.”

“Thank God you didn’t. You could have ended up like Kay.” He hadn’t mentioned Abby’s experience to anyone.

“That poor woman. She’s a mess. Your friend is doing her a whole lot of good, though. Whatever he prescribed seems to be working.”

“I just hope he can help her get past this nightmare. Trauma and PTSD are his specialties and he’s damn good at what he does. I know she was in better spirits when I saw her at your sister’s house.”

“She’s doing a lot better, Chase. Thank you so much for suggesting your friend. She’s actually been able to sleep lately without the nightmares.”

“Ok, let’s just keep watching. When it gets a little darker, we’ll sneak around to the back and see what we can see. It’s seven-thirty now; and the movement at the front door is minimal. The sun should be setting any time now.”

“Maybe I should go and check it out, Steph. I don’t want you getting hurt, and you’re definitely not dressed for covert operations.”

“I came prepared.” She stood up, unashamedly slipped out of her skirt and blouse and reached into her backpack. She pulled out a set of black coveralls and some black sneakers.

“Holy shit. You’ve been watching far too many James Bond movies, Steph,” he laughed.

“Last chance to grope, fondle or get busy with,” she chuckled, wiggling that amazing, thong clad, ass in his face.

“Not that that isn’t tempting, but I’m happily spoken for,” he smiled. He didn’t, however, mind the view one bit.

“You’re seeing Abby Fulbrock, aren’t you?”

“I am.”

“Such a beautiful girl. And so sweet. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to settle for Ron,” she laughed, pulling on the coveralls. “But if you ever change your mind…” She lifted the cups of her bra, flashing her firm, impressive tits at him, laughing and winking. He quickly changed the subject.

“Ron? You mentioned him that night at the barn. Is he staff here?”

“Yeah. I’ve been dating him on and off for about a year now. More off than on. He’s in IT. Nice enough guy, but kinda nerdy and boring in the sack-if you get my drift.” She was faking a huge yawn.

“You’re a trip,” Chase laughed.

When the activity in front of the club slowed to a near-stop, Chase and Steph took a long loop from behind their observation post and swung far around the club’s parking lot until they found themselves behind the club. Dark was settling in.

They could smell the cooking aromas wafting out of the screen door at the back of the kitchen. Chase was painfully reminded that he hadn’t eaten since lunch.

A large spotlight illuminated the area behind the club, shining on the tattered, overflowing dumpsters. He hoped the traffic in and out of the back door was minimal.

They crouched down and duck-ran from the thick woods and up behind the dumpsters, one on either side, scoping out the building. It was obvious that the main floor sat over a basement. The old building had a tall brick underpinning with high basement windows running along one side.

Wordlessly, Chase pointed to his side of the building, watching the kitchen door for any movement.

“This side is where the windows are. I’ll go first. You stay put. When I get over there, if the coast is clear I’ll wave you over,” he whispered.

“Got cha. Be careful.”

Chase waited for one of the kitchen crew to toss out a bucket of mop water and return inside before he bolted, still at a crouch, to the side of the building. No sooner had he gotten himself hidden behind the building’s edge when one of the kitchen staff came out and lit a cigarette.

Damn! They waited.

“Armand, get your fat ass in here! I need those pots washed!”

Chase was so close he could actually smell the acrid smoke and see the pissed off look on the guy’s face as he flung down his half smoked cigarette, stomped it out angrily and lazily strolled back inside, cussing under his breath.

He watched the door intently for a couple of minutes, making sure the coast was clear, then waved Steph over.

They made their way down the wall quietly, checking each window. They heard voices and other strange noises coming from inside, but all the windows were blackened.

“Does that sound like chants to you, Chase?”

“It does, but I can’t make out what they’re saying.”

“Well, that’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back,” Steph whispered, chuckling.

When they got to the last window, Chase noticed that it was sprung at the bottom of the sill.

“Can you pry it open, Chase?”

“Look,” he said, pointing to the alarm contacts just inside.

Steph bent down and tried peeking through the slight opening. She saw a dim red light coming from a room below and heard strange music and that unsettling, indistinguishable chanting. She repositioned herself for a better look.

“Chase, hold me up,” she whispered.

He slipped his hands under her prone body and lifted her to a horizontal position.

“There’s some sort of booth with a barber chair in it below this window,” she whispered, twisting and turning in his arms to get a better look.

After another five minutes or so, she sighed, frustrated. “I can’t see anything else, damn it.”

He eased her down and offered his hand to help her stand up.

“Well, I’ve got a list of names and license plate numbers. And we definitely know there’s some kind of meeting going on down in that basement. Tonight wasn’t a total waste,” she smiled. “At least you got to see my tits, you handsome fucker,” she whisper-laughed.

“Let’s get out of here before Armand comes out for his next smoke break,” Chase whispered, taking Steph’s hand and leading her off into the green space between the building and the parking lot.

They moved carefully, staying low, praying they weren’t caught in any incoming headlights before they reached the far end and circled back to their original hiding place in the deeper woods.

“Something’s up over there, Chase. It’s almost ten. And it’s a school night. None of those old farts stay up this late on a school night without good reason.”

“I think we got more questions than answers tonight, Steph. But I’ve got a gut feeling that there’s definitely something terribly wrong going on. And not just embezzling.”

“We know what happened to Kay. And you know damn well that was no fluke. This place is evil, Chase. These people are sick, demented, psychopaths. This has to be stopped. Right now you and me are the only chance the school, and those poor women, have at bringing this to light and getting them justice. I’ll guarantee you the clinic budget is what’s financing their perverted little clubhouse.”

“I agree, Steph. I know I sound like a broken record, but I think it’s time we take what we have to the police.”

“Not yet, Chase. Please. Let me dig a little more. We’re on to something really huge here. And when we do drop the bomb, I want to make sure no one involved in this nightmare escapes the blast.”

“Ok, Steph, but I really don’t like it. We can’t put this off for much longer.”

“I know. Bear with me, ok, Sweetie?” She’d stripped out of her coveralls, this time unfastening her bra and sliding her thong down with the coveralls. The lunatic stood there in the dark woods, stark naked, smiling from ear to ear.

“You sure you don’t want to have a little roll in the grass before we go? I won’t tell if you don’t.” She stood there, one hand fondling those amazing tits, her tongue wagging seductively, the other rubbing her shaved quim. She truly was a beautiful woman, but she was no Abby.

“I swear: you and Kay are two of a kind! Thanks for the mouthwatering show, but no thanks,” Chase laughed, shaking his head. She was laughing, too, as she dressed.

Once she was decent, Steph reached up and kissed Chase’s cheek.

“Ok, Agent Eighty-Six. I’ll let you know if I come up with anything new. I’m going to go into the archives and pull some budget sheets for some of the other departments to see if this goes beyond just the clinic. In the meantime, keep your eyes open and watch your back.”

“You, too, Ninety-Nine. And give Kay my best when you see her next.”

Chase walked Steph to her car and waved her off. When he turned his phone back on, he had a text message from Abby.

I have this certain itch that only one incredibly sexy man can scratch. I’ll be waiting up.

Chase responded. He’s not here. Can I possibly pinch hit for him?

Her response was typical Abby: Just get over here before I have to take matters in hand! *LMAO*

Just the thought of that gorgeous little munchkin got his motor running. He hopped in his truck and drove straight to Abby’s place.

“Hot damn, Girl! You get more beautiful every day,” he smiled, scooping the beautiful, naked, woman up in his arms.

“When you said you were on your way, I figured I’d save you the trouble and just took off all my clothes. Cut out the middleman, so to speak.”

Chase kissed her laughing lips and carried her to bed. Erwin followed close behind.

He playfully dropped her down on the bed, laughing. As soon as she hit, she rolled over on her hands and knees, that bubbly, gorgeous ass waving at him teasingly.

“Have your way with me, Baby! I’ve been twitching all day just thinking about you.”

Chase fell to his knees and buried his face in her hot, moist, cunny. Abby instantly began to moan, grinding her steamy, dripping pussy on his probing tongue.

His hands wrapped around her curvy hips, opening her bulbous ass peaches as his tongue ran the length of her sweet pussy and slowly up to tongue her puckered little ring.

“Whooooo!!” Abby chirped, falling forward.

“Oh, Abby. I’m so sorry.”

“Oh no! Don’t be! I liked it,” she growled, smiling that crooked smile. “It just gave me a tingle like I’ve never had before.”

She was back up on her hands and knees in a flash, waving that drool inspiring ass inches from his face. “Please continue, Stud Muffin.” She went from giggling to moaning before he even resumed his lustful attack.

This time he just buried his face between those gorgeous ass peaches and tongued that tight, puckered ring, probing inside her. Her entire body began to tremble before a spray of her sweet she-cum squirted from her, splashing against his chest.

“Arrrgggghhhh!!!!! Oh, Chase!!! Yes, Baby! Yes!” More, please! More!”

He happily obliged, tonguing that tight little elastic sphincter for all he was worth. His hands slid up under her, tweaking those rock hard nipples. Her entire body was rigid.

“Ye…ye…yes, Sweetheart! Yes!”

“Chase, stick it in there. Just go slow, ok?” Her voice shook with passion.

“Are you sure about this, Abby.”

“Yes! If it hurts too much, I’ll tell you. I want you to, Baby!” She spread her trembling knees, her shoulders going down onto the bed in anticipation.

Chase was trembling himself. He didn’t want to hurt her. Seeing that bubbly, awe-inspiring, amazing ass waving him in, cheering him on, made his knees weak in anticipation.

He slid his fingers into her dripping honeypot, then spread the nectar around her puckered sphincter, gently easing a finger inside, twisting it. Abby’s moans just intensified.

He spread more of her lube liberally, then eased a second finger inside her, stretching her.

With Abby sufficiently relaxed and lubricated, he rubbed his throbbing cock along her dripping cunny, easing it inside, lubricating his shaft with her hot, sweet juices.

“Errrrr! I love that huge cock, Baby,” Abby groaned, pushing back against him. “So, so good, Chase!” She was breathlessly calling out his name, encouraging him.

He eased inside her slowly, lost in the awesome warmth of her tight, satiny folds. Abby was just plain amazing in every way.

“Ahhhh! Ohhhhh!” Abby came again. Her entire body was vacillating in the throes of passion, a glistening sheen of sweat instantly covered every inch of her tiny, beautiful body.

“Do it, Chase! Make me all yours, Baby! I want you so bad!”

Chase slid out of her tight pussy and gently rubbed his pulsating head against her puckered anus. He mentally metered his raging passion, making sure he was in full control so he didn’t hurt her. In truth, he’d wanted that sweet ass from the first time he saw it.

Ever so slowly, he eased the head past her resistant sphincter and stopped, allowing her time to adjust. She was writhing, those amazing hips gently swaying, adapting to the unfamiliar intrusion.

When she got over the initial shock, she reached her hand back, speechless, rubbing his thigh, encouraging him. Letting him know she was ok.

He eased in a little further, slowly, totally blown away by the tightness he was experiencing. Her tight little ass was almost like a guillotine.

He rested his hands on her hips, gently rubbing the soft skin. He could feel her relaxing.

“So good, Baby! Hurts-so-good,” Abby cried out, her choked voice filled with lust.

Chase ran his fingers along her drenched quim, teasing her engorged clit and soaked his fingers in her free-flowing nectar. He used her she-batter to lubricate his rigid pole more as he delved slowly deeper into her murky depths.

“Ye…ye…yes, Chase!!! Yes, yes, yes!! So good, Baby!!”

A puddle began to spread beneath her. Abby was off in another world. Her tiny fists balled up in the sheets.

All at once, her head flew back as she eased back further yet on his impaling member; that awesome ass wiggling to accept more of the his slowly advancing cock. A howl like a she-wolf in heat emanated from her tiny body, echoing off the walls.

“Right there, Baby! Stop right there for just a minute!” She was fighting to catch her breath. Chase readily complied. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold back. His knees were threatening to abandon him at any moment. He was so turned on he felt as if he’d just explode.

Abby got her breathing under control, readying herself for more. “More, Baby! Give me more of that beautiful cock! Errrrrr! So good, Baby!!! So…so…good!”

Chase took her hips in his hands again. The heat radiating from her tiny, lust ravaged body could warm an arena. They were both beyond nirvana as he advanced again, slower this time, rotating his own hips.

The puddle under them was turning into a river, flowing off the bed. Abby had to be dehydrated, but she continued to chirp, bark and beg for more.

Suddenly, her mood changed. She screamed out. “Oh! Oh! Take it out, Chase!” Abby sounded pained. He immediately retreated.

In a flash, Abby jumped off the bed and streaked toward the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

“Are you ok, Sweetheart,” Chase called through the closed door. He felt horrible, afraid he’d hurt her.

“I’m ok, Honey. Please don’t come in. I’ll be out in a minute.”

Chase suddenly knew what was going on and smiled.

Shortly after, he heard the shower start.

“Come in and clean up, Chase,” she called meekly.

When he opened the door, the smell of air freshener almost gagged him. Abby stood in the shower, blushing deeply.

“I’m so sorry, Chase.”

“Don’t be silly,” he laughed. He joined her in the shower, his raging erection leading the way. “Are you ok?”

“Fine. I’ll just have to be a little better prepared the next time. That was a first for me and I guess I wasn’t quite prepared for it.” It took her a minute, but she finally laughed along with him.

“And there will be a next time, Adonis,” she smiled.

“You’ll have to forgive me for not doing this orally,” she giggled, filling her hand with shampoo. She reached down, lubing his straining cock, and gave him the most amazing hand job he’d ever received.


Stephanie and Chase met face to face twice more in the following month, but she’d texted him with her new and shocking findings regularly.

Both times they met, they’d met in different, obscure, places, at different times. By the time they got together for the second time, two months into their sleuthing, Chase had gotten to the point where he’d had enough spy versus spy. He just wanted to bring everything they had to the police and let them handle it; but Steph assured him that they’d come up empty.

From what she’d learned from their amateur sleuthing, and an unnamed snitch with insider information, secrecy and security at that abominable club were far and above anything mere laymen could fathom. More to the point, the city police had limited jurisdiction on campus. Steph was afraid that some of the higher ups on the campus police force were part of the twisted sect.

“Is that you, Agent Ninety Nine?” Chase was whispering from behind the bushes at the soccer field.

“Ten-four, Agent Eighty-Six.” Stephanie looked from side to side and slid out of the bushes and joined him on a secluded bench.

“Ok. I think I’ve hit the mother lode, information wise, Chase. I’ve found ties to places that’ll knock your socks off. A whole lot has become crystal clear this last week. And my source is impeccable.”

“It’s not one of the members, is it?” Chase was apprehensive.

“God, no. An ex-employee of the club.”

“The membership list I’ve amassed so far looks like a who’s who in academia and city government. That, my friend, is how they’ve gotten away with this for so long undetected? They have friends and members in some really high places. And with the wealth the assumed membership possesses, it’s certain they’ve made absolutely positive that they’re untouchable. You can bet that sexy ass of yours that they left no tracks. Breaking this open is going to be a nightmare,” she sighed.

“Now. I’ve finally got everything balanced out, accounting wise, Chase. I had to go back and quietly dig through years of old files and do everything at home at night.”

“Sure enough. All the accounting anomalies started shortly before the Faculty Club became exclusive. And we’re looking at millions. The chancellor, his sister, and quite a few of the alumni and faculty are in this up to their necks. I traced the transactions back to checks and cash expenditures for things that have nothing to do with campus life; or the clinic. Nurse Jenny was tossing money and supplies out of the back door of the clinic as quickly as it went in.”

“These are the names I’ve come up with so far. Guard this with your life.” She handed him a folded sheet of paper from her pocket.

“I think it’s time we brought this to Harry, Chase. I cleared his calendar for tomorrow morning at nine.”

“Are you absolutely sure he can be trusted, Steph. I mean, from what little I know of him, he’s a nice guy and all, but this is going to bring about a scandal of epic proportions. There’s going to be a whole lot of mudslinging against the school from inside, outside, and from the media. I still think letting the police handle this would be the smart move. I’m sure they know how to work around jurisdictional issues. This is kidnapping, human trafficking and rape at an unbelievable level. Federal offenses. There’s no way the campus police would have the upper hand here.”

“I honestly believe we can trust Harry, Chase. I think we owe it to him. I know he’ll be anxious to shake all these bad apples out of the tree and wipe this disgusting blight from the school forever.”

“I don’t know. Once the parents and the uninvolved alumni get wind of this, a lot of the parents are going to pull their kids out and the unaware alumni will certainly withdraw their support. They’re not going to want their names associated with anything so horrific. Harry may even lose his job over this.”

“He’s ready to retire anyway. That heart attack was a real wake up call for him. And Mary’s nagging the daylights out of him to get him to retire before he has another one.”

“Will we be able to implicate that perv’s paradise at the Faculty Club along with the embezzlement?”

“In as much as I want to say yes, Chase, I can’t honestly say for certain. That’s why I think it would be wise to talk to Harry first. They didn’t take too many precautions hiding the fact that they were stealing money from the clinic, but tying it to the Faculty Club will be a whole other battle without having access to their books. People involved, yes. The club itself, I’m not so sure. Most of what I found regarding ties to the club is circumstantial at best. And the walls in the ivory towers have ears. As soon as word gets out that they’re investigating, I’m sure they have a plan B to cover up all traces of what goes on in that basement. Right now, the only thing we have that’s rock solid is embezzlement. A good lawyer will probably get them off with a slap on the wrist. If we go just on what we have, all the vile, disgusting crimes they’ve committed down in that basement will just disappear.”

“Bringing down that den in inequity is more important to me than the theft, Steph. How many victims were there, do you think? I know of two. Once they got tired of the willing participants, who knows how many unwilling, unwitting victims they dragged down there? There were probably dozens of others-if not more. Probably students, too. I just can’t understand why no one ever came forward with charges against them?”

“With what evidence, Chase? It’s pure conjecture without names and solid proof. And they’re drugging these women. Remember? With all the money behind this nightmare, they’d get some hot shot lawyer to humiliate and ruin any woman who even tried. And most of them probably don’t even have a clue about what happened to them. You’ve said that yourself.”

“Let’s just try it my way first, Chase. We’ll meet with Harry tomorrow and feel him out? See what he thinks about it? We’ve been looking at this for so long, his fresh, intelligent outlook may catch something we’ve missed. If he wants to take it to the police, we will.”

“I’m not crazy about it, Steph: but ok. We’ll try it your way. But if I get even the slightest inkling that he’s going to cover this up, or try to handle it internally, I’m going to the city police myself with everything we have.”

“If Harry does that, I’ll go with you. I just don’t see him doing that. He’s not that kind of man. If I know Harry, he’s going to want to see these pervs impaled on spikes outside the stadium gate and ruin them all professionally and financially.”

“Let’s hope so.”

“Ok, Eighty Six. Tomorrow morning, Harry’s office at nine. I’ll see you there.”

“Ok, Ninety Nine. I’ll be there.”

“Keep your fingers crossed, Chase. I have a really good feeling about this.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek.

“And I’m not wearing panties-wink, wink!” She lifted her skirt and skipped off. Chase just shook his head, laughing.


Chase went home and changed into his running clothes. He’d been too busy to hit the gym to work out or to go for a run for the last couple of days. He just felt a deep rooted need to release some nervous energy. The whole nightmare had him all out of sorts. The sooner they turned this over to the authorities, and they had things in hand, the sooner he’d sleep again. He’d spent every night with Abby bundled in his arms. They’d have to kill him before he let them ever hurt her again.

Before he left on his run, he tried calling Abby to see if she’d like to go out for a late dinner when he got back. She didn’t answer. It dawned on him that she was tutoring the nursing students at the library. He left a message and took off running through a little used path he’d come upon through the deep woods. The hills and rugged terrain added a little more oomph to his runs.

He was about a mile in, pouring on the steam, his mind totally preoccupied with the nefarious goings on when he rounded the turn into the woods that ran down a steep, pine clogged hill that leveled off along the river.

He never saw it coming.

As he jogged along the dark, narrow path through the thick pine grove a huge, masked man jumped out from behind a tree like a bolt of lightning, inches from him, and cracked Chase across the forehead with a baseball bat. Chase folded like an accordion and went out cold.


When Chase slowly woke, his head felt like a keg of dynamite had gone off inside. The pain was excruciating. Stars danced before his unfocused eyes. Floaters darted in all directions like meteors.

His right eye was mostly closed, the lid only held barely open by dried blood. He could taste the metallic flavor of blood and felt the massive dried patches of it crack on his upper lip and cheek as he moved his jaw to ensure it wasn’t broken. The bitter, iron taste was making him nauseous.

He was gagged and tied at the wrists through the back of a tilted, dentist’s type chair. He was naked. His legs vulgarly splayed spread eagle over the two sides of the chair leaving his crotch totally vulnerable with his ankles tied beneath the chair to the same rope lashing his hands.

His heart raced. What little light there was in the room was just a glimmer of waning moonlight slicing through a blackened basement window.

He suddenly realized where he was. A cold tremor ran through his body as his blood turned to ice. He kept his aching head down, pretending to still be out. He needed time to think.

If only my head would stop pounding, he thought. He knew, at best, he had a concussion. The confusion was alarming. He was praying his skull wasn’t cracked.

“Welcome back, Doctor. And now you see how easy it was for us to get to you.” The booming, mechanical voice hurt Chase’s ears as it echoed off the stone walls. “There’s no place for you to hide.”

“Now; let’s get down to business before my associate is forced to cause you any further pain.”

“I believe you have something we need, Doctor Brandt. A collection of budget sheets, perhaps? Pull off his gag!” The blaring, eerie voice sounded like the guy had an electrolarynx.

Rough hands came out of the dark from directly behind Chase and tore off the stifling gag. The sudden movement made his head feel like a hand grenade had gone off in his gray matter. He was dizzy and disorientated.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Doctor Brandt. You choose.”

The dark figure appeared from out of the shadows dressed in a long black robe with a demonic black hood over his face. Chase could only see his silhouette. It reminded him of the satanic ritual scene from Eyes Wide Shut.

“Fuck you! I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!”

The shit-bag behind him snatched Chase by the hair, jerked his head back violently and landed a punch out of the dark. It came out of nowhere, quickly and painfully, as it made contact squarely with his jaw. The already excruciating pain coursing through his head multiplied tenfold in a blinding flash of white. He felt sick. He knew if he didn’t fight against it, he’d certainly pass out.

His years of martial arts training kicked in. His mind focused on ignoring the pain. He concentrated intently on the single beam of light, fighting every urge to just give in to the pain and sleep.

“Yes, we know what a tough guy you are, Doctor. But everyone has their breaking point. Now. Let’s be civilized, shall we? Where are the documents?”

“I mailed them to my lawyer. If anything should happen to me, he’s going public with them.”

“I think not,” the chilling, digitalized voice chuckled maniacally. Chase barely noticed the huge figure behind him inching up even further from the shadows to stand beside the talking, hooded nightmare. The thick, damp air was cloying, but the distinct aroma of sweat filled his nostrils, causing his gag reflex to red line.

“We’ve already ascertained that you have plans to speak to the university president in the morning. Which means that you still have the documents. You certainly wouldn’t go to that clueless old simpleton without some sort of proof of your accusations. And any lawyer would be legally bound to come forth with any evidence along these lines in his or her possession immediately. We’re no fools, Brandt!”


This time it was a hobnailed boot heel that came out of the dark and caught Chase squarely in the groin. The pain roared through his body like a raging forest fire. He leaned forward and vomited, the spray spattering his bare legs. Beam of light or not, Chase went out. For how long, he didn’t have a clue.

The talking demon grabbed a handful of Chase’s matted hair roughly and jerked his head up. “Still choose to remain silent, Doctor?”

Chase initially thought that the concussion was so severe that he’d lost his mind. The voice was coming from the clown’s asshole. Then, in the shifting moonbeam, Chase noticed the white wire leading out of the robe and looped from under the mask to somewhere on the demon’s waist. He was wearing some sort of a voice disguising device. It was obviously Bluetooth because the creepy voice was also broadcast through a speaker mounted on the wall beside the chair.

Was he someone Chase knew? Someone who had to disguise his voice to keep Chase from recognizing him? And if he was disguising his voice, did that mean they had some plan to beat him senseless and release him? Assume they’d scared him into silence like the disgusting pictures did to Kay?

If that was their plan, they didn’t know Chase Brandt very well. Now he was truly pissed. This wasn’t going to end well for either Chase or the ass clowns torturing him. One of them was going down and Chase wasn’t going down without a fight.

Feeling empowered by his enraged revelation, Chase went for broke. “Fuck you, Douche Bag!” Agony and pain rang from his voice.

“Well, luckily for us, we anticipated that you’d be uncooperative. Lights!”

When the eerie red floodlights shone toward the front of the room, Chase nearly had a stroke.

Chase was in an enclosed alcove. It was set up as some sort of demented dentist’s office. Rock on three sides with a glass front. When he looked up, his heart stopped.

There, tied to rough hewn wooden frames, bound wrists, waists and ankles to the tops, middles and bottoms of the heavy rectangles, Abby, Kay and Stephanie struggled helplessly against their bonds. All three naked and gagged, trussed up disgustingly spread eagle. And all three obviously out of their poor minds in terror.

“You sick, twisted fuck! I’ll tear your fucking heart out and eat it while you watch!!”

Chase was fighting his bonds to get out of that chair and tear the heads off of the evil, twisted tormentors. The red he was seeing had nothing to do with his head injury, or the ghostly red spot lights. It was pure, unadulterated rage. Before Chase could finish his enraged curses, the figure behind him shoved the gag back into his mouth and silenced him, roughly jerking him back in the chair by his hair.

“We tried to be nice, Doctor; but apparently you don’t respond to kindness. Maybe this will convince you.”

“Watch closely, Doctor. Who knows? You may even enjoy it. I know I will.” The laugh that followed was the psychotic laugh of the truly demented.

The demon went out through a transparent door, closing it, and reappeared at the profane stage, barking orders to an as yet unseen minion. Every sound Chase could hear blasted from an overhead speaker in the tiny booth.


A whip lashed out of the darkness beyond the edges of the eerie red lights and caught the three women across their bare backs. Their muffled screams through their ball gags, and their frantic, tortured thrashing both enraged and petrified Chase. He was helpless to stop the insanity taking place before his unfocused eyes. Hearing their amplified cries coming through the infernal speaker just added to his own terror.

His rage helped clear his mind. With all the concentration he could muster, he started working diligently at the nylon ropes binding his hands and ankles.

That was their first mistake. Nylon rope could be stretched. Another useless tidbit from his seamanship classes that, like algebra, he thought he’d never need. And his years of Muay Tai exercises made his hands and wrists extremely strong and flexible

He had to be cautious. He didn’t want to make it obvious to the thug behind him that he was trying to free his hands. The backrest of the tilted dentist’s chair helped keep his efforts undetected. And God help these sick cocksuckers if he did get loose.

The spotlights shining grimly on the girls were the only light in the room. Chase and the gorilla behind him were in total darkness in the dank, alien chamber. That, and the tilt of the chair made trying to free himself that much less conspicuous.”

“Again! Just for good measure.”

The whip lashed out again, catching the writhing ladies squarely across their backsides. Their muffled screams were killing Chase. Tears poured from his eyes as he frantically struggled to get free.

“No more whips. We don’t want to leave any marks. Spin the frames.”

A third robed and hooded minion, the whip wielder, came out of the shadows, reached up and spun the frames like a wheel of chance. It stopped with a loud, jarring click leaving the three petrified women splayed out in a vulgar position; their faces pointed toward the floor, legs splayed wide open. The floodlight shining off of their most intimate parts was casting revolting images on the mirrors surrounding the degenerate’s stage.

Chase was slowly, methodically, managing to loosen the ropes. Little by little the bonds were stretching and releasing as he used every bit of strength he had in his wrists and fingers to stretch and untangle the poorly tied wraps and release the tension.

He was fighting with everything he had to remain concentrated; his determination winning out against his addled mind. He had to get free before they really got incensed and injured the girls. If they knew as much about him as they claimed to know about him, or about Muay Thai, they’d have bound his feet better. If he managed to free his hands, his feet would be free as well. He was praying that worked in his favor.

“Let’s start gently, shall we? Apply the nipple clamps, please.”

The third masked fiend reappeared rolling a red satin covered table to the side of the stage. The animal roughly jerked each struggling woman’s head back by the hair and viciously clamped the nipple clamps on all six breasts, fondling the shackled women, taunting them heartlessly. The screams, even through their gags, were driving Chase over the edge. He started working even more fervently at his bindings.

Go slow, Brandt. Calm down. Use your head. Don’t let him see what you’re doing.

The swine behind him was so close, he could feel the sick fuck’s erection rubbing against Chase’s exposed shoulder. He was deriving a sick, twisted pleasure from the abomination taking place in front of them, paying little attention to Chase. Chase could feel his hot, foul breath on his neck. He’d occasionally grasp Chase’s face roughly to make him watch the three women writhing in pain as the sick, twisted psychopath panted in sexual delight at the sadistic abomination playing out on the unholy stage.

“Flip them again,” Satan incarnate called out; his evil, electrified voice echoing through the speaker in the surreal house of horrors.

The ringleader sashayed to the front of the booth, swinging the tails of his infernal robe like he was dancing to some twisted showtune playing in his cobweb infested mind. That act, more than any other, ensured Chase that the psycho was definitely unstable. That petrified Chase. The mentally ill had their own reality. They had no understanding of right and wrong.

“I assume you know what this is, Doctor?”

The demented fuck was holding up an antique anoscope, waving it from outside the glass divider; making sure Chase could see the gleaming stainless steel in the red light’s glow. He coldly clicked the device open and shut slowly, incensing Chase further before moving toward the archaic frames.

The girls muffled cries of fear and pain echoing off the walls was gnawing at Chase like a pack of rabid rats, driving him on as he struggled harder to concentrate on loosening his slowly relenting bonds.

He started with Stephanie, spreading her butt cheeks roughly and sadistically crammed the anoscope into her rectum without aid of a lubricant. Her screams were heart wrenching. Tears flowed harder from Chase’s undamaged eye as every nerve in his body fired off electrical charges, driving him harder to concentrate on getting his feet free.

“Ou! We’ve got a virgin here!” His sick, electrified laugh, thick with his perverse pleasure, infuriated Chase even more. Chase was irate. A level of anger and a bubbling cauldron of adrenaline more intense than he’d ever experienced in his life radiated up from the very pit of his soul and spread through his mind and body in a tidal wave. The pain in his head and his excruciating testicles were all but forgotten.

The barbarous creature knelt between Stephanie’s trussed legs and ran his serpent-like tongue along her tortured backside, rubbing his crotch with one hand while heartlessly shoving the fingers of his other hand coarsely into her vagina. Chase was revolted as he watched the demented demon rubbing his crotch as he so viciously violated Stephanie. The scene just outraged him even more; fueling a fire he was determined to unleash on all three of the depraved bastards tormenting them.

When he’d tired of Stephanie, he moved to Kay, running his tongue between her buttocks through his Halloween mask. His fingers were roughly groping and fondling her sex. She was thrashing against her bonds, almost seizing. The entire frame was shaking precariously.

Chase’s heart was beating in his ears like a tympani. Hot blood rushed through his veins in a raging inferno, coursing through him at the speed of light. He was trying to control his anger and concentrate on his bonds, but his aching head made serious concentration problematic.

“Ou! This one’s not a virgin!” He laughed a sinister, cold hearted laugh as his minion stepped up and spread Kay’s buttocks almost ceremoniously, opening her disgustingly for the fiendish barbarian to ram an anoscope inside her.

Kay went rigid, her back arching to the limits of her bonds for a brief moment, then she let out an earsplitting screech of agonizing pain through her gag and went limp. Her long, soaking wet hair hung loosely over her tortured face.

“I believe I’ve seen this pretty little twat before. Hand me a speculum!” he barked, heartlessly.

Kay came alive, thrashing impotently against her strong bonds as he carelessly shoved the speculum into her barely healed vagina.

With a flick of his thumb, he opened the bills to the hilt and crammed his claw-like fingers inside her. Groping her.

Claw like fingers,” Chase thought wildly. “Zeigler!

Kay once again, let out a garbled, heart wrenching scream, thrashing against her bonds with everything she had.

“Ah, yes. I was correct. This one’s a very old friend.” He jerked out the speculum and roughly shoved his gnarled fingers inside her again, sliding them in and out violently. He followed his godless act by forcing his whole hand inside her, viciously twisting it in and out, fisting the helpless woman. The maniacal cackling screeching through the infernal speaker was more than Chase could take.

Finally! Chase had one hand free. He used it slowly, cautiously, to free the other.

Godzilla behind him was obviously never a Boy Scout. He couldn’t tie a knot to save his ass. The disgusting perv was so intent on watching the abomination taking place in front of them that he wasn’t paying any attention to Chase.

Chase was actually sickened. The disgusting, unwashed ogre behind him was rubbing his erection across Chase’s shoulder. His hot breath, ripe with whiskey, almost caused Chase to hurl again as the rancid aroma wafted down across his face.

“We’re saving your little sweetheart for last, Doctor. She’s going to be the main attraction tonight! I can smell her hot, sweet little pussy from here. I can’t wait to have my way with her while you watch!”

“That pleasure, of course, will be after my associate has his way with your tight, muscular ass. He prefers the male of our species. Ever been buggered, Doctor Brandt? Sodomized? Pegged, maybe? No. I’m sure you haven’t. The first time can be a little disconcerting, but it quickly becomes quite pleasurable. Are you sure you don’t know where those papers are?”

“Fuck you, you Sick Cocksucker!” Chase was screeching in anger. His venomous threats echoed around the tiny booth.

“Shut up, Cutie! He can’t hear you. This booth is soundproof. The better to bugger you in, My Dear.” Godzilla’s maniacal laugh was disgusting. He rubbed Chase’s shoulders, making kissing sounds just inches from Chase’s ear.

The demented deviant returned to Stephanie and roughly opened the anoscope in Stephanie’s anus fully. Laughing maniacally. Chase couldn’t believe that this sick, twisted individual could do something so heinous with absolutely no remorse. He was taking his sick, deviant pleasures by hurting a helpless victim. Stephanie, thankfully, passed out.

“Oh my! Your colleague isn’t quite as stoic as you are, Doctor. Dear, dear. I may take a moment to enjoy this beautiful virgin asshole with some of my toys before we move on. It gives me such pleasure to deflower a virginal rectum with my vast array of toys. And I’d so love to try out my sounds on this very beautiful urethra.” The animal stood to the side, reached between Stephanie’s splayed legs and spread her labia wide enough to tear the sensitive tissue. “Look. She’s even cleared the path by shaving her loveliness.”

He leaned down and took a slow, sadistic lick of Stephanie’s vagina from front to back, laughing the entire time, biting her left buttocks viciously. Stephanie bucked, screeching through her gag.

He laughed that psycho laugh again, staring at Chase as he slowly crammed his fingers in Stephanie’s vagina again and spread her grotesquely.

“When this little cupcake wakes up, I have a feeling she’ll truly enjoy having that tasty urethra sounded, don’t you, Doctor Brandt?” The monster was fingering Stephanie ruthlessly, ramming three fingers into her tormented sex.

“But alas, we’re pressed for time this evening. But for our spectator’s pleasure, the warms ups are over. Time for the center ring. Let’s see how your little girlfriend tastes, Doctor Brandt. Still not talking, Doctor?”

Chase’s other hand came free just as the barbarian spread Abby’s ass cheeks and roughly stroked her vagina. His disgusting tongue probed her puckered anus. She was thrashing around, fighting the bonds valiantly as he roughly shoved a massive dildo between Abby’s flailing legs and forced it into her vagina, laughing a coughing, diabolic, evil laugh as he did. It was made a hundred fold more dreadful amplified through that infernal voice disguising nightmare cackling coming through the speaker.

The adrenaline rush was coursing through Chase’s veins like lightning. He was twisting his foot slowly, wiggling his ankles to free his feet from the loose bonds: the last of the restraints still holding him.

As soon as he felt the coarse rope slide off his feet, he was ready.

He could barely breathe as he waited for the demon behind him to get in just the right spot.

It didn’t take long. As the ringleader readied himself, fingering Abby’s anus, preparing to slide a massive dildo into her backside, the animal behind him started rubbing Chase’s shoulders again, running his course hands over Chase’s cheeks.

In one fell swoop, Chase thrust his feet against the floor with every ounce of strength he could muster, rolling backward in the chair as he arched his back in a backward somersault. He knew he only had one shot and he was praying the element of surprise caught the behemoth behind him totally off guard.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, he kicked his legs up over the head of the animal behind him, locked his ankles behind the massive head and squeezed with all his might. He could feel his ankles digging into his greasy flesh, crushing the warped fucker’s head. Pecker Breath was screaming out like a wounded animal. Thankfully, his caterwauling went unheard outside the soundproofed booth as Chase jerked his entire body, twisting his hips and legs in a crushing death grip. The animal’s tortured cries echoed eerily off the stone floor and walls.

Chase applied every ounce of pressure his muscular legs could exert, feeling the animal’s eye orbits crack under the pressure.

In a flash, Chase violently flipped over on to his stomach in the opposite direction, twisting the pig’s neck savagely. The crack could be heard ringing sickly off the walls of the alcove, unheard by the demented perverts performing their sick, twisted show on the stage.

Chase flipped back in the other direction and effortlessly slung the behemoth to the floor, still twisting his neck as the thug flew ass over teakettle and landed on his face in Chase’s earlier vomit puddle. Chase was certain after all the thrashing he’d just inflicted that he nearly twisted the demon’s head off of his shoulders.

Chase knew beyond a doubt that he’d severed the bastard’s neck. He wouldn’t be causing any poor, unsuspecting woman-or anyone else-any further nightmares ever again. His buggering days were over.

It seemed like an eternity, but in reality it was over with in a flash. Chase didn’t stop to see the damage. He was blinded by rage. Adrenaline coursed through him like a raging river. The sick, gurgling grunts coming from the demon, prostate on the floor, his face in the drying vomit, just confirmed it.

Chase bolted from the chair and barreled through the thick plexiglass door, breaking it off of its hinges, and steamrolled his way to the front, his swollen balls impeding his charge only slightly, just as the sick fuck was roughly forcing the dildo in Abby’s rectum. She was thrashing helplessly against her bonds, her muffled cries tearing Chase up inside.

The psychopath was so engrossed in his sick, lurid activity that he never saw Chase jumping from table to table, coming for him.

The shocked, petrified gasp emitting from the electronic voice box echoed from the speakers as the devil gasped in utter shock as Chase flew from a table into a flying roundhouse kick, working strictly from a primal level he’d never experienced before. He caught the sadist squarely in the throat, dropping him instantly.

As he fell, Chase caught him with another solid, flying kick to his chest. The ringmaster flew back against the wall like a sack of flour, smashing against it with a sickening thud. Chase could hear the electronically enhanced whoosh of air as it rushed from the downed monster’s lungs.

Two down. Chase was running on nothing more than raw, primal, lower brain stimuli. In reality, Doctor Chase Brandt wasn’t in control. One of his prehistoric ancestors was directing his actions.

The minion, seeing the melee, scrambled for the stairs the instant he saw his master fly through the air.

Chase flew across the room, again bounding off of tables and chairs, and caught him before he reached the middle of the staircase.

Rage still at the helm, Chase grabbed him by the neck and the back of his robe and dragged him roughly down the stairs.

At the bottom, he lifted the puny little monster over his head and slammed him against the jagged stone wall with all the strength he possessed. A girlish scream, followed by a loud gasp of air escaped him.

Still blinded by fury, Chase picked him up by the throat and the leg, held him over his head and dropped him roughly over his knee, breaking his back like a twig. The gasp of horror and terror escaping the evil minion was cut off the instant his spine separated somewhere in the thoracic area.

He grabbed the twitching form by the collar and dragged him across the course floor and back into the chamber, piling him roughly beside the ringleader. He wasn’t taking any chances.

Chase moved like lightening. When he got to the back of the room, the gorilla lay on the floor, motionless, his head at a precarious angle. The glassy, dead eyes and gray pallor Chase saw when he tore off his mask told the tale. He could no longer offer Chase, or anyone else for that matter, any further problems.

Chase bolted back to the ringleader who he was fairly certain wouldn’t be moving anytime soon and, for good measure, kicked the sick, twisted fuck, squarely in the face through his demonic mask three or four times just because it felt good. Rage still coursed through his body. His normally docile demeanor and temperance flew out the window; completely against all his years of martial arts training for tempered balance. Even with the immediate threat quelled, Chase was still in an alien state at the same terrifying level.

“Sit tight, Girls!” Chase spun the frame back to an upright position. “I’ll cut you lose in a minute.”

He gently removed the anoscopes from Stephanie and Kay’s rectums, and the disgusting, spiked dildo from Abby vagina. Thankfully, the devil hadn’t had time to carry out his intended anal intrusion on the terrified Abby.

Abby was thrashing around, petrified. Chase’s heart broke. Seeing the woman he loved so violently abused caused sheer anguish and compassion to begin to quell the fiery rage he was feeling.

Chase’s concentration quickly focused on the potential for further danger from the situation they were in. He had no idea who might be lurking in the shadows, but the girls came first.

Stephanie anus was bleeding badly. Blood ran down the back of her bruised legs. Both Kay and Stephanie were out cold. Abby was incoherent.

A quick glance at Kay let Chase know that she’d been there for longer than the other two. She was badly beaten and abused. Bruises, welts and deep cuts covered her thighs, her breasts, her buttocks, her back and her arms.

He looked to the table. A nauseating display of sick and inhumane torture devices were spread out in meticulous order as if they were on an OR surgical tray. The red spot lights were shining mockingly from the unholy implements.

He found a scalpel among the urethral sounds, mouth clamps, tile nippers, a torch, and other, even more perverse gadgets that caused bile to run into Chase’s throat.

A shiver ran down his entire body as he dared wonder just how far those twisted bastards would have gone if he hadn’t gotten free.

He wrapped his arms around Abby’s tiny waist, kissing her wet, shaking cheek over and over as he cut her loose, whispering softly to calm the terrified little woman.

Still whispering softly in her ear, praying she was ok, he settled her laying on her side on the floor against the creepy medieval set’s stone wall. She was awake, but petrified and shocky as he tore off her gag.

“Breathe, Baby. You’re ok. Breathe.” He was gently easing her matted hair out of her eyes. You’re going to be fine, Honey. We’re safe. It’s over.” He leaned down and kissed her quivering lips. “I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t leave me, Chase!!” Arms flailing for his embrace, totally out of her tormented mind. She was pleading with Chase to hold her. He did, but only briefly.

“I’ll never leave you again, My Love, but I have to cut Kay and Stephanie loose. I’m right here. You’re safe, Baby. I promise.” He kissed her trembling lips, rubbed her cheek, and bolted up.

He wrapped his arm around Stephanie’s waist and cut her loose. She collapsed into him like a poorly constructed house of cards. He laid her down on her stomach and moved to Kay. She, being taller, was a bit more difficult, but he managed to get her loose without her falling to the floor. She, too, crumpled in his arms.

Chase ripped blood red tablecloths off of the barbaric viewing tables placed all around the demonic theater and rushed back to cover the women. Abby was shivering from the dampness as well as from the nightmarish shock she’d just endured, but he could see the stoic determination on her pixyish little face as she fought to get control of her demons. She was one tough little shit.

Appalled, he reached down and gently removed the ghastly nipple clamps from Abby’s bruised breasts, then moved to Kay and Stephanie, removing their nipple clamps as he covered each of them with the tablecloths.

Chase stumbled from the stage and felt along the jagged walls leading to the stairs until he finally came upon the light switches. When he turned them on, he nearly collapsed.

The massive, cavernous chamber looked like something out of the Marquis De Sade’s most twisted imaginings.

The large room, once an innocent bowling alley filled with people out for a night of innocent enjoyment, was sectioned off into a veritable cornucopia of perversion to suit every imaginable sick and twisted fetish. It reminded him of the most horrid scene from Dante’s Inferno.

Different, smaller enclosures housed an operating room stage, medieval torture chambers, shackling tables, a rack that looked like it came straight from the Inquisition, foot restraints, thumb screws, cages, and a whole host of other dark, disgusting paraphernalia.

Chase tried to ignore it as he tended to the girls. Every bit of him was aghast at the level of depravity those twisted animals had sunk to.

“Abby, Honey. Are you ok?”

“I…Ill be F…f…fine, Chase! Oh my God!” She burst into a hail of terror infused tears and fell into his arms.

“Easy, Baby. Shush, shush, shush. You’re going to be fine. It’s over, Sweetheart. Stay here beside me.” He gently sat her up.

“Did you see where they put my clothes?”

“Back there by that chair.” She was quaking. “They dragged you in here and set on you like vultures, tearing off your clothes. Oh my God!! I thought you were dead, Chase!!” She broke out in a crying jag of epic proportions.

“Easy, Sweetheart. You just sit tight for a minute. You’re safe now. I’m just going to get my bag. We need to call for help, and I need some packing. Steph’s bleeding pretty badly. I’m praying that sick fuck didn’t puncture her colon.”

Chase got his phone from his pack and shakily dialed nine-one-one. He frantically gave the dispatcher the crux of the situation, still fueled by the ebbing adrenaline flood, and begged them to get there ASAP before any of the dead pervert’s cohorts showed up to join in the fray. Chase feared he’d used up the last of the fight he had in him.

The ungodly pain, temporarily forgotten in his quest to rescue the girls, was once again shooting throughout his body in waves of nearly debilitating agony.. But at that very moment, he knew that he’d give up his last breath before he ever let anything ever happen to Abby or his friends ever again.

Chase hobbled back to his bag and opened it, kneeling beside Stephanie. He dug out some KY.

“Check it while she’s out, Chase,” Abby bravely stuttered out through quivering lips as she checked Stephanie’s pulse. “She doesn’t need to go through that again awake.” Abby was fighting to regain control of herself, her lower lip trembling. It appeared she was winning the battle. Only her pale, trembling lips and shaking hands gave her away.

Abby grabbed an anoscope off the tray of horrors, wiped it down thoroughly with alcohol wipes from Chase’s bag, and handed it to Chase.

“Keep your eyes behind us, Abby. If any one of those bastards moves, holler.” Chase kept the scalpel close at hand.

He lubed the anoscope and gently eased it in Stephanie’s tortured backside. Abby handed him the headlamp from his bag. He slowly opened the bills and eased her inflamed, bleeding anus open, dabbed the blood away with sterile swab and inspected her closely. The bleeding was, thankfully, slowing. He gently packed her with some hemostatic gauze. From what he could see in the dank basement, it was coming from a small tear just inside in her anus. He’d need to reexamine her in better light to be certain.

He quickly removed the anoscope, hurling it against the wall as the last of his anger turned to anguish.

He moved to Kay. She was still out. He checked her pulse and respiration. Thankfully they were ok, but she was in deep shock. Her pupils were dilated. He needed to watch her closely.

He lifted her legs, spreading them gently and directing his headlamp light between them. Thankfully, his rushed, cursory exam showed no major damage from the indecencies she’d suffered: other than the all over bruises and a scratch on her swollen, nipple. He eased her feet up on an overturned chair to elevate her legs and hopefully reduce her chances of becoming even more shocky.

“How about you, Baby! Look at me!” He took her beautiful, tortured face in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. She, too, was shocky.

He lifted her breasts. A small amount of blood trickled from one tiny nipple, but thankfully it was minor.

“Let me check between your legs, Honey.” His heart was breaking. Abby bravely rolled over as he gently spread her bruised thighs.

He brushed away the disheveled hairs and shone his headlamp light down. Thankfully, while she was extremely red and, he was certain sore, there didn’t appear to be any damage. He gently spread the raging red labia. No blood, but he’d need to check all three of them out more closely when they got to the ER.

Chase gently rolled Abby on to her side and directed the light’s beam on her back. The whip lashes looked deep and painful. The one across her beautiful left buttock he knew would need to be sutured. He was trying to keep her talking and keep her mind occupied to prevent her from thinking too deeply about the horrors she’d just suffered. He pulled some gauze and tape from his bag and loosely bandaged her wounds.

Chase moved between the girls, his heart breaking, tending to their wounds. The more the adrenaline wore off, the more Chase’s head and testicles radiated a blinding pain throughout his body. It was becoming so bad he felt certain he’d pass out. Between that and his exploding head, sheer determination was all that kept him going.

Satisfied that the girls were stable, he checked his handiwork.

As he’d already deduced; when he tore off the ringmaster’s mask, Zeigler’s bug-like eyes glared at him. It was him, the twisted, disgusting little bug man that so ruthlessly and heartlessly violated the girls. How the puny, sick little man managed such a deep voice during his sick and perverse show was shattered to pieces and embedded into his badly bleeding neck. Hearing the electrified voice, Chase would have never guessed it was him. But his slight build and claw-like hands brought about the startling realization of who he was in the last few seconds as Chase struggled in that infernal chair to release his bonds.

Chase roughly grabbed the monster’s wrist. He still had a pulse, but his badly ravaged face caused his breathing, what there was of it, to come in short, gurgling rasps. Frothy blood ran over his lips and puddled on his accursed black robe. Fuck him!

“I hope you can still hear me, Zeigler! I’m not going to do anything to help you. Die slowly and painfully, you sick, twisted cocksucker!”

The ape in the back wasn’t anyone Chase had ever seen before, but he was definitely dead. As expected and intended, Chase broke his neck and crushed his eye orbits in the brief struggle. One sightless eye oozed free of his crushed skull, hanging by the optic nerve and rested in the drying vomit. Chase felt no remorse. In a renewed flash of rage, he frantically kicked the behemoth squarely in the groin with his foot, driving his heel into the bastard’s groin. Not surprisingly, the behemoth pissed himself in the initial scuffle. Chase took a scary, dark pleasure from the act, regardless of the fact that the bastard was long past the point of feeling any pain.

The third one, the evil minion, caused Chase to gasp in shock and surprise. It was Nurse Jenny. Her chest was caved in from the violent contact with the jagged stone wall. No pulse and no respirations. The speeding collision with the jagged rock wall must have driven her ribs through her lungs or her heart. If she even possessed a heart. Again, he didn’t feel the slightest bit of remorse. He stomped her once more in her chest as the on and off waves of unbridled anger he felt continued to dissipate. The deep sorrow for the three women, and any others who’d been violated and tormented in the pervert’s pavilion, once again tempered his anger.

“Chase, Stephanie’s coming around.”

Chase hobbled to Stephanie’s side, Abby on the other side, both rubbing her back, speaking softly to her.

“You’re going to be ok, Steph. Easy. Just breathe. Your backside’s going to be a little sore for a while, but I don’t think there’s any serious damage. I had to put some packing in there to stem the bleeding, but we’ll take it out when we get you to the ER.”

“Oh my God! I thought we were all going to die!” She was crying, breathless. “How did we get free!”

“My Superman here kicked their fucking asses!” Abby chirped. She was still panicked, her entire body trembling as if she was chilled to the bone, but she continued to sound more lucid. She was thankfully regaining control. Chase wrapped another table cloth over her quaking shoulders to warm her.

“Abby, Honey, go through that curtained area over there. But be quick. The cops will be here any minute. That looks like an office or a storage room. See if there’s any pictures that you, Steph, or Kay might want to keep to yourselves. Look for big mailing envelopes.”

“Oh my God!” Abby staggered across the room, determination pasted across her tormented face as her tablecloth toga fell to the floor, unnoticed by her in her quest to end her nightmare. She ran the last few yards to the little room nude.

“Chase! There’s a bunch of filing cabinets in here!” Her voice echoed eerily off of the walls of the now silent house of horrors.

Sit tight, Steph. I’ll be right back.”

He checked Kay again. She was still out, but her pulse and respirations were still good and strong. When he was certain she was stable, he rushed, bowlegged, in to help Abby.

Thankfully, the filing cabinets weren’t locked. So much for the flawless security the anonymous source told Stephanie about.

When she flung the first one open, the door came off the rails, crashing to the floor with a loud bang that echoed noisily throughout the chamber. Stacks of envelopes, exactly like the one Kay’s pictures were delivered in were cascading from it like a massive waterfall of manila.