Emily’s Awakening

It was a dull, wet weekday in late July 2011, the kind of day that made you feel that summer was over and autumn had well and truly arrived. Heavy drops of cold rain splashed onto roads and pavements and dripped from every tree before flowing in torrents along gutters and into drains. Emily skipped between puddles on her way […]

Jen Finds “Jeopardy” & Herself

Jen finished Grammar school in June at 18, with enough “A” levels to go to University, complete with enough scholarships to cover tuition and room and board. However, knowing she was still quite naïve and not really ready to live on her own, she decided to take a gap year and earn some money. Growing up, she had always worked […]

Lesbian Slaves My Property

I am a woman working as a fellow in agricultural university. I am presently working on sugar quality improvement. I really work hard on it. I am very much mentally harassed working on such projects. We do not have enough instruments when working on such projects, moreover we get very less of money from our projects and that too in […]

Where do We Go from Here?

The woman in her late 30s tried valiantly to ignore the rising voice from her boss’ office, but it was becoming difficult considering the altercation had been going on for more than 10 minutes. “Will it ever end?” she whispered. Sometimes her boss irritated a few employees who verbally expressed their unhappiness in her office. But in her 10 years […]

Mindy in New York

Then… She stood there by the lake in shorts, flip-flops, and an old t-shirt. She wore sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat. She didn’t want anyone to recognize her, because she really didn’t feel like talking to anyone. She watched some teenage kids having fun together while swimming in the water and thought of better days.


“…again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with karaoke, I’m just surprised that that’s what Mallory wanted to do to celebrate her transition from single to married,” I said as I pushed open the front door and punched the alarm code into the keypad on the wall, “I mean, she goes to karaoke every week. Why not try something new?”

Wild Wild Sex… I Mean West

“Yeah.” It was Daisy, the youngest, doing her form of target practice which was shooting at rocks or other objects on the ground from different positions. She definitely took after her father. Though only eighteen she was the most experienced with a gun out of all her sisters. She did most of the hunting for food, squirrels and rabbits mainly. […]

Skanked – The Beginning Maria’s Story

My name is Maria Quinones, and I just had the most incredible yet terrifying night of my life and have to share my story. First a little background. I am 22 years old and the daughter of two hard working parents that built a family pharmacy from basically nothing which has supported the family for over 35 years. We live […]

My Rival / My Rival

Throughout my entire life, she was always there. We grew up going to the same church and the same schools. Now we go to the same college and we even have the same major. Heck, I bet when we graduate, we’ll end up at the same job! That’s how intertwined our lives have been. It sounds like I’m describing my […]

Dark Rose

I used to have a recurring dream, a dream that I had killed my father. His corpse, with dead, sunken eyes and graveyard pallor, the autopsy stitches livid against his torso, would rise up from the mortuary slab and shuffle towards me, pointing an accusing finger. I would wake, sometimes crying out, always shaking with horror. I hadn’t killed him, […]