Taurus’ Blossom

What’s that old joke, vice is nice, but incest is best; put your sister to the test. Well, both of my halfsisters, one’s my stepmother, the other my step-sister, both are my aunts, and one’s a niece, and all of them folded into two drop-dead gorgeous sluts who pass the family sex test with flying colors several times a day.

Family Tensions

‘You will ring your uncle and tell him that you’ll take the holiday job, won’t you?’ ‘I have done so already!’ he said on going to the top of the stairs and meeting her look upon him. His choice of career, in accountancy, would see him start a new full-time job in Bordeaux in two months’ time, and after the […]

Safiya’s Initiation

Safiya filled the chicken’s water trough with fresh water from her bucket as the chickens milled around her feet, parched from the hot day. “It wouldn’t be so bad if all of you would just stay in the shade.” She said to them as they fought for drinking spots. A white chicken, Dolly, hurried after her when she headed for […]

Mother and Son – The Strongest Love

Mark is 24 years old, a good looking, virile, young man. Graduate in computer sciences. A self-employed I.T. consultant. He is still living at home as he finds it convenient and he’s not yet found anyone he wants to share his life with, other than his mother Rebecca is 43 years old, a very attractive lady with a great figure. […]

They’re All Wet

After a couple too many beers, I arose from the dining room table, and made my way toward the bedroom wing of my house. It was pretty late, and mom, dad, and my slightly older sister had called it a night hours ago. Not one to waste time, I pulled my pocket tee shirt over my head, as I walked […]

John and Frankie and Me

Hi– my name’s Emil, presently from Portland, Oregon. I’m a few months shy of graduating from high school; I turned eighteen last year. I grew up in a single-parent household– with my dad, Frank Stouffer. It’s usually the mom that gets the kid in a divorce, but my case was different: She didn’t want me. The few times I’ve seen […]

Sex in the Cabin in the Woods

The plan was simple. The two of them would take a six-hour drive up to the mountains together where Mark had rented a quaint cabin nestled deep into the Aspen trees. Not another cabin for at least half a mile. Total seclusion. What a wonderful thought. Once in the mountains, they would be free to do any of the available […]

My Family’s Vacation in Ibiza

Hello, my name is Ellie and I live in New Hampshire, in the USA. I am the wholesome next door girl type, with a cute smile. Most of the time I don’t wear makeup, but when I do it is very little. I am not considered as pretty, or hot, or a hottie, or whatever term you want to use. […]

Ending on a High

Marijuana, Dagga, Kush, Weed. No-matter what you call it, the fact remains I am useless with it. Which is why I have opted to stay away from the dirty wonder weed. That was until it was gifted to me, not by some shady dealer in a dark alley, but by my future sister-in-law.

Family Lust in the Bunker

Alistair licked his lips, though the deep purple fox had other things on his mind than eating. The bunker was underground — well, half of it — and best suited to withstand the inclement weather and landscape of a post-apocalyptic world, everything that they had known, once, collapsed into dust. Cities were ruined, rang hollow, though the fox, who was […]