I Know That I Won’t Keep You

Melanie had answered the call on her iPhone while looking out onto the street below; her small house lay off the busier thoroughfares that became choked with rush hour traffic and blighted the picturesque scene of half-timbered houses, varied gables and the pavements cobbled, as you might find it on a film set. The Normandy town, she now lived in, […]

Yes, Mrs Wilson!

Looking into Room 223 at Crestview High nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The teacher, Julie Wilson, was sitting at her desk dressed very professionally in a blouse with only one button undone, a matching skirt that hit just above her knees and flats. The students were all listening to her intently.

Mom’s Favorite Boy

Mary always wanted a bunch of kids ever since she could think about starting a family. She and her husband had their first child which turned out to be a boy. They named him Thomas. Wanting a little girl next, she convinced her husband to have another baby a few years later. He was less interested in having a lot […]

The Best Kept Secret

As he sits in front of his computer, and works his way through some low security, he connects to the secretary’s computer and gets into the main server at VENDURA.CO.LTD. He uses the word God as the password for the head administrator HerHoliness when prompted. Nice graphics display on his monitor and they represent the machine’s vast systems.

Tante Marise

I had just left school at the age of nineteen and had a whole summer before starting uni in October. I was off to France for a month and in the 60s that was a big adventure, I couldn’t wait. Having been cloistered in a boys boarding school for the last five years I was now off to explore the […]

Bimbo Tales: A Lucky Son

“So, where is your mom, now?” Cam asked. Billy ducked beneath the arm Cam tried to lay around his shoulders. He turned towards the direction from which his mom would usually arrive. Cam and his two buddies laughed. “So tell us, what will we see on dear old Gaby today?”

The Old Country

Jorge Martin let his gaze wander towards the distant horizon. The sea was the deepest azure blue that he could remember. The light onshore breeze was teasing up the pristine white caps. They in turn eased across the bay, only to disappear as they broke upon the golden sand of the beach below. His daughter Francesca stirred in his arms. […]

Prom Date with Mom

The Senior Prom is supposed to be one of the most important moments in a young high school student’s life, and apart from graduation night, the prom the other crowning achievement to cap off the whole high School experience. It is a night where old friends party have fun and for the most part, it is a night of special […]

Teasing Raine

“It’s raining,” she said, her eyes scanning the dark sky as the few thin drops splattered around us. “This? This ain’t rain. It’s not even a sprinkle.” I looked around as the visible moisture moved on wind currents. The meteorological term for it is drizzle, but my dad had another name for it. “It’s wet, isn’t it?” My granddaughter scowled […]

Flame Trees

Rising early as always, I tiptoed around the house so I didn’t wake my wife. A quick breakfast with coffee, then a shower so I would at least walk out into the summer heat feeling somewhat refreshed, knowing I was going to be dripping with sweat within minutes as always. Dressing in the spare room, I only had to grab […]