Summer in Galveston

Chris mopped his forehead, glancing behind him in the weirdly-lit side avenue in Church Street. The houses here looked sinister in the moonlight, squat shapes on short stilts, most of them run-down. A dog whined a few streets over. Summer on the Gulf, when the air at nine pm still felt like the soupy, greasy mess it had been in […]


Mandy had known all summer the day was coming, and she had almost given up on pretending she wasn’t looking forward to it nearly as much as Laurie was. Almost, but she still wasn’t quite over her reservations on the morning Laurie came bounding into the staff mess hall with the news. From the joyous look on Laurie’s face, Mandy […]

All Five Senses

Allie was a little drunk, which in some ways wasn’t surprising, given we were in a bar. I’ve known Allie for eighteen months and, up until this evening, she’d never shown even a remote interest in being in a bar. Tonight, for some reason she was insistent, like she thought it was my birthday and hence a celebration was in […]

Neighbour’s Lesbian Show

The weather had been scorching hot over the last couple of days, above the average temperatures normally seen in these summer months. Our office air conditioning had broken down, and as the room was unbearable to work in, our bosses had told us all to work from home until it was fixed. This could be up to a week but […]

Sue Set Free: Reward

I’ve transitioned into an open marriage over the last few weeks, and I spend a fair amount of time in events that entertain my husband. I try and get pictures wherever possible, as he really enjoys looking at other men having their way with me. It keeps his mind off his mistress, so I have him more to myself.

The Taming of Enkidu

Shamhat stepped cautiously around the boulders to slowly approach the watering hole, her bare feet pressing through the pebbles with every step. She left the tools of her trade neatly wrapped in a satchel by her feet, waiting to be used on her return. Behind her lay the hiding spot, high above the water where she and the hunter had […]

Adventures of Gina

Introduction: I have based this series on my best friend who is no longer with us. We dated through her last three years of high school and married once she finished college. She knew how to be a proper lady, as well as an uninhabited college party girl. Some of the stories I will tell are based on actual events […]

A Professional Evening

I met Tom while working at a cafe. He was kind of cute and kind of quiet, and always had a laptop open while he drank his coffee, typing rapidly. He would always smile at me if I brought him anything, and I after a while I noticed that he would take a break from his work, every now and […]

Breakfast Nook

The first time she’d noticed them in the window, she’d naturally reacted with embarrassment and shock. She hadn’t even realized that the one window of her neighbor’s house overlooked her fenced-in back yard until she saw the faces there ogling her as she sunned herself in a bikini. Shortly after escaping into the privacy of her house, a very different […]

Six Top

“Hey I invited some people over for some games tonight, that okay?” Allen looks at me and I shrug. “I’ll probably be upstairs if that’s alright. You can play most of the night.” I head into the kitchen to start on dinner for Allen’s guests as he follows me in. “Are you cooking for us? You don’t have to.” He […]