Desk Job

“I’m not really too clear on why you need to spend two days showing me the ropes,” complained Lisa, as Gemma turned onto the new Ellesmere Port bypass. The traffic was almost as crazy as it was at rush hour but Gemma’s mind was on other things. “You may have the necessary credential for the position,” she said, sneaking a […]

Car Handjob – Revisited

It could have been just another year but this was like no other, I started law school that year, many years ago now. It was where I met an old flame Julie. I can recall those first days of lectures where most of us were newbies. It was both an exciting and anxious time. Yeah I checked out the chicks […]

Red Dress

The red dress should do the trick, thinks Stella; it’s certainly come up trumps before. Why she should have to go to the hassle of dolling herself up is another question altogether. This is the 1990s for goodness sake, For a woman to get taken seriously when building a business is an uphill struggle, trying to organise financing a nightmare. […]

Daughter of the Revolution

The sound of ringing steel echoed through the barn along with the gasping of two people laboring for breath. Abigail Durham and her father George sparred with their practice swords, sweating and panting as they danced and dodged each others thrusts. George cried out in surprise when his 18 year old daughter parried his stroke and tapped his forearm with […]

Turned Out

She watched as he approached her friend Marlena and bent to whisper in her ear. Marlena must have heard him over the loud music because she nodded her head and whispered something back to him. He turned and walked towards the bar. Marlena turned and rolled her eyes at Lorna. He was cute in the way that only shorter men […]


The majesty of the giant room was palpable. Our small group was surrounded by the smells of leather bound books and furniture oil. We were faced, in every direction, with the tangible evidence of history. The dome above us engendered astonishing acoustics, making every whisper, every turn of a page, clearly audible. On all sides of the room were alcoves […]

Tales from the Club: Susan’s Reboot

New Xanadu had been open for 3 months when Susan’s divorce came through. Giver her husband’s wealth and abusive character, not to mention strong support and pressure from his fundamentalist church members, I had expected it to be hotly contested. It started out that way, but thanks to a combination of the legal bulldogs that Mary selected for Susan to […]

Memories of Will

In my early stay in the UK as a grad student, me and another foreign grad student doing the same course, got invited to stay overnight at the home of one of the faculty members of the university so they can bring us to visit famous tourist places like castles, etc. We bought wine and a huge Easter egg chocolate […]

Hijabi and Stranger on the Train

There was a spring in Khadijah’s step as she felt an energy and confidence that had been zapped from her life following her divorce. She had become reclusive in the years since her divorce but everything had changed now she was with George. She never worked following her divorce and lived modestly on her divorce settlement.

Lustful women V, Christine

I am a bit older than the other women in this series of stories. I am now in my late sixties, but believe me, I am just as horny or even hornier. I have heard that a woman´s sex drive peaks in her mid-forties and then it can stay near the top for a long time I am rather experienced […]