A Date with Incest?

This was my 1st attempt as an author/storyteller and it was rejected. A special thanks to daddy’s girl for guidance, help editing and suggestions. Any comments, critiques, feedback and suggestions are appreciated. All participants listed are 18 years old or older. Only the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent, lol. The following is a true event.

Lizzie’s Submission

“Lizzie!”… My mother yelled from downstairs. She had that tone, the tone that would make a dog’s tail go between its legs and cower in a corner knowing it did something wrong, and that’s one thing I do well.. is something wrong. I rolled myself out of bed and scuffed out of my room to the top of the stairs […]

Dirty Fwank, That’s Uncle to You

“Fwank is here,” I mumbled to myself, standing on tiptoe and peering out the front window to watch his jaunty walk up the weed choked sidewalk. Not Uncle Frank or even Frank. I couldn’t roll the R’s like everyone else so Fwank it was and always has been. Unruly straw-colored hair, sharp jawline, and thin lips created his handsome and […]

Birthday Present

My lady in charge, my girlfriend and (sometimes) my professional dome was calling me in her ‘office’ (as she used to call her dungeon all the time). It was the night before my 50th birthday and I was hoping for a nice present. However, at the end the present proves to be a bit more then I was able to […]

Sigma Alpha Sigma

Freshman year went well. Exams were over. Not Dean’s List, perhaps, but well enough to keep dreams of a decent law school alive. Though we were all too young to drink, someone copped some beer kegs and the RAs turned a blind eye to what we were doing the night before. Now was clearing-out day.

Used and Abused

It was a regular day at home and I was just preparing to settle into my nice, little afternoon nap. This was usually the time of the day when my house would be empty with my parents out at work and the maids having completed their work and left for the day. I never got to enjoy the solitude of […]

Owned by The Boss

My hands wouldn’t stop shaking as I dressed for my interview, today. It was at a reputable law firm, one I knew I barely had a chance for. But, now that females weren’t allowed to work outside of the home and our rights had been seemingly ripped away before our own eyes, it didn’t seem to matter if I attended […]

The Excitement Of Sharing

“Are you ready?” I asked just outside the front door. The flash of excitement that was always in your eyes when we were about to try something exiting was particularly noticeable tonight. “Yes,” you said looking at me and without hesitation rang the doorbell, still keeping your eyes on me, blushing and smiling as you saw me doing the same.

The Lodger

Jenny sat on the train, excited and nervous at what lay ahead. She was attending a second interview for a job in London which she really wanted. Having left school at eighteen and drifted in and out of a couple of minor jobs and minor relationships, she was ready for a change in her life and this could be it. […]

The Work Experience Girl

Joanne didn’t know what a typical lesbian looked like but she was pretty sure she was nothing like it. She was a middle aged, professional, divorced woman. Always well presented with smart clothes, well cut hair, good make-up, polished nails. She worked for a large media business in a managerial administration role and enjoyed a good social life. None of […]