Hedonistic Hippy Weekend

Shortly after college I (M) was seeing a few different kinky fuckbuddies. One was Meg, a true hippy – free love, crunchy vegetarian, never shaved, didn’t wear deodorant kinda girl. She was great to hang out with, the kind of unpretentious non-judgemental person that you can immediately click with and feel like you’ve known for years even if you’ve just […]

The Twins Whore Out for Father

King snorted, the stallion’s head held proudly high, resplendent in a chestnut coat with a flaxen mane, an equine anthro of the Suffolk Punch breeding, even if the bloodlines of their kind, of course, were not perfectly pure. No, their kind had given up on that kind of speciesism over time, but they still held their heritage in the set […]

Wonderful Mothers

It was the first time the five of us had been together for some years but eventually, inevitably, the conversation turned to the same subject, as it always had, at this time of the evening. Sex. Amongst the buzz of chatter and laughter that little word: ‘sex’, spoken in a quiet conversation between Mary and Lucy seemed to jump off […]

Sons and Mother Return to Cabin

Sunlight through the pine and oak trees as the Subaru wound its way up the mountain. The excitement inside the Subaru was palpable. “Oh my god, Mom, we’re almost there,” Chrissy said looking up from his phone in the backseat.

Pet Projects

What seems like an eternity but was actually a short 6 years I could tell my marriage was having problems. I didn’t think it was in trouble but I knew Cindy and I needed to communicate. What precipitated things was that I was always preoccupied with work and either didn’t listen to her concerns, didn’t take them seriously, or pretended […]

A Secret Life

Drinking a scotch sitting at our dining room table, I wait for my wife to arrive home from work. I expect her arrival shortly, as she texted me upon her leaving her office. As usual, I hadn’t worked this Friday. I never work Friday’s. As a sales rep for a golf equipment manufacturer, I set my schedule as I see […]

Lesbian BDSM Contract

Val and Tory have been living happily in their lesbian domestic discipline marriage for over a year. Before they were married, Val drew up a list of rules for Tory to abide by. The contract follows, as well as Tory’s thoughts and feelings about it. This is the 2nd story about Val and Tory.

Sex on the Rocks

“I’m having an early dinner with my girlfriends tonight, but then I’m free after. Wanna meet up in the middle?” Elizabeth texted Kyle one Sunday afternoon. “Sure thing! Same place we met last time?” he responded. “Yep, Home Depot parking lot. 7:00?” she replied.

The Pledge Class Group Project

Hannah explained the facts of life to them around three in the morning on a Sunday. Everyone was wide awake. The pledges had just had their first “fun” house party. Hannah and the other Seniors invited the two nice boy fraternities—seniors only, with a few select juniors—for a cocktails-and-dancing-party, and they pounced on these sophomore pledges the way only a […]

Swimming with Sharks

The Las Vegas airport never heard the word subtly. Slot machines clutter the waiting areas as if invasions from the casinos themselves. Allison walked beside me and between those slots. She cringed at an older couple cranking at the one armed bandits.