Savannah’s First Time

My name is Savannah and I am nineteen, this is about my first sexual experience. My boyfriend and I had been dating about two weeks as we started dating after I turned 18. He was several years older than me and he was much more experienced than I was. He says he had been with several other girls and I […]

Rukshana Teases Her Boyfriend

With each kiss, his resistance is faltering until I’m kissing and nibbling his lips passionately. I move to plant a heavy wet kiss on his cheek before moving to his ear. I stroke it softly before laying little pecks along it and then taking his lobe between my tender lips and begin sucking lustfully…

Debbie’s Promise

First Debbie was stimulated by both of them — Mina’s delicate and skilful tongue feathered Debbie’s cunt and anus while the Prince attended to her breasts and lips…

Witch Problems

I took a moment to enjoy the view. He had a decent cock, at least the part of it not inside my roommate. Cute gray eyes. A well defined lines where his abs and hips met, I had no idea what that spot on a guy is called but I liked it…

A Room with a View

Katrina let out a small moan as a stream of pearl white erupted, watching in slow motion as it landed somewhere on the floor beside him. There was no turning back now as she rubbed her clit, trying to muffle her moans with her other arm as she quickly brought herself to orgasm…

Time Isn’t Real

I obeyed, and she shuffled us towards the bed. She sat, and in a moment I straddled her, pulling off my jacket between kisses, hands roaming as we exchanged whimpers and moans and wordless gasps…

Whole Milk

That lost weekend of mine. I could never quite remember what had happened. Todd asked me several times what had happened, and I could only look at him, and shake my head with some frustration….

Tannah the Warlord

She should have died in the fight against Kalok, but somehow she had won, and now, without the support of the Nauls, whatever scheme he or his supporters had planned to keep the migration from happening likely wouldn’t work…

Internet Girl

She slides up against you as we keep talking. I can see by the way her arm is moving that she is rubbing your leg and you are enjoying it. Watching you I see you put your hand on her leg and slide it up top her pussy…

Group Pickup

Stuart’s cock appears in front of you, and you realise that the cock in your ass has changed. This means that Stuart’s cock has just come out of your shithole — you smile and sink it down your throat and bob happily a few times on his stiff member…