‘King’ Caine and Kitty

Mobile vehicle grooming business owner Bert Bartlett, rubbing an itchy ear, said to his wife Carolyn, “Take that new guy Luke, who started this morning, with you to fumigate Bruce Keyte’s Jag. He needs to take VIP clients to view a property at noon today. “Everyone else is out on jobs. Bruce’s wife threw up in the car last night […]


Hal dragged the last suitcase out of the back of the van and over to the curb, where the porter was waiting with the rest of the luggage. “That’s the last of them,” he grunted as he dropped the heavy bag. He dug into his wallet and handed the porter five dollars – one for each suitcase. Dena gave her […]

Dune Dame

I scrambled out of my boat, tripping over an exposed steering cable as I did so, and stepped ankle deep into the wet sand. “Hey!” I said to the apparently inert shape down the beach twenty feet from me. She didn’t move, but looked like hell. Blonde. Badly sunburned. Almost no bathing suit. “Hey! Wake up!” She moaned softly.

During the Storm

I’m laying here on my bed thinking of you. I just logged off the computer because of the storm, so I decided to take my memory of you to bed with me and write something for us. I lie here with my paper and pen, pressing my pussy into the bed as I imagine your cock underneath me. I write […]

Dressing Room

We snake our way through the racks of clothing. We’re both smiling. It’s one thirty in the afternoon on a Tuesday and the Men’s Department of this Sears is pretty much deserted. “They aren’t going to fit.” I call over my shoulder, referring to the pair of ‘skinny jeans’ I have in my hand. You are about three steps behind. […]

Drew’s Next Move

Drew was angry after his sister-in-law, Arya, turned him down. He was sick to his stomach for weeks. For the first few days after Arya turned down Drew, he was annoyed and unbelieving. And confused. “That idiot isn’t thinking straight. Or she was tired. She’ll find me tomorrow.”


At the east Skagerrak coastline, west of Sweden and south of Norway, the busy intersection between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, the Atlantic lures in the distance, but far off enough to make this vast bay feel like a universe of it’s own. Land meets the sea, not with wide stretched playas or majestic hills, but with ragged […]

Drive Home

As you get into your car and head home you didn’t notice that I was in the backseat waiting for you. We are driving down the open highway before you notice a movement in the backseat you are watching in your rear view mirror to see who is there before you pull over to the side of the road. When […]

Driving Leah

Ma Reilly was pushing sixty and although wealthy still worked the early morning shift at Ma Reilly’s Diner simply because she’d always worked the morning shift for the past thirty-nine years, including the last twenty-three years as owner of the business.

Dreams and Reality

I awake to soft knocking at my front door. Sighing, I sit up and stretch out a yawn. If they can come knock at my door at 2:30 in the morning, then I have every right to take my time and they can wait. Besides, who the hell would be stopping past my place at 2:30 AM? It could only […]