Too Much Sand

I was almost asleep, worn out by my girlfriend’s passionate lovemaking. We had been together for the last year at university and a year since then, but this was the first time we had been able to be in a bed together since I had moved out of my parents’ house into this basic flat above a shop in Orpington […]

Dance in the Rain

I glared at the sun. How dare it shine so brightly? I covered my head with my blanket and tried to reclaim sleep. Instead, I laid awake, staring at the dim green light that managed to leak through the sheets. I closed my eyes and saw the whole terrible drama again, playing out before me like a movie. Pain, tears, […]


“Damn it, Bill — just admit it. You’ve been a corporate whore for the last ten years! You know what you’re selling does nothing, it’s just pablum to make the customer feel good, and you charge a small fortune for it.” It was an argument we had at every conference; as far as I was concerned, Bill had turned into […]

A Life Between the Fences

Where James grew up, the soil was tanned dirt, the grass a parched brown that went undrunk like winter leaves. When he saw those first patches of dirt each year, he would watch his window as night after night the jellyfish-blue moon squeezed by, counting down the remaining days of spring. Then, when the summer heat arrived, they would load […]

Beacon Point Beach House

It should not have come as a surprise to me when the podcast I had been listening to cut out as my phone lost reception about 20 kilometres from my destination. I tried flicking through some of the radio stations and found either drawling country and western or cricket, neither of which held my attention.

Summer on the PCT

Seeing the videos and reading about the fires in California, Oregon and Washington this summer reminded me of the summer of ’06 when I spent time backpacking in all three states. As I remembered my time there, I wondered how things have changed in the last decade and a half….

Just Like New Times

It was one of those dreams that left him wishing it could have been longer. Better yet, it left him wishing it wasn’t a dream at all. She looked and felt just as he remembered her, from the fresh-linen scent and baby-soft feel of her skin, to her soft, sexy voice. The dream was short–too short–but sweet. They were in […]

Beneath the Ice

Alexei Novikov twisted away from his yoga mat and shoved his feet into the slippers by the door. There was a shriek from above and another series of stomps and thumps, rattling the light fixture over his head. Growling, his frustration upping several notches, Alexei ripped open the door and stormed up the single flight of stairs to the next […]

Judy and Blue Eyes

Judy was Jack’s first real love: the first love where he was in love with his partner more than he was in love with the drug that is love. Jack was majoring in Chemistry at State and Judy was majoring in Philosophy. They met at the campus coffee house on open mike night during their sophomore year. Jack and his […]

Life Is Too Short

“Get me a glass of water with ice!” Ahh… the shrill commands from Pam Young, the love of my life. Her directives defined my existence. “Do this! Get me that!” No sweet sounds of love. No shred of courtesy. Not even simple manners such as “Please” or “Thanks.” If she acknowledged my compliance at all it was usually in the […]