A Very Special Night

Although she’d only been with her new boyfriend Michael for a few weeks, Elaina could already tell he was different. He was exactly what she needed after her last few relationships, men who were just using her for sex, who didn’t really care about who she was and what she needed. It’s not like she wasn’t used to men treating […]

Reluctant Suckslut: Relief Aid

Staring dumbly at the ridiculous shirt being offered to her, Sophie considered backing out. Always one to support a helpful cause–she was a good, outspoken feminist, afterall–she’d reluctantly agreed to participate in the Relief Aid event at her sister’s insistence. Like Sophie, Jessica was always ready to volunteer for a benevolent cause. While she didn’t share the same feminist ideals […]

Anna Gets Groped on the Bus

A phone alarm was ringing, anna got up and pushed her covers off blearily. “Shit, gotta get up early for that new job,” she mumbled. It had been pretty difficult to find a job, for a girl just out of high school with mediocre grades, but she had finally found a job as a waitress at a nice golf club […]

The Archer

When Aslin woke, the first sensation was the swollen tightness of her face. It felt as if her face had been stretched, and when she tried to open her eyes she couldn’t see clearly through one of them. The delicate muscles involved in the attempt to open her eyes set off a chain reaction. She felt a sharp stinging on […]

Captured Heart

I first saw her in the electronics store. Her long shapely legs glided past me. How beautiful she was, with her shapely yet naturally curvy figure. She was tall for a woman, seemed about 5’8. I desired her like mad from the moment she opened her beautiful lips to speak to the cashier. That velvety sing-song voice was what did […]

Changing Status

I was born Walter (Wally) Haniford; my parents died in the first pandemic wave soon after I finished high school. While attending community college I worked part time as a slave handler (aka slave wrangler) at the Longhorn Slave Market in Houston, Texas. When I finished my two-year degree in computer science, the managers offered me a full-time position as […]

The Air Stewardesses’ Footmen

Ms Gina Summers, Chief Operating Officer of BlueSky Holidays, observed the hundred-plus male cabin crew assembled before her in our Gatwick Airport crew room. There was a glint in her eye, a satisfied sparkle of mission-accomplished success at seeing our troubled faces. The reason for the summons of all cabin crewmen to attend the meeting at our Gatwick HQ was […]

Getting What She Wants

Ever since I started high school, I have always been a helpless and socially inept nerd boy, and have always failed at approaching other students, especially girls I was interested in. This was due to my own insecurity. Only one ever went out with me, and I found out she only did it because of a dare. Needless to say, […]

Mr. Nilam’s Extra Credit

It all started seven months ago. Right after my 18th birthday in December, I was called in to the front office of Latoka Rice High School. It was my counselor. After a new student had transferred in, my blow off course for the rest of the year, business math, was now full. I need another math credit and had picked […]

The Great Charity Gala

Every year a great charity gala was held in support of the fine arts, this was an unprecedented event in which funds were raised to sponsor the most prominent artists of that locality, as well as the museum of modern art where much of that work would be exhibited for a whole year, many of those works were part of […]